CDC REPORT FY 2014/2015 South West CDC
600 likes South West CDC
Partners coming together to build a caring district #Adopt@SouthWest #CorporatePartners
South West CDC
Celebrating Family Life #BabyBlisscard@SouthWest #Family South West CDC
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Creating a Sustainable Environment #ECoPlan #CleanUpSouthWest South West CDC
Partnerships for a Caring and Inclusive South West
Ms Low Yen Ling
Mayor of South West District
We have enjoyed a bountiful year. Credit goes to you – our valued and caring partners and volunteers who have gone the extra mile with us in assisting the needy and uplifting our community.
Kita telah menikmati tahun yang amat memuaskan. Penghargaan kepada anda – rakan dan sukarelawan kami yang bernilai dan prihatin, yang telah bekerja lebih untuk membantu mereka yang memerlukan dan meningkatkan taraf masyarakat.
With your passion and valuable input, we have been able to introduce better and holistic initiatives that are tailored to meet the needs of the residents and address gaps in the community.
Dengan semangat dan jasa yang bernilai anda, kita telah dapat memperkenalkan inisiatif yang lebih baik dan bersifat holistik yang memenuhi keperluan penduduk dan menangani jurang dalam masyarakat.
Together, we seeded many ground-up initiatives with corporate and community stakeholders that reached out to 309,289 participants. For instance, the Adopt @ South West programme has uplifted more than 6,000 lives. More than 150 activities ranging from festive gatherings and food drops to excursions were organised by 50 partners and more than 3,200 volunteers.
Bersama, kita telah memulakan inisiatif dari bawah ke atas dengan badan korporat dan masyarakat dalam menghulurkan bantuan kepada 309,289 peserta. Contohnya, program Adopt @ South West telah meningkatkan kehidupan lebih daripada 6,000 orang. 150 aktiviti-aktiviti daripada perhimpunan perayaan dan pembahagian makanan ke lawatan telah dianjurkan oleh 50 rakan sekerja dan 3,200 sukarelawan.
Through the year, we continued to build on strong programmes such as Clean Up! South West and Baby Blisscard @ South West which have become hallmarks of the South West. For more than a decade, we have been fostering a green and environment-friendly culture in the South West. Newborns in our district enjoy a unique and warm welcome with the Baby Blisscard programme. These initiatives will continue to blossom and grow as we enhance and deepen these areas of focus. We will continue to work closely with you to assist the vulnerable and uplift the needy. We welcome your ideas, contributions and feedback which is vital to the success of our social outreach efforts. Thank you for partnering us to make a difference, because every life matters.
我们度过了丰富的一年。这一切都归功于您 – 我们珍贵又充满爱心的合作 伙伴和志工们。谢谢你们,不遗余力地协助社区里有需要的人士及提升我 们的社区。 有您热情和宝贵的意见,我们才能够推行更好及更全面的计划,以满足居 民们的需求和解决社区中的问题。 我们和企业及社会利益相关者一起成立了许多基层提倡计划也成功地推广 ,并达到了 309,289 位参与者。 例如,西南关怀计划已提升了超过 6,000 位居民。此外,从节日聚会和粮食分发到交游,超过 150 个活动都是由 50 个合作伙伴和超过 3,200 位志工所举办的。 这一年里,我们持续加强并巩固西南区的标志计划,如“全面环保在西南” 和“西南宝宝幸福卡”,这些计划已成为西南区的指标。在这十几年里,我 们不断地在西南区推动绿化和环保文化。我们也以独特又热情的西南宝宝 幸福卡计划欢迎社区的新生宝宝。我们将继续加强和深化这些计划,让他 们茁壮成长。 我们将继续与您密切合作,协助社区内有需要的人士。我们非常欢迎您的任何 想法、贡献和反馈,这些对我们社区的推广工作成功与否至关重要。 衷心感谢您的合作,您让我们更有所作为,为社区做出提升及改变。
Sepanjang tahun, kita telah terus membina program seperti Clean Up! South West dan Baby Blisscard @ South West yang telah menjadi ciri Barat Daya. Lebih dari sedekad, kita telah menggalakkan sekitaran yang hijau dan mesra alam di Barat Daya. Bayi-bayi di daerah kita juga menikmati ketibaan yang dialu-alukan dan unik dengan adanya program Baby Blisscard. Inisiatif seperti ini akan terus berkembang dengan kita terus meningkatkan dan mendalami bidang tumpuan. Kami akan terus bekerja rapat dengan anda untuk membantu mereka yang kurang upaya dan meningkatkan taraf hidup mereka yang memerlukan. Kami menggalakkan sebarang idea, sumbangan dan maklum balas yang sangat penting kepada kejayaan usaha jangkauan sosial kami. Terima kasih kerana bekerjasama dengan kami untuk membuat perubahan kerana setiap kehidupan berharga.
South West CDC
Collaborated with more
Reached out to
than corporate and community partners, who have contributed close to
participants through
145 programmes.
$1.1million towards help and community programmes.
South West CDC Assist the needy, Bond the
people, Connect the community
Uplifted the lives of over
Over members were engaged
21,450 needy residents, through
19 local assistance schemes and programmes
worth more than
Empowered close to
$1.8million .
volunteers with myriad skills and interests in programmes to give back to the community.
through interest groups, which are platforms for residents to connect, stay engaged and lead healthy lifestyles.
OUR MILESTONES MAKING A DIFFERENCE OVER A DECADE The South West CDC has been steadfast in efforts to build a more conducive environment for families and communities in the South West District.
Baby Blisscard @ South West – Welcoming newborns for 10 years and counting The South West CDC has welcomed close to 8,000 newborns through the Baby Blisscard initiative since 2004, nurturing an inclusive and pro-family environment in the district.
KNOW? D ID Y O U ie s c a rd fa m il s s li B y b a B e n jo y a re a b le to il y n p ro -f a m b e n e fi ts o ts n d p ro d u c s e rv ic e s a th a n fr o m m o re n ts . 5 0 m e rc h a
“Since my youngest daughter received her Baby Blisscard, my family has been participating in many interesting South West CDC activities. I see my daughters enjoying and learning something new each time.” - Ms Grace Ong and her two daughters
Clean Up! South West – South West District Marks 10th Year of Recycling
OW? D ID Y O U K N le s T h e re cy cl a b m 2005 co ll e ct e d fr o fi ll 1 7 4 to 2 0 1 5 ca n d O ly m p ic -s iz e o o ls . sw im m in g p
“A a parent, I am concerned about my “As children’s future. Increasingly, we see chi more natural disasters and it could mo signal only one thing – we need to sig protect and conserve our environment pro for future generations.”
Clean Up! South West marked its 10 th year with more than 40 recycling stations at Community Clubs (CCs) and Residents' Committee (RC) Centres, as well as two (2) at the corporate offices of DSO National Laboratories and Keppel Land International. This marks a 35% increase in recycling efforts from the previous year. The programme has since recorded an annual average increase of 1,400 residents who recycle.
- Mdm Tham Suet Lan, Participant of Clean Up! South West 2015 Pa
“The theme “Cherishing Our Home, Safeguarding Our Future” resonates well with the South West District’s residents and stakeholders. With the community’s strong support, we have been able to establish a good track record for environmental advocacy.”
- Ms Low Yen Ling, Mayor of South West District
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Clea and Green Singapore Best Clean Community Achievement Award Com Culmination of a Concerted – Cu Community Effort C om The T he South S West District won the National C lean and Green Singapore Best Clean C omm Community Achievement Award, given o ut b out by the National Environment Agency, for the th 10th time since it was launched 11 years ago.
NEW & IMPROVED TOWARDS ASSISTING THE NEEDY, BONDING THE PEOPLE, AND CONNECTING THE COMMUNITY The South West CDC, together with corporate and community partners, have introduced a broad range of initiatives and programmes to better plug service gaps, as well as widen and strengthen the social safety net so that no one falls through the cracks. These are some of the new and improved initiatives in FY2014/2015:
Family Bliss @ South West Package Baby Blisscard @ South West has turned 10! This first membership programme for newborns saw new elements, from a new look with customised name and photograph of the newborn to additional benefits from pro-family partners, namely Abbott Laboratories (Singapore) Pte Ltd, Cryoviva Singapore, NTUC Income and OCBC Bank, to better engage and appeal to young families. As part of the celebrations, the Family Bliss @ South West Package was launched in September 2014 to celebrate family life, support families, and promote a family-friendly environment in the South West District. The Package also included the Family Bliss Roadshows @ South West that brought the roving Families for Life Mobile CafĂŠ together with family-centric activities to community events in the District.
South West Emergency Relief Fund The South West Emergency Relief Fund was launched to provide immediate to interim assistance to needy residents facing emergencies or crisis situations. Supported by philanthropist Dr Tor Lam Huat, Akira Corporation Pte Ltd and King Koil Singapore, the Fund was a result of emerging needs and community feedback. Since September 2014, the fund provided prompt and direct relief to 19 families who were affected by fires, bed bug infestations and sudden loss of income.
Community Legal Clinic @ South West The Community Legal Clinic (CLC) @ South West was set up in partnership with The Law Society of Singapore to provide pro bono legal advice and services to South West residents. Helmed by volunteer lawyers on a weekly basis, the CLC is part of ongoing efforts to provide holistic assistance to vulnerable residents, and has helped close to 150 residents.
South West Financial Life Skills for Seniors The South West Financial Life Skills for Seniors Programme was rolled out to empower seniors towards a better quality of life, retirement adequacy and active ageing. The programme, which was supported by the POSB Bank Singapore (POSB), Office of Public Guardian, and Securities Investors Association (Singapore), has since graduated close to 150 seniors who have gone through an eight (8)-hour programme on life stage planning, wealth management and Lasting Power of Attorney.
SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR PARTNERS! EMPOWERING THE NEXT GENERATION DSO National Laboratories – Giving to Education For the third consecutive year, DSO National Laboratories (DSO) has raised $125,000 for the South West CDC – DSO Education Grant, which goes towards defraying schooling expenses for over 1,500 secondary to pre-tertiary students from low-income families in the South West District. This Grant is part of the WeCare @ South West Initiative that strengthens the social safety net for the needy. Staff from DSO have gone to great distances to raise funds for the Education Grant. From selling cross-stitched handicrafts at festive bazaars to climbing Mount Kinabalu Southeast Asia’s tallest mountain, more than 300 DSO staff were involved in the fundraising activities.
“We understand acutely how people and knowledge shape the future of our country. The South West CDC – DSO Education Grant is our modest contribution to the development of our human capital.” - Mr Quek Gim Pew, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), DSO National Laboratories
“ExxonMobil believes that getting a good education helps students of today get good jobs in future. We hope that the students who receive these transport bursaries will be able to fulfil their dreams and in turn, contribute positively to their families and communities.” - Mr Boyd Barrilleaux, Manufacturing Director, ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Pte Ltd
ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Pte Ltd – Reaching More Residents ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Pte Ltd is the South West CDC’s longest serving partner and has been supporting community programmes in the South West District, spanning environment and education for the vulnerable for the past 13 years. February 2015 marked the 10th year of the South West CDC - ExxonMobil Transport Bursary. Close to $330,000 worth of bursary funds has been disbursed over the past 10 years, benefitting more than 5,000 vulnerable students in the district. In June 2014, 320 staff from ExxonMobil came together to pack and distribute groceries to 1,200 rental households under Adopt-A-Rental Block @ South West (AARB). In addition, under ExxonMobil Bright Spots Challenge @ South West, 15,000 students championed anti-littering messages. ExxonMobil had pledged a dollar for every student participating in this Challenge, which goes towards benefitting students from low-income families.
Koh Kock Leong Enterprise Pte Ltd – Meeting Diverse Needs Koh Kock Leong Enterprise Pte Ltd (KKL) has been a strong corporate partner of the South West CDC for the past seven (7) years through three (3) programmes, namely the South West CDC – KKL Meals Bursary, South West Tertiary Grant and Women Enterprise Workz (WEworkz). Their contribution has helped to address diverse needs in the community and uplifted the lives of more than 2,800 needy residents with close to $470,000 worth of aid, from ensuring that the young have a meal to sustain themselves to providing employment opportunities for homemakers.
“I am happy that students from lower income families have benefitted from the South West CDC – KKL Meals Busary. I hope for more opportunities to collaborate with South West CDC, to help make a positive impact in the community.” - Mr Koh Thiam Teck, Managing Director, KKL Enterprise Pte Ltd
Franklin Offshore International Pte Ltd – Forging Friendships Franklin Offshore International Pte Ltd (Franklin Offshore) has organised and supported programmes which reached out to 2,285 participants. One example is the adoption of 30 disadvantaged families under the Adopt-A-Precinct @ South West programme (AAP), where families are offered holistic assistance in social wellness, healthcare, home safety and improvements, as well as education and enrichment. As part of the programme, Franklin Offshore has befriended families and organised activities such as excursions to Haw Par Villa and reading activities for children from vulnerable families. In September 2014, they contributed $15,000 towards family portrait photography services for 400 vulnerable families, to encourage them and provide a memorable memento. A total of 95 staff have come together to make a difference to the lives of 550 needy residents in the South West District. “It is heart-warming to see the smiles on the children’s faces as they participate in the activities that we have put together for them. We hope to continue to reach out to more families and do our part for the district. This is our little way of giving back to the community” – Mdm Angie Tang, PBM, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) & Director, Franklin Offshore
General Electric – Revitalising Neighbourhoods For over two years, General Electric (GE) has contributed resources as well as volunteers in the South West District. It has supported programmes that benefitted close to 5,500 needy residents in the past year. Over a two-week period in September 2014, 70 GE staff and 50 community volunteers painted murals that depict exercises, healthy diets, social interaction and mental wellness on the walls of void decks, to remind residents the importance of staying socially active and healthy. In addition, they distributed food packs worth $10,000 to 3,468 needy residents. As part of promoting a green environment, GE has also sponsored 5,000 energy-efficient light bulbs for vulnerable households to help them save on their electricity bills.
“By revamping the void decks in Bukit Gombak and promoting a healthy lifestyle among the residents, GE as well as our partners, American Chamber of Commerce and South West CDC, hope to promote more social interactions in the community and improve the well-being of the people in the estate.” - Mr Stuart L. Dean, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), General Electric (ASEAN)
INSPIRING OUR YOUNG ITE College West – Championing Environmental Issues
Nan Hua High School – Service Learning
ITE College West has been a long-time partner of the South West CDC, supporting its programmes for the past 15 years. The institution is dedicated to championing environmental issues and is a corporate citizen constantly engaged in community service and promoting environmental consciousness, for the benefit of staff, students, and the community.
Nan Hua High School has been partnering the South West CDC for the past 17 years. Students from Nan Hua High School are taught to be concerned and active citizens who contribute to society through the School’s Values in Action Programme. This has led the students to organise, support and participate in various programmes organised by the South West CDC. In all, the students volunteered in 32 activities and reached out to over 8,000 residents.
ITE College West participated in 40 activities and reached out to more than 20,000 residents. ECo Day Out @ South West and Green Schools @ South West are among the many environmental activities organised by the South West CDC that they have supported. ITE College West is also a strong supporter of Safe and Bright Homes @ South West, a programme to create safer and more energy-efficient homes for vulnerable elderly. ITE College West also assisted in the collection of 13,610 kg of old newspapers and 1,266 kg of old clothes during the Chua Chu Kang Recycling Day event which raised $3,000 towards the ITE Education Fund.
These activities include Green Schools @ South West, Adopt-A-Rental Block @ South West and helping out with the Lions Befrienders. Through participation in these programmes, students are able to give back to the society. The school has also demonstrated its care and passion towards the community through donations and sponsorships.
Apart from environmental activities, ITE College West has also participated in the Soup for the Soul Project at Fei Yue Senior Activity Centre where 30 staff and students came together to serve cooked food to the needy elderly on a quarterly basis. “I am happy that the skills I have learnt in school can be put to good use by helping the elderly make their homes safer. Spending my weekends going door to door to install safety fixtures and light bulbs for these elderly is a good way for me to give back to the community and help people.”
“I have learnt a lot through participation in the various community service activities and it is a great feeling knowing that I have actually made a difference to the lives of people around me. I will continue to encourage other friends to join me in contributing to the community.” - Nancy Gu, Student, Nan Hua High School
- See Sin Beng, Student, ITE College West
Inspired to give back or contribute? Want to partner or volunteer with the South West CDC? Connect with us to find out more today! We look forward to hearing from you, whether as an individual or in a group.
South West Community Development Council The JTC Summit 8 Jurong Town Hall Road #26-06 Singapore 609434
Tel : 6316 1616 Fax: 6316 7250 Email:
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