13 - 22 DEC 10.00 - 16.00
TACT: JENNY MEYER: 079 929 9999
Hermanus Art in The Park and Artists @ The Quay are home to an array of artists in the Overberg whose talents are extraordinaire.
Formidable fine art, ceramics, jewellery, handmade crafts, photography, and much more can be found at our venues at Hermanus Country Market every First Sunday and at the MPC Lusitania in the New Harbour during our pop up exhiibitions.
All our artists are local Overstranders that do not have art galleries. They exhibit and sell their beautiful works of art and craft at affordable prices at our local markets and adhoc exhibitions. Their artworks grace many a home here and abroad . Our local artists all contribute to make Hermanus proud and
play an important role in developing our area as the Art Mecca of South Africa.
These two groups have been run by a dedicated committee for many years. Our sole mission is to provide a platform for local art.
To join our groups contact Riesa on 082 829 4285
Date: 09/01/2024
Attention: Owner and/or Manager
Dear Approved Body Repairer,
This e-mail serves to inform you that our corporate identity has changed and , in terms of clause 25 of the SLA, all Approved Body Repairers will be required to order the new CI signage within the next 12 months.
The new signage must be ordered and installed by all Approved Body Repairers by no later than 15/12/2024, following which, no old signboard will be permitted to be displayed.
For your reference, see below new signage artwork below We confirm that it will manufactured at the same size as the old one of 1,200cm x 1,200cm.
We thank you for your co-operation.
Yours faithfully,
Riaan Groenewald National Service
To order the new signboard, please complete and return the Signboard Rental Agreement located under FORMS on the AutoMatrix website (refer below), and return to angelique@automx.co.za for processing.
Waar kom hierdie stelling vandaan? Doc Craven het altyd gesê: “‘n Internasionale Rugbywedstryd is ‘n Volksfees” en ons beleef dit vandag. Die vraag is waar het dit begin en glo my vry dit was en is nie ‘n eenmans besluit of handeling nie. Dit was, en is, ‘n span se besluit en ‘n span se bydrae.
In Sondag se Rapport Weekliks van 17 November 2024 het Albert Heenhop ‘n baie interessante artikel geskryf na aanleiding van sy onderhoud met Tommie Bedford oor die normalisering van Rugby (Sport) in SA. Die slogan was mos, geen normale sport in ‘n “UP normal society” nie. Reeds in 1970 het Dr Craven dit reggekry dat die NZ span van Brian Lochore vir die eeste keer ‘n Maorispeler saam met die All Blacks kon gaan toer. In 1971 het Bougarel vir die Franse, die eerste swart speler geword wat op die vleuel uitgedraf het vir Frankryk. Ons het een toets teen Engeland gespeel in 1972 en die WP League, ‘n streekspan van die SA Federasie het vir die eerste keer teen ‘n buitelandse span op die Kaapse skougronde gespeel. Ek en Doc het op SAKK se veld op die Kaapse vlakte gaan afrig met Dougie Deyers as Kaptein van die span en Abie Williams as Loskop-voorry. As gevolg van politieke druk is die 1973 Springboktoer na NZ afgestel. Doc het sy bes gedoen om die Springbok op die internasionale vlak op die veld te hou en in 1974 het die Britse Leeus die Springbok-kultuur ‘n les kom leer. Aan die einde van 1974 toer die Bokke na Frankryk en in 1975 kom speel die Franse in SA.
Tydens die Franse toer in 1975 na SA, word daar ‘n veelrassige SA 15-tal gekies wat verteenwoordigend van al die dan SA Rugby Federasie Liga organisasies was. Ek was deel van die span en John Nobel van Stellenbosch druk die eerste drie na ‘n grondskoppie van my in die Noord-Oostelike hoek van Nuweland. Vir die eerste keer in my geskiedenis juig die hele Nuweland toe ‘n SA span teen ‘n buitelandse span punte aanteken. Wat ‘n jeuglike gebeurtenis was dit nie.
It was interesting to link the dots between Tommie’s article from 1970 to 1988 (The Harare meeting with the ANC). Several meetings took place between a variety of people and at different places. Everything
prior to this occasion was played at international level. At Stellenbosch however, nothing stood still. The next step took place with the knowledge of the authorities, the US, all the Rugby structures and the Minister of Sport, Piet Koornhoff. In 1976 the Maties played their first game against a team of ‘colour’. Coronations, the then regional team in Stellenbosch, affiliated to the WP League were the opponents. Coetzenburg, in Stellenbosch, was the venue. More than 20,000 people attended the game. The way was paved for rugby to take the next step and Doc facilitated at club level. A combined team from Stellenbosch was selected to play a game against a combined team of Bredasdorp and Swellendam.
Die kaptein van die Stellenbosch-span het uit die geledere van die Coronations manne gekom. Sy spanpraatjie was kort en saaklik. “Manne vandag is ons soos ‘n Piano. Daar is wit klawers en daar is swart klawers. Al wat ons moet doen is om te Harmonise.” Dit was die eenvoudige resep vir die toekoms van SA.
SA Rugby’s WP League regional sides started to participate in die SA rugby structure.
In 1980 het die jaarlikse Craven week op Stellenbosch plaasgevind. Doc Craven, ek, Dougie Dyers en Abie Williams het ‘n rugby vergadering in Doc se kantoor gehad. Spontaan verloop die geprek, maar hoekom kan ons nie die seuns van die WP Liga aan die Cravenweek laat deelneem nie? Al die gewone spanne word na die Craven-week genooi plus nog een. Nog een se naam het nooit verskyn tot 15 min voor hulle eerste wedstryd nie. Die WP Liga seuns draf uit sonder dat daar enige goedkeuring van enige struktuur verkry is. Dit het 13 jaar voor die vrylating van Nelson Mandela plaasgevind.
It was not without interesting reactions and discussions. After the first day of rugby, opening speeches and the rest of the first day several delegates were hot under the collar.
Net daar besluit ek toe om toe te tree sonder om te weet wat hulle besware was. Saam met my het ek ses wynglase en twee bottels Tassenberg gevat en ‘n hart vol rugby liefde. Na ‘n periode van tyd het ek hulle een vraag gevra waarop ek graag ‘n antwoord wou hê. Dan was ek bereid om hulle saak verder te vat. Die vraag was simplisties, maar eerlik uit my hart uit. Hulle moes my net verduidelik het wat verander het gedurende en of na afloop van die wedstryd. Rugby is gespeel tussen twee spanne en daar was ‘n uitslag. Seuns het gespeel en dit geniet. Vriende is gemaak en in die res van die week en jare wat daarop gevolg het, het verhoudings net deur middel van Rugby verbeter. Die res is geskiedenis.
Vir Dr Craven was daar verskillende filosofieë met net een antwoord. Eenheid maak mag. Sy eerste akademiese studierigting was Teologie. Hy het sy Bybel van voor tot agter geken. Sy studierigting het verander as gevolg van ‘n rugbybesering en hy verwerf sy eeste akademiese Doktersgraad in Volkekunde. Daarna het hy nog twee akademiese Doktersgrade verwerf in Sielkunde en die Geskiedenis van Liggaamlike Opvoedkunde. Hy was werklik ‘n lopende ensiklopedie van sy vakgebied wat Rugby was. Rugby moes SA verenig en volkere bymekaar uitbring.
So onderneem hy talle besoeke aan die platteland waar klinieke aangebied is. Dit was in die stormjare voor 1988. Sy span wat hom vergesel het, het altyd vir Dougie Dyers ingesluit. So kom hulle op Williston aan en moet hulle daar oorslaap. Dougie word verwys na die buite kwartiere. Doc weier volstrek en die eienaar sê die wet sê so Doc en ek moet daarby bly. Doc vra vir ‘n telefoon en bel vir Dr Piet Koornhoff, Minister van Sport. Tussen hulle twee verklaar hulle die Williston Hotel as ‘n Internasionale Hotel vir een dag. Dougie trek in sy kamer in en die hotel op Williston is ‘n internasionale Hotel. Tot vandag toe weet niemand nog of Dok regtig met die minister gepraat het nie!
When the other people talked, Doc worked and made decisions. There are many other examples of teams and tours and stories of rugby friends and contributers to the cause. Today, when I see the results of not only the Springboks on the field, but also the supporters off the field, I think back to the days when Doc walked the walk and let the politicians talk the talk.
Geniet die lekker rugby kyk?
Well done Bokke!
I don’t think there are many property purchasers out there that realise what a huge amount of information and knowledge a property seller needs to possess for an easy and transparent alienation process to ensure a speedy and successful transaction that is in the interest of both parties.
After operating in the real estate profession for 38 years at different levels, I have thought it appropriate to share the following accumulated information with potential sellers:
1. Is the owner of the property an Individual, Company, CC, Trust or Partnership?
To always ensure validity, sellers must please take note of the following:
• Individuals: ID necessary to a) verify identity and citizenship b) ensure that seller is not a minor c) FICA compliance
• Companies: a) Resolution passed by the board empowering him/her to represent the co. b) If selling whole or greater part of its assets a special resolution passed by the shareholders (25% or MOI directive if more than 25% Is required)
• Close Corporation (CC): a) Signed resolution by all members authorising the sale b) 75% members to agree.
• Trusts: a) A resolution signed by all trustees to authorise that the intended transaction can be entered into b) that the trustees signing the relevant documents on behalf of the trust are in fact empowered to do so. c) Or all must sign.
• Partnership: a) Record names of all partners as partners in the OTP. b) All partners must sign the transfer documents c) Not possible to obtain a resolution authorising a specific individual to sign on behalf of other partners. d) A general power of attorney or a special power of attorney is required, granted by one or more of the partners to another, specifically identified individual, who will then be authorised to sign all relevant documentation
2. Is there a mortgage bond registered against the property? If so, have you given the mortgagee notice of your intention to sell the mortgaged property?
3. If no mortgage, are you in possession of the Title Deed?
4. Does the Title Deed contain any servitudes or other restrictive conditions?
5. Are you a SA Resident? If not, remember that you are liable to pay Withholding Tax on the sale price, excluding the first R2m (WHT)
6. Are you a VAT vendor? If so, get advice from your accountant ito your VAT liability.
7. If the seller is married in community of property (if no antenuptual contract exists) a spouse may not without the written consent of the other spouse alienate, (i.e. sell) their property. Such a sale would be null and void.
8. If the seller got married outside of South Africa, then the
legal system where the husband was domiciled at the time of the marriage determines which matrimonial property system applies.
Pam Snyman
9. Do you possess approved building plans of the property? (Some banks require them to register a mortgage bond over the property in favour of a purchaser).
10. Is the property tenanted? Remember the Common Law rule of “Huur Gaat Voor Koop”.
11. Are your Rates and Taxes paid up?
12. Do you have an SSEG (Small Scale Embedded Generator) on the property that is duly registered? (Solar)
13. If the house was built before 1 April 2011 and has been used as a ‘workplace’, does it contain any asbestos and if so, do you possess an asbestos clearance certificate?
14. Is there a borehole or well point on your property? If so, and it is a requirement, has it been registered at the local municipality?
15. On what date are you prepared to give vacant occupation to a purchaser?
16. Are you aware of any defects in the property, either latent or patent?
17. If mandating an estate agent to market your property, you are also required to fill out and sign a property condition report (PCR) when the mandate is accepted. This is a prescribed mandatory disclosure form in terms of the Property Practitioners Act (PPA)
Once you, as a potential seller, have gone through these requirements (not necessarily all inclusive, though) and there is any uncertainty, please contact your attorney/ conveyancer to ensure that you are an informed seller right from the start. And of course, your chosen estate agent who is going to represent you and your interests in terms of the Estate Agents’ Code of Conduct which is regulated in terms of the PPA should be your number one go-to person. That is why they are there, and you will pay them commission on their mandate being executed to find you a willing and able purchaser who enters into a binding agreement of sale of your property.
Please feel free to contact me for any advice re the sale of your property.
At your service!
Pam Snyman Chartered Practitioner Real Estate (CPRE)
(MPhil, Dip Advanced Property Practice, Dip Property Investment & Valuation)
Certified Director and Member of the Institute of Directors of SA (IoDSA)
Director/Principal of Cell 082 800 867 Email: pams@redzproperties.co.za
Soos ons die feestyd nader, laat ons ‘n oomblik neem om 2024 se prestasies te waardeer.
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Cowswalking on the sidewalks, church bell rings on the hour, sheep blaring in the distance, that is the soothing sounds of Barrydale.
A fantastic roadtrip to the Klein Karoo. Barrydale is a small town just 2.5 hours away from Cape Town, with a breathtaking Tradauw’s Pass, or through the beautiful mountain gap on Route 62 through Montagu.
They say Barrydale is a drinking town with a farming problem... and that could be the truth, cause we all love our wines and beer...and with Joubert-Tradauw wine farm just kilometers away from Barrydale, with award winning wines, craft gin at Metanoia, hand crafted beer made by Ryno at Maker’s Brew and Joseph Barry Brandy Cellar, you can’t go wrong. Coupled that with more than 40 guesthouses in Barrydale to stay a night or 3, night life has also became more exciting.
Hubby Manus and I have a business, Dung Beetle Pub and Lodge, which we have owned for 7 years now, after moving from Hermanus to this beautiful klein dorpie. From journalist by the sea, to pub owner in the Karoo! At Dung, you will meet all the real life folk and locals of the town, a diversified, cultural mix with Afrikaans farmers, England ladies, and interesting, local is lekker, folks! So many stories to tell, one feels inspired to write a book about this spectacular town and its versatile characters. The gossip in town is much faster than our Wifi...
Situated next door to us is the famous Diesel & Creme, with their delectable milkshakes and diner vibe! The other day we had a beautiful waffle with local homemade ice-cream made by the renown chef Michelle Berry of Mez Karoo Kitchen/Mud Modern. To die for, for real.
The hotel recently revamped and the owners are fantastic folks. They own the famous, luxury leather
goods, Melvill and Moon, which I renamed to Mills and Baboon, much to the laughter and delight of owner Rick!
Their dog Charlie always travels with them, either in their smart Rolls Royce named Sputnik, or on their motorbike in the side cart!
Barrydale is filled with the most interesting characters, and at our pub you hear all the crazy stories! Stories of back in the day. This is really a unique town, but sometimes reminds me of my time as journalist at Hermanus Times... same Karen’s living here as in Hermanus... complaints about dogs with or without leashes, dog poop, youngsters racing on their motorbikes, people dare to build a double volume home and change the character of Barrydale, but while Hermanus might have the whales, we have cows grazing the sidewalks, sheep as neighbours (we even have a quaint boutique sheep farm, All About Sheep, selling sheep milk and very fancy products.
Barrydale have a few pubs, 2 liquor stores, one garage (the liquor stores and garage is owned by friends of ours and boy, do they enjoy the monopoly they have in this little town.
Barrydale have lots of churches, of which one day I ended up in the wrong church when I was invited to the christening of a friend’s baby!... The absolute horror when I realised I am in the wrong church and everybody glaring at me when I stood up and ran out when I realised my mistake!
Barrydale don’t have permanent doctors or even a pharmacy!
But if you need medication, a boer maak n plan they say.
Here you phone the pharmacy in Swellendam with your order, you make a payment to them, and then the first Barrydaler going to the pharmacy collects all
Barrydale parcels, and drops it off at the garage in Barrydale. Who ever the saint collecting the meds, then lets everyone know on our Barrydale WhatsApp groups, so then you can just collect the meds when you are ready.
In and around Barrydale there is so much to do and see, one night is just not enough!
Three great establishments just outside of Barrydale: Karoo 62 Escapes, just outside Barrydale on your way to Ladismith offers music festivals, different accommodation options and a great, modern party venue. They recently opened their fancy doors and it is already a hit amoungst locals and visitors. Ronnie’s Sex Shop is also on your way to Ladismith, but don’t let the name fool you, its a nice pub with lots of underwear hanging from the roof, a bar filled with character!
Then towards Montagu, the fantastic Karoo Saloon have great music rock shows, excellent breakfast and pizzas, and is a big attraction of locals, especially the farmers in the vicinity.
Unique stores in Barrydale include steampunk Papa Joe’s selling collectibles on Route 62, The House of Books (literally filled with books from floor to ceiling) and Hearts On Main, with homemade clothes and unique offerings. For the best yellow fat biltong,
pop in at Ranger and Sons Butchery, a feast for any meatlover!
We have famous people living here too. I know Hermanus has the beautiful actress Wilna Snyman (I am very jealous of that and miss her dearly) but luckily we have Grant Swanby (famous and much loved South African actor) Sorry Grant hope you are not hiding, and the super famous designer Gert van der Merwe!
Next time, do yourself a favour. Don’t just drive through Barrydale, stay a night or two. Enjoy breakfast at the oldest restaurant in Barrydale, Country Pumpkin, go for beer tasting and homemade delectable pizza at The Makers, enjoy beautiful cheesecakes at The Camel Horse (yes you read correctly, Camel Horse) lovely little restaurant, and stay over in one of the many gorgeous accommodation establishments! And remember to pop in by us at The Dung Beetle for a big hug and ice cold beer! Every Saturday for the past 7 years we host a bring and braai for locals and visitors, so just bring your meat and we supply salads and bread for free, mahala.
See you in Barrydale, soon!
Janine van der Riet-Neethling