5 minute read

Blissful Pregnancy through BioEnergetic Wellness

By Nithya Poorani Jayaraj

Change is inevitable and universal which demands lot of coping and survival strategies, irrespective of the nature. Pregnancy is one such a transition, every couple experiences both physically and psychologically. We always feel excited by anticipating the outcome of the journey. The big picture for the couple is the happiness of delivering a baby. Despite the importance of change in the pursuit of health and happiness, there are few formulations of how it is accomplished gracefully irrespective of mixed emotions, uncertainty, and difficulty to adapt during the process of pregnancy. Bio Energetic Wellness provides holistic care for the pregnant mothers and family to experience the bliss by changing the molecules of emotions. One major factor that acts as an obstacle to enjoy the process of pregnancy is fear of labour pain. Many Pregnant mothers are opting for C-section because of the fear of anticipated pain. This paved way for introducing bio energetic wellness group session for pregnant mothers who fear about labour pain. Gary Craig’s Emotional freedom techniques helped mothers in changing the reaction towards fear about labour pain. It is performed by tapping on specific meridian points with a set up phrase and reminder phrase. The procedure starts with psychological reversal, tapping on the sides of the wrist,


with phrase (Even though I have this fear of unbearable labour pain as I have heard in stories, films or from other people experience, I profoundly love, accept and forgive myself). The reminder phrase (this fear of labour pain) is repeated and tapped on other meridian points in the following order (top of head, eyebrow, corner of eyes, below eyes, below nose, below chin, collar bone, under arm). After 2 sets of tapping, most of them felt no fear and a strong belief about their coping ability emerged.

I have mentioned few of other phrases that I

use for pregnant mothers: Note- Set up phrase is mentioned as SP and reminder phrase is mentioned as RP. SP: Even though I am angry on myself that I have mood swings and not taking care of my baby’s health, I deeply love, accept and forgive myself. RP : This anger SP: Even though I am annoyed at my physical appearance and overweight, I deeply love, accept and forgive myself. RP: This annoyance SP: Even though I feel irritated that my partner and family members are not understanding my physical and emotional disturbances and feel not supported enough, I deeply love, accept and forgive myself. RP: This irritation. SP: Even though I feel disappointed that I am unable do my daily activities energetically, I

deeply love, accept and forgive myself. RP: This disappointment. SP: Even though I feel guilty that I could not experience the happiness of having a baby, I deeply love, accept and forgive myself. RP: This guilt SP: Even though I fear about my imbalance in thyroid levels and insulin level, I deeply love, accept and forgive myself. RP: This fear SP: Even though I am tired because of morning sickness, I deeply love, accept and forgive myself. RP: This tiredness because of morning sickness. Followed by EFT, during the group session, Emotional Stress Release from Touch for Health, by Dr John Thie is practised. On our forehead on the prominences above the eyes are two points which can have a deep calming effect. Holding these points lightly or placing hands on the forehead helps mind to a receptive state rather than protective response to present, past and future stress. Ger Casey’s research (2005) on holding ESR points during stress or thinking about stressful events resulted in reduced blood pressure level than the person’s actual blood pressure base line. This had a same effect on diastolic, systolic and pulse rate levels. This result was so amazing that we could apply to all populations. ESR helped pregnant women in diffusing the stressful aspects of pregnancy (mood swings, uncertainty, self-doubt, disappointment, selfhate, guilt, fear, annoyance, physical disturbances & more...), balancing the blood pressure levels and provided strength to find peace. ESR helped pregnant women to visualise and feed in positive emotions and visualisations about happy pregnancy & labour. Pregnant mothers are encouraged to do ESR even before and during labour process, which helped to calm down and balance breathing & pulse rate. Group session is concluded with Golden light meditation. It is an advanced meditation developed by Dr Mary Jo Bulbrook, taught in Transform Your Life Through Energy Medicine (TYLEM) as a part of clearing and restructuring soul light. It is also a self-care exercise to build and strengthen soul energy. The procedure starts by creating a column of golden light in the hands and connecting the hands on the heart.

Then placing hands on top of head and visualising golden light, slowly bringing down the golden light from top of the head all the way through the body (along the hara line) and then onto the earth. Clear and repair the energy by holding in the area as needed until the energy stabilizes. Connect the soul star (above the head) and earth by pointing one hand on 4th chakra facing upwards and other hand on 2nd chakra pointing downwards towards the earth. Experience the flow of golden energy throughout. This simple yet effective meditation provided a soothing effect physically and emotionally. Pregnant mothers followed this procedure as home reinforcement and had individual energy balancing sessions on a regular basis for physical, emotional and biochemical imbalances throughout the pregnancy. This helped the whole family to experience the bliss of pregnancy with grace and breath, hope and positivity and to get ease with the process of change. Bio energetic wellness is an ocean of holistic tools and I am happy to experience and share few drop of its essence.

Infographic by Hello Wonderful! Find them through this link: https:// www.hellowonderful.co/post/how-big-is-my -baby-fruits-and-vegetables-infographic/

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