SpanWri ght SpanWright Case Study
Supply Only - Barnet, Hertfordshire SpanWright Pre stressed Heavy Duty Planks
John Leahy & Sons Builders Ltd LOCATION:
Leicester Road, Barnet COMPLETION DATE:
ABOUT THE PROJECT Pre stressed Concrete Flooring was required at First and Second Floor levels on this new build private dwelling. Supply and delivery to site was requested to be within 3 weeks of receipt of order for first floor level.
November 2011
Client required to fit pre stressed concrete flooring planks with an on site crane, lifting pins were incorporated in planks on manufacture to facilitate this and to ensure rapid installation. Lifting shackles were supplied also to marry with lifting pins used and to simplify craneage. A separate area at second floor level had to be accommodated to fit a specific design detail at the stairs. A bespoke solid slab was manufactured to as built measurements submitted from site.