FROM THE PUBLISHER Don’t Just Say It. Think It. Be It. Do It. Value It. Truly Embrace It. Social identity shapes the equity in your workplace – so embrace it to drive real change
have to be honest: when I first started out with this
that exist between minority and majority groups.
magazine two years ago, I thought ‘Equality’ and ‘Equity’ were the same, so I created content based predominantly around Equality.
SO, YOU WANT TO TAKE ACTION AND EMBRACE EQUITY? If we all lead and advocate for better equity, we will
And then the penny dropped. I realised that
everyone needs to be on the same playing field – with
create a better shared future for our industry and others.
the same rules, but adapted based on circumstances. And if one person needs more resources to create
The issue here is that equity and inclusion need
the same opportunity to create an equal outcome?
to come from the top down, with equity as more
Then that’s what needs to be done so they can both
of a focus than diversity and inclusion. To help all
be successful.
employees improve their skills and grow, CSOs and HR departments must ensure that they do
I understand that some individuals may see this as
the following:
unfair for a variety of reasons – but with the industry, economy, and skills shortage the way they are at the
• Implement clear metrics for tracking progress.
moment, how can it not be fair, or beneficial to all of
• Equip managers with the necessary training
us, to help those that need it the most?
and knowledge for evaluating employees during reviews and promotions processes without bias.
Many communities presently suffer from inequity,
• Create an inclusive workplace where all
including individuals living with disabilities;
employees have a fair chance to advance their
individuals from the LGBTQ+ community; women of
professional skills and rise through the ranks.
colour; graduates; and those that are economically
• Hold managers accountable.
• Evaluate and create pathways for professionals to transition successfully into mainstream
For us to embrace equity – and to truly make this the
security roles.
2023 resolution for businesses – we need to allow
• Encourage leaders to express their motivation, as
all to thrive, removing all of the barriers that might
well as acknowledge any barriers, for countering
hold them back. You might not see it now, but in the
inequity; set clear goals toward greater equity; and
long run taking proactive steps will solve the skills
then to take action. By doing this, they signal a
shortage problems across industries – making us a
commitment that becomes the foundation of the
stronger community on the whole.
organisation’s diversity and inclusion efforts. • Develop your employees’ coaching skills by
This can only be accomplished by offering targeted
implementing a coaching culture around
support to disadvantaged demographic groups within
a network of champions who enable the
the organisation, and during hiring and recruiting
development, contributions, and career growth of
processes so that we can bridge the opportunity gaps
all employees.
M A R C H • A P R I L 2023