Splash Magazine - April 2017

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Your FREE L i f e s t y l e April 2017 issue 85

Onrus Artist

Bryan Cooke











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Editor: Peter van Schaik peter@splashmag.co.za Copy-Editors: Kathleen Botha, & Hanneke van Schaik Design: Brenda Smal

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SPLASH Office Tel: 074 717 2582

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Peter van Schaik

Hélène Truter - A change is as good as a heart attack… National Alpaca Day

Nothing is impossible, unless you believe it to be.


Address: Gateway Centre, Hermanus, 7200 Postal Address: Private Bag X15, Suite 43, Gateway Centre, Hermanus, 7200


Refine - Complete Anti-aging Skin Science

Hi Splash Readers WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! If you have anything to share with us, please email to splash@splashmag.co.za Any stories, complaints, news or anything interesting you think we can share with all our readers.

MAPS P10 Onrus P11 Sandbaai

HOME P12 P13 Keeping Splash Magazine connected sales@sonictelecoms.co.za 021 201 0220

Chris Bertish, - on his own, out on the ocean for 77 days. Toiling, planning, preventing and paddling, this 42 year old big wave surfer has smashed, not one but two, 24-hour World Records in paddling. In the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, Chris decided the conditions were right and went after the World Record for paddling the greatest mileage in a 24 hour period. At 50.03 nautical miles, Chris set the new World Record on February 16, 2017. But wait… He decided the next day, that he wanted to try it again. And so he did. Chris smashed his own World Record the following day on February 17, 2017 by clocking in 62.54 nautical miles. Read about his adventure on page 14.

Johan Badenhorst - The way to the Kunene Mouth Dawie Snyman - Die Wese van "fair play"

MAPS P14 Hermanus P15 Elgin Cool Wine Festival P16 Chris Bertish - First man ever to standup paddle across the Atlantic P18 Pam Snyman - Costs and taxes when pruchasing or selling your home P20 Elmarie de Waal - En sy is tuis...

Cover Art: Bryan Cooke

- Chris Bertish

Gaan loer ook aanlyn. Ons "e-Boek" het altyd daai ietsie extra, en dit is ook nou interaktief waar jul direk na Chris se webwerf kan gaan vir meer oor wat hy als ondervind het op sy reis. Also, don't forget to join us on our Facebook group and page. There you can get all the info on our awesome competitions, distibution of our magazines, and lots of local news and events. Don't forget the Splash Feel Good Friday Triple play every Friday at 16:30

Contact 028 316 1631

Geniet die Paas vakansie. Groete Your FREE Lifestyle magazine February 2017 issue 83

Your FREE Lifestyle magazine


March 2017 issue 84

Hélène Truter

Dapper, dapperder, Swartwater.

Onrus Artist

Malgorzata Czepulkowska

February 2017 / issue 83

Hermanus Artist

Gillian Hahn

Dawie Snyman Strategie vir die spel

Johan Badenhorst

Forbidden Land - South West Namibia

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Tune in on fridays 16:30 for the Splash tripple play, on Whale Coast 96FM

March 2017 / issue 84

Previous issues of Splash available online at


Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or S P L A S H Magazine. Copyright © - Whale Splash Media CC - All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or copied by any form or means without prior permission of the publisher. The Publisher or S P L A S H Magazine are not responsible for any unsolicited material.


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Vroeëkindontwikkeling In ‘n land soos Finland word ‘n graad in voorskoolse onderwys net so hoog geag as ‘n mediese of ‘n regsgraad. Met ander woorde, die onderrig en hantering van voorskoolse kinders word gesien as ‘n baie belangrike saak en mense wat met voorskoolse kinders werk, moet baie goed opgelei word. In Suid-Afrika het 75% van die ses miljoen kinders onder vyfjarige ouderdom nie toegang tot enige vroeëkindontwikkelingsdienste nie. Verder het die meeste kinders volgens die nasionale gemiddelde net elf minute een-tot-een kontak per dag met hulle ouers. As jy dus tyd op jou hande het, of geld in jou beursie het wat ‘n goeie doel soek, is jou werk vir jou uitgesit. Sorg dat die kinders in jou omgewing genoeg boeke het om te lees. Lees voor vir kinders, hulle is nooit te oud daarvoor nie. Nader ‘n plaaslike skool of biblioteek en bied jou dienste aan. So kan jy ‘n verskil maak in die lewe van ‘n kind, want alle leer is gebaseer op die vermoë om met begrip te kan lees. Kinders vir wie daar voorgelees word, bou ‘n goeie verhouding met die voorleser (ouer, onderwyser) want “there is no app for a lap”! Die aandag laat ‘n kind geborge voel. Kleintjies vir wie daar gelees word, se woordeskat brei uit, hulle waarnemingsvermoë ontwikkel, hulle leer om hulle gedagtes en gevoelens te verbaliseer en om hulle gedagtes te formuleer. Hulle leer om abstrakte dinge te verstaan en ook om logies te dink. Hulle leer verbande lê en ook om te voorspel wat gaan gebeur. Hulle leer ook dat elke aksie ‘n reaksie het en dat mens vir jou eie aksies verantwoordelik gehou word. Met die regte leiding ontwikkel hulle empatie vir ander en leer bowenal dat almal nie eners is nie en dat die wêreld ‘n groot plek is. Hulle word dus nie so maklik ‘n gat in die kop gepraat nie! En in dié land is dit baie belangrik. Die Vriende van Afrikaans het die afgelope jaar aan 60 skole en/of Graad R-klasse boektrommels geskenk. Daarmee saam het ons by die skooltjies boekopvoeding gedoen en waar dit versoek is, voorleeswerkswinkels aangebied vir onderwysers. As dit enigsins binne jou vermoëns is, help sodat ons kinders kan grootmaak wat vir hulleself kan dink. As jy wil meedoen of goeie voorstelle het hoe ons bogenoemde kan bewaarheid, kontak ons by 021 880 1761 of amandad@vva.atkv.org.za of chareldinev@vva.atkv.org.za. Mooi loop!

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A change is as good as a heart attack…

y a d i l o Or a h

Depending on your attitude


hen I was the head writer on a TV Soap, one of the characters was written out of the show. Soon after an older, more glamorous character entered the story… There was outrage on the channel’s Facebook page. The new (older) actress was insulted on every level, her face lifts were ridiculed, her clothes and her acting talent were ripped apart. I felt really sorry for her because people were horrible and very personal in their insults. A year later she won the viewers’ most popular actress award. Today no one dare touch her and I suspect there will be an even bigger riot on Facebook should she be replaced or written out. Selfde ding het onlangs gebeur met Swartwater II. Na Episode 1 was baie kykers in rep en roer omdat twee van die aktrises (noodgedwonge) vervang is in die opvolgreeks. En die Tannies het gal af gegaan op Facebook. Daar was selfs dreigemente dat sommiges die reeks gaan boikot. Ek hoop nou maar teen die tyd dat hulle/julle intussen die nuwe aktrises aanvaar het… Hoekom is ons so gekant teen verandering? En hoe ouer jy raak hoe erger raak hierdie teësinnigheid. Ek daarenteen, floreer op verandering. Ek hou net so drie maande dan soek ek na iets anders, iets uitdagends… Anders vrek ek van verveling. Deesdae noem hulle dit aandag-afleibaarheidsindroom. In die ou dae het ons gepraat van rooi miere. Almal weet 2017 is nie ‘n maklike jaar nie. Groot veranderinge is op die kaarte. Ek en Percy het ons geliefde koffie-/ leefstyl-/geskenkwinkeltjie so gekyk en besef… Tyd vir vernuwing. Maar wat? Mense het nie meer massas geld vir geskenke nie… Vir kos en drank ja, maar Ouma en Oupa of daai spesiale vriendin moet maar settle vir ‘n drukkie en ‘n tjoklit. (as hulle gelukkig is, anders issit maar ‘die gedagte wat tel.). Maar daar’s altyd een ding waarvoor ‘n vrou ‘n geldjie kan afknyp – ‘n Nuwe kledingstukkie (veral as dit goed geprys is. Wys my ‘n mens wat nie val vir ‘n bargain nie, en jy wys vir my ‘n leuenaar :-) Selfs rykes hou van ‘n goeie ‘deal.’ Ek persoonlik het nog altyd ‘n sagte plekkie vir skoene en handsakke gehad. (Want jy hoef nie daarvoor gewig af te val nie, sien). Probleem is net; ons het so ‘n hoë standaard gestel in Amulet met die beeldskone linne muurbehangsels/ tafeldoeke/kunswerke en kussings wat ons verkoop dat ons nie nou net ‘n spul ingevoerde Sjinese gemors kan aanhou nie. Ek is self ‘n kreatiewe siel, so ek is baie gesteld daarop om eerder oorspronklike Suid Afrikaanse produkte aan te hou. En almal weet teen die tyd as jy iets by Amulet koop, gaan jy ver soek voor jy dieselfde ding iewers anders (en beslis nie in Hermanus nie) raakloop. Ons moet almal op skool dieselfde uniform dra, hoekom sal jy dan vir die res van jou grootmens lewe soos almal anders wil lyk? Dis hoekom ek nooit in ‘n bank of die tronk of vir die polisie of selfs ‘n hospitaal kan werk nie. Daai klere is darem maar net te onooglik en julle weet hoe voel ek oor voëls van eenderste vere… En so begin die groot soektog… Vir daai ietsie spesiaals… vir my mooiste winkel. En ek is verheug om te kan sê dat teen die tyd wat jy hierdie artikel lees, sal jy jou kan kom verlustig aan

die Amulet klere-afdeling. En vir ons gereelde klante, moenie kwel nie, al die ander fabulous goetertjies is nog hier, ons ongeëwenaarde linte-versameling, kaartjies, geskenke, meubels, juweliersware, beste koffie, kaas- en wortelkoek, ens ens… En soos altyd probeer ek om vir verskillende smake voorsiening te maak. Choc’late Lace is al vir baie jare een van my gunsteling Labels. Ek het destyds voor Amulet vir myself by hulle klere gekoop en so baie van hul styl gehou dat ek begin soek het na die ontwerper/eienaar agter die naam. Ek was gelukkig genoeg om vir Magda en Susan op te spoor. Twee wonderlike vrouens wat jare gelede begin het met klere maak in hulle garage en dit dan op markte te verkoop. Vandag het hulle ‘n fabriek in die Kaap en verskaf werk aan plaaslike kleremaaksters. Hul klere is goed geprys, klassiek, vlyend en jy kan maklik meng en pas. En die heel beste nuus – hulle maak van small tot by 3XXXL. Elke vrou in elke grootte het die reg om mooi te lyk. (Geen Sjinese miniatuurgroottes hier te bespeur nie.) I started stocking the Let Love South African clothing range in December and it’s literally been flying out of here . Quirky, colourful, romantic and exclusive to Amulet in the Overstrand area. Not for the beige of heart. And like everything else in my happy place I don’t stock hordes of any particular style. Most of the dresses are once-offs. Wanna be fabulous and unique? You know where to come. Want to blend with the crowd? Have I not told you that mediocrity makes me grumpy? And finally! I have been waiting for years to stock Purple Daisy, but she’s been supplying another clothing store in Hermanus and she’s been loyal to her client (which I respect). I absolutely love this South African range and I was overjoyed when she contacted me in March…. I soooo hope the order will be ready by the time Easter arrives. I just have to warn you though: I will be grabbing Purple Daisy’s black, burgundy and velvet range for myself as it comes in. If you’ve been reading my column you will know that those are my favourite colours and that I have a sinful love affair with velvet… In fact I got married in black and burgundy velvet. Apparently velvet is making a huge come-back. Jaaay! Change needn’t be scary. See it as a challenge. Something to thrive on. Are you feeling a little low? Stuck in a rut? Change one thing in your day. Take a different route. Get up earlier. Go for an unexpected walk. Smile at a stranger. Cuddle a puppy. Buy new shoes. Spoil someone… This week I’m taking myself for a deep tissue massage… I’m having my eyes tested… I’m rearranging the shop and as a special treat I’m planting petunias in the window boxes at Amulet… Oh and of course I have ceramics classes… One of my favourite new pass times… And that’s just Monday. No chance of getting bored… Change is scary and wonderful and exciting. It’s what keeps me and the world going. It’s called evolution. Survival. So just accept it… Embrace it… And come along for the ride. Change is inevitable – except from a parking marshal.


Tel 028 313 0359, 4 Broad Str Hermanus

Hélène Truter

Saffron Functions

Have our experienced team assist you with catering, decor flowers or lighting for any function or conference. We also specialise in weddings.

Sal jou finansiële doelwitte aan die geluk oorgelaat word? Jy hoef nie op die geluk te vertrou om jou finansiële doelwitte te bereik nie.




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Wat jou doelwitte ook al is, ons kan jou die belegging help vind wat die beste in jou behoeftes voorsien. Ons bied: ’n uiteenlopende reeks beleggings-opsies en prys en buigsaamheid vir verskillende risikovoorkeure en leefstyle. Kontak my sodat ek jou kan help om die belegging te vind wat die beste in jou behoeftes voorsien.

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SOUTH AFRICA’S NATIONAL ALPACA DAY ... was inaugurated in 2015. National Alpaca Day doesn’t happen in one place, it takes place all over the country. Alpacas are bred in six provinces around the country and many of these studs and farms will be opening their gates to the public on Sunday April the 30th. What is there to see? Plenty! There will be very young alpacas as well as immature and older alpacas on parade. There will be interesting talks about how the alpaca came to be in South Africa, alpaca husbandry, and its fascinating history going back nearly ten thousand years to the Inca people in the High Andes of South America. With winter in mind, there will be beautiful alpaca products for sale and for those of you who don’t know, alpaca is considered one of the finest animal fibres on the planet. It is very very fine and soft, nonallergenic and comes in a myriad of natural colours and shades - 22 to be precise, which makes the alpaca the most colour-diversified fibre-bearing animal in the world.

Helderstroom Alpacas will be open from 10 am to 3 pm awaiting your visit ... find us at www.helderstroomalpacas.co.za or phone 082 662 9670 for further details


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Complete Anti-aging Skin Science When it comes to anti-aging ingredients, the research is clear. Just like your diet needs a mix of healthy beneficial nutrients, so does your skin. Skin is the largest organ of your body, so nourishing its surface with beneficial ingredients, is important.

increase key molecular synthesis of compounds such as collagen. They thicken the epidermis, increase collagen production, normalise melanocyte function and increase dermal fibroblasts. E.g. dr.dermal® Micro Retinol cream

[Retinol (the technical term for vitamin A) has a long-established reputation as one of the most extraordinary ingredients for skin. It’s both a skin-restoring ingredient and an antioxidant, and provides multiple benefits for almost every skincare concern imaginable, from uneven skin tone, bumps, enlarged pores, rough surface texture, fine lines and wrinkles, and improving skin luminosity.]

The skin health and beauty pyramid is a clinically based guide to selecting the right ingredients for your topical skincare products. This is an educational framework and product guide created from extensive scientific literature and study review on ingredients, formulations and technologies affecting skin biology. The skin health and beauty pyramid is compromised of three hierarchical components arranged in ascending order of priority from bottom to top.


AHA’s: These ingredients have two unique mechanisms of action, moisturisation and exfoliation which create visible benefits. E.g. Neostrata Skin Active range HA’s: an increase deposition of HA’s in the skin results in the diminishing of the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, secures moisture and creates fullness in the skin. E.g. injectables, serums


Peptides & Growth Factors – Stimulation Peptides and Growth Factors are the nice to have ingredients at the top of the pyramid that provide cell stimulation to help reduce the visible signs of ageing and optimise skin health and beauty.

The base of the pyramid: SPF & Antioxidants & DNA Repair.

These ingredients are the “finishing touch”, much like the polish on a sculpture.

The ultimate purpose of any topical skin protection product should be prevention of DNA damage and preservation of DNA health and vitality.

They hold the promise of modulating the function of the skin, e.g., protein synthesis, cell division and tissue proliferation.

SPF (sunscreen), antioxidants and DNA enzymes are at the base of the pyramid and represents the ‘must have’ fundamental technologies for daily skin protection against environmental insults such as solar radiation (UVA, UVB and infrared), cigarette smoke, air pollution and ozone. E.g. Heliocare 360 spf 50.


E.g. Lamelle Dermaheal Daily Cellular Repair/ Renewal Cream/ Ultra Renewal Cream

In order to get the most protection and repair, these three fundamental components must be combined. Antioxidants: • Inhibit environmental oxidative stress by scavenging toxic free radicals formed by the inefficient ability of sunscreens to block all UV or infrared radiation, pollution, ozone and cigarette smoke. • Provide multiple skin beauty benefits include: Collagen formation, reduction in fine lines and wrinkles, improved skin radiance, reduction in undesired pigmentation, and anti-inflammatory effect. Sunscreens: • Benefits include: reducing the risk of sunburn from UVB, reducing the risk of accumulated sun damage and skin cancer, reducing the visible signs of ageing such as fine lines and wrinkles, dull skin, skin laxity and undesired pigmentation. DNA repair Enzymes: • These play a critical and final step in cell protection against oxidative stress due to UV exposure, other environmental sources of toxic free radicals or even endogenous Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) production. • DNA repair enzymes enhance the body’s natural DNA repair process.

TRANSFORM: Middle/core of the pyramid:

In conclusion, skincare regimens can be effective, simple and affordable when addressing all the ‘must have daily’ base and ‘need to have’ in the middle of your pyramid. Thereafter you can add the ‘nice to have’ at the top of your pyramid. Long-term skin health and beauty is best achieved by following the pyramid. At Refine Clinic our skin health professionals are there to assist you with the best information regarding what ingredients are best suitable for your skin specific needs. Contact Refine for your complimentary consultation. Therapist tip: Nicole’s favourite ingredient- Retinol. Research clearly shows that retinol (technical name for vitamin A) has numerous truly astounding benefits for skin. It visibly increase the appearance of firmness, diminish the look of fine lines and wrinkles, significantly improve uneven skin tone, smooth and refine the surface of skin (yes, that includes pores), and much, much more. Doctors tip: Dr. Emett’s favourite ingredient- HA (hyaluronic acid).

Retinoids & AHA –Moisturisation, Exfoliation and Cell turnover. Photodamaged skin displays an irregular, thickened stratum corneum, decreased glycosaminoglycan’s (GAG’s), collapsed Fibroblasts, reduced collagen and elastin and reduced basal cell division, which manifests as a sallow complexion, increased fine lines and wrinkles, irregular increased skin pigmentation, skin sagging and overall loss of skin lustre, radiance, beauty and moisture retention. Retinoids: Known for their ability to increase cellular mitosis, jump start cellular metabolism and

HA attracts 1000x its weight in water, leaving the skin smooth and hydrated with an increased luminosity, ensuring light and shadow falls in all the right places.

■ L a s e r S k i n R e j u v e n a t i o n ■ C h e m i c a l P e e l s ■ L a s e r Ve i n / H a i r R e m o v a l ■ B o t o x ™ ■ Dermal Fillers ■ Sclerotherapy ■ Diathermy ■ Permanent Make-up ■ Carboxytherapy Tel: 028 316 1532 / Email: info@refine.co.za / www.refineclinic.co.za / Hemel & Aarde Craft Village, Hermanus, 7200 Follow us on:

Refine Anti-Ageing Clinic and SPLASH 8





HAIR COUTURE Tel: 028 316 3845 Hemel en Aarde Village


C ontact R ia Jordaan 082 9256957

PERMANENT MAKEUP Lip Blush Procedure

123-TATTOO-FREE® Removes the Tattoo in 1-3 sessions, utilizing a mild exfoliating formula combined with our unique but virtually painless pinpoint abrasion process. There is NO other method that actually removes the ink from the skin other than 123-TATTOO-FREE®.



Microblading Eyebrows and Eyeliner

123-TATTOO-FREE® simply creates a mild irritation that causes the body to naturally reject the pigment. In fact again unlike other chemical removals where the unsightly chemical is left on the skin, 123-TATTOO-FREE® is not left on the skin but is washed off the clients skin thoroughly before he/she leaves your studio.



Leanne Steinmann, Internationally Trained Permanent Makeup Technician Cell: 073 147 6494 / Email: leannesteinmann@yahoo.com www.permanentmakeupbyleanne.com / FB: Permanent Makeup By Leanne Steinmann APPOINTMENTS: Phone “Refine”: 028 316 1532


MEDICLINIC WELCOMES DR ADELÉNE ESTERHUIZEN Dr Adeléne Esterhuizen, an independent specialist obstetrician/gynaecologist, is now available for private consultation at Mediclinic Hermanus.

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CONTACT DETAILS: Suite 5, Hermanus Medical Centre Ravenscroft Street, Hermanus


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Tel: 082 9256957 Email: footprints@hermanus.co.za SPLASH 9



Sandbaai in

Old Ma

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Onrus Beach te mes Blom Van







De Wet Hall

liers De Vil










Onrus Caravan Park


Onrus Rivier






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Prego rolls Tasty Calamari Fish and CHIPS Salads Toasties Gourmet Lamb and Beef Burgers Best Russian and chips in Town And much much more. . .

Optimum centre - Onrus Bring your own wine. We have wine glasses! Telephone orders welcome! SPLASH 10



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– Johan Badenhorst

The way to the

Kunene Mouth


n the Namibian coast there are certain places that mere mortals like us are not allowed to visit. This is reserved for conservationists, researchers and perhaps someone with a wallet big enough to buy his way in. But for us these places are out of bounds. The southern part of the Namibian coast with its well protected diamond areas are well known. The Sperrgebiet is an area that tourists, 4x4 enthusiast, photographers and fishermen know very well to be the forbidden land. But this too is the case further up north. One can travel past Henties Bay, through the gate into the Skeleton Coast Park at the Ugab River, all the way to Torra Bay and even Terrace Bay. Five kilometres north of Terrace the progress, travelling north, is abruptly halted. To enter this area, you need a permit not easy to obtain. About ten years ago I was very fortunate to travel past this barrier. Hannes Holtzhausen of the Department Sea Fisheries took a number of anglers north to go and catch bronze whalers. Hannes was doing research on this shark species, and he wanted to tag four of them with satellite transmitters. I was allowed to accompany them and record an insert for the SABC’s environmental programme 50/50.

The project was done during December during school holidays and I therefore asked permission whether Streicher, my son and fellow Voetspore team member, could perhaps join us for the 10 days north of Terrace Bay. The answer was an emphatic “No”. So my cameraman and I arrived in Namibia to join the researchers. I also took a soundman with. The officials were very upset about this. What do I need a soundman for? I explained that television is a video and audio medium. Pictures without proper sound is worthless. They reluctantly agreed and so the television crew of three joined Hannes and his party. We travelled north. Compared to some of the southern sections, this may seem like a boring part of the Namib. It is mostly beach driving and small, flat dunes. Yet there are a few interesting landmarks. There is a steering wheel of a vehicle left behind on the beach when the Portuguese made use of this stretch of beach to escape from Angola during the war of 1974. Then there is the remains of the Ventura Bomber that crash landed when it was involved with the rescue of the stranded passengers of the Dunedin Star. Later on, some wreckage of what is left of the Dunedin Star itself. Not much can be seen of the ill-fated ship’s wreck, yet

this is a fascinating story of endurance, bravery and of surviving against all odds. Just before Christmas, 1942, the Dunedin Star, a UK refrigerated cargo liner, ran aground on the Skeleton Coast. It is not clear if it struck a rock or was perhaps torpedoed by a German submarine. This was during the height of the Second World War. A very complex sea, land and air rescue mission was launched. Most of the crew and passengers survived, yet a tug, an aircraft and two of the tug’s crew were lost in the rescue. The story is very well told in John Marsh’s “Skeleton Coast”. In 2003 a television documentary entitled “Extreme Survival” was produced about the plight of the Dunedin Starr and her crew of 85 and 21 passengers. Rocky Point is one of the landmarks on this route. This is a small outcrop in what is otherwise a featureless desert. It is a prominent landmark on the coast between Mőwe Bay and the Kunene River, 250 kilometre north of Rocky Point. But the exciting part is to travel all the way to the Kunene River. Namibia has only two perennial rivers – the Orange River, forming its southern border with

South Africa, and the Kunene River, forming its northern border with Angola. To be able to travel along the coast line to the mouth of the Kunene, surrounded by the dunes of the Namib, is special. Recently a few companies were issued with concessions to take clients on this trip. Unlike Hannes Holtzhausen’s team, this trip is not only to the mouth of the river and back, but turning inland, following the Kunene upstream for a while, before turning south through the Hartmann Valley. This is some of the most challenging dune driving in the Namib. A journey that starts as a seemingly boring drive on the beach, becomes one of the most exciting excursions in the Namib. The operations of these concessionaires are constantly under thread, as there are limited mining activities at the Kunene mouth. As we have seen over the years – mining and tourism seldom goes hand in hand. My advice, therefor, if you get the opportunity to travel either with Voetspore Safari’s, Desert Magic or Live the Journey, jump at the opportunity. The window of allowing Joe Soap and Friends into this part of the forbidden land may soon close again. For more information, send an email to simon@voetspore.co.za.

Die Evolusie van Rugby en die Wese van Dr Craven het my geleer dat as jy ’n meester in ’n prestasieveld wil word, moet jy na die oorsprong of die ontstaan daarvan gaan soek en kyk hoe sake vandaar tot en met vandag ontwikkel het. Iets wat my lewe lank by my gebly het en wat ek nou baie beter verstaan as wat ek ooit voorheen verstaan het. Iets wat my vandag nuwe perspektiewe op die spel gee wat ek nooit voorheen gehad het nie. Ook daarmee saam sekere frustrasies van die moderne bestuur (skeidsregterskap) van die spel wat ons die afgelope naweke weer op Super 18-vlak beleef het. Of liewer, soos deur die Stellenbosse studente beskryf: “Iemand wat vlak in die kop is, bevind homself in diep water!” Soms is dit ongelukkig die geval wanneer ek naweek na naweek voor die TV sit en sake bekyk. The game possesses a spirit and a conscience of its own from which the term “fair play” emanates. It is a law of the game “NOT WRITTEN IN THE LAW BOOKS” but it is still part and parcel of the game that should be upheld by its participants. If you do not believe in fairness you should ask yourself why you are still playing the game. If you are not on the field for the game why are your there after all? It is also one of the responsibilities of the referee to remove those players who do not uphold fair play at all times from the field and the reason for that is simple. Die oortreding van hierdie gedeelte van die etos van die spel is vandag al van so ’n aard dat ons in algemene kommentaar en “opleiding


(afrigting)” van die spel hoor dat onwettige spel by die afbreekpunt ’n metode is om die spel te vertraag sodat die verdedigers weer hulself kan posisioneer vir die spel wat moet volg. Dit sou dan juis die doel van die aanvallers wees om die verdedigers te ontwrig of te disorganiseer deur middel van vinnige doelgerigte wettige aanval. Onthou altyd dat AANVAL en VERDEDIGING altyd direk teenoor mekaar staan as opponente. In rugby is jy altyd in een van die twee bootjies. You (and the refs do) may agree, and believe that you will not have any rugby if you use the whistle for every infringement on the field. Not true. You just have to think out of the box. There have been experiments with various possibilities, one of them being having two referees on the field. A second being an alternative use of the yellow card system. I will explain both options briefly.


Twee skeidsregters op die veld wat hulself soos grensregters posisioneer met die spel tussen hulle. Beweeg die spel na my kant toe van die veld ontvang ek die spel en hanteer ek die beslissings met my skeidsregtervennoot aan my oorkant wat op sy beurt alle ongeoorloofde spel aan sy kant van die veld beheer. Sou daar twee fluitjies op die veld geblaas word, praat hulle vinnig met mekaar en maak ’n finale beslissing wat geldig is. Dit het drastiese gevolge gehad in koshuisrugby op Stellenbosch wat as ons laboratorium gedien het. Ek verduidelik graag verder.


When I started as the Head Administrator of Rugby at Stellenbosch in 1976 we had disciplinary meetings on a weekly basis relating to rugby competitions at hostel level. Ten years later we introduced the two refs system and when I left my post as Rugby Administrator seven years later, we had not had a single disciplinary hearing for four consecutive years. What changed? The attitude of the players and coaches changed because there were no BLIND SPOTS on the field any more. Four eyes are better than two. Simple.


Die beter aanwending van die kaartstelsel. Dit is iets wat ek al oor die laaste 7 jaar met verskeie skeidregters en administratiewe base in verskillende posisies in diepte bespreek het sonder sukses. Ook dit is ’n baie eenvoudige sisteem wat geen addisionele vereistes aan skeidregters stel nie. Die voorstel is as volg: Indien ’n speler ’n geelkaart kry, is hy af, maar hy mag dadelik vervang word deur ’n bankspeler. Dus is die wedstryd altyd 15 @ 15 en die spel word nie benadeel vir die toeskouer nie. Daar is egter implikasies vir die ontvanger van die geelkaart. Hy mag nie weer in daardie spesifieke wedstryd speel nie. Sou hy egter ’n gewoonte-misdadiger word en drie geelkaarte in een seisoen kry, word hy outomaties vir 4 weke sonder verhoor geskors. Daar mag teen geelkaarte geappeleer word, maar as dit bevestig word, verdubbel die straf.

– Dawie Snyman

Players and coaches with a negative attitude towards the ETHOS of the game are causing more harm than they can suspect. And I know that specific extenuating circumstances can occur, but those would be the exception and can be dealt with in isolation. “Fair play” should be at the front of players minds in the competition for the ball at all times. All the pressure in modern rugby on the contact point is on the ref and his interpretation of the law. If a player knows that he is at risk of a yellow card he will play to the law and not try pushing boundaries and “fair play” will be back in the game. The development of the game and the entertainment value for the spectators will blossom. Die skeidsregters se interpretasie en bestuur van die reëls dra ook by tot die feit dat daar nie reg laat geskied word aan regverdige spel nie. Die hoë skop is ’n verdere voorbeeld daarvan. As ek ’n hoë skop (voetaangee) vir myself skop mag ek nie volgens die skeidsregter meer vir die bal gaan kompeteer nie. As ’n opponent daarvoor kompeteer in die lug of op die grond, moet ek hom laat staan tot hy besit het. Heeltemal teen die gees en wese van die spel en “fair play”. Waar hulle aan diè interpretasie van die reël kom weet ek nie. Ek verstaan die risiko van die spel van spelers wat inmekaar kan vashardloop en of spring, maar al die risiko’s van kontak kan tog nie uit die spel weggeneem word nie. Dan is dit nie meer rugby nie.

Te l : ( 0 2 8 ) 3 1 2 3 7 6 7 FIREPLACES & BRAAIS SHUTTERS & BLINDS INSECT SCREENS Address: 21A Mimosa Street, Hermanus Industria ● Email: sales@premiershutters.co.za











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2014/04/30 64:39 PM


Elgin Cool Wine & Country Food Festival - Saturday, 29th and Sunday 30th April 2017

Just an hours’ drive from Cape Town lies the picturesque Elgin Valley with its rolling hills, boasting the vibrant colours of autumn as Elgin Wines invite you to visit them for their annual Elgin Cool Wine and Country Food Festival to be held over the weekend of 29th and 30th April 2017, from 10h00 until 17h00 daily. For wine lovers and those in need of a revitalising day out, the festival offers a chance to escape from the hustle and bustle of the city to indulge in a memorable day of the best cool climate wines, decadently delightful food, entertainment, a plethora of outdoor activities and the spectacular natural beauty that the valley has to offer. Each of the participating wineries will offer a unique programme, allowing patrons to tailor-make their experience according to their Sw own personal preferences. Entertainment includes performances by live bands, art exhibitions, kid’s activities, and for lunch each venue butchery - slaghuis 2 3 ar 10 tda vanblommestein2@gmail.com offers different dishes along with their signature wines to tantalise the taste buds and keep those bellies filled – these include a la carte mR 313 8 2 oad, menu’s, farm style picnic’s, American style smoke house BBQ, food trucks and much more. Guests are simply spoilt for choice. 0 Industria, Hermanus, Elgin is noted as the coolest wine growing region in South Africa with its high altitude and climate conditions which allow grapes to ripen slowly, resulting in wines with character defined by excellent purity, distinct minerality, density of fruit and an elegance which can only be described as bottled poetry. 8 Tickets for the festival are available via Webtickets.co.za and cost Blommenstein.indd 1 2014/09/24 9:37 PM R140p/p, which includes a tasting glass, festival programme, access to participating farms, live entertainment and a wine tasting of a selection of three wines from any of the estates involved - tasting glasses and festival programmes are to be collected at Peregrine Farm Stall prior to visiting any of the farms. Children under the age of 18, and accompanied by an adult, enter for free. Prices for the lunch offerings vary and bookings are essential for the limited seating events. Online ticket sales will close on 28 April 2017.

Van Blommestein

Tickets can be purchased on the day at the Elgin Cool Wine & Country Food Festival office at the Peregrine Farm Stall for R160p/p.


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Chris Bertish Completes First Ever Solo Unsupported Transatlantic SUP Crossing March 9, 2017 at 8:32AM AST Chris Bertish finally returned home after completing the First Ever Solo Unsupported Transatlantic SUP Crossing presented by Carrick Wealth.


hris Bertish, internationally acclaimed Speaker, Big Wave Surfer and SUP Guinness World Record Holder, was greeted by a massive crowd at Cape Town International Airport, yesterday. Chris, earlier in the month, became the first person to complete a solo, unsupported Transatlantic SUP Crossing. Amongst the attendees included Chris’ family, media, a number of fans and project supporters as well as professor Tim Noakes.

leave a lasting legacy helping generations to follow. “Carrick Wealth is extremely proud to be associated with someone that shows such immense character, sheer determination and humility. Chris’ efforts over the last 4 months have been nothing short of miraculous and his selflessness to sacrifice everything to change the lives of millions of at-risk children across Africa, well that is something we should all strive to achieve,” commented Craig Featherby, CEO Carrick Wealth.

Bertish set off on the greatest ocean adventure ever attempted from the coast of Morocco on December 6, 2016 and traversed 4,050nm/7,500km, paddling 1,944,000 strokes across the Atlantic Ocean for 93 days, to reach the finish in English Harbour, Antigua.

The SUP Crossing will continue raising funds for several charitable organizations including The Lunchbox Fund, Operation Smile and Signature of Hope. Bertish personally committed to funding one operation for a child in Africa through Operation Smile for every World Record he achieved on this epic Transatlantic journey. And he achieved many of them including a new world record for a 24-hour solo unsupported and unassisted open ocean distance SUP.

Bertish stand up paddled to the English Harbour shores to receive a hero’s welcome and flotilla on the water to guide and encourage him to the finish line. Chris’ own brothers, locals and project supporters from around the globe turned out to watch the dramatic arrival take place and cheer Chris on during the final strokes to the finish. As the nearly 20’ specialized SUP craft, the ImpiFish, shoved to shore for the first time in three months, after much cheering, hugging and tears of joy, Chris commented, “If you truly believe in yourself and persevere, anything is possible, and here we are. After over three months’ solo on the open ocean, I am here, on land again with friends and family – my feelings of accomplishment and extreme gratitude for everyone that made this incredible journey possible are beyond words.” The SUP Crossing presented by Carrick Wealth made history, set a new world record and will

“We created a new smile for every mile I crossed over the Atlantic,” commented Bertish. “This incredible journey is going to be able to truly change lives. Knowing the impact this will have made every day out on the open ocean worthwhile.” With Bertish’s long time experience as a keynote and inspirational speaker known internationally for inspiring audiences with his tales of courage, determination, and skill to overcome seemingly impossible obstacles in pursuit of his dreams,” Chris added, “Reaching your goals and breaking records is all about beating the odds and challenging your own limits until you achieve what you never imagined could be accomplished. Nothing is impossible.”

To follow Chris Bertish, get involved, donate and continue the adventure click here: http://chrisbertish.com/sup-crossing/ Keep the conversation going with the official hashtag: #theSupCrossing #CarrickWealth #StandUp For more details on Chris Bertish visit the following channels: Website: http://chrisbertish.com Twitter: @chris_bertish Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chrisbertish/?hl=en Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialChrisBertish/?fref=nf YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5S71GeFAfmibX9y9zLLpRw


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Wishing everyone a wonderful Easter and Passover. Enjoy the precious time that you spend with you family and friends. Keep it Festive and remember time is something of great value and can never be replaced. Blessings

Chuck by Chuck Berry.

To be released 16 June 2017. The man who helped define Rock n’ Roll announced on his 90th birthday that he would be releasing his first album in 38 years. Simply called Chuck it features a hometown backing band that includes his son and daughter along with his bassist for nearly 40 years Jimmy Marsala. He dedicated this album to his wife of 68 years. He said “My darlin’ Im growing old! I’ve worked on this reord for a long time. Now I can hang up my shoes!” RIP Chuck

Divide by Ed Sheeran.

Spirit by Depeche Mode.

Speak to Me by Amy Lee.

Soundtrack Beauty and The Beast 2017.

Released 3 March 2017. This album firmly establishes Ed Sheeran as one of the most significant singer songwriters of the last 5 years. Blending acoustic sensitive guy vibes with digital age craft. From the first chart topper “Shape of You” to the album closer “Supermarket Flowers”. Sheeran has the ability to provide vivid character sketches. The album has dominated the charts worldwide in both the singles and album categories.

The vocalist for Evanescence is in full swing of a career revival. She released the soaring ballad “Love Exists” in February 2017 and has now just released in March the chilly “Speak to Me”, a strikingly beautiful song that evokes the gothic drama and emotional intimacy of “My Immortal”. Speak to Me is the end title theme from a forthcoming suspense/drama “Voice From The Stone”


Released 17 March 2017. This is their 14th studio album and the most topically pointed to date. These songs make you feel like singing in response to todays news headlines. The first single to be released off this album “Where’s the Revolution is less about activism and more about opening your gear so that it guides your conscience. Which is a good message.

Stepping into the shoes of Celine Dion and Peabo Bryson, John Legend and Ariane Grande have created a subtly Modern soulful update of “Beauty and The Beast” while retaining all the elements of the original. Oscar winning composers Alan Menken and Tim Rice have written some beautiful music for the score. There are also two original numbers by Celine Dion, “How Does A Moment Last Forever” and Josh Groban “Evermore”

COSTS AND TAXES WHEN PURCHASING OR SELLING YOUR HOME When buying or selling property there are certain costs involved that need to be considered, as well as the possibility of taxes that need to be paid. Buyers and sellers may not always be aware of these costs that they could be charged or taxes that may become payable. This is a very important part of the service that your chosen well educated professional estate agent should prepare you for. This discussion is meant to be as comprehensive as possible in a limited space, but if you need clarification, please feel free to consult with Pam Snyman, the principal of REDZetc at pams@ redzproperties.co.za or 082 8000867 / 021 881 3311. PURCHASING COSTS AND TAXES are the costs that the purchaser can expect to pay before transfer of the property can take place. Please note that the costs as described do not all apply to every single purchase, but may apply depending on the particulars of the particular purchase, i.e. property type/mortgage bond to be registered/contract terms, etc.

SELLING COSTS AND TAXES are the costs that the seller can expect to pay before transfer of the property can take place. Please note that the costs as described do not all apply to every single purchase, but may apply depending on the particulars of the particular purchase, i.e. property type/mortgage bond to be cancelled/contract terms, etc. Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax will however apply to each sale where a profit (gain) is made by the seller. Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax (CGT) The very relevant question that needs to be answered is: Is the profit on the sale of a property deemed to be income or capital by SARS? •

When a property is sold, the seller is liable for either Income Tax or CGT and may also be liable for VAT.

The main (but not always easy) distinction lies in the owner’s intention. If the property was purchased with the intention of holding on to the asset as a long term investment that either generates a regular form of income (letting) or will gain in value over time (capital growth), then SARS regards the proceeds of the sale as being of a capital nature and therefore not subject to income tax, but subject to CGT.

Transfer Duty or VAT will, however, apply to each purchase. Transfer Duty or VAT: Transfer duty is payable on each property purchased for more than R900 000 if the sale was not subject to VAT. If VAT was included in the selling price, there is no Transfer Duty payable by the buyer as VAT is already included in the purchase price in the event that the seller is a VAT vendor. Transfer Duty is levied on a sliding scale that is available from any of our agents. Rates Clearance Certificate: The local municipality must issue a certificate proving that all Rates &Taxes have been fully paid up by the seller. Levies or HOA clearance certificates must be issued by the HOA or Body Corporate of a property situated in a community scheme. The levies usually need to be paid upfront for a period of 3-12 months. Conveyancer’s transfer fee: This fee is charged by the conveyancer for services rendered and starts at R4 300 plus VAT for a R60 000 property and R 58 250 plus VAT for a R10m property Bond registration fee is charged by the attorney who has been appointed by the bank to register a mortgage bond on the title deed of the property on date of transfer and starts at R4 300 plus VAT for a R60 000 property and R 58 250 plus VAT for a R10m property Bank admin fee: This is charged in the event that the purchaser requires a mortgage loan. R5 000 plus VAT is the maximum amount payable. Deeds office fee: The deeds office must be paid a predetermined fee in accordance with the purchase price and starts at R35 for a R60 000 property and goes up to R2 455 for a R10m property Deeds office search / FICA / Conveyancer’s electronic instruction fee: Differs from attorney to attorney, but is normally charged between R1 000 – R2 000 Posts & Petties: This is a cost payable to the transferring and/or bond registration attorney according to each attorney’s charge, usually in the region of R850 Municipal provision for Rates and Taxes: Some municipalities require an upfront payment by the seller for a number of months after registration and would be repayable to the seller by the purchaser

If the property being sold is the seller’s primary residence, there is an exclusion on the first R2 million of profit in the event that CGT is payable

Should the property be purchased as stock with which to trade (speculate), the proceeds are deemed to be subject to income tax and not CGT.

Bond Cancellation: If the seller has an outstanding mortgage bond on the property, that amount plus a bond cancellation amount will be payable.

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Commission: Should the property be sold with the assistance of an estate agent, the agreed commission amount will be payable by the mandator (usually the seller). Rates and taxes: All outstanding rates and taxes as well as the pro rata amount payable for a number of months after date of transfer must be paid in order for a rates clearance certificate to be issued by the local municipality. (This can be claimed from the purchaser for the applicable pro rata amount, but the seller remains responsible for the payment). There is also a cost for the certificate.

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R 4.5m - Voëlklip

VOËLKLIP QUALITY 5 BEDROOM HOME ON ELEVATED STAND NEAR GROTTO BEACH. 5 Minutes from Grotto beach and the cliff path. Sunny, spacious, plus bachelor flat. Beautiful sea views from balcony. NOT TO BE MISSED!

Levies: If the sale is of a sectional title unit the seller must ensure that all levies are paid up to ensure that a Body Corporate levy certificate can be issued Compliance Certificates: The seller must also provide all the required compliance certificates, i.e. electrical, beetle, plumbing and gas. CLICK TO VIEW

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So you see, buying and or selling property is not for sissies. But the answer is to be prepared for all eventualities…certain and uncertain. Professional estate agents worth their salt should be in a position to assist you to plan your financing effectively without any unpleasant surprises along the way!

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Occupational Rental: Should the purchaser and seller have agreed that the purchaser may take occupation of the property before date of transfer, they must agree on a monthly pro rata amount to be paid by the buyer.

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EN SY IS TUIS Die groot treklorrie moes ’n ver pad ry, gevolg deur ander ry-goed, propvol gelaai. Daar was nie ‘n kans vir nog ‘n vrag gaan haal nie, wat agter bly moes bly. Die Namib-kind Caro du Toit het volk en vaderland vaarwel toegeroep en dié keer permanet kom bly.


n die Splash (Augustus ’16) het ek vertel van Caro en haar huisie wat wag. Die arme huisie het nie geweet wat hom tref toe die trek en gevolg uiteindelik land nie. Nou was die gesin voltallig met Jacky, die hond en Nando die African Grey. Die afpak moes eers vir ‘n oomblik wag want die prentjie mooi klein vakansie kothuis was nou nie meer heeltemaal geskik vir die nuwe toevoegsels nie. Dit was ‘n deurmekaar spul uit die boonste rakke. “Waarheen met alles en gaan ons nie nou die arme huis te oorvol maak nie”, het Caro kom kla. Die antwoord was, meer vertrekke aanbou en hier en daar uitbreek. Met ‘n handige man soos Danie het Caro se kreatiwiteit begin oortyd werk. Sement en bousand het spoedig deel van die daaglikse aankopelys geword. Die lekkerte van so ‘n bouery was natuurlik die verskeie togte binneland in, om te gaan soek vir die regte vensters en deure en dan af te kom op ander skatte wat ook gebruik kan word. Nou moet jy mooi verstaan, die hele afere is nie sommer net ‘n aanbouery nie, nie as die vrou van die huis ‘n kunstenaar en huismaker van formaat is nie. Daar moes haarfyn beplan word en nuwe tegnieke moes uitgetoets word. “Die huisie wat wag” was in elke geval nie net ‘n gewone vakansie kothuis nie en het klaar oorgeloop van karakter en siel. Caro en haar man kom ‘n langpad saam met die huisie en het reeds baie sweet en handearbeid ingesteek. Dis hier waar Caro kom droom het en Danie kom rus het. Saam het hulle deur die jare leer wyn drink soos ons kapenaars en stilweg vriende gemaak hier tussen ons. Ek is tog te bly dat die”Volla” nou meer hier by my stop, so oppad grootdorp toe. Haar kuiers laat my verlang na my seuns want dieselfde warm Namib bloed loop ook in hulle are.

Danie wou ‘n binnebraai he. Dis een ding om in die ooptes van Namibia, onder die sterrehemel, met kameeldoringstompe ‘n vleisie te braai maar ‘n geheel ander ding as ons kaapse suidooster verseg dat jy ‘n vuurtjie buite kan maak. Dan moet ‘n man beskutting hê, want vleis moet daar gebraai word. Die braaikamer is aangebou, maar die enigste wat herkenbaar is aan die doel van die vertrek is die binnebraaikaggel, Caro het ander planne gehad met die vertrek. Haar kunsinnigheid en talent is oral sigbaar, met murals, sementkuns en spesiale pleister tegnieke. ‘n Vertrek vol karakter wat voorkom of dit al jare deel is van die huis. Die sonstrale skitter deur die nuwe vensters en val speels op ‘n versameling silverware, wat uitgestal is op ‘n rak van afvalhout. Die dubbel volume van die woonvertrek met sy dakvensters het die geleentheid gebied om ‘n atrium- gevoel te skep met plante wat die oog verlei tussen buite en binne. Die kunswerk en ornamente skep ‘n driedimensionele diepte, die keuse van die collases weerspieël ‘n ou Italianse villa. Dieselfde voorkoms is herhaal met ‘n tafel voor die onderste venster, gevul met versamelstukke, glas en plante. Die lig vloei vrylik tussen voorwerpe en maak patrone soos blik kristalle. Daar is geen bouwerk sonder ernstige argumente en verskille tussen man en vrou nie, maar Danie het gou ‘n stokkie voor die inmenging van die vrouegeslag gesteek met ‘n gemaklike gesegde; ”Ag Caro gaan doen tog vroumens goedjies” Verseker ‘n nuwe woord wat Nando gou gaan aanleer. Die bouwerk het nog geen einde, want volgende is ‘n gastewoonstel en ‘n atelje vir Caro. Die tuin bly gevul met bourommel en gereedskap maar die huisie straal van vreugde want Caro is tuis, vir altyd…


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Pringle B Pringle B ay Village F estival ay

Start D ate: Apr il 29 End Dat e: April 30 Wine Ta sting, F ood, Ar Crafts, ts Music, Kids act Route Show, C ivities, D ol og and muc our Run h more…

ock Blues Meets R Hermanus

Date: 15 April 00pm Time: 6:00 – 9: en Theater Hemel Venue: Forest Aarde valley Cost: R150 p/p 83 457 8235 Contact Info.:0 ues ker and/or a Bl If you’re a Roc April groove on this lover, get your k ying Blues & Roc with an electrif anus. festival in Herm

Barrel & Beards

Share y ou calendar r event on the I love H for only ermanus For mor R75 e events in Herm visit ww an w.iloveh ermanus us and the Ove rberg .co.za

Harvest Celebra Bot River tion Date: 22 April Venue: Botriver Cost: R450 For enquiries co ntact Wilmari G eyer, email: info@bart onvineyards.co.za

This year, Barr els & Beards w elcomes lovers all things fun an of d delicious to a sumptuous di ner spread and nto taste wines right from the vintage straight la te st from the barrel during the fest hosted once m ivity ore on the hillsi de grounds of Vineyards. Barton Bot River is no t just a one-ni ght stand dorpie why not make a so weekend of it an d come on over Friday already to on join us locals for a few cold on the stoep at ones the Bot River H otel.

Napier Village Market –

Napier Date: April 15 lly a variety of loca y jo en d an e om C foods ced products, made and produ y, rr real Indian cu and drinks like et ked pies, gourm freshly home ba lls, ncakes, prego ro hamburgers, pa e ad klava, homem boerie rolls, ba kfast t muffins, brea bread, breakfas burritos, etc.

Stanford Junktique Market

Stanford Date: April 15 Time: 9:00 am To 12:00 pm Calling all junkers! Come and search amongst the junk to find you treasures at Stanford Tourism office in Queen Victoria Street

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