Splash Magazine - December 2018

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Your FREE Lifestyle Magazine December 2018 Issue

Artist Therese






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tremendously and have been blown away by the interest shown by holidaymakers as well as the manner in which the local communities in Hermanus, Plettenberg Bay and Mossel Bay have embraced the event.”


Mossel Bay:

22 December 2018 at 16h00 at Santos Beach


26 December 2018 at 16h00 at Hermanus High School

Plettenberg Bay: 30 December 2018 at 16h00 at Plett Main Beach

M E D I A Advertising agency | Media house

s kid

Interested parties should visit http://www.summerrun.co.za/ for further details.



Overberg Branch & Head Office Editor: Peter van Schaik peter@splashmag.co.za Copy-Editors: Kathleen Botha, & Hanneke van Schaik Design: Brenda Smal

Peter van Schaik


Hélène Truter - You've made it

this far.


Uit die pen and Annette.

"When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to youself" -Bob Marley

SPLASH Office Tel: 074 717 2582

SPLASH YOUR BUSINESS! To advertise with us email splash@splashmag.co.za Address: Gateway Centre, Hermanus, 7200 Postal Address: Private Bag X15, Suite 43, Gateway Centre, Hermanus, 7200

BODY Hi Splash Readers


Are you ready for the epic?


All I want for Xmas...

is glowing skin.


Fith year of the summer

music colour run.


How Pilates can improve

your golf.

Let's look back at what happened in 2018... February 6 – SpaceX successfully conducts its maiden flight of its most powerful rocket to date, the Falcon Heavy. February 14 – Jacob Zuma resigns as President of South Africa. March 4 – Former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and daughter Yulia are poisoned by the Novichok nerve agent in Salisbury, England. March 19 – The world's last male northern white rhinoceros dies in Kenya. May 19 – The wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle is held at St George's Chapel, England. June 14–July 15 – The 2018 FIFA World Cup is held in Russia and is won by France. August 2 – Apple Inc. becomes the world's first public company to achieve a market capitalization of $1 trillion. September 18 – The SA Constitutional Court ruled that it is legal to cultivate and consume dagga for personal use. September 28 – A magnitude 7.5 earthquake hits Sulawesi, Indonesia, causing a tsunami that kills at least 2,256 people. November 1 – Splash Magazine 100th issue.


Keeping SPLASH Magazine connected 086 1234 777 www.maxitec.co.za

Stylist: lieslCreates Artist: Therese Rink Chef: Maynardt Joubert


What kind of real estate

agency do you prefer to

work with?


The Amazon factor.


Dawie Snyman - The

stagnation of test rugby.

Therese Rink art for sale during

So what can we expect for 2019? I for one am getting married in February 2019. Exiting times... So here's to closing off 2018 on a HIGH... Dit is mos nou legal!

festive season at 6 Hofmeyer street, Onrus Contact: Liesl Rheeder 082 873 1994 lieslCreates@gmail.com


Your FREE Lifestyle Magazine September / October 2018 Issue


100 Greyton Artist Dee De KocK

October 2018 / issue 99

November 2018 / issue 100

Previous issues of Splash available online at


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Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or S P L A S H Magazine. Copyright © - Whale Splash Media CC - All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or copied by any form or means without prior permission of the publisher. The Publisher or S P L A S H Magazine are not responsible for any unsolicited material.

20 Mimosa Street Hermanus POLE DEPOT Saint Street POLEAll DEPOT Bredasdorp 20 20Mmosa Mmosastreet, street,Hermanus Hermanus All AllSaint Saint Street, Bredasdorp @Street, PoleBredasdorp Depot POLES & &&LATHS LATHS •••POLES (CCA) POLES LATHS(CCA) (CCA) BRAAIHOUT •••WENDAY WENDY HOUSES HOUSES WENDAY HOUSES GARDEN GOODIES •••GARDEN GOODIES GARDEN GOODIES STABLE BEDDING •••STABLE BEDDING STABLE BEDDING WENDY HOUSES •••BRAAIHOUT BRAAIHOUT Cell: Cell:082 082895 8955949 5949 082 082893 8937965 7965 E-mail: E-mail:timberlog@telkomsa.net timberlog@telkomsa.net Tel/Fax: Tel/Fax:028 028384 3841587 1587


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Currently on Special: - Charity DK Solid - R22,50 - 100% cotton (buy 5, get one ball free) Stitchcraft Hermanus Shop 17 Astoria Village Long Street Hermanus 028 313 2037

Your nursery in the village Tel: 028 316 3831 | 082 806 3561 Mon – Fri 8am -5pm Address: 11 Village Lane, Saturdays 8am – 4pm Hemel en Aarde Village, Hermanus Sundays 9am -1pm www.walkerbaynursery.com

Local supplier of fine foods to restaurants, wine farms, hotels & guest houses in the Overberg region.

Phone: 028 313 1816 Fax: 028 313 1826 Cell: 082 464 4941 Orders: orders@lemarchand.co.za Address: 10E Steenbras Road, Hermanus. Website: www.lemarchand.co.za SPLASH 7

You’ve made it this far….


ime to pat yourself on the back. You have survived 100% of your worst days… You’re doing great! As we head for the end of the second worst year in the history of the New South Africa… What? No, 2018 was NOT the worst year. Remember 2017 when the Zuptas were still in charge? That was the ULTIMATE low point.… Things are changing… yes granted, very slowly… But every day there is improvement… You just have to look for it… or even better, here’s an idea… Why don’t you become instrumental in the move to improve?

What can I do, you ask? Start by supporting local businesses for starters! I thank you in advance for complying with my request. I can’t wait to host you with my unique sense of humour, spoil you with our unbeatable coffee and cheese cake, entertain you with magical music. Overload your senses with the beauty that Amulet brings. This time of the year Santa hands out presents. Amulet hands out carefully selected awards…

HO! HO! HO! Award Goes to all the wise men who buy Amulet Gift cards for the complicated women (is there another kind?) in their lives.

HO – HUM Award Goes to the SABC – because the institution is bankrupt. AGAIN!

KROEK van die Jaar Groot skoene om vol te staan. Jacob Zuma en sy makkers is die titelhouers van die 2017 trofee. Dis was ’n wisseltrofee, maar dit het nie gewerk nie, aangesien dit elke jaar gesteel word. Dit het groot kopkrap gekos hierdie jaar want daar is massas kandidate… Steel is ’n Nationale sport. Die wenner hierdie jaar is ’n man wat diep spore hier in Hermanus getrap het. Niemand anders nie as Marcus Jooste. Hoop om volgende jaar die Tronkvoël van die Jaar Trofee aan jou te oorhandig Mnr Jooste.

Soen Jou Suster Trofee – gaan aan die Springbokke wat 2 keer in die laaste minuut eers teen die All Blacks en toe teen die Engelse verloor het. Waarvan praat die vrou? Om met een punt te verloor is net so bevredigend as om jou suster/jou broer/jou skoolhoof/ Oom/Antie… (vul gepaste persoon in) te soen. Maar Die Bokke is nou ook die trotse wenners van die Stoot Broers Stoot! Trofee… vir die oorstoot drie wat hulle teen die Franse Hane opgetower het na Speeltyd verstreke was.

De Poephol of de year… For de Poephol, chosen by de poephol… Mmm, Julius Malema is an obvious choice, but in the end nobody can trump Trump.

Die Boer Maak ’n Plan toekenning gaan aan…. Myself! (met die ander klein plaaslike besighede ’n kort kop agter). Vele ondernemings het hierdie jaar onder gegaan. Om te oorleef moet jy plan maak. Dus: Ek is in die proses om ’n gedeelte van my huis in ’n AirBnb te omskep… Navrae kan gerig word aan: amuletlifestyle@gmail.com. And then of course earlier this year I decided to defy the recession and held a frivolous dress up party. The When the going gets tough, the tough go party Award goes to the all the wonderful, unashamedly crazy women who attended the Marie-Amulet party. It was unforgettable! As you will see from the attached pic it was a three way tie for the Boob of the year Award. A Few Highlights of the Past Year: I gave up my Highlights and went from Blonde to Brunette. Plastic become a swear word. Facebook kind of Folded but still continues… We are clearly way to vain to give up on our five seconds of Fame. You may smoke weed in your back garden… Who would have thought…? Meghan Markle married Royalty. And apparently she’s black. Really? I didn’t notice. Women may now drive in Saudi Arabia. Baby steps towards liberation. Amulet survived the bad press of the R43 riots. We are still here. We are still pink. Beautiful and awaiting you with open arms. And the Good News is… Contrary to what you may see on the news or on social media: Not everyone is an idiot. Ah. What a relief. The rest, dear reader is up to you. It is up to you to choose NOT to be an idiot. You must seek out other non-idiots. That is your Silly Season challenge. You don’t have to listen to the hatred spouted by idiots. Move on, turn up the music, switch off the TV, unfriend the person. Stay far away… the condition is contagious. Trust me… spend enough time with the Idiot and his idiotic followers and soon you too will become one. It’s not easy being the odd one out… It takes courage. I have a fabulous little whale soap in Amulet: At the back it reads: if you were lucky enough to be born different, please don’t ever change. I just love that. And that’s not all… This is the season of giving… Herewith my pearls… Free. Consider it a gift. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful. Turn up the music. Burn the candles, use the good sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don’t save it for a rainy day or a special occasion because today is special. Spoil yourself. Your friends. Your loved ones. I feel magnificent already. And as you stress with the masses of guests on their way… Over prepare, then go with the flow. En laaste en heel belangrikste onthou hierdie waardevolle les by die see: As jy hom nie gebruik nie, gaan hy roes en afval.

Happy Happy. Merry Merry. xxx

Hélène Truter


Uit die pen van


oms word mens oorval met inspirasie en idees vloei sommer maklik in woorde op papier. Soms, meer gereeld eintlik, moet jy effens harder werk. Of jy vra net jou vriende vir ’n onderwerp! Dit is ook toelaatbaar – all is fair in love and war! Ek moet erken dat baie van my inhoud materiaal uit chats met vriendinne kom. En – ek luister ook, unashamedly so, na ander se gesprekke in koffiewinkels en winkel rye. Again, all is fair in love and war¸ so that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. So, oor ’n koppie Mugg & Bean koffie, tydens ons weeklikse ontbyt-date, het my fotograafvriendin, Lynne, sommer maklik vir my ’n opdrag gegee en het my vingers gejeuk om daaraan te werk. Baie relevant, met die Kersseisoen so om die draai. Tyd om effens verder te kyk en dieper in jou siel te delg. Ek het net nie besef hoe moeilik die onderwerp eintlik is toe ek dit so maklik aanvaar en gretig aan die werk gespring het nie. Om die probleem te identifiseer is een ding; om iets daaraan te doen, iets heel anders. Vir meeste van ons beteken die feesseisoen see, son en familie. Kuiers om die braaivleisvure en koel drankies om ’n tafel met vriende. Besige winkelsentrums en lange inkopielysies is algemeen. Ons kinders maak lysies vir Kersvader en die volwassenes los duidelike skimpe aan geliefdes. (Ek wonder juis of my geliefdes my kodes verstaan.) Die harde werklikheid is dat vir baie ’n tyd van hartseer en ’n eensaamheid onbekend aan die res ons is. Dit is ’n realiteit dat daar mense is vir wie hierdie tyd van die jaar vir hulle geen rede gee om te glimlag nie, omstandighede het hulle siel alleen gelos. Vir hulle gee nie eens Kersdag ’n rede om op te staan nie. Op Kersdag is die stilte stiller as gewoonlik en die eensaamheid oorweldigend.

solank as wat ek asem het – elke bietjie help, elke druppel in die emmer maak ’n verskil, nie net in die lewe van ander nie, maar in jou eie ook. Dit is rewarding om uit te reik en te help, jou selfwaarde baat daarby. Just spare a thought and a prayer vir die eensames, die minder bevoorregtes en die scrooges.

Maak tyd vir die alleen buur tannie, die een oor wie almal in die buurt praat omdat sy nooit besoekers kry nie. Dalk is dit die nors oom saam met oupa in die ouetehuis of die stil kollega sonder vriende. Gee maar ’n kospakkie wanneer die kerk of shelters vra. Gooi maar die speelgoed uit waarmee jou kinders lankal nie speel nie. Maak tyd vir ander en laat jou hart jou lei. Terwyl ons nou ’n oomblik neem om sleg te voel, ons diere vriende is maar altyd die stil slagoffers en my bloed kook wanneer ek dink aan die doelbewuste nalatigheid wat vir baie voorlê gedurende die komende feesseisoen. Moet nie ’n blinde oog draai en net jammer voel nie. Tree op, meld aan en volg op. Om niks te doen nie maak jou net so skuldig. Nou het ek klaar gesanik! Merry Christmas aan elke liewe een. Mag dit ’n amazing en blessed tyd wees. 2018 het verseker met baie challenges, ups and downs gekom, maar dit was eintlik een kick-ass jaar vir my en ek sien absoluut uit na 2019. Ek hoop al jou drome word waar. Stay positive en hou die blink kant bo!

Annette Kers-groete

Wanneer ons met mekaar stry oor waar om Kersdag te wees, is dit dalk goed om te onthou dat daar iemand is met geen vooruitsig vir die dag. Niemand het ’n uitnodiging gestuur nie, niks om na uit te sien nie. Dink ons ooit daaraan, aan hierdie mense? Ek het nie, tot ek liggies verplig was om daaroor te skryf. Dit is by verre nie moontlik om almal te help nie. Ons hoef ook nie. Dit word nie van ons verwag om alles te doen nie, bloot iets. Dit is iets wat ek oor en oor herhaal, en ek sal dit nog doen vir


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Tel: 028 316 3845 Hemel en Aarde Village

HAIR COUTURE Tel: 028 316 3845 Hemel en Aarde Village

Cactus Décor and Interiors 3 High Street Hermanus Adele Tel: 082 879 7899 adele.cactusdecor@sonicmail.co.za

Household, Kitchenware, Toys, Ornaments, etc Mon to Friday 8am - 5pm | Sat 8am Kitchenware, - 1 pm & December 8 am -etc 1 pm Household, Toys,Sundays Ornaments, Mon to Friday 8am - 5pm | Sat 8am - 1 pm & December Sundays 8 am - 1 pm

11 Argon Street, Hermanus Business Park | 028 313 2212 SPLASH 11

11 Argon Street, Hermanus Business Park | 028 313 2212


IS GLOWING SKIN Christmas is coming and just like all of us – you want to look your best for the festivities and parties! You’ve got your hair style sorted; you know what you’re wearing for the big do, but what about your skin?

Follow us on:

Refine Anti-Ageing Clinic and


Tel: 028 316 1532 / Email: info@refine.co.za / www.refineclinic.co.za / Hemel & Aarde Craft Village, Hermanus, 7200

5. Lustrous Lips

A beautiful full pout will be very welcome under the mistletoe. It’s an easy look to master. Book to see Dr. Michelle Emett, for lovely lips this holiday season. Restore the lost volume or give those lips the defined line that was once there, with a bit of filler. Patients use lip fillers to also correct asymmetry, match their upper or lower lip or fill in gaps. Lip fillers are temporary, lasting anywhere from 9 months to a year.

7. Tired Eyes

After all that partying you’re going to need to ensure you are keeping your eyes hydrated and those dark rings at bay. This is easy to achieve by popping in to have a few carboxytherapy sessions. The CO2 gas improves the flow of oxygen and lymphatic drainage- Leaving you dark circle free with an open eye look!

8. BodySOS

Yes, this time of the year also means- beach and bikini weather. We can help you with a few LPG Lipomassage treatments to smooth away any dimples. After your LPG treatments, book in to have a Vita Liberata spraytan- and you are ready to hit the beach!

9. My Skin feels Dry… Here are a couple of reasons to treat you and your skin this Christmas period: ❄ You deserve a little boost – when you look good, you feel good. When you feel good, you look good. ❄ You want to look youthful, fresh and radiant for friends and family who you haven’t seen all year ❄ You’d like to impress your colleagues and boss at the Christmas party ❄ You’ve bought everybody else a present and you deserve a pre-Christmas gift to yourself ❄ You’re actually exhausted with all that rushing around and you need a “pick me upper” You want to make sure you look your best for the Christmas period but, the winter weather can seriously affect the health and appearance of your skin, not to mention the seasonal excess and the late nights. Your skin, however, doesn’t need to suffer this yuletide. In fact, there are a number of simple procedures that can really transform your appearance quickly and extremely effectively. Your skin is often one of the first things people notice and friends and family will often comment when you genuinely are looking radiant and well.

The newer treatments today involve the use of hyaluronic acid, and often made up in a cocktail of active ingredients such as Vit.C –high anti-oxidant- to protect and brighten the skin. Ask for a skinboosting treatment to volumise and lift out fine lines and wrinkles or opt for a mesotherapy treatment that can instantly hydrate and plump lack-lustre and tired skins.

10. The SUN is not your Friend…

We would like to urge you to look after your skin this summer! With the amazing SPF ranges available- one does not have to have a red nose at the Christmas table this year! Check out the all new Heliocare 360 range with a wide variety of textures, colours and compact sunblocks. This has been a break-through in the industry in 2018! We also stock Lamelle’s Helase 50, Skinceuticals Anti-oxidant serums- for extra atmospheric protection and Nimue’s new SPF50. If you like to find out more about how to keep you and your skin looking its best over the Christmas period book your free consultation with a therapist or our practitioner today.

Here are our top tips on how to collect those compliments and look gorgeous for those under-themistletoe moments.

1. Injectables for your Wrinkles

Christmas is one of the most popular times for wrinkle reduction treatments like Botox and fillers. It is also often the time that most people first consider these procedures, and you can understand why. The results will last several months and can eliminate unwanted wrinkles, bags, sagging and much more. The procedures are quick; simple and in the case of fillers, take effect immediately.

2. The One and Only – “One stitch lift”

The ‘One-Stitch Facelift’ is a minimally invasive, super-sneaky way to lift cheeks and jowls, reduce double chins and tighten saggy necks. It is done under local anaesthetic and involves having just one stitch on each side of the head, buried in the hair. The results look natural and the procedure is ideal for women from around 40 onwards, who don’t need the full works, but feel their sagging skin is making their face look tired and old. Women like Madonna, who is rumoured to have had a similar treatment…

3. IPL Skin Rejuvenation

To boost collagen and remove unwanted marks. Once clients have tried IPL skin rejuvenation and seen the results it produces they’re often hooked. The IPL machine uses a broad spectrum of light to treat and eliminate the signs of ageing. Typical conditions it works well on includes broken capillaries, freckles, rosacea (redness) and age spots. The procedure also stimulates collagen production improving your skins volume and elasticity. The down time involves light bronzing of the skin that can last between 3-7 days. The result is clear youthful looking skin with fewer wrinkles. Happy Christmas indeed!

4. Light Skin Peel

Chemical peels are another amazing way to revive and refresh your skin at this time of year. In essence, they work by peeling away the normal build-up of contaminants and dead cells. The most popular light peel at the Clinic at the moment is the iS Clinical Fire & Ice treatment. This is a light peel that is a real celeb peel with followers such as Justin Bieber and the Kardashians- for that red carpet glow. The treatment provides a gentle yet effective peel, which exfoliates the epidermis of your skin. It’s a no- downtime peel, and leaves your skin with instant tightness, brightness and hydration.

Be Merry We would like to thank our loyal clients for all the support in 2018, without you we would not have come this far! Have a Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year! And to all the holiday makersenjoy everything that our beautiful Hermanus has to offer!

Tel: 0283164122 / Email: info@emettmed.co.za

■ L a s e r S k i n R e j u v e n a t i o n ■ C h e m i c a l P e e l s ■ L a s e r Ve i n / H a i r R e m o v a l ■ B o t o x ™ ■ Dermal Fillers ■ Sclerotherapy ■ Diathermy ■ Permanent Make-up ■ Carboxytherapy SPLASH 12

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SUMMER MUSIC COLOUR RUN SERIES CELEBRATES ITS FIFTH YEAR Summer Run series will unveil three new experiences including glitter start, giant inflatable slide and dodgeball arena during the 2018 series The Summer Music Colour Run series will celebrate its fifth birthday at the end of 2018 when the coastal resort towns of Hermanus, Plettenberg Bay and Mossel Bay host the annual sporting festival during the December holidays. The annual 5km fun run and family festival will boast its usual compliment of three colour stations, which immerse participants in bright colours, as well as two music stations manned by local DJs who will keep participants entertained along the route. The 2018 series will also see three new event experiences unveiled to participants: a glitter start to get proceedings underway; a giant inflatable slide; and a dodgeball arena.

“We’re really excited about this year’s series not only because it’s our fifth birthday but also because we’ll be showcasing three unique new experiences, which will add to the atmosphere and festivities,” said Bianca le Roux, the owner of Coastline Events which organises the annual Summer Run series. “Over the last five years we’ve grown tremendously and have been blown away by the interest shown by holidaymakers as well as the manner in which the local communities in Hermanus, Plettenberg Bay and Mossel Bay have embraced the event.”

As an alcohol-free event the Summer Music Colour Run series is aimed at bringing families together to celebrate summer in a fun way during South Africa’s traditional end-of-year holiday season. The entry Fees are R260pp, Kids under 10 run for free. Each entrant will receive a T-shirt, race number, a sachet of colour powder as well as entry to the festival zone, which is where the colour burst, dodgeball arena and giant inflatable slide will be located. Each entrant will also receive a R150 Travelstart voucher and a R300 Safari Now voucher.

“We’re really looking forward to welcoming both previous and new Summer Music Colour Run participants as we think the new experiences will add something unique to the event,” says le Roux. “It’s a great day out for the family and a really special way to add some colour to your end-of-year summer holiday.” Together the three Western Cape coastal towns attract more than 600,000 visitors to their shores over the December holiday period, providing a huge boost to their tourism reliant economies. The Summer Music Colour Run will take place on the following dates: Mossel Bay:

22 December 2018 at 16h00 at Santos Beach


26 December 2018 at 16h00 at Hermanus High School

Plettenberg Bay: 30 December 2018 at 16h00 at Plett Main Beach

s kid

Interested parties should visit http://www.summerrun.co.za/ for further details.


How pilates can improve your golf I followed the 2018 Nedbank Golf Challenge and once again, felt how much respect I have for golfers and the game called golf. Precision, straight lines, body alignment, concentration, rotation; all words that are so familiar in my classes. There is an extremely fine line between Pilates and golf. If I look at the player on the tee box, I visualize my classes with my golf clients. Pointers for the perfect alignment stance will be: feet hip distance apart, soft knees (never locked), tailbone tucked in and with that, the core will be engaged. Open the chest, shoulders out of the ears, ‘golf ball’ spacing under the chin, elongate from the tailbone up through crown of the head and when the swing comes through, the torso will rotate around the spine. During the Nedbank Golf Challenge I saw a lot of advertisements promoting expensive equipment and gadgets, trying to convince a golf player to ‘buy’ the game. My opinion on this and believe me I also have attempted to play golf, is that all the expensive equipment and gadgets in the world will not get that little white ball in a straight line down that fairway or into the hole - this is because many swing faults and playing challenges are due to physical and mental imbalances, not faulty equipment. Many of the world’s greatest athletes and performers use the Pilates Method as an integral part of their conditioning program, because it gives them the mental and physical edge they need to be at the top of their game. Building better bodies and minds is the original purpose of the Pilates Method. When your body and mind are well conditioned, the risk of injury is reduced while the longevity of your play is massively increased.

I believe in the authentic Pilates Method. Although I am trained to work with Pilates equipment like the Reformer, Wunda Chair and Cadillac; I prefer to go back to basics. All you need is a mat and your body weight and I will transform your body:-

In ten sessions you you'll feel the difference, in twenty you'll see the difference, and in thirty you'll have a whole new body. Joseph Pilates 1880–1967 True words by the master himself. The body does not move in isolation; rather, the muscles, joints and nervous system all work in harmony to generate an efficient and powerful movement. To reach the point where your body, mind and soul, gel together as one movement and the mind is clear of chatter that is when your swing will be free and effortless; those are the moments that will keep you coming back for more! Like

most things in life, in search of perfection - repetition is the golden word. If you ask successful people like Gary Player, Tiger Woods and many more what is their secret to success is, the response will always include words like: ‘hard work’, ‘practice, practice, practice’ and ‘repetition’. Pilates must be a lifestyle, an everyday occurrence like brushing your teeth. A regular workout gives you the opportunity to perfect your golf biomechanics and increase power, agility and finesse. Studies show that all movement initiates from the center, the “core” of the body, and moves out into the extremities. The physical center of your body is what Joseph Pilates called “the powerhouse”, that place from which true power arises. A strong and flexible torso is an extremely powerful tool, since the quality of your swing begins at your center. Weakness in the core is the cause of many swing faults and a set up for injury. Gaining strength and flexibility

Anneke Theron in the core can protect your lower back, hips and shoulders from pain and injury. To be deeply connected to your center is to bring all of your awareness and attention into focus, centering your mind and emotions and aligning them with your body. If you read through the 10 Pilates principles on this page you will connect the dots between Pilates and golf. Here you will realize that no matter what level you’re at, if you work at your own pace and integrate the Pilates body/ mind/soul principles into your program, this discipline will take your game to the great heights you aim to achieve. Happy golfing!! Make a difference to your everyday life. Travel light.


Core Strength


072 874 4732 abcofpilates@gmail.com SPLASH 16

Aerial photography by Keith-Imaging 083 640 2028 keith.photo@vodamail.co.za













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Trading hours: Monday – Saturday 6 8am – 10pm, Sun and Public holidays 8am – 8pm. Contact number: 028 312 3095 SPLASH 17

What kind of Real Estate Agency do you prefer to work with? Pam Snyman

One with employees that you can build a relationship with (in a business context) or a technological giant? In other words, would you prefer being served by people who consciously integrate professional soft skills easily and efficiently into their dealings with you, the client, or only by means of your laptop/cell phone? Our society seems to have become increasingly concerned with the latest money-making project, fashionable gadget or politically inspired news story and allows little time for us to consciously take stock of our emotions and feelings. Contrary to what we are told by those that have invested heavily in technology in order to influence the world at large, it has been found that some leading international decision makers in the broader business world are beginning to notice a diminishing rate of return on technological investment. More and more top businesses are starting to look seriously at using softer skills to lower stress, communicate better, increase performance and create more loyal relationships. Business is not just about making money. This is especially relevant when we speak about selling or purchasing our next home or investing our hard-earned cash in real estate. Private Property (PP), the property portal that many estate agencies subscribe to, and pay for, recently entered into an agreement to provide FNB with the data of all the properties listed on PP by estate agents. These properties would then be published on an App where prospective property purchasers had the choice of dealing directly with the seller or through the listing agent. Fortunately, under much pressure, Private Property decided (after a huge outcry by estate agencies and clients) to terminate the data feed. This happened after many estate agencies threatened to close their bank accounts (REDZetc was one of those) and cease referrals to FNB for home loan finance. The question that remains to be answered (and we will push until we get answers and transparency) is: Who are the real estate shareholders in Private Property that secured the deal with FNB? Why were some of the directors unaware of the deal? Who were the actual parties to the agreement and who facilitated and benefited from it? Those of us that have served and learnt from the real estate industry over decades know and understand that excellence and ensuing success in the real estate environment means so much more than advertising your house on an electronic marketing platform or purchasing a property via the internet. Dealing with an excellent estate agent in order to match a perfect purchaser with a home seller takes some serious skill in order to result in a positive transaction for all concerned. I once read that good estate agents are ‘sensational’. From this we can/ should deduct that they use their senses whilst being the best they can possibly be in terms of service delivery. This implies listening and being responsive as there is absolutely no force or coercion necessary whilst engaging ‘sensationally’. It means listening, sensing and acting accordingly.

Authenticity is refreshing. When you are with someone who is authentic and real it becomes much easier to be receptive to them and understand their needs. Authentic people are often very interesting as there are so few of them. Ego and pretence that normally stem from greed are so common and accepted that it is easy to forget what authenticity is. Therefore, the more you dare to open up and show yourself as a vulnerable and transparent human being, the easier it will be to appear different, even refreshing. Speak your truth through transparency and at the same time be truly understanding and responsive. The best way to avoid being experienced as unresponsive or inauthentic is not to be unresponsive or inauthentic. It is not complicated and, if you understand the meaning of superior service and the value of building excellent client relationships, it is a given. And the more transparent and authentic you are, the easier building lasting relationships becomes. Estate agents need to show true interest in their clients’ needs by asking thoughtful, reflective and meaningful questions. This will always ensure collaborative dialogue and result in receptive listening of the clients’ needs. Ask the right questions and listen to the answers and reflect consciously in order to be able to serve and act accordingly. We need the capacity to build relationships whilst simultaneously assisting in the decision-making process of our clients by connecting with their needs. Being authentically assisting/convincing is in direct contrast to selling techniques which are often a form of manipulation. In my 32 years in real estate in many different capacities, I have often come across companies that ‘train’ their agents to be ‘salespeople’. How on earth can someone build a reputation for being an honest and trustworthy estate agent with integrity if he/she uses selling methods consisting of buzz words and closing techniques! I am not convinced. The “American” training way, I am told!

But being sensational means that we need to be authentic in building relationships with our clients. As estate agents who are dealing with clients who are searching for their perfect, or near-perfect home all our senses, resources and energy must be available in order to be of ‘sensational service’ to our clients.

The latest literature that I have come across stresses that over-dressed, over-confident sales people cause client caution. Research points to a rising lack of trust in these institutions and leaders. It is said that for the first time in over a generation, everyday people appear to want to feel very comfortable and secure before parting with their hardearned money.

In order to ensure that your estate agent is truly ‘sensational’ make sure that you are dealing with someone who is authentic.

There is clearly a need for a more personalised approach when it comes to selling property. Beating your client over the head with a


million reasons why they would be idiots not to buy is thankfully becoming less effective. Listening closely and serving them in a way that they feel heard and understood is the best way to encourage client loyalty. That is why at REDZetc we follow the mantra of: we do not sell property…we get people to buy from us. Client loyalty means that clients will return to buy or sell their properties in future as well as now, and it also implies that they are willing to risk their reputation by recommending you to others because they believe in your authenticity and ensuing integrity. The conscious application of soft skills like being an attentive listener, using your senses and serving rather than applying hard selling techniques will ensure loyalty and support over a long period of time. How can an estate agent practically apply being sensational in this sense and thus build client loyalty? 1. By qualifying the client in terms of legality, finance, seriousness, timing, etc. 2. By questioning the client with relevant questions that encourage thought and response regarding decision-making, interest and needs as well as wants. Listen with all your senses and especially listen for important details. Make notes. 3. By drawing a distinction between needs, wants and wishes. Asking more detailed and interesting questions that help your client to distinguish needs from wants and wishes. Needs are those requirements that must be included. Wants are what they desire and are not necessarily what they need. Wishes are those small things that can make a big difference… you may have to anticipate or sense these if you are focused. 4. By assisting in prioritizing the client’s needs, wants and wishes. Ensure that you have a clear understanding of these priorities, with empathy and understanding. 5. By providing regular and honest feedback…your client deserves nothing less.

Should you require any further information regarding the above content or require the services of our agents, please do not hesitate to call Pam Snyman on 082 8000867 or any of our REDZetc agents operating in your area. This information is easily accessible at www. redzproperties.co.za

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The Amazon

factor Intro – With the recent burning down of

Rio’s Museu Nacional the world wept as did hundreds of Brazilians, with only 500 years of history, a tragedy of great proportion. That being said Brazil’s continued destruction of rainforests selling off to Nestle’ and Volkswagen for Pulp has embittered the eco- activists of the world, even more how they wage war against the indigenous tribes who refuse to leave. An eerie Karma hangs ominously over this tragic happening with rumours of Shamanism and Macumba being advocated. Be it as it may with twenty five percent of the world’s oxygen being created in that Emerald green mass, never to be taken lightly. Notably more than half of the worlds estimated 10million species of plants, animals, and insects live in those rainforests, while one fifth of the world’s fresh water is in the Amazon basin.

Shiloh’s journals – Indian attack

The early months of 1983 boarding a banana boat bound for Paramaribo, Surinam, I sat perched on the top of bananas of a double- decker riverboat with my orange H- frame backpack, looking rather odd amongst the Latin creoles and urbanised half Indians. At first I was oblivious to the fact that most of the traders and fisherman carried automatic rifles. Only later did I found out that it was a cautionary in the event they encounter pirates or Indians. This was my last leg of the Amazon having spent four months in medical incubation due to a Fer- De Lance bite; they even had the local priest coming to say his last rites? Over and above this, the loss of my cuticles was due to touching the moss on the trees, yes ignorance is not a trait you carry if you enter the Amazon biosphere, remembering that all that is brightly coloured is deadly poisonous. About three hrs into the chugging spray we were now in open water with no land in sight. ‘’Look Look’’ the captain shouted as he pointed to white surf ahead. At first I thought it was rocks, lots of rocks broken by the spitting tide, but then I saw it, Dolphins commonly known as Boto Bufeo or pink river dolphins heading upstream at twice the speed of our wooden double- Dekker riverboat. ‘’They will get to Surinam by tomorrow evening the lucky bastards’’ the grizzly captain muttered, what’s the rush, I asked? ‘’Pirates /Indians and if you in the water piranha, Cayman and anaconda’ but the Saramaccons were the problem, fierce fighters of the Amazon with deadly poisonous blowpipes. The actual rough hand - drawn map I had put together started in a small town called Albina, crossing a small strait where cattle farmers cool their herds, often sacrificing one to the Piranha while the rest cross over. Situated somewhere between the interlocking streams of the Djomongo, a raging waterfall and the Cayman infested Pakigron, we were basically racing the tide and drizzling rain empowered by the Orinoco flow. By 7am we were drifting silently into a misty shroud of mangrove which the Captain


felt was safe abode for some sleep. While gazing at the darkening green shrubbery a hazy effect came upon me, almost drowsy; sucking you into a sense of balmy intoxication. The trees were almost arm’s length, giant mossy limbs sheltering strange shrieking sounds from the undergrowth. The attack came early morning without warning when most were asleep, I jerked frantically and awoke to a barrage of panicking traders firing blindly into the undergrowth; three of them already shattered by long spears almost 6ft. in length, one trader hit the water and within second a red cauldron of turbulence as the Piranha reached frenzy feeding. Me, I was crouched behind a banana crate with a machete in my hand, fat help indeed. One of the traders’ automatic FN rifle was lying about five foot from me , I managed to leopard crawl over and once in my hands joined the blind shooting that prevailed for about thirty minutes. As the traders rained their automatic weapon fire on the trees thousands of deadly snakes fell into the water, but not one Indian. One arrow came whizzing passed my ear and shattered the rusty coffee tin next to me. This was dark water that oozed out of the green foliage, not the crystal water from waterfalls, home to massive man eating Anaconda’s. By 4am the sun was already stretching its blurry reds into the streaky dawn and most of the traders were rubbing their eyes from the constant scanning of the dense undergrowth, it was over as if it never happened. The captain was an ex rebel from Venezuela who used to charter cocaine to the city. He slapped me across the back muttering, I assumed to be a well done, you handled that Ok!! I was certainly amongst seasoned veterans, although veteran to what revolution I will never know, you don’t ask questions?

Danger Lurks in the most unforeseeable places

One must remember that these were the days of the Argentinian Junta and that tyrant Pinochet that would fill planes up with socialists, artist’s, musicians and Jewish children and release them over the Andes. Even Brazil was no hiding place for the fascist arms of evil that protected aging Nazis. Strangely walking in the forest, it was not the Jaguars that one fears, they would normally be shy of humans, (although lately it’s almost as if they know man is destroying their home, they are actually attacking humans on the clearance tractor graders) No, the greatest fear are the razorback wild pigs that charge you at a speed of 30km/h, they are fearless and not even a bullet or two stops them, their adrenaline and anger are terrifying. They basically hit you bang on between the legs and immediate castration is needed. One thing you never, never do is urinate in the river, a microscopic fish is attracted to the urine and goes for the source swimming up your urethra, a deadly infection follows, normally death. The most poisonous living creature in the Amazon is the brightly coloured frog, the

Cape Talk Radio presenter & author Shiloh Noone deadly poisonous residue on its back used by the indigenous tribes for their blowpipes and arrows. So next time you stand aghast gazing at a giant bird eating spider with a web the size of a double garage door, rather look to the small brightly coloured creatures that scatter below your feet? The Cayman (Amazon crocodile) docile and smaller than the African Nile crocodile should also not be taken lightly, one swipe from that ironclad tail and gangrene seeps in within 24 hrs due to the incessant tropical biosphere. Even more scary is once a Cayman takes you, unlike Nile crocodiles who prey alone, another fifteen Cayman will appear and rip you to shreds, much like the marsh dwarf crocodile of the Congo, only 5ft in length so it can exist on the wet quicksand, once it gashes your ankles and you fall into the mud, another twenty appear, feeding time? I saw this in French Guiana, a fisherman waded too far out and a Cayman gripped his ankle, he was screaming in pain, numerous Indians tried to swim to him but by the time they were barely in the water no less than ten or more Cayman were literally ripping his arms and legs off, the vison of that still haunts me to this day.

The spiritual unseen

Notably Voodoo rules Brazil, commonly known as Macumba, a combination of African belief systems combined with Catholicism and not to be taken lightly. During my time with Father Nicolai I have personally witnessed a man dying of stomach cramps and a live snake found in his stomach, if you do not have faith, don’t go there, if you feel you are not gullible to superstition and it’s all about mind over matter, don’t go there, your mind has no gravity of the power of Shamanism and the dream walkers who have been mastering their craft literary since the age of 8 years old with extreme asceticism. Traveling through the Amazon , the strangest of dreams you will have , sometimes even traveling out of your body and ever so lightly shadows will brush your fingertips, whilst often gazing into the cloudy cumulous nimbus you may just catch sight of a strange disc or orb flashing through the sky, a sight seen too often to be belittled. The Saramaccons who attacked our boat are also the most mystical of all, they could stand 6ft. from you and you wouldn’t even see them. Sheer wonder not one fell out of the trees after 30 min of continual automatic weapon fire. The Rainforest indigenous people have a shimmer of God that we have long since forgotten. In Acre there could be as many as 600 Indians belonging to four different groups. Here they live in relative tranquillity in several demarcated territories which are largely untouched. Perhaps 300 uncontacted Indians live in the Massacó territory in Rondônia, yet all will eventually succumb to mans greed and eventual death, other than The Awa’ which are nomadic and can disappear from their abode in hrs and reappear a great distance away in a very short time.

STEENKAMP KABINETWERKE Andre Steenkamp Cell: 082 660 4455 Tel/Fax: 028 313 1939

’Tis the season to be jolly



Another year has flown by and as 2018 draws to its festive end, I’d like to thank you for your commitment to building your financial future this year. It’s been my pleasure – together with Sanlam – to be your partner. I wish you and your loved ones a happy and peaceful festive season and everything of the best for 2019. I look forward to being in touch with you in the New Year to continue our financial journey.

Antonie Prinsloo

Senior Financial Planner 028 312 4338 | 082 494 6393 antonie.prinsloo@sanlam4u.co.za

THE GARDEN GRILL @ White Water Farm near Stanford is open for season, offering country feast style dining of locally sourced meat and fish along with our own “farm to fork” organic vegetables. We are open for dinner on Saturday and lunch on Sunday and on occasional weeknights. Please call to enquire and book. Look out for our monthly Long Table special events on the first Sunday of each month. Also open on Christmas Day for a special turkey and gammon traditional lunch! Booking essential.

VISION VISION Gideon van Wyk Crescent, Jarina Park 1, Hermanus VISION To be known as the estate agency with a heart, changing lifestyles through extraordinary experiences. To be known as the estate agency with a heart, changing lifestyles through extraordinary experiences. VISION VISION MISSION To be known as the estate agency with a heart, changing lifestyles through extraordinary experiences. VISION MISSION To be known as the estate agency with a heart, changing lifestyles through extraordinary experiences. To be known as the estate agency with a heart, changing lifestyles through extraordinary experiences. MISSION RealNet Hermanus is a team of committed, positive and successful property professionals, who are To be known as the estate agency with a heart, changing lifestyles extraordinary always striving to be and honest. We will workthrough within our realValuesexperiences. to who makeare sure RealNet Hermanus isbalanced, a team of authentic committed, positive and successful property professionals, MISSION MISSION that everyone touches is touched the RealNet team, benefit greatly always striving towho be is balanced, authentic andby honest. We successful willHermanus work within our will realValues to make sure RealNet Hermanus a team or of committed, positive and property professionals, whoand arein MISSION way closer gaining the will lifestyle dream about. that everyone who touches ormove is touched bytothe RealNet Hermanus team, will benefit greatly andsure in always striving to besome balanced, authentic and honest. We workthey within our realValues to make


Sanlam is a Licensed Financial Services Provider.

RealNet Hermanus is a team of committed, positive and successful property professionals, who are RealNet Hermanus is a way team ofis committed, positive andlifestyle successful professionals, who are some move closer to the theyproperty dreamwill about. that everyone who or touched bygaining the RealNet Hermanus team, benefit greatly andsure in always striving to betouches balanced, authentic and honest. We will work within our realValues to make always striving to be balanced, authentic honest.the Welifestyle will work within ourabout. realValues to make sure RealNet Hermanus is a way team of positive and property who move closerand to they dream that Meet everyone whosome touches or is committed, touched bygaining the RealNet Hermanus team, willprofessionals, benefit greatly andare in the team and connect with ussuccessful for all you property needs that everyone who touches or is touched by the RealNet Hermanus team, will benefit greatly and in always striving to be balanced, authentic honest.the Welifestyle will work within ourabout. realValues to make sure some way move closerand to gaining they dream Meet the team and connect with the us for all you property needs way move closer to lifestyle they dream about. that everyone whosome touches or is touched bygaining the RealNet Hermanus team, will benefit greatly and in Meet the team and connect with the uslifestyle for all you property needs some way move closer to gaining they dream about.

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f o n o i t a n g ta

The S

Dawie Snyman




he Currie Cup has come and gone and so did the test at Twickenham and unfortunately, we have nothing to show for it. Not a glimmer of hope and joy. I must admit that the last 10 minutes at Twickenham when Elton Jantjies and the reserve no 9 came on the field things changed. There was at least some sparkle and movement. Everyone was upset about the overthrows of no 2 who was even nominated as rugby player of the year. Maybe the egos cannot cope and the players lose focus as we discussed and explained in last edition of the Splash magazine. It just struck me that not one word was mentioned about the rigid execution of the game plan. Rugby was played the ‘Rassie way’ and he was sitting in the stand. Coaches should remember that it is now the opportunity of the players to play the game. The coaches have had their day in the sun (on the field). For any player to play to his full potential, he must play his picture of the game as it develops in front of him. He must see the opportunities, make the appropriate decisions and execute them. Unpredictability and creative play is still the biggest and most important weapon in the game. The Springboks have lost that skill completely due to the SA coaches not accommodating the creativity of the players. What a shocker! We very often played to the wrong side of the ruck or maul. Into the hands of the English team standing there waiting for us to attack.


Most of the time that ball went to a forward to run with the ball. My question is a very simple one: “Where is he going to run to with the ball. He does not have the speed, nor the running skills, neither does he have the distribution skills to stimulate further play. The only option available is contact and that is why it is all that we see. Never ending contact… contact… contact. But we also had at least 5 times where the carrier of the ball had an open man next to him, but the ball was not passed to him because of one of the following reasons: 1. The carrier of the ball did not know that he had an option on that side where he should have played to. 2. The supporting player did not communicate with the ball carrier in time. 3. The carrier of the ball did not have the passing skills to off-load. 4. The carrier of the ball did not have the peripheral vision to see the option . 5. The pressure caused a disintegration of the inflow of information. 6. They did not practice this skill in the match situation. Thus there were insufficient training methods. 7. Etc, etc, etc. I believe that it was not only the 7 line-outs nor the last tackle that gave us the result that we had. There is a much more complex answer to the problem. Hopefully the coaching team has learnt from this experience and things are set to change for the better.

We hope that future tests will show some improvement in these matters so that SA supporters can be proud of the results. The controversy around the referees is still raging – and not without good reason. I still maintain that the reason why the ‘modern’ game is not opening up is because the referees smother the game with their decisions. This is mainly due to decisions around the contact point. The fact that no tries were scored in the match between New Zealand and England is very good evidence of that. The scrumhalf delays the game by taking time to organize the game. Clarity on whether the ball is out of the ruck or still in the ruck complicates the situation immensely. Secondly, the rush defense that follows is mostly illegal and kills the opportunity to running rugby and all that we get to see is the “bumper car” (stampkar) option. This is definitely not attractive rugby for spectators to watch.

The simple question that needs to be answered urgently is what the source of it all is? And that answer is also simple. The creation of the recirculation of the ball’s “possession” to the next phases of the game. In this facet of play the attacker has an unfair advantage (through illegal play) of maintaining the ball, after he has placed the ball, due to the following: 1. The tackled player holds onto the ball. 2. The protector of the ball goes over the ball, off his feet, to protect the ball where the players on their feet cannot get to the ball. 3. Because of this, the contact point becomes a static point in the game and defense lines form. The defending team have 15 players on their feet and the attacking side only have 12.

It just does not work and the game suffers.


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Negester Onrusrivier Negester Onrusrivier

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A select lifestyle estate in A select lifestyle estate in Onrusrivier for fifty-plussers A select lifestyle estate in Onrusrivier for fifty-plussers Onrusrivier for fifty-plussers Ever dreamt of a serene life in a peaceful, picture-perfect coastal town? Ever dreamt of a serene life in a peaceful, picture-perfect coastal town?of a serene life in a peaceful, picture-perfect Ever dreamt Onrusrivier, with it’s temperate climate, beautiful coastal town? surroundings, stunning ocean views, lagoon and Onrusrivier, with it’s temperate climate, beautiful walking trails – stunning not to mention the exceptional surroundings, ocean views, lagoon and Onrusrivier, with it’s temperate climate, beautiful wine estates and golf courses in the area – is quickly walking trails –stunning not to mention the exceptional surroundings, ocean views, lagoon and becoming a sought-after destination for fifty-plussers. wine estates and golf courses in the area – is quickly walking trails – not to mention the exceptional Here you will find Negester Onrusrivier, just the becoming a sought-after destination for fifty-plussers. wine estates and golf courses in the area – isdown quickly road from located on the seam of the Here you Hermanus, will find Negester Onrusrivier, just down the becoming a sought-after destination for fifty-plussers. Groenberge in the heart of Onrusrivier! road Hermanus, located on the seam of down the the Here from you will find Negester Onrusrivier, just Groenberge in the heart of Onrusrivier! road from Hermanus, located on the seam of the This lifestyle estate has 125 full-title homes varying Groenberge in the heart of Onrusrivier! inThis sizelifestyle from 114estate to 205 m², priceshomes starting at has 125with full-title varying R2 860 000. 50205 units inwith the care centre are in size from The 114 to prices starting at This lifestyle estate hasm², 125 full-title homes varying between 27 and 70 m² in size, and basic care, R2 860from 000.114 Theto50 units the prices care centre areat in size 205 m²,inwith starting assisted care and frail care packages are available. between 27 and in size, andcare basic care,are R2 860 000. The7050m²units in the centre assisted and70frail packages arecare, available. between care 27 and m² care in size, and basic This is where your little-house-by-the-sea-dreams assisted care and frail care packages are available. could become reality. This is whereayour little-house-by-the-sea-dreams could a reality. This isbecome where your little-house-by-the-sea-dreams could become a reality.

THE ONRUSRIVIER AREA OFFERS: THE AREA OFFERS: • FirstONRUSRIVIER class medical facilities. THE ONRUSRIVIER AREA OFFERS: First class medical facilities. •• Exceptional golf courses. • First class medical facilities. Exceptional golf courses. •• Quality restaurants. • Exceptional golf courses. Quality restaurants. •• Walking, jogging and mountainbiking trails. • Quality restaurants. Walking, jogging opportunities. and mountainbiking trails. •• Plenty of angling • Walking, jogging and mountainbiking trails. Plenty of angling opportunities. •• Breathtaking views over the ocean and of the mountains. • Plenty of angling opportunities. Breathtaking views the ocean and of the mountains. •• Famous nearby wineover estates. • Breathtaking views over the ocean and of the mountains. Famoussupermarkets. nearby wine estates. •• Various • Famous nearby wine estates. • Various supermarkets.

“My little house by the sea […] • Various supermarkets. where winds rattle thesea windows; “My little house by the […] inside it’s safe, warm and secure. where winds rattle thesea windows; “My little house by the […] inside it’s safe, warm secure. wherewinds, winds rattle theand windows; Come come storms, come tides inside it’s safe, warm and secure. my little housecome uponstorms, the rock abides.” Come winds, come tides my little house upon the rock abides.” Come winds, come storms, come tides my little house upon the rock abides.”

For more information, call 086 144 4495. Email us at For info@negester.co.za visit more information,or call 086www.negester.co.za 144 4495.

Terms and conditionscall apply (2018). Email us atFor info@negester.co.za or visit www.negester.co.za more information, 086 144 4495. Email us at info@negester.co.za visit www.negester.co.za Terms and conditionsor apply (2018). Terms and conditions apply (2018).


H.A. Fagan H.A. Fagan H.A. Fagan

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