South City Bulletin | August 2013

Page 1



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Next Issue: 3rd September 2013 Advertising Booking Deadline: 23rd August 2013 Artwork Deadline: 26th August 2013 Phone: (07) 3804 8288 Publisher: Brijova Consultants Pty Ltd│| Address: 20 Vanessa Boulevard, Springwood, QLD 4127│|│Fax: (07) 3804 3696│| Email:│| Disclaimer: While every care is taken in the preparation & placement of advertising, the publisher, staff or agents shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects. Those who place advertisements and/or supply any materials to South City Bulletin, undertake to ensure that all such material does not infringe the Competition & Consumer Act 2010 or other laws, regulations, or statutes, & agree to indemnify the publisher, its staff or agents against any investigations, claims or judgements. The publisher does not accept responsibility for statements made by advertisers. The publication of editorial does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of views or opinions expressed.│| Editorial Submissions : South City Bulletin welcomes editorial contributions. They should be sent by email to Please list all sources, relevant contacts, photo credits etc. South City Bulletin reserves the right to edit submissions.


Footy, whether played with a round ball or oval one, on a rectangular field or an oval field, is a great way to get outside, run around and have a kick with family or friends, writes Pat Rae.


n this beautiful country we have an abundance of outdoor footy codes to choose from and we are blessed by having so many wide open spaces to play on with mild winters and hot summers. So it makes perfect sense then to head down to your local footy club and get your kids involved in one of the codes.

For those who live under rocks, the codes I’m referring to are: • Rugby Union • Rugby League • Australian Rules Football • Football otherwise known as soccer, and • Touch Footy. But how do you as parents know which code to choose? I’m going to attempt to put forward an unbiased view on all of the choices available so all the Mum & Dads can choose which footy code to sign their kids up to next season. But first a few words on safety.

Footy safety for kids All of the five footy codes have modified rules for kids, making the game very safe at the early stages. In fact safety is paramount. Most kids can start playing any of the footy codes when they’re around the 5-7 years of age and they usually start on a smaller field, with a smaller ball and smaller scoring areas for shorter time frames. Focus is more on participation rather than winning and losing with the emphasis on team culture, learning specific skills like catch & pass, running weaving & kicking. In fact none of the codes even keep score in the first few years of participation. Parents are often concerned about their kids being hurt due to the physical contact nature of each code. While contact is part of the games and kids are going to get knocks, bumps and bruises, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that kids that don’t suffer from knocks, bumps and bruises in their early years are more likely to suffer from other health issues later in life. Continued P06







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Get on board! TRANSITCARE COMMUNITY FLYERS — KEEPING CLIENTS MOBILE AND INDEPENDENT Anyone who has been around Logan for a while would have seen the Logan and Albert North Disability Services vehicles, otherwise known as LANDS community transport vehicles, writes Wendy Johnson.


ell known Logan identity, the late Ann Langley, helped form a support group in 1992 to assist transporting people with Multiple Sclerosis from the Logan area to the Royal Brisbane Hospital and to the MS Centre at Dutton Park. Last year, LANDS was officially rebranded TransitCare to better reflect the not-for-profit organisation’s services and plans for the future. The fleet of 45 vehicles with their bright green graphics are now known as Community Flyers. The model hasn’t changed — TransitCare services the Logan and South Brisbane areas, providing a pre-booked, door to door travel system. And as the service is shared, transport costs are lower than traditional public transport. Louis de Beer, CEO of TransitCare, says that they have about 65 staff including drivers and another 60 volunteers right across the business, with some of the staff having commenced as volunteers. “A number of our staff have been with us for more than ten years, and a number of volunteers even longer. Where possible I try to offer positions to people with disabilities due to the sensitivity of the work we do.”

Freedom and independence

From the state-of-the-art centre based at Eight Mile Plains, the team facilitates transport services for the frail, elderly, and people with disabilities. Their assistance helps provide clients with the freedom to participate in their own community and live independently in their own homes. Their clients use the service for medical appointments, visiting friends, shopping, banking and social occasions. “We had been grappling with a term to describe the diverse aspects of the business,” Louis says, “and this year we finally decided that it was “freedom to access the community”, that means we will do whatever it takes to help people live at home and access their community. We then decided that if community care logistics is what we do, we had better find the best system we can.”

The pre-booked, shared service is provided by a fleet of mostly disability accessible Community Flyers and taxis. Due to the random nature of bookings, the despatch system uses a complex set of algorithms and mapping to get the right client into the right vehicle at the right time.

Accessing the service

The system works through a high-tech call centre where potential clients register with TransitCare. Their needs are assessed and then matched with the appropriate level of service. When the client wishes to use the service they simply pre-book their travel in advance either by phone or online.

TransitCare staff then use custom built computer software solutions to create each trip schedule which is downloaded to the driver’s computer tablet or directly to a taxi. The client’s journey is tracked and all the trip data is checked and reviewed to provide information to the system to continually improve services. The latest client surveys give glowing accounts of the service including value for money, and that clients are happy with the regularly “on time” service provided. So it’s fitting that founding chairperson of TransitCare, Ann Langley should have the last word, “For our organisation to continue to be the best, our consumers’ needs must reign supreme. Always.”

________________________________________ TransitCare | 3422 7900 |

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PROBLEMS Is your child is struggling at school or has their school perfomance dropped?



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As a Behavioural Optometrist, most of the children examined can see the bottom line of the chart. However they can still have a vision problem.


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The facts about visual problems from Behavioural Optometrists: • One in four children are likely to have an undiagnosed eye problem • In a recent screening that I have performed; over 50% failed the Vision Screening and 90% of those who failed the screening had a vision problem when further tests were carried out. • Children who are performing in the lower third of the class are 66% more likely to have an eye teaming or eye coordination issue • Children with ADHD are 3 times more likely to suffer from eye teaming difficulty which have overlapping symptoms • open 6 days Mon-Sat


Symptoms to look for with your child — • Blurring of vision when reading or copying from the board • Headaches; red eyes or eyelids • Holds book very close; Tilts head or closes one eye when reading or writing • Eyes sore or itchy after doing close work; rubs eyes a lot • Loses place when reading or skips words or lines when reading or writing • Confuses words with similar beginnings; short attention span when reading • Untidy writing

If the child is performing inadequately in any of the above, it will affect the child’s performance if not already doing so. If the eyes are not working efficiently, the child has to spend more energy on working their eyes rather than concentrating on learning. Behavioural Optometrists are optometrists that will spend 45 minutes to 1 hour in order to fully investigate the child’s eyes properly and to determine if there are any issues in the above areas. These areas will not be investigated by a normal optometrist.

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If your child suffers from one or more of the above then they should have their eyes tested urgently by a Behavioural Optometrist. The standard eye examination will not look into all the causes of these symptoms. Treatment options include Vision Therapy; glasses - anti fatigue lenses which are performance enhancing lenses; and tinted lenses – for Meares Irlen Syndrome.The good news is, when the visual problems are treated, most if not all of the symptoms disappear or are reduced.

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Is your child struggling at school? Has your Child’s performance dropped off at school? Do they suffer from the following? • • • • •

Headaches/ sore or red eyes Skips letters or words when reading Loses attention at school Problems reading Appears to see well in the distance but still struggles when reading If your child suffers one of these signs then there is a real possibility that their eyes could be affecting their schoolwork.

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From P02

In fact, it’s during these running, jumping, kicking, passing, tackling and generally rolling around in the grass and mud activities that kids build immunity, strengthen joints, ligaments, muscles and tendons as well as get fit, grow and become strong. They also build relationships with others, learn to be part of a team and develop leadership skills. As our kids grow into teenagers and young adults, the laws of each code modify slightly to allow more participation, more skills to be learnt, more dynamic movement and play. Competition is added, scores are counted and tallied and there are winners and losers.

Rugby League Rugby league is very similar to rugby union. In fact rugby league originated from rugby union. Back at the turn of the 20th century, a few north England rugby union clubs wanted to pay their players to play rugby union,(Rugby union remained an amateur sport until 1995) but the English administrators wouldn’t allow it, so these clubs decided to break away from its rugby union rulers, created their own form of the game by reducing the players on the field from 15 to 13, changed some of the laws and changed the name from rugby union to rugby league.

Football/Soccer • The original footy code, football or soccer as it is known down under, is played on a rectangle field with the round ball. • Two teams of 11 attempt to move the ball downfield by only using their feet to kick the ball to each other either forward, sideways or back and then into the opponents goal, which has the only person in the team who is allowed to use their hands to stop the ball going into the goal net, the goalie.

Some might say that competition is bad for you. Well guess what, life is a competition, for that next job, for a position in a school, for a position on a committee. Kids need to win to experience the highs that are associated with it and they also need to lose. It’s only when you lose that most learning is done.

• The major difference between union and league (other than the fact that there are two less players per team on the field in league) is that in rugby union a team can maintain possession for as long as it continues to play within the spirit and laws of the game.

• Opponents attempt to gain possession by intercepting kicks and by taking the ball from their opponents whilst in possession.

• In league, a team gets five tackles to advance the ball downfield by running and passing the ball backwards to team mates to ground the ball on or beyond the opponents try line. If they fail to do so, they have to either kick the ball downfield or risk handing over possession if they’re caught on the 6th tackle. • Opponents attempt to gain possession by catching kicks or intercepting passes or by tackling opponents whilst in possession.

Choosing a footy code Probably the most obvious choice you’re going to make as a parent is to sign your child to the same sport that you play or used to play. But what if you didn’t play when you were young? Here are some of the options:

Australian Rules Football • Aussie Rules is played on an oval field with two teams of equal players (18 at senior level) attempting to win the ball from the centre bounce and then move it by either running, kicking or hand-balling it to team mates so that it can be kicked between a set of goal posts at either end of the field. • Six points is awarded for the ball between the two taller posts and one point is awarded for getting it between one of the taller posts and one of the smaller posts. • Opponents attempt to gain possession by intercepting kicks or hand balls and by tackling opponents whilst in possession.


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Touch Football The newest form of footy to venture onto our fields is called touch football.

Rugby Union Did you know that the game originated at an English boarding school called “Rugby” in the late 19th century? William Webb Ellis, a pupil at the school was playing a game of football, when he was said to have picked the ball up and ran with it, thus inventing the game “now played in heaven” called rugby. • In rugby union, played on a rectangular field, two teams of 15 players (at senior level) attempt to move the ball downfield by running, passing backwards or kicking, with the end result being to ground the ball on or beyond the opponents try line. • Five points are awarded for a try. • Opponents attempt to gain possession by catching kicks or intercepting passes or by tackling opponents whilst in possession.


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• Played in a similar vein to rugby league, teams of seven play on a smaller rectangular field, with the object being to move the ball downfield by passing the oval football backwards to team mates and, much like rugby league, teams get five attempts to move the ball downfield before handing over possession to their opponents.

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• The only difference between league and touch football is that there is no tackling involved (and no kicking). • Defenders only have to touch the ball carrier with one hand whereas in rugby union and rugby league, opponents are allowed to tackle the ball carrier and bring them to ground. • The only way an opponent gains possession is by either intercepting a pass by an opponent or by waiting til the team in possession has been forced to hand over the ball because they’ve failed to score a try before the 6th touch.

Severe Headaches? Living with headaches is tough.

Day after day of being miserable, irritable, and looking a lot older than you really are. The frustration of knowing that your friends and family don’t understand what you’re going through. Add this to doctors’ visits, MRI’s and CT scans -- which only come back with “normal” results. And that’s not all… trying one medication after another, feeling like you’re on a merry-go-round of drugs. All this is enough to make anyone want to scream! My name is Dr. Andrew Gorman, chiropractor, and I’ve been helping patients with neck tension, headaches and migraines live pain free for years now. Every week I hear how women suffer from severe headaches – statements like… • “I feel like my head is in a vice.” • “My eyes hurt and I feel so drowsy.” • “I have to lie down.” • “I’ve had migraines since childhood.” • “Muscle tension in the neck and pain into the shoulders.”

Have your headaches evaluated for $47

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I hear this so often, I decided to do something about it and run this ad. I’m running a special examination for those suffering with headaches all for only $47! Just call 3386 0856 & here’s what you’ll get… • An in-depth consultation about your headaches where I will listen…really listen…to the details of your unique situation. • A complete neuromuscular and skeletal examination of the head and neck so we can find the problem. • A full set of specialized x-rays to determine if posture or joint problem is contributing to your pain (where clinically indicated these xrays will be bulk billed). • A thorough analysis of your exam and x-rays where we’ll map out how you can get rid of your

headaches once and for all. • A computerized postural assessment & report Imagine being able to live life like a normal person again, pain free and without headaches - being able to play with your kids, enjoy time with friends, and not have to worry that your headache will hit you at just the wrong time. Call today. I may be able to help you live a normal, pain-free life again. Call 3386 0856. Our clinic is called Andrew Gorman Chiropractic and is on the corner of Cinderella Drive and Athena Grove just behind all the shops in 2 Athena Grove Springwood. AUGUST 2013



Uncle Barry Watson, Briannah Green, Paula Reid & Corie Duff

the Gap Every vote counts! in Logan

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An innovative partnership between the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) and four Logan young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander future leaders, guided by their mentor local elder “Uncle” Barry Watson, is delivering results that will be seen not only on Federal election night this year but for years to come.


he pilot project in Logan City is supporting Corie Duff, Briannah Green, Paula Reid and Reeghan Finlay to take a leading role in community networking and governance. They each have a portfolio and, supported by Uncle Barry attend community meetings and build networks within their community. All with the aim of encouraging and building their community’s understanding of the electoral process, including enrolling to vote and casting their vote on polling day. Uncle Barry’s task is to drive the Sterritt Indigenous youth project in Logan. As Chairperson of Gunya Meta and Elder in Residence at The Salvation Army in Slacks Creek, Uncle Barry is a well-known and respected community worker and advocate for his community. “We selected the four young people and a couple of community elders are mentoring them to take on more responsibility in their community. Their portfolios centre on early education, youth services, cultural and heritage, employment, sport and recreation and governance, and setting up a community website. They take a big role in our monthly community network meetings where we might have 40-50 people come along. We get the young people to set the agenda and run the meetings and organise guest speakers.” There are nearly 9,000 Indigenous people in Logan City and nearly 25% of the state’s Indigenous population live in the south-east corner and there is a lot of respect for the elders. “Elders are recognised in our community by the work that they do, the knowledge they have

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and how they hold themselves in the community, how they pass on things to the younger generation,” Uncle Barry says. “The young people love to listen to stories of the old days.”


Leading change in the community

The project is part of the AEC’s Indigenous Electoral Participation Program, which is funded through the Closing the Gap initiative. The AEC frequently invites officials from other countries to observe elections and learn about Australia’s democratic processes, but this is the first time the same opportunity has been offered to community members. Elle Price, Indigenous and Community Engagement Officer, said Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders were much less likely to enrol to vote and participate in federal elections than other Australians. “It’s a pilot project for us here in Logan with young people who have a real commitment to leading change in their community,” Elle says. “We will show them how the election process ties into change and how voting for a government can be part of leading change in the community. “It’s really important that young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people enrol to vote and make sure their vote is counted on election day,” Elle says. “Voting is your opportunity to have a say in your future and the future of your community. If you’re not voting, then your voice isn’t being heard.” The AEC will consider extending the opportunity to other communities with large Indigenous populations at future election events if the Logan trial is a success.



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Foster a Future. Become a Carer.


From the President’s desk


usinesses will be going over the last year looking at the figures and hopefully there will be some improvement or even some growth. A man told me today that he has doubled his business each year for the past three years. That is outstanding in this economic climate. I asked him about that and how he did it. He said that he is always re-inventing himself and specialising, in other words working smarter

Life Without Barriers is currently seeking compassionate people willing to share their homes with children and young people that require their support and care. Life Without Barriers carers range in age and cultural background and can be single, same sex couples, defacto or married couples, with or without their own children, skilled or willing to learn. You need to be able to provide a safe, stable and nurturing home environment, and be patient and committed to helping children or young people reach their full potential. To assist you to enhance a child’s quality of life, we offer excellent training, 24 hour support and a financial allowance. For more information about becoming a foster carer, contact us on:

(07) 3442 6621

rather than harder. This I think is good advice and I would encourage everyone at this time to take a good look at their business and make necessary changes as required. I would like to hear about successes as in this year of the “positive” we want to hear these stories and acknowledge them. In the past there has been the Business Achievers Awards and I’m sure you are familiar with them. Well they are not being held this year so the Chamber has decided to run these important recognition awards starting next year. We want to do a complete overhaul and bring them back to where they once sat in the business calendar. If anybody has any ideas or would like to be involved please contact the chamber office. All ideas would be welcomed.

Building Industry Online Logan is a website which provides a complete online tender and construction management system for subcontractors and suppliers, the system is live and active and FREE to register for all users within the Logan Region.

Go2Logan Mobile App Recently the Chamber has gone into partnership with Australian owned and operated go2GUIDES. and we are now launching the go2LOGAN region. This is a directory for all businesses in Logan. If you haven’t got a web site then this will suit you or if you have got a site it would be an excellent supplement to yours. go2GUIDES is a free to the user mobile application that allows users to interact with local business community members through proactive interaction, deals, events, and news. Local businesses that are members of go2LOGAN are accessible by anyone across Australia and the world — and of course people right here in our region.

The site was created in response to the calls from smaller contractors and suppliers for an easy and efficient method of securing work on larger development and construction projects in the region. The Chamber sees this as a great initiative. Registration is free all you need to do is visit and register your product or service, likewise if you have a project you can register, source the required product or service to take the project from Design / Development to tender through to live construct an end to end solution.

With go2LOGAN you will be able to: • Own space in your go2LOGAN network • Proactively promote your business, events, etc • Create your own online shopping platform Buy your space on the APP for $20 per month ($240 pa) call Rhonda at the Chamber 07 3208 8080. Well until next time, and remember I want to hear about those successes. And please try and do your buying and selling in the local area. Logan for Logan Bill ________________________________________ Bill Richards | President | Logan Chamber of Commerce | 3208 8080



Pam Parker Message from the Mayor of Logan City

Rediscover Logan


always refer to Logan as a city of opportunity with a community spirit second to none, and from next month, we’ll be showing our residents and community why it’s time to rediscover Logan. I am thrilled to announce that in early September, I will be launching an exciting series of publications titled “Rediscover Logan”. These four booklets will be overflowing with stories of Logan’s heroes and stars, our amazing volunteers, our city’s thriving businesses and glimpses of our past, present and future.

The aim of these publications is to empower our children and our wider community with knowledge about the amazing community we have in Logan. I have long believed that the best way to build our city’s image is with positive stories, and what we have compiled within these publications will put into the hands and heads of our children and our community, inspirational stories that may otherwise go unrecognised. Stories of unsung heroes like Ada Banks our International Volunteer of the Year, stars like Sonia Kruger – who have become television icons in Australia, and sporting greats like Cameron Smith and Michael Voss – who have led their teams to victory at the highest levels in their respective football codes. Logan is filled with stories of success and we all need to start recognising our achievements and spreading the word!

We have so much to be proud of here in Logan, and I hope that when people read our Rediscover Logan publications, that individuals from both inside and outside of our city will start to see Logan the way I see it – a city filled with amazing people and businesses that continue to achieve the highest goals and greatest successes. It is my hope that everyone will have the opportunity to learn about the people and places that make up our great city, and that throughout Logan, people will be inspired to dream big and achieve their goals.

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Blue Cedar Furniture Works & Construction Skills Queensland When Tim Muscat, owner of Blue Cedars Furniture Works at Hillcrest needed another apprentice he looked no further than the young woman who had come to him for work experience as a cabinet maker, writes Wendy Johnson.


s a Year 12 student at Browns Plains State High School, Alyssa Carter had always known that she wanted to work with wood but couldn’t imagine herself as a carpenter. When she started the Construction Skills Queensland “Doorways 2 Construction” program she was offered work experience with Tim’s company. Alyssa was a natural and had all the passion needed to make cabinetmaking her career.

Skills and training

Construction Skills Queensland (CSQ) assists Queensland’s building and construction industry by providing funding support for skilling and training initiatives. In turn, career seekers wanting to get a start in the industry can obtain information and guidance on pathways into the industry and funding for training and incentive programs. CSQ helps school students to find a pathway into the industry through the Doorways 2 Construction (D2C) and Doorways to Civil Construction (D2CC) programs. These school programs provide students with the opportunity to gain on-the-job experience with an employer. CSQ’s school programs allow students to work towards a Certificate I qualification.

MONDAY, MONDAY NIGHT, TUESDAY 4 X $200 + 16 X $100 Trebles plus Progressive Jackpot $2,000 in 48 Calls TUESDAY NIGHT Family Budget Night All books $100 + Progressive Jackpot $2,000 in 48 Calls WEDNESDAY 10 x $100 Trebles + 3 x $200 + Southside $600 in 48 calls + Progressive Jackpot $2,000 in 48 calls WEDNESDAY NIGHT 5 x $300 + 5 x $200 $1,000 Treble + $700 Treble + Kitty Kash $10,000 in calls THURSDAY: 4 x $500 + 10 x $300 + 2 x $2,000 with Bonus $5,000 in calls

THURSDAY NIGHT 13 x $200 + $700 Treble + $1,000 Treble FRIDAY 10 x $200 + 2 X $1,500 Treble + Bonus $3,000 in calls FRIDAY NIGHT 10 x $500 + $1,500 Treble + Bonus $5,000 in calls + $7,000 Treble SATURDAY 2 x $1,500 Trebles + Bonus $5,000 in 49 calls SATURDAY NIGHT 5 x $300 + $700 Treble + $1,000 Treble + Kitty Kash $10,000 in calls SUNDAY: 10 x $200 + 2 x $1,500 Trebles Bonus $5,000 in calls SUNDAY NIGHT $1,500 Treble + 5 x $300 in Books + $5,000 in calls

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Ph. 3349 4500 or Info Line 3343 6535 10

Blue Cedars

Tim says he has been very happy with his two female apprentices. “Alyssa has come to us through the “Doorways 2 Construction” program. By the time she was half way through her work experience she was doing edging and before she finished she could complete an edge using the machine and also cleaned up the edges. It’s very hard to find people who can catch on so quickly.”

Learning on the job

Now half way through her four year apprenticeship, Alyssa says that she loves that she’s not doing the same thing all the time. “I like the timberwork and going out to do kitchen installations. We installed touch lights in an overhead kitchen cabinet system this morning; that was interesting.” Alyssa says that there is quite a bit to learn on the job, like learning about the different materials

and equipment they use in the workshop, the glues and what to use them for and more importantly what not to use them for. She would definitely encourage other young women to take up a trade. Ken Barrett, Senior Field Officer with CSQ has helped place a couple of apprentices with Tim Muscat over the past few years. “CSQ has a lot to offer industry. Most business owners don’t know what we can do or the level of funding that we have. The training such as “Doorways 2 Construction” and other CSQ programs blows them away when we explain to them what’s on offer.” Tim says that the work at Blue Cedars is always varied. “At the moment we are doing a motor-home fit out, commercial work in the city, and timber bench tops. We do all the work ourselves so it’s hard to find people who can switch from one type of work to another. Alyssa has been able to do that.”

________________________________________ Construction Skills Queensland | 1800 798 488 |

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As a former apprentice himself, Tim was happy to start his own business and understands the apprenticeship system well. “We’ve had other workers but they were mostly used to just one type of work and wanted to just work continuously on one job. We might do three kitchens in a row and then not for another month and then do stonework or timber work. In this business the apprentices need to be versatile.”

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Kiwis Love Queensland!



Kiwis Love Queensland!

t’s official! Queensland is New Zealand’s favourite Australian holiday destination with the State welcoming 409,000 Kiwis who spent $520 million on their trips to the State in the year to March 2013. Premier Campbell Newman said recently that New Zealand remained Queensland’s largest international market and, through Tourism and Events Queensland TEQ, the State Government had undertaken marketing and trade initiatives in the country during the past 12 months to lure more Kiwis to the State. Tourism and Events Queensland (TEQ) will host more than 40 New Zealand travel agents on a tour of Queensland in August as part of the third instalment of the ‘Tri-State Walkabout’ tourism trade event. The Premier said the Tri-State Walkabout consisted of a two-day training workshop in Melbourne from 20-21 August with pre and posttours taking place across Queensland. “The Tri-State Walkabout is coordinated by TEQ, Destination New South Wales and Tourism Victoria, and is a key training event for New Zealand retail, wholesale and corporate agents to attend, learn about and experience Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria,” Mr Newman said. “The event gives us the chance to give these trade partners a firsthand taste of Queensland’s premier

tourism products and experiences. The Premier said that around 100 travel agents will converge on Australia for the training workshop and will have the chance to experience more than 90 Australian tourism products, including 45 from Queensland. “The pre and post-workshop tours will see more than 40 of these travel agents visit Queensland’s Southern Great Barrier Reef, Outback, Sunshine Coast, Tropical North and the Gold Coast.” From October, Emirates will begin their first regular A380 service on its Auckland-Brisbane route which will increase seat capacity by 38 per cent, allowing up to 49,000 extra New Zealand visitors to travel to the State each year. Extensive TEQ marketing activity undertaken in partnership with Emirates earlier this year delivered a 20 per cent increase in sales for the airline compared to the same period last year. June marked the start of the second season of Air New Zealand’s Auckland-Sunshine Coast flights, offering an extra 3,000 seats for New Zealanders travelling to the region. To support these services, TEQ has worked with the airline and industry partners to promote the flights and Sunshine Coast holiday packages through print, television and online avenues such as Yahoo! Mr Newman said TEQ had also signed a

Painless! Safe! Fast! No Down Time!


three-year cooperative marketing agreement with Qantas earlier in the month. “A key focus of the new agreement will be to promote Queensland holiday experiences in New Zealand. The Government is opening the State to tourism and by continuing to work with industry, tourists and operators we will re-establish Queensland as a great State with great opportunities.”


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1. Please show your Seniors Card. 2. Mention South City Bulletin 3. Discount applies to chocolate gift boxes only. Limit 4 boxes per customer. Valid until 31 August 2013.


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Mid-sixties is too young to act old


ith the average life-expectancy in Australia now in the mid-eighties, retirement at sixty is not as common as it used to be. Fortunately, at RSL Cares Independent Retirement Living communities in Waterford, Parkinson and Sunnybank Hills, you can ‘retire young’, safe in the knowledge that care and support is on your doorstep with Aged care and Homecare services on site. Retirement Living Consultant Margaret Dickson said the communities offer a range of independent and lowmaintenance accommodation styles including villas, apartments and studios to suit all tastes and budgets, while its equally broad range of social committees and community facilities enable residents to be as active as they wish. “Retirement living is not about retiring from life. It’s about doing what you want to do and when, and having the freedom and choice to do so. At RSL Care communities, our residents enjoy active social lives with neighbours who become friends and friends who become family. It’s a true sense of community and comrade that has become synonymous with RSL Care,” Mrs Dickson said. “A sense of RSL Care Independent Living Communities is further enhanced by residents who generously donate time to volunteer in RSL Care’s residential care communities (located in the same grounds as its retirement living communities) and by other residents who participate in charity benefits and causes. “And, if or when care needs change, our residents take comfort in knowing that RSL HomeCare services are available throughout our communities, enabling

Community Spring Fair


residents to remain independent in their own homes for as long as possible. “Choosing what to do and when is one of the many benefits of retirement living; knowing that it is accessible, affordable and that needs can be catered for as they change are some of the benefits of retirement at Talbarra with RSL Care.”

he whole community is invited along to Talbarra Retirement community for a Spring Fair on Sat 7th September from 10am – 1pm The event will feature a variety of market stalls (including cakes, jams, craft, plants, white elephant and more), information, free sausage sizzle and refreshments and a special visitors prize draw. For those interested in learning more about retirement options for themselves or a loved one, there will be information and experts available from RSL Home Care, Aged Care and Golden Years Home Transitions covering everything you need to know to ensure your mature years are as active and independent as possible! You’ll also have the opportunity to tour Talbarras stunning display homes For more information visit: or just come along on the day! 150 Old Logan Village Road, Waterford, QLD 4133

For more information on RSL Care communities in your area, phone Margaret Dickson on 07 3711 2529 or 0409 318 746 or visit:

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*Lowest prices as at 8 July 2013. Median two bedroom price Talbarra $299,000; Cazna Gardens $185,000 ; Carrington $380,000. ^Residential aged care subject to assessment and availability.


SENIORS WEEK Marsden Gardens

Knitting Group Lend Their Needles to Teach Refugees


arsden Gardens knitting group have teamed up with Access Community Services Limited to teach refugees how to knit. The Logan City Council has come on board with a donation to the group who in turn have been able to supply yarn and other items to allow two groups to meet every Wednesday morning for lessons. Village Manager Peter Zielonka says “It was very pleasing to see and hear the fun that our residents and the visitors had throughout

their first lesson. We started out with only a few visitors, and then the word got around. Some of the ladies were going to English classes and begged to come to us instead. Interpreters couldn’t explain or translate ‘knitting’ so they had to come along to see for themselves!” The residents are thrilled to be able to give back to their local community and look forward to continuing their work and friendships with the refugees. Marsden Gardens retirement village offers

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Seniors Week is an opportunity for Queenslanders of all ages to join together and celebrate the valuable contribution of older people. In 2013, Seniors Week will be celebrated from 17–25 August.

weekly rental accommodation for seniors. The rental terms are simple and the financial obligations are clear, a one off refundable bond and a weekly rent are all seniors are expected to pay. Renting during retirement provides seniors with the flexibility, freedom and security they are looking for. To find out more about Marsden Gardens contact Peter the Village Manager on 3803 5830.

Pine Terrace REDLAND BAY



Education | Skills | Training



rts Minister Ian Walker said the Artist in Residence program will give hundreds of children across the state a chance to explore their creative side. “The 2013 program is all about bringing Arts to all Queenslanders and making this state a cultural hub,” Mr Walker said. “It gives $245,170 in Queensland and Australian Government funding to seven metropolitan and seven regional schools.” Minister Walker said the successful Cape York Instrumental Project, led by the Queensland Music Festival (QMF), will be funded for a second phase. “This project has made a great start establishing an instrumental music program at Cape York Aboriginal Australian Academy campuses in Hope Vale, Aurukun and Coen, with students performing in 2013 in the Yarrabah Brass Band as part of QMF,” he said.

Australia Council for the Arts Chief Executive Officer Tony Grybowski said the Artist in Residence Initiative was an innovative program that placed professional practising artists in schools to realise the benefits of creative practice, in partnership with teachers and students. “More than 280 residencies have been undertaken across Australia since 2008, delivering strong partnerships between artists, teachers and students,” Mr Grybowski said. “There are 14 residencies in the 2013 Queensland round and the calibre of artists is extraordinary. I look forward to seeing the outcomes for all those involved.” The Artist in Residence program is a threeyear partnership (2013-2015) between the Queensland Government and the Australia Council for the Arts. For a list of projects go to

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in brief

YOUR SCHOOL OR LEARNING CENTRE IS UNIQUE! WHILE MANY SCHOOLS MAY APPEAR SIMILAR EACH HAS ITS OWN FOCUS, CULTURE, FACILITIES AND ACHIEVEMENTS. Send your announcements for the “in brief” column to Canterbury College’s inaugural Arts Open Day Aspiring musicians, visual artists, dancers and actors will find a place they can nurture their passions and excel. From 3.30pm on Wednesday, August 14 the open day will consist of master classes in all Arts disciplines, a tour of our arts facilities, a talk from Canterbury College Arts Academy Director Dr Lewes Peddell, and a concert from the talented students. For more information, call 3299 0888 or email Debbie Milne on d.milne@canterbury.qld. _________________________

New era for school planning Minister for Education, Training and Employment John-Paul Langbroek said the first official report by the Queensland Schools Planning Commission (QSPC) mapped school population projections across Queensland to assist with school infrastructure planning. The report, maps and data can be accessed via the Queensland Schools Planning Commission’s website at:

Call for Independent Public Schools

Daniel Morcombe Child Safety Curriculum

The Newman Government is inviting schools throughout the state to take part in the second round of the $21 million Independent Public Schools initiative. Schools have until 30 August to lodge their applications and successful schools will be announced before the end of Term 4 this year. For more information about Queensland’s Independent Public Schools initiative visit the Education Queensland website at http:// independent-public-schools/index.html _________________________

The development of the threephase curriculum has been a partnership between Education Queensland and the Daniel Morcombe Foundation. Bruce and Denise Morcombe have visited more than 240 schools and in the last 12 months alone they’ve delivered their important message to more than 30,000 students at 109 schools. The Commissioner for Children and Young People and Child Guardian, Queensland Police Service and the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services as well as experts in child safety education had input in the development of the curriculum. The Parent Guides for the Prep to Year 2, Year 3 to 6 and Year 7 to 9 phases are available at

Queensland Teachers get a Fresh Start A world-class education system in Queensland is a step closer today with the release of the A Fresh Start strategy which aims to improve the preparation and quality of teachers for Queensland schools. The Education Department has worked with the Queensland Teachers Union, Independent Schools Queensland, the Queensland Catholic Education Commission and the Queensland College of Teachers on the development of the strategy. The strategy and related information can be downloaded from the Flying Start website

Chisholm Catholic College is a College looking to provide the widest possible range of pathways for our students with Authority and Authority Registered subjects as well as TAFE and Vocational Education subjects, e.g. Cert II Hospitality, Cert III Fitness and Cert III Business. It is a dynamic, vital College preparing our students for a rich life in the world beyond its boundaries. The College has a limited number of places currently available for 2013. Applications are being accepted for 2014 and 2015 for all year levels. Please phone the College Office for further information or visit our website

Chisholm Catholic College 204 California Creek Road, Cornubia QLD 4130 Tel: 3209 0700 Fax: 3287 6291 Email:


beauty fashion health •

meet: Amanda Ahern

Eat Yourself Happy

The last decade has seen the emergence of two new epidemics - we are facing exploding numbers of people affected by depression, and a more rapid growth in obesity numbers, writes Marianne Fernance. A recent poll by TIME magazine (July 2013) found that 25% of Americans were taking antidepressants and 48% of the population (both women and men) self-medicated using food. The connection is clear, deep down; we know that what we eat can make us happy. Unfortunately, as obesity rates show, we have forgotten how to eat for happiness and are eating for comfort. If you experience mood disorders, depression, or anxiety, try these simple dietary tips to eat yourself happy.


Amanda explains all the benefits of a little

– known style of yoga that she teaches in Logan Central. Svaroopa® Yoga is known as the yoga of grace. When you do this style of yoga it’s about opening yourself up to life, to have more life, more prana, more energy, being more open, and in your own beingness, your essential self. When you’re in that state you are actually feeling much happier and healthier — you naturally eat foods that are good for you. A lot of people associate Tantra yoga with sex but the meaning of Tantra is loom — you open up and release your tensions and your essential self weaves its way through every level of your body so that you are an embodied being. Most people live in the future or in the past but with Svaroopa® Yoga you learn to live in the moment. It’s a great blessing for people who thought they could never do yoga as I always ended up hurting my back, even though I loved the benefits. A lot of different types of yoga don’t have good support for the body and have an athletic orientation. This is a yoga anybody can do and it’s good for everybody.

There is definitely a physical component but it’s much more than the physical. It’s using the physical to access the spiritual but also has a lot of health benefits. From feeling supported you can release a lot of tension in the body. We use blankets as props to support people into where their tension is to release it. The fundamental principle of Svaroopa® Yoga is support equals release. It’s the complete opposite of most other styles of yoga and nearly all other exercise. It’s very radical as it turns all the other preconceived notions about physical activity and exercise on its head. With the Embodyment® or hands-on healing, the client lies in the Shavasana or “corpse” pose supported with blankets so it’s warm and comfortable. I then hold points on the lower back and on the spine, and what it does is actually release all the tension around the tail bone and the sacrum where we hold most of our tension. Swami Nirmalananda Saraswati, the woman who

Amanda Ahern | 0409 584715 | 18

created Svaroopa® Yoga and Embodyment® says to forget the heart chakra and the third eye as everything that happens is below the waist! By that she means that everybody’s issues are below the waist. It’s a modern yoga developed by Swami Nirmalananda who had studied three or four styles of yoga. She started using more props and was noticing that her students instead of walking in one way and walking out exactly the same way they all started to have very big changes in their bodies and their minds from the adjustments that she had made to the traditional poses. The classes are small, only eight to twelve and are good for beginners and advanced. The Embodyment® or hands-on healing is wonderful for everybody. Namaste!

Embodyment® Yoga Therapy

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Avoid Artificial Additives Eat a Lower GI Diet A low glycaemic index diet emphasises whole food, complex carbohydrates over simple sugars, it helps to stabilise and control blood sugar levels. The spikes and drop in blood sugar levels associated with refined carbohydrates and sugars leads to problems with mood and stress. Replace the refined carbohydrates such as white bread and white pasta with whole grain, unrefined equivalents. Utilise sweet potato in place of potato and swap sandwiches for rice wraps.

Artificial sweeteners, preservatives and flavourings, all have one thing in common they often are neurotoxic, toxins that act on the nervous system and brain. Artificial additives are present in nearly every form of processed food. If it’s tinned, packaged, or bottled, scout the ingredients list to make sure it’s free of anything artificial. As a simple rule of thumb, if your greatgrandmother wouldn’t recognise the ingredient, it’s probably artificial.

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EPA and DHA are naturally occurring in oily fish like salmon, organic grass-fed meats such as organic lamb, and organic eggs. Make sure to include regular servings of these foods in your diet. If you choose a vegetarian or vegan diet supplementation with a good quality EPA and DHA supplement is important.

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________________________________________ Marianne Fernance is the owner of Passion4Health Natural Medicine Centre at Browns Plains. For more information on health and wellbeing access Marianne’s website at or contact the clinic on 3800 1993

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Life is short …

As the cooler weather is upon us we have the perfect excuse to indulge in some warming desserts, writes Suzanne Walker. A few years ago I worked at a local Springwood eatery and I have been asked for these recipes many times. So here they are — three delicious and simple to make desserts and the most wicked Caramel Sauce to accompany the pudding or to pour over ice-cream.

My Famous Cheese Cake

This makes a large 26cm diameter cake, so line a suitable spring form tin with baking paper. • Crush one and a half packets of plain biscuits such as Butter Snaps, Chocolate Ripple or even Ginger Nuts, in a food processor. • Once crushed add 125grams of melted butter. Press this mixture into the base of the lined pan. I like to pop it into the freezer to firm up while I make the next stage. • Beat 1.2kg of cream cheese in a mixer until smooth. • Then add 400grams of white sugar and mix, then the zest and juice of one lemon, 60ml of cream and lastly 10 eggs, one at a time and beat until smooth. • Pour into the prepared tin, place on a baking tray and bake in a 180degree oven for an hour and ten minutes.

Sticky Date Pudding

• Place 340grams of pitted Dates into 600 ml of boiling water add 2 teaspoons of Bicarbonate and bring briefly back to the boil. Set aside to cool. • Cream 120grams of butter with 340grams of white sugar. • Then add 4 eggs one egg at a time, when combined add 340grams of self-raising flour and the slightly cooled date mixture. • Pour into a lined 26cm spring form tin and bake at 180 degrees for an hour and a half. Remove when cooked.

Book Review Have you ever stood inside a room and wished “if only these walls could talk”? Well, the walls of 17 Browning Street, West End are sharing some secrets. Secrets of life welcomed and life lost. From the unusual but comfortable perspective of the house, author Elizabeth Jeffs has put on paper a collection of what these walls have seen. The house, still there today, is not an architecturally beautiful old Queenslander. From the front, it appears as any other workers cottage, from the back the bones of a two level structure support a boarding house that has been in the Jeffs family for over three generations.

17 Browning Street by Elizabeth Jeffs

From 1937 to 2002, the walls of this house reveal personal, sometimes moving stories and track the lives, loves and tragedies of the many residents, both long and short term, who found refuge here. Threads of the Jeffs family who own and run the house are wound about the intersecting lives of the people who come and go. Over the years the difference in nature of the residents within, mirror the evolving challenges that have faced our communities over each generation. From an early life as a room to rent for a stranger in the city, to a haven for a young woman who has had to leave her family, to the confused and addicted, to the troubled and lonely, this family and this house offered sanctuary. An easy-paced wander through the rooms reveal an incredibly generous family who were often there when nobody else was. In this delightful book the walls have opened up and offered a window into local West End history and into the lives of some of those who sheltered behind them. The walls of 17 Browning Street have spoken! Donna: Logan North Library 20

17 Browning Street can be reserved for collection from any of Logan’s nine libraries or by visiting Logan City Council Libraries’ online catalogue at Love to read? Visit the Book Café http:// to find everything you need to indulge your inner book worm. AUGUST 2013

eat dessert first! Caramel Sauce

• Place 3 cups of white sugar into a large saucepan with half a cup of water. • Place on a high heat and stir only until the sugar dissolves. Don’t stir after this point or the sugar will re crystallise. Continue to boil on a high heat until the toffee starts to colour. Don’t walk away as sugar can burn very easily. If you find one side of the pot colouring before the other, gently swirl the mixture in the pot, do not stir. When the desired golden brown colour is achieved, remove from the heat. • Carefully add 60grams of butter stirring with a long handle wooden spoon to avoid steam burns and then add 600ml of cream, stirring until smooth. • Sauce can be stored in the fridge for up to a week.

Warm Chocolate Strudel

• Beat 400grams of cream cheese with 100grams of white sugar then add 4 egg yolks, then 200grams of melted chocolate and 125grams of melted butter, mix until combined. • Place a sheet of filo pastry on a board and brush with melted butter then fold in half. • Place two tablespoons of the chocolate mixture at one end of the filo and roll as if you are making a spring roll or cigar. • Bake in a 180 degree oven until golden brown; serve with ice cream dusted with icing sugar. I hope these desserts will keep you warm on a cold winter’s night. Bon Appetit!

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The science of numbers

Monday’s child is fair of face


Monday’s child is fair of face

Those born on the first day of the week have an individuality and beauty that shine. Monday is ruled by the Moon and is termed as ‘Moon Day’. Characteristics are related to the sensual feminine qualities of sensitivity, lasting youthfulness and intuitive qualities.

Tuesday’s child is full of grace

Tuesday resonates to both passion and spiritual energy. Tuesday is ruled by Mars. These people

7 5 3 8 2 4


2 8 5 2 9 5 4 8 6 9 1 2

9 7 8 5 4 6 2 5 3 1 2 6 9 4 4 6 2 9 3 7 1 8 5 7 8 4 9 1 2 3 6 3 9 2 7 5 8 1 5 7 2 4 1 6 8 3 7 8 4 5 1 9 3 6 9 1 6 3 4 2 7 5 3 2 5 7 6 8 4 9 8

3 7 5 6

4 9 2 8 1

SUDOKU To solve the puzzle, all the blank cells must be filled in using numbers from 1 to 9. Each number can only appear once in each row, column and in the nine 3x3 blocks. You can successfully solve the puzzle just by using logic and the process of elimination Copyright © 2009 by KrazyDad. All Rights Reserved. 22

Saturday’s child works hard for his living

Friday’s child is loving and giving

And the child that is born on the Sabbath day Is bonny and blithe

Wednesday’s child is full of woe

The third day of the week introduces laughter, optimism and of course mischief. ‘Woe’ can yield trials and tribulations or playful curiosity. Wednesday is ruled by the messenger Mercury, the planet of communication, expression and versatility. Wednesday folk love to investigate and poke their nose into everything.

Thursday’s child has far to go

The fourth day of the week is very structured and those born on this day will build a solid foundation in life. Jupiter, planet of good fortune bequeaths

Cancer Council Queensland is desperately calling for all Queenslanders to register to sell a box of Daffodil Day merchandise to clients, customers and colleagues - to grow hope this Daffodil Day! By simply selling a bright yellow pen or a cute Chef Dougal Bear to friends, family and workmates throughout August, you could brighten the life of someone diagnosed with cancer. Order your box of Daffodil Day merchandise to sell to your customers and colleagues. | 1300 65 65 85 ________________________________________

Rochedale/Springwood National Seniors

The Annual General Meeting of Rochedale/Springwood National Seniors Branch was held on Wednesday July 17th. During his report president Charles Achilles thanked his team of committee members and outlined some of the achievements covering the past year of operation. Logan City Hospital benefitted from a National Seniors Foundation Grant of four pressure cushions valued at $1,235 in answer to a successful submission lodged in April by the Rochedale/Springwood Branch. Members will once more pack sample bags on August 8th for the forthcoming Logan Loves Seniors Day set down for Tuesday August 20th. Members will also be supporting a branch display stand and information kiosk on the Tuesday at the Logan Entertainment Centre Wembley road when a great day of activity is assured to celebrate Seniors Week being celebrated from August 17th to 25th. ________________________________________

Soroptimist International Logan

We invite you to join us Monday 2nd September at Springwood Lions Club for our dinner meeting with special guest speaker Heather Castledine, Co-Chair Reconciliation Queensland, Member of the Logan District Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Corporation for Elders. Cost $25.00 per person including dinner. RSVP Friday 23rd August to Maria Mijts 0417 788 415. ________________________________________

Southern Cross Voices

Logan’s own community choir is holding its annual concert at 2pm on Sunday 15th September in the Logan Entertainment Centre, 170 Wembley Road, Logan Central. One of our guests this year will be The Rivercity Steel Band playing Caribbean style music. The origin of steel bands lies in Trinidad where the discovery that oil drums could be hammered & tuned to make musical instruments was made. We also welcome back, the River City Clippers, Brisbane’s Premier Men’s a cappella experience. Tickets are priced at $20.00 for adults & $15.00 for concessions and are available from the Logan Entertainment Centre Box Office, phone 3412 5626, or online If you are buying your tickets at the door we suggest you arrive early.

The sixth day of the week is the day of creativity. This child will have a great imagination, artistic talents and grow-up to be responsible. Six is the number of ‘love’ and so the hard toil mentioned in this poem resembles ‘a labour of love’. Saturday is ruled by Saturn. Considered the Lord of Karma, Saturn bestows rewards for a job well done.

The child that is born on the Sabbath day is bonny and blithe

may be filled with grace, but they also contain swiftness and enthusiasm for whatever cause they believe in.

Daffodil Day!

Last Issue’s Solutions 1

Thursday’s child has far to go

the Thursday’s child with a sense of purpose. Prosperity and fulfilment are rewards for taking calculated risks along the hero’s journey.

Friday’s child is loving and giving

The fifth day of the week is a harbinger for any changes and adventure. This personality does

Community Activities

Sudoku 1 7 4 8 6 3 1 2 2

Wednesday’s child is full of woe

Saturday’s child works hard for his living

There are various renditions of this nursery rhyme, which is referring to the day a baby is born, writes Dawn Alice. t is presumed to evaluate one’s character based on the day he was born and to help children remember the days of the week. Attributes allocated to each day are thought to parallel qualities of associated planets.

not always count the cost and will give without thought of return or ‘pay-back’. Venus the Goddess of Love reins on Fridays along with the Norse goddess of love Freya. Friday can also be described as Freya’s Day.

Tuesday’s child is full of grace

Coming into the world on the seventh day can accrue an air of carefree and casual indifference. Maybe the biblical reference to rest on the Sabbath can be taken literally. Happy in their own little domain, Sunday people don’t allow outside negativity to penetrate. Numerology is a universal gift presented as a puzzle. Each piece of information we acquire helps us to flourish and prosper along our pilgrimage. Enjoy the journey and remember to love your life! ______________________________________

Dawn Alice is a Professional Tarot Reader & Numerologist Author of Life Love Tarot and soon to be released Life Love Numbers

Are you running a social club, sports club or charity organization? We can help by posting your activities for you free! Simply send your information to by 16th of each month for next edition of South City Bulletin.


Beginners line dancing starting now!! Free lessons for novice beginners. Learn to linedance for fun, relaxation & exercise. All ages, don’t need a partner. Day and evening classes available in all areas. Dallas Linedancers | 3341 8059 | 0403 225 313 ________________________________________

Logan Artist Association

On Sunday, 11th August, from 1p.m to 4p.m, Terry Summers will be presenting a sculpture workshop using waste cardboard. Places for this innovative workshop are limited so please phone Robyn on 0417 719 745 to book a place. Mary Ashmore is holding pottery classes on Monday Night and Wednesday Morning. Mary caters for beginners to the more experienced student. Students in Deb Wright’s class are expanding their skills to include recycled materials in preparation for our exhibition in September entitled “Recycled” Our students are treated as individuals and encouraged to progress at their own pace. There are no term fees, you pay as you go. For more information about our wide range of classes and social art groups please contact Di on 0400 164 767. ________________________________________

Greylight Disco

Be involved with the only Greylight Disco in Australia, meet new friends and have fun! Live band “Creek Star” playing 50s 60s and 70s. 6pm till 9pm on August 23rd at Crestmead Community Centre, Gimlet Street, Crestmead. Admission $5.00 includes BBQ, tea, coffee and lucky door prizes. Enquiries | 3805 4100 ________________________________________

Christmas Morning Tea in August

Friday 23rd August, 2013, 11 am at Logan Central Library, 26 Wilbur St, Logan Central The W.I.S.H. Ladies invite you to come along and listen to Emma Harrison who is a mulit-talented entertainer with numerous credits as a successful actress, presenter, model and entrepreneur. Last year she became a mother for the first time. Emma who has a passion for Yoga and has a line of ‘Yoga Girl’ Calendars will help us relax our mind and body. There will be a delicious morning tea provided by the W.I.S.H ladies with lots of giveaways and a lucky door prize. RSVP 16th August, 2013 | 0417 611 441 or 3809 3557 | ________________________________________

Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Support

The next meeting of the Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Support group will be held on Thursday the 15th August from 2-4 pm at the Hyperdome Library, Mandew Street, Shailer Park. Tea and coffee provided. Please no perfumes as members are chemically sensitive. For more info contact Johanna | 3806 0552

University of the Third Age U3A

MANY CLASSES and ACTIVITIES HAPPENING NOW IN LOGAN DISTRICT! See detailed list in Logan Libraries, community centres and seniors organisations. If you have time on your hands, then U3A Logan would like to talk to you about being a Tutor or volunteer. Whether your expertise is in computers or science, philosophy, fine arts or an interesting hobby, this may be your opportunity to make use of the experience that has taken a lifetime to acquire. You could achieve great personal satisfaction and enjoyment. Remember, you retire from work, not from life and happiness is gained from involvement with others. No qualifications needed. For more information contact Jean 3801 1949 email ________________________________________

12 Angry Men

Phoenix Ensemble will explore morality, conscience and human nature in a contemporary re-imagining of the classic play, 12 Angry Men, over four weekends at the boutique Pavilion Theatre in Beenleigh. The award-winning play is set in a jury room where 12 men must determine the guilt or innocence of a 19 year-old man. At the beginning, they have a nearly unanimous decision of guilty, with a single dissenter who then sets about sowing a seed of reasonable doubt. Over the years, Phoenix has built a reputation for delivering quality drama (as well as dynamic and innovative musicals) and 12 Angry Men is no exception. It will be enjoyed by anyone who loves the power of an intelligent and thought-provoking story. Venue: Pavilion Theatre, Beenleigh Showgrounds, James Street, Beenleigh 7.30pm: 9, 10, 16, 17 August Tickets: $24 adult; $22 concession, $20 child (under 15) Bookings 3103 1546 online: ________________________________________

Inaugural Bravehearts Time Trial

Join Robbie McEwen and ORICA-GreenEDGE Cycling. Bravehearts invites you to participate in this exclusive 43km replica pro time trial event. This is a unique opportunity to cycle with some of Australia’s most elite riders while raising money for Aussie kids. You will join professional cyclists, celebrities and supporters of child protection in an event like no other. You will also have the opportunity to win a trip to the 2014 Tour de France. Capped at just 400 riders, the Cycling Queensland sanctioned event will be held in Brisbane’s picturesque Samford Valley on November 24, 2013. All money raised will go towards helping Bravehearts educate, empower and protect our children. Jump on board at Peter Duffy | 0488 076 363 — Jenna Rathbone | 07 5552 3009 AUGUST 2013

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open 5 days Tues - Sat 23 August 2013 Issue 044


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