As we step into October, we continue our commitment to empowering and elevating women in leadership, and this month is no exception. We are thrilled to shine the spotlight on our October Cover Girl, Trayonna Scott! At just 22 years old, Trayonna is already making a profound impact as a marketing professional and the Chief Operating Officer of Speak Woman Magazine & Marketing. Her story is one of passion, perseverance, and a powerful belief in the potential of young women to reshape the future of business and leadership.
Trayonna’s journey is nothing short of inspiring. From her early beginnings in the arts to her rise in the world of branding and marketing, she has consistently shown us what it means to lead with heart, vision, and determination. Her ability to seamlessly balance creativity with strategic leadership has positioned her as a force in the business world, and as a role model for young women everywhere.
Continued Blessings,
Shanda Campbell, Editor-At-Large
In Trayonna, we see the future of leadership; young, bold, and fearless! Here’s to the future—one led by fearless women like Trayonna Scott!
Speak Woman Magazine strives to publish correct and accurate information. We do not accept liability for any inaccuracies. The views expressed in published articles are that of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of Speak Woman. Actions based on information in Speak Woman are at your own risk. Reproduction of any part of this publication without prior written consent is prohibited. Trademark Property of Speak Woman Magazine, LLC ~ Publisher: Speak Woman Magazine, LLC
Maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle is essential Here are some simple tips to help you care and embrace a health.
Stay Hydrated & Eat
energy levels and digestion. Nutrient-rich foods provide essential vitamins and minerals that support your overall health.
Move Your Body: Moving your body helps to improve heart health, strengthen muscles, and boost mood and energy levels.
Sleep Adequately: Quality sleep is essential for cognitive function, immune health, and overall well-being.
4. Manage Stress: Incorporate stress-reducing practices into your daily routine.
5. Cultivate Positive Relationships: Surround yourself with positive relationships that contribute to your overall well-being.
6. Practice Gratitude: Cultivating gratitude can help improve your overall outlook on life and promote emotional well-being.
7. Seek Professional Support: If you have specific health concerns or goals, consider seeking guidance from professionals.
As leaders and entrepreneurs, our journey is filled with unique challenges and opportunities. We face countless obstacles, from balancing work and family life to breaking through stereotypes. However, it is our ability to overcome challenges that sets us apart.
Embrace Your Strengths: Recognize and celebrate the unique strengths and skills you bring to the table.
Build a Support Network: Seek out mentorship, collaboration, and genuine connections that can provide encouragement and guidance along the way.
EmbraceAdaptability: Embrace adaptability and remain open to new opportunities and challenges.
Celebrate YourAchievements: Take the time to acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how big or small.
Pursue Innovation: Embrace innovation. Be open to new ideas, technologies, and approaches that can help you make a lasting impact.
Stay Resilient: Cultivate resilience and tenacity to bounce back from challenges and setbacks.
Atjust22yearsold,Trayonnaisaforcetobereckoned with.AstheChiefOperatingOfficerofSpeakWoman Magazine&Marketing,aglobalpublicationwithreaders inover90countries,Trayonnaexemplifiestheneweraof young,Innovativeleadership.
Fromanearlyage,Trayonnahasdemonstratedthe powerofpassion,perseverance,andpurpose.Beginning herjourneyasadancerattheageof4,shehasgraced stagesinchurches,theaters,andproductionhouses, captivatingaudienceswithherartistic talent.Beyondher lovefortheperformingarts,Trayonna's entrepreneurial spiritwassparkedwhenshejoinedforceswithher mother—thefounderofSpeakWoman Magazineand Marketing—atjust12yearsold.Together,theycreated andexecuteddynamiceventsthatrangefromfashion showstostageplays,establishingauniquebrand identitywhileempoweringwomenaroundtheworld.
InherroleasCOO,Trayonnaseamlessly blendsher yearsofexperienceineventmanagementwithher expertiseinbrandingandmarketing.Shehasled campaignsthathavedrivenbrandawarenessacross industries,managedglobalbrandingstrategies,and builtrelationshipswithclientsinover90 countries. Herabilitytobalancecreativevisionwithstrategic leadershipsetsherapartasatrailblazerforyoung womenlookingtomaketheirmarkinbusiness.
Trayonnaembodiesthe truththatyoungwomenare notonlyshapingindustries butarealsoreshapingthe futureofleadershipacross theglobe.Sheisproofthat youngwomenarepowerful change-makers,creating movementsthatuplift, inspire,andtransform communities.
Trayonna’sjourneyhas beenoneofcollaboration.
Overtheyears,she’shosted andMC’dmultipleevents,
includingteendomestic violencepreventionand awarenessprograms, entrepreneurialworkshops, andcreativeartsinitiatives. Whethershe’sengaging withaudiencesonthe importanceofbreaking mentalhealthbarriersor helpingentrepreneursfind theirvoice,Trayonna’s missionisclear:toempower otherstounlocktheirfull potentialandrealizetheir worth.
AsCOOofSpeakWoman,Trayonnahas built andmanagedteamsofupto50professionals, ensuringoperationalefficiencyandexcellence ateverylevel.Shehasaclearfocusonbringing innovativesolutionstotheforefront,developing marketingstrategiesthatpushboundaries, elevatebrands,andengageglobalaudiences.
Fromstartupoperationsto internationalbrandexpansions, Trayonna’sleadershiphasbeenkey intheglobalmarket.Additionally, TrayonnaisagraduateoftheMedia &VideoProductionprogramatthe MiamiValleyCareerTechnology Center.Hereducationincontent creationanddigitalmarketinghasprovidedherwitha solidfoundationinmultimediaproduction;skillsthat sheusesdailytocontinuebuildingabeneficialdigital presenceforbrandsinavarietyofindustries.
Trayonna’sfutureplansincludefurther expansionof herbrandingandmarketingexpertise,enteringthereal estatearena,andcreatingcollaborativespacesforyoung entrepreneurstothrive.AsTrayonnaputsit, “I want to make sure young women know that they are capable of achieving greatness. It’s all about eliminating excuses and taking bold steps toward excellence.”
Trayonnaisashining exampleofhowyoung womentodayare makingwaves,breaking barriers,andchanging theworldforthebetter!
Apostle DD Taylor is the Overseer of Deliverance Crew Ministries, Inc, & Creator of ‘ICHOOSEME’, a Godgiven ministry of Spiritual Help!
‘ICHOOSEME’ is a ministry birthed after her own journey of healing, overcoming witchcraft, and people pleasing!