Splash Magazine - November 2017

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Your FREE Lifestyle magazine November 2017 Issue 91

Artist M arnitz

S teyn


M E D I A Advertising agency | Media house Overberg Branch & Head Office Editor: Peter van Schaik peter@splashmag.co.za Copy-Editors: Kathleen Botha, & Hanneke van Schaik Design: Brenda Smal



Peter van Schaik

P3 More on Cover artist. P4 Hélène Truter - Die Kaap is weer Hollands P6 Murray Steward - Jacob's Ladder P7 On the Beat

In 1823, William Webb Ellis first picked up the ball in his arms and ran with it. And for the next 156 years forwards have been trying to work out why. - Sir Tasker Watkins (1979)

SPLASH Office Tel: 074 717 2582

SPLASH YOUR BUSINESS! To advertise with us email splash@splashmag.co.za Address: Gateway Centre, Hermanus, 7200 Postal Address: Private Bag X15, Suite 43, Gateway Centre, Hermanus, 7200


Hi Splash Readers

Refine - Itchy, Bitchy, Frumpy, Fat...

PROVINCE!!! Find out Dawie Snyman's thougts on the 2017 Currie Cup final.


Almal is besig om reg te maak vir die besige Desember vakansie. Ons area gaan weer oorloop met besoekers van regoor Suid Afrika. Ek dink ons "locals" kan gerus kyk na ons pad gebruik en verkeers reëls. Ek sien steeds meer mense wat nie weet wat daai stokkie agter sy stuurwiel nou eintlik doen nie. Mense stop en parkeer net waar en net soos hul wil. Die ergste is seker die onkunde oor hoe om flikker ligte om n sirkel te gebruik. Kom nou mense, watter gemors gaan dit afgee met al die besoekers ook nog hier op ons paaie. Bietjie geduld, gebruik daai flikker ligte, hou volg afstand en maak seker daar is genoeg afstand voor jy in-draai.

P12 Onrus P13 Sandbaai

Keeping Splash Magazine connected sales@sonictelecoms.co.za 021 201 0220

Cover Art: Marnitz Steyn

HOME P12 Pam Snyman - Best Possible price P13 Francois van Rooyen Tire(ing) stories




P16 Elmarie de Waal - Kunstenaars tuin P18 Dawie Snyman - 2017 Currie Cup

Works available at Fleurs 165 Main Road, Hermanus Tel/Fax: 028 313 2215

Whale Coast FM got their new frequency and a new station manager. We say farewell to Dayne Nel and wish her all the best in her future endeavours. Congratulations on finally getting WCFM’s new frequency and bigger footprint sorted. Now WCFM can cater to a larger audience with their crisp, clear new frequency.

Printing Framing Signage

Email: fleurs@hermanus.co.za

Your FREE Lifestyle magazine September 2017 Issue 89

Enjoy the warmer weather and start planning your December holiday, it's closer than you think.

Your FREE Lifestyle magazine October 2017 Issue 90

Greyton Artist Michelle holloway

Hermanus Artist TerTius van Dyk

September 2017 / issue 89

October 2017 / issue 90

Previous issues of Splash available online at


Manie Kitching will be taking over from Dayne. This former O-Fm dj is planning a couple of changes and some fresh ideas, so keep listening and stay tuned to 91,4 Whale Coast FM.

Peter Follow us on Twitter and like our Facebook page

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Tune in on fridays 16:30 for the Splash tripple play, on Whale Coast 96FM

Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or S P L A S H Magazine. Copyright © - Whale Splash Media CC - All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or copied by any form or means without prior permission of the publisher. The Publisher or S P L A S H Magazine are not responsible for any unsolicited material.



Marnitz Steyn

Paul Carstens

CAPTIVATED BY THE CAPE I was born deaf and attended the Trans Oranje School for the deaf in Pretoria where my talent for drawing was first noticed. I find the Cape landscape a constant source of inspiration. Much of my work is an emotional response to the beauty that I see and feel around me and I enjoy interpreting the colours created as the light plays across the countryside. I do not have a preference for a specific medium but I do love the way the palette knife gives the finished work a fresh feel. My time is mostly occupied by commission work.

ABOUT MY LIFE DRAWINGS I am a graphic designer by profession, and by resembles a miniature The flower, which lily, is very popular as a commercial cut passion. flower. to the I guess for me drawing is the antidote often rigid disciplines of design. At Fleurs you can this month buy Inka Lily bunches for only R50, a great special! So when I draw, I am not particularly interested in detail, nor in realism. I enjoy the brush with a mind of its own, and the happy accident. I draw from real life, I don't trace from internet images. I draw because I enjoy the unpredictability and anticipation of what might emerge.

Featured Artist: Jennifer Neumann I was born in 1977 in Kent, England. I attended school at St Lawrence College in Ramsgate and completed my A-levels in 1997 (Geography, Classical Civilization and Art). I then moved to South Africa, where I studied at Pietermaritzburg University, completing an honours degree in Fine Art in 2000. In 2009 I moved from the Natal Midlands to Hermanus in the Western Cape before finally settling in Somerset West in 2014 where I currently live with my Husband and 2 daughters.


Many hybrids of Alstroemeria (Inka lilies) have been developed, featuring many different markings and colours.

I now focus on Oil on Canvas and my subject matter consists mainly of South African botanicals, birds, landscapes and nguni cattle, which remain a passion. Having completed a post graduate diploma in photography, I pride myself in taking most of my own reference photographs for my work. This has provided many memorable moments, from capturing images amongst fields of inquisitive nguni to wildlife encounters in a number of South African reserves. I have currently sold over 160 original paintings both locally and internationally.

Her work can be found at Fleurs.

165 Main Road, Hermanus | Tel/Fax: 028 313 2215 | Email: fleurs@hermanus.co.za/ louis@fleurs.co.za


Daily deliveries to the entire Greater Hermanus area from Gansbaai all the way to Kleinmond.

1/2page-Fleurs.indd 1

2015/02/24 11:39

Featured Flowers: Many hybrids of Alstroemeria (Inka lilies) have been developed, featuring many different markings and colours. The flower, which resembles a miniature lily, is very popular as a commercial cut flower. At Fleurs you can this month buy Inka Lily bunches for only R50, a great special!

Featured Artist: Jennifer Neumann I was born in 1977 in Kent, England. I attended school at St Lawrence College in Ramsgate and completed my A-levels in 1997 (Geography, Classical Civilization and Art). I then moved to South Africa, where I studied at Pietermaritzburg University, completing an honours degree in Fine Art in 2000. In 2009 I moved from the Natal Midlands to Hermanus in the Western Cape before finally settling in Somerset West in 2014 where I currently live with my Husband and 2 daughters.

2page-Fleurs.indd 1

I now focus on Oil on Canvas and my subject matter consists mainly of South African botanicals, birds, landscapes and nguni cattle, which remain a passion. Having completed a post graduate diploma in photography, I pride myself in taking most of my own reference photographs for my work. This has provided many memorable moments, from capturing images amongst fields of inquisitive nguni to wildlife encounters in a number of South African reserves. I have currently sold over 160 original paintings both locally and internationally.

Her work can be found at Fleurs.

165 Main Road, Hermanus | Tel/Fax: 028 313 2215 | Email: fleurs@hermanus.co.za/ louis@fleurs.co.za Daily deliveries to the entire Greater Hermanus area from Gansbaai all the way to Kleinmond.




2015/02/24 11:39

Een keer elke dekade geleentheid! Die vertonings in 2020 kan vĂŞr weg lyk, maar die opwinding bou reeds op vir die volgende produksie. Die vraag na kaartjies is

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alreeds hoog en spasie op toere sal beperk word. NINNIE HOHLS Travel Showcase S.A. Tel: + 083 263 4685

Die Kaap is weer


D ie eerste ding wat my getref het toe ek in Amsterdam land, was hoe bekend alles en almal gevoel het. Daar loop iemand wat soos my pêl Frans lyk. Maggies, daai man lyk nes my Percy… En die ou met die skerp neus is sweerlik Robert se tweelingbroer. Die vrouens lyk soos my ma en soos ek…. En soos my oor gewoond raak aan die klanke om my, begin ek die ritme van die Nederlandse taal sonder veel moeite optel en begin ek soos ’n wafferse Hollander met sjuisjende s’e praat. Dis die basiese beginsel wat ek toepas; ek sleep my s’e asof ek ’n paar doppe te veel in het, gooi hier en daar ’n ekstra – en by (soos bv lopen en kopen) en daar het jy dit. Ik ben amper een Nederlander. As dit nie was vir die yslike tas wat ek soos ’n doodskis agter my aansleep nie, sou jy nooit kan raai dat ek deel vorm van die hordes toeriste wat jaarliks op die stad toesak nie.

Omdat ek glad nie Amsterdam se blyplekke kon bekostig nie, het ek in Haarlem beland. Wat ’n heerlike gelukkie … Dis soos om te mik vir Kaapstad en dan beland jy in Hermanus. My dogter, Jana het terstont besluit sy gaan volgende jaar in Nederland kom au pair… En verkieslik in Haarlem. Amsterdam is mooi, maar chaoties. Hoofsaaklik as gevolg van al die toeriste. En ons was nie eers gedurende die seisoen daar nie. Ek het iewers gelees dat Tram 2 verby al die mooiste plekke in die stad ry. En dis waar ons toe begin. Ons en ’n klomp geesdritige dames van die Ooste, gewapen met hulle selfie-sticks. En gewapen is ’n gepasde woord. Mevrou Singapoer het amper my oë uitgesteek met haar selfsugtige stokkie.

Nadat sy ’n klomp foto’s van haar en haar kwetterende maters geneem het, was sy vir die res van die trippie besig met haar foto’s op haar foon terwyl ons verby verskeie onmoontlikmooie geboue en standbeelde ry – Sussie Singapoer salig onbewus. By die I Amsterdam teken het die toeriste soos ape op en onder die letters geklim en mekaar gestamp en hulself afgeneem vir die mense by die huis wat seer sekerlik nie eintlik omgee nie, want hulle is self te besig om hulle eie foto’s te edit en te post. Die toue by die Van Gogh museum was kilometers lank en jy moet glo 2 maande voor die tyd ’n afspraak maak om die Anne Frank Huis te besoek. Ek en Jana het ’n groot gedeelte van die dag per voet spandeer om die huis te kry, net sodat ek ’n foto van my dogter voor haar heldin se huis kon neem, maar helaas… Ons sin vir rigting is pateties. Soos my pêl Monique gesê het… Die Nazi’s kon die huis kry sonder enige aanwysings. Ons sukkel nou nog met Google maps… Interessante ding as jy ’n Hollandse burokraat vra vir advies/inligting. Jy mag glad nie buite sy/haar verwysingsveld gaan nie. Maak nie saak of jy bietjie vir bietjie besig is om jou broek nat te piepie nie, Mijnheer Holland kan net inlgting oor busse uitgee, niet anders. Ek het vir ure rondgehol op soek na die internasionale treinkaartjieskantoor want niemand mag/wil/kan my help nie. A! Dis hoekom die plek Holland genoem word… want jy hol van bakboord na stuurboord… Jamaar maar ’n flouerige een, jammer. Ek dink in elk geval Drolland is ’n meer gepaste naam. Nee, dis darem nie so erg nie. Maar ek

Hélène Truter is nie meer verbaas oor sommige Afrikaners se konserwatiewe uitkyk op die lewe nie. Jy hoef maar net na ons voorvaders te kyk. En soos Monique my gereeld herhinner; die spul wat hulle hiernatoe gestuur het om die snoepie/ drive-through te hanteer was nie juis die top vyf persent van die bevolking nie. In België het ek die inwoners aansienlik meer behulpsaam gevind, alhoewel die keuse van Nederlands/Frans/Vlaams my erg deurmekaar gemaak het. Dis vir my te heerlik om my ou geroesde skoolFrans te praat en as ek vashak slaan ek oor na my dronk Nederlands… en hulle verstaan my nog steeds! En ek voel soos ’n ware Europeër… Maar een aand by ’n restaurant gesels ek te lekker Afri-Nederfrans met die garcon en skielik word ons onderbreek deur die Franse bestuurder wat my iets vra en al wat ek op die stadium kan uitkry is: Yebo Gogo. Jana het van die stoel af geval van die lag en ek het desperaat my pose probeer hou. Taal is ’n bogger. Ons moes op Brussels Zuid oorklim om ons trein na Parys te kry. En daar’s nie so ding soos Afrika tyd nie. Jy moet move. As daai trein stop moet jy af! Jana sê toe ons is by Brussels Zuid en ek en my doodskis (wat intussen swaerder geraak het) is agterna. Ons het skaars op die perron geland, toe ek opkyk en die naam van die stasie sien. Bruxelles Midi. O hel. Spring Jana, gil Superwoman en duik vervaard terug in die trein. Maar daai 30 kg bodybag pluk vir my dat ek gatoorkop op die vloer bealnd. Maar ek het nie ’n saak nie. My kuiken is nog op die perron en die trein gaan ry… KLIM! Sy gooi haar tas in en spring en daar lê ons hygend terwyl die passassiers

skaars ’n wenkbrou lig. Hulle wys mos nie eintlik emosie nie – veral nie in die publiek nie. Pas my – ek’s nie nou lus om ’n geselsie aan te knoop nie. Maak nie saak in watter taal nie. En die trein ry en ry en ry…. En dis naderhand platteland en ek besef Brussels Zuid gaan nie meer kom nie. Lang storie kort…Bruxelles Midi en Brussels Zuid is een en dieselfde ding. Midi is die Franse naam en Zuid die Nederlandse naam. So much vir my wat so goed is in tale. En daar verpas ons toe ons peperduur trein na Parys en dis net daar waar my dogter ’n gly vang in die openbare vervoerstelsel. (en in haar ma vermoed ek) Dit het natuurlik nie gehelp dat ons op spitstyd verkeer in Parys beland het met ons bagasie wat net heeltyd kleintjies kry nie… En dis nie ’n grap om op ’n gepakte moltrein te probeer klim nie – veral nie nadat jy en bodybag verskeie stelle trappe moet op en af nie, want elke keer verdwaal ek, sien. Maar ons het darem gistraand laat, verskeie treine, metroen tramritte later by ons miniatuur blyplekkie aangekom. Baie mooi van buite, maar ons Suid-Afrikaanse rand rek nie verder as ’n glorified stoorkamertjie nie. Ons bly agter die mooi gebou, soos dit ’n huishulp betaam. Mooi ingerig maar vrek klein. En met ’n dikbek dogter wat intussen besluit het sy haat Parys… Die idee was dat sy haar eie land meer moet waardeer… Het dit gewerk? Julle sal maar moet wag tot volgende maand se uitgawe. En as als goed gaan en my knieë hou dit, bring ek ’n paar eg Europese snuisterye saam Amulet toe… Maar tot dan is dit ek en die doodskis. Okay baai, totsiens, au revoir, Sala Kathle…


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Jacob’s Ladder: The Stairway to Heaven? Most people will agree that some omnipotent extraterrestrial force permeates the universe – a rather clever, though mysteriously intangible entity. Different names like God or The Gods pop up. But let’s talk about the first people, Adam and Eve. Who in heaven’s name made that apple and where the hell did the snake come from? When answers to questions are awkward or unknown, blind faith kicks in, and the tendency is to go on the offensive and attack. This piece is intended to question the realities, and is not an attack on any form of religion or faith – so blinkers off please… All ancient manuscripts, paintings and engravings from Chile to China have similar myths and legends regarding our origins, and some of these sacred revelations are recorded in our various holy books. A common thread acknowledges we are not alone in the universe. Flying carpets, chariots of fire, and visitations by ‘sky people’ or angels, are woven into the very fabric of all these ancient records. Being relatively primitive back then, people understandably assumed these were gods or messengers from God. From Eve to Moses, from the Prophet Mohamed to the ladderclimbing Jacob, and from Enoch to Jesus Himself, all these and many more were guided by what they believed was God, or a holy messenger. Strange then, that people who devoutly embrace those ancient visitations, are skeptical when other-worldly encounters occur today. These days we are able to challenge the status quo regarding ‘conventional wisdom’, which was originally created and nurtured out of fear. Folks fearful of burning in Hell could be easily instructed what to believe.


People will happily accept that Mary was impregnated by a Holy Spirit, Enoch and Jesus ascended into heaven and never died, Mohamed flew in a fiery chariot right around the world in minutes, and after only 40 days apprenticeship, Moses became proficient with a chisel. Yet those same people firmly oppose the possibility that these occurrences had anything to do with extra-terrestrial beings, unless they were called angles - from God. It is however, difficult to explain numerous references, as in Genesis Chapter 6 verse1, of alien beings - not God – arriving from the heavens and impregnating human females to create hybrids or demigods. Ancient legends of interbreeding and the offspring were a reality, and documented globally. In The Iliad Homer describes aerial dogfights between alien gods in their flying chariots of fire. Similar events were recorded over Germany, India and Japan among others. During WW2 an onslaught by dozens of antiaircraft cannons and hundreds of shells had absolutely no effect on a huge UFO hovering for more than an hour off the coast off LA. This was filmed and witnessed by thousands, yet the authorities remain mum. Cover-ups by governments are understandable. Untimely revelations of an extraterrestrial species by world leaders would lead to panic, chaos and anarchy, and death threats were brazenly adopted to silence people. Governments deemed the information too dangerous for public consumption. Propaganda campaigns were launched to mock the notion of aliens and flying saucers, and they worked. We jumped blindly on board either out of fear or plain ignorance.


Inconvenient answers to some questions would shred the very fabric of our deep-seated spiritual beliefs and faith.

Murray A.L.F. Stewart

Time and ongoing research can sometimes expose flaws in the myths and beliefs we’ve held sacred, and science is proving time and again that we are not alone and never have been. More and more people are questioning our origins. Skeptics still scoff at the concept of flying saucers, but will die defending the biblical miracles. This is the power that fear has over people. Believe or burn. Only a few centuries ago the earth was flat, we were at the centre of the universe and anyone who disagreed was shunned, ridiculed or slaughtered. Less than one hundred years ago the man in the moon was so ridiculous and outlandish, that he was the punch line for jokes. Recently Ground Control and Major Tom have established that life on Mars was, and still is a real possibility. After only a few thousand years of civilization, we’re already embarking on inter-planetary travel, in a universe billions of years old. Are we still too naïve to embrace the possibility of other, older worlds existing? So, it brings us back to the Adam and Eve story. Where did they come from? And nobody knows what happened to Adam’s first wife Lilith? Where did she go? She doesn’t write, doesn’t phone, doesn’t tweet… Be nice to know the real answers, so here goes.

Our Fathers which art in Heaven….

1: Ancient artifacts discovered all around the globe depict ancient alien astronaut technology. Guatemala City is home to a 1,500-year-old sculpture that resembles a modern day astronaut, complete with a helmet, a mouthpiece, and a breathing apparatus on his chest. 2: The 1561 celestial phenomenon over Nuremberg was a mass sighting of celestial phenomena or unidentified flying objects (UFO) above Nuremberg, Germany. A broadsheet news article was printed later that month, describing the event. The phenomenon is interpreted by some modern UFO enthusiasts as an aerial battle, possibly of extraterrestrial origin. 3: 25th February 1942 a large UFO hovers over Los Angeles and is welcomed by a barrage of bullets and rocker shells. The Battle Of Los Angeles is probably one of THE most important cases in UFO History, with witness statements and Photographic evidence to back it up



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Remember to tune in to Whale Coast FM 91.4. We will be playing a selection of songs from these Albums and so much more. Music for every taste. Can you Hermanus Business believe Christmas is just around the corner, a CD could make a nice gift for someone special?

White Noise by Noah Gundersen

Released Sept 2017, this is the indie-folk singer/songwriter’s third studio Album. He seems to have matured as an artist, its a bolder sound than his previous work. Gundersen explores new sounds and steps away from the traditional singer/songwriter style, combines vulnerable lyrics with atmospheric instrumentals to create an honest and compelling body of work.

Park | 028 313 2212 Roll with the Punches by Van Morrison

Now by Shania Twain

When Was the Last Time by Darius Rucker

Meaning of Life by Kelly Clarkson

Van the Man’s 37th Album was released Sept. 2017. It’s a collection of songs that establish a narrative of Morrison’s personal relationship with music. Mainly an exploration of the blues. At 72 years the timbre of his voice may be leathery but he has a great voice for blues and a magnificent sense of rhythm combined with his Irish accent. There are 11 old blues tracks and five new originals.

Released Oct 2017. This is his 5th Country Album since this former vocalist for Hootie & The Blowfish went solo. His rich baritone with a rugged but warm timbre gives an emotive nature his voice. I’ve been a fan of Darius Rucker since the Hootie days, heartfelt lyrics which he expresses so well, make this is a great album.

Her first album in 15 years was released Sept 2017. Twain has persevered through a lot of personal hardships and this album’s survival message shows that she’s not going to let anything stop her. Her voice was left damaged by a battle with Lyme disease and critics have said that her voice is still not up to scratch. I think, however, that with the top class production and the positive lyrics in the song writing this is an enjoyable listen.

This 14 track album released Oct 2017. To quote Kelly “this isn’t a record I could have made at the age of 20, this is a record you make when you’ve lived”. Having been contracted to RCA she felt she was recording songs that they wanted her to do. This is her first Album with Atlantic Records and she says this time she is going to be herself, while its still pop, its more soulful.


ITCHY, BITCHY, FRUMPY, FAT … Frantic rage, hot flushes at the most inconvenient time, inability to sleep; these are just few of the symptoms that plague women as we enter change of life. Menopause happens to all of us but there is help and it comes in the most natural of ways. Bio-identical Hormone Replacement(BHRT) is becoming a very attractive option for women experiencing symptoms of menopause but wanting to stay as natural as possible. As opposed to chemically manufactured hormones BHRT is extracted from soy or yams. The word bio-identical refers to the fact that these natural extracts are the identical shape and size as the molecules we create in our bodies and thus can be measured in the blood stream.

Follow us on:

Refine Anti-Ageing Clinic and


Tel: 028 316 1532 / Email: info@refine.co.za / www.refineclinic.co.za / Hemel & Aarde Craft Village, Hermanus, 7200 So what are the symptoms which we look out for, that could indicate you may be menopausal?


● ●

● Thin vertical wrinkles above lips Losing hair on top of head ● Droopy Breasts Hair on face ● Eyes dry and easily irritated Hot flashes ● Constant tiredness Depressed Light menstrual flow Women with periods: Cycles irregular, too short (less than 27 days) or too long ( more than 31 days) Women without periods: Low libido History of: Difficulty/Complicated menstruation


Face has become slack, and more wrinkled Expanded waistline Varicose veins Excessive emotions, sometimes hysterical reactions Loss of libido

● ● ● ● ●

Reduced muscle tone Cellulite on thighs Constant tiredness Hesitant, undecided Difficulty reaching orgasm


Putting patients onto BHRT is a very scientific process and we begin by taking a full medical history and doing blood tests to confirm menopause or perimenopause(the period before and after menopause, around 5 years during which is the most important time to protect our bones). We can even go so far as to categorise the patient as an estrogen sensitive or insensitive patient and taper the estrogen dose lower if need be. What about testosterone? All women have testosterone in their bodies and it is important that we replace this; so as to ensure that our ability to concentrate, libido, skin, vaginal tightness remains after menopause. So why the fuss about HRT? Around the turn of the 21st century, a large study WHI was published showing that HRT, which was very popular at the time, may result in an increase in blood clots, heart disease, stroke and breast cancer. The studies have however been reviewed and the results are shown to be a little skewed. The patients who had breast cancer, most likely had very early stages before the study started and heart disease factors were not purely from HRT but also related to family risk, obesity etc. By the time they realised this study was flawed up to 50% of women had stopped their HRT. So, it is now generally accepted that if the symptoms are severe and benefits outweigh risk, it is still recommended that women take HRT for the minimum possible time at the lowest dose. Enter BHRT(bio-identical hormone replacement therapy). With BHRT we can tailor the dose of HRT to exactly the lowest dose required to quiet the symptoms such as hot flushes, moodiness, insomnia; without putting the patient at risk of side effects. This cannot be done with traditional HRT, as the tablets only come is certain dosages. Also, once on HRT tablets, it is difficult to measure levels in the blood stream as the molecule is synthetic. BHRT comes in a convenient cream dispenser. The dose is two clicks daily and the cream is rubbed in on an area of thin skin, such as the wrist area or intra vaginal. Don’t rub the cream onto the tummy area as estrogen loves fat cells and may cause fat cells to increase in their size. The screening blood tests done are extensive and we can screen thyroid, cholesterol, iron levels, sugar levels at the same time. Vitamin D, important for conversion of progesterone to testosterone in the liver is also often deficient, even when living in sunny South Africa. Another interesting hormone is DHEA. This is a feel good hormone which also diminishes during menopause. Added to this are all the male and female hormones: progesterone, estrogen, testosterone, LH, FSH. After these baseline bloods are done you can rest assured all your endocrine issues are addressed. This is coupled to a yearly mammogram and pap smear.

Large breasts Anxious Swollen and reddish face Swollen feet and ankles Heavy, painful periods

● ● ● ●

Nervous and agitated Sleep lightly and restlessly Increased abdominal fat Loss of self-control

Hair loss is a major concern for women going through menopause. There are many new ways to restore hair loss. A convenient hair foam containing stimulating ingredients may be used. If hair loss is extensive one may opt for tiny injections of hair restoration serum, coupled with patients own platelets. The results are very good. If the patient cannot wait for hair to grow during the natural cycle, instant artificial hair may be implanted. This takes the form of an Italian product know as Bio-Fibre hair. Our clinic will begin offering this advanced technology toward the end of the year. It is not only women who experience menopause. Andropause is experienced by men as their testosterone levels begin to decline. These are a few of the concerning symptoms a man may experience at this time: ● ● ● ● ●

difficulties getting erections or erections that are not as strong as usual ● low sex drive lack of energy ● depression irritability and mood swings ● loss of strength or muscle mass increased body fat Hair loss

These symptoms and andropause should be taken seriously and again hormone tests as well as hair restoration solutions are at hand for men. Should you be interested please contact Dr Emett for a hormone consultation. (Dr Michelle Emett Medical Aesthetics 028316 4122).

Tel: 0283164122 / Email: info@emettmed.co.za

■ L a s e r S k i n R e j u v e n a t i o n ■ C h e m i c a l P e e l s ■ L a s e r Ve i n / H a i r R e m o v a l ■ B o t o x ™ ■ Dermal Fillers ■ Sclerotherapy ■ Diathermy ■ Permanent Make-up ■ Carboxytherapy SPLASH 8

Lizzie’ s Jewels Liz Huysamen

17 A Royal Centre, Hermanus. Tel: 028 312 4074 Cell: 082 896 5261


Blush Procedure LASHLip CURL & LIFT Done with your own lashes, only takes an hour and lasts up to 8weeks.




Tel: 028 316 3845 Hemel en Aarde Village



After Microblading Eyebrows and Eyeliner


After !"#$$"%&'"($)#$$*% +$'",$#'(-$#../%0,#($"1%2",)#$"$'%3#4"56% 0"78$(7(#$ Leanne Steinmann, Internationally Trained Permanent Makeup Technician 9"..:%;<=%>?<%@?A?%B%C)#(.:% ."#$$"D'"($)#$$E/#8--F7-) Cell: 073 147 6494 / Email: leannesteinmann@yahoo.com GGGF6",)#$"$')#4"56H/."#$$"F7-) B%IJ:%2",)#$"$'%3#4"56%J/%!"#$$"%&'"($)#$$ www.permanentmakeupbyleanne.com / FB: Permanent Makeup By Leanne Steinmann K22L+M03CM0&:%28-$"% NO"P($"Q:%;RS%=>@%>T=R APPOINTMENTS: Phone “Refine”: 028 316 1532

Office: 028 316 1547 Mobile: 076 424 0927


Dewcare offers you a quality life within your own home


Sandbaai in

Old Ma

o The oo T and ry e Fram ont Verm ry Art pora ontem

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De Vil







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36 Main Road Onrus

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072 239 6406

Hennie Niemann Snr artworks Malmok Crescent 5, Vermont

Nadia Kleyn for enquiries: 061 489 9424 Monday to Friday 9h00 – 18h00 Weekends 10h00 – 18h00

niemannsnrgallery@gmail.com www.niemannsnrgallery.com

Vermon t

Contemporary Art Gallery

3 Indigo Avenue Vermont Enquiries Therese Streicher 079 371 6523 By appointment only http://vermontcontemporary.weebly.com Large abstract art for homes with contemporary interiors


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Optimum centre - Onrus Bring your own wine. We have wine glasses! Telephone orders welcome!




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NOW AT THE CRAFT HUB Hemel & Aarde Village


15 Village Road, Hemel & Aarde Village Next to Hermanuspietersfontein, Hermanus 028 050 0589 hermanus@woodenways.co.za


oo to



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to Onru


Awesome food Gifts

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Chinese & Asian Cuisine Fully licensed

to Avis at Engin Centre, Sandbaai, Hermanus

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ACHIEVING THE BEST POSSIBLE PRICE FOR YOUR HOME IN THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE TIME It is a well-known fact that purchasing a home is probably the largest investment that most people make. This statement has been repeated many many times. BUT …

Pam Snyman

... what is even more important is realising the value of your investment … and what happens the day when you sell it! That is why it is so important to ensure that you are well versed and knowledgeable when you put your precious investment on the market. Due to the fact that time is money you need to get your money in the bank as soon as possible. The theory behind the ‘time-value of money’ is indeed very relevant here. The long and the short of it is that any amount of money is worth more the sooner it is received! That is why we say: ‘The best price in the shortest possible time!’ Now in order to establish how to achieve this we need to reflect on why properties sometimes take so long to sell. Once you have made the selling decision things must happen…and fast! There are only two reasons why a property does not sell within the shortest possible time (roughly within 6 weeks): it is overpriced or no-one knows that it is on the market! So the two important aspects to contemplate are pricing and marketing.

PRICING YOUR PROPERTY TO SELL The selling price of a property is referred to as market value as it is the price that a willing, able and informed purchaser is prepared to pay for a property. To establish up front what this price is, is no mean feat. How do you know what a purchaser will be prepared to pay? In other words how do we estimate the market value of your property? •

A professional and well-trained estate agent should do exactly that for you. Firstly you need to do a Comparable Market Analysis (CMA) to establish the price at which comparable properties have sold for in recent times, but keeping in mind that market conditions can change rapidly. Overpricing your property when it initially goes onto the market will probably be the main reason why it does not sell as soon as you would like it to. The length of time that a property is on the market is bound to affect the price. If it is overpriced initially when it comes onto the market, it will most probably sell at below true market value because the price has been reduced by over-exposure to the potential market of purchasers.

The following factors need to be considered simultaneously with the CMA when estimating property values: 1

The utility of a property which in turn is influenced by:


The relative scarcity of the property, i.e. is it one of a kind or built in a very popular style that is scarce in the area.


Market forces of supply and demand, which are influenced by such factors as disposable income; the availability of credit; people moving into or out of the area or simply the taste and current preferences of property purchasers.

Clearly, pricing your home correctly at fair market value is the way to ensure a quicker sale at the best possible price. When the selling price is established at fair market value it is more likely that more seriously committed and qualified buyers will come to view your home and this will increase the chances of a speedy sale. The next step in a professional analysis of estimating fair market value is considering the future potential net income that a purchaser (investor) could derive from his/her real estate investment. Here one establishes the return on investment in the first year as well as capital growth over time that a purchaser can expect to realise should he/she buy-to-let. If your property is one-of-kind and there are no comparative properties that have sold recently, then one would be compelled to estimate its value by using the ‘cost method’ where the replacement cost of the building, taking depreciation into account, is added to the value of the land. This approach should, however, be used cautiously and be limited to unique properties as the CMA would provide a more accurate outcome, being based on market activity.

the physical nature or appearance, accommodation offered, size of the erf and improvements, age, current condition;

its location or proximity to amenities, view and accessibility; and

the legal use to which the property can be put


any restrictions influencing the value of the property such as zoning, servitudes or restrictive conditions on the title deed.

As mentioned earlier, one of the two reasons why a property does not sell, is that no one knows that it is on the market!


Marketing is essential to get that message out, but should not be approached in an unimaginative and boring way. Things

have changed from the days when we only advertised your home in the newspaper! Marketing needs to be strategised in such a way that the best medium or media are selected for a particular property. One needs to consider the following in order to select the most appropriate method for your specific property and this choice should be based on: •

the profile of potential buyers;

the most suitable advertising medium to be used;

properly preparing the property for sale;

establishing a show house* timetable;

using ‘for sale’ boards;

preparing brochures if required; and

ensuring that there is access to the property as and when required.

*The hosting of show houses is an almost indispensable marketing tool

when planning the marketing strategy for particular properties. Planning for a show house is extremely important and it is imperative that the estate agent on duty at the property possesses a thorough knowledge of the particular property and of the area. In the digital age electronic media is, of course, the way to go, and Websites and new media need to be utilised effectively, depending on the target market. One must also never underestimate the value of personal marketing, especially if your estate agent possesses an up to date data-base of potential purchasers. So, focusing on correct pricing and targeted marketing seems to be the solution to selling at the best price in the shortest possible time!

what it tells you

Francois van Rooyen

www.the4x4guy.co.za Somerset West 082 571 6568

I am sometimes appalled at the little regard and respect drivers have for their vehicle’s tyres. Probably most of the accidents, that take place on a nice, open, straight road, are caused by tyre failure. Those who received training and received their driver’s license in the Army, will recall that before driving off you had to do a safety inspection. Do people still do it, when driving their cars? What do you check for on your tyres? Probably most people ask the petrol attendant to check the pressure and stop there. What about cuts, uneven tyre wear, age, speed rating, mass rating and temperature rating? When using a vehicle off road, on badly rutted and stony roads, the correct type of tyre becomes important. Before we go offroad though, let us talk about some of the ‘writing’ on the (side) wall. The most important marking is the one indicating the date of manufacture, shown

as the week and year. It determines the age of the tyre. Tyres are made to perform safely for a maximum of five years. Beyond that age, you are taking a huge safety risk. First thing then, check the age of the tyres, especially if it is a vehicle you have purchased second hand. Insurers have caught on to this and should your vehicle’s tyres life have expired, they may use it as a ‘reason’ to turn down your claim, following an accident. Another favourite ‘trick’ of insurer’s is to check the tyre’s speed rating after an accident. Also found on the side wall. If the rating is too low in relation to the vehicle’s rated top speed, they also have the right to turn down a claim. There are three main types of tyres fitted to SUVs and off-road vehicles, HT, AT and MT. When a soft roader SUV is fitted with the HT version, that vehicle cannot be safely taken off road, not even on to a

gravel road at speeds of up to 80 km/h, the national speed limit for gravel roads. An HT tyre is basically a passenger vehicle tyre with a higher side wall to allow for better ground clearance. Generally the equation is that an HT tyre is capable of doing 80% tar driving and 20% off-road. I consider it useless and unsafe to be used on a bad gravel road. Some manufacturers fit HT tyres to vehicles that are meant to be used off-road, in the interest of less on-road tyre noise and a softer ride. Plus it costs less. Check the type of tyres, before you venture off-road into the Cederberg. An AT tyre, specified for 50/50 on and off-road use, is far more suitable and much safer to be used on a gravel road. It has slightly more road noise and slightly less road holding vs. the HT. Some brands are more affected than others, thus do some research before fitting certain brands. Many 2x4 soft roader SUVs can become very capable over landing vehicles to take

on the gravel roads in Namibia, provided the low profile ‘passenger’ or HT tyres are changed to the AT version. Then there is the tyre of choice that the hard-core off-road ‘manne’ fit to their vehicles, the MT version. Also an 80/20 ratio, but the higher percentage is for extreme off-road use. These tyres have much reduced road holding capability, especially in the wet, bad road noise and much harder ride quality. Recommended use is when you will be spending more time doing extreme off-road including mud and sand driving. Each of your vehicle’s tyres has a contact area of about 20 cm x 10 cm with the road that the occupants lives depend on. Do not fit or use unsafe, incorrect tyres on your car. It is not worth it. Enjoy your 4x4, stay safe and remember – to off-road is to live!











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Gearing's Point

Old Harbour



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2014/04/30 64:39 PM


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Blommenstein.indd 1

2014/09/24 9:37 PM

Oasis Water Hermanus

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Join us for a musical trip back in time as we revisit beloved movies with music and dance.

Have your daily affair with Italian coffee, cured meat, cheese and hand made pasta.

You’ll find “It’s a Deli affair” on 125 Main Road/ Crn. Loop Street. We are open early until after hours from Tuesdays to Sundays. If you are passionate about “Dolce Vita” good life), come in and enjoy your glass of Prosecco or selected South African and Time: 18:30 for(the 19:00 Italian wines as well as German beers. Have your Antipasti Platter with it and end your little journey with fine spirits

Contact: 072 141 2375


10 10

Venue: Hennie Mentz and Hall a strong Italian espresso. Hermanus We slice cured meat Curro and cheese for you, prepare Paninis for take away and are always open for a nice little chat. 1 Curro Road We are in partnership with Don Gelato and La Trattoria in Stanford who also purchases our products and it’s where we get our fresh pasta and cakes from.Sandbaai La Trattoria also offers a shuttle service from “It’s a Deli affair” to the Restaurant and back, so you can enjoy a great bottle of wine and get back home safely.

Dates: 13 – 15 September 2017

MATINÉE Wednesday, 13 September 2017, 11:00 R20 per person Wednesday, 13 September 2017, 19:00 R80 per person 11

GALA EVENING Samples from our menu include: Friday, 15 September 2017, Classic Antipasti Platter: Parma Ham19:00 / Salami / Mortadella / Mozzarella / Grana Padano / Fontina / Tomatoes / dried Olives / Peppers / Balsamic Glaze / Pesto / Bread R120 per person

The ART SHOP Hermanus

Opening hours: Monday - Sunday 11:00am - late Address: Marine Drive | Section 2 Godfrey Cottages, Village Square, Hermanus Tel: +(27)28 3131224

Leberkäs’ Bun: Roll / Leberkäs’ / Sauerkraut / German Mustard Danish Pastry – Praliné Profiterole – Appelstrudel


• Art supplies • Paper & Board • GraphicMaterials

Tel: 028 312 3901

Thursday, 14 September 2017, 19:00 R80 per person

Tickets available at: Curro admin office E: hermanus.admin@curro.co.za | T: 028-316 4911

If you are looking for a place to host a small intimate function for up to 14 people ... come in and have a look at our facilities. Contact: Doris 072 205 7617 | Ronald 072 141 2375 | Lionello 081 805 7470

13 Mitchell Street• Hermanus SPLASH 15 SPLASH 13

KUNSTENAARS TUIN Jy kan dit beswaarlik ’n tuin noem, liewer ’n lewendige skildery, op ’n groot doek. ’n Hortikulturele towery gevorm deur die hande van Jenny Jackson, ’n kunstenaars tuin geplant in dieselfde stemming waarmee sy skilder.


aar hele lewe is vasgevang in haar oë, met haar hande wat die visie vertolk. Haar tuin en kuns loop hand aan hand saam met haar interpretasie van die lewe.

Dis ’n feesviering van die natuur met ’n infusie van sonstrale en vars lug, die drama van dimensie in voortreflike kleure. ’n Kunstenaars atmosfeer geskep om die denkwyse te vul met vreugde en rustigheid, ’n gelukkige plek met ’n omgewing van vrede. Jenny het haar huisie, met twee parkeer areas en geen tuin, ’n paar jaar gelede gekoop. Tussen haar huis en die kantoorgebou van die bure is daar bittermin spasie, slegs ’n gang met toegang na die parkeer deel. Strak wit mure met grys sement plaveisel het die kothuis omring en jou te herinner dat jy wel in die middel van die besigheid deel van Hermanus is. ’n Noodsaaklike posisie vir Jenny om haar kuns gallery vanaf te bedryf, maar onooglik en ’n somber omgewing, veral vir ’n kunstenaars oog. Die beperkte ruimte, dooie grond en oordonderende kantoorgebou het nie vir Jenny afgeskrik nie. ’n Tuin wou sy hê en dit moes ’n kunstenaars tuin wees. ’n Nuwe tuin is soos ’n leë skilderdoek wat wag om ingekleur te word en in ’n meester kunswerk te ontaard. Soos met haar skilderye, is sy volkome bewus van die perspektief van haar tuin. Die belangrikheid van die skep van lig in haar werk, word nagemaak in haar tuin. ’n Visuele vreugde in skakerings van kleur, word herskep met moedernatuur se hulp, beskeie maar gekunsteld. Om beter te verstaan, moet ek verduidelik dat die tuin geskep is tussen gange met die res van die oppervlakte die grote van ’n enkel motorhuis. Twee vye bome groei welig en verskaf genoeg vye vir Jenny om nog uit te deel tussen vriende ook. Haar suurlemoenboom dra groot suurlemoene en die


druiwe prieël sal seker weer die jaar druiwetrosse voorsien. Die druiwe lote het reeds die dakkie toegegroei en saam met die boganvilla skep dit ’n mediterreense gevoel. Aan die eenkant van ’n gang, is ’n klein groente en kruie tuin geskep in houtkratte. Jenny het die harde mure versag met houtstillasies, wat sy geverf het in ’n sagte groen, daarteen groei klimopplante, wat die strak wit mure versteek, met ’n fontein van groen plante. Hier en daar is ’n ou venster omskep in ’n spieël, wat die oog flous en die tuin baie groot laat voorkom. Rivierklippe is gebruik om beddings te maak, sommige opmekaar gestapel vir hoogte en diepte, vir die potplante om ’n kaskade te vorm. Getrou aan haar herkoms, is die identiteit duidelik die van ’n engelse kothuis tuin, maar haar pelgrimsreise gee ook ander invloede, wat ’n mosaiek van blom en groen skakerings weergee, altyd opsoek na nog kleur vir die kunstenaar siel. Die toegee aan haar instinkte betuig wat sy voel en doen as tuinier. Jenny gee haar plante baie organiese kos en glo daaraan om die tuin in die laat middag water te gee vir die plante om in die nag te drink. Haar tuin is ook ’n kuier plek, waar jy kan sit en toegevou word in die skoonheid en wonder om jou. Weggevoer na ’n ander wêreld van vrede en vreugde. Dis hier waar sy elke dag tyd spandeer, tevredenheid vind met haar lewe en toelaat dat haar skilderye gevorm word in haar gedagtes. Ek kan net elke dag met bewondering na hierdie vrou kyk, en wat sy in die laaste seisoen van haar lewe skep, met dankbaarheid dat ek deel daarvan kan wees. Elmarie de Waal vir Designee Décor 29 Hoofweg Onrusriver Instagram: elmariedewaal9

Elmarie de Waal

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We have moved!

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7 1 20


Dawie Snyman ou ja, dit was nie net die Currie-beker finaal en die aankondiging van die Springbokspan wat in Europa gaan speel die afgelope naweek nie, maar ook die hartseer nuus dat Dr.Cecil Moss wat afgesterf het.

On my way to watch the Currie Cup final on TV with family, Dugald Macdonald called me to inform me of Dr Moss’s death. What a shock it was, as I had visited him about a month ago and had such a wonderful chat with him and Mrs. Moss. He was so happy and crystal clear recalling all our goings-on many years ago. What an example he was to us… His humanity was most probably his biggest asset. As human-being he gave of himself as far as he went. Without reservation. Unconditionally. Like a real child of Riversdale. Little did I know that our roots were so similar. My grandmother was also a child from Riversdale.

Dr Moss se bydrae tot duisende rugbyspelers se lewens op ’n indiwuele basis was seker van sy grootste bydraes in sy lewe. Hy het nooit almal oor dieselfde kam geskeer nie. Elke speler het sy eie indiwiduele plek gehad en so ook ek. Ons het ’n besondere warm verhouding gehad wat in groot liefde en respek vertroetel was. So ’n lekker warm hart gevoel. Iets wat nooit kan vervaag of verdwyn nie. Daarom dat dit so gepas was dat sy dood so in en om die Curriebeker-finaal was. And of course it was wonderful that Western Province could win and especially the way in which they won. A feast of tries that are not seen often. And even more important was the detail thereof with a tighthead in front attacking the blind side with a try under the posts after the defense failed to cover the gaps that came about as a result of the tighthead. Die binne aangee na Jones het alles oopgeskeur met die drie wat die spel gestop het. Het u geweet dat ’n drie die enigste manier is om die spel te stop sonder dat jy gestraf word? Iets om aan te dink nè… Wilco Louw is my man van die wedstryd met Damian Willemse kort op sy hake. As u net gaan kyk hoeveel keer Damian kontakspel in positiewe besit vir die WP omgeskakel het waar hy onmiddellik ’n voorspeler se werk gedoen het deur te ondersteun as hy die naaste speler aan die kontak is en dan deur te dryf vorentoe sodat die bal dinamiese voorvoet besit geword het, was verstommend. Tog moet ek sê dat almal hulle deel tot die oorwinning bygedra het. Daarom moet ek ook vir John Dobson en sy span afrigters krediet gee vir ’n ‘job well done’. And the Springboks are on their way to Europe! An end of the year tour normally has its challenges as it follows a long season, but this should not be the case this time around as most of the players had a rest during the Currie Cup season and should be quite rested at this stage.

WP players Dan Kriel, Robert du Preez, captain Chris van Zyl and Damian Willemse pose with the Currie Cup. Photo: Muzi Ntombela/BackpagePix Damian Willemse. Photo: Chris Ricco

One could probably comment on the team selection, but I think I am going to refrain from doing so this year. But I must mention that I feel that we are rather thinly spread in some positions and that this can cost us dearly. Wilko Louw is a must for the start up team in the test as the Boks cannot do without his expertise up front. The importance of the front row in the scrum in the structure of rugby cannot be underestimated or ignored. It is and will always be fundamental to the game. Those coaches who do not recognize this basic rugby fact will always struggle. Tweedens, is ons skrumskakels ook vir my ’n bron van kommer. Die posisionele vereistes van ’n skrumskakel is net so spesifiek as die van ’n vaskop. Hoewel heeltemal anders, is dit baie spesifiek. Hy moet sy pak kan vorentoe dryf met sy mond sodat hy goeie besit kan verseker. Hy moet met twee hande van die grond af kan uitgee sonder om ’n oomblik te aarsel. Dan en dan alleen skep hy geleenthede vir sy mede-agterspelers. Hy moet met twee voete kan skop en hy moet kan breek. Bedink maar of u dink dat een van ons skrumskakels aan al hierdie vereistes voldoen. Nou-ja, geniet die toer en die wedstryde wat volg. Ek gaan met groot belangstelling die toer volg om te sien of ek reg gedink het en of die Bokke hulle standaard wat hulle teen die All Blacks daargestel het, kan herhaal. Lekker kyk!


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Your mortgage bond is, almost without exception,

The figures certainly support this argument, with the

the lowest interest loan you’ll ever get, and is often

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just your home. Banks can usually be convinced to

supposedly “cheaper” bond finance to purchase the

extend a mortgage if your home has appreciated in

same R300 000 car. Sadly, very few people actually

value, but financial experts advise extreme caution

pause to crunch those long-term numbers.

when it comes to taking advantage of this option – particularly for expenses that are unrelated to your

It must, of course, be noted that if you repaid the R300


000 into your bond over five years instead of twenty (by paying the same amount each month that you

Your bond is both the cheapest form of financing there

would have using vehicle financing) it would be a more

is, and the most expensive, yes, mortgages have lower

affordable option in the long run. However, it’s not just

interest rates than most other types of loans, and if

cost that makes using your mortgage a questionable

you’re extremely disciplined, they can be viable and

idea – there’s a big risk factor as well.

cost-effective alternatives to taking out short-term or personal financing. For most people, however, using

Your property acts as collateral for your bond, which

a bond instead of short-term finance results in paying

means that if anything goes wrong and you can’t afford

– and risking – far more than they would have if they’d

your monthly repayments, the bank can repossess your

gone a different route.

home and sell it to cover your outstanding debt. Now, if you increase those monthly bond repayments to buy

There are several reasons for this, starting with the

other things, you increase the risk that you won’t be

long-term nature of a bond.

able to meet your monthly obligations when money is tight. If that happens, you’re not just going to lose your

Let say you buy a car for R300 000, normally, you’d

new car or whatever you spent the money on – you’re

take out vehicle financing with a typical loan term of

going to lose your home.

five years and an interest rate of around 12% – or prime plus 1.5%. That would make your monthly repayments

Because of this, avoid extending your home loan

about R6750.

without a very good reason.

If you use your bond to purchase that same R300 000

There is, however, one way you can utilise your bond

car, however, you’ll be paying it off over twenty years

for finance without increasing your risk.

instead of five, and those repayments would drop to around R3000 per month – something that seems like

If you’ve been paying your bond off faster than

a big saving on the surface. Unfortunately, by paying

required, and therefore have funds in your access

that car off over the extended period of your bond,

facility, you can certainly tap into those for purchases

the amount of interest accrued on the loan skyrockets

that you’d otherwise have to finance. It’s still a good

astronomically. The result is that the bond-financed car

idea to pay the money back into your bond as fast

ends up costing significantly more than one purchased

as possible to reduce your bond term and save on

using traditional vehicle financing.

interest, but it’s a far less risky proposition than increasing your original debt.



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