2011 Soul Survivor Week A Event Programme

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Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme

Soul Survivor 2011 WEEK A EVENT PROGRAMME £2 Vo uch £1 ers w 5i nsi orth de !



Friday 29th July - Tuesday 2nd August Stafford Showground

Worship, Bible teaching, prayer ministry and a good chuckle too.


Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme


Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme



Hello little ones! It’s good to see you; all year we’ve been looking forward to hanging out together again! If you’re new to Soul Survivor then we hope you feel at home really quickly. We may be a bit of an odd bunch at first look, but we’re pretty chilled and like to have a laugh so hopefully you’ll go home with a big smile on your face!

This year we’ll be focusing on the love of God – the crazy, unending, passionate, all-consuming, overwhelming love that meant God was willing to give up everything to be in relationship with us. That’s the best thing we can possibly focus on because it’s when we’re filled with that love that we can love God fully in return. And when we do that, we can’t help but love and serve others and tell the world about the incredible Saviour who has changed our lives. Our prayer for you is that you offer these next few days to God and allow him to do whatever he wants in your life. We pray you have fun in all the venues, enjoy hanging out with your mates and stay dry in your sleeping bag; but that most of all you know more of God’s love and go home amazed at how much God has done in your life over the week. With love



One thing I often ask myself at the start of Soul Survivor is how much difference can a few days make? The truth is that if it was just down to what we can do, we’d have a good time while we’re here but we’d go away pretty much the same. With God on the other hand – anything can happen! We believe that God wants to meet with us and change us; he can send us home completely refreshed, with transformed hearts and minds.


The stunning new full length album by The 29th Chapter Available today in the ToolShed signed copies available after the 29th Chapter gig:

SSA : Sat 30th July (Day 2) Also available on iTunes



Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme


THE contents


WOWaweewah! Look at all this stuff. it’s a little overwhelming, don’t you think? the page numbers should help!

Day Planner

Intro Info Who are ya?

Page 4

Day One

Page 33

What’s it all about?

Page 4

Day Two

Page 34

I’ve lost my days!

Page 5

Day Three

Page 36

Outline of a day

Page 8

Day Four

Page 38

Story time

Page 9

Day Five

Page 40

Be safe

Page 9


Page 42

Who’s who?

Page 44

Venues The Main Meetings Venues Intro

Page 10

Late Night Worship

Page 11


Page 11

The Chat Room

Page 11

Cafè Uno

Page 12

Soul Action Cafè

Page 14


(Inside back cover) Page 85

Who, what, where...?

Page 48

The Fringe

Page 15

The offering

Page 52

The Lift

Page 16

Support Soul Survivor

Page 53


Page 18

Soul Action: Live Free

Page 54


Page 19

Soul Net

Page 56


Page 19

Important Info

Soul Man

Page 58


Page 19

Things to know

Page 72

Soul Sista

Page 59

One Night Only

Page 20

Food ,glorious food

Page 77

The Bible in One Year

Page 60


Page 22

Health and safety

Page 78

Calling all the students

Page 61

The ToolShed

Page 24

Ethical issues

Page 79


Page 62

Soul Survivor Cafè

Page 25


Page 80

Seminar recordings

Page 64

The Office

Page 25

Staying in touch

Page 81

Come over to ours

Page 65


Page 26

Site Rules

Page 82

Bible reading notes

Page 67

Kids Work

Page 28


Page 83

Prayer ministry

Page 70

Seminars explained

Page 30

All the dates

Page 84



Page 6




Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme

What’s it really all about? We know and love Jesus – we’ve seen him do amazing things in our lives and the lives of those around us. We believe he is the son of God and that through his death and resurrection, we can have relationship with God.


While Jesus lived in human form on the earth he also said and did some pretty amazing things to help us realise what it means to live a life for God. And that is why we get together: to get to know God better, to worship him (find out about that on page 6) and to discover more about what it means to be a Christian.

A few things you might like to know about us: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. A few years later he created a Greek guy called Mike Pilavachi and he planted a little idea in his mind. The idea was to have a place where thousands of young people could get together, have a brilliant time and – most of all - meet with Jesus. Mike gathered a team together who liked the idea and bam! Here we are! Soul Survivor events have been running in Somerset since 1993 and in 2007 we wanted to find a venue a bit further north in the country so we could see more of the likes of you! We’ve made our temporary summer home here at the Stafford Showground since 2008 and we like it very much!



We’re all about relationship. Firstly the most important relationship any of us can have is with God. Then, as Christians, God asks us to be in community which means looking out for one another. He also asks us to care about the world we live in and be in relationship with people who don’t know him.

Who’s who? Mike P’s the main man who directs all things Soul Survivor. You’ll spot him on stage wearing weird shirts and probably with a slightly crazy hairstyle.


There’s a whole bunch of people behind the scenes who you might never meet like Liz Biddulph (who keeps us all in line) and the rest of the team who will be scattered around the showground doing everything from answering your questions in Info to driving Fork Lift trucks (we don’t know why they do this but we’re told it’s essential).

We like to have a bit of a laugh in our meetings, we don’t take ourselves very seriously and we don’t pretend to be very slick or together. But we really do our best to honour Jesus in everything because we do take him very seriously.

His mates Andy Croft and Esther Davenport will host meetings with him; they are also involved with Soul Survivor.

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme



Help! I’ve lost my days! Don’t worry – we see this every year at Soul Survivor. You come here on a Friday and expect Saturday to follow but then people start talking about Day 1 and Day 2 instead. So what’s going on? Well, we get bored of the days of the week, they’re so predictable and we like to mix things up a bit. So while you’re here with us:

When you get home you’ll find your mum has got Wednesday safe and sound ready for you to get back to normal. Phew.

Got some questions about why we do what we do? You might like these pages of the programme: Pages 6-7 All the info on what happens in the main meetings and why Pages 70-72 Guidelines on prayer ministry Pages 48-50 Your questions answered about our weird ways Pages 65 & 84 Find out what we get up to the rest of the year and what free resources we have for you online!


Friday is Day 1 Saturday is Day 2 Sunday is Day 3 Monday is Day 4 and Tuesday is Day 5.



Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme


THE MAIN MEETINGS TIMES: Day 1: 7.30pm Days 2 to 4 : 11am & 7pm Day 5: 10am (for Communion) & 7pm

LOCATION: Main Meeting Venue: See the Map on the inside back cover to find all the venues quickly!

Twice a day we all get together to have what we call a main meeting (because we couldn’t think of anything more catchy and clever to call them). We think these are the highlight of our time together at Soul Survivor because it’s brilliant to all be together in one place, praising God, hearing from his word and waiting on his Spirit. But what does all that really mean?

Worship Worship can mean lots of things – we can worship God through the way we live our lives, through acts of service, through looking out for others, and through our work. One of the ways the Bible talks about worship is to sing songs to God so that’s something we spend quite a lot of time doing. We think it’s more than just singing words – intimate worship is a chance for us to give God the praise he’s due, to focus on some truths about him, and it’s an opportunity for us to tell him we love him. We also believe that we can meet with God whilst we’re worshipping him in this way. For many of us, encountering God through intimate worship has changed our lives. It’s made us fall deeply in love with

him, it’s a place where we can be honest with him and bring our pain and frustrations before him as well as our adoration. The worship will generally be led by our band from stage and all the words will come up on screens in the venue. We’re a pretty informal bunch so feel free to stand or sit, dance or be still (just make sure you’re aware of the people around you so no one gets hurt!).

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme




The Bible is an amazing book but because it was written quite a long time ago, sometimes we need a little help understanding what it’s all about. We’ve got a team of people together to help unravel some of the mysteries of the Bible. The Bible contains life-changing truths and we will be spending some of our time together unpacking those and applying them to everyday situations.

Prayer ministry Since Jesus isn’t still walking around in a bodily form, he gave us the Holy Spirit to live in us. The Holy Spirit heals, equips, convicts and empowers us. The Holy Spirit is always with us but during our main meetings we make time and space to ask God to increase that presence a bit like he did at Pentecost (you can read about that in Acts 2). The Holy Spirit also gives us gifts like prophesy and speaking in tongues. This isn’t a time to hype stuff up (there’s no prize for who did the most crazy thing during ministry!) the time we tell what really happened and whether it was genuine is if we’re changed afterwards. We’d really encourage you to engage with God during these times even if you’re not used to prayer ministry. Mike will keep trying to explain what is going on from the front (but as it’s God in control and not him, we don’t know what will happen ahead of time). It’s a great chance to let someone pray for you – or to pray for others. Have a read through our prayer guidelines on page 70 if you’d like to pray for other people. There will also be an Enabling Team around who have been praying for people for a while. They’re there in case you want to ask any questions and to give you a bit of guidance. Look out for their badges and feel free to approach them at any point during the ministry times if you feel like you need some help or advice!


Nodding off at the back? If you think Bible teaching is a bit boring, hopefully we’ll change your mind before the end of the week! God’s word isn’t dry, boring and meaningless – it doesn’t have to be talked about with sombre faces, grey suits and a droning voice. We want to have a laugh whilst learning from God’s word so relax and enjoy!



There’s so much going on at Soul Survivor WEEK A that your brain might explode if you try to take it all in at once. We don’t like exploding heads (they make a lot of mess) so we thought we’d give you an overview of what a day looks like while we’re hanging out together. And it goes a little something like this...


Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme


8.30am Ouch – it’s time to wake up! Crawl out of your sleeping bag and prepare for the rest!




Youth leaders – if you think your young people can cook their brekkie without setting fire to anything we’d love to see you at the SoulNet breakfasts. There’s a hot cup of coffee, possibly a Danish and some teaching awaiting just for you.

Time for the main meeting ! Everything else shuts during the main meetings so we can focus on God, worship him and hear from his word. We’ll also make space to pray for each other and see what God wants to do.

We’re back together again! Head to the main meeting venue for some more worship, teaching and ministry.

9.30am The first seminars kick off. There are quite a few to choose from though so maybe start your decision process the night before to save last minute dilemmas!

1pm onwards The pee ems are packed. You can: play sports, take workshops, go to more seminars (at 2.30pm & 4pm), wander round the ToolShed or take it easy in one of our cafes. Take your pick!

9.15 ish More time to enjoy the cafes, sports and ToolShed, or you can try out Blueprint (our new dance venue), enjoy a film or head over to Late Night Worship. Evening stuff goes on ‘til about 11.30pm when it’s time to get back in that sleeping bag and get some sleep. Yeah right, as if that’ll happen!

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme




We love stories! It doesn’t matter if it’s the Tortoise and the Hare or the Princess and the Pea – we’re big fans. But our favourite stories, are the ones about what God does in people’s lives.

We know you’re a smart bunch but don’t forget to stay safe while you’re here. the site IS a friendly place but of course we can’t vouch for everyone so:

BE SAFE! No. 3 • Let your youth leader know where you’re off to and keep your mobile on so you can get hold of each other easily

No. 4 No. 1 • Be sensible and stay with at least one friend when wandering around at night

• Even if someone seems really nice, don’t go off with them on your own. There are plenty of safe places you can hang out where you’ll stay safe


No. 5

• Put the emergency phone number (0303 333 1335) in your mobile and call it instead of 999

• So hang on to your commonsense, keep your usual wits about you and help us keep Soul Survivor a safe place!


So tell us what’s been going on with you while you’ve been here at Soul Survivor. Big or small, we want to hear about it so put it down on a piece of paper and pop it in the box on stage, email us at testimonies@ soulsurvivor.com or Tweet us @ soulsurvivorGB to tell us more! We’d also love to hear from you if you met with God at last year’s Soul Survivor so you can tell us how the last 12 months have been for you!





Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme

Prepare to have your mind boggled! We have a huge range of venues here at Soul Survivor A, all revved up and raring to go! The only problem is, it can be tricky to keep track of what’s what and what’s where so over the next few pages you’ll find a handy guide to all that’s going on. Although we make a big deal out of our main meetings, we think this stuff is really important too. We don’t want to separate things out and have ‘spiritual’ and ‘non-spiritual activities’ (otherwise people will start chucking about words like dualism and then we all get confused). Instead we want to celebrate the fact that God is in all our venues around site. So whether we’re having a chat with a mate over a slice of cake, having a laugh with our team on the sports field or singing our favourite lyrics at the Bandstand, God is in it all. So get stuck in and enjoy!

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme



Late night worship Furnace TIMES:

Days 1 to 5: 10.30pm


Seminar A See the Map on the inside back cover to find all the venues quickly!

The main meeting’s finished but if you feel like you just want to worship God some more, come and join us in our Late Night Worship sessions which do what they say on the tin. These aren’t like the main evening meetings, they are more intimate gatherings with a smaller band and a more chilled vibe. So head on over, bring your praises to God and enjoy spending some more time worshipping him in song. People leading these sessions include a few guests and members of the main stage team.

TIMES: Day 1: 9.30pm11.30pm Days 2 to 5: 1pm - 6pm & 9pm - 11.30pm

LOCATION: The Chat Room

Some people have really big ears. We like those people and find them very useful so we gather them up and put them all together in a room. Then we invite other people we like (namely you!) to go in and talk to them. So whatever you’d like to chat about, this is the place. Our Big Ears would like nothing more than to hear how you’re feeling about what’s going on this week, what life is like for you back home, what you’re confused or excited about in life, or even what you had for breakfast this morning. They just love putting their big ears to use so make the most of them and pop in for a chat.

THE Chat Room

Day 1: 9pm-11.30pm Days 2 to 5: 1pm - 2.30pm, 5pm-6pm & 9.30pm - 11.30pm



Furnace is a quiet spot in an otherwise often hectic showground! This is a brilliant, creative and inviting space where you can come and pray, take a chance to process some of the things God has been saying and doing, seek him about a particular situation or just come and be. There’s no agenda but there will be some creative prayer prompts for you to use if you’d like.




Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme


CAFE UNO There are two sides to every story and Café Uno has a story to tell indeed:


DAYTIME UNO The day time vibe is as laid back as they come. Think a cool breeze on a summer’s day, whilst you lie in lush green grass being fed juicy grapes. Sweet. Café Uno is a place to hang alone or with friends, so come and soak up the vibe, bring a pillow if you fancy a nap in the corner or a mate if you fancy a natter over a coffee. Most afternoons you can take part in a little quiz too if you’re that way inclined!



Day 1: 9.30pm11.30pm Days 2 to 5: 1pm - 6pm & 9.30 -11.30pm

Cafe Uno

NIGHTIME UNO Things are kicking off. But in a good way. Re:Sound are the resident Café Uno band and they are here to help you have a good time! Take a seat and enjoy the beat while you tuck into a hot chocolate mountain, or kick things up a notch or two and give your dancing shoes a good ol’ work out. Either way Uno is bound to make you smile so don’t resist, let us see those pearly whites!

where is




to build

Hear Graham Cray discussing fresh expressions: Momentum - Sunday/Monday 09.30, Tuesday 14.30

New DVD expressi ons: making a diff erence also availa ble




WHEN YOU SPONSOR A CHILD WITH COMPASSION YOUR HELP WILL GO FURTHER THAN YOU COULD EVER IMAGINE. With your support we can reach out to some of the world’s most vulnerable children and provide them with the skills and opportunities they need to change their lives and the lives of those around them. Your sponsorship of less than 70p a day will ensure a child in desperate need has access to education, healthcare, food, clothing and the opportunity to learn about Jesus.



Registered Charity No. 1077216, Registered in England No. 3719092






THE soul Action CAFE

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme

TIMES: Day 1: 9.30pm11.30pm Days 2 to 5: 1pm - 6pm & 9.30pm 11.30pm

LOCATION: The Soul Action Cafe Read more about Soul Action on p54

The Soul Action team would like to cordially invite you to tea. How very English. But make no mistake, these lovely people are not just here to serve you the country’s finest brew, they’d like to arm you for action too. They want to see a whole generation of people who love God and are passionate about the things that he’s passionate about, like standing up for those living in poverty and making a noise about the injustice in the world. So, if you’re up for it, your first challenge is to come on in and enjoy some fairly-traded drinks and snacks. Easy huh? Then once you’ve soaked up your surroundings and drunk your fill you might want to find out some more about the brilliant work of Soul Action and how you can get involved. Who knew starting a revolution could be so pleasant and polite?!

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme



The Fringe LOCATION:

Day 1: 9pm-11.30pm Days 2 to 5: 1pm - 6pm & 9pm - 11.30pm

The Fringe



If you’re new to all this Jesus and Soul Survivor stuff you might want a chilled place to hang with some like-minded people and the Fringe is just that place! It’s relaxed and friendly so feel free to pop in for a drink, a bit of cake and perhaps a chat if you’re in the mood.

XLP mobile recording studio

The Hot spot

If you just want a quiet spot, don’t worry, the team won’t be offended, they’ll just leave you to it. If you do want to chat, just throw them a smile and they’ll be all yours. You might want to chat about something deep and meaningful or you might want to talk about the current Home & Away plotlines, either way our team will be happy to see you!

Our mates from XLP are joining the Fringe venue this week and they’ve brought their state-of-theart mobile recording studio with them! It used to be a Police riot van then Tim Westwood and the MTV ‘Pimp my ride’ crew got involved and ever since it’s been making sweet music. Wanna turn? Sign up at the Fringe and you too could become a recording artist!

In some game shows ‘a hotspot is not a good spot’. In the Fringe the Hotspot is brilliant! The deal is this: you drop your questions off with the Fringe team during the day, then swing by at 10.30pm to hear someone’s thoughts on your question. Simple eh?!




Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme

TIMES: Day 1: 9.15pm11.30pm Days 2 to 5: 1pm - 6pm & 9.15pm 11.30pm



The Lift

Whether you’re still mastering your ollie or a pro at a nosehook impossible, you’ll want to spend much of this week down at the Lift where you can learn new tricks, polish up the old ones and skate to your heart’s content. You never know, Mike P might pop in and show you his switch cab heel flip.

Beginners’ sessions New to all this skating stuff? You’re not alone! We’ll be running sessions for newbies on Days2-5 at 8.30am so come on over and join in the fun.

the Lift Café Pull up a pew and settle down. While others hurl themselves around the skate park, you can sit down with your mates, have a nice cold drink and tuck into a tasty snack. Nice work if you can get it.



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releasing the power of young faith Operation Mobilisation. Registered office: The Quinta, Weston Rhyn Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 7LT Registered as a limited company by guarantee no. 2564320 and charity no.1008196 (England and Wales), and SCO40988 (Scotland)

transforming lives and communities



Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme



TIMES: Days 1 to 5: 9.30pm11.30pm


YES! We’ve got a brand new dance venue* and it’s got a weird name! We’re losing the cheese and filling up on all the best bang-up-to-date chart music instead. Let your inner dancer loose as we transform a beat-up old shed, into the best club venue in town. There will be a different theme every night:

Blueprint *We thought Mr Boogies was getting a little bit too cheesy for his own boots so we’ve sent him off to Las Vegas to recuperate. He’s having a brilliant time soaking up the sun every day and enjoying Celine Dion’s live show every night.

Day 1:

Day 2

Day 3

CHART NIGHT! What better way to kick off your time at Soul Survivor than with a little bit of hysterical pop to sing, sway, jump and skip to? Come along, you’ll know the words!

DRUM N BASS Reeeeeewind selecta! Launch, your head, arms and legs into some proper jungalistic action! Expect some of the classics and fresh dubplates as we celebrate the UK’s Champion Sound!

DUB STEP Emerging from the South London Garage scene Dub Step looks set to take over the world. But first, it’s looking to conquor Soul Survivor! You know you love it. Nuff said.

Day 4

Day 5


ELECTRO A lot has changed since Afrika Bambatta and Soul Sonic Force rocked the planet back in the early 80s! Body pop or lock your way down to Blueprint to hear what’s up!

REQUESTS NIGHT! There’s a special treat tonight; you’ll be in control as we’ll be playing all your requests! Let the DJ know your favourite tune and if it’s in our bag of tricks, we’ll play it just for you!

ROSSY B! Songwriter and producer Rossy B has made it up country to host Blueprint. He’s from Bristol, part of the Dub Step outfit Statix, and played keys for the band ‘We Start Party’s’.

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme


Bandstand Show us what you’re made of!


TIMES: Days 2 to 5: 2pm-4pm

LOCATION: Bandstand

The Bandstand is like a mini Albert Hall (if the Albert Hall were a stage in a field in Stafford with a small amp and a sound engineer obviously). The main attraction? You! This is your chance to wow the crowds with your guitar strumming /song-writing/breakdancing/ukulele playing abilities so don’t miss out, sign yourself (and your mates)up to get your chance to perform live in front of the brilliant Soul Survivor crowd. You’ll be given 20 minutes to do your thing followed by a big cheer from your newly adoring fans. It’s over to you… VENUES





Days 2 to 5: 2pm-5pm

We all have a different idea of what makes a good piece of art.

Get yourself learn-ed in the ways of art by jumping headfirst into one of these awesome afternoon workshop sessions!

Days 2 to 5: 2pm-5pm

Whatever you like, whatever your level of expertise, come along to the ArtShed to marvel, critique and discuss the works on the walls. Stand amazed in silence or shout aloud how great you think it is – this isn’t a stuffy old gallery so there will be no one in a suit and cap giving you the evil eye.


LOCATION: Furnace/ Artshed


LOCATION: Furnace/ Artshed Pop into the Artshed to discover more about the content of the workshops!



ONE NIGHT ONLY: The 29th Chapter!

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme

One night only! the 29th CHAPTER TIME Day 2 From 10pm

LOCATION: The Main Meeting Venue

The boys are back in town! Kampoom, pang, ping! You know how they do, always fresh to def, giving nuff respect, and they’re so right that they can’t go left! Yeah boyyyy! That’s right; the brilliant 29th Chapter are here for a special one night only gig! The boys have gone undercover and are planning an urban takeover of our main meeting venue, so get down there on Day 2 to make their acquaintance.

November 2011 07 Manchester Academy2, 0161 832 1111 / www.manchesteracademy.net 08 London O2 Shepherd’s Bush Empire, 0844 477 2000 / www.o2shepherdsbushempire.co.uk 09 Birmingham O2 Academy2, 0844 477 2000 / www.o2academybirmingham.co.uk 10 Edinburgh The Liquid Room, 0131 225 2564 / www.liquidroom.com 11 Cambridge The Junction, 01223 511 511 / www.junction.co.uk Tour Ticket Agent: www.gigantic.com

Age restrictions apply, see ticket agents / venue website for details.



Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme

CELLULOID There’s one thing that’s better than an Orange Wednesday and that’s a cinema that’s totally free, every night of the week!


So, settle in for the night with one of these little crackers!



Days 1 to 5: From 10pm


Toy Story 3 Chronicles of Narnia:

The Voyage of the The Dawn Treader Dragons, dwarves, merfolk, a band of lost warriors, and escaping to Narnia through a magical painting – it’s all just another day’s work for our intrepid heroes Lucy and Edmund. This time they return to Narnia with their cousin Eustace, join forces with Prince Caspian and head to Aslan’s country to save the inhabitants of Narnia from an unfathomable fate. 1 hour 41mins (PG) SHOWING: DAY 1

Andy’s off to college, and that means Woody, Buzz and the crew have a play-date with destiny. When they’re accidentally donated to the local nursery some of the toys are delighted that at last someone wants to play with them. When they realise the nursery is under the leadership of Lotso, there’s only one thing for it: they have to escape. Woody leads the charge, desperately fighting to get back to his beloved Andy, but will they make it? This film comes with a warning, it may be very fun but it’s also been known to reduce grown men to blubbering wrecks. Bring your tissues and your best “Dust got in my eye” excuses. 1 hour 38mins (PG)


Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme



Letters to Juliet

Gulliver’s Travels

Hiccup is a failure in his father’s eyes; he’s too skinny and more interested in inventing things than taking part in the village pastime of slaying enemy dragons. Hiccup wants to impress, not only his father, but Astrid who happens to be the girl of his dreams as well as a hardcore dragon fighter to boot.

When she uncovers a letter that’s been left unanswered for decades she sets about finding the lovers referenced in the letter and finds herself swept up in a romantic adventure. 1 hour 41mins (PG)

Jack Black (Lemuel Guliver) takes a trip in search of the Bermuda Triangle to impress a woman and to try and find himself a new career (as you do). Instead he ends up in Lilliput, surrounded by teeny-tiny people, and being looked up to in more ways than one. How will Lemuel cope with his new found fame? 1 hour 33mins (PG)

When Hiccup invents something that manages to bring down a dragon he can’t bring himself to finish the deed and instead befriends the dragon, finding out in the process that everything he and his village believe about the creatures isn’t true. This is a brilliant tale of adventure and friendship with lots of laughs along the way. 1 hour 34mins (PG)




In fair Verona, where we lay our scene….. don’t worry, we’re not going all English Lit lesson on you, this film may take place in Verona, the setting of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, but there’s not a rhyming couplet to be seen. Instead we have an American girl, Sophie, fascinated by letters written to Shakespeare’s heroine, discovering the team of women behind answering them.


How to Train your Dragon





Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme



Day 1: 9.15pm11.30pm Days 2-5: 1pm-6pm & 9.15pm11.30pm

All the stands and organisations are here to equip you in your walk with Jesus. That means none of them should be getting upset because you don’t quite get their theological angle on things. If you feel like you’ve been accosted by an over-zealous exhibitor, then pop into Information and let one of our team know.

LOCATION: The ToolShed

This is a MASS INFORMATION WARNING! Please be aware that as you enter the Shed that is known for its Tools, your senses will be overloaded with some of the finest offerings known to mankind. Browse the stalls and you’ll find brilliant resources that are all about helping you in your walk with Jesus. There are books, CDs, DVDs, gap year opportunities and loads of great stuff from fantastic charities. So take a deep breath, gather your wits, go in and enjoy! Here’s a couple of things to bear in mind about the ToolShed, that we’re pretty serious about:

POINT 2 Most of the items that are sold in the ToolShed are either resources or a way of generating money to support the work of a charitable trust. We know lots of you like having a browse around but the absolute last thing we want is for anyone to feel pressured to spend any cash. We’re not trying to make money out of you.

POINT 3 From time to time Mike & Co might mention a book, CD or DVD on mainstage. Just so you know, there are no marketing deals going on – if they say they like it and think you will too, they mean they like it and think you will too (no one is paying them to push the product at you). Basically what this boils down to is the fact that we like you, we think you’re pretty special and we don’t want to treat you like marketing fodder. We want you to be able to relax and have a good time at Soul Survivor. Nuff said?

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme



Free !

Ch mo arge up bil e y The for fr our Offi ee i ce! n


Day 1: 9.15pm11.30pm Days 2-5: 1pm-6pm & 9.15pm11.30pm

LOCATION: Toolshed

Sweet treats served up with a smile are the name of the game at the ToolShed café. We’ve roped in some of our mates to offer up tea, cake and Soul Survivor information according to your needs. So pop along and say hi to them, get some energy for your onward journey and soak up the friendly and fun atmosphere.

The Stafford showground has lots of things going for it but in-tent broadband isn’t one of them. If you need your fix of Facebook/ Twitter/email, head on down to the office where for 50 of your finest pennies, you will be granted access to a computer for 15 minutes. Bingo!

TIME Day 1: 9.15pm11.30pm Days 2-5: 1pm-6pm & 9.15pm11.30pm

LOCATION: Toolshed


Soul SURVIVOR The Office cafE



Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme


Day 1 9.15pm11.30pm Days 2-5 1pm-5pm & 9.15pm11.30pm


LOCATION: Outdoor Sports Basketball Court (for the basketball comp.. obvious right?)

SIGN UP: You can turn up and join in most of the ad-hoc sporting activities, but if you want to take part in a tournament, chat to one of the Sports team and they’ll sign you up.

We love the summer time and we don’t want to miss a second of it so we’re having all of our sports outside! There’s loads to get involved in so sign up quick and get stuck in. The golden rule? Clear eyes. Full hearts. Can’t lose.

The INFAMOUS five-a-side footie tournament

The Legendary Panna Cotta tournament

The phrase ‘leave it all on the pitch’ was invented for this very tournament where you and four buddies pit your wits against your Soul Survivor opposition, battling it out for fame and glory. Or the chance to go through to the next round and ultimately be crowned 2011 Champions. STARTS DAY 2, AFTERNOON

This tournament is Jamie Oliver’s homage to the late and great Bobby Robson and we salute it. It’s football in a cage and games tend to be one-on-one or two-on-two. Nutmeg your opponent for ultimate bragging rights. The game is fast and frantic but please play nicely as Bobby would have liked. STARTS DAY 2, AFTERNOON

Basketball tournament Ultimate Frisbee To say Ultimate Frisbee is quite energetic is like saying Cheryl Cole is sometimes in the papers. This is not a game for the fainthearted but it’s a brilliant laugh. STARTS DAY 2 , AFTERNOON

We haven’t seen Lucas or Nathan Scott around these parts for a while but that doesn’t mean we’ve lost our love of the game. It’s three-onthree so grab your mates and show us what you’re made of. The courts even floodlit so we don’t have to stop when the sun goes to bed. STARTS DAY 2, AFTERNOON

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme

TIME Day 4 From 2pm

Outdoor Sports Arena

Change is never a bad thing, and the “It’s a Knockout” tournament has been updated and re-branded especially for all you budding Olympians. We’ll be trying to find out if Blue 3 can knock the socks off Red 1 or whether Brown 6 can triumph over Green 4 in this Olympics meets Primary School Sports Day event! Round up some buddies who are game for a laugh and let the fun and games begin. Find out more about Soul Action’s Free2Play challenge on p54.


The Free2Run Fun Run This summer Soul Action is all about celebrating the fact we are free to do the things we love and raising money to help those who aren’t in the same position. So….. why not kick things off with a bit of a fun run?! You don’t need to be a serious athlete, the route is only about two miles long and we’re looking for people who are up for a laugh and happy to run/jog/walk/ hop/dance/crawl to the finish line in a bid to raise money for Soul Action projects.


To enter:

Day 4 5.30pm (5.15pm for warm ups)

Wanna get involved in the fun run? Just follow these simple steps and you’re in!

LOCATION: Outdoor Sports Arena

• Get your forms from the Soul Action stand in the ToolShed • Ask your friends and family to sponsor you • Whip out your craziest outfit • Do your exercises and stretches • Run like the wind • Collect your sponsorship money and hand it in at the Soul Action stand in the ToolShed • Sit back, relax and make your friends buy you cake as a reward for all your good work



The Free2Play MiniOlympics




Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme


We’re really happy to have little people here with us at Soul Survivor and we’ve got special activities going on to keep all the under 12s happy as larry (who’s a very happy chappy).

TIMEs Days 2-4 11am-1pm Day 5 10am-12pm

LOCATION: Sparklers

Sparklers (0-4s) For the Sparklers there will be plenty of opportunity to use up excess energy playing games, dancing, jumping, singing, shouting, laughing and running (all in the name of Jesus obviously). Those aged 0-2 will be looked after in a creche facility.

TIMEs Days 2-4 11am-1pm Day 5 10am-12pm


Rockets (5-11s) Rockets will have age-appropriate worship, teaching and prayer in a safe and fun environment.

All the team involved in Kids Work have received appropriate welfare training and Child Protection procedures are in place to provide the safest environment possible.

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme

Family Films:



Registration Under 12s will not have event wristbands sent in the post and instead, will collect these when they register on arrival day.

To keep the little ones entertained before bed, we’re showing family friendly films every evening in the Rockets venue at 7pm each night (7.30pm on Day One). Films are not supervised by the Soul Survivor team so please be ready to stay and enjoy the film (one adult can accompany up to four children).The films are:

0-4 years: All kids aged 0-4 years will need to register in the Sparklers venue between 5.00pm and 7.30pm on arrival day (Day 1).

Despicable Me

Please bring your child/children to the venue and a member of the team will take some details and issue you with a security card. The number on the security card will correspond with the number given to your child so please keep it safe. You will need to show the card at each session and sign the child in and out as an added security measure. Parents/guardians collecting under 10s MUST have their security card with them. This is strictly enforced: no card, no child.

Shrek Forever After: The Final Chapter What would the world be like without Shrek? We’re about to find out in the last instalment of the fantastic Shrek series. DAY 2, 1 hour 29 mins (U)

Gnomeo and Juliet Star-crossed gnomes must overcome the obstacles in their path if they are to find true love. DAY 3, 1 hour 24 mins (U)

Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang

Activities will be provided for your children during the registration process and hopefully getting everything sorted on Day 1 will save you queuing the following morning and make sure you get to the Main Meeting on time!

Special Needs We want to do as much as possible to welcome and include all children irrespective of their particular needs. If your child has additional needs then please make a point of speaking to the Team Leader for their age group at the earliest opportunity (if you haven’t already) so that they are fully aware of how to care for your child in each session.

Everyone’s favourite nanny is back, this time helping children who’ve been evacuated from the city to the country during wartime. DAY 4, 1 hour 40 mins (U)

Marmaduke The Great Dane Marmaduke lives it up in the OC. Day 5, 1 hour 24 mins (U)

Miniature railway A treat for the little ones! The miniature railway on the showground will be open on Sunday between 1pm4.30pm, which’ll be fun for the kids (and adults).


Super-baddy Gru has a plan to steal the moon but will three orphan girls cause him to have a change of heart? DAY 1, 1 hour 31mins (U)

5-11 years: All kids aged 5-11 years will need to register in the Rockets venue between 5.00pm and 7.30pm on arrival day (Day 1).



TIMEs Days 2-4 9.30am, 2.30pm & 4pm Day 5 2.30pm & 4pm


What’s a seminar?

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme

Seminars are teaching sessions – similar to the ones we have in our main meetings – but that last an hour and are on a whole range of topics. There are lots of seminars happening over Soul Survivor A and they happen at 9.30am, 2.30pm and 4pm each day (except Day 1‘cos that’s when we’re all busy putting up tents plus Day 5 when we have Communion instead of 9.30 seminars) so have a look through and pick the ones that interest you the most. If you miss any – or find that two clash at the same time – you can pick up a recording from the Soul Survivor stand in the ToolShed or order one online when you get home.

Because the number of seminars is a bit mindboggling, we’ve put them into three categories so you can tell at a glance what they’re all about.




The ‘Up’ stream looks at all the stuff we do to communicate with God, and how he communicates back to us. Expect talks in this stream to be all about stuff like worship, prayer and the Bible.

This stream takes a look at the things that are going on inside, so seminars will explore working on our character, developing our gifts and dealing with things that have hurt us.

All the seminars in here will focus on how we work out our faith in the world around us so will focus on things like evangelism, serving the poor and standing for justice.

A great mix of flavours Christian Unions are full of people from different backgrounds, all passionate about Jesus and sharing him with other students. They’re a great place to meet new people and grow in your faith. There’s a Christian Union in nearly every university in Great Britain. Link up with the CU where you’re going to study before you get there – they’ll give you a warm welcome and help you find a new church to be part of. Sign up at our exhibition stand or go to www.uccf.org.uk/freshers Register your details and link up today



Remix orship W r o s with a rviv Soul Su worship song mmer. rful e su 6 powe ix twist for th m e dance r

Matt Redman - 10 ,000 Reasons The brand new album featuring 11 new songs includi ng ‘Never Once’ an d ‘Endless Halleluja h’.

Live Wo rs Join thou hip from Soul S s new live ands in worship urvivor w DVD fro m Soul S ith the urvivor.

Through Tim Hughes – Love Shine um. Includes An engaging and inspiring alb me’ and Na r songs ‘Counting On You ’. me Na r ‘At You


Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme



Day Planner

Day one: FRIDAY 29th July AFTER HOURS

• Need some cake? Try the Soul Action cafe, Café Uno, or the Soul Survivor café in the ToolShed • Fancy checking out some resources? The ToolShed is the place for you. • Ready to dance; head to our brand new club venue, Blueprint! • Feeling sporty? Sign up for this week’s tournaments and get stuck in!

Hooray you made it! We hope the next few days are more awesom-er (that is a word) than you could ever expect. Over the next few pages you’ll find our full seminar prgramme and quick notes about everything that is happening at Soul Survivor Week A! But, now is now and there are no seminars today so that you can set up camp, have a flick through the rest of the programme and get yourself sorted!

What’s going on tonight? 7.30pm Everything kicks off at our EVENING CELEBRATION! Head on down to the Main Meeting venue to say hello to Mike & Co and start the week with some worship, teaching and ministry. Please be aware that you can’t take cushions, duvets or fold-up chairs with you into the main meeting as these are a fire hazard. Sorry! If you’d like to buy a recording of the main meeting talk the code is (13101).

• Got some new skating tricks? Show them off at the Lift! 10pm • Want to chill with a movie? Join Aslan, Lucy & Co for Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the The Dawn Treader at Celluloid 10.30pm • Got some tricky questions? Try the hotspot session at the Fringe. While you’re there sign up to use the XLP mobile recording studio! • Got a song in your heart? Sing it out to God at our first Late Night Worship session!


9.15pm There’s plenty happening this evening! All our evening venues are open and there’s lots to choose from:



Day Planner


Day Two: Saturday 30th July 9.30AM


Big Issues Part 1 Heaven and hell

Chris Lane Hot on the heels of the debate raised by Rob Bell’s latest book, a fresh look on the topic of heaven and hell. Check out what the Bible does and doesn’t say about this controversial subject. SEMINAR A (13001)

There must be A way out of this place!

Tom & Suzie Brock Are you tired of going round in circles as you try to break patterns of sin in your life? This seminar will try to help you move towards the freedom God has for you. SEMINAR B (13002)

Live free

David Westlake Latest figures suggest that there are 27 million slaves in today’s world. Real people, sold as slaves. Find out what God has always said about slavery and how you can use your freedom that others might live free! SOUL ACTION CAFÉ (13003)

Praying for people so stuff happens

Ali Martin A seminar covering the basics of how we go about praying for one another touching on what you might experience or see in the main meetings. For all team members and anyone else too! BLUEPRINT (13004)

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme

Dangerous stories of grace and action

Patrick Regan A story is dangerous when it has the power to change lives, futures and even eternities and the Bible is packed with those kinds of stories. These Holy Spirit-inspired accounts have the power to stir God’s people into action and could change the course of human history. Come hear how God calls us to write new stories with our own lives, stories that will get told and retold, impacting those around us for the Kingdom. SEMINAR C (13005)


Rich Atkinson Rich will share his experience setting up the Forge network in Sheffield which began four years ago with less than 60 teenagers and now has over 600 teenagers committed to it’s groups with hundreds giving their lives to Jesus. CAFÉ UNO (13006)

Living for Jesus at school

Matt Greene With all the time we spend in education we can make a huge impact for Jesus at school. So how do we engage our classmates with the gospel? Can we learn biology or graphics for God?! Can school and college make us ready for serving God in our future careers? Come and get advice from someone who recently completed their A-Levels! THE FRINGE (13007)

SOUL SISTA: Out of hiding

The Soul Sista Team What are the things that make us hide from God and others? The things we’ve done wrong? Things we’re ashamed of? Things we’re scared of? How can we be free to bring all that we are to God, knowing that he loves and accepts us just as we are? MAIN VENUE (13008)

Soul Man: Man Stuff

Mike Pilavachi & Andy Croft

As blokes we struggle with all sorts of things, so come along for an honest look at some of them. What does God teach us about sex and how can we practically live that out in our sex-crazed world? Plus how do we cope when our Dads aren’t all they are cracked up to be? How do we find out who we are when are dads aren’t much help? ROCKETS (13009)

Women and Men: Called to lead part 1

Graham Cray At Soul Survivor we believe that leadership depends upon the call and gifts of God not upon gender. This first session will look at God’s intention in creation, the result of the Fall, and then follow the Biblical story through to the teaching and practice of Jesus. SEMINAR B (13010)

Meet the family

Eddie Lyle Jesus gave us a fresh definition of family: he said that family is bigger than biology. Eddie invites you to come and meet your persecuted family and find out how you can help them. BLUEPRINT (13011)

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme

What would Jesus do about my church?

Mark Russell Does the idea of going home after Soul Survivor to a dull preacher and Mavis on the organ fill you with dread?! How can we love our churches and be positive influences for change? As CEO of a mission movement, Mark will offer his take on how we change the church. SEMINAR A (13012)

Community leadership

New Start: Forgiven & accepted

Barry Mason New to Christianity and wondering what it’s all about? Want to know more about following Jesus? Then come along to find out how God feels about you. No matter what your past has looked like, God offers you a new start! THE FRINGE (13014)

4PM Faith under pressure

Patrick Regan We all face difficulties in our personal lives which can impact our engagement with our communities, leaving us feeling overwhelmed and wondering if we’re in any position to help others. This seminar will look at the hope and comfort God promises us in these situations and how focusing on this will enable us to offer that hope and comfort to others. BLUEPRINT (13015)

Revolution Facebook style

Jason Gardner We often say that Jesus is the greatest revolutionary that walked the planet. So if he was around today would he have organised a political upheaval using social networking like people around the globe are doing today? Should Christians be channelling the technology to create change? And if we really want to create a stir for Christ, how do we do it in an age of mass media? SEMINAR B (13016)


Healing instead of hurting

Jeannie Morgan Maybe we’ve suffered from some sort of abuse, maybe we’ve lost someone near to us or it may be that we’ve been robbed of safety, security and hope. This seminar will look at some of the causes of our pain, and how we can find healing. Confidential prayer ministry will be available. ROCKETS (13017)


Andy Croft If God doesn’t blow our minds wide open he probably won’t blow open our lives. In this seminar we’ll take a look at some of the amazing truths about God; How can it be he was never created? What does it mean that he’s outside time? What are his plans for the world? What is God actually like? SEMINAR A (13018)


Daniel Hoogteijling God longs to father our orphaned hearts and give us an understanding of his love for us as his children. This seminar aims to bring liberation and a revelation of God’s good heart towards us. SEMINAR C (13019)

Other stuff going on today 11am • Morning Celebration: Bible teaching, worship and ministry (13102) 1pm • Cafes, sports and venues open up for the afternoon 2pm • Sports tournaments kick off • Bandstand: our mic is open, what will you sing?

4pm • Art workshop in Furnace • Don’t miss the legendary Café Uno pub quiz 7pm • Evening Celebration (13103) From 9.15pm • Venues open for the evening so why not try a new cafe, the ToolShed, Blueprint, Sports or Lift?

10pm • 29th Chapter perform live for one night only in the main meeting venue! • Celluloid: Woody and the gang are back in Toy Story 3. 10.30pm • Late night worship: Wind down with a chilled-out worship session before bed!


Ants Watt Leadership in community can ironically be a lonely process so this seminar is for people that are involved in beginning or leading an intentional community. Along with teaching there will be opportunity to share stories, thoughts, ideas and perhaps even a few tears. SEMINAR C (13013)




Day Planner


Day THREE: SUNDAY 31st July 9.30AM



Chris Lane Where is God when life goes wrong? How can a good God allow such terrible suffering in the world? This seminar isn’t an abstract theological discussion but thoroughly practical, looking at real stories and how good theology works when life goes wrong. SEMINAR A (13020)


Gavin Calver Are you tired of going around in circles as you try to break patterns of sin in your life? This seminar will try to help you move towards the freedom God has for you. SEMINAR B (13021)

Let my people go

David Westlake God is always about freedom. It was on an epic journey of freedom that Moses found out God’s name, and despite his doubt God used him to free a whole nation. Is God also calling us on a freedom journey? Soul Action Cafe (13022)


Mike Pilavachi How can we hear God speak? How can we be sure it’s God’s voice we’re hearing? Top tips on prophecy and time to have a go yourself and see what God wants to say! BLUEPRINT (13023)

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme

OK, I’m Following Jesus, but how do i tell others?

Barry Mason Whether you’re new to following Jesus or feel like an old timer, it can be tricky to work out exactly how you are going to let your mates know what your faith is all about. Together we will look at why church isn’t a secret club to keep to yourself; the difference between being a good witness and sharing your story; and the ‘how, where and who’ when it comes to telling others about Jesus. THE FRINGE (13024)


Ants Watts Sharing life with people who are marginalized in our society because of things like poverty, drug use, and imprisonment, isn’t always easy for you or for them. Come along to share thoughts and lessons learnt along the journey by people trying to bring our world’s together. SEMINAR C (13025)


Rachel and Jason Gardner We all know it’s important to talk to our youth groups about sex yet most of us hate it! Maybe you need to give ‘the talk’ for the first time or are looking for ways to make it fresh after giving it 462 times! Come along for advice and tips from two youth leaders who have loads of experience in talking to youth about issues surrounding sex. CAFE UNO (13026)


The Soul SIsta Team What does it mean to be feminine in the 21st Century? Who does God say that we are and how does that differ from what the world tells us? We’ll be getting to grips with issues of identity and looking to God to help us understand who we really are and what it means to be girls. MAIN VENUE (13027)


Mike Pilavachi & Andy Croft What is a real man? Bieber is singing one thing, Rooney is grunting another. But our purpose is about being whole-heartedly, all-in for God. So, what happens when we join his team? What battles does he call us to fight and what friendships can we forge on the way? Discover a life that will make a difference! ROCKETS (13028)

Surviving Divorce

Mark Russell Divorce can be a devastating and painful thing so how are we supposed to handle it if our parents split up? Mark shares from his own experience after dealing with his parents splitting up when he was a teenager. SEMINAR A (13029)

Everything you need to know about starting uni

Miriam Swaffield How are you preparing for the greatest opportunity of your life so far? This seminar will give you the insights you need to be ready for anything at university and handle the anxieties and excitement that starting uni brings. SOUL ACTION CAFE (13030)

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme

Being Jesus to my muslim friends

Andrew Smith Have you got Muslim friends you’re desperate to show God’s love to? Are you wondering how to tell them that Jesus loves them without causing offence? Do you want to know how to pray for them? Come along to discover God’s heart for your Muslim friends and to find some answers to your questions. SEMINAR B (13031)



Gavin Calver Following Jesus is the most incredible adventure possible. If you are starting out on that journey come to this really practical session to help get you going. There will be plenty of opportunity for any questions you may have. THE FRINGE (13034)


Daniel Hoogteijling Whether we enjoy God depends on how we view him and how we think he views us. God wants us to enjoy him forever, starting in this life. Come along to hear how! SEMINAR C (130135)

4PM Student reception

Miriam Swaffield Off to, or already at, uni? A seminar full of advice to help you have the best time possible and hopefully give you a chance to meet some other Christians from your uni. SOUL ACTION CAFE (13036)


Andy Croft Sometimes it can feel like we meet the Spirit once or twice a year and he’s not around much of the rest of the time. Does he only like campsites? Is there a way to be near to him, hear him and follow him in the everyday? A seminar about how we can develop a relationship with the Spirit of God and how we can be near to him wherever we are. SEMINAR A (13037)

the last year in music

Graham Cray The Mumfords continue to conquer the world. Adele breaks records. Elbow think Jesus is a Rochdale girl. Fleet Foxes have the Helplessness Blues. Chase and Status have Blind Faith, and Robert Plant sees Satan’s kingdom come down. A Bishop’s thoughts on the last year in music. SEMINAR C (13038)

blocks to receiving inner healing

Jeannie Morgan Sometimes we struggle to receive healing and this seminar will focus on some of the things that can get in our way. It will look at issues like anger, fear, vows we’ve made and irrational beliefs we have, in order to get free from things that have hurt us and find real healing. SEMINAR A (13039)


Rise: Storm-proof, battle ready & beautiful to the bone Rachel & Jason Gardner Jesus wants us to keep growing and changing to be more like him. He wants us to reach new heights - to be storm proof, battle ready and beautiful to the bone. Come find out what that means! BLUEPRINT (13040)

how to give a talk

Gavin Calver What makes a really good talk? This practical seminar will give you loads of brilliant tips on how to put together and deliver a talk, and communicate exactly what you want to say. ROCKETS (13041)

Other stuff going on 11.00am • Morning Celebration (13104) 1.00pm • Cafes, sports and venues open up for the afternoon. Return to an old fave or try something new! 2.00pm • Sweat at the sports tournaments • Show us your musical skills down at the bandstand 4.00pm • Art workshop 7.00pm • Evening celebration (13105) From 9.15pm • Venues open for the evening. Get a cuppa or head for a dance! 10pm • Relax with a rom-com; it’s Letters to Juliet in Celluloid 10.30pm • Got a burning question? Pop along to the hot spot session down at The Fringe • Late night worship and intercession kicks off


Eddie Lyle/Open Doors It’s all too easy to fit into the world around us but often that’s at odds with following the things that Jesus said. Open Doors will guide you through the what it means to really follow Jesus, looking at how Jesus asks for our obedience even when it means us moving out of our comfort zones. BLUEPRINT (13033)




Day Planner Day FOUR MONDAY 1st AUGUST 9.30AM



Chris Lane Should followers of Jesus be poor? Or should we be rich if we’re really blessed by God? Should we give away all our possessions? A look at the radical and sometimes disturbing things the Bible teaches about money and possessions. SEMINAR A (13042)


Mike Pilavachi You know the deal: you bring the tricky questions, Mike does his best to answer them! CAFE UNO (13044)

why do we get filled with the holy spirit?

David Westlake The Spirit of the Lord is upon me to... have a nice feeling? Not quite! Come and find out why God gives us his Spirit and how you can be equipped to live a life of worship to Jesus by loving his world. SOUL ACTION CAFÉ (13045)

2.30PM SOUL SISTA: Out of this world

The Soul Sista Team In our last session we’ll be thinking about what we want our story to be. How can we really live life to the full? How can we extend that same freedom to our friends back home? What are the tools we need to make this stuff work when we get back to our lives, schools and familes? MAIN VENUE (13048)



Tom & Suzie Brock If you’ve met with Jesus and are now wondering what there is for you to do in his kingdom, come along for tips on how to move forward and to explore what to do with what God’s given you SEMINAR B (13043)

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme

Playing the game god’s way

Barry Mason Love Jesus? Love sport? Wondering whether you can bring the two together? Barry’s here to encourage you to be part of the world of sport without compromising being a Christian, offering tips on standing up for your faith and telling your team mates about God. THE FRINGE (13046)


Beth Croft Heard the phrase ‘familiarity breeds contempt’? When it comes to worship, we don’t want to just sing songs without thinking about it. This seminar will look again at why we do what we do, so that we never lose the wonder of worshipping God. SEMINAR C (13047)

Mark Russell Want to make a difference in your school? There are loads of opportunities to live out your faith but it can sometimes seem pretty scary! Come along to hear how we can live with integrity in the classroom and lead our mates to Jesus. SEMINAR A (13049)

hearing the voice of god

Kiera Phyo When God speaks is there a booming voice from the sky? Writing on the wall? An inner sense of peace? This seminar will look at how we work out what is God’s voice and what is ours plus what guidance God gives us for making decisions. SEMINAR B (13050)


James Grier The Bible is full of amazingly messed up and dysfunctional families. A seminar packed with stuff to help you with those people you call family and address what to do when you feel your family is beyond hope. SEMINAR C (13051)

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme



soul man: five things girls wished we knew

Mike P & Andy Croft Andy and Mike have been asking around. They’ve come back with some reliable info on what women want – come and hear what they’ve discovered. Also bring any questions you might have about being a Christian bloke – a panel is ready to answer your questions... ROCKETS (13052)


4PM Growing in Leadership

Mike Pilavachi What does it mean to be a leader in the church and what should that look like? Mike will be talking about how we can grow in the necessary character, confidence and skills to lead God’s people. BLUEPRINT (13054)

help! i don’t like myself

Jeannie Morgan Looked in the mirror lately? Do you love what you see? Do you even like it? If we don’t value ourselves then sometimes others won’t either and we can end up in some pretty bad situations or making bad decisions. So, how can we build our identity in Jesus and receive his healing and affirmation? Confidential prayer will be available. ROCKETS (13055)

Graham Cray There are some tricky New Testament passages that seem to suggest men should rule over women and women shouldn’t be leaders, but what do they really mean? And what was the practice of the New Testament church? A look at this crucial and sometimes controversial subject. Seminar B (13056)

new lifestyle: extreme makeover

Rachel & Jason Gardner Gok Wan tells us how to make the most of what we’ve got and there are endless magazine articles that tell us what’s hot and what’s not. But we need to know that God is much more concerned with what’s deep in our hearts than how we look on the outside. We’ll be taking a look past the superficial trappings of accessory styling to look at God’s makeover plans for our lives! THE FRINGE (13057)

LIFE IN COMMUNITY: the good, bad and the ugly

Ants Watts What is it really like living in community with others once the honeymoon is over?! Come and share in tales of mistakes, hurt, pain and every now and then a little beauty. SEMINAR A (13058)

Other stuff going on 11.00am • Morning Celebration(13106) 1.00pm • Cafes, sports and venues open up for the afternoon. Why not check out the resources in the ToolShed or come and say hi to us at the Soul Survivor stand?! 2pm • Inter-village ‘Mini Olympics’. Take part or come and watch, either way it’s guaranteed to make you laugh! • Show us what you’ve got at the bandstand 4pm • Show off your amazing pub quiz skills in Café Uno or get stuck into an Art workshop 5pm • A fun run? It’s true and it’s happening today! 7.00pm • Evening celebration(13107) From 9.15pm • Venues open for the evening 10pm • Hang out with Jack Black & watch Gulliver’s Travels. 10.30pm • Sing, dance, pray, be still. That’s the kind of thing you can expect at Late Night Worship.


Eddie Lyle/Open Doors Millions of believers face a life of danger, discomfort and even death for their faith. Take look at what following Jesus means for the persecuted church, and find out what we can learn from them. BLUEPRINT (13053)

women: called to lead (part two)



Day Planner Day FIVE TUESDAY 2nd AUGUST 2.30PM How to read the bible when you’ve already read it!


Chris Lane Perhaps you’re just finishing the Soul Survivor Bible in One Year, and wondering which book to try next?! Or maybe you’ve been a Christian for ages, and are finding the Bible a little familiar or dull. This seminar will give you lots of ideas for rediscovering the Bible as the greatest book ever written. SEMINAR A (13059)


10am Communion

The Main Meeting Venue Now, don’t panic, we haven’t forgotten our 9.30am seminars. They just aren’t happening today. Instead, we’re all gathering an hour earlier than normal in the Main Meeting Venue for a time to share Communion together. This is always one of the highlights of our time together, so come along and join us in remembering the amazing things that Jesus has done for us.

James Grier Christianity is radical, life-changing and exciting, but if it’s just feeling a bit bland and even boring for you, you need this seminar! This is not for the faint-hearted; prepare to be challenged and taken to places you don’t want to go! It won’t be boring! SEMINAR C (13060)

Lessons I’m learning about waLking with jesus

Andy Croft Following Jesus is a journey and he always teaches us things on the way. Andy has learnt a lot in the past year (like how to bench-press more than Mike) but here he shares honestly some of the things God’s teaching him. It’s about his mistakes, stuff he’s discovering and how to walk effectively with the God we love. ROCKETS (13061)

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme

the crossroads: where next?

Mark Russell The Christian walk is supposed to be just that: a walk! It’s a journey where making a decision to follow Jesus is just the beginning. Come along for a look at how we can continue to grow in our relationship with Jesus, when the music is finished, the tent is packed away and you feel like you are on your lonesome back at home. FRINGE (13062)

tough love

Kiera Phyo Love is no fluffy pink cloud; it’s hard. Sometimes loving God, our families, people living in poverty and the people who don’t like us very much is really difficult - and loving ourselves is often even harder! This seminar explores our understanding of love, what the Bible has to say about it and how we can put the greatest commandment into action by loving others well. SEMINAR B (13063)

jesus loves science

Ruth Bankewicz God is the greatest scientist of them all so it shouldn’t surprise us that there have been loads of Jesus lovers over the years who’ve been genius inventors, top dog cosmos experts and DNA gurus. Come and listen to some of their stories and find out how God’s mission for you might be pioneering work in artificial intelligence, brain mapping, astro physics, astronomy or splicing and dicing genes to reveal the amazing proof that God and science DO mix! BLUEPRINT (13064)

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme



Other stuff going on


Mike Pilavachi & team Your chance to ask all your worship leading and song-writing questions to Mike and some of the chaps who help lead our main stage sessions. There will also be plenty of laughs as Mike mercilessly rips it out of his mates for not knowing the answers. SEMINAR A (13065)

who cares how many camels they had?

Tom & Suzie Brock Why is the Bible essential reading material for any follower of Jesus? How are we supposed to read such a huge book? And how do we make sense of it when it goes on about how many camels people owned?! Tom & Suzie share some tips to help us get to grips with God’s word. SEMINAR B (13066)

dating dilemmas

Rachel Gardner People didn’t go out with each other in Bible times so what has the Bible got to teach us about fancying someone or even falling in love in the 21st century? We’ll be looking at the age-old ‘how far is too far?’ hot potato, but we’ll also be unpacking how we can choose God’s approach to all aspects of our relationships. ROCKETS (13067)

Meeting the poor on monday

Kiera Phyo Do I need to go to Africa to serve the poor? How is getting up every morning, going to school, hanging out with my mates and playing football connected with people living in poverty? Come along to see how faith, life and poverty can work together. BLUEPRINT (13068 )



10am • Morning Celebration(13108). We’re meeting a bit earlier this morning so we can all have Communion together. 1pm • Cafes, sports and venues open up for the afternoon. Why not check out the resources in the ToolShed or come and say hi to us at the Soul Survivor stand?! 2pm • It’s the Lift-skate comp 4pm • Dance workshop: Klickz are a dance duo who have experience working at the O2 Arena, on MTV and on Sky Sports. Today they’re here to teach us a hip hop routine which we’ll have time to learn and then perform in front of each other! 5pm • Drop off any unwanted, unopened and non-perishable foods at Information, so we can pass it on to a local charity 7pm • Evening celebration (13109) From 9.15pm • Venues open for the evening 10pm • Learn How to Train your Dragon in Celluloid 10.30pm • Finish your week, worshiping your maker at Late Night Worship


DAY PLANNER: Seminar Timetable

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme

Seminar Timetable MAIN VENUE Day 2


9.30am 2.30pm


The Soul Sista Team

4.00pm Day 3






Big Issues Part 1: Heaven & Hell

Chris Lane

There Must be A way Out of This Place

Dangerous Stories of Grace and Action

Tom & Suzie Brock Patrick Regan

What would God do About My Church?

Women in Leadership Part 1


Graham Cray

Community Leadership

Ants Watt

The Father Heart of God

Revolution Facebook Style

Hea Hurting

Mark Russell


Andrew Croft


Big Issues Part 2: Suffering and the Goodness of God

Soul Sista: Out of the Box

Surviving Divorce

Mark Russell

The Soul Sista Team


Disappointed with Jesus

Living with People on the Margins of Society

Gavin Calver

growing in leadership


Big Issues Part 3: Money & Possessions

Chris Lane


Soul Sista: Out of this World

The Soul Sista Team


Being Jesus to My Muslim Friends

How to Give a Talk

Gavin Calver

Life in Community

Ants Watt

The Last Years Music

Graham Cray

Enjoying God Daniel Hoogteijling


Tuesday 2nd August


How to read the Bible when you’ve already read it

Chris Lane



Mike Pilavachi

Sou Purpos


Blo Healing

Tom & Suzie Brock

Kiera Phyo

Worship: Why we do what we do

Beth Croft

So You Think Your Family is a Mess?

James Grier

Women in Leadership Part 2 Tough Love

Kiera Phyo

Sou Girls Wi


Hel Myself

Graham Cray

Day 5



Evangelism in your Hearing the Voice School of God

Mark Russell


Ants Watt

Andrew Smith

Mike Pilavachi

MONDAY 1st August

Jason Gardner

Chris Lane


Day 4

Daniel Hoogteijling



is Christianity Not Les Really doing it For You Learnin Anymore? Walkin

James Grier


Dance WorkshoP Who Cares How Many Camels They Had? Klickz Tom & Suzie Brock



Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme


DAY PLANNER: Seminar Timetable



SoulNet: Simple Youthwork…Big Results

David Westlake

Live Free

Rich Atkinson

New Start: Forgiven & Accepted

C & Mike P

Barry Mason

aling Instead of g

Meet the Family

Eddie Lyle & Open Doors

Let My People Go!

David Westlake

ul Man: The se of Man

Miriam Swaffield

ocks to Inner g

hearing God

Mike Pilavachi

Barry Mason

Everything You Need to Know About Starting Uni

C & Mike P

Ok, so I’m Following Jesus, But How do I tell Others?

Under New Management: Jesus in Charge

Are you Sitting Too Comfortably? Part 1

Eddie Lyle

Gavin Calver

Rise: Stormproof, Battle Ready and Beautiful to the Bone

Student Reception

Miriam Swaffield

nie Morgan

Art Workshop

Jason & Rachel Gardner

SoulNet: Q&A

Mike Pilavachi

Why do we Get Filled With The Spirit?

David Westlake

Playing the Game God’s Way

Barry Mason

ul Man: 5 Things Wish we Knew

naturally supernatural

Andy Croft

Are you Sitting Too Comfortably? Part 2

C & Mike P

Eddie Lyle

New Lifestyle: Extreme Makeover

is god collaring you?

nie Morgan

Rachel & Jason Gardner

Andy Emerton

ssons I’m ng about ng with Jesus

The Crossroads: Where next?

Jesus Loves Science

ting Dilemmas


Rachel & Jason Gardner

el Gardner

Art Workshop

Patrick Regan

SoulNet: How to talk to your Youth Group about Sex

ew Croft


Ali Martin

Faith Under Pressure

nie Morgan

lp I Don’t Like f


Living for Jesus at Praying for people School so that stuff happens

Matt Greene

ul Man: Man Stuff


Mark Russell

Art Workshop

Jason Gardner

Meeting the Poor on Monday

Kiera Phyo

Art Workshop


DAY PLANNER: Speaker and guest Bios

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme


Day Planner WHO’S WHO? SPEAKER AND GUEST BIOS Rich Atkinson Rich leads Forge, a network of youth, kids and families ministry operating out of St Thomas Church Sheffield. Forge works with over 1200 young people a week and is committed to seeing local churches equipped to reach a lost generation for Jesus. Rich has worked as a youth worker in Sheffield for nearly 10 years, is on the senior leadership team of St Thomas’ and thinks Arsenal have a shout at the title next year. Ruth Bancewicz Ruth runs the ‘Test of Faith’ project, developing accessible resources to help people think about science and faith. After studying genetics she did a PhD at Edinburgh University before working for Christians in Science. She has spent several years supporting Christian scientists in the academic world and now works for the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion in Cambridge. Suzie Brock Suzie is married to Tom and together they are directors of Wave of Life Ministries. Suzie has been serving in full-time ministry for over 30 years having founded and directed initiatives that have sent missionaries to four continents as well as pastoring two congregations.

Tom Brock Tom leads Wave Life Ministries with his wife Suzie. Together they travel the world encouraging people to commit themselves to the Lord and to find their place in the body of Christ.

Gavin Calver Gavin is the National Director of Youth for Christ. He is a theology graduate, ordained Baptist evangelist, author and regular public speaker. Gavin is married to Anne, dad to Amelie and Daniel and fan of sport and curry. Bishop Graham Cray Graham is the chairman of the Soul Survivor Trust, the Archbishops’ Missioner and the Team Leader of ‘Fresh Expressions’. He is married to Jackie, has two adult daughters and knows more about music than almost anyone we know! Andy Croft Andy works at Soul Survivor, training up young leaders through our Soul 61 programme and travelling around the country speaking at CU events, churches and conferences. He studied Theology at Cambridge, has an impressive book collection, is married to Beth and likes competing with Mike in the gym.

Beth Croft Beth is married to Andy and heads up worship at Soul Survivor and Soul Survivor Watford. She’s a Math geek with a degree to prove it, an eye for an e-Bay bargain and she is enjoying doing up her and Andy’s new house. Esther Davenport London-girl Esther has just turned 22 and now lives in Watford where she is a youth worker at Soul Survivor Watford. She loves her friends, music, pic ‘n’ mix, attending and performing at gigs and meeting new people. Tom Field Worship leader Tom went home to New Zealand for a wedding last November and then claimed he had visa issues which delayed his return to the UK for six months. We think he was just avoiding the British winter and topping up his tan as he spent most of his time at home surfing. Either that or he really is Fernando Torres and disappeared to play for Chelsea for the season.

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme

Jason Gardner Jason is a lecturer in youth discipleship at the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity. His work aims to look in depth at what it takes to create passionate whole-life followers of Christ today. He’s also author of the books Mend the Gap: Can the Church reconnect the generations? and Rise. Jason is married to Rachel and lives in Harrow where they are on the leadership team of a church for teenagers and young adults.

Matt Greene Matt is 19 and deserves a big round of applause for living through a year as Mike’s intern. He has spent his teens trying to serve God in his school and engage with those who don’t know Jesus without compromising his faith. He has been involved in raising money and awareness for the Stop the Traffik campaign and is very excited about starting at university this autumn.


JAMES GRIER James and his wife Liz, lead ‘Unlimited Church’ in Devon and ‘Soul Exeter’ (a monthly youth celebration). When he’s not doing youthy things, James helps look after some rural churches. He and Liz have two fantastic sons, Josh and Toby, who’ve been coming to Soul Survivor all their lives!

Eddie Lyle Eddie is the Chief Executive of Open Doors UK & Ireland, which means he travels extensively as an advocate for the persecuted church. He’s passionate about local church and has been involved in leadership and service in a broad crosssection of charismatic evangelical fellowships. He also spent 19 years working for Youth for Christ.

Daniel Hoogteijling Daniel is from Holland but is currently living in Kenya with his wife and their two kids, where they are leading a team of young Kenyans building a missions base in Kitale. Together they all plant churches, start children’s homes and run a rescue home for single teenage mothers. Chris Lane Chris leads Langworthy Community Church in Salford. He is married to Esther and they have 3 kids – Daniel, Rebekah and Hannah. He likes reading many books and watching many football matches, whilst looking after many children. We think Chris is brilliant and we’re not just saying that because he’s one of our trustees and therefore our boss!

Ali Martin Ali’s on the leadership team of Soul Survivor ministries and the Soul Survivor Watford church and steers Soul Sista. She is married to Joel and they are the proud parents of William who will be turning 2 this summer. Ali’s kept busy this year running after Will, writing two books, moving house and keeping up with her impressive collection of TV box sets. She’s also the biggest pic ‘n’ mix fan we know. Barry Mason Twitter fan Barry lives in Salford with his wife Becky and their two children. He is the National Sports Coordinator for YFC which involves running the Fly, Kick, Skate and Nomad sports mission training teams.


Rachel Gardner Rachel is co-founder and Director of the Romance Academy, a relationships project that builds young people’s self esteem and helps Youth Workers and Peer Educators deliver holistic relationships and sex education programmes in schools, churches and community centres. Rachel is married to Jason, author of ‘Cherished’, and ‘Rise’, loves coffee shops, knitting scarves and chatting with complete strangers on park benches about love, life and knowing Jesus.

DAY PLANNER: Speaker and guest Bios



Jeannie Morgan Jeannie is married to Ken, and is part of Soul Survivor Watford church. She also travels every now and then as part of the Soul Survivor international team teaching about prayer ministry. She’s written a couple of books including ‘Let the Healing Begin’ and is passionate about people finding healing in Jesus. We think she’s ace! Kiera Phyo Kiera is married to Trevor and heads up the Tearfund Youth Team. She’s half Irish, very messy and her talents include talking very quickly and juggling mobile phones. If you’re struggling with how to say ‘Phyo’, it’s pronounced ‘Pew’. Mike Pilavachi Mike is a West Wing fan and master chef who spends a lot of time taking the mick out of his mates and competing with them over anything and everything. Sadly he hasn’t found a way to make a living out of any of that, so following on from his previous careers as an accountant and youth worker he now heads up everything at Soul Survivor and pastors its associated church (Soul Survivor Watford), speaks at events around the world, writes the odd book and tries to keep up with his five Facebook accounts.

DAY PLANNER: Speaker and guest Bios

Patrick Regan Patrick has worked for 18 years to see young people from the most challenging backgrounds succeed in life. He founded the charity XLP which serves thousands of young people and their families weekly in inner London. His most recent book is ‘Fighting Chance: Tackling Britain’s Gang Culture’and recently won the Mayor of London’s peace award. Patrick lives wife his wife and three children in south-east London. Jamie Rodwell The biggest news in Jamie’s life since last summer? He FINALLY got a haircut in February! It made Mike happy but sadly it seemed his long hair was the source of his musical talents so he’s had to learn how to play the guitar all over again. He’s also been kept busy studying for his AS Levels, helping out with worship at Soul Survivor Watford church and playing sport. Mark Russell Mark is Chief Executive of Church Army, a movement of Evangelists in the Church of England, as well as the youngest member of the Archbishops Council of the Church of England. Originally from Northern Ireland, Mark is a Spurs fan, so he knows what it means to suffer!

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme

Andrew Smith Andrew is the director of Youth Encounter for Scripture Union. He’s spent the last 17 years involved in youth work in Birmingham giving him a passion to help Christians live out their faith amongst their Muslim friends. He’s married to Sarah and they have two sons. He can usually be found playing trains or listening to good but obscure bands. Miriam Swaffield Miriam recently graduated from the University of York where she studied Writing, Directing and Performance. She is now working as Student Mission Developer for Fusion. Her passion is to tell those who don’t know the Christian message about Jesus and she likes to think she is more of a surfer than she actually is. Ants Watts Ants hails from New Zealand where he is one of the pastors of Spreyden Baptist church. He lives with his wife Sandy, daughters Hanna & Olivia and seven of their mates. Together they try to work out what it means to follow Jesus, and celebrate moments of beauty in the world as the kingdom comes here on earth.

David Westlake David is a trustee of Soul Survivor, one of the directors of Tearfund and heads up Soul Action (the Soul Survivor and Tearfund partnership). David is also kept busy being a husband to Minu, father to Ellie, studying for a PhD and watching West Wing.

WWW.TEARFUND.ORG/TRANSFORM Please come and find us in the toolshed

Registered Charity No.265464 (England and Wales) Registered Charity No. SC037624 (Scotland)



Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme

Who, what, where, when & why? ARTICLES

These are the pages where we try and answer some of the things you might find confusing about Soul Survivor and our events… Why is the music in the main meetings all led on guitar? In heaven all music will be led on guitar so we’re getting in good practice. Just kidding. We believe God loves it when we offer him genuine praise using any musical style but because there are so many of us gathered together we have to find one style that suits the majority of people. We know it’s not going to be everyone’s cup of tea but hopefully the words and the melodies are accessible for most people and the feedback we get tells us most of you guys love it. We try and involve different musical styles where we can (like getting our friends from 29th Chapter to bring the hip hop beats) but the last thing we want to do is try and pretend we know what we’re talking about when it comes to styles like drum n bass! We don’t have a clue so we’ll stick to what we know best whilst encouraging everyone to find the musical style that suits them.

Why do people do weird things when the Holy Spirit comes in power? Good question! People do all sorts of things when they meet with God – sometimes they cry, sometimes they laugh, sometimes they make weird noises or move their body in strange ways, other times they are completely quiet and still. There’s nothing to be worried about with any of that, it’s just the way different people respond to God’s presence. If you’re unsure about an experience you’ve had, chat to one of the Enabling Team but equally if you’re not meeting with God in this way, don’t worry. The important thing is that we stay focused on Jesus and that as much as is humanly possible, we don’t hype stuff up. We just want to leave room for the Holy Spirit to work in our lives and the thing that changes us isn’t what noises we make in ministry, it’s the presence of God in our lives.

Why do people close their eyes and put up their hands in worship? Often in times of sung worship people close their eyes which can look a bit strange if you’re not used to it. There’s nothing weird going on though, mostly people do it to shut out other distractions and help them focus on God. Raising yours hands high is a sign of praise, or some would say they are reaching for God. Sometimes people turn their palms upwards as a sign that they are making themselves open to receive from God. Everyone expresses prayer and praise to God differently but most would be open to explaining their actions if you ask politely and at an appropriate time, so don’t be shy!

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme



How can I get the lyrics/chord charts to the songs? Many are available in song books you can buy from our stand in the ToolShed so pop along and have a chat with the team. We’ll also try and post more details on our website of songs that we’ve sung a lot, so keep an eye on our news pages (www. soulsurvivor.com/uk/news) for details.

If you’re a band who already has a good following and lots of live experience, you can send us a demo CD before November and we’ll have a listen. We love how many of you are passionate about music but unfortunately, because we get loads of stuff sent in, we can’t always respond personally.

Why do we have to sit on the floor? Sorry if you find it uncomfortable sitting on the floor but the basic answer is because we want to fit lots of you into a small space! It’s not that we think chairs are for wimps, just that having chairs would drastically cut the number of people we can get in to the main meetings and also mean there’s not as much freedom in worship to move around.

Everyone who is part of the band or who speaks at our events is someone we know, trust and are in relationship with. When we put someone ‘up front’ we have to make sure we know who they are, that they love Jesus and that they are part of a church back home (so we know they are accountable and that they are committed to growing in their relationship with Jesus). It’s not about being exclusive and we’re not saying the people ‘up front’ are more special than anyone else; it’s about making sure we can vouch for the integrity of the people who are serving you in these ways.

Why does everything else close when the main meetings are on? The most important thing we can do when we all get together is to focus on Jesus and that’s why we make a big deal of our main meetings. We don’t want there to be any other distractions because we know that Jesus is worthy of our full attention. Also, because all the venues around site are staffed by volunteers, closing them twice a day gives the teams a chance to have a break and meet with God for themselves.

Why is Mike so rude to people on stage? Certain things make Mike laugh and taking the mick out of his mates is definitely one of them! But don’t worry, he wouldn’t be that rude to someone who didn’t know that he loved them and was for them. We like having a laugh because we don’t take ourselves too seriously. But we do take God seriously so hope we don’t cause any offence when we’re mucking about.


Can I recommend A BAND OR volunteer A FRIEND OF MINE to play at gigs VENUE or BE A DJ in BLUEPRINT?

How do the band get to be the band and speakers get to be speakers?



Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme

who, what, where, when & why continued...


Why aren’t there more toilets and showers?

We make sure that we have twice the recommended amount of toilets and showers than the Health and Safety regulations suggest. But we know that still means some of you have to queue for your shower in the morning, sorry. Try and help each other out by being quick; or think about having a shower at a different time of day, like before you go to bed when there are less people waiting! We have an amazing team of cleaners who work from 7am to 7pm to keep everything clean and fresh for you. If you spot any problems, do let our Comms team know and they will get it sorted.

Why are the food vans so expensive? Sorry if you’ve found the vans expensive; we don’t have any control over the prices or the menus (the showground people sort out who comes). There are some alternatives to eating at the food vans – check out Things to Know on Page 72.

Why do you say you don’t have much money when it costs us around £100 each to be here? We really try not to talk about money very much so we hope you don’t think we go on about it. Soul Survivor is a charity which means we don’t make any money – everything we get is put back into running events and creating resources for you. Ticket prices for our events cover the main costs of putting them on (like hiring the showground and the equipment we need) but we also have an office we need to run round the year to make sure the events happen like they’re supposed to. This means we need to rent office space, pay staff and buy computers and stuff. Plus there’s lots of stuff we do that we don’t get any money for – like updating the website and putting resources on there for you guys. So ticket prices don’t cover everything and the only way we can keep doing what we do is by people donating money to help us pay for it all. If you’d like to find out more about ways you can support us, please see page 53.

Got a burning question we didn’t answer? Email info@soulsurvivor.com and we’ll try and include it in future.

Connecting God, us and everyday life lyfe is about going deeper into the Bible to connect God, us and everyday life. It’s about making discoveries through reading and reflecting on the Bible with others. And it’s about joining the conversation and community of people seeking a richer relationship with God. The new lyfe website features a host of video interviews, articles and further resources to help you set up a small group and begin discovering a deeper life with God.

Visit lyfe.org.uk today

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Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme



At one of our main meetings we will take up a collection for the following causes. There’s no obligation to give, so please don’t feel pressured, but we think they are brilliant causes and we hope you do too!

Soul Action

Young leaders

A third of the money will go to the brilliant work of Soul Action (our partnership with relief and development agency Tearfund). This is the part of Soul Survivor that’s all about living out God’s heart for justice and helping people out of poverty. If you’d like to find out more about Soul Action, have a little read of the article on page 54.

We’re pretty passionate about investing in the leaders of tomorrow in order to see the church growing and thriving in the future.

The persecuted church Around the world, many of our brothers and sisters in Jesus are persecuted for their faith. We’re in contact with a number of Christians in Central Asia and we want to do all we can to support them as they live out their faith in incredibly difficult circumstances.

Over the years we’ve had the privilege of working with people like Matt Redman, Tim Hughes, Martyn Layzell, Lex Buckley, Ben Cantelon and Vicky Beeching and we’d love to invest in many more of tomorrow’s pastors, church planters, worship leaders and speakers.

If you miss the main meeting where the collection is held, you can pop your donation into Information at any point during the week. We really appreciate your generosity in getting behind these causes... Thanks so much!

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme



SUPPORTING SOUL Survivor Soul Survivor is a charity which means we rely on lovely people like you to help us keep going!

Pray with us!

Tell people about us!

We want to be obedient to God and follow the things he’s calling us to do, and we really value your prayers as we seek to do that.

The more people you bring to our events the better! We’ve made little promo DVDs that you can show to friends and church members who don’t yet know about Soul Survivor and Momentum. Or point them towards our website so they can enjoy our free resources and check us out for themselves!

We also commit to praying for you guys throughout the year, because we want you to keep growing in your relationship with God.

serve on a team during the events! It’s brilliant people like you who make Soul Survivor happen! Every year we have hundreds of amazing volunteers who get stuck in, go behind the scenes and serve God at our events. We have loads of different roles and you can find details of them all, and apply, on our website at: soulsurvivor.com/uk/teams

Raise money while you shop! If you shop online, go to www. easyfundraising.org.uk and choose Soul Survivor as the charity you want to support. You can click from there on to whatever site you want to shop from and many of them will donate some money to us without it costing you a penny!


We’d love to be partnering with you in this journey so check out the following ways you can get involved:

Part with some pennies! The things we’d love to do and the money we have to make those things happen, don’t always match up! Any money you can give us will go towards reaching and equipping young people so if you’re as passionate about our vision and values as we are, we’d love it if you could support us in this way. Find out more at www. soulsurvivor.com/uk/give



Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme



Use your freedom so that others can live free with Soul Action, THE SOUL SURVIVOR & TEARFUND PARTNERSHIP!

There are four ways you can get involved: • Pop along to the Soul Action stand in the ToolShed and buy a Freedom Band made by men and women in Cambodia – they’re just £1

Chica* is from Cambodia and she was just 14 when she became a slave. Sadly her story is all too common. Her dad was desperate for money to feed his other young children and send them to school, so he sold Chica to a bar owner across the border in Thailand. Chica was sold. But she’s not a product. She’s a person, created by God to have freedom; freedom that was stolen. Chica managed to run away and she made it back into Cambodia. But with no money, job, skills or training she could – like many others - have ended up living on the streets. Thanks to the work of Soul Action supported project Cho, Chica now lives in a safe-house and is learning some basic sewing skills. Cho is helping her to learn a trade, making sure she has the freedom to define her own future. There are thousands of young people around the world like Chica who don’t enjoy the same freedom that we do, so this summer Soul Action is inviting you to use your freedom to help them.

• Get your friends to sponsor you to do the things you love, raising money for amazing sports projects: www.soulaction.org/freetoplay • Take part in the Freedom Games and raise money to stop young men and women from being trafficked into London for the 2012 Olympic Games www.soulaction.org/freedomgames • Take up the Slum Survivor challenge and spend a few days the way a billion people spend their lives: www.soulaction.org/slumsurvivor

DON’T DO NOTHNG, do something! Make your voice heard and let it be known that you won’t allow people’s freedom to be stolen without putting up a fight. Come along to the Soul Action stand to find out more, pick up a free poster and to chat to us about how you can use your freedom to help others. Or pick up a free Youth Leader guide to take you through a year of ‘Live Free’ at our stand in the ToolShed!

*Chica’s name has been changed but her story represents the reality faced by many young girls that projects supported by Soul Action help on a regular basis. The girl in the picture is not Chica.

LIVE FREE. Join with Soul Action and use your freedom so that others can live free



All the info is at: soulaction.org




Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme


Cafe Uno Map Ref: G5

Youth Leaders: You deserve a brew! Let’s face it, you spend most of your time here at Soul Survivor running around after your youth group and to say thank you we’d like to make you a cuppa and serve you up a croissant in the morning!


SoulNet Seminars

Days 2 to 4: 9.30am10.30am

Day 2

Days 2 to 4: From 9am



SoulNet breakfasts


‘Simple youth work, big results’ Rich Atkinson

Day 3

‘How to talk to your youth group about sex’ Rachel & Jason Gardner

Day 4

‘Youth leader Q&A’

SoulNet retreat Life feel a little busy? We know what that’s like! So once a year we like to head off to Center Parcs with a few of you youth leader types, and spend a bit of time with God. The weekend focuses on giving you time to worship, hear from God’s word, receive from his Spirit and relax! If that sounds good to you, check out the details and come and join us.

Mike Pilavachi


Prayer and prophecy sessions

3rd – 5th February 2012 Sherwood Forest Center Parcs

We’ve got a little team who would love to pray for you and see if they can hear what God would like to say to you. There are a limited number of time slots so if you’re interested, sign up for one at the SoulNet breakfasts.

COSTS £120 before 31st October £130 thereafter. Discounts for children/family not attending meetings apply – please see website for more details. www.soulsurvivor.com/uk/soulnet

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme






Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme


Soul MAN Sometimes it’s good to hang out just as the guys and that’s exactly what we do at Soul Man! We’ll get together over three afternoons to look at some things that are challenging for us as guys who love God and are trying to work out where we fit in the world. We’ll be taking an honest look at:


Day 2. Man Stuff

Day 3. The Purpose of Man

• What does God teach us about sex and how can we practically live that out in our sex-crazed world?

• What does it really mean to be a man? Should we take Bieber or Rooney as our role models?

• Dads aren’t always all they are cracked up to be so what do we do when things are hard? How do we find out who we are when our Dads aren’t much help?

Days 2 to 4: 2.30pm


HOSTs: Mike Pilavachi & Andy Croft will be guiding you through the whole Soul Man series

• What happens when we join God’s team? What battles does he call us to fight and what friendships can we forge along the way? • How do we live a life that will make a difference?

Day 4. Five things girls wish we knew • What do girls really want?! • What questions would you like to put to our panel? You can ask anything you like about being a Christian bloke so come prepared!

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme


Come along and join Ali Martin and the Soul Sista team as they look at some key issues for us girls as we follow Jesus in our every day lives. WHEN:


Days 2 to 4: 2.30pm

Main Meeting Venue


The sessions

The speakers

Day 2: Out of hiding

Ali Martin

What are the things that make us hide from God and others? The things we’ve done wrong? Things we’re ashamed of? Things we’re scared of? How can we be free to bring all that we are to God, knowing that he loves and accepts us just as we are?

Day 3: out of the box What does it mean to be feminine in the 21st Century? Who does God say that we are and how does that differ from what the world tells us? We’ll be getting to grips with issues of identity and looking to God to help us understand who we really are and what it means to be girls.

Day 4: out of this world In our last session we’ll be thinking about what we want our story to be. How can we really live life to the full? How can we extend that same freedom to our friends back home? What are the tools we need to make this stuff work when we get back home?

Once again Ali will be our hostess with the mostest – and she will be doing some of the teaching too.

Rachel Gardner The brilliant Rachel from Romance Academy will also be with us!

Kat White Kat is a newby to the Soul Survivor scene. For the past 10 months she’s been on our leadership course (now called Soul 61) and is buzzing to share with you!

Esther Davenport Esther has been a part of Soul Survivor Watford for a number of years and we’re very excited to let her loose on you all!

Join us in the main meeting venue for any or all of the sessions, we’d love to hang out with you!


We never miss an opportunity to get the girls together, so this year Soul Sista is back and it’s happening at 2.30pm on afternoons 2, 3 and 4!




Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme


THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR Last summer we decided to read the whole of the Bible together as a Soul Survivor family over 12 months. We’re nearly at the end and we’ve been loving it! Over 13,000 of you logged on at the start and though we know not everyone has kept up to date, we’ve been hugely encouraged by how many of you have enjoyed it! We heard some brilliant stories of youth groups reading together & supporting each other; people reading with their families, and others getting their non-churched friends interested. We even had one youth group in Germany translating our blogs for each other before school every morning! That’s awesome! We’re really passionate about getting into God’s word, it’s an amazing way to understand how he wants us to be living. We know it’s sometimes hard to get to grips with, so each day we’ve been posting videos or blogs that help explain what’s going on. And guess what?! We’ve enjoyed it so much we’re going to do the whole thing again starting on September 1st! So whether you’re new to this or got stuck and want to start over, get yourself logged on and we’ll do it together!

“I’m loving the Bible in One Year so far. Reading my Bible every day has always been something I’ve struggled to do, but having all the readings together in one place along with the website is really good and encouraging!”

“It’s great to come to the website & find like minded people to discuss what the days reading means to them. It’s nice to know people are asking the same questions as I’m thinking. Now I don’t feel afraid to ask!”

“There are so many people all over the UK reading the Bible ‘together’ and that just spurs me on, knowing that I’m acting as part of one body.”

Get involved at soulsurvivor.com/ thebibleinoneyear

“I’m loving the Bible in a year! I’m enjoying every day more and more! The website is awesome. To get some commentary on it and see what everyone who is reading it together thinks about the passages”

Some of the content will be the same as this year and some will be new. The cover of the Bible in One Year has been refreshed and is looking mighty fine but the readings will be in the same order as last year.

Just so you know…

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme




They have received training in the arts of making the best baked beans on toast, structuring days so as to get maximum sleep without missing the best bits of daytime TV and how to make a calming cuppa for those days when deadlines loom large. These lovely people are holding a special reception for anyone already at university or about to head off for the first time so whether you’re doing a Degree in making things up as you go along or learning about the fine art of blagging, come along and meet others in the same boat.

WHEN: Day 4: 2.30pm

LOCATION: Soul Action Cafe

HOSTs: The reception will be hosted by a team of chaps from Fusion, Soul Survivor and others involved in student mission!


Starting off on the path to Higher Education can seem a bit daunting, but don’t worry, we’ve got a team of experts here on hand to guide you through the process.



Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme


BY MIKE PILAVACHI /HOPE You could text a conversation starter like:


I hate to admit it, but I love my phone. Being the very trendy, culturally aware and tech savvy man that I am, I do (of course) own an iPhone… and I almost know how to use it. Forget emails on the go, receiving calls or even Angry Birds… I love my phone because of two apps: Facebook and Twitter. I can change my status when I’m on the loo. I can give a little tweet whilst I’m preparing a feast in my kitchen. I can connect with all my friends (and spy on them) no matter where I am in the world. I love it! Like me, I’m guessing you love communicating and connecting with your friends too. Apparently 5,000 text messages are sent every second in the UK. Combine that with the 50 million tweets and Facebook updates that we upload every day and it’s pretty obvious we all love being able to connect with our mates on the go! All this stuff is an amazing way to share our lives with our mates! So, how about joining us as we explore ways to use our phones and social networking sites to start a conversation with our friends about Jesus? We know Jesus’ love is definitely worth sharing, but we also know how hard it can be to talk to

“I am praying for you this week - what would you like me to pray for?”; “When we next meet up, ask me about my faith”; or “ What are your hopes in life? Ask me why I’ve got hope”.

our mates about what we believe. The good thing is our phones can help us get a bit of confidence and get a conversation going…. we can use them to Textify!

Join the teXtify challenge! Textify is a challenge to spend five days praying for three of your mates. But it’s more than that. At some point over those five days we want you to be brave and text your mates a question or God thought to start up a conversation. Their response could lead to a chat about the real difference Jesus makes to your life. You might be amazed at what God does through you!

Yes it can be scary, but a simple text could be the start of more than just a conversation! Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the words to say and the confidence to say them (John 14:26). Ask some Christian friends to do this with you and pray for each other too. But remember, our faith isn’t just about words… following Jesus is about our actions too, so as we Textify we also need to live in a way that backs up what we say say! Together we can share God’s love, through our words and our actions.

When to start?

Get involved

You can be one of thousands who take five days to Textify between the 12 – 30th September – a good time to go for it as school terms get started!Pray, get prepared, and then share your hope with your friends.

Why not ‘Like’ the Textify Facebook page and encourage others by sharing how your Textify challenge is going. Don’t forget to check out the Hope Revolution site for ideas, videos and tips!

SEPT 2011


SEARCH: Textify Hope @textifyhope



Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme


SEMINAR RECORDINGS What’s the most common question people who come along to Soul Survivor ask? Nope, it’s not ‘how old is Mike Pilavachi?’ (he’s eighty two if you’re interested). From our extensive research it’s more like ‘Oh no, I missed an awesome sounding seminar. Gutted. Is there any way I can hear or watch it?’.

If you find yourself in this predicament we’re here to help. And so is technology. Every year we record all the seminars so you can buy audio copies of any sessions that you’ve missed. But there’s more. We also film all the seminars too, so barring a few (very likely) technical glitches, we’ll also be able to offer DVDs of the complete seminar timetable as well.

Where do I get them? Firstly you need to decide what seminar you’d like to hear. Go through the Day Planner (starting on page 33) and flick through the descriptions. At the bottom of each entry you should find a little number starting 1300--*. Just remember that number and do one of the following:

When you’re home: Get online and head to www. soulsurvivor.com/uk/shop. You’ll be able to order any of the talks as mp3 files, audio CDs or video DVDs. We’re aiming to get the new set of talks up for the end of September. That’s exciting right?

Whilst at Soul Survivor: Pop along to the Soul Survivor stand in the ToolShed and chat to one of the team behind the tills. They will help you in either buying an Audio CD or a video DVD of any of the talks. The CDs and DVDs should be available by the end of the week (depending on how good our technical skills are), so you can pick up any session to take home with you. If not, you can order the session and we’ll send it out to you in the post (by end of September). Costs for CDs are £2 and DVDs will be £4.

*Numbers for the Main Stage talks… Day 1, Evening: 13101 Day 2, Morning: 13102 Day 2, Evening: 13103 Day 3, Morning: 13104 Day 3, Evening: 13105 Day 4, Morning: 13106 Day 4, Evening: 13107 Day 5, Morning: 13108 Day 5, Evening: 13109

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme




Every day throughout the year there’s an open invitation for you to come over to ours and hang out for a bit! That’s right, our online home is open 24-7 and is waiting for you to pop over and have a look.


We put loads of stuff up on our website that we think you’ll like; some of it is important info about events and the like, some of it is resources to encourage you in your relationship with God, some of it is just for fun!


The radio

The Bible in One Year

All the latest news and info on upcoming events.

Check out talks and loads of songs for free!

Check out the vlogs and blogs, plus ask your questions and see what others have to say.

Monthly mag

Video teaching

Five new articles every month on your walk with God plus competitions to win treats!

Teaching resources for you to watch online... and there’s no cost to watching them!

Video updates

The shop

Watch the latest news with Mike Pilapaxman and see our team doing stupid stuff to make you laugh (and maybe cry).

A whole bunch of goodies including seminar recordings, DVDs, CDs, books, hoodies and more!

You’ll find all this and loads more at: soulsurvivor.com/uk so come on over and see us some time!

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme




But try to set aside some time each day to spend on your own with God, reflecting on what you have heard so far, listening to God, praising him and telling him the things you’re worried about. These six slices of the Bible are designed to help you do this and, rather handily, they explore the same themes you’ll be hearing about over the next few days. As well as what’s here, you’ll be able to access more stuff on your mobile, if you can get on the web. Just head to www.wordlive. org/soulsurvivor and you’ll be able to find some great audio, video and background info for each day. Ready? Well, wipe that burger grease off your fingers and let’s get going.

• Is Jesus one of the influences in your life? How much? • How much does your life match Paul’s description? Think about your whole life, not just the times when you’re doing ‘spiritual’ things.

Day 1 Paul calls for a radical love

• If Jesus lived the radical life and followed God’s way to the extreme, what does that mean for you?


So, you’re here! Is your tent up? Got all your food? Or is it burger and chips from here on in? You’re going to have a fantastic time over the next few days, even if you do put on three stone from eating kebabs all day.

Who do you model yourself on? Whose style do you like? Pause for a moment and think of all the influences on your life. Are they positive? Read Philippians 2:1–18 and underline all the bits you think would be good guidance on how to live. So, what did you underline? Well, I suppose you could have underlined the whole thing, so packed are these 18 verses with good stuff. But what struck me when looking at this was what Paul says about our attitude to others. He uses words like ‘humble’, ‘interested in others’, ‘servant’, ‘sacrifice’ and calls the Philippians to ‘shine like stars in a dark world’. But most of all, he holds Jesus as the example for us all – Jesus was radical in his life. He showed love, mercy, kindness, humility, became like a servant. He was obedient to God to the point that he died on the cross, so that we could be made right with the Father.

Day 2 Abram heads into the unknown What kind of personality do you have? Do you need to have a plan, to know what you’re doing at every stage, maybe even have lots of lists to help you? Or do you let things happen, ‘cos it’ll all turn out right in the end? Or something in between? Read Genesis 12:1–9 and reflect on what Abram would have known about God’s plans. We don’t know much about Abram before this passage. But what we do know is that his love for God must have been HUGE.



Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme

Look at what God tells him in verse 1. Abram gets a big call, but no details – he knows God’s ultimate destination, but not exactly where that is or how it will happen. Yet Abram packs up and goes into the unknown, armed only with God’s call and his great promises (in verses 2 and 3).

on with God. But Daniel carries on following God’s radical plan for his life. He doesn’t let anything stand in his way.

out for Jesus, but often gets things wrong. However, he experiences Jesus’ forgiveness and is used greatly by God. He never stops learning, and goes on to change the world!

• What would you have done in Abram’s position?


• Letting God lead us where he wants us to go is daunting, but it changes the world. How ready would you be to answer God’s radical call if it came now? Is anything holding you back?

Day 3 Daniel stands up and stands out Have you ever attracted attention because of your faith? Was it good attention? Or did you get criticism and insults? How did that make you feel? How did you react? Read Daniel 6 – if you’ve heard this story lots of times before, try to read it as if it’s the first time. Daniel’s life has not been plain sailing at all. He has had to rely on God to get him and his friends out some pretty sticky situations, because their faith has attracted anger and criticism. And here is no different. On a piece of paper (or in the margins), write down what you make of Daniel, Darius and the supervisors. What words would you use to describe them? The jealousy and greed of the supervisors lead them to trick Darius into laying a trap for Daniel and he gets major stick for keeping

• What would you have done in Daniel’s situation? • Do you get negative comments when you’re doing stuff for God? How do you react? Are you discouraged? Do you stop? Or do you keep going? • Has God spoken to you through this story? What’s the impact on your life going to be?

Day 4 Peter gets it right, and wrong, and right, and wrong… If your life was a graph, with time marked along the bottom and how well you’re doing in your walk with Jesus up the side, what would it look like? Would it be a straight line of increasing holiness? Or more like a roller-coaster? Read Matthew 14:22–32. If you were Peter, would you have even got out of the boat? Peter gets it right, and then almost immediately wrong again. It’s easy to say what a doofus he is, but I’m not sure I would’ve even stepped off the boat. Many people identify with Peter, as he’s a two-steps-forward-23-stepsback kind of guy. In Matthew 16, he identifies Jesus as the Chosen One and then goes and does something that leads Jesus to say he’s talking like Satan. He steps

• Does a call to radically love and follow Jesus mean we will always get things right? • What do you do when you do something wrong? Does it make you hesitant and cautious? • How well do you learn from your mistakes?

Day 5 Mary gives all she has I was given an iPad the other week by a friend. I know. GIVEN. I was speechless, literally. What’s the best thing someone’s given you? How did it make you feel? Read John 12:1–8 and try to think how many people you could help with an average year’s wages – about £27,000. There are two main players here (apart from Jesus). Mary gives Jesus something that would have cost a year’s wages. Judas wants to sell it and give the money to the poor. On face value, Judas seems to have a point. Think back to all the things you might do with £27,000 – what a radical thing it would be to change so many lives! But Jesus can see ulterior motives: Mary loves Jesus so much that she honours him radically with her most prized possession; Judas doesn’t want

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme


completely like this (and in some ways it’s an unfair comparison). But you can live radically for God where you are now – you and your church can make a difference.

• How would you describe Mary’s sacrifice? Would you have instinctively reacted like Judas?

• What things from this passage might inspire new ministries for you and your church?

• How closely do you hold on to your possessions?

• How can you reach out to those in need in your area?

• If God asked you to give him your prized possession to use in a radical way, what would you do?

• Where will your radical love of Jesus take you? Ask him to help you now!

Day 6: back home The early church goes viral

Soul Survivor extra

So, now you’re back home and Soul Survivor probably seems a lifetime ago. Spend some time now reflecting on what God said to you while you were away. Read Acts 2:43–47 and 4:32–37. What might your church look like if it behaved in the same way? The Roman empire was a moneygrabbing place. If you were rich, you gave money and support to people less well off than you, but only in return for other favours (votes in elections, rent-a-mob, that kind of thing). But the church here is being completely counter-cultural. Sharing money with no thought of any reward, happily sharing food. And what’s the effect in 2:47? Their radical life attracts others. Now your church may never be

Want more to explore when you get home? Here’s six more radical slices of the Bible to try… Extra 1 Caleb goes undercover Numbers 13 Faith in God (and knowledge of what he’s done so far) meant Caleb was confident that God would come through.

Extra 2 David strikes a blow 1 Samuel 17 Of course you should fight the giant, why would God let you down?

Extra 3 Elijah cuts it up 1 Kings 18 Elijah’s confrontation was powerful, cutting, radical, and just what the people needed to hear.

Extra 4 Stephen gives it up for God Acts 6,7 Not all jobs for God are glamorous, but you will get the chance to tell people about Jesus, as Stephen did.

Extra 5 Paul jams in jail Acts 16:16–40 Not even a stretch in jail can stop Paul’s radical life.

Extra 6 Romans rock the world Romans 16 The people in this passage aren’t huge celebrity Christians, but Paul recognises that their ministry is making a huge difference where they are.

These notes have been written by our lovely friends at Scripture Union. For more Bible related goodness head to their web sites: www.scriptureunion.org.uk www.wordlive.org


to help the poor at all – he wants some of the money for himself. And Mary’s sacrifice enabled Jesus to explain his own, much bigger sacrifice.





PRAYER MINISTRY One of the things we’re really passionate about at Soul Survivor is meeting with God. During the main meetings and celebrations we will always try to let God lead what’s going on by his Spirit. As part of this the leaders of the meeting will make time for us to wait on God’s Spirit and pray for particular groups of people they believe God wants to ‘minister’ to. It’s a chance for God to work in our lives, so try to be as open to him as possible. Don’t worry if you’ve never had prayer offered in this way, or if you’re not sure how to pray. Mike P and the team will talk you through what’s going on as it happens. We also have an experienced ‘Enabling Team’ who will be around to give you a guiding hand, plus there’s a whole bunch of seminars on the Holy Spirit and praying for others too, so get along to one of them. There is no ‘right way’ to pray for each other. However, we’ve included these guidelines as they are tried and tested and tend to work quite well! While you’re with us please stick to the advice given.

So, what happens? Ministry times usually begin with an invitation from someone on the main stage for people to respond

to the Holy Spirit. In praying for people, the most important thing to remember is that this is God’s work, not ours. We are there to encourage those seeking God and to bless what the Holy Spirit is doing in people.

A guide to praying for others… God can use any of us to help people meet with him, but we’ve found that some of this common sense stuff is useful in making sure we don’t get in God’s way when we’re praying for others.

GENDER: Only pray for someone who shares your gender. Prayer ministry can bring up all sorts of stuff and so it’s a tried and tested

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme

principle to always have at least one person with you who shares the same physical bits as the person you’re praying for. Even if you’re married we’d ask you to bear this in mind to avoid any confusion for others around you.

Mouth: Don’t be afraid to ask someone what they would like you to pray for and what God is doing – even if the Holy Spirit is moving powerfully on them (in Luke 18v40 Jesus asks the blind man ‘What do you want me to do for you?’). However, be aware of not turning this into a long conversation, this is a time for the Holy Spirit to offer counselling, not you! If appropriate speak into the situation or condition in Jesus’ name, be sensitive and recognise that you may be wrong. If you have a prophetic word or picture, offer these as a prayer or in such a way that the person being prayed for can make their own decision as to how appropriate they are. Never insist that what you have to say is a word from God but seek to build up, comfort and encourage the person you’re praying for (1 Corinthians 14v3).

Hands: Encourage the person to receive from God and be still, rather than pray for themselves. Some people may show this attitude by opening their hands in front of them. You can also lay your hands on them (if they are comfortable with that). This can be helpful for the person being prayed for and it’s Biblical,

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme


especially with regards to healing (in Mark 1 v40-45 Jesus heals a man of leprosy, as a blessing Matthew 19v13-15 Jesus blesses the children). Be sensitive about where you place your hands.

Your first contact in such a situation should be a member of the Enabling Team. They are there to support you and the person you are praying with and will be able to take things further if necessary.


The whole body:

Keep your eyes open when you pray for someone. This means you are more aware of what God is doing and how the person is responding.

Allowing the expression of feelings is very important and this might mean people cry, shake or respond in other ways to what God is doing. This is totally cool, but be careful not to suppress or to build up the situation. Alternatively some people might not seem to respond physically at all. That’s fine too. We want God to do what he needs to do, we don’t want to get in the way of that and we want to make sure people leave a time of ministry feeling loved and valued.

feel comfortable and safe, and to encourage them to reach out to God. Always be sensitive and respectful, keep in mind how you would like to be prayed for, constantly ask for God’s help no matter how you are praying. Reassure those being prayed for that God has heard sincere prayers and the cries of our hearts and encourage them to expect answers. Speak healing, peace and release in the name of Jesus and remember the place of repentance, forgiveness and being forgiven.

It also means you can be prepared if they look like they may fall over in the power of the Spirit. If this does happen then please make sure they are in a comfortable position, not draped over anyone else and that their dignity is maintained (i.e. nothing is on show that shouldn’t be). It is not always necessary to stay with the person you have prayed with but encourage them to go on receiving from God. Keep a watchful eye on them and continue to check that they are safe for as long as you think is needed.

Ears: Listen carefully both to the person you are praying with, and to God. Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and encouragement, be prepared to wait, this is God’s work, not yours. The person you are praying for may tell you about things that have happened in their life. Don’t appear to be shocked by any disclosures. Remember that confidentiality is of the utmost importance but DO NOT promise to keep anything secret (especially with regards to claims of abuse).

Space: It’s brilliant to have more than one person praying for someone at a time so feel free to go over and join someone who’s praying already. That said, it’s can be distracting if a large group gather around someone when the ministry is of a sensitive nature so please ensure people have enough personal space and aren’t over-crowded.

And finally… Not everyone is familiar with ministry and prayer times and some people feel a bit concerned or nervous when they become aware of God working through the Holy Spirit. We need to help people who are receiving, to

Do not make appointments to pray with people outside of the meeting. If extra prayer or counselling is needed then find a member of the Enabling Team and explain the situation. You can also refer people to the ‘Chat Room’ on site where there will be people available to pray with them. It should also be encouraged that individuals should seek help from their home church where ministry can be continued. If at any time you feel out of your depth then ask for help. The Enabling Team will be moving around the venue and wearing bright pink badges. We all find ourselves in situations that we can’t handle alone. This is not failure and it’s often good to pray with others, plus it’s a great way to learn more!

All these are tips to help you let God work through you. Remember: don’t worry. The Enabling Team and the person leading the meeting will be giving directions and advice. The important thing is that you are ready to pray for those around you.







• Don’t panic

Times: 9:00am – 5:30pm


• Don’t call 999 yourself. This can cause confusion and delay help getting through • Go to Comms, call Comms on 0303 333 1335 or get hold of the nearest member of team with a radio (Steward/Production etc) and ask them to contact the Comms team, who will in turn, contact the Emergency services on your behalf.

General Information 0303 333 1333 This is the Soul Survivor office number which you can ring from 9am till 5.30pm for any info or enquiries. Or just pop along to the Info Office on site and ask your question face to face.

Information points Check out the Info points around site for all the latest news and programme changes. You’ll find them: outside Information, in the ToolShed, and outside the ToolShed/by the food court.

Between the hours of 9am and 5.30pm Information is the place to come if you want, well... Information. The lovely team will be happy to answer your questions and their specialist subjects include: booking queries, one-day event passes, local facilities (like laundrettes and cab companies) and weather forecasts. Your mate can also buy a programme for themselves there and stop nicking yours!

Emergencies back home Make sure you keep in touch with those back home and let them know how to reach you. Keep your mobile phone charged (you can do this for free at ‘The Office’ in the ToolShed) and let your family know the Soul Survivor General Information number in case someone back home needs to contact you (Please only use this in genuine emergencies, this isn’t the right number for your mum to call if she wants to check your sleeping bag is warm enough).

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme

Comms Times: 24 hours a day The Comms team are an amazing, caffeine-fuelled bunch who live and breathe to deal with any practical problems during Soul Survivor. Nothing fazes them and their magical network of radios so head on over if you see something around the site that needs fixing or give ‘em a call if there’s an emergency on 0303 333 1335. Open 24 hours a day (hence the need for caffeine)

Stewards Stewards are a very special bunch. Not only can they rock the yellow jacket look like no one else, they are also here to keep us all safe and smiling during Soul Survivor (now isn’t that just lovely?!) They work really hard and know what they’re talking about, so if you’re lucky enough to meet one of these servanthearted types please do listen to what they have to say and follow any instructions they give you. You might also want to give them a big friendly smile to say thanks for looking out for us.

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme



Special needs


We hope that everyone will have a brilliant week at Soul Survivor so we’ve arranged to have a bunch of lovely people ready and equipped to help if you or anyone in your group has any additional needs. Kids groups have helpers available to work one-on-one with any children with special needs. To find out more about what’s on offer just pop in to the Info Office early in the week.

Please consider your wristband your new BFF. You and your BFF need to be together at all times to make sure you can get into all the lovely venues around site. In the very sad event of you losing your BFF you’ll need to bring £40 to Information in order to buy a new one. If you manage to break it, bring the pieces along to Information and we’ll do you a deal (i.e. swap the torn pieces for a brand new band once you’ve handed over £1). If somehow you’ve ended up wearing a wristband that doesn’t have your name on it, please head straight to Information to get that fixed. Substitutions are free and it’s really important you are wearing the right wristband as we use your BFF to identify you in an emergency!

hearing impaired Facilities

Village Hosts A Village Host is kind of like an air steward/ess but instead of little hats and silk ties, their uniform is a sturdy pair of wellies and a blizzard proof cag. They exist to make you feel welcome whilst you’re with us at Soul Survivor and if you have any questions about the journey ahead, the entertainments available, the refreshments on offer or the emergency exits, then these are the hosts with the most. They’ll be popping up at regular intervals during your stay, offering cups of hot chocolate, a friendly ear and an encyclopaedic knowledge of all things Soul Survivor so return their mega-watt smiles and enjoy a wonderful new friendship.


All main meeting venues have a loop system facility. Please see the Stewards in the venue for the exact locations. Main meetings will also be signed – please sit in the designated area of the venue for the best view.



Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme

The Post If you’d like to experience the ancient art of snail mail, try sending something from the onsite post box (which is by the Main Gate ) then gasp in wonder to find out how your postcard reached home before you did. It’s impressive stuff and well worth a go just to say you’ve tried it.


And as if sending post wasn’t old school enough, you can also receive post on site – crazy eh?! If someone wants to send you something this is the info they will need: Your name AND your delegate reference number (starting A2K11…) Information c/o Soul Survivor Staffordshire Showground Weston Road Stafford ST18 0BD Any post received will be kept in the Info Office until you come and claim it, so check regularly if you’re expecting something.

Communion We love to end the week together by sharing in Communion. To do this we start the main meeting at 10am (instead of the usual 11am start). There is non-alcoholic wine available as well as wheat/ gluten free bread for those that need it (look out for directions from whoever is leading the meeting so you know which point to go to!)

Lost Property Jesus told lots of stories about people losing things and going to great lengths to find them again. We’ve tried to make it easier on you lot by putting lots of lost things in one place so if you find you’re separated from your favourite Bible/jumper/rubber duck you can just pop along and see if it’s been handed in. At the end of the event we will take valuable items (cameras, wallets, phones, jewellery) that haven’t been collected back to our office in Watford so give us a call there (0303 333 1333) if you don’t realise something is missing until you get home. Please note that our office will be shut during our other events and for the first few weeks in September (so we can catch up on some much needed sleep) but we will try and get you reunited with your lost property ASAP after that. Less valuable items need to be claimed by the morning of August 3rd or they will be taken to a local charity shop, so have a good check you are leaving with everything you came with before you head home!

Theology, Urban Ministry, Children’s Ministry, Cross-cultural Ministry, Youth & Community Work

courses in DRUMS






Nexus courses comprise: live performance, technique, theory, styles, pursuit of worship, studio, song-writing, music technology, and in-depth biblical teaching in both classroom and small-group settings. All courses are taught by professional and experienced staff within our state-of-the-art facilities.


Momentum WEEKEND

Momentum SUMMER

A long weekeNd at Center Parcs



2nd-4th March



Sherwood Forest Centre Parcs

19th-23rd August 2011 17th – 21st August 2012

LOCATION The Royal Bath & West Showground, Somerset

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme




Onsite Shop

The secret to truly happy camping is having a happy stomach. If you are a Jamie Oliver-esque culinary genius* you’re sure to be whipping up a feast of char-grilled squid with rustic guacamole over your camping stove. If you’re like the rest of us you’ll be burning some Smash and wondering if you can survive on Café Uno cake for five days.

*If this is you, please pop into Information and invite us all over for breakfast, lunch or tea (we’re not fussed which). Thanks!

Cafes Need a pick-me-up? Whether you’re just looking for an afternoon treat, a spot of sugar to keep the munchies at bay or are in desperate need of a caffeine fix, the cafes are your one-stop shop for all the goodness you need. Take your pick from Café Uno, Soul Action café, The Fringe or the ToolShed café.

They sell tasty treats (including pick ‘n’ mix and amazing ice cream! YES!) as well as more practical items like fresh bread, milk, toothpaste and batteries.

Supplies Running low on the essentials? Don’t worry, you can pick up an assortment of basic supplies on site, or nip down the road to the local shoppery:

Out of Gas? You need the Gas Man! Like all good super heroes he’s there in your hour of need (as long as your hour of need is between 2pm-6pm on Day 1 or 9am10am, 12:30-2pm or 4:30-6pm on days 2, 3, 4 or 5). Unlike a superhero, he won’t be able to track you down, so pop along to see him outside the Info Office.

Freezer Packs You can exchange (for free) or buy (for £2) frozen ice packs for your cold storage between 9-9.30am and 4.30-5:00pm opposite Café Uno (at the side of the Main Meeting Venue).

The shop is open from 2:00pm on Day 1 and 7:00am-7:00pm Days 2-5. For those of you with a bunch of people to cater for you can preorder milk, bread and other bits. Just pop in to make arrangements at the start of the week.

Local Shops & Directions There’s a whopping great Asda store in Stafford, just a few minutes drive from site which has pretty much everything you could ever need from a supermarket (including a cash point). To get there just turn left out of the main gate and follow the signs to Stafford and before you know it, you’ll see the green signs appearing in front of you. If you have a fancy phone that connects to the internet, you can place an order online with Asda and have them deliver it to you onsite! If you put your village (eg Red 2) on your order the delivery man will deliver direct to your tent, but please make sure you are about to meet him!


To help keep your stomach happy we’ve invited the fairest food vans in all the land to come along and share their delights with you. Let hunger be a thing of the past as you tuck into a tasty sausage sarnie, demolish a delicious burger and fries or relish a crepe. Bon appetite and happy camping!

You know how you meant to be organised and pack everything you needed but got distracted by Neighbours instead? The shop is here to dig you out of that hole!




Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme

Sickness Sickness spreads quickly on a campsite. Do your bit by washing your hands often, especially before eating and letting us know of any broken or dirty facilities on site (pop in to Comms or the Info Office).


If anyone in your group falls ill* during the event then please keep them in their tent and contact the First Aid team. The First Aid Centre is clearly marked on the site map. In an emergency ring: 0303 333 1335. *e.g. sudden fever (a high body temperature of over 38C or 100.4F), and sudden cough or any signs of diarrhoea and/or vomiting

Fire Regulations

The First kind of Aid

When you love your neighbour, it’s tempting to set up your tents close together. But according to the clever people who know stuff about fire, you need to leave at least 3 metres between tents (if you have trouble with measurements try lying two shortish people end to end or ask your Village Host).

We hope you don’t need them but in case of medical issues during Soul Survivor we have a brilliant First Aid team ready and waiting to bandage your knee or soothe your brow.

Also while we’re talking about fire, don’t forget that BBQ-ing inside a tent is a disaster waiting to happen, so DON’T DO IT! Please note that the use of generators is not permitted. Group Leaders: Please make sure you’ve completed the risk assessment form in your Group Leader Pack and make sure you follow the cooking with gas advice. Thanks!

You’ll find them in the First Aid Centre (by the Soul Action Cafe). They’ll be there from 9am – 7pm. Of course sickness doesn’t happen on a schedule so outside of these hours pop along to Comms and they will radio for medical help. If you have an ongoing medical condition that may cause you problems during the event, it would be really helpful if you could pop in and let the First Aid team know when you arrive. They’ll also look after any medication you need to take on a daily basis.

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme




We all need to do our bit to look after our lovely planet and the people on it!

We need your help:

• Reducing the amount of paper we print on

Please use the recycling points for glass, plastics, cans and paper. We’ve put them all over the site so you don’t have to travel far to find one. When you’re in your camping site you’ll find green bags for all your recycling at the waste pens.

• Ethically sourcing our t-shirts and hoodies

• Making sure all our tea, coffee and sugar on site is fairly-traded (and as much of other produce as we can source)

• Using biodegradable plates and cutlery in our cafes • Placing recycling bins around site. And that’s where you come in...

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE split out your waste and make sure we can recycle as much as possible. We need your help!

1. Recycle unused food

2. Don’t waste water Take a quick shower when you can and don’t forget to turn taps off fully after use.

3. Look after your patch It may just be a little patch of grass to you, but after you’ve left a whole host of insects and creatures would like to call it home so please take care of the area you’re camped in and make sure you dispose of all your rubbish.

Any non-perishable and unopened food you bring along to the Info Office on Day 5 will be donated to Wolverhampton Food Bank.

4. Re-use where possible

They are a local Christian charity who provide emergency food parcels to those in need. You get to take less stuff home, local people get blessed; everyone’s a winner!

Plastic plates and cutlery really cut down on waste (or try buying biodegradable ones if you really can’t stand the thought of the washing up).


We’re doing our bit by:




Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme


NEW stuff at the Soul Survivor stand in THE TOOLSHED




Keep warm as the traditional British summertime kicks into gear with these brand new Soul Survivor hoodies. Two new designs and colour schemes to keep your arms from getting cold!

And of course, if the sun does get his hat on, you can compliment his bright and shiny look by donning your very own limited edition 2011 Soul Survivor teeshirt. Bootiful Bernard.

We’ve no idea what it will be called or what tracks will be on it, but we know it’s gonna be epic as it reminds us of worshipping Jesus with thousands of you! Out in November, pre-order now!

Yours for £27.97

Just £12.99

A snip at £11.99




BOOM! We’ve been getting mixed up for a few years now, but at last someone has noticed. Check out this new offering, featuring 7 fresh versions of some of your favourite worship tracks!

A DVD packed full of live times of worship from the past few years of Soul Survivor events. Sing along and pretend that it’s summer with this DVD that’s packed full of your fave tunes!

Get some of the teaching from Soul Survivor 2011 to listen to on mp3 or watch on DVD. Everything is on offer from a full set of main stage talks to every seminar from this year’s events!

Just £5.99

Only £8.99

From £30

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme



Wanna be friends throughout the whole year? Us too!



When you get home head to www.soulsurvivor.com/uk to find our online survey. Fill it in and you could win a brilliant prize (as well as our gratitude!).

You also need to say that you’re happy for us to contact you (there’s a box to check to state your preference) – we promise we won’t send you loads of junk!

Tell us what you think!

ENEWSLETTERS The best way to stay in touch is via our monthly enewsletters. If you haven’t already, you can sign up at www.soulsurvivor. com/uk/enews. You’ll be the first to hear about new events, shop releases, new articles, vids and loads more, so make sure you sign youself up!

SOCIAL NOTWORKING? Is your social life notworking? It might be because you spend too much time on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. But don’t worry, so do we. You can hang out at our spaces on the world’s favourite online haunts by heading to the links below. facebook.com/soulsurvivoruk twitter.com/soulsurvivorgb youtube.com/soulsurvivoruk


We hope you’ve had a brilliant five days here at Soul Survivor. We’d love to hear about your experiences, what you’ve loved and what we could improve.

Twice a year we try and send out little magazines. They’re just our way of saying hi when we’re not all hanging out together in muddy fields and we put in articles we hope will help you in your relationship with God. If your youth leader (or someone else) booked you in, we may have their details but not yours (in which case go to our website www.soulsurvivor.com/uk/book and create your own account).



SITE RULES Following these little rules means we can all live together in one big happy family of love, peace and harmony during our five days together. How could you possibly say no to that?! 1) Youth Leaders are responsible for their under 18’s at all times.


2) Strictly no alcohol on site. 3) Strictly no drugs or drug paraphernalia on site - except for medical purposes. Anyone found in possession of drugs or alcohol will be evicted from the site and refused further entry to the event. Furthermore, all drug-related incidents will be dealt with by our Site Management team and the Police Representatives on site. 4) After arrival, all vehicles must be moved to the designated car park in order to comply with official Fire & Safety regulations. The only cars allowed on site during Soul Survivor are emergency vehicles or those displaying a valid disabled sticker. Cars may be forcibly removed if they are parked illegally on the campsite. 5) Event wristbands must be worn at all times - they are the only way to get into venues. There is a charge to replace lost bands. 6) Smoking is not permitted inside buildings, marquees or tents. 7) No mixed tent/accommodation on site i.e. no boys and girls sleeping in the same space unless married. 8) Don’t go into the scary woods.

9) Ball games are to be finished by 10pm - even if you’re playing the game of your life and believe the world has never before witnessed such skill. 10) Roller blading, skateboarding or cycling can only occur after dark if you have appropriate lighting (i.e. have a light on your bike or are in a well-lit area for blading/skating). 11) Tents or caravans can only be moved to another village by registering with Information. This is essential so we can contact you in the event of an emergency and to maintain site security. 12) No speeding. When arriving/ leaving the showground or unloading/packing up please observe the 10mph speed limit at all times. Please also note, driving lessons are not permitted on site - even though your friends may well be justified in begging you to take more. 13) No fly posting… help us respect the property on the showground. 14) Pets are not allowed on site except Guide dogs (please go to the Information Office on arrival if you have a Guide dog). 15) There is no access into any area that has been marked out of bounds by red and white tape.

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme

16) The use of generators is prohibited. Please talk to Comms if you have a medical or other critical need for a power supply. There will be a charge for provision of an electrical hook up. 17) Soul Survivor wishes to make clear that it does not favour sectarian propaganda or proselytising within the Christian fellowship. This means any individual or group that uses Soul Survivor and its facilities for such purposes does so against the spirit of the event. The organisers reserve the right to cancel any such person or group’s booking and escort them off the site/premises immediately. If you think someone is trying to force their views on you and others please do let us know immediately (come to Information) so we can deal with the situation. 18) Soul Survivor does not operate holiday insurance or cancellation schemes. We strongly recommend that you consult an insurance broker if you require cover. Soul Survivor cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to people or personal property. 19) The Stafford showground has some very pretty areas so please be respectful of your surroundings and make sure you don’t walk/run/ skateboard/dance/skip etc where you’re not allowed to. (Areas are clearly marked and should be fairly obvious too!) 20) As you will have realised the car park is on the other side of the road to the showground. As this is a very busy road and you are very special, please make sure you use the underpass when you cross to avoid any accidents. Access to the underpass is via a ramp but please don’t use your bike or skateboard there.

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme



PROGRAMME INDEX Looking for where to source your gas supplies or when a sports comp is taking place? This page should help! p20







Hip Hop


Site rules


Basketball tournament


Holy Spirit

p6, p48, p70

Soul Action


Bible notes


Info points


Soul Action Café






Soul Man


Café Uno


Kids films


Soul Sista




Kids work registration


Soul Survivor Café


Chat Room


Late Night Worship


Soul Survivor goodies






Soul Survivor Live Album




Lift Café






Lift skate competition




Drum n Bass


Lost property


Speaker bios






Special needs




Main meetings




Emergency numbers


Mini Olympics








Student reception


Facilities for hearing impaired


Panna Cotta tournament


The Fringe


Fire Regulations


Phone charging

p25, p72

The Office






Toilets and showers


Prayer Ministry




Food Vans

p50, p77

Food collection


Prayer sessions


Train rides


Freezer packs




Ultimate Frisbee tournament


Fun run




Village hosts


Funk & Soul


Safety tips



Saturday Celebrations

p2, p84











Seminar recordings


Youth Leaders




p6, p48


29th Chapter




Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme

the dates

The full info is at: www.soulsurvivor.com/uk

saturday celebrations


soulnet weekend

We hold free celebrations at our warehouse in Watford once a month. They start at 5pm and 8pm!

Boom! Join in the fun and live out your faith on the streets of Cambridge as we support the churches of the town as they undertake a week of mission across the city!

What’s a typical weekend for a youthworker? Being a mini bus driver, counsellor, pastor, Bible teacher, sports ref or chef? How about a weekend for yourself at Sherwood Forest Center Parcs?!

22nd-28th October

3rd-5th February


soul survivor 2012

17th September 22nd October 26th November

naturally supernatural We’re massively excited about FOUR DAYS TO LEARN MORE ABOUT USING THE GIFTS THE SPIRIT OUR EVERYDAY LIVES this one,OF mainly asINwe’re heading to the seaside! Join us at the Eastbourne Congress Theatre, for a few days of exploring how to live a naturally supernatual life!

15th-18th February

A long weekeNd at Center Parcs


Layout.indd 5


Fri 2nd – Sun 4th March 2012 £130 per person staying in a Fancy a weekend in the countryside villa of six people. LOCATION discounts apply. Sherwood Forest Center Parcs with a whole bunchEarly of booking other See the website for full details. students and 20-30 somethings? Featuring awesome teaching and all the fun of the fayre (or Sherwood Forest Center Parcs).

11/07/2011 09:23

2nd-4th March

You know the dealio. Five lifechanging days in Stafford (A) or Somerset (B&C)! See you there!

A: 27th-31st July B: 7th-11th August C: 12th-16th August



Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme

Day Planner site maps Find your way around Soul Survivor with these pretty maps. The one below is a close-up of the centre of the site with all of the venues listed.


The one over the page is the whole site with all the camping villages listed too.





PAGE 86 DAY PLANNER: Site Maps Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme















To Uttoxeter




1 1B 1C










no access










no access





no access

Deliveries Entrance

3A 3B

Car Park

Disabled Car Park


no access




Car Park

no access








Soul Survivor | Unit 2 Paramount Industrial Estate | Sandown Road | Watford | WD24 7XF | info@soulsurvivor.com | 0303 333 1 333

Charity no. 1080720. Company Registered no. 03991111

Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme

...on all the MP3s Buy audio recordings of all the seminar & main meeting talks from this event in MP3 format for just £25 (after the event it will be £30)

This voucher is valid for one copy of the talks when ordered on site at Soul Survivor A,B,C or Momentum 2011 at the Soul Survivor stand in the Toolshed and cannot be used online.The price on release will be £30. This offer ends 23rd Aug 2011


The Live Album is due to be released by Kingsway in late November. This voucher is valid for one copy of the album when ordered on site at Soul Survivor A,B,C or Momentum 2011 at the Soul Survivor stand in the Toolshed and cannot be used online.

Only £9.99 when you order onsite (RRP will be £14.99 on release)

The price on release will be £11.99 when ordered from the Soul Survivor shop website. This offer ends 23rd Aug 2011.

...On A DVD of the MAIN STAGE TALKS from this event! £25 (after the event it will be £30)

We will aim to supply the DVD by the end of October. This voucher is valid for one copy of the main stage talks from this event on DVD when ordered on site at Soul Survivor A,B,C or Momentum 2011 at the Soul Survivor stand in the Toolshed and cannot be used online. The price on release will be £30. This offer ends 23rd Aug 2011

INCLUDING Teaching from Mike Pilavachi and Andy Croft, with special guest Christy Wimber from Yorba Linda Vineyard in California.



The MP3s will be supplied on DVD. We will aim to get them to you by the end of September. Please note that this is a DVD. If you don’t have a DVD player on your PC or Mac then this product is very unlikely to work.



Soul Survivor 2011: Week A Programme

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