Your FREE Lifestyle Magazine August 2018 Issue 98
Sandbaai Artist
M arĂ G eyer
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Peter van Schaik
O verberg Branch & Head O ffice Editor: Peter van Schaik Copy-Editors: Kathleen Botha, & Hanneke van Schaik Design: Brenda Smal SPLASH Office Tel: 074 717 2582
SPLASH YOUR BUSINESS! To advertise with us email Address: Gateway Centre, Hermanus, 7200 Postal Address: Private Bag X15, Suite 43, Gateway Centre, Hermanus, 7200
Cover Art: Marí Geyer
Kalfiefees, Kunste.
Hélène Truter - The times they
are a changing.
Uit die pen van Anette.
Hermanus Flower Festival 2018
Festivals promote diversity, they bring neighbors into dialogue, they increase creativity, they offer opportunities for civic pride, they improve our general psychological well-being. In short, they make cities better places to live. - David Binder
Hi Splash Lesers
Refine - Origins of True
Walviskalfies in die baai beteken net een ding . . . KALFIEFEES! Dit gaan ook gepaard met die viering van die vrou gedurende die naweek van Vrouedag, 8 tot 12 Augustus.
Beauty. P10
Arien van der Merwe -
“Kyk die skoonheid van ’n vrou moet gesien word in haar oë, dit is die ingang na haar hart die plek waar die liefde woon.” – Woorde van onbekende digter
Pam Snyman - Ownership,
possession and occupation
La Pentola - Ostrich steak
Vanjaar bied ons weer ’n keur van uitstekende teater, musiek, kuns en ’n boekmakietie aan. Vrouedagviering is soos gewoonlik op Vrouedag 9 Augustus. Jakkie Louw, as gaskunstenaar, kom ons vermaak met sy “Eenmiljoenwoorde”. Die besprekingsprogram, op 10 Augustus, beloof om baie debat te ontlok met die sensitiewe onderwerp “ ’n Politieke oorsig oor die huidige en toekomstige stand van sake in Suid-Afrika”. Behalwe ons kunstenaars en u ons feesvriende, is ons getroue borge die anker waarsonder hierdie fees nie kan plaasvind nie, daarom wil die Hermanus Times Kalfiefeeskomitee elke borg bedank vir hulle vennootskap in hierdie suksesverhaal.
recipe. P14
Dawie Snyman - Stilte voor
die storm.
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Your FREE Lifestyle Magazine
Your FREE Lifestyle Magazine
June 2018 Issue 96
July 2018 Issue 97
Fisherhaven Artist
Hermanus Artist
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A ndreA H irscHson
June 2018 / issue 96
July 2018 / issue 97
Previous issues of Splash available online at
Ons nooi u om gesellig te kom kuier in die kuiertent langs die De Wetsaal waar u allerhande kos, iets te drinke en musiek kan geniet. En wie weet . . . dalk kry Fiësta jou dáár! Opregte dank aan elke lid van die Kalfiekomitee vir hulle harde werk, entoesiasme en ywer. Sien jou in die voorportaal. Jimmy Hattingh Voorsitter: Hermanus Times Kalfiefeeskomitee Follow us on Twitter and like our Facebook page
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Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or S P L A S H Magazine. Copyright © - Whale Splash Media CC - All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or copied by any form or means without prior permission of the publisher. The Publisher or S P L A S H Magazine are not responsible for any unsolicited material.
KalfiefeesKunsuitstalling Kalfiekuns is amper hier! Meer as dertig kunstenaars van die Overstrand en plaaslike, sowel as kunsliefhebbers van elders, sien uit om deel te hê aan die Kalfiefees-kunsuitstalling 2018. Hierdie jaar verskil van ander jare. ’n Paneel van professionele kunstenaars is aangestel om die inskrywings te keur. Met minder kunstenaars wat toegelaat word om uit te stal as in vorige jare, is daar ‘n opmerklike groei in die kwaliteit van die kuns. Kunstenaars van die Overstrand op ons databasis, word jaarliks uitgenooi om hulle nuwe werke voor te lê vir keuring deur die paneel. Keuring deur die paneel verseker dat die standaard elke jaar goed is of verbeter. Die fokus is op nuwe, vars en kwaliteit werk. Die doel van die Kalfiefees-kunsuitstalling is om onbekende kunstenaars wat nie die geleentheid het om in gallerye uit te stal nie, die geleentheid te gee om hulle kunswerke onder die publiek se aandag te bring. Die Overstrand het beslis baie verborge talent! Ons wil erkenning gee aan die vader van die Kalfiefeekunsuitstalling, Derrick Dickens, wat in Augustus 2015 oorlede is. Dis hartseer dat hy nie die vrug van sy arbeid kan aanskou nie. Die Kalfiefees-kunsuitstalling word op Dinsdag 7 Augustus om 18:00 deur die Uitvoerende Onderburgemeester Rdl Elnora Gillion geopen. Vanaf Woensdag 8 Augustus tot Sondag 12 Augustus sal die uitstalling oop wees vir die publiek. Woensdag 09:00 – 18:00, Donderdag tot Saterdag 09:00 – 21:30, Sondag 09:00 – 13:00 Ons wens al die deelnemende kunstenaars ‘n vrugbare en vreugdevolle uitstalling toe. Aan ons voornemende T he Best Breakfasts and Light Meals in Hermanus kopers: mag julle aankope van kuns van ‘n Overstrand T he Best Breakfasts and Light Meals in Hermanus Along with brilliant food, The Village Stall Kunstenaar groot genot verskaf. Along with brilliant food, The Village Stall is also a hub of creativity. There is an activity area for younger children and dogs are welcome in our outdoor seating area.
Vir verdere inligting, stuur ‘n epos aan of skakel 084 506 7427.
Whether you’re looking for a small reminder of your stay in Hermanus or need the perfect gift for a special occasion, we’re confident that The Village Stall is one of the places to find it.
is also a hub of creativity. There is an activity area for younger children and dogs are welcome in our outdoor seating area.
Whether you’re looking for a small reminder of your stay in Hermanus or need the perfect gift for a special occasion, we’re confident that The Village Stall is one of the places to find it. We are well known for our freshly baked pies, which are also available frozen to take home.
We are well known for our freshly baked pies, which are also available frozenT to home. he take BestStall Breakfasts Lightfor Meals in local Hermanus At the Village Coffeeand Shop your Along with brilliant The Village Wefood, aim to putStall a smilebiscuits on your face! craft items, preserves and homemade is also a hub of creativity. There is an and confectionery. activity area for younger children and dogs
At the Village Stall Coffee Shop for your local craft items, preserves and homemade biscuits and confectionery.
We aim to put a smile on your face!
Local favourite
are welcome in our outdoor seating area. Whether you’re looking for a small reminder of your stay in Hermanus or need the perfect gift for a special occasion, we’re confident that The Village Stall is one of the places to find it. We are well known for our freshly baked pies, which are also available frozen to take home.
At the Village Stall Coffee Shop for your local craft items, preserves and homemade biscuits and confectionery.
T he Best Breakfasts and Light Meals in Hermanus THE VILLAGE
is also a hub of creativity. There is an
Authentic Italian Pizza & Pasta, Succulent Section 2 & 3 HemelSteaks, & Aarde Village, Route 43,Seafood Hermanus 7200 and much, much more! Ribs, TEL 028 316 2407 | STANFORD CAPE TOWN
isactivity also a of hub of stay creativity. There isorreminder an your in Hermanus need the perfect KIDBROOKE area for younger children and dogs Whether you’re looking for a small ONRUS activity area for younger children and dogs SANDBAAI are welcome infor our outdoor seating area. gift aHermanus special occasion, confident of The your stay inin orservice need thewe’re perfect HERMANUS 2,5km best quality, and atmosphere. R43 STANFORD VERMONT are welcome in our outdoor seating area. gift for a special occasion, we’re confident that The Village Stallreminder is one of the places to Whether you’re looking for a small
brilliant food, Village Stall in Hermanus T heAlong Best with Breakfasts andThe Light Meals
activity area for younger children and dogs Along with brilliant food, The Village Stall Whether you’re looking for a small are welcome our outdoor seating area.reminder Along with brilliantinfood, The Village Stall
Open daily 11am – 9:30pm
We aim to put a smile on your face!
is also a hub of creativity. There is an KIDBROOKE Along with brilliant food, The Village Stall activity area for younger children and dogs also aBreakfasts hub of creativity. ThereMeals isCALEDON an R320 T heis Best and Light CALEDON in our outdoor seating area. are Breakfasts welcome T he Best and Light Mealsin inHermanus HermanusHERMANUS 2,5km R43
since 1985
of your stay in CAPE Hermanus or the perfect Whether you’re looking forneed a small reminder that The Village Stall is one of the places to ONRUS find it. TOWN SANDBAAI gift for a special occasion,orwe’re confident VERMONT of your stay need the perfect find Hermanus We are well known for our freshly baked pies, which are also available thatfor Thea Village Stall is one of the places gift special occasion, we’re confident CAPE TOWN Section 2 & for 3 Hemel &toAarde Village, Route 43,available Hermanus 7200 We are well known our freshly baked pies, which are also find The it. Village frozenStall to take home. that isTEL one ofHemel the316 places to 2407 | Section 2 & 3028 & Aarde Village, Route 43, Hermanus 7200 frozen to take home. TELfreshly 028 316 2407 |pies, We are baked which are also available find it. well known for our service and atmosphere. We aim to put a smile on your face! The best in quality, service and atmosphere. frozen to take home. We aim a smile your We are well known for our freshlyput baked pies, on which areface! also available
The best in quality,
AtAt the Village Shopfor foryour your local the VillageStall Stall Coffee Coffee Shop local craft items, preserves and homemade biscuits craft items, preserves and homemade biscuits At the Village Stall Coffee Shop for your local craft items,and preserves and homemade biscuits confectionery. and confectionery.
10 High Str Hermanus
We aim to put a smile on your face! frozen to take home.
We aim to put a smile on your face!
028 312 2848 SPLASH 3
o say that CHANGE is scary, ranks right up there with ‘Hitler was not a nice man’ – another one of the world’s all-time understatements. Especially when you’re old. Then change is even scarier. Or should I rephrase that. When you’re old in your head. Old in your way of thinking. Verstok is die mooi Afrikaanse woord. But then change is scary for the young as well. Going to school for the first time… Writing your first exam. Taking part in your first sporting event… First day on the job. And today if you think about those events?… Still as scary? Daunting? Overwhelming? In most cases the answer would be no. In fact, those memories help us to help our children/ grandchildren who all have to go through all these scary changes for the first time - as many generations before them. But when you come from a place of fear then change is especially terrifying. And of late the inhabitants of the Whale Capital have been very very scared. Maybe it’s because I hail from Joburg that I was not that terrified, but in fact had more sympathy for the thousands of innocents who were being held hostage. Yes, I had to close Amulet a few times, but how does that even begin to compare with the tragedy of babies dying in shacks because of teargas? It’s important to try and see both sides. Not easy. But essential. This is Africa. And Africa is tough but also amazing. My only home. I’m not going anywhere else. And I will keep on selling beautiful stuff in Africa, quite simply because it makes me happy. The world is changing. Every day. Has been. For billions of years. And there’s absolutely nothing you or I can do about it. Instead of fearing it, try to understand it. Learn from it. Even better… Embrace it… Ja okay, I’m pushing my luck. This is Hermanus afterall.. How about.. instead of expecting the worst, see how it plays out - before you predict and therefore invite, the impending catastrophe.
Change is not only scary, it is inevitable. So you can kick and scream and moan on Facebook and share negative posts on your Whatsapp groups, but the only thing you can change is your…. Attitude. Or like the Dodo you will simply become extinct. I can only speak for my tribe – but we’ve been on this continent for over 3 centuries and we’ve survived worse. The whole world is in turmoil. And as one of my favourite people in Hermanus (Beth from Hemmingways) said: the dinosaurs have to wake up! As I write this in the second last week of July, Hermanus has made headline news : for all the wrong reasons. And ironically enough a whale made an appearance this morning. Completely oblivious that there’s trouble in Paradise. The whales aren’t here to toyi-toyi. They’re here for Joy Joy. So let’s find the Joy in this month of August which is also… she remembers… Woman’s Day. I’m sorry guys that you don’t get a Men’s day. The irony is that this woman will be working in Amulet on Woman’s day because hopefully some of the fabulous men out there will be buying something extraordinary/gorgeous for the lady in his life. A little subtle marketing on my part. Ha-ha. Not only are the joyful whales coming to our shores, we will once again be entertained by some of South Africa’s best talent during the Kalfiefees. We are indeed priviledged. Even after ten years I have to pinch myself – that I’m fortunate enough to live in this beautiful town. Famous people go to all the trouble of driving over the mountain to come and entertain us. I get to see the magnificent ocean every day. How incredible is that. The fact that everything rusts and comes crashing down at the most inconvenient times is a small price to pay. At least my shop is still standing - in spite of the unrest. (and the rust) My heart goes out to businesses who may have to close their doors during these difficult times. This is not unique to our town. Everyone is taking strain. BUT….
Hélène Truter
There is always some good news – because of the strike action we weren’t able to move much stock which means…. Yes! We’re having a SALE to make space for our awesome incoming summer stock!! Jaaaay! See? Always a silver lining somewhere… Like during the time of the riots, no parking attendants to irritate me. Check out Amulet’s FB page for more details – about the sale, not the parking attendants. And as I sit here desperately trying to think of more positive thoughts I can send your way, I get a message on my phone: SURROUND YOURSELF WITH PEOPLE WHO HAVE ISSUES. BECAUSE PEOPLE WHO HAVE ISSUES ALWAYS HAVE ALCOHOL. Oh come on… We need to keep our sense of humour. Laughter is excellent for the health. Laughing at yourself is a life-saver. Literally. I was part of a writing team on a Sitcom in which an older character gets caught on security cameras wearing unflattering pink granny panties. I had great fun writing this scene at the expense of the character – blissfully unaware that a few weeks later I would be cast to play her!!! So everyone got to see me in pink granny panties. I also changed my hair colour to suit the character. Now people are telling me I look younger with the darker colour. Who says Change is a bad thing?! Feel free to watch ELKE SKEWE POT (on Kyknet – channel 144) on Mondays 20:30 – there are repeats during the week. A fun sitcom series about a dating agency. Hier is onder is die link of gaan soek daarvoor op Kyknet se Page of of Amulet se FB page. As jy die pienk granny panty wil sien.’s/elke-skewe-pot-sandra-koekemoer/videos And as the season changes, enjoy watching the new spring buds emerge, enjoy the freshness of new life… the promise of better things to come… xxx
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Uit die pen van
MY QUIET PLACE A few days ago during my lunch hour I to run into a small Eastern restaurant close to work. This is something I have wanted to do since I started working in the area. The restaurant was quiet, poorly lit and the sound of a Chinese radio station in the background filled the air. You almost expected the Chinese mafia mob to be meeting somewhere in one of the backrooms. Was it Chinese? Well, I actually don’t know, let’s just assume it was, just for the sake of my own inability to differentiate between the Eastern cultures. The owner and his wife spoke broken English, but I somehow managed to explain to her that I needed a table close to a plug.
So, geared with my laptop on charge and a glass of sparkling water with lemon and ice in front of me, I ordered a small portion of fried rice. This, in fact, is only a side dish, but quite sufficient for me. Also one of my favourite dishes. Oom Noakes will most definitely not approve! Many years ago when I was still a scholar, I worked in a Japanese restaurant and I fell in love with the Eastern method of rice cooking. Egg fried rice, I just love it! We all need a place where we can be quiet; be that a coffee shop, the gym or on the beach. It does not always need to be the same place. I find that quiet spot in many locations. It’s also OK if you do swop and change these locations. Being a creature of habit can easily wear you down. Some days you
need people around you to draw energy from and then a busy coffee shop is the perfect place. Other times you seek it in nature. There is nothing like a sweat-session in the gym to chase those ghosts – the anger, frustration and negativity – haunting you. I think I found a new go-to place. I spoke only the necessary sentences to the waiter to place my order and pay. There was movement around me without it distracting me. Background sounds I didn’t understand and therefore did not have to react to, and I had my favourite dish at a low price. A place where I can sit quietly, observe and enjoy. Definitely worth a visit again. When last have you done just that? Sometimes you need to just, well,
be. We run our bodies down and complain about feeling tired, ill and even lacking motivation. Life is not a race, it’s a journey. It does not matter when you reach the end line, what matters is how you get there. Well, run if you must, but at least take the time to smell the roses. Appreciate the route, rest and take a drink of water. Throughout life we meet people, encounter experiences and are offered the gift of nature, friendships, family bonds and life’s little pleasures. Don’t allow it to slip by. If you choose to race, do so with care and hold on to the memories and special people you meet along the way. Quiet-greetings Annette
HERMANUS FLOWER FESTIVAL 2018 The gardens of Fernkloof Nature Reserve will come alive on the Heritage Day weekend from Friday 21st to Monday 24th September, when Hermanus Botanical Society celebrates our wonderful natural heritage with the Annual Flower Festival. The theme this year will be “Watching Water” in recognition of the need to understand how precious our water is and how it can best be managed and conserved. The Festival is open to the public from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. For only these 4 of the 365 days in the year, there will be an entrance fee to Fernkloof Nature Reserve: Adults: R25 Children under 12 or in school uniform: Free Senior Citizens on Friday 21 September: R10 The Hermanus Botanical Society is raising funds this year for the maintenance and repair of some of the most popular and well used paths in Fernkloof Nature Reserve for the safety and enjoyment of all visitors. This Nature Reserve, located on the doorstep of the town of Hermanus, is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Overberg region. It is well known for its amazing biodiversity where 21% of plants of the Cape Floristic region can be found. Some 60kms of hiking paths give visitors an opportunity to explore the naturally occurring flora and fauna while enjoying spectacular panoramic views over Walker Bay. Spring is a particularly rewarding time of the year when the fynbos is awash with new, colourful blooms. Flower Festival visitors will be able to enjoy the wonderful fynbos arrangements in the Fernkloof hall and the display of some 400 identified and named specimens in flower at the time. Members of the Hermanus Botanical Society will be on hand to guide visitors through the display and answer questions. In addition to information boards in keeping with our “Watching Water” theme, there will be scheduled talks in the marquee on topics related to managing water and celebrating the bounty of our natural environment. You will also be able to buy bunches of cut fynbos flowers and other environmental treasures in the marquee while enjoying the many exhibits related to our theme. Included will be a display of the water-saving products and grey-water systems that are available to us to save water and pay less for what we need. This year we have especially exciting creative activities for children housed in a tent in the amphitheatre gardens. The Upcycling Craft Corner will give our youngest visitors the chance to make things out of natural and recycled material to take home with them. There will be a small fee for participating to cover some of the materials used. Other important visitors to look forward to meeting, only on Sunday 23 and Monday 24 September, are the raptors and owls from Eagle Encounters. You will be able to interact with these special creatures and learn all about them in the tent in the amphitheatre gardens. Spring is a time to rejuvenate our gardens with the natural fynbos that thrives in our climate. Fernkloof Indigenous Nursery will have a sale – 20% off all plants. 16000 Plants from over 150 species to choose from at unbeatable prices. You can also just relax with a cup of tea or coffee and delicious home-made cakes or a light lunch with a glass of wine! Take a break on Friday morning from 9 – 12 with our special ‘Fynbos Friday Treats’ – R40 for a hot beverage and choice of something tasty to go with it. Before you leave, take a ticket in the Raffle with a chance to win one of many amazing prizes. There will be a special Family Challenge testing your environmental knowledge to celebrate Heritage Day on Monday – watch our website for details!
In Medicine there is so much hype and research into stem cells. This month we take a look at skin stem cells and follow their journey thru the skin.
Follow us on:
Refine Anti-Ageing Clinic and
Tel: 028 316 1532 / Email: / / Hemel & Aarde Craft Village, Hermanus, 7200
different proteins. However, science has now proven that if we drink collagen in the hydrolysed form, it will in fact be absorbed and distributed to the areas where it is required. So if you are spending money on collagen stimulating treatments but have been thru menopause, make sure you supplement with collagen such as Collagen Proactive in and around your treatment period. For daily topical collagen stimulation the Neostrata Skin Actives, as well as iS Clinical Youth Range are great! Collagen comes from the Greek word “kólla”, meaning “glue” and the French word “gene”, meaning “something that produces”. In other words, collagen is a “glue-producing” protein. It’s necessary to form and heal virtually every tissue in your body. That’s why it’s the most abundant protein you have — 30% of the total protein in your body is collagen. By dry weight, collagen makes up: ❖ 90% of the sclera (white part of your eye) ❖ 80% of tendons ❖ 70-80% of the skin ❖ 60% of cartilage The second musketeer of this triad is elastin. Elastin is a highly elastic protein in connective tissue and allows many tissues in the body to resume their shape after stretching or contracting. Elastin helps skin to return to its original position when it is poked or pinched. Though there is not a lot of hype around elastin, newer skin care products are talking more about replacing elastin in the skin. Hyaluronic acid (HA) the third component of the skin matrix; can keep your skin glowing, and it also benefits your joints.
Stem cells have the "self-duplication capability," a function to divide and make copies of themselves, and the "differentiation capability," which is a function to make various types of cells. It is the work of the stem cells which helps to maintain our bodies healthy and heal wounds. Skin stem cells differentiate into dermal skin cells which generate fibroblasts. These are the main builder cells in our skin. They produce three vital components of skin, namely elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid. We find these proteins in the extracellular matrix (the fluid/gel outside of and between skin cells.). If Collagen is the skin scaffolding, then HA (hyaluronic acid) is the gel that holds the scaffolding in place. As we age the quantities of all three components diminish and this is why, in skin treatments we talk about collagen stimulation and replacing HA. Growth factors also play an important role for dermal stem cells to flourish. Growth factor is a general term for biological substances that regulate cellular division and differentiation processes. Blood platelets contain high concentrations of natural growth factors. This is why we hear of treatments like needling and PRP (platelet rich plasma) treatments, which generate bleeding to allow the platelets to release their growth factors. If however, the idea of a vampire facial does not appeal to you; there are many cosmeceuticals products (creams and serums), such as Dermaheal from Lamelle and iS Clinical’s Youth Crème which contain growth factors for this purpose. We can test the collagen in our skin by pulling on it. A skin rich in collagen is firmer and tighter than a skin lacking in collagen. Ways in which we can generate more collagen includes laser, skin needling and chemical peels. These treatments stimulate an inflammatory response which in turn creates a cascade of growth factors to be released and stimulation for the builder cells to churn out more collagen. Important to remember that if you are post menopausal, or have a collagen disorder, your body will not produce collagen in high enough quantities. But there is help at hand......we can now drink collagen. Years before, we thought collagen was too big a molecule to be absorbed thru the gut. That we had to make up this large protein molecule from
So what is hyaluronic acid exactly, and how does it work? Hyaluronic acid is a lubricating, clear substance that’s produced by the body naturally. In the human body, hyaluronic acid is found in the greatest concentrations in the skin, inside joints, within the eye sockets and in other tissues where it helps retain collagen, increases moisture, and provides elasticity and flexibility. Each molecule can retain 500-1000x its weight in water. The primary way in which HA helps improve appearance of “aged skin” is by reducing water loss. In fact, one reason that hormone replacement treatments sometimes cause the skin to look more youthful and less sun-damaged is because they increase the skin’s HA concentration. Throughout the body, HA is distributed in many different tissues, especially in the skin, where it provides moisture and structure. The skin accounts for about half of all the HA found in the entire body. 99% of the dermal filler which doctors use in various areas of the face, are Hyaluronic acid in varying firmness. The HA fillers also stretch fibroblasts which stimulate collagen formation. There are many skin treatments which can replace lost HA and leave a glowing, hydrated fresh look to the skin. These include a hydrating lacti firm peel, skin needling with HA serum, as well as skin boosting which injects cross-linked/long acting HA into a specific depth of the skin for long lasting results. One can also replace HA daily with a cream such as pH formula’s Hydra Serum or Skinceutical’s Hydrating B5. In summary, the origins of a healthy skin originate from “stem cells” which become fibroblasts or builder cells. These cells produce collagen, elastin and HA which form the vital complex in which our skin grows and flourishes. For more information ask your skin therapist or aesthetic doctor what essentials are lacking in your skin... Products available from Refine Clinic.
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■ L a s e r S k i n R e j u v e n a t i o n ■ C h e m i c a l P e e l s ■ L a s e r Ve i n / H a i r R e m o v a l ■ B o t o x ™ ■ Dermal Fillers ■ Sclerotherapy ■ Diathermy ■ Permanent Make-up ■ Carboxytherapy SPLASH 8
Annabelle Hermanus offers a beautiful wide variety of
Quality Furniture, Homeware, DĂŠcor accessories and Jewelery pieces that will leave you breathless. Open 7 days a week in the new Whale Coast Mall! Shop G14, Whale Coast Mall, Hermanus 062 620 9792 SPLASH
Dr Arien van der Merwe
Don’t let these little words scare you!
llow us to help you cope, control and manage their associated health risks.
Written by Dr Arien van der Merwe, medical doctor and author specialising in natural medicine, co-owner of the Weight Control Clinic Hermanus and Holistic Health Counsellor in Hermanus. More info: / 028 316 4122
Such a tiny little word. But if you have been fighting this little word all your life, it becomes an ominous monster ready to tear you apart at the seams. And this little gremlin won’t be satisfied to only tear you limb from limb, oh no – it wants to destroy your relationships, your health, your self-worth and your summer holiday…if you allow it! I am writing to you, not as a doctor, but as a fellow soldier in the battle against the bulge. And while everyone will try and inspire you to lose weight to “get your bikini body back” (gmpfff!), I want to approach our shared little monster from a different angle. Losing weight, especially fat weight, is not only about a better looking body, but more importantly, about managing the health risks that can pose a serious threat to your health and wellbeing! Losing as little as 5% - 10% body fat, have shown phenomenal health benefits much more effective than any medication can ever be.
Strange that all these loaded words are such short, seemingly benign
little characters. Take DIET, for example. The word ‘DIET’ brings out the inner rebel in me. I associate it with strict rules and guilt if I don’t stick to them. The strangest thing is that I then start craving all the wrong things when I tell myself I am going on a ‘DIET’. Eating as a lifestyle choice, is different. Eating is not only essential for survival, but is an integral part of our social interaction with others. Food is there to enjoy. Making friends with food and following a tasty, healthy eating plan is key in the battle of the bulge – not another DIET! Getting your head and especially your mind, around the fat loss journey is the first step. Losing fat weight is like investing in your future wellbeing and happiness. Losing weight is just more difficult if you have to go it alone. The good news is that we are here to be your cheerleading squad to help you on this life-changing journey. I have intimate knowledge of what it takes to lose weight, especially fat weight, the effort that goes into it, hence our well known program, as well as the Mind Solutions Course I developed to help you thwart those subconscious saboteurs loaded with old emotional eating habits and baggage!
You can run, but you cannot hide - the yo-yo effect
A very good friend of mine always says that she keeps on losing weight but somehow it ALWAYS finds her again! Fat seems to be a very persistent thing. You can starve yourself like a hunger striker, lose weight, feel fantastic and as soon as
you resume your normal life again, Fat comes in without even having the decency to knock. This yo-yo process trips us up before we even begin our weight loss journey. This, however, does not have to be true for you. Like any other process, weight loss has to be managed and maintained. Have you heard about set point*? Not understanding this concept and fact, is the main reason for the yo-yo effect and all the many ‘diets’ you’ve been on over so many years! Yo-yo dieting over a few years, is probably the worst risk to your health and longevity! *Set point: when you start on a fat loss program, your weight is at a certain point. This is like a set point default program inside your brain of the weight you’ve been at for a while. It will return to this set point weight, if you do not maintain the fat you lost, for a certain period. When you reach your target weight it is important to maintain it for at least 6 months, so that it can become your new set point weight! It then makes it so much easier to maintain the fat you lost.
Lose fat, be healthier!
Losing even a little weight can be especially beneficial for people who store their excess weight around their abdomen (apple shape), rather than their hips (pear shape). Fat stored around the waist and in the liver, is more metabolically active, which makes it a high risk trigger for heart disease, but also easier to lose. Important medical screening tests for men and women with 5-10kg or
more excess fat weight and/or fat accumulation around the waist area (men >102cm, women >88cm) – you might have metabolic syndrome: • fasting blood glucose • fasting insulin • waist circumference (WHR) • body fat percentage • body mass index (BMI) • blood pressure • ipid profile incl. total, HDL- and LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides • HbA1C to estimate if glucose has been elevated for a longer period. At the Weight Control Clinic Hermanus (started in Pretoria by Dr William Gauché in 1974), we aim to address your health risks, especially insulin resistance and the symptoms of metabolic syndrome. I refer you for the relevant screening and help you manage the identified risks through our Weight Control Clinic program and my Holistic Health Counselling process. After 3 months, the lowering in your health risk factors can be measured. A short time investment in your health, for long term results: 2-3 months to notice a difference in fat weight, risks, the way you feel and your energy levels! Our healthy, medically supervised, effective fat loss program supports and assists patients who have as little as 5kg of fat to lose, to many kilo’s, safely and effectively. The only proviso: you have to take the self responsibility to do this, by making the mind shift and firm decision to follow the program. For examples of our many successful losers, click on testimonials: http://www.drarien.
Health risks associated with overweight and obesity •
High blood pressure, heart disease and stroke
Diabetes and before that insulin resistance and/or metabolic syndrome
Some cancers
Gallbladder disease and gallstones
Breathing problems, such as sleep apnoea and asthma
Cognitive decline, depression, Alzheimer’s disease Not everyone who is obese will develop these health challenges. The risk increases if you have a family history of one of those conditions. If your weight is carried mostly around your stomach (apple shape), it may put you at higher risk than if the weight is distributed around your hips and buttocks (pear shape)
Fat Loss Factors for Forever Results
Written by Anri van Rooyen, co-owner of the Weight Control Clinic Hermanus
If you decide on a fat loss program, you need to make sure the program complies with the following: • It is research/scientific based with medical supervision for optimal results. • It makes use of natural, safe highly effective nutraceuticals & fat burners to boost your metabolism & encourage fat loss, for long term results. • It focuses on decreasing health risks for diabesity, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, osteoarthritis, depression, etc. • It provides ongoing support, motivation & advice, to ensure you stay on track, reach & maintain your goal weight. • It has helped patients lose fat successfully for many years. Ensure there are testimonials as proof! • It doesn’t make use of hormones or stimulants! Hormones cause imbalances SPLASH 10
in the body and weight regain after its use is prevalent At Dr Gauche’s Weight Control Clinic we ensure that we comply with the above and make it our mission and passion to help our patients reach, and most importantly, maintain their health goals. Whether you want to lose lots or only 5kg, we are here to assist. We have been doing this since 1974! Our program is also SMART: • Specific – LCHF: low carb, healthy fats (oils). Every single cell in the body needs healthy oils to function optimally. Some functions of oils: adds flavour to food, prevents constipation, support the thyroid gland (metabolism), improve elasticity of the skin, leads to feeling of satiety and actually help you lose fat faster. Support – We come up with plans and give you
advice to help you with your specific fat loss struggles in order to find solutions. We want you to succeed! Measurable – comprehensive body composition analysis to measure progress – it’s not only about total body weight! We use specialised equipment to ensure that we have the most accurate tool available to measure your progress. Motivation – we help you stay motivated and let you focus on mini, easily achievable goals on your journey to becoming a healthier, happier you. Achievable – we help you incorporate healthy living into your specific lifestyle for long term results. Our many successful losers agree! Visit our Wall of Fame for testimonials. Relevant – adjusted to ongoing research to bring you the latest in science.
Time bound – 8-12 weeks to transform your body.
We have many Weight Control Clinic Programs available to suit your needs and budget! Make this your last fat loss journey by letting us help you. We invite you to me to our launch on 11 August 2018 to find out more. Refer advert on this page for more info.
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Date: Sat. 11 August 2018 Date: Sat. Time: 9h3011forAugust 10h002018 – 12h00 Time: 9h30 forhave 10h00 – 12h00 You can even your InBody done during the following You can have your InBody done during the following week, at even a 50% discount if paid on 11 Aug. 2018! week, at a 50% discount if paid on 11 Aug. 2018! Venue: The Mission’s House, 8 de Villiers St, Onrus Venue: The Mission’s House, 8 de Villiers Onrusincl. light Launch Price: R150 (usual workshop priceSt, R350), Launch Price: R150 (usual workshop price R350), incl. light snacks & lucky draws snacks & lucky draws Speakers: Speakers: Dr Arien van der Merwe: Metabolic Syndrome Dr Arien van der Merwe: Metabolic Syndrome Dr Michelle Emett: Insulin Resistance and Inflammation Dr Michelle Emett: Insulin Resistance and Inflammation Anri van Rooyen: My Fabulous Fat Loss Journey Anri van Rooyen: My Fabulous Fat Loss Journey MAKE THE SMART CHOICE! MAKE THE SMART Specific – LCHF: lowCHOICE! carb, healthy fats (oils) Specific – LCHF: low carb, healthy fats (oils) Measurable – body composition analysis Measurable – body composition analysis Achievable – fits into your lifestyle. Visit our Wall of Fame for Achievable testimonials.– fits into your lifestyle. Visit our Wall of Fame for testimonials. Relevant – adjusted to ongoing science & research Relevant – adjusted to ongoing science your & research Time bound – 8-12 weeks to transform body Time bound – 8-12 weeks to transform your body 028 316 4122 I 028 316 4122 I
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Woman’s month special
Ownership, Possession and Occupation of Real Estate Pam Snyman
When buying a property, we all know that we will be taking transfer of ownership sometime in the future, but when is the purchaser entitled to occupy the property and when and how does ‘possession’ take place and are these rights at all interrelated? Normally the sale agreement between the buyer and seller should explain the transfer of these rights, but what if these important dates in the process of transfer of ownership are not spelled out clearly? And even if they have they been spelled out in the agreement, have they been explained adequately to the parties to the agreement so that they understand their commitments? It is equally important that both parties, buyer and seller, understand exactly when and how these rights are transferred to the buyer and from the seller. These three rights go hand in hand when referring to property rights. Property ownership enables an owner to possess, occupy and also dispose of his land. Unless the agreement of sale states otherwise, the following will apply to the purchase and sale of land: 1 Ownership is the most comprehensive right that a person can have over property. An owner can possess, use, enjoy, and alienate (dispose of) his property. The rights of possession and occupation are therefore those of the owner. Unless specifically stated otherwise, the buyer obtains ownership only on registration of the property in his name in the Deeds Office. NB: A purchaser who takes occupation (see 3. below) before transfer and wants to commence with alterations or improvements to the property does so at his/her own risk, because if the sale agreement turns out to be invalid, the purchaser has no right to claim compensation from the seller and may not remove such improvements, unless the market value of the property has been improved due to the improvements. It is advisable to include a clause in the contract that states if occupation is given to the purchaser prior to registration of transfer, that the buyer may not make any alterations or additions before date of transfer. In the event that the contract is cancelled, the buyer must immediately vacate the property and restore it to the same condition as when the purchaser took occupation without having any claim against the seller as a result of alterations, improvements or additions made by the purchaser. 2 Possession is the right to control the property in different ways, but also the right to become the owner at a future date. This happens when a binding agreement of sale comes into being, i.e. when all suspensive conditions have been met, if the sale agreement contains one or more conditions, i.e. that a mortgage bond needs to be obtained by the buyer in order to finance the purchase. This right of possession also provides the purchaser with the right to alienate the property as soon as possession is obtained and then give transfer of ownership when he/she takes transfer of ownership. As mentioned previously, this will be the case in the event that the agreement of sale does not contain any contrary application. It is also very important to note that the risk of SPLASH 12
accidental damage to or destruction of the property passes to the buyer once possession is obtained. This means that once the suspensive conditions have been met, the buyer should have the property insured although he/she has not yet taken transfer of the property as he/she would then have an insurable interest in the property. It would be a good idea for the owner of the property however, to not cancel any existing insurance in respect of the property until registration of transfer. NB: Contracts of sale of land should provide that possession passes to the buyer on a specific date when he/she takes either occupation or transfer, whichever occurs first, otherwise the common law position as described above will apply and he/she will be liable and may have to take transfer of a damaged property as the risk would have passed to the buyer on the date of conclusion of the contract or as soon as any suspensive conditions have been met.. 3 Occupation is normally granted to the purchaser on a mutually agreed date in the sale agreement. The purchaser must be placed in a position to use and enjoy the property. In the absence of a contrary agreement the seller is obliged to give the purchaser physical occupation of the property. Should there be an existing lease agreement in place and the property is being let, it can be agreed that that possession be given on date of conclusion of the contract and occupation at a later specified date. If the purchaser is given occupation before ownership is transferred, it is usual to make provision in the contract for the payment of an ‘occupational
consideration’ from the date on which the purchaser takes occupation until date of transfer. NB: A very pertinent issue arises when there is a tenant in the sold property that has the right to remain in occupation until after the date of transfer. Can the new owner now demand occupation on date of transfer? The answer is a very clear “NO” as there is a well-known common law rule: “huur gaat voor koop” that means that the tenant is entitled to remain in occupation of the premises for the full duration of the existing lease. This means that the purchaser who obtains transfer of the leased property from the lessor ‘steps into the shoes’ of the lessor and in actual fact becomes the new lessor. The lessee must now pay the rental to the new owner. So we can see that buying and or selling a property is not for sissies! Always ensure that a well-drawn up agreement of sale is utilised and that the meaning of all the different terms and conditions setting out the rights and obligations of the parties are clearlyb set out and fully understood by the purchaser and seller.
If you have any queries in this regard, please feel free to contact Pam at or on her cell phone at 082 8000 867 or any of the REDZetc agents operating in Hermanus and surrounds.
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Stilte voor die storm:
Voeg ons waarde toe of nie?
Dawie Snyman Rassie se toetrede tot die Springbokke en hulle welslae is nou ’n werklikheid wat nie meer weg geredeneer kan word nie. Dit het ook sy momentum reeds verdien met die toetse wat gespeel is. Wallis was ’n teleurstelling; terwyl Engeland goed afgeskop het en toe in ’n eksperimentele laboratorium ontaard het met negatiewe gevolge. Die aflosstokkie moet as waarde weer opgetel word. Hierdie keer gaan dit in my opinie nie so maklik wees nie aangesien die nuwe besem nie meer kraaknuut is nie. Ook het al die ander “Franschises” behalwe die Leeus regtig lelik uit die spreekwoordelike bus geval. Die standaard was eenvoudig nie daar nie. Nou as ons praat van die standaard wat nie daar is nie, dan is die onmiddellike vraag: “Maar waarvan praat jy?” Dan moet ek onomwonde sê dat die SA spelers nie die besonderhede van die spel in die eerste plek goed verstaan nie en dat ons spelers in die tweede plek glad nie toepassings kan maak nie. Voorheen in die artikels het ek al daarna verwys deur te noem dat as ons wen, weet ons nie hoekom ons wen nie, en as ons verloor, weet ons nie hoekom ons verloor nie. Die redes wat gewoonlik uitgedink word en so aan die media deurgegee word sodat almal rustig verder kan voortgaan met hulle werk sonder dat hulle tot orde geroep word, is die gebruiklike “buzz words” soos: verkeerde opsies wat gespeel is, die span wat die graagste wil wen het gewen, die spelers speel te veel rugby, hulle was vlugvlou, die buitelandse spelers is nie op dieselfde fiksheidstandaard as die SA spelers nie, of anders om, SA se strukture is nie soos Australië of Nieu-Seeland’sn nie, ons het ’n jong span, ons kom ondervinding kort ens, ens, ens. So kan ek vir nog ses bladsye voort vroetel. So bietjie minder as ‘n jaar gelede is daar inderdaad ’n Groot “Indaba” gehou wat deur almal baie hoog aangeprys is en wat weer die geldkoffers gedreineer het. Almal was baie opgewonde oor die inisiatiewe van SARU en kie. Almal het toe glo iets geleer en ons is oppad. Kyk ons objektief terug na ’n jaar se aktiwiteite vanuit twee hoeke – A. Finansies en B. Spel op die veld, sou ek baie bekommerd gewees het as dit my besigheid was. Kom ons ondersoek slegs hierdie twee aspekte vir eers: A Finansies: Kyk ons na die media en die finansiële inligting wat bekom is en gepubliseer is, is daar groot vrae. Hier gaan dit hoofsaaklik oor die groter orde van welstand. Sou besonderhede hiervan ontleed word, is ek oortuig daarvan dat die oplossing daarvoor gevind kan word. Ook in Rugby moet dit wat spandeer word verantwoordbaar wees in terme van die potensiële SPLASH 14
inkomste wat dit kan genereer. Anders kan dit beskryf word as ’n dooie uitgawe. Dooie uitgawes in enige organisasie moet tot ’n minimum beperk word. Andersom gestel, werk dit as volg: Elke person wat op die unie se betaalstaat is moet meer vir die unie inbring as wat hy huistoe neem. Dit is alleen dán dat hy waarde toevoeg. Kortom gestel dit kos jou iets om by die unie te werk. B Spel op die veld: Rugby in sy eenvoudigste vorm is altyd ’n een-op-een spel. Dit beteken dat daar altyd ’n direkte kompetisie tussen my en my opponent is. Dit vind dan ook hoofsaaklik per posisie plaas. Ook hieroor het ek al so bietjie geskryf, maar nie volledig verduidelik nie. Kom ek probeer ’n prentjie skets: Op enige gegewe tyd van die wedstryd per posisie, per situasie, is die volgende vereistes aan die speler ’n behoefte: Sy tegniese kennis van die posisie, sy kennis van die spesifieke situasie-spel, sy intellektuele vermoë van onderskeiding, sy fisiese staat van doen om dit uit te voer – dit word gerig deur sy kennis van die spel, sy kommunikasie met mede-spelers, sy oplettenheid, teenwoordigheid van gees, konsentrasie ens. Dit word alles bepaal deur sy visuele en ouditiewe vermoë om inligting in te samel, dit dan te verpak en uiting te gee daaraan deur middel van sy besluitneming en dan die aktiwiteit uit te oefen. Vir seker ’n mondvol. Om die saak verder te kompliseer word dit alles in tyd afgespeel. Hoe hoër die vlak van kompetisie waarin jy speel, hoe minder is die tyd. Die gevaar van die kontak-gedeelte van die spel is ook nog ter sprake. Dit het weer die potensiaal dat gedrag kan disintegreer. Kondisionering ten opsigte hiervan moet deur die oefenmetodes opgebou word. Nou eers kom ons by die uitvoering van die spel. Ook hier is ’n variasie van oplossings per situasie. Dit moet ook altyd wissel aan die hand van die talent tot jou beskikking in die groep. Optimalisering van die groep is die kuns. Daar is ook geen manier dat die spelers die spel op hierdie vlak kan leer nie. ’n Springbok weet die goed. Daarom is hy ’n Springbok. SA se naskoolse administrasie en opleiding van die spelers van die spel is die groot leemte in die spel. Dit is hier waar honderde miljoene Rande verkwis word en waar onproduktiwiteit op en van die veld af hoogty vier. Voordat dit nie reggestel word nie, gaan SA Rugby deur dik waters beweeg.
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