President, Northern Chapter
he Northern Chapter is made up of Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Membership continues to grow steadily as seen from the increase of 76 registered members in 2021 to 84 as of April 2022. This number is likely to increase as some are still registering and planning to attend the 2022 BCA USA Annual Convention in Herndon, Virginia. There are two important meeting groups in Minnesota that make up the Northern Chapter. These are Ndâ Ntɔd Minnesota led by Ma Mary Babaya and Ndâ Kòŋni Minnesota led by Ma Bridget Fosam. The Northern Chapter is still well pleased with their memorable performance during the 2019 BCAUSA Annual Convention. A double pride was ours as we hosted the National Convention which was a resounding success and secured the first position in the BCA cultural dance competition. Please watch the video on YouTube and you will love to be part of this association. As with everywhere else, the pandemic restrained most of our planned physical activities.
The Chapter however, when possible, organized a final farewell and life celebration for some family members who passed in Cameroon and elsewhere. A few of these can be seen from the wake and final farewell of Ni Patrick Nyuga Tita our distinguished Kǎ Màmfòn organized by the Chapter last year. The Chapter is always very supportive of members who have events like graduations, weddings, christening, milestone birthdays and much more. The Chapter is currently supporting one of our own (Dr. Sam Dinga) who structured a charitable organization (Mah Kah Foundation). This charitable organization has built an orphanage in Douala, Cameroon which was opened in January this