愛護動物協會《足印》雜誌 SPCA Pawprint Issue 93 - 2014/02 2014/04

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Protect those you care about and support the SPCA!

Why not take the opportunity now to have a professionally drafted HK will for only HKD 2,000? Dear Friend of the SPCA, The SPCA relies on the support of its donors and members to continue our animal welfare and rescue work. The law firm OLN will be donating HKD 2,000, being their service fee for writing a Hong Kong will, to the SPCA for each member who drafts their will through OLN. This offer is valid until 30 April, 2014. To receive more information, please email getawill@thehenleygroup.com.hk

What happens if you don’t have a HK will? • • •

You cannot control how your assets will be distributed If there is no appointed guardian, children may be taken into care until such time a suitable guardian can be located Your pet may be placed in a shelter or euthanized if not adopted by an appointed guardian

Supported by:

93期 . 3





希爾思預防疫苗 保健計劃


贏在起跑點 讓您愛寵的健康贏在起跑點 Best Start for Your Pet’s Health

希爾思預防疫苗保健計劃 Hill’s™ Vaccination Program

由現在至 2014 年 5 月 31 日,帶同您的幼犬或 幼貓到香港愛護動物協會接受預防疫苗注射及填 妥資料,即可免費獲贈 * 希爾思「獸醫保健寵物 食品」或「全新天然配方」幼犬或幼貓乾糧乙包。 數量有限,送完即止。 * 此計劃不適用於在香港愛護動物協會領養之幼犬或幼貓。 計劃期間,每隻幼犬幼貓只可獲贈免費乾糧乙包。 總代理:利農有限公司 電話 : 2562 9405 www.hillspet.hk







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