f e b r ua r y | m a r c h 2 015 | c a l g a r y L I V I N G
f e b r ua r y | m a r c h 2 015 | c a l g a r y L I V I N G
8 專題 features
8 加入新年派對!
卡爾加里華人社區慶祝羊年新年 Join the party! Calgary’s Chinese community celebrates Year of the Sheep
13 牧場上的家園
華人在卡爾加里的悠久歷史 Home on the range Chinese people have long history in Calgary
娛樂 entertainment
18 彈鋼琴的人
永遠流行的娛樂節目Honens Festival Piano people Honens Festival always a popular entertainment event
生活方式 lifestyles
25 潮流氛圍
Bridgeland/Renfrew社區重煥光 彩,吸引青年群眾
25 4
13 c a l g a r y L I V I N G | f e b r ua r y | m a r c h 2 015
Hipster vibe Rejuvenated Bridgeland/Renfrew community attracts young crowd
2月/ 3月 2015
活動 events
生活方式 lifestyles
30 新時代的曙光 卡爾加里市中心新興的East Village
Covor photo by Raymond Lee
44 2月/ 3月 活動 February / March events
Dawn of a new age A new East Village is rising in downtown Calgary
42 一齊參與
消除社群媒體的代溝 Get on board Bridging the social media generation gap
房地產專家 real estate expert
34 展望
邁入 2015 年的須知事項 Looking forward What to Know Heading into 2015
房地產 homes
36 未來城鎮
Avira展示新科技, 提升購房者購物體驗 Future Town Avira showcases new tech to enhance buyer experience
卡爾加里房產市場 calgary housing market
40 小心謹慎但保持樂觀 加拿大房贷暨房屋公司預測 2015 年房市景氣將趨緩 Cautiously optimistic CMHC predicts market moderation for 2015
18 f e b r ua r y | m a r c h 2 015 | c a l g a r y L I V I N G
Calgary Living
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卡城生活雜誌 每年發行五期, 其11,000 份期刊可於超過400處免費索閱.
Calgary Living is published 5 times per annum with 11,000 copies available for free distribution at more than 400 locations.
卡城生活雜誌 僅接受以電子信箱的方 式提交稿件. 請將您的稿件以及所有 個人信息發送至editor.calgaryliving@ sourcemediagroup.ca.
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c a l g a r y L I V I N G | f e b r ua r y | m a r c h 2 015
新的開始 您好,祝您新的一年萬事如意,恭喜發財! 中國農曆新年到啦. 除了發行本市第一本中文的生活風格的期 刊 卡城生活雜誌 以外. 還有更佳的慶祝方式 嗎?! 卡城生活雜誌 象徵著新時代的來臨; 中文 雜誌已經在溫哥華與多倫多地區受到廣大歡 迎, 而卡爾加里當地的中文報紙,《星島日報》 亦是如此。 本地已有這本雜誌的讀者群, 並且日益增 長. 根據人口普查資料顯示, 卡爾加里的華人 社區已經超過 75,000 人, 在城市裡的有色人 種少數裔中足足佔了 22 個百分點. 我們更發 現, 在卡爾加里當地, 母語非英語的人士中, 說 中文 (包含各地方言) 的人數比其他語言 (甚至 連法語) 都要多. 我們甚至能夠判別哪些卡爾加里社區擁有 最多的華語人群, 並針對性地調整該雜誌在該 地區的發行量. 卡城生活雜誌 希望能夠成為讓卡爾加里華 人與社區聯繫的另一條管道; 我們將與卡城中
We want to hear from you! Email us at editor.calgaryliving@sourcemediagroup.ca or mail letters to the Editor, Jim Zang, 207, 5809 Macleod Trail S.W., Calgary, Alberta T2H 0J9. Please include your name and phone number.
出版商寄語 publisher’s message
New Beginnings 華文化中心和卡城華商會等機構合作, 確保我們的 出版內容能夠達成吸引讀者參與、提供讀者資訊 以及娛樂讀者等目標. 內容將同時以繁體中文和英 文出版, 盡可能擴大讀者群的範圍. 充滿正面能量的文章, 豐富的彩色圖片, 再搭配 上簡約易讀的設計, 卡城生活雜誌 是一本讓人看 了「心情美好」的雜誌。雜誌內容包括各式各樣 的生活風格特色, 介紹一些當地華人社區中不同的 人、地、事、物. 在這一版雜誌中,我們將介紹卡 爾加里的華人歷史、新年慶典和 Honens 鋼琴大 賽. 它也有吸引當地各族群的生活風格介紹, 像是 Bridgeland 和 East Village 的專題, 以及討論社群 媒體的專欄文章. 雜誌中有相當一部份也會著眼住家相關話題, 包含室內主題、二手房屋以及新的房屋市場, 這些 對於剛來到這裡,預計未來幾年在此安居的幾千 名華裔居民來說, 都是非常寶貴的資訊. 卡城生活雜誌一年將出版五次, 並將在城市裡 超過 400 處的免費書報攤提供索取. 請找到您家裡 附近的一處書包攤, 並同時關注即將於四月初出刊 的下一版雜誌.
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Greetings and best wishes for good fortune in the New Year! The Chinese New Year, that is. And what better way to celebrate than by launching Calgary Living magazine, the city’s first regular Chinese language lifestyle publication?! Calgary Living is an idea that’s time has come. Chinese language magazines have already proven very popular in both Vancouver and Toronto, as has Calgary’s Chinese newspaper, Sing Tao. The audience for this magazine is already here, and it’s growing. Our Civic Census data research showed Calgary’s Chinese community currently at more than 75,000 strong, accounting for fully 22 per cent of visible minorities in town. What’s more, we found that of Calgarians whose mother tongue at home is not English, variations of a Chinese dialect are spoken more than any other — including French. We were even able to determine which Calgary communities had the highest percentage of Chinese speaking population and tailor our distribution directly to those areas. Calgary Living is intended to be one more way Chinese Calgarians can connect with their community. We’ll be working with groups like the Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre and the Calgary Chinese Merchants Association to make sure we’re publishing content that will engage, inform and entertain readers. Content will be published in both traditional Chinese and English to make it accessible to as many readers as possible. Calgary Living is a ‘feel good’ magazine. Positive articles and lots of colour photos will be complemented by a clean, easy-to-read design. Content itself will consist of a variety of lifestyle features highlighting some of the people, places, things and events in the local Chinese community. In this edition we have stories on the history of the Chinese in Calgary, New Year celebrations, the Honens piano competition. There’s also some pure human interest lifestyle stories that should appeal to Calgarians of any ethnicity; like features on Bridgeland and East Village and a regular column on social media. A sizable portion of the magazine will also be dedicated to homes-related content, including interiors, re-sale homes and the new housing market — all important information for the thousands of Chinese newcomers expected to make our city home over the next several years. Calgary Living will be published five times a year and distributed at more than 400 free stands in the city. Make sure to find the one nearest you and watch for the next edition in early April. f e b r ua r y | m a r c h 2 015 | c a l g a r y L I V I N G
專題 feature
加入新年派對! 卡爾加里華人社區慶祝羊年新年 Join the party! Calgary’s Chinese community celebrates Year of the Sheep
By Jacqueline Louie
calgary L I V I N G | fe b r uar y | march 2 015
Photo by Jacqueline Louie
爾加里的華裔居民正準備與家人 和市民共同慶祝, 迎接中國羊年 新年的到來. 羊年將於週四, 2月19日到 來, 慶祝活動正在卡爾加里和世界各地展開. 「 不管何地,中國春節總是一年中最主要的慶 祝活動, 而且是家庭的慶祝活動, 」中國歷史 學家Josephine Khu說. Josephine Khu是在 卡爾加里長大的華裔居民,擁有哥倫比亞大學 (Columbia University)的中國歷史博士學 位, 現為講述中國僑民的《Cultural Curiosity: Thirteen Stories about the Search for Chinese Roots》一書的編輯. 「如今, 加拿大的華人社區壯大了許多, 不管 是在多倫多、溫哥華、還是卡爾加里. 對我的家 人來說, 中國春節是一個更重大的節日, 因為現在 我們結識了更多的華人, 」Khu表示, 他在世界各 地都慶祝過中國春節, 像是菲律賓、中國北部和 南部、越南和加拿大。 「它變得比我小時候更有意義, 那時的華人 很少; 但真正衝擊我的是,看到超市促銷比如大 米等中國春節的商品. 當你看到主流報紙中刊登 的廣告, 你會意識到中國春節已經成為加拿大生 活的一部分。」 中國春節的慶祝活動由春節前夕的家庭團聚
algarians of Chinese descent are getting ready to welcome in the Chinese New Year of the Sheep, celebrating with their families and with their fellow citizens. The Year of the Sheep arrives Thursday, February 19, and celebrations are taking place in Calgary and around the world. “Everywhere, Chinese New Year is always the main celebration of the year, and it’s a family celebration,” says historian of China Josephine Khu, a Chinese Canadian who grew up in Calgary, who holds a PhD in Chinese history from Columbia University, and is the editor of Cultural Curiosity: Thirteen Stories about the Search for Chinese Roots, a book on the Chinese diaspora. “Now that Chinese communities in Canada are much larger, in Toronto, Vancouver and Calgary, Chinese New Year is so much more of a holiday for my family, now that we know more people who are Chinese,” says Khu, who has celebrated Chinese New Year around the world, in the Philippines, north and south China, Vietnam and Canada. “It became more meaningful than it was when I was growing up, when there were very few Chinese. What really floors me is seeing supermarkets having Chinese New Year’s sales for things like rice and other items. When you see ads in mainstream newspapers, you realize that Chinese New Year has become a part of Canadian life.” Chinese New Year festivities start with family reunions on Chinese New Year Eve, which in 2015 邱美蕙 Josephine Khu arrives on Wednesday, February
Photo by Tony Wong
18. Festivities continue through to the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month, according to the Chinese luni-solar calendar. (In comparison, the Gregorian calendar that’s used in the west is a solar calendar). Encompassing tradition and spectacle, Chinese New Year is a celebration of joy and hope, offering “a sense of being part of a history and a heritage that in some ways has achieved much,” says Lloyd Sciban, a retired professor in East Asian Studies at the University of Calgary, who sits on the Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre Association board of directors. The Chinese New Year, the Year of the Sheep — the eighth year in the Chinese zodiac’s 12-year cycle — is associated with peace, contentment and caring for others. It’s also described as a highly creative time, when people feel free to express their artistic nature and follow their heart’s desire. People born during the Year of the Sheep are said to be thoughtful, kindhearted, creative, intelligent, dependable and calm. There are a variety of Chinese New Year’s celebrations taking place in Calgary this year that Calgarians can take part in.
開始, 這於2015年是週三, 2月18日. 慶祝活動一 直進行至元宵節結束,即中國農曆的正月十五. (相對來說, 西方所用的公曆是陽曆). 兼具傳統和奇觀, 中國春節是喜悅與希望的 節日, 它給人「身為豐富歷史文化遺產其中一部 分的感受, 」卡爾加里大學東亞研究專業的退休 教授Lloyd Sciban表示。他現為卡爾加里中華 文化中心協會董事會成員。 中國新年, 羊年, 在中國十二生肖中排列第 八, 代表著和平、滿足、與關愛他人. 同時它也 被描述為, 一個人們可以自由表達自己的藝術天 性, 以及隨心而行極富創意的時期。羊年出生的 人被認為是體貼、善良、充滿創造力、聰明、 可靠、和冷靜的。 今年卡爾加里市民可以參加本市各種各樣的 中國春節慶祝活動。 n 週六,2月14日;週日,2月15日 在卡爾加里, 多達20,000人通常會參加在卡爾加 里中華文化中心舉辦的中國新春嘉年華. 本次羊 年中國新春嘉年華, 標誌著文化中心的第23屆 年度中國春節慶祝活動. 時間為週六2月14日上 午10點至晚上9點, 週日2月15日上午10點至下 午6點. 地點為卡爾加里中華文化中心, 197 First Street S.W.。
n Saturday, February 14 and Sunday, February 15 In Calgary, up to 20,000 people typically attend the Chinese New Year Carnival at the Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre. This year, the Year of the Sheep Chinese New Year Carnival marks the Cultural Centre’s 23rd annual Chinese New Year celebration, taking place Saturday February14 from 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. and Sunday, February 15 from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. at the Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre, 197 First Street S.W. “It’s the biggest Chinese New Year celebration in Calgary, and one of Calgary’s biggest winter festivals,” says Vivian Morgan, co-ordinator of Museum & Cultural Programs at the Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre. “There will be a lot of things going on, and a lot of things to do, see and eat. We have many vendors with festival booths, foods for the holiday and shopping for anything related to Chinese New Year. We would like to share Chinese New Year celebrations with all Calgarians and Albertans, to come and see how we celebrate the New Year.”
fe b r uar y | march 2 015 | calgary L I V I N G
專題 feature
They are touching their roots — they still have some kind of emotional attachment to the culture.” 「這是在卡爾加里舉辦的最大的中國春節的慶祝 活動, 它也是卡爾加里冬季最重大的節日之一, 」卡爾 加里中華文化中心的博物館與文化項目協調員Vivian Morgan表示.「嘉年華的活動將非常豐富多彩, 市民 們可以參加很多活動, 觀賞許多表演和品嘗到眾多美 食. 屆時將有許多節日攤位, 兜售節日食品以及所有與 中國春節有關的物品. 我們希望所有卡爾加里市民和 阿爾伯塔省的居民都能來到現場, 和我們共同慶祝中 國春節。」 卡爾加里中華文化中心的中國春節慶祝活動為免 費入場, 在數百名從學生到長者各年齡階 層志工的幫 忙下舉辦. 為期兩天的活動中精彩節目包括龍獅舞、 民族音樂和舞蹈表演、唱歌、武術表演、民間藝術和 書法展示、中國工藝品和遊戲、攝影展和募捐活動、 幸運抽獎、迎財神、節日食品,以及出售各種各樣的 禮品和節日商品的室內集市. 嘉年華還會有一個人負 責裝扮, 他代表著中國傳說中趕走了「年」這個中國
c a l g a r y L I V I N G | f e b r ua r y | m a r c h 2 015
Admission to the Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre’s Chinese New Year celebration is free. Highlights of the two-day event, which is held with the support of hundreds of volunteers of all ages, from students to seniors, include dragon and lion dancing, folk music and dance performances, singing, martial arts demonstrations, folk art and calligraphy demonstrations, Chinese crafts and games, a photography exhibition and fundraiser, lucky draws, the god of Fortune, festival food, and an indoor bazaar featuring trade booths with a wide variety of gifts and festival items available for purchase. There is also a costumed figure, representing the one who, according to Chinese legend, chased away the Nian, the Chinese New Year monster. The performances will take place Saturday, February 14 from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m., and from 7 - 8 p.m., (multicultural night); and Sunday, February 15 from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. On Sunday, February 15 there will be a special ceremony to paint the eye of the dragon and lion at Daqing Square — named after Daqing, Calgary’s Chinese sister city – located at the cultural centre’s west entrance. The Grand Show — a
Photo courtesy Kam Leung Photo courtesy Tony Wong
新年怪物的人。 演出時間為週六, 2月14日下午1點30分至3點30 分, 晚上7點至8點(多元文化之夜)以及週日, 2月15 日下午1點30分至3點30分。 獨具特色的舞龍與舞獅點睛儀式將於週日, 2月 15日在大慶廣場舉行. 大慶廣場位於文化中心的西入 口處, 因卡爾加里的中國姐妹城市大慶而得名. The Grand Show盛大演出包括舞龍與舞獅以及現場音 樂和鞭炮, 將於週日, 2月15日正午開始. 「舞龍是一 個非常大型的演出. 它所用的龍十分長, 至少需要十 人一起表演, 再加上至少三至五位音樂家, 」Morgan 說. 而舞獅, 她表示, 通常至少包括八頭獅子, 每頭獅子 由兩人共同表演。 舞獅和舞龍通常由年輕人表演.「有時候是學生, 他們是第二代或第三代華人, 為嘉年華中各類事務做 義工, 」卡爾加里大學語言學、語言及文化專業的中 國語言與文學教授Shu-ning Sciban指出,「他們在 感受自己的根源;他們對中國文化仍有某種情感上 的依戀. 」 在文化中心的新年慶祝活動中, 您也可以造訪代 表2015羊年中國新春嘉年華之主題的「財源滾滾」 之樹, 它由超過1,000個裝滿祝福與中獎機會的紅包 裝飾. 這些紅包被繫在這棵四米高、有著3,000個閃 閃發光LED燈的樹上. 所有人都歡迎來參加財富尋寶, 並得到羊年好運的祝福。 「當人們購買一個紅包, 他們將有機會贏取獎品 並將一些好運帶回家, 」Morgan表示。 您還可以參觀卡爾加里中華文化中心的募款攝影 展「十五的獨奏(Solo of Fifteen)」, 它將展出15 位來自香港的國際知名攝影師捐贈的逾百張照片。
dragon and multiple lion dance, plus live music and firecrackers — will start at noon on Sunday February15. “The dragon dance is a really big production. It’s very long — you need at least 10 people to go underneath, plus at least three to five musicians,” Morgan says. As for the lion dances, she notes, there are usually at least eight lions, with two people per lion. The lion and dragon dances are typically performed by young people. “Sometimes students, who are second or third generation Chinese, volunteer with all sorts of things at the festival,” notes Shu-ning Sciban, a professor of Chinese language and literature in the University of Calgary’s Department of Linguistics, Languages and Cultures. “They are touching their roots — they still have some kind of emotional attachment to the culture.” During the Cultural Centre’s New Year’s festival, you can also stop by the ‘Blooming Fortune’ tree, featuring the 2015 Year of the Sheep Chinese New Year Carnival theme, decorated with more than 1,000 red packets containing blessings and opportunities to win. The red envelopes are tied to a four-metre high LED tree with 3,000 sparkling bulbs. Everyone is invited to treasure hunt for fortunes, and be blessed with good luck for the Year of the Sheep. “When people purchase a red envelope, they’ll have a chance to win prizes and bring some good luck home,” Morgan says. You can also view the ‘Solo of Fifteen’ Photo Exhibition, a fundraiser for the Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre, featuring works by 15 internationally known photographers from Hong Kong, who have donated more than 100 photos for the exhibit and fundraising. At the festival, you’ll be able to see Chinese calligraphy master Huang Guo Liang in action, demonstrating the art of Chinese calligraphy. You’ll also be able to purchase lucky words, beautifully written, to help celebrate the New Year. Traditionally, Chinese people prepare spring couplets before and during Chinese New Year, conveying good wishes for the coming year. A typical spring couplet is usually prepared on red paper, using a Chinese brush to write calligraphy carrying auspicious meanings. People then paste the calligraphy on both sides of their doorway to greet visitors, and fill their home with blessings.
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在慶祝活動中, 您還能夠欣賞到中國書法大 師黃國良的表演, 展示中國書法的藝術; 您也 可以購買書寫優美的幸運詞語來慶祝新年。 根據傳統, 中國人在春節前和期間會製作 春聯,表達對新年的美好祝願。典型的春聯 製作, 通常是將蘊含著吉祥寓意的詞句用毛 筆書寫在紅紙上。然後將春聯粘貼在門廊兩 側, 以迎接賓客與祝福自己。 在中國新春嘉年華中, 卡爾加里中華文化 中心將展出各種由卡爾加里市民創作的春聯 供大家欣賞。
Photo by Tony Wong
專題 feature
n 週六,2月21日 中國新年慶祝活動與Holt Renfrew高級時裝的融 合。地址:510 - 8th Avenue S.W. Holt Renfrew 卡爾加里店將於週六, 2月21日下午2點至5點進行慶 祝中國新年的活動 n 週六,2月28日 第46屆善樂社(Sien Lok Society)中國春節慶祝 晚會將於週六,2月28日在Regency Palace海鮮 酒家舉行,地址為328 Centre Street S.E.三樓。註 冊和雞尾酒會將於下午5點30分開始, 晚宴及娛樂於 晚上7點15分開始, 舞會和現場樂隊演奏於晚上9點 開始。著裝標準為正裝(黑色餐服)或中國傳統服 裝。慶祝晚會的募捐門票價格為$98每人, 或$980一 桌十人。請透過http://bit.ly/1IyUrfi訂票。門票銷 售截止日期為2月21日。 n 週日,2月22日 中國春節是人們來到卡爾加里蓬萊閣道觀(Fung Loy Kok Taoist Temple)祭祀祖先, 為新的一年的 健康、幸福、繁榮與和平祈福的一個特別時間。 蓬萊閣道觀邀請大家於週日, 2月22日早上8點 30分觀摩誦經儀式,歡慶羊年。地址為2310 - 24 Street S.W.,Crowchild Trail東側。 同時,在3月1日上午9點至下午2點,蓬萊閣道 觀將舉行素食齋宴,以慶祝Lord of the Heavenly Realm Festival節日。 慶祝活動將對所有人開放。您可以自由選擇部 分參與或完全不參與其中任何節目,」蓬萊閣道家 太極拳社(Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi)管理者 Patti Trautman表示。 n
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During the Chinese New Year Carnival, the Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre will display a variety of spring couplets created by Calgarians, for everyone to enjoy.
n Saturday, February 21 Chinese New Year festivities meet high fashion at Holt Renfrew, located at 510 - 8th Avenue S.W. Holt Renfrew’s Calgary store will celebrate Chinese New Year on Saturday, February 21 with activities taking place from 2 – 5 p.m.
n Saturday, February 28 The Sien Lok Society’s 46th annual Chinese New Year’s Celebration Gala takes place Saturday February 28 at the Regency Palace Seafood Restaurant, 328 Centre Street S.E., third floor. Registration and cocktails at 5:30 p.m., dinner and entertainment at 7:15 p.m., dance and live band at 9 p.m. Dress is formal (black tie) or Chinese traditional attire. Tickets for the celebration gala fundraiser are $98 per person or $980 for a table of 10. For tickets, please visit http://bit.ly/1IyUrfi. Ticket sales will close on February 21.
n Sunday, February 22 Chinese New Year is a special time for families to come to the Fung Loy Kok Taoist Temple in Calgary to honour their ancestors and make offerings for health, happiness, prosperity and peace for the new year. Sunday, February 22 starting at 8:30 a.m., the Fung Loy Kok Taoist Temple will welcome in the Year of the Sheep, with an invitation to everyone to participate or observe the chanting ceremonies at 2310 - 24 Street S.W., on the east side of Crowchild Trail. And on March 1 from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m., Fung Loy Kok Taoist Temple will hold a Jai vegetarian Banquet, to celebrate the Lord of the Heavenly Realm Festival. “It’s open to everybody. You can participate in as little or as much as you like in terms of the activities that go on,” says Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi administrator, Patti Trautman. n
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牧場上的家園 華人在卡爾加里的悠久歷史 Home on the range Chinese people have long history in Calgary By Jacqueline Louie
人在卡爾加里這片土地上 安家已經超過一個世紀。 自加拿大太平洋鐵路 於1885年建成後,中國 鐵路工人從各地來到卡爾加里尋找工 作。1886年,卡爾加里先驅報報導了對 當地華人居民的費用徵收,首次證實了 華人在卡爾加里的存在。 Bang Lee,已知的第一個於1893 年在卡爾加里被拍攝到的華人,和洗衣 店店主Joe George及Sam Lee均是早 期移民之一。根據Brian J. Dawson在其
hinese people have called Calgary home for well over a century. After the Canadian Pacific Railway was completed in 1885, Chinese railroad workers came to Calgary, among other places, seeking work. The first confirmed presence of Chinese in Calgary was in 1886, when the Calgary Herald reported the collection of fees from resident Chinese. Bang Lee, the first known Chinese to be photographed in Calgary in 1893,
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and laundry owners Joe George and Sam Lee were among the early arrivals. By 1888, several Chinese laundries were operating in Calgary, according to Brian J. Dawson, author of Moon Cakes in Gold Mountain: From China to the Canadian Plains. Calgary’s first Chinatown was established in the early 1890s, and the community grew steadily over the years, as Chinese entrepreneurs opened other businesses, such as restaurants, grocery stores and market gardens. The Chinese Mission, founded in 1901, marked the start of the Chinese United Church, notes Gunther Baureiss in “The Chinese Community in Calgary,” Alberta Historical Review. The Chinese Public School was established in 1920. From 1910 to 1930, Chinese established kinship associations, tong (place of origin grouping), and hui guan (mutual aid societies). These organizations were important in helping immigrants integrate into their new home, Baureiss notes. There were many challenges for those early Chinese immigrants, including widespread and systemic racism, and a head tax, imposed from 1885 to 1923, at first $50 per person and later rising to $500 — an enormous sum at the time. No other group was required to pay a head
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《Moon Cakes in Gold Mountain: From China to the Canadian Plains》一書中的記載,到1888年 時,已有好幾家華人洗衣店在卡爾加里營運。 卡爾加里的第一個唐人街成立於19世紀90年代 初,隨著華人企業家開展其他生意,例如餐館、雜 貨店和菜園,華人社區逐年穩步增長。 Gunther Baureiss在《Alberta Historical Review》雜誌的《The Chinese Community in Calgary》一文中記載,1901年,華人布道會成 立,標誌著中國聯合教會的開始。 華人公立學校成立於1920年。1910年至1930年 間,華人成立了宗親會,同鄉會及會館(互助會) 。Baureiss指出,這些組織在幫助移民融入他們的新 家園中起到了重要作用。 早期的中國移民面臨很多挑戰,包括普遍存在的 種族歧視以及人頭稅。人頭稅自1885年實行至1923 年,由初始的每人50美元上升到後來的每人500美 元,這在當時是一筆巨款。沒有其他族群需要繳納 人頭稅才能進入加拿大。1923年,加拿大政府通過 了華人移民法案(排華法案),有效地阻止了華人 在近四分之一世紀的時間內移民到加拿大。 該法案於1947年廢除後,華人才得以和在中國 的親人團聚。 多年來,卡爾加里的中國社區持續增長。2001 年,卡爾加里有51,855名華裔居民;2006年約有 75,410名,2011年這個數字上升到86,205。 Constance Leung因為一個很棒的工作機會來 到卡爾加里。 她負責出口促銷的工作,吸引從亞洲來阿爾伯塔 Chinese kitchen staff 省的投資。她稱,卡爾 at General Hospital, 加里不僅提供賺錢機 Calgary, Alberta ca. 1903-1907 會,也提供高品質的生 活。 「落基山脈絕對是 最好的,它美極了,」 她笑著說。Leung出生 於廣東省西南部的湛江 市,擁有香港大學筆譯 和口譯專業的文學學士 學位(優秀),和英國 利茲大學傳播學專業的 碩士學位。
Glenbow Archives NA-1234-5
Lee Bang, Calgary, Alberta. 1893
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tax to enter Canada. In 1923, the Canadian government passed Chinese Immigration Act (Chinese Exclusion Act), effectively stopping Chinese immigration to Canada for nearly a quarter century. After the government repealed the Act in 1947, Chinese men with families in China were able to reunite with their loved ones. Over the years, Calgary’s Chinese community has continued to grow. There were 51,855 residents of Chinese descent in Calgary in 2001; and in 2006, approximately 75,410, a number that had risen to 86,205 in 2011. Constance Leung came to Calgary for a great job opportunity. But according to Leung, who works in export promotion, attracting investment to Alberta from Asia, Calgary offers not only economic opportunity, but also a high quality of life. “Absolutely, the Rocky Mountains are the best. They are absolute beauty,” smiles Leung, who was born in Zhan Jiang prefecture level city in southwest Guangdong province, and holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honors) degree in translation and interpretation from the University of Hong Kong, and a Master’s degree from the University of Leeds in communication studies. “The other thing I found really amazing, is that the people here are so friendly and so personal,” says Leung, who arrived in Calgary in June 2008 from Toronto, where she had lived for a year-and-a-half after immigrating from Hong Kong. “It was an amazing experience. I had never experienced the Stampede before. When I arrived I saw this city and all the commercial buildings, that are supposedly very serious, and all the paintings with cowboys and horses. I was amazed to see people dressed in cowboy boots, jeans and cowboy hats. It was like being in a movie scene. The Stampede started not long after, and I got invited to a pancake breakfast. I thought, ‘This is a wonderful city to live in.’” While Canada has a completely different culture and way of living from Asia, Leung has found important similarities between traditional Chinese culture and the Canadian spirit. “It is so fascinating to see how deep Chinese parade at Calgary, Alberta. 1905 down, in the root and the philosophy of life
另一件令人驚歎的事情,是這裡的人非常友好與親 切,」Leung說。她從香港移民至加拿大后,在多倫 多生活了一年半,於2008年6月到達卡爾加里。「這種 體驗太棒了。我以前從來沒有經歷過牛仔節。當我到達 卡爾加里時,我看見這個城市和所有本當很嚴肅的商業 建築佈滿了牛仔和馬的畫,人們穿著牛仔靴,牛仔褲, 戴著牛仔帽,我就像置身於一個電影場景之中。牛仔節 開始後沒多久,我就受到邀請去吃煎餅早餐。我心想『 這真是一個生活精彩的城市。』」 雖然加拿大與亞洲有著完全不同的文化和生活方 式,Leung發現中國傳統文化與加拿大精神之間有著 重要的相似之處。「中國與加拿大文化中,人們生活哲 學的深層根基是如此相似,這是如此令人著迷,」她 說。「我們和平共處。如果有什麼困難,我們透過商 量,直到所有人都能找到和諧的方式來處理問題。」 Leung的母親,Leung-yuk CHAN,於兩年前 Leung的女兒出生時來到卡爾加里。母親在這裡的居 住「為整個家庭帶來了巨大的益處,」Leung說。「 這對撫養孩子非常好,可以傳承所有中國的傳統,語 言,文化和價值觀。寶寶可以在祖母的陪伴下長大,這 對我們的家庭絕對是無價的。」 Edward Leung(與Constance Leung無親 屬關係)也選擇了在卡爾加里安家。Leung生於香
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專題 feature Lloyd and Shu-ning Sciban
港,1969年來到加拿大蒙特利爾市的喬治亞·威 廉姆斯爵士大學學習會計專業。獲得專業學位後, 他曾擔任了兩年的會計師。後來,當魁北克通過 22號法案,法語成為了行政公署、服務機構和工 作場所的語言,Leung決定是時候改變了。 他於1978年搬到了卡爾加里。 當我和太太去加拿大西部旅行經過卡爾加里 時,我看到卡爾加里先驅報的招聘版塊每天都有海 量的招聘廣告,」他回憶說。「我想,如果搬到卡 爾加里我沒有問題,我可以很輕鬆地找到工作。人 們都非常友好。我的看法是,卡爾加里那時還是一 個非常年輕的城市,有很多發展的機會。」 在從事房地產銷售工作後,Leung義無反顧。 他是卡爾加里新屋建築商Mapeland Homes Ltd. 的創始人之一,曾任其財務及行政總監。1996 年,他成為加拿大房屋建築商協會卡爾加里地區的 第一位華人董事。 多年來,卡爾加里的華人社區已有了變化,從 早期來自廣東省台山市的移民,到後來來自香港、 越南、台灣、新加坡和中國大陸的移民。 華人認為加拿大是一個穩定的國家,Leung 說,「一個更穩定的教育系統,非常公平合理的 社會制度和醫療保健體系:每個人都一視同仁。」 「卡爾加里的人口不斷增長,擁有大量的就業 和商業機會。人們移居到這裡開始新的生活、工作 和企業。」 對於住在加拿大的華人來說,「重要的是要保 持我們的文化,」Leung說。同時,他鼓勵來到 這裡的華人融入主流社會。「把自己看做是一個加 Edward Leung Leung Kwok Fai
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that people carry, the similarities between the Chinese and Canadian cultures,” she says. “We are looking and working in a harmonious way. If something is difficult, we discuss it, to a point where all agree to find a harmonious way to approach an issue.” Leung’s mother, Leung-yuk CHAN, came to Calgary when Leung’s daughter was born two years ago. Her mother’s staying here “gives great value to the whole family,” Leung says. “It’s very good for her to bring up baby and pass along all the Chinese traditions, language, culture and values. We can have baby grow up with her grandma - that is absolutely invaluable to our family.” Edward Leung (no relation to Constance Leung) has also chosen to make Calgary home. Born in Hong Kong, Leung came to Canada in 1969 from Hong Kong to study accounting at Sir George Williams University in Montreal. After obtaining his professional degree, he worked as an accountant for two years. Then - after the passage of Bill 22 in Quebec, making French the language of civic administration, services, and the workplace, Leung decided it was time for a change. He moved to Calgary in 1978. “When I took a trip with my wife into western Canada and passed Calgary, I saw in the career section of the Calgary Herald, there were tons of jobs advertised every day,” he recalls. “I thought, if I move to Calgary I have no problem — I can get a job easily. People are very friendly. My perception was that Calgary was still a very young city at that time, and there was a lot of opportunity to grow.” After landing a job in real estate sales, Leung never looked back. He was one of the founders of Calgary new home builder Mapeland Homes Ltd., where he is a director, managing the financial and administrative end of the business. In 1996, Leung became the first Chinese director of the Canadian Home Builders’ Association – Calgary Region. Over the years, Calgary’s Chinese community has changed, from the earliest immigrants who came from Toisan in Guangdong province, to those who came later, from Hong Kong, Vietnam, Taiwan, Singapore, and China. Chinese people perceive Canada as a stable country, Leung says, with “a more stable schooling system, and a very fair and equitable social system and health care system: everybody is treated equally.”
Photo by Don Molyneaux
拿大人,因為這是一個偉大的國家。」 卡爾加里大學語言學系漢語語言文學教授 Shu-ning Sciban認為,卡爾加里強勁的經濟已 經成為對華人移民的巨大吸引力,尤其是石油行 業,「年輕人認為他們在這個城市可以更容易找 到工作。」 同時Shu-ning Sciban還指出,由於中國文 化在世界各地的影響力日漸加強,產業開始需求 具有中文語言技能的工作人員。 擁有一個家庭和房產對華人來說很重要,而 比起其他加拿大主要城市,在卡爾加里這個夢想 更容易實現。「住房價格在卡爾加里是昂貴的, 但遠不及多倫多和溫哥華。」退休的卡爾加里大 學東亞研究教授,兼卡爾加里中華文化中心協會 董事會成員Lloyd Sciban如是說。 n
欲了解更多資訊 參觀者還可於卡爾加里中華文化中心的獲獎 博物館展覽大廳內了解華人社區的歷史:「 我們所選擇的土地:卡爾加里華人社區百年 發展史」。展覽分為兩個主要部分,「加拿 大華裔在加拿大的歷史」主要濃縮了中國移 民來加拿大的背景和普遍處境,而「華人社 區在卡爾加里的演變」主要集中體現卡爾加 里唐人街的發展。 此展覽於1994年首次展出,是給卡爾加 里百年慶典的獻禮,因為華人社區早自一百 多年前卡爾加里發展初期以來已經作出了貢 獻。該展覽目前在博物館永久展出。文化中 心一樓的諮詢櫃臺有發售以圖片詳細介紹本 展覽的特別刊物。
“In Calgary, the population is growing and there are a lot of job and business opportunities. People are moving here to start new lives, jobs and businesses.” For the Chinese who live in Canada, “it is important to keep our culture,” Leung says. At the same time, he encourages Chinese people who come here to integrate into mainstream society. “Treat yourself as a Canadian, because this is a great country.” Calgary’s strong economy has been a big attraction for Chinese immigrants, especially the oil industry, according to Shu-ning Sciban, a professor of Chinese language and literature in the University of Calgary’s Department of Linguistics, Languages and Cultures. “Young people think they can find jobs easier in this city.” Also, as the Chinese culture has become increasingly influential throughout the world, industry is requiring workers with Chinese language skills, Shu-ning Sciban notes. Owning a home, owning property, is important for Chinese people, and in Calgary it’s an easier dream to achieve than in other major Canadian cities. “Home prices in Calgary are expensive, but nowhere near as expensive as what they are in Toronto and Vancouver,” says retired University of Calgary East Asian Studies professor 一 Lloyd Sciban, a member of the Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre Association board of directors. n
For more information Visitors can also learn the history of the Chinese community in the Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre’s award-winning museum exhibit hall: “Our Chosen Land: 100 years of development of the Chinese community in Calgary.” The exhibition is divided into two main parts. “The History of Chinese Canadians in Canada” concentrates primarily on the background and general conditions of Chinese immigrants to Canada, while “The Evolution of the Chinese Community in Calgary” concentrates primarily on the development of Calgary’s Chinatown. This exhibition was first presented in 1994, and was a tribute to the Calgary Centennial Celebration, as the Chinese community has contributed to the development of Calgary since its inception more than a hundred years ago. The exhibition is now on permanent display at the Museum. A special publication detailing the display with photos is available for sale at the information counter of Centre located on the main floor.
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娛樂 entertainment
彈鋼琴的人 永遠流行的娛樂節目Honens Festival Piano people Honens Festival always a popular entertainment event By PORTIA YIP
一個偉大的鋼琴家都是透過戳弄黑白琴鍵開始他的職業生涯, 但一位鋼琴家必須先被發掘出來,才能真正獲得成功.湊巧的 是,在卡爾加里,每三年便會有一個新面孔,於國際最著名的 鋼琴比賽之一上嶄露頭角. 第八屆的Honens國際鋼琴比賽,匯集了世界頂尖級的青年鋼琴演奏家。他 們將於9月3日至12日Honens Festival節日期間, 在Jack Singer Concert Hall 音樂廳激情演出, 爭奪國際鋼琴比賽史上的最大獎項:10萬元現金以及價值五十 萬元的藝術與職業發展計劃。 獲得Honens大獎的榮譽桂冠,是一個鋼琴家學習、成長、並在國際領域取 得成功的終身機會。Honens委員會主席及臨時藝術總監Eric Friesen認為,除 了令人眼花繚亂的手指和完美的技巧外,他們在尋找一些尤為特別的東西:超 出一般鋼琴家的完整的鋼琴家。 "我們真正要尋找的是一位樂於溝通的藝術家,能夠分享他們作為一名藝術 家和一個人的真實自我, " Honens職業與比賽規劃總監Andrea Davison表示。 「如今溝通能力是打造職業生涯的一個重大要素。」 大約有200名青年鋼琴家申請參加比賽,但只有50名受邀參加位於紐約、 倫敦和柏林的四分之一決賽的試奏。由四名裁判组成的裁判委員會在Banff Center審核試奏錄音,並將名單削減為10名參加半決賽的選手。這些位於前 10名的鋼琴家來到卡爾加里,旨在成為最後三位決賽選手之一。當然,最終 的目標是贏取夢寐以求的頭銜與大獎。 被稱為21世紀觀眾的21世紀藝術家,Honens像家人一般鼓勵和培育 自己的獲獎者,而他們也成為了一家人。甚至在獲獎者的藝術及職業發 展三年之後,Honens依然繼續推動和支持著他們。回顧以往的獲獎 者,他們的技巧和天分不論在作為鋼琴家、個人、和模範的各方面, 都取得了巨大成就。 Davison談到一些中國的獲獎者,比如徐洪,一個無畏、充滿 表現張力的鋼琴演奏家,他對職業生涯中所有的機遇和挑戰都欣 然接納。「他在這點上非常開明,而且對自己的表演項目沒有 任何約束和限制。」
calgary L I V I N G | fe b r uar y | march 2 015
very great pianist begins a career by poking at black or white keys. But to really be successful, a pianist must first be discovered. In Calgary, it just so happens that once every three years, a new face emerges from one of the most celebrated piano competitions in the world. The 8th Honens International Piano Competition brings together the world’s top young pianists where they will play their hearts out at the Jack Singer Concert Hall from September 3 to 12, during the Honens Festival. The largest prize amount for any piano competition in the world is at stake—$100,000 in cash along with an artistic and career development program worth half a million dollars. Earning the prestigious title of Honens Prize Laureate is a lifelong opportunity for a pianist to learn, grow and become successful on an international scale. But becoming a laureate is more than having flashy fingers and perfect technique according to Eric Friesen, the Interim Artistic Director and Chairman of the Honens Board. They’re looking for something extra special—a complete pianist who is more than just a pianist. “We’re really looking for an artist who’s a willing communicator, someone who can share who they are as an artist and a person,” says Andrea Davison, Director of Career and Competition Planning at Honens. “Being able to communicate is a big ingredient needed to build a career these days.” Roughly 200 young pianists apply for the competition, but only 50 are invited to audition for the quarterfinals in New York, London and Berlin. From that pool, a four-person jury at the Banff Centre reviews audition tapes and whittles them down to get 10 semifinalists. From there, the top 10 come to Calgary with their sights set on becoming one of three finalists. The end goal of course is to win the coveted title and prize. Dubbed as the 21st century artists for 21st century audiences, Honens encourages and nutures their laureates as if they were family, and they are. Even after the three years of artistic and career development, Honens continues to promote and support
Hong Xu Pavel Kolesnikov and Amanda Roocroft. Pavel Kolesnikov and Calgary Philharmonic.
Photos courtesy Dong Kim.
➤ fe b r uar y | march 2 015 | calgary L I V I N G
娛樂 entertainment
還有透過向中國聽眾介紹西方作曲家,消除 中西方音樂鴻溝的鄒翔。兩人現在均為中國的 音樂學院教授,教授鋼琴。 加拿大兩位獲獎者其中之一的Winston Choi(蔡耘之),是2003年的Honens大獎 得主;現為羅斯福大學芝加哥表演藝術學院的 助理教授及鋼琴部主任。在電話中,Choi稱 Honens為非典型的鋼琴比賽。 對他來說,觀眾熱情又投入,而且他能在一 個互相合作的環境中,認識其他的參賽選手。 榮獲Honens桂冠後,他學會了如何在音樂事業 中展示和推銷自己,如何保持職業生涯,以及 如何進一步拓展自己的藝術視野和觀點。 「只有少數比賽提供這樣一個全面的職業發 展規劃。『Honens』給了我很多指導,一個穩 固的根基和成功所需的實用工具,」Choi說。 「我覺得如今時代已經改變了,因為每個音樂 學校或音樂學院都看到了對這類創業的需求, 而Honens多年來一直處於這方面的最前端。」 Davison認為Choi是一位偉大的老師和 溝通者。「他與觀眾交流之流暢,為他們介 紹他即將演奏的音樂,深深打動了我。」她 說。「無論他去哪裡,人們除了喜歡他的 鋼琴演奏之外,也喜歡他個人本身。」 自1992年的第一場比賽以來,如果 沒有Esther Honens 這位慈善家和音樂 愛好者的遺產捐贈,Honens就不會有 今天的模樣。起初Honens在卡爾加 里的Birks Jewellery珠寶店工作, 同時作房地產投資,在後來的人生 中,她預見到她的家鄉將成為一 個主要的音樂中心。 「她希望有一個能使世界 頂尖音樂家來卡爾加里比賽的 精彩音樂盛典。它現在成為 了國際頂尖鋼琴家推動職 涯的平台,並真正地在世 界舞台上留下印記,」 Davison說。
calgary L I V I N G | fe b r uar y | march 2 015
their laureates. Looking back at previous winners, all have achieved great success in their craft and talent as a pianist, individual, and role model. Davison speaks about some of the Chinese laureates like Hong Xu, a fearless and expressive piano player who embraced all opportunities and challenges thrown his way. “He’s very open that way and never sets limits for himself in terms of what projects to take on.” Then there’s Xiang Zou who is bridging the gap between east and west by introducing Western composers to Chinese audiences. Both Xu and Zou are now professors teaching piano at conservatories in China. One of two Canadian laureates, Winston Choi, was a Honens Laureate in 2003. He is now an Assistant Professor and Head of Piano for the Chicago College of Performing Arts at Roosevelt University. When speaking to Choi over the phone, he describes his experience at Honens as not your typical piano competition. For him, the audience was warm, engaging, and he was able to meet other contestants in a collaborative environment. After becoming a Honens Laureate, he learned how to present and market himself in the music business, how to sustain a career, and how to develop his artistic vision and voice even further. “Only a handful of competitions have such an extensive career development program. [Honens] gave me a lot of
Photo courtesy Dong Kim.
Pavel Kolesnikov and Geoff Nuttall.
Esther Honens投資了500萬美元 來實現她的夢想。Davison描述了第 一場Honens比賽對Esther來說是如何 一場感人肺腑的經歷,因為她在有生 之年看到了夢想的實現。「她被帶進 音樂廳,躺在一張安置好的醫院病床 上,這樣她就可以親眼目睹這個節目 的誕生。」 除了比賽,每年的Honens Festival節日還提供其它音樂活動供大 家享受,諸如講座、其他社區鋼琴家 的表演、電影放映、免費露天音樂會 等。雖然一些活動都可以免費參加, 但觀看半決賽和決賽則需要購買門 票。個人門票的價格從10元到95元不 等,可以透過Honens的網站訂票。 如今,Honens不僅是一場比賽, 它更是一個慶祝鋼琴本身的節日。從 國際層面上來說,Honens使卡爾加里 在地圖上成為了一個發掘和培育鋼琴 家,並使他們成為鼓舞人心的教師和 表演者的城市。 「我認為我們組織的核心是, 反映鋼琴古典音樂的激情和美妙; 我們慶祝著鋼琴偉大的歷史,」Eric Friesen說。「一些有史以來最美妙的 音樂,已經在我們的比賽中演奏,我 認為我們所慶祝的就是,將它保持下 去,並使它成為一個加拿大的基點。 最後,我們真正在做的是,用盡可能 最好的方式讓音樂永葆生命力。」 n
mentoring, a strong foundation and the practical tools needed to succeed,” says Choi. “I think times have changed now as every music school or conservatory is seeing the need for this type of entrepreneurship and Honens has been at the forefront of it all for years.” Davison says Choi is both a great teacher and communicator. “I was struck by how well he is at relating to an audience, talking to them about the music he was about to play,” she says. “Everywhere he goes, people like him personally in addition to his piano playing.” Since the first competition in 1992, Honens wouldn’t be where it is today if it weren’t for the bequest of Esther Honens, a philanthropist and music lover herself. Originally working at the Birks Jewellery store in Calgary while investing in real estate, later in life she envisioned that her hometown would become a major music hub. “She wanted to have this fantastic music event that brought the world’s best to Calgary to compete. It’s now become a career-boosting platform for one of the top pianists in the world to really make a mark on the world stage,” says Davison. Esther Honens invested $5 million to see her dreams come alive. Davison describes how the first Honens competition was a very touching experience for Esther as she lived just long enough to see it all come together. “They brought her into the concert hall and had a hospital bed set up so she could see this come to life before her eyes.” Alongside the competition, the annual Honens Festival offers other musical events for people to enjoy such as lectures, performances by other pianists in the community, film screenings, a free open-air concert, and more. While some events are free to attend, tickets are needed to watch the semifinals and finals. Prices range from $10 to $95 for an individual ticket and can be purchased on the Honens’ website. Today, Honens is more than just a competition; it’s a festival and celebration of the piano itself. On an international level, Honens has put Calgary on the map as a city where pianists are discovered and nurtured while becoming inspirational teachers and performers. “I think at the core, we’re an organization that reflects the passion and greatness for classical music for the piano. We’re celebrating this fabulous history for the instrument,” says Eric Friesen. “Some of the greatest music ever written has come through the competition and I think we’re about celebrating that—keeping it going, giving it a Canadian base. In the end, that’s really what we’re doing, keeping the music alive in the best possible way.” n
Honens has put Calgary on the map as a city where pianists are discovered and nurtured while becoming inspirational teachers and performers. fe b r uar y | march 2 015 | calgary L I V I N G
娛樂 entertainment
家庭事務 音樂在中國傳統文化中的重要角色 story and photos By PORTIA YIP
幼兒開始學習一門樂器時,它可能是一 段愛或恨之關係的開始。早在三、四 歲,父母已經開始為孩子的音樂未來投資, 而最流行學習演奏的樂器是鋼琴或小提琴。 近年來,這兩種樂器的流行度都急速飛 漲,特別是在中國,一場「鋼琴狂熱」的風 暴席捲了中產階級家庭,猶如風靡一時的最 新時尚熱潮。但那些經歷過文革的人們才真 切地知道,演奏樂器曾被認為是一種怎樣的 奢侈;並不是太久以前,鋼琴曾被中華人民 共和國政府銷毀和禁止。 如今能夠負擔起這樣一種奢侈的父母,正 給孩子提供著自己不曾擁有的機會,那便是 學習一種音樂技能,使自己出類拔萃,並打 開擁有更多工作機會、多才多藝和成功的大 門。 作為音樂老師的Jiffany Wong自己也曾 經是一名學生,她從4歲起便開始學習演奏鋼 琴和小提琴。高中時期她還曾短暫地學習過 雙簧管和貝斯的演奏,真可謂是才華橫溢。 如今,Wong主要在Harmony Music School 音樂學校教授小提琴,同時在SAIT全修進學。 當被問及鋼琴或小提琴哪種樂器更容易學 習時,Wong認為是鋼琴。「從鋼琴開始學 習會更好,因為這是一門基礎,還能培養起 強烈的練習意識。」 她坦言當自己最初開始學習演奏時,並不 覺得享受。但多年以來,她學會了欣賞演奏 技巧,從中獲得樂趣和欣賞音樂。 精通演奏一門樂器的藝術需要多年的自 律。在今日數位化時代長大的兒童,可能會 覺得比以往任何時候都更難坐下、集中注意 力和練習。但稱之為「延遲滿足」吧,在成 長過程中繼續學習彈奏鋼琴的孩子,往往會 在以後的人生中懂得欣賞這門學到的技能。
calgary L I V I N G | fe b r uar y | march 2 015
hen young children take up an instrument, it can be the start of a love/hate relationship. As early as three or four, parents are already investing in their children’s musical future. The most popular age instruments to learn are the piano or violin. In recent years, both instruments have skyrocketed in popularity, especially in China where a “piano frenzy” has taken middle-class families by storm as if it were the latest fashion craze. But those who know what happened during the Cultural Revolution know very well how it’s considered a luxury to play an instrument. Not too long ago the piano was destroyed, banned, and forbidden by the government in the People’s Republic of China. The parents who can afford such a luxury today are giving their children the opportunity they never had—to learn a musical skill that will set them apart and open doors to more job opportunities, versatility, and success. Sitting down with a music teacher who was once a student herself, Jiffany Wong grew up learning to play the piano and violin at the age of four. She also had a brief stint with the oboe and bass guitar in high school. Talk about talented. Today, Wong mostly teaches violin at the Harmony Music School and studies full-time at SAIT. When asked which instrument is easier to learn, the piano or violin, Wong says it’s the piano. “It’s better to start with piano because that’s the foundation and you develop a strong practice mentality.” She admits that she didn’t enjoy
Family matters Music plays a huge role in traditional Chinese Culture
「通常我比較年長的學生更會去 欣賞它,因為他們是自己選擇來學 習,而不是被強迫,」Wong說。「 對年紀小的孩子們來說,從他們喜歡 演奏樂器,到意識到自己需要練習, 這才是困難的部分。」 如今Wong已經任教六年,她覺 得將自己的知識傳授下去非常值得, 並希望有一天她的學生會以鋼琴為職 業,成為一名鋼琴老師或職業鋼琴演 奏家。「我非常喜歡鼓勵孩子們做一 些他們認為自己不能做到,但我知道 他們可以做到的事情。」 音樂是一份禮物,家長們往往犧 牲時間和金錢,提供給孩子學習某種 音樂技巧的優待。但不管學生們學會 了喜愛還是討厭演奏鋼琴、小提琴或 任何其他樂器,他們應該記住,不管 如何,父母們只是想給予他們最好的 未來。n
learning to play when she first started, but over the years she’s learned to appreciate the skill, have fun with it, and enjoy the music. It takes years of self-discipline to perfect the art of playing a musical instrument. Children growing up today in the digital age may find it harder than ever to sit down, focus, and practice. Call it a delayed gratification, but children who grow up and continue playing the piano often learn to appreciate the skill later in life. “Usually my students who are older appreciate it more because they’re choosing to learn rather than being forced,” says Wong. “For the younger kids, they enjoy it until they realize they need to practice, and that’s the hard part.” Wong has been teaching for six years now and finds it rewarding to pass her knowledge down in the hopes that one day her students may take up piano seriously as a teacher or professional. “I really like encouraging the kids to do something that they don’t think they can do, when I know they can.” Music is a gift, and parents often sacrifice the time and money to give their children the privilege of developing a musical skill. But whether or not students learn to love or hate playing the piano, violin, or any other instrument, they should remember that either way their parents only want what’s best for their futures. n
Jiffany Wong
It takes years of self-discipline to perfect the art of playing a musical instrument. fe b r uar y | march 2 015 | calgary L I V I N G
生活方式 lifestyles
Bridgeland/Renfrew社區重煥光彩,吸引青年群眾 Hipster vibe Rejuvenated Bridgeland/Renfrew community attracts young crowd By shelley boetcher
冒險精神和少 數現金,您便 可以成為一位 城市探險家。 選擇一個社區,給自己一整天的時間,或者幾 小時,漫遊其中。逛逛您一直想要去的店鋪, 吃一頓美餐(或者至少品一杯好咖啡),在自 己的城市享受一個迷你假期。 要提醒您的是,在您還未結束Bridgeland 和Renfrew的遊覽時,您就將會開始計劃下次 來訪的旅行了。幾個小時的時間遠遠不夠看到 這些剛翻新的社區的各種風情。 Bridgeland,作為卡爾加里最古老的社區 之一,於1800年由德裔俄羅斯移民到此定居, 但到了20世紀,這裡已成為意大利人的家園。 幾家美妙的意大利餐廳La Dolce Vita、the LDV Pizza Bar和La Brezza,以及卡爾加里意 大利俱樂部依然點綴著社區。 順著 Edmonton Trail 向北,就在第16大 道之前,您會發現Renfrew社區。大部分居
sense of adventure and a handful of cash. That’s all you need to become an urban explorer. Then pick a neighbourhood and allow yourself an entire day — or a few hours — to wander. Check out stores you’ve always meant to visit, and have a meal (or at least a good coffee.) And enjoy a minivacation in your own city. But be warned: you’ll be planning your next trip before you’ve finished visiting Bridgeland and Renfrew. A few hours in these newly rejuvenated neighbourhoods won’t be enough to see all that they offer. One of Calgary’s oldest communities, Bridgeland was settled in the 1800s by Russian-German immigrants, but by the 20th century, it had become home to a large Italian population. A handful of wonderful Italian restaurants — La Dolce Vita, the LDV Pizza Bar and La Brezza — and the Calgary Italian Club still dot the neighbourhood.
Telus Spark
f e b r ua r y | m a r c h 2 015 | c a l g a r y L I V I N G
生活方式 lifestyles
Then head north on Edmonton Trail where, just before 16th Avenue, you’ll find the community of Renfrew. Settled mostly in the 1940s, Renfrew was a Royal Canadian Air Force training base during the Second World War. Now it’s home to an eclectic mix of in-fills, condos and little war-time homes. Then meander along Edmonton Trail and check out the eateries, coffee houses, tattoo shops, skateboards, lingerie, you name it! There’s even an honest-togoodness brick-and-mortar comic book shop (Redd Skull Comics) here. Family-friendly entertainment is also well at hand with Telus Spark and the ever popular Calgary Zoo along the southeastern fringes of the neighbourhood. There are way too many interesting places to mention here, suffice to say, Bridgeland-Renfrew is a great place to while away an afternoon. Bridgeland Market
民於20世紀40年代定居於此。第二次世界大戰期 間,Renfrew曾是加拿大皇家空軍的訓練基地。 如今,這裡兼收並蓄了填充性建築,公寓和戰爭 時期的小房屋。 然後您可以沿著Edmonton Trail漫步,逛 逛沿途的餐館、咖啡館、紋身店、滑板店、內 衣店,任何您想得到的店家這裡都有!這裡甚 至還有一個道地的實體漫畫書店(Redd Skull Comics)。家庭娛樂也近在咫尺,附近同時亦有 科技館Telus Spark和位於本區東南邊緣的一向高 人氣的卡爾加里動物園。 太 多 有 趣 的 地 方 值 得 一 提 , 只 說,Bridgeland-Renfrew是消磨一整個下午的好 去處。 Bridgeland Market 1104 First Avenue N.E. 精彩的Bridgeland Market讓買菜也變得有趣。 專門提供本地出產的優質雜貨及農產品,同時也 出售來自世界各地的美味食品。為您的休閒晚餐 挑選一條法式長棍麵包,奶酪和臘肉,還可品嘗 卡爾加里手工製作的Made by Marcus冰淇淋。 Tazza Fresh 1105 First Avenue N.E. www.tazzafresh.com Bridgeland Market的對面即是Tazza Fresh,本 市最好的黎巴嫩美食。Chicken Shish Tawouk Platter以及Shawarma Salad都特别值得稱讚。 而甜點可別忘了入口即化的蜜糖果仁千層酥。
c a l g a r y L I V I N G | f e b r ua r y | m a r c h 2 015
Bridgeland Market 1104 First Avenue N.E. The wonderful Bridgeland Market makes buying groceries cool. The shop specializes in fine groceries and products from local producers, but also carries delicious things from around the world, too. Pick up a baguette, cheese and cured meats for a casual dinner. And try some ice cream from Made by Marcus, handcrafted here in Calgary.
Tazza Fresh 1105 First Avenue N.E. www.tazzafresh.com Across the street from Bridgeland Market is Tazza Fresh, home to some of the city’s best Lebanese cuisine. The Chicken Shish Tawouk Platter is super-satisfying. Then again, so is the Shawarma Salad. And don’t forget some of the melt-in-your-mouth baklava for dessert.
Tazza Fresh
The Main Dish 903 General Avenue N.E. www.tmdish.com Main Dish贊助過許多奧林匹克選手和職業運 動員,包括雪橇運動員Kaillie Humphries, 速滑運動員Gilmore Junio,以及卡爾加里橄 欖球隊Stampeders隊員Jon Cornish和Matt Walter。週末最受歡迎的菜有Gold Medal Wrap,由雞蛋,切達乾酪,羽衣甘藍,馬鈴 薯和鱷梨醬做成。營養成分可供查詢。
The Main Dish
Vita Fitness 925 First Avenue N.E. www.vitafitness.ca 在 Vita Fitness 燃燒您的卡路里。小班教學, 私人教練,讓您保持最佳的精神面貌和身體 狀態。交叉訓練、自由搏擊、動感單車和營 養指導,這些只是其中部分項目而已。
Vita Fitness
Luke’ s Drug Mart 112 Fourth Street N.E. www.lukesdrugmart.com 集藥店、郵局、綜合商店、咖啡吧於一身! 潮人老人各得其所。這裡有些很棒的東 西:Pendleton毛毯,Stanley暖水瓶,黑 膠唱片,Four Barrel咖啡,Moleskine 記事 本,獨立出版的雜誌和唱機的轉盤。噢,還 有洗髮水和雜貨。
Luke’s Drug Mart
Baya Rica Cafe 204-7A Street N.E. www.bayaricacafe.ca Baya Rica 的咖啡師自己烘烤咖啡豆,它們 來自幾個精心挑選的農場。您可以進來看看 頂級紅色Giesen咖啡烘焙機展示它的魔力。 然後,當然,購買一些新鮮咖啡豆帶回家。
Baya Rica Cafe
The Main Dish
Vita Fitness
903 General Avenue N.E. www.tmdish.com The team at The Main Dish sponsor a slew of Olympic and pro athletes, including bobsledder Kaillie Humphries and speedskater Gilmore Junio, as well as Calgary Stampeders teammates Jon Cornish and Matt Walter. A favourite weekend dish is the Gold Medal Wrap filled with eggs, cheddar, kale, potatoes and guacamole. Nutritional information is available.
925 First Avenue N.E. www.vitafitness.ca Burn off some calories at Vita Fitness, where you’ll find small classes and personal training to keep you looking and feeling your best. Cross training, kick boxing, spin classes and nutritional counseling are just a few of the offerings.
112 Fourth Street N.E. www.lukesdrugmart.com A drug store, post office, general store and coffee bar, all rolled into one place! This is where hipsters go, but Grandpa will feel at home, too. Some of the great stuff here: Pendleton blankets, Stanley Thermoses, vinyl records, Four Barrel coffee, Moleskine notebooks, indie magazines and turntables. Oh, and shampoo and groceries, too.
204-7A Street N.E. www.bayaricacafe.ca Baya Rica baristas roast their own beans, sourced from a handful of carefully chosen farms. Stop in to watch the action as the gorgeous red Giesen roaster does its magic. Then, of course, buy fresh beans to take home.
Luke’s Drug Mart
f e b r ua r y | m a r c h 2 015 | c a l g a r y L I V I N G
生活方式 lifestyles
Il Sogno 24 Fourth Street N.E. www.ilsogno.org Located in a classy old brick building on the edge of the downtown, Il Sogno is an ideal spot for a romantic date. It’s Italian dining at its finest: truffles, antipasti, fresh pastas, risottos and, of course, an incredible wine list.
Il Sogno 24 Fourth Street N.E. www.ilsogno.org 坐落在市中心邊緣的一棟氣派的老式磚樓 里,Il Sogno是浪漫約會的理想場所。這是 最精緻的意大利餐廳:松露,開胃菜,新鮮 的意大利面,肉汁燴飯,以及當然,令人歎 為觀止的酒單。
Carino 709 Edmonton Trail N.E. www.carinobistro.ca Carino融合了日本料理以及意大利和法國的 傳統烹飪藝術。晚餐是最好的選擇,但也提 供精美的早午餐,特色菜餚如日本毛豆加豆 芽煎蛋卷。美酒也齊備,老闆Toshi Karino 是本市最好的侍酒師之一。
Big Fish Seafood Restaurant and Oyster Bar
Big Fish Seafood Restaurant and Oyster Bar 1112 Edmonton Trail N.E. www.big-fish.ca 毗鄰它的姐妹餐廳Open Range(也很不 錯),Big Fish有本市最好的廚師之一提供的 休閒餐飲。嘗嘗鍋燒曼尼托巴碧古魚,或者 龍蝦餡兒奶油糕點。週日的西班牙海鮮飯更 是不能錯過的!
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709 Edmonton Trail N.E. www.carinobistro.ca Japanese cuisine melds with Italian and French culinary traditions at Carino. Go for dinner, if you can, but the place also does a great brunch featuring dishes like omelettes with edamame and bean sprouts. And there’s good wine; owner Toshi Karino is one of the city’s best sommeliers.
1112 Edmonton Trail N.E. www.big-fish.ca Next door to its sister restaurant, Open Range (also wonderful), Big Fish features casual dining by one of the city’s best chefs. Try the panroasted Manitoba walleye, or the lobster-stuffed brioche. On Sundays, the paella dinner is a must!
Royal Board Shop 814 Edmonton Trail N.E. www.royalboardshop.com 在熱門的Over Easy等待早午餐的排位嗎?可以 來本店看看最新的滑板和滑雪板裝備,消磨一下 時間,或者給您的衣櫥新添一件酷炫外套,帽子 或者T恤。這裡還有一個現場技術支援店,工作 人員為滑板新手提供咨詢。 Telus Spark 220 St. George’ s Drive N.E. www.sparkscience.ca 卡爾加里科技館 Telus Spark 位於Bridgeland的 東緣。它的家庭節目非常出名,但也提供成人 之夜包括持牌酒吧和成人活動。1月8日是「美 味科技」之夜:Eats, Drinks and Chemistry, 您可以親手探索分子美食和調酒術。 2月14日,情侶們和單身貴族可以探索Love vs. Hate主題科技。您將創作分解動畫,說不定還 能解剖羊的心臟。請前往網站sparkscience.ca 購票或了解更多資訊。 The Calgary Zoo 1300 Zoo Road N.E. www.calgaryzoo.com 企鵝,長頸鹿,大猩猩,老虎……卡爾加里動物 園節目豐富,老少皆宜。提前上網訂票,了解企 鵝的秘密,或查看其他特別活動。天氣好時可在 室外野餐,也可以在園內各式各樣的小餐館中大 快朵頤。 n
Royal Board Shop 814 Edmonton Trail N.E. www.royalboardshop.com Waiting for a table at the popular Over Easy brunch spot nearby? Kill time checking out the latest in skateboard and snowboard gear. Maybe update your wardrobe with a cool jacket, toque or tee. There’s an on-site tech shop, and staff offer skateboarding clinics for newbies, too.
Telus Spark 220 St. George’s Drive N.E. www.sparkscience.ca On the east edge of Bridgeland, Telus Spark is Calgary’s science centre. It’s famous for its family programming, but it also has adults-only nights featuring a licensed bar and programming just for grown-ups. On January 8, you can check out Eats, Drinks and Chemistry, a night of “delicious science,” including hands-on explorations of molecular gastronomy and mixology. Then, on February 14, couples and singles can explore the theme Love vs. Hate. You’ll create break-up animations and perhaps dissect a sheep heart. Buy tickets for either event and more online at sparkscience.ca.
The Calgary Zoo 1300 Zoo Road N.E. www.calgaryzoo.com Penguins, giraffes, gorillas, tigers — there is so much to see and do for all ages at the Calgary Zoo. Book in advance online and go behind the scenes with the penguins, or check out one of the other special events. Pack a picnic to enjoy outside on a nice day, or nosh at one of the myriad on-site eateries. n
fe b r uar y | march 2 015 | calgary L I V I N G
生活方式 lifestyles
新時代的曙光 卡爾加里市中心新興的East Village Dawn of a new age A new East Village is rising in downtown Calgary
By Elizabeth Chorney-Booth
一個 I 坐落在城市 核心心臟地 區 的 現 代 社區被從頭 重建並不常見。不過,這正在卡爾加里的 East Village上演。這塊49英畝的土地位於 弓河以南的卡爾加里堡與市中心之間,曾 經連當地人都極少會想要在天黑後冒險進 入的無人之地,正透過逐步實施的總體規 劃轉變為集現代發展與翻新文物建築於一 體,並且很可能成為卡爾加里最有趣的城 市社區之一。 2009年出台的East Village總體規劃 是一個逐街區規劃的周密藍圖,其中包括 四個不同「特色區域」的規劃(入口、十 字路口、河濱和公園),同時配套住宅項
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t’s not very often that an urban neighbourhood situated right in the heart of a city’s inner core can be designed basically from scratch. But that’s exactly what’s happening in Calgary’s East Village. Once a virtual no-man’s land where few locals would want to venture after dark, the 49-acre parcel of land that sits south of the Bow River between Fort Calgary and Downtown has been given a step-by-step master plan that is transforming it into what will very likely be one of Calgary’s most interesting urban neighbourhoods, integrating modern developments with refurbished heritage buildings. The East Village master plan, unveiled in 2009, is a careful block-by-block blueprint that includes plans for four different “character areas” (Gateway, The Crossing, River’s Edge and Parkside), complete with residential projects, green space,
目、綠地、基礎設施、文化娛樂設施和零售 店空間。由於大部分地區仍在建設中,公寓 買家必須運用一定的想像力來想像他們社 區的最終面貌,但通過精心策劃,卡爾加 里市國土公司(Calgary Municipal Land Corporation,由卡爾加里市政廳創建,負 責監督河區社區復興規劃)已經能為潛在居 民展示East Village 1年、5年、和10年後的 樣子。 「當你想到所有這些將在未來兩年內完 工時,展望未來並不覺得遙遠或漫長。」 CMLC市場營銷和通信副總裁Susan Veres 說。「因為我們了解每個街區的規劃,我們 可以向潛在買家展示零售店入駐的位置,酒 店的位置和圖書館的位置。當他們把所有這 些聯想在一起便有了信心。」 將East Village轉變為一個真正社區的 首要任務是Veres稱之為「連通性」的基 礎設施元素。諸如第4街地下通道,連通 Inglewood和Ramsay的單車騎士和行人到 East Village的肘河人行橋 (Elbow River Traverse),以及預計今年開通的通往弓河 北岸的St. Patrick’s橋,均是用於消除困擾 本區的之前與世隔離的感覺, 但East Village本身也將有很多可遊覽 的地方和有意思的活動;這裡將進駐兩個 讓人期待已久的主要設施:國家音樂中心 (National Music Centre)和新中央圖書 館(New Central Library)。這兩座大樓將 成為本市的標誌性建築,並吸引來自卡爾加 里其它城市及以外的遊客前來East Village。
infrastructure, cultural and recreational amenities, and retail space. Since the bulk of the area is still under construction, condo buyers have to use a certain amount of imagination to get an idea of what their eventual neighbourhood will look like, but because of the meticulous planning, the Calgary Municipal Land Corporation (which was created by the Calgary City Council to oversee the Rivers District Community Revitalization Plan) has been able to show potential residents exactly what the East Village will look like one, five, and 10 years down the road. “It’s not a stretch to see the vision and it’s not that far away when you consider all that’s being delivered in the next couple of years,” says Susan Veres, the CMLC’s Vice President of Marketing and Communications. “Because we understand what will happen by block, we can show a perspective buyer where the retail is going in, where the hotels are, and where the library will be. When they put that all together it gives them confidence.” The first thing that has come together to turn the East Village into a real community is the infrastructure elements that Veres calls the “connectivity.” Eliminating the previous feeling of isolation that plagued the neighbourhood are projects like the 4th Street underpass; the Elbow River Traverse (now open), which connects cyclists and pedestrians to the East Village from Inglewood and Ramsay; and the St. Patrick’s bridge to the north side of the Bow, which is scheduled to open this year. But there will be plenty to see and do right in the East Village as well. The area will play home to two new major and much-anticipated facilities: the relocated National Music Centre and the New Central Library. Both buildings will be iconic pieces of architecture for the city and will draw in visitors to the East Village from other parts of Calgary and beyond. The National Music Centre is scheduled for
f e b r ua r y | m a r c h 2 015 | c a l g a r y L I V I N G
生活方式 lifestyles
國家音樂中心預計於2016年竣工,它將在現 代化的建築中納入歷史悠久的愛德華國王酒 店(King Edward Hotel),五層樓的展廳 是它的特色,將展示超過2,000件工藝品, 還設有供各流派音樂家表演的空間。新中央 圖書館預計2018年才會開放並有可能繼續進 行細部修建,但它將會成為 East Village 居 民以及卡爾加里市民令人讚嘆的公共場所。 就文化方面來說,East Village已經顯示它 成為一個藝術中心的潛力,今年在河岸步道 (RiverWalk)主辦了加拿大國慶日的音樂 會,以及上個夏天的Opera in the Village 歌劇節。 卡爾加里市民已經可以享用部分East Village的設施,即它的娛樂休閒設施,包 括河岸步道(RiverWalk)。儘管其後期工 程仍在進行,East Village 區段已經對單車 騎士和行人開放。St. Patrick’s島計劃於 2015年秋天開放,包括大量的綠地以及兒童 遊樂區、野餐設施、垂釣區、小路、公共洗 手間和一個冬季開放的滑冰場。當然,East Village 居民還擁有與社區東部接壤的卡爾 加里堡現有的綠地。 當然,CMLC的總體規劃也包括商場、 餐館及其他零售設施。商鋪將會貫穿East
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completion in 2016 and will incorporate the historic King Edward Hotel into its otherwise modern architecture and will feature five floors of exhibits showcasing over 2,000 artifacts and a performance space for musicians of all genres. The New Central Library isn’t scheduled to open until 2018 and has further to go construction-wise, but will serve as an impressive public space for residents of the East Village and the rest of the city. Culturally speaking, the East Village has already shown itself to be a hub for the arts, having hosted this year’s Canada Day concert on the RiverWalk, as well as the Opera in the Village festival this past summer. One part of the East Village that Calgarians can already enjoy are the recreational amenities, including the RiverWalk — and while additional phases of that project are still ongoing, the East Village portion is already open for cyclists and pedestrians. St. Patrick’s Island is set to open in the fall of 2015 and it will open up plenty of green space as well as a children’s play area, picnic facilities, fishing areas, pathways, public washrooms, and a skating area in the winter months. Of course, East Villagers also have an existing green space with Fort Calgary, which borders the east side of the neighbourhood. Naturally, shopping, restaurants, and other retail amenities also play into the CMLC’s master plan. There will be businesses situated throughout the East Village, with anticipation already building for the refurbished Simmons building, due to open in 2015 as the home to new locations for local favourites Sidewalk Citizen Bakery and Phil & Sebastian Coffee, as well
肘河人行橋將Inglewood和Ramsay的單車騎士和行人連接到East Village。 The Elbow River Traverse bridge connects cyclists and pedestrians to the East Village from Inglewood and Ramsay.
Village,已經備受期待的翻新的西門 子大樓將於2015年開放,並將進駐許 多受本地人歡迎的店鋪,如Sidewalk Citizen Bakery、Phil & Sebastian Coffee以及全國知名的Charcut餐 廳的姊妹餐廳Charbar。這裡還有酒 店區域的規劃,新的希爾頓酒店已經 納入發展規劃。 但最終,East Village也將是一 個住宅區,散佈於多個發展計畫,總 計約4,000間公寓將為卡爾加里市民 提供住所。第一座樓盤,由Embassy BOSA開發的Evolution,計劃於2015 年6月開放入住,這與上述眾多設施 的啟動時間不謀而合。 FRAM Slokker開發的First和 Verve公寓樓盤也銷售得相當好。前 者已經幾乎完全售罄,最近這個位於 多倫多的開發商又宣布將為Verge樓 盤新加入100單元,以滿足不斷增長 的需求。 本地開發商Knightsbridge也透過提出全 新的市中心多家庭生活概念,加入了競爭行 列。其巧妙命名為N3,三項新意的樓盤反映 了它的理念:新態度,新生活,新視覺。在 Knightsbridge開發的樓盤里只有供自行車和「 微型車」停車的車庫。 「我們都知道我們想生活在城市的環境中, 我真心覺得East Village擁有巨大的潛力,在它 開發早期就盡早買房入住將會對我們有利,」 Genevieve Goldberg表示,她和先生購買了 Evolution樓盤的一套公寓。「每個社區都有一 個起點,我們覺得這裡將成為卡爾加里的下一 個精彩的地方。」 Susan Veres也對此表示讚同。能夠從根基 開始設計East Village意味著它能像一塊拼圖一 樣,與已是生機勃勃的市中心東側, 這塊代表卡爾加里不斷增長活力的地 區連接在一起。 「卡爾加里東區如今充滿了 能量,」Veres說。「你可以看到 Inglewood、Ramsay、 Victoria Park和East Village都在發生巨大的 蛻變,卡爾加里東區正在崛起。」 n
as the nationally renowned Charcut’s sister restaurant Charbar. There is also hotel space planned for the area, with a new Hilton slotted into development plans. But ultimately, the East Village will also be a residential neighbourhood, where Calgarians will live in approximately 4,000 condo units spread amongst several developments. The first building, Embassy BOSA’s Evolution, is set to open to residents in June of 2015, coinciding with the launch of many of the aforementioned amenities. FRAM Slokker is also doing incredibly well with their First and Verge condo developments. The former is almost completely sold out, and the Toronto-based developer recently announced that they were adding a further 100 units to Verge to cope with rising demand. Local developer, Knightsbridge, is also joining the fray with a completely different concept on multi-family living in the downtown with the aptly named N3 to reflect the project vision — “New Attitude, New Living, New Vision” — the Knightsbridge development will only have parking for bikes and ‘micro cars’. “We knew that we wanted to stay in the urban environment and I really felt that in the East Village there was so much potential and to get into a development early in the game would be beneficial to us,” says Genevieve Goldberg, who bought a condo in the Evolution with her husband. “Every community has to start somewhere and we felt like this was going to be the next great area in Calgary.” Susan Veres agrees. Being able to design the East Village from the ground up means that it can act as a puzzle piece to bring together an already dynamic east side of the core that is coming to represent Calgary’s ever-growing vibrancy. “There’s an energy now for the east side of Calgary,” Veres says. “You can see an enormous metamorphosis happening in Inglewood, Ramsay, Victoria Park, and the East Village. The east side of Calgary is coming into its own.” n
f e b r ua r y | m a r c h 2 015 | c a l g a r y L I V I N G
房地產專家 real estate expert
邁入 2015 年的須知事項 Looking forward What to Know Heading into 2015 by Peter ng
爾加里房市的新一年預測,以及去年的房市數 據即將出爐。談到卡爾加里的房地產,令人興 奮的地方還不少;當然,一些目前市場上的影 響因素,也讓下一年度的房市難以預測。
2014 年的重要數據 回顧 2014 年,我們看到公寓與聯排別墅銷售創下新高。2014 年公寓的成交量總計 4,742 戶,比起前一年,漲幅達到前所未 見的 18 個百分點;而聯排別墅方面則是成長了 17 個百分點, 總成交量共計 3,737 戶。獨立屋銷售量比前一年成長了 5.5 個 百分點。而房屋成交價格超過 一 百萬的房屋的成交量在 2014 年則提升了 16 個百分點。 整體來說,與前一年相比,2014 年卡爾加里的房屋上市量 成長了 13 個百分點,在銷售量上則成長了 9 個百分點。卡爾 加里的每戶平均房價為 483,079 元,比 2013 年要高了 5.8 個 百分點。 這些數據代表的意義是什麼?這表示卡爾加里在 2014 年 的房市表現超乎一般地強勁;卡爾加里正經歷全加拿大最強勁 的房市漲幅,而新屋數量也理所當然地,呼應著租屋數量不足 的住宅需求。 展望 2015 每個人心中都有一個很大的疑問,就是「2015 年的石油價格 將如何影響房地產市場呢?」石油對於我們城市經濟的影響甚 鉅,但我們仍處於價格波動的初期階段。幸虧透過多元化經 營,我們並不需要過度擔憂房地產所受的影響。在2015年,我 們預測市場就業率仍將維持在高點,且我們的城市也將持續歡 迎許多新居民進駐。 而另一個正面因素則是利率依然停留在低點;加拿大銀行 已經超過四年沒有調升利率了。 卡爾加里在房市方面的成長,有可能因應油價,以及有些 買主選擇靜觀其變等因素,而趨於平穩。重要的是, 2014 年 房市的強勁成長將抵消預計的市場減緩。整體來說,房市收益 仍被看好。
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ew year projections for the Calgary real estate market are coming out as well as the final numbers for last year. There is a lot to be excited about when it comes to real estate in Calgary, as well as a few things influencing the market currently that make it hard to predict what the next year will look like. Important Numbers from 2014 Looking back on 2014 we saw record high sales for condominiums and townhouses. 4,742 condominiums were sold in 2014, which is an unprecedented 18 per cent increase over the previous year’s sales while townhouses saw a 17 per cent increase in sales activity to place them at 3,737 total units sold. Single-family home sales increased 5.5 per cent from the previous year. Home sales priced over $1 million were up 16 per cent in 2014. Overall, Calgary saw a 13 per cent increase in listings and a 9 per cent growth in sales in 2014 compared to the previous year. The average price of a home in Calgary was $483,079, which is 5.8 per cent higher than the average home price for 2013. What does all this mean? It means that Calgary’s real estate market for 2014 was extraordinarily strong. Calgary has been experiencing some of the strongest price growth in the country and new starts have been responding to the demand caused by low rental availability, just as they should.
2015 年可能出現的狀況 根據卡爾加里房地產協會 CREB 的預測,總體 來說 2015 年的房價預計將增長 1.58 個百分 點,而銷售量則會下降;而房屋上市量則會由 於新屋完工而上升。 下列三個因素有可能會影響房市: • 如果高收入能源產業的失業率上升,而僅 有收入較低的產業的就業率有所提升,可 能會導致銷售量與房價下跌 • 以能源產業為根基的消費者信心變動,可 能會取決於石油價格維持低迷的時間長度 與價格何時反彈,以及當地公司是否仍然 持續能夠吸引新員工而定 • 多戶住宅數量的增加可能會因為改變市場 供需平衡的緣故,而造成房價下降 我們可以預期 2015 年房市將進入更為持續 發展的階段;我們有可能會看到一些短期的波 動,但目前的預測顯示,即便發生這些變動, 房市仍將保持整體成長和持續穩定。 n
Looking to 2015 The big question on everyone’s mind is “How will oil prices affect the real estate market in 2015?” Oil has a significant influence on the economy of our city, but we are still in the early stages of the price flux. Thanks to diversification, there is no reason to see a panic in the real estate sector. Employment projections overall are expected to remain high and our city is still welcoming lots of new residents — which is expected to continue over the course of the next year. The other positive factor is that interest rates are still low. The Bank of Canada has not raised rates for more than four years. Calgary’s growth in the housing sector may taper off in response to oil prices and some buyers may choose to wait it out and see what happens in the long term. It is important to remember that the projected slowing down of the market will be offset by the exceptional growth we saw in 2014. Overall, it will likely produce more balance in the market. What we might see in 2015 According to the 2015 CREB predictions, price increases are expected to be around 1.58 per cent for 2015 and sales are expected to decline, overall, while listings increase because of new home completions. These three factors are likely to influence the market: • If employment losses are experienced in the high-earning energy sector and growth is limited to lower paying industries the result could be lower sales and a drop in prices; • Consumer confidence based on the energy sector is likely to be based on how long oil prices stay low and when they recover as well as if local companies can still attract new workers to the area; • Increased supply of multi-family units could result in decreased prices as it rebalances supply and demand. We can expect the housing market to enter more sustainable levels in 2015. We may see some short-term shifts, but current predictions indicate that even with these shifts, we will be on track for overall growth and continued stability. n
Peter Ng,CIR房地產 | KORE 房地產團隊 Peter Ng 出生於卡爾加里,在卡爾加里已經擔 任 REALTOR® 房仲業者 9 年,並且在房地產業 已經在行銷、投資、地產開發、以及住宅開發 等方面活躍了 12 個年頭。由於他曾親身見證這 城市在過去十年的快速發展,因此對卡爾加里 房地產市場有透徹的瞭解。
Peter Ng, CIR Realty | KORE Real Estate Team Born and raised in Calgary, Peter Ng has been a REALTOR® in Calgary for nine years and has been actively involved in real estate ventures for over 12 years as a real estate marketer, investor, developer, and home builder. He has thorough understanding of the Calgary real estate market as he has personally witnessed the rapid growth in the city over the last decade.
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房地產 homes
Avira展示新科技,提升購房者購物體驗 Future Town Avira showcases new tech to enhance buyer experience by Pepper Rodriguez
ayman Modus不愧是卡爾加里蓬勃發 展的公寓行業的領導者之一:四個樓盤 正在建設當中,還有三個樓盤緊隨其 後。Jayman Group of Companies集團 公司的多家庭樓宇部門同時引領著技術創新,能 讓客戶更好地了解他們所購買的房屋。 在位於EvansRidge的新建聯排別墅Avira 中,Jayman Modus引進了兩種改變客戶購買 房屋方式的新數位技術。Modus矩陣擴增實境 (Modus Matrix Augmented Reality) 和新一 代觸摸螢幕(Next Generation Touchscreen) ,將使客戶不僅對每間房屋的特點而且對整棟樓 盤產生更深入的了解和視角。
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ayman Modus is indeed one of the leaders in Calgary’s booming condo industry with four developments currently under construction and three more coming up. The multi-family arm of the Jayman Group of Companies is also leading the field in technological innovations that give their clients a better understanding of the home they’re buying. At their new Avira townhomes in EvansRidge, Jayman Modus introduces two new digital technologies that will change the way homes are purchased. The Modus Matrix Augmented Reality and Next Generation Touchscreen will give clients a deeper understanding and perspective of not just the features of each home but of the whole development, as well.
「我們位於EvansRidge的新聯排別墅項 目Avira將首次採用這項技術,它能讓所有潛 在客戶立刻透過手機查閱關於樓盤的所有3D 空間發展資訊。」Jayman Modus的企劃營 銷專員Sandi Serr向Condo Living雜誌透露。 Modus矩陣(www.modusmatrix. com)是一個用戶可以下載到智慧手機的應 用程序,它透過3D擴增實境技術,提供能夠 可視化探索室內外建築細節,以及如人行道、 綠化等社區特色的獨特功能。 而Modus 營銷中心的新一代觸摸螢幕, 涵蓋第二產品、房屋銷售情況、公司介紹、和 社群媒體的綜合資訊,且使用方式極其簡易。 「顧客可以到我們的營銷中心,通過這些 互動式觸摸螢幕了解某個特定的房屋,然後用 它們獨特的「發送給我」功能將所有這些資訊 發送到自己的行動裝置,」她說。「當您離開 銷售中心時,所有資訊已經存儲在您的智慧手 機中。」 Avira推出這些新技術,使得Jayman Modus在競爭異常激烈的西北部市場擁有額
“Our new townhome project, Avira in EvansRidge, will be the first to feature this technology that allows interested parties instant mobile access to all information about the development in 3D space,” Jayman Modus’ Project Marketing Specialist, Sandi Serr, tells Condo Living. The Modus Matrix (www.modusmatrix.com) is an app users can download to their smartphone, which offers the unique ability to visually explore interior and exterior architectural details, as well as community features like walkways and landscaping from a 3D augmented realty perspective. While the Next Gen Touchscreen’s featured in the Modus sales centres include comprehensive live to the second product, home availability, company, and social media information with an unparalleled ease of use. “Buyers can go to our sales centre, learn everything there is to learn about a particular home through these interactive touchscreens and have all these info sent to their mobile devices with its unique ‘send-it-to-me’ ability,” she says. “You can leave the sales centre with all the information already stored in your smart phone.”
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房地產 homes
外的優勢。Serr說,新技術將幫助客戶從目前 只是一片空地上想像整個樓盤,甚至具體到 他們的住戶位置。 但是,如同其它每一個Jayman Modus 樓盤,高科技背後的房屋質量和價值才是對 客戶最終的吸引力。Avira現代化的外觀, 寬敞的平面設計和時尚的完工,更不用提它 極具吸引力的價格,這些都是購房者所追求 的。 Avira包括一百戶兩室或三室的三層聯排 別墅,有單車庫、前後串聯雙車庫、或加熱 的雙車庫。 共有五種平面設計可供選擇,面積從 1,229到1,726平方英尺,價格從335,000加 幣起(不含GST)。這意味著69,306加幣的 家庭年收入在這裡買一套房產綽綽有餘。「 月供只需1,595加幣,」Avira區域經理Heidi Johnson表示。
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Launching these new technologies in Avira gives Jayman Modus an added edge in the very competitive northwest marketplace. Serr says the new tech will help clients to picture the entire development — up to the point where their unit will be — in what is currently a bare patch of land. But like in every other Jayman Modus development, the quality and value of the home behind the tech is what ultimately appeals to customers. Avira’s modern look, spacious floor plans, and stylish finish — not to mention their attractive price point — are what buyers are looking for. Avira is composed of 100 two- and three-bedroom three-level townhomes with single, tandem or double heated garage. There are five floor plans available ranging from 1,229 to 1,726 square-feet and start from $335,000 (plus GST). That means a combined annual income of $69,306 is more than enough to own a home here. “That’s just a monthly payment of $1,595,” says Avira area manager Heidi Johnson. The three-bedroom isn’t that much more expensive at
三室的聯排別墅也沒有貴出多少,價格 為372,900加幣起(不含GST)。您的年收 入只需78,095加幣,月供僅1,806.77加幣。 Avira的標準配置讓購房者更加興 奮,Johnson說。每戶的一樓都有9英尺高 天花板,配有瓷磚、複合強化地板和花崗岩 檯面。簡言之,就是所有購房者在其他樓盤 里尋求的升級配置。 它的建築風格和經濟適用性,使其成為 首次購房者的正確選擇,無論是單身、情侶 或是年輕的家庭。 它的地理位置無疑是另一個加分。 「EvansRidge是一個成熟的社區,」 Johnson說。 「這裡有最美的草原生活, 俯瞰著美麗的山谷,而城市便利僅數分鐘之 遙,如餐館、商場、幼兒看護中心、或醫 院。前往主要道路和市中心都很方便。」 首批入住時間為2015年春天。n
a starting price of $372,900 (plus GST). It only requires a total annual income of $78,095 for a monthly payment of $1,806.77. Buyers get more excited when they see what’s included in a standard package in Avira, Johnson says. Each unit has ninefoot ceilings along the main floor, ceramic tile and engineered laminate flooring and granite countertops — in short, everything homebuyers are looking for that are usually upgrades in other developments. The style and the affordability make it the right choice for first-time homebuyers, whether they are singles, couples or young families. They’re location is another definite plus. “Evansridge is an established community,” Johnson says. “It’s the best of prairie life overlooking a beautiful valley, yet only minutes from all the conveniences of the city, such as restaurants, shopping malls, child care centres or hospitals and easy access to major roadways and downtown.” First possessions are in Spring 2015. n
It’s the best of prairie life overlooking a beautiful valley, yet only minutes from all the conveniences of the city… FAST FACTS
社區:EvansRidge 樓盤:Avira 開發商:Jayman Modus 風格:三層聯排別墅 面積:1,229至1,726平方英尺 價格:335,000加幣起(不含GST) 地址:銷售中心位於Evanspark Blvd. N.W. 路線:Symons Valley Rd. N.W.向 北,Symons Valley Pkwy右 轉,Evanspark Blvd左轉。 營業時間:週一至週四下午2點至 晚上8點,週末和假日中午12點至 下午5點 網址:www.jayman.com/avira f e b r ua r y | m a r c h 2 015 | c a l g a r y L I V I N G
卡爾加里房產市場 calgary housing market
小心謹慎但保持樂觀 加拿大房贷暨房屋公司預測 2015 年房市景氣將趨緩 Cautiously optimistic CMHC predicts market moderation for 2015
拿大房贷暨房屋公司(Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, 簡稱 CMHC)將執行B計畫。 這是加拿大房贷暨房屋公司 CMHC的卡爾加里區域資深房市分析師 Felicia Mutheardy,在 1 月 14 日於 Coast Plaza Hotel 所舉辦的年度經濟預測晚宴上,轉達給超過 600 個 加拿大房屋建設協會的卡爾加里地區會員的訊息。 「我們正在修正這些預測,」Mutheardy 表 示,「為了反映現今的油價變動。之前的預測是基 於石油價格每桶 80 至 90 元美金所作的。」 不過,就算他們似乎掌握了目前的趨勢,預測 的準確度如何仍有待驗證。畢竟就連油價較高時( 現今油價每桶低於 50 元美金),CMHC 所做的預 測是職缺數成長將比 2014 年更加趨緩,同時如搬 遷率降低以及失業率攀升等市場因素,將導致市場 對房屋的需求下降。當然,這些因素也將會連帶影 響 2015 年新屋的價格。
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he Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation is going with Plan B. That was the message delivered by Felicia Mutheardy, CMHC’s Senior Market Analyst for the Calgary region, to more than 600 Canadian Home Builders’ Association – Calgary Region members January 14 at their annual economic forecast dinner at the Coast Plaza Hotel. “We’re revising our forecasts,” says Mutheardy, “in the wake of current oil prices. The old forecast was based on prices of $80-$90 per barrel.” So, although odds are they’ve got the trends correct, just how accurate they are remains to be seen. Even at those higher oil prices (it’s less than $50/ barrel today) CMHC was predicting a job creation slowdown from 2014 levels, with market factors like less migration and higher unemployment leading to less demand for housing. This, in turn, is expected to keep new home prices relatively in check for 2015. One has to keep these moderation trends in
「然而,大家必須將這些平穩趨勢一同 列入綜合考慮,」Mutheardy 表示。舉例來 說,2012 年(成交量 31,996)與 2013 年 (成交量 45,168)都創下了搬遷紀錄;就算 2014 年成交量相較之下較為低落,預估將仍 有 35,000 左右的不俗表現。因此,即便我們 對 2015 年的交易量持樂觀態度,將不會再看 到像去年或是前年的數字了。 而多戶住宅新屋數量將面臨同樣狀況; 2014 年多戶住宅新屋數量為 10,637(見下列 圖表),2015 年恐怕無法達到同樣的紀錄。 自 2014 年第四季,房市開始出現預期的 趨緩情況。2014 年 12 月的新屋成交數量較 去年同時期為低;獨立屋數量有小幅增長, 但不及多戶住宅的跌幅。但儘管 12 月呈現下 跌的趨勢,2014 年總體的新屋成交量還是創 下 17,131 戶的紀錄,比 2013 年的 12,584 戶高了 36 個百分點。而這成交量主要來自 2014 年的多戶住宅,因為根據分析,獨立屋 比起去年僅有些微的成長。 總結:做好房市降溫的心理準備。只是 降溫的幅度會多大?有很大部分的因素將取 決於石油價格,因此我們只能靜觀其變了。n
Photo by Don Molyneaux
Felicia Mutheardy
perspective, however, says Mutheardy. For example, 2012 (31,996) and 2013 (45,168) both saw record levels of migration and, although down in comparison, 2014 was also a big year with final numbers expected to come in close to 35,000. So, although we’ll still have a positive migration number in 2015, it just won’t be as big as last year or the year before. The same holds true with multi-family housing starts. The 10,637 multi-family starts in 2014 (see chart below) was a record level that likely won’t be attainable in 2015. The predicted moderation began in the last quarter of 2014, with actual housing starts in December 2014 lower year-over-year as a modest increase in single-detached starts was more than offset by a decline in multi-family production. Despite the reduction in December, actual starts finished 2014 at a record high of 17,131 units, up 36 per cent from 12,584 in 2013. This was largely attributed to record multi-family production in 2014, as singledetached starts reported only a modest increase over the previous year. The bottom line: get ready for things to slow down a little. Just how much? A lot depends on oil prices so we’ll just have to wait and see. n
卡爾加里都會區 Calgary CMA
12 月—單戶獨棟住宅 December - Single-detached
2013 年 12 月
December 2013
2014 年 12 月
December 2014
單戶獨棟住宅 Single-detached
多戶住宅 Multiples
12 月—多戶住宅 December - Multiples 12 月—總計 December - Total
1 月至 12 月 January to December
總計 Total
資料來源:加拿大房贷暨房屋公司 Data source: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
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生活方式 lifestyles
一齊參與 消除社群媒體的代溝 Get on board
Bridging the social media generation gap By TRINA LO
群媒體已經遍佈地球上的每一個角 落。如果您有一支智慧手機,從口袋 就可以全天候地訪問整個地球。 現在的問題是,科技達人們和那 些仍堅持傳統電話和定期 家庭聚餐的人們之間的鴻溝 日益擴大。而我自己的家庭裡也有著科技愛好者中各 種水平的成員。 自1997年以來,我一直在廣告和行銷領域工作。 這個行業使我必須與科技共進:這並不難;我是天生的 電腦迷。我們家擁有第一台電腦的時候我才10歲,我 對它愛不釋手!當然我的父親是決定購買它的人,現 在您明白我對電子產品的熱愛是從何而來了吧。 然而我其他直系親屬對科技的使用,從他們必須瞭 解的在公司使用的技術,到個人上網使用的技術,到 零不等,除非如今翻蓋手機還算是「科技」的話… Facebook與智慧手機的融合,讓我們看到個人交 流的未來。很多朋友開始宣布他們將不再使用電子郵 件,而讓我們「透過Facebook聯繫他們」。快轉到 現在,大概八年後的今天,從未聽說過社群媒體這個 名詞的人少之又少。但是我們真正明白它是什麼嗎? 雖然它在維基百科中的定義多年來漸趨完善,但仍非 常令人費解。簡單地說,社群媒體使人們能夠透過免 費的網站和應用程序,互相虛擬地聯繫和交流。 社群媒體的目的很簡單,即社交、重新建立聯繫和 保持聯繫。我覺得喜歡傳統大家族聚餐和中秋節的老 一代中國人可能會表示異議… 但難以否認的是,社群媒體是與您的海外家人,以 及儘管您非常願意卻無法見面的親戚保持聯繫的絕好 方式。感謝Facebook,我能與我小時候見過但沒有 印象的香港姨媽,以及我還沒有機會拜訪的第二個新
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ocial Media has spread to all four corners of the globe. If you have a smart phone, you have access to the planet right from your pocket, 24/7. The problem is there is a fast growing gap between the techno-savvy and those who still insist on live phone calls and regular family dinners. My own family runs the gamut on all levels of techno-love. I have been in advertising and marketing since 1997. My industry has forced me to keep up with technology — not that it was difficult; I’m a bit of a computer geek by nature. We had our first computer in the house when I was 10 years old. I absolutely loved it! Of course my Father is the one who decided to get one, so you know where my love for gadgets comes from. The rest of my immediate family however, runs from corporate use of technology because they have to, to personal online use and then down to zero. Unless a flip phone still counts as ‘technology’ these days… When Facebook merged with smartphones, we saw the future of personal communication. Many friends started announcing they would no longer be using email asked us to ‘Find them on Facebook’. Fast forward to now, about eight years later and there are far and few who’ve never heard the term social media. But do we really know what it is? Although the Wikipedia definition has improved over the years, it’s still pretty confusing. Simply put, social media allows people to connect and interact virtually, using free websites and apps. The point of social media is simple, it’s to socialize, to reconnect and stay connected. I think the older generation of Chinese, who like traditional large family dinners and the Moon Cake Festival might disagree… But it’s hard to deny that Social Media is a fabulous way to check in on your family overseas and see the relatives you can’t see in person as much as you’d like. Thanks to
表親建立聯繫。 由於社群媒體並沒有使用手冊,所以看來每個人 的經歷都是獨一無二的。Facebook依然是所有社群 媒體之父,大部分人仍然在摸索如何使它最好地為自 己所用,而且往往喜歡它只與自己批准的人建立聯 繫的功能。Twitter也在每個人的嘴邊,但除了關注 主要的新聞報導,他們不一定明白主題標籤(#)或 全部的@標記。以視覺為基準的平台近幾年來日益流 行,可能也來自它對視覺的高度吸引力,及其使用的 簡單性。 Facebook同時具有中文和其他各種語言的版 本,其它網站在這點上略顯落後,但也正在努力趕上 之中。 如果您剛接觸社群媒體,同時感到年輕的一代不 怎麼與您溝通,那麼現在是時候開始使用它了。如果 您年幼的子女或孫子孫女從來不打電話給您,請不要 生他們的氣,這不是他們的錯。他們的成長道路與我 們非常不同,透過社群媒體進行交流是他們唯一知道 的方式。由使用Facebook開始,它將使您的學習過 程更有趣和容易,因為在上面您會很容易找到認識的 人,而且可以尋求許多人的指導。現在您可以隨時了 解孩子們的動態,並感受到與他們的聯繫了。n
Facebook I have a relationship with my Aunt in Hong Kong that I don’t remember meeting as a child and my new second cousin in BC I haven’t had a chance to visit yet. Since there is no manual for Social Media, it seems everyone’s experience is unique. With Facebook still being the Grand Daddy of them all, most are still figuring out how that works best for them and tend to like its ability to only connect with those they approve. Twitter is on the tip of everyone’s tongue, but aside from following major news stories, they do not necessarily understand Hashtags (#) or all the @ tagging. The visual based platforms have been growing in popularity in the last few years, likely due to their high level of visual attraction and simplicity of use. While we know Facebook works with Chinese characters and many other languages, other sites are slower to catch up on this, but are working on it. If you’re new to Social Media and feel like the younger generation isn’t communicating with you, it’s time to get on board. If you have young children or grandchildren who never call, don’t be upset with them, it’s not their fault. They have grown up very differently then we did and communicating via Social Media is just what they know. Start off with Facebook, it will be more fun and easier to learn since you will easily find people you know there and you’ll be able to ask many people for guidance. Now you can see what the kids are up to any time and feel connected. n
Trina NgaYin Lo,生於香港,現任FreshInk Communications公司總裁。FreshInk Communications公司位於卡爾加里,專長為市 場行銷及社會媒體。她曾與數百家新興企業合 作,創建了跨國品牌,並將於今年將自身公司 的社會媒體部門推向全球。www.freshink.ca
Trina NgaYin Lo, born in Hong Kong, is the president of FreshInk Communications, a Calgary company specializing in marketing and social media. She has worked with hundreds of business start-ups, established multi-national brands and is taking the Social Media arm of her own company global this year. www.freshink.ca
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活動 events
2月19-20日, 3月5-6日,3月12-13日,3月19-20日 February 19 & 20. March 5 & 6, March 12 & 13, March 19 & 20
This two-day workshop at the Centre for Newcomers will teach basic computer skills to assist with job searching. Participants must be a permanent resident or refugee with a very limited understanding of the computer and Internet. Contact Lidia at 403-5693329 to register. Attendance is free.
Annual HKCBA Calgary New Year Gala 所有研討會的 時間均為上午9 點至下午4點。 All workshops are from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
February 13
卡爾加里大學語言學、語言及文化所(LLC)演講 者系列:謝晉以及孝道在中國社會主義電影中的 轉換 University of Calgary LLC Speaker Series: Xie Jin and the Conversion of Filiality in Chinese Socialist Cinema 下午3點至4點,Christopher Lupke博士將討論毛澤東時期製作的最好的 社會主義電影之一,謝晉導演的《舞台姐妹》(1964年)及孝道的力量。 在中國傳統社會中,孝道猶如膠水般確保著血緣關係中的父權結構和性別 角色。這次演講將於卡爾加里大學的Craigie Hall D 420(語言研究中心 (Language Research Center, LRC)內)舉行。開放於公眾,免費入場。 From 3 to 4 p.m. Dr. Christopher Lupke will discuss one of the best socialist films made during the Maoist Period, Xie Jin’s Stage Sisters (1964) and the power of filiality or xiao, the glue in traditional Chinese society that ensured patriarchal structure of kinship and gender identity. This talk is held at the University of Calgary in Craigie Hall D 420 (in the LRC). Attendance is free and open to the general public.
2月14日 - 15日
February 20
E-Job Search: 2-day Workshop
這個在新居民中心(Centre for Newcomers)舉 行的為期兩天的研討會,將教授基本的電腦技 能以幫助求職。參加者必須為對電腦和互聯網 了解甚少的永久居民或難民。請致電403-5693329聯絡Lidia進行註冊。免費參加。
每年,香港加拿大商會(HKCBA)皆於Regency Palace海鮮餐 廳舉辦超過500位商界嘉賓出席的中國春節晚會。本次活動 是與HKCBA會員、政府和企業代表交際的一個絕好機會。來 自皇家山大學(Mount Royal University)和卡爾加里大學 (University of Calgary)的四名學生將被授予獎學金。晚 會還包括10道菜餚的傳統中式晚餐、舞獅、靜默式拍賣、抽 獎以及加拿大本土樂隊Jason Hastie and The Alibi帶來的 演出。請透過網站www.calgaryhkcba.com 訂票 Every year the Hong Kong – Canada Business Association (HKCBA) hosts a Chinese New Year Gala with over 500 guests from the business community at the Regency Palace Seafood Restaurant. This event is a great opportunity to network with HKCBA members, government, and business representatives. Scholarships will be awarded to four students from Mount Royal University and the University of Calgary. The evening also includes a 10-course traditional Chinese dinner, lion dance, silent auction, raffle prizes, and entertainment from the Canadian band, Jason Hastie and The Alibi. Tickets can be purchased online at www.calgaryhkcba.com
下午5點30分 5:30 p.m. 票價: 會員:$98;10人桌:$980(含GST) 非會員:$128;10人桌:$1280(含GST) Prices: Members: $98; Table of 10: $980 (GST included) Non-Members: $128; Table of 10: $1,280 (GST included)
February 14 - 15
2015 Year of the Sheep Chinese New Year Carnival 今年卡爾加里中國文化中心(Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre)的裝飾主題是“財源滾滾”,一棵四米高、由3000 個 LED燈裝飾、閃閃發光的樹上,懸掛著一千個利是封,帶著贏取 獎品的機會和恭喜發財的新年祝福。節目及表演包括傳統的龍獅 舞、武術表演、歌舞表演、美食和遊戲、藝術展覽,以及販售禮 品和其它節日物品的室內集市。免費入場。 This year’s decorative theme at the Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre is “Blooming Fortune,” a four-metre high sparkling tree with 3,000 LED lights. Over a thousand lai-see will hang from the tree with opportunities to win prizes and be blessed with good fortune for the whole year. Programs and performances include traditional Dragon & Lion dances, martial arts demonstrations, singing and dancing performances, food and games, an art exhibition, and an indoor bazaar selling gifts and other festival items. Free admission.
2月14日,上午10點至下午9點 2月15日,上午10點至下午6點 February 14, 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. February 15, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Photo courtesy Kam Leung
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events 活動
To list your event email your information to jim.zang@sourcemediagroup.ca
2月21日和28日, 3月7日和14日 February 21 & 28, March 7 & 14
Digital Photography & Post-production Course 本地華人攝影師Victor Liu將講授風光攝影 的拍攝技巧,授課語言為普通話。單節課的 費用為$40加稅;所有四節課的費用為$140加 稅。請致電403-262-5071或發送電子郵件至 course@culturalcentre.ca Local Chinese photographer, Victor Liu, will be teaching techniques about how to shoot landscape photography. Course will be taught in Mandarin. A single course costs $40 plus GST. All four courses cost $140 plus GST. Call 403-262-5071 or email course@ culturalcentre.ca
February 22
Lantern Festival Riddle Guessing Challenge 所有課程的時間均 為下午1點30分至 下午4點 All courses are from 1:30 – 4 p.m.
上午10點至下午4點 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. 這是卡城華商會和星島日報於Cardel Place舉辦的文化與革新的節日。參與 者可以猜答藏在200個五顏六色的元宵 燈中的燈謎、玩遊戲、贏取獎品並 欣賞中國傳統音樂。請穿著紅色著 裝,與您的家人、朋友和鄰居一起 參加吧。免費入場。 The Calgary Chinese Merchants Association and Sing Tao Daily present a festival of culture and renewal at Cardel Place. Participants can answer riddles hidden in 200 colourful Chinese lanterns, play games, win prizes, and listen to traditional Chinese music. Dress in red and come with family, friends and neighbours. Free admission.
February 21
Employment Readiness Workshop
林子祥演唱會 George Lam Concert
林子祥,香港三十年來最受歡迎的粵語流 行歌手之一,將於Grey Eagle Resort and Casino舉辦現場演唱會。票價由$80至$133不 等。請致電403-265-8446通過卡城華人社區 服務中心(CCCSA)訂票。部分所得收入將用 以贊助CCCSA的搬遷。 George Lam, one of Hong Kong’s most popular Cantopop singers for three decades, is performing live at Grey Eagle Resort and Casino. Tickets range from $80 to $133 and can be purchased through CCCSA at 403265-8446. Part of the proceeds goes towards CCCSA’s relocation.
February 23 – 27
晚上8點,晚上7 點入場 8 p.m. Doors open at 7 p.m.
新居民卡爾加里展會 Newcomers Calgary Fair 上午10點至下午4點 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. 您最近剛到卡爾加里嗎?本次活動提供能幫助您在新城市過渡的大量 資訊。招聘人員、政府官員、簽證專家、教育服務及其他機構將齊聚 位於BMO Center的卡爾加里牛仔節公司(Calgary Stampede)舉辦的 新居民卡爾加里展會。於2月21日之前透過網站www.newcomerscanada. ca註冊得免費入場,或在現場購買$10元門票。 Have you recently arrived in Calgary? Check out this event for plenty of information to help you transition to your new city. Recruiters, Government officials, visa specialists, education services, and other agencies will be at the Newcomers Calgary Fair at Calgary Stampede in the BMO Centre. Register online at www.newcomerscanada.ca before February 21 for free entry or $10 at the door.
上午9點至中午12 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. 新居民中心(Centre for Newcomers)為移民舉辦的幫助增加收 入研討會。更清楚地了解您的職業選擇,制定求職技巧並找出 應對變化的積極選擇。請致電403-536-8819聯繫Vesna進行註 冊。免費參加。 The Centre for Newcomers is holding a workshop for immigrants on income support. Gain a better understanding of your career options, develop job search skills, and identify positive choices towards change. Contact Vesna at 403-536-8819 to register. Attendance is free.
February 26
Cousin Ram加拿大慈善音樂會 Cousin Ram Canadian Charity Concert
Ram Tseung (Tseung Chi Kwong)將於Grey Eagle Resort and Casino舉辦現場音樂會。 門票價格從$48到$136不等,請透過網站www. greyeagleresortandcasino.ca訂票 Ram Tseung (Tseung Chi Kwong), will be performing live at Grey Eagle Resort and Casino. Ticket prices vary from $48 to $136 and can be purchased at www. greyeagleresortandcasino.ca
晚上8點,晚上7 點入場 8 p.m. Doors open at 7 p.m.
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活動 events 2月28日至3月1日
February 28 – March 1
March 2 – 15
卡爾加里表演藝術節(原Kiwanis 音樂節)
上午10點至下午3點 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. 卡城華人社區服務中心(CCCSA)的志工將幫助低收入家庭進行今年所得 稅的申報。該培訓課程將幫助有興趣的志工們了解基本的稅務知識。參加 者須年滿18歲,精通英語,並懂得基本的電腦技能。完成培訓的志工將會 有四次輪班(3月7日至四月19日的週六和週日)。請致電403-265-8446聯 繫David進行註冊或問詢。報名截止日期為2015年2月6日。 Volunteer with the Calgary Chinese Community Service Association (CCCSA) to help low income families with their income tax this year. The training session will help interested volunteers understand basic tax knowledge. Participants should be over 18 years of age, proficient in English, and have basic computer skills. Volunteers are expected to commit four shifts (Saturdays and Sundays from March 7 – April 19) after the training. For registration and other inquiries, contact David at 403-265-8446. Deadline for registration is February 6, 2015.
換了一個新名字,卡爾加里表演藝術節將會有超過11,000名年輕 而富有激情的表演者在舞台上大放異彩。表演包括鋼琴、弦樂 器、中國民族樂器、音樂劇以及演講藝術等。觀賞課程免費入 場。音樂會票價為成人票$20,學生票及青年票(18歲以下)$10 。請瀏覽www.cpafestival.ca獲得更多資訊 Under a new name, the Calgary Performing Arts Festival will see more than 11,000 young and passionate performers grace the stage. Performances include piano, string instruments, Chinese ethnic instruments, musical theatre, speech arts, and more. Admission to view classes is free. Ticket prices for concerts are $20 for adults and $10 for students and youth (18 and under). More information at www.cpafestival.ca
Calgary Performing Arts Festival (Formerly Kiwanis Music Festival)
CCCSA Income Tax Volunteer Training
3月3日 2月28日
February 28
Club 88: 2015 Chinese New Years Banquet
Sien Lok Society of Calgary: 46th Annual Chinese New Year’s Celebration Gala 下午6點 6 p.m. 善樂社(Sien Lok Society of Calgary)將一同慶祝其年度中國 春節慶祝晚會和募捐會。本次活動將於Regency Palace 海鮮餐廳 內舉行,包括晚宴、娛樂,舞蹈和現場樂隊演出。著裝標準為正裝 或中國傳統服裝。票價為$98每人或者$980一桌十人。請於2月21日 之前透過www.sienlokcny2015.eventbrite.ca網站訂票。 The Sien Lok Society of Calgary is celebrating with its annual Chinese New Year Celebration Gala and Fundraiser. The event will include dinner, entertainment, dancing, and a live band performance at the Regency Palace Seafood Restaurant. Dress code is formal or traditional Chinese attire. Ticket prices are $98 per person or $980 for a table of 10. Purchase tickets online before February 21 at www.sienlokcny2015.eventbrite.ca
March 3
下午6 點 6 p.m. 企業業主和職業人士們將於Central Grand Restaurant舉 辦晚宴,共同慶祝中國春節。這是一個享受包括舞獅、抽 獎與門獎、豐盛的中式晚宴及更多節日活動的夜晚。出席 者將享有2015年會員年費折抵($38)。著裝標準為商務或 中國傳統服裝。門票為$50每人或$500一桌十人。請透過 ww.club88ChineseNewYear2015.eventbrite.ca網站訂票。 Business owners and professionals unite to celebrate Chinese New Year with a banquet at Central Grand Restaurant. Enjoy an evening of festive activities including a lion dance, draws and door prizes, a grand Chinese style dinner and more. Those who attend will get their 2015 annual membership fee waived ($38). Dress code is business or traditional Chinese attire. Ticket prices are $50 per person or $500 for a table of 10. Purchase tickets online at www.club88ChineseNewYear2015.eventbrite.ca
March 14
Chinese New Year Carnival 2015 2015中國新年嘉年華是一場美妙的盛會,中國頂尖的雜技演員、 舞蹈家和音樂家將同台合作,帶來音樂獨奏、平衡雜技與驚險特 技。在Grey Eagle Resort and Casino賭場酒店,中國廣播民族 樂團和中國國家表演藝術團將給觀眾帶來炫目的展現中國歷史與 文化的活力演出。門票價格從$46至$110不等。請透過網站www. greyeagleresortandcasino.ca訂票 An extravagant production featuring top Chinese acrobats, dancers and musicians will perform harmoniously with musical solos, balancing acts, and dare devil feats at the Chinese New Year Carnival 2015. The China Broadcasting Traditional Orchestra and the China National Performing Arts Troupe will dazzle the audience with a dynamic performance of China’s history and culture at the Grey Eagle Resort and Casino. Ticket prices range from $46 to $110 and can be purchased at www.greyeagleresortandcasino.ca
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晚上7點30分,晚 上7點入場 7:30 p.m. Doors open at 7 p.m.