Splash Magazine - January 2018

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Your FREE Lifestyle magazine January 2018 Issue 93

Caledon Artist Carol Mangiagalli


M E D I A Advertising agency | Media house Overberg Branch & Head Office Editor: Peter van Schaik peter@splashmag.co.za Copy-Editors: Kathleen Botha, & Hanneke van Schaik Design: Brenda Smal


P4 P6


Peter van Schaik

Hélène Truter - Halfvol, Halfleeg, Kurkdroog? Dawie Snyman - SPLASH in the water.

Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man. - Benjamin Franklin

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Hi Splash Readers


A New Year's resolution is a tradition, most common in the Western Hemisphere but also found in the Eastern Hemisphere, in which a person resolves to change an undesired trait or behavior, to accomplish a personal goal or otherwise improve their life.

SevenPointFive Refine - The Hair and Now.


P12 Onrus P13 Sandbaai P14 Hermanus

Cover Art: Carol Mangialli

Babylonians made promises to their gods at the start of each year that they would return borrowed objects and pay their debts. The Romans began each year by making promises to the god Janus, for whom the month of January is named.

HOME P16 P18

In the Medieval era, the knights took the "peacock vow" at the end of the Christmas season each year to reaffirm their commitment to chivalry. At watchnight services, many Christians prepare for the year ahead by praying and making these resolutions.

Pam Snyman - Buying or Selling your home requires more than good luck. Francois van Rooyen - Watter kar is die beste?

This tradition has many other religious parallels. During Judaism's New Year, Rosh Hashanah, through the High Holidays and culminating in Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement), one is to reflect upon one's wrongdoings over the year and both seek and offer forgiveness. People can act similarly during the Christian liturgical season of Lent, although the motive behind this holiday is more of sacrifice than of responsibility. In fact, the Methodist practice of New Year's resolutions came, in part, from the Lenten sacrifices. The concept, regardless of creed, is to reflect upon self-improvement annually.

www.carolman.com e-mail: carol@carolman.com

Hope you achieve all your New Year's resolutions this year. Your FREE Lifestyle magazine

Your FREE Lifestyle magazine

November 2017 Issue 91

December 2017 Issue 92

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November 2017 / issue 91 December 2017 / issue 92 Previous issues of Splash available online at


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AnnaBelle Hermanus – the Overstrand's newest decor destination -

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Is die glas ...



oe voel Suid-Afrikaners oor 2017? Ek haal aan: Dit was seker nog die ergste jaar ooit. Mag ek jou herinner; ons het presies net so gevoel aan die einde van 2016 en 2015…. Gaan maar terug na 2008 (toe ESKOM die eerste keer die ligte afgesit het) Toevallig ook die jaar wat ek, Percy en Jana permanent Onrus toe getrek het. Kan jy dit glo? Dis al 10 jaar. Ek sou reken ek kan myself al offisieël as ’n local beskou. Ooops, ek is heeltemal van die punt af. Ek was besig om te praat oor hoe aaklig 2017 was. Hoe ons aand na aand in verbystering na die nuus gekyk het hoe die idiote aan die stuur lag, lieg en bedrieg soos hulle wil. En almal sê net: so kan dit nie aangaan nie. Maar dan gaan dit aan… Nee kyk, vervelig was dit beslis nie. Robert Mugabe is uiteindelik na 37 jaar onttroon. Deur sy eie mense. Niemand het ooit in hulle wildste drome verwag dit is hoe dit sal eindig nie. Daar is hoop vir ons. Ons moenie net terugsit en mekaar met kleur en geur vertel hoe die land besig is om te vergaan nie. Het jy al opgelet hoe party mense genot daaruit put om jou te vertel wat se katastrofe nou weer losgebars het. Wie nou weer in die hospitaal is… ‘O, en het jy gehoor van my arme vriendin wat gediagnoseer is met die allerwreedste…’ Verskoon tog Tannie, sharrap. Nou. Dadelik. Ek het genoeg van jou negatiwiteit gehad. Wat kastig besorgheid is. Nee wat, jy sal krepeer as dit goed gaan. So hoe gaan ons 2018 aanpak? Deur onse monde oop te maak. Nie om te kla nie. Maar eerder om die mense wat ons ingestem het, aan te vat as hulle aanjaag. Ons betaal belasting. BAIE. Dis nie goedkoop om in die paradys te leef nie. En die res van die Noorde is oppad hiernatoe. Ek was onlangs in Jhb. Die verkeer is baie minder daarbo. Waar is almal dan? Hulle sit vas op die N1, N2 en die N7. (in die Wes-Kaap) Laat ek dus solank my groot mond oopmaak: Twee voorbeelde - hier in eie geledere. Die beeldskone Sinagoge-gebou is uiteindelik op die mark. Hoe so? Ek is mos ’n storieverteller. Kom ek bedink ’n moontlike scenario: Selfs die skatryk eienaars in JHB het besef dat die Munisipaliteit nooit gaan toelaat dat iemand ’n besigheid daar bedryf nie, want dalk soek onse Munisipaliteit die plek self. Kom ons kyk wat gebeur. Sal dit nie interessant wees as hulle die gebou en grond teen ’n redelike prys aankoop nie? Ek hoop net ons Erfeniskomitee sal sterk staan, want as daardie gebou gesloop word omdat die gieriges wil geld maak is hulle net so skuldig soos die Guptas van hierdie wêreld. Nog ’n voorbeeld: Toe ons destyds die Amuletperseel begin huur het was ons elektrisiteit by die huur ingesluit. Kort daarna is munisipale pre-paid meters ingesit (wat natuurlik duurder was – hoe dan nou anders?) Onlangs moes die pre-paid meters vervang word met ander pre-paid meters. Ons betaal nie meer die munisipaliteit nie. Nie direk nie. Ons betaal skielik ’n derde party wat dan die geld aan die munisipaliteit betaal. Wat dan vir ESKOM betaal. En elke ou vat sy deel langs die pad. Daar was niks fout met die vorige meters nie. Why fix it when it’s not broken? Want iemand maak geld. Iemand melk ons. Hoe kan ek so iets sê? Want ons elektrisiteitskoste het presies verdubbel. So wie se idee was dit om met die nuwe meters op te kom? Want daar is skielik ’n middelman wat nou daai (onnodige) ekstra geld kry. Ek ruik ’n stink rot. In Tswane is miljoene aan nuwe meters bestee. En dis uiteindelik onwettig verklaar. Maar toe’s die geld reeds weg. So kom verduidelik asseblief vir my hoekom ons nou so baie moet betaal. Dis nie beter,

ander krag nie… Daar is nou net ’n vet gat waar die ou meter uitgehaal is en dit staan soos ’n seer vinger uit in my mooie winkel. En ons moet elke tweede dag oorhardloop na Abie toe om nog krag te gaan koop. Want daai meter vreet geld soos ’n Transnet-pensioenfonds. Krag en Parkeergelde gaan nog die klein winkeltjies in die middedorp kelder. En binnekort lyk ons soos Caledon se middedorp. Soveel mooi geboue, maar verwaarloos en vervalle. Dis hartseer. Die gevolg van amptenare sonder visie. Gierigheid sonder gewete. Daar is glo geld begroot om Hermanus se middedorp te verbeter. Vir jare hoor ons van planne van strate wat toegemaak gaan word sodat almal met gemak in die straatjies kan rondloop en die unieke sjarme van Hermanus se winkeltjies kan ervaar… Ek is nou al 10 jaar hier… Niks het nog gebeur nie. My winkel is al klaar baie sjarmant meneer die stadsbeplanner, ek het intussen maar self my swaarverdiende geldjies op die mooimaak gespandeer. Jy kan gerus kom inval vir ’n koffie… As jy nie sal omgee om te wag dat ek eers gou die elektrisiteit gaan optop nie. Oukei, ek het nou genoeg gemoan oor my spesifieke pyn met die owerhede. Mense wat my ken weet hoe lief ek vir Hermanus en Amulet is. Net nou die dag was daar ’n oorsese vrou in die winkel wat onomwonde verklaar het dat

Hélène Truter Amulet die mooiste winkel in die wêreld is. And I’ve been all over the world, voeg sy toe by. Sjoe dankie Mevrou, so iets maak my dag. Veral aangesien my selfoon nou die dag uit die einste mooiste winkel gesteel is. So vat jy maar die soet met die suur. En ek reken dis hoe ons 2018 moet aandurf. Babysteps sê hulle. Geniet die positiewe, wees filosofies oor die negatiewe… of plaas dit ten minste in perspektief. Soos byvoorbeeld… Ons weet almal van die klagtes oor aanvalle op die kuspaadjie. En net nou die dag toe ek by my winkelvenster uitkyk, sien ek polisiebeamptes op perde… Oppad om die kuspaadjie te gaan patroleer. Jippieee! Hulle het geluister. Vandag lees ek op ons plaaslike Facebook Page hoe die tannies kla oor die kilogramme perde-poef wat nou die stappers se pad gaan versper. Regtig?! So eerder ’n mes teen die keel as ’n bol bemesting (dis tog net gras, nie waar nie?) op die staproete. Laat ek eerder swyg en aanbeweeg… Soos altyd is jy welkom in die mooiste winkel in die wêreld. Gratis ingang en inspirasie. En soos altyd plaas ek foto’s van mooi goeters. Want mooi bly mooi maak nie saak watter tyd van die jaar dit is of waar jy woon nie. Kom ons maak 2018 daai ongelooflike wonderlike jaar waarna ons in 2019 gaan terugkyk en sê: Wow dit was die beste jaar ooit… Perdemis of te not. My beker loop oor.




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Splash in the Water I was not going to write an article because it is Christmas and we need a break and we need to get some good news about rugby sometimes… My main objective with the articles that I write is not to criticise the regime, but to bring some different perspectives to the normal everyday run of the mill commentary on the current situation in SA Rugby. So maak ek “Die Burger” van die 21ste Desember oop op die agterste bladsy om te ontspan terwyl ek lees en na die branders luister. Onmiddellik moet ek duik vir my bloeddruk pille aan die hand van die sportredaksie. “So kan dit nie aangaan — Jurie” Ook die rasseherrie waarin my vriend Gerald homself bevind. Ek ken die man vir jare deur middel van ’n uitstekende samewerkings program oor ’n periode van drie jaar in uiters moeilike omstandighede — sonder ’n enkele skewe woord na een kant toe, maar ek sal dalk later oor die aangeleentheid iets te sê hê as ek my van die feite vergewis het. Tog ontstellend om te lees in die tyd waarin ons leef (en behoort te laat leef). In die artikel waarna verwys word in “Rugby World” word ’n direkte lyn tussen die nie-prestasies van die vorige twee jaar van die Springbok span en die uit-tog van SA spelers na die buiteland getrek. Volgens die artikel het SARU op die 1ste Julie 2017 dit probeer stopsit. Nou is my perspektief vraag: “Vir die eerste keer in die professionele (geld gedrewe-inkomste-generende) era van die individuele rugbyspeler waar RUGBY sedert 1995 in ’n professionele sport verander het en ons internasionaal kompeteer op alle vlakke? Waar is die perspektief dan? It is not and I repeat, it is not that I mean that administrators should not be worried about certain trends in the individual player’s global needs and opportunities. Soccer has given us various examples of how it can be done. True, a direct line cannot be drawn between Rugby Football and Soccer, but we must find different solutions for the same problem. Exporting SA Rugby and the Springbok is part of the job and marketing of the brand. The financial opportunity exists on a global field, but is also part of the thread in losing your biggest asset of production in the process. In this respect it is a global phenomenon for all the participating countries in the business. Oor al die bogenoemde perspektiewe kan daar doktorsgrade geskryf word en dit kan ’n baie interessante studieveld uit verskillende hoeke ontsluit. Iets vir die akademici om te oorweeg. Tog is dit belangrik dat die administrateurs kreatiewe maniere moet vind om hul besigheid te bedryf. Heelwat artikels kan hieruit voortvloei.

lyne trek nie, maar let ’n bietjie op in die klas asb. Niks moet en hoef verabsoluteer te word nie. RUGBY moet sy eie lêplek hiervoor vind en ook wat dit betref moet die Suidelike Halfrond saamdink. Wat op die tafel moet kom, is wat vir SA Rugby werk. ’n Laaste perspektief hieroor is dat geld nie die bepalende faktor in die besluit behoort te wees nie. Geld per se is nie die wonder staf wat geswaai moet word nie. SA het genoeg voorbeelde wat tot ons spreek (lees maar elke dag in die koerante oor grootskaalse besighede wat nou baie swaar trek…)

Dawie Snyman

In ons eiendoms besigheid het ek en my vrou juis hierdie beginsel van ’n eg Suid-Afrikaanse model, wat eie in sy soort is daar gestel — wat vir ons agente geleenthede skep om suksesvol te wees. 2. Secondly, and more importantly, is the product that we have. It is the game on the field. This is a product generated from an individual in combination with a fellow player (two players) leading to a section (more than two players) and into unit skills. The pack of forwards needs to play for possession and backline players play with that possession. Interplay and combination play between forwards and backs is a result thereof and it can never be different as this is the essence of rugby. Nowhere in the media have I seen that the game has been dissected as per the above, from the individual play making a contribution to the combination of partners around him for the benefit of someone next to him who is in a better position for effective play to follow. Creating opportunities for the Springboks and to the disadvantage of the opposition. Ter afsluiting, sal die optimale resultaat vir die SA Rugby-horison geleë wees in die effektiewe integrasie tussen 1 en 2 soos hierbo verduidelik. Sal ons dit alles 100% reg kan posisioneer? Dis die volgende vraag. Dit is waarvoor ons onsself moet beywer sonder om van die fundamentele beginsels daarvan af te wyk. ’n Baie voorspoedige rugby Nuwejaar word u toegebid.

Tog is dit nie my grootste bekommernis nie. Ek het net twee groot vrae: 1. Ek trek ʼn direkte lyn tussen die gebrek aan toeskouers in ons stadions en die oortollige (Super 18 reeks en nou, Europese kompetisies wat vanjaar vir die eerste keer gespeel word en wat nou verder vergroot gaan word) buitelandse kompetisies waarin ons provinsiale spanne speel. Die rede hoekom ek dit doen is omdat ’n soortgelyke tendens homself manifesteer in veral Nieu Seeland. ’n Verdere rede hiervoor is dat daar sporte in Australië en Amerika is wat floreer wat toeskouers betref (kliënte van die spel) met die sportsoorte wat nét in hierdie lande gespeel word en dus geen internasionale blootstelling het nie. Ook wat dìt betref wil ek nie direkte

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What your blood could be telling you about your health Fatigue, stress, digestive issues… We all experience health concerns in our daily lives but how do we know what our body really needs from one day to the next? In an age where we are bombarded with conflicting messages about what we should and should not be consuming, perhaps it’s time to invest some of that energy in ourselves.


Sevenpointfive provides live blood analyses for customers with specific health concerns or looking to improve their general health. Seventpointfive’s aim is to get your body to its ideal pH level, a slightly alkaline 7.5, as only then, can you start to feel stronger and be functioning optimally.

Our Founder, Garth Kent’s, powerful story Sevenpointfive was started by Garth Kent, who after suffering for 8 years with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), found a way to Cleanse, Nourish and Balance his body to overcome this incurable disease. The Lupus was misdiagnosed for 3 years while Garth suffered from debilitating headaches that made him unable to work. The headaches would be so bad, Garth’s entire body would spasm and a morphine injection would be the only way to get it under control. The cortisone prescribed to treat the Lupus damaged his joints so badly, he was unable to walk or even wash himself. He had to use an electric wheelchair to get around. Garth tried every option available at the time, from conventional medicine to alternative therapies to accupuncture, traveling around the world to try and find a cure for his lupus. After learning about the importance of pH and a balanced body, he began using natural products to achieve a balanced pH of 7.5. He has been free of morphine, valium and schedule 5 painkillers since 1998, and the “incurable” SLE no longer ravages his body. He has since been helping people around the world achieve this balance too. He now trains others to use Live Blood Analysis to help them help them identify imbalances and monitor their progress. This system is unique in that it blends science and nature, using modern technology to pinpoint the body’s imbalances, and then using natural supplements and lifestyle changes to allow the body to eliminate the cause of the problem.

Why Sevenpointfive Hermanus? Ferdi Appelgryn decided to open the Sevenpointfive franchise in Hermanus because of the amazing success he had in his own life. Ferdi is a Life Coach by profession with extensive training in NLP, Hypnosis, Timeline Therapy and many other Life Coaching modalities. Like many others, his introduction to Sevenpointfive was with such an amazing personal testimonial from one of his coaching clients that he made the appointment to see the Sevenpointfive consultant that same week. The results of his live blood analysis were a real eye opener and he was given a simple process to follow to cleanse, balance and nourish his body. The results were dramatic and over time he has stopped using the ADHD medication completely. He has used the products for some years and has also seen amazing results when he recommended to friends and family. His strong belief in the power of Sevenpointfive products inspired him to undergo the training and help others in the Hermanus area achieve the same goal.

What is Live Blood Analysis? What exactly is involved in a Live Blood Analysis? Live Blood Analysis was pioneered by Sevenpointfive in South Africa since 1997. Live blood analysis allows one to get an instant snapshot into the functioning of your body. The Live Blood Analysis involves a pin prick of blood taken from your finger and placed on a microscope. We then have a look for imbalances, deficiencies and problems in your body. Unique to Sevenpointfive, is the before and after process we follow to ensure or recommended course of action is working. We are in the Hemel & Aarde Village - come and see for yourself. We work primarily by appointment so email us on Hermanus@sevenpointfive.co.za or call Ferdi on 082 928 1965 to book a consultation. SPLASH 8

Get that healthier glow with the Tan-Can

Do Indoor Tanning Lotions Work and why should I use them? The answers are in our 3 favourite words...... DEEPER – DARKER – LONGER-LASTING TAN Here are the facts: • Moist skin tans faster • Dry skin reflects UV light • Lotions add and then seal moisture into our skin

Whether it’s an all-year-tan, a pre-holiday boost, vitamin-D boost or you simply just want to look good for that special occasion...... Tanning has never been more accessible. You will notice the difference in just minutes.

Accelerators contain vitamins and botanicals which in turn help absorb UV light to not only speed up the process but help lengthen your

Book your session TODAY! Contact Cass @ Proactive Fitness Tel: 028 313 2074 Mussel St, Mussel Centre Hermanus Industria

Why should I wear goggles? Because the eylid is thin, UV light can cause damage to your retina and cornea. That’s why goggles while tanning is a must! Simply closing your eyes or wearing everyday sunglasses is not enough protection. How Long Should I stand in the Tan-Can? Very Sensitive/Fair: Sensitive: Normal: Resistant/Olive:

Price List Single Sessions


Buy 10 sessions and get 1 FREE Session


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7 – 8 mins 8 – 10 mins 10 mins

Please Note: It is compulsory for you to wear goggles when you are tanning!


Hermanus CBD Remains 96FM Fatigue, stress, digestive issues… We all experience health concerns in our daily lives but how do we know what our body really needs from one day to the next? In an age where we are bombarded with conflicting messages about what we should and should not be consuming, perhaps it’s time to invest some of that energy in ourselves. We are dedicated to finding the root of why you feel the way you feel, and helping you treat it. Sevenpointfive works with your bodies inherent systems to get your body to it’s ideal pH 7.5, which is slightly alkaline.


HOW? First, we use Live Blood Analysis to see exactly what is happening in your body right now.

Second, we see which supplements you need and give you personalised dosages. Third, we teach you how to make your own good lifestyle choices.

WHERE? Sevenpointfive Hermanus Unit 5/1 (A) Hemel & Aarde Village Hermanus Ferdi Appelgryn



sevenpointfive SPLASH 9

THE HAIR AND NOW! Hair loss is a common disorder which plagues most people at some stage of their lives. The key to treating hair loss is understanding the causes, treating those which can be treated, and being patient in enjoying the results of treatment.

Follow us on:

Refine Anti-Ageing Clinic and


Tel: 028 316 1532 / Email: info@refine.co.za / www.refineclinic.co.za / Hemel & Aarde Craft Village, Hermanus, 7200

TREATMENTS AVAILABLE AT REFINE Generalised Hair Thinning: Hair thinning over the whole scalp can be treated with scalp stimulation techniques. The doctor will numb the scalp and place small amounts of hair stimulating serum into the scalp. Two weeks later the same painless procedure will be done using the platelets from your own blood. Platelets contain growth factors and all the goodness needed to stimulate hair growth. This two-part procedure is repeated. So, 4 treatment sessions two weeks apart. This can be repeated yearly. Androgenetic Hair Loss: This pattern of hair loss is focal. It either occurs in the frontal area of the head or in a patch on the crown. It is typical male pattern balding. This hair loss can be treated as above or alternatively with Biofibre Hair Implants. Biofibre Hair Implants, a revolutionary technique developed in Italy; uses artificial hair, which is implanted into the scalp. The results are phenomenal and the Biofibre hair cannot be distinguished from your own hair. This treatment is not done if lots of styling or colouring is used.

CAUSES OF HAIR LOSS The causes of hair loss are many. Something as simple as a Vitamin B deficiency or vitamin A excess can cause hair loss. Medications which cause hair loss include methotrexate (for Rheumatoid Arthritis), certain anti-depressants, Lithium, beta blockers for heart disease and blood thinners. Long term use of anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen may also be an overlooked factor. Athletes who abuse anabolic steroids will also suffer from hair thinning. Hormonal causes include aging and testosterone in men and women, stopping a contraceptive pill, polycystic ovarian syndrome and pregnancy. When male receptors on the scalp become overactivated, the hair follicles shrivel, and hair thins. This is called Telogen Effluviam. Relatively common diseases as simple as anaemia (lack of iron in the red blood cells) or low thyroid activity also may cause temporary hair loss. Emotional stress, protein malnourishment which can also occur in eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia will cause hair loss. Chemotherapy is an obvious cause. Alopecia Areata(balding in patches) is an auto immune disease, where the hair falls out in patches, regrows and falls out in another area. We often forget to mention to patients that overstyling such as wearing very tight braids or over colouring the hair can also cause hair to fall out. And lastly trichotillomania, a condition where a patient with a psychiatric condition pulls at and pull out their hair, literally.

PHASES OF HAIR GROWTH Our hair goes through three phases. Growth(Anagen), Intermediate(Catagen); Resting and Shedding(Telogen) 1





The anagen stage is the growing period of a hair follicle. This stage typically lasts about 3 to 5 years.

The catagen stage is the intermediate period of hair growth. Hair follicles prepare themselves for the resting phase. It lasts around 1-2 weeks. During this phase, the deeper portions of the hair follicles start to collapse.


The telogen stage is the resting and shedding period of the hair cycle. It usually lasts 3 to 4 months. At the end of this period, older hairs that have finished their life will fall out and newer hairs will begin to grow

Add on, complementary treatment: Depending on the patient’s budget, we can also add other treatments known to stimulate hair growth. Carboxytherapy, is a method by which CO² gas is blown into the scalp thus stimulating blood flow and growth factors to the affected area. This process effectively breaths new life into the follicle, which stimulates growth. Carboxytherapy is a completely natural treatment against hair loss. Microneedling: with dermarolling or dermapen is used to create microchannels in the skin. These microchannels can be used either to stimulate hair growth or to infuse stimulating serums into the scalp. These would be done in the clinic by the therapist as deeper rollers are used. Studies show that microneedling with a roller shows a significant increase in hair response when measured over a 12-week period. Complementary Hair Products: Doctor will most likely prescribe a hair loss foam which contains minoxidil. This will stimulate hair growth. Salon products such as Pelobaum are clinically proven to work and have scientific studies to back this up. Pelobaum stimulates hair growth by feeding and protecting the hair root.

OTHER TREATMENTS AT SPECIALISED HAIR CLINICS: I’m sure most people have heard of hair transplants by now. Hair clinics will take the graft from the back of the scalp or an area where hair and skin removal won’t be noticed. They then transplant the hair with its follicle into the area of need. As you can imagine this is a tedious process, as each hair is transplanted individually. To give you an idea up to 5000 hairs are transplanted a time, depending on the area of hair loss. Hair transplants take a full day and are done in a small theatre in the Hair Clinic’s rooms. If you are not sure of what your hair replacement needs are, please feel free to contact our clinic for a hair consultation with our Doctor. The consultation involves a thorough medical history, bloods tests if necessary and advice as to what the best treatment plan would be.

Written by Dr Michelle Emett Medical Aesthetics Hermanus, in collaboration with Refine Clinic.

Tel: 0283164122 / Email: info@emettmed.co.za www.emettmed.co.za

■ L a s e r S k i n R e j u v e n a t i o n ■ C h e m i c a l P e e l s ■ L a s e r Ve i n / H a i r R e m o v a l ■ B o t o x ™ ■ Dermal Fillers ■ Sclerotherapy ■ Diathermy ■ Permanent Make-up ■ Carboxytherapy SPLASH 10




Blush Procedure LASHLip CURL & LIFT Done with your own lashes, only takes an hour and lasts up to 8weeks.



Microblading Eyebrows and Eyeliner



Available at

!"#$$"%&'"($)#$$*% +$'",$#'(-$#../%0,#($"1%2",)#$"$'%3#4"56% 0"78$(7(#$ Leanne Steinmann, Internationally Trained Permanent Makeup Technician 9"..:%;<=%>?<%@?A?%B%C)#(.:% ."#$$"D'"($)#$$E/#8--F7-) Cell: 073 147 6494 / Email: leannesteinmann@yahoo.com GGGF6",)#$"$')#4"56H/."#$$"F7-) B%IJ:%2",)#$"$'%3#4"56%J/%!"#$$"%&'"($)#$$ www.permanentmakeupbyleanne.com / FB: Permanent Makeup By Leanne Steinmann K22L+M03CM0&:%28-$"% NO"P($"Q:%;RS%=>@%>T=R APPOINTMENTS: Phone “Refine”: 028 316 1532

Liz Huysamen

Lizzie’ s Jewels

17 A Royal Centre, Hermanus. Tel: 028 312 4074 Cell: 082 896 5261 wlhuysamen@lantic.net

Situated in the heart of the CBD, Lizzie’s Jewels offers a variety of silver and gold/tanzanite jewellery. Liz Huysamen, born and bred in Hermanus, is the face of this store and prides herself in delivering excellent quality and service to clients whether they are local or visiting. It’s always a pleasure to welcome folk who are wanting to get engaged or have rings/jewellery re-designed. The success of this business has been built on three words: Less is more - by never over charging clients, Liz has managed to build up a reputation for her honesty and integrity when working with her clients. She is supported by her team of mature, efficient ladies who treat all clients, regardless of how much they are spending, with respect.

December’s birthstone Tanzanite


Sandbaai in

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Onrus Beach


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De Wet Hall





De Vil







Onrus Caravan Park


Onrus Rivier






Haarder Baai

Framery the



Cup n Cake offers daily freshly baked pastries, cakes and individual deserts, tasty blended coffee and other quality sweet treats.

36 Main Road Onrus

All types of picture framing done. Professional, friendly service.

For orders please phone 074 316 0422 or email

Affordable prices.

Marlene Oberholzer ● Tel: 028 316 1374 Cell: 083 391 3918 ● coberholzer@telkomsa.net

follow us on Facebook CnCake@outlook.com www.facebook.com/cupncakesa/



Hennie Niemann Snr artworks Malmok Crescent 5, Vermont

Nadia Kleyn for enquiries: 061 489 9424 Monday to Friday 9h00 – 18h00 Weekends 10h00 – 18h00

niemannsnrgallery@gmail.com www.niemannsnrgallery.com

Vermon t

Contemporary Art Gallery

3 Indigo Avenue Vermont


Tasty Calamari Fish and CHIPS Salads Toasties Gourmet Lamb and Beef Burgers Best Russian and chips in Town And much much more. . .

Optimum centre - Onrus

Bring your own wine. We have wine glasses! Telephone orders welcome!



079 371 6523 By appointment only http://vermontcontemporary.weebly.com Large abstract art for homes with contemporary interiors

072 239 6406


Village Square • Waterfront Piazza • Marine Drive • Hermanus Open 7 days a week • www.fusioncafe-hermanus.co.za




NOW AT THE CRAFT HUB Hemel & Aarde Village


15 Village Road, Hemel & Aarde Village Next to Hermanuspietersfontein, Hermanus 028 050 0589 hermanus@woodenways.co.za


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Awesome food Gifts

Hemel and Aarde Village y - Saturday 11h30 - Late • Sunday 11h30 - 15h00 Sandbaai

• H e rm anContact: u s Tel : 028 316 2 34 8 028-316


Preserves Homemade biscuits Play area for children

Hemel & Aarde Village

Pet friendly Fully licenced

Cocktails & Shooters Fully Licensed


ay 11H30 - Late

6 8098 anus

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Hemel en Aarde Village 028 316 2856 082 445 2762





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CK Sushi


Asia Restaurant & Take Away 084 466 2388

Chinese & Asian Cuisine Fully licensed

to Avis at Engin Centre, Sandbaai, Hermanus

to 3 s R4 nu o rma He

10:30am - 9:30pm Closed Mondays

Address: Next


Freshly made SUSHI Buy one get one FREE












Hoy's koppie




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Gearing's Point

Old Harbour



Tel: 028 313 1685


Functions - Seafood Fusion- Steaks Cuisine Game - Vegetarian We serve Abalone Weddings - Salads - Desserts Lunch & Dinner Shop no4, Ocean View ,87 Marine drive, Village Square, Hermanus (Old Mediterea Restaurant)



Local Favourite Since 1985

10 High Street,Hermanus (028) 312 2848



OPEN everyday 11am till late

0283124377 ● Village Square, Marine Drive ● 08h00-21h00 ●

LaPentolaLISTING- AD.indd 1

Tel: 028 313 1685: Shop no4, Ocean View ,87 Marine drive, Village, Square, Hermanus (Old Mediterea Restaurant)


2014/04/30 64:39 PM

We offer freshly sliced


Van Blommestein Sw butchery - slaghuis 32 ar 10 tda vanblommestein2@gmail.com 3 1 mR 28 3 oad, Industria, Hermanus, 0

Your local CHEESE and CHARCUTERIE Shop 8

Blommenstein.indd 1

2014/09/24 9:37 PM

Oasis Water Hermanus

91.4FM 23 Mimosa street | Hermanus Tel: 028 312 3590 | hermanus@oasiswater.co.za www.oasiswater.co.za

in Hermanus MAIN RD Crn LONG STR

We offer freshly sliced products Your local CHEESE and CHARCUTERIE Shop in Hermanus MAIN RD Crn LONG STR

We offer freshly sliced products

Hermanus CBD Remains 96FM


Join us for a musical trip back in time as we revisit beloved movies with music and dance.

Have your daily affair with Italian coffee, cured meat, cheese and hand made pasta.

You’ll find “It’s a Deli affair” on 125 Main Road/ Crn. Loop Street. We are open early until after hours from Tuesdays to Sundays. If you are passionate about “Dolce Vita” good life), come in and enjoy your glass of Prosecco or selected South African and Time: 18:30 for(the 19:00 Italian wines as well as German beers. Have your Antipasti Platter with it and end your little journey with fine spirits

Contact: 072 141 2375


10 10

Venue: Hennie Mentz and Hall a strong Italian espresso. Hermanus We slice cured meat Curro and cheese for you, prepare Paninis for take away and are always open for a nice little chat. 1 Curro Road We are in partnership with Don Gelato and La Trattoria in Stanford who also purchases our products and it’s where we get our fresh pasta and cakes from.Sandbaai La Trattoria also offers a shuttle service from “It’s a Deli affair” to the Restaurant and back, so you can enjoy a great bottle of wine and get back home safely.

Dates: 13 – 15 September 2017

MATINÉE Wednesday, 13 September 2017, 11:00 R20 per person Wednesday, 13 September 2017, 19:00 R80 per person 11

GALA EVENING Samples from our menu include: Friday, 15 September 2017, Classic Antipasti Platter: Parma Ham19:00 / Salami / Mortadella / Mozzarella / Grana Padano / Fontina / Tomatoes / dried Olives / Peppers / Balsamic Glaze / Pesto / Bread R120 per person

The ART SHOP Hermanus

Opening hours: Monday - Sunday 11:00am - late Address: Marine Drive | Section 2 Godfrey Cottages, Village Square, Hermanus Tel: +(27)28 3131224

Leberkäs’ Bun: Roll / Leberkäs’ / Sauerkraut / German Mustard

Tel: 028 312 3901

Oasis Water Hermanus Tickets available at: Curro admin office 23 Mimosa street | Hermanus E: hermanus.admin@curro.co.za | T: 028-316 4911 Danish Pastry – Praliné Profiterole – Appelstrudel


• Art supplies • Paper & Board • GraphicMaterials

Thursday, 14 September 2017, 19:00 R80 per person

Tel: 028 312 3590 | hermanus@oasiswater.co.za www.oasiswater.co.za

If you are looking for a place to host a small intimate function for up to 14 people ... come in and have a look at our facilities. Contact: Doris 072 205 7617 | Ronald 072 141 2375 | Lionello 081 805 7470

13 Mitchell Street• Hermanus SPLASH 15 SPLASH 13

Buying Or Selling Your Home Requires More Than Good Luck It Requires a Strategic Plan Have you ever thought of the buying or selling of a property as a strategic process? Do you understand what is going to happen before you achieve your goal of satisfactorily selling your property or purchasing exactly the right home that satisfies both your needs ands wants? Have you thought strategically at all or are you just going to try your luck and see what happens?

Strategic Thinking

Purchasing or selling a property is WAY too important an occurance to just rely on luck…You need to strategise in order to accomplish your goals and reach your desired outcomes! Now, just exactly how do we do that? Strategic thinking presupposes that you consider what you want to accomplish, why you need to accomplish this as well as how to and who is needed to accomplish these outcomes. The ‘what’ and ‘why’ are your personal preferences when it comes to buying or selling a property, but the ‘how to’ and ‘who is needed’ makes up your strategic plan. Thinking strategically about these two aspects ensures that you have a vision of the methodology in order to achieve your desired outcomes. Your strategic plan in order to achieve these outcomes requires control over the process, i.e. what has to be done, by when and by whom as well as constant feedback and evaluation.

Strategic Thinking Skills

According to Ruth Mott in her book “Strategic Thinking and how do I get it?” she lists skills that are required for effective strategic thinking. Some pertinent to our needs are: • Ability to see the big picture • Ability to ask the right questions • Ability to outline the necessary steps to achieve the goal • Ability to develop strategic alliances and bring the right people together • Ability to change direction When one studies these necessary skills it is relatively easy to adapt them to make up our own strategic plan for buying or selling a property. It is also easy to see why such a plan is an absolute necessity when embarking on a goal as important as either of these…and in most cases, the one (a sale) leads to the other (a purchase), or a purchase can lead to a conditional sale.

Pam Snyman

Seeing the bigger picture and asking the right questions includes the ‘why’ do I need to buy/sell my property now and the ‘what’ I need to buy/sell. In order to answer the ‘how to’ and the ‘who is needed’ requires a well thought-out and meticulously prepared strategic plan. The ability to change direction is also a critical requirement, as it may become clear during the execution of your plan that something that you thought was going to cause the plan to succeed is in actual fact frustrating the process, you need the necessary flexibility to change direction…and fast. Outlining the necessary steps to achieve your goal, developing strategic alliances by bringing the right people together are the next steps to your strategic selling or purchasing plan.

Your Strategic Selling/Buying Plan

None of us can predict the future, but we can plan for it as best we can. Start by writing down the goals/outcomes (the bigger picture) that you need to achieve by asking the right questions: • Why are we selling/buying? • By when do I need to give/take transfer? • What am I prepared to sell for (remember a property only has one price…the amount a willing, able and informed buyer is prepared to pay a serious seller) or how much can I afford to pay for the correct property (things like an available deposit, bond amount you qualify for, Transfer Duty and other purchase costs to be considered)? • What are my family’s needs and wants in respect of a sale/ purchase? Outline the steps that need to take place in order to achieve your goal – meaning that you need to make a list of the strategic thinking skills in order to create your strategic plan: • Develop strategic alliances with companies and or people

that you need to participate in the process to achieve your goal, like trustworthy estate agencies that operate in the area, your attorney, bank, mortgage originators if purchasing and compliance professionals if selling etc. In other words, you have to line up the right people that you are comfortable with. These must be the kind of companies/people that are competent and that you can trust to assist you in achieving this extremely important outcome. • Change direction if necessary in the event that some part of your plan does not meet your expectations.

Start at the end and work back

• Begin at the end, that is, state your end goal, e.g. selling my house in 6 months for at least R….. • Work backwards and write down the outcomes in order to create a timeline • List the tasks/expected progress in order to ensure your end goal • Identify the people that need to perform at each stage to accomplish the eventual outcome • Establish how and when you will be informed/updated by means of feedback in order to track progress • Change direction if necessary Now you can become part of the solution towards selling your property at the right price or purchasing exactly what you need and want! Don’t rely on luck… make a plan! For further information, kindly contact Pam at 082 8000 867, or any of our REDZetc agents in the area.


We have moved!

Address: Unit 3, Whale Park, Adam Street, Hermanus Business Park ● Email: sales@premiershutters.co.za SPLASH 16



Watter kar is die beste? A Isuzu MU-X – No 1 in Australië

Pajero Sport – No 2 in Australië

s kinders het ons groot geword in die era van Valiant, Holden/ Chev en Ford. Dit was ’n geveg om topverkoper te wees. Ons het baie gestry oor welke kar die beste is. Die een se pa was ’n Chev man. ’n Ander se pa ’n Ford man. Die ander een se pa kon ’n Merc bekostig. Een se pa het ’n Chrysler 383, ten spyte daarvan dat plaas diesel taboe was. Onthou jul nog die onbreekbare Peugeot 404? Uiteraard het van ons geredeneer dat die topverkoper die beste was. Die meeste kopers kan tog nie dom wees nie. As jy koop, koop jy die beste. Die drie Amerikaners teen mekaar. Toe kom die Japannese, daarna die Koreane en nou die Chinese. CAR was die enigste motortydskrif. Hul woord was wet. Die toetse is gelees en daar is verder gestry. Motor van die jaar toekennings het nog nie bestaan nie – nie dat hul altyd ‘reg’ is nie, veral hier te lande. (Die definisie van ’n motor-joernalis – gaan dit primêr oor die motor of die joernalis? Ek skat party van hulle is te veel joernalis en te min motor...dit daar gelaat).

Fortuner – agteros in Australië

Chevrolet Kommando

Valiant Regal SPLASH 18

Vir ons as kinders was die beste verkoper, die beste. Geld dit nie dalk vandag nog steeds vir Jan Publiek wanneer hy ’n nuwe ryding koop nie? 3500 kopers van Toyota bakkies en Fortuners in een maand kan tog nie verkeerd wees nie. Geld praat, het die ou mense gesê. Toyota en Ford dra die bakkie en regte-4x4 SUV kroon. Basta met die res, of nie? ’n Ander benadering egter is ’n vergelykende toets, soos gedoen deur Wegry tydskrif ’n paar maande gelede. Die onteenseglike wenner was die VW Amarok V6. Ten volle ingevoer. Teen R 720,000, hopeloos te duur om ’n topverkoper te wees. As dit by verby-steek versnelling kom, was die nuwe Pajero Sport met ’n ‘kleine’ 2.4L enjin, die beste. Dit getuig van korrekte ratverhoudings. Dit tel egter skynbaar nie vir beter verkope nie. Slegs 33 eenhede is verlede maand verkoop. Die agt-spoed outomatiese ratkas is seepglad en perfek met die enjin se wringkrag-kurwe gekombineer. Hoe gelyk is die speelveld? Sekere plaaslik vervaardigde fabrikate het groot prys en grootte van produk-reeks voordele. Ingevoerde handelsmerke sny hul pryse en dus marges om kompeterend te probeer wees, maar boet in die proses broodnodige bemarkingsfondse in.

Francois van Rooyen

In Australië, ’n land met soortgelyke klimaat en landskap aan ons, is daar geen plaaslike vervaardiging nie. Die laaste twee vervaardigers van sedans en ’n sport bakkie het hul deure gesluit. Wat gebeur daar? In Oktober 2017 was die Hyundai i30 die topverkoper, gevolg deur die Hilux. Die tweede beste bakkie verkoper was die Isuzu. Onder 4x4 SUVs was nommer 1 ’n voertuig wat ons nie ken nie – die Isuzu MU-X, baseer op ’n dubbelkajuit. Tweede was die nuwe (by ons) Pajero Sport en die Everest derde. Die Chev Trailblazer was die tweede swakste verkoper, en laaste die Fortuner. Vraag – hoe kan een voertuig waarvan byna ’n 1000 eenhede per maand in een land verkoop word , in ’n ander land die swakste verkoper wees? By ons, in hierdie klas is die volgorde Fortuner, Everest, en dan gevolg deur die res in onbeduidende getalle. Waar lê die geheim? Dalk by “Allesloop-altyd-reg” Toyota en “Ford Tough”. Dalk is die sleutel slim bemarking en ’n half-onuitputlike bron van fondse wat dit moontlik maak. As jy die heeltyd iets wysgemaak word, is dit op die ou end dalk waar. ‘Fake news’ oor en oor word waar. Groep-diere of groef-diere? Onlangs het ek twee ouer model Chevs bestuur. ’n 2012 Sonic 1.4L en ’n 2014 Captiva 2.2L diesel. Beide voertuie het my totaal verbaas. Die ritgehalte en algemene padgevoel was uitstekend vir voertuie wat reeds 105,000 km plus op die klok het. Uiters stewig gebou, ten spyte of dalk as gevolg van hul oorsprong in Korea? Geen irriterende bakgeraas is opgemerk nie. Met jou volgende aankoop, gaan beproef rygoed wat so ’n bietjie ‘anders’ is. Jy sal dalk ook verbaas wees. Waarom noodwendig ’n premie betaal om met dieselfde ryding as die helfte van die dorp se mense te ry! Wees ’n slag waaghalsig. Maak dit die jaar van uitdagend wees. Breek weg uit die groef.

Voorspoedige 2018 aan almal. www.the4x4guy.co.za Somerset West 082 571 6568

Visit our showroom at the Mink Business Park, Cnr Mimosa & Aluminium Awnings Steenbras Street, and Canopies Hermanus Industria. Free Quotes • Tel: (028) 312 3214 Cell: 082 654 8589

Décor Shutters and Blinds

Canvas Canopies and Awnings


R3 250 000


Ref No HMS 01/01


3 bedroom, 2 bathroom family or holiday home. Estate has a clubhouse, tennis and squash courts, a fully equipped gym, sauna and steam rooms, pool, and walking trails.

Furnished, ground floor apartment in the back row of the complex. 2 beds, 1 bathroom. Excellent leisure facilities. 3 km from the Hermanus CBD. 24 hour security.

ALTA BESTER 076 837 7571



www.coastlineflooring.co.za eurika@coastlineflooring.co.za

Ref No HMS 01/03

FROM R350 000

PETER GREYLING 082 928 3321

R2 620 000 Wall to Wall Carpeting • Solid Bamboo Flooring • Vinyl Flooring Laminated Flooring • Underfloor Heating • Natural Flooring • Blinds

Ref No HMS 01/02


Ref No HMS 01/04



Large family home which could easily be split into two with a main house and a large flat with a separate entrance. 5 bedrooms, 3 baths. Splash pool and entertainment area.

Various vacant stands from 927 M2 for R350 000 to 1533 M2 for R480 000. Fisherhaven is a rural suburb next to the Bot River lagoon and about 15 km from Hermanus.

STEPHEN PENNY 083 229 9291

CINDY ROWE 079 453 1696




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