SpiritCHURCH | September 2024 | Newsletter

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September 28th | 10AM

September 28th


Join us on Saturday, September 28, 2024, for the Convoy of Hope Community Event in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, at the Johnstone Park City Center Pavilion. Guests will be provided with free groceries, a Kids Zone, community services, lunch, gardening supplies, Veteran services, family portraits, health services, and much more!

Rain or Shine • While Supplies Last • All Are Welcome No Guest Sign-up or ID Required

If you’re interested in serving for this event with our team, please fill out the required form at convoyofhope.org/events/bartlesville

Johnstone Park


Join us on Wednesday, September 4th, at 7 pm for First Wednesday at Johnstone Park in the pavilion area! We will gather together for time of worship and prayer over our upcoming Convoy of Hope event. We’d love for you to be a part of this night as we prepare our hearts and minds to serve the least, last, and lost in our community. Children are welcome to attend, but child care is not provided for this event.


If you're interested in learning about what we believe, serving on a SpiritTEAM, or becoming a member, this is the class for you! Join us for Growth Track on Sunday, September 1st, at ll am in the office area. If you’d like to attend, please sign up at www.spirit.church/signup.


If you have yet to join a SpiritGROUP, now is the perfect time to do so! It is our desire that everyone find connection and meaningful, biblical community in a SpiritGROUP. You can view a list of groups on our website at www.spirit.church/groups, or contact

robyn@spiritchurch.com for more information.

SpiritYOUTH’s annual Taco Bell Olympics is Wednesday, September 25th from 6:30-8:30 pm!

All 6th-12th graders are invited to join us for this incredible night. Expect free food, fun Taco Bell style games, and prestigious prizes. Your students won’t want to miss it!



2121 S. Madison Blvd. Bartlesville, OK 74006

918.336.1131 | mail@spiritchurch.com www.spirit.church

If you’re new to SpiritCHURCH, our Pastors would love to meet you! Join us on September 29th right after the 11 am worship experience for Lunch with the Pastors in the office area! This is just an opportunity for you and your family to meet each Pastor on our staff, ask questions about their ministries or our church, and enjoy a free lunch on us! We would love to get to know you! If you’d like to attend, please sign up at www.spirit.church/signup.


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