Splash Magazine - February 2017

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Your FREE Lifestyle magazine February 2017 issue 83

Onrus Artist

Malgorzata Czepulkowska

Your interactive online magazine

The online version of Splash magazine now has interactivity. Click or tap on any of the advertisers to email, phone or visit their websites. Need to book a restaurant for tonight? No problem, you can just tap on any of the listings on the maps to place a call and book your table. On content pages you can click or tap to view videos, listen to music or find more info on the topic. Much more interactivity will be added to future issues of Splash Magazine.


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Editor: Peter van Schaik peter@splashmag.co.za Copy-Editors: Kathleen Botha, & Hanneke van Schaik Design: Brenda Smal SPLASH Office Tel: 074 717 2582

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P3 P6 P8 P8 P9

Peter van Schaik

Win a dinner for 2 at Benguela Cove Hélène Truter - Love is... Valentyn, skenk 'n boek On the Beat with Anne Synergy, Tay Dall Exhibition

For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul. - Judy Garland Hi Splash Readers


Address: Gateway Centre, Hermanus, 7200 Postal Address: Private Bag X15, Suite 43, Gateway Centre, Hermanus, 7200


P10 P11

Valentine's Day, also called Saint Valentine's Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is an annual holiday celebrated on February 14. It originated as a Western Christian liturgical feast day honoring one or more early saints named Valentinus, and is recognized as a significant cultural and commercial celebration in many regions around the world, although it is not a public holiday in any country.

Refine - Laser Hair Removal Riette Creighton at ProActive gym

MAPS P12 Onrus P13 Sandbaai

HOME Keeping Splash Magazine connected sales@sonictelecoms.co.za 021 201 0220

Cover Art: Malgorzata Czepulkowska

Several martyrdom stories associated with the various Valentines that were connected to February 14 were added to later martyrologies, including a popular hagiographical account of Saint Valentine of Rome which indicated he was imprisoned for performing weddings for soldiers who were forbidden to marry and for ministering to Christians, who were persecuted under the Roman Empire. According to legend, during his imprisonment, Saint Valentine healed the daughter of his jailer, Asterius, and before his execution, he wrote her a letter signed "Your Valentine" as a farewell.

P14 What it takes to purchase a home

MAPS P16 Hermanus P17 Recipe - Calamari Alforno P18 Dawie Snyman - Krisis in SA Rugby duur voort... P18 TEE UP for a HAND UP Womens golf challenge

The day first became associated with romantic love within the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in the 14th century, when the tradition of courtly love flourished. In 18th-century England, it evolved into an occasion in which lovers expressed their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery, and sending greeting cards (known as "valentines")


Click to contact the artist malgos777@gmail.com 0283162838

So now you know the history behind Valentines day. Have a great one and spoil that someone special in your life... NOW WITH INTERACTIVITY


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Your FREE Lifestyle magazine

Your FREE Lifestyle magazine

December 2016 issue 81

January 2017 issue 82

-Hélène Truter -Dawie Snyman on SA Rugby -Hoy's koppie -Hermanus Bowls Club turns 80 and much more..



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Solly Smook

December 2016 / issue 81

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January 2017 / issue 82

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Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or S P L A S H Magazine. Copyright © - Whale Splash Media CC - All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or copied by any form or means without prior permission of the publisher. The Publisher or S P L A S H Magazine are not responsible for any unsolicited material.

Read more on page 22 SPLASH 5


he most written about subject on this unpredictable planet of ours. Wars have been fought over it, millions of songs have been written about it, hearts have been broken… Countless good and bad poems, books and movies have love as the central theme… It’s this emotion that makes pubs, record companies and dating sites exist. Money makes the world go round, but according to Elizabeth Browning love is what makes the ride worthwhile. For years to come man and woman will continue this search for the four-letter L word. So what pearl of wisdom can I possibly add to this - the most overused, misunderstood and most desirable emotion of all time? The big guns like Shakespeare have already cornered the market. And it’s tough coming up with anything better than 1 Corinthians 13. Go read it again – it’s truly beautiful.

ve is ... Helené Truter

Tel 028 313 0359, 4 Broad Str Hermanus

fact your own birthday. And this is the actual truth. He did it. For me. Vowed never ever again, but he did. I swear Percy is a saint. Some readers have asked me if my hubby doesn’t get upset about the stuff I write about him. In my defense: I only write the truth. Maybe true love is about softening the truth a bit… No, it’s not lying… It’s completely different from lying. My man staan byvoorbeeld altyd reg met ’n ‘jy lyk pragtig’ nog voor ek behoorlik uitgekom met met die vraag: Lyk ek darem…(skaflik)? ‘Jy lyk pragtig, skat.’ Noudat ek daaraan dink, dis darem te maklik… Seker maar jare se kondisionering. Nou die oggend sit ons en tee drink op die stoep en hy kyk met so ’n ver af verliefde uitdrukking na my… My hart raak warm. ‘En as jy so na my kyk, my lief?’vra ek koketterig. ‘Huh?... Nee, ek word nog wakker.” Ware liefde voorwaar. Veral van my kant af.

So for once I decide to do some Google research. I type in the word ‘love’ and within 0.25 seconds I am presented with 1,340 million results. I am way over my head here. Maybe I should rather just write about Romance. Within 0.12 seconds I have 194 million results. Okay, back to ‘love’ it is… I start scrolling down the page, searching for enlightenment. And lo and behold there it is: HOW TO LOVE. 8 STEPS. (WITH PICTURES) With pictures?! Are they serious? Note to self: Double-check what my teenage daughter is Googling. Of course I double click on the ‘how to love in 8 steps with pictures’. I’m human afterall and this is known as doing research… What did I discover? Trust me, save yourself the trouble. I find the average article on dealing with varicose veins at the doctor’s waiting room way more interesting than the drivel they came up with. Step one… Find someone you like… (Eh… DUH.) So I decide to do some face to face research. Starting with an expert on the current world of romance and teenage love – my 19 (going-on-36) year old. This is what I discovered: When you are 19, love is…

So wat doen jy hierdie jaar op Valentynsdag vir jou geliefde? Ja, baie mense dink dis net ’n geldmaakstorie. Maar om vir jou liefie ’n blommetjie te pluk of te bederf met ’n spesiale ontbyt kos jou niks – of gebruik jy die geld of die moeite as verskoning om niks te doen nie. Ek vra maar net. Ja, elke dag behoort Valentynsdag te wees. Maar is dit? In my huis is dit. Ek en my wederhelf mik vir ons 25e huweliksherdenking hierdie jaar en ek laaik hom nog Baie! Hy’t hoeka nou die dag vir my gesê: ek trou sommer weer met jou. Thanks my skat, maar ek dink nie ons budget gaan dit maak nie. Ek wil hierdie jaar oorsee gaan (noudat die pond so geval het na Brexit) En die troukoors loop hoog, hoor! Elke tweede klant wat by die winkel inloop is op soek na unieke goedjies vir haar spesiale dag. Moet jy vir hom blomme op Valentynsdag koop? Ek kan nie meer byhou met wat is deesdae aanvaarbaar en wat nie. Een van my man se gunsteling Valentynsgeskenke wat hy van my gekry het was ’n skildery van ’n jong dogtertjie wat nogal trek op ons negentienjarige meisiekind… Ek kon dit glad nie bekostig nie en moes stilletjies in ons huisverband inklim, maar die effek wat die skildery op Percy gehad het was elke sent werd. Daardie skildery het al die pad van Johannesburg saamgekom en hang op ’n baie prominente plek in ons huis en inspireer ons nog elke dag…

….getting an illegible (well, at least to your mother) message on your Smartphone from your cyber boyfriend. Just a modern version of the old-fashioned love letter I suppose… Actually in this technological age, the written word is making a come-back. Hence the popularity of wall quotes… Our walls are adorned with positive, inspiring sayings… Words in all shapes and forms are seen in the best-dressed homes. Peace, hope, faith, family, celebrate, joy etc. And of course that most enigmatic word of all – love. I’ve also had a ‘relêx’ and an ‘eish’ for sale… But I digress… Back to the 19 year old expert who informs me that the ultimate love story is that between a vampire and a human… Like many girls her age she’s been completely taken by the Twilight Saga. Who am I to judge?… In my day it was the Rocky Horror Picture Show…

Valentynsdag gaan deesdae ook oor vriende en familie. Dis nie net vir verliefde paartjies nie. Daar is ’n wonderlike verhaal oor ’n jong tienermeisie wat sielsongelukkig was omdat sy nie ’n kêrel gehad het nie. Sy was vas oortuig dat sy te vet, te lelik of te dom was. Een jaar kry sy vir die eerste keer ’n Valentynskaartjie van ’n geheime bewonderaar. Dit het haar hele lewe verander. Sy het uit haar dop begin kruip, stadig vriende op skool begin maak want sy het geweet iewers is daar iemand wat vir haar omgee. So het sy elke jaar ’n Valentynskaartjie gekry van dieselfde geheime bewonderaar. Sy het elke kaartjie bewaar. En wanneer sy depressief was, het sy die kaartjies oor en oor gelees en beter gevoel. Selfs na sy getroud is het haar geheime bewonderaar aangehou om vir haar kaartjies te stuur. Klokslag. Elke 14e Februarie is ’n kaartjie by haar huis afgelewer. Maart 2002 is haar pa oorlede. Die volgende Valentynsdag was daar nie ’n kaartjie in die posbus nie…

Next I interview my reluctant husband about the meaning of true love. Hard to pin him down – he’s channel-hopping. He can only concentrate on what I’m saying during ad breaks. I suppose that’s one version of true love: still loving him even though he prefers Top Gear to my scintillating conversation. Finally I manage to get an answer from him between NCIS and CSI: True love is helping your wife do the flowers at the 50th birthday party of another man – even though it is in



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Valentyn, skenk vanjaar ’n boek!


ie afgelope maand het die Vriende van Afrikaans twee wonderlike ervarings gehad op Rus en Vrede buite Stellenbosch en op Achtervlei op Piket-BoBerg. Rus en Vrede

Chareldine van der Merwe, die VVA se projekorganiseerder, het op 24 November vir elke kind in die Babbel en Krabbelcréche op Rust en Vrede (net buite Stellenbosch) ’n VVArugsakkie met boeke gaan afgee namens Vader Krismis. Johan en Tjuks Roos, die eienaars van die plaas, het die créche reeds in 1983 begin. Nie ’n enkele kind wat in hierdie créche was, moes al ooit ’n jaar herhaal nie. En dit spreek boekdele. Boonop het die Roos-broers in 2014 besluit om hierdie inisiatief uit te brei sodat die kinders van Rust en Vrede tot op tersiêre vlak ondersteun kan word. Tans is daar 14 leerders in die créche, 14 op skool, een by ’n kollege en twee op universiteit. Daar word ook ’n nasorgsentrum en ’n biblioteek beplan vir volgende jaar. Hoe word die inisiatief befonds? Met ’n briljante plan: Paul Roos-Wyn wat in 2014 gebore is. Gaan kyk gerus op www. paulrooswine.com na Die Skoolhoof (witwyn) en Die Filantroop (rooiwyn) wat spesiaal vir hierdie inisiatief gebottel word. Dis ’n pragtige geskenk, of sommer net lekker om self te drink en te weet jy ondersteun ’n lofwaardige projek. Achtervlei Hier op Piket-Bo-Berg boer Kobus en Deidre Eigelaar met sagtevrugte. En hier het 12 Sotho- stukwerkers ’n tuiste gevind. Die verhaal van die Sotho-plaaswerkers begin in 1994 toe hulle in Clanwilliam afgelaai met beloftes van werk en

voorspoed. Dit het ongelukkig nie gerealiseer nie en die mense is aan hulle eie lot oorgelaat. ’n Plaaslike inwoner, Elza van Zyl, het die nood raakgesien en begin om vir die werkers stukwerk op plase te kry. Anders as vorige stukwerkers wat Kobus-hulle gebruik het, is hierdie groep mense rustig, pligsgetrou en toegewyd. Deidre wou die manne die geleentheid gee om hulle omgang met die mense in hulle werksomgewing te verbeter, om hulle toekoms te verbeter. Hulle kon kies tussen Afrikaans of Engels. Die res is geskiedenis. In Mei 2016 begin Dokka Swart en Chareldine van der Merwe om ses fasiliteerders op te lei om die Doen-en-Leerprogram vir Jong Volwassenes te gebruik. Hulle maak deur die jaar beurte om die klasse twee maal per week aan te bied. Hierdie werkers kom twee maal per week laatmiddag na ’n harde dag se werk vir hierdie klasse. Dit laat my wonder of daar nie ’n Tom Heineman iewers rondloop wat inisiatiewe soos hierdie wil verfilm en die wêreld instuur nie. En dan kan die Swede sommer geld laat kom om ’n verskil te maak aan die lewens van mense, stil-stil, soos dit op Rust en Vrede en Achtervlei en nog baie ander plase gebeur. Angs en ontevredenheid maak ’n mens magteloos. Sluit aan by ’n groep of organisasie wat volgens jou iets sinvols in die samelewing doen. Gou sal jy agterkom dat daar baie is om te doen en jouself so uit die put van onmag en ellende te help. Tot ’n volgende keer, mooi loop! Amanda de Stadler

Shakespeare said “If music be the food of love, play on”. Feb 14 Valentines day will be celebrated around the world as the day of Love and romance. Many songwriters have poured their hearts out in lyrics dedicated to the pleasure and pain of love. One could say Love is the food of Music,

play on.

Aqualung by Jethro Tull.

British Rock Band formed in the late 60’s. Initially playing blues rock, they developed their sound to incorporate elements of British Folk and hard rock to forge a progressive rock signature. The band was led by eccentric vocalist/flautist/guitarist Ian Anderson. With several changes in the band members the group continued to tour until 2011. In April 2014 Ian Anderson declared that he was going to focus on his solo career and the band was finished. Aqualung (my favourite) Released March 1971, a standard on many radio playlists incl. WCFM.

Traveller by Chris Stapleton.

This is his debut solo album released in May 2015 and remained at the top of the Country charts for months. Stapleton has been in the business for years as a songwriter and back up vocalist/musician. He has written songs for Blake Shelton, Luke Bryan and Adele to name a few. Traditional country with elements of Southern Rock, Blues and the great tone of Stapleton’s voice creates a unique sounding Album, with some great tracks.

Head Carrier by The Pixies.

American Alternative Rock Band released this album Sept.2016. The Pixies of 2016 are very different to the group from the late 80’s. Significant changes in band members and a difference in energy. Fans of their earlier work might notice a different vibe. It still sounds like the Pixies, some might say that there is a bit of self plagiarism, its not quite the brilliant oddball energy that made them so popular in the first place. The Pixies will be performing in Cape Town 18 March.


Run by Matthew Mole.

The Album Run was released in July 2016 and contains his hit singles Run and Holding On. Anyone who has seen this humble SA artist live will know that his performance is full of energy as he sings, plays guitar, ukulele, drums. Backed by a few beats on his computer. Matthew pours himself into his music which is possibly why listeners relate so well to his experiences.

The Search For Everything by John Mayer.

Released January 2017 this is his 7th studio Album. I think I will let John himself tell you about this Album. He told Rolling Stone that he wanted to make as ambitious an album as possible. “I want to leave the Earth as a writer”, he explains, “I wasn’t interested in doing anything I’ve done before, and I wanted to stoke the fire of abstraction and just start punching hard.”

“synergy” the latest exhibition


tay dall 3rd to the 19th March 2017

Urban Story 150 cm x 80 cm

Twilight 100 cm x 150 cm

Eruption 180 cm x 80 cm

Art is creativity drawn out of a deep well within ones subconscious and can be more powerful and true than conscious thought and reason. Therefore, the rock and rolls of imagined places, drips and splats, roils of dramatic curves and dancing clouds of mist. Movements of liquid and air melding into an electrically charged inter-exchange of emotional colours. Tendrils of weird lines vying for canvas space with floating forms in inky pools of atmosphere. This may sound like a lot of gobbledygook but in more ways than one, and depending how you see it, that pretty much sums up what can be expected in my latest exhibition I have called Synergy. Esoteric subjects and themes presented in these visual offerings may mystify, elude, enlighten, disappoint, inspire, or just shake your head, glaze your eyes, and knock you dead in the cerebral cortex of confusion. Don’t worry, my feeling is that there is no right or wrong way to see art. As long as the work squeezes out a little illustrious emotional response whether it’s positive or negative; if that happens, then I am a happy artist. For those who have followed my art, my shows and tracked my 30 year career as an artist, you already know, that out of all the madness that gets churned and spun in my studio, my art makes beautiful sense in a very organized chaotic way. The works that I

have chosen for the Synergy collection represent the combined power of a grouping of my art styles and themes working together to make a greater more powerful visual. The collection explores the history of where I am, where I’ve come from and where I’m going as I continue to experiment and explore the myriad possibilities of my imagination and my ability to create. Thank you all for all your support with what I do. –Tay Dall Vermont 2017 about the artist Born in Cape Town in 1966, Tay began doing art classes at the early age of 8 years old, finally finishing her education with a Bachelors in Fine Arts from the Michaelis School of Art at the University of Cape Town. In 1988 Tay immigrated with her family to Los Angeles, California where she worked in the film industry, studied computer graphics, and began exhibiting her work in various venues in her free time. Her eminent success in America led to a full-time career as an artist.

167 Main Road Hermanus, South Africa Tel: 028-3122928 / 0827190907 info@walkerbayartgallery.co.za www. walkerbayartgallery.co.za

Why Laser Hair Removal is the Perfect

Valentine’s Day Gift Valentine’s Day is almost here—again. It’s time for flowers and chocolates, romantic dinners, and searching for the perfect gift for the one we love.

Laser hair removal is one of the most commonly done cosmetic procedures in the U.S. It beams highly concentrated light into hair follicles. Pigment in the follicles absorb the light. That destroys the hair. Lasers can selectively target dark, coarse hairs while leaving the surrounding skin undamaged.

Consider these benefits for your love this Valentine’s Day:


Valentine’s Day is about love in all its aspects; romance, commitment, sexiness, and we honour our partners on this day by giving them gifts to show just how much we appreciate them. Traditionally, we give token gifts—flowers, chocolates and sometimes even jewellery- it’s become routine. Expected, even. Love should never be routine.

A gifted treatment at Refine Laser Clinic gives your valentine a beauty treatment that is 100 % customized to his or her skin and hair type. Our exclusive FDA approved Palomar laser gives precision, and pain free hair reduction in just a few sessions. It uses wavelengths — adjusted for the patient’s particular skin type — that are clinically proven to be most effective to safely, comfortably, and permanently remove hair from all skin types. Not only will this be a long-lasting gift, but it will be exactly the treatment that’s right for the recipient.


A Refine gift certificate means your valentine will be treated to a reputable laser hair removal center with experienced staff.


Love should be exciting. Love should be romantic, committed, and sexy all rolled into one, and so should our Valentine’s Day gifts. Laser hair removal is the perfect Valentine’s Day gift. That’s right. It’s both practical and sexy, it’s a gift that lasts forever, and best of all it’s something that our sweethearts might never get for themselves. Plus, it’s a gift that you can BOTH enjoy - saving the other person time and helping them look their best without all the hassles of shaving and waxing. We all have some area that we wish was a little less furry, whether it’s underarms and upper lip for women, or chest, back, or unibrow for men.

Laser hair removal is the gift that keeps giving. When performed by our certified technicians, the results are beautiful and long-lasting. At Refine, once you have completed your series of treatments, you will be hairfree! Additional hair may appear due to medical conditions or hormonal changes over the next year, but if that happens, a maintenance program provides quick fix touch-up’s. The cost varies, depending on factors that include: l Size of the area being treated and time required for treatment, an upper lip treatment can be as little as R200 per session. l Number of treatments required, after about 3-4 sessions, the hair becomes very fine and the cost will come down with each session as the hair lessens.


What better gift is there than the gift of confidence? Touchable, smooth skin your valentine can’t wait to show off is the ultimate gift, and it gives them the opportunity to celebrate the skin they might otherwise want to hide.

A gift certificate for laser hair removal is a gift that doesn’t just say “I love you,” it says “I want you to feel beautiful.”

This Valentine’s Day, give yourself or your loved one the gift of gorgeous skin and true body confidence. We can promise quick appointments, affordable pricing options, and skilled technicians. Great in-house Valentine’s specials – call us today!

We all want smooth, unblemished skin. Nice skin is part of looking and feeling great. We go to great lengths to make sure we have it, from shaving to waxing to harsh chemical hair removers that may damage the skin. Laser hair removal provides permanent hair reduction by removing unwanted hair in only four to eight treatments, so we never have to worry about bikini lines or back hair again.

■ L a s e r S k i n R e j u v e n a t i o n ■ C h e m i c a l P e e l s ■ L a s e r Ve i n / H a i r R e m o v a l ■ B o t o x ™ ■ Dermal Fillers ■ Sclerotherapy ■ Diathermy ■ Permanent Make-up ■ Carboxytherapy Tel: 028 316 1532 / Email: info@refine.co.za / www.refineclinic.co.za / Hemel & Aarde Craft Village, Hermanus, 7200 Follow us on:

Refine Anti-Ageing Clinic and SPLASH 10


PERMANENT MAKEUP Lip Blush Procedure


After Microblading Eyebrows and Eyeliner


After Leanne Steinmann, Internationally Trained Permanent Makeup Technician Cell: 073 147 6494 / Email: leannesteinmann@yahoo.com www.permanentmakeupbyleanne.com / FB: Permanent Makeup By Leanne Steinmann APPOINTMENTS: Phone “Refine”: 028 316 1532



HAIR COUTURE Tel: 028 316 3845 Hemel en Aarde Village

Classic style always beats fashion

Riette Creighton Riette……hmmm an Idea Girl, Founder of Sporty Mums and The Fitness Project. Lover of wine and finding her freedom on a MTB in the middle of a misty Forest! Mother of two “Epic Wannabe” little Girls who have no limits! Her business talents started at a young age and bloomed a bit more while enrolled at College and Sports Science institute. After her training at College, Riette worked abroad in the UK at LA Fitness and was known for being a trainer who made Personal Training fun but don’t be fooled, your going to break a sweat! She also has an adventurous side working with a tour group, Nomad Adventures in marketing. These fine places introduced her to new people, big ideas and global concepts that helped her shape the person she is. But the personal training got the best of her and after training people for just over a decade she met the love of her life who asked her to train him for his 1st of 2 successful Cape Epics with Partners Mathew Browne and Claude Tyers. She got married to husband Almar Creighton and they decided to reside in the beautiful town of Onrus and will be bringing up their two daughters Avah and Elle here.

To book a training session with Riette and change your life forever call 084 500 0983 or email: info@sportymums.training

Sandbaai in

Old Ma

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De Wet Hall

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Hennie Niemann Snr artworks c/o Van Blommenstein & Lagoon Drive, Onrus River Nadia Kleyn for enquiries: 028 316 2103 Monday to Friday 9h00 – 18h00 Weekends 10h00 – 18h00 niemannsnrgallery@gmail.com

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Prego rolls Tasty Calamari Fish and CHIPS Salads Toasties Gourmet Lamb and Beef Burgers Best Russian and chips in Town And much much more. . .

Optimum centre - Onrus Bring your own wine. We have wine glasses! Telephone orders welcome! SPLASH 12



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What It Takes To Purchase A Home Purchasing a property requires more than just the need or want to own a home. It also requires a certain amount of knowledge, intelligence and attitude!

Here are some aspects to consider… 1. What can you afford if you do not possess the full purchase price in cash? Of course finance is always the first consideration. Do not purchase outside of your means. In other words do not spend more than 30% of your combined (if purchasing with a partner) gross income on the financing of your purchase. Also your monthly mortgage payment should not exceed your net income after deduction of your fixed monthly costs as well as your monthly expenses. The best advice is to always make the biggest possible down payment, i.e. at least 20% of the purchase price and then see if the balance can be financed by means of a mortgage loan based on the above calculation. If not, you are aiming too high!

2. Purchasing costs Always calculate the costs of purchasing a new property so as not to be short of cash when taking transfer of ownership. Here is a checklist for buyers: Transfer Duty Rates Clearance Certificate Levies or HOA clearance certificate (if applicable) Conveyancer’s transfer fee Deeds office fee Deeds office search Posts & Petties Conveyancer’s Electronic instruction fee Electronic Rates fee Municipal provision for Rates and Taxes (if applicable) Occupational Rental (if applicable)

3. What taxes apply when purchasing and once you own a home? 3.1 Acquisition taxes: These are payable either in the form of Transfer Duty or VAT. Transfer Duty is payable unless the seller is a VAT vendor in which case the purchase price includes VAT and the purchaser is then not liable for Transfer Duty. (In a future article we will discuss acquisition and disposal taxes in more detail). 3.2 Taxation payable by the homeowner: Once you have taken transfer of ownership of your home you will become liable to pay Rates and Taxes to the local municipality. Should you be purchasing in a community scheme there are also levies payable. It is also wise to consider the fact that you may also be liable for capital gains tax when you again dispose of your primary residence and the gain exceeds R2 million. Should your acquisition be a holiday home, CGT is payable on the full gain (minus certain allowable deductions).

4. If you need to sell your existing home in order to purchase a new one It is extremely important to understand how a sale works when your offer to purchase (OTP) is subject to the sale of another property. The transaction is dependent upon the sale of the buyer’s current home. If the condition is met in the agreed time-frame, the sale contract becomes binding and if it doesn’t sell by the specified date, the contract is terminated. This type of conditional sale normally allows the seller to continue marketing the home with the stipulation that the buyer will be given a certain period of time (normally 72 hours) to waive the benefit of the condition if the seller receives another acceptable offer. If the buyer cannot waive the condition, the seller may accept the new offer and the deposit is returned to the buyer. This type of conditional clause must be inserted into the OTP in order to protect the buyer but the 72 hour escape clause is necessary to protect the seller’s interest. It is important that the exact details of the suspensive condtion must be specified in the OTP and that both parties to the contract understand the meaning and consequences therof as the agreement of sale is a legally binding contract. A qualified real estate agent or attorney should be consulted to ensure the correct legal utilization of such a condition.

5. Making your final decision is reliant on so may factors… 5.1 Location: Why the fuss? Of course you want to purchase in a area where you are secure in the knowledge that your investment will grow and you will obtain the best capital growth over time. It is therefore absolutely necessary that this research is undertaken by yourself or on your behalf by your real estate agent that you have built a good relationship with and is looking out for your best interests. The statistics including recent and long-term trends should provide a buyer with valuable information regarding specific areas, especially in terms of the current situation being one of a buyer’s or seller’s market. Of course price range will be a factor in deciding on the geographic location and neighbourhood and the age and personal circumstances of the buyer will also play a major part in selecting an urban location or perhaps one closer to schools or the sea or walks. 5.2 Property type, style and size: Purchasers should carefully consider whether a single, double storey, duplex, apartment, townhouse or gated village is their preference according to their personal needs. The style can also be another major consideration when one considers your home’s appearance and also function. Open-plan or separate formal areas? More traditional or modern? Big or small garden? Some buyers have a picture of their ideal home in mind in respect of size, number of bedrooms, bathrooms, entertainment areas, garages and more. Nowadays many people work from home and require a home office and a buyer may need an extra hobby or playroom. It is also necessary to consider not only current but also future needs in respect of the possibility to add on more rooms later or a swimming pool. 5.3 Age of the home: Modern homes may have newer architectural features like granite counters and clean lines with polished cement finishes, but older homes possess a certain charm and stability and are normally set in a lush established garden that a purchaser may desire.

It can be challenging to find a home that meets all the buyer’s needs and desires…and still stay within the budget. Good deals can be found, but never buy in a hurry! Buyers who take their time and connect with a really good and professional estate agent that understands them and is not pushy will always find the ‘right’ home at the ‘right’ time at the ‘right’ price!


PAM SNYMAN 082 8000 867

The REDZetc business model is an innovative business model that is changing the face of Real Estate in SA. It is not run on rules, but is based on principles and focuses on service and sales by experienced well trained estate agents, as opposed to marketing as its primary objective. Pam, who has been involved in corporate real estate for the past 30 years believes that REDZetc offers a unique proposition by bringing about a contemporary real estate solution in terms of strategy and execution as well as financial security for its agents.


BUYERS/SELLERS PROPERTIES email: flickdt@redzproperties.co.za www.redzproperties.co.za

FLICK DU TOIT 083 675 3064

WESTCLIFF R3,900,000 Spacious property with unlimited potential for the large family or an income generating home. Double storey, all five bedrooms with bathrooms. Convenient to the new Harbour.

HOLIDAY/WEEKEND RENTALS email: flicksplace@hermanus.co.za www.flicksplace.co.za


Sole agent: Beverly Newenham 082 9779 219/028 312 1102 Call now for a free valuation.


082 492 1676

email: pierret@redzproperties.co.za www.redzproperties.co.za HERMANUS – R16,920 000 SEAFRONT - CORNER POSITION – 1239 m ² STAND – PERFECT! LAGOON FISHING, ENDLESS BEACH WALKS, SWIMMING, BIRD WATCHING IN YOUR OWN LITTLE FOREST AND ALL THE PEACE and TRANQUILLITY you long for…......... could you wish for more?


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email: chrizeldac@redzproperties.co.za www.redzproperties.co.za MARINERS VILLAGE Meet Louwina van der Merwe, the new agent for Mariners Village. Mariners Village consists of 165 stands of which about 62 houses already have been completed. Mariners village is located in Westcliff, near the old harbour and really makes for lifestyle living. Walking distance from the centre town, Hermanus. The estate is pet friendly, child friendly and eco-conscious with greenbelts welcoming natural indigenous fynbos and birdlife. The 10km coastal path with famous whale watching spots is also just a minutes’ walk from the entrance gate. We have vacant stands, if you wish to design your dream home, within the architectural guidelines or beautiful ready built homes for you to choose from. Smell the sea and indulge in the mountain views from every single stand in Mariners Village. Don’t miss the opportunity to invest in Paradise!! For more info or a visit to the onsite office contact Louwina : 0721917692, louwina@redzproperties.co.za, she would love to show you around.

MAGRIET 083 395 9134

BUYERS/SELLERS PROPERTIES Area - Sandbaai / Hermanus

FRAN BARLOW 076 296 2132


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Taken from "In Fusion" by Shane Sauvage, published by Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd in 2009


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Die krisis


in SA rugby duur voort ... It is the beginning of the 2017 season and we do not have finalization of management and coaching for the Springboks yet. If one can take the general media coverage of rugby at the highest level into consideration, we are heading for another season with dark clouds looming on the horizon. Allister Coetzee can not do an optimal job with the knowledge that he is being re-evaluated in a year’s time. He will be looking over his shoulder all the time. And that is certain.

of the end of year tour? Up to date nothing has changed other than more call-ups of players playing overseas. Where are the new Springboks that we develop that catch the attention of the world?

Dit is wat my betref nie net ’n SA probleem nie, maar ’n wêreldprobleem van afrigters wat spelers in sisteme en patrone inforseer om by die afrigter se kennis van die spel te pas. Uit die aard van die saak bevestig hy die betaling van die spelers, so dit is logies dat die spelers sal speel soos hy die versoeke uitdeel. Die vraag is wat word van indiwidualiteit en kreatiwiteit wat baie nou daaraan gekoppel is. Dit verdwyn soos mis voor die môreson.

Hierdie is seker die moeilikste artikel wat ek nog geskryf het, want ’n mens wil nie altyd ’n doemprofeet wees nie, maar dit wil net nie lyk of SARU die sake raakvat nie. Ons is nou al by twee maande sedert ons laaste wedstryd en die seisoen se sake is nog nie afgehandel Kyk ek na ander sportsoorte in die wêreld kry nie. Om professioneel op te tree is om seker te ons spelers wat die verbeelding van die wêreld wees van wat jy onder sekere omstandighede aangryp en wat ikoonstatus verwerf en vir moet doen. SARU weerspieël die teendeel. seker verdien. Ek praat hier van die Ronaldo’s, Messi’s, Federer’s en AB de Villiers’ van Met die aanstelling van Jake White het SARU die wêreld. Mense stroom stadions toe net destyds ’n baie mooi proses gevolg om by om vir hulle te sien. Daardie oomblik van die regte afrigter uit te kom. ’n Deursigtige briljantheid. My vraag vir rugby is eenvoudig. proses met professionele mense is gevolg. Wat Waar is diè soort spelers in die rugbywêreld. my die meeste opgewonde gemaak het, was Afwesig? die adviserende komitee wat die lig gesien het en wat vir Jake ’n omgewing sou geskep The question is why are they absent? In my het waar nuwe gedagtes getoets kan word en mind is it the biggest negative mark of the innoverend na afrigting gekyk kon word.’ n modern day coaches to date. They are not Dinkskrum waaruit afrigting in SA ’n reuse developers of players – they are consumers of sprong vorentoe kon maak. (Ek was een van players. There is the 19 year old Frans Steyn die lede van daardie komitee). Iets wat vandag who won a world cup for us, but could not find nog broodnodig in wêreldrugby is. a place in the first 15 on a regular basis. And there are many more of those that I can add. Needless to say that the advisory committee did not see its second meeting. This was Einstein het eens gesê dat waansin uitgebeeld probably the worst rugby decision that Oregan word wanneer mens dieselfde ding oor en Hoskins made in his whole career as president oor doen en ’n verskillende uitslag verwag! of SA Rugby. Jake White won his first triAs jy ’n ander uitslag wil bekom moet jy tog nation competition and we were sacked. Never sekerlik alles wat jy weet weggooi en nuut to be recalled. Jake managed to win the world begin dink. cup but not without controversy and he did not live to fight another day. The rest is history. My versoek aan afrigters is dit: gee asseblief die spel terug aan die spelers op die veld. Vandag sit ons nog met ’n sisteem van Julle produk op die veld vermoor die spel en aanstelling sonder enige assistensie vir die spelers vir die mense op die pawiljoen. Aan afrigter en ons is al by ons vierde afrigter die administrateurs, die volgende: hou julle by sonder sukses. As ons ’n afrigter aanstel die administrasie van die spel. Julle het genoeg gaan ons van die veronderstelling uit dat hy uitdagings daar. Kry ook vir julle ’n kundige alles van afrigting weet en word die ‘carte groep wat die afrigter en sy ondersteuningspan blanche’ vir hom gegee om te maak soos hy kan aanstel en kontroleer. As jy iemand wil. Meer en meer sogenaamde spesialiste aanstel en jy kan hom nie kontroleer nie, is die word gekoöpteer vir die afrigtingspan dat hulle kanse op sukses nul. En dan ook... kontrole naderhand so baie is dat hulle ’n bestuurder lê nie in die aantal wenne en verlore in ’n nodig het. bepaalde seisoen nie. Dìt is iets wat mens in voorgraadse studies doen. Om ’n SpringbokThis brings me back to the ability and the afrigter en sy span te evalueer en te help is ’n professionalism of the rugby administrators nagraadse aktiwiteit. Daar moet jy ongelukkig to do the job. Something that I have already weet waarvan jy praat. commentated on when the indaba was held. What else came out of that than the results Sterkte Bokke.


INGREDIENTS INGREDIENTS 1kg flour, sifted 10g 1kg 2½ tsps 10g 180g 2½ tsps 180g

dry yeast flour, sifted salt dry yeast sundried tomatoes, salt strained from sundried tomatoes, oil and finely chopped strained from oil and finely chopped

Makes 24 rolls 80g

fresh basil, finely chopped 80g fresh basil, finely 100ml Morgenster olive oil chopped 50ml red Cinzano 100ml Morgenster olive oil 500ml luke-warm mineral 50ml red Cinzano water 500ml luke-warm mineral water

Te l : ( 0 2 8 ) 3 1 2 3 7 6 7 METHOD FIREPLACES & BRAAIS METHOD Preheat the oven to 200° C. SHUTTERS & BLINDS Mix flour, yeast and salt together. Preheat the oven to 200° C. Add the sundried tomatoes and basil. Mix well. INSECT SCREENS Mix flour, yeast and salt together. Make a well in the middle. Add the olive oil and Cinzano, mix and

tomatoes basil. AAdd d d the r add e ssundried sthe : 2water. 1A M i m and othe s adough S t rMix e e twell. ,smooth. Hermanus Industria ● Email: sales@premiershutters.co.za then Knead until Make a well in the middle. Add the olive oil and Cinzano, mix and Cover with a wet cloth and leave in a warm drawer for approximately then add the water. Knead the dough until smooth. 30 minutes (the boot of a car parked in the sun works just as well). Cover with a wet cloth and leave in a warm drawer for approximately Knead again and leave in a warm place for a further 30 minutes. 30 minutes (the boot of a car parked in the sun works just as well). Divide into rolls in a muffin pan. Baste with olive oil and dust with Knead again and leave in a warm place for a further 30 minutes. poppy seeds. Bake for 15–20 minutes. Divide into rolls in a muffin pan. Baste with olive oil and dust with poppy seeds. Bake for 15–20 minutes.

Napolitana Sauce Napolitana Sauce Taken from "In Fusion" by Shane Sauvage, published by Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd in 2009

INGREDIENTS INGREDIENTS 125ml olive oil 350ml 125ml 2½ml 350ml 2½ml 6 6

onions (chopped) olive oil black pepper (coarsely onions (chopped) ground) black pepper (coarsely bay leaves ground) bay leaves

Makes 1.8 litres

Makeschopped) 1.8 litres garlic (finely peeled whole canned garlic (finely chopped) tomatoes (liquidised) peeled whole canned hot water tomatoes (liquidised) 500ml hot water

10ml 2½kg 10ml 2½kg 500ml

METHOD METHOD Add olive oil to a hot pot and sauté onions and black pepper.

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As onions start to turn al dente, add the bay leaves and Add olive oil to a hot pot and sauté onions and black pepper. garlic. As onions start to turn al dente, add the bay leaves and As onions start to brown, add the liquidised tomatoes and stir. garlic. Add hot water and bring to the boil, stirring at regular As onions start to brown, add the liquidised tomatoes and stir. intervals to make sure tomatoes do not stick to the bottom of Add hot water and bring to the boil, stirring at regular the pot. intervals to make sure tomatoes do not stick to the bottom of Boil for one hour on a medium heat, until oil settles on top of the pot. the sauce. Remove the sauce from heat. Boil for one hour on a medium heat, until oil settles on top of the sauce. Remove the sauce from heat.

189 189


17 march 2017

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he Global Golf Challenge, which will take place in Hermanus 24 – 26 February 2017, has officially launched their fund-raising campaign #Birdies2Earn. The initiative aims to generate funds to support the event’s chosen beneficiary, Learn to Earn.

The inaugural invitational charity event, is a world-first, pitting 10 professional women golfers from the Southern Hemisphere against a team of 10 from the Northern Hemisphere, in a Betterball Matchplay event that will take place at the Hermanus Golf Club next month. Players who have volunteered to’ tee-up for a hand-up’ and score as many Birdies as they can, include: Team South: Laurette Maritz (Captain, SA/Zim), Ashleigh Simon (Vice Captain, SA), Nicole Garcia (SA), Nobhule Dhlamini (Swaziland), Stacy Bergman (SA), Morgana Robebertse (South Africa) and Melissa Eaton (SA) Team North: Nora Angehrn (Captain, Switzerland), Maria Beautell (Spain), Carmen Alonso (Spain), Carri Park (South Korea), Cecile Lungren (Norway), Rachel Raastad (Norway), Alexandra Lennartson (Sweden) and Rebecca Hudson (England). To keep things simple for this international fund-raising campaign, all donors need to do is visit www.learntoearn.co.za, hover on “donate” and select “The Global Challenge” and then select from a number of options as to the amount of Birdies they believe will be made in the overall tournament. There is also the option for a straightforward donation amount. The funds will go to supporting much needed skills development for people living and working in the Cape Whale Coast region, who can apply to attend a variety of courses run by Learn to Earn (LtE), an internationally recognised social enterprise development non profit organisation. In addition to the public fund-raising campaign, sponsors supporting the Global Golf Challenge charity tournament are also contributing to job creation. “This is a very exciting but practical event,” commented spokesperson Kaz Henderson. “We wanted to create a tournament that could at once be something different for the world of professional women’s teams golf events, but at the same time, do something meaningful to change the lives of unemployed people with Learn to Earn.

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“We firmly believe that what we have delivered is a unique and truly beneficial way in which to marry sport, sponsors and addressing societal challenges, in this case unemployment. Collaboration is a worldwide trend, as is giving back. It took several years, and many iterations, but we think we’ve got it right and we can’t wait to welcome the players and spectators to one of the prettiest golf courses in South Africa in February.” One example of how this charitable tournament has already made an impact is in the advanced training of three graduates of the LtE Handyman course. The three, Mona Luntu, Akhona Gura and Phumza Magoxo, have now also qualified as installers of Tshisa Bathrooms (one of the sponsors for the Global Challenge). With their newfound abilities and confidence, they are now able to install hot water systems specifically designed for low-income dwellings. As a result, the three also have the opportunity to own their own businesses, guided by LtE and Johan Visser, founder of Tshisa Hot Water for Africa. “As SA Golf is often considered a sport for the privileged of society and serviced by underprivileged individuals known as caddies. The Global Golf Challenge is a great way of turning this perception upside down and making the underprivileged the focus while the privileged use the opportunity to give back.” Roché van Wyk, Learn to Earn Director. The organisers are calling on everyone, golfing fans or not, to ‘Tee-up for a Hand-up’ and to join them early morning over the weekend of 25 and 26 February 2017 to witness some fantastic golf by some of the world’s best women professionals, who are doing this all for good. Entrance is free for all spectators and because the Hermanus Tourism Bureau is the host for this event, no doubt there will be lots of accommodation specials to encourage people to make a weekend of it. Hope to see you there… Summing it up, Frieda Lloyd, Tourism Manager at the Cape Whale Coast commented: “The Cape Whale Coast is thrilled about the upcoming Global Golf Challenge. It is our first big event for the year and the front-runner in a season of many adventure races. This event links sport and the community as seldom seen. Not only is there a charitable advantage but the free entrance also serves as an encouragement for community participation. Truly an event with many benefits.” For more information about the Global Golf Challenge, or to book a spot in the NorthSouth Corporate Golf Derby Challenge, please see www.theglobalchallenge.co.za for contact details or mail us at quentin.globalgolfchallenge@gmail.com

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Ref No HMS 02/01



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Greenpop launches its 7th annual Platbos Reforest Fest March 10-12 (Family Weekend) and March 17-19 (Friends Weekend) In March 2017, Greenpop will be hosting their 7th annual Reforest Fest in the ancient Platbos Forest Reserve. But this isn’t just your ordinary festival! It is a chance to (re)connect with yourself, your fellow humans and with nature. Help plant thousands of trees, dance under the stars to amazing live music, learn from eco-workshops, eat delicious food and much more. Last year, Greenpop planted 8000 trees and this year they aim to plant another 8000 trees! “Platbos Reforest Fest truly is Greenpop’s mission in action: (re)connecting people with nature, and getting active for the planet, all in an ancient indigenous forest. Together, we are able to see the thriving trees we planted in previous years and get our hands dirty to add to this beautiful project. It is quite the thing to be with inspiring people doing awe-inspiring work in a place that is this awesome. We are not separate from nature. We are nature. I hope to see you there in 2017.” - Misha Teasdale, Tree-E-O of Greenpop Reforest Fest Each year, Greenpop hosts the Reforest Fest over two weekends in the beautiful Platbos Forest Reserve, 2.5 hours drive away from Cape Town in the Overberg region. There have been nearly 35,000 trees planted through the Friends and Family weekends to date. Family Weekend (March 10-12) is for parents and children to connect in nature while planting trees, enjoy great family entertainment and participate in activities for all ages. Unplug for some quality family time in the great outdoors and learn lessons about the planet. Friends Weekend (March 17-19) is for people who would like to get their hands dirty and make positive impact for the environment. As well as planting thousands of trees, fest goers will enjoy eco-talks, yoga, live music and much more. Friends Weekend activities and talks are more tailored to adults, but all ages are welcome at both festival weekends! Who is Greenpop? Greenpop is a social enterprise on a mission to (re)connect people with the planet. They plant trees through urban greening and reforestation projects, spread environmental education, and activate people through green workshops and events. More information: www.greenpop.org


Click here to visit their web page SPLASH 23

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