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A Path to Deeper Connection to

Pregnancy - A Path to Deeper Connection to Your Whole Self and Your Baby

By Julie White


In my practice as a kinesiologist and birth doula, I’ve found that the experience of pregnancy and birth presents a beautiful opportunity to evolve physically, spiritually and emotionally and because of this, a healthy pregnancy and birth are relative to the individual.

There are countless books and blogs and classes attempting to educate a new mom on the steps to take for a healthy pregnancy and birth. Some of these resources are wonderful and insightful but they can also be dogmatic and leaving her feeling as though she has to do things in a particular way in order to experience health and vitality with her pregnancy and birth. The truth is, a woman already “KNOWS” deep within, what she needs to be healthy and happy during pregnancy. She and her baby “KNOW” how to give birth. Working with this innate knowledge that has been past through the ancestral DNA is the key to staying connected to herself and her baby during this time and having the best outcome in her experience! My biggest advice to new mommas is to slow down during this season, get in touch with that inner voice that is already there and stay in flow and in rhythm with her, consciously aware of herself and her baby, working as one perfect organism. (cont.)

The only effort here would be to tune out excess advice, noise, and dogma, and choose consciously and wisely what streams of encouragement, ancient wisdom, and love aligns with her and her baby’s highest self. The feminine way is one of ease and grace, creativity and intuition and in many ways we have let ourselves be hijacked with excessive rules, regulations and principles in the birth world. I love to guide clients to adopt a daily practice of breathing and flow, checking in with themselves throughout the day. Simply closing the eyes, hand on the heart, taking really deep belly breaths followed by long and exhaustive exhales centers an individual and prepares them for listening deep within. It allows for a PAUSE in a busy day, or when faced with lots of information, or when processing decisions. With this in mind, I offer a few tips for the pregnant woman to contemplate:

• Birth is natural and not a medical event.

• Lean in to the various ebs and flows that each trimester brings and pause to connect to yourself as you navigate the changes your body is going through. “What do I need right now?” Listen to that instinct and have grace for yourself. You are growing another life inside of you! You may need to relax more, or push through more - move with your body. This will prepare you for birth day - relaxing and pushing, leaning into pain but also resting between the surges.

• Choose a birth team/tribe - those whom you trust and will be a good support. This may be a medical doctor/ nurse, midwife, doula or group of friends/family. You may want to have your birth in a hospital, at home or outside by a peaceful river. Unless you or baby is at real risk, the choice is yours! Take instructions from medical professionals or midwives and doulas only after you have checked in with yourself, have the information you need and are fully confident in your decision.

• Find a kinesiologist who practices muscle response testing so you are able to stay balanced and attuned to your nutritional needs. Every body is different. What one mother needs in the form of supplementation and diet will not be the same for another.

• Energy kinesiology can help with physical/ structural balancing and also emotional/ spiritual balancing. Pregnancy and birth may bring up past traumas or generational stresses and if appropriate, working through these issues may help in the birth as well as becoming a new parent.

• Movement is so natural for our bodies and is so important in keeping tissues, muscles and ligaments strong but flexible. Yoga postures that encourage strength in the hips, core and legs are amazing for getting prepared for birth day! Walking outside is also a great exercise to keep your body strong and circulation flowing. Try not to stay in positions that constrict your muscles for too long of a time. Long term sitting, hunching or standing will keep the muscles tight. We are looking for a rhythm of tightening and releasing, mirroring the birth experience. There are plenty more nuggets of wisdom to ponder and reflect on as you embark on your pregnancy journey, and I would love to connect with you if you want to nerd out on all things kinesiology and birth! But, my hope is that this offering has given you inspiration to PAUSE and LISTEN to your innate inner knowledge as well as your baby’s before making decisions. From nutrition to birth plans to birth tribes, you were made for this!

I believe that each one of us has, in our DNA, everything we need to prosper in this life - in our health, in our relationships, and in our service to others. When you get to the core essence of who you are, you will live an empowered, grace-filled, abundant life. Its not about fixing someone who's broken, it's about awakening the Truest YOU! You were not created to do this alone, but alongside others, in community. I consider myself a CONVOY, an escort for protection; a GUIDE, lighting the way; a companion, one you can trust on the journey. Wherever you are in the process, together, we can unearth your truest self, connecting the dots between your mind, body and soul, SO THAT YOU CAN LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE! Touch For Health, SIPS Kinesiology, GEMS Flow and Brain Formatting, Doulas of North America RESTOREANDBALANCE.ME

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