11 minute read
Find Abundance through Service
Find Abundance through Service With John Maguire
By Alexis Costello
John Maguire does a lot of speaking and teaching for the corporate world as well as for the kinesiology world, teaching energetic techniques, but also Tony Robbins Life Mastery workshops. Here, we have a conversation about abundance; what this truly means, and why people have blocks around this. (Watch the full interview on YouTube)
A: What does ‘abundance’ mean to you personally? Because it’s different for everyone!
J: First of all, it’s a holistic thing. We might think of ‘abundance’ as money, but it’s happiness, it’s love, it’s peace, it’s connection with other people. So for me, it’s about having a full abundant life. It’s just an expression – it’s all about energy, as you know. When you have energy that’s abundant; it’s in your body, it’s in your field, it’s in your community, it’s in your whole presence of life. Abundance is an energy thing, and financial abundance is just an expression. It’s an expression or a scorecard of how many people you’re helping. It’s not about collecting pictures of deceased-notables on pieces of paper! It’s, ‘how many people did I help today?’ If I’m helping others, that’s abundance, the more, the better.
A: Because you can have all the money in the world, but if you don’t have love and time and people and places to enjoy it – what’s the point?
J: There’s a great song by Kenny Chesney called Rich and Miserable. In the beginning, it has this professor talking to these college kids, asking; what is your purpose on the earth? (Check out the video here.)
Acquiring Abundance
What do you want to give to the world? And he has the kids go up and each one writes a different word and it’s so profound. He talks about the
American Dream of being rich and that many people are rich and miserable. Jim Rowen said,
“Don’t climb the ladder of success and then find out you climbed the wrong wall!” We need to think about our mission and our purpose and make sure we are doing that. Someone like Mother Tereasa – I don’t think she was loaded with money! - but was an example of doing service and making a difference on the planet. What we want is a worthwhile life.
And yes, it’s great to have money and to have freedom and to give it away. Much of what I have
I give so that others can have joy and happiness because that’s how I experience joy and happiness. It’s not about the balance in your stock portfolio or bank account; rather, did I make a difference in the world with my presence? So that’s my focus.
A: I like what you said about it being a marker of how many people you were able to help today! Why do you think so many practitioners struggle with the financial-exchange part of our work? Because this has been a subject of conversation lately as the economy is kind of strange at the moment – but also generally having trouble with charging money for what they do, or how to talk about money with their clients – there’s a lot of anxiety and stress around that…
J: For me again, it’s an exchange of energy, and it’s the meaning you make. Some people have a belief that money is the root of all evil, or some negative meaning about money. One of the things Tony Robbins taught me is that two things are most important for our psychological wellbeing: one of them is what you focus on, and for me, that’s what I’m giving to this person that is letting them have better quality of life; freedom from pain. And people will pay a lot of money to be free from pain – they already are (paying it). I had one person who came to me saying she had paid $4000 to get rid of her knee pain and in one kinesiology session, she got rid of her knee pain (and I didn’t charge her $4000!). You’re giving a result. And it’s an exchange of energy for what that result is. Focus on the service you are providing, not the time. When you bring phenomenal service, again, money is a scorecard of how much you helped that person.
A: How do you think practitioners can balance their need to make a living with their calling or with the more spiritual aspects of our work?
J: We can think of some of these books, like The Secret; it’s about frequency of vibration and as you reach higher levels of frequency of vibration you can achieve higher levels of abundance. In kinesiology there is also a lot around the inner mind; like the affirmations that you are installing. Some of this is about worthiness, and in my own career I have cleared a lot of my own moneytapes about beliefs that my parents gave me about money. They both grew up in the Depression when it was always scarce. Everything was about, ‘We’ve got to pinch this penny and hold on to it,’ and that got programmed into me. We all need to look at what programming we received and then clearing that through energy balances. We have various tools to deal with this and psychological reversals are a big one with being worthy. People can tap (tapping SI 3), “even though I have these issues around money and abundance, I totally and completely love and accept myself. And I now choose to have positive meanings of abundance allowing me to accept __ per session.” Programming it into the inner mind. Another aspect is the outer mind, where you do set a fee and sometimes you can muscle test – and this might be a little uncomfortable. I have done that, and I
charge $300-500 per session and at times, it was like,’ I don’t know!’ But go a little bit higher than maybe feels comfortable. And then put it out there. For someone who is really helped, the result is worth much more. People are paying you for results. And almost everyone you run across is praying for somebody with your skills to help them – there’s no shortage of people! (For some stories about this, check out the video on YouTube to hear John) And there are often times when I will barter, when I need services that they can provide. I have done this so many times; I’ve had walls painted in my house, my car worked on, pottery, accounting, you name it. If someone says they can’t afford it, I ask, “what services do you offer?” It’s just another twist on energetic exchange.
A: How can we be balancing ourselves and our clients to attract more abundance in all its forms? Do you have ideas or takeaway techniques?
J: I love the affirmation technique John Diamond developed; Bruce Dewe teaches that in some of his courses. You take a goal or some affirmations you have, and then you do a hum, and if an indicator muscle goes weak on the humming, that means it’s a midline alarm point, and if it goes weak with counting, then it’s a bilateral alarm point. I have a client who is an award-winning actress in Hollywood and she’ll say that she’s

blocked in abundance, can’t pay her mortgage in her Hollywood Hills home; she comes to me and she loves those affirmations. She always walks out like, “I can do it!” That technique is one of my gotos, you’re basically programming in positive affirmations. She always walks out like, “I can do it!” That technique is one of my go-tos, you’re basically programming in positive affirmations. You could try something right now like: When I think about charging for my services – and then you plug in the positive affirmation – I feel confident, I feel abundant, I feel gratitude and love. Whatever you want to program in. Goodheart originally taught that; I studied with him back in ’82 and in his system, you tap the left side for the positive and the right side for the negative (I know Donna Eden does it the opposite). Most people I find do well with positive on the left, negative on the right. So, tapping on the right: “I no longer struggle with money, I no longer struggle with money.” On the left: “I have abundance in my life, people love my services, etc.” (See following pages for the full technique). Then when you feel like you are sabotaging yourself, you can muscle test yourself – I do the sway test: so ‘yes’, I move forward, ‘’no, I move back – and you can go through each of those statements, like “I am worthy of being abundant with money.” If it comes back ‘no’ then this got programed in, maybe at a very young age, or it could be your generational stuff. Like my mother talked about the “Amman curse” (her family) where they all struggle and they all just got by and had depression, and you might have beliefs like this that have been passed on. So you clear those things out (John begins doing the ‘karate chop tap’ on SI 3 on the hand), “I AM worthy, I AM abundant, IAM grateful.” Gratitude is a big one. For me, I have a gratitude journal that I write in every morning. I write in that journal, what am I grateful for? You probably know from The Secret, and this has been around for millennium, that whatever you’re grateful for, you attract. What you resist, will persist. The other thing that I have learned is to hang out with people who are at the frequency, and who talk in ways, that are aligned with you and where you want to be. Hang around abundant people and happy and joyous people, people who are productive. And then on the outer-mind level, the practical; is set an intention each day. Like I may set a goal financially each day, either when teaching or seeing clients. I might say, “I intend to have a certain number of students joining my class,” and when you set an intention, then that is an attractor field as David Hawkins and Lynne McTaggart talk about (excellent book, The Intention Experiment), when you set an intention, the Universe listens and aligns with that. Fear is a big thing that stops us – that’s basically what keeps us down. There was a poet Audrey Lawrence and she said: “The more I’m in touch with my vision, my purpose in life, the less important my fears are.” Find your purpose and write it down where you can look at it – have it right on your screen, what your life is about.
“Part of my purpose is sharing my everexpanding knowledge with others; and this could be anywhere. ”
Part of my purpose is sharing my everexpanding knowledge with others. And this could happen anywhere. I want everyone to focus on your vision, your purpose, your mission; and then, when the fears come up, it’s no big deal. Focus on the vision and purpose and not on your limiting beliefs that are really not serving you at all, just let them go. Program in the beliefs that support your vision, purpose and mission, and anything that doesn’t align with that, say, “I’m letting it go.”
A: You mentioned the book: The Intention Experiment. One of the questions I always ask is are there any resources you would recommend for someone who wants to learn more?
J: First of all, Power vs Force, by David Hawkins, and he has a chart, I have it here; it’s about the frequencies of emotions, and basically the name of the game is to keep raising your vibration, and again, abundance is then a byproduct of high levels of love/joy/gratitude. That’s an important book for me. Also, I have been involved with Tony Robbins and teaching his Life Mastery workshop for 27 years. And I love Tony’s stuff because he’s really about making an impact in the world. Your abundance results from helping others. One of his programs is called Unleash the Power Within and the book Awaken the Giant Within is about this. And then he has some books about money too. Rich Dad Poor Dad, on the financial end –that’s a great classic. Where his biological father was the head of education in the state of Hawaii, but he wasn’t rich, while he’s friends’ dad dropped out in eighth grade but knew all about how to grow abundance. The principles he talks about in that book are great too. There’s so much out there, but those are a few that I would suggest. Again, it’s all about how are you serving and what’s your mission and purpose. We all have that aligned – we’re here to make a difference in other’s lives. How many people can I help today? Who can I touch in a way that transforms their life? Albert Schweitzer, the great humanitarian doctor, said: “Those of you who are truly happy and truly abundant, are those who have sought and found a way to serve.” And for me, you can’t find a better way than what we do in kinesiology. Touch for Health, energetic kinesiology – that’s our way of really serving others. For more about John, visit www.kinesiologyinstitute.com