Fall2006/Winter 2007

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Spelman Breaks Ground for a ‘Greener’ Future


pelman College took a bold step toward environmental responsibility and made history at the same time with the groundbreaking for a new “green” residence hall on Friday, October 20, 2006. This new residential facility, the first new construction of the 21st Century at Spelman, is on track to become the first in the Atlanta University Center community, and the first HBCU to attain Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification through the U.S. Green Building Council. The building will be designed with a high priority on health, reduced environmental impact and increased resource conservation. The groundbreaking took place at the site of the new building on the land recently acquired from the AUC, at the corner of Westview Drive and Lee Street, behind the Milligan Building on West End Avenue, SW. Spelman’s President, Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum said, “Building ‘green’ is a smart investment in the future.” Expressing her concern about the sustainability of the environment, she added, “The very future of our planet is at stake. I believe we have an obligation to increase our

own environmental responsibility at Spelman and to educate students about it. With the groundbreaking for this new ‘green’ residence hall, we are, like the founders of Spelman, building for the next 100 years and doing our part to protect the environment for the generations to come.” Arthur Frazier, Spelman’s director of facilities management & services, detailed the additional firsts that will become part of Spelman’s legacy of leadership. “Out of the 237 Educational Institution members of the U.S. Green Building Council, Spelman is the first and only HBCU member and the first member in the AUC. And our ‘green’ residential facility will be the first LEED Certified Residence Hall in the state of Georgia.” Frazier clarified that actual certification will be awarded after the building is completed in Spring 2008. The residence hall will be more than 201,455 square feet and will house 303 beds, raising current housing capacity from 1,176 to 1,479. There will also be a 175-seat dining hall and a 100-car parking deck. Student occupancy is projected for July 2008. ●

The new “green” residence hall, housing 300, is projected for student occupancy in July 2008.

Elder Bernice A. King, C’85 (center), founder of the Be A King Scholarship poses with her cousin, Dr. Angela Farris Watkins, C’86 (left), and her aunt, Mrs. Christine King Farris, C’48, at the announcement.

Endowed Scholarship in Honor of Coretta Scott King Established at Spelman lder Bernice A. King, C’85, established on January 30, 2007 an endowed scholarship at Spelman College in memory of her mother and founding president of the Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change, the late Coretta Scott King. Appropriately titled the Be A King Scholarship in Honor of Coretta Scott King, the scholarship was announced on the one-year anniversary of Mrs. King’s death. “This endowment pays tribute to my mother’s life service to human rights and the philosophy of nonviolent social change,” said Elder King, the youngest child of Mrs. King and the late civil rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “The scholarship will provide financial assistance to deserving students with financial need who demonstrate a commitment to civic engagement, community service and volunteerism.” Elder King currently serves as president and CEO of Be A King Inc. The Be A King Scholarship in Honor of Coretta Scott King was established with a gift of $75,000 from Elder King, $25,000 from her brother Martin Luther King, III and a contribution from the The Home Depot, Inc. for $75,000.


Continued on page 3.

A D I A L O G U E W I T H D R . T.

Contents 1 1 3 4 4 4 5 5 6


Features Spelman Breaks Ground for a ‘Greener’ Future Endowed Scholarship in Honor of Coretta Scott King Pearl Cleage’s A Song for Coretta Spelman Support Tops $1,000,000 for Hurricane Katrina Students Spelman College Parents Association Launches New Web Site Former Spelman Employee Honored at 100th Birthday Celebration Hale Woodruff and Nancy Elizabeth Prophet Art Exhibition Student Women of Color Conference Arcus Foundation $140,000 Gift Allows Spelman College to Process Audre Lorde Papers Rockefeller Renovations Nearing Completion

Departments 2 A Dialogue with Dr. T. Annual Giving Section 7 2005-2006 Annual Report 11 Donor Honor Roll 24 Constituents of Giving Reports

350 Spelman Lane S.W., Atlanta, Georgia 30314 www.spelman.edu EDITOR

Jo Moore Stewart COPY EDITOR



Eloise Alexis, C’86 Tomika DePriest, C’89 Renita Mathis CONTRIBUTING WRITER

Lorraine Robertson PHOTOGRAPHERS

Rick Cash Deirdre W. Matthews, C’82 J.D. Scott Bud Smith Julie Yarbrough, C’91 2 INSIDE SPELMAN

Inside Spelman is published four times per academic year for a readership that includes alumnae, trustees, parents, students, faculty, staff and friends of the College. The newsletter is dedicated to informing our readers about news, upcoming events and issues in the life of the College.

Every Woman…Every Year: The Key to “Nothing Less Than the Best” In my first convocation speech in 2002, I told the Spelman community that I wanted Spelman College to be “nothing less than the best.” Five years later, we have moved closer to that goal – for example, several buildings have been renovated, financial aid has increased steadily, faculty research support has been enhanced, new majors have been added, our library has improved, our athletic program has grown and the national visibility of Spelman College as a top liberal arts college has increased. But we still have more to do. Let’s imagine Spelman College in 2012, another five years from now. Spelman’s academic quality is enhanced by the addition of several new faculty members, allowing us to reduce class size in departments experiencing over-enrollment pressures. Our students can focus on their studies without the constant worry of how their tuition will be paid, because we are able to offer more generous student aid packages. Every talented woman who comes to Spelman has the resources she needs to graduate, and can do so without crushing debt. Every student is able to participate in sponsored research, internship Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum and study-abroad opportunities. Our residence halls and academic buildings are state-of-the-art, and the construction of a much needed fine arts facility is underway. Everywhere you look the campus is sparkling like a diamond in the sun. Is this vision possible? Yes! “Nothing less than the best” is within our reach. But it requires one thing we don’t yet have – the commitment of financial support from every Spelman woman, every year. Nothing is more important to the achievement of our goals than the commitment of Every Woman…Every Year. Consider these facts: The tuition and fees each student pays represents only 44 percent of what it costs to educate her. The rest of her education is subsidized by the gifts past and present donors have made. Past gifts, wisely invested, have helped our endowment grow to approximately $300 million dollars. But the endowment can not be spent – only the interest earned can be used to help pay our daily expenses (faculty and staff salaries, student scholarships, energy costs, insurance bills, etc.). The rest of our expenses must be paid from federal grants and the annual gifts received from present donors – corporations, foundations and individuals who respond to our annual fundraising efforts. Every year we must raise approximately $15 million just to close the gap between our expenses and our income and balance our current budget. Fortunately, we have a track record of success in keeping our budget balanced. But, to do more – to take Spelman to the next level – will require more resources. In the past Spelman has relied more heavily on funds from the federal government, corporations and foundations than on funds from individual donors. But as the federal deficit grows and global needs proliferate, the competition for these philanthropic dollars increases daily. Savvy fundraisers are looking carefully at the institutions they support, and the first question they are asking is whether those closest to the institution are supporting it. They reason, “If those who know and love the institution best don’t support it, why should we?” The annual commitment of every Spelman woman, every year is essential to the continuing strength of the College not only because it helps us to meet our annual financial needs but, equally important, a high level of alumnae participation helps to inspire the generosity of others. The good news is that we have a high level of alumnae support, typically expressed by a gift at reunion. Approximately 80 percent of our alumnae made a gift to the College sometime in the last five years, typically at reunion. However, a reunion gift once every five years translates into an annual participation rate of about 16 percent, not enough to meet our daily needs, and leaves Spelman vulnerable when we compete for grants with colleges that boast annual participation rates of 30 percent, 40 percent, 50 percent or higher. Every Spelman woman has the power to change this situation – and move us closer to our goal of “nothing less than the best.” Every Spelman woman has the power because every gift counts, no matter what the size. The young alumna who sets up a “Bill Pay” arrangement with her bank to automatically send $10 a month to Spelman helps our participation rate as much as the more established alumna who prefers to write a yearly check of $10,000. Whether it is an online gift through our Web site, an automatic electronic funds transfer or a personal check sent through the mail, every gift to the Annual Fund counts! The key to our long-term success is consistency – Every Woman…Every Year. A Spelman College degree is the gift that keeps on giving – year in and year out, the name of Spelman opens doors of opportunity for graduates throughout their lives. Perhaps without even knowing it, every Spelman graduate has been the beneficiary of those donors who preceded her. To preserve and strengthen Spelman College for the next generation, we must continue to build this chain of philanthropy one woman at a time. “Nothing less than the best” will truly be in our grasp when Spelman’s nearly 14,000 alumnae have joined arms in support of Every Woman...Every Year. ●

Pearl Cleage’s A Song for Coretta Pays Tribute to Coretta Scott King


Song for Coretta, a play born from a poignant moment in Atlanta’s and America’s recent past, made its premiere February15–18, 2007 at Baldwin Burroughs Theatre at Spelman College. Written by noted author, playwright and Cosby endowed professor of humanities at Spelman College, Pearl Cleage, C’71, A Song for Coretta focuses on the interaction between five characters from different backgrounds and experiences while they wait in line to pay respects to Coretta Scott King after her death. Cleage said she was inspired to write the play after watching news footage of people who waited outside Ebenezer Baptist Church to bid farewell to Mrs. King after her death January 30, 2006. “I was very moved by their patience as they stood in all that cold rain, and I wanted to create some imaginary characters and place them in that line,” said Cleage. “I think I was trying to show what an impact she made on a wide range of people who did not even know each other. I want the audience to think about the life of Mrs. King and the example of that life. She was a person dedicated to truth, peace and freedom. I hope that when people see the play, they will think about how those issues manifest in their own lives.” Directed by Crystal Dickinson, assistant professor of drama, cast members included Andrea Frye, C’67, as Helen Richards, Nishanthi Bailey as Zora Evans, Deandrea Crawford as Keisha Camreron, Jade LambertSmith, C’98, as Mona Lisa Martin and Brynn Tucker, C’2008 as Gwen Johnson. Cleage, also a poet and essayist, is the author of several novels, including Baby Brother’s Blues, Some Things I Never Thought I’d Do, and What Looks Like Crazy on an Ordinary Day, which was an Oprah Book Club selection and a New York Times bestseller. Her other plays include Blues for an Alabama Sky and Flyin’ West. ●

King Endowed Scholarship C o n t i n u e d f r o m p a g e 1 . New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, where Elder King ministers under the leadership of Bishop Eddie L. Long, also made a $14,000 donation. The Be A King Scholarship in Honor of Coretta Scott King initially will award a $7,500 scholarship for the 2007–2008 academic year to two rising seniors, with the remaining $174,000 serving to establish the scholarship endowment. The scholarships will go to students pursuing a degree in education, music or psychology, all areas of great interest and importance to Coretta Scott King. A very active member of the Spelman community, Mrs. King spoke at convocations, conferences and most recently President Tatum’s Inaugural Symposia. When awarded an honorary degree from Spelman in 1984, Mrs. King inspired the graduates with these words: “… As graduates you can be proud of a remarkable heritage of achievement. However, I know you won’t rest on your laurels too long, because this great heritage means you also have a responsibility. You have an awesome responsibility to pick up the burden of leadership that rightfully falls to the educated Black woman. No matter what kind of career you are planning, you are challenged to be a leader – not just a leader in your chosen profession,

but a leader of the struggle for economic and social justice and for world peace.” Also in honor of Mrs. King, the Coretta Scott King Walk was announced. The Walk, in partnership with the American Cancer Society, will take place on Saturday, April 28, 2007 in

Atlanta. “The American Cancer Society is pleased to be a partner in the walk to commemorate Coretta Scott King and call attention to all of her great accomplishments and contributions," said Georgette Porter, the Society's senior vice president for Georgia. ●

During the check presentation at the Be A King Scholarship In Honor of Coretta Scott King announcement, Spelman College President Beverly Daniel Tatum (second from right) joined Elder Bernice A. King, C’85 (center), Mrs. Arlene Cash, vice president of enrollment management at Spelman College (far left), Mr. Kevin Martinez, vice president of community affairs, Home Depot (far right), Ms. Georgette Porter, senior vice president for Georgia, American Cancer Society (third from left), and Bishop Eddie Long, Sr., pastor, New Birth Missionary Church (second from left). FALL 2006 / WINTER 2007


Spelman Support Tops $1,000,000 for Students Impacted by Hurricane Katrina


n the wake of the devastating floods that emerged from Hurricane Katrina in fall 2005, Spelman College quickly felt the impact of the storm as it directly affected the Spelman College community. In addition to members of the faculty, staff, alumnae and many friends of the College, there were 34 enrolled Spelman College students from neighborhoods in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama that were destroyed by the hurricane, and 41 guest students from Dillard and Xavier Universities who sought safety and the opportunity to continue their education at Spelman College. The urgency of their need was clear, but beyond the capacity of Spelman to respond without assistance. Fortunately the College didn’t have to. The gift of $600,000 awarded by the Mellon Foundation for distribution via the Southern Education Foundation was the largest of several significant gifts that allowed Spelman

to respond to the needs of the guest students and the currently enrolled Spelman students who lived in communities directly impacted by the hurricane and related flooding. In addition to the Mellon grant, the College also received a grant of $250,000 from the CocaCola Foundation to aid Hurricane Katrina students. The Jack and Jill of America Foundation, Inc. contributed $50,000, Scholarship America donated $35,000 and Spelman faculty, staff, alumnae and other individual donors and organizations contributed gifts ranging in size from $10–$10,000. These generous donations totaled approximately $1,000,000 designated for Hurricane Katrina scholarship support in 2005–2006. In addition, in spring 2006 Spelman received $35,000 from the U.S. Department of Education to help offset the costs of receiving the guest students from Dillard and Xavier. ●

Spelman College Parents Association Launches New Web Site and Regional System he Spelman College Parents Association (SCPA) has been expanding the scope and breadth of its involvement across the country in anticipation of the 2007–2008 academic year. In doing so, the association launched the new SCPA Web site, (http://www.spelman.edu/parents/association/index.shtml). The Association has developed the SCPA database and is sending e-mail updates on Spelman College and SCPA events and activities. The SCPA also launched a seven-region system for parent participation: Northeast, Southeast, South Central, Great Lakes, Plains/Rocky Mountain, Far West and International. “Through our SCPA Executive Committee, we have been very pleased to remain in touch with Spelman College administrators to share ways and means of providing ongoing updates to Spelman parents throughout the world,” says Stephanie Montgomery, co-chair, SCPA. “The new regional system is a vehicle that ultimately will allow us to increase the input from parents and strengthen the communication process.” The work of the SCPA has at its foundation a continual strategy of embracing the ideals of the Spelman College mission to provide an extraordinary academic, nurturing and supportive environment for students. Parents and guardians of Spelman College students are automatically members of the SCPA. There are many opportunities for parents and guardians to become more active with the College through the SCPA, including volunteering for various college activities, hosting and assisting Spelman College events in their respective hometowns and providing fundraising support for the College in a number of ways. For more information, please visit the new Web site at the address given above.



Spelman College Glee Club Sings for Hurricane Benefit The Spelman College Glee Club shared their voices for the “Sing! Songs of Comfort and Hope” benefit concert for victims of Hurricane Katrina presented by the Music Ministry of Peachtree Presbyterian Church on February 28, 2006. Under the direction of Dr. Kevin Johnson, director and chair of the music department at Spelman College, the Glee Club performed with the Atlanta Symphony Brass Quintet, the Mt. Bethel United Methodist Church Chancel Choir and the Peachtree Presbyterian Church Chancel Choir.

Former Spelman Employee Honored at 100th Birthday Celebration Beatrice E. Williams was recently honored by her family and friends at her 100th birthday celebration on November 18, 2006. Mrs. Williams received congratulatory messages from several high-profile dignitaries, including President Jimmy Carter and President Bill Clinton, and proclamations from Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin, Spelman College President Beverly Daniel Tatum, the Fisk University Alumni Association, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., and Jack and Jill of America, Inc. A native of Aiken, South Carolina, Mrs. Williams began her tenure at Spelman in the 1940s as postmistress, and later became a member of the Department of Education. In that capacity she worked with Ms. Bazoline Usher, Mrs. Naomi Chivers, and Dr. Evelyn Carroll. During its 20-year reunion celebration in May 1986, the Spelman College class of 1966 established the Carroll-Williams Scholarship to honor the contributions of Dr. Carroll and Mrs. Williams. The endowed scholarship is awarded to students with a commitment to teaching. ●

Hale Woodruff and Nancy Elizabeth Prophet Art Exhibition Marks 75 Years of Creative Achievement ale Woodruff, Nancy Elizabeth Prophet and the Academy,” a research and conservation project, opened January 18, 2007 at the Spelman College Museum of Fine Art and runs through May 12, 2007. Considered pioneering artists, Hale Woodruff and Nancy Elizabeth Prophet established art programs in the Atlanta University Center in the 1930s. Despite segregation, Woodruff and Prophet created one of the premiere institutions for art instruction for African Americans. In light of their Atlanta accomplishments, “Hale Woodruff, Nancy Elizabeth Prophet and the Academy” positions Woodruff and Prophet as the artist-educators and institution builders who challenged and transformed the existing academic structure and offerings for African Americans. Curated by Andrea Barnwell Brownlee, Ph.D., C’93, director of the Spelman College Museum of Fine Art, and Amalia K. Amaki, Ph.D., curator of the Paul R. Jones Collection and professor of art, art history and Black American studies at the University of Delaware, “Hale Woodruff, Nancy Elizabeth Prophet and the Academy” brings the lives, efforts and work of Woodruff and Prophet into a critical dialogue for the first time. “Hale Woodruff, Nancy Elizabeth Prophet and the Academy” also commemorates the 75th anniversary of the Spelman College Department of Art, which Woodruff and Prophet founded, and celebrates the 10th anniversary of the Spel-


man College Museum of Fine Art. While Woodruff is widely recognized for originating the Atlanta University Annual Exhibition of Painting, Sculpture and Prints by Negro Artists – an art competition that lasted from 1942 to 1970 – his own artistic accomplishments have not been adequately examined. Although Prophet created an impressive body of work (much of which has been lost or destroyed) and in the late 1920s and 1930s was regarded by American and European critics alike as one of the most talented American sculptors, until now her work has never been the subject of an exhibition outside of her home state of Rhode Island. The exhibition unveils the recently conserved works in the College’s collection, features more than 50 paintings and works on paper by Woodruff and presents all existing sculptures by Prophet for the first time. The limited edition catalogue includes contributions by Amalia Amaki, Ph.D., Andrea Barnwell Brownlee, Ph.D., Richard Long, Ph.D., M. Akua McDaniel, Ph.D., C’69, Anne Collins

Smith, C’96, and Mary Parks Washington, C’46. “Hale Woodruff, Nancy Elizabeth Prophet and the Academy” is made possible by the Getty Foundation and the Henry Luce Foundation, Inc. Additional support is provided by the Fulton County Arts Council and the Georgia-Pacific Foundation. ●

Bridging the Gap: Similarities and Differences Among Student Women of Color Conference


he Spelman College Student Government Association (SSGA) and the Center for Leadership and Civic Engagement (LEADS) co-hosted Spelman’s first Women of Color Student Leadership Conference held on March 31 and April 1, 2007. The theme of this conference was Bridging the Gap: Similarities and Differences Among Student Women of Color. The conference had three major goals: develop leaders among student women of color; address issues facing student women of color; and begin working together to deal with issues facing women of color. Spelman College is an institution known for developing intellectual and ethical leaders among Black women. With this mission, it is only fitting that Spelman brings together women of various minority groups to discuss the issues that face all of our communities. ●

FALL 2006 / WINTER 2007


Arcus Foundation $140,000 Gift Allows Spelman College to Process Audre Lorde Papers ith a $140,000 grant from the Michiganbased Arcus Foundation, the Spelman College archives will process approximately 40 linear feet of papers by Audre Lorde, one of the most significant and influential African American feminist writer/activists of the 20th century. The collection, which will not be available to the public until the end of 2007, includes the writer’s poems, manuscripts, journal entries, letters, essays and other artifacts. Gifted to Spelman in Lorde’s will, the papers were received in 1995, three years after her death. At the request of Lorde’s estate, the collection was closed until an authorized biography was completed. The biography, Warrior Poet, was written by Alexis DeVeaux and published in 2004. “The Audre Lorde papers are one of the most significant among special collections in the Spelman archives,” said Professor Beverly GuySheftall, C’66, founding director of the Women’s Center and Anna Julia Cooper professor of women’s studies. “They are the first acquisition in a broader strategy on the part of the Women’s Center of becoming a major repository for the papers of prominent contemporary Black feminist scholars/activists/writers. Archivist Brenda Banks, C’71, will assume the major responsibility for the processing of the Lorde papers during the 2006–2007 academic year. Scholars and activists from across the globe convened at Spelman College in October 2006 to


commemorate the Women’s Research & Resource Center’s 25 years of boldly transformative feminist activism, intellectual leadership and change. The celebratory symposium, “Remembering Audre Lorde: In Celebration of Black Women Writers, Scholars, Artists and Activists,” recognized lesbian poet and feminist activist, Audre Lorde and her invaluable contribution to WRRC’s evolution over the past 25 years as a site for feminist intellectual discourse and exchange. Also funded by the Arcus Foundation, “Remembering Audre Lorde …” featured a film showcase and premiere of “Her,” a science fiction short by Ayoka Chenzira, director of the Digital Moving Image Salon. One of the most significant and influential Black feminist writer/activists of the 20th century, Lorde held numerous teaching positions, formed coalitions between Afro-German and Afro-Dutch women, founded a sisterhood in South Africa, was a co-founder of Kitchen Table Women of Color Press and established the St. Croix Women’s Coalition. Lorde’s first book of poetry, The First Cities, was published in 1969. A decade later, she published her Cancer Journals and later Zami: A New Spelling of My Name (1982) and Sister Outsider (1984), her first collection of essays. Both Zami and Sister Outsider are staple texts in hundreds of women’s studies classes throughout the academy. ●

Rockefeller Renovations Nearing Completion The renovation and expansion of historic Rockefeller Hall is expected to be completed in April 2007. “We are pleased with the progress to date and excited about adding modern amenities to this distinguished building, while preserving its historical characteristics,” said Arthur Frazier, director of facilities management & services. Upon completion, Rockefeller Hall will have additional offices, conference rooms and restrooms. Elevators are also being added, and the Howe Hall Auditorium will be converted into office space for Institutional Advancement and Business Affairs. Occupancy is slated for May 2007. Rockefeller Hall, built in 1886, was the first building constructed on Spelman’s campus. Today it functions as the main administration building. ●



Annual Report

2005–2006 July 1, 2005 – June 30, 2006

Statement of Activities Years ended June 30, 2006 and 2005



327 312







250 200




150 100 50 0





Statement of Financial Position Years ended June 30, 2006 and 2005




160 350 291

300 244







215 200


100 50 0



180 151 135

140 122 120


100 80 60 40 20
















DonorHonorRoll JULY 1, 2005 – JUNE 30, 2006

In Appreciation: The generosity of the donors listed on the 2005-2006 Honor Roll ensures that Spelman College continues the work associated with the noble mission of educating women of African descent. These gifts directly impact the educational experiences of Spelman students, who go forth qualified and equipped to change the world. Indeed, an investment in Spelman is one that provides perpetual returns. And so, as we celebrate the importance of gifts received, I seek your continued support of Spelman College. As we continue in this journey of providing academic excellence to young women of color for the next 125 years and beyond, know that your gift, every year, will make an obvious and powerful difference in fulfilling the opportunities for deserving young women to have the Spelman experience. Thank you for taking advantage of this and every opportunity to support Spelman College. For the good of Spelman,

Eloise Abernathy Alexis, C'86 Vice President for Institutional Advancement

THE 1881 SOCIETY The Spelman College 1881 Society recognizes alumnae and other individuals who contribute $100 or more to the College. It is composed of various gift societies and clubs based on giving levels within three groupings: Lifetime Societies recognize cumulative giving or outright gifts in the amount of $100,000 within the fiscal year (July 1– June 30). Annual Societies and clubs recognize giving within the fiscal year. The Guardian Society recognizes donors who have made provisions for planned gifts.

Life Time Societies

BENEFACTORS SOCIETY The Benefactors Society recognizes annual or cumulative gifts of $1 million and above. Theodore R. & Barbara B. Aronson Anne Cox Chambers William & Camille Cosby Richard A. & Sara Mayo Ronda Stryker & William Johnston Oprah Winfrey

HERITAGE SOCIETY The Heritage Society recognizes annual or cumulative gifts in the range of $500,000–$999,999. Laura & Richard Chasin Yvonne R. Jackson, C’70

HARRELDGRANDERSON SOCIETY In tribute to the first two College graduates, Ms. Claudia White Harreld and Ms. Jane Anna Granderson, Class of 1901, the Harreld-Granderson Society recognizes annual or cumulative gifts of $100,000–$499,999. Anonymous Johnnetta B. Cole Jerri L. DeVard, C’79 Nancy & Holcombe T. Green, Jr. Robert and Barbara Holland, Jr. LaTanya Richardson Jackson, C’71 Rose Harris Johnson, C’57 Eugene M. Lang Audrey Forbes Manley, C’55 Allen & Sally McDaniel Charles E. Merrill, Jr. Vicki R. Palmer Steven C. Rockefeller Bettye Lovejoy Scott, C’57 Jonathan Smith & Sherrill Blalock Jack Stahl Jon Stryker Ronda E. Stryker and William Johnston Beverly Daniel Tatum Travis Tatum

TRUSTEE LEADERSHIP CIRCLE The Trustee Leadership Circle recognizes annual gifts in the range of $50,000–$99,999. Theodore R. & Barbara B. Aronson Anne Cox Chambers William & Camille Cosby Jerri L. DeVard, C’79 John Hurley Yvonne R. Jackson, C’70 Richard A. & Sara. Mayo Bradley T. Sheares Ronda Stryker & William Johnston Isabella McIntyre Tobin, C’45

NELLIE BREWER RENDER SOCIETY In tribute to Ms. Nellie Brewer Render, Class of 1921, the first alumna major gift donor, this Society recognizes annual gifts in the range of $10,000–$49,999. Jean J. Beard Joy San Walker Brown, C’52 A. Toy Caldwell-Colbert, C’73 Erinn Charlene Cosby, C’99 Evin Harrah Cosby, C’99 Kimberly Browne Davis, C’81 Lisa Annette Dixon, C’86 Danyale Price Dumas, C’91 Pamela Garrett Elliott, C’71 Marvin & Johnnie Foxworth, C’43 Michael J. Frey Carrie White Buggs, C’56 Marcelite J. Harris, C’64 Robert & Barbara Holland Edith Simmons Jackmon-Hunter, C’63 Darnita R. Killian, C’79 Lonnie & Ora Sterling-King, C’54 Susan McLaughlin Vicki R. Palmer David & Joyce Price Grace McKivey Scipio, C’46 Travis & Beverly Daniel Tatum Bruce Waterfall Alison Kean Wright, C’86

PRESIDENT’S SOCIETY The President’s Society recognizes annual gifts in the range of $1,000–$9,999. Billye & Hank Aaron Beverly Colwell Adams, C’74 Marjorie Ramey Adams, C’40 Sheila Scott Adebisi, C’81 Valorie Gail Akuffo Sheila A. Alexander-Reid, C’81

Eloise A. Alexis, C’86 Walter R. Allen Anne Harvey Allison, C’66 Monique Renee Alston, C’91 Laura Hill Anderson, C’40 Phyllis Sawyer Anderson, C’81 Stephanie A. Anderson, C’93 Maya Angelou Lawrence E. Arnett Gena Hudgins Ashe, C’83 Phoebe Lydia Bailey, C’66 Gail Patrice Baity, C’74 Kay Jett Baker, C’56 Iva Michelle Baldwin, C’88 Vivian Clements Baldwin, C’56 Tollese Harris Bankett, C’81 Fannye Hopkins Banks, C’51 Barbara Atkinson Barham, C’56 Elayne Bush Bell, C’51 Leatrice Traylor Bell, C’51 Alicia Antoinette BenjaminStennett, C’81 Jennifer Denise Benn, C’93 Keva Wright Berry, C’79 Catherine Bland, C’76 Phyllis Diane Gilreath Bland, C’79 Mary L. Blatch, C’98 Gloria S. Bolds, C’56 Trojanell Bordenave -Wilson, C’74 Juel Pate Borders-Benson, C’54 Anne Ruth Borders-Patterson, C’61 Gloria Strong Boyd, C’56 Yvette Savwoir Bradford, C’67 Grace Diggs Branch-Hasson, C’50 Barbara Green Bray, C’57 Rosalind Gates Brewer, C’84 Kim Elise Bronson, C’85 Andrea M. Brown, C’92 Joyce Conley Brown, C’56 Lauryn Marie Bryght, C’86 Lucinda W. Bunnen Debbie Burbridge Douglas & Ann Burch Emma Hardnett Bush, C’51 Stephanie Georgelyn Bush, C’68 B. LaConyea Butler, C’56 Bebe Moore Campbell (dec.) & Ellis Gordon, Jr. Helen Carithers, C’66 Juanita Robinson Carter, C’66 Ruth F. Cauthen, C’81 Renee Walton Cawley, C’81 Adela Cepeda Olga Cook Charles, C’66 Laura & Richard Chasin Patricia White Chatard, C’61 Myla Calhoun Choy, C’81 Blessed Ngozi Chuksorji, C’96 Ruby Handspike Clay, C’54 Mozelle Dailey Clemmons, C’43 Dorothy Gibson Cobb, C’56 Cynthia Wyatt Cody, C’76 Johnnetta B. Cole Kimberly M. Collier, C’91 Carolyn Bailey Collins, C’56 Alice Gaston Combs, C’53

Lisa DeNell Cook, C’86 Melanie Beatrice Cook, C’87 Gretchen R. Cook-Anderson, C’90 Pamela Yvette Cook-Montague, C’85 Lillian McKinney Cooley, C’55 Carolita Jones Cope, C’81 Mrs. Sylvia H. Cordy, C’67 Shondria Nicole Covington, C’93 Angela Birch Cox, C’81 Christine Ruth Crawford, C’94 Rosa Mary Crawford Sharon Y. Cribbs, C’76 Roslyn Moore Crisp, C’78 Deborah Peek Crockett, C’66 Gloria Cunningham-Sneed, C’69 Claudette Chapman Cureton, C’51 Betty Lovett Dabney, C’56 Beverly Carroll Daniel, C’66 Jacquelyn Shivers Daniel, C’60 Gloria Watts Davis, C’60 Leanora Butler Davis, C’47 N. June Davis, C’61 Ruth A. Davis, C’65 Hazel D. Dean, C’83 Tanya Yobesen Dean, C’87 Dorothy L. DeVillars, C’51 Bernadette Yvonne Dickinson, C’75 Clotilda Diggs, C’51 Mary Lynne Diggs, C’77 Katherine E. Dowdell Disher, C’76 Charlotte & James Dixon L. Rita Dixon, C’56 Alyce Smith Dodson, C’46 Jennifer Bryant Dossman, C’74 Leslie Douglas-Churchwell, C’81 Sanquinetta M. Dover, C’77 Malaika Alyse Dowdell, C’94 Pauline E. Drake, C’58 Donna Y. Dunlap, C’80 Ayanna Elizabeth Marie Dunn, C’97 Mary Johnson Durgans-Willett, C’49 Denise Alesia Duvernay, C’76 Russell Edgerton Brooke Jackson Edmond, C’91 Jo Roberson Edwards, C’77 Karen Denise Edwards, C’73 Laurie Elam-Evans, C’85 Gloria Smith Elder, C’71 AnnaMaria O. Ellis, C’81 Gwendolyn Ferrell Elmore, C’61 Paula P. Epps, C’66 Annette Vister Evans, C’46 Margaree Cheek Fant, C’76 Phylicia Eugenia Fant, C’2000 Mabel P. Feggans Andrea B. Ferguson, C’81 Diane Prather Ferguson, C’72 Helen Marie Forbes Fields, C’81 Phyllis Dansby Fisher, C’54 Wilma A. Foreman, C’81 Vera Stewart Franklin Doris Henderson Freeman, C’56 M. Dozier Gardner Zenobia S. Gardner, C’69 Pamela Johnson Garvey, C’76 Gene E. Gary-Williams, C’56



Mary & Michael Gomez, C’92 Schuyla M. Goodson-Bell, C’87 Kimberly Henderson Gossett, C’81 Pamela P. Grace, C’81 Jean McArthur Grant, C’53 Earl Graves Bridget Yolanda Gray, C’93 Nina Echols Greenwood, C’85 Florence Theresa Greer, C’85 Harriet Pritchett Grigsby, C’73 Mary Elizabeth Grimes, C’76 Helen Kerr Hall, C’59 Harriett Miller Halmon, C’73 Cathy Hampton, C’89 Lewis Hargett Daisy Phinazee Harris, C’47 Dawn Lynn Harris, C’91 Sabrina Gladys Harris, C’86 Terrence N. Harris Virginia Harris-Johnson, C’58 Kyra Stinson Harvey, C’89 Melissa A. Hawkins Nancy Fesson Hawkins, C’63 Vanessa Smith Hawkins, C’79 Avadawn T. Hayes-Hargett, C’80 Nannie Archie Henderson, C’57 Virginia A. Hepner Barbara F. Holland Sandra Lee Holliday, C’68 Elizabeth Yorke Holloway, C’49 June Gary Hopps, C’60 Angela R. Hubbard, C’86 Tracey Denise Hughes, C’90 Crystal Lane Ingram Ella M. Isom, C’43 Alexine Clement Jackson, C’56 Cynthia E. Jackson, C’81 Ernie Flinoil Jackson, C’51 Helen Callaway Jackson, C’56 Sibyl Avery Jackson, C’79 Josephine Jackson-Smith, C’46 Carol Lewis Jefferson, C’76 Alice Eason Jenkins, C’85 John L. Jenkins Joan Dixon Johnakin, C’61 Elizabeth Jordan Johnson, C’66 Jeanne Primus Johnson, C’75 Joyce F. Johnson Julia Ponder Johnson, C’56 Melanie Bradford Johnson, C’82 Mimi Smith Johnson, C’81 Naterica L. Johnson, C’96 Rose Harris Johnson, C’57 Sondra Rhoades Johnson, C’76 Helen Coleman Jones, C’66 Henrietta Laster Jones, C’62 Kenneth Jones Sarah Powell Jones, C’47 Jacqueline Jones Royster, C’70 Phyllis D. Paul Jordan, C’86 Marilyn M. Joseph, C’76 Jean Clark Kelly, C’56 Djenaba Bradford Kennedy, C’96 Dorothy Cole King, C’52 Theresa L. Knight, C’77 Michael & Anne Krupka Paula Louvette Landry, C’91 Eugene M. Lang Louise Hembree Larkin, C’51 Alvin W. Larkins Deneen Marie Law, C’87 Jacquelyn Brown Lawson, C’66 Maxine D. Lawson-Conway, C’81 Stephanie M. LawsonMuhammad, C’91 Ruby Jones Leaphart, C’55 Theodora Rochelle Lee, C’84 Joan Redmond Leonard, C’76 Charlotte O. Lewis, C’66 Mignon Lackey Lewis, C’51 Robert B. Lewis III Wanda Smalls Lloyd, C’71 Adine Andrea Mable-Lee, C’75 Jacqueline S. Marshall, C’61 Janet Lane Martin, C’72 Michelle Diane Mason, C’84 Michelle L. Matthews, C’82 Doris Thompson McCollum, C’49 Charlotte L. McConnell, C’66 Alice F. McCray, C’81 Terri McFadden-Garden, C’81

Carol Yvette McGee, C’88 Alison Jordan McGriff, C’94 Cynthia R. McIntyre Alfred E. McWilliams Shelli Alexander Merritt, C’90 Wanda Bland Meyers, C’76 Gwendolyn H. Middlebrooks, C’61 Erin Goseer Mitchell, C’55 Greta Lakay Mitchell, C’76 Ruth Huling Morgan, C’61 Rosemarie Morse, C’76 Gwendolyn Mizell Mosby, C’51 Beverly J. Moss, C’81 Josephine Jackson Neal C’61 Lettie Riddle Nelson, C’51 Rosa Lee Nichols, C’56 Angela Denise Nickerson, C’81 Cheryl George Noble, C’76 Gertrude C. Norman, C’61 Zanthia Bush Norwood, C’56 Laura J. Burton Odem, C’68 Carolyn Odom, C’66 Crystal Doranne Owen, C’90 Sharon Elaine Owens, C’76 Edna Jarrett Pagan, C’56 Sarah M Palmore Bentley L. Patterson, C’70 Doris Alberta Patterson, C’56 Sheron C. Patterson, C’81 Lisa R. Pearsall-Otey, C’81 Mildred Wynn Penson, C’51 Janie Owens Peters, C’59 Rosetta Hicks Peterson, C’54 Willie Mae Pettis, C’61 Celestine Davenport Pettrie, C’36 Kathy Neal Phillips, C’76 Victoria Joyner Phillips, C’66 Alfreda J. Phoenix-Belton, C’76 Aserelene Parker Pickett, C’55 Dorothy Walker Pleasant, C’51 Rometta E. Powell, C’80 Helen Smith Price, C’79 Deborah Prothrow-Stith, C’75 Gayle Brooks Quick, C’70 Suzette I. Randolph, C’81 Leslie Hill Raymond, C’81 Bernice Johnson Reagon, C’70 Josephine Reed-Taylor, C’72 Paula Caruthers Renfro, C’74 Tampa Letitia Rhodes, C’91 John G. Rice Ruby Tolbert Richards, C’53 JoiSanne Brown Richmond, C’81 Lucy J. Ridley, C’44 Emmie Denise Roberts, C’73 James and Linda Robinson, III Marilyn O’Bryant Robinson, C’66 Lisa Monique Rogers-Cherry, C’89 Margaret Fay Wise Ross, C’56 Marian V. Rucker-Shamu, C’65 Judith Fennell Ruffin, C’66 Terry Cornwell Rumsey, C’75 Herman J. Russell Lovette Twyman Russell, C’83 Michael B. Russell Maurice M. Salter Gretchen Patrice Satcher, C’91 Alice Comer Scott, C’66 Stephanie Shariana Scott, C’89 Patricia Moody Sewing, C’56 Angela Patrice Shannon-Reid, C’84 Joyce R. Shelton, C’56 Mary Dupree Sherman, C’65 Sylvia Glenn Simmons, C’74 Camille Annette Smith, C’66 Candace N. Smith Jonathan L. Smith & Sherrill Blalock Soneni Bryant Smith, C’76 Mabel Murphy Smythe-Haith, C’37 (dec) Thelma Southerland, C’51 Cynthia Neal Spence, C’78 Paula Spence-Evans, C’78 Taronda Elise Spencer, C’80 Donna Michelle Stafford, C’86 Sylvia Beverly Stanford, C’56 Mildred Ponder Stennis, C’47 E. Delores B. Stephens, C’60 Latricia Lyn Stephens, C’91 Geraldine P. Stephens-Burton, C’56 Donald & Isabel Stewart


June Stewart, C’86 Ann Harris Stoddard, C’47 Melville Straus David N. Sundwall Audrey H. Swann, C’66 Roslyn Washington Sylvester, C’59 A. Lenora Taitt-Magubane, C’61 Colleen Janessa Taylor, C’90 Elizabeth Murray Taylor, C’66 Alester E. Teagle, C’75 Carolyn Taylor Thomas, C’44 Deborah Thomas, C’76 Michelle Felicia Thomas, C’83 Myrtle Ezzard Thomas, C’61 Dawn Williams Thompson, C’86 Joyce E. Thornton, C’70 Clemmie Sanders Tolmaire, C’50 Althea Sample Truesdale, C’78 Cynthia Ann Tucker-Curtis, C’76 Ossie Smith Tuggle, C’54 Andrea Abrams Turner, C’86 Stacy Head Turner, C’81 Birdie Gambrell Tyler, C’47 Nancy A. Tyler, C’76 Doris Robinson Van Putten, C’56 Claretta Sampson Varner, C’66 Verna Turner Venning, C’50 Billye Johnson Von Blasingame, C’47 Marion Jackson Walker, C’56 Mildred Collier Walton, C’47 Tonja Harding Ward, C’92 Karen Walker Washington, C’86 Mary Parks Washington, C’46 Levi Watkins Jr. Valerie Rockefeller Wayne Barbara Madden Webb, C’66 Eunice Guy Weston, C’49 Ison W. Whatley Belinda Johnson White, C’76 J. Rita White, C’89 Karyn Elaine White, C’90 Simone Baxter Whitmore, C’89 Deirdre Sams Williams, C’81 Elynor Alberta Williams, C’66 Grace Kelly Williams, C’65 Joe Anne Owens Williams, C’66 Josie Latimer Williams, C’47 Merchuria Chase Williams, C’69 Patricia C. Williams, C’75 Michelle Curney Willis, C’86 Sandra T. Willis, C’76 Mae F. Clowney Wilson, C’47 Wanda Reid Wilson, C’80 Yolanda Williamson Wilson, C’85 Gloria Wade Wingfield, C’53 H. Allen Wright Jr. Carolyn D. Yancey Gloria Strickland Yancey, C’56 Muriel Ketchum Yarbrough, C’49 Darlene Yarbrough-Morgan, C’56

FOUNDERS CLUB In tribute to the Founders, Sophia B. Packard and Harriet E. Giles, the Founders Club recognizes annual gifts in the range of $500–$999. Christie L. Adams, C’80 Carol J. Adamski June McDonald Aldridge, C’53 JoAnn Sims Alexander, C’61 Catherine Minor Allen, C’56 Ollivette Smith Allison, C’46 Nefatiti Anderson, C’89 Melvis Evans Atkinson, C’61 Detria Lynnette Austin, C’95 Cynthia Blasingame Baker, C’93 Nana Afua Nyarko Banful, C’2001 Kyendria K. Banks, C’95 Reba Hill Barkley, C’81 Delores K. Barton Geneva Hampton Baxter, C’77 Ernestein Walker Baylor, C’49 Robin H. Bearden Sherita Patrice Beard-Lee, C’93 Emma Jean Bell, C’54 Dorothy S. Bennett M. Clyde Henderson Bennett, C’61 Ira R. Benton-Cundiff, C’46

..Annie Waller Berlack, C’43 Edith Y. Biggers Celestine Taylor Billings, C’38 Geneva Evans Bishop, C’59 Juliet D. Blackburn-Beamon, C’58 Janice L. Boger, C’77 Deborah Ann Boone, C’90 Jacquelyn Ann Kirby Boyette, C’67 Dineo A. Brinson, C’94 Vivian Welch Brinson, C’60 Nina Cobb Bronner, C’85 Hazel Hargrove Brown, C’53 Shaylon Vanise Brownfield, C’97 Carol Brownlee Lynda Bruce Butler, C’81 Unetia Ross Byrd, C’74 Shalonda Cargill Campbell, C’96 Sarah P. Carrol Bonnie S. Carter, C’89 Cassandra P. Carter, C’96 Janelle Marie Carter, C’2001 Carolyn Jones Cartwright, C’69 Floris Barnett Cash, C’61 Herschelle Sullivan Challenor, C’61 Gil Chapman Shirlee Bartlett Chatman, C’58 Ayoka Chenzira Karla Hurley Cherry, C’81 Debra Clawson-Jackson, C’87 Karyn Cole, C’84 Sylvia Fields Cook, C’58 Stephanie B. Cooper, C’81 Eleanor Bell Coote, C’42 W. Gale Crews, C’76 Gladys Starling Crockett, C’34 (dec.) Tajahnee Vaughan Cross, C’96 Karen Webb Crowell, C’86 Vanessa E. Cullins, C’79 John E. Cunningham Jr. Riche Jeneen Daniel-Barnes, C’95 Mary Stephens Dansby, C’46 Fred A. Davie Beverly Jordan Davis, C’71 Deanna Davis, C’57 Melba D. Davis, C’66 Pearline Adamson Davis, C’58 Robert L. Davis Marcia Beavers Days, C’61 Gloria Davis Dent, C’48 Jerry L. Dixon Bendu Dorley, C’97 Virginia Turner Dowell, C’47 Linda Dicks Dumas, C’71 Lizabeth Dunn, C’96 Arnetta Hill Eady, C’81 Kerry-Ann Edwards, C’2002 Teresa D. Edwards, C’76 Toya Evans, C’76 Nicole Darnette Evans Ross, C’91 Gwendolyn Harris Everett, C’73 Dolan P. Falconer Jr. Walter Z. Falconer Sandra Farragut-Hemphill, C’75 Christine King Farris, C’48 Michelle Byrd Fielder, C’83 Paula Fielder-Jowers, C’86 Robert D. Flanigan Jr. Valerie L. Fluker, C’96 Jean LaRue Foster, C’53 Jo-Anne Mary Francis, C’2005 Marvealavette D. Jackson Francis, C’85 Holly Johnson Friar, C’77 Deidra Lynne Fryer, C’84 Erika J Gardner, C’93 Gwendolyn Walker Garrison, C’54 Bonnie Bohannon Gissendanner, C’69 Angela Yvonne Glover, C’93 Tracie Gregory Goffe, C’87 Garland W. Gossett Ernestine Steward Gray, C’68 Cara Therese Grayer, C’97 Mia F. Greene Patricia Carter Greer, C’58 Tanya Morgan Griggs, C’81 Pamela Gunter-Smith, C’73 Beverly L. Guy-Sheftall, C’66 Betty Jean Hall, C’64 Edith Arnold Hambrick, C’41 Edith A. Hammond, C’65 Yvonne Kyles Hammonds, C’65

Berlyn Chatard Hargrett, C’66 Agnes Houston Harper, C’67 Theresako Jones Harris, C’91 Veronica Wells Haven, C’73 Ruth Davis Hawk, C’46 Virginia Hawkins-Stephens, C’49 Kimberly Ann Hayes, C’91 Clara Yates Hayley, C’46 Melanee Rose Haywood, C’80 Faith Neal Hemphill, C’61 Alisa Swafford Henderson, C’81 Shirley Statom Henderson, C’52 Kelly-Ann Iola Henry, C’96 Freddye L. Hill, C’68 Ramona Marsalis Hill, C’81 Ida McCree Hilliard, C’64 Ernestine Dearing Hogan, C’68 Gloria Price Holmes, C’71 Jann Washington Honore’, C’76 Christel Alea Hooper Curtis, C’86 Anita B. Housier, C’66 Eleanor Hoytt, C’64 Kim Sheftall Humphries, C’84 Thelma Freeman Hurley, C’46 Christal Monay Jackson, C’96 Christel N. Jackson, C’84 Jessie Harris Jackson, C’66 Joslyn Augustine Jackson, C’96 Ione Rucker Jamison, C’2001 Andrea Lewis Johnson, C’96 Audrey Irvin Johnson, C’63 LaVita Denise Johnson, C’82 Mable Lumpkin Johnson, C’53 Susan Grace Johnson, C’77 Rena T. Jones Shirley Ann Jones, C’86 Annie Brown Kennedy, C’45 Melody Quinn Kenner, C’70 Geraldine Davis Kenton, C’66 Woodrow Keown Jr. Rosa King Kilpatrick, C’70 Kamau King Karen Denise King, C’92 Sharon E. Kirkland-Gordon, C’79 Jill Kneerim Renee M. Knight, C’87 Clarice Lackey Judy Morris Lampert Adrienne Colette Lance Lucas, C’90 Nicole Danielle Lawson, C’99 Margaret Carol Lee, C’76 Teresa I. Lee-Momon, C’81 Sarah M. Lemon-Palmore, C’37 John Gregg Lewis Maureen Angela Lewis, C’78 Sandra Y. Lewis, C’80 Natasch Michele Lindsey, C’91 Maude Brown Lofton, C’66 Mary Madison, C’56 Mark Maloney Karen Willie Malveaux, C’80 Ollie Irons Manley, C’70 Veloisa Tate Marsh, C’73 Donna L. Martin, C’74 Gwendolyn Ponder Maxie, C’61 Charlita Mays, C’94 Charlotte Butler McAfee, C’56 R. Eric McCarthey Delores LaRheine McCollum, C’73 Bernice Dowdy McDaniel, C’66 Joni Michelle McGhee, C’90 Joann McLean, C’78 Yvonne Harris Meadows, C’58 Gertrude G. Michelson Charlotte Free Miller Williamay J. Miller Sharon E. Milligan, C’71 Mable L. Millner, C’74 Joyce White Mills, C’64 & Lev Mills Annie Merita Mitchell, C’61 Beryl Thomas Mitchell, C’77 Marilyn Miller Davis Mitchell, C’53 Shelia Morrow Moore, C’72 Sue Perteet Morris, C’49 Crystal Gafford Muhammad, C’95 Harriet Mitchell Murphy, C’49

Agnes Blondean Orbert Nelson, C’63 Nia Barika Nesmith, C’96 Lucile Logan Nix, C’49 Mary Bush Norwood Danielle Dreame Oakry-Simmons, C’91 Asali Yvette Odom, C’94 Dorothy Hood Oliver, C’44 John S. O’Shea Emma Walker Parks, C’61 Pamela Bell Payton, C’78 Jeanne Willis Pearson, C’47 Susie Blasingame Pearson, C’56 Dorothy Coleman Peay, C’59 Gussie C. Davis Phillips, C’46 Kenya Thacker Pierre, C’96 Carlane Jarice Pittman, C’90 Amna Marylyn Plummer-Mays, C’95 Patrice McWherter Pye, C’86 Laura & Norman Rates Bessie Nixon Reynolds, C’52 Phyllis Ward Rich, C’79 Gladys Earl Roberts, C’51 Lola V. Roberts-Richards, C’61 Aurelia Doris Robinson, C’47 Laurie Nicole Robinson Mary Cook Robinson, C’66 Phillip Robinson Gloria L. Robinzine, C’56 Monica Lynn Rodgers, C’91 Patricia K. Rucker-McCray, C’92 Felicia L. Sadler, C’91 Monice Hodges Sanders, C’78 Anna Augusta Scott Lynn Lockett Shareef, C’87 Carolyn M. Simmons, C’82 Gettys Bryant Simon, C’42 Blanche Mickle Smith, C’76 Phyllis Jackson Smith, C’71 E. Paulette Smith-Epps, C’68 Angela Alexander Stamper, C’70 Carnella A. Stewart, C’69 Gail Charleston Stewart, C’71 Emily Lavern Streeter, C’94 Annie Perry Swanson, C’56 Spring Ashiya Taylor, C’96 Eurona Timi Tilley, C’96 Robbie Welch Christler Tourse, C’63 Carolyn N. Stinson Traylor, C’61 Laura Williams Turner, C’52 Sherry Lynn Turner Michelle Varner-Smith, C’86 Tess Marie Vismale, C’91 Gloria Wade-Gayles Cynthia Lee Wallace, C’93 June Mack Wardlaw, C’46 Nodie M. Washington Che’ D. Watkins, C’91 Debra Watkins Lillian Watkins, C’45 Celeste Michele Watkins-Hayes, C’96 Tracey Thurmond Watts, C’88 Frances Glover Weaver, C’59 C. Eileen Watts Welch, C’68 Martha Jones Welch, C’67 Alpha Valerie Hines Westbrook, C’41 Mary Susan Wheeler, C’69 Cassandra Clayton White, C’78 Wellie Smith Wilburn, C’52 Juliette Lisa Wilkerson, C’88 Carol Colbert Williams, C’81 Effie Brown Williams, C’51 Fred Williams Gwendolyn Lawson Williams, C’61 Isa Patterson Williams, C’71 Katetrina Jackson Williams, C’66 Keisha Williams, C’91 Kristen Suzanne Williams, C’86 Laverna King Williams, C’68 Alice E. Wilson, C’80 Brent L. Wilson Hulda A. Wilson, C’56 Jeannette Bowman Wilson, C’48 Angela Dash Winfrey, C’93 Marina Wynetta Woodruff, C’2005

Carmen Maudette Woods-Hollowell, C’90 William H. Woodward Jr. Jaycee Ekita Wright, C’81 Margaret Wright, C’75 Frances Odom Young, C’60

Hattimarie Parks Davis, C’47 Johnnie Lumpkin Davis, C’50 Patricia Williams Davis, C’74 Kamili Willliams Dawson, C’94 Lanita Monae Dawson-Jones, C’90 Alicia Tamarh de Forest, C’90 Tomika Michelle DePriest, C’89 Georgia Smith Dickens, C’42 R. Malene Dixon, C’96 Marcia V. Donaldson Bettie J. Durrah, C’63 The Second Century Club recognizes annual gifts in the range of $250–$499. Reka Richardson Eaton, C’71 Barbara Dancy Edwards, C’69 Jo Roberson Edwards, C’77 Joyce J. Akridge, C’67 Earlinda Elder-Albritton Brenda Wilson Alexander, C’60 Barbara Ponder Elias, C’57 Josephine Felton Alexander, C’52 Brenda Catchings Evans, C’76 Melissa A. Alexander, C’96 Carolyn E. Evans, C’76 LaTiefa A. Alston, C’98 Mary T. Fannings, C’46 Cora Appleby-Williams, C’43 Catherine Ferguson, C’63 Brenda Green Arnette, C’71 Angela Lynn Fields, C’92 Nicole Dore Avery, C’91 Jacqueline Fincher Veronica Avery, C’99 Mary Glenn Forbes, C’73 Juan K. Bailey Myrna F. Foster, C’84 Brenda L. Banks, C’77 Nicole Martin Franks, C’95 Isaiah E. Barnwell Jr. Mareesa Arnita Frederick, C’97 Sharita R. Beamon, C’96 Keith A. French Natalie Kennedy Beard, C’71 Raymond L. Frost Cheryl Jefferson Bell, C’79 Lucille Patricia Fultz, C’59 Janet A. Bennett, C’82 Margery A. Ganz Angela Chatman Bickham, C’95 Mary Kidd Gardner, C’67 Willa Blasingame Helen Gordon Gary, C’96 Simonia Ridley Blassingame, C’92 Marian Ellison Gary, C’45 Selonia Smith Blatch, C’46 Edith A. Gibbs, C’71 Joyce Cooper Bobo, C’46 Yolanda L.A. Gillen, C’91 Bernita McMillan Boddie, C’67 Angelisa Elisabeth Gillyard, C’96 Mary C. Burney Bolling, C’77 Julia Martin Gilmore, C’59 Armenda L. Bonds, C’69 David N. Githuku Deance Deria Boseman, C’95 Gladys Thomas Glass, C’58 Tracey Charisse Bostwick, C’92 Mignon S. Goode William G. Bounds Jr. Celeste I. Gore, C’84 Sylvia T. Bozeman Evelyn McBride Govan, C’78 Kali Nneka Bracey, C’93 Alison Graves-Calhoun, C’90 Patricia Willis Bradford, C’85 Christina G. Graybard Patricia Reeder Bradford, C’71 Christie Debracca Grays, C’96 A. Kathy Bradshaw, C’82 Bernice Arita Green, C’91 Nadiyah Raushanah Bradshaw, C’99 Sharon Greer, C’75 Anne Thomas Braxton, C’39 Johnnie Woolfolk Griffith, C’69 Denise Natasha Brewley, C’95 Anne Amelia Grimes, C’61 Arletta Theresa Brinson, C’74 Sara Rowe Gross, C’48 Deborah Hudson Broadwater, C’71 Deirdre Terese Guion, C’86 Helen White Brock, C’71 Juliet Michelle Hall, C’96 Tamika Spirling Brooks, C’95 Marisa A. Hall, C’96 Glorious Leatherwood Broughton, C’70 Latanya P. Hammonds-Odie, C’89 Kathryn Johnson Broughton, C’58 T. Clintina Hankerson, C’71 Dollie G. Brown, C’57 Felecia Hannett-Syphoe, C’89 Robin Camille Brown, C’90 Berdie Ricks Hardon, C’67 Rosa Hill Brown, C’41 Charlyn Harper-Browne, C’71 Shavondelia Alene Brown, C’94 Earnestine Wideman Harris, C’64 Viola E. Brown, C’71 Denise Sheila Hartsfield, C’76 Edward L. Brownlee Patricia Anne Harvey, C’70 Josephine Bryant-Jones, C’76 Greg Head Sonya M. Buchanan, C’94 Malrey Faye Head, C’79 Constance E. Buckins-McGuire, C’71 Lisa B. Hibbard Cheryl Bronner Buffalo, C’77 Shari Hicks-Graham, C’96 Myra Burnett C. LeJeune Hickson, C’64 Brenda F. Burruss, C’71 Angela C. Hill, C’91 Christal Vermell Butler, C’96 Jeffrey Hines W. Byron Calhoun James W. Hobbs Jacqueline Calhoun-Marshall, C’84 Lucia Anita Holloway McSloy, C’64 Bettye R. Campbell, C’49 Mariella Ama Holman, C’44 Beatriz Cardelino Anne R. Hornsby Kweli K. Carson, C’91 Jamila Lyle Houser, C’96 Geronda Vertasha Carter, C’93 George L. Howell Gwendolyn M. Carter, C’71 Jamila Sheree Hunter, C’96 Steven E. Carter Amelia Strong Irons, C’55 Peter C. Chen Andrea Lynette Ivory, C’91 Christal M. Cherry Dorothea Boston Jackson, C’39 Evelyn Willis Chisolm, C’49 McClinton Jackson III Jeffrey K. Clark Montina Golphin Jackson, C’85 Yocunda D. Clayton, C’95 Stephanie Lachelle Jackson-Pace, C’91 Eugenia Davis Clements, C’71 Stanlie M. James, C’71 Carmen McClure Clemons, C’71 Emma Stone Jeffries, C’49 Jacquelyn Parks Cleveland, C’61 George L. Jeffries Cordelia L. Coleman, C’73 LaShon Johns, C’2000 Cameia Culmer Collier, C’76 Betty June Johnson, C’69 Leslie Deneice Collins, C’91 Doris E. Johnson, C’71 Keisha Smith Cook, C’94 Fay Brown Johnson, C’79 Christie Maureen Cooley, C’94 Hester Hall Johnson, C’50 Jacqueline Larkins Crook, C’48 Kimya Pendleton Johnson, C’96 Verbena Brown Cummings, C’79 Toni D. Johnson-Chavis Cynthia J. Curinton-Lewis, C’76 Sharon Yvette Jones, C’84 Marla Davidson Currie, C’76


Thomas L. Jones II Candace A. Joyner, C’98 Del Eagan Jupiter, C’44 Malaika Kamunanwire, C’95 Melba W. Kendrick, C’96 Roxan Althea Kerr, C’93 Brenda Kidd Darlyne Atkinson Killian, C’48 (dec.) Elizabeth G. King, C’43 Michelle A. King, C’80 Nelda J. King, C’64 Ida Brown Knight, C’40 Eula Persons Krashen, C’63 Omelika Kuumba, C’81 Helen M. Latimer, C’81 Jerelean Miller Lattimore, C’58 Andrea W. Lawrence, C’68 Shirley Leaphart, C’57 Mark B. Ledden Dawn Michele Lee, C’91 Jacquelyn E. Lee, C’76 Karen Kerry Lehman, C’65 Gwendolyn Ledbetter Lipscomb, C’65 Gloria Bridges Locke, C’74 Bonnie Suzette Lockhart, C’81 Malinda Clark Logan, C’64 Joan Few Maner, C’62 Sandra Davis Mapp, C’75 Ave’ Lindsay Marshall, C’70 Jenetia Michelle Marshall, C’95 June Thalier Martin, C’53 Laverne Matthews, C’80 Carolyn McClain, C’70 LaTonya Bailey McClam, C’93 Crystal Renee McCollum, C’92 Sharon K. McGahee, C’79 Monette Coleman McIver, C’86 Roseland Yancey McLarin, C’71 Jackie C. McLean, C’78 Clara Prioleau McLeod, C’65 Michelle Marie McLin, C’97 Ann Marie McPhail Johnnie Price McPhail, C’62 Brenna DeLaine McQuilla, C’85 Jennifer Rose McZier, C’96 Tacita A. Mikel Scott, C’91 Ella Mitchell Rhonda Gowans Mitchell, C’96 Elizabeth Atkinson Moore, C’50 Hazel Rucker Moore, C’52 Laura Virginia Morgan, C’64 Lisa A. Morris, C’84 Richie Brown Morris, C’71 Alison Michelle Moses, C’88 Angela Joyce Nottingham, C’91 Ernestine Walker Owens, C’74 E. Sacia Ross Pandley, C’46 Adlai L. Pappy Rosalia G. Parker, C’74 Bari Alexis Parks-Ballard, C’86 Sandra Sims Patterson, C’70 Sandra F. Penn, C’71 Nicole Lynn Peoples, C’94 Reba Wilson Perkins, C’55 April S. Perry, C’91 Charlotte Linder Perry, C’44 Brenda J. Peters Connie Curry Phipps, C’66 Rhoda Arleen Pickett, C’86 Helen Sawyer Plump, C’58 Tiffany Jeanell Pointer, C’96 Sadye W. Potter, C’71 Crystal Lynette Powell, C’90 Johnnie Hines Prothro, C’41 Valita Sellers Quattlebaum, C’81 Senella Thomas Rawls, C’49 Auma Ngesa Reggy Irene Bennett Reid, C’50 Brenda Kate Richardson, C’70 Tracy Matthews Roberson, C’87 Lula G. Roberts Bettye Whited Robinson, C’57 Ellen L. Robinson, C’81 Jonathan K. Robinson Mary Lundy Robinson, C’71 Lenita Davis Rosser-Iverson, C’75 Mildred W. Scrutchins, C’56 Donald F. Sexton Fatemeh Shafiei Christine Leveaux Sharp, C’92 Hortense Edwards Shelton, C’55 Gwendolyn Shumate-Williams, C’78

Desiree C. Sias, C’71 Brenda Claire Siler, C’75 Angela Anita Simpson, C’79 Kiron Kanina Skinner, C’81 A. Michelle Smith, C’69 Carolyn Ouida Smith, C’47 Daphne L. Smith, C’80 Elsie Mallory Smith, C’55 Jane E. Smith, C’68 Sheryl Sutton Smith, C’81 Eddie Southard Brenda Jones Stanford, C’76 Robert E. Steele Dorothy Myers Stepteau, C’63 Emily Davis Stinson, C’54 Rose Sprott Swain, C’77 Cathy Tate, C’71 Cheryl Phillips Taylor, C’72 Jean Hill Terrell, C’61 Alberta Elizabeth Thomas, C’38 Vanessa Hamilton Thomas, C’71 Marilyn McClendon Thornton, C’76 Eleanor Jeanette Tinnon, C’61 Mary Bacon Toole, C’60 Eoin & Ann Trevelyan Robert H. Truesdale Wanda Walker Truesdale, C’71 Rosalyn Johnson Truitt, C’71 Nzinga Temple Tull, C’97 Deborah Twine Cheryl L. Tyler, C’79 Candace Venning Ushery, C’76 Lucy C. Vance Nicole Yvonne Venable, C’91 Peggy Ann Wagner, C’75 Sandra Elaine Waite, C’95 Tanya Walton-Pratt, C’81 M. Anita Finch Warren, C’71 Jenene R. Washington, C’95 Monique Jackson Washington, C’75 Angela Farris Watkins, C’86 Angela Cumberlander Watkins, C’81 Bridgette Garrett Watts, C’90 Sylvia Sakura Watts, C’98 Jacqueline J. Wellington-Moore, C’53 Gwendolyn Jones West, C’71 Jacqueline Hill Whatley, C’76 Vera Norman Whisenton, C’64 Daryl White Dineen Joelle White, C’90 Harriett Barker White, C’46 Yolande Owens Whitney, C’71 Cheryl Bush Wigfall, C’91 Lee Wilder Andrea Ford Wilkerson, C’96 Donna Maria Wilkerson, C’86 Kimberly Lenise Williams, C’98 Chalanda Latasha Williams-Tucker, C’89 Beverly Donita Willis-Flowers, C’76 Jacqueline Nicole Wills, C’2000 Melanie T. Wilson, C’2000 Alfredia Shelton Wingate, C’83 Linda Womack, C’76 Angela George Wood, C’90 Marilyn Miller Woodruff, C’76 Shana Romaine Word, C’98 Kristin Delena Wyckoff, C’2001 Jean Turner Yongue, C’47 Katie Mae Davis Zellars, C’65

CENTURY CLUB The Century Club recognizes annual gifts in the range of $100–$249. Asmaa Abdul-Haqq, C’98 Laretta R. Abington Crystal S. Abrams, C’93 Eldora Love Adkins, C’50 Kristen Michelle Agnew, C’2003 Sharon Akiele Calvin & Doris Alexis Angela R. Allen G. Erica Allen, C’90 Marsha N. Allen Natalie E. Frazier Allen, C’88 Susan Robertson Alston, C’80 Dacia Amey George L. Van Amson Birdie Harris Anderson, C’66 Diana Mattison Anderson, C’47 Nabulungi A. Anderson, C’99

Victoria A. Andrade, C’86 Dorothy Aderhold Andrews, C’41 Sharon Denise Armstrong, C’95 Lilla Strong Arnold, C’54 Judith Fisher Arrington, C’57 Patricia Battle Austin, C’62 Rosie Lee Austin, C’69 Lucia Moore Bacote, C’25 Terraine L. Bailey, C’91 Alison Barnes Baker, C’93 Eudora Dawn Baltram, C’95 Natalie Pearl Bargeron, C’2000 Willie Louise Grier Barker, C’46 Jameta Nicole Barlow, C’2001 Calvin J. Barnes Danielle Vivian Barnes, C’97 L. Erin Frances Barnes, C’2001 Lise-Pauline M. Barnett, C’99 Ellen Lydia Barnette, C’47 Kristen Danee Barr, C’2001 Adelaide Barringer, C’88 Angie Barrington-Jeter, C’91 Bernice Bradford Bass, C’39 Beverly Bates Kathy Batiste-Kirven, C’81 Gladys S. Bayse Jacqueline R. Bazee, C’89 Everetta Yvonne Beauford-Oliver, C’69 Diane Marie Bell, C’84 Dorothy Jean Bell, C’70 Helen M. Bell, C’53 Sonia Denise Bell, C’85 Wyndolyn Crutchfield Bell, C’74 Barbara Bell-Robinson, C’68 Jacquelyn Shipp Belt, C’72 Mamie Adams Benjamin, C’61 Deandrea Beasley Berry, C’91 Dorothy M. Bethel, C’72 Donna Elizabeth Biggs, C’91 Ramona Bardwell Bigham, C’76 Angelia S. Blackwell , C’80 Maia Akilah Blankenship, C’98 Heather Elaine Blume, C’96 Traci Toi Williams Bolling, C’87 Brunetta Lucas Bolton, C’75 Jocelyn Wolffe Bonner, C’80 Alvia Alexander Boone, C’57 Barbara J. Boone Jo Ann Bowden, C’70 Ngina S. Bowen, C’93 Sherry L. Brooks Bowins, C’80 Tuere Ayanna Bowles, C’94 Ricky Boyd Cherrie B. Boyer, C’78 Sheila Brandenberg Brandi Candice Brandon, C’2001 Johnetta Cross Brazzell, C’68 Kristina Nicolle Bridgeman, C’96 Malissa Kilgore Briley, C’42 Janie Dukes Brinkley, C’87 Kelly Veney Brinkley, C’91 Lisa Alaine Brinson, C’96 Edwina Neal Britt, C’87 Elizabeth J. Brooks, C’77 Kanini Wanjira Brooks, C’92 Leslie B.W. Brooks, C’89 Adrienne Claire Brown, C’77 Alfreda Cooke Brown, C’98 Cynthia Wyatt Brown, C’94 Damali E. Brown, C’2003 Dana Michelle Brown, C’2000 Dorothy Zellner Brown, C’50 Lasheka Monique Brown, C’99 Mary Kathryn Brown, C’90 Monica Labiche Brown, C’80 Rayna Nichelle Brown, C’2001 Ruth Harvey Brown, C’53 Sharlene Celeste Brown, C’81 Trevonia C. Brown-Gaither, C’81 DeVita Olar Bruce, C’86 Alesia Lana Bryant, C’2002 Jacqueline Hill Bryant, C’49 Jill Lynn Bryant, C’97 Wendell A. Bryant Nazer Mathews Buck, C’84 Bernice Woolfolk Bufford, C’56 Debra Rucker Bunkley, C’78 Nicolette Burgess, C’86 Anthony Burley Jennifer J. Burns, C’96 Julie Burrell Denise C. Burton, C’81



Paulette Vance Burton, C’90 June Dobbs Butts, C’48 Charisse Toomer Byers, C’2002 Lisa Whitfield Bynam, C’90 Kimberley Denise Byner, C’91 Jean Joseph Cadet Dianne Wilson Caesar, C’67 Elise Dunn Cain, C’49 Robin L. Caldwell, C’83 Evelyn C. Campbell, C’55 Jacqueline Stewart Campbell, C’71 Patricia Wilson Campbell, C’70 Eddie Lee Bush Cannon, C’42 Sheila Sheftall Cannon, C’83 Lucinda Lecounte Capers, C’57 Sibyl Sims Carley, C’72 Janice Sistrunk Carlton, C’79 Lorina Danielle Carney, C’96 Debbie Marable Carter, C’86 Dorothy Ateca Carter, C’42 Katie N. Carter Ruby Woods Carter, C’49 Giselle D. Carter-Neely, C’89 Yvonne E. Cary, C’78 Arlene W. Cash Dione Jaimee Cash, C’93 Edith Beverley Cash, C’92 Kelly Cass-White Yvonne Parks Catchings, C’55 Renee Tana Cavor, C’86 Sandra Eyetta Chambers, C’85 Kimberly Cambria Chambliss, C’93 Mildred M. Chandler, C’42 Veronica Nicole Chapman, C’2003 Janice Webb Chappelle, C’65 Colette Charles-Davenport, C’83 Velma Charles-Shannon, C’65 Tarvia Davis Chiddick, C’92 Tamyra Suzanne Childs, C’85 A. Theoria Wright Clark, C’68 Christina L. Clark, C’97 L. A. Clark Mary Frances Martin Clark, C’44 Torri Brown Clark, C’81 Sheilah Patrice Webb Clay, C’75 Caryn M. Clayton Rosetta Wimberly Clements, C’47 Theresa Preston Clincy, C’81 Marian Louise Cobb, C’75 William A. Cobb Winston H B Cobbs Jr. Arlene Y Coleman, C’81 Shirley Henderson Coleman, C’77 Thomasine L. Coleman, C’75 Cherry A. Collier, C’91 Ronald D. Collier Laura M. Williams Collins, C’54 Ethel Lynne Connor, C’72 Mary Jean Cooper, C’56 Pamela Yvonne Cooper, C’88 Kinita L. Copeland, C’97 Ayana K. Corbin, C’98 Kanya Intim Cornish, C’94 Joan D. Cox, C’71 Constance M. Craig, C’56 Karen E. Crawford, C’85 Ruth Minor Crawford, C’54 Rasheeda Niambi Creighton, C’99 Martha Brock Crews, C’43 Kathy Hood Culmer, C’75 Irene Parnell Yopp Curtis, C’45 Dana Tippin Cutler, C’86 Lois Blayton Dabney, C’45 Deborah Lynn Dallam, C’78 Annie O. Dancy Measha L.P. Dancy, C’93 Carolyn L. Davenport, C’69 Natasha A. Davids Babette Davis Davie, C’81 Alana Davis, C’96 Alpha Davis Ardra Lavern Davis, C’73 Bette Ann Davis, C’61 Cheryl Davis, C’67 Elizabeth McDugle Davis, C’60 Patricia Ann Davis, C’73 Valerie Vershone Davis-Howard, C’88 Dorothy Wynn Dawkins, C’52 Barbara A. DeBose, C’71 LaJoyce H. Debro, C’64 Regan Michelle Dehart, C’2001 Charita Hope Demps, C’96

Natasha Verlon Denis, C’93 Tamara M. Deplanter, C’72 Jamonica Lavelma Deramus, C’2001 Kelly Edwards DeShields, C’96 Melanye White Dixon, C’73 Maurice Dobbins Nadine Laverne Dobbins, C’73 Mattiwilda Dobbs-Janzon, C’46 Libya Sia Doman, C’96 Winifred Dorce, C’96 Vickie L. Douglas, C’87 Tracy C. Downey Marymal M. Dryden, C’49 Stefanie Kyle Dunning, C’95 Keceya Durham, C’91 Winifred Dye, C’92 Melanie Michelle Echols, C’93 Kecia D. Echols-Harris, C’91 Regina Louise Edmond, C’97 Mary McKinney Edmonds, C’53 Gerri Edson Adrienna Michelle Edwards, C’97 Clifton Edwards Kimberly Nicole Edwards, C’96 Aaliyah El-Amin, C’95 Canary El-Amin Balaam Elliott Carrie Lenise Ellis, C’97 Lillian Williams Ellis, C’60 Ruth Starling Ellis, C’76 Carmen Jackson Elston, C’2002 Alpha Talley English, C’33 Thomas E. Engram Marilyn Green Epps, C’43 Elizabeth Nicole Espy, C’91 Maliaka Leah Essameldin, C’88 Valjeanne Estes, C’84 Deidre Williams Evans, C’87 Lola Ann Blasingame Evans, C’52 Stephanie Evans, C’91 Gloria Banks Ewings, C’61 Angelou Ezeilo, C’92 Jewell Richardson Felder, C’66 Monica Lynn Feltson, C’93 Valerie Rice Ferguson, C’75 Myra Marx Ferree Lamont F. Ferrell Alicia Ferriabough, C’96 Dorothy Jenkins Fields, C’64 Deborah A. Finley, C’75 Sarah Merritt Finley, C’68 & Craig Finley Louisa Steward Fisher, C’64 Jean Strickland Fleming, C’59 Keisha R. Flemister, C’96 Rochelle Flemister, C’77 Anissa De Anne Floyd, C’2001 Rita Denise Ford, C’76 Erika Latrice Ford-Preval, C’98 Robert & Alice Foster Krishna Lynne Foster-Connor, C’92 Florence Irving Francis, C’43 Milele Bourne Francis, C’94 Timalyn Eugenia Franklin, C’93 Ilene Telese Fraser, C’93 Rozalynn Suzanne Frazier, C’2000 Marla Frederick-McGlathery, C’94 Adam L. Frey Raymond & Wanda Frost Idella R. Fryar, C’62 Tracy Carter Galloway, C’91 Lisa Michelle Gardner, C’89 Sadie B. Garner, C’53 Mamie Louise Garnett, C’69 Tanisha Lenae Gary, C’96 Andrea Cooper Gatewood, C’80 Pilar A. Gaudin, C’91 Jacqueline George Mary Young Gerald, C’49 Michael A. Gerber Nell Braxton Gibson, C’64 Cornelia Gillyard Ashley G. Ginn Ernestine Wallace Gipson, C’43 Denise Trimier Glanton, C’74 Glenise Cheryl Gleaton, C’87 Yvonne King Gloster, C’49 Alan Goldenberg John V. Golding Jr., Trudie Yanuck Goldstein Uldine Goler Veta D. Goler


Georgie M. Goode, C’50 Kira L.M. Goodloe, C’98 Diane K. Gordon, C’77 Joyce Wilson Gordon, C’60 Shawnya Ayers Gore, C’92 C. Carolyn Goss, C’47 Alice M. Graham, C’67 Jamie Reddick Graham, C’36 Leshon E. Graham, C’96 Kathy Lynne Grant, C’81 Alicia Phylis Gray, C’99 Anna Maxwell Gray, C’50 Rosalyn Clark Gray, C’70 Nyasha Amina Grayman, C’95 Judith A. Green, C’88 Marcia Danyell Green, C’96 Valerie Renee Green, C’93 Yvette Chancellor Green, C’82 Brenda J. Greene, C’66 Pamela Denise Green-Oliver, C’86 Lisa M. Gregory-Espinosa, C’89 Edna Banks Griffin, C’35 Virginia Lee Griggs, C’64 Gloria Travis Gross, C’63 Linda Gunn Ericka Lee Gunn-Hill, C’93 Lia Elizabeth Hackerson, C’2000 Ladawn Austin Hackett, C’2001 Terri Lynn Hackett, C’86 Rosa Rice Hadley, C’57 Carol Hanifa Hakim Elna Moore Hall, C’90 Mattie Pearl Hall, C’74 Aundrella Bunyan Hamed, C’69 Ralphine Thompson Hammett, C’66 Margaret Hampton, C’64 Allecia Alexander Harley, C’92 Donna Akiba Harper Jessie Coles Harper, C’39 Dorotha Alisa Harrell, C’87 Cherell Moneak Harris, C’94 Minnie L. Riley Harris, C’62 Myka J. Harris, C’96 Nikki Elizabeth Harris, C’94 Walter Harris Bettieanne Childers Hart, C’69 Bernadette Weston Hartfield, C’71 Kimberly King Hartwell, C’93 Monica Genelle Harvey-Jones, C’86 Bettye Washington Harwell, C’48 Kiana Neishea Havior, C’96 Heather Lynn Hawes, C’89 Ayanna Damali Hawkins, C’94 Melissa Dianne Haydel, C’2000 Glenna Stewart Hayes, C’40 Maxine Hayes, C’68 Jama R. Haynes, C’85 Kimberly Kwanza Haynes, C’96 Deirdre Haywood-Rouse, C’84 Virginia Moreland HaywoodSmith, C’50 Dorothye Carithers Henderson, C’59 Abayomi S. Hendje, C’2001 Rhoda Martin Hendrickson Mary Joyce Henley, C’77 Courtney Marie Henry, C’2001 Lola Collier Herring, C’99 Callie Robinson Hester, C’40 Tara Ayodelle Heyliger, C’94 Jocelyn Frederica Hicks, C’97 Annette Norwood Hill, C’75 Kimberly Hines-Bullock, C’91 Atiya Hobbs, C’98 Dora A. Foushee Hobbs, C’53 Linda Sills Hodges-Lawrence, C’74 Ofia B. Hodoh, C’86 Anjanette M. Hogan, C’95 Dajuanicia Nicole Holmes, C’2002 Lynn R. Holmes Tonya Michelle Holmes, C’91 Eurtistine M. Holt, C’58 Rychelle Liesl Hooper, C’91 Tawanna Bragg Hopson, C’93 Barbara Nicole Horne, C’2001 Robert G. Howard V. Lynne Howard-Brown, C’74 Geraldine Voutta Howell, C’77 Atiya Nataki Hoye, C’94 Leola E. Hubbard, C’64 Annette Y. Huffman, C’62 Natosha Renee Huggins-Cupid, C’91 Duane L. Hughes

Wandra Cortella Hunley, C’96 Edwina Palmer Hunter, C’64 Ehimwenma Izehiese Iyamu, C’2003 Rutha Watson Jack, C’41 (dec.) A. Charisse Jackson, C’75 Emma Allen Jackson, C’65 Evelyn Lyons Jackson, C’58 Joanna Jackson, C’93 Kwajelyn Jade Jackson, C’2002 Martha Holmes Jackson, C’66 Maxine Baker Jackson, C’46 Miriam Jackson, C’97 Neverda English Jackson, C’48 Rebecca Gorden Jackson, C’57 Sara Jean Jackson-Moore, C’59 Patricia H. Jasper, C’79 Ernestine Justice Jeffries, C’58 Joyce E. Jelks, C’70 Jane Brown Jelks-Jones, C’69 Joseph Jenkins Donice Thomas Jeter, C’70 Tracy L. Jimerson, C’96 Anna Lanon Johnson, C’43 Belinda M. Johnson, C’83 Beverly Simmons Johnson Charis L. Johnson, C’79 Clara Elizabeth Flagg Johnson, C’52 Cynthia Guthrie Johnson, C’77 Doris Wright Johnson, C’96 Gail C. Johnson, C’95 Georgette Woodward Johnson, C’75 Leslie Lewis Johnson, C’86 Marlisa R. Johnson, C’92 Naomi Cole Johnson, C’48 Sheila Ann Johnson, C’76 Vivian Hunt Johnson, C’41 Jerika A. Johnstone, C’2000 Alberta Jones, C’47 Alia Michele Jones, C’95 Angineeki S. Jones, C’99 Carole Johnson Jones, C’81 Christine Dixon Jones, C’54 Dominique Rekaye Jones, C’95 Ellene Marie Jones, C’81 Kimberly Cater Jones, C’84 Laverne Hawkins Jones, C’86 Lenita McClaren Jones, C’56 Michele Yvette Jones, C’77 Valerie Y. Jones, C’79 Rhonda Lynn Jones-Jointer, C’75 Jacqueline L. Kaigler Alan M. Katz Iretta B.C. Kearse, C’88 Norma Carol Keel, C’78 Bernard Kelly Cynthia Harris Kelly, C’83 Barbara J. Kelsey Heather Joi Kenney, C’2001 Donna Kenton Nami Kim Glenda Anderson Kirkland, C’67 Dorothy Finley Ladd, C’52 Gillian B. Lakhan, C’90 Rita Thorpe Lamb, C’69 Dorothy Lewis Lang, C’50 Jennifer Doggett LaPoint, C’84 Ingrid Lassiter Teaniese Porche Latham, C’2001 April Savoy Latimore, C’93 Aqualyn Yhanee Laury, C’94 Muriel T. Lawrence, C’87 Lisa Marie Lawson, C’86 Lillian Carter Lawton, C’50 Dorothy Whited LeBlanc, C’53 Teresa Yvonne Lee, C’2000 Theresa Brockenberry Lee, C’75 Veronicia Patricia Lee, C’75 Harry G. Lefever Melynee Carole Leftridge, C’88 Erica Dawn Leonard, C’95 Vermell Leslie, C’77 Robin Burton Leverette, C’78 Barbara Stokes Lewis, C’60 Dawn Katrina Lewis, C’89 Gina Alexandria Lewis, C’86 Kimberly Shepard Lewis, C’78 Pamela Denise Lewis, C’91 Selma B. Lewis Bettye Clark Little, C’62 Perry A. Little Rhoda L. Littles, C’81

Ayaba Akofa Adaobi Logan, C’03 Pearl Johnson Logan, C’60 Patricia Logan-Ali Kirsten Charles Lollis, C’91 Virginia Entzminger Longino, C’47 Jennifer Lynn Love, C’99 Joye Katrese Lowman, C’96 Henrietta Reid Lundy-Lasiter, C’60 Mary Bythewood Lynch, C’35 Brenda Marie Macklin, C’76 Jacqueline R. Maher, C’75 Dana Marie Major, C’91 Fannie B. Malone-Nash, C’57 Imani Ellen Shari Mance, C’2003 Ernestine Miles Mann, C’57 Tammy Lynn Mann, C’87 Delani Lenore Mann-Johnson, C’94 Viola Marion-Mattox, C’81 Cynthia Diane Marshall, C’82 Shirley A. Marshall-Dobbins, C’81 Cassandra Martin, C’76 Roselena Martin-Lyons, C’81 Theodore & Bernice Mason Valerie Gail Mason, C’96 Eleanor F. Massell Joy Tennille Massey, C’99 Rhonda L. Matheison Angela Brown Mathis, C’86 Renita D. Mathis Rita Gail Matthews, C’81 Karen Billings Maultsby, C’73 Lisa Renee Maxwell, C’85 Catherine Wilson May, C’47 Cheryl V. May-Holmes, C’70 Lorraine Virginia Maynard, C’95 Alison Willis McAfee, C’2001 Germaine McAuley DaNita McClain, C’2004 Treasure Latifa McClain, C’97 Margaret Monique McCloudManley, C’98 Clint G. McCrory Augustine McDaniel, C’67 M. Akua McDaniel, C’69 Melissa Maria McDaniel, C’2001 Sharon Hawkins McDougal, C’90 Patricia McFadden Angelique McFarland, C’82 Murdell Walker McFarlin, C’72 Kimberly A McGee Denise E. McGill, C’83 Sophia Lonette McIntyre, C’94 Christian Onika McKenzie, C’2004 Sheres McKenzie Valerie Leah Mckinney, C’91 Eloise McKinney-Johnson, C’47 Candace R. McLaren, C’95 Afiya McLaughlin-White, C’2000 Joy Monique McLeod, C’2003 Katrina Alvarez Medley, C’96 Ladrica Menson-Furr, C’93 Kevin James Middlebrooks Angela Dionn Middleton, C’89 Trina Lee Middleton, C’93 Arletha Miles-Boyce Will J. Millard Aisha K. Miller, C’99 Dorothy H. Miller Jennifer Anne Miller, C’96 Josephine Smalls Miller, C’75 Moncita Yolanda Miller, C’81 Richard Miller Tameika Gail Miller, C’96 Rhonda J. Mills, C’82 Arthur Milton Stephanie Rosell Milton, C’96 Vanessa Kaye Mims, C’92 Adrienne Goolsby Minley, C’91 Robbin Marie Mister, C’90 Andrea Renee Mitchell, C’87 Ceasar C. Mitchell Kelly R Mitchell, C’2005 Kia M. Mitchell, C’97 Zinora M. Mitchell-Rankin, C’76 Lora Mitchell-Wills, C’84 Debra Moch-Mooney, C’86 Carla E. Molette-Ogden, C’91 Kathaleena Edward Monds, C’86 Tyrone E. Monro Kamaria Ife Moon, C’2002 Victoria Gumbs Moore Cheryl Moore-Harris, C’82

Michelle Yvette Curry Mora, C’96 Cassandra T. Morgan, C’82 Paquita Austin Morgan, C’96 Sharon Strong Morgan, C’71 Shona Davidson Morgan, C’95 Mavis Morgan-Hall, C’46 A. Janine Morris, C’86 Cynthia E. Morris, C’87 Laura Pearl Morrison, C’91 Dorothy Ann Morton Brown, C’68 Dollie Scott Mosley, C’67 Mary Jackson Mosley, C’91 Doris Moultrie Moss, C’52 Colm K. Mulcahy Sheila Holman Mullins, C’88 Reva Dale Myers, C’72 Dekimberlen Joneka Neely, C’96 David Nelson Millicent Drake Norman, C’71 Thena M. Norman Tiffany Monique Norman, C’2002 Kandance Weems Norris, C’90 Miriam Richardson Norwood, C’58 Helen Robinson Nunley, C’43 Celeste Laytce Oatman Marilyn Jeanne Olmstead, C’70 Monishae Mosley Oneill, C’96 Ericka J. Orina, C’78 Na’Taki Y. Osborne, C’95 Gwendolyn Hood Osby, C’60 Tremikae R. Owens, C’98 Harriette Owens-Wright, C’57 Patricia J. Pace, C’62 Amelia Page, C’83 Marie Gaston Palmer, C’70 Natalie S. Palmer, C’94 Lewis A. Parker Suzanne Henry Parker, C’90 Sidnee Nicole Paschal, C’97 Doretha Elouise Payne, C’42 Renee Foggo Paynter, C’90 Mona Payton Tamara R. Pearson, C’96 Desiree S. Pedescleaux Sara Penn, C’49 Margo V. Perkins, C’88 Sydney Ann Perkins-Payne, C’85 Catherine St. George Perry, C’80 Wadiya K. Peterson, C’96 Yolanda G. Peterson, C’87 Beverly Sykes Pettagrue, C’66 Barbara Barnett Petty, C’62 Dawnyale Micol Phifer, C’96 Angela Mechelle Phillips, C’2001 Shaka A. Phillips, C’2000 Kathleen E. Phillips-Lewis Dorothy L. Pierce, C’50 Kendra Williams Pierson, C’2000 Nichelle Anissa Poe, C’90 Judy Renee Ponder, C’76 Lisa Stamper Ponton, C’74 Terrence J. Porter Patricia Stroud Powell, C’56 Diedre Nyree Presley, C’96 Tameka Nicole Proctor, C’98 Sheila Purnell-Jones, C’86 Stacy Denise Quarles, C’91 Machamma Jovonne Quinichett, C’93 Jimmie Hughes Raines, C’61 Patricia G. Ramsey Sarisa Denise Ransom, C’2003 Elisha Lorelle Rapp, C’2002 Tamara Elizabeth Rasberry, C’97 Sondra Maria Rates, C’76 Natarajan Ravi Rashida Rafat Rawls, C’2003 Bamby Z. Ray Bridget Ray-Canada, C’89 Alicia Lynnette Redrick, C’94 Pamela Yancey Reed, C’75 Tiffany J. Reese, C’95 Chimere Love Reeves, C’02 Patricia D. Reeves-Moore, C’68 Amanda Hemmons Reid, C’2000 Norma Payton Reid, C’44 Rhonda Strawter Respress, C’81 Rae Ellen Reynolds, C’93 Michika R. Reynolds-Quillin, C’89 Audrey C. Richards, C’73 Amy Irving Richardson, C’55 Marjorie A. Ricks, C’49 Johnnie Pugh Riggins, C’71

Angela Moore Rivers, C’83 Patricia Je Taun Rivers Gilbert, C’80 Margaret Ann Robbins, C’49 Adrienne D. Roberts, C’98 Takiyah Roberts, C’96 Brenda Twyner Robinson Calita E. Robinson Lillian Vaughan Robinson, C’47 Lori Sasai Robinson, C’90 Nakia D. Robinson, C’96 Robbin Christina Robinson, C’91 Christine W. Robinzine, C’46 Karolyn Elskoe Roebuck Shana Miki Rooks, C’97 Kerstin Elaine Roper, C’2005 Gloria Gardner Rosemond, C’54 Minnie Ross Carrie Locke Rumph, C’48 Charlotte Arnold Russell, C’46 Tomya McQueen Ryans, C’87 Belinda Monique Samuda, C’89 Adelle Del Pino Samuel, C’47 Linda Thomas Sanders, C’93 Desiree Sapp-Barnwell, C’91 Darva R. Satcher, C’96 Julia Ann Saunders, C’94 Michelle Lynn Saunders-Staes, C’91 Tanika Nicole Scales, C’95 Lawrence Schenbeck Bernice DeGannes Scott Stephanie Scott, C’98 Wynelle Washington Scott, C’74 Amaal Azizi-Djenaba Scroggins, C’96 Tamika Louise Sea, C’2004 Raveen Seaton, C’94 A. Roslyn Sellers, C’52 Monique Walker Sewell, C’86 Barbara Youngblood Seymour, C’49 Nagambal S. Shah Ora Myles Sheares Lula Shears Jylana Liletta Sheats, C’2002 Mae Smith Sheftall, C’68 Margaret Rucker Sheftall, C’59 Marian Herd Shorter, C’45 Kumea Shorter-Gooden Launice P. Sills, C’80 Alma Wyden Simmons, C’73 Eleanor J. Simmons Marguerite F. Simon, C’35 Merle E. Christian Simpson, C’42 Gloria Crawford Sims, C’46 Lisa Marie Sims-Stewart, C’75 Beverly Ingrid Sinclair, C’75 Nicole A. Singletary, C’91 Cynthia D. Singleton Christine W. Sizemore Gwendolyn D. Skillern Zipporah Alisia Slaughter, C’91 Keisha Annette Smart, C’98 Anne Collins Smith, C’96 Cassandra Wiggins Smith, C’74 Demetria Michele Smith, C’94 Heather Louise Smith, C’93 Helen Starr Smith, C’42 Keyoka S. Smith, C’97 Lucille Ford Taplin Smith, C’41 Patricia Cousins Smith, C’76 Phillip A. Smith Rosemary Smith, C’78 Tonja Campbell Smith, C’88 Jennifer Saporia Smith-King, C’93 Carolyn Smith-Stallworth, C’69 Robert L. Smothers Leigh Ann Solomon, C20’03 Margie Southard Anita Louise Spann-Peek, C’62 Tara J. Spicer, C’91 Anika Spratley, C’93 Phyllis Mims Spruill, C’75 Cristal L. Squaire, C’92 Denise J. Stackhouse, C’78 Sylvia G. Stanfield Anne T. Stanley Angela Bryant Starke, C’84 Lisa M. Stenson Joy Stephens, C’95 Marcus L. Stephens Monica Yvette Stephens, C’91 Willette Guy Stephens, C’96 Lisa Price Stevens, C’89 Courtney Lynn Stewart, C’2004 Jo Moore Stewart

Vera Stewart Clarita Nelson Stone, C’66 Yolanda D.L. Stone, C’91 Carolyn Foley Stoutermire, C’64 Betty E. Strickland, C’58 Shree Sullivan, C’85 Quionna Larise Swinger, C’2001 Michael Sykes Sydne L. Tarry, C’91 Valerie Jean Tartt, C’83 Elvira M. Tate Andrea Freeman Taylor, C’88 Angel A. Taylor, C’61 Ethel Franklin Taylor, C’51 Lonya Lashawn Taylor, C’96 Nola S. Taylor, C’79 Lana Joyce Taylor-Sims, C’63 Jeanette Tejada Contente Leasure Terry, C’93 Elaine A. Terry, C’83 Donna L. Terry-Newsome, C’91 Carlene Goudy Thomas, C’37 Jennetta Rose Thomas, C’94 Stephanie Arrington Thomas, C’88 Taiese Natasha Thomas, C’98 Valencia Wilson Thomas, C’77 Joyce L. Thompkins Albert N. Thompson Karen Roberts Thompson, C’72 Rahmelle C. Thompson, C’81 Veronique L. Thompson, C’82 Donna Marie Thompson-Bennett, C’87 Anna Hankerson Thornton, C’62 Leslie Gayle Tidwell, C’90 Deborah Denise Tinsley, C’89 Bobbie Latimer Toatley, C’44 Freida Michelle Toles, C’96 Elinor Smith Tootle, C’63 Akeelah Townsend, C’98 Jacqueline Hunter Townsend, C’65 Tiffany Grace Townsend, C’93 Jackie Belton Traeye, C’70 Tia Shawna Troutman, C’96 Bernadette Tucker, C’84 Brooke Allison Tucker, C’2002 Dorothy Robinson Tucker, C’59 Judith Buckhanon Tucker, C’72 Mildred O. Tucker Cheryl F. Turner Dennise Mickelle Turner, C’91 Kia Lachelle Turner, C’2004 Wenetta M. Turner Elizabeth M. Tyler Eva Washington Tyler, C’75 Bronwen Unthank, C’63 Shameika A. Vailes, C’99 Beverli Beth Varner Wynn-Euell, C’93 Robert V. Veiga Eunice Elizabeth Vines, C’90 Mary Jones Vismale, C’47 Lanell E. Wade, C’74 Lori Raquel Walker, C’94 Melanie Latrice Walker, C’2005 Stacey Walker, C’91 Shirley Graham Wallace, C’59 Rhonda Rena Waller, C’91 Ansonia Campbell Walls, C’45 Lawren Ann Ward, C’97 Melva Lawson Ware, C’72 Deshaunda L. Warner, C’92 Michelle Lee Warner-Waller, C’91 Kimberly Rosa Warren, C’91 Elizabeth Parnell Warrick, C’64 Alice Holmes Washington, C’38 Gwynn Martin Washington, C’76 Tracey Clark Washington, C’89 Mary L. Waters, C’66 Krystle N. Watler, C’2004 Abigale M. Bruce Watson, C’88 Monifa Isaac Watson, C’94 Vicki Daniels Weatherspoon, C’76 Tandelyn Atkinson Weaver, C’74 Latoya Shavon Wells, C’2000 Wendi Lynn West, C’91 Eric A. Westley Joffre T. Whisenton Barbara Ingram Whitaker, C’52 Curlie White Elisa Joy White, C’88 Juliette Denise White, C’81 Stephanie Lorraine White, C’84 Denise Y. White-Jennings, C’74

Tracy Phillips Whiteman, C’84 Valjean M. Whitlow, C’86 Teresa Diane Wilbon, C’70 Bessie Hamilton Wilborn, C’48 Dorothy B. Wilder Alphonse Wilfred Lindsay Nicole Wilkinson Angela Jenise Williams, C’2003 Brandi Lynee Williams, C’2000 Charita Earchelle Williams, C’2004 Cheryl L. Williams, C’96 Christine Williams, C’65 E. Victoria Williams, C’66 Gladys Margaret Williams, C’51 Jacqueline Williams Jean Shipp Williams, C’68 Kanika Aisha Williams, C’95 Lesley Lynn Williams, C’97 Maurice M. Williams, C’50 Nicole Alexis Williams, C’93 Nicole Y. Williams, C’2000 Piper K. Williams, C’94 Shandra Denise Williams, C’91 Wilhemena Richardson Williams, C’64 Willie M. Williams Cynthia Williams-Clinton, C’81 Andrea Ellen Williams-Kingslow, C’85 Freddie Williamson Nikita Levon Williamson, C’93 Nikita Lavon Williamson, C’93 Michelle Bundridge Willingham, C’83 Cheryl D. Cooper Willis, C’86 Margie D. Willis Pamela Yvette Willis, C’93 Jacquelyn H Wilson Sylvester Wilson Doris R. Winfrey, C’50 Cleta Winslow Dorothy Deanna Winston, C’99 Onenyka Evette Wiseman, C’2001 Quisa D. Foster Wittingham Avonia Lemons Wood, C’69 Wylene Branton Wood, C’71 Anna Jefferson Woodard, C’65 Fannie Ballard Woodard, C’54 Rosalind L. Woodard, C’66 Deborah Hunt Woods, C’73 Vera M. Woods, C’81 C. T. Woods-Powell, C’75 Barbara J. Wooten Andrea Denise Wright, C’97 Clarice Lampkin Wright, C’57 Cynthia Arrington Wright, C’70 Ernest Wright Irene Moore Wright, C’48 Ursula Loretta Wright, C’95 Reena B. Wyatt, C’95 Elita Nichelle Wyckoff, C’97 Annie Lundy Wynn, C’49 Cordell Wynn Lydia Alzoria Wynn, C’69 Deirdra Y. Yarbrough, C’77 Julie Renee Yarbrough, C’91 Sharon Michelle Yearwood, C’86 Sarah Adams Yeary, C’83 Julia A Yeboah Candice Marie Young, C’2002 Lola Marie Wood Young C’46 Rebecca Paschal Young, C’94 Rochelle Patrice Young, C’84 Howard Zinn

GUARDIAN SOCIETY The Guardian Society recognizes donors who made provisions for planned gifts. Phoebe Lydia Bailey, C’66 Ronald & Barbara Balser Joy San Walker Brown, C’52 Anne Cox Chambers A. J. Cooper Sharon Y. Cribbs, C’76 Jerri L. DeVard, C’79 Mary McKinney Edmonds, C’53 Iwok & Joyce Kirkland Essien Margaree Cheek Fant, C’76 Lila A. Fenwick Johnnie Hunter Foxworth, C’43 Dorothy J. Fuqua Grayson, C’65 Tracie Gregory Goffe, C’87

Daisy Phinazee Harris, C’47 Laverne Hawkins Jones, C’86 Melanee Rose Haywood, C’80 Virginia McKinney Henderson, C’53 Robert & Barbara Holland Fannye Hopkins Banks, C’51 June Gary Hopps, C’60 Dorothy Turner Johnson, C’38 Patricia Graham Johnson, C’73 Rose Harris Johnson, C’57 Barbara Holloway Lee, C’53 Mignon Lackey Lewis, C’51 Audrey Forbes Manley, C’55 Delores LaRheine McCollum, C’73 Allen & Sally McDaniel Karen A. Moore, C’80 Helen E. Nash, C’42 Rosetta Hicks Peterson, C’54 Dovey Johnson Roundtree, C’38 Grace McKivey Scipio, C’46 Marguerite F. Simon, C’35 Barbara Peek Sternick, C’51 Donald & Isabel Stewart Isabella McIntyre Tobin, C’45 Joe Anne Owens Williams Josie Latimer Williams, C’47

ESTATE GIFTS AND TRUSTS Estate of LaRoi N. Mills Estate of Gladys S. Crockett, C’34 Estate of Ida Mae Peterson, C’46 Estate of Cherie Stawasz Estate of Edna Williams

ALUMNAE GIVING BY CLASS Consistent Alumnae Giving – Key: For some time, the College has been spreading the message of the importance of consistent alumnae giving. Consistent alumnae giving helps to increase the College’s alumnae participation rate and demonstrates alumnae loyalty. This is vital to the institution because strong alumnae support generates additional and much needed resources for the College. When alumnae give on a consistent basis, it signals to foundations and corporations that Spelman is worthy of their support. Consistent giving is also a factor in determining the College’s national rankings. In this listing of alumnae contributors, those who have made annual contributions each year for the past five years are highlighted in blue. We are proud to recognize their generosity and commitment to their alma mater.

Class of 1935 Amount: $520 Participation Rate: 25% Edna Banks Griffin * Mary Bythewood Lynch * Marguerite F. Simon *

Class of 1936 Amount: $1,100 Participation Rate: 29% Jamie Reddick Graham * Celestine Davenport Pettrie *

Class of 1937 Amount: $2,230 Participation Rate: 38% Emily Brown Jones Sarah M. Lemon-Palmore * Johnipher Davis Mizell Mabel Murphy Smythe-Haith (dec.) Carlene Goudy Thomas *

Class of 1938 Amount: $875 Participation Rate: 36% Eloise Usher Belcher (dec.) Celestine Taylor Billings * Alberta Elizabeth Thomas * Alice Holmes Washington *

Class of 1939 Amount: $875 Participation Rate: 45% Bernice Bradford Bass * Anne Thomas Braxton * Jessie Coles Harper * Dorothea Boston Jackson * Julia Williams Palmer (dec.)

Class of 1940 Amount: $3,600 Participation Rate: 28% Marjorie Ramey Adams * Laura Hill Anderson * Glenna Stewart Hayes * Callie Robinson Hester * Ida Brown Knight *

Class of 1941 Amount: $2,600 Participation Rate: 48% Dorothy Aderhold Andrews * Rosa Hill Brown * Penelope Laconia Bullock Edith Arnold Hambrick * Rutha Watson Jack (dec.) Vivian Hunt Johnson * Johnnie Hines Prothro * Bernice Felton Rainbow Lucille Ford Taplin Smith * Alpha Valerie Hines Westbrook *

Class of 1942

Amount:$2,875 Participation Rate: 37% Malissa Kilgore Briley * Eddie Lee Bush Cannon * * Indicates 1881 Society Membership Dorothy Ateca Carter * Mildred M. Chandler * Eleanor Bell Coote * Class of 1925 Myrtle Bowers Davis (dec.) Amount: $200 Georgia Smith Dickens * Participation Rate: 100% Doretha Elouise Payne * Lucia Moore Bacote * Gettys Bryant Simon * Merle E. Christian Simpson * Class of 1929 Helen Starr Smith * Amount: $5,000 Participation Rate: 20% Class of 1943 Estelle Bailey Webster (dec.) Amount: $16,200 Participation Rate: 41% Class of 1933 Cora Appleby-Williams * Amount: $5,150 Annie Waller Berlack * Participation Rate: 43% Mozelle Dailey Clemmons * Alpha Talley English * Austella Walden Colley Josephine Harreld Love (dec.) Martha Brock Crews * Ercell Powell Randall Marilyn Green Epps * Johnnie Hunter Foxworth * Class of 1934 Florence Irving Francis * Amount: $550 Ernestine Wallace Gipson * Participation Rate: 25% Ella M. Isom * Gladys Starling Crockett (dec.) Anna Lanon Johnson * Alena Erby Wiley Elizabeth G. King *

Helen Robinson Nunley *

Class of 1944 Amount: $4,575 Participation Rate: 25% Mary Frances Martin Clark * Eleanor Blackshear Fryer Mariella Ama Holman * Del Eagan Jupiter * Dorothy Hood Oliver * Charlotte Linder Perry * Norma Payton Reid * Lucy J. Ridley * Carolyn Taylor Thomas * Bobbie Latimer Toatley *

Class of 1945 Amount: $128,425 Participation Rate: 26% Irene Parnell Yopp Curtis * Lois Blayton Dabney * Lelia Holliday Dudley Marian Ellison Gary * Annie Brown Kennedy * Marian Herd Shorter * Isabella McIntyre Tobin * Ansonia Campbell Walls * Lillian Watkins *

Class of 1946 Amount: $79,109 Participation Rate: 62% Ollivette Smith Allison * Willie Louise Grier Barker * Ira R. Benton-Cundiff * Selonia Smith Blatch * Joyce Cooper Bobo * Portia Spencer Chandler (dec.) Mary Stephens Dansby * Mattiwilda Dobbs-Janzon * Alyce Smith Dodson * Annette Vister Evans * Mary T. Fannings * Ruth Davis Hawk * Clara Yates Hayley * Bobbie Flanagan Houston (dec.) Ella Lett Hughes (dec.) Thelma Freeman Hurley * Maxine Baker Jackson * Josephine Jackson-Smith * Mavis Morgan-Hall * E. Sacia Ross Pandley * Ida G. Peterson (dec.) Gussie C. Davis Phillips * Dellora Richards Lewis Christine W. Robinzine * Charlotte Arnold Russell * Grace McKivey Scipio * Gloria Crawford Sims * June Mack Wardlaw * Mary Parks Washington * Harriett Barker White * Lola Marie Wood Young*

Class of 1947 Amount: $20,375 Participation Rate: 55% Diana Mattison Anderson * Ellen Lydia Barnette * Rosetta Wimberly Clements * Hattimarie Parks Davis * Leanora Butler Davis * Virginia Turner Dowell * C. Carolyn Goss * Daisy Phinazee Harris * Alberta Jones * Sarah Powell Jones * Virginia Entzminger Longino * Catherine Wilson May * Eloise McKinney-Johnson * Maxine A. Miller Jeanne Willis Pearson * Aurelia Doris Robinson * Lillian Vaughan Robinson * Adelle Del Pino Samuel * Carolyn Ouida Smith * Mildred Ponder Stennis * Ann Harris Stoddard * Rhoda Crute Tolbert Birdie Gambrell Tyler * Mary Jones Vismale * Billye Johnson Von Blasingame * Mildred Collier Walton *



Josie Latimer Williams * Mae F. Clowney Wilson * Jean Turner Yongue *

Mary Hill Dinkins Gwendolyn Horton Hicks (dec.) Ernie Flinoil Jackson * Louise Hembree Larkin * Mignon Lackey Lewis * Gwendolyn Mizell Mosby * Lettie Riddle Nelson * Mildred Wynn Penson * Dorothy Walker Pleasant * Gladys Earl Roberts * Thelma Southerland * Ethel Franklin Taylor * Belma Washington Walker Effie Brown Williams * Gladys Margaret Williams *

Elsie Mallory Smith *

Betty E. Strickland *

Class of 1956

Class of 1959

Amount: $120,200 Participation Rate: 70% Class of 1948 Catherine Minor Allen * Amount: $3,744 Anonymnous * Participation Rate: 41% Kay Jett Baker * June Dobbs Butts * Vivian Clements Baldwin * Jacqueline Larkins Crook * Barbara Atkinson Barham * Gloria Davis Dent * Gloria S. Bolds * Christine King Farris * Gloria Strong Boyd * Sara Rowe Gross * Joyce Conley Brown * Bettye Washington Harwell * Bernice Woolfolk Bufford * Neverda English Jackson * B. LaConyea Butler * Naomi Cole Johnson * Dorothy Gibson Cobb * Darlyne Atkinson Killian (dec.) Carolyn Bailey Collins * Carrie Locke Rumph * Class of 1952 Mary Jean Cooper * Bessie Hamilton Wilborn * Amount: $16,725 Constance M. Craig * Participation Rate: 33% Jeannette Bowman Wilson * Betty Lovett Dabney * Irene Moore Wright * Josephine Felton Alexander * L. Rita Dixon * Joy San Walker Brown * Doris Henderson Freeman * Gwendolyn King Butler Carrie White Fuller * Class of 1949 Dorothy Wynn Dawkins * Gene E. Gary-Williams * Amount: $11,903 Lola Ann Blasingame Evans * Alexine Clement Jackson * Participation Rate: 62% Shirley Statom Henderson * Helen Callaway Jackson * Ernestein Walker Baylor * Clara Elizabeth Flagg Johnson * Julia Ponder Johnson * Jacqueline Hill Bryant * Lenita McClaren Jones * Dorothy Cole King * Elise Dunn Cain * Dorothy Finley Ladd * Marjorie Hill Jones Bettye R. Campbell * Jean Clark Kelly * Hazel Rucker Moore * Melba Moore Carter Emma Jean Franklin Moreland Mary Madison * Ruby Woods Carter * Doris Moultrie Moss * Loyrene M. Mann Evelyn Willis Chisolm * Bessie Nixon Reynolds * Charlotte Butler McAfee * Marymal M. Dryden * Rosa Lee Nichols * Mary Johnson Durgans-Willett * A. Roslyn Sellers * Zanthia Bush Norwood * Laura Williams Turner * Mary Young Gerald * Edna Jarrett Pagan * Barbara Ingram Whitaker * Yvonne King Gloster * Wellie Smith Wilburn * Doris Alberta Patterson * Gwendolyn Fields Halls Susie Blasingame Pearson * Dolores Posey Harris Patricia Stroud Powell * Virginia Hawkins-Stephens * Class of 1953 Gloria L. Robinzine * Amount: $15,410 Elizabeth Yorke Holloway * Margaret Fay Wise Ross * Participation Rate: 43% Emma Stone Jeffries * Frances W. Ruth June McDonald Aldridge * Doris Thompson McCollum * Mildred W. Scrutchins * Helen M. Bell * Jean DeGazon McDonnell Patricia Moody Sewing * Sue Perteet Morris * Hazel Hargrove Brown * Joyce R. Shelton * Harriet Mitchell Murphy * Ruth Harvey Brown * Sylvia Beverly Stanford * Lucile Logan Nix * Alice Gaston Combs * Geraldine P. Stephens-Burton * Mary McKinney Edmonds * Sara Penn * Annie Perry Swanson * Jean LaRue Foster * Senella Thomas Rawls * Doris Robinson Van Putten * Sadie B. Garner * Marjorie A. Ricks * Marion Jackson Walker * Jean McArthur Grant * Margaret Ann Robbins * Barbara Youngblood Seymour * Virginia Ruth McKinney Henderson Hulda A. Wilson * Gloria Strickland Yancey * Dora A. Foushee Hobbs * Henrene Ellington Smoot Darlene Yarbrough-Morgan * Gloria Bibb Washington (dec.) Mable Lumpkin Johnson * Eunice Guy Weston * Dorothy Whited LeBlanc * June Thalier Martin * Class of 1957 Annie Lundy Wynn * Marilyn Miller Davis Mitchell * Amount: $7,200 Muriel Ketchum Yarbrough * Ella Gaines Yates (dec.) Ruby Tolbert Richards * Participation Rate: 24% Jacqueline J. Wellington-Moore * Judith Fisher Arrington * Gloria Wade Wingfield * Alvia Alexander Boone * Class of 1950 Barbara Green Bray * Amount: $6,600 Dollie G. Brown * Class of 1954 Participation Rate: 45% Lucinda Lecounte Capers * Eldora Love Adkins * Amount: $38,350 Deanna Davis * Participation Rate: 43% Grace Diggs Branch-Hasson * Barbara Ponder Elias * Dorothy Zellner Brown * Lilla Strong Arnold * Rosa Rice Hadley * Ernestine Keith Collaso Emma Jean Bell * Nannie Archie Henderson * Johnnie Lumpkin Davis * Juel Pate Borders-Benson * Rebecca Gorden Jackson * Ruby Handspike Clay * Georgie M. Goode * Rose Harris Johnson * Anna Maxwell Gray * Laura M. Williams Collins * Shirley Leaphart * Virginia Moreland Haywood-Smith * Ruth Minor Crawford * Fannie B. Malone-Nash * Hester Hall Johnson * Phyllis Dansby Fisher * Ernestine Miles Mann * Gwendolyn Walker Garrison * Dorothy Lewis Lang (dec.) Harriette Owens-Wright * Lillian Carter Lawton * Christine Dixon Jones * Bettye Whited Robinson * Rosetta Hicks Peterson * Elizabeth Atkinson Moore * Clarice Lampkin Wright * Gloria Gardner Rosemond * Dorothy L. Pierce * Ora Sterling-King * Leona Reddick-Mott Emily Davis Stinson * Class of 1958 Irene Bennett Reid * Clemmie Sanders Tolmaire * Ossie Smith Tuggle * Amount: $9,642 Fannie Ballard Woodard * Participation Rate: 31% Verna Turner Venning * Maurice M. Williams * Juliet D. Blackburn-Beamon * Kathryn Johnson Broughton * Doris R. Winfrey * Class of 1955 Shirlee Bartlett Chatman * Dorothy Johnson Woodyard Amount: $6,300 Sylvia Fields Cook * Participation Rate: 30% Pearline Adamson Davis * Class of 1951 Evelyn C. Campbell * Pauline E. Drake * Yvonne Parks Catchings * Amount: $51,326 Gladys Thomas Glass * Lillian McKinney Cooley * Participation Rate: 62% Patricia Carter Greer * Clestell Byrd Hunt Alumna Anonymous * Virginia Harris-Johnson * Amelia Strong Irons * Bertha Baker Azango Eurtistine M. Holt * Ellen Pierce Jones Fannye Hopkins Banks * Evelyn Lyons Jackson * Elayne Bush Bell * Ruby Jones Leaphart * Ernestine Justice Jeffries * Leatrice Traylor Bell * Erin Goseer Mitchell * Jerelean Miller Lattimore * Emma Hardnett Bush * Reba Wilson Perkins * Yvonne Harris Meadows * Claudette Chapman Cureton * Aserelene Parker Pickett * Miriam Richardson Norwood * Dorothy L. DeVillars * Amy Irving Richardson * Helen Sawyer Plump * Clotilda Diggs * Hortense Edwards Shelton *


Amount: $6,605 Participation Rate: 29% Geneva Evans Bishop * Jean Strickland Fleming * Lucille Patricia Fultz * Julia Martin Gilmore * Helen Kerr Hall * Dorothye Carithers Henderson * Sara Jean Jackson-Moore * Marilyn Francis Krigger Dorothy Coleman Peay * Janie Owens Peters * Margaret Rucker Sheftall * Roslyn Washington Sylvester * Dorothy Robinson Tucker * Shirley Graham Wallace * Frances Glover Weaver *

Class of 1960 Amount: $10,270 Participation Rate: 24% Brenda Wilson Alexander * Vivian Welch Brinson * Jacquelyn Shivers Daniel * Elizabeth McDugle Davis * Gloria Watts Davis * Lillian Williams Ellis * Joyce Wilson Gordon * June Gary Hopps * Virginia Powell Jeffries Barbara Stokes Lewis * Pearl Johnson Logan * Henrietta Reid Lundy-Lasiter * Gwendolyn Hood Osby * E. Delores B Stephens * Mary Bacon Toole * Frances Odom Young *

Class of 1961 Amount: $24,300 Participation Rate: 56% JoAnn Sims Alexander * Anonymous * Melvis Evans Atkinson * Ruth Huling Morgan Ball* Mamie Adams Benjamin * M. Clyde Henderson Bennett * Anne Ruth Borders-Patterson * Floris Barnett Cash * Herschelle Sullivan Challenor * Patricia White Chatard * Jacquelyn Parks Cleveland * Bette Ann Davis * N. June Davis * Marcia Beavers Days * Gwendolyn Ferrell Elmore * Gloria Banks Ewings * Anne Amelia Grimes * Faith Neal Hemphill * Joan Dixon Johnakin * Jacqueline S. Marshall * Gwendolyn Ponder Maxie * Gwendolyn H. Middlebrooks * Annie Merita Mitchell * Josephine Jackson Neal* Gertrude C. Norman * Emma Walker Parks * Willie Mae Pettis * Jimmie Hughes Raines * Lola V. Roberts-Richards * A. Lenora Taitt-Magubane * Angel A. Taylor * Jean Hill Terrell * Myrtle Ezzard Thomas * Eleanor Jeanette Tinnon * Carolyn N. Stinson Traylor * Gwendolyn Lawson Williams *

Class of 1962 Amount: $2,752 Participation Rate: 27% Patricia Battle Austin * Idella R. Fryar * Minnie L. Riley Harris * Annette Y. Huffman * Henrietta Laster Jones * Dorothy A. Kelsey Bettye Clark Little * Joan Few Maner * Johnnie Price McPhail * Mary Ellis Odum

Patricia J. Pace * Barbara Barnett Petty * Clarella Y. Cooke Pratt Anita Louise Spann-Peek * Anna Hankerson Thornton * Mary Worthy

Brenda J. Greene * Beverly L. Guy-Sheftall * Ralphine Thompson Hammett * Berlyn Chatard Hargrett * Jessie Harris Jackson * Martha Holmes Jackson * Elizabeth Jordan Johnson * Helen Coleman Jones * Class of 1963 Michael Purify Jones Amount: $14,770 Geraldine Davis Kenton * Participation Rate: 18% Jacquelyn Brown Lawson * Bettie J. Durrah * Charlotte O. Lewis * Catherine Ferguson * Maude Brown Lofton * Gloria Travis Gross * Charlotte L. McConnell * Nancy Fesson Hawkins * Edith Simmons Jackmon-Hunter * Bernice Dowdy McDaniel * Carolyn Odom * Betty Johnson Jinks Beverly Sykes Pettagrue * Audrey Irvin Johnson * Victoria Joyner Phillips * Eula Persons Krashen * Connie Curry Phipps * Agnes Blondean Orbert Nelson * Marilyn O’Bryant Robinson * Dorothy Myers Stepteau * Mary Cook Robinson * Lana Joyce Taylor-Sims * Judith Fennell Ruffin * Elinor Smith Tootle * Robbie Welch Christler Tourse * Alice Comer Scott * Camille Annette Smith * Bronwen Unthank * Clarita Nelson Stone * Ruth Brady Vaughn Audrey H. Swann * Elizabeth Murray Taylor * Class of 1964 Elizabeth Leigh Tucker Amount: $15,825 Claretta Sampson Varner * Participation Rate: 24% Mary L. Waters * LaJoyce H. Debro * Barbara Madden Webb * Dorothy Jenkins Fields * E. Victoria Williams * Louisa Steward Fisher * Elynor Alberta Williams * Nell Braxton Gibson * Joe Anne Owens Williams * Barbara Jean Gresham Katetrina Jackson Williams * Virginia Lee Griggs * Rosalind L. Woodard * Betty Jean Hall * Margaret Hampton * Class of 1967 Earnestine Wideman Harris * Amount: $4,735 Marcelite J. Harris * Participation Rate: 17% C. LeJeune Hickson * Joyce J. Akridge * Ida McCree Hilliard * Mary Alice Blossomgame Lucia Anita Holloway McSloy * Bernita McMillan Boddie * Eleanor Hoytt * Jacquelyn Ann Kirby Boyette * Leola E. Hubbard * Yvette Savwoir Bradford * Edwina Palmer Hunter * Dianne Wilson Caesar * Nelda J. King * Cheryl Davis * Carolyn Sims Lamar Mary Kidd Gardner * Malinda Clark Logan * Alice M. Graham * Joyce White Mills * Berdie Ricks Hardon * Laura Virginia Morgan * Agnes Houston Harper * Carolyn Foley Stoutermire * Glenda Anderson Kirkland * Joyce Smith Veale Augustine McDaniel * Elizabeth Parnell Warrick * Cynthia McEwen Vera Norman Whisenton * Wilhemena Richardson Williams * Joyce Hunter Mills Dollie Scott Mosley * Martha Jones Welch * Class of 1965 Amount: $7,235 Participation Rate: 21% Class of 1968 Aurelia E. Brazeal Amount: $8,335 Janice Webb Chappelle * Participation Rate: 14% Velma Charles-Shannon * Barbara Bell-Robinson * Karen Cooper Daniel Johnetta Cross Brazzell * Ruth A. Davis * Laura J. Burton Odem * Edith A. Hammond * Stephanie Georgelyn Bush * Yvonne Kyles Hammonds * A. Theoria Wright Clark * Emma Allen Jackson * Anita Woods Cook Karen Kerry Lehman * Rachel Strickland Cook Gwendolyn Ledbetter Lipscomb * Sarah Merritt Finley * Clara Prioleau McLeod * Ernestine Steward Gray * Marian V. Rucker-Shamu * Maxine Hayes * Mary Dupree Sherman * Freddye L. Hill * Jacqueline Hunter Townsend * Ernestine Dearing Hogan * Christine Williams * Sandra Lee Holliday * Grace Kelly Williams * Delories Epps Horton Anna Jefferson Woodard * Jolie Gaillard Johnson Katie Mae Davis Zellars * Andrea W. Lawrence * Dorothy Ann Morton Brown * Patricia D. Reeves-Moore * Class of 1966 Mae Smith Sheftall * Amount: $36,255 Pamela Jones Shoffner Participation Rate: 53% Jane E Smith * Anne Harvey Allison * E. Paulette Smith-Epps * Birdie Harris Anderson * Marjory E. Weems (dec.) Phoebe Lydia Bailey * C. Eileen Watts Welch * Anita Housier Burnette* Jean Shipp Williams * Helen Carithers * Laverna King Williams * Juanita Robinson Carter * Olga Cook Charles * Deborah Peek Crockett * Class of 1969 Beverly Carroll Daniel * Amount: $10,520 Melba D. Davis * Participation Rate: 28% Paula P. Epps * Carolyn Allen-Mingo Jewell Richardson Felder * Rosie Lee Austin *

Jannie Townsley Barnes Everetta Yvonne Beauford-Oliver * Armenda L. Bonds * Carolyn Jones Cartwright * Gloria Cunningham-Sneed * Carolyn L. Davenport * Barbara Dancy Edwards * Patricia Ann Freeman Zenobia S. Gardner * Mamie Louise Garnett * Delores Hudson Garrett Bonnie Bohannon Gissendanner * Johnnie Woolfolk Griffith * Aundrella Bunyan Hamed * Bettieanne Childers Hart * Jane Brown Jelks-Jones * Norma Finch Jenkins Betty June Johnson * Sonja King Rita Thorpe Lamb * M. Akua McDaniel * Cecelia Thompson Mitchell Efia Nwangaza G. Joyce Ricks-Drayton A. Michelle Smith * Myrtle Y. Smith Carolyn Smith-Stallworth * Carnella A. Stewart * Mary Susan Wheeler * Merchuria Chase Williams * Avonia Lemons Wood * Lydia Alzoria Wynn *

Edith A. Gibbs * T. Clintina Hankerson * Charlyn Harper-Browne * Bernadette Weston Hartfield * Gloria Price Holmes * Stanlie M. James * Doris E. Johnson * Wanda Smalls Lloyd * Roseland Yancey McLarin * Sharon E. Milligan * Sharon Strong Morgan * Richie Brown Morris * Millicent Drake Norman * Sandra F. Penn * Sadye W. Potter * Johnnie Pugh Riggins * Mary Lundy Robinson * Desiree C. Sias * Phyllis Jackson Smith * Sandra F. Smith Gail Charleston Stewart * Cathy Tate * Vanessa Hamilton Thomas * Wanda Walker Truesdale * Rosalyn Johnson Truitt * M. Anita Finch Warren * Gwendolyn Jones West * Yolande Owens Whitney * Isa Patterson Williams * Wylene Branton Wood *

Class of 1972

Amount: $5,560 Participation Rate: 15% Amount: $120,853 Jacquelyn Shipp Belt * Participation Rate: 20% Dorothy M. Bethel * Dorothy Jean Bell * Sibyl Sims Carley * Joann Winfrey Bowden * Ethel Lynne Connor * Glorious Leatherwood Broughton* Tamara M. Deplanter * Patricia Wilson Campbell * Diane Prather Ferguson * Deborah A Carter Janet Lane Martin * Rosalyn Clark Gray * Glenda L. McCray Murdell Walker McFarlin * Patricia Anne Harvey * Yvonne R. Jackson * Gayle Miles-Scott Joyce E. Jelks * Sharon Bartow Mitchell Donice Thomas Jeter * Shelia Morrow Moore * Jacqueline Jones Royster * Reva Dale Myers * Melody Quinn Kenner * Brenda Cosby Queen Rosa King Kilpatrick * Josephine Reed-Taylor * Ollie Irons Manley * Rubinell Patterson Saxon Ave’ Lindsay Marshall * Denise L. Stewart Cheryl V. May-Holmes * Cheryl Phillips Taylor * Carolyn McClain * Karen Roberts Thompson * Gaile Johnson Mynatt Judith Buckhanon Tucker * Marilyn Jeanne Olmstead * Evelyn Shelby Vaughn Marie Gaston Palmer * Melva Lawson Ware * Bentley L. Patterson * Sandra Sims Patterson * Class of 1973 Gayle Brooks Quick * Amount: $39,995 Bernice Johnson Reagon * Participation Rate: 15% Brenda Kate Richardson * Juanita Law Barnes Angela Alexander Stamper * A. Toy Caldwell-Colbert * Joyce E. Thornton * Cordelia L. Coleman * Jackie Belton Traeye * Ardra Lavern Davis * Teresa Diane Wilbon * Patricia Ann Davis * Barbara Richardson Willis Melanye White Dixon * Pamela Boykin Willis Nadine Laverne Dobbins * Cynthia Arrington Wright * Karen Denise Edwards * Gwendolyn Harris Everett * Class of 1971 Mary Glenn Forbes * Amount: $26,476 Harriet Pritchett Grigsby * Participation Rate: 31% Pamela Gunter-Smith * Brenda Green Arnette * Harriett Miller Halmon * Natalie Kennedy Beard * Veronica Wells Haven * Joyce Bennett * Michele Clark Holmes Patricia Reeder Bradford * Shirley Ann Miller Jackson Deborah Hudson Broadwater * Patricia Graham Johnson Helen White Brock * Rosa Beard Lind Viola E. Brown * Veloisa Tate Marsh * Constance E. Buckins-McGuire * Karen Billings Maultsby * Brenda F. Burruss * Marilyn Singleton McCain Jacqueline Stewart Campbell * Delores LaRheine McCollum * Gwendolyn M. Carter * Regina K.M. Muhammad Eugenia Davis Clements * Audrey C. Richards * Carmen McClure Clemons * Emmie Denise Roberts * Joan D. Cox * Alma Wyden Simmons * Deborah Hunt Woods * Beverly Jordan Davis * Barbara A DeBose * Linda Dicks Dumas * Class of 1974 Reka Richardson Eaton * Amount: $17,356 Gloria Smith Elder * Participation Rate: 24% Pamela Garrett Elliott * Beverly Colwell Adams *

Class of 1970

*Indicates 1881 Society Membership

Gail Patrice Baity * Wyndolyn Crutchfield Bell * Trojanell Bordenave -Wilson * Arletta Theresa Brinson * Denice E. Brue-Clopton Marcia Asbury Buresch Unetia Ross Byrd * Karen Kyle Crockett Patricia Williams Davis * Jennifer Bryant Dossman * Karita Stroud Evans Denise Trimier Glanton * Mattie Pearl Hall * Jocelyn Harris Rheatha Yancey Hix (dec.) Linda Sills Hodges-Lawrence * V. Lynne Howard-Brown * Merna Kent Beverly Branton Lamberson Gloria Bridges Locke * Donna L. Martin * LaVerne Laney McLaughlin Mable L. Millner * Tamara Ordee Oglesby Ernestine Walker Owens * Rosalia G. Parker * Audra Patricia Pender Lisa Stamper Ponton * Paula Caruthers Renfro * Deborah A. Robinson Sylvia Glenn Simmons * Cassandra Wiggins Smith * Glenda Brooks Smith Gail Stallworth Georgia M. Thomas Lanell E. Wade * Wynelle Washington Scott * Janice Killan Sasser Watson Tandelyn Atkinson Weaver * Denise Y. White-Jennings * Georgette A. Wiley

Class of 1975 Amount: $15,074 Participation Rate: 25% Maxine Elaine Anderson Paula Pittman Barksdale Brunetta Lucas Bolton * Sheilah Patrice Webb Clay * Marian Louise Cobb * Thomasine L. Coleman * Kathy Hood Culmer * Bernadette Yvonne Dickinson * Sandra Farragut-Hemphill * Valerie Rice Ferguson * Deborah A. Finley * Sharon Greer * Annette Norwood Hill * A. Charisse Jackson * Georgette Woodward Johnson * Jeanne Primus Johnson * Rhonda Lynn Jones-Jointer * Theresa Brockenberry Lee * Veronicia Patricia Lee * Vada P. Love Adine Andrea Mable-Lee * Jacqueline R. Maher * Sandra Davis Mapp * Josephine Smalls Miller * Deborah Prothrow-Stith * Juanita Yvonne Reaves Pamela Yancey Reed * Evelyn Lorraine Reuben Lenita Davis Rosser-Iverson * Terry Cornwell Rumsey * Shirley Peters Searcy Brenda Claire Siler * Lisa Marie Sims-Stewart * Beverly Ingrid Sinclair * Phyllis Mims Spruill * Alester E. Teagle * Gloria Chenault Turner Eva Washington Tyler * Peggy Ann Wagner * Monique Jackson Washington * Pamela Hampton Wells Bridgett Rahim Williams Patricia C. Williams * C. T. Woods-Powell * Margaret Wright * Patricia Spigner Wynn

Class of 1976 Amount: $49,202 Participation Rate: 44% Jill Haywood Allen Ramona Bardwell Bigham * Catherine Bland * Josephine Bryant-Jones * Susan Mackey Byrd Deborah M. Chocolate Cynthia Wyatt Cody * Cameia Culmer Collier * W. Gale Crews * Sharon Y. Cribbs * Cynthia J. Curinton-Lewis * Marla Davidson Currie * Katherine E. Dowdell Disher * Denise Alesia Duvernay * Teresa D. Edwards * Ruth Starling Ellis * Brenda Catchings Evans * Carolyn E. Evans * Toya Evans * Margaree Cheek Fant * Sharon Watson Fluker Rita Denise Ford * Pamela Johnson Garvey * Mary Elizabeth Grimes * Sarah Hansford Denise Sheila Hartsfield * Jann Washington Honore’ * Carol Lewis Jefferson * Sheila Ann Johnson * Sondra Rhoades Johnson * Marilyn M. Joseph * Jacquelyn E. Lee * Margaret Carol Lee * Joan Redmond Leonard * Leah Bass Little Brenda Marie Macklin * Cassandra Martin * Wanda Bland Meyers * Andrea V. Mills Greta Lakay Mitchell * Zinora M. Mitchell-Rankin * Debra Gardner Morris Rosemarie Morse * Cheryl George Noble * Sharon Elaine Owens * Kathy Neal Phillips * Alfreda J. Phoenix-Belton * Judy Renee Ponder * Sondra Maria Rates * Blanche Mickle Smith * Patricia Cousins Smith * Soneni Bryant Smith * Brenda Jones Stanford * Deborah Thomas * Marilyn McClendon Thornton * Cynthia Ann Tucker-Curtis * Nancy A. Tyler * Candace Venning Ushery * Gwynn Martin Washington * Vicki Daniels Weatherspoon * Jacqueline Hill Whatley * Belinda Johnson White * Lise Chandler White Carmen Gail Williams Sandra T. Willis * Beverly Donita Willis-Flowers * Linda Womack * Marilyn Miller Woodruff *

Class of 1977 Amount: $8,952 Participation Rate: 20% Brenda L. Banks * Geneva Hampton Baxter * Janice L. Boger * Mary C. Burney Bolling * Connie Boswell-Robinson Elizabeth J. Brooks * Adrienne Claire Brown * Cheryl Bronner Buffalo * Shirley Henderson Coleman * Michelle Bryant Collier Mary Lynne Diggs * Sanquinetta M. Dover * Jo Roberson Edwards * Rochelle Flemister * Holly Johnson Friar * Diane K. Gordon * Iris Rene Gordon

Johanna Holmes Greer Mary Joyce Henley * Geraldine Voutta Howell * Patricia Huff-Wycliff Cynthia Guthrie Johnson * Susan Grace Johnson * Michele Yvette Jones * Theresa L. Knight * Vermell Leslie * Beryl Thomas Mitchell * Lynn Pride Richardson Rose Sprott Swain * Valencia Wilson Thomas * Deirdra Y. Yarbrough *

Honore Lassiter Sandra Y. Lewis * Karen Willie Malveaux * Laverne Matthews * Carolyn Yvonne Meadows Catherine St. George Perry * Debbie Porter-Greene Rometta E. Powell * Launice P. Sills * Daphne L. Smith * Taronda Elise Spencer * Alice E. Wilson * Wanda Reid Wilson *

Class of 1981 Class of 1978 Amount: $11,605 Participation Rate: 15% Cherrie B. Boyer * Debra Rucker Bunkley * Yvonne E. Cary * Anita Edwina Coats Roslyn Moore Crisp * Deborah Lynn Dallam * Evelyn McBride Govan * Daphne Safiya Harrison-Young Lynne M. Hicks Norma Carol Keel * Robin Burton Leverette * Kimberly Shepard Lewis * Maureen Angela Lewis * Jametta Boyce Lilly Deborah Robinson McCloud Jackie C. McLean * Joann McLean * Ericka J. Orina * Pamela Bell Payton * Monice Hodges Sanders * Gwendolyn Shumate-Williams * Rosemary Smith * Cynthia Neal Spence * Paula Spence-Evans * Denise J. Stackhouse * Mildred Walton Thorpe Althea Sample Truesdale * Cassandra Clayton White *

Class of 1979 Amount: $89,160 Participation Rate: 12% Cheryl Jefferson Bell * Keva Wright Berry * Phyllis Diane Gilreath Bland * Janice Sistrunk Carlton * Vanessa E. Cullins * Verbena Brown Cummings * Jerri L. DeVard * Vanessa Smith Hawkins * Malrey Faye Head * Sibyl Avery Jackson * Patricia H. Jasper * Charis L. Johnson * Fay Brown Johnson * Valerie Y. Jones * Darnita R. Killian * Sharon E. Kirkland-Gordon * Sharon K. McGahee * Helen Smith Price * Phyllis Ward Rich * Marcia Riley Angela Anita Simpson * Shajuanda Denise Strickland Nola S. Taylor * Cheryl L. Tyler * Cheryl R. Williams

Class of 1980 Amount: $11,721 Participation Rate: 9% Christie L. Adams * Susan Robertson Alston * Angelia S. Blackwell * Jocelyn Wolffe Bonner * Sherry L. Brooks Bowins * Monica Labiche Brown * Donna Y. Dunlap * Andrea Cooper Gatewood * Patricia Je Taun Rivers Gilbert * Christi Len Harris (dec.) Avadawn T. Hayes-Hargett * Melanee Rose Haywood * Michelle A. King *

Amount: $88,786 Participation Rate: 35% Sheila Scott Adebisi * Sheila A. Alexander-Reid * Phyllis Sawyer Anderson * Tollese Harris Bankett * Reba Hill Barkley * Kathy Batiste-Kirven * Alicia Antoinette Benjamin-Stennett * Collette Valerie Boardley Sharlene Celeste Brown * JoiSanne Brown Richmond * Trevonia C. Brown-Gaither * Denise C. Burton * Lynda Bruce Butler * Ruth F. Cauthen * Renee Walton Cawley * Karla Hurley Cherry * Myla Calhoun Choy * Torri Brown Clark * Theresa Preston Clincy * Arlene Y Coleman * Stephanie B. Cooper * Carolita Jones Cope * Angela Birch Cox * Babette Davis Davie * Kimberly Browne Davis * Leslie Douglas-Churchwell * Arnetta Hill Eady * AnnaMaria O. Ellis * Andrea B. Ferguson * Helen Marie Forbes Fields * Wilma A. Foreman * Kimberly Henderson Gossett * Pamela P. Grace * Kathy Lynne Grant * Tanya Morgan Griggs * Alisa Swafford Henderson * Ramona Marsalis Hill * Cynthia E. Jackson * Mimi Smith Johnson * Carole Johnson Jones * Ellene Marie Jones * Omelika Kuumba * Helen M. Latimer * Maxine D. Lawson-Conway * Teresa I. Lee-Momon * Rhoda L. Littles * Bonnie Suzette Lockhart * Viola Marion-Mattox * Shirley A. Marshall-Dobbins * Roselena Martin-Lyons * Rita Gail Matthews * Alice F. McCray * Terri McFadden-Garden * Moncita Yolanda Miller * Beverly J. Moss * Angela Denise Nickerson * Sheron C. Patterson * Lisa R. Pearsall-Otey * Jann P. Primus (dec.) Valita Sellers Quattlebaum * Suzette I. Randolph * Leslie Hill Raymond * Rhonda Strawter Respress * Ellen L. Robinson * Kiron Kanina Skinner * Toni Skipper-Isichei Sheryl Sutton Smith * Rahmelle C. Thompson * Stacy Head Turner * Tanya Walton-Pratt * Angela Cumberlander Watkins * Juliette Denise White * Carol Colbert Williams * Deirdre Sams Williams * Cynthia Williams-Clinton *



Vera M. Woods * Jaycee Ekita Wright *

Tracy Phillips Whiteman * Dulcina (Doe) DeLaRosa Winfrey Rochelle Patrice Young *

Class of 1982 Amount: $4,545 Participation Rate: 10% Janet A Bennett * A. Kathy Bradshaw * Detra Miles Burrell Cheryl A. Dixon Michelle J. Gibson Dianne Michelle Givens Yvette Chancellor Green * Cathy Hope LaVita Denise Johnson * Melanie Bradford Johnson * Valarie Williams Kirkland Cynthia Diane Marshall * Michelle L. Matthews * Angelique McFarland * Rhonda J. Mills * Cheryl Moore-Harris * Cassandra T. Morgan * Carolyn M. Simmons * Veronique L. Thompson *

Class of 1983 Amount: $12,453 Participation Rate: 13% Mildred Alexander Gena Hudgins Ashe * Colette Gigi Botts Aleta M. Bradford Maria Earl Burrell Robin L. Caldwell * Sheila Sheftall Cannon * Colette Charles-Davenport * Shawnee M. Daniels-Sykes Tara A. Davis-Grier Hazel D. Dean * Vickie Cox Edmondson Michelle Byrd Fielder * Altry Y. James Belinda M. Johnson * Rose L. Johnson Kim Canavan Jones Cynthia Harris Kelly * Cathy J. Lassiter Denise E. McGill * Amelia Page * Angela Moore Rivers * Lovette Twyman Russell * Valerie Jean Tartt * Elaine A. Terry * Michelle Felicia Thomas * DeAna Jo Vivian Michelle Bundridge Willingham * Alfredia Shelton Wingate * Sarah Adams Yeary *

Class of 1984 Amount: $11,111 Participation Rate: 14% Diane Marie Bell * Edna Genell Bolton Rosalind Gates Brewer * Autumn Brooks Brown Nazer Mathews Buck * Jacqueline Calhoun-Marshall * Karyn Cole * Gwendolyn T. Dyson (dec.) Valjeanne Estes * Myrna F. Foster * Deidra Lynne Fryer * Celeste I. Gore * Karen Burroughs Hannsberry Deirdre Haywood-Rouse * Kim Sheftall Humphries * Christel N. Jackson * Kimberly Cater Jones * Sharon Yvette Jones * Nancy E. Kofie Jennifer Doggett LaPoint * Theodora Rochelle Lee * Michelle Diane Mason * Jacqueline Johnson Milligan Lora Mitchell-Wills * Lisa A. Morris * Angela Patrice Shannon-Reid * Angela Bryant Starke * Allison Maria Sutton Bernadette Tucker * Stephanie Lorraine White *

Class of 1985 Amount: $14,250 Participation Rate: 9% Sonia Denise Bell * Patricia Willis Bradford * Nina Cobb Bronner * Kim Elise Bronson * Sandra Eyetta Chambers * Tamyra Suzanne Childs * Pamela Yvette Cook-Montague * Karen E. Crawford * Laurie Elam-Evans * Marvealavette D. Jackson Francis * Nina Echols Greenwood * Florence Theresa Greer * Jama R. Haynes * Montina Golphin Jackson * Alice Eason Jenkins * Lisa Renee Maxwell * Brenna DeLaine McQuilla * Crystal Mitchell Sydney Ann Perkins-Payne * Daphne Sykes Scott Deidra Stubbs Shree Sullivan * Andrea Ellen Williams-Kingslow * Yolanda Williamson Wilson *

Class of 1986 Amount: $54,204 Participation Rate: 28% Eloise A. Alexis * Victoria A. Andrade * Michele Marie Bondurant DeVita Olar Bruce * Lauryn Marie Bryght * Nicolette Burgess * Debbie Marable Carter * Renee Tana Cavor * Lisa DeNell Cook * Karen Webb Crowell * Dana Tippin Cutler * Tracie Lynn Dewberry Lisa Annette Dixon * Paula L.G.S. Fielder-Jowers * Beyunker L. Gilbert Pamela Denise Green-Oliver * Jo-Anna Maria Griffith Deirdre Terese Guion * Terri Lynn Hackett * Linda Gail Harper Sabrina Gladys Harris * Monica Genelle Harvey-Jones * Ofia B. Hodoh * Christel Alea Hooper Curtis * Angela R. Hubbard * Patricia Anne Jackson Kimberly Renee Jackson-Davidson Leslie Lewis Johnson * Laverne Hawkins Jones * Shirley Ann Jones * Phyllis D. Paul Jordan * Cherie R. Knight-Batey Lisa Marie Lawson * Gina Alexandria Lewis * Angela Brown Mathis * Valerie Elaine McClure Monette Coleman McIver * Erica Yvette Meyer-Henry Debra Moch-Mooney * Kathaleena Edward Monds * A. Janine Morris * P. Angeli Norris Dana White Pace Bari Alexis Parks-Ballard * Georlette Richardson Peavy Rhoda Arleen Pickett * Myra Pitts Sylvia Rose Pope Sheila Purnell-Jones * Patrice McWherter Pye * Jacquelyne Daniels Sears Trenee Lorraine Sims Iris A. Singleton Donna Michelle Stafford * June Stewart * Alysa Marie Story Dawn Williams Thompson * Diana Toomer


Andrea Abrams Turner * Michelle Varner-Smith * Martaire Leggett Walker Monique Walker Sewell * Karen Walker Washington * Angela Farris Watkins * Valjean M. Whitlow * Donna Maria Wilkerson * Kristen Suzanne Williams * Cheryl D. Cooper Willis * Michelle Curney Willis * Alison Kean Wright * Sharon Michelle Yearwood *

Class of 1987 Amount: $14,110 Participation Rate: 11% Traci Toi Williams Bolling * Janie Dukes Brinkley * Edwina Neal Britt * Debra Clawson-Jackson * Robbie Fanae Cole Melanie Beatrice Cook * Tanya Yobesen Dean * Vickie L. Douglas * Deidre Williams Evans * Glenise Cheryl Gleaton * Tracie Gregory Goffe * Schuyla M. Goodson-Bell * Dorotha Alisa Harrell * Vaunda Maria Jennings Renee M. Knight * Deneen Marie Law * Muriel T. Lawrence * Tammy Lynn Mann * Margaret Dismond Martin Julia Maryellen McCall-Mboya Cassandra Anita McCloud Andrea Renee Mitchell * Cynthia E. Morris * Yolanda G. Peterson * Adrienne Purnell-Love Kimberly Reed Robbins Tracy Matthews Roberson * Kimberly Dawn Russaw Tomya McQueen Ryans * Lynn Lockett Shareef * Roslyn Sonia Thomas Donna Marie Thompson-Bennett *

Class of 1988 Amount: $6,064 Participation Rate: 8% Natalie E. Frazier Allen * Iva Michelle Baldwin * Adelaide Barringer * Pamela Bigelow Pamela Yvonne Cooper * Valerie Vershone Davis-Howard * Cynthia Cousin Durant Maliaka Leah Essameldin * Judith A. Green * Iretta B.C. Kearse * Melynee Carole Leftridge * Valerie D. Brown Loo Carol Yvette McGee * Alison Michelle Moses * Sheila Holman Mullins * Cherise K. Newell Margo V. Perkins * Babette Reid Tonja Campbell Smith * Andrea Freeman Taylor * Stephanie Arrington Thomas * Abigale M. Bruce Watson * Tracey Thurmond Watts * Elisa Joy White * Juliette Lisa Wilkerson * Treva Williams Wright

Class of 1989 Amount: $16,540 Participation Rate: 12% Traci Harper Addison Nefatiti Anderson * Jacqueline R. Bazee * Nikki Daniele Bellamy Leslie B.W. Brooks * Bonnie S. Carter * Giselle D. Carter-Neely * Andrea Robin Chambers Tomika Michelle DePriest * Cherie Rebecca Dotson

Chae Maureen Downing Cheryl Foney Sherri Elizabeth Franks Lisa Michelle Gardner * Jacqueline Jones Glen Lisa M. Gregory-Espinosa * Latanya P. Hammonds-Odie * Cathy Hampton * Felecia Hannett-Syphoe * Kyra Stinson Harvey * Heather Lynn Hawes * Joyce Rochelle Kelly Debbie Levi Dawn Katrina Lewis * Cheryl Monique Mann Angela Dionn Middleton * Judith B. Phillips Bridget Ray-Canada * Michika R. Reynolds-Quillin * Lisa Monique Rogers-Cherry * Belinda Monique Samuda * Stephanie Shariana Scott * Adrienne A. Slaughter Luana K. Slaughter Dana S. Smith Lisa Price Stevens * Melody Lavette Tiddle Deborah Denise Tinsley * Tracey Clark Washington * J. Rita White * Simone Baxter Whitmore * Chalanda Latasha Williams-Tucker *

Class of 1990

Cherry A. Collier * Kimberly M. Collier * Leslie Deneice Collins * Denise Danielle Daniels Tracy C. Downey * Danyale Price Dumas * Keceya Durham * Kecia D. Echols-Harris * Brooke Jackson Edmond * Elizabeth Nicole Espy * Stephanie Evans * Nicole Darnette Evans Ross * Kimberly Celosia Felder Dionne Yvette Ferguson Tracy Carter Galloway * Pilar A. Gaudin * Yolanda L.A. Gillen * Bernice Arita Green * Dawn Lynn Harris * Theresako Jones Harris * Kimberly Ann Hayes * Angela C. Hill * Kimberly Hines-Bullock * Tonya Michelle Holmes * Rychelle Liesl Hooper * Natosha Renee Huggins-Cupid * Andrea Lynette Ivory * Stephanie Lachelle Jackson-Pace * Paula Louvette Landry * Stephanie M. Lawson-Muhammad * Dawn Michele Lee * Pamela Denise Lewis * Natasch Michele Lindsey * Kirsten Charles Lollis * Dana Marie Major * Valerie Leah Mckinney * Tacita A. Mikel Scott * Adrienne Goolsby Minley * Carla E. Molette-Ogden * Laura Pearl Morrison * Gina M. Morton Mary Jackson Mosley * Angela Joyce Nottingham * Danielle Dreame Oakry-Simmons * April S. Perry * Stacy Denise Quarles * Tampa Letitia Rhodes * Robbin Christina Robinson * Monica Lynn Rodgers * Michelle Lisa Rogers Felicia L. Sadler * Desiree Sapp-Barnwell * Gretchen Patrice Satcher * Michelle Lynn Saunders-Staes * Nicole A. Singletary * Zipporah Alisia Slaughter * Tara J. Spicer * Latricia Lyn Stephens * Monica Yvette Stephens * Yolanda D.L. Stone * Sydne L. Tarry * Donna L. Terry-Newsome * Dennise Mickelle Turner * Nicole Yvonne Venable * Tess Marie Vismale * Stacey Walker * Rhonda Rena Waller * Michelle Lee Warner-Waller * Kimberly Rosa Warren * Che’ D. Watkins * Wendi Lynn West * Cheryl Bush Wigfall * Keisha Williams * Pamela Berry Williams Shandra Denise Williams * Julie Renee Yarbrough *

Amount: $21,549 Participation Rate: 13% G. Erica Allen * Deborah Ann Boone * Cynthia Harris Brantley Kimberly Carol Brown Mary Kathryn Brown * Robin Camille Brown * Stacey Michelle Brown Paulette Vance Burton * Lisa Whitfield Bynam * Gretchen R. Cook-Anderson * Alicia Tamarh de Forest * Lanita Monae Dawson-Jones * Sonja Zaneta Gerald Alison Graves-Calhoun * Elna Moore Hall * Yvette DeRamus Hicks Tracey Denise Hughes * Gillian B. Lakhan * Adrienne Colette Lance Lucas * Sharon Hawkins McDougal * Joni Michelle McGhee * Shelli Alexander Merritt * Robbin Marie Mister * Kandance Weems Norris * Montiel Weeks Nottage Crystal Doranne Owen * Suzanne Henry Parker * Renee Foggo Paynter * Carlane Jarice Pittman * Nichelle Anissa Poe * Crystal Lynette Powell * Lori Sasai Robinson * Jiea M. Rutland-Simpson Colleen Janessa Taylor * Stephanie Turner Leslie Gayle Tidwell * Traci Lynnette Trammell (dec.) Eunice Elizabeth Vines * Bridgette Garrett Watts * Dineen Joelle White * Karyn Elaine White * Class of 1992 Angela George Wood * Carmen Maudette Woods-Hollowell * Amount: $9,360 Participation Rate: 9% Simonia Ridley Blassingame * Class of 1991 Tracey Charisse Bostwick * Amount: $44,675 Kanini Wanjira Brooks * Participation Rate: 22% Andrea M. Brown * Monique Renee Alston * Edith Beverley Cash * Nicole Dore Avery * Tarvia Davis Chiddick * Terraine L. Bailey * Meiuttenun Chong Marie Clay Angie Barrington-Jeter * Rosalyn Comer Deandrea Beasley Berry * Winifred Dye * Donna Elizabeth Biggs * Angelou Ezeilo * Kelly Veney Brinkley * Angela Lynn Fields * Kimberley Denise Byner * Krishna Lynne Foster-Connor * Valerie Garth Camper Mary Eileen Gomez * Kweli K. Carson *

Shawnya Ayers Gore * Allecia Alexander Harley * Francesca Jetawn Herron Marlisa R. Johnson * Carol Leticelia Jones Karen Denise King * Talibah Mbonisi Crystal Renee McCollum * Vanessa Kaye Mims * Laura B. Morse Terri Lynn Newby Patricia K. Rucker-McCray * Kimberlee LaVerne Scott Christine Leveaux Sharp * Cristal L. Squaire * Tonja Harding Ward * Deshaunda L. Warner * Lisa M. Wiggs

Class of 1993 Amount: $20,695 Participation Rate: 12% Aliyah Kai Abdal-Aziz Crystal S. Abrams * Stephanie A. Anderson * Niambi Adero Bah Esq. Alison Barnes Baker * Cynthia Blasingame Baker * Sherita Patrice Beard-Lee * Jennifer Denise Benn * Carolyn Green Boone Ngina S. Bowen * Kali Nneka Bracey * Erika Tanika Brown Geronda Vertasha Carter * Dione Jaimee Cash * Kimberly Cambria Chambliss * Taji Gerzel Coleman Rita Arnette Collins Shondria Nicole Covington * Laura Elizabeth Cutrer Measha L. P. Dancy * Tammie K. Daniel Natasha Verlon Denis * Melanie Michelle Echols * Monica Lynn Feltson * Timalyn Eugenia Franklin * Ilene Telese Fraser * Erika J. Gardner * Angela Yvonne Glover * Bridget Yolanda Gray * Valerie Renee Green * Ericka Lee Gunn-Hill * Kimberly King Hartwell * Tawanna Bragg Hopson * Sarah James Irby Joanna Jackson * Tiffini E. Jones Roxan Althea Kerr * April Savoy Latimore * LaTonya Bailey McClam * Ladrica Menson-Furr * Trina Lee Middleton * Pamela Marie Moses Kimani Norrington-Sands Kimberly Yvonne Patrick Machamma Jovonne Quinichett * Rae Ellen Reynolds * Linda Thomas Sanders * Crystal L. Sidberry-Turner Heather Louise Smith * Jennifer Saporia Smith-King * Anika Spratley * Contente Leasure Terry * Tiffany Grace Townsend * Beverli Beth Varner Wynn-Euell * Cynthia Lee Wallace * Imoni Malaika Washington Nicole Alexis Williams * Nikita Lavon Williamson * Pamela Yvette Willis * Angela Dash Winfrey *

Class of 1994 Amount: $12,930 Participation Rate: 14% Blythe Lelia Allen-Dickerson Karen Lynette Anderson-Scott Latasha Latrice Blissett Tuere Ayanna Bowles * Dineo A. Brinson * Cynthia Wyatt Brown * Shavondelia Alene Brown *

Sonya M. Buchanan * Dejay Byrd Keisha Smith Cook * Christie Maureen Cooley * Kanya Intim Cornish * Christine Ruth Crawford * Kamili Willliams Dawson * Malaika Alyse Dowdell * Wendy Alison Feldman Milele Bourne Francis * Marla Frederick-McGlathery * Amy Beatrice Grant Cherell Moneak Harris * Nikki Elizabeth Harris * Ayanna Damali Hawkins * Lisa Nicole Herring Tara Ayodelle Heyliger * Atiya Nataki Hoye * Cecily Denise Jackson Shawnda G. Johnson Sherri Lee Keene Bernadette Ford Lattimore Aqualyn Yhanee Laury * Delani Lenore Mann-Johnson * Charlita Mays * Mona Greene McCoy Alison Jordan McGriff * Sophia Lonette McIntyre * Asali Yvette Odom * Natalie S. Palmer * Nicole Lynn Peoples * Alicia Lynnette Redrick * Charlnette Anastasia Richard Julia Ann Saunders * Raveen Seaton * Demetria Michele Smith * Lisa Dawn Snyder Emily Lavern Streeter * Kristina Lynn Sylvester Jennetta Rose Thomas * Crystal Andrea Travers Lori Raquel Walker * Monifa Isaac Watson * Piper K. Williams * Erica Nicole Wright Stephanie Renee Wright Rebecca Paschal Young * Motisola E. Zulu

Class of 1995 Amount: $9,360 Participation Rate: 13% Amy Elise Adkins Naa Abadae Anim-Appiah Sharon Denise Armstrong * Detria Lynnette Austin * Eudora Dawn Baltram * Kyendria K. Banks * Angela Chatman Bickham * Nichole Harris Blackwell Deance Deria Boseman * Denise Natasha Brewley * Tamika Spirling Brooks * Yocunda D. Clayton * Riche Jeneen Daniel-Barnes * Stefanie Kyle Dunning * Aaliyah El-Amin * Nicole Martin Franks * Shanna Nicole Gary Nyasha Amina Grayman * Anjanette M. Hogan * Natalie L. Jenkins Chanel Evon Johnson Gail C. Johnson * Alia Michele Jones * Dominique Rekaye Jones * Shea Denese Jones Malaika Kamunanwire * Milandria King Tawnya Plummer Laughinghouse Erica Dawn Leonard * Sharifah Nadira Linton Shana Israel Love Jenetia Michelle Marshall * Lorraine Virginia Maynard * Candace R. McLaren * Nicole S. Monson Shona Davidson Morgan * Crystal Gafford Muhammad * Mendi D. Obadike Na’Taki Y. Osborne * Amna Marylyn Plummer-Mays *

*Indicates 1881 Society Membership

Tiffany J. Reese * Tanika Nicole Scales * Leslie Shaw-McGee Angelique Kashawn Smith Joy Stephens * Nicole Jacquelyn Thomas-Jackson Danielle Trimiew Sandra Elaine Waite * Jenene R. Washington * Kanika Aisha Williams * Tamara L. Williams Ursula Loretta Wright * Reena B. Wyatt *

Class of 1996 Amount: $27,642 Participation Rate: 30% Melissa A. Alexander * Tristan Martiann Alexander Kisha Tawana Bailey Kelly J. Batiste Sharita R. Beamon * Cindy J. Bembry Heather Elaine Blume * Monet Bowling Kristina Nicolle Bridgeman * Lisa Alaine Brinson * Jennifer J. Burns * Reeshemah Kamille Burrell Sonya Makeba Burroughs Christal Vermell Butler * Shalonda Cargill Campbell * Lorina Danielle Carney * Cassandra P. Carter * Blessed Ngozi Chuksorji * Joslyn Collins Anna Marie Cooks Tajahnee Vaughan Cross * Toiya Danielle Crump Crystal Anika Cuby Ina N. Daniels Alana Davis * Candra Michelle Davis Nicole Marie Davis Toshanique Lenell Davis Kelly Edwards DeShields * Charita Hope Demps * R. Malene Dixon * Kristin Dockery Libya Sia Doman * Winifred Dorce * Lizabeth Dunn * Dommonique L. Eberhart Melodie Billups Echols Kimberly Nicole Edwards * Michi Everett Alicia Ferriabough * Rakiya Bonner Flagg Keisha R. Flemister * Valerie L. Fluker * Renee Alice Fox Helen Gordon Gary * Tanisha Lenae Gary * Kamaria Sharifa George Angelisa Elisabeth Gillyard * Dawn Yvette Glover Leshon E. Graham * Christie Debracca Grays * Marcia Danyell Green * Juliet Michelle Hall * Marisa A. Hall * Myka J. Harris * Kiana Neishea Havior * Kimberly Kwanza Haynes * Kelly-Ann Iola Henry * Shari Hicks-Graham * Staci Lynn Hill Ladonna Cheri Hodges Jamila Lyle Houser * Wandra Cortella Hunley * Jamila Sheree Hunter * Melissa Danielle Hunter Christal Monay Jackson * Joslyn Augustine Jackson * Tracy L. Jimerson * Andrea Lewis Johnson * Camica Lynee Johnson Doris Wright Johnson * Kimya Pendleton Johnson * Naterica L. Johnson * Rochelle Kane-Jackson Melissa Annette Kean

Melba W. Kendrick * Salathiel Renee Kendrick-Allwood Djenaba Bradford Kennedy * Joye Katrese Lowman * Valerie Gail Mason * Adrienne R. Matthews Kristen Folsom McColley Jennifer Rose McZier * Katrina Alvarez Medley * Jennifer Anne Miller * Tameika Gail Miller * Stephanie Rosell Milton * Rhonda Gowans Mitchell * Johnita Walker Mizelle Michelle Yvette Curry Mora * Brooke G. Morgan Paquita Austin Morgan * Tara Jaye Morrow Dekimberlen Joneka Neely * Nia Barika Nesmith * Monishae Mosley Oneill * Tamara R. Pearson * Dekisha Michelle Pendergrass Wadiya K. Peterson * Dawnyale Micol Phifer * Yvonne Denise Phillips Kenya Thacker Pierre * Tiffany Jeanell Pointer * Diedre Nyree Presley * Sharanna N. Richardson Deidre S. Richburg Valencia L. Riley Takiyah Roberts * Holly C. Robinson Nakia D. Robinson * Sandra D. Rucker Afua Onyamekye Saafir Darva R. Satcher * Amaal Azizi-Djenaba Scroggins * LaTina M. Shelton LaTanya Georgette Simmons Robin K.I. Simpson Gloria Anita Sitton Anne Collins Smith * Kori D. Smith Schnavia Joy Smith Krisseda C. Solomon Willette Guy Stephens * Nikki A. Stewart Lonya Lashawn Taylor * Spring Ashiya Taylor * Tara Nimes Terrell Eurona Timi Tilley * Freida Michelle Toles * Tia Shawna Troutman * Erin Leah Walker Gia Annette Washington Julayaun Maria Waters Celeste Michele Watkins-Hayes * Teknaya Nekia Watson Andrea Ford Wilkerson * Cheryl L. Williams Esq. * Michelle Demetris Wright

Class of 1997 Amount: $6,440 Participation Rate: 11% Danielle Vivian Barnes * Shaylon Vanise Brownfield * Jill Lynn Bryant * Irene Gonzales Calizo Christina L. Clark * Penny Nikole Clemons Kinita L. Copeland * Beth M. Davis Bendu Dorley * Ayanna Elizabeth Marie Dunn * Anissa Dye Regina Louise Edmond * Adrienna Michelle Edwards * Carrie Lenise Ellis * Tikenya Sheree Foster-Singletary Mareesa Arnita Frederick * Latonya R. Gist Cara Therese Grayer * Jocelyn Frederica Hicks * Miriam Jackson * Treasure Latifa McClain * Michelle Marie McLin * Kia M. Mitchell * Amy Melisa Palmer Sidnee Nicole Paschal *

Kia C. Pratt Tamara Elizabeth Rasberry * Elsa Rodriguez Shana Miki Rooks * Naomi Marie Ruffin Julie Lynn Scales Andrea L. Shoemore Keyoka S. Smith * Nzinga Temple Tull * Lawren Ann Ward * Lesley Lynn Williams * Omah Makebbe Williams Andrea Denise Wright * Renee J. Wright Elita Nichelle Wyckoff *

Adria Welcher Monica T. White Dorothy Deanna Winston * Nioke Paula Wright

Class of 2000

Amount: $5,390 Participation Rate: 12% Natalie Pearl Bargeron * Miranda Baylor Baugh Amber Nate Brown Dana Michelle Brown * Janinah Kalee Burnett Petrenia Almeca Davis Leconte’ Jeanine Dill Tahisha C. Edwards Class of 1998 Phylicia Eugenia Fant * Amount: $4,933 Rozalynn Suzanne Frazier * Participation Rate: 9% Lia Elizabeth Hackerson * Nikiya Michelle Hall Asmaa Abdul-Haqq * Mercedes Alexis Harris LaTiefa A Alston * Nicole Primus Harris Maia Akilah Blankenship * Melissa Dianne Haydel * Mary L. Blatch * Jeanine Claudette Hays Alfreda Cooke Brown * Dorla Jaye Hodge Deidre Dowdie Charles Kimya Imani Jackson Ayana K. Corbin * LaShon Johns * Wendelin Colleen Donahue Takiyah Lanette Johnson LaRahnda M. Evans Jerika A. Johnstone * Erika Latrice Ford-Preval * Latasha Diane Jones Joy Lynette Garner Teresa Yvonne Lee * Kira L.M. Goodloe * Ja Nelle L. Leeks-Jenkins Jennifer Denise Hilliard Casey Rebecca McCants Alida Natasha Hines Afiya McLaughlin-White * Atiya Hobbs * Ayanna Kai McPhail Sharon Hopie Jean-Pierre Alisha Thomas Morgan Rachael Denise Johnson Kiesha Ebony Niles Candace A. Joyner * Shaka A. Phillips * Nasya Heather Laymon Margaret Monique McCloud-Manley * Kendra Williams Pierson * Amanda Hemmons Reid * Kari D. McGriff-Miller Kimberly Renee Ross Christy M. Mountain Rosalind LaPearl Ross Tremikae R. Owens * Lori Katherine Scott Tameka Nicole Proctor * Maya Nicole Scott-Dawson Adrienne D. Roberts * Salvia Yvonne Smith Stephanie Scott * Robyn Catherine Stokes Keisha Annette Smart * Latoya Shavon Wells * Nareissa Latoi Smith Tamika Ahlise Stebbins Brandi Lynee Williams * Vanessa Minette-Benson Tate Nicole Y. Williams * Jacqueline Nicole Wills * Taiese Natasha Thomas * Daphne Casandra Wilson Akeelah Townsend * Melanie T. Wilson * Sherri Lynette Walston Sylvia Sakura Watts * Latanisha Chantil Wright Jennifer Jolai Williams Courtney Erin Zollicoffer Kimberly Lenise Williams * Shana Romaine Word * Class of 2001 Amount: $5,767 Participation Rate: 16% Class of 1999 Amount: $3,295 Kimberly Nicole Avis Participation Rate: 9% Nao Ayabe Nabulungi A. Anderson * Nana Afua Nyarko Banful * Veronica Avery * Jameta Nicole Barlow * Lise-Pauline M. Barnett * L Erin Frances Barnes * Dara Amanda Ayana Bourne Kristen Danee Barr * Jada A. Bradley Brandi Candice Brandon * Nadiyah Raushanah Bradshaw * Rayna Nichelle Brown * Lasheka Monique Brown * Mahoganey J. Butler Margaret Appiah Brown Simone Nicole Cade Constancia Elena Carter Janelle Marie Carter * Dionne Verniece Cowan Trichita Marie Chestnut Christina Ilyse Cowens Alysia Ann Childs Rasheeda Niambi Creighton * Janelle R. Connor Kwasi Larrissiera Gause Lauren Michelle Craig Dana Michelle Gill Regan Michelle Dehart * Alicia Phylis Gray * Jamonica Lavelma Deramus * Ayofemi Rashida Tulani Grundy Lesley Rosalyn Elliott Lola Collier Herring * Anissa De Anne Floyd * Trasha Nicole Hickman Nneka Aisha Frye Adrienne C. Holland Traci Joy Gaskins Angineeki S. Jones * Kendra Joy Gillis Shannon L. Jones Omisore Dana Monique Gills Nicole Danielle Lawson * Dionne Cherise Griffiths Jennifer Lynn Love * Ladawn Austin Hackett * Joy Tennille Massey * Bahati Siwatu Harden Asha Z. McCauley Seleste Adia Harris Aisha K. Miller * Abayomi S. Hendje * Jennifer B. Phifer Courtney Marie Henry * Alyx Porter-Umphrey Barbara Nicole Horne * Erica Martin Richards Bianca Camille Howell Margo Y. Simpson Andrea Jania Jackson Jessica S. Statesman Andrea Renee Jackson Shameika A. Vailes * Julie Latrace Jackson

Ione Rucker Jamison * Yasmeen Grizzell Johnson Laina Nicole Jones Heather Joi Kenney * Courtney Nicole Kyles Teaniese Porche Latham * Jonelle Nonete Lofton Khiya Joi Marshall Alison Willis McAfee * Melissa Maria McDaniel * Krystal Lee Ann Meeks Crystal Lewis Nelson Angela Nicole Patterson Tamaria Kai Perry Angela Mechelle Phillips * Kanika F. Pulliam Aja Kellie Riddick Denise Helene Roberts Veronica Jamillah Smith Stevie Noi Stribling Quionna Larise Swinger * Nicole Dawn Taylor Mia Jihan Thompson Carmen Cecelia Turner Tiffani Latrell White Precious Latonia Williams Simone C. Williams Onenyka Evette Wiseman * Dayla Atiyah Wooten Kristin Delena Wyckoff *

Class of 2002 Amount: $3,165 Participation Rate: 12% Jacqueline Rebecca Blount Philathia Bolton Alesia Lana Bryant * Charisse Toomer Byers * Eshe Poem Collins Barbara Ann Connor Sakinah Symone Conway Shawnetta Faye Cotton April China Crenshaw Valerie Anne Dickerson Nicole Kiana Dixon Kerry-Ann Edwards * Tonya Renee Edwards Carmen Jackson Elston * Tonya Nicole Fewell Taneya Denyelle Gethers Jennifer Nicole Grimes Alexandra A. Hadley Calandra Yvette Harris Amber Chinelo Hendricks Dajuanicia Nicole Holmes * Risha Renee Irby Courtney Lashawn Jackson Kwajelyn Jade Jackson * Katherine Mackenzie Kimbro Alexis Bernadette Lester Natashia Rasha McGough Erica McKnight Michele Nicole Miller Kamaria Ife Moon * Dione T. Moultrie Tiffany Monique Norman * Dana Olivia Peart Joni A. Poitier Sasha Dinku Prince Elisha Lorelle Rapp * Chimere Love Reeves * Denise Adele Riley Jylana Liletta Sheats * Alyson Christina Shumpert Sharelle Christina Speller Tamika Nicole Stembridge Calissia Monique Thomas Brooke Allison Tucker * Angela Warren Akemie Edna Williams Candice Marie Young *

Class of 2003 Amount: $2,362 Participation Rate: 9% Kristen Michelle Agnew * Kimberly J. Andrews Deya Evyan Booker Damali E. Brown * Veronica Nicole Chapman * Lynnette Denise Espy Jessica Evonne Green



Patrice Belnora Gregory Kristen Denee Herring Ehimwenma Izehiese Iyamu * Devaki Ebony Jordan Eva-Marie M. KalamId-Din Sonya Kendall Ayaba Akofa Adaobi Logan * Terea LaShune Mack Imani Ellen Shari Mance * Teisha Marie McKie Joy Monique McLeod * Natasha Marie Miller Shareka Nicole Newton Sarisa Denise Ransom * Rashida Rafat Rawls * Toni Michelle Scott Leigh Ann Solomon * Kelli Jovan Spencer Sarah Marie St. Louis Hatshepsitu Shirley Hyler Tull Tandra Talisa Turner Ashley J. Vick Loren Suzanne Wheeler Angela Jenise Williams * LaTanya Faye Wooley Sonia Joyce Worrell

Class of 2004 Amount: $1,392 Participation Rate: 6% Noor-Jihan Ahmad Tangela Yvette Blakely Maya Tene Brooks Jocelyn Tamah Bush Monique Renee Clemons Aisha Mignon Evans Joy Samantha Graham-Strong Saida Uzoma Sala Grundy Angelica Olisa Gunn Shonte Monique Harrell Nekima Sheron Hill Kimberly D. Hudson Rainey Renee Jackson LaToya Nicole Johnson DaNita McClain * Christian Onika McKenzie * Crystal Marie Menzies Tamika Louise Sea * Courtney Lynn Stewart * Nailah Ellis Timberlake Kia Lachelle Turner * Tarla Saverne Varnum Krystle N. Watler * Charita Earchelle Williams * Tamisha LaToya Williams Shanequa Denise Yates 11/15/Class of 2006 Page 61 of 64

Class of 2005 Amount: $2,119 Participation Rate: 7% Nia Almahdi Melanie N. Baptiste Lillian Marie Blackshear Erin Lyndsay Paige Bradley Adrienne T. Brown Myra C. Brown Janelle Jeanette Burton Janette Marie Davis Helen Renee Ferguson Erica B. Fields Jo-Anne Mary Francis * Raquel Denise Gonzalez Milan A. Griffin Dominique Nicole Harbour Hazel Daniell Hawk Danielle Marie Hewson Sherina Elizabeth Maye Ashley Patrice McNeil Kelly R. Mitchell * Jennifer L. Moore Robyn Gail Morris Mia C. Nunnally Jasmine M Printup Janeen Lynette Rawls Kerstin Elaine Roper * Grace Louise Sanders Shaquaya Nate’ Shelby Erica Jewel Snell Melanie Latrice Walker * Chelsea V. Wilson Marina Wynetta Woodruff *

Class of 2006 Amount: $634 Participation Rate: 13% Khalida A. Ali Ebonie R. Battle Chanta J. Blue Lesha Nikia Brown Markenya V. Brown Stella Chukwu Anisha Donald Robinette Dowtin Tulani N. Elisa Ashley E. Embry LaTrishia D. Francis Rheaclare Fraser Nancy Goler Freeman Melanie D. Gardner Courtney S. Gladney Marcia A. Gomes Chanel Hampton Toni L. Harper Alison L. Harris Sandile Hlatshwayo Tamar A. Housen Danielle June Howard Octavia Howell Ashley C. Huderson Starkeda Dorothea Jackson Ryan D. Johnson Ronalda J. Joseph Vanessa R. Lawrence Carmine Simone Leggett Quinnisha L. Marion Amber N. Mason Kimberly L. Matthews Lauren S. Minor April Darnyel Reid Crystal Romeo Kiyana Scott Terri R. Simmons Ebony J. Smith Denienne A. Steele Claire Elizabeth Stewart Sarah E. Thompson Sloan Shari Turner Rachel N. Wilfred Maria Wright Debra N. Yeboa

OTHER ALUMNAE Marsha N. Allen* Dacia Amey* Erinn Charlene Cosby* Evin Harrah Cosby* Shawnetta Faye Cotton Tracy C. Downey* Regina Muhammad Marcia L. Mayberry Monica T. White

TRUSTEES Walter R. Allen * Theodore R. Aronson * Aurelia E. Brazeal, C’65 A. Toy Caldwell-Colbert, C’73 * Lisa DeNell Cook, C’86 * Shannon A Cumberbatch, C’2008 Jerri L. DeVard, C’’79 * Russell Edgerton * Rosalind Gates Brewer, C’84 * June Gary Hopps, C’60 * Yvonne R. Jackson, C’70 * Rose Harris Johnson, C’57 * Rosa King Kilpatrick, 70 * Wanda Smalls Lloyd, C’71 * Cynthia R. McIntyre * Susan McLaughlin * Vicki R. Palmer * Bradley T. Sheares * Jonathan L. Smith * Ronda Stryker * David N. Sundwall * Beverly Daniel Tatum * Daryl White * Representatives Beverly Guy Sheftall, C’66 Marian Rucker-Shamu, C’65


Lev T. Mills* Edith Faye Milner Colm K. Mulcahy* Barbara Nesin Kimberly Pace June McDonald Aldridge, C’53 * Sandra Sims Patterson, C’70* Ernestein Walker Baylor, C’49 * Desiree S. Pedescleaux* Sylvia T. Bozeman * Kathleen E. Phillips-Lewis* Anne Cox Chambers * Natarajan Ravi Laura Chasin* Lula G. Roberts* Johnnetta B. Cole * Brenda Twyner Robinson Melanie Beatrice Cook, C’87 * Monica Lynn Rodgers, C’91* Virginia Turner Dowell, C’47 * Lawrence Schenbeck* Robert Holland * Anna Augusta Scott* Joyce F. Johnson * Bernice DeGannes Scott* Sarah Sage McAlpin * (dec) Olivia Scriven Gertrude G. Michelson * Fatemeh Shafiei* Deborah Prothrow-Stith, C75 * Nagambal S. Shah* Mabel Murphy Smythe-Haith, C’37 Christine W. Sizemore * (dec) Anne Collins Smith, C’96 Stephanie St. Louis, C’ 2002 Cynthia Neal Spence, C’78* Donald & Isabel Stewart * Taronda Elise Spencer, C’80* Eoin & Ann Trevelyan * Jo Moore Stewart* Lucy C. Vance * Beverly Daniel Tatum* Celeste Michele Watkins-Hayes, C’96 * Joyce L Thompkins* Valerie Rockefeller Wayne * Albert N. Thompson* Carmen Maudette Woods-Hollowell, Vivian C. Tillman C’90 * Sherry Lynn Turner* Carolyn D. Yancey * Yoko Ueda Gloria Wade-Gayles* Daryl White* Brandi Lynee Williams, C’2000* Sharon Akiele* Margie D. Willis Eloise A. Alexis, C’86* Sylvester Wilson* Marsha N. Allen* Ernest Wright* Dacia Amey* Delores K. Barton* Geneva Hampton Baxter, C’77* Gladys S. Bayse* Calvin & Doris Alexis Nicole-Marie Bell Barbara Boykin Edna Genell Bolton, C’84 Sheila Brandenberg* Sylvia T. Bozeman* Erma J. Bryan Dineo A. Brinson, C’94 Julie Burrell Myra Burnett* Jean Joseph Cadet* B. LaConyea Butler, C’56* Bebe Moore Campbell (dec.) & Jamila Canady Ellis Gordon, Jr.* Beatriz Cardelino* Katie N. Carter Arlene W. Cash* Gil Chapman* Peter C. Chen* Jeffrey K. Clark* Ayoka Chenzira* Jerry L. Dixon* Evelyn Willis Chisolm, C’49* Janet Dotson William A. Cobb* Adair F. Duckett Cynthia Cooke Clifton Edwards* John E. Cunningham* Canary El-Amin Tomika Michelle DePriest, C’89* Robert & Alice Foster* Irma Dixon Minnie B. Frank Pauline E. Drake, C’58* Wanda W. Frost* Thomas E. Engram* Jacqueline George* Christine King Farris, C’48* John V. Golding* Robert D. Flanigan* Mia F. Greene* Margery A. Ganz* Constance Hafner-Edwards Cornelia Gillyard Donna Akiba Harper Gladys Thomas Glass, C’58* Robert G. Howard Angela Yvonne Glover, C’93* Cynthia E. Jackson, C’81* Sheena L. Glover Jacqueline L. Kaigler Veta D. Goler Perry A. Little* Beverly L. Guy-Sheftall, C’66* Patricia Logan-Ali Carol H. Hakim* Latanya P. Hammonds-Odie, C’89* Theodore & Bernice Mason* Darlene Mattox Donna Akiba Harper Tyrone E. Monro* Oliver J. Henderson Chip Moss Rhoda Martin Hendrickson Brenda J. Peters* Danielle Marie Hewson, C’2005 Dona D. Pollard Lisa B. Hibbard* David & Joyce Price* Anne R. Hornsby* Karolyn Elskoe Roebuck Joyce F. Johnson* Launice P. Sills, C’80* Dana Pride Jones Gwendolyn D. Skillern Rena T. Jones* Sylvia Spearman Iretta B.C. Kearse, C’88* Jeanette Tejada* Nami Kim* Clarence W. Tignor Frederick H. Langhorst Geraldine Turner Ingrid Lassiter* Maria E. Vargas Andrea W. Lawrence, C’68* Robert V. Veiga Mark Maloney* Jacqueline Williams Renita D. Mathis Freddie Williamson* Germaine McAuley* Gerald & Carol Wilson M. Akua McDaniel, C’69* Barbara J. Wooten* Patricia McFadden Julia A Yeboah* Sheres McKenzie*




Lilly McNair Ann Marie McPhail* Soraya Mekerta Gwendolyn H. Middlebrooks, C’61*

Michael A. Gerber* David N. Githuku* Billye S. Aaron* Alan Goldenberg* Muhammad Luqman Abdur-Razzaq Trudie Yanuck Goldstein Laretta R. Abington Uldine Goler* Carol J. Adamski* Mignon S. Goode* Valorie Gail Akuffo* Tonya Martin Gooden Joy Electra Alafia Garland W. Gossett* Gail Albritton Myra J. Grace George L. Van Amson* Earl Graves* Henri Anderson* Christina G. Graybard* Haidee Anderson-Fuller Yvonne Grayson Maya Angelou* Lloyd Green Individual Anonymous* Marshall C. Grigsby* Lawrence E. Arnett* Linda Gunn Glenn A. Arnold Ginah Hall Barbara B. Aronson* Valerie Hamm John D. Babb P. Dianne Hankerson Ahmed B. Bah Dennis Hanthorn Juan K. Bailey* Lewis Hargett* Calvin J. Barnes* Brina L. Hargro Isaiah E. Barnwell* Terrence N. Harris* Janet M. Barstow Melissa A. Hawkins* Beverly Bates* Michael F. Hayes Michelle D. Bauko Greg Head* Jean J. Beard* Karen E Hempstead Robin H. Bearden* Verna J. Henderson Dorothy S. Bennett* Virginia A. Hepner* Edith Y. Biggers* Jeffrey Hines* Willa Blasingame* James W. Hobbs* Richard Bonifazi Barbara F. Holland* Aaron J. Boudreaux Lynn R. Holmes William G. Bounds* Lilly P Holt Ricky Boyd* Margaret P. Hooker Robert Bozeman* George L. Howell* Dawn Jackson Bradford Duane L. Hughes* Darwin F. Brown John Hurley* Carol Brownlee* Crystal Lane Ingram* Tami R. Bryan Violeita S. Irby Wendell A. Bryant* Aaron G. Jackson Lucinda W. Bunnen* George L. Jeffries* Debbie Burbridge* John L. Jenkins* Douglas & Ann Burch* Beverly Simmons Johnson Anthony Burley* Toni D. Johnson-Chavis* Michael Burns-Kaurin Kenneth Jones* W. Byron Calhoun* Alan M. Katz Josephine J. Cameron Barbara B. Keith Joseph Selvin Carlos Bernard Kelly Sarah P. Carrol* Barbara J. Kelsey* Steven E. Carter* Donna Kenton Kelly Cass-White* Woodrow Keown* Adela Cepeda* Andrea Kern Keith A. Chaplin Brenda Kidd* L. A. Clark Kamau King* Caryn M. Clayton* John L. Kinnaman Andrea B. Clemmons Jill Kneerim* Winston H. B. Cobbs* Julia P. Knowlton Paula J. Coleman Michael Krupka* Ronald D. Collier* Clarice Lackey* Julius V. Combs* Judy Morris Lampert* Camille & William Cosby* Eugene M. Lang* Rosa Mary Crawford* Alvin W. Larkins* Saundra Curtis-Patrick Mark B. Ledden* Annie O. Dancy John Gregg Lewis* Georgia M. Daniel Karen Nones London Natasha A. Davids Amelia T. Long Fred A. Davie* Adelena Marshall Alpha Davis Clara H. Martin Rebecca D. Desmarais Eleanor F. Massell Charlotte Dixon* Rhonda L. Matheison Maurice Dobbins* Robert T. Matthews Marcia V Donaldson* Richard A. & Sara. Mayo* Quardricos Bernard Driskell R. Eric McCarthey* Damal Edmond Charles McClaren Gerri Edson Henry McCormick Earlinda Elder-Albritton* Clint G. McCrory Balaam Elliott* Kimberly A McGee Adrian Evans Esther D. McPhail Gertrude Facen-Keeys Alfred E. McWilliams* Dolan P. Falconer* Dorothy W. Means Mabel P. Feggans* Zora Meyers Myra Marx Ferree* Kevin James Middlebrooks Lamont F. Ferrell Arletha Miles-Boyce Jacqueline Fincher* Will J. Millard Craig W. Finley* Charlotte Free Miller* Conrad L. Forbes* Arthur Milton Michael Foster Ceasar C. Mitchell* Marvin A. Foxworth* Sarah S. Montgomery Vera Stewart Franklin* Victoria Gumbs Moore Keith A. French* Gregory Morris Adam L. Frey Zonia Navarro Raymond L. Frost* David Nelson* M. Dozier Gardner* Thena M. Norman


Mary Bush Norwood* Celeste Laytce Oatman John S. O’Shea* Dana K. Pace Sarah M Palmore* Adlai L. Pappy* Lewis A. Parker* Wanda Rowe Patterson Mona Payton* Zeddie Perry Terrence J. Porter* Jennifer Portis Dolores W. Powell Amelia B. Prillerman Patricia G. Ramsey* Laura & Norman Rates* Bamby Z Ray Auma Ngesa Reggy* John G. Rice* Calita E. Robinson Marilyn M. Rosenberg Minnie Ross* Walter Ruff Herman J. Russell* Maurice M. Salter* Sandra M. Sanchez D. Billye Sanders Donald F. Sexton* Richard N Shadick Ora Myles Sheares* Lula Shears* Clayton A. Shillingford Kumea Shorter-Gooden Gloria J. Silver Arnold J. Simmons* Cynthia D. Singleton* Ron Skrabacz Rose M. Sloan Annabelle Smith Robert L. Smothers Eddie Southard* Shellie Specter Debra Spencer Anne T. Stanley Robert E. Steele* Lisa M. Stenson* Marcus L. Stephens* Vera Stewart Melville Straus* Ludie Mae Strong Michael Sykes* Elvira M. Tate* Travis Tatum* Pamela Taylor Toni D. Travis Robert H. Truesdale* Lonnette R. Tuck Mildred O. Tucker Cheryl F. Turner Deborah Twine* Elizabeth M. Tyler James E. Vaughn Dolores J. Wade Vanessa A. Warrick Nodie M. Washington* Bruce Waterfall* Debra Watkins* Claudia Wells Anonymous* Eric A. Westley* Ison W. Whatley* Edward L. Wheeler* Joffre T. Whisenton Curlie White Alice Appleton Whittaker Dorothy B. Wilder Alphonse Wilfred* Charlotte H. Williams Brent L. Wilson* Jetta Winkfield Cleta Winslow William H. Woodward* H. Allen Wright* Cordell Wynn* Howard Zinn

STUDENTS Joy M. Agee Mizanelle A. Akiele Renise D. Alexander Terri Ambrose *Indicates 1881 Society Membership

Student Anonymous Annica V. Anthony Miriam Archibong Nicole L. Armbrister Jessica A. Austin Nishanthi J. Bailey Olamide D. Bamidele Akita Banks-White Diandria L. Barber Erin N. Barksdale Aprel S. Barnes Petrina K. Barnett LeShorn Benjamin Britney Bennett Kyla M. Berry Cherisse Bethea Allyn Bishop Kenicia Black Amber L. Body Nicole D. Boggs Janna Bolt Whitney Bond Loni P. Booker Melissa Boone Angela Janae’ Boudreaux Shiquita Brooks April Brown Porsche Buchanan Lauren M Buford Nykia S. Burke Camellia Burris Lauren A. Bush Jessica N. Bussey Krystal M. Butler Danielle Cahee Gabrielle Calhoun Melissa Campbell Patrice Capers Gwendolyn Carter Brittany Chapman Morgan A. Chargois Dachelle R. Chenault Dana E. Christmon Lauren K. Clark Danaya S. Clemons Jamita L. Cobb Brooke Cobbs Daphne Cole Jasmine Coleman Nichelle N. Cook Jessica Cooper Francesca Davis Lisa Davis-Patterson Estee Nena Dillard Jovan A. Dixon Danielle D. Doss Keshee D. Dozier Ashley N. Duncan Jessica Edwards Toni Erskine Jolisha S. Eubanks Aisha S. Evans Lum T. Fobi Tatianna Nolita Francis Andrea K. Franklin Belinda Freeman Nicole Fuller Barbara Furlow Jacquelyne J. Gaddy Francesca A. Gibson Tiwanna L. Gifford Mercedes A. Giles Ashley G. Ginn * Krystle Goddette Maria Goldsmith Brielle L. Green Nadiyah M. Guess Priscilla A. Gyimahboadi Whitney C. Hale Jacqueline Hall Judion Tameka Hamilton Angela M. Hardin Alexa A. Harris Jarlyne N. Harrold Ashlee F. Harvey Brittney L. Highsmith Malinda R. Hinton Eartha A. Rogers Lashanda R. Holmes Dionne D.R. Hopkins Dianna Houghton Ora-Monet A. Hughes Tomeika A. Hunter

Jovi A. Irwin Danielle C. Jackson Candacy Jacobs Courtney James Andraya Johnson Desarae Jones Ceolia T. Julien Alejandra C. Jupiter Kristin Kelly Jamesia J. King Cashauna C. Lattimore LaToya Lee Tracey M. Lucas Imani Marshall Keia J. Martin Garnette E. Mason Kai M. Mathews Nerissa S. Mayfield Kina Nyree Mccanns Nyeema C. McCaskill Tiffany M. McCollum Tennille McCrary Tianna McCullough Whitney McKenzie Rachel M. McMichael Lyndsey A. Mcmillan Lauren J. Melrose Christy L. Melton Zakiya Nzingha Miller Denice Mitchell Ashley E. Moncrieft Joi Moore Ashley Michelle Moss Cleopatra Muhammad Meagan Mullens Eddiemae F. Nash Ashleigh S. Nelson Erica R. Nesmith India S. Nichols Natalie A. Noel Sakinah Northern Anisah Nu’Man Amber Owens Amber C. Parrish-Hall Chelsy R. Paschal Brittany S. Patterson Danielle Phillips Lennisha L. Pinckney Shana A. Pinnock Jessica R. Posey Jamaica A. Pouncy Ali Najah Prevard Mary Priester Ashley N. Pruitt Lakeesha M. Ramdhanie Ashley M. Reese Amber Reid Courtney Elizabeth Revere Janelle L. Richards Amber Roberson Tiffany N. Rollins Arianne D. Ross Chaturia D. Rouse Jessica Rowley Jessica L. Schroeder Amber M. Scott Tiffanie V. Scruggs Lynnea C. Scurry Evan Seymour Allison R. Shaw Lauren Simmons Paige Simpson Danielle Smith McKenzie P. Stewart Jaree Streeter Takia Sumpter Alish Taylor Adrienne S. Thomas Alicia G. Tinsley Ashley Tolbert Morgan J. Townsend Stacey J. Triche Brynn Tucker Sudria Holli Cominga Twyman Jasmine Walden Jana Wallace Bernetta D. Waller Lauren N. Walton Erin Washington Courtney Watkins Tyra Weaver Ashley Weems Chanelle L. West

Rachel N. Whavers Britni Wilcher Lindsay Nicole Wilkinson Calendra F. Williams Juliette E. Wilson Heather Winfield Melissa G Wise Tamika Yador Kara K. Yates Angel C. Young

ALUMNAE ORGANIZATIONS Spelman College Class of 1951 Spelman College Class of 1956 Spelman College Class of 1968 Spelman College Class of 2003 Athens Area Chapter, NAASC Birmingham Chapter, NAASC Columbia MD Chapter, NAASC Decatur Chapter, NAASC Detroit Chapter, NAASC Greensboro Chapter, NAASC Huntsville Chapter, NAASC Los Angeles Chapter, NAASC Southern Maryland Chapter, NAASC Nashville Chapter, NAASC National Alumnae Association of Spelman College New York Chapter, NAASC Northern New Jersey Chapter, NAASC Orlando Chapter, NAASC Philadelphia Chapter, NAASC

CORPORATIONS/ CORPORATE FOUNDATIONS Key * Indicates Matching Gift Company A.T. Kearney Abbott Laboratories Fund * Accenture Foundation, Inc. * Action Sports International Aetna Foundation * AGL Resources, Inc. * AIG * Alpharetta Women’s Medical Group Altria Group, Inc. * American Honda Motor Co., Inc. American International Group, Inc. * APA/CP, Inc ARAMARK, Inc. * AT&T Foundation * Atlanta Coca Cola Bottling Company * b2b WorkForce Bank of America * Bank of America Foundation * Bank of New York Baxter International Foundation* Bell South * BellSouth Telecommunications Black Entertainment Television BMW of North America, Inc. Boehringer Ingelheim Cares Foundation, Inc. Borders Inc. Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation * Callouch-Williams & Associates Campbell Soup Foundation * Capitol City Bank & Trust Company Cargill, Inc. Carnegie Corporation of NY * CFA Giving Strategies Inc. Chapel Partners, LLC Chubb & Son, Inc. * Cingular Wireless * Citizens Financial Group Inc. Clement & Wynn Program Managers Coca-Cola Foundation * Colgate-Palmolive Company Cordy and Company, Inc. Corning Incorporated Foundation * Cummins Inc. DaimlerChrysler Corporation

Darden Restaurants Foundation * Delta Air Lines Foundation * Demps Law Group Disney Worldwide Services, Inc. East Atlanta ACE Hardware East Cleveland Adult Activities EBF & Associates, LP Edison International * Elder & Associates, Inc. Eli Lilly and Company Equifax Foundation * ExxonMobil Foundation * Fannie Mae Foundation * Federal Express Company Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund First Data Western Union Foundation * Follett Higher Ed. Group Ford Motor Company * Game Live Events Gannett Foundation * General Electric Company General Motors Foundation * Georgia Power Company, Inc. Georgia Power Foundation, Inc. * Georgia-Pacific Corporation * GlaxoSmithKline * Global Impact * Goldman, Sachs & Company Great Harvest Bread Co. of Birmingham Greenwich Associates Hallmark Cards Incorporated Harris Bank Foundation * Hewitt Associates LLC Home Depot Honeywell, Inc. * Hospira * Household International * IBM Corporation Inroads Group, LTD Jackmont Hospitality Jackson Pediatric Associates Joffre T. Whisenton & Associates Johnson & Johnson * JP Morgan Chase JP Morgan Chase Foundation * J-Pat Management Inc. Juneau Construction Company Key Foundation * Kimberly Clark Corporation Kimberly-Clark Foundation, Inc. * KPMG LLP Lee’s Sea Food & Carry Out Levi Strauss Foundation * Lexmark International, Inc. * Marriott International Inc. Marsh & McLennan, Inc. * McDonald’s Corporation * Mellon Bank * MetLife Foundation * Microsoft Corporation * Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Foundation * Morgan Stanley & Company, Inc. * Motorola Foundation * Network For Good Nordson Corporation * Norfolk Southern Foundation * North Perimeter OB GYN LLC Northwestern Mutual Life Foundation * PepsiCo Foundation, Inc. * Pfizer Foundation * Pfizer Inc. Philip Morris Companies, Inc. * Philips Consumer Electronics Company * Pitney Bowes, Inc. Procter & Gamble * Providence Family Dentistry, LLC Public Service Electric & Gas Company Quantum Resource Consulting S.J. Wright Insurance SAIC * Sara Lee Foundation * SBC Foundation * ScholarshipAmerica Scripps Shelty-Viking Capital Group LLC Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. * Sprint Foundation * Starbucks Coffee Company *

State Farm Insurance Companies Foundation * SunTrust Bank Atlanta Foundation * SuperValu Foundation * Sutherland, Asbill & Brennan, L.L.P. Sweet Tea Pictures, LLC Target Stores The Atlanta Journal and Constitution The Coca-Cola Company The Dreyfus Corporation The Home Depot Foundation * The Humana Foundation, Inc. * The K. Group, LTD The May Department Stores Company The May Department Stores Company Foundation * The McGraw-Hill Foundation * The Medtronic Foundation * The Merck Company Foundation * The Principal Financial Group, Inc. * The Prudential Foundation * The Scholarship Foundation * The Stanley Works * The UPS Foundation, Inc. * The Wachovia Foundation of Georgia * Ticket Annex USA, LLC Time Warner, Inc. Towers Perrin Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc. * U.S.A. Funds * UBS Financial Services, Inc. UBS Warburg * United Parcel Service United Technologies * Universal Music Group, Inc. * US Bank National Association Verizon Verizon Foundation * Waccamaw Pediatric Dental Care Wachovia Corporation Washington Mutual Bank * Waste Management, Inc. WellPoint Foundation * Wellpoint Inc * Wells Fargo & Company * Wells Fargo Community Support Wells Fargo Foundation * World Reach, Inc * Xerox Corporation Yum! Brands Foundation *

PRIVATE FOUNDATIONS Abby and George O’Neill Trust Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Atlanta Women’s Foundation Bush Foundation Charitable Gift Fund Community Foundation for the National Capital Region Community Foundation of Central Illinois * Eugene Lang Foundation Florence & Harry English Memorial Fund Ford Foundation Frances Wood Wilson Foundation, Inc. Getty Foundation GGM Trust GKN Foundation * Harriet McDaniel Marshall Trust Katherine John Murphy Foundation Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation, Inc. Lilly Endowment, Inc. * Lubo Fund, Inc. Massey Charitable Trust Ronda E. Stryker & William D. Johnston Foundation San Antonio Area Foundation Southern Education Foundation, Inc. The Chicago Community Foundation The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta, Inc. * The David Geffen Foundation The Falcon Fund The Henry Luce Foundation The Jim and Linda Robinson Foundation, Inc.



Joseph and Lula M. Jenkins Jann Patrice Primus Scholarship Fund Reba Hill Barkley, C’81 Tujuana Davie Badgett Kathy Batiste-Kirven, C’81 Memorial Scholarship Sharlene Celeste Brown, C’81 June McDonald Aldridge, C’53 Denise C. Burton, C’81 Fred A. Davie Lynda Bruce Butler, C’81 Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Ruth F. Cauthen, C’81 P. Dianne Hankerson Renee Walton Cawley, C’81 Clint G. McCrory Myla Calhoun Choy, C’81 Ludie Mae Strong Theresa Preston Clincy, C’81 Coca-Cola Foundation Stephanie B. Cooper, C’81 Eleanor Belle Williams Carolita Jones Cope, C’81 Hankerson Scholarship Angela Birch Cox, C’81 P. Dianne Hankerson Abroms Charitable Lead Trust AnnaMaria O. Ellis, Esq., C’81 Annie Washington-Glover Alumnae Association of Mount Kimberly Henderson Gossett, C’81 Memorial Scholarship Ereina Christin Smith Holyoke College Alisa Swafford Henderson, C’81 American Society for Cell Biology Edith Simmons Jackmon-Hunter, C’63 Memorial Fund Cynthia E. Jackson, C’81 Josephine Jackson-Smith, C’46 Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Jeanne Primus Johnson, C’75 Ashe Endowed Scholarship Better Bedrest Maxine D. Lawson-Conway, C’81 Jacqueline Jones Royster, C’70 Ernestein Walker Baylor CARE, USA Alice F. McCray, C’81 Endowed Scholarship Charitable Flex Fund Terri McFadden-Garden, C’81 Aurelia D. Robinson Emma Stone Jeffries, C’49 Cleveland Carats Scholarship Judge Harriet Mitchell Murphy, C’49 Beverly J. Moss, C’81 Coldwell Banker Cascade Realty Angela Denise Nickerson, C’81 Lucile Logan Nix, C’49 Committee to Re-Elect C.T. Martin Aurelia Doris Robinson, C’47 Sheron C. Patterson, C’81 Congressional Black Caucus Ellen L. Robinson, C’81 BMW Scholarship Esther M. Smith Endowed Foundation Stacy Head Turner, C’81 BMW of North America, Inc. Scholarship Council on Library and Waccamaw Pediatric Dental Care Maya Angelou Information Resources Birmingham Chapter, NAASC Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Book Award Ethel Poole Book Award John Wesley & Irene Dobbs Excellence Plus, LLC Birmingham Chapter, NAASC MAC of 100 Black Women, Inc. Scholarship Harold Hirsch Scholarship Fund Juliet D. Blackburn-Beamon, C’58 Danita A. McClain, C’04 Houston Independent School District June Dobbs Butts, C’48 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Boehringer Etta Falconer Scholarship Ingelheim/Health Careers Jack and Jill of America Boehringer Ingelheim Cares Dolan P. Falconer, Jr. Joy San Walker Brown Foundation, Inc. Foundation, Inc. Walter Z. Falconer Scholarship for Science MAC of 100 Black Women, Inc. Joy San Walker Brown, C’52 Alice E. Wilson, C’80 MARTA Employees Charity Club Bonner Scholars Program Morehouse College Hazel D. Hawk, C’05 Florence M. Read Julia Elinor Pate Borders NAACP Scholarship Fund Memorial Scholarship National Ministries Carrie Clements Wright Josie Latimer Williams, C’47 Juel Pate Borders-Benson, C’54 Nedom Family Trust New Generation Learning Center & Scholarship Iva Michelle Baldwin, C’88 Frances Wood Wilson Lettie Pate Whitehead Christian Academy Vivian Clements Baldwin, C’56 Foundation Inc. Scholarship Foundation Scholarship Once For All Inc. * Frances Wood Wilson Foundation, Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation, Russell Siblings Trust Inc. Inc. SBS Psychological Associates, Inc. Carrie W. Buggs Scholarship Carrie White Buggs-Fuller, C’56 Southern Association of Frederick Gaston & Mignon Lilly/Alumnae Empowerment Independent Schools Lewis Scholarship Scholarship The Philanthropic Collaborative, Inc. Catherine Maxwell Daniel Scholarship Mignon Lackey Lewis, C’51 Phoebe Lydia Bailey, C’66 Thomas Jefferson Ctr. for the Walter R. Allen Pamela Bigelow, C’88 Protection of Free Expression Gateway Endowed Andrea Lewis Johnson, C’96 United Negro College Fund Cherie Stawasz Memorial Scholarship United Way Scholarship Pauline E. Drake, C’58 Los Angeles Chapter, NAASC United Way of New York City Estate of Cherie Stawasz Endowed Scholarship & United Way of the Bay Area General Motors Foundation Book Award University of Richmond Chrysler Business Scholarship Los Angeles Chapter of the NAASC Workshops ETC Inc. United Negro College Fund Fellowship Worthing Foster Fund of the DaimlerChrysler Corporation Fund Louise & Willie Fluker Advisor Charitable Gift Fund Hazel & Spencer Dean Award Scholarship Xavier University of LA Alumni Class of 2009 Book Hazel D. Dean, C’83 Valerie L. Fluker, C’96 Association - Atlanta Chapter Scholarship Ceasar C. Mitchell Helen Rice Walker Book Mandy L. & Signal Lockhart Wendell A. Bryant Award Thesis Award Cleta Winslow Jacquelyn Ann Kirby Boyette, C’67 Anne R. Hornsby Mary Bush Norwood Friendship Baptist Church Adlai L. Pappy Hunter-Foxworth Endowed Marguerite Simon Endowed Mount Moriah Baptist Church East Atlanta ACE Hardware Memorial Scholarship Scholarship Mt. Aery Baptist Church Committee to Re-Elect C.T. Martin Johnnie Hunter Foxworth, C’43 Anne Ruth Borders-Patterson, C’61 Peachtree Presbyterian Church Bettye Roberts Campbell, C’49 Rocky Mount Baptist Church Coca-Cola Foundation Ida and Roosevelt Peterson Pearline Adamson Davis, C’58 Zion Hill Baptist Church Mary Johnson Durgans-Willett, C’49 Katrina Scholarship Scholarship Coca-Cola Foundation Estate of Ida G. Peterson Judge Harriet Mitchell Murphy, C’49 Lucile Logan Nix, C’49 Accenture Student Coca-Cola Leadership J.P. Morgan Chase Muriel Ketchum Yarbrough, C’49 Leadership Award Scholars Foundation Scholarship Accenture Foundation, Inc. Coca-Cola Foundation JP Morgan Chase Foundation Martilla Renee’ Jones Beatty Jamonica L. Deramus, C’01 Endowed Scholarship Joy T. Massey, C’99 Decatur Chapter, NAASC JPMorgan Chase Study Thomas L. Jones, II Jacqueline N. Wills, C’00 Abroad Scholarship Fund Scholarship Decatur Chapter, NAASC JP Morgan Chase Foundation Martin Yanuck Memorial Alberta W. King Memorial Scholarship Fund for Music & Etta Zuber Falconer Jack and Jill - Hurricane Margery A. Ganz Nonviolent Studies Endowed Scholarship in Katrina Emergency Fund Trudie Yanuck Goldstein Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Mathematics Jack and Jill of America Felicia L. Sadler, C’91 Shellie Specter & Bob Davidson Gladys S. Bayse Foundation, Inc. Colleen Janessa Taylor, C’90 Sylvia T. Bozeman Alinda Williams Mouzon Teresa D. Edwards, C’76 Jacqueline Larkins Crook Mary Gomez Francis Award Award Sharon C. Ross Music Award Michael A. Gomez Gail Albritton Daphne L. Smith, C’80 Jacqueline Larkins Crook, C’48 Ollivette Smith Allison, C’46 Nzinga Temple Tull, C’97 Alvin W. Larkins Georgia M. Daniel The Julius V. & Alice G. Combs Foundation The Starr Foundation The Thomas J. Watson Foundation The Tom Joyner Foundation, Inc. The Waterfall Family Foundation Thomas Guy Woolford Charitable Trust Tsunami Foundation Walter H. & Marjory M. Rich Memorial Fund


Alpha Davis Bettie J. Durrah, C’63 Elder & Associates, Inc. Earlinda Elder-Albritton Tonya Martin Gooden Lloyd Green Veronica Wells Haven, C’73 Beverly Simmons Johnson Ellene Pierce Jones, C’55 Juneau Construction Company Rhoda L. Littles, C’81 Clara H. Martin Eleanor J. Simmons Toni D. Travis Helen S. Wilson




Joyce F. Johnson Scholarship for Music Peachtree Presbyterian Church

Maudlyn Stokes Garrett Award Pamela Garrett Elliott, C’71 Merck HBCU Grant Scholarship United Negro College Fund Minnie F. Jackson Scholarship Laretta R. Abington Josephine Felton Alexander, C’52 Eloise A. Alexis, C’86 Ollivette Smith Allison, C’46 Annie Waller Berlack, C’43 Edith Y. Biggers Ruby Handspike Clay, C’54 Daisy Phinazee Harris, C’47 Mignon Lackey Lewis, C’51 Williamay J. Miller Jasmine Martin Printup, C’05 Angela Alexander Stamper, C’70 Elizabeth M. Tyler Alice Holmes Washington, C’38 Barbara Ingram Whitaker, C’52 Muriel Ketchum Yarbrough, C’49

Ruth-Ercile L. Hodges Endowed Scholarship Andrea Lewis Johnson, C’96 Moriba and Barbara Kelsey Starr Foundation Endowed Scholarship Fund The Starr Foundation The Damali A. Booker Memorial Scholarship Rasheeda N. Creighton, C’99 Jylana L. Sheats, C’2002 The David Geffen Scholarship Fund The David Geffen Foundation

The Lillie M. Harris Endowed Scholarship Fund Gwendolyn H. Middlebrooks, C’61 V. Leah McKinney, C’91 G. Erica Allen, C’90 Anne Ruth Borders-Patterson, C’61 Yvonne Harris Meadows, C’58 Faith Neal Hemphill, C’61 Amelia T. Long Minnie Whited F. Floyd Book Lula Shears Kevin J. Middlebrooks Award Terrence N. Harris Dorothy Whited LeBlanc, C’53 Dorothy B. Wilder Marsh & McLennan, Inc. Bettye Whited Robinson, C’57 Jonathan K. Robinson Mozel Spriggs Endowed Scholarshjp AGL Resources, Inc. Verna J. Henderson Beverly Daniel Tatum The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Myrtle Bowers Davis Book Award Robert L. Davis Norman M. and Laura Lynem Rates Scholarship Norman & Laura M. Rates Northern NJ Chapter, NAASC Endowed Scholarship Northern New Jersey Chapter, NAASC Ora Sterling-King Endowed Scholarship Deidra Lynne Fryer, C’84 Lonnie King Marian V. Rucker-Shamu, C’65 Physics Book Award Joy Electra Alafia Mona Greene McCoy, C’94 Rhonda J. Mills, C’82 Natarajan Ravi Adrienne D. Roberts, C’98 Andrea L. Shoemore, C’97 Stephanie St. Louis Rev. Payton Brailsford & Mary Murray Cook Memorial Scholarship Lisa DeNell Cook, C’86 Melanie Beatrice Cook, C’87 Robert Flanigan, Jr. & Jonathan Smith Endowed Scholarship Theodore R. Aronson EBF & Associates, LP John Hurley Richard A. Mayo Jonathan Smith & Sherrill Blalock The Waterfall Family Foundation Robert K & Gwendolyn L Battle Scholarship Fund for Teachers Mignon Lackey Lewis, C’51 Yvonne R. Jackson, C’70 Clarice Lackey

The O.W. Eagleson Award B. LaConyea Butler, C’56 Michele Clark Holmes, C’73 The Strickland-Cook Study Abroad Scholarship Better Bedrest Gretchen R. Cook-Anderson, C’90 Nicole Yvonne Venable, C’91 Tom Joyner Foundation Scholarship Fund The Tom Joyner Foundation, Inc. Vaughncziel R. Burch Memorial Scholarship Douglas P. Burch Verizon Scholarship Verizon Watson-Walker Endowed Scholarship Wanda Smalls Lloyd, C’71 Huntsville Chapter of the NAASC Gannett Foundation Xerox Corporation Scholarship Xerox Corporation Yvonne R. Jackson Endowment for Student Research Yvonne R. Jackson, C’70

MEMORIALS In Memory of Yvonne Pinkney Aldridge, C’68 Class of 1968 Laura J. Burton Odem, C’68 In Memory of Calvin Alexis Doris Alexis In Memory of Henri Anderson Laura Hill Anderson, C’40 In Memory of Eloise Usher Belcher, C’38 Alice Holmes Washington, C’38 In Memory of John and Jossie Bruce Dr. Linda Bruce Butler In Memory of Mabelle Bryant Soneni Bryant Smith, C’76

In Memory of Misty D. Carter, C’01 Katie N. Carter In Memory of Portia Spencer Chandler, C’46 Lise Chandler White, C’76 In Memory of Gladys Starling Crockett, C’34 Gladys S. Crockett Revocable Trust Joseph & Lula Jenkins

In Memory of Sarah Sage McAlpin UBS Warburg

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (NSF) Rutgers University (DIMACS) Toyota Motor Sales In Memory of Julia Williams UGA Board of Regents Palmer, C’39 UNCF (IIPP) Alice Holmes Washington, C’38 UNCF/Annenberg Foundation University of Chicago (NSF) In Memory of Ethel S Poole University of Wisconsin (NSF) Angelica O. Gunn, C’2004 US Dept. of Education

In Memory of Jann P. Primus, C’81 In Memory of Myrtle Bowers Sheron C. Patterson, C’81 Davis, C’42 Kiron Kanina Skinner, C’81 Robert L. Davis In Memory of Mabel In Memory of Gwendolyn Murphy Smythe-Haith, C’37 Theresa Dyson, C’84 Sarah M. Lemon-Palmore, C’37 Robin L. Caldwell, C’83 In Memory of Traci Lynnette Trammell, C’90 In Memory of James S. Adrienne Colette Lance Lucas, C’90 Gates Annabelle Smith In Memory of Gloria Bibb In Memory of Freida Washington, C’49 Hampton Kwajelyn J. Jackson, C’2002 Cleveland Carats In Memory of Estelle Bailey Webster, C’29 In Memory of Christi Len Patricia Moody Sewing, C’56 Harris, C’80 Jean LaRue Foster, C’53 In Memory of Marjory E. E. Sacia Ross Pandley, C’46 Weems, C’68 In Memory of Gwendolyn Class of 1968 Horton Hicks, C’51 C. Eileen Watts Welch, C’68 Michelle Hicks Zachery In Memory of Ella Gaines Yates, C’49 In Memory of Rheatha Yancey Hix, C’74 Kendra Williams Pierson, C’2000 Beverly Colwell Adams, C’74 Trojanell Bordenave-Wilson, C’74 Arletta Theresa Brinson, C’74 Marcia Asbury Buresch, C’74 Karen Kyle Crockett, C’74 Patricia Williams Davis, C’74 Jocelyn Harris, C’74 APS/ASI (NSF) Linda Sills Hodges-Lawrence, C’74 Boeing Company Merna Kent, C’74 Bush Foundation Mable L. Millner, C’74 California Institute of Technology Audra Patricia Pender, C’74 (JPL) Paula Caruthers Renfro, C’74 CDC Deborah A. Robinson, C’74 Clark Atlanta University (NSF) Sylvia Glenn Simmons, C’74 Colorodo State University (NSF) Glenda Brooks Smith, C’74 Dept of Agriculture Gail Stallworth, C’74 Dept of Education Tandelyn Atkinson Weaver, C’74 DHHS/ACYF Georgette A. Wiley, C’74 DoD/Dept of Army/ARO Jetta Winkfield DoD/US Army Emory University (NIH) In Memory of Bobbie Ford Foundation Flanagan Houston, C’46 Freeman Foundation Valorie Gail Akuffo Fulton County Arts Council In Memory of Ella Lett Georgia Dept of Ed Hughes, C’46 Georgia Humanities Council Ronald D. Collier Georgia State University (NSF) Georgia Tech University (NSF) In Memory of Darlyne Global Partners Atkinson Killian, C’48 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Jannie Townsley Barnes HUD Juanita Robinson Carter, C’66 HUD/EDI Johnnetta B. Cole IMLS - Institute of Museum & Ruth O. Davis Library Services Neverda English Jackson, C’48 Institute for Women’s Leadership Darnita Kilhan, C’79 at Rutger’s Jean DeGazon McDonnell, C’49 Lilly Endowment Sharon K. McGahee, C’79 Luce Foundation Lisa Miles Massey Charitable Trust Dana K. Pace Mellon Foundation Pace University Merck Foundation Richard N. Shadick Morehouse School of Medicine (HRSA) In Memory of Maria Sims NASA Lay C’70 NEH Athens Area Chapter of the NAASC NICHD NIGMS In Memory of Jomo Logan NIH Ayaba A. Logan, C’03 NIH/National Eye Institute NIH/NCMHHD In Memory of Josephine NIH/NIGMS Harreld Love, C’33 NSA Patricia Moody Sewing, C’56


SPONSORSHIPS 125th Anniversary AGL Resources Billye & Hank Aaron BET Carol’s Daughter Ruby Handspike Clay, C’57 Clement & Wynn The Coca-Cola Company Cummins Inc. DaimlerChrysler ExxonMobil General Electric Gloriosa J. P. Morgan Chase Jackmont Yvonne R. Jackson, C’70 Kimberly-Clark McDonalds Morgan Stanley National Alumnae Association of Spelman College Prudential Mildred Ponder Stennis, C’47 Sutherland Asbill & Brennan UPS Universal Motown V-1031/WAOK Wachovia 2005 Leadership Conference ADP AGL Resources AT Kearney Atlanta Journal-Constitution Avon Products, Inc. Bank of New York Bell South Coca-Cola Cummins, Inc. Delta Airlines Disney ExxonMobil Federated Department Stores Geico Georgia Pacific Georgia Power Goldman Sachs IBM Intercontinental Hotels JPMorgan Chase The May Company Merrill Lynch Morgan Stanley Pitney Bowes Pfizer Scripps Networks Siemens Corporation The Staubach Company US Bank UBS Financial Services UPS Foundation Verizon Communications Washington Mutual Others Hughes Management Consulting, Inc. Cyni Todd Productions

SMALL CHATS HOSTS Schuyla Goodson, C’87

Non Reunion Alumnae Giving by Class Alumnae support enables the College to make great strides and allows Spelman women the opportunity to demonstrate a personal commitment to the institution. This listing recognizes non reunion alumnae contributors by class years, showing both total giving and the percentage of participation for each class. We are grateful to those who have made generous contributions and continue to strive for every Spelman woman to support her beloved alma mater every year. Non Reunion Alumnae Giving (including expected matching gifts) From July 1, 2005 June 30, 2006



1925 1927 1928 1929 1930 1932 1933 1934 1935 1937 1938 1939 1940 1942 1943 1944 1945 1947 1948 1949 1950 1952 1953 1954 1955 1957 1958 1959 1960 1962 1963 1964 1965 1967 1968 1969 1970 1972 1973 1974 1975 1977 1978 1979 1980 1982 1983 1984 1985 1987 1988 1989 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1997 1998 1999 2000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

$200 $0 $0 $5,000 $0 $0 $5,150 $550 $520 $2,230 $875 $875 $3,600 $2,875 $16,200 $4,575 $128,425 $20,375 $3,744 $11,903 $6,600 $16,725 $15,410 $38,350 $6,300 $7,200 $9,642 $6,605 $10,270 $2,752 $14,770 $15,825 $7,235 $4,735 $8,335 $10,520 $120,853 $5,560 $39,995 $17,356 $15,074 $8,952 $11,605 $89,160 $11,721 $4,545 $12,453 $11,111 $14,250 $14,110 $6,064 $16,540 $21,549 $9,360 $20,695 $12,930 $9,360 $6,440 $4,933 $3,295 $5,390 $3,165 $2,362 $1,392 $2,119 $634




100% 0% 0% 20% 0% 0% 43% 25% 25% 38% 36% 45% 28% 37% 41% 25% 26% 55% 41% 62% 45% 33% 43% 43% 30% 24% 31% 29% 24% 27% 18% 24% 21% 17% 14% 28% 20% 15% 15% 24% 25% 20% 15% 12% 9% 10% 13% 14% 9% 11% 8% 12% 13% 9% 12% 14% 13% 11% 9% 9% 12% 12% 9% 6% 7% 13%







Reunion 2006 Spelman Donor Appreciation Reception Honors Alumnae Donors he Donor Appreciation Celebration honoring alumnae donors attending the Reunion 2006 was held on May 11, 2006 at the Georgia World Congress Center. Each year Spelman recognizes the generous gifts made by reunioning alumnae that help provide a solid financial foundation for the College. April Robinson, C’2007, served as mistress of ceremony for the event, while Sharon Owens, C’76, and Chanel Hampton, C’2006, made heartfelt remarks regarding their commitment to the College and the importance of giving. “Through these roles, I have learned important lessons about leadership and service and the responsibility of giving back,” said Ms. Hampton referring to her role as a student telefund manager and her involvement as a committee member for the student campaign. Ms. Hampton made her first gift to the College via the student campaign and urges other students to do the same. “Students and young alumnae, we must do our part and follow the example that you (alumnae



in the audience) have provided for us. You are our role models and it is an honor for me to thank you for your generosity,” she added. Ms. Owens also urged alumnae to make gifts to Spelman, highlighting the need for alumnae participation. “I, like so many of my Spelman sisters, understand the importance of alumnae giving to the schools financial success. It is only when Spelman sisters stand up and are counted for their financial contributions in support of the ideals and values that we love so much about Spelman, that we can seriously leverage our ability to compete for matching funds and corporate support. Although the amount of your contribution is important, it is equally important that every Spelman Alumnae give a contribution of at least $10 each year. This gives a visual picture of alumnae participation to corporate sponsors. A high percentage of alumnae giving shows corporate sponsors that we believe in Spelman College. We must show that we believe in Spelman first, as you cannot sell a product

unless you first believe in it. Spelman’s financial success is our product.” Spelman College President Beverly Daniel Tatum gave an informative presentation on the state of the College, sharing important financial information with alumnae as well as future needs and recent accomplishments. Vice President for Institutional Advancement Eloise Alexis, C’86, and Dineo Brinson, C’94, associate director of alumnae affairs, recognized all alumnae donors and presented each group with a gift. The traditional festooning ceremony took place for alumnae who made leadership gifts of $5,000 or more since their last reunion and alumnae who joined the Guardian Society (those who made provisions for Spelman to receive planned gifts). Eighteen alumnae were presented with silk scarves commissioned by the College for this occasion. Spelman President Beverly Daniel Tatum presents a silk scarf to each recipient at the traditional festooning ceremony.

Reunion 2006 Raises $554,739 – 11 % Increase Over Goal!


he classes ending in 1 and 6 were pleased to hear the announcement at the Reunion Banquet on May 13, 2006 from President Beverly Daniel Tatum that they raised $554,739, an 11 percent increase over their $500,000 goal. During the banquet, each class makes gift presentations. Listed below are giving totals and class participation percentages: CLASS 1936 1941 1946 1951 1956 1961 1966 1971 1976 1981 1986 1991 1996 2001

CLASS GIFT $1,100 $2,475 $22,849 $48,800 $116,225 $20,425 $35,080 $25,026 $47,838 $111,686 $52,792 $40,944 $24,812 $4,687

DONOR PARTICIPATION 33% 41% 60% 55% 68% 49% 52% 30% 44% 33% 26% 20% 28% 14%

Another highlight of the Reunion Banquet is the Alumnae Philanthropic Achievement Awards presentations. The award recognizing the reunion class with the largest cumulative gift for the four fiscal years preceding reunion was given to the Class of 1946 with a total of $86,695. The Most Significant Class Gift award went to the Class of 1956 who raised $116,225. The Highest Four-Year Percentage of Participation award was given to the Class of 1951 with 71 percent participation and the Highest Percentage of Participation Reunion Year award went to the Class of 1956 with 68 percent participation.

Dr. Tatum presents award to Rose Nichols, C’56 representing the class of 1956 for the Most Significant Class Gift – Reunion Year and Highest Percentage of Participation – Reunion Year.

Dr. Tatum presents award to Mary Stephens Dansby, C’46, representing the class of 1946 for Most Significant Class Giving – Four-Year.

Dr. Tatum presents award to Fannye Hopkins Banks, C’51, representing the class of 1951 for the Highest Percentage of Participation – Four-Year award.

Northern New Jersey Chapter of NAASC Donates $25,000


(respectively), the Northern New Jersey Chapter of the NAASC, in existence for over 25 years, comprises approximately 30 members and serves alumnae and current students residing in New Jersey. During fiscal year 2005–2006, the chapter distributed over $37,000 in scholarships awards to Spelman students from New Jersey. ●

Deirdre W. Matthews C’82

he Northern New Jersey Chapter of the advancement, during the NAASC Northeast National Alumnae Association of Spelman Region Conference. College (NAASC) ended the 2005–2006 Led by Lori Grier, C’88, and Brett Savagefiscal year with a big bang – a $25,000 contriSimon, C’88, president and vice-president bution to their beloved alma mater in honor of its 125th anniversary. The contribution was made possible through scholarship fundraising efforts. The chapter’s signature event is the Annual Scholarship Benefit Concert featuring the Spelman College Jazz Ensemble. On March 11, 2006, the Annual Scholarship Benefit Concert, held at Plainfield High School in Plainfield, New Jersey, honored Grammy awardwinning jazz artist Nancy Wilson. The The Northern New Jersey Chapter of the National Alumnae Associconcert was followed by a reception at ation of Spelman College. Seated left to right: Cassandra McCloud, Sienna Visions, a gallery owned by C’87, Lori Grier, C’88, Sharon K. McGahee, C’79, and Brett Savagerenowned artist Alonzo Adams. Simon, C’88 Second row: Juliette Wilkerson, C’87, Maurice Mitchell A check in the amount of $25,000 was Williams, C’50, Terri Davis, C’89, Stephanie Scott, C’98, Dineen J. White, C’89, Mayela Allen, C’79, Elizabeth Bennett, C’93, and presented on June 10th, 2006 to Eloise Christina Joseph Robinson, C’94 Back row: Erica Dixon, C’2005, Alexis,C’86, vice president for institutional Faith Edgar, C’96 and Tracy Matthews Roberson, C’87

Spelman President Beverly Daniel Tatum (second from right) with Lori Grier, C’88, president of The Northern N.J. Chapter NAASC (far right), Sharon K. McGahee, C’79, benefit chairperson (far left) and honoree jazz artist Nancy Wilson (second from left) at the chapter’s Annual Scholarship Benefit Concert. FALL 2006 / WINTER 2007






Alumna Q&A – Launice P. Sills, C’80, with Inside Spelman Q: When did you make your first gift to Spelman and what prompted you to do so?

A: My first gift to Spelman was during the 1990 Reunion. Although unable to attend (due to the birth of my third daughter) I wanted to support the College and my class by contributing to our 10-year reunion class gift.

Q: Why do you feel it is important to make the commitment to give back?

A: I believe it’s important to make the commitment to give back because we make a difference in the lives of many young women who, without our support, would not be able to obtain a college degree. Giving ensures that Spelman will continue to stand and serve as “a beacon of heavenly light” for young women in pursuit of a college education.

Q: What do you think is the biggest misconception about alumnae giving?

A: I believe the biggest misconception about alumnae giving is the notion that your gift has to be a substantial amount. Unfortunately, we often forget that “it’s the gift that counts” and when counted, small amounts collectively make a substantial one.

Q: What is your profession and how do you feel the value of a Spelman degree has contributed to your success? A: The exposure, nurturance and guidance provided by Spelman proved invaluable in pursuing my career as an attorney. A Spelman education enhanced my academic knowledge but, more importantly, exposed me to past and present struggles for social justice and to all kinds of people who broadened my perspective and strengthened my social consciousness. The success I have attained, in part due to my Spelman degree, is priceless.

Launice P. Sills, C’80, (second from left) with her daughters Kristin Sills (far left), Jaunice Sills, C’2008 (second from right) and Lauren Sills, C’2010 (far right). and intentionally exposed to countless Spelman women who have made and continue to make significant contributions to our communities both professionally and personally. With each encounter I would simply state “you know she went to Spelman.” As a result of my simple exposure, they were able to identify Spelman women who had the same desires and goals they have. Exposure to my Spelman sisters and the College allowed them to make the decision that I always knew would be right for them. What’s even more reaffirming, they are not simply attending my alma mater, they love it!!!

Q: You currently pay two tuitions and still make donating to the College a priority – why?

A: Despite paying two tuitions, donating to Q: How does it feel to have two daughters enrolled at your alma mater? A: I am so proud that my daughters were accepted by and chose to attend Spelman. As many mothers can attest, to have a daughter, especially during her teen years, make the same choice as her mother – on anything – is rare. I would be delusional to think that their decisions were based solely on a desire to follow in their mother’s footsteps. I have credited their decisions to attend Spelman not as a desire to emulate their mother but as an affirmation that I have done a few things right as a mother. Throughout my daughters’ lives they have been surrounded by 26 INSIDE SPELMAN

Spelman remains a priority to me due to a commitment made 33 years ago. During my sophomore year, I was a recipient of a scholarship to Spelman students from the United Negro College Fund (UNCF.) At that time, my parents were paying two tuitions to Spelman. The day I received the scholarship was one of the proudest moments for me as a young woman, not because of the academic accomplishment, but the sense of joy attained from my ability to lessen my parents’ financial burden. When I ran out of Rockefeller Hall to call my father (after receiving notification of the scholarship), I stopped on the steps and made a promise to support the UNCF and

Spelman so I could lessen the financial burdens of other students like me, who could then focus solely on their education without working during the school year.

Q: Is there anything that you would like to share with your Spelman sisters about the importance of alumnae giving? A: Until recently, I didn’t know that alumnae giving in many instances has a direct correlation to the College’s ability to obtain the full benefit of corporate or other donor contributions. Often these contributions are extended as matching funds. If we don’t give a dollar annually, we can’t get the matching dollar. Also, the participation rate of alumnae on an annual basis plays a critical role for corporations and foundations in determining where to designate their charitable contributions. The higher the annual participation rate, the more positively the institution is viewed. Therefore, don’t make the mistake I made as a young alumna in thinking you only give when you can add more than one zero to the dollar amount. Whether its $20, $200 or $2,000, send it annually (it’s also better on your budget). Our dollars, whether big or small, show not only our love for our alma mater, but our desire for Spelman to continue to educate African American women. The quality of Spelman’s future depends on our own actions.





$7 Million for Scholarships Announced at Spelman’s 125th Signature Event here was a lot to celebrate at Spelman College’s 125th Anniversary Signature Event on April 10, 2006, including a series of gifts totaling $7 million for need-based scholarship support. During the black-tie affair at Atlanta’s Georgia Aquarium, Spelman College President Beverly Daniel Tatum announced that trustee Ted Aronson and his wife, Barbara, made a gift of $5 million to establish the Robert D. Flanigan/Johnathan Smith Endowed Scholarship. Inspired by their gift, two of Mr. Aronson’s friends and colleagues also made generous gifts, designated for endowed need-based scholarships. “My partners and I have been associated with Spelman’s financial affairs for nearly 20 years. We have been very much aware of the


College’s needs including facilities, faculty salaries and more,” says Mr. Aronson. “However, we noted that Spelman was radically short of educational funds, so naturally we gravitated toward scholarships in order to attract the very best – regardless of need.” “These dollars in our endowment will generate approximately $263,000 in new scholarship dollars. That amount will certainly grow over the next few years and be available for scholarship support in perpetuity,” explained Dr. Tatum. She added, “After hearing about Mayor Shirley Franklin’s ‘Next Step…The Atlanta Promise’ program, designed to encourage and support Atlanta Public School seniors in planning for life after high school, Mr. Aronson indicated that a substantial portion of the endowment income generated from the gift should be used

to ensure that admitted students who have grown up in the widely cast Atlanta shadow of Spelman have access to a premier educational experience.” Ten scholarships a year will be targeted for admitted students with financial need from Atlanta, with preference given to those graduating from the Atlanta Public Schools. Atlanta scholarship recipients will be recognized as Robert Daniel Flanigan Scholars in honor of Spelman College’s vice president for business and financial affairs and chief financial officer, who has served the institution for more than 30 years. Scholarships will also be awarded on the basis of need to students from other regions of the United States. These recipients will be recognized as Jonathan Smith Scholars in honor of Spelman’s long-serving and dedicated trustee.

Alumna Schulyla Goodson-Bell, C’87, Continues Cultivation through Coca-Cola Company Chats


chuyla Goodson, C’87, division operations counsel for Coca-Cola South Africa (Pty) Ltd, has been extremely instrumental in establishing The Coca-Cola Com-

pany Chat: An Evening at Reynolds Cottage, an annual event that continues to cultivate the long-standing relationship between Spelman College and The Coca-Cola Company. Spelman College President Beverly Daniel Tatum hosted the first chat on March 17, 2005 and the College is preparing for the third annual chat in the fall of 2007. The idea for The Coca-Cola Company Chat was born during one of Attorney Goodson’s visits to the Spelman College Office of Alumnae Affairs. She suggested that having a reception for The Coca-Cola Company alumnae and friends immediately after company bonuses are distributed might increase philanthropic giving to the Spelman College Annual Fund. Also, in addition to the generous contributions that it makes, The CocaCola Company has an excellent matching gifts program designed to match employee gifts to educational, arts or cultural institutions. Ingrid Saunders Jones, director of corporate external affairs and senior vice president of The Coca-Cola Company, and chairperson of The Coca-Cola Foundation, and Helen Smith Price, C’79, assistant vice president and executive director of The Coca-Cola Foundation, have been instrumental in supporting this event by attending and urging The

President Beverly Daniel Tatum’s new book released on March 28, 2007.

Coca-Cola Company employees to do the same. In addition to providing personal financial support to show her commitment, dedication and love for Spelman College, Attorney Goodson has helped create a successful event, offering others the opportunity to collaborate and maximize their gifts to the College.

FALL 2006 / WINTER 2007



Lilly Endowment Funds Global Conference on Spirituality, Religion and Vocation Held at Spelman College omen of the African Diaspora convened at Spelman College in Atlanta for the groundbreaking “Global Conference 2006 – Sisters of African Descent: Connecting Spirituality, Religion and Vocation,” September 21–23, 2006. The conference was funded by the Lilly Endowment, and was one of the culminating events of its Theological Exploration of Vocation Initiative. The documentation and visibility of the importance of Black women’s experiences and contributions to religious life and culture has been increasingly on the rise since Alice Walker’s 1986 book In Search of My Mother’s Garden. In support of this growing body of womanist scholarship, “Sisters of African Descent: Connecting Spirituality, Religion and Vocation” gave voice to the experience, research and wisdom of women “who are spiritually grounded and rooted in a belief system that propels them in life,” said the Rev. Lisa Rhodes, dean of Spelman College’s Sisters Chapel and director of the WISDOM (Women in Spiritual Discernment of Ministry) Center at the College. “The conference was an empowering opportunity to bear witness to the stories of women from throughout the Diaspora as we discussed struggles and triumphs in career, religion and the community. “A historic international gathering of this sort does not occur often enough,” she added. “We need to stand together on issues that impact the quality of our experiences as a socio-historic group and develop a praxis and research agenda to help guide ministry and scholarship.” While women from various ideological, professional, cultural and spiritual backgrounds were the focus of the event, men were encouraged to attend as well. The Sisters Center for WISDOM at Spelman took the lead in developing 17 sessions during the two-day conference that delved into a range of topics including:



• Sane and in my Right Mind: Mental Effects of Poverty, Trauma and HIV/AIDS on Black Women in the Diaspora • In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens: Black Women, Mothering and Community Survival • Unveiling the Reality of Rape: Activism as a Healing Modality (which included a screening of NO!, a documentary about sexual violence and healing in African-American communities.) Speakers included Dr. Bernice Johnson Reagon, C’70, 2002–2004 Cosby Chair of Fine

Arts at Spelman, curator emeritas at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History and a founding member of the acclaimed African-American women’s a cappella ensemble, Sweet Honey in the Rock. Dr. Reagon provided the conference’s opening plenary address. During her presentation, Georgia Supreme Court Chief Justice Leah Ward Sears discussed American society’s shift in views concerning marriage and family. “We used to believe that marriage and childbearing went hand-inhand,” said Justice Sears. “Far too many people today, however, view having babies as a rite of

passage, and in some social circles, even a status symbol. As a judge, I have seen firsthand the legal ramifications of the breakdown of the family.” According to Justice Sears, studies consistently demonstrate that children of parents who are engaged in a loving, committed relationship tend to fare better, emotionally and physically, than their counterparts. She said that she hopes this conference can advance the dialogue to restoring the family as the cornerstone of the African-American community. The closing plenary speaker, Dr. Mercy Amba Oduyoye, is founder of the Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians and director of the Institute of Women In Religion and Culture at Trinity Theological Seminary in Ghana. “Religion is an important aspect of life,” said Dr. Oduyoye. “A lot of what we do derives from our faith. So, the emphasis I would have for the conference is for us to live out the ethics of our faith… to enhance ourselves so that the communities in which we belong will flourish on either side of the Atlantic.” Other highlights included the Divine Legacy of Ministry awards banquet on Friday, Sept. 22, which featured as speaker Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie, the first African-American woman appointed bishop in the African Methodist Episcopal Church. The banquet honored and recognized several clergywoman and scholars, including Marian Wright Edelman, C’60, Drs. Jacqueline Grant, Katie Cannon, Bernice Johnson Reagon and Cynthia Hale. There was a closing worship service on Sunday, Sept. 24, at Sisters Chapel, with guest pastor and scholar The Rev. Dr. Cheryl Sanders, associate professor of Christian ethics at Howard University School of Divinity and senior pastor of Third Street Church of God in Washington, D.C.


LEADS Salutes Philanthropist Candy Berman


t has been said that service is the rent you pay for your existence on earth, a life principle philanthropist Candy Berman believes we each should be obliged to fulfill. Ms. Berman is president of Candy Berman & Associates, a company specializing in events and projects for nonprofit organizations. Her generous contribution to the Spelman College Center for Leadership & Civic Engagement (LEADS) supported the LEADS Policy Summit and WOMENomics Symposium, two of its leadership development programs. “We salute Candy Berman for her philanthropic support,” says Dr. Jane E. Smith, C’68, LEADS’ executive director. Passing along her family’s legacy of giving has influenced both Ms. Berman’s personal and professional life. Her volunteer experience in the community and exposure to corporate culture through Leadership Atlanta has allowed her to live her passion and lead by example. “We are not put here just to take up space,” she offers. She has been named a YWCA Woman of Achievement and has received the 1982 Abe Schwartz Young Award and the 2003 Selig Distinguished Service Award. Her enthusiasm for giving is palpable. “I have always been passionate about inspiring and educating young people,” says this Simmons College graduate. “Supporting Spelman College’s efforts to create confident women who will one day be philanthropic leaders made it a perfect fit.” Support from individuals like Candy Berman allows LEADS to advance its mission to empower

women of color to fully utilize their capacity to assume leadership roles that can facilitate the change the world requires. “LEADS charge is to cultivate and teach a model of leadership based on the experiences of African-American women leaders and develop a collegiate co-curriculum that teaches our students the skills necessary for leadership and civic engagement,” offers Dr. Smith. Since its inception, LEADS has established student programs that support its role as an emerging academic site for research and community service, as it relates to the leadership development of women of color. Informative symposiums such as the Women of Excellence and Leadership Series, a competitive program held annually, afford a select group of students the opportunity to participate in seminars focused on leadership training and development. Establishing environments for student collaborations is an important aspect of the Women of Color Student Leadership Conference where over 100 Atlanta-area college students will convene in March 2007 at a one-day conference that identifies approaches to leadership utilized by women of color to create and sustain global alliances. The proposed Spelman Leadership Development Co-Curriculum will be a leadership development program that offers students instruction on the transformative models of African-American and Diaspora women and a solid comprehension of key leadership models and theories.

LEADS also offers diverse opportunities to foster community collaborations and civic engagement through programs administered by the Bonner Office of Community Service and Student Development. An example of that initiative is the Shepherd Poverty Alliance, which integrates academic study and learning to assist students in developing a strong sense of vocation. Through service to communities and disadvantaged individuals, students learn to serve and commit themselves to actions that address societal issues, and promote a structure for student leadership and volunteer service. Research programs such as the Spelman’s Independent Scholars Program (SIS), offer students the opportunity to pull from the past to create a brighter future. SIS is an independent, interdisciplinary and intergenerational learning experience that pairs elder “Women of Wisdom” with young scholars across all academic disciplines. SIS recently published its second anthology, Their Memories, Our Treasure: Conversations with African-American Women of Wisdom, a powerful compilation of 11 decades of oral history as told by elder AfricanAmerican women from the South. LEADS is continuing its commitment to establishing diverse, inclusive models for leadership development for women of color. The 2007 Leadership and Women of Color Conference will take place May 9–10, 2007 at the Cobb Galleria Centre in Atlanta, Georgia.

Title III Program Provides $1.3 Million Toward Academic Improvement The Title III Program provided more than $1.3 million dollars toward academic improvement at Spelman College during the 2005–2006 fiscal year. The majority of the funds were allocated for use in four areas – annual giving, physics and engineering, foreign language and fine arts. The Fine Arts Department received the bulk of the dollars – $1.2 million. The Music, Drama & Dance, and Art Departments all benefited from the contribution, which provided several crucial upgrades and enhancements to expand and improve the curriculum, facilities and learning environment; among them were state-of-the-art electronic classrooms, display tables, a sound system, a new stage, a music technology lab, pianos and other instruments. “One of the major goals of the Title III Program is to provide support for areas of study where African Americans are underrepresented, such as physics, math, the sciences,” says Dr. Ivan Page, director of Title III at Spelman College. The new physics and engineering computer lab completed in fall 2006 is a direct example of that, where $48,500 was spent on 25 top-of-the-line computers and software for the lab. “There is a huge under-representation of African American women in engineering and physics,” explains Dr. Page. Dr. Derrick Hylton, chair and associate professor of physics at Spelman, agrees. He anticipates an increase in the number of students interested in

physics at Spelman. “The new lab will allow for expansion of the curriculum, offer new courses and attract more students majoring in physics and engineering. Now we have better research capabilities,” says Dr. Hylton. Of the remaining $1.3 million, $48,795 went toward upgrading computer technology in the foreign language lab, and $50,000 was used to automate the annual giving Telefund program. Title III is a federal program that supports the development and academic progress of Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Grant awards range from $500,000 to $3 million, depending on student population and graduate school attendance. Title III funds are used to pay for computers and software supplies, instructional supplies, faculty and staff training programs and contractual services. The activities supported with Title III funds include the Comprehensive Writing Program: Writing Across the Curriculum; Interdisciplinary Studies Program: African Diaspora and the World; Multimedia Education Research and Interdisciplinary Teaching (MERIT); computer and information sciences; media and information technology; mathematics; a faculty and curriculum development program in the social sciences, education and fine arts; and the Women’s Center. FALL 2006 / WINTER 2007






Students’ Campaign for Giving On February 20, 2006, the Student Giving Campaign 2006 was launched. The goal of the campaign was to educate current Spelman College students about the importance of giving back to the College and to encourage them to begin donating while they are still enrolled. The campaign targeted the entire student body and was managed by the Student Philanthropy Council. Alicia Tinsley, C’2007, and Tennille McCray, C’2008, president and vice presi-

dent (respectively) of the Student Philanthropy Council, provided leadership with the help of the Division of Institutional Advancement’s Office of Annual Giving. The group challenged students to give and encouraged healthy competition between the classes. Announced on Founders Day, April 11, 2006, at the time the campaign had raised $1,748.85 in donations, and 14.38 percent of the student body had participated.

Scholarship Recipients Give Thanks The Spelman College Annual Scholarship Donors Appreciation Luncheon took place on April 20, 2006 in the Manley College Center June Gary Hopps Atrium. This special day of recognition, held to thank donors for the generous scholarship support that they provide to deserving students, offers donors the opportunity to meet the recipients of their specific funds. For many of these students, a Spelman education would not be possible without the financial support from these benefactors.

Juliette Wilson, C’2007, Ruth-Ercile L. Hodges Endowed Scholarship recipient (center), with donors Virgil and Verna Hodges.

Shannon Cumberbatch, C’2008, Dr. Robert Grant recipient (left), with donor Katherine Collier.


More than 120 donors and students enjoyed a moving program where three students – Heather Taylor, C’2006, Javitta Malone, C’2006, and Crystal Wemyss, C’2007, spoke to scholarship sponsors about their personal struggles to finance their education and their rewarding experiences at the College. The luncheon followed the College’s annual Honor Days Convocation in Sisters Chapel.

Tomekia Hunter, C’2007, Frederick Gaston & Mignon Lewis Scholarship recipient (right), with donor Mignon L. Lewis, C'51.

Brittany Kemp, C’2007, winner of the Alinda Willians Mouzon Award (center), with donors Earlinda Elder (left) and Sadie Williams (right).





Stars of Stage and Screen Participate in Scholarship Benefit Honoring Longtime Spelman College Dance Educator Mozel Spriggs trio of dynamic thespians and luminaries of movies and television, Delroy Lindo, Victoria Rowell and Mykelti Williamson, hosted “A Night For Dancing: A Celebration of the Legacy of Mozel Spriggs” Saturday, January 28, 2006 in the Baldwin Burroughs Theatre located in the Spelman College Fine Arts Building. The evening gala celebrated and honored grand dame Spriggs, credited with helping introduce modern dance to Atlanta, for her nearly three-decade legacy of teaching and nurturing in the Spelman College dance and drama departments. The proceeds from ticket sales for “A Night For Dancing” went to the Mozel Spriggs Scholarship Fund. During her 27-year leadership of Spelman’s dance programs, Spriggs brought to campus such famed modern dance pioneers as Alvin Ailey, Arthur Mitchell, Geoffrey Holder, Martha Graham, Pearl Primus, George Faison and many others as performers and lecturers. The Rod Rodgers Troupe, which emphasized “Black is beautiful” dance, visited campus at least six times during Spriggs’ tenure. Born in Chattanooga, Tenn., Spriggs, 81, earned her master’s degree in dance from New York University in 1949. During Spriggs’ years of service to Spelman, between 1949 and 1969, the only professional modern dance artists to visit Atlanta were presented at Spelman and other colleges in the AUC. Spriggs was motivated to present these artists for her students, she explained, “because we needed some role models to show our dancers that Black people could dance.” “Ms. Spriggs nurtured and developed a community dance program through very tough times. She presented in performance not just African American dance artists at Spelman, but performing artists of all backgrounds,” explained Kenneth Green, who is the event’s producing


director and a lecturer of dance at Spelman. “When artists of color could not perform in any other venue in Atlanta, Mozel always enthusiastically provided a home for them.” Delroy Lindo’s work in filmmaker Spike Lee’s Clockers, Crooklyn, Malcolm X and HBO’s Lackawanna Blues has garnered him respect and acclaim in the industry. Ten-time NAACP Image Award winner and Emmy-nominated Victoria Rowell stars in the popular daytime drama The Young and Restless. Mykelti Williamson debuted as “Bubba” on the big screen opposite Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump. All three donated their time and talents to celebrate and honor Ms. Spriggs as the hosts of the exciting evening that was filled with dance, music and fond memories.

Several Spelman alumnae, as well as matriculating students who have studied under Spriggs, were featured performers of the evening as they paid tribute to an individual who greatly influenced their professional lives: Jessica Paige, C’2000, Audrey Waters, C’2002, Ntianu Young, C’2004, Shannon Smith, C’2006, Ashley Brown, C’2006 and Nia Erving, C’2006 were among them. Additional performers included Asha Thomas, who has performed with the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, Karen Callaway, who has performed in Broadway productions in New York, the Giwayen Mata Dance Company, Spelman Children’s Dance Theatre, which includes middle and high school youth, the Toni Doctor Atlanta Ballet Company and the Lee Harper Modern Dance Company.

Mozel Spriggs (second from right) with actors Delroy Lindo (right), Victoria Rowell (second from left) and Mykelti Williamson (left) at “A Night For Dancing: A Celebration of the Legacy of Mozel Spriggs” scholarship benefit.

“When artists of color could not perform in any other venue in Atlanta, Mozel always enthusiastically provided a home for them.” —Kenneth Green

FALL 2006 / WINTER 2007


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