Зимница - food for the winter

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Зимница Preserving food for the winter A foodie story from the Balkan

My love for the countryside life

Why Food matters to me

The Grasshopper and the Ant

The making of Ajvar You will need: Big amounts of energy, strength, enthusiasm and nerves. Family and friends. To get the “good” stuff find an expert to pick the peppers Plus a few bottles of oil and salt. Optional: carrots, eggplants, mustard. Wood burning stove, deep frying pan and big spoon. Buckets, water, plastic bags, a tool for grinding, jars and a blanket.

Pindjur or lutica

Not all heroes wear capes.. Some of them mix the ajvar

Tomatoes from the garden..

Jufka - homemade dry pasta Make it, dry it, collect it (break into pieces, they are partially broken from the sun), and cook it with white cheese. !! Use ketchup at your own risk, if you are brave enough.. !! We might not be friends anymore

Rakija - the magical cure Prevents from getting sick, heals a broken heart, warms up the body, opens the appetite, helps with muscle pain relief, for cheering “Na zdravje”, and can make you happier. !! Drink only in small amounts!!

Ruska salata - goes well with any meal and rakija

Compotes and slatko (jams)

Is there something sweet to eat? Can be a last resort or served to special guests.

When you travel home and back..

We can get better at food management Buy less stuff, but more frequently Use the food with the shortest expiry dates first Preserve food - can keep for months Freeze food - raw or cooked, bread.. Experiment - mix ingredients and create new recipes and flavors Share or donate with people in need Share with your pets or animals

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