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Melding science and spirituality

Melding science and spirituality for integrative growth, success and health

By Kasia Rachfall


Ihad been working with neurolinguistic and spiritual therapies long before I found Specialized Kinesiology. I discovered it somewhat by accident and realized it was the missing piece to a problem many of my clients faced. I had never thought to seek the solution in bodywork.

What many of my clients struggled with were repeating patterns of behaviour even though the mind and the emotions were no longer triggered by the circumstances that used to trigger those behaviours.

It's like having all shiny, new software to run on your computer, except your computer keeps trying to run old programs; like there is a clog or a loop in the machine itself that keeps defaulting to software that's been uninstalled, yet bits of it are still influencing the new software. Imagine yourself feeling pretty good: you've done the healing work, the setting goals work, you're taking action towards them, and yet sometimes your body pulls you into doing something you know you shouldn't do.

• Self-sabotage • Procrastination • Overthinking • Overdoing So here you are observing yourself doing some behavior you know you don't want to do anymore, but you feel powerless to stop it because you’ve healed all the things associated with it.

When I began studying Specialized Kinesiology through the Touch for Health synthesis and found SIPS Kinesiology, I discovered why and how the body can derail the mind.

Our body holds on to our stress and our old stories, and unless we can clear it out and renew the energy at all levels, not only mentally and emotionally, we find ourselves repeating the same patterns.

That's why I fell in love with the SIPS system! It's like Drano for the body and energy field! It literally removes the frequencies of old stresses and stories from the physical body so that those old patterns dissolve and no longer activate old behaviours.

It's like magic, except it's actually a lot of science. Kinesiology completely revolutionized my work with clients because it gave me a way of integrating the body into the mental, emotional and spiritual work.

Our body is the container that we move around in to get our dreams and goals accomplished. If our container isn't on board with what our mind wants, there will be resistance, conflict and struggle along the way. All of our energy: mind, body, and emotions need to face in the same direction for best results.

SIPS fits in beautifully with my Akashic Records work, too. The Records are the vibrational archive of the Soul which means they hold the guidance, wisdom, history and potential of who we are at the core, at the frequency level. By accessing a client's Akashic Records we can illuminate where they hold resistance and old patterns in their life and how those patterns perpetuate certain challenges or struggles. Then, using a combination of kinesiology, healing and coaching, we clear out the old and empower cocreation of the new.

Science has been studying the Akashic Field and postulates that it's the torsion fields of electrons that form the information in that field. When we access it, we are interpreting the vibration of the most basic particles through our intuitive senses. Using intention and clear decision we can clear the information that our Akashic Records hold instead of keeping it just in case.

SIPS fits in beautifully with my Akashic Records work, too. The Records are the vibrational archive of the Soul which means they hold the guidance, wisdom, history and potential of who we are at the core, at the frequency level. By accessing a client's Akashic Records we can illuminate where they hold resistance and old patterns in their life and

“It's like magic, except it's actually a lot of science.”

kinesiology, healing and coaching, we clear out the old and empower cocreation of the new.

Science has been studying the Akashic Field and postulates that it's the torsion fields of electrons that form the information in that field. When we access it, we are interpreting the vibration of the most basic particles through our intuitive senses. Using intention and clear decision we can clear the information that our Akashic Records hold instead of keeping it just in case.

For example, when we have learned a particular lesson about ourselves or resolved a soul agreement, we no longer need that old information to remain active. It would be like keeping grade-school textbooks for PhD college programs just in case they're useful. They're really not! They're heavy baggage and we don't need to drag them around with us because this erodes our self- trust and confidence in our abilities.

SIPS theory states that we carry interference patterns in our physical body and energy field that creates stress on the system. SIPS works with the structure of electricity in the body, and I believe this influences the Akashic Field. SIPS Level 7 touches on this and I was excited to have Kinesiology Science confirm for me the ideas and concepts I had already learned by working with the Akashic Records. I love it when the universe shows us the unity between ideas like science and spirituality!

“My clients report feeling more in control of themselves, more trusting of their intuition, and more confident in taking action.”

When we clear and balance the body's energy we organize the mental, emotional and physical structures and everything flows better. There is more spaciousness in thinking, in feeling and in responding to our circumstances, projects, and needs and desires. This is often represented to me as clearing and closing records in the Akashic Records, and because of Kinesiology, I can now integrate the body in the clearing process.

My clients report feeling more in control of themselves, more trusting of their intuition, and more confident in taking action. They don't get overwhelmed by the details and can vacillate more easily between their vision and strategic tactics to get things done.

Because I tend to attract clients that are on a spiritual path and open to their highest guidance, I often combine SIPS Kinesiology sessions with Akashic Records work. During sessions I will often receive intuitive information about the patterns or stresses we are clearing. Sometimes they are connected to past life imprints or what science calls epigenetic patterns, sometimes to other dimensional expressions which I can't explain, and sometimes to occurrences that happened in a client's current lifetime.

The body will often tell me where its holding resistance and what the story of that resistance is. I don't always get story, but I know that when I do it's important for the client to know it. So I verbalize it. My clients receive not only the benefits of the SIPS balance but also a deeper understanding of themselves and what makes them tick… why they do what they do or want what they want. It's deeply validating and offers closure and freedom. What I love about working with both the SIPS system and the Akashic Records is they offer structure. Intuition is a skill that anyone can develop and with practice, hone to be very accurate and sharp. The Akashic Records, at least the Key to Enter that I teach in the Akashic Magic Embodied Reader Certification course, offers a repeatable and sure way to access the intuitive information in the field, so the reader can trust what they are receiving instead of feeling like they are making things up. You can’t make this stuff up if you tried!

For Example:

A client’s body showed me a ghost pregnancy that wanted to be cleared.

She said she terminated a pregnancy as a young woman and thought she had healed through all of it, but this explained some ongoing symptoms. I kept hearing words and phrases I don't often hear or use in conversation, and the client on my table said “oh yeah, my father used to say that all the time, and I didn't like how it felt. Let's clear that, please!”

Like I said, you can't make this stuff up!

I receive scripts from the Akashic Records to help my students and clients connect to more of their highest wisdom. One of my favorites is below. It offers a way to release ancestral energy and reconnect to the love of our ancestors, not their baggage. One trend I've noticed this year is ancestral wounds coming up for us around the world, I thought this would be useful. You can choose to share it with your clients if this comes up for them. Remember that your intention is important when invoking any change.

Ancestral Healing through the Akashic Records

This is an invitation from the Akashic Records to disentangle ancestral lines and bring freedom to the new present moment. To the degree that you’re ready, we ask that the Soul Agreements with the ancestors are resolved and the Records and cleared and closed. To the degree that you’re ready, we ask that the only Record of love

remain open. To the degree that you're ready say goodbye to your ancestors and receive their love. We now renew your Haric Line and earth connection so that you are fully grounded here and fully connected to your Soul Etheric Blueprint for your highest good and the highest good of all. And so it is. We thank the Akashic Records Keepers for their honor and healing.

Kasia Rachfall is a coach, healer and mentor for spiritually focused creatives and purpose driven professionals ready to be fully seen and heard for their work, trust their impact, overcome comparisonitis, and receive Sacred Fame™ on their own terms. Kasia works with Akashic Records, Advanced Quantum Numerology and Energy Kinesiology for holistic and integrative results. www.KasiaRachfall.com Click here to access a free PDF about the Akashic Records!

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