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Vol. 130 • No. 32
Friday, January 6, 2017
$100/Copy (Inc. Taxes)
Manitoba under heavy blanket of snow
Several snowstorms over the past few weeks have southern Manitoba sitting under a heavy blanket of snow. High fall soil moisture levels, high water on Manitoba rivers and lots of snow have people thinking about the Flood of 2011 and wondering, “Can it happen again?” Only time will tell. Pictured: The Plaindealer front door was buried under close to three feet of snow since it closed for the Christmas season on December 22. Larry Semeschuk helped to clear a path and it was back to business as usual on January 3. Hello, 2017!
WHITFIELD D UGS Your Healthcare Centre in STORE HOURS: 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 pm Monday - Friday
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As snow the piles up, so do concerns for a spring flood Page 2, Souris Plaindealer, Souris, MB, January 06, 2017
By Darci Semeschuk The Flood of 2011 is not far from anyone’s mind, and as the snow continues to pile up, so do concerns about another flood. Spring flood risk is a combination of a number of different factors, some of which are determined in the fall, during the winter, and during the spring period. The Manitoba Hydrologic Forecast Centre released its 2016 Fall Conditions report on December 13 and it can be accessed on the Manitoba Government’s website, While the 37-page document was released before the last two heavy snowfalls, there was already some concern about flooding for 2017 contained within it. One major factor which affects spring runoff potential, according to the report, is the soil moisture at the time of freeze-up. The soil moisture before freeze-up is largely determined by the accumulated summer and fall precipitation. Due to the late freezeup this year, and to capture the effect of late fall precipitation, November rainfall was included in the analyses performed by the Hydrologic Forecast Centre. All river basins in Manitoba have received normal to well above normal precipitation between
May and November. The Assiniboine, Qu’Appelle and Souris River watersheds have all received above normal precipitation. Above normal to well above normal soil moisture indicates the potential for higher risk of spring flooding within these river basins but flooding is still strongly dependent on future weather conditions, including winter and spring precipitation, as well as melt conditions. Soil moisture in these basins is comparable with the soil moisture observed in the fall of 2010, which led to record spring runoff in the spring of 2011. The forecasted winter precipitation is also another indicator of the potential for spring flooding. Though long-term weather forecasts are not very reliable, they provide an indication of potential future weather patterns. Environment Canada’s latest long term (DecemberJanuary-February) precipitation forecast indicates precipitation will be above normal for northern Manitoba including the Lake Winnipegosis watershed. Precipitation is forecasted to be near normal in southern Manitoba including the Red River basin. The US National Weather Service (NWS), however, forecasts above normal precipitation
for southern Manitoba and most of the Red river basin, contrary to Environment Canada’s forecast. If above normal precipitation within these basins occurs, it will lead to a high risk of major spring flooding. Even with normal precipitation, the basins with high soil moisture could see above normal spring runoff. The Hydrologic Forecast Center of Manitoba Infrastructure works in collaboration with Environment Canada, the National Weather Service, and flood forecasters in neighbouring jurisdictions to regularly monitor the winter precipitation patterns throughout these basins. It is important to note that while the conditions in this report may appear alarming in some areas, it still very early in the season and many things can happen before spring runoff actually occurs. The fall conditions report is the first step taken to prepare for potential spring flooding, and as more data is available as conditions unfold throughout the winter, the accuracy and confidence for flood forecast data would improve. While it is prudent to plan ahead and to prepare, over estimating or under estimating the flood potential four month in advance of the spring runoff is very risky. The Hydrologic Forecast Center of Manitoba Infrastructure will continue to monitor the basin conditions closely and provide spring flood outlooks as required through the winter. Examining the conditions present during some
of the most significant historic flood years, such as the 1995 flood on the Assiniboine River, the 1997 flood on the Red River and the 2011 flood on the Assiniboine, Souris, Qu’Appelle and Red Rivers indicate that the origin of each flood was a combination of some unique circumstances and not necessarily the result of only the conditions which are known at this time of year. The below paragraphs summarize the three major factors: Soil moisture, Winter Precipitation, and spring precipitation, that have contributed to the above mentioned significant flood years. As can be seen in the below paragraphs, early indicators are not always reflective of future conditions. 1995 Leading to the 1995 flood on the Assiniboine River, the soil moisture in the fall of 1994 was near normal on the Assiniboine and Qu’Appelle river basins. The soil moisture was above normal on the Souris and the Red River watersheds. However, the November 1994 to March 1995 winter precipitation was above normal to well above normal on almost all Manitoba basins. A record flood was observed on the Upper Assiniboine and a moderate flood was observed on the Red, the Souris, and the Qu’Appelle Rivers. 1997 Leading to the 1997 flood on the Red River, the soil moisture in the fall of 1996 was near normal on all Manitoba basins. How-
ever, the November 1996 to March 1997 winter precipitation was above normal to well above normal on almost all Manitoba basins. A record flood was observed on the Red River and a moderate flood was observed on the Upper Assiniboine, the Souris, and the Qu’Appelle Rivers. Early April blizzard and timing of the local runoff with the American water was coincident which added to the spring peak of the 1997 flood. 2011 Leading to the 2011 flood on the Assiniboine, the Souris, and the Qu’Appelle Rivers, the soil moisture in the fall of 2010 was above normal to well above normal on all Manitoba basins. The November 2010 to March 2011 winter
precipitation was near normal to above normal on the Assiniboine, Qu’Appelle and the Souris River basins. The winter precipitation was below normal to above normal for the Red River basin. A record flood was observed on the on the Assiniboine, the Souris, and the Qu’Appelle Rivers and a moderate flood was observed on the Red River. The Assiniboine, Souris, and Qu’Appelle Rivers also experienced multiple flood peaks, which were significantly influenced by spring and summer precipitation events. You can download the entire report at: w w w. g o v. m b . c a / a s s e t _ l i b r a r y / en/2016flood/2016_Fall_ Conditions_Report_Final. pdf
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Even the tight trails between uptown businesses weren’t immune to the vicious wind. Snow banks filled even the tightest spaces. PHOTOS/DEBBIE BUTLER
IMPORTANT PUBLIC NOTICE Notice to all who may travel on Oak Lake! The aerators have been installed on the SE corner of Cherry Point on Oak Lake which causes either open water or extremely thin ice over a large area of the lake. :H DVN DOO LFH ¿VKHUPHQ DQG VQRZPRELOHUV WR VWD\ DZD\ from this restricted area for your own safety. 2XU DVVRFLDWLRQ LV GRLQJ LWV EHVW WR PDLQWDLQ WKH ¿VKHU\ of this lake and do not wish to see any accidents occur so we need your cooperation and support. 7KDQN \RX IRU \RXU FRRSHUDWLRQ DQG HQMR\ ¿VKLQJ WKLV winter in the safe areas of Oak lake. Oak Lake Water & Fish Enhancement Association
Solutions & Substitutions
Page 3, Souris Plaindealer, Souris, MB, January 06, 2017
by Reena Nerbas Dear Reena, My daughter left her straightener on our new bathroom counter in the basement. It is marble; it has discoloured the counter - is there any way to remove the “stain”? Thanks for your time. Brenda Dear Brenda, Are you sure that you are dealing with real marble or could it be cultured marble? If you have cultured marble, the damage may be permanent. You may find someone who can sand it down and re-apply a protective coating but it almost certainly won’t match the rest. If you have real marble, then you’ll need to hire a marble restoration professional to sand/grind away the damaged stone, re-hone and re-polish the area to match the rest of your countertop. Whether you are dealing with real or artificial marble, you
can attempt the following suggestions but remember to test everything on an inconspicuous area first. For do-it-yourself repair, apply either non-bleach toothpaste or a paste of baking soda and water onto the stain. Leave for at least 3 hours and wipe. Or use 3% hydrogen peroxide and cover it with a white paper towel and plastic wrap. Tape the sides of the plastic onto the counter to create a poultice which may draw out the burn mark. Some people use 35% hydrogen peroxide for this challenge but the concentration is quite high which makes this much riskier than 3%. If the mark remains, you may be able to hide the burn mark by applying bathtub paint over the area. In any case it would be best to call in the professionals as you don’t want to accentuate or enlarge the mark. Dear Reena, I am helping my daugh-
ter and son-in-law paint their new house. Before I changed into my paint clothes, I got white paint on my denim skirt. Can you please tell me what to use to get the paint out? I really appreciate your help. Vicki Dear Vicki, Since the paint is more than six hours old, you will need to take aggressive action. In a ventilated area, soak the stain in Methyl Hydrate or paint thinner (found at your local hardware store) (test on an inconspicuous area first). Leave for 24 hours and scrub. Next soak the shirt in dish soap and water, rinse and wash as normal. Feedback from Readers Re: Burnt Pot I was reading your column about a lady who had a burnt pot. I just had a pot burnt relish containing sugar, I tried several different things to clean it
and no luck. Then I bought a can of oven cleaner and sprayed the pot. I left it overnight and it came shiny clean. Just thought this sounded like an easier solution than boiling washing soda and using sandpaper. Gaylene Re: Measuring without a measuring tape Another quick way to measure something long is to measure from your nose to the end of your arm (to the finger tips) which is approximately one yard. My mother told me this many, many years ago so it is an old idea as I’m 85 now so she would have learned it from her English mother. I’ve used it many times, especially when measuring out some fabric, just to get a quick idea of length. Love your column, Barb Re: Burnt cookies I solved my burnt cookie problem years ago. First choice was the air insulated cookie sheets. If that’s an expensive option
and you don’t want to use the cookie sheets with a lip all around, turn it upside down. Now you have a cookie sheet that lets air all around your cookies (best for shortbread). Gently remove from oven as they can be slippery. Linda Fabulous Pie Tips of the Week! • Before you bake your next hot apple pie…prevent apples from shrinking. Cook the apples slowly first over low heat for 15 minutes. Add sugar to the apple slices; doing this will extract some of the juices and make the crust less soggy. Choose more than one variety of apples so that some are sweet and some are tart. • Homemade pie crust that is too soft should be wrapped in plastic and stored in the fridge for about 15 minutes. Add flour as needed. • If your pie looks cooked, but the filling is underdone, loosely wrap it
in foil and return it to the oven to cook through. Great Tip of the Week: • Whenever I have grease left over from frying meat, I NEVER pour it down the drain. Instead, I put it into a small disposable container; i.e. from individual puddings, etc., or even into any container, and place it in the freezer. Once it’s frozen solid, it can easily be discarded, or if not in a disposal container, just pushed out in a solid mass and the container washed for reuse. Ruth Note: Every user assumes all risks of injury or damage resulting from the implementation of any suggestions in this column. Test all products on an inconspicuous area first. Reena Nerbas is a popular motivational presenter for large and small groups; check out her website: Ask a question or share a tip at
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Souris – Beautiful 5 bedroom home in new subdivision. Updated flooring, windows, large open kitchen with island. New furnace, central air, shingles, ICF basement, wrap around deck. Double attached heated garage, paved driveway, professionally landscaped. $335,000
Souris – Spacious 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom home on large park like lot. Bright eat-in kitchen and separate dining area. Gas fireplace, screened in sunroom, heated 36x24 workshop.
Happy New Year!
Residents of Souris had the opportunity to take in a family-friendly New Year’s Eve at the Souris Community Hall. Organizers rented the ice so that everyone could skate and play throughout the evening. The Lounge was also rented for the “adults” to share some quality time as well. Judging by the looks on these kids’ faces, a good time was had by all! PHOTO/DEBBIE BUTLER
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Page 4, Souris Plaindealer, Souris, MB, January 06, 2017
Christmas supper a success once again
According to preliminary reports from Bryan Church at the Community Christmas Supper held December 22 at the Souris Community Hall, the event exceeded his expectations. He believed that there were nearly 700 meals served, including those delivered. As of January 4, 2017, there were no final details available from the committee which organizes the event. Pictured is a collection of photos of the evening. Santa and Mrs. Claus made an appearance. Volunteers packed up “to go” meals and guests lined up to fill their plates. PHOTOS/DEBBIE BUTLER/SUBMITTED
SOURIS PLAINDEALER Serving Souris & District since 1892
Box 488 Souris, Manitoba R0K 2C0 Ph: (204)483-2070 • Fax: (204)522-3648 E-Mail:
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OFFICE MANAGER - Darci Semeschuk GENERAL MANAGER - Cheryl Rushing ADVERTISING/SALES - Marlene Tilbury
Debbie Butler ~ Karen Branston ~ Leila Skidmore Renee Dell ~ Dolores Caldwell ~ Tyler Bugg Judy Wells ~ Cindy Wilkinson
Subscription Rates - 1 Year MB - $43.00 $38.06 + $1.90 GST + $3.04 PST
The Souris Plaindealer does not guarantee publication of any articles or pictures submitted. Such submissions, if printed, will appear at the discretion of the editor and publisher and only when time and space permit. The Souris Plaindealer requires that all names be printed regarding Letters to the Editor. The Souris Plaindealer is published each Friday by Corner Pocket Publishing Ltd. at 53 Crescent Ave. W., Souris, MB.
Outside MB - $39.90 $38.00 + $1.90 GST • U.S.A. & Foreign - $160 We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
Deadlines: News & Classifieds ~ Tuesday - 4 p.m.; Display Ads ~ Wednesday - 12 noon • Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Page 5, Souris Plaindealer, Souris, MB, January 06, 2017
Keeping highways open was a priority for the Highways Department, meaning that homeowners were lefts to deal with large ridges of snow blocking their driveways. PHOTO/DEBBIE BUTLER
On Tuesday, December 20, we held our General Meeting and elected our slate of officers for 2017. They are as follows: President - Bob Edgerton; 1st Vice-president - Sam Phillips; 2nd Vice-president - Mark Gillis; Treasurer - Don Smith; Secretary - Karen Maryniuk; Executive-At-Large - Cheryl Edwards, Darren Janz, Lee Johnson, Sam Matiouwky, and Perry Van De Kerckhove; Sgt.-At-Arms - Chuck Blecker. Our last Bingo evening of 2016 was held on Wednesday, December 22, with 28 optimistic people on hand. Cheryl Edwards was in fine form, making four shouts during the evening. Her last was on the Little House, for which she received $50. Cindy Janz stayed close with three yells and the only other multiple winner was Gladys Skoc with two hollers. Janz Construction donated two Theatre Passes for our ticket draw. Everyone also
received a Santa gift. On Friday, December 23, our Clubroom was busy during the meat draw. Lady Luck played no favourites and no one was able to go home with more than one package of meat. Bob Edgerton won an item donated by Home Hardware. Jeff Kohut was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation. Amelia Morden held the lucky number on the 50-50 draw and received $142. The “Chase the Ace” pot amounted to $2,234 and Mike Belbas won the chance to take it home. However, the Ace stayed elusive, so someone will have an opportunity next week. Supper this evening was sweet & sour meatballs, rice, salad and a Christmas dessert. Our meat draw of Friday, December 30, was a slower evening but fun all the same. Some people were a little luckier than others. Taking home two meat packages were Sam Phillips, Terri Van De Kerckhove and the household of Delores and Ed Genaille. Dave Johnson won the Souris Railway Museum ticket. The 50-50 draw was worth $97 and
the winner was Kathy Nylund. Wayne Merkley tried to locate the Ace of Spades to put $2,294.50 in his pocket but was unsuccessful. We will offer another chance next week. We enjoyed ham and scalloped potatoes for our meal. To start 2017, we held our annual “LEVEE” on Sunday, January 1. We enjoyed an afternoon of camaraderie, refreshments and lunch. Live music was ably provided by Eugene Kowalchuk and his Gang.
With roads closed and vehicles unable to travel, one of the only means of getting around was by snowmobile during two winter storms that hit southwest Manitoba over the Christmas holiday. PHOTO/DEBBIE BUTLER
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Page Souris, MB, January 06,October 2017 23, 2015 Page 6, 8,Souris SourisPlaindealer, Plaindealer, Souris, MB, Friday,
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Souris Hillcrest Museum Auctions Halloween Tea, Thursday October 29, Auction 2015 from McSherry 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Estate & Moving Sale Fellowship Club. Rainbow Saturday, Jan. 7 10:00 AM feel Auction, bake table, Saturday, Jan. 14 10:00 AM free to wear a costume! Consignment Proceeds fromSale tea will go towards the restoration Saturday, Jan. 21 10:00 AM of a stained Bobcatglass 773 wwindow. 700 hrs * ----------------------------------JD 850 Utility Tractor * Elgin Museum Yardand ItemsDistrict * Tools * Metal willLathe have * 3 aPHshowing Equip * of the 3rd film in the Warpaths Consignments Series “Silver Welcome! Crosses” on Tuesday, November 10, (204) 467-1858 or (204)at886-7027 2015 7:30 p.m. in the Elgin Community Hall. Admission For Sale -isMisc $5.00. Everyone welcome.
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OBITUARY Legal/Public Notices
Apartments/Condos for Rent
South-Vu Apartments has rent - 2nd floor, one Robert Arthurbedroom, (Bob), air conditioned UNDER THE HIGHWAYS apartment, kitchen appliancProblems walking or PROTECTION July 17,ACT 1932 - October 5, 2015 es supplied, laundry room in getting dressed? HIGHWAY BOARD building, parkingthe with It isTHE with deepTRAFFIC sadness that our familycarport announces The Disability Tax Credit cold storage room. No chilpassing of Bob. He leaves to mourn partner dren his or love pets,andnon-smoker. Notice is hereby given that $2,000 Sylvia Plawucki of over 25 years. Also left to mourn are Contact Forbes Arbuckle a hearing of the Highway Yearly Tax Credit 204-483-0100. Sylviaʼs Trafficchildren: Board willson be Wade held on (Jocelyn) Plawucki, daughter Tara, son Darren and $20,000 Wednesday, January (Dino) 11, 2017(Linda) Plawucki Houses For Renttheir children Ryan Jamie. Lump Sum + Rebate at 11:00 a.m. and in Room B6, Granddaughter Kelly Capp 2 bedroom house rent Provincial andBrandon her family. Bob Building, treated Sylviaʼs children as iffor they Apply anytime of the in Souris. Fridge and stove 340 9th Street, Brandon, were his own. Also left to mourn is Bobʼs sisterfor included. Hasonly facility year. Lowest rate in Manitoba. washer and dryer. FullHunt baseDoreen (James) Logeot, sisters-in-law Irene (Bill) the industry. ment Ardagh - unfurnished. $800 and Mary (Bert) Hunt; Aunt Alice and Uncle per month. Phone 204-483PERMITS - PART 1 Reliable Expert Service George and Aunt Elva Hunt; 0714. and many nieces and SECTION 9 H.P.A. AND nephews, countless cousins, all of which Bob was 204-453-5372 PART III and - SECTION 17 H.P.A. SOURIS - New one bedso proud. room house approximately Financial Services sq away. ft with full unfinBob was a person who kept the3/022/249/B/16 family connected no matter 1000 how far - NEXTGEN basement. - $750 loans -byor his parents, Bob was predeceased and Kathleenished Hunt, and by his Features three DRAINAGERobert SOLUTIONS include forced air gas furmore. No credit check - same day o/b/o ELGIN CREEK brothers, (Bill),1-855Albert (Bert) and Brian. nace, central air conditiondeposit. Toll William free number 35Open lines7 Forbes HOLDING CO.Municipality) LTD. main in floor laundry, 527-4368. days from School 8am Bob attended (Glenwood anding, one year Hartney. In to 8pm fridge,School stove, did microwave and 1953 to 1956 he bused children to Hartney by car when Forbes not have dishwasher, as well as a Application for Drainage Tiles enough students enrolled to keep it open, during those three years he worked partprisunroom, covered deck, (Agricultural) adjacent to P.T.H. vatePost yard, lots Inofthe storage, time at Atkinson Electric, C.C.I.L. Equipment and the Hartney Office. fall No. 22, N.E. 1/4 28-6-21 W, and wheel chair access of 1956 he started to work with the Manitoba Hydro Commission as a timekeeper. Municipality of Grassland. ramp. This is not a condoHe spent fourteen years in Boissevain as area clerk then moved minium to soWinnipeg there are 1972 no conrules, by-laws or added working as a clerk. In 1975 Bob moved to Jenpeg as a do camp clerk. In 1979 he 3/022/250/B/16 - NEXTGEN The four outside walls SOLUTIONS moved to St. James, WinnipegDRAINAGE as a caretaker and then to fees. Gillam in 1985. After yours. 35 are yours and only o/b/o ELGIN CREEK years with Manitoba Hydro he retired in 1991. Great location in Souris. HOLDING CO. LTD.while in Boissevain. AvailableWhen February 1, no 2017. Bob loved all sports, and coached baseball he was Call 204-724-4907 for more longer able to watch the games in person or on television he continued to enjoy information. Application for Drainage Tiles listening to them on the radio. (Agricultural) adjacent to P.T.H. He had a great love of horses,No.especially and was thrilled 22, E. 1/2Belgians, 33-6-21 W, when one of his geldings madeMunicipality it to the Royal Fair in Toronto. of Grassland.
NOTICE OF HEARING HUNTfor BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY GET FREE Building new home? VENDING Have high quality cabinets, latest for MACHINES Cancolours, Earn entire home from cancelled cus$100,000.00 + Per Year. All tom orders. Retail from $65,000 Cash-Locations $78,000 each. Build to Provided. fit & SAVE 75% off retail!Territories. 204-746-2223Interest Protected Free Financing. Full Details CALL NOW 1-866-668-6629 HARDY TREE, SHRUB, and berry W e delivered. b s Order i t online e The Reston and Area seedlings at or call 1-866Early Learning Centre A special thank you Dr. WWW.TCVEND.COM 873-3846. New growth guaran-----------------------------------FOR EVERYTHING. seeks a trained BATTERIES teed. Cram and the wonderful GREAT CANADIAN Dollar farm, construction, educational professional Automotive, staff of the Souris Health ATV, marine, motorcycle, golf Store franchise opportunities for position of Director. carts, phones, tools, radios, comCentre for their care and are available in CLASSIFIEDS. your area. PROVINCE-WIDE etc. Reconditioned, obsoQualified candidate will be puters Explore your future with a Reach over 400,000 readers concern for all of our lete and hard-to-find batteries. SOa strong leader, possess LAR weekly. store Call this newspaper NOW leader. Call today equipment. The Battery needs. Thank you Man. to dollar or email for 1.877.775.8271 experience or degree in Winnipeg. ext. 229; Father Michael for 1-877-388-0123 details. Funeral service was held at the Hartney Centennial Centre with education, with excellent officiating at the service MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION! InCAREER TRAINING computer skills. Please interment in the Hartney Riverside Cemetery. The Highway Traffic Board will Health Services and the at St. Jeanʼs CWA HUGE DEMAND Starting demand career! Employers have for Medical beend.prepared to consider send resume and “To Sylvia my love forever. I came to the The sun has set for me.allWhy cry for a soul work-at-home positions available. for$ the50lovely lunch they Transcriptionists! CANADA BENEFIT GROUP - Do CanScribe submissions, written or oral,Remember references to set free. Miss me, but go on with life. Remember the love we shared. Get online training you need from you or someone you know suffer provided. Thank you to all is Canadaʼs top Medical on the above applications by me but employer-trusted program. Visper week from a disability? Get up to the good times we had together. On this journey I must go alone. Miss it: or 1-855who came to Dadʼs Transcription training school. (+ GST) contacting the Secretary prior to $40,000 from the Canadian GovThis opportunity closes let me go. Forever holding your hand. Love Bob.” 768-3362 to start training for your ernment.from Toll-free home1-888-511-2250 and work funeral or at the hearing. Phoneand our sincere Learn work-at-home career today! October 31, 2015. In memory of Bob, donations may be made to the Polio or home. Call today! thanks 522-3491to Dexter of sessment Survivors Association or to the Hartney Rink A/Secretary Fund c/o Town of Michelle Slotin, Kowalchukʼs Funeral 1 . 8 0 0 . 4 6 6 . 1 5 3 5 . Hartney, Hartney, Manitoba R0M 0X0. w w w . c a n s c r i b e . c o m THE HiGHWAy TRAffic Obituaries Obituaries Obituaries Home forObituaries all his hard work Kowalchukʼs Funeral Home, Souris, in care of BoARD 1. Newspapers reach the and attention to detail. COMING EVENTS arrangements. majority of customers weekly. Sincerely, 200-301 Weston Souris District Arts Council DEKALB SuperSpiel Expression of sympathy may be Street made at 2. To boost sales. Cindy Reynolds & family Winnipeg, MB R3E 3H4 welcomes the World. Concert Series 2015/2016 3. To introduce new products and Gail Wright & family Phone: 204-945-8912 November 20 \endash 23rd to include: and services. & Rosenort. 32 Menʼ s, Bodin JuliaMorris Catherine “Cathy” 4. To keep your name in front • TERRY BARBER – ----------------------------------Reconditioned, obsolete and Pillow-top set; Pillow-top King left on sales lot. One home in of your customers. I am so grateful for the 32 womenʼ s teams from 7 hard-to-find batteries. SOLAR set $695; $459 5 piece 48î Rapid City November 5 move-in ready and 1934 ~ 2016 5. Newspaper advertising can be • JESSE PETERS – many acts of kindness I countries. Also Jennifer equipment. The Battery Man. table set; Floor Model sofa priced toby section sell. and Glendale Julia Catherine “Cathy” Bodin Medicine AB, beloved wife of the late Jones, of Mike McEwen Hat, & Reid targeted reader. Apartments/Condos for(La-zRent have received. Thank you December 10 Winnipeg. 1.877.775.8271 and chairs sets $1195 Mobile Home Sales, 260 Glen 6. Newspaper advertising can C aon r Tuesday, r u t hDecember e r s . 27, 2016 at the age of 82 Gaston Bodin, passed away • The Hound of the to Dr. Ziada, the nurses, boy $449 two 5 piece Youth Avenue, 204-724targetBrandon specific geographic OneCo.);and bedroom years. -----------------------------------bedroom (2 colors). Baskervilles (MTC) – ambulance drivers and all apartmentssuite available. Water 7907 locations. -----------------------------------to cherish memory her son, Leon (Betty) Bodin; her daughter, and parking included. $650 in and see our friendly STEEL BUILDINGS February 11 7. To reach customers you theCathy staff leaves at the Souris her TRY SOMETHING NEW this P R O V I N C E - W I D E Come $750experienced per month staff. plus hydro. CLASSIFIEDS. Reach over and You STEEL BUILDINGS… Jeanne (Les) Mohr; her daughter-in-law, Linda Bodin; six grandchildren, Angela haven’t thought of yet. • SIERRA NOBLE – Hospital for their care and winter. Stained glass, fused Call 204-483-3123. 400,000Melissa readers weekly. Call wonʼt be disappointed. Sale ìMADNESS SALE!î 8. With short deadlines, All (Trevor) Corissa glass (Ryan) Shane Mohr, (Trevor) February 25 and Tangen, mosaic weekend concern. The Hogg, food, flowers or and email Hours: Mon-Fri 10-8, Sat 10-6 Buildings, Alladvertising Models. can Youʼll newspaper be Bodin, Ryan Bodin; Payton classes in our seven studiogreat-grandchildren, in this newspaper NOW • JET STREAM – April 17 andJohannsen, visits haveJason helped us and immediacy. for & Sun 12-5. Call KDL think tailored weʼvefor gone MAD Winnipeg. Glass making Hogg, Johannsen, and Asha Season tickets are now so Jake much. I Cole feel and veryGavin Tangen, Daiton and Blake 9. Newspapers are portable Furniture at 204-571-1971. DEALS. Call Now and get Visit: details. available – get yours and blessed Bodin;by twothe sisters, Donna Storozuk (Phil) and Marlene Lee; as well as numerous care I supplies. and Pioneer convenient. -----------------------------------660 Highland Ave., South your DEAL. Steel 1www.prairiestudioglass. com see 5 shows for the price received niecesboth and nephews. here and at or CALL 204-783-1117. KDL Furnitureʼs ìLUCKY side of #1 Hwy., Brandon. 8 0 10. 0 Newspaper - 6 6 8 -advertising 5 4 2 2 builds business credibility and of 4. Adults $80; Students Riverdale ANNIVERSARY MOBILE HOMES Cathy was predeceased Gaston Bodin;13THî her parents, George SALE and Centre in Rivers by her husband, FOR SALE momentum. $40. For tickets please call andElizabeth Extended until October 31! 5 New 16 x 80, 3 Bed, 2 Bath. WANTED that I Mott; live in andthis one son, Anthony Bodin. Advertisements and Limited available Sharon Dunn caring contained Cathy was born204-483in Hartney, MBcommunity. where she was raisedstatements and educated. Sheherein then lived in stock Estevan, SK foron Starting at $83,000. Altona FIREARMS. All types wanted, select products. BEST Mobile Homes, 1-800-582- estates, collections, single 2001 or Kathy Price at are the sole responsibility of Elinor Birks approximately seven years before moving to Calgary in 1973. Cathy worked for AlphaSAVINGS Milk Dairy World for 25 OF THE YEAR 4036, 1-204-324-6776 items, military. We handle all Kirkup Agencies 204-483In Memoriam Email: In Memoriam the persons or entities that years and moved to Medicine Hat in 2000. She enjoyed camping, quadding, snowmobiling, and gardening and from 10-60% off all store paperwork and transportation. 2149. Everyone is post the advertisement, and was a very social person. Cathy will be greatly missed by the her family and friends. -----------------------------------Licensed Dealer. Manitoba Community products. Enter our $1000 welcome – come out and draw. No purchase required. CLEARANCE of in-stock SRI 1 . 8 6 6 . 9 6 0 . 0 0 4 5 The funeral service was held at SAAMIS MEMORIAL FUNERAL CHAPEL on Monday, January 2, 2017 at Newspaper Association and bring a friend! Also check 11:00our a.m. new with Gary W. Goran officiating. membership do not make any A few of the HOT SPECIALS: mobile homes. Only 3 homes out website $699 Beautyrest Queen 3î warranty as to theSociety, accuracy, Memorial gifts in Cathy’s memory may be made to the Alzheimer’s #201, 770 – 6th Street SW, Is your Company completeness, truthfulness or Medicine Hat, AB, T1A 4J6 . ----------------------------------looking to hire In loving memory of a husband, father, of such Condolences may be sent through orreliability to subject heading Cathy Aboriginal job seekers? Hip or Knee advertisements. For greater grandfather and great-grandfather, Bill. Bodin. Funeral arrangements are entrusted to SAAMIS MEMORIAL FUNERAL CHAPEL AND Replacement? information on advertising We’ll hold you close within our hearts, Post your CREMATORIUM, “The Chapel in next the available Park”, Medicine Hat, Alberta. Should conditions, please consult the you wish any additional job opening with And there you will remain, information, please telephone 1-800-317-2647. Associationʼs Blanket Restrictions in www. To walk with us throughout our lives, Advertising Conditions on our Walking/Dressing? firstnationsjobsonline website at Until we meet again. .com $2,000 Yearly Tax -----------------------------------~ Roberta and family. Credit BATTERIES FOR For more information EVERYTHING. Automotive, email: $40,000 in Tax Rebates farm, construction, ATV, marine, motorcycle, golf Disability Tax Credit
Advertisements and statements contained herein are the sole responsibility of the persons or entities that post the advertisement, and the Manitoba Community Newspaper Association and membership do not make any warranty Edward Bertholet - With as to the accuracy, completeness, heartfelt orthanks our truthfulness reliability toof such advertisements. For greater inforfamily and friends for so mation on advertising conditions, many consult acts the of Association?s kindness please Blanket Conditions on during Advertising a very difficult time. our website at
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Souris Plaindealer
Phone (204)483-2070 • Fax (204)522-3648
Page 7, Souris Plaindealer, Souris, MB, January 06, 2017
RCMP 2016/2017 Holiday Checkstop Stats – Week Three Week three of the RCMP Holiday Checkstop Program, from December 20, 2016, to December 26, 2016, resulted in:
• 1,733 vehicles checked across Manitoba during 40 Checkstops • 17 people charged with either Impaired Driving (Alcohol) or
Highlighted calls for service in Souris RCMP area were as follows: • December 27: Police received a call regarding a suspicious truck parked in a back lane. Police ran the plate and spoke with the owner who was visiting a nearby home. • December 30: A call came in through 9-1-1 regarding a break & enter, possibly with a weapon. Police attended the Souris residence and arrested a male for several charges. • December 31: The Agricultural Museum was broken into sometime overnight and into the early morning. Nothing stolen, just some things moved around. In the same time frame, someone with similar attributes to The Grinch, stole dainties and pop from the Recycling Depot. This
evening was a busy one for auto theft. Four vehicles were stolen from various Souris locations. All vehicles have been recovered. All vehicles had keys left in them. Police do have suspects in the thefts. Friday FYI: Highway Traffic Act 57(1): Every windshield on a motor vehicle being driven on a highway shall be equipped with a device in good working order for clearing rain, snow, or other moisture therefrom; and the device shall be so constructed as to be controlled or operated by the driver of the vehicle, and shall be kept in operation whenever necessary. Clear your windshield before and while driving in poor weather conditions. It’s the law! Speeding: 2 False alarms: 2 Souris RCMP-GRC: Emergency: 9-1-1; Nonemergent crime: 204483-2123; Administration (Criminal Record Checks): 204-483-2854.
Drive Over .08 • 1 person charged with Impaired Driving by Drugs • 3 people charged with Refusing a Breath Demand • 8 alcohol- or drugrelated administrative roadside suspensions • The highest blood/ alcohol reading reported
was 270 mgs% (0.270) – 3.5 times the legal limit – two individuals had readings this high Other stats from week three of the 2016/2017 program include: • 531 other trafficrelated provincial statute (Highway Traffic Act) charges laid • 5 Liquor & Gaming
Control Act (LGCA) offences • 7 Other Criminal Code Driving offences One of the impaired drivers was caught doing 135 km/hr in a 60km/hr zone and was charged with Dangerous Operation of a Motor Vehicle under the Criminal Code as well. There was one traffic-
related fatality during the past week in Minnedosa. Last year during week three, there were three traffic-related fatalities. RCMP officers conducted 31 Checkstops - checking 1,859 vehicles resulting in 23 people being charged with Criminal Code Impaired Driving offences.
Partnership of Chartered Professonal Accountants Virden - 275 Nelson Street W • 204-748-3135 Brandon - 929 24th Street • 204-727-5577
Toll Free 1-877-866-6444 HAROLD REID, C.A. AUDRA NYCHUK, C.A. IAN MCMULLAN, C.A.
Registered Massage Therapist, Homeopath Souris 483-2225
Turner Autobody in Carroll, MB
Laura J. McDougald-Williams
Souris: 204.483.1556 Brandon: 204.725.8770 Fax: 204.483.2321
B.A. (Hons.), LL.B., B.CL.
W. Bryan Webber B.A., B. Ed. (A.D.), LL.B.
Murray Turner • Dean Mushie • Full autobody service • MPI service and private work • Windshield repair & replacement • Free windshield repairs with $250 deductible or less
Office Hours: Monday - Friday • 9:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m. Toll Free: 1-800-628-7960 4 Crescent Avenue West
Box 1149
Souris, MB
R0K 2C0
Boulanger Construction Journeyman
• New Homes Licensed R-2000 Builder • Additions & Renovations • Roofing
No job too Big or Small FREE ESTIMATES Carey Chudley - Journeyman
483-2497 (cell)724-0545
This winter’s heavy snowfall makes life a little difficult for people and winter seems awfully long when you can’t get around easily in the deep drifts. At Victoria Park Lodge (VPL) and many other areas of Souris and, indeed, all of southern Manitoba, just keeping sidewalks and driveways clear, is a challenge. This is VPLs hard-working maintenance man trying to clear some of the snowdrifts from the residents’ homes so they can at least see out their living room windows! PHOTO/SUBMITTED
HELP WANTED Victoria Park is looking for a part-time cook.
The successful applicant must be able to work evenings, weekends and holidays. Please send resume to Box 940, Souris,MB.
Souris Dental Centre Family Dentistry
166 Dickson Street P.O. Box 464 Souris, MB R0K 2C0 300 Nelson Street W. P.O. Box 1354 Virden, MB R0M 2C0
Appointments Available Monday - Friday
Office: 204.748.1633 Fax: 204.748.1591 Cell: 204.851.3061 After Hours: 204.483.2110 Email:
• Concrete Flat work
New Construction • Renovations • Free Estimates
1:00 p.m.
Renovations, New Construction Large or Small Jobs Free Estimates
Snow brings many challenges to residents
11:00 a.m.
Felix Boulanger
Call 483-0107 or 483-3848
SUNDAY SERVICE 11:00 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:00 a.m.
COMMUNITY BAPTIST WORSHIP Sunday School Gr. 5 - Adult 10:00 a.m. Worship & Junior Church 11:00 a.m.
ST. MARY’S ROMAN CATHOLIC Mass Sunday Service 11:00 a.m.
THIS SPACE FOR RENT! D. Scott Anderson, FCGA Valerie T. Strath, C.G.A. Darcy Gerow, D.Ag. Unit I - 3000 • Victoria Avenue • Brandon, MB
Jesse & Forbes Arbuckle
Electrical Contractor Underground Wire locating
Bus. 483-3320 Res. 483-2517
Page 8, Souris Plaindealer, Souris, MB, January 06, 2017
Tournament of Champions set to go
The 43rd Annual Bantam Tournament of Champions is Souris Minor Hockey’s (SMH) major fundraiser, so all families of registered SMH players contribute to the workforce for the tournament. The Bantam team parents comprise the organizing committees and fill in all vacant work shifts. The 12-team, 22-game tournament runs from January 12 - 15, 2017. Local residents are welcomed and encouraged to attend the event to watch some games and enjoy a meal from the food concessions. This is the qualifying tournament for rural teams into the Brandon Bantam Tournament of Champions. Pictured above are the Souris Bantam Elks. Front row (LR): Jared Paulsen, Tristen Couling, Nolan Roberts, Garnett Speers, Dawson Carlisle. Middle row (L-R): Noah AmosLandry, Nicholas Dornian, Dominic Denbow, Zac Janz, Wyatt Nepinak, Tristyn Stam, Tristen Tichit, Brett Remillard, Myles Sobry. Back row (L-R): Coach Brian Sobry, Assistant Coach Peter Stam, Manager Vance Roberts. PHOTO/SUBMITTED
A line of vehicles follow a grader on Highway 250 as it clears a path.
Ken Kobylka, and his son Marcus, spent over two hours clearing the roof on the home of Orville Hamm in Souris. Several sheds in the area have collapsed from the weight of the snow. PHOTOS/DEBBIE BUTLER
Phone 204-483-5200 Fax 204-483-5203
MUNICIPAL OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Closed noon - 1:00 p.m. NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2017 • 7:00 p.m. • 100 - 2nd Street South
WEBSITE INFORMATION - Send event details to VISIT US AT or
HANDI-TRANSIT • To book your ride, call 204-741-0202 Monday - Friday
The first storm that brought southern Manitoba to a standstill might be gone, but a new front was building on the horizon.
In-town trip: $5.00 one way or $10.00 round trip • $50.00 Pre-paid pass (10 rides + 1 free) Group trips are also available upon request, advanced booking required.
Donations to the Handi-Transit may be made through the Municipal Office
BUILDING PERMITS ARE REQUIRED for renovations, new construction, additions, fences, and accessory buildings. Contact the Municipal office for information - 483-5200. Building Inspector available Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday only. TRANSFER SITE: Dispose used oil, filters, antifreeze & containers at the Eco-Centre. Wed. & Fri. 12:00 noon – 5:00 p.m. • Sat. 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. •Sun. 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. :
GARBAGE & RECYCLE PICK-UP put your garbage /recycling out by 7:00 a.m. RECYCLING CENTRE: 24-hour drop off at 20 Pine Ave E (west side). E-WASTE is accepted, large items may be dropped off at the Recyling Depot. Please avoid putting household garbage in recycling.
Souris Valley Recreation Programs Call: 204-483-5214 or visit:
FRIDAY - SUNDAY SHOWTIME: 7:30 P.M. Phone 204-483-5215
SNOW REMOVAL ROUTE: NO OVERNIGHT PARKING is in effect for the Winter months for snow removal on: Crescent Avenue West From 1st Street South to 2nd Street South 2nd Street South from Crescent Avenue West to 5th Avenue West; and 1st Street South (PTH 22) from 1st Avenue (Hwy #2) to Crescent Avenue West. PRIVATE SNOW CLEARING: The Snow Clearing policy is now in effect. When clearing snow you are required to pile the snow on your own property. For more information please contact the Municipal office at 204-483-5200. Keeping your sidewalks free of ice and snow is greatly appreciated.
A look down Crescent Avenue shows that, while crews were able to open main sidewalks, the snow in front of businesses was going to be a much tougher job to clear.