Your FREE Lifestyle Magazine July 2018 Issue 97
Fisherhaven Artist
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Splash Magazine, e-Book and exposure on social media.
Splash Magazine, e-Book and exposure on social media.
Splash Magazine, e-Book and exposure on social media.
Splash Magazine, e-Book and exposure on social media.
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R5500 incl VAT for 6 months OnR3000 incl special VAT forand 6 months R1600 for 6 months R750 competition. incl VAT for 6 months any 6 month you can take part inincl ourVAT “Supporting Local is Lekker” per issue. per issue. issue. peronissue. Pick a week in your 6 month term in which you per would like to be featured and decide a prize you would (P2 or back page, R6000) like to offer. We wil provide you with an entry box where clients can fill in details and drop it in the box. On social media and on Whale Coast FM the public will be informed to go support your business and enter the competition to stand a chance to win. Winners will be anounced on the Splash Feel Good Friday triple play on fridays @ 16:30, whereafter the Online e-Book only. Online e-Book Online e-Book only. Online e-Book only. entry box will move on only. to the next participating business. R1500 incl VAT per issue R1000 incl VAT per issue R700 incl VAT per issue R400 incl VAT per issue
Let’s get the Overberg out and about and supporting local
On any 6 month special and you can take part in our “Supporting Local is Lekker” competition. a week in your 6 month term in which you would like to be featured and decide on a prize you would Map Listings (IfPick available) R400 Magazine Advertorial box where Cover clients can fill in details and drop it in the box. like to offer. We wil provide you with an entry (Only on 6-monthOn continuous term.) social media and on Whale Coast FM the public will be informed to go support your business R1500 R2500and For restaurants and art galleries. enter the competition to stand a chance to win. Artwork for listings only change at the clients request. Contact to discuss these options. Winners will be anounced on the Splash Feel Good Fridayustriple play on fridays @ 16:30, whereafter the entry box will move on to the next participating business.
Let’s get the Overberg out and about and supporting local
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M E D I A Advertising agency | Media house Overberg Branch & Head Office Editor: Peter van Schaik Copy-Editors: Kathleen Botha, & Hanneke van Schaik Design: Brenda Smal
Kalfiefees, van dan tot nou.
Nelson Mandela -100 Years.
Scratchboard as art medium.
Hélène Truter - An inside job.
Address: Gateway Centre, Hermanus, 7200 Postal Address: Private Bag X15, Suite 43, Gateway Centre, Hermanus, 7200
Cover Art: John Thorpe
- Nelson Mandela
Refine - a Ray of Light.
Corlea Botha by Kalfiefees.
The Rim of Africa
Hi Splash Readers Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela 18 July 1918 – 5 December 2013 Lawyer, anti-apartheid activist, banned person, ANC member, SACP member, MK Commander in Chief, 1956 Treason Trialist, Robben Island prisoner, Nobel Peace Prize winner and first elected President of a democratic South Africa.
Pam Snyman - Estate agents'
code of conduct.
Q & A with Marc Lottering.
Dawie Snyman - Rassie!
KalfieFees program.
072 575 8995R
Your FREE Lifestyle Magazine
Your FREE Lifestyle Magazine June 2018 Issue 96
Hermanus Artist Terry Kobus
Hermanus Artist
A ndreA H irscHson
April/May 2018 / issue 95
June 2018 / issue 96
Previous issues of Splash available online at
First name: Nelson Middle name: Rolihlahla Last name: Mandela Date of birth: 18 July 1918 Location of birth: Mvezo, a village near Mthatha, Eastern Cape, South Africa Mandela Day is a global call to action that celebrates the idea that each individual has the power to transform the world, the ability to make an impact. The Mandela Day campaign message is: "Nelson Mandela has fought for social justice for 67 years. We're asking you to start with 67 minutes." How wil you be spending Mandela day?
To order your limited edition print Email: Phone:
March 2018 Issue 94
Peter van Schaik What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.
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Read more on the great man on page 4.
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Peter Tune in on fridays 16:30 for the Splash tripple play, on Whale Coast 96FM
Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or S P L A S H Magazine. Copyright © - Whale Splash Media CC - All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or copied by any form or means without prior permission of the publisher. The Publisher or S P L A S H Magazine are not responsible for any unsolicited material.
Kalfiefees van dan tot nou Die jaarlikse Kalfiefees vier vanjaar sy 18de bestaansjaar. Tydens my kuier by Anna Spaarwater, een van die stigters van die Hermanus Kalfiefees, het sy ’n bietjie van dié fees se geskiedenis met my gedeel en ook verwys na ’n aantal produksies om na uit te sien by hierdie jaar se Kalfiefees wat tussen 8 en 12 Augustus sal plaasvind. Voor die Kalfiefees se bestaan was daar slegs die bekende Walvisfees wat jaarliks teen einde September in Hermanus geword. Die vanaangebied dan tot nou Walvisfees was aansienlik meer Engels as Afrikaans. Die stigters van die Kalfiefees het toe besluit om met ’n fees vorendag te kom wat meer Afrikaans is, maar wat ook terselfdertyd iets vir die Engelssprekendes aanbied. Met die hulp van ’n toneelgroep van Hawston het die Kalfiefees in die jaar 2000 begin. Die oorspronklike beginpunte van die fees was dus Hawston en Onrusrivier. Soos die fees gegroei het oor die jare word dit tans by verskeie lokale rondom en in die Hermanus-area aangebied. Die Hawstontoneelgroep is nou op hul eie met een van die lede wat deesdae in talle flieks en televisieprogramme te sien word. Die Kalfiefees lok jaarliks baie plaaslike mense, en ook baie mense van ander provinsies omdat dit baie goed bemark en bestuur word. Daar is verversings te koop by elke lokaal, maar soos talle ander feeste bied die Kalfiefees nie baie stalletjies aan nie omdat die fees oor ’n tydperk plaasvind wat as ’n stil periode vir Hermanus beskou word. Nóg ’n rede vir die feit dat daar slegs ’n beperkte aantal stalletjies beskikbaar is by die fees is dat baie mense geneig is om slegs die stalletjies by te woon en vergeet dan dikwels wat die eintlike doel van die fees is. Volgens Anna kan die Kalfiefees sonder enige twyfel as ’n positiewe instelling gesien word in Hermanus omdat dit bydra tot gastehuise, restaurante asook ’n wye verskeidenheid van besighede wat baie blootstelling en besoekers kry oor die winter-seisoen. Dit is nie net goed vir die eienaars van hierdie besighede nie, maar ook vir die werkers omdat baie besighede oor die winter baie stil is en dikwels hulle personeel slegs benodig wanneer dit somer is weens die feit dat die meeste toeriste en vakansiegangers kies om in die somer na Hermanus te kom eerder as tydens die winter. Kunstenaars word geïdentifiseer deur van die stigters en lede van die Kalfiefeeskomitee, o.a Anna Spaarwater, wat deur die loop van die jaar ’n verskeidenheid van feeste bywoon o.a. die KKNK en US-Woordfees. Van die kunstenaars by vanjaar se Kalfiefees sluit in: Milan Murray, Corlea Botha, Mark Lottering en Sandra Prinsloo.
Ashlyn-Chanté Coxson
Die Gala-aand, op Woensdag 8 Augustus, met Coenie de Villiers en Mauritz Lotz as gaskunstenaars het alreeds baie mense aan die praat en beloof om ’n goeie musiekteater-produksie te wees. Nóg een van die optredes om hierdie jaar na uit te sien is die Stellenbosch Universiteitskoor o.l.v. André van der Merwe wat tydens ’n Klassiekekonsert sal optree op die laaste dag van die fees by die NG Kerk-gemeente sentrum in Onrusrivier. Omdat die Kalfiefees oor Vrouedag-naweek aangebied word, vind daar op 9 Augustus ’n spesiale Vrouedagviering by The Classroom Restaurant plaas, met Jakkie Louw as gaskunstenaar. Kaartjie pryse vir die fees word so laag as moontlik gehou om almal te probeer akkommodeer. Daar word vermaak vir die hele gesin in die program ingesluit en daar word ook voorsien vir mense van alle ouderdomsgroepe. Sommige van die vertonings het ’n ouderdomsbeperking wat beteken dat ouers of voogde vooraf seker moet maak watter van die vertonings geskik is vir die hele gesin voor hulle dit bywoon. Alhoewel die fees oor die jare groei het voel Anna dat dit nie groter moet word as wat dit alreeds is nie, omdat die hoofdoel van die fees steeds is om professionele produksies aan die feesgangers te verskaf. “Vir mense wat nog nie die Kalfiefees bygewoon het nie is dit hierdie jaar die ideale geleentheid om professionele produksies hier op ons voorstoep te sien sonder om ’n plaas se prys daarvoor te betaal”, sê Anna. Skoliere en studente kry afslag wanneer hulle ’n kaartjie koop by Computicket vir die musiek vertoning van Elandré Schwartz, ’n 21-jarige sanger van Despatch in die Oos-Kaap. Feesgangers kan ook aansluit by die Vriende van die Kalfiefees wat die voordele van afslag op alle kaartjies inhou asook die beskikbaarheid van kaartjies ’n week voor dit aan die publiek beskikbaar gemaak word. Enige iemand is welkom om aan te sluit deur slegs ’n vorm in te vul wat op die Kalfiefees-webwerf beskikbaar is. Lede hoef slegs elke jaar ’n fooi te betaal om deel te wees van die Vriende van die Kalfiefees. Die Kalfiefees bied ook ’n geleentheid aan die Gr.11 en 12-leerders van Hoërskool Hermanus om hulle bloot te stel aan verskeie produksies deur hulle te gebruik om by die ingang van lokale kaartjies te ontvang en ook om mense na hul sitplekke te wys. Dit is ook die ideale geleentheid vir hulle om ’n vertoning of twee gratis by te woon en ietsie te verdien vir hul harde werk. Die projek dien ook as ’n goeie leerskool vir diegene wat ’n loopbaan in musiek, drama of teater oorweeg.
Nelson Mandela was one of the greatest and most influential figures of the 20th century. This South African Icon would have celebrated his 100th birthday this year on the 18th of July, but will be spending it with the angels in heaven instead. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was born in Mvezo, a tiny village in the Transkei region of South Africa, on July 18, 1918. His father was the village chief and an advisor to the king of their tribe. He named his youngest son Rolihlahla, meaning ‘troublemaker’ in the local language, Xhosa. The name Nelson was given to Rolihlahla later, when he started school. He led the fight against apartheid in South Africa to become our country’s first black president in its first-ever multiracial election. Mandela dedicated his life to achieving freedom for his people. His vision was of a democratic South Africa where everyone would have equal rights. Despite many setbacks, Mandela never faltered his fight to achieve that goal. He spent 27 long years in prison for his beliefs, yet when he was finally released he astounded the world by his lack of bitterness and his wish to forgive and be reconciled. Mandela was a man of enormous moral integrity. In court and in prison, his dignity and refusal to compromise his principles won him respect not only from others in the liberation movement but also from his hardest opponents. From ordinary Africans through to Afrikaner prison warders and heads of state, Mandela made friends wherever he went. In 1993 Nelson Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of his long struggle to end apartheid in South Africa. This was a fitting tribute to a remarkable man – one who is still respected throughout the world today for his dignity, courage and tolerance. Mandela’s first wife, Evelyn Mase, was a South African nurse who was married to him from 1944 to 1958. In 1958 Mandela married his second wife, Winnie Mandela, whom he was married to from 1958 to 1996. On his 80th birthday, in 1998, Mandela Married Graça Marchel, widow of the former president of Mozambique. Twelve months later, after ruling his country for five historic, peaceful years, Mandela stood down as president. He became South Africa’s highest profile ambassador, set up three charities and continued to campaign for justice. Mandela bowed out of public life in 2004 and spent much of his retirement in his home village of Qunu. He died peacefully on December 5, 2013, at the age of 95. To honour the late Nelson Mandela people all over the world are encouraged to take part in Mandela Day on the 18th of July each year. Mandela Day is a global call to action that celebrates the idea that each individual has the power to transform the world, the ability to make an impact. The Mandela Day campaign message is: “Nelson Mandela has fought for social justice for 67 years. We’re asking you to start with 67 minutes.” Mandela truly believed in democracy and fair play. He truly believed in equality for the races and he truly believed that, in the end, good must triumph over racism, intolerance, and injustice. And he made that triumph happen in the end despite of all the trials and tribulations that he went through in order to get there.
Ashlyn-Chanté Coxson
Your birthdays aren’t forgotten and your memory lives on. We still celebrate your life with us even though you’ve gone. Happy Birthday up in heaven, Tata Madiba, we thank you for being the change that you wanted to see in this world and for leaving us with so many good memories about how your courage and persistence changed the history of our country. Your life story is truly an inspiration to us all.
Scraperboard as art medium
By John Thorpe
Born in Born in Yorkshire, England I attended Leeds College of Arts to study Graphic Design. I have worked in most mediums in art forms but was introduced to Scraperboard Art as an advertising medium in the 1960’”s. This medium was used for black and white ads but never worked in portrait work. I decided to try this medium in life portrait work. It took took a long time to achieve the work I now do.
I draw in negative form but make it into a positive result. Any mistakes cannot be erased or covered up so concentration must be great. But this is the medium I enjoy and for black and white the images really live. I know Madiba, Arc Tutu and many more of my images are the only ones in the world in this medium as there are only a handful of scraperboard artist in the world that do portrait work.
The board I use is black with a white underlay. I use various pens which resembles a surgical nibs. I use to make fine scratches into the black overlay which reveals the white under, so I basically draw light not shade.
The Installer®
solid loor HARDWOOD
I am having a limited edition of 100 centenary prints on canvas in A1 (700 x 900) size framed or unframed printed. Each one will have its own certificate of authenticity with number out of 100, signed by myself, a real collector’s item. Proceeds to help charities which I have been helping for years. Email:
Mobile: John @ 0725758995
Phone: 028 313 1839 | Mobile: 082 952 6900 | Fax: 086 547 9780 | Showroom Unit 9 Whale Park, 2 Argon Road, Hermanus Business Park E-mail: |
An inside
High Street, Hermanus 028 313 0359
f only I could sell my house in Gauteng and move down to the Cape…. If only I could discover some German/Greek/ Spanish ancestor then I could go live the good life in Europe… If only I could meet and marry a rich person…. then I’ll be happy. Ya think? I can think of many rich Europeans who are desperately unhappy. The late Princess Diana comes to mind. When last have you seen our own beautiful Charlene, now living the high life in Monaco, smile? At least we know that us mere mortals have the same chance of being happy or unhappy… the playing field is level. Money or location or even a Royal Title doesn’t have much to do with your state of mind… My heart lifts every time when I see the ocean – which is several times a day. Yes I am a fortunate human being. But even in paradise there are days that I’m grumpy in spite of the magnificent view. In the mornings when I walk into Amulet I turn up the music really loudly and that always helps. Mooi is goed vir die siel. Gorgeous makes me happy. (Gorgeous also happens to be the name of my Rottweiler) Percy does practical – I do pretty. Without beauty I will struggle to cope with the day. It’s easy to find reasons or circumstances or even people to blame for your unhappiness. South Africans are experts when it comes to the blame game… But here’s the thing. No matter who you blame, no matter where you move.. No matter how much money you have in the bank – (when will it ever be enough?) your happiness or unhappiness will follow you. Nou verwag jy dalk dat ek jou gaan vertel hoe om geluk te vind. Helaas, liewe leser, nes jy het ek my op en af dae, maar ek weet vir seker dat my bui beslis beïnvloed word deur my onmiddellike omgewing. As ek in ‘n voorbeeldige bui is en die weer speel saam, gaan stap ek met die honde. Soms kry ek dit selfs reg dat Percy saam met my gaan. Dan is die stappie gewoonlik redelik kort. Maar nog net so mooi. En dis lekkerder met my liefie aan my sy. En die honde is in ekstase. Nie ‘n slegte manier om die dag te begin nie. En dit kan net beter raak van hier af. Small beginnings lead to great adventures. Music makes me smile. It also makes my unmusical feet tap involuntarily. So if I don’t make that morning walk, then I dance (sommer in my PJs) , much to my Yorkie’s amusement – she ‘dances’ and barks along with the music. I can only hope that we are inspiring (and not irritating) the neighbours. Like you, I got despondent when we were suddenly struck by loadshedding. O hel,
Hélène Truter hier gaan ons alweer…? Just remember that candellight is extremely flattering and romantic and before you know it you may up end up in a very pleasurable position with your loved one. Ja, die hoop beskaam nie : -) As usual I digress. It gets worse as I get older (as my hubby and daughter keep reminding me.) While I was in the shop the other day, the electricity went – without warning. Load groaning and dare I say some under the breath swearing from my customers ensued… From the back a woman piped up: This is nothing compared to Kenya – we have power and water shortages on a regular basis – sometimes up to three days at a time. (Note to self : get that water tank/ battery back up system.) We get chatting and she tells me that she was in Amulet 5 years ago (when we were much smaller) and she’s always had a dream to return and buy that wall hanging she spotted the first time round. Of course it has since been sold, but luckily there’s another one that’s just as beautiful. She tells me how she returned to Kenya and started saving up for this dream return trip to South Africa , but with the intention of bringing her whole family with her this second time round. As soon as she had some money saved up, she went to her local travel agent and put down a 100 dollar deposit towards her dream trip. Through the years she put away savings, sold stuff she no longer needed and five years later she was standing in Amulet – just as the power went out. Thank you for sharing your story with me… Made me realise (once again) how important our dreams/goals are. No matter how bleak the future may seem right now. Take your R100 and put it away towards that special something that will make you happy. Everyone’s ‘special’ is something different. I’ve already taken my R100 and put it aside. Once my dream has been realised I will share it with you. I can’t help but think of our new amazing Captain Fantastic, my personal hero, Siya Kolisi who led the Springboks to a 2 – 1 victory over the Roses. Go check out where he comes from, (The Eastern Cape) what his circumstances were… We can all overcome our current/past circumstances. No excuses. Take your proverbial R100 and put it away – look forward to that amazing dream/goal. Don’t sweat the small stuff. If someone is obnoxious, kill them with kindness. Works for me. I leave you with two pearls of wisdom: Happiness is an inside job. The A in Amulet stands for Awesomeness. I look forward to seeing you – feel free to come and share you dream with me… or just your positive energy! In turn I may even do a little dance.
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Rock, Country and Pop artist Book me for your next corporate function, birthday, pub or private.
A Ray of Light… Get your glow on with Bio-Light Therapy, now available at Refine.
Follow us on:
Refine Anti-Ageing Clinic and
Tel: 028 316 1532 / Email: / / Hemel & Aarde Craft Village, Hermanus, 7200
Different coloured lights, streamed through this Bio Light, address different skin conditions.
Blue Bio Light Therapy- Claers and Soothes
From the flashbulbs on the red carpet to the spotlight of the stage, Hollywood’s biggest stars are no strangers to the transformative power of light. Their love affair with illumination is growing thanks to the latest light-based skin treatment that is brightening A-list complexions – and their Instagram feeds. Stars from Kate Hudson and Emma Stone to Jessica Alba and Lena Dunham have been snapping and sharing selfies that show them having an LED (light-emitting diode) treatment designed to boost collagen, reduce inflammation and banish acne-related bumps and scars. And it is now available at Refine. Bio Light Therapy is often used in facial rejuvenation and medical rehab, and is a proven essential for facial treatments that focus on anti-ageing, skin repair and healing. Combat skin conditions such as the appearance of fine lines, uneven skin tone and other signs of ageing with bio light therapy.
What exactly is Bio Light Therapy? Bio Light Therapy uses LED (Light Emitting Diode) lightwaves, emitting from a computer chip encased in resin. Bio Light is not the same type of treatment as laser, although both are used to treat various skin conditions. Red light is considered ‘low level’ because the energy density is lower than other laser therapies. Originally developed in the late 1960s for the treatment of serious post-surgery scars and wounds, light therapy is a non-invasive technology and has no side effects. It does not have a hot temperature associated with red light, for example. And is very affordable.
Why should you try Bio Light Therapy? The reason why bio light therapy is so successful is simple: as your skin is the largest organ in your body, and is naturally exposed to sunlight more than any other, it responds well to red and near infrared wavelengths. Skin cells absorbing photons released by these waves release oxides, encourage blood flow, increases oxygen levels to the skin and increase tissue repair and healing. Amazing! Can be used on skin conditions from wrinkle reduction to pigmentation, and acne.
The benefits of Light therapy: • • • • • • • •
Acne treatment Anti-aging, skin rejuvenation Improving lymph circulation Reducing fine lines, wrinkles, stretch marks Curing skin diseases such as eczema Repair traumatized skin caused by laser, chemical peels and skin needling treatments. Anti-hair-loss treatment in combination with Hair Regrowth treatment plans Wound recovery, reduces bruising after any injectables or post surgery
• • • • •
Accelerate skin absorption of cosmetics Red lightbox therapies have been shown to positively affect the endocrine and immune systems Also used for treating chronic joint pain Decreasing inflammation by helping to control our natural healing capability Lowers free radical damage and oxidative stress (contributes to ageing skin)
Blue light wavelengths target acne bacteria by causing the development of oxygen radicals that kill the bacteria without damaging healthy skin. It soothes skin and is found to be antiinflammatory. Fever decreases, and the nervous system strengthens by stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system
Red Bio Light Therapy - Rejuvenation Red light increases the flow of lymph and causes a photo rejuvenation of the skin. Skin becomes much smoother. The energy from the red light enhances blood circulation and stimulation of collagen, multiplies haemoglobin also releasing adrenaline stimulating the liver and activates vital functions. Antiseptic and Healing properties are achieved as the proliferation of fibroblast are stimulated having a direct impact on inflammation. Used as cure for rosacea and flushing.
Yellow Bio Light Therapy- Anti-Ageing Yellow, enhances lymph and blood circulation to the dermis and triggers the skins regeneration properties. The production of collagen and elastin are increased to help with dilated pores, scars and reduction of eczema. Reduces fine lines and wrinkles, clears blemishes and cure spots
Green Bio Light Therapy -Refreshing Green restores stressed skin and fights irritability and trauma as a result of poor nutrition or conditions related to the gastric system. Also able to absorb tension due to nervousness, by the melanin that reduce hyperpigmentation and hinders the increases of pigmentation or age spots. Different treatment plans are available, where different coloured lights are combined to achieve optimum results. This treatment offers a pain free and effective way to achieve flawless, youthful and healthy skin. The visible effects are immediate, after just one treatment skin is hydrated, plump and radiant and any redness and irritation is calmed. A course of treatments offers dramatic and lasting improvement in the appearance and health of the skin. Furthermore, results of light therapy can be enhanced when used in combination with many other skin treatments such as, Skin Peels, Micro-Needling, Injectables and Laser. Book a complimentary consultation to achieve your celebrity skin in no time! Launch Special: For the month of July, spend R1000 or more and receive a Bio Light complimentary
Tel: 0283164122 / Email:
■ L a s e r S k i n R e j u v e n a t i o n ■ C h e m i c a l P e e l s ■ L a s e r Ve i n / H a i r R e m o v a l ■ B o t o x ™ ■ Dermal Fillers ■ Sclerotherapy ■ Diathermy ■ Permanent Make-up ■ Carboxytherapy SPLASH 8
Corlea Botha is ’n Afrikaanse sangeres wat alreeds saam met van die wêreld se mees talentvolle kunstenaars gewerk het en is selfs deur die bekende Jazz-musikant, Hugh Masekela, beskryf as ’niks minder as wonderlik nie’. Corlea – die langverwagte se solo album maak uiteindelik sy verskyning, ses jaar ná die uitreiking van Wie ek is. Aanhangers kan natuurlik uitsien om die ou gunstelinge te hoor soos “Swart Koffie” en “Sonvanger”, maar saam met hierdie nuwe album kom ’n nuwe klank en voorkoms vir Corlea, asook ’n splinternuwe vertoning. As jy gedink het jy het alles van hierdie veelsydige kunstenaar gesien of gehoor, dink maar weer ... Kom luister na musiek wat grense verskuif, buite elke boksie waarin iemand haar wou plaas! 10 Augustus by die Sandbaai saal om 20:00 – Kaartjies beskikbaar by Computicket.
WANNEER HET JY BESLUIT OM ’N SANGERES TE WORD? My ouers het op drie jarige ouderdom my talent ontdek en besluit om my vir sanglesse te neem. Op vyf was ek vir die eerste keer op die verhoog, sonder ’n bang haar op my kop! Ek kan duidelik onthou hoe gemaklik ek gevoel het in daardie oomblik - asof die verhoog my sitkamer is. Ek het daar en dan besluit dat ek graag dit weer sal doen. Toe word "weer" hierdie jaar 26 jaar! HOE KOM JOU IDEES NA JOU TOE? Dis moeilik om te se. Mens kan nie kreatiwiteit forseer nie. Maar ek put inspirasie uit soveel oorde. Natuur, Kuns, Musiek, "poetry", films... Enigiets te doen met kuns. Selfs in gesprekke met my gunsteling mense kan ietsie kleins ’n groot idiee laat ontkiem. WATTER WERK DINK JY SOU JY NOU DOEN AS JY NIE JOU MUSIEKLOOPBAAN GEHAD HET NIE? CSI - Hoe ongelooflik is hulle werk? Om te weet op hoeveel grade ’n wapen gevuur is teen watter spoed om ’n seker merk te los? Wow! WATTER LIEDJIE WAT JY AL GESKRYF HET IS JOU GUNSTELING EN HOEKOM? "Wie ek is" sal altyd spesiaal wees, omdat die basies die eerste lied is wat ek self geskryf het, en uit ’n baie emosionele en eerlike plek. Ek stel later hierdie jaar ’n nuwe Afrikaanse album bekend, asook ’n paar Engelse verassings. Daar is ’n hele paar wat onder my gunstelinge val. WIE IS JOU INVLOED/INSPIRASIE? Daar is tans soveel informasie in die wêreld dat mens mooi moet oplet en luister om nie iets te mis nie! Terselfdertyd, is daar soveel meer platvorms om te soek na inspirasie! Ek dink tog dat die baanbrekers altyd die grootste inspirasies sal bly - Nataniel, Lady Gaga, Alanis Morisette ens. WATTER MUSIEK LUISTER JY IN JOU KAR? Ek luister werklik enigiets! Die grootste wêreld verkoper tans ius Post Malone, wat ’n klets rymer is. Die grootste Country verkoper is Chris Stapleton. ’n Suid Afrikaner wat naam maak oorsee is Troye Sivan. Ons as kunstenaars moet op hoogte bly met wat in die wêreld aangaan. Dan, natuurlik, het ek my "guillty pleasures' - alles van Diana Krall tot Bjork. WAT WEET MIN MENSE VAN JOU? Dat ek ’n groot aanhanger is van Riller films en boeke is. Ek versamel ook speelkaarte van elke land wat ek al besoek het. Ek is ook absoluut MAL daaroor om te dans! WAT IS JOU DOELWITTE VIR HIERDIE JAAR? Baba treetjies - Dis die eerste keer in sewe jaar wat ek ’n solo album vrystel - op hierdie stadium wil ek al my fokus daarop plaas en seker wees dat dit ’n ware weerspieëling is van wie ek as kunstenaar, en mens is.
Lashes Spray tan Microblading Ombrè brows 123 Tattoo Removal Permanent make-up Contact Ria 082 925 6957
Before SPLASH 9
650 km in 56 days
on foot through the Cape Mountains
a Proud Sponsor
Let me tell you about my journey, in 2011 I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia Syndrome, an auto immune disease. The prognosis was not looking good, the doctors said that in a year’s time I would not be able to pick up a kettle, I would also lose the ability to physically look after my 3 kids’ everyday needs. After three years I was at an ultimate low, mentally and physically. One day I decided not to accept this verdict over me and to choose life! Looking after myself physically, I started to run and change EVERYTHING about my eating habits with the help of RENEW Slimming & Wellness, following the Reshape program. 6 Months later I ran my first 10km race, followed by 21km… then I did two half marathons, dozens of trail runs and hikes, this year I even swam the Cape Mile. My life changed, and I wanted to share it, I wanted to use it to make a difference. I had a second chance of looking after my own children but I also started to think about other children whose parents gave up on them abandoning their kids for drugs or other things. We started taking kids into our home, from as little as 4 hours old to tough little toddlers. Over the years my husband and I raised 35 kids, 10 currently in our care and another 12 orphans in Malawi that we put through school and make sure their daily needs are met. Our local place of safety for children, House Madalitsho near Kleinmond is now a registered NPO (#206-320 Zehandi Missions). This journey is a tough one. We cry, we laugh, but we never give up. This year I was selected to take part in the Rim of Africa Challenge. 650 Kilometres in 56 days on foot through the Cape mountains to raise funds to take more children’s hands to help them to a better future.
MORE ABOUT THE RIM OF AFRICA CHALLENGE The Rim of Africa is not a hiking trail. It is a story and a journey. Taking place from 23 September – 13 November 2018, a traverse on foot through the wild of the Cape Mountains. It is a story about being in love with a long, rugged line of wild peaks and valleys, stretching some 650km from the Cederberg in the north, to the Outeniqua foothills in the east, forming the south-western rim of the African continent. Some days will be very difficult or challenging as we walk through thick vegetation, over rough rocks and along old trails, in searing heat one moment and cold winds, or rain the next. It is not about distance covered, although we will hike far. It is not about any fastest known time, we take our time, but we also move at a pace that demands the most of your body. Its a story of facing challenges and not giving up, to make finish what you started no matter what circumstances look like… SPLASH 10
SPONSORSHIP Be part of this journey together with me. The Company logo will be displayed on my bag as well as on our website. I would also be using the gear during the hike. You will be mentioned in all interviews. You will also be able to share in this cause as our partner. Please consider partnering with me. This partnership can take many forms, it can entile gear, or financial donation or a per kilometer sponsorship…
Contact MARIÈ MATTHEE - 079 740 7989
PS 139:14 "I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made"
n our
s out o Don’t mis
t 2018
ugus A 7 1 ly u 15 J R43
duc o r P l l a n o % off
Sansa Space Agency
Phone: 028 312 3352 or Email: or visit our web page for more info:
Corner of Church and WEST CLIFF
Myrtle streets Hermanus
THE ESTATE AGENTS’ All estate agents are compelled to act within the Estate Agents’ Code of Conduct as prescribed by the Estate Agency Affairs Act 112/1976 The Code is based on sound business principles with emphasis on moral and ethical behaviour with the underlying themes of transparency, honesty and integrity. Here are some of the aspects that should interest buyers and sellers of property when mandating an estate agent: 1.
• An agent may not do anything to harm the integrity of estate agents in general and must protect the interest of his/her/its client at all times, with due regard to the interest of all other parties concerned. • The agent must do his duty in a professional manner with care and dignity and must comply with the Act and its regulations. 2.
• An agent may not refuse to render his services on the grounds of race, religion, sex, or land of origin. • An agent may not accept a mandate that requires specialised knowledge and skill that the agent does not possess. • An agent may not claim to be an expert in a field if he/she does not have the specialised knowledge. • An agent may not advertise that his commission rate is the lowest or less than all other agents’. If commission is advertised, the specific commission rate must be stated and he/she maynot give the impression that a commission rate is prescribed • An agent may not put a clause in a lease or sales contract stating that the agent will have a sole mandate in future • An agent may not knowingly or negligently misrepresent the market value of a property. 3.
Open mandates • A mandate must contain an instruction to market the property and the agent must accept the mandate. An open mandate can be given and accepted verbally • No “For Sale” boards may be erected without written authority from the client • An agent must disclose all known facts which could be material to a sale (defects) of which he should reasonably have been aware of. Sole mandates • Sole mandates must be in writing and signed. • A copy of the sole mandate must be given to the client. SPLASH 12
Pam Snyman
• A sole mandate’s expiry date must be a calendar date. • The period of a sole mandate must be reasonable, in other words, not be unreasonably long. • Extensions of mandates must be obtained separately from the mandate and a sole mandate does not automatically become an open mandate on expiry of the sole mandate • No sole mandate to sell or to let may be embodied in a sale or lease agreement. • The legal implications in the event of the owner selling his property himself or through another agent, must be explained in writing in the sole mandate 4.
• No misleading or false information or misrepresentations are to be made in advertisements. • Parameter advertising is only allowed with client’s written consent, and the asking price must be advertised as agreed with the seller. • It must be made clear that an agent is placing the advertisement and the agent may not claim to be an expert or have specialised knowledge, if he is not an expert 5.
• All material facts/defects in relation to the property must be disclosed. • The agent must inform the buyer that interest earned on the buyer’s deposit accrues to the EAAB fidelity fund, unless otherwise agreed in writing. • The agent must fully explain all material clauses in the Offer to Purchase before the buyer signs and must inform the client immediately when his offer is accepted or rejected. • The agent must enquire from the buyer whether he has seen the property previously with another agent and if NOT then a clause stating as much must be added to the Sale Agreementt. If he HAS, then written consent by the owner of the property must be obtained before the agent introduces the property to the client. A clause should then be added to the contract to indemnify the seller against a double commission claim. 6.
• All offers have to be submitted – unless the seller has given a clear instruction to the contrary and all offers are to be presented objectively and in an unbiased fashion. • An agent may not state that he has received an offer, unless he has a written offer signed by a bona fide offeror.
• The offer has to be fully explained to seller. • Copies of all signed agreements must be given to both buyer and seller. • No amendments may be made to any signed offer, mandate or contract. These may only be made with the offeror’s or the contracting parties’ authority. • An agent may not use undue influence to persuade parties to make use of a specific financial institution or attorney. • No “Sold” boards may be erected until all suspensive conditions have been met. • Deposits in trust must be invested at the best available interest rate at the financial institution where the agency’s trust account is kept and he full amount of interest must be paid to the party entitled thereto, except if otherwise agreed in writing. Should you require any further clarity on any of the above or related issues, please feel free to contact Pam Snyman, the Principal of REDZetc at 082 800 867 or
at the Kalfiefees
Marc Eugene Lo ttering is a st andup comedian fr om Cape Town, and grew up in Retreat on the Cape Fl ats. His first show was titled AFTER TH E BEEP in 1997. He will be at the Kalfiefees for the first time on 11 August at 16:0 0 at the Sandbaai ha ll. Fans can expect to hear Lotter ing’s outrageous view s on a broad ra nge of topics, includ ing French Polo ny, Life Insurance and Amnesia. Lottering has been in the fu nny business for 20 years, and cont inues to keep audien ces in stitches all over the countr y. Tickets are av ailable via Co mputicket. LOTTERING AT TH E KALFIEFEES is not suitable for ch ildren.
questions HOW DID YOU GET YOUR START IN COMEDY? In 1997, my landlady at the time, Marianne Thamm, told me I was funny. So I booked a venue on my 30th birthday and invited my friends to join me for my birthday bash. After 2 tequilas, I got up on stage and did my first stand-up set. I think it lasted 30 or 40 minutes. There was lots of laughter. I've not stopped doing it since.
WHERE DO YOU GET YOUR IDEAS FROM? I try to talk about wh atever's happening in my life. And also the lives of those aro whatever's happen und me. I like to tel ing in l stories that I think with. Like trying to my audience will ide eat less sugar. Or ntify trying not to scroll phone while he's in through your husb the shower. and's PREPARE 1 SHOW? HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO ths. It simply depends mon 3 to ks wee Anything from 2 . on how inspired you are at the time
HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE WHAT YOU DO FOR A LIVING? I try to make people feel good. WHEN DID YOU FIRST KNOW THAT YOU ARE FUNNY? I never really thought of myself as funny. But I do have a high school memory of always wanting to make my friends smile. I hate it when people fight. To this day still.
ACHIEVE U’D LIKE TO ING THAT YO TH E N O E WHAT’S TH t about doing, U DIE? e ever dream BEFORE YO everything I'v ne hat I'm doing, do w h g uc in m I've pretty ant to keep do w st ju I s es I gu and more. So better at it. and be even WHAT HAS BEEN YOU BIGGEST CAREER CHALLENGE SO FAR? Career challenges happen regularly. And it happens every time I am faced with a corporate audience who are not necessarily comedy fans. Someone in marketing booked the comedian for the staff awards evening. And now the comedian has to make the non-comedy fans laugh. It's a fresh challenge every time. It keeps me on my toes. PLE MIGHT NOT BE AWARE OF. NAME ONE FUN FACT THAT PEO bredie. hing, from pickled fish to tomato I can have grated cheese with anyt
WHAT DO YOU THINK SOCIETY’S PERSPECTIVE IS ABOUT YOUR PROFESSION? South Africans are great supporters of stand-up comedy. Laughter is therapeutic. And South Africa needs therapy, all the time. So I think SA society greatly loves and supports comedians. HAVE YOU EVER JUST BLANKE D ON STAGE? Yes. But it's never been fatal. You come back very quickly. Every com edian has a "go-to" place in his head should he momentarily wan der off and start thinking about whe re that after-party is. YEAR? WHAT’S YOUR GOAL FOR THIS baballas. e money. Arrive at gym without a Mak . hing Laug ans Afric h Keep Sout SPLASH 13
Twee van die toetse teen Engeland was suksesvol en die Kaapstad se toets is verloor.
Wat ‘n plesier was die eerste twee toetse nie. Beide wentoetse het nie goed afgeskop nie, maar die Bokke het mooi herstel. Dit is baie belangrik dat ons die aspekte in die spel wat die verskil veroorsaak het sal kan identifiseer. As ons weet wat dit bewerkstellig het, kan ons dit mos weer en weer en weer doen. Dan lyk die toekoms sommer baie rooskleurig en sien ons uit na die volgende wêreldbeker toernooi wat op pad is.
Eerstens, baie geluk aan Rassie wat vir seker ‘n mooi bydrae gelewer het om die klomp blesbokke weer Springbokke te maak. Selfvertroue is ‘n baie baie baie belangrike vertrekpunt van prestasie-sport. Dit het gewoonlik nie net een oorsaak nie, maar dit begin altyd op een plek. Iewers het ‘n vonkie gespat wat die vuur aangesteek het en die vuur brand al sterker. Miskien moet ons dit nie so haastig wees nie aangesien ons nog net teen Engeland in twee toetse suksesvol was. Teen Wallis het dit nie so goed gegaan nie, maar ons het darem gese dat daar net 15 Springbokke in SA is. Die drienasie reeks is om die draai en as ons daardeur is, kan ons die pad vorentoe bespreek. Dis jammer dat Rassie so baie veranderings vir die derde toets gemaak het en op daardie vlak moes eksperimenteer want dis van uiters belang om ‘n kultuur te skep waarin ons Springbokke kan gedy. Kom ons kyk eers of ons die redes tot sukses kan posisioneer en vaspen. Eerstens kan ons sê dat daar ‘n ander gees van entoesiasme op die veld was in die eerste twee toetse. ‘n Ondernemings- gees wat vir niks wou terugstaan nie. Vir seker iets anders. Die vraag is wat het dit oopgesluit? Hoewel ons in beide van die eerste twee toetse onder geweldige groot druk was, het iets gebeur wat die vloei van die water verander het. Die Springbokke het vir die eerste keer 5 (vyf) vaste voorspelers gehad wat hulle direkte opponente vasgepen
– Dawie Snyman
en oorskadu het. Dit het die direkte gevolg gehad dat die Springbokke se nr 8 (Dwayne Vermeulen) en nr 9 (Faf de Klerk) kwaliteit balbesit gekry het wat hulle kon ontsluit deur dit self effektief te gebruik of deur dit aan nr 10 (André Pollard) deur te gee wat dit verder versprei het. Hierna het nr 15 ( Willie le Roux ) baie effektief probleme vir die opponente besorg. Gaan ons ‘n bietjie terug in die geskiedenis en kyk ons na die 1974 Leeu-toer in SA, weet ons dat hulle voorwaar baie goeie spelers gehad het in die posisies van 1,2,3,4,5 en 8. ‘n Eenheid wat baie goed saamgespeel het en mekaar uitstekend kon aanvul. Agter hulle het hulle nr 9 (Gareth Edwards) en ‘n 10 (Phil Bennett) gehad met JPR Williams op 15. Die resultate staan in die Geskiedenis-boeke opgeteken. Die spel se konstruksie rondom die basiese elemente daarvan is en sal altyd belangrik wees. Die oomblik as jy van spelers in een van die posisies verwag om ‘n ander funksie te vervul as sy eerste pligte en dit hoër op die prioriteitslys plaas, soek jy vir moeilikheid. Vaste voorspelers speel vir besit en die res speel daarmee. Dit is so eenvoudig en so kompleks as wat dit is. Hou by die resep van die eerste twee toetse Springbokke en speel dit in elke toets in die toekoms net beter. As Rassie sy eerste 15 kan identifiseer en die regte kutuur met hulle skep, kan dit net goed gaan. Die res sal dan daarop volg. Die kompetisie sal verseker moeiliker word teen Australië en Nieu-Seeland en dit sal meëdoenloos wees. Dit is ook nie altyd baie mooi om te aanskou nie, maar sodra die wal breek of die konsentrasie verslap kom die geleenthede… en dan moet ons toeslaan. Soos n Arend op sy prooi. Gefokus en doelgerig.
Go Bokke Go!
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R6 900 000
Ref No HMS 07/01
Exceptional family home on a 6000 M2 stand. Wonderful views. Large reception rooms. All offers from R6,5M will be presented. Web Ref 0933275 5 4 4
Furnished, middle floor apartment, in the middle row of the complex. Excellent leisure facilities. 24 hour security. Web Ref 0933129 3 2 1
ALTA BESTER 076 837 7571
ONRUS R2 750 000
R2 150 000
GRAY THOMASON 071 276 6300
Ref No HMS 07/03
Ref No HMS 07/02
Ref No HMS 07/04
Limited number of stands available for sale in the area and this one is priced to sell fast. Five blocks walking distance to Grotto Beach. Web Ref 0949082
North facing family home with separate flatlet and separate entrance. Fully walled with automated gates. Water wise garden. Web Ref 0935903 3 2 1
CINDY ROWE 079 453 1696
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Woensdag 8 Augustus 16:00 Opening: Kunsuitstalling Burgersentrum 20:00 Gala-aand met Coenie de Villiers en Mauritz Lotz Shhhhhhhh (Musiekteater) R150 (Wyn ingesluit) 60 min. Sandbaaisaal
Donderdag 9 Augustus 10:00 Vrouedagviering met Jakkie Louw R200 120 min. The Classroom Restaurant 12:00 Boekgeleentheid met Elsa Winckler Woodenways-meubelwinkel, langs Hermanuspietersfontein 13:00 Die gestewelde kat (Kinder) – ’n Story Team-produksie R60 50 min. De Wetsaal 14:00 Die groot misterie van twee vroue (voordrag en musiek) met Carel Trichardt, Petru Wessels, Babette Viljoen en Olga Leonard. R120 60 min. Burgersentrum 16:00 Mike en Mavis (Komedie) met Elize Cawood en Wilson Dunster R130 70 min. Gesin. Burgersentrum
Kaartjie verkope open vir die publiek op 18 Junie.
20:00 Elandré: kleindorp-dromer (Musiek) met Elandré Schwartz. R120 (skoliere R70) 75 min. Sandbaaisaal 20:00 Danièle Pascal – Paris Amour (Musiek) R130 70 min. Burgersentrum
Vrydag 10 Augustus 10:00 Besprekingsdebat – met Waldimar Pelser R130 120 min. Burgersentrum 10:00 Die gestewelde kat (Kinder) – ’n Story Team-produksie R60 50 min. De Wetsaal 13:00 Die keiser se klere (Kinder) – ’n Story Team-produksie R60 50 min. De Wetsaal 15:00 Boekgeleentheid met Pieter Fourie Woodenways-meubelwinkel, langs HPF 16:00 Korreltjie Kantel (Musiek) oor verhouding tussen André P. Brink en Ingrid Jonker R130 70 min. Geen 0.12. De Wetsaal 16:00 Mike en Mavis (Komedie) met Elize Cawood en Wilson Dunster R130 70 min. Gesin. Burgersentrum 20:00 Weerkaats met Milan Murray (drama) R120 60 min. Burgersentrum 20:00 Corlea (Musiek) met Corlea Botha R130 70 min. Sandbaaisaal 20:00 Operasie Holm met Marion Holm (Komedie) R130 70 min. De Wetsaal
Saterdag 11 Augustus 09:30 Weerkaats met Milan Murray (drama) R120 60 min. Burgersentrum 10:00 Operasie Holm met Marion Holm (Komedie) R130 70 min. De Wetsaal 10:00 Drie susters met Margit MeyerRödenbeck, Nicole Holm en Lizz Meiring (dramedy) R120 90 min. Sandbaaisaal 12:00 Boekgeleentheid met Milan Murray Woodenways-meubelwinkel, langs HPF 13:00 Die keiser se klere (Kinder) – ‘n Story Team-produksie R60 50 min. De Wetsaal 13:00 Manne met Chris Vorster, Hennie Jacobs, Hannes Brümmer, Theodore Jantjies, Francois Lensley en Deon Coetzee. (Komedie) R120 65 min. Sandbaaisaal 13:00 Lag ’n slag (Komedie) met Elsabé Aldrich R120 60 min. Burgersentrum
16:00 Sê my naam soos ’n Starbucks knaap met Je-ani Swiegelaar (komedie), [wat ons ken van Binnelanders] R110 60 min. Burgersentrum 20:00 Die reuk van appels met Gideon Lombard (Drama) Geen o.16 T, N, G, S R120 90 min. Burgersentrum 20:00 Soebatsfontein met Sandra Prinsloo en Franci Swanepoel (drama) R140 70 min. Geen 0.14 (T) De Wetsaal 20:00 Elvis Blue (musiek) R130 70 min Sandbaaisaal
Sondag 12 Augustus 10:00 State Fracture with Daniel Mpilo Richards (comedy) R120 65 min De Wet hall 10:00 Die reuk van appels met Gideon Lombard (Drama) ) Geen o.16 T, N, G, S R120 90 min. Burgersentrum
16:00 Soebatsfontein: Sandra Prinsloo en Franci Swanepoel (drama) R140 70 min. Geen 0.14 (T) De Wetsaal
15:00 Stellenbosch Universiteitskoor o.l.v. André van der Merwe (musiek) R130 70 min. NG Kerk-gemeentesentrum Onrusrivier
16:00 Lottering at Kalfiefees with Marc Lottering (Adults only) R140 60 min Sandbaai Hall Computicket: 0861 915 8000
Negester Onrusrivier Negester Onrusrivier
90% already sold! 90% already sold! 90% already sold!
A select lifestyle estate in A select lifestyle estate in Onrusrivier for fifty-plussers A select lifestyle estate in Onrusrivier for fifty-plussers Onrusrivier for fifty-plussers Ever dreamt of a serene life in a peaceful, picture-perfect coastal town? Ever dreamt of a serene life in a peaceful, picture-perfect coastal town?of a serene life in a peaceful, picture-perfect Ever dreamt Onrusrivier, with it’s temperate climate, beautiful coastal town? surroundings, stunning ocean views, lagoon and Onrusrivier, with it’s temperate climate, beautiful walking trails – stunning not to mention the exceptional surroundings, ocean views, lagoon and Onrusrivier, with it’s temperate climate, beautiful wine estates and golf courses in the area – is quickly walking trails –stunning not to mention the exceptional surroundings, ocean views, lagoon and becoming a sought-after destination for fifty-plussers. wine estates and golf courses in the area – is quickly walking trails – not to mention the exceptional Here you will find Negester Onrusrivier, just the becoming a sought-after destination for fifty-plussers. wine estates and golf courses in the area – isdown quickly road from located on the seam of the Here you Hermanus, will find Negester Onrusrivier, just down the becoming a sought-after destination for fifty-plussers. Groenberge in the heart of Onrusrivier! road Hermanus, located on the seam of down the the Here from you will find Negester Onrusrivier, just Groenberge in the heart of Onrusrivier! road from Hermanus, located on the seam of the This lifestyle estate has 125 full-title homes varying Groenberge in the heart of Onrusrivier! inThis sizelifestyle from 114estate to 205 m², priceshomes starting at has 125with full-title varying R2 860 000. 50205 units inwith the care centre are in size from The 114 to prices starting at This lifestyle estate hasm², 125 full-title homes varying between 27 and 70 m² in size, and basic care, R2 860from 000.114 Theto50 units the prices care centre areat in size 205 m²,inwith starting assisted care and frail care packages are available. between 27 and in size, andcare basic care,are R2 860 000. The7050m²units in the centre assisted and70frail packages arecare, available. between care 27 and m² care in size, and basic This is where your little-house-by-the-sea-dreams assisted care and frail care packages are available. could become reality. This is whereayour little-house-by-the-sea-dreams could a reality. This isbecome where your little-house-by-the-sea-dreams could become a reality.
THE ONRUSRIVIER AREA OFFERS: THE AREA OFFERS: • FirstONRUSRIVIER class medical facilities. THE ONRUSRIVIER AREA OFFERS: First class medical facilities. •• Exceptional golf courses. • First class medical facilities. Exceptional golf courses. •• Quality restaurants. • Exceptional golf courses. Quality restaurants. •• Walking, jogging and mountainbiking trails. • Quality restaurants. Walking, jogging opportunities. and mountainbiking trails. •• Plenty of angling • Walking, jogging and mountainbiking trails. Plenty of angling opportunities. •• Breathtaking views over the ocean and of the mountains. • Plenty of angling opportunities. Breathtaking views the ocean and of the mountains. •• Famous nearby wineover estates. • Breathtaking views over the ocean and of the mountains. Famoussupermarkets. nearby wine estates. •• Various • Famous nearby wine estates. • Various supermarkets.
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