South Lanarkshire College Annual Report 2016

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of our lecturing staff hold a formal teaching qualification.

We’ve over 3000 full-time-equivalent (FTE) students.

20 .2 6

31.63 2 £


Cost per credit SLC  Scotland Average

Efficient systems enable us to run at a unit cost below the Scottish average.

SLC is a successful, high-performing, innovative and forward-looking organisation.

of o into ur stud em ent studployme s go st rai nt ya thei t the e or furthght r co nd o er urse f .

The College is among the top three in Scotland for students going directly into a job at the end of their course.

Student attainment rates are at a record high.

81% 75% 2011/12






Student attainment rates 2014/15 SLC

Scotland Average  source: SFC Jan 2016

Full-time Further Education Students on Further Education programmes have attainment rates well above the Scottish average …and rising.

Full-time Higher Education

71% 64%

Students on Higher Education courses have the best attainment rates ever, well above the Scottish average …and rising.

76% 71%

Student success from the most deprived SIMD datazones 2014/15 SLC

Scotland Average  source: SFC Jan 2016

10% most deprived SIMD datazones Students from the most deprived SIMD (Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation) datazones have attainment rates well above the Scottish average.

20% most deprived SIMD datazones


Students from the most deprived SIMD datazones have high and rising attainment rates.


75% 65%

We’ve constructed a new, pioneering low-energy teaching block – the first building in the UK to be awarded “Outstanding” BREEAM (2014) for its sustainable design and construction. We funded it fully in partnership with The South Lanarkshire College Foundation, ERDF which provided £700k, The South Lanarkshire Renewable Energy Fund, NIBE, VELUX, Sustrans and SPT. It’s our second low-energy, low-carbon building on our campus with: •  outstanding levels of insulation •  triple glazing •  a rainwater harvesting system •  solar panels generating electricity •  solar chimneys providing natural ventilation •  a ground source heat pump with six 200m boreholes as the sole source of heating. It was opened formally on 24 February 2016 by the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning, Angela Constance MSP.

We’re one of three colleges in Scotland to participate in a pioneering Scottish Funding Council-led (SFC) Quality Action Learning Pilot. The results will help inform new ways for colleges and external organisations to work together in delivering high quality experiences and outcomes for students across Scotland.

Growth in student numbers and activity since 2011/12.

Change in energy use and associated carbon emissions 2007/08



Over the past seven years we’ve reduced our baseline energy use by 24%, well beyond our 15% target.


Each of our three buildings has a ground source heat pump and solar panels to reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

2,318,748 Gas (kWh)

2,021,379 Electricity (kWh)

Financial summary 16 Months ended 31 July 2015


8 Months ended 31 March 2014

As at 31 July 2015

£000 £000 Balance Sheet

SFC Grants 13,962 Tuition Fees and Education Contracts 3,480 Other Income 196 Total Income 17,638


As at 31 March 2014


6,921 1,777 218 8,916

Tangible Fixed Assets Net Current Liabilities Creditors > one year Provisions Pension Liability Net Assets

32,996 33,196 -1,183 -1,454 -783 -1,086 -576 -544 -1,906 -1,304 28,548 28,808

12,471 4,957 17,428

6,090 2,650 8,740

Surplus for the Period Before Net Depreciation



Represented by: Deferred Capital Grants Deferred Capital Grants Income and Expenditure Account Revaluation Reserve Total

25,040 24,770 -1,906 -1,304 323 251 5,091 5,091 28,548 28,808

Net Depreciation Transfer to Arms Length Foundation Deficit Transferred from Reserves

-300 0 -90

-144 -1,500 -1,468

Expenditure Staff Costs Other Expenditure Total Expenditure

The above figures have been extracted from the audited financial statements of the College.

46,88 4

Our acti vity tar ge t

16 150 r2 o f


its d e r c

2015 Inspiration Our Principal was awarded “Inspirational Leader” of the year award in 2015. Our staff inspire students to achieve at a high level.

In it together We’re part of the SFC Lanarkshire Region and contribute actively to regional outcomes and targets each year.

Bread winning We’re financially stable, have no borrowing and intend to deliver a small operating profit for this academic year.

8.7% of staff and 11.2% of students

Gold level Investors in People (IiP) at Gold level and we’re about to be assessed for the new IiP Platinum level. We’re an “Investor in Diversity” and a “Leader in Diversity.”

sport impressive beards.

Local friendships Productive partnerships are in place with local authorities, private companies, community organisations, schools and other colleges.

Owner occupied The South Lanarkshire Board of Management owns the College’s estates and assets, is responsible for sound governance of the College and for overseeing its high performance.

South Lanarkshire College College Way East Kilbride G75 0NE 01355 807 780

We’re an independent charity, registration number SC021181.

304 We employ 304 lecturing and support staff.

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