SpanWri ght SpanWright Case Study
RJM Building Contractors - Presbytery - Hemel Hempstead Precast Stairs with Cast in Lifters /150 Prestressed Planks
RJM Building Contractors, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU2 7ND LOCATION:
St Mary & St Joseph Presbytery, Boxmoor, Hemel Hemstead, HP1 1NR COMPLETION DATE: September 2011 SECTOR: Private/Residential
ABOUT THE PROJECT SpanWright UK were contracted to supply and fit Precast Concrete Stairs and 150mm High Density Prestressed Flooring Planks as the best alternative for first floor construction on this new build Presbytery. Heavy strand steel pattern was used over complete floor area to accommodate all architectural loadings.
PROJECT CHALLENGES The Presbytery was constructed on a restricted site due to adjacent buildings, overhead power lines and limited access for machinery and materials delivery. Delivery on Euro liner was staggered to minimise disruption and the public footpath was closed to enable delivery. On site craneage, with the assistance of lifting hooks and chains, was employed to fit precast stairs and prestressed planks due to the confined slewing zone. Lorries with lorry bags ensured safe fitting. Signage and bollards for an alternative route were employed to warn the general public and passing traffic. The New Presbytery opened officially on the 1st Sunday in October 2011.