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Contest Rules
• Entry must be a freehand painting or drawing on paper, canvas, or poster board using paint, ink, pencil, crayon, chalk, or markers.
• May be framed; however, entries will not be behind glass, plexiglass, clear plastic, etc.
Prohibited Entries
• Entries that are behind glass, plexiglass, clear plastic, etc.
• Additions or embellishments.
Judging Criteria
Entries will be judged on creativity, composition, and mastery of materials:
Composition/Design (30 points) - Arrangement and balance of visual elements
Creativity (30 points) - Impact on viewer, unique approach to subject matter… Is there a WOW factor?
Execution (30 points) - Technique, craftsmanship, excellence in skills in the making of the piece. Mastery of the medium.
Degree of Difficulty (10 points) - Based on the age division. Was it difficult and challenging?