Splash Magazine - May & June 2017

Page 1

Your FREE Lifestyle magazine May/June 2017 issue 86

Artist L aurens

B arnard

F1 Art Rugby Recipes Property Cape Epic Music reviews and much more...










Overberg Branch & Head Office


Editor: Peter van Schaik peter@splashmag.co.za Copy-Editors: Kathleen Botha, & Hanneke van Schaik Design: Brenda Smal SPLASH Office Tel: 074 717 2582

P4 P4 P6 P8

SPLASH YOUR BUSINESS! To advertise with us email splash@splashmag.co.za Address: Gateway Centre, Hermanus, 7200 Postal Address: Private Bag X15, Suite 43, Gateway Centre, Hermanus, 7200


Peter van Schaik

Afrikaans leef Robertson Slow Festival Fleurs ART Hélène Truter - One man's junk status...

Because I believe in God and have faith in God, it doesn't mean I am immortal. It doesn't mean I am immune, as has been claimed. I am as scared as anyone of getting hurt, especially driving a Formula One car. - Ayrton Senna

BODY P10 P11

Refine - Fundamental, Transforming and Optimising Treatments L2L Child Welfare

Hi Splash Readers Father's Day is a celebration honoring fathers and celebrating fatherhood, paternal bonds, and the influence of fathers in society. In Catholic Europe, it has been celebrated on March 19 (St. Joseph's Day) since the Middle Ages. This celebration was brought by the Spanish and Portuguese to Latin America, where March 19 is often still used for it, though many countries in Europe and the Americas have adopted the U.S. date, which is the third Sunday of June.

MAPS P12 Onrus P13 Sandbaai

Keeping Splash Magazine connected sales@sonictelecoms.co.za 021 201 0220

Cover Art: Laurens Barnard

P14 P15

Dawie Snyman - RUGBY Sasha Martinengo - F1

Season thusfar.


So kick back, relax and read Sasha Martinengo's Formula one roundup for the 2017 season thusfar.

P16 Hermanus P18

2017 ABSA Cape Epic

Op bladsy 12 vertel Dawie Snyman ons waarom mense by Rugby betrokke raak.


Matthew van ProActive fitness vertel ons meer oor sy deelname aan die Cape Epic en beantwoord 'n paar vrae.

P20 Pam Snyman - Beware of imposters P21 On the BEAT with Anne

Anne Krebs from Whale Coast FM gives us reviews of the latest releases in the music industry on page 19. Don't forget to join us on our Facebook group and page. There you can get all the info on our awesome competitions, distribution of our magazines, and lots of local news and events. Don't forget the Splash Feel Good Friday Triple play every Friday at 16:30, only on WHALE COAST FM.

Works available at Fleurs 165 Main Road, Hermanus Tel/Fax: 028 313 2215 Email: fleurs@hermanus.co.za

Yo u r F R E E L i f e s t y l e

Your FREE Lifestyle magazine

Hope you have a great Father's day... Groete



April 2017 issue 85

March 2017 issue 84

Hélène Truter

Dapper, dapperder, Swartwater.

Hermanus Artist

Gillian Hahn

Dawie Snyman Strategie vir die spel

Johan Badenhorst

Forbidden Land - South West Namibia

March 2017 / issue 84

Onrus Ar tist

Bryan Cooke

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Tune in on fridays 16:30 for the Splash tripple play, on Whale Coast 96FM

April 2017 / issue 85

Previous issues of Splash available online at


Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or S P L A S H Magazine. Copyright © - Whale Splash Media CC - All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or copied by any form or means without prior permission of the publisher. The Publisher or S P L A S H Magazine are not responsible for any unsolicited material.

Gun & Ammunition Shop New & 2nd hand Guns and trade-ins Welcome training facility competency certificates up to business purposes range officers course reload classes self defense classes ammunition, points, powder, cases, primers gun store room in de-humidified safe come and visit us, we would like to meet up with you 79 Main Rd Hermanus or find us on facebook or visit our website

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Hallo almal!

In hierdie bydrae fokus ons op senior leerders en rig die volgende uitnodiging aan hulle: Kom bars uit jou gemaksone tydens ATKV-Jeugberaad Vra maar vir Marnus Broodryk, ’n bekende entrepreneur wat al in sy twintigs met sy eerste miljoen in die bank gespog het. “As leerder, onthou ek die ATKV-Jeugberaad as een groot inspirasie. Om deur soveel mense omring te word wat beter en slimmer as jy is, inspireer jou om jouself te verbeter en ek het daar besef dat alles moontlik is. Om later ná soveel jaar terug te keer as spreker was ’n groot voorreg veral om die kinders te kon leer oor wat ek gewens het ek 14 jaar terug geweet het.” Marnus glo dat al hoe ons Suid-Afrika se toekoms sal kan verander is deur aan jongmense se denke te skaaf en dit is presies waar die ATKV-Jeugberaad inkom.

Hoëprofieldenkers in graad 11 kan die ATKV-Jeugberaad bywoon en word deur hul skool benoem. As jy belang stel om net soos Gielie en Marnus geïnspireer, gemotiveer en verryk wil word, besoek ons webwerf by www.atkv.org.za en vra jou skoolhoof/onderwyser om jou in te skryf. Die ATKV-Jeugberaad vind soos volg plaas: • ATKV-Jeugberaad by ATKV-Goudini Spa: 3 Julie tot 6 Julie 2017 • ATKV-Jeugberaad by ATKV-Buffelspoort: 10 Julie tot 13 Julie 2017 • ATKV-Jeugberaad by ATKV-Klein-Kariba: 17 Julie tot 20 Julie 2017

Kontak gerus vir Annemarie Alberts, projekorganiseerder: jeugprojekte, by telefoonnommer: 011 919 9066 of E-posadres: annemariea@atkv.org.za ATKV-Tienertoneel van 2017 Ervaar opwindende jong talent, vernuwende teater en inspirasie by vanjaar se ATKV-Tienertoneel. Teatergroepe van verskeie hoërskole gaan Kaapstad aan die brand speel tydens die streeksfees van 23 tot 26 Augustus en weer van 4 tot 7 Oktober wanneer die toptoneelgroepe deelneem aan die Tienertoneelfinaal. ATKV-Tienertoneel is die oudste projek van die Afrikaanse Taal- en Kultuurvereniging (ATKV) en word hierdie jaar vir die 53ste keer aangebied met so veel as 200 deelnemende hoërskoolteatergroepe van regoor Suid-Afrika. Hierdie gewilde toneelprojek bied ’n platform vir die ontginning van jong teatertalent terwyl teatergehore ook geskep en ontwikkel word. Die streeksfees van 23 tot 26 Augustus kan elke aand om 18:00 gratis bygewoon word in die Artscape Theatre. Van Woensdag tot Vrydag sal 11 produksies teen mekaar meeding. Die vier beste produksies kom dan die Saterdag teen mekaar te staan. Die allerbeste produksies sal in Oktober terug wees vir die groot

nasionale finaal. Die 15 finaliste sal in die eerste week van September ná afloop van al elf die streeksfeeste (Pretoria, Roodepoort, Ermelo, Potchefstroom, Sasolburg, Bloemfontein, Durban, Windhoek, Port Elizabeth, Durbanville, en natuurlik Kaapstad) aangekondig word. Afrikaans word nie in isolasie gepraat nie en is deel van ’n fassinerende veeltalige landskap in Suider-Afrika. Afrikaans behoort nie net aan sy moedertaalsprekers nie, maar aan almal wat die taal praat. Die ATKV-Tienertoneelkompetisie bied aan die hele gemeenskap ’n geleentheid om Afrikaans deur toneelspel te geniet – selfs al is almal nie moedertaalsprekers nie. Kontak gerus vir Lizané Basson (ATKV-Projekorganiseerder) by telefoonnommer: 011 919 9078 of E-posadres: lizaneb@atkv.org. za Met hierdie en nog ‘n legio ander projekte probeer die ATKV alle Afrikaanssprekendes omarm. Jy en jou hele gesin en familie kan deel in hierdie ervaring. Daar is iets vir elke ouderdomsgroep kontak ons by amandad@vva.atkv.org.za of 021 880 1761. Mooi loop! Amanda de Stadler

SLOW FOOD & WINE FESTIVAL 4-6 AUGUST 2017 slowly made...slowly enjoyed

Head out to the country and enjoy the simple pleasures in life at the Robertson Wine Valley’s eleventh annual Slow Food & Wine Festival in partnership with WESGRO, taking place from 4-6 August 2017. Discover the beautiful Robertson Wine Valley situated on the scenic Route 62 and explore a wealth of history and authentic wine experiences. Experience the charm of country life in an intimate setting characterised by each farm’s unique personal touch. Walk under the stars, taste local cuisine and sip delicious wines from the valley. Expect slowly made and slowly enjoyed offerings at this year’s event. Sample honest, old-fashioned and rural hospitality, while enjoying time-honored activities; interact with wine-makers and wine-farmers in an informal ambience, getting to know them and their respective families. Wine enthusiasts will get the unique opportunity to engage directly with winemakers in interactive wine tastings. Experience the intricate winemaking process and discover the story behind the bottle. Enjoy country hospitality at its best and indulge in homemade and traditional cuisines, using local ingredients. Farm style breakfasts, fresh produce and family recipe dishes. Savour mouth-watering food and wine pairings from citrus, fudge and truffle delights to boerewors, artisanal pastries and handcrafted cheeses. Browse, shop, taste and enjoy great offerings at the popular family regional market which takes place from 10h00-14h00 on Sunday, 6 August. Local wine, produce, arts, food, music and children’s activities will be on offer. See the website for programme details at robertsonslow.com Each event is charged for individually and available on the festival programme at robertsonslow.com . Entrance to the market is free. Inquiries: Contact the Robertson Wine Valley office www.robertsonslow.com events@robertsonwinevalley.com 023 626 3167



THE ART OF FLOWERS. THE ART OF ART. THE ART OF LIFE. Featured Flowers: Many hybrids of Alstroemeria (Inka lilies) have been developed, featuring many different markings and colours. The flower, which resembles a miniature lily, is very popular as a commercial cut flower. At Fleurs you can this month buy Inka Lily bunches for only R50, a great special!

I now focus onand Oil onVisionary Canvas and my subject matter Featured Artist: Jennifer Neumann Laurens Barnard – The Artist, Entrepreneur consists mainly of South African botanicals, birds,

I was born in 1977 in Kent, England. I attended school at St of becoming conceptual The quiet near unassuming outward manner of artist Lourens Barnard landscapes and nguni cattle, which remain a passion. free flow, best surmised as follow: ”Playful, Lawrence College in Ramsgate and completed my A-levels whimsical sentimental, celebratory, vibrant and lyrical!” Like in a belies and active creative life, that has of late become full circle. Having completed a post graduate diploma in in 1997 (Geography, Classical Civilization and Art). photography, I pride myself in taking most of my own dream world. His oeuvre however in term ofI studied application reminiscent of certain I then movedis to South Africa, where at reference photographs for my work. This has provided many Pietermaritzburg University, completing honours degreeand memorable Fantasy collied theamongst figurative in colour and in form. But always Fresh, parallels relative to (20th century)an French Fauvist German moments, from capturing images in Fine Art in 2000. and alwaysinquirky with a twist. expressionist School. fields of inquisitive ngunivibrant to wildlife encounters a number In 2009 I moved from the Natal Midlands to Hermanus in the of South African reserves. I have currently sold over 160 His colourful imagery is there to be spontaneously relished in terms Western Cape before finally settling in Somerset West in 2014 where I currently live with my Husband and 2 daughters.

original paintings both locally and internationally.

Her work can be found at Fleurs.

165 Main Road, Hermanus | Tel/Fax: 028 313 2215 | Email: fleurs@hermanus.co.za/ louis@fleurs.co.za Daily deliveries to the entire Greater Hermanus area from Gansbaai all the way to Kleinmond. 1/2page-Fleurs.indd 1

2015/02/24 11:39 AM

Werner Smith Werner was born in Pretoria, South Africa in 1972. Although he was schooled in ďŹ ne arts he chose a career in Nature Conservation and only in 2015 took up art again. Werner Smith is primarily a self-taught artist, having learned most of his technique by emulating the style of the other Impressionists. His


work covers a wide spectrum of styles but focuses on one topic, portraiture. Bright, colorful works in oil and large bold portraits in charcoal on canvas is his signature. Werner's works can be seen at several Galleries in the Western Cape but he is strongly represented by Fleurs in Hemanus.

THE ART OF FLOWERS. THE ART OF ART. THE ART OF LIFE. Featured Flowers: Many hybrids of Alstroemeria (Inka lilies) have been developed, featuring many different markings and colours. The flower, which resembles a miniature lily, is very popular as a commercial cut flower. At Fleurs you can this month buy Inka Lily bunches for only R50, a great special!

Featured Artist: Jennifer Neumann I was born in 1977 in Kent, England. I attended school at St Lawrence College in Ramsgate and completed my A-levels in 1997 (Geography, Classical Civilization and Art). I then moved to South Africa, where I studied at Pietermaritzburg University, completing an honours degree in Fine Art in 2000. In 2009 I moved from the Natal Midlands to Hermanus in the Western Cape before finally settling in Somerset West in 2014 where I currently live with my Husband and 2 daughters.

I now focus on Oil on Canvas and my subject matter consists mainly of South African botanicals, birds, landscapes and nguni cattle, which remain a passion. Having completed a post graduate diploma in photography, I pride myself in taking most of my own reference photographs for my work. This has provided many memorable moments, from capturing images amongst fields of inquisitive nguni to wildlife encounters in a number of South African reserves. I have currently sold over 160 original paintings both locally and internationally.

Her work can be found at Fleurs.

165 Main Road, Hermanus | Tel/Fax: 028 313 2215 | Email: fleurs@hermanus.co.za/ louis@fleurs.co.za Daily deliveries to the entire Greater Hermanus area from Gansbaai all the way to Kleinmond. 1/2page-Fleurs.indd 1



2015/02/24 11:39 AM


? . . . s ' n a m r e h t o n a is


ix years ago I wrote my first article for the Splash magazine. The Title: ONE MAN’S TRASH IS THIS WOMAN’S TREASURE.

I had discovered the joy of upcycling/repurposing. Everyone has since jumped on that bandwagon and today Annie Sloan is a Trillionnaire. Don’t know who Annie Sloan is? Nevermind, this article has nothing to do with chalk paint and decorating. However, I’ve been wondering how we can upcycle or repurpose our current Junk crisis… Let’s put things into perspective… In this instance, one man’s junk status is not mine. Hell no. I am not junk. My shop is not junk. My magnificent sea view is not junk. My family, town and its people don’t have junk status. Just ask all the foreigners who are flocking to our shores. We live in the most beautiful town. A town who took to the streets with placards and protested against the King of Junk. My personal favourite slogan: ‘You can buy a better Cabinet at Snuffels! ‘ That’s what we do with our junk. We sell it or we donate it to the Hospice or Animal Welfare for the better good for all. I will not be buying into the general negativity and pessimism that we should pack our bags and get out of here. If we had to leave every time our beloved country hit a glitch, there would be no one left. We have weathered many storms. And yes, the antics of King Junk will still shock us and we can only hope and pray and protest… And stand together. All of us. And in the meantime we must carry on and live this wonderful life in our piece of paradise. Don’t fret about tomorrow. Enjoy This Moment. For those who are fortunate enough to export their wares and their wines, the falling Rand is good news and I don’t begrudge them that. Luckily I have always been a huge supporter of South African products. The magnificent linen products in Amulet attest to that. My incredibly beautiful printed leather shoes aren’t for sale overseas. Customers (local and foreign) automatically assume they must be imported. Nope. South Africans are way more creative than we give ourselves credit for. En ’n boer maak ’n plan. Mmmm… Maybe I should start exporting… Just putting it out there… I hear despondent people around me wonder what we can do to stop what seems like an inevitable downhill spiral into bankruptcy. First of all stop moaning and criticizing and do something. SIGN the petitions. If there’s a march, join it. Make your vote count. Buy South African products. Support local businesses. If you buy stolen goods, you are a thief. If you pay a bribe you are corrupt. Don’t write or share hateful/hurtful posts on Facebook. Don’t spread the disease. We all know that inferior imported goods have cost thousands their jobs. If everyone does his/her little bit, it WILL make a difference in the end. If you choose to be indifferent or negative (exactly the same thing in my book) that’s your choice, but don’t come and poison my space with harmful and hate-filled opinions.

Tel 028 313 0359, 4 Broad Str Hermanus

as in: You love my old bird cage and I have been eyeing that Ginger Jar, so we swop. No Vat, no banking fees, no chance of a card being cloned. Win win for the hard-working, taxpaying people.

Don’t save it for a special occasion. Being alive is the special occasion. Okay genoeg gepreek. Mei is ’n groot maand in my lewe. My enigste kind verjaar. EN sy gaan oorsee. Vir ’n jaar. Eina. Ek het al deur die jare Ma’s en dogters gehelp met mooi goetertjies uitkies vir Mamma se mooiste wat Universiteit toe of Oorsee gaan. Die meisiekinders is vol opgewondenheid, die mamma’s tranerig. Die werklikheid het nog nie behoorlik deurgedring nie, anders het ek lankal begin grens. Percy se keel trek self toe as hy net daaraan dink. Ek belowe myself al vir jare (letterlik) dat ek ons huis eens en vir altyd gaan regruk wanneer Jana die dag nie meer permanent onder ons dak is nie. Miskien is ek eintlik banger vir daai dag: die dag wanneer ek nie meer ’n verskoning het om uit te stel nie. Want ‘uitstel’ is een van my Superpowers. Daar is altyd ’n rede hoekom ek nie vandag die massas agterstallige papierwerk of die deurmekaar kaste kan aanpak nie. Ek is een van daai Maandag mense. Maandag begin my nuwe dieët. Maandag begin ek weer stap. Maandag pak ek die garage. En soos ek hier sit en skryf en kyk vir die lieflike blou see en die mooi dag wat wink buite, begin ek klaar in my onderbewuste plannetjies maak… As ek hier klaar is, gaan ek ’n lang lys maak van al die goed wat ek gaan begin doen… volgende Maandag! Ek is so gewoond daaraan om elke dag te werk, ek weet nie lekker wat om met myself aan te vang wanneer ek nie ’n sperdatum het nie. En ek praat nou nie van Amulet nie nie, want ’n dag in Amulet is nie werk nie. Dis speel. Ek is so dankbaar dat ek ’n totaal onbesonne daad aangevang het en ’n decorwinkel in die middel van ’n resessie gekoop het. Volgens die finanisiële kenners is die volgende resessie op hande. So? Wat is ek veronderstel om te doen? Toe ek jare gelede begin werk het, het ’n finansiële adviseur my aangeraai om te spaar vir my oudag. En ek het. En my oudag is hier… en daai polis het verlede jaar begin uitbetaal. ’n Fenominale R400 en iets Rand. Die nuwe Finansiële Adviseur reken toe hy sal dit maandeliks in ’n veilige fonds inbetaal. Hy was nou die dag by my, ek het net onder R50 ‘wins’ gemaak. Ag nee wat, gaan blaas doppies. Terwyl ons hier in Afrika sit en soos die res van die wêreld asem ophou vir die dag wat daai mal man (met die vreemde haarstyl) die ander mal diktator (met ’n ewe vreemde haarstyl) aan die anderkant van die aardbol opblaas, gaan ek rustig nog asemrowend mooie voorraad koop vir die onpraktiese en mooiste winkel waarheen jy kan kom vir sielerus en agter in ons klein koffiehoekie kan sit en lysies maak vir eendag. Iemand was gister in Amulet en toe sy kom betaal toe bedank sy my namens haar oë wat volgens haar ‘heerlik partytjie gehou het.’ Dankie. Inspirasie is gratis. En nou moet jy my verskoon… Ek gaan stap. Nee wat, ek gaan nie meer wag vir Maandag nie. Sien jou later in Amulet. xx

And there’s something to be said for old-fashioned trading -


Hélène Truter

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FUNDAMENTAL, TRANSFORMING AND OPTIMISING TREATMENTS ... it’s a need to know pyramid! Last month we focused on the Beauty Pyramid in terms of anti-aging product ingredients. This month, we focus on treatments which we consider to be fundamental, transformational and optimising. Let’s face it, looking your best is often time consuming and expensive. Hopefully this approach makes sense and is easy to incorporate in your beauty routine. Refine Anti-Aging Clinic offers complimentary consultations where Dr Emett and a therapist can work out a Beauty Calendar for you to ensure that over a year you can prioritise your treatment with the ultimate goal of being able to maintain a healthy glow. We’ll do the work; you can enjoy the results.

down-time, just lift, lift, lift. Transforming eyes has also become simple with the non-surgical PLEXR eyelid lift. By vaporising skin on the upper and lower eyelids, one can lift and rejuvenate even the most sagging eyes.


When it comes to optimisation, we want to maintain and keep that youthful glow. Optimise with a Mesoglow Facial once in a while, where a cocktail of active ingredients gets infused with a very light skin needling treatment. Add a radiofrequency skin tightening to your monthly peel for enhanced results. Optimising medical aesthetic treatments includes making use of Hyaluronic Skin boosters. This revolutionary treatment involves using very fine watery dermal filler which the doctor lightly spreads just under the skin. It absorbs 1000x its weight in water leaving a hydrated, wrinkle free skin surface. It is ideal for fine lines spanning the whole cheek and eye area. Optimising includes the doctor using dermal fillers again to lift and finesse fine lines ensuring you remain wrinkle free between your transformational treatments. Top-up Botox can range in price from as little as R280 per treatment. While transformational medical aesthetic treatments will be every 1.5-5years, optimising treatments will be top-ups and finessing every 6-12 months. And most importantly stick to a maintenance skincare program over a period of 4-6 months, to optimise your results. A program can be prescribed by one of our professionals. The use of active products in your homecare regime is of utmost importance. Ask your therapist and doctor for advice.


We all know the drill: cleanse, tone, moisturise, and repeat. Did you know that Refine Clinic takes it one step further with active and advanced skin care that complements our medical grade treatments? Once a month must have treatments, that would suit any budget conscious client, could include facial treatments with mild to moderate alpha-hydroxy, beta-hydroxy or TCA peels. By rapidly, but safely removing dead skin layers, one can see a huge improvement with skin texture, colour and tone. Enzymatic facial leaves the skin rejuvenated without any down time, suitable for first time clients or the most sensitive skins. Your once a month treatment does not have to break the bank….

Transform: neck with SILHOUETTE LIFT two years after treatment

On the medical aesthetic side, Dr Emett recommends Botox as a fundamental treatment. Botox can be started from about the age of 35. While avoiding being prescriptive about when to start, preventing permanent lines with the use of this muscle relaxant; still remains one of the most cost-effective antiaging treatments. Every 6 months, one can get their “Botox medical make-up”, which will allow you to go without having to cake your skin in make up to hide fine lines and wrinkles. Botox is not a poison; it does not get absorbed into the blood stream. It is a simple protein which, when injected into very specific facial muscles, relaxes the muscles to prevent lines from deepening. Your doctor can control the amount of relaxation by adjusting the dose. If you maintain the relaxation twice a year, your dose (and hence cost) should decrease and effects last longer. (Botox goes for R70 per unit.)


Wrinkles, sagging skin and pigmentation can now be combated simply by going for a medical facial….? Call them super-high-tech- facials; these pioneering procedures are all about results. Transforming treatments are about remodelling collagen, removing pigmentation, scarring and re-texturising the skin surface. The revolutionary Dermapen (skin needling), is just one of these anti-ageing treatments that has won numerous awards. IPL laser can very easily remove unwanted sun damage and vascularityleaving the skin transformed and blemish free. Deeper chemical peels can dramatically improve tone and texture and smooth out lines, wrinkles and effectively erase signs of ageing. From the medical aesthetic side, transforming treatments include dermal fillers which can re-contour facial bone and fat depletion which happens to us all as we age. Because bones are getting smaller the skin begins to sag. Filler onto the jaw line, cheek bone, under eyebrows etcetera, can transform the face into the correct facial proportion we so enjoyed in our thirties. The Silhouette Soft “one-stitchmini-lift”, makes use of a long thread which can lift an entire area of the face or neck. No surgery, no

Transform: upper eyelid with PLEXR Doctor’s Tip: Optimise your Treatment outcomes by consulting with a skin therapist or doctor to ensure your Beauty Program is bespoke. Seek treatments in a clinic where ALL aesthetic treatments are available to avoid a “one-size-fits-all” approach. Lindi's Therapist Tip: transform and take years off your face with IPL treatment. This anti-aging light treatment removes broken facial vessels and brown spots, taking years off your skin tone....

■ L a s e r S k i n R e j u v e n a t i o n ■ C h e m i c a l P e e l s ■ L a s e r Ve i n / H a i r R e m o v a l ■ B o t o x ™ ■ Dermal Fillers ■ Sclerotherapy ■ Diathermy ■ Permanent Make-up ■ Carboxytherapy Tel: 028 316 1532 / Email: info@refine.co.za / www.refineclinic.co.za / Hemel & Aarde Craft Village, Hermanus, 7200 Follow us on:

Refine Anti-Ageing Clinic and SPLASH 10




Lip Blush Procedure



After Microblading Eyebrows and Eyeliner



Leanne Steinmann, Internationally Trained Permanent Makeup Technician Cell: 073 147 6494 / Email: leannesteinmann@yahoo.com www.permanentmakeupbyleanne.com / FB: Permanent Makeup By Leanne Steinmann APPOINTMENTS: Phone “Refine”: 028 316 1532



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123-TATTOO-FREE® simply creates a mild irritation that causes the body to naturally reject the pigment. In fact again unlike other chemical removals where the unsightly chemical is left on the skin, 123-TATTOO-FREE® is not left on the skin but is washed off the clients skin thoroughly before he/she leaves your studio.


celebrates purchase

of foster home for




he Lighthouse2Lighthouse Ladies Walk has brought light to the Overberg community again. In 2012, the Charity of choice for our fundraising walk was Child Welfare Hermanus. We raised R222, 222.00 towards Child Welfare’s project to purchase a Foster Home for neglected and abused children in Mount Pleasant.

The driving force behind this project was Mrs. Rina Louw, the head of the Hermanus office. However, Child Welfare faced numerous challenges in procuring a viable, affordable piece of land or home to purchase within the designated community. Since 2015 Ms. Geraldine Skots, a social worker at the Hermanus Office set out to get this project off the ground and actively searched for a suitable house to purchase with the funds raised. We are glad to announce that a 2-bedroom home has been bought by Child Welfare Hermanus in Freesia Street, Mount Pleasant to serve as a Foster Home for 6 children, ages 6 years and older. This foster home is to be called The Lighthouse Foster Home. The newly appointed house mother, Ms. Neziwe Noble, who has worked part-time for Child Welfare at their foster home, Jubilee in Hawston for the last 3 years, will manage this new home. Transfer of ownership commenced on the 1st February 2017. Since then the house has been renovated and improved by the generous contributions of local businesses such as Pennypinchers Hermanus. A Christmas drive was also run by Sue Holmes of the Hillside Estate to donate bedding, furniture and other household goods for the home. The management of this foster home does face ongoing challenges, as Social Welfare will not provide funding for day-to-day running costs of the home, such as electricity, water, monthly groceries or the salary of the house mother. The Onrus Dutch Reformed church has now ‘adopted’ this safe house, with their congregants donating money, furniture and materials to assist in the everyday running costs for the foreseeable future. Pastor Wilhelm Burger from the Onrus DR Church celebrated the opening of the home with beautiful cuddly teddy bears handmade by a church congregant.

In addition the house needs to be made into a welcoming home for young children who have experienced severe trauma. Donations of top soil, grass, water efficient plants, a swing or climbing frame would make a big difference in these children’s’ experience of their new home. Lighthouse2Lighthouse Ladies Walk is very happy to see the funds raised in 2012 has now been realised in a safe home for children within the Overberg community. That is the essence of what Lighthouse2Lighthouse Ladies Walk stand for. The 2018 Walk is around the corner and all interested charities who would like to apply for the funds raised during the coming walk, can start composing their applications! All applications to be sent via e-mail to admin@lighthouse2lighthouse.co.za If any individual or business feel drawn to support The Lighthouse Safe House, the social worker managing this home is Mr. Zibosiso Dube (028 313 0830). Lighthouse2Lighthouse Ladies Walk is very proud to have made a contribution towards the safekeeping of the children within the Overberg community and would like to thank all the sponsorships, each lady who raised funds and walked the 100kms in 2012 towards achieving this goal!

2 Lighthouse committee members with social worker Geraldine Skots in front of the newly purchased house in Mount Pleasant


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Waarom raak mense by

RUGBY betrokke? E

k het ’n baie interessante artikel van Bun Booyens in die Burger gelees van sy jongste rugbyervaring as ondersteuner en dit het regtig my kop aan die gang gesit oor die spel en sy mense. Wat is in die ‘chemiese’ samestelling van die spel wat ons so vasvang? It is very obvious that rugby holds a different magic for different people but one thing is certain and that is: it is catching us all. This is why it is so important that the top end of the food chain in the rugby administration, coaches and players live up to their responsibility in this regard in order to grow and promote the game.

Met die nuwe kompetisie wat beoog word vir Super Rugby vir die 2018-seisoen, is dit baie duidelik dat die rugbykoek nie groter gemaak word nie, maar kleiner. Kyk ons na die ontwikkeling van sokker teenoor diè van rugby moet ons vir mekaar sê dat sokker regtig die verbeelding van die verbruikers van die spel oor ’n baie breër spekrtum van die spel suksesvol saam met hulle gevat en ontwikkel het.

Ons kan nie toelaat dat rugby stagneer nie. Dit is so belangrik dat die spel uitgebou moet word. Getalle, is wat my betref, die enigste manier om werklik te sien of die spel in die regte rigting ontwikkel en of die spel uitgebou word. Die vraag ontstaan dan onmiddellik – maar van watse getalle praat ons nou eintlik hier?

In die onlangse historiese verlede was rugby en sokker een spel. Die elemente van die skop en die dra van die bal was in een spel teenwoordig. Ek haal weer aan uit Dr. Craven se boek ‘Die Verhaal van Rugby’: “Tot in 1863 was beide die skop en dra van die bal in een of ander form in die spel teenwoordig”. Voor 1863 is die woord “Voetbal” gebruik om die spel te beskryf en was beide die skop en dra van die bal tot ’n meerdere of ’n mindere mate verteenwoordig in die reëls van die dag. Na 1863 word verwys na sokker as “Association Football” en na rugby as “Rugby Football.”

That brings me to the next question of who the customers of rugby are and then with immediate effect the next question is one of priority: who are the most important customers of the game? In my mind they are the spectators. Otherwise why should rugby exist? If and when a rugby spectator tells you, and I quote: “So bly ek hoef nie Super Rugby te kyk nie,” then you know that rugby has a big problem.

It is important to know that if the competition in which you play does not help you to develop your game or assist you in promoting yourself and your team and take the spectators to the next level of the game, then it is not fulfilling its mandate. To make this structure successful it must be economically viable and sustainable, but it must also work for the spectators. If that

is not the case, the spectators will walk away and the rest will be (is) history. Die skrille kontras tussen die “UEFA Cup” in sokker en die Super 18 of dan 15 Rugbygetalle in terme van ondersteuning, is nie eers vergelykbaar of verduidelikbaar nie. Vir my is die potensiële assosiasie-basis van ’n toeskouer in rugby soveel sterker as diè van sokker omdat elke mens in ’n spesifieke posisie in rugby kan speel en as sulks het hy ’n maklike assosiasie wat hy kan maak. Hy sien homself in die spel. Hy is deel van die rugbyprentjie in sy kop. Daarteenoor kan manne soos Hennie Bekker, Hempies du Toit en Bakkies Botha nie regtig met sokker assosieer nie. They just do not fit there. In saying this, there is a lot of work ahead for rugby. We have seen some very good matches with good results – specifically the Stormers beating the Chiefs. It gives us the feeling that we can beat the All Backs in the matches to come. The Stormers against the Lions 8 days later was however, not so good for the Stormers, but there were some positive elements to give us hope that they can bounce back. The next three weeks on the road will be decisive for them. Tog was daar weer negatiewe elemente in die spel soos die Jaco Kriel insident op Robert du Preez en Nizaam Carr se armlose skouer-hoogvat wat die spel ontsuur het. Nie goed vir die bemarking van die spel nie. Sou beide van hierdie twee insidente in NieuSeeland plaasgevind het teen Nieu-Seelandse spanne is ek redelik seker dat rooi kaarte met lang strawwe daarop sou gevolg het. Dit hoort vir seker nie in die spel nie en kan nie goedgepraat word nie. In dieselfde asem moet die insident van JC Strauss op Patrick Lambie (Springbokke teen Ierland op Nuweland 2016) genoem word. Dit het vir seker onberekenbare skade aan Lambie se rugbyloopbaan en sy persoon gedoen.


I believe that it is these kinds of incidents that prevent the game from developing and growing. Mothers and grandmothers watch the game and say: “I think my son or grandson must not play that game. It is too dangerous.” How can we blame them? Previously we wrote about the importance of the dominance of the front row in the scrum. In last week’s rugby we saw elements of that which led to the tight five dominating the game and ultimately securing victory. Lions over the Stormers and the Tukkies over the Maties. Though I would just like to say that the more they change the game the more it stays the same. In 1937 het die Springbokke ’n toetsreeks in Nieu-Seeland gewen deur net te skrum en vandag sien ons dieselfde verhaal homself op ons velde afspeel. Soek die elemente rondom die spel wat vir u fassineer en geniet elke oomblik daarvan. Dit mag ’n goeie skrum wees of dalk twee woorde wat opgesluit lê in ’n opmerking van ’n toeskouer. Òf dalk ’n skitterende doodvat of ’n gevatte beskrywing van ’n situasie wat ook lewensgetrou in ’n koöperatiewe losskrum in ’n raadsaal voorkom waar die wenner met die bal wegloop net omdat hy op die regte vaardigehde van die spel in die gepaste situasie gefokus het. What a wonderful game we have at our disposal… Dankie Bun dat jy jou Hawston rugbyervaring met ons gedeel het wat my weer laat dink het!

– Dawie Snyman

2017 – Sasha Martinengo



don’t believe that anyone who has been watching F1 over the past few seasons would have predicted that any other driver other than an AMG-Mercedes driver would be leading the world championship after 5 rounds of the 2017 season. Well, who would have thought that Sebastian Vettel from Ferrari would hold a slender 6 point leader over his main rival Lewis Hamilton? And yes, this is all on merit. We do have a proper racing championship this year. To try and put some perspective on how surprising this all is just read this carefully: In 2014 and 2015 no team or driver came with 45 seconds of the Mercedes cars at the Spanish GP in Barcelona. In 2016 both Mercedes drivers took each other out. In 2017 Lewis Hamilton beat Sebastian Vettel by only 3 seconds after a truly thrilling race. You might think that there is some trickery but there isn’t. It is down to the regulation changes which allow continuous development of the complicated F1 Power-Units. Ferrari has done an outstanding job and thankfully we have some great racing already and hopefully more to look forward to. Let’s give you a rundown of each team:


Lewis has won 2 races and Valtteri won his maiden race in Russia. Bottas lost major points to Lewis with a DNF in Spain and will more than likely play wing man for the 3 time World Champion as he fights Sebastian Vettel


What an improvement. Vettel has won twice and Kimi has had some desperate luck. Kimi will have to improve a bit and help Vettel if he is to be successful. Red Bull Racing There or there about’s at the moment. The new Renault engine for Canada should help a great amount but I think their battle is between their two drivers. Max and Daniel are both very exciting and will be at each other the whole year.


If you want consistency then this is the team to watch. Sergio Perez has now scored points in15 consecutive races and his new teammate Esteban Ocon has scored in all 5 races this year. If Red Bull is not careful, this team could overtake them in the point’s standings this season.

Click to visit the F1 webpage for the latest updates and race results.


I like this team a lot. They just have raw passion and one of the most exciting drivers in Carlos Sainz. They also need the new Renault engine to be more competitive but I expect more great results from the team this year.


Had Williams not convinced Felipe Massa to return to the team after he retired, they would be in a desperate situation. The rookie Lance Stroll whose father apparently owns a big chunk of the Williams team is completely out of his depth. In my opinion it is a desperate situation for Williams and I think they are stuck and cannot get out of this rut.


The Hulk is doing a great job for the team so far. Jolyon Palmer has been ... Well ... Below average to be kind to him. I expect great improvements from the team from now on. Renault has an astonishing record in F1 and I expect them to rise once again.


The 2017 campaign has been difficult so far compared to their very impressive 2016. They are a new team and are learning race by race. Give Grosjean a decent package and I expect great results from the team.


The Sauber team will be celebrating after Wehrlein’s point’s hall in Spain. The pressure is off the team now as they are guaranteed TV and travelling money for 2018. They have signed a deal for Honda engines in 2018 which could be a stroke of genius or a complete disaster.


How the mighty have fallen. So many promises every race that the Honda Power Unit will be better has left us all very sceptical and rather disappointed. Mclaren is one of the great teams of F1 history and to see them struggling so desperately is rather tragic. By some stroke of genius, the Honda engineers might get it right and we will all eat humble pie, but I’m not going to lose sleep over waiting for it. Alonso shows at every race what a brilliant driver he is. Just a pity he is in such a poor car. Who will win 2017? Too early to tell still












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2017 ABSA Cape Epic from a local’s perspective

Claude Tyers & Mathew Browne (Team Hermanus High School)

What was your impression with Hermanus playing one of the hosts of the Epic? From a personal perspective the fact that Day 1 & Day 2 of this year’s Epic were hosted by Hermanus gave us local Overberg boys a massive home ground (local knowledge) advantage both in terms of us knowing the trails like the back of our hand as well as having massive local crowd support which really motivated us! Our town was by far the best host town during this year’s race and that was the general feeling/ consensus that we felt having spoken to many fellow riders during each subsequent stage of this 8 day stage race. That said Day 1’s 104 km stage from Hermanus, through Tesslarsdal, over the infamous Haarkappers pass to Stanford and back to Hermanus was arguably the toughest day that we had due to the terrain and the extreme heat that we all experienced! The rider attrition on Day 1 was VERY high and due to all the heat related medical cases the race medical staff made an unprecedented decision to shorten Day 2’s stage from 108km to Greyton to a 62km stage finishing at Caledon instead. That was the first time that I have experienced such a radical route change in my 7 times that I have done the Epic. So although I and many other riders thought Hermanus was the most cool host venue the riders really suffered due to the excessive heat & extremely tough terrain that this area through at us! Lastly the fact that the race village was located mainly on the High School terrain meant that Claude & I felt like rock stars due to all the fan support we received at the start, during and at the end of Day1 & Day 2 ☺ Do you think Hermanus must host it again next year? Emphatically yes! After Hermanus High School won the best helicopter ‘flyover-over’ competition and after the riders voted our town as having won the ‘best gees’ contest, hopefully we will be fortunate enough to host it again next year. This was the third time that Hermanus has hosted overnight stays during the Epic so it tells me that it is a VERY popular destination for the riders. We definitely have the infrastructure to accommodate all the riders and their many back up supporters and now thanks to the local trail builders we have some of the best MTB trails in the country. All these reasons should count in our favor in terms of the organizers deciding to revisit us again next year. What did the riders think about the route? On the whole the routes were not excessively as long as previous years have been but over the

years the race stages have become shorter but more technically challenging which means less long, open district roads and more shorter punchy singletrack routes which the riders actually prefer. The Hemel & Aarde trails at the start of Day 2 that wend their way up the valley to Caledon were sublime and the riders loved the trails so much. The challenging singletrack in the Grabouw area were also awesome and had that roller coaster WOW factor to the race and personally I really enjoy the technical tracks more than the laborious old style district route stages. It keeps you thinking so it stimulates both the body and the mind at the same time. Was it the best decision to shorten the route because I understand there were some mixed feelings? Mmmm the decision to shorten Day 2 from 108km to 62km received mixed feedback from the riders. Whilst we all know it was a safety first decision made by the organizers based on the many heat related medical casualties that resulted from Day 1 a lot of us more ‘seasoned’ Epic participants thought it was a bit strange as we have experienced far worse heat conditions in the past and this is the Epic after all, the untamed African Adventure so as such we as riders should be prepared for all extreme African conditions: heat, cold & rain, all of which make this race what it is! If you can’t take the heat maybe one should think twice about entering the Epic was one of the opinions. The medical staff weren’t wrong with their advice though and day 2 would probably have been another heat related repeat medical disaster. A shorter Day 2 was better than no Day 2 but I can’t imagine a stage ever being cancelled in a similar way to the cancellation at this year’s Cape Cycle Tour, that would be the ultimate Epic failure! How was the weather overall? To be 100% honest apart from Day 1 & Day 2’s high temperatures the rest of the conditions were as close to perfect riding weather as we could hope for this year and the cooler weather we experienced in Grabouw was an absolute Godsend! Claude is a big man weighing around 107kg so he thrived in the cooler conditions as did all the rest of us ‘normal’ sized riders. How was the vibe in town? The vibe in Hermanus was brilliant I just hope that all the local businesses also capitalized on the event being stationed here for 2 days. As locals we obviously thoroughly enjoyed riding all our

local trails. Representing the High School was super special for both of us as Claude is a proud old boy and I have a daughter in grade 11 and I serve on the school governing body. The entire school were out there in full force to support us both and we are immensely grateful for all our friendly support! Thanks to Greg Hassenkamp, his pupils & Staff at Hermanus High School, let’s hope we get to stay at the school again next year ☺ What is your typical diet during a race like this to build up your strength and energy levels? Well the school of thought these days is to eat as normally as possible both during our training phase as well as during each day of this grueling 8 day stage race allowing your body to consume a balance of all the nutrients required to refuel your body. I tend to eat more protein than carbs as my muscle functions better on a high protein diet. The carbs that I do consume are mostly natural ones: fresh fruit & vegetables rather than consuming simple processed sugary carbs. Sugar tend to push up blood sugar levels and provide a temporary energy spike and then the body and brain crashes which is potentially disastrous during and stage of Epic. I make sure that I consume a lot of water during and after each stage thus ensuring optimal hydration throughout. Rule of thumb is eat and drink a balanced abundantly and selectively. How was the Haarkapper-route at Tesselaarsdal and what did the other riders say? Haarkappers was just as tough as we predicted having already ridden it once during our build up training this year. The heat made it exponentially tougher though and the switchbacks up to the steep summit were very tough and technical to negotiate at that stage of the day and when I looked above and below me somewhere in the middle of the ascent I can assure you that most of the riders were pushing their bikes just as I was doing! The descent was also VERY technical so even though it was great to freewheel down to Stanford we still needed the skill and concentration required not to fall dangerously down the back of the mountain! Did anyone get medical treatment during the Hermanus stage? Yes as far as I know many riders received treatment for heat related issues during and after Day 1 and the medical tent looked like a war zone in the afternoon with most casualties requiring saline & glucose drips. There were also a few riders who fell and received serious injuries such


as broken collar bones and cuts and bruises. Were there any low points for you during the race? No I can’t think of any moment that I felt low during any moment of this year’s race, we had no serious falls or technical mishaps so I can only recall laughing and smiling a lot and knowing that I was experiencing one of the world’s most prestigious MTB races alongside one of my best friends who incidentally just got stronger and stronger as the race progressed. Claude was an absolute ‘yster’ and I would go to battle alongside him any day again ☺ What is your most important item you always have when getting onto your bike? WOW that’s an interesting question! This year for most riders it was probably their trusty multi-tool without which you can’t repair your bike adequately in the event of a technical bike related breakdown. However we had no technical problems as Leon from Hermanus Cycles serviced our bikes every afternoon so he was definitely our behind the scenes secret weapon! The most important item that Calude and I carried was our two water bottles without which we would surely not survived. What is your advice for anyone who thinks about doing the epic? Think long and hard before attacking this beast and once u have the full support of your family and friends then think again and make sure that you are not only physically prepared to put your body through the grueling training required to get yourself to the start line next year at Meerendal but also do you have the mental staying power to survive 8 days of tough endurance! Finally once you have made that decision you need to choose your ride partner wisely because you need to be compatible in every sense of the word. You WILL definitely need that person to match you and to be able to lift each other through the days that you WIIL be taking strain and vice versa. This is a team race so you always need to think about and look out for your race partner. If you have made those wise choices then anyone can actually do this race, young & old. I chose the best partner to ride alongside me this year and we did our homework together, so we had a dream race together and that’s the awesome experiience that ‘might’ convince me to do it again next year. That and the love and support from all our friends and loved ones, without which neither one of us would have done so well.

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BEWARE OF IMPOSTERS…THEY CAN COST YOU! BY PAM SNYMAN It cannot be stressed enough that property buyers, sellers, landlords, tenants and owners must be exceptionally aware of doing business with unlicensed property practitioners. You simply cannot afford to rely on selling agents, letting agents and property managers who act illegally. In terms of the current Estate Agency Affairs Act it is a CRIMINAL offence that can bring about a maximum 5-year imprisonment sentence. In the new Property Practitioners Bill that is currently open for comment the maximum sentence has been extended to 10 years’ imprisonment in the event of contravening the Act by acting as an estate agent without a current valid Fidelity Fund Certificate (FFC). This Certificate is in effect the estate agent’s license to practice lawfully. The Act specifically states that an estate agent is not entitled to any remuneration or other payment in the event that he/she/it has not been issued a current valid FFC by the Estate Agency Affairs Board who is the statutory body governing estate agents (as per the definition of ‘estate agent’ in the Act). These FFC’s are only valid for one year at a time from 1 January until 31 December and must be renewed each year to be valid. The new Bill provides for the inclusion of a much larger pool of property practitioners, including amongst others financiers, bridging finance companies and bond originators. It is interesting to note that the Estate Agency Affairs Act 112/1976 also compels the agency and its principals (directors of a company, members of a cc, partners in a partnership or sole proprietor) to be issued with valid FFC’s and if not, the agents in the employ of such an estate agency are automatically disqualified as well. On the other hand, if a single estate agent in the employ of an agency is unlicensed, he/ she automatically disqualifies the agency from earning remuneration which then in turn disqualifies all the agents in the employ of that agency. Serious stuff. And remember we said that acting without a valid FFC is a criminal offence… This in essence means that you, the consumer, must ensure that you are not being served by an unlicensed estate agent without the prescribed qualifications (as you would most certainly not seek the services of an unlicensed medical doctor or legal practitioner)! Agents with valid FFC’s contribute to the EAAB’s Fidelity Fund that protects the public against monetary losses caused by estate agents. To the right is an example of a valid 2017 FFC issued to REDZetc: And below an FFC issued to an estate agent: If your rental, sales or management agent cannot present you with a copy of the above certificate, he/she is in no position to charge you any commission or request payment of any sort. This would be a criminal act and we implore all real estate consumers to assist in professionalizing real estate by insisting on seeing an agent’s FFC… as this Act has been around since 1976! If they cannot produce one, be warned!




Such criminal practices by uneducated and unlicensed perpetrators also take the food out of the mouths of those property practitioners who are law-abiding and subsequently qualified to sell, lease or manage your property in a professional manner.




If an estate agent cannot produce an FFC the EAAB’s Whistle Blower Hotline can be informed at 0800 223 225




01/01/2017 FIRM







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Music is certainly an art form that imitates life. As our moods change and the seasons change so does our choice in the music we listen to. The music we listen to on a sunny summer day will be different to the music we listen to on a cold, wet winter day.

My Hart Bly in ‘n Taal by Refentse.

Released April 2016. This very talented young man went from busker to a household name in Afrikaans music. A video of him performing became a viral sensation. The Album contains favourites such as Sonvanger and Oom Faan se Plass and Baby Wat Eet Ons Vanand. He has a stage presence that belies the fact that he is only 19 years. I predict great things for this young man.

Infinite by Deep Purple.

Harry Styles the Album.

Release date 12 May. His lead single Sign of the Times which he co-wrote is actually surprisingly good. His former One Direction band members who went solo had rather mediocre offerings. This self titled Album will be released on his own label, Erskine Records. If the first single is anything to go by then this Album will be a huge success.

Released 7 April 2017. Deep Purple formed in the UK in 1968 are considered to be among the pioneers of Modern Hard Rock. This is their 20th studio record. The band lineup includes Ian Gillian (vocals), Ian Paice(drums), Roger Glover (bass) guitarist Steve Morse and keyboardist Don Airey. This is the fifth album with this lineup and features 10 tracks including a cover of Roadhouse Blues the Doors classic.

Love by Lana Del Rey.

One More Light by Linkin Park.

Elizabeth Woolridge Grant better known by her stage name Lana Del Rey is and American singer, songwriter and model. This is a single from her soon to be released Album Lust For Life. Love is a mid-tempo song about the hope of youth and love and is a little more gritty and sharper than some of her previous work. Her voice has a good range and is highly emotive, she often sings in the lower registers. Lana has struggled with stage fright during live performances, however, its been noted that her confidence has increased exponentially.

An American rock band formed in 1996. The release date for their seventh full-length album is May 2017, its ben quite a while since their last album. The lead single Heavy dropped recently and according to Mike Shinoda, one of the creative forces in the band, it is the core sound of the Album. Rising star Kiiara contributes with vocals on this single. This band tends to change their musical sound and direction.


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Coastal Cleanup

"I hike the coast of South Africa because it's on my bucket list. But lately I have been distracted by all the marine debris lying along my path, so now my hikes have become an awareness campaign."

He has completed Cape Point to Mossel Bay, a distance of 568.56km. On the first Saturday of every month, Antonio does a coastal cleanup with volunteers. Anybody can join in the fun, and it's a surprise which part of the Whale Coast he chooses: from Rooi Els to De Damme. His hikes have inspired locals of Gansbaai. Struisbaai, Witsand and George to now do their own cleanups. Since February this year he has also spoken to numerous schools in the Overstrand and have had pupils from Hermanus High, Gansbaai PrimĂŞr and Pringle House do cleanups with him. Antonio recently took 25 volunteers into Cape Infanta Nature Reserve to do a cleanup over 2 days. 8km of coast was cleaned with 162 bags filled, mostly plastic bottles. " what we often find on remote beaches are loads of trawler rope, 20-liter plastic drums, also steel drums. thousands of plastic bottles, some so old they crumble in my hands." It is his dream to inspire as many people as he can to start becoming aware of cleaning their own coast. "Just take a bag with you on your walk" Antonio's initiative: Coastal Cleanup Conservation is now being sponsored by Checkers Hermanus and PlasticsSA and endorsed by Cape Nature in supporting his efforts to get communities involved. Some of the most significant coastal cleanups done during the last 8 months was a) I&J Private Reserve at Danger Point, b) Cape Infanta weekend and c) Vermont to Hawston and d) Quion Point to Pearly Beach. Many of these places are not accessible to the public or there is a threat of poachers, but with the help of Cape Nature, I&J and local Ratepayers associations, Antonio gets to take volunteers to do a cleanup. Recently acquiring a Toyota Hilux 4x4, he can now access remote areas to clean and remove marine debris. Since embarking on this project almost a year ago, his group have filled 485 bags weighing almost 300kg over an area spanning the Whale Coast and areas beyond. Another huge cleanup planned for end of July is the Rocherpan coastal nature reserve, north of Velddrif. which has never been cleaned of marine debris. Antonio hikes the coast for awareness against marine debris and a call to action for locals to pick up when they walk and not litter when on a boat. "Marine Debris is a reality every day. If we can all just do our part, I promise the feeling is exhilarating"

To join his group, call 072 4624271 or email antonio@bfound.co.za. Facebook: Coastal Cleanup Conservation.

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Napier Patatfee s

Napier Start Date: 16 18 Junie 2:00 pm To 4:0 0 pm Napier Tourism : 028 424 2584 Did you know N apier was once the sweet potato gr owing capital of South Africa? To celebrate th is humble yet ve rsatile vegetable, we have named our annual festival, which incorpor ates the Napier Halfmarathon, a mou ntain bike race an d a trail run, in honour of it.

ledon-Wes a C k r e K G N WintermarkJunie

Kryvis Festival

Share y ou calendar r event on the I love H for only ermanus For mor R75 e events in Herm visit ww an w.iloveh ermanus us and the Ove rberg .co.za

Kleinmond Date: 30 June 2 July For enquiries co ntact 078 019 47 88 The third annu al Kryvis Festiva l will once agai be hosted by Ka n belJoe’s Seafo od Restaurant in the quaint an d vibrant Harbo ur Road, Kleinmond. We will be kicking off th e winter school holidays with a colourful and exciting celebration of seaf ood and the co astal lifestyle.

Fyn Arts 2017


Starry Starry Night Paint & Sip

Hermanus Date: 30 June 7pm to 10 pm A super fun evening of creating a painting of Starry Night by Van Gogh. Maureen Tomaino our local artist will guide you on how to do it. All proceeds go to the Hermanus Frail Care Center ta Sofca.

Hermanus Date: 9 - 18 June www.hermanusfynarts.co.za forming arts at uth African visual and per So 4 of is 2 up u line g h itin 2 , 2 d exc e : an s FynArts o Expect Date as an eclectic mix, Hermanu l met mooig bed ie cri s des t u Bes 17. jo 20 d ts e Ar tailor-made Hermanus Fyn Kom vo r School. The program is nte ‘n Mark om Wi ! and d e est o tsF Ar tg of e n e fine is a ten-day fusio goed en l stimulation, great wine and ua ! ect ell ie int n s, art p of o ge lo ran for those who value a nie mis te ertaining. is varied, top class and ent t tha m gra pro a in ed kag dining pac

DJ Projects

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Contact DJ Projects - JOE – 072 635 4070 or E-mail: djprojects777@gmail.com

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