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Vol. 132 • No. 9 Friday, August 3, 2018
$100/Copy (Inc. Taxes)
Fun times at Souris pool Hanging out at the Souris Pool, what could be better? The Souris pool is the place to be to beat the heat this summer. The heated outdoor pool provides fun for any age with its four slides, lazy river and beach-like entry. The Souris pool offers a variety of programming for the public, including aquasizes, lap swimming, Red Cross, Life Saving Society, Swimming Lessons, Life G u a r d Tr a i n i n g and public swimming . In addition the facility can be rented for private functions. These young people are enjpoying some of the games on site after taking part in the daily swimming lessons. PHOTO/DEBBIE BUTLER
Attention Souris Subscribers! Is your Plaindealer set to expire? If you have a Souris box number and pick your Plaindealer up at our new Blue Box location in front of the Civic Centre, you’ll no longer see a red circle to indicate that it’s time to renew your subscription. We will be posting a list of Souris Box numbers
in the Plaindealer each month and if you see yours on that list, please stop in at the office located at 53 Crescent Ave. West to renew. We look forward to seeing you! Box Number Expiring: 242; 325; 654; 721; 826; 881;
906; 1137; 1145; 1153. Remember – only Souris Box numbers will be listed. All those outside of Souris and still receiving their paper by mail will have their tag circled in red when it is time to renew your subscription.
WHITFIELD D UGS Your Healthcare Centre in STORE HOURS: 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 pm Monday - Friday
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Page 2, Souris Plaindealer, Souris, MB, August 03, 2018
Rain floods streets in Souris Heavy rain fell in a fairly short time period flooding some streets in Souris, and coming faster than storms sewers could accommodate. Approximately 20 mm of welcome precipitation fell on July 22, the first since July 11. Pictured here is a flooded Fifth Avenue West as water backs up on the street. Manitoba’s farmers would be glad to see some of this precipitation but there’s little in the forecast for southwest region. PHOTO/DEBBIE BUTLER
Cross-Canada tour promotes canola meal with influential Chinese delegates submitted From July 11 to 19, the Canola Council of Canada (CCC) armed five experts from China s livestoc and a uaculture industr ith a first hand learning experience on Canadian canola meal. he CCC hosted tour be gan ith a port tour in an couver to see ho canola seed and meal move off shore and concluded in
Sherbroo e, uebec at the Agriculture and Agri Food Canada Research Centre. Along the way, the group toured canola farms and learned from academ ics at both the niversit of Sas atche an and the niversit of anitoba. articipants included a uaculture researchers, a swine nutritionist, the di rector of China s Animal usbandr roup and a
commodity trader. his as a great op portunit to sho case the ualit and value of Ca nadian canola meal to the Chinese delegates,” says im Everson, president of the CCC. “Connecting ith e in uencers helps ensure that processors and end users in China are more a are of canola s superior ualities and builds lasting relation
FOR SALE BY TENDER Sealed, written tenders for the property situate in the MUNICIPALITY OF GRASSLAND and described below will be received by:
110-11th Street Brandon, Manitoba R7A 4J4 Attention: Warren G. Barber, Q.C.
ships in this important ex port mar et. Another important part of the tour as high lighting the decades of research on canola meal usage,” says Brittany c , the CCC s canola meal manager who guid ed the tour. Delegates learned from researchers at several niversit of Sas atche an facilities such as the Rayner Dairy Research and Teaching Facility and Canadian Feed Research Centre, as ell as the niversit of anitoba s epart
ment of Animal Science. his complements the various research and dem onstration trials e have done in China to dem onstrate how Canadian canola meal fits into the livestoc and a uacul ture rations of Chinese producers, sa s c . After the nited States, China is the largest ex port mar et for canola and canola products. n 2017, exports to China ere orth 3.6 billion in cluding 4.5 million tonnes of seed, 688 thousand tonnes of oil and 1 million
tonnes of meal. Canola meal exports to China continue to grow. The Canola Council of Canada is a full value chain organi ation repre senting canola growers, processors, life science companies and exporters. eep it Coming 2025 is the strategic plan to en sure the canola industr s continued growth, de mand, stabilit and suc cess achieving 52 bush els per acre to meet global mar et demand of 26 mil lion metric tonnes b the year 2025.
LAND: SE ¼ 7-5-23 WPM
CONDITIONS OF TENDER 1. Interested parties must rely on their own inspection and knowledge of the property and not on any representations made by or on behalf of the Vendor. 2. Tenders must be received on or before 2:00 p.m. on Friday, August 17, 2018. 3. Tenders must be accompanied by a $2,500.00 deposit cheque payable to Meighen, Haddad LLP. Deposits accompanying unacceptable bids will be refunded. 4. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
SESSIONS 18081aa2
TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. The bidder whose tender is accepted will be required to complete an agreement covering terms and conditions of sale. 2. The date of possession and date for payment of the balance of the accepted tender shall be January 2, 2019. If the balance of the accepted tender is not paid on closing, or evidence provided that the purchase funds will be available under conditions acceptable to the Vendor, the deposit paid may be forfeited as liquidated damages and not as a penalty. 3. Possession is not authorized until acceptable arrangements for full payment are made following acceptance of tender. 4. All mines and minerals will be reserved from any transfer. 5. The successful bidder will be responsible for real property taxes commencing January 1, 2019. For further information or an appointment to view, contact Rod Atkinson at 204-728-2461.
Check out an upcoming Assiniboine program information session and discover why more and more people choose college. Chat with our informative staff at our Victoria Avenue East campus in Brandon on Tuesday, August 7 and find out more about the college’s hands-on programs. To register and for more information, call 204.725.8750 or email
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Page 3, Souris Plaindealer, Souris, MB, August 03, 2018
EDITORIAL I don’t think people really care By Ken Waddell To hear politicians, voters and media talk about the attributes they admire in a leader, one would think that people want one who shows a high level of moral goodness. The leader should be happily married, have well-behaved children. They should have a successful career prior to entering politics. Once they get elected, they should be faithful to their spouse, never have stolen any money from anyone and be completely honest in every way. If you want to hear all the bad things about a leader, just listen to the opposition or the people supporting an opponent. The critics can’t heap enough scorn on their opponents. Hence, these days, the focal point of critics is U.S. President Donald Trump. He does give opponents a lot of target area for sure. He is painted, in some cases and perhaps ith ustification, as a liar, a buffoon, a fornicator and many other titles.
To hear the opposition and the media, one would think Trump was the worst person to ever be a leader. There are two sources of irony surrounding this whole scene. The howling of Trump’s opponent has a tinny hollow sound to it. Their hero, Bill Clinton, was a moral failure of the worst kind. Without dragging out his several moral failures, one of which was with a person under his authority, how can Democrats elevate him and trample on Trump? Try reading a biography of President John F. Kennedy and not wonder how despicable (and charming) he was. Just to keep a balance, Republican president, Dwight Eisenhower, was no angel. It goes back and forth. Regardless of generation, regardless of party, many leaders have fallen far from the accepted ideal. On the Canadian scene, the criticisms are usually more muted. Most of our prime
ministers and federal leaders have to lead a much duller life than the alleged activities of U.S. presidents. They are either of higher moral fibre, have less vigorous critics or are a lot better at hiding their indiscretions. Former Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper was harshly criticized for looking shifty and cold. Hardly an issue that ranks with Trump, Clinton or Kennedy. Lester Pearson, along with former Conservative leader obert Stanfield, as criticized for being dull. John Diefenbaker was dubbed an eccentric with a huge ego. As the column headline contends, do people really care? They only seem to care about a leader’s shortfalls if they are on the opposite side of the political spectrum. A politician’s supporters only seem to care about results, not moral character or even dullness. The big question in voters’ minds seems to be, not the failings of their hero but two basic results: do they win elections
and do they get results? No shortcomings seem to matter to loyal supporters, only results. So, the Trump supporters might be misguided in our view, considering how apparently outrageous Trump seems to be, but they like the apparent results. The North Korea stand down, tighter border controls, standing up to Iran and the most important issue to people, the economy. Remember what Clinton said, “It’s the economy, stupid!” It does not seem to matter how dull or despicable a leader may be, the apparent results are what counts with supporters. It is the faults that matter to the opponents, but it is the results that matter to supporters. To supporters, no fault seems to matter. To opponents, no results seem to count. I guess people really do care, it is just about different things, depending on their point of view.
MCC Heads to Minnesota to Strengthen Trade Partnerships submitted The Manitoba Chambers of Commerce (MCC) will continue its efforts to strengthen and reconfirm its commitment to trade with our largest partners. MCC president and CEO Chuck Davidson will meet with representatives from the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce tomorrow (Wednesday) to discuss the value of our trade relationship, and the need for open trade borders despite the stalled negotiations towards a renewed North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and tariffs that have been imposed by both the U.S. and Canadian governments. As we did earlier this month with North Dakota chamber partners, we feel these are important discussions that show the chamber network is united in our support of open trade. We have been consistent in our message that the current trade dispute is
not good for business. Manitoba, exports to Minnesota totalled more than $1.33 billion in 2017, while our province imported close to $1.5 billion over the same period. In total, the province does about $10 billion worth of export trades to the U.S. on an annual basis, and imports about $17 billion worth of goods. Our hope is the more advocates for business we have on side, the louder the message will be to our leaders that we must work to remove barriers, not add more. Importance of Trade with Minnesota The trade relationship between Manitoba and Minnesota is critical to our businesses and industry sectors. Our close relationship is more than where we are situated on our map. It accounts for millions of dollars for tourism, agriculture, and much more. The current
trade dispute resulting in tariffs on trade products hurts our businesses and the men and women who rely on domestic and global trade. Overall Canada/Minnesota Trade Data anitoba exports more goods to Minnesota than any other state innesota is anitoba’s second largest importing state Canada is innesota’s #1 customer 174,200 obs in innesota depend on trade & investment with Canada Canada is innesota’s #1 export market Canada sells more to Minnesota than it sells to Japan Total Exports to Canada Threatened by New ariffs: 226,764,620 achts Etc. for leasure/Sport: Row boats, Canoes - $37,761,018 Bread, astr , Cakes, and Puddings 29,590,554
aper ncoated 28,654,705 Source: U.S. Chamber of Commerce) Minnesota exports to Canada by industry Agriculture: 15 Chemicals: 5 Energ : 3 E uipment machiner : 29 ransportation: 19 ther: 5 Minnesota imports from Canada by industry Agriculture: 7 Chemicals: 4 Energ : 62 E uipment machiner : 5 orest products: 6 inerals metals: 5 ransportation: 4 ther: 4 Top Minnesota goods exports to Canada Automobiles: 283 million ptical, medical precision instruments: 248 million res, slag ash:
$203 million lastics plastic articles: $153 million Beverages alcohol: 143 million ron steel tubes, pipes & sheets: $135 million asta, breads cereal preparations: $113 million Animal feed food industry residues: $105 million Electric motors generators: $97 million Stone cement products, abrasives: $95 million Top Minnesota goods imports from Canada Crude petroleum: 4.8 billion Natural gas other gases: 748 million Electricit : 359 million lastics plastic articles: $307 million otor vehicle parts: $262 million ron steel allo s semi finished products: 246 million
Soft ood lumber: $222 million ertili ers: 220 million Cereals: 195 million ood semi finished wood products: 141 million Top Minnesota services exports to Canada Business, professional & technical services: $190 million ravel: 160 million ransportation services: 148 million o alties: 116 million inancial services: $68 million Minnesota–Canada Tourism N visits b Canadians: 658,000 N vacation spending by Canadians: $181 million N visits to Canada: 581,000 N vacation spending in Canada: $170 million (Source: Government of Canada)
OFFICE MANAGER/SALES Darci Semeschuk PRODUCTION/CIRCULATION/REPORTING Karen Branston - Dolores Caldwell Judy Wells - Cindy Wilkinson Darci Semeschuk - Debbie Butler
53 Crescent Avenue West, Box 488, Souris, Manitoba R0K 2C0 Ph: 204-483-2070 Fax: 204-483-3866 Email:
REGIONAL GROUP PUBLISHER Nancy Johnson • SUBSCRIPTION RATES - 1 YEAR MB - $43.00 $38.06 + $1.90 GST + $3.04 PST Outside MB - $39.96 $38.06 + $1.90 GST U.S.A. & Foreign - $160
The Souris Plaindealer does not guarantee publication of any articles or pictures submitted. Such submissions, if printed, will appear at the discretion of the editor and publisher and only when time and space permit. The Souris Plaindealer requires that all names be printed regarding Letters to the Editor. The Souris Plaindealer is published each Friday by The Prairie Newspaper Group LP, a division of GVIC Communications Corp. at 53 Crescent Avenue West, Souris, Manitoba. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada.
Deadlines: News ~ Tuesday 4:00 p.m.; Classifieds ~ Tuesday NOON.; Display Ads ~ Tuesday NOON Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Page 4, Souris Plaindealer, Souris, MB, August 03, 2018
Saskatchewan challenging carbon tax Last week, the Angus Reid Institute published a new national public opinion poll indicating that seven out of 10 Canadians believe the Government of Saskatchewan was right to challenge the Trudeau carbon tax in court, while two thirds of Canadians believe it should be the provinces - not Ottawa - that determine the appropriate path to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Two weeks ago, Ontario Premier Doug Ford announced that Ontario would support Saskatchewan’s legal challenge of the Trudeau carbon tax by seeking intervener status in our government’s reference case at the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal. In declaring his support for Saskatchewan, Premier Ford was unequivocal, stating that Ontario would use every single tool at its disposal to challenge a carbon tax that would make life unaffordable for families and put thousands of jobs at risk. Three weeks ago, Prince Edward Island confirmed it is preparing a climate action plan that does not include a carbon tax or a cap and trade system. PEI Environment Minister Richard Brown said: “If the objective is to reduce carbon in the air, and we have a plan to do that, then why do we need a tax?” No doubt other provinces are asking the same question, as Ottawa’s September 1 deadline for carbon pricing proposals approaches. So this is the situation e find our nation
o or perhaps three provinces are in compliance with the federal carbon pricing plan o provinces are challenging the plan in court And a number of the remaining provinces and territories will not be in compliance come September The federal government would be well advised to take a step back to reassess and consider the ithdra al of its one si e fits all carbon tax and adopt a more collegial approach to addressing climate change. This was the approach Prime Minister Trudeau espoused in March 2016 when he met with Canada’s Premiers in Vancouver to discuss climate change. In Vancouver, the Prime Minister declared a willingness to work with the Premiers “in the spirit of cooperation and collaboration”. Soon afterward, Ottawa unilaterally imposed a carbon tax, in a betrayal of those warm sentiments. It’s time the federal government stepped back and took another look at what the provinces are actually doing to combat climate change. In Saskatchewan, we have released a climate change plan – Prairie Resilience – that will lead to a real reduction in greenhouse gas emissions without a carbon tax that would cost our province’s energy intensive,
export-oriented economy $4 billion over five ears. In Saskatchewan, we are in the process of doubling our renewable power to 50 per cent of our electrical generating capacity, in part by working with First Nations on innovative projects. We have invested more than a billion dollars in the orld s first commercial po er plant with a fully integrated post combustion carbon capture system – the Boundary Dam 3 project (BD3). BD3 has captured more than two million tonnes of carbon dioxide – the equivalent of taking 500,000 cars off the road. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) has been identified as a crucial technolog to reduce emissions by the United Nations, the International Energy Agency and a number of environmental groups. Saskatchewan is a world leader in advancing this important technology. This should be recognized by the federal government. We are devising an offset system that will recognize our province as a carbon sink and a research leader in agriculture. Carbon intensity in agriculture has been reduced in part because of research undertaken in our province, in genetics, agronomy, and in zero till technology that sequesters carbon in the soil. In Saskatchewan, we manufacture air drills and export them to Russia, Kazakhstan, throughout Europe, the United States
and Australia. These Saskatchewan-made air drills are reducing greenhouse gas emissions around the world. At home, more than 70 per cent of our land is cultivated using zero till technology. Meanwhile, the production of pulse crops in Saskatchewan has soared, from 400,000 acres in 1990 to six million acres today. We are one of the world’s leading exporters of lentils, peas and chickpeas, crops that fix nitrogen, use less fertili er, and therefore have a lower carbon footprint. Saskatchewan’s agricultural soils are an enormous carbon sink, sequestering millions of tonnes of CO2 every year. This, too, should be recognized by the federal government. As should the millions of tonnes of emissions offset by Saskatchewan uranium used to produce nuclear power in the United States and Asia. Saskatchewan industries – Canadian industries – are more environmentally responsible and operate more sustainably than many of their competitors around the world. If we really want to lower emissions, we should encourage Canadians to purchase sustainably-produced Canadian products. And we should give the provinces the freedom to develop climate change polices that actually work, without a federal carbon tax. Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe
Make driver-assist safety features a high priority when vehicle shopping: Manitoba Public Insurance submitted In an effort to promote safer driving and reduce the number of motor vehicle
collisions on our roadways, Manitoba Public Insurance encourages all Manitobans to consider the benefits of
driver-assist safety features when shopping for a new or used vehicle. “While exterior colour,
Municipal Election 2018 RM of Sifton Do you consider yourself a leader? Want to make a difference?
interior design, engine size and optional convenience features are common criteria when deciding on a new or used vehicle, the driver-assist safety features available in many of today’s models should also be an important
consideration,” said Ward Keith, vice-president, Business Development & Communications, Manitoba Public Insurance. Driver-assist safety features include back-up cameras, blind spot detection
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warning systems, lane departure warning and correction systems, adaptive headlights and automatic braking systems, to name just a few. “When understood and used appropriately, these technologies can assist drivers in avoiding collisions. Fewer collisions ultimately affects the insurance premiums all vehicle owners and drivers pay,” added Keith. Based on a recent poll of Manitobans conducted by Manitoba Public Insurance, it is clear that many Manitobans are not fully aware of how driver-assist safety features in vehicles work in conjunction with the driver to reduce collision risk. However the same poll revealed that once a brief description of the features was provided, the majority of those surveyed believed that driver-assist safety features would help reduce the risk of a family member being involved in a serious collision. Various vehicle manufacturers may call these technologies by different names and options may work differently or have varying capabilities, depending on the vehicle’s manufacturer. As such, people in the market for a new or used vehicle are encouraged to do a little research to understand what vehicle safety features are offered, and how they work. To assist, Manitoba Public Insurance recently launched a new public awareness campaign designed to provide Manitoba Continued on Page 7
Page 5, Souris Plaindealer, Souris, MB, August 03, 2018
Camping on the banks of the Souris River The Souris Parks Board was the benefactor of $50,000 donation from Enbridge in June. That money will be used towards the $100,000 campground expansion on the western edge of the Souris River. Currently the Parks Board has local contractors hard at work building these campgrounds and it is hoped they will soon be available to help with the overflow at the campground located near the swimming pool. The new campsites will be 33 x 60 feet and edge the Souris River. Lattice fencing is being installed to ensure privacy at the sites. PHOTO/DEBBIE BUTLER
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Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. & closed noon – 1 p.m. Next Regular Council Meeting – Tuesday Aug 14, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. • 100 - 2nd Street South
WEBSITE INFO.: Send event details to VISIT us at: or
HANDI-TRANSIT: To book your ride call 204-741-0202, Monday – Friday In-town trip: $5.00 one way or $10.00 round trip • $50.00 Pre-paid pass (10 rides + 1 free) Group trips are also available upon request – advanced booking required. Donations to the Handi-Transit may be made through the Municipal Office. BUILDING PERMITS ARE REQUIRED for renovations, new construction, additions, fences, and accessory buildings. Contact the Municipal office for information – 204-483-5200. TRANSFER SITE: Wednesday & Friday 2:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.,Sunday
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Page 6, Souris Plaindealer, Souris, MB, August 03, 2018
Souris athletes compete at Canadians By Darci Semeschuk Two former Souris Sabre Rugby players have returned home from Saskatoon where they competed in the 2018 U19 Canadian Rugby Championships July 16 – 22. Matthew Vinck and Federico Vargas joined other rugby players from Forrest, Brandon, Winnipeg and Saskatchewan to for the Prairie Blizzard U19 Rugby team. Joining then as the coach form Manitoba was Souris School teacher and the man who was instrumental in bringing the sport of Rugby to Souris, Coach Brian Yon. The Prairie Blizzard met the Ontario Blues, Atlantic Rock, and Alberta Wolfpack at the Canadian Championships and while they were unsuccessful in their bid to achieve a championship, the young team never gave up and improved every time they stepped onto the pitch. Coach Yon had this to say on the Prairie Blzzard Facebook page after their return home, “I was very proud of how our team performed this week on and off the field. he bo s efforts ere never questioned and they conducted themselves like professionals. thin it s a testament to the team culture we have established and the great work their parents have done raising these young men. Very positive for such a young team as well! Although the scores in the
games eren t ideal, believe in most of the games the scores eren t a true re ection of the games themselves. In every game, there were periods where we dominated, where the scoreline was very close but also where the opposition took direct control. This as a re ection of ho oung e were and the fact that our players don t get enough high level rugby. We knew this was going to be the case ith this ear s team, but have also made a pact we will work tirelessly over the next 12 months to put this team in a better position this time next year. Nineteen of the twenty-four rostered players are eligible to return next year which is really crazy when you think about it, but also shows how young we really were this year. With parental, club and union support, all the boys will have to do is work hard, be committed and have fun. The success will come from that foundation. If we can get these young men together more and provide the resources for them during the winter months and arrange more games, e ll be in a better place next year. I believe the experience our players received this past week was invaluable and it was a gauge for us to recognize where we are currently and where we need to get to for next year.” Matthew Vinck will continue to play rugby with the senior men s Brandon Barbarians.
Canadian championships an amazing experience for local players Two former Souris Sabre Rugby players, (L) Matthew Vinck and Federico Vargas were part of the Prairie Blizzard U 19 Rugby team that competed at the Canadian Rugby Championships in Saskatoon July 16 – 22. Joined by Coach Brian Yon, the young team looks forward to 2019. PHOTO/SUBMITTED
MINICIPALITY OF SOURIS-GLENWOOD ECO-CENTRE In Partnership with the Manitoba Association of Recovery Resource Corp (MARRC)
Bring in your used Oil and Antifreeze to the Eco-Centre at the Municipality of Souris- Glenwood Transfer Station to receive a certificate for a Jug of NEW OIL ANTIFREEZE!
For more information on this exciting program, please call the Municipal Office at 204-483-5200. *For a Limited Time While Quantities Last*
Page 7, Souris Plaindealer, Souris, MB, August 03, 2018
Safety features continued Continued from Page 4 bans with information to better understand the driverassist safety features available in many vehicles, and how these features can reduce collision risk. “Our objective with this campaign is to give Manitobans the information they need to help make informed decisions when buying a
new or used vehicle,” said Keith. “Road safety is everyone’s responsibility and while drivers are ultimately responsible for the care and control of vehicles on our roads, driver-assist safety features can be very helpful in keeping drivers alert and preventing collisions due to driver error.” Some vehicle safety fea-
tures to look for: Electronic stability control (ESC) – helps you maintain control if you begin to skid. Anti-lock brakes – prevents lock-ups and skidding, even in slippery conditions, and allows you to maintain control during emergency braking. Back-up cameras – a
video camera attached to the rear of your vehicle provides a visual display directly behind your vehicle when reversing. Lane departure warning system – alerts you if you’re about to drift into another lane when your turn signal isn’t on. Blind-spot detection system – senses vehicles in
blind spots behind or alongside you. ·Forward collision avoidance system – uses sensors to detect speed and distance between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead. Some systems include automatic emergency braking functionality. Adaptive cruise control
– automatically adjusts the speed of your vehicle in relation to the vehicle ahead to maintain a safe following distance. Adaptive headlights – swivel to illuminate the path you are driving rather than aiming straight ahead, to increase visibility around curves or over hills.
Souris Legion News by Gale Collinson Our meat draw of Friday, July 27, was a little quieter than last week (no birthday gatherings) but it as still difficult to in more than one meat package. In fact, only person was able to do that and I think he carried a rabbit’s foot. Bill Strath actually collected three times. The 50-50 draw added up to $81 and the lucky recipient was Lee McCulloch. Gale Collinson tried very hard
to find the Ace of Spades and take home $2,284. But, as happened last week, the Ace could not be found and it will be up for grabs again next week. Just a note to keep in mind – after this Ace is found, the price of a strip of tickets for this draw will be going up to $2. A supper of pork loin, potatoes, turnips, cucumber salad and dessert was available after the draws ere finished.
Cliff CULLEN MLA for Spruce Woods Holes repaired now that Crescent Avenue project on hold Time ran out for the upgrades to begin on Crescent Avenue and that left behind lots of holes to fill for the public works crew. It was a bumpy ride for motorists as they traversed the Crescent but it’s smooth sailing now. Crews were out filling the holes in front of the Plaindealer’s office on July 25. PHOTO/DARCI SEMESCHUK
Constituency Office Box 129, 101 Broadway Street Glenboro, MB R0K 0X0 t. 204.827.3956
Line 3 Replacement Program
Keeping You Safe. Enbridge is preparing for the replacement of a segment of the Line 3 pipeline in your area.
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For more information, visit
Page 8, Souris Plaindealer, Souris, MB, August 03, 2018
Council notes The following is a partial list of the meeting. A full account of the minutes is on file at the Municipal office and can be read by anyone during regular office hours. The Council for the Municipality of Souris-Glenwood held its regular meeting July 10. The Provincial Government is proceeding with changes regarding municipal authorit under Bill 14: he raffic and ransportation Modernization Act, which will allow municipalities to set speed limits in local communities. Discussion in regards to reduced speed limits north of town limits on P.R. No. 250 and west on PTH No. 2 was held. Prior to requesting any changes to the current posted speeds further information is required. Information was received from AMM that municipalities may conduct a plebiscite to determine whether the local retail sale of cannabis will be prohibited within the municipality. Local cannabis retail sales may only be prohibited is the same requirement for prohibiting local liquor sales and VLTs. The following motions were approved: that the agenda be adopted as presented.
that the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 26, 2018 be adopted as circulated. that the egular Council eeting be recessed and that Council proceed with the Public Hearings to deal with the Variation Order and Conditional Use Order Applications NE ¼ 7 – 8 – 21 No written or verbal submissions “for or against ere received. Notification as given as required by The Planning Act, of the Hearing and of their right to make representation. that the egular Council eeting be recessed and that Council proceed with the Public Hearings to deal with the Conditional Use Order Application for 201 10th Avenue West – Lot 3 Plan 53308 No written submissions “for or against” ere received. Notification as given as required by The Planning Act, of the Hearing and of their right to make representation. The conditional use application was reviewed by the board. Carey and Leslie Chudley attended the meeting to answer questions in regards to the proposed development of a residential dwelling to be used for the pur-
pose of a “Residential Care for Seniors”. The residence would be home to 5 residents and a caregiver. Neighbouring property owners attended the meeting to have questions answered. No formal submission was received against the development. It was noted that property owners on 9th Avenue West have concerns with the drainage on Plan 53308 (properties on 10th Avenue West). Council advised that together with Mr. Chudley (the developer) and the Public Works Department the approved drainage agreement ould be confirmed and rectified if re uired. that the Council for the unicipalit of Souris-Glenwood authorizes the approval of the application of Karen Knight and Tannis Palmer – Estate of Leslie Wilfred Knight - Variation Application Order No. 2018-02 a) To increase the required maximum Site Area from 10 Acres to 15.3 Acres for the proposed lot within the “AG” Agricultural Zone As required for the approval process of: Subdivision Application # 4449-17-7887 - Location: NE ¼ 7 – 8 – 21WPM that the Council for the unicipalit of
Souris-Glenwood authorizes the approval of the application of Karen Knight and Tannis Palmer – Estate of Leslie Wilfred Knight, To authorize the development of a non-farm dwelling in an “AG” Agricultural zone as required for proposed subdivision application file 4449 17-7887 that the Council for the unicipalit of Souris-Glenwood authorizes the approval of the application of Carey and Leslie Chudley - To allow for the development of a dwelling to be used for the purpose of “Residential Care for Seniors” within a “RT” Residential Zone - Location: 201 10th Avenue West – Lot 3 Plan 53308 that Council re uest that the ublic Works Manager and CAO complete a list of all infrastructure projects for the municipality prior to July 24th, 2018; and that Council approves a list of priority projects to be submitted prior to the submission deadline of August 10, 2018. that the egular meeting of Council does now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, July 24.
Regional Economic Partnership Launches Innovation submitted The Dennis County Development Partnership (DCDP) is a collaboration between the Town of Virden, RM of WallaceWoodworth, and RM of Pipestone. The Partnership has explored opportunities to expand the municipali-
ties’ economies with the creation of an Investment Attraction and Economic Development Strategy. Part of this strategy included the development of a Regional Investment Website. Formulating their website after the province of Ontario, this is the 1st regional investment website
Now Serving Souris & Area
of its kind in the province of Manitoba! “We are on the forefront of innovation for investment; it is an exciting time to be involved in a project of this calibre,” stated Tanis Chalmers, Manager of Economic Development, RM of Pipestone. The website will market the regional advantages and opportunities for investment. One of the key elements of the website is the commercial and industrial property database. This section inventories private and
municipal properties and the details of those properties. It is not inclusive to land that are currently developed. The website will also showcase properties that are under development. “We have a number of properties that are ready to purchase and develop on tomorrow, it is also strategic to illustrate the future of the region, we are growing and our future plans anticipate that,” informed Liza Park, Manager of Economic Development, Town of Virden.
All Corner Pocket Publishing ofces will be We offer a no-hassle clean and quick solution to
Removing that dated popcorn ceiling
Monday, August 6
in observance of Civic Holiday Regular hours will resume Tuesday, August 7
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After completing their strategic plan in the fall of 2017 the DCDP has been executing projects over the past few months that will provide them with a competitive edge for investment attraction and sustainability. A labour study has been completed along with marketing materials and banners to be used at marketing events. This fall the DCDP plans to execute a Business Retention & Expansion program that will included business visitation from the local Economic Development Managers and other staff. More information about this program will
be available in the coming months. The DCDP has been fortunate to receive funding from both the Province of Manitoba and the Government of Canada. They will continue to apply for further funding along with the funding from Municipal partners. The DCDP anticipates that the activities will elevate our region as a place to do business and strengthen the regional economy. The website will be available at or you can email the DCDP at
Page 8, Souris Plaindealer, Souris, MB, Friday, October 23, 2015
Page 9, Souris Plaindealer, Souris, MB, August 03, 2018
ADVERTISING RATES & INFORMATION Classified Regular • 25 Words/$6.50
Phone (204)483-2070 Fax (204)522-3648 • Email
HOME FOR RENT Obituaries
Souris Hillcrest Museum HalloweenObituaries Tea, Thursday October 29, 2015 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Fellowship Club. Rainbow Auction, bake table, feel free to wear a costume! Proceeds from tea will go towards the restoration of a stained glass window. ----------------------------------Elgin and District Museum will have a showing of the 3rd film in the Warpaths Series “Silver Crosses” on Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. in the Elgin Community Hall. Admission is $5.00. Everyone welcome.
One bedroom apartment, central location, parking, laundry and water. $437/ month. Phone Manager 204-483-3123.
FEED & SEED NuVision Commodities, St. Jean, MB buying feed grains, wheat, barley, peas, oats off grades grain. Phone 1(204)7583401.
Looking to purchase vacated farm yard site or small acerage within fifteen minutes of Souris, Joseph Richard O’Greysik of Souris, MB, passed away at the MB. Must be reasonably Souris Health Centre on July 20, 2018. priced. Contact 1-204Left to mourn his passing is Edward his belovedBertholet wife Gayle; - With 709-0132. daughter Susan and son-in-law Troy Sambrook; son Tim to and our heartfelt thanks daughter-in-law Maria, and his two granddaughters Emily and family and friends for so Kenzie; his mother Margaret (age 99 years); Dale many actsbrothers of kindness (Linda), Jerry (Debbie), (Alanna), sister-in-law Pat The Reston and Lynn, AreaRandy during a very difficult time. (Gary); and numerous nieces and nephews will miss him greatly. Early Learning Centre A special thank you Dr. Joe was predeceased by his father Thomas and brother Wesley. seeks a trained Cram and the wonderful Joe was employed by Manitoba Hydro for 38 years and retired educational professional staff of the Souris Health District Operator for the Souris area. He spent his first seven foras position of Director. Centre years working in northern Manitoba in the for earlytheir 1960scare where and Qualified candidate will be place. In 1967 forhe accepted all of our many dam projects were takingconcern a strong leader, possess the position of District Assistant needs. in Souris, working Len to Thankwithyou experience or degree inJoeFather Haskett. When Len retired, became District Operator. for Michael education, with excellent officiating the many service Joe was enthusiastic about participating in and at viewing computer skills. Please sports. He began playing hockey at the of fiJeanʼs ve years, CWA and theageSt. send resume and in Moosomin, SK and various continued with Junior Hockey for the lovely lunch they references toage of 68. Joe was an avid golfer Senior Hockey clubs until the provided. Thank you to all for 50 plus years and participated in many Legion tournaments who came to Dadʼs and International tournaments This opportunity closesin Minot, ND. As a long-standing funeral member of MAAC, he built and fl ew remote and controlour planessincere and October 31, 2015. enthusiastically attended airthanks shows with to his family. Dexter of Funeral Joe loved to spend time watchingKowalchukʼs his granddaughters in their Home for allswimming his hardand work various activities - ringette, basketball, softball, archery. He was so proud of his family and of beingtopart of the and attention detail. Souris District Arts community Council of Souris. Sincerely, Cindy Reynolds Joe was a Royal Canadian Legion member, a member&offamily the Concert Series 2015/2016 gun club and a busy volunteer at theand golfGail course. For a & number Wright family to include: years he coached minor hockey and baseball teams. Joe was • ofTERRY BARBER – ----------------------------------a member of the Souris Fire Department for 32 years andfor his the I am so grateful November 5 family was deeply touched by the Department’s honour guard many acts of kindness I • JESSE PETERS – the funeral. preceding have received. Thank you December 10 Joe was a strong, loving presence his Ziada, family members, to toDr. the nurses, • The Hound of the friends and co-workers. He will be sadly missed by all, as was ambulance drivers and all Baskervilles (MTC) – demonstrated by the number of friends and family who attended February 11 at the Souris Golf Clubhouse. the staffIn memory at theof Joe, Souris his reception • SIERRA NOBLE Hospital their donations may be made to –the Souris Golf for Club, Box care 985. and Souris, Souris Health February 25MB, R0K 2C0 or to theconcern. TheAuxiliary, food, flowers 303, 17 Souris, MB 2C0.have helped us • JET STREAMBox – April andR0K visits Season tickets are now so much. I feel very available – get yours and blessed by the care I Card of Thanks Coming Events see 5 shows for the price received both here and at Thank you to all the many friends of 4. Adults $80; Students Riverdale Centre in Rivers and neighbours for their continued $40. during For tickets please support Joe’s illness andcall at and that I live in this the very sad Dunn time of his passing. Sharon 204-483caring community. Thank you to Val and Dexter at 2001 or Kathy Price at Kowalchuk’s Funeral Home for Elinor Birks Kirkup Agencies 204-483their patience and guidance during Faith Community this difficult time. To Nikki and 2149. Everyone is Baptist Church - Souris Sharon at Plaza Petals whose welcome – come out and August 7 - 10, 9:00 a.m. - noon creativity knows no bounds, we Ages 5 - 12 thank All the floral bringyou. a friend! Also tributes, check baking, plants, and numerous food out our new website trays were greatly appreciated. To $10 for the whole week my friends from the Souris Health. Is your Company Auxiliary who provided a delicious Crafts, songs,to bible ----------------------------------looking hirestories,
supper, thank you. Also thanks to Hip the gals at the or GolfKnee Course Club House for providing a very deliReplacement? cious lunch at the reception. Gayle, Susan and Tim O’Greysik and families. Restrictions in
ThisYearly newspaper $2,000 Tax is recyclable Credit $40,000 in Tax Rebates Disability Tax Credit
snacks and games Everyone welcome!
Aboriginal job seekers?
Post your next available job opening with www. with us! Advertise firstnationsjobsonline Call 204-483-2070 .com
for more details. For more information
General Employment
Each Additional Word/$0.15
Advertising copy deviating in any way from the regular classified style will be considered display and charged at the rate of $6.50/column inch. AGREEMENT The Publisher reserves the right to refuse any or all advertising for any reason, stated or unstated. Advertisers requesting publication of either display or classified advertisements agree that should the advertisement be omitted from the issue ordered for whatever reason, the Souris Plaindealer shall not be held liable. It is also agreed that in the event of an error appearing in the published advertisement, the Souris Plaindealer accepts no liability beyond the amount paid for that portion of the advertisement in which the error appears or affects. Claims for adjustment are limited to errors appearing in the first insertion only.
Manitoba Crop Report HUNT Robert Arthur (Bob), July 17, 1932 - October 5, 2015
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION! In-demand career! Employers It is with deep sadness that our family announces the have work-at-home positions passing of Bob. He leaves to mourn his love and partner available. Get online training Sylvia Plawucki of over 25 years. Also left to mourn are you need from an employerSylviaʼs children: son Wade (Jocelyn) Plawucki, daughter trusted program. Visit: the southwest ArSummary July(Linda) Tara, Weekly son Darren (Dino) Plawucki region. and their or 1-855Matting Operator & Driver eas close to Riding Moun30, 2018 children Ryan and Jamie. Granddaughter Kelly Capp 768-3362 to start training Elkhorn, for MBɺ and her family. treated Sylviaʼs children Park as ifsuch theyas tain National Crops areBob advancing your work-at-home career Responsible for safely operating equipment for the today! were his own. to mourn only sister Edenis Bobʼs and Wasagaming rapidly withAlso the leftwarm installation, service, and trucking of all matting projects. AUCTIONS Doreen (James) Logeot,Rain sisters-in-law Hunt In receivedIrene 15 to(Bill) 26 mm. and dry conditions. Meyers Gun Reports Auction to10am Field Supervisor, Matting. and Mary (Bert) Hunt; Aunt Alice Ardagh andcrops Uncleare general, most is needed in most areas to Saturday November 7 Arden, George Aunt Hunt; looking and many and goodnieces but require sustainand crops andElva replenMB. Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols Class 1 Drivers License nephews, and countless cousins, all of which Bob was rain. Hot and dry weather ish soil moisture. and 1+large selection of equipment operation required years’ experience with heavy so proud. ammunition. Towith consign callwith loader or grapple is preferred Harvested has started is turning crops quickly. Experience setting mats was a person who kept the no matter how far away. and driving distances inBob varying weather conditions Brad Long shifts204-476-6262. Winter wheat and fall in family winterconnected cereals, barley, Commitment to safe working practices Bob was predeceased by his parents, Robert and Kathleen Hunt, and by his three rye are close to harvest. and peas. Efficient and excellent time management skills BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY brothers, William (Bill), Albert (Bert) and Brian. High standards of integrity, energy level, and motivation There are reports of some Swathing or pre-harGET FREE VENDING Bob attended Forbes School (Glenwood Municipality) and one year in Hartney. In vest applications have earl seeded fields being MACHINES Can Earn 1953 to 1956 he bused children to Hartney by car when Forbes School did not have $100,000.00 + Per Year. All harvested. Some part fields started in early enough students enrolled to keep it open, duringseeded those three years he worked Cash-Locations Provided. will be desiccated this spring cereals and canola. time at Atkinson Electric, C.C.I.L. Equipment and the Hartney Post Office. In the fall Protected Territories. Interest week. Most spring wheat Fist cut hay is nearing of 1956 he started to work with the Manitoba Hydro Commission as a timekeeper. Free Financing. Full Details is in the dough1972 stage. completion; yields He spent fourteen years in Boissevain as area clerk are then moved to soft Winnipeg CALL NOW 1-866-668-6629 Harvest has started below normal. Regrowth working as a clerk. In 1975 Bob moved to Jenpeg as a camp clerk. In 1979 he in W e b s i t e seeded barley. hasasbeen limitedand duethen to to some WWW.TCVEND.COM moved to St. James, Winnipeg a caretaker Gillamearly in 1985. After 35 -----------------------------------conditions, years with Manitoba Hydro hedry retired in 1991. and a sec- Too early to give yield esGREAT CANADIAN Dollar timates.When he was no ond cut may not be in posBob loved all sports, and coached baseball while Boissevain. Store franchise opportunities longer able to watch the games or on television he Thecontinued majoritytoofenjoy canosibleininperson some areas. are available in your area. listening to them on the radio. la is finished o ering. Southwest Region Explore your future with a He had a great love of horses, Little especially Belgians, and was thrilled Some fields ith lo seato no rain over dollar store Apply leader.atɺ Call today when one of his geldings made theweek Royalin Fair in Toronto. 1-877-388-0123 ext. 229; theit to past most of sonal rainfall have short FuneralForservice was held at the Hartney Centennial Centre with aborted pods. plants with Coming Events Sale - Misc CAREER TRAINING interment in the Hartney Riverside Cemetery. There are some reports of EveryoneDEMAND is welcomefor to attend an Steel Buildings / Granaries BATTERIES EVERYTHING. HUGE Medical “To Sylvia myFOR love forever. I came to the end. The sun has set for me. Why cry for a soularmyworm larvae art opening and reception at the Bertha Automotive, farm, construction, Transcriptionists! CanScribe BUILDING CLEARANCE set free. Miss me,motorcycle, but go on with Remember the love we shared. Remember Virden Train Station Gallery (Art ATV, marine, golflife. STEEL in the southwest corner ... “SUMMER OVERSTOCK SALE is Canadaʼs top Medical Mosaic) Tuesday August 7, 2018 carts, phones, radios, com-On this the good timestools, we had together. journey IHOT must DEALS!” go alone.20X21 Miss me but - BLAZING from 1:00 p.m. totraining 3:00 for Artof the province but no Transcription puters etc. Reconditioned, obso$5,845. $6,588. let mebatteries. go. Forever your 25X27 hand. Love Bob.” 30X31 ist Joan from Trott, formerly of Pierson, lete and hard-to-find SO- holding Learn home and work reports of spraying yet. $9,564. 33X35 $9,833. 35X35 Man. Joan is currently an arts adLAR equipment. of The Bob, Battery donations Man. In memory may be made to the Polio from home. today! $11,955. End Wall Included. Pioministrator for the Call Mid-West Arts Most traps are down now. Winnipeg. 1.877.775.8271 Survivors Association or to theneer Hartney Rink Fund c/o Town of Steel 1-855-212-7036 1 . 8 0in0Hamiota. . 4 6 6Her . 1 solo 5 3 exhi5 . Council Peas are ripening well bition Hartney, Hartney, Manitoba R0M 0X0. w w w“Looking . c a n sUp” c rwill i b be e . inc oVirdm Career Opportunities en for August, Mid-West Arts Galin most areas. Most of Kowalchukʼs Funeral Home, Souris, in care of lery in Hamiota in September and BOOK YOUR PROVINCE-WIDE the crop looks excellent Dream Job! Live in caregivCOMING EVENTS arrangements. Rapid City Public Library in OctoCLASSIFIED AD! Reach over er/housekeeper. Summers in WinDEKALB SuperSpiel ber. Please call the Respective orexcept for diseased areas Expression of Call sympathy bein the made at 400,000 readers weekly. this nipeg may and winters tropics. ganizations for operations hours. welcomes the World. newspaper NOW or email classiin some fields ith lo Call 204-997-4629 for details. November 20 \endash 23rd spots. MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION! InMorris & Rosenort. 32 Menʼ s, demand career! EmployersKing have left on More than set; Pillow-top sales lot. One80% home inof obsolete and Pillow-top General sEmployment 32 womenʼ teams from 7 Reconditioned, work-at-home positions available. Parts & full batteries. trailer repair, trailer set hard-to-find SOLAR $695; $459 5 piece 48î Rapid City move-in ready and sun o ers are o ering countries. Also Jennifer Get online training you need from safeties & Autopac Trailer Repair. The Battery Man. set; Floor Model sofa to sell. an employer-trusted program. Vis- priced Sales, Leasing & Financing of flat- table CLASS 1 & Reid equipment. (R5) stage, andGlendale corn is Jones, Mike McEwen it: 1-855- Mobile Home Sales, 260 Glen chairs sets $1195or (La-zdeck, dumpbox,1.877.775.8271 cargo, gooseneck and C a rTRUCK r u tDRIVER h e r s . Winnipeg. tasseling. Both crops are 768-3362 start5training for your Avenue, & utility trailers & truck beds. Kal- boy Co.); to$449 piece Youth Brandon 204-724TO RUN CANADA work-at-home career today deck Truck & Trailer, Hwy #1 Macdoing ell and benefiting -----------------------------------bedroom suite (2 colors). 7907 - Paid pick, drops, -----------------------------------Gregor, MB. 1-888-685-3127. layovers and stat pay from heat. P R O V I N C E W I D E Come in and see our friendly STEEL BUILDINGS TRY- SOMETHING Multi drop runs NEW this CLASSIFIEDS. Reach over and experienced staff. You STEEL Soybean BUILDINGS… crop is variwinter. Stained - Cell usage glass, fused Services 400,000 Health readers weekly. Call wonʼt be disappointed. Sale ìMADNESS SALE!îthe All able throughout repackage weekend glass- Benefi and tmosaic this newspaper NOW or email Hours: Mon-Fri 10-8, Sat 10-6 Buildings, All Models. Youʼll Dedicated truck classes in our studio in gion depending on moisTrouble - Sign on bonus for & Sun 12-5. Call KDL think weʼve gone MAD Winnipeg. Glass making ture levels. The and majority - Quarterly and annual Walking? details. Furniture at 204-571-1971. DEALS. Call Now get supplies. Visit: bonus of the crop is atSteel the 1R4 -----------------------------------660 Highland Ave., South your DEAL. Pioneer www.prairiestudioglass. com - Reset at home Hip or Knee ìLUCKY side Good Reasons KDL Furnitureʼs of #1 Hwy., Brandon. 8 0 0 6 6 8 5 4 2 2 stage. No reports of any - Weekend home time or CALL 204-783-1117. Replacement? 13THî ANNIVERSARY SALE HOMES - Paid FOR training disease or insect issues at toMOBILE Advertise SALE - Referral program until in October 5 New 16 x 80, 3 Bed, 2 Bath. WANTED Restrictions daily 31! Advertisements and Extended this point. Limited stock available on Starting at $83,000. Altona FIREARMS. All types wanted, activities? Contact Derek @ 1. Newspapers reach the statements contained herein Second cut on dairy majority of customers weekly. products. BEST Mobile Homes, 1-800-582estates, collections, single $2,500 are the 204-793-7465 sole responsibility of select hay has started and most 2. To boost sales. Email: OF THE YEAR 4036, 1-204-324-6776 items, military. We handle all Centennial Tax Credit the persons or entities that SAVINGS 3. To introduce new products Transport & Leasing Ltd. first cut beef ha is comfrom 10-60% off all store paperwork and transportation. post the advertisement, and and services. $40,000 Enter our $1000 -----------------------------------Licensed plete. First cut hayDealer. yields 4. To keep your name in front the Manitoba Community products. refund cheque/ draw. No purchase required. CLEARANCE of in-stock SRI 1ranged . 8 6 6from . 9 6 50 0 .to0 95 0 4per 5 of your customers. Newspaper Association and rebates 5. Newspaper advertising can be For Sale - Misc A few of the HOT SPECIALS: mobile homes. Only 3 homes membership do not make any cent of normal. Productargeted by section and reader. Disability Tax Advertisements statements $699 Beautyrest Queen 3î warranty as to and the accuracy,
Now Hiring!
contained herein truthfulness are the sole or recompleteness, sponsibility of the persons or enreliability of such tities that post the advertisement, advertisements. greater and the ManitobaForCommunity Newspaper Association and meminformation on advertising bership do not make any warranty conditions, please consult the as to the accuracy, completeness, Associationʼs truthfulness or reliability Blanket of such advertisements. For greater Advertising Conditions on inforour mation onat advertising conditions, website please consult the Association’s -----------------------------------Blanket Advertising Conditions on BATTERIES our website at EVERYTHING. Automotive, farm, construction, ATV, marine, motorcycle, golf
204-453-5372 Land for Sale 3000 ACRES OF COMPLETE High End Cattle & Grain Operation for Sale in Sask. Manages 2k to 3k Cow/Calf Operation with Complete Solid Infrastructure. 200k Acres Cultivated. Contact Doug @ 306716-2671 or
1010 0 Plaindealer 1Souris 10
ers in dry areas are looking for feed sources and baling whatever they can find. an of the first cut ha fields are currentl so prospects for Phone (204)483-2070 •dormant Fax (204)522-3648 a good second cut dle as the weeks progress. Dugouts are 50-60% full.
6. Newspaper advertising can target specific geographic locations. 7. To reach customers you haven’t thought of yet. 8. With short deadlines, newspaper advertising can be tailored for immediacy. 9. Newspapers are portable and convenient. 10. Newspaper advertising builds business credibility and momentum.
Page 10, Souris Plaindealer, Souris, MB, August 03, 2018
Souris Eco-Centre a drop off site for used oil and antifreeze By Darci Semeschuk The Municipality of Souris Glenwood is once again taking part in the used oil and antifreeze recovery program. The Manitoba Association of Recovery Resource Corporation (MARRC) and the municipality are encouraging recycling of both anti freeze and oil by offering a certificate for a ne
jug of oil or antifreeze. Just bring your used product to the Souris Glenwood EcoCentre to receive the certificate. his is for a limited time while quantities last. MARRC has established a province-wide network of 70 collection depots called EcoCentres which exceeds the requirements of the Used Oil, Oil Filters and Contain-
ers Stewardship Regulations. In addition there are 25 other licensed rural depots along with 16 in Winnipeg for a total of 95 in the province. These EcoCentres provide drop-off facilities consumers, further defined as private motorists, farmers and small commercial operators who service their own vehicles and equipment. The Souris Glenwood Eco-Centre can receive oil and antifreeze as well as containers.
One Drop of Used Oil Makes a Difference. Everyone in Manitoba has done an exceptional job of recycling used motor oil (75% recover , oil filters 66 and oil containers (58%). However, when you consider that a single litre of used oil can contaminate a million litres of ground water, it is clear that more needs to be done. That is why we must encourage people to ensure every drop of used oil, ever filter, and
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Bus. 483-3320 Res. 483-2517
every container is returned to a collection facility during regular hours so it can be disposed of properly. Here is a little information from the MARRC website: Which used oil products can be recycled? Oil - any petroleum or synthetic crankcase oil, engine oil, h draulic uid, transmission uid, gear oil, heat transfer uid or other uid used for lubricating purposes in machinery or equipment. Oil Filters - any spin-on or element oil filter used in hydraulic, transmission or internal combustion engine applications - includes diesel fuel filters but does not include gasoline fuel filters. Oil Containers - any plastic container with a capacity of less than 30 litres that is manufactured to hold oil. Antifreeze - any ethylene glycol or propylene glycol vehicle engine coolant. Antifreeze Containers any plastic container with a capacity of less than 30 litres that is manufactured to hold antifreeze. What products are made from used oil? There is a strong market for used oil. e refining used oil into new lubricant completely restores the original lubricating properties of the oil and takes about one-third of the energ of refining crude oil to lubricant qualit . e refined oils meet all ne car lubricating specifications. sed oil is also re refined into fuel for burning in various heaters, and can also be burned directly for energy. il filters are shredded, heated to a molten state and the metals re-used as material for other metal products such as rebar, nails and wire. Empty plastic oil bottles
can be recycled into new containers, plastic o erpots, plastic pipe, guardrails, fence posts and plastic patio furniture. 2016 Recycling Information: Used Oil Collected: 14.3 Million of 19.0 million or 75% Used Oil Filters Collected: 1.54 Million of 2.34 million or 66% Used Oil Containers Collection: 259 Thousand of 670 Thousand or 38% There was a time when people didn’t think twice about simply throwing away or dumping oil products. Today, we are more aware that careless disposal methods not only harm the environment, but also waste a valuable non-renewable resource. Each year, about 215 million litres of new oil are sold across western Canada. Yet slightly more than half of that oil is not consumed during use and is available to be recycled. And it’s not just used oil that presents a hazard to the environment if it’s improperly discarded. After you pour the oil into your car, boat, lawn mower, tractor or other motors, there is residual oil in the plastic containers that can be recovered. Used oil filters and plastic oil containers can also be recycled into other useful products. With a program and proper return facilities now in place, western Canadians can: Recover more used oil, filters and containers. Extend the life of a nonrenewable natural resource. Provide the recycling industry with oil, plastic and steel. Decrease pollution caused by improper disposal. Reduce the amount of non-biodegradable materials in our landfills.
Page 11, Souris Plaindealer, Souris, MB, August 03, 2018
FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT SELLERS BARRY & TRUDY McCULLOCH 204-729-7782 DIRECTIONS: From (Jct #1 & #250Hwys) South 24 Kms to sale site on west side of Hwy From (Jct #2 & #250Hwys) North 1 Km to sale site on west side of Hwy 250, the Sale site is at the North side of Souris, MB Watch for signs Sale Day. ORDER OF SALE: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm (noon): shop items, parts, tanks, pumps, tires, leisure items 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm: Livestock items, 3PT, Horse drawn items 1:00 pm (Internet Bidding): Carriage, Harvest Equip, trucks, trailers, industrial, tractors NOTE: Cheques of $50,000 or more must be accompanied by bank letter of credit. For more information on this please call Fraser Auction 204-727-2001
LIVE INTERNET BIDDING WILL BE AVAILABLE AT THIS SALE TRACTORS: • 1979 Case 2290 Tractor w/129 PTO HP, 4 Spd trans w/ 3 spd power shift, dual PTO, dual Hyd, 18.4-38 duals, 5745 Hrs showing, s/n 8841786 • IH 806 Tractor w/95 PTO HP, 8 spd trans w/T/A, dual PTO, dual hyd, 18.4-38 duals, 9221 Hrs Showing, s/n 78679Y • 1963 Farmall 560 DSL Tractor w/59 PTO HP, 540 PTO, single hyd, running, 4861 Hrs showing, s/n 60582 • 1957 International 350 Tractor w/42.9 PTO HP, single hyd, 540 PTO, 2554 Hrs showing, s/n6935 • 1951 McCormick Farmall M Tractor w/34 PTO HP, belt pulley gear box, PTO, s/n264839 • 1945 McCormick Farmall M Tractor w/dual wheel narrow front end, 34 PTO HP, belt pulley, PTO, running, s/n 98029 • 1945 McCormick Farmall H Tractor w/dual wheel narrow front end, 24 PTO HP, PTO, single hyd, running, s/n19077X1 • 1945 JD BR Tractor, unstyled electric start, Runs, s/n 334332, no hr meter • 1941 McCormick Farmall M Tractor w/34 PTO HP, PTO, hyd, running, s/n50104 • 1941 McCormick Farmall H Tractor w/dual wheel narrow front end, belt pulley, PYO, running, s/n66767 • McCormick Farmall M Tractor w/34 PTO HP, dual wheel narrow front end, PTO, belt pulley gear box, electric start, original paint, running, s/n-n/a • McCormick Farmall H Tractor w/dual wheel narrow front end, 24 PTO HP, New Idea Horn loader w/toothed bucket, 540PTO, Charlynn PTO drive hyd pump, belt pulley gear box, electric start, running, s/n Tractor-n/a, s/n Loader-45070 • McCormick Super W-D6 Standard Tractor w/DSL eng w/gas pup start, PTO & belt pulley gear box, newer rear tires (16.5-30), repainted, running, s/n-n/a • McCormick Standard Super W-6 Tractor w/belt pulley, PTO, running, s/n1379 • McCormick Super W-6 Tractor w/DSL eng w/gas pup start, 16.5-30 rear rubber, PTO & single hyd, undercoated, running, s/n5414 • McCormick Super W-6 Standard Tractor, w/’7 Sickle Bar Mower, belt pulley, PTO, single hyd, running, s/n-n/a • McCormick Super W-6 Standard Tractor w/belt pulley, PTO, running, s/n-1752 • McCormick Farmall A Tractor w/16.3 PTO HP, PTO, belt pulley gear box, overhauled, not running, s/n-n/a • McCormick Farmall A Tractor w/16.3 PTO HP, PTO, belt pulley gear box, electric start, original paint, s/n-n/a • McCormick Deering Farmall F-12 w/5’Sickle mower, PTOI, narrow front on steel, steel on rear w/ rubber overtop, running, s/n-n/a • McCormick Super WD-6 Standard Tractor w/lectric start, DSL eng, PTO, dual hyd, running, s/n-n/a • McCormick Farmall Cub Tractor w/Belly mount cultivator, 11 PTO HP, s/n -n/a • McCormick Farmall Cub w/belly mount cultivator, 11 PTO HP, belt pulley, s/n-n/a • IH W400 DSL Tractor w/51 PTO HP, PTO, single hyd, running, s/n – n/a • IH Harvester W6 Tractor w/44 PTO, HP belt pulley, PTO, s/n 37174 • IH WD6 Tractor w/outside loader
• 1943 McCormick Deering Farmall H Tractor w/dual wheel narrow front end, 24 PTO HP, belt pulley gear box, PTO, s/n125091, PARTS ONLY • 1942 McCormick Deering Farmall H Tractor w/dual wheel narrow front end, 24 PTO HP, belt pulley, hyd, s/n117629, PARTS ONLY • McCormick Farmall M w/belt pulley gear box, PTO, s/n-n/a FOR PARTS
• McCormick Deering Farmall H Tractor w/dual wheel narrow front end, 24 PTO HP, belt pulley gear box, PTO, s/n-n/a, PARTS ONLY • Steel Wheels w/lugs for IH Tractor
Deering M Series Gas Engine, Hyd lift on blade, hyd tilt on front wheels, mechanical angle • (3) transits • 6’ Bush Hog 3PT Box Scraper
• • • •
• 10’ Homemade Angle Blade, has wheels but will work on 3 PT • 9’ Leon Belly Mount Blade w/angle • 9’ IH Mower, Model 1100 • 72” Sovema Finishing Mower, 540 PTO • 5’ Finishing Mower, 540 PTO • JD # 5 Mower • D 3PT Mower • Bale Fork – for Allied Loader • Post Hole Auger
McCormick International 403 Combine, running, s/n 11516 Gehl 1260 3 Row Forage Harvester Gehl 1065 2 Row Forage Harvester HD10-1600 Sakundiak Swing Arm Auger W/540 PTO, DBL auger in hopper, s/n 52580 • 10’ Horn MFG Steel Grain Wagon • 70’ Herman Harrows • Noble 3000 Plow
TRUCKS: • 1979 Peterbilt 359 T/A Grain Truck w/20’ Cancade box, roll tarp, 11R24.5 rubber, new steering tires, 18 spd trans, 3406 CAT eng, 375 HP, 333,997 Kms Showing, new batteries 2017) VIN# 113283P • 8’ Service Body
TRAILERS & WAGON: • 2016 14’ Big Tex 14LX T/A Dump Trailer w/electric over hyd hoist, tailgate, roll back tarp, VIN#16VDX1429F5020617 • 1998 25’ Norbert Triple Axle Gooseneck Flatdeck Trailer w/Beavertails, (3) 7000 axles, 12000 ln winch, tool boxes, DBL jack, winches, VIN#2N9F7S940WG017172 • 2001 20’ Norbert T/A Livestock Trailer w/single partition, VIN#2N9C5S7281G017398 • 16’ Homemade Car Carrier, T/A, 1/2’ plate fenders • 14’ H & H T/A Cargo Trailer w/two way tailgate (barn door or ramp), man door, VIN#533TC1426DC226664 • S/A Homemade Converter Dolly • 27’ Fruehauf Storage Trailer – NO TOD • 24’ Atco Job Site Trailer w/ running gear, wood stove, NO TOD • (6) 24’-25’ Van Bodies for Storage – NO TOD • 14’ T/A Gooseneck Livestock Trailer w/single partition, NO TOD • Silage sides & end gate for 20’ box • (2) 5 Ton – 4 WH farm wagons – one with deck, the other without • 10’ Dew Eze Deck w/ bale picking arms • 10’ Delivery Box • Old Dutch Gooseneck Trailer, Tandem Axle, converted to camper for Moose Hunting INDUSTRIAL: • 2007 FH Faresin Handless 7.30 Telehandler, Industrial model, 7 ton-30’ reach, DSL engine, 40.5/70-24 rubber, pallets forks, 3063 Hrs showing, s/n FM3007E0661 • Bucket for Telehandler •Bale Forks for Telehandler • 12’ Blue Diamond Basket for Telehandler • 16’ Lift Jib for Telehandler • 1993 Dresser 515C Wheel Loader w/120HP, Cummins 6 cyl DSL engine, new starter, 3 spd auto trans w/fwd/rev shuttle shift, 2 ? Yard material bucket w/teeth, 17.5-25 rubber w/new rubber on rear, 4507 Hrs Showing, s/n3390300P006021 (was bought in 1997) • 4 Yard Snow Bucket w/new cutting edge – for Dresser Wheel loader •1989 Case 580K Extendahoe Backhoe, 63HP, 4 spd trans w/fwd/rev shuttle shift, newer rear tires(17.5L24), DSL eng, seals done on hyd pump, new batteries 2017, 3844 Hrs Showing, s/nJJG0014475 • 2001 JD 270 Skid Steer, 77HP w/high fl ow pump, full cab enclosure, third valve w/hyd w/industrial couplers, 14-17.5 NHS rubber, material bucket, max breakout – 2800lb, 2418 Hrs showing, s/n KV0270A370222, (One Owner) • 2015 Landoll 1632 Pull Grader w/16’ Blade, hyd tilt & angle, weight boy, light kit, s/n12H1205534 • Snow Bucket – JD 270 Skid Steer • JD Material Bucket w/12’ teeth – JD 270 Skid Steer • JD Pallet Forks – JD 270 Skid Steer • (2) American No 8 Power Road Grader, McCormick
• Justin Carriage, 2 Horse Hitch, single horse hitch, candle power light, hyd brakes, rubber covered wooden wheels, leather canopy (Made in Nashville) (Like NEW Condition) • 2 sets of Show Harness for 4 Horses • Assortment of Horse collar • 1 set of work Harness for 4 Horses • Cockshutt Sulkie Single Furrow Plow •JD Sulkie Single Furrow Plow • Horse Drawn Cutter • 2 Horse Buggy • 3 Wheel Cart for Training horses • Cutter • Horse Drawn Wagon w/tarp • Set of Bob sleighs • cage – for trimming horses hooves
LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT: • Selection of 25’-30’ Free Standing Corral Panels • Assorted – Cattle Oilers • Assorted - Bale Feeder • Assorted 1” Square tubing panels & gates • Calf Creep Feeder, 600 Bushel • Approx 500 – 600 Bushel Feed Tank Hopper Bottom
BINS: • Approx 20 Ton steel hopper bottom bin
TANKS & PUMPS: • 2000-gal steel water tank •1700-gal Fiberglass water tank •1000-gal Fiberglass water tank •T/A 1000-gal Vac tank w/PTO pump
SHOP ITEMS: • Miller Gas Powered Welder (Roughneck 2E) • Miller Thunderbolt 225 Welder • Speed Aire 60 Gal upright Air Compressor • 8” Rockford Grinder on stand • 12 Spd Galaxy Drill Press • NEW Princess Auto Chop Saw • Milton Plasma Cutter • Assortment of Bolt Bins (loaded) • Assortment of Carpentry tools • Assortment of hand tools • Selection of Cement Tools
LEISURE: • 2009 Polaris Ranger 4x4 Side by Side, 500 cc w/446 Hrs showing, VIN#4XAHH50A792875294, (1 OWNER) • 2004 Honda 450 Foreman Quad, 4x4 • 2009 Polaris 600 Snowmobile w/reverse, 3471 Miles Showing • Polaris Indy 440 Snowmobile, w/2 up seat, 1707 Miles Showing • 16’ Lund Boat w/motor and trailer • 14’ Lund Boat w/motor and trailer • 14’ Lund Boat w/motor •12’ Duck Boat • Assortment of Trolling Motors • ATV Yard Sprayer • (2) Sod Stripper
TIRES: • New set of Quad Tires (2) 26x8-14, (2) 26x10-14 • Assortment of Tires
MISC ITEMS: • McCormick Deering Farmall H Tractor – made into a Barbeque (very unique item) • Barbecue or smoker made from a Steam Engine boiler (very unique item) • Saw Mandrel w/Industrial Oliver Motor on trailer, running • Log Splitter – gas powered • Electric Log Splitter • Rock Polisher •Homemade Wood Stove • Brock Cook Stove • Assortment of Scaffolding • Wagon for Scaffolding • Pallet – Chain link fence w/posts • Assortment of Dimensional Lumber • Assortment of Canvas to fit binders
Not responsible for errors in description. Subject to additions and or deletions. Property owners and Fraser Auction Service not responsible for any accidents. GST & PST where applicable. TERMS: Visa, MasterCard, Debit, Cash or Cheque.
FRASER AUCTION SERVICE LTD. Brandon, MB Auctioneers: Scott Campbell / Jesse Campbell P: 204-727-2001 TF: 1-877-735-7114
W: E:
Licensed and bonded. P.L. License #918093. Member of M.A.A., S.A.A., A.A.A., A.A.C.
Page 12, Souris Plaindealer, Souris, MB, August 03, 2018
FOR MORE INFORMATION, BLAIR & ARDELLE WOODS 204-483-0058 Cell or 769-2358 House DIRECTIONS: From Elgin, MB. (Jct. #23 & PTH448). 6.8kms south on PTH 448 to sale site on west side of road. Watch for signs sale day! ORDER OF SALE: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM (misc, parts, tires, sleds, tools) 1:00 PM (Internet Start) bins & fans, major equipment) NOTE: Cheques of $50,000 or more must be accompanied by bank letter of Good standing. For more information on this please call Fraser Auction 204-727-2001
•2004 JD 8220 MFWD 190hp w/pwr shift, 3pt, 4 remote hyd, return line, pto, Green Star GPS with JD 2600 monitor, integrated auto steer, Michelin tires all new March 2017 380/90R50 rear duals, 380/85R34 front singles, front weight pkg, 5250 Hrs showing, s/n0212298 •1992 JD 8960 4wd w/ Like New Michelin 20.8R42 Triples with only 1535 Hrs on them, 12 spd std trans, 4 remote hyd, return line, Diff locks, Universal wheel, Green-lighted 250 Hrs ago, new bottom end bearings 250 Hrs ago, 8050 Hrs Showing, s/n3136 •1982 Versatile 895 4wd 310hp w/std trans, 4 remote hyd, 1282 Hrs on Cummins rebuilt motor, 960 Hrs on hyd pump & front axle, 20.8-42 duals, 10,344 Hrs showing s/n91739 •JD 6400 MFWD tractor w/JD loader, 3pt, new rubber, quad range trans, 3500hrs on engine rebuild, air-conditioner redone in 2017, 1500hrs on unit, new rubber •2008 JD 2305 MFWD compact utility tractor w/JD FEL, 3pt, Hydro static trans, 62” belly mount mower, 400hrs showing, s/n421069 •1964 JD 4020 2wd w/factory 3pt, syncro trans, 2 remote hyd, dual pto, new batteries, 23.1-30 rear, 10.00-16 4 rib front rubber, 157 Hrs on new injectors, clutch, flywheel & PTO clutch done 3 years ago, s/n22T75646 •1927 JD D tractor w/Keyed Flywheel, on spoke steel w/tiptoe on rear s/n48342 (not running but looks fairly complete)
•2007 Cat 590R combine w/Lexion pick-up head, 20.8R42 duals, 3D sieve system, Sunnybrook cylinder & concaves, chopper, spreader, always shedded, 3384 Eng Hrs showing, 2397 Threshing Hrs Showing, s/n57900289 (Unit was through the Cat Inspection program May 2018) •2012 Challenger WR9740 swather w/36’ head, pick-up reel, fore/aft, Roto shears, JD GPS equipped, 300 acres on new knife, 550 Hrs Showing, s/nCHS11469 •2016 MacDon 45’ flex header w/pick-up reel, pea augers, transport, s/n289970-16, always shedded (Used less than 1100 acres) •2004 Lexion 12 row corn header w/Horst header trailer, Good mechanical condition, s/n2ZZ01070 •2006 Honeybee 42’ rigid header w/pick-up reel, transport, Fore/Aft, DBL knifed drive s/n420600806 •30’ JD 930 header w/Lucke Sunflower pans, converted to fit Lexion, with Trailer s/n64164 •Trail Tec header trailer (will carry 42’ head) •2006 Brent 780 grain cart w/scales, roll tarp, 1000 pto unload, 18” auger w/hyd deflector Firestone 30.5L32 rubber, s/nB22390105 •10’ Apollo swath roller •rebuilt auger for JD914 pick-up header •(2) USED Rotors out of CAT 590R Combine
•2009 Apache 1010 sprayer w/100’ booms, 1000-gal poly tank, Raven Evizio Pro guidance and monitor system, auto steer, 5 section boom controls, narrow rubber, 1707 Hrs Showing s/n9094164 •710R42 flotation rubber for Apache •(4) S/S Tridecon dividers
•1982 Ford 9000 T/A grain truck w/20’ B+H, 350 Cummins, 15 spd trans, New 22.5 rubber, fender kit, completely
repainted, motor gone over, backup camera, Safetied, 172,623 Showing, VIN#1FDYA90W9CVA0016F •1986 Kenworth W900 highway tractor w/3406B Cat, 13 spd trans, 24.5 rubber, Diff locks, Jake brake, bunk, 686,953 Showing, Safetied, VIN#2XKWDB9X5GM915499 •1995 Dodge 3500 dually 4x4 w/Cummins Dsl, 5 speed trans, service boy deck, tool boxes, custom built 1000 litre fuel tank, onboard compressor, Safetied, VIN#1B6MF36C155163982
•2012 Doepker 45’ Tri-Axle triple hopper grain trailer w/air lift axle, air ride, 24.5 rubber, Safetied, VIN#2DEGB523XC1027361, 139,000 org Kms (1 owner) •1996 Timpte 42’ T/A hopper bottom grain trailer w/pwr tart, pwr openers, 22.5 rubber, air ride, Safetied, VIN#1TDH42226TB088692 •1984 Fruehauf 32’ T/A flat deck trailer w/3-1650-gal poly water tanks plumbed together 3” lines, Chem Handler mix system, 2” water pump, Safetied, VIN#2H8P0373XER008701 •2002 H&H 30’ 5th wheel enclosed cargo trailer w/ramp back door, tie rails on floor, VIN#4J6GC322X3B04442 •36’ T/A van trailer (storage only NO TOD) •Aluminum ext kit for 45’ Doepker trailer
•1985 Triple E Empress A-239 Motorhome, 454 Chevy Motor, new fridge, generator, approx 158,000 Showing, VIN#1GBKP37W8F3307578, SAFETIED
•2015 Leon 10-yard scraper (Like New), s/n10910509 •2011 HiGrade 16’ multi way blade, steering rear axle, fold away end caps, s/nJM0811-1463
•2013 JD 1830 60 1/2’ air drill w/10” spacings, Raven Super Cooler NH3 kit, sectional controls, rubber packers, single chute, always shedded, only done 15,600 acres, s/nXPDH755155 •2012 JD 1910 350bus air cart w/single fan, 4 metering rolls, 26,000 acres, 555 Hrs, all new S/S meter housing & pipes, new load auger, cameras in tanks, always shedded, s/nTLBX740506 •3000 Gal NH3 Cart (3x1000 gal tanks), Farm Built, SAFETY Certified Summer 2018 •2014 Gates II 32’ coulter disc w/harrow & rolling baskets, s/n1423832 •Degelman 7640 40’ land roller, s/n1406 •2009 Bourgault 7200 90’ heavy harrows, s/n40196MH-11 •60’ Morris 660 tillage w/ DBL arms on 3 bar harrows •2008 JD 1720 Stack & Fold planter, 12 rows on 30” w/liquid kit, always shedded, 850 acres since rebuilt, s/n725520 •JD 3pt row crop cultivator 12 row, s/nN00856x000429 •Leon A3000 rotary stone picker, s/n925-002 •10’ Schulte Bat-Wing mower s/n630201E11 (1 owner machine) •JD Rate Controller for NH3 System on JD Drill •NH3 Super Cooler kit – no hoses •Bourgault Air Seeder – manifolds
•(3) Meridian 4000bus hopper bins w/aeration rockets, on DBL skids (wind damaged but used 4 seasons since storm
and no leaks, no issues) #63, #64, #65 •(2) Friesen 3500bus hopper bins w/18” aeration tube, on skids #60, #61 •Friesen 3000bus hopper on skid, #62 •(2) Friesen 1500bus hopper bins on skids (1 has wind damage but used since storm in 2007 with no leaks or issues) #58, #59 •Metal Industries 1500bus hopper bin on skid, #57 •Metal Industries 1000bus hopper bin on skid, #56 •Grain Guard 3HP, 1PH Aeration Fan, s/n2014FCW10086 #1 •Grain Guard 3HP, 1PH Aeration Fan, s/n2014FCW10088 #2 •Grain Guard 3HP, 1PH Aeration Fan, s/n2014FCW10084 #3 •Edwards Grain Guard 3HP, 1PH Aeration Fan, s/n20005381 •Caldwell 18” Aeration Fan, s/n 801218 #5
•2007 Batco 1515 transfer conveyor w/5hp electric motor, s/n50106 •2012 FarmKIng 13”x85’ swing hopper auger w/hyd hopper mover, full bin sensor, hyd winch, s/n219008610 •2012 Sakundiak 10”x39’ auger w/mover kit, 35HP B&S engine, s/n69620 •Brandt 8”x45’ auger w/mover kit •2003 Kwik-Kleen 7 auger cleaner w/4 sets of screens •G3 Graham seed treater •The Hopper metal auger hopper •Gatco collapsible hopper •(2) Farm King Augers from Grain dryer •Trough Auger from Under hopper bins •Approx 40 Trough Augers w/ flighting – no gear box
•2008 FarmKing 5’ S-Tine cultivator, (used on JD 2305 Compact Utility Tractor) s/n24800008 •2008 96” FarmKing dbl auger snowblower s/n20401649 •2008 5’ FarmKing 410L 3pt mower, (used on JD 2305 Compact Utility Tractor) s/n27806728 •48” JD Snow Blower frits – JD 900 Series - front mount mower
•Toyota Indoor forklift, propane, side shift, 15,174 hrs showing, s/n426FGU25 •Schulte 10’ front mount single auger snowblower s/nC30200532210 •2007 JD walk behind snowblower s/nMMST6524X701220 •JD 4 section Diamond Drag Harrows •Assortment of Vintage Snowmobiles
•1974 Chevrolet Caprice 2dr convertible, Automatic trans, 454-V8, 105,569 showing, Safetied, VIN#1N67Y4Y114202 (car was all redone a few years ago)
•Arctic Cat 1500-watt generator •Snap-On top chest tool box
•(9) Bags of Pioneer 53V52 Alfalfa Seed •900/60R32 Tire •23.1-30 Tire • Assortment of Truck Tires & Rims •18.4-38 tires on JD dual bottom rims •Electric 5HP motors •assorted parts & misc •Banjo fitting & valves
Not responsible for errors in description. Subject to additions and or deletions. Property owners and Fraser Auction Service not responsible for any accidents. GST & PST where applicable. TERMS: Visa, MasterCard, Debit, Cash or cheque.
Auctioneers: Scott Campbell / Jesse Campbell
P: 204-727-2001 TF: 1-877-735-7114 W: E: Licensed and bonded. P.L. License #918093. Member of M.A.A., S.A.A., A.A.A., A.A.C.