6 minute read

The Abundance of Living with Full Awareness

By Michelle Greenwell

What is abundance? What does abundance mean in our lives and the way we live? These are the questions that people have been asking for centuries. The meaning of abundance transforms by the time in which we are living, by the privilege with which we live our lives and the accessibility we have to what we need to survive. So, what does abundance really mean? If you go to “Google”, “abundance is a very large quantity of something”. Some people will reflect that to mean wealth, relationships, material objects, success in a profession, family success. They may have been attracted to programs which help you to achieve abundance in your life and have sought out the formula for making it possible. Look a little further into “Google” and they profess: “Abundance simply means having more than enough of everything you want all the time. The spiritual meaning of abundance is that your higher self (that what you really are) is intricately connected to the abundant universe which is the Source of everything you may desire.” This is a very gluttonous statement from a place of privilege. Is this the true meaning of abundance? “Acknowledge the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance” – Eckhart Tolle. If you are struggling to survive in the world, will this be enough? Can you consider yourself with abundance while starving or needing shelter? “Abundance is already within you. Let it out.” – Laura Emily .


From "Mind" to Multiple Intelligences

Some would express abundance as our relationship with love, love could be for ourselves and love for others. The Beatles wrote about this concept: “All we need is love,” releasing it in the “Year of Love” in 1967. From Google: “The Beatles were asked to provide a song with a message that could be easily understood by everyone and using "basic English" terms. ... In a statement to Melody Maker magazine, Brian Epstein, the band's manager, said of ‘All You Need Is Love’: It was an inspired song and they really wanted to give the world a message.” John Lennon followed this with “Imagine”. The lyrics to this song have pulled us to possibility but something we have never been able to achieve. “Imagine all the people living life in peace… You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one, I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will be as one.”

Wayne Dyer expresses it: “Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into.” If we tune into abundance, can we resonate with the frequency of it, and can we hold that space for ourselves and others to experience? In our Raising BioEnergetic Awareness course, Natascha Polomski and I, put this to our students. What is the experience of abundance? What does it mean in our own little world? What does it “look ” like? We began to explore energy to understand balance and flow for abundance.

Our first exercise was to offer the idea of abundance to our partner in the form of an energy ball full of love. What did it feel like to

offer love in abundance to someone else? For the receiving partner, they were to explore what it felt like to receive abundant love and where did it express itself within the body. Did it need to be spread around within the body? If you wish to try this experience for yourself, hold the palms of your hands towards each other and imagine a ball of love (this can be in whatever form you wish to imagine it). Using the senses and awareness, bring into focus what this experience is bringing to you. Be sure to record this for reflection later.

Next, pass the ball of love to someone else and receive their ball of abundant love. Notice your reaction to receiving. Are you able to fully appreciate what has been offered to you? Do you notice anywhere in your body that is not able to accept this abundance? If you are open to receiving abundant love, where does it appear within you, and does it need to be shared around? What does the ability to receive abundant love mean to you? Your observations may be in color, visions, sensations, the senses, music and more. Be open to all the ways your being may want to experience abundant love. Take some time to reflect on this experience. When you are ready, pass the ball back to its owner and receive your own ball back. Holding your abundance of love ball, how does it feel for you now that it has been returned? What are the insights that you might have at this point in your awareness of abundance and the ability to offer and to receive? Since you were able to create a ball of abundant love for yourself and to share, it is possible that you could create abundance for other concepts and repeat the exercise to gain insight into what abundance really means for you. For a final reflection, how could you create flowing abundance in your life through this exercise? How can you share it with others knowing you have more than enough, and the continual flow provides you with the means to reach out compassionately with others to share? And, if the ability to keep it flowing is blocked, how does over abundance affect you and your life? In his book, “The Healing Code” by Alexander Loyd he identifies that, in order for a shift in circumstance to happen, we need to release what our head wants and focus on what our heart can imagine.

It is that ability to visualize and encapsulate what we want to experience that the resonance for abundance can be recognized. If we live within our words, (if I had a million dollars, if I had someone to love, if I had the perfect job), we will always be seeking, and when we express from our heart and allow for flow, the energy and the joy of the experience can fulfill inside and flow outside. For this exploration we used the ideas of awareness and ways of knowing. To apply muscle monitoring or the body pendulum to these situations can provide you with other insights. It is important to identify where tension and resistance appears for you, and how you react and release it. Additional insights gained from protocols in different programs can provide valuable background information, but that will bring the information to your head for pondering. . Be sure to really embody the experience to understand how you experience abundance and all that it means for you.

Michelle Greenwell is the co-creator of Raising BioEnergetic Awareness, a program for self-discovery that brings awareness and knowledge to our ways of knowing and how to maximize their power in our every day lives. She is currently completing her doctoral degree in Integrative Medicine at Akamai University and is a Canadian Ambassador for the Choose Love Movement. Trained in Therapeutic Touch®, Touch for Health® and Masgutova NeuroReflex Integration™ her passion to heal through movement and awareness can be found in dance and Tai Chi explorations. You can find her at www.dancedebut.com, Youtube, Spotify, Buzzsprout, Patreon, Facebook, Twitter, Google and Instagram, as well as President of CanBeWell.org.

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