8 minute read
from Vestnik 1954 5 12
Dear SPJST Family:
Grapevine, Texas
Those of you who weren't at our Third District meeting in West surely missed a fine time. It seems that every meeting
Vas Tn Texas
the audience were happy for them. (Br. Valcik, could we have a picture of them together in the Vestnik?) (OK, here they are.--Editor.)
The old officere are on for another year. They hoped to turn the second year over to "New Blood," so that our District would some day have plenty of trained leaders to guide our District to greater goals, but we did get a very talented assistant elected to help us, namely : Br. Alvin Nesuda, of Ennis, as custodian of our lovely new Third District Flag. It's truly beautiful and Bro. Nesuda will see that it's in its place at each meeting. We're all happy that Bro. Nesuda accepted the nomination, for he will be invaluable to us in our further work. That brings me to the part I wanted to write about most—PODPORA, LIDSKOST, BRATRSTVI—those words have been going over and over in my mind — catch words — like the slogan "For Texans By Texans." Our
Wednesday, 193=i ing this lovely song to the accompaniment of Miss Nesuda on the piano, Podpora, Lidskost a Bratrstvi — as though they were telling these youngsters what it all meant to us in our lives. The children joined hands, embracing our emblem to their bosoms and joined their elders to finish the song. Podpora, Lidskost a Bratrstvi. Dear Family — you should have been there! It was inspiring.
Another reason why our meeting was different this time We had our Charter members of the SPJST, those living within our district with us: Sisters Bilek and Prikryl were introduced and presented with a lovely yellow corsage. Sister Hnsak, also a charter member was not present, being ill. Three Sisters, our Charter Members. We honor these ladies for the stout-hearted courage in pioneering and contributing through the years to our SPJST growth. We honor these old people, they are dear to us.
I've yet to see white haired Bro. Snapka MISS one of our meetings. Gladness radiates from his face when he comes amongst his own.
Sylvia Laznovsky
we have is just a little better than the List. Certainly this one was differentia that our District had 100 per cent representation by its lodges. A L L LODGES PRESENT—shows you that our Meetings ARE interesting and that they DO draw crowds. Our farthest Lodge north, Gainsville, was represented by members from the Oklahoma side of the Red River, namely: Bro. and Sis. Sykora, Bro. Paclik, also of Gainsville was present, smiling all the while. You could tell he was enjoying the meeting. Wonder why Cordy Paclik didn't come? tow about that? — Miss Information!
Our essay contest winners, Misses Sylvia Laznovsky, Emogene Hanus and Lucille Harius, were there to receive their prizes. Three lovely ladies, gentlemen, Lentlement, — they were the center of attraction. Miss Sylvia wore a turquoise blue silk dress and her pink carnation corsage was really attractive, Miss EmsP:ene in her white dress with pink corage, and Miss Lucille was dressed in lavender with a pink corsage of carnations. They were terrific. They all looked as though they had just stepped out of a bandbox. They were photographed a number to times, singly, together and with the members of the Third Districts Officers (the Kocouil.). Anyway, we,
Eiviogene Jianus
Sister Wilma Nesuda Ennis wrote a little song with this slogan, Podpora, Lidskost a Bratrstvi to the beautiful dedication number of the SPJST STAR to the Third District. There stood a big five-point red-and-white star on the Stage—little children in our national (Kroj) costumes, each dedicated a section with a letter on it to the Red and White star, placing it in its appropriate place, until it formed our round SPJST emblem. But the touching part of it all was the Fathers and Mother sing-
Another reason why our meeting was different this time was the membership. When it was proposed in the afternoon meeting that our next meeting be held in October, since hot weather and harvest season would be on hand in three months, the membership protested "No, no, no, three months," they cried. Where, but in our Third District would find such an audience. From the enthusiasm manifested it is evident that the Fosummal,,,,g
Wednesday, May 12, 1951 membership is interested and will come to such meetings.
The West Lodge had a lovely singing number with an accordion accompaniment. Those Czech songs truly give a person a lift. (Od podlahy.) We didn't stay for all of the program after the 'meeting, because we wanted to beat the darkness home — we're not used to driving at night too much anymore, but it's your loss dear readers, when you miss those meetings. Our next one is in Ennis, in July, and remember Pcdpora, Lidskost a Bratistvi.
Fraternally yours, Anna Hosek
The biannual meeting of the 7th District SPJST will be called to order Sunday, May 16, 1954, at 11:00 a. rn. Lunch will be served on the grounds at 1:00 p.m. at the Mission Park, San Antonio, Texas.
Directions to the park: coming in on South Presa, Street follow it to the 5000 block, turn to White Ave. which will lead you to the park. The committees are preparing interesting as well as educational programs and the Supreme Lodge Officers will be with us to bring us their messages, for your benefit and everyone concerned. You are cordially invited to be with us.
E. Miculka, President
Jacob Shortner, Secretary • 4• • (
Corpus Christi, Texas
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
The regular meeting of Lodge No. 56 Anton J. Cermak was held April 11th. After the meeting . adjourned the Sokol meeting was called, to order. While this meeting was going on I went to town for the ice cream which was donated to the youth by the lodge. Then, few of us collected all the Easter Eggs the children brought and • we hid thein on the grounds. Little Kathryn Cabla found the most eggs. Jerry Manasek found the least (one). Margaret Majek found the second largest number. After the Easter Egg hunt, drinks, ice cream and supper was served to all present. Everyone had an enjoyable time.
Brother Jan Stasa attended our last meeting. We were all glad to see him. He is looking fine, as you all remember in illy last letter I mentioned that he was seriously ill.
Naeces County second graders' stepped up to silver needles yesterday (April 28th) to receive injections of the new polio vac' nine and by the day's end 3372 had been inoculated. I was one of the volunteer workers and went to Robstown with
other mothers of the Clarkwood School with 31 second graders. Our youngest girl is in the second grade, so as one of the lucky pupils to be vaccinated. There were no ill effects felt by the children. On our way home froin the clinic, we had the bus driver to stop by an Ice Cream Parlor and we bought all of them a treat. This gave them a lift and happier ideas and next week they won't mind going for their second shot. Hope this new vaccine solves the problem.
Our oldest daughter, Frances was elected queen of Clarkwood School. She received 5.650 votes. Each vote was sold for a penny. The runner-up had 1800 votes. The coronation of the king and queen will be May 7th at the Clarkwood School auditorium. Frances is a member of Lodge 56. Many thanks to Brother Felix Pavlas, Sr. for helping her get votes in his place of business. The money collected will be used for an 8th grade trip to Austin, May 18th. The 8th grade pupils have plans to visit the governor. Representative Ford of Nueces County will accompany the pupils on this trip and will show them the points of interest in Austin.
Members of District 7 don't forget to attend the, district meeting which will be held in San Antonio. May 16th. My family will be represented 100 q. This includes my parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Holasek, my sister, and her family and yours truly (my husband, and 3 children). There are eleven of us, and all insured with the S. P. J. S. T. That makes us 100%. We are all looking forward to attend this meeting and at the same time are the relatives that live in the wonderful city of San Antonio.
At last we are receiving those most welcomed rains. Prospects for a good crop are very promissing. The cotton is being chopped and the feed is growing rapidly. It won't be long till those good roasting ears will be in the field. Our garden is fair and we are already bringing fresh vegetables for our use. I also have enough strawberries for my use and am making jam out of them. I like to make jam out of any kind of fruit at all times.
It's about time I end this letter or the editor will discard it.
Betty Jurica, reporter • sir, • ( LODGE POKROK HOUSTON NO. 88
Houston, Texas Lodge Pokrok No. 88 will have a BarB-Q on Sunday, May 16. Serving will begin at 12:00 noon. The price of the dinner for adults will be one dollar ($1.00) and children fifty cents (50c). There will be entertainment day and night including a free dance.
All donations of cakes, kolaches, can-
To Every Organizer of the S. P. J. S. T.
Sisters and Brothers:
A conference was held by the representatives of District Three and District Five, after the meeting in West, Sunday, April 25, for the purpose to invite every SPJST organizer in all the seven districts to a friendly contest to see what district would secure the highest percentage of new members.
This contest of third and fifth districts against all other districts should find all of us ready to assist and help our organizers wherever opportunity arises.
The rules of the contest would be simple. The organizers in each district would try to increase the number of new members and new certificates on the basis of the present number of members in their respective districts. The increase would be stated in percentages. Each districts would be raising its own number and figure its own percentage.
Every organizer should feel the imeortance and advantage of this, type of contest. If a majority of organizers approves this plan, the contest will start on June 1 and will end on August 31, 1954.
Kindly send your approval—to the delight of the entire membership of the SPJST tot the Secretary of District Three: L. 0. Hosek, Route 1, Grapevine, Texas.
Sincerely and fraternally, Cyrill Pokladnik, president, L. 0. Hosek, secretary District Three dy, or any other pastry or articles for raffles will be gretaly appreciated.
J. M. Skrabanek, president Rudy J. Sefcik, lcretary District Five.
We'll be looking for YOU at the BarB-Q on May 16. Fraternally, Anette Rezek, for board of di rectors. ) 4,
A realist is a. man who knows his bank balance won't be as much as he had hoped for.—Elizabethtown News. )
Golf is a lot like taxes.--you drive hard to get to the green and then wind up in the hole.—Fifth Wheel.
Statement Of Receipts And Disbursements For The Month Of April 1954
l - Hotovost . Bonds - U. S. Bondy nty and municipal bonds - Okresni a mestske bondy tgage
;ificate loans - Certifikatove Vijay
1.; -- Akcie
J. S. T. Building - S. P. J. S. T. budova
: Estate - Majetek ateral Loan - Collateral ptijeka
0 - Mineralni a Olejovy majetek
.ty - Podily nture