5 minute read

Communication Styles and Abundance

By Sylvia Marina

Communication style tells a lot about people. Adults often communicate from the point of view of what is lacking or fear of consequence. Kinesiology hosts the world over have heard stories from a place of scarcity. Married to a farmer, through-out the years we’ve heard the words ‘currently experiencing a bad season’. This infers a temporary situation. When people come from a mind-set of scarcity, what you offer is not a priority right now…unless of course it is a designer label or one-off. Maybe it is the country culture I live in, for many a priority is sport.


When the offer is urgent, a priority, people will plan, sacrifice, honour their commitment

Fear of Consequence.

Adults often communicate from a fear of consequence. What will others think! Decisions made from the dread of outcome lacks ‘definition of purpose’.

Communication style tells a lot about a person.

I inwardly smile at children’s language. Task - Reward I want an ice-cream is often met with a trade, for example, you put your toys away and you can have an ice-cream. Reward – Urgency I need an ice-cream translates to. I haven’t the strength to do the task till I’ve renewed my energy. Maybe they learn this gift of words from mother, “I’ll get that done when I’ve had a cuppa”.

I’ve spent years observing communication style

including my own. Intrinsic motivation is the act of doing something without any obvious external rewards. You do it because it's enjoyable and interesting, rather than because of an outside incentive or pressure to do it, such as a reward or deadline.

The good book says, “ask and you will receive”. The statement suggests abundance. Abundance comes to those who clearly and decisively communicate well. Many is the time I have heard the words, I’ve been asking for abundance, but it never happens. Considering these words, the wrong seed is being sown. Hoping for abundance but the powerful energy of scarcity is active. In the program RETURN TO LOVE I write, the Sacral Chakra energy relates to sexual energy, partnership energy, relationships, money, finances, ethical and spiritual energy.

Participants often discover sexual energy and partnership energy need to be cleared of stress, trauma and negative patterns of behaviour relating to insecurity, guilt, abuse clearing pathways for abundance of all types to flow. In asking for abundance define what abundance means to you. Abundance for many means more fat cells, more abuse, more clutter, more mould in the home! Define and refine what you truly are asking. I have three little words that can help you refine your decision making.

In the situation— What am I feeling? What do I want? What am I willing to do about it? If you don’t get an answer – repeat— What am I feeling? What do I want? Is this truth. What am I willing to do about it? When you are willing to understand your natural emotions…these three words feel–want–willing are your friends. These little words helped me to turn my life around – I cherish the opportunity to help you too.

Sylvia Marina is a Human Behaviour Trauma Specialist, speaker and mentor. She is the author of TRANSFORMNG DNA MEMORIES and RETURN TO LOVE and offers worldwide seminars in person online A registered Touch for Health Instructor since 1985. Sylvia serves on the Executive Board of the International Kinesiology College of Australia and Dean of the IKC Personal Development School since October 2020.

Her intensive career includes assignments across Australia, Asia, South Pacific, Europe, Canada, New Zealand, Russia, Spain, UK. And USA. https://SylviaMarina.com

Chakra cards for kids!

Understanding and talking about emotions can be less than easy, especially for children. Fruitful Feelings was created to nurture children’s connection with their emotions, help them be in tune with their bodies and understand themselves better so they can confidently express how they feel. The deck contains 35 hand-painted fruit picture cards with positive messages based on the chakras in the body.

How they work

Working with the cards and the included foldout guide, children are supported to explore how they are feeling about a challenge they are facing or something that is worrying them.

The guide also contains some simple and fun ideas to help children work with their chakras so they feel more balanced, resilient and integrated in body and mind. The cards can also be used to set a daily intention to help children develop the language to talk about their feelings and build resilience.

How can practitioners use these tools

Fruitful Feelings are a fantastic resource for practitioners and parents to help children build emotional awareness and understanding of how our emotions impact the way we feel in our bodies. They can be used when working with emotions or as a way to help clients connect with their chakras. They are also a beautiful support to adults for inner child work and healing.

What inspired them

Erica was inspired to create Fruitful Feelings during lockdown in 2020. Unable to work, she was feeling lost and unable to help others in the way she loves. After receiving some suggestions and support from a couple of mentoring groups she was participating in, she decided to put her work things away and do some painting when the idea for a set of cards struck like lightning. At first she thought they would be a fun way to support the children she works with (and her own), but she soon realised the cards were a beautiful extension of the work she does in her clinic and much needed in the world at such a challenging time. Fruitful Feelings are now being used by practitioners, therapists, teachers and families across Australia and internationally. Erica will always be grateful to those who helped her creative idea become a reality.

About Erica

Erica Boettcher is a mother of two, an ICPKP qualified Kinesiopractor and teacher who loves working with children and adults from her clinic, Eastern Balance Kinesiology in Melbourne, Australia. She is passionate about nurturing and empowering others to listen to and understand what their bodies are trying to tell them about what's not working in their lives so they can make positive changes and let their true selves shine.

See the sample cards on the following page! How to order

Fruitful Feelings are available through my Etsy store: bit.ly/fruitfulfeelings If you have any questions or would like to become a distributor, I’d love to hear from you: erica@easternbalancekinesiology.com / www.easternbalancekinesiology.com Follow me: www.instagram.com/fruitfulfeelings / www.facebook.com/fruitfulfeelings

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