Splash Magazine - January 2019

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Your FREE Lifestyle Magazine January 2019 Issue


Artist Therese





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Overberg Branch & Head Office Editor: Peter van Schaik peter@splashmag.co.za


Copy-Editors: Kathleen Botha, & Hanneke van Schaik Design: Brenda Smal


Peter van Schaik

Hélène Truter - This too shall

"Every time you tear a leaf off a calendar, you present a new place for new ideas and progress." -Charles Kettering

pass. Adrian Louw - Colon and

consequences. P7

SPLASH Office Tel: 074 717 2582 SPLASH YOUR BUSINESS! To advertise with us email splash@splashmag.co.za

Annette Havenga - Local


Address: Gateway Centre, Hermanus, 7200

Hi Splash Readers


Postal Address: Private Bag X15, Suite 43, Gateway Centre, Hermanus, 7200


New Year is the time or day at which a new calendar year begins and the calendar's year count increments by one.

Arien van der Merwe - Stress

solutions. P9

Amplify your....


Dawie Snyman - Die

Wêreldbeker-jaar is hier!

Many cultures celebrate the event in some manner and the 1st day of January is often marked as a national holiday. In the Gregorian calendar, the most widely used calendar system today, New Year occurs on January 1 (New Year's Day). This was also the case both in the Roman calendar (at least after about 713 BC) and in the Julian calendar that succeeded it.


Keeping SPLASH Magazine connected 086 1234 777 www.maxitec.co.za

Stylist: lieslCreates Artist: Therese Rink


Pam Snymann - What are the

real benefits of purchasing a

property in a security

development (if any)?


Shiloh Noone - The Knights

of Templar.

Other calendars have been used historically in different parts of the world; some calendars count years numerically, while others do not. During the Middle Ages in western Europe, while the Julian calendar was still in use, authorities moved New Year's Day, depending upon locale, to one of several other days, including March 1, March 25, Easter, September 1, and December 25. Beginning in 1582, the adoptions of the Gregorian calendar and changes to the Old Style and New Style dates meant the various local dates for New Year's Day changed to using one fixed date, January 1. The widespread official adoption of the Gregorian calendar and marking January 1 as the beginning of a new year is almost global now. Regional or local use of other calendars continues, along with the cultural and religious practices that accompany them. In Latin America, various native cultures continue the observation of traditions according to their own calendars. Israel, China, India, and other countries continue to celebrate New Year on different dates.

Therese Rink art for sale during festive season at 6 Hofmeyer street, Onrus Contact: Liesl Rheeder 082 873 1994 lieslCreates@gmail.com

Your FREE Lifestyle Magazine December 2018 Issue




Artist Therese




November 2018 / issue 100 December 2018 / issue 101 Previous issues of Splash available online at


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Are You Ready To Celebrate

Happy New Year High Quality, Well Designed, Unique Furniture and Decor Shop G14, Whale Coast Mall, Hermanus 062 620 9792




This too



oe is dit moontlik? Is ons al daar? 2019. Een jaar weg van 2020. The year 2020 feels like science fiction. Come to think of it, we’re already living and experiencing Science fiction. Imagine someone told you 20 years ago that you could carry the whole world in your hand. Quite literally. That smart phone of yours and mine (I’m still trying to figure out all the different Apps!) can access any information on Google, the latest news, fake or otherwise. I could film and edit a full length movie on my phone should I wish to. But seeing as I couldn’t find the appropriate icons, I have instead asked the pro’s to come and film and try to capture the magic that Amulet holds. I cannot wait to see how they squeeze the essence of my beautiful shop into One minute. 60 seconds. (I didn’t even need Google to work that one out.)


Tel 028 313 0359, 4 Broad Str Hermanus

not. And Beauty like Love never goes out of fashion. Which is the reason why Amulet will always attract customers. Only the other day a total stranger (in Wellington, of all places) complimented me on my leather shoes. She innocently remarked that she’d seen similar shoes in this cute little shop in Hermanus. Much to my delight I could declare that I know the shop well. In fact, that cute little shop belongs to me!

Kyk gerus na Onbytsake (Kyknet kanaal 144) op 2 Februarie. Ek is die ateljeegas en die week se Sakefokus konsentreer op Hermanus. Dit gaan nie net oor die Walvisse en verlede jaar se onluste nie. Maar wel oor die paar dapperes onder ons wat ten spyte van die terugslae van 2018 nog steeds ons besighede aan die gang probeer hou. There’s been so much talk of helping the previously disadvantaged. Spare a thought for the currently disadvantaged… I’m kidding. (well, only a little)

As we head into our ninth year, I find myself at a place where I have to re-invent not only myself, but also my way of doing business. As I write this, our new website is being constructed. www. amuletlifestyle. com My view is; if you can’t come to the Pretty shop, let the Pretty shop come to you. Thank goodness for the Hermanus Postnet Branch. Awesome service and affordable too. Yes, some things still work in this wonderful mixed up country of ours. But as we all know, there’s nothing like actually touching and smelling leather or linen. Or picking up a beautiful object and looking at it up close. Therefore, you are cordially invited to come smell the coffee (and drink it!) and browse, listening and dancing (should you wish) to the Amulet playlist. If I had a Dollar for every time a customer asked to buy the Amulet CD, I could probably buy myself a passage across the Mexican border into the USA. (no desire I have to admit)

We may feel a little jaded, but this is a new year and with it comes new beginnings whether we like it or

I’m here for the duration. Not leaving. Hell no. I love this place. This is my home. The house prices

Hélène Truter may have dropped but nowhere else in the world would I be able to afford the size and the view that I have been blessed with. South Africans are feeling nervous, uneasy with the state of things. But then I look at the violent protests in France and I’m astounded to see how the French (whom I so admire) burn and loot the shops of their own people in the cobbled streets of Paris. It seems as if the whole world is losing its marbles. And this may be an askew way of looking at things, but at least we’re not the only country with problems. With challenge comes growth. Let’s face it, never a dull moment. There’s no chance of stagnation. Which, if I have to be really honest, is the way I like it. I love the challenge, the thrill of the adventure… not knowing what’s around the corner. It certainly keeps me on my toes. It needn’t be scary. Simply regard it as… exciting. And as I wish you only success and happiness for this coming year, I am also wishing the same for myself. Don’t give up on your dreams. Because once we give up on our dreams we may as well give up living. I fervently hope that this time next year in 2020… we will realise with 20-20 hindsight vision that 2019 was the most incredible year ever! And in the wise words of some random person on Facebook: This too shall pass. It might pass like a kidney stone. But it will pass. May you avoid any kidney stones on your path.

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Colon & Consequences: The Good the Bad and the Igloo 1492, Madrid, The King of Aragon and Queen Isabella of Castile are talking to Colon. King Ferdinand; [shrewd, ambitious]

Adrian Louw

Senor Colon, you say the Portuguese King chased you away and now you want us, the Catholic Monarchs of Spain, to finance your hair brained scheme to go WEST to get to India, which is EAST from here! You think we loco? You loco mate? Senor Colon; [eccentric, obsessive, but now in bowing and scraping mode] Your glorious majesties, I verily believe the latest science that the world is round, and so we can get to India faster by going WEST, rather than trying to go around this never ending lump that is Africa! Imagine if we can beat your old enemy, Portugal, and bring back spices by the ton, and gold and silks before them to the glory of yours, the greatest throne in Christendom! You have driven the last Moor out this very year, from Granada, and surely this must be an auspicious year? King Ferdinand, [flattered] turning to his wife; Bella, babe, what do you think? I do love the idea of beating those Porras on the corner, to India! Queen Isabella; [piqued, pious, red haired, blue eyed] Freddy, I believe him, but as long as he also converts those pagan Indians to Christ, my Castile is willing to finance the way there, if Aragon can fork out for the return trip? (Authors rather rough Reconquista of the original sales pitch.)


ristobal Colon, as the Spanish called the little Genoan adventurer, [we call him Christopher Columbus] indeed got the Royal thumbs up, and sallied forth in three little boats, and, with the most amazing fortune, got to the Bahamas! Not exactly India, but the Colon was so convinced that he named the locals Indians. [Ironically, the locals DID originate in Asia, crossing over from Mongolia and Hokkaido, but 10 000 years earlier!]

Spain and all but erasing their cultures. But the karma wheel of history turned quickly on Spain, they lost almost every battle against other colonial powers, and by 1939 was a shrunken sad state run by a fascist regime. [It still maintains against all reason two tiny pieces of Africa.] By the same ‘’reason’’ a colonial relic is Gibraltar, held by the UK. Still, they brought us tomatoes, chocolates, potatoes, quinoa [we know] ja, and mielies. Mieliepap. Papgeld. As in ‘’Die Rand is nou papgeld.’’

On his later journeys Colon did set foot in Central and South America and was followed by settlers, soldiers and priests. Columbia was named after the bloke. No, it is untrue that his surname gave us the word colonisation. No, he never discovered America.

The tiny Portuguese nation, colonized parts of Africa [Cabo Verde, Angola, Mozambique, Guinea Bissau] Brazil, Goa in India, Macau in China and Timor Leste [East] previously in Indonesia. It also ended in tears, in 1974, following the ‘’Carnation revolution’’ in Portugal. The new leader a medical Dr Mario Soares, politically aborted the African colonies in a bloody mess, leading to civil war over decades, intrusion by the ideologically bankrupt Soviet Union [and its vassal, Cuba] and leading to the Namibian - South African border war as proxy to the Cold War. The Portuguese introduced ‘’frying food,’’ the divine Tempura Prawns. We got peri peri chicken.

The Spanish colonial empire once stretched from Texas and California to Terra del Fuego in South America, Cuba and the Philippines. Cristobal Colon bragged; ‘’For the execution of the voyage to the Indies, I did not make use of intelligence, mathematics or maps’’

In 1453, the Turks, having surrounded the last capital of the Roman Empire [Version 2.1,] Constantinople, and with the treacherous aid of a Hungarian arms dealer [who offered his huge cannon, - a well hung Hungarian - firstly to the Christians, but after being turned down - being too expensive, sold out to Mehmet II, the Conqueror of Constantinople]. Thus, arose Istanbul and the Ottoman Empire onto the stage of history. They were not friendly to the Christian Europeans who after all had been sending crusade after crusade to ‘’save’’ that troublesome patch of land, Palestine, and thus set about waging war for the next 450 years on the Europeans [and their Moslem neighbours, the Arabs]. All this hurt the good business of making money and trading.

Maps were the Top Secret algorithms of the fifteenth and sixteenth century and death, in slow horrible ways, was prescribed for anyone selling these state secrets of the sea routes to foreign spies, yet soon the Dutch, British and French followed and for the next four hundred years European colonial powers dominated the world, from the humblest hut to the grandest igloo. The slow decline of the West has been forecast a century ago [Oswald Spengler’s ‘’Der Untergang des Abendlandes’’] and is depressingly realised today in terms of the continued economic rise of the East and stagnation in the West, the Western cultural relativism and lack of renewal, the decline of the Christian church in Europe, the manic mantra of mea culpaes by a cringingly PC academia, and yet a little perspective is needed to pan out the good from the bad and ugly in history. We can look back and laugh at the faults and frailties of the movers and shakers then, through our scope of perfect hindsight now, while we should be aware that great mistakes are being made now by our leaders.



The great trade routes of ancient times [later called the Silk Road] linking China , India, the Middle East and Europe was by land, and it had become very costly and long, well, with toll taxes, highway robbers, failing Roman infrastructure [ familiar? the more things change…] and now with a hostile Ottoman regime athwart the trade routes, and the food of the aristocracy of Europe rotting by the day with lack of pepper and spices [to preserve and give some taste] the race was on to by- pass the Middle East and its eternal dramas, and find an alternate sea route to riches, to trade and, yes to spread the gospel. [ Chris Colon, who was a great marketer, also pitched his Route West to the pious Ferdinand and Isabella, as a cunning way to come up behind the Moslem armies holding Jerusalem and ambush them!] Chris Colon however was actually rather horrible to the locals and instead of converting them to Christians, converted them to slaves and stole their stuff.

Today, a new empire is [re-] emerging and very set on pumping billions of dollars in getting the Silk Road repaved, as it were. The Chinese Belt and Road initiative is awesomely bold and is being built to inter alia, to by-pass the US trade war and domination of routes [such as the Panama canal] and by its massive and unchallenged military domination of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Ocean. It connects by rail and road, the states of central Asia, China with Europe, and even China with south east Asia.

Why did Vasco da Gama and Christopher Columbus need to go and find alternate routes to the East? Follow the money.

*** So, the Portuguese won the race to the ‘’real India’’ and the East route, but apart from Brazil, got second prize in the harvest of colonies. All of South and Central America became Spanish colonies by a potent combination of extreme violence, guns, germs and internal feuds between the existing peoples, decimating and enslaving the local Inca, Aztec, Mayan civilizations, shipping their gold to


The Chinese, like Chris Colon, are again heading west, to find new markets and consumers. But I think this time they have a plan, a map and intelligence. But have they reckoned with the accelerating ecological destruction and climate change imperatives? Is the Middle Kingdom’s Xi Jing Ping offering us a silk noose around the neck or a silk tie to the past? NEXT MONTH: Semi colon; The long-suffering bastard brother of Chris Colon, explains how he feels that his grammar space is not being respected.

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The local tourist … summer vibes ...


he beauty of your own hometown often gets forgotten in the ritual of working and living in the said home-town, which, in my case, is Cape Town. So, geared with a microphone and camera phone fully charged, we hit the streets. I love the city, the narrow streets, the historical significance and the vibe. Driving to town and through the Waterfront, we are met with an activity of sightseeing buses and a busyness custom to this time of the year. It is a perfect summers day, light breeze and sunny without the scrounging heat. Greenpoint, Sea Point, Clifton and Hout Bay … the best views one can possibly ask for! Long white beaches, majestic mountains and beautiful homes. Cyclists, runners and walkers all enjoy the day as much as the tourists and holiday goers, (and wannabe tourists like us!). Living this close to nature must be pure bliss and I can't help but envy the lucky ones waking up to this magnificence. My finger was somewhat trigger happy on the camera button! Hout Bay brought us to a halt for something to eat and drink at Mariners Wharf - the obvious choice. Unfortunately the seafood restaurant only opens at 12:00 for meals, so we had a tour and quick video chat with receptionist Dorothy. Dorothy directed us downstairs to 'The Seafood Bistro'. The view and taste definitely made up for what I thought was a little pricey.



Green Ways

In all my years of living in Cape Town, I never went up Chapman’s Peak Drive. I know, I know … I have no excuse! Well, I finally did it. The toll gate takes only cash and credit cards, offering a debit card most likely will have you turning around and missing out on a wonderful view and much advised experience. Paying the toll rate is well worth what follows. I use the words “beautiful” and “magnificent” so many times, purely because my vocabulary lacks more descriptive words to describe the beauty we were spoilt with. Our route back took us through a busy Muizenberg. The after effects of the Cape Town drought is clear, none of the water activities is running. An obvious presence of traffic officers proof that no nonsense will be taken from road users not obeying the rules of the road. Don't you dare leave the house without your driver’s licence, buckle up, watch your speed and behave. Being a tourist in your own town is a must, it will make you appreciate what others pay to see. In the Overberg there are so many hidden jewels and I will most definitely be making my way over the mountain to visit them. Don’t forget what you have on your own doorstep. Take a little time and see it through the eyes of a tourist or visitor.


Tourist greetings

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Trading Hours: Mon - Fri (08:30 - 17:30) Saturdays (08:30 - 14:00) SPLASH 7

STRESS SOLUTIONS: Practical tips to cope with stress S

tress levels are higher than ever. The current economic climate and recent events in and around Hermanus, are taking its toll on physical and mental health and wellbeing, especially as the year is speeding towards its end. We can and simply have to, learn how to manage the daily stresses and strains. Managing stress is vital to overall health and wellbeing!

Practical tips to cope with stress • One minute stress buster: Breathe in deeply through your nose on a slow count of three. Push your stomach out as you breathe in. Hold it for a count of three. Breathe out through your mouth on a slow count of six. Repeat two or more times. Try this every time you feel stressed, anxious or worried. Do it every morning before you get up and every night before falling asleep. Feel your pulse rate by putting your fingers gently on your wrist below the thumb. When you’re stressed, your breathing and pulse rate become fast. Do the slow breathing and feel how your pulse rate slows down – a quick fix stress buster! • Support your body to help you cope with stress Have regular mini breaks every 2 hours from sitting or standing where your muscles remain in one position all the time. Breathe deeply, get up and stretch your neck, arms and shoulders, roll your shoulders clockwise and anticlockwise, clasp your hands behind your back and lift your arms, shake your legs, drink herbal tea, look out the window. This will prevent tension headaches and neck muscle spasm.

Dr Arien van der Merwe

CALL US: 067 1166 111 / Hermanus@DrArien.co.za / www.DrArien.co.za Ariani Health Solutions a  Integrative, Functional Medicine a  Stress Management a  Holistic Health Counselling a  General Health Screening a  Genetic Screening

a  Weight Control Clinic (since 1974) a  Health Products & Online Courses a  Workplace Wellness a  Health and Wellness Education

Weight Control Clinic (Dr Gauché since 1974)


• Stress busting food tips -

Prevent low blood sugar – it’s a stress attractor! Eat regular, healthy, small meals. Always have fruit, veges, nuts and seeds handy!


Sip away your stress: chamomile, mint, passionflower, lemon balm, ginseng, lavender, valerian herbal teas, together with a spoonful of honey will soothe frazzled nerves


Calming foods: tryptophane boosts the formation of serotonin, the ‘feel good’, calming brain chemical - eat unrefined carbohydrates, nuts and bananas


Energising foods: small amounts of protein (cheese, eggs, chicken, meat) contains the amino acid tryptamine that can give you a boost when stress tires you out. Take small ready prepared portions to work.


Take a daily dose of sufficient vitamin B-complex to support your nervous system together with a comprehensive antioxidant and multivitamin combination (vitamin A, E, C, minerals zinc, selenium, copper, chromium, iron, calcium and magnesium) – consider my formulation Heart-Brain-Body Support to supply all your daily needs to help you cope with stress and optimise all systems of the body.


Use the herb Ginkgo biloba to boost your concentration and memory (also in Heart-Brain-Body Support)


Food for thought: beans / legumes, lean meat, whole grain and enriched cereals, poultry, fish such as trout, salmon, tuna, sardines and mackerel, dairy products, brewer’s yeast, nuts, seeds, fruit, vegetables

Written by Dr Arien van der Merwe, medical doctor, holistic health counsellor and stress management consultant, specialist corporate health & wellness service provider and author of the book ‘Stress Solution’s, ‘Relax & Unwind’ relaxation CD, the books ‘Health & Happiness’ and ‘Managing Metabolic Syndrome and Inflammation’. Arundel Medical Rooms, 1st floor, c/o Church and Arundel St, Westcliff, Hermanus. Tel 0671166111 / Hermanus@DrArien. co.za. We close at 17h00 on 21 Dec. and re-open 2 Jan. at 8h00. From Team Ariani (Dr Arien, Shellean and Sr. Carol Barnard), we wish you a lovely and blessed season! SPLASH 8

Dr Arien van der Merwe & Anri van Rooyen Assisted by Sr Carol Barnard • Research Based, Medically Supervised Fat Loss • Safe, Natural, Highly Effective Nutraceuticals & Fat Burners to boost your metabolism & encourage long term fat loss. • No Hormones & No Stimulants! • Focus on decreasing health risks for lifestyle diseases (incl. diabesity, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, insulin resistance) • Ongoing support, motivation & advice, to ensure you stay on track, to reach your goals

MAKE THE SMART CHOICE! Specific – LCHF: low carb, healthy fats (oils) Measurable – comprehensive body composition analysis to measure progress – it’s not only about total body weight! Achievable – fits into your lifestyle. Our many successful losers agree! Visit our Wall of Fame for testimonials. Relevant – adjusted to ongoing science & research. Genetic Screening can even identify the specific eating plan that will work best for you! Time bound – 8-12 weeks to transform your body Come talk to us at our new offices! Arundel Medical Rooms, 1st Floor, c/o Church & Arundel St, Westcliff.

Call us: 067 1166 111. www.DrArien.co.za

Training room and office space to rent on session basis.

amplify your ... POWERED BY amplify your… is an authorised reseller of Nutritional Performance Labs (NPL) for the Overberg Area. Have you ever stared at the shelves filled with supplements and wondered where do I start or what should I take? Well you no longer need to wonder… amplify your… can assist you. Our goal is to provide expert advice on which NPL supplement is best to support your lifestyle. So what is NPL? NPL is dedicated to advancing mental and physical performance in athletes and health conscious individuals through cutting-edge performance supplementation. NPL’s goal is to formulate and produce the World’s most effective sports supplements. NPL strives and continues to deliver scientifically advanced nutrition and information on the correct use of exercise and sports supplementation, as an effective way to elevate lifestyle and achieve goals. The purpose of every NPL product is to enhance athletic performance, strength and overall personal health. The product label lists all the contents –no proprietary brands. NPL products are registered with all the relevant governing bodies ensuring you receive the best and only the best. NPL Certification • cGMP NPL products are manufactured in ISO22000 and cGMP compliant facility. cGMP refers to the Current Good Manufacturing Practice regulations enforced by the governing bodies to ensure that products are consistently produced and controlled according to quality standards. • ISO22000 FSSC 22000 is a Food Safety Management System (FSMS) Certification Scheme recognised by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI). Recognition by GFSI provides worldwide recognition and acceptance by food manufacturers and retailers. • SGS is the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company. SGS is recognised as the global benchmark for quality and integrity. WHAT THEY DO: • Inspection: a comprehensive range of world-leading inspection and verification services, such as checking the condition and weight of traded goods at transhipment, which help to control quantity and quality, and meet all relevant regulatory requirements across different regions and markets. • Testing: Globally by a network of testing facilities, staffed by knowledgeable and experienced personnel, enable to reduce risks, shorten time to market and test

Pure Series • The NPL Pure Series brings single and multi-line simple but essential ingredients together to further enhance your training results. Pure Series ingredients are made of the finest pharmaceutical grade components and can be used by adding to your daily nutritional intake or as standalone product for nutritional support. Series Black (the best of the best) • Designed to be the indisputable champion formula of its kind and category. NPL Series Black is made without limitations, culminating products that are unbeatable when it comes to the latest precise and highest quality ingredients available. At amplify your…we aim to promote NPL’s vision and provide you with everything you need in order to achieve your goals. We offer competitive prices on all NPL products and to make things a little easier we have put together combo packs for those wishing to enhance the following: 1. Fight – for all individuals involved with combat sports i.e. boxing, Muay Thai, Brazilian jujitsu, karate, rugby etc. 2. Endurance – For all individuals who power walk, run, hike, ride etc. 3. Image – For all individuals wanting to lose some weight 4. Physique – For all individuals keeping in shape, amplify your lean muscle. 5. Power – For those individuals bulking up their muscles. Eating plans are available for those struggling to achieve their goals. It is not a diet, it is a way of life. Together with a healthy eating plan you will realise your goals.

• •

the quality, safety and performance of products against relevant health, safety and regulatory standards. Certification: To demonstrate that products, processes, systems or services are compliant with either national or international standards and regulations or customer defined standards, through certification. Verification: To ensure that products and services comply with global standards and local regulations. Combining global coverage with local knowledge, unrivalled experience and expertise in virtually every industry, SGS covers the entire supply chain from raw materials to final consumption.

NPL Product Range Lifestyle • Designed for individuals that require a nutritional support system to amplify the results of physical activity or exercise or simply achieve a more slimmer and toned physique through a healthy lifestyle. Elite Pro • Designed to outperform any product of its class when it comes to delivering results, potency, taste and advanced scientific formulations, with a strict no proprietary blends policy

Often eating clean and healthy can be impossible. When cravings kick in, don’t be tempted to cheat on your healthy eating, instead try these delicious protein pancakes made with NPL Platinum Whey. Choose from your favourite Platinum Whey flavour, including Chocolate Nougat, Malted Chocolate, Strawberry Cheesecake, Vanilla Ice Cream and Cookies and Cream.

PLATINUM WHEY PROTEIN PANCAKES Ingredients • 1 scoop NPL Platinum Whey • ½ cup Unsweetened Apple Sauce • ½ teaspoon Cinnamon • ½ teaspoon Baking Powder • 2 Egg Whites • ½ cup Raw Oats • ½ cup Water • 1 tablespoon Sweetener of your choice Instructions 1. Place all ingredients in a mixing bowl and mix until smooth. 2. Heat a non-stick pan with Spray n Cook over medium heat. 3. Spoon a ¼ cup of the batter into the pan. 4. Turn pancakes over when they start to bubble, and the edges look crispy. 5. Place on a plate and top with your favourite fruit and Greek yogurt. 6. Enjoy!

Contact amplify your on: Moble/Whatsapp: 082 416 8714 Email: amplifyyour@icloud.com SPLASH 9

Die Wêreldbeker-jaar is hier!


n die beplanning van SARU behoort hierdie ‘n afleweringsjaar te wees. Al my kritiek na die Rugbyadministrateurs se kant toe oor die afgelope jaar tersyde gestel, kom ons kyk wat ons verwagting vir die jaar wat kom kan wees… Ons het die afgelope jaar verslag gedoen oor gebeure, alternatiewe perspektiewe op die tafel probeer sit en uitslae probeer verantwoord en toelig. Kom ons vlieg terug oor die jaar en probeer die jaar vorentoe toelig aan die hand van veranderings. Die 2017 einde-van-die-jaar toer was nie goed nie. ‘n Indaba is aan die einde van 2016 gehou, maar niks positiefs het daaruit voortgevloei nie. Aan die einde van die 2017-seisoen het die Springbokke ‘n nuwe afrigter gekry en van die SA spanne het in die Europese kompetisies ingeskakel. Vir die res het min verander. ‘n Verdere afname in toeskouergetalle was ooglopend. Ek het geskryf oor die kanker in die spel, die doodvat en die daaropvolgende spel van bal plaas en hersirkulasie van die bal en wat daarop volg, die inkonsekwente interpretasie van die skeidsregters van hierdie spelfaset van die spel en die daaropvolgende gevolge vir die spel. Ook hier het niks verander nie en die kanker het net verder gegroei. Ongelukkig in my opinie ‘n negatiewe ewolusionêre tendens. Ons beweeg weg van die 15-man kode na die professionele kode, soos in Australië gespeel word, met minder spelers op die veld met skrums en lynstane wat gaan verdwyn. Daar is eenvoudig net te min opwinding in die vorm van drieë en onvoorspelbaarheid. Rassie Erasmus se toetrede met 43 Springbokke en die resultate van die jaar was ‘n gemengde pakkie. Van die Wallis-wedstryd in Amerika tot die Frankrykwedstryd in Parys. Wat ons kan uitlig is die eerste twee toetse teen Engeland en die toets teen die All Blacks in Nieu-Seeland. Dit gee so ‘n bietjie hoop. Die toets teen Nieu-Seeland op Loftus was ook redelik… hoewel ons verloor het. Vir die res was dit nie eintlik iets om oor huistoe te skryf nie. Die gestruktureerde voorspelbaarheid van die meedoënlose stampkaropsies is net nie iets wat die verbruiker na die stadion sal lok nie. Daarvoor is die TV te naby en die braaivleisvuur ‘n trekpleister as die spel jou verveel. Dan praat ek nie eers van die ouens wat eerder die gras sny nie! Ons onvermoë om konstant te kompeteer binne die fundamentele beginsels van die spel, per posisie, is net ‘n weërspeling van ons gebrek aan kennis oor die simplisiteit van die individu se kennis van die vaste vyf wat vir besit speel en die kompleksiteit van die samevoeging van die res van die span wat daarmee speel. Van die individuele kennis tot ‘n spanprestasie wat ‘n land en al sy mense mobiliseer tot ‘n suksesvolle eenheid. Verstaan die mense nie waarmee hulle besig is nie en het hulle nie ‘n prentjie

Dawie Snyman

van watse ongelooflike instrument hulle mee speel tot potensiële nasie-bou nie? Die jaar 2019 gaan in my perspektief ‘n waterskeidingsjaar wees. Dit is ‘n geestelike verandering tot vernuwing. Rassie het so mooi daarmee begin, maar heelaas nie daarmee geëindig nie. Om die waarheid te sê het ons weer diep in ons dop ingekruip na dit wat ons kan beheer en kontroleer om sodoende van die onbekende te ontsnap. Dit is juis daar waar op ‘n kreatiewe wyse ons rugbypotensiaal ten volle ontwikkel kan word. Die speler kan so sy volle potensiaal bereik om maksimaal tot sy span te kan bydra. Nou breek ek graag hier ‘n lansie vir ons skole afrigters en administrateurs. Die ontwikkeling van ons skoolspelers is vir seker op standaard. Die kompetisies wat hulle aanbied stimuleer sonder twyfel deelname. Definitief ‘n wêreld waar die naskoolse rugby-indoenas kan gaan kers opsteek. Kyk na die beginsels wat sukses lewer en gaan maak dit van toepassing. Kyk ons na die omgewing wat direk daarop volg, bv. die SA skolespan en die SA onder 20-span kan ‘n mens dadelik die weg beweeg van spontanïteit na gestruktureerdheid raaksien. Die gevolge daarvan is verdoemend en baie ooglopend. Skolerugby moet asseblief nie hierdie voorbeeld volg nie! Administratief het Suid-Afrikaanse rugby op ‘n punt gekom dat daar baie indringend na die spel as geheel gekyk sal moet word. Dit sluit in die oordrewe internasionale betrokkenheid want SA Rugby se basis waaruit talent ontwikkel kan word, het eenvoudig te klein geword. As die spel nie op grondvlak ontwikkel word nie, kan ons eenvoudig nie uitstyg nie. Dit is so eenvoudig soos dit. Rassie en sy ondersteuningspan sal ook ‘n draai of twee moet maak. My aanvanklike diagnose was dat hulle nie die spel op ‘n individuele basis goed genoeg ken nie. In oorsig moet ek my eie opinie egter verander. Dit is vandag my oorwoë mening dat hulle nie hul spelers goed genoeg ken nie. Wat bedoel ek daarmee? Menslike gedrag verskil van persoon tot persoon, van situasie tot situasie, vanuit omstandigheid tot omstandigheid. Dit is ‘n wêreld waaroor die bestuur baie sensitief moet wees. Jy moet eintlik die sake om die draai kan antisipeer en vooruit loop met voorkomende besluite wat die negatiewe moontlikhede kan elimineer. Die WP se verbroude Currie-beker poging hierdie jaar is ‘n baie goeie voorbeeld daarvan. In die Sprinbok-span aan die einde van 2018 was daar ook op individuele basis voorbeelde daarvan en met die onlangse 7’s in Dubai en Kaapstad weer. Ons moet altyd onthou dat die gees van die mens sy gedrag bepaal. Dit determineer die fokus en die fokus bepaal weer die uitkoms van die spel.

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What are the real benefits of purchasing a property in a security development (if any)? There are two main forms of property ownership prevalent in South Africa, being freehold and community schemes. v Freehold is the simplest form of ownership - the entire property belongs to the owner who is responsible for it. The owner is responsible for paying the rates and taxes, and for the services required (such as water, sewerage, refuse removal and electricity) as well as for maintaining and/or improving the property. When purchasing a freehold property, the owner is given title to that property and ownership is registered at the Deeds Office that records ownership and other rights relating to the immovable property. v A community scheme is any scheme or arrangement in terms of which there is shared use of and responsibility for parts of the property, inclusive of land and buildings. These include, but are not limited to, sectional title development schemes, share block companies, a home or property owners’ association which is established to administer the property owners’ association, a housing scheme for retired persons and a housing co-operative as contemplated in the South African Co-operatives Act, 2005. It is clear that there are benefits to both of these forms of ownership. When looking closely at the home or property owners’ association (HOA) development scheme, however, one realises that where freehold ownership is offered within the development scheme (often referred to as cluster housing), the owners enjoy the best of two worlds!

The Stanford Bridge gated village can be found on the banks of the Klein River in the scenic and authentic Victorian section of Stanford. There are single as well as double storey homes each offering beautiful mountain views. A show day is being arranged by our agents Magriet and Chrizelda who will be on site on Sunday 6 January and Monday 7 January from 11h00 until 15h00 … in order to introduce prospective buyers to the fully furnished show house and other available homes on the security estate. There are both two and three bedroomed homes ranging at a price from R2.1million to R3.2m inclusive of VAT, which means that no Transfer Duty is payable on a purchase. All interested purchasers are invited to visit our agents at no 29…the one in the middle of the picture below…

When you buy a cluster home, you gain individual title to your unit and its garden (freehold ownership), and you are entitled to use other parts of the development known as the common property such as roads, parks, walkways and the likes. Cluster developments have an HOA to look after the common area - for example, to maintain the roads and any common areas or gardens, and to provide security within the complex. The administrative and service costs incurred in maintaining the common area are distributed amongst the owners in the form of a levy. Another major role of an HOA is ensuring the safety of those who live within the community. All community schemes must register with the Community Schemes Ombud Service (CSOS) 30 days from date of publication of the Regulations and need to pay a monthly levy of 2% of the monthly levy charged by the community scheme to the CSOS, to a maximum of R40 per unit per month. The purpose of the CSOS is to provide a legal structure to monitor and control the administration of private and common areas in all community schemes and to deal with disputes that may arise between owners, occupiers or interested parties and the management body of the scheme. All of the above ensures that owners within a cluster development scheme are living within a best practice regulated and safe environment. A relatively new cluster housing scheme in the Overberg is situated in the quaint and historic town of Stanford just 30 minutes from Hermanus where you will find antique shops, restaurants, coffee shops, art and a very special rural ambience in abundance.


Kindly call Chrizelda Coetzee or Magriet McLoughlin should you require any further information. Chrizelda: 072 222 7540

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The Knights of Templar

Shiloh Noone’s Journals A small thesis on the Knights of Templar was handed in at the Sorbonne University in Paris in 1984 by Shiloh Noone which was vaguely looked upon as creative, but debatable. In the year 2016 the same paper was finally acknowledged by the Maltese government. The ensuing issues that were put forward by Shiloh Noone was that silver armour protected the Knights during the plague infested Europe and lastly the forging of Damascus steel swords in the area of what was known as Egypt, but called Fatimad Empire, stretching from Morocco to Jordan and Syria. It took its name from the daughter of Mohammed whom the Fatimads claim descent from. (This incidentally would decades later give rise to the Mahdi that defeated the British in Sudan in the late 1800’s, they believed they were direct descendants of Mohammad) Shiloh claims the bravest of the Templars, also the most blood thirsty were the French who would travel through the Northern Saharan sands finding Islamic forgers to hand beat and carbon fill new swords with the Damascus blade ingenuity, an ancient Persian hidden secret. The Islamic swords were largely Damascus blades that could penetrate armour and shatter the Templar swords, a contributing factor to the loss of recent battles. These Damascus blades were introduced by Saladin after they lost Jerusalem in the first crusades. Shiloh says, ‘’after the Islamic swordsmith finished they would test the sword by seeing if it would shatter their own, if it didn’t the swordsmith would be sliced in half ’’ Arguably only a few thousand were forged as most travelled to Jerusalem by sailing boat via Cypress. The Islamic swords would always have Islamic prayers engraved on their blades and were smaller for able access while seated on a camel. The Knights of Templar ‘Kaskara’’ was long and stronger, obviously with no Islamic engravings. The handles were made of Nile crocodile skin’’. Herewith Shiloh displays the two swords, the smaller Islamic sword and his self- claimed priceless Knights of Templar sword, courtesy of Matshana Museum Onrust.


uring the dark days of the 12th century when nearly all of Europe had descended into witchcraft & sorcery, Richard the Lionheart stood almost alone in his quest to defend Christianity. Islam had literally conquered Europe and all hope was placed on the scattered Knights of Templar (Order of Solomon’s Temple) who would still defend the poor and meek. (The order of the Knights Templar ("Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ) was founded by Hugh de Payens, a French nobleman from the Champagne region, along with eight of his companions, in Jerusalem around 1119) Hallowed were these Knights of silver that passed through the poverty stricken towns passing food to the poor and blessing those wherever they passed. Unscathed by the plague due to the mass of silver armament that created a natural protection from the diseases that ravaged the land; this untouched sovereignty was seen by the poor as holy saints from above. The Kings of Spain and France pleaded with them to protect the pilgrims walking the Camino Compostella to Santiago who were being attacked by bandits and Moorish hordes. Many Knights set up their Castles on the Pilgrim Way to establish safe passage to Santiago. Templar knights in their distinctive white mantles with a red cross, were among the most skilled fighting units of the Crusades . The Red Cross would shield their heart, in the face of Islam? By 1139 this Catholic military order were financing Kings and ruling lands with their established financial networks across the whole of Christendom. They acquired large tracts of land, both in Europe and the Middle East and managed farms and vineyards; built massive stone cathedrals and castles; and involved in manufacturing, import and export; they had their own fleet of ships; and at one point they even owned the entire island of Cyprus, later the island of Malta. They also introduced the cheque system so that pilgrims need not carry currency due to bandits. After regaining Europe from the Moors, The Templars in the First Crusade captured Jerusalem in 1099, many Christians made pilgrimages to sacred sites in the Holy Land. This was a time when the supposed (fabled) King Arthur son of Uther Pendragon, returned to England after fighting the Saracens to unite the common people, defended by his son, Sir Robert of Lockwood (Robin Hood) who was locked into battle with greedy lords. Arthur’s legendary successes included a quest for the Holy Grail, defending England against the Saxons and destroying the Picts. He would later found his knights of the round table, a legend of truth for those who have eyes to see? Although Jerusalem was relatively secure under Christian control, bandits and marauding highwaymen preyed upon pilgrims, who were routinely slaughtered, sometimes by the hundreds, as they attempted to make the journey from the coastline at Jaffa through to the interior of the Holy Land. (Notably the Temple Mount had a mystique because it was above the ruins of the Temple of Solomon) Templars were often the advance shock troops in key battles of the Crusades, as the heavily armoured knights on their warhorses would set out to charge the enemy in an attempt to break opposition lines. One of their most famous victories was in 1177 during the Battle of Montgisard, where 500 Templar knights helped several thousand infantry to defeat Saladin's army of more than 26,000 soldiers.

A Templar Knight was fearless and secure on every side, for his soul is protected by the armour of faith, just as his body is protected by the armour of steel. He is thus doubly armed, and need fear neither demons nor men."

The Templar demise The Battle of Hattin in 1187 was the turning point in the Crusades. By the mid-12th century, the tide began to turn in the Crusades. The Muslim world had become more united under Saladin. Dissension also arose among Christian factions concerning the Holy Land. The Knights Templar was occasionally at odds with the Knights Hospitaller (Order of St John) who bravely and successfully defended Malta against Suleiman and the Teutonic Knights, a German military & religious order, founded in 1190 by an aristocratic class who took monastic vows of poverty and chastity. During the 13th century, these Knights waged war on nonChristians, particularly those in Prussia, whom they defeated, annexing their land. Decades of feuds weakened Christian positions, both politically and militarily. After the Templars were involved in several unsuccessful campaigns, including the pivotal Battle of Hattin, Jerusalem was recaptured by Muslim forces under Saladin in 1187. The Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II reclaimed the city for Christians in the Sixth Crusade of 1229, without Templar aid, but only held it briefly for little more than a decade. In 1244, the Ayyubid The author of this article, Matdynasty together with Khwarezmi mercenaries recaptured Jerusalem, and shana museum curator, author & the city did not return to Western control until 1917 when, during World radio presenter Shiloh Noone adds War I, the British captured it from the Ottoman Empire.

another mitigating factor to the demise of the Templars, often not mentioned SPLASH 14

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