Easy recipe 02 - Spring tart!

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Spring tart

Start by preparing your seeds mix. I make it once in a small jar and use it multiple times in different meals. I add sesame seeds, flax seeds, chia seeds, sunflowers seeds, caraway seeds (which I buy and bring from Macedonia, cause they are hard to find in the grocery stores) and blue poppy seeds. Sometimes I add only one type of seeds or mix some of them. No preference, just use what you have already.

Ingredients -

1 piece of tart dough


250 gr hytteost - cottage cheese


2 eggs


Asparagus, few pieces


Zucchini, few slices


Salt and pepper


Seeds mix, for decoration

I used 9 zucchini slices and 9 asparagus pieces and had some leftovers which I used the day after to make risotto. Unroll the tart dough and let it rest on the pan. I am not pre-baking the dough, but if you like a crunchy crust then follow the packaging instructions. Ideally, let the eggs sit for a bit on room temperature, the egg white is more runny and easier to mix (I recommend you do the same before frying omelette).

Crush the eggs and take one egg yolk on the side for later. Mix the remaining egg white and the other egg with the hytteost, add salt and pepper

Cut cut cut and

the zucchini in thin slices and the asparagus bottoms and then the bottoms into small pieces add them to the hytteost mix.

Add the hytteost mix on the middle of the dough and using a spoon, spread it towards the ends of the dough, leaving a few cm space on the edges.

Turn the edges towards the inside, and make small “waves”. Make it funky, don’t let perfection bother you










I am recovering from a beer festival hangover, so don’t judge my choices. And this is a darn good alcohol free beer!

Preheat the oven and crack open a beer. Get some snacks. This is the most important part of the cooking. Taking a break. You earned it!

While waiting for the tart to bake, which should be around 30 - 40 minutes on 180 celsius degrees, or watch until it gets golden brown edges, clean the kitchen! You get a nice meal and a clean kitchen. Name a better duo!

Let it cool a bit and then cut into triangles.

Take the food out, and enjoy the meal and the nice weather.

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