SpanWri ght SpanWright Case Study
PIG FATTENING HOUSE for AR Sanderson Northallerton, North Yorkshire -
CLIENT: AR Sanderson, Morton Grange Farm LOCATION: Morton on swale, Northallerton DL7 9RQ COMPLETION DATE: JUNE 2011 SECTOR: AGRICULTURAL/Pig Fattening -
ABOUT THE PROJECT SpanWright UK were contracted to supply and fit Pig Slats and Pig Beams to Morton Grange Farm located centrally between the Yorkshire Moors and the Yorkshire Dales. This AR Sanderson Fattening House would be considered a standard size, catering for circa 1000 pigs. Each batch of pigs is fattened for a 12 – 14 week period with approximately four batches per annum going through the system.
PROJECT CHALLENGES Construction of the Pig Fattening House was managed in three stages. Coordinated between Client, Shuttering Contractor and SpanWright UK was required in order to ensure structural integrity. Unit design in turn dictated shuttering requirements in order to provide support for the slats, beams and roof of the building. SpanWright UK , in liaison with shuttering contractor, designed positioning of concrete pillars for portal roof support. This also enabled uniform sizing of slats used which in turn negated cutting of slats to fit. Once shuttering was nearing completion delivery and fitting of Pig Slats and Beams could commence, as the Fattening Unit was required for completion on a fixed timeframe. Delivery and fitting of pig slats and pig beams was completed within one week.