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Perception is the Key to Abun dance (Modality Profile: NLP)

Modality Profile:

Perception is the Key to Abundance


By Barry LaPlante

Why do we limit ourselves in so many ways? Glass ceilings are always supported from the inside. It may look like the outside is keeping us stuck; but once you know about the power of the unconscious mind and how to tap into the programs running your thoughts and behavior, you no longer have to be a victim of your current circumstances. From a kinesiologist’s perspective, “balancing” the body for a goal statement means aligning the different reflex systems for better mind and body connection; which results in more clarity and energy toward the goal. What is really happening? Why do some goals work great while others only get temporary relief? Why can’t we just be open to the abundance and let it come to us without doing all this muscle testing, affirmations, and reflex work?

How do we really ‘align’ those energies to resonate with our goals? What is abundance anyway? How do we really get what we say we want? First, we would do well to understand the difference between the conscious and unconscious mind. If you have experienced kinesiology, you probably understand that we are updating unconscious programs by bringing stored information to the conscious awareness, gaining valuable lessons, and clearing blockages from any reflex system that shows up in the context of the goal in mind. This is done by ‘listening’ to the body through muscle testing. And this is freaking awesome! What if we had an entire body of knowledge dedicated to updating the unconscious mind? That is what NLP is. Neuro Linguistic Programming has been called the owner’s manual of the mind and it’s what high performance coaches like Tony Robbins have been using for decades to achieve massive success for themselves and their clients. Similar to Applied Kinesiology, NLP is a huge body of knowledge for human performance. Simply put- NLP incorporates success modeling techniques along with the conscious use of language, visualization and physical action steps to get behavior change to occur at the unconscious level—where all habits are stored.

From an NLP perspective, the word balance is replaced with congruency. This means all aspects of you are in full alignment with the best version of you imaginable. Sometimes that means modeling a new strategy or learning a new skill to reach your potential. Which would you rather be: congruent with an outcome? Or - balanced for a goal? It may sound similar, but I believe kinesiologists have been missing some important areas to work with. The NLP Communication Model shows us how we filter incoming information through our neurology to shape an Internal Representation. As you can see in the diagram, the Internal Representation then creates the state physiology - behavior and results. Change the filters and you change the IR; change the IR and you change behavior and results. So how do we change our filters? The of Logical Levels of Empowerment shows the different levels we must work on to achieve any outcome. By asking the following questions, we are able to get details about issues that need attention and clarity on action steps to breakthrough old patterns. Who do I have to become? What values do I need? What must I believe? What do I need to learn? What do I need to do?

What results will I produce?

If we were to ask people to define abundance from a personal perspective, we would potentially have 7+ billion different definitions. My experience with abundance has resulted from a persistent habit of focusing on what I want rather than what I don’t want. This simple process opens up the pattern recognition part of the mind call the reticular activating system or RAS. The more information I give the unconscious mind to look for, the more it looks for that information; literally expanding my awareness of all the resources available to help me achieve my outcome. Then, abundance begins showing up. Or was it already there and I was simply not yet aware because I had not programmed myself to notice? Abundance by definition means to have plenty of something. All humans have a need to feel fulfilled and every individual has their own perception of when they are full in any category of life. If you think you are full, consciously or unconsciously, why would you ever allow anything new in? The biggest lesson I learned is the more I forgive and let go, the more space I have for beneficial change. If the universe hates a vacuum, then holding onto past beliefs and grudges is a blessing blocker. Let’s create a vacuum for our benefit by training ourselves to be the person that deserves what they want. Take on the beliefs and values of that person. Learn or unlearn what we need to. Control our behavior in whatever environment we choose. Once we do that, we realize abundance was there the whole time but we were not ready to receive it.

It’s hard to focus without clarity. NLP helps you get laser focused on your outcome, so you can break any glass ceiling. Cheers to abundance!

Owner of Atlantic Specialized Kinesiology and ASK Institute in Virginia Beach, VA. Touch for Health Instructor, Certified Trainer of NLP, Hypnotherapy, EFT, TIME Techniques and Success Coaching. He is a body linguistics expert who helps selfsabotaging individuals gain clarity, confidence, and alignment through the intentional use of language, posture and thought. www.ask-institute.com


Email: barry@asktherapy.com

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