Overstrand Splash Magazine - April 2022

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Hermanus Artist
Your FREE Lifestyle Magazine April 2022 | Overstrand Issue 114 FREE! GRATIS
Tertius van Dyk



Tertius van Dyk Instagram and Facebook (Tertius van Dyk Art) Tel: 076934 5484 Email: tertiusvandyk.101 @gmail.com Editor: Peter van Schaik Copy-Editors: Kathleen Botha & Hanneke van Schaik Design: Brenda Smal SPLASH Tel: 074 717 2582 Postal Address: P.O.Box 199 Onrus 7201 MEDIA Keeping SPLASH connected 086 1234 777 www.maxitec.co.za Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or SPLASH No part of this publication may be reproduced or copied by any SPLASH Magazine are not responsible for any unsolicited material. All previous issues of SPLASH available online. Your FREE Lifestyle Magazine March 2021 Hermanus Artist Terry Kobus What's inside... P3 Hélène Truter - IMAGINE. P5 Walker bay PRO - The first bodyboarding wold tour event in Africa. P7 Adrian Louw - Warlaws and Warlords. P9 Phuti Mpyane - Ineos Genadier review.
Awesom recipe for your next dop & tjop. CONTENTS Discover more on www.splashmedia.co.za Mail us on splash@splashmedia.co.za

r e a n t h e O v e r b e r g ; a n d h a v e t h e m e a n s / a b i i t y t o m a i n t a i n y o u r s e l f f o r a t l e a s t 3 m o n t h s y o u r o w n t r a n s p o r t , v a l i d d r i v e r s l i c e n s e c e l l p h o n e a n d t h e p a s s i o n t o b u l d a b u s i n e s s w i t h i n a b u s i n e s s

W e O f f e r a n E X C E L L E N T c o m m i s s i o n s t r u c t u r e w i t h o u t d e d u c t i o n o f V A T o r a n y f r a n c h i s e f e e s o r o t h e r h i d d e n c o s t s ; a n o p p o r t u n i t y t o l s t o r s e l A N Y W H E R E ; a b u r s a r y t o u n d e r g o o n g o i n g t r a n i n g ; g e n e r o u s a d v e r t i s i n g o f s o l e m a n d a t e s ; o n l n e m e n t o r i n g a n d b a c k u p ;

Sandown RBay 3,295,000 This uniquely designed double level home offers a good combination of luxury and space. This double story home, with its timeless and simplistic lines, offers a lifestyle for both the permanent occupier and the visiting holidaymaker The property has been developed with 2 totally separate houses, each with its own garden and garaging facilities with a combined floor area of 293m2 Oregan pine finishes complete the homely country feeling of this house This home is immaculately maintained and no extra work is needed RWestcliff 3,200,000 This well designed home has both sea and mountain views C a r e e r O p p o r t u n i t i e s A t H o m e s @ O v e r b e r g : I f y o u , w h e t h e r e x p e r i e n c e d o r n o t : h o l d t h e N Q F 4 o r N Q F 5 q u a l f i c a t i o n O R a r e w l l n g t o o b t a n t h i s q u a l i f i c a t i o n w i t h i n t h e n e x t y e a r ; a r e r e s p e c t a b l e s e l f m o t i v a t e d a n d w l l n g t o w o r k i n a n y a
a n d p l e a s a n t w o r k c o n d t i o n s C a l l R i a a n v a n Z y l o n 0 7 2 7 7 9 2 4 1 8 o r w r i t e t o h i m a t r i a a n v a n z @ g m a i l c o m f o r a c o n f i d e n t i a l i n t e r v i e w RSandbaai 580,000 North facing vacant stand (topographical survey plan available) Web design | Advertising | Marketing Kevin Brooks 081 533 9767 SOLE MANDATE SOLE MANDATE RVoëlklip 4 950 000 Gansbaai RCentral 3,490,00 0 RKleinbaai 3,500,00 0 Mariners Village This 622m2 level and North facing stand in Mariners Village, With design options available, is now priced to sell instantly R545 000 SOLE MANDATE R2,995,000 This well designed and equipped home is situated in Mariners Village Estate SOLE MANDATE HomeShare Marita van Rooyen marita@hermanus co za Tel: 082 824 2009 16 Aberdeen Street, Hermanus Central Principal Agent : Gerhard Kruger 012 004 1453 Affiliated to www homesatoverberg co za riaanvanz@gmail comRegistered with the PPA 4 4 2 5 3 2 7 3 2 3 2 2 4 3 2 4 3 5 2

(Apologies to the late great John Lennon)

... hugging and kissing friends, family and anyone you damn-well please; when you want to, how you want to, where you want to... Not a mask in sight. Back off Oom Ernie... I don’t like you that much. Oom Ernie is that guy who comes to weddings without an invite and tries to kiss the bride, the bridesmaids, and any dress with a heartbeat.

Imagine all corrupt officials, and I mean ALL of them, right to the very Top... Imagine they are stripped of everything they stole... Then even better, their wealth is distributed among the poor who have been waiting for that promised better life.

Imagine only positive comments on our local Facebook Pages. No complaints about stuff like dog poo and leashes but instead compliments and praise for good work done.

After two years of near bankruptcy for local businesses, imagine tourists NOT asking for a discount. Seriously guys, if you have Euros or Pounds in your pocket, everything in South Africa is a bargain.

Imagine an education system where everyone has access to free data. Imagine a world without traffic, without Mr. Mustache who’s constantly right up against your bumper. Mustache then races past, only to meet up at the next intersection. Or robots as we call them. That word still baffles me, but hey, in my country there are way more baffling things to take up my time. I mean, when last have you watched the news?

Imagine not having a neighbor who feels obliged to use his weed eater/angle grinder/leaf blower (really? as if we have no wind?) at the exact time when you are settling down with a drink to watch the spectacular sunset.

Imagine travelling to the country of your dreams without fears of tests and quarantine and being sent home. Okay, first imagine that the Rand makes a spectacular recovery. No hang on, even before that Imagine all corrupt officials are removed from office. After that miracle, more will follow...

Imagine all our children and grandchildren decide to return to their country of birth.

Imagine we can (read: are finally allowed to) generate enough green power to avoid any load-shedding without being penalized by NERSA.

Imagine eating chops and wors with your hands and licking your fingers without a whiff of sanitizer in the air. I wonder why the words sanitize and sanity sound so similar?

Imagine an underweight police force. Not that I’ve seen an overweight law enforcement officer in our town. Possibly because they are actually doing their jobs. And I thank you for that.

Which brings me to...

Imagine citizens with good manners, saying thank you, flashing your hazards when I pull over to let you pass. Yes, that’s saying thank you Mr. GP number plate.

Imagine no ‘how are you?’ telemarketers trying to persuade/force/bully you into buying a product you don’t want/need/afford.

Do not underestimate the power of Imagination. Ask any child, as they slay the dragons and are the heroes who always conquer in the end.

Thoughts, words, actions. Think it, speak it, then do it.

As the next nine months of 2022 lie in front of us, let me rephrase... As the rest of our lives lie in front of us...


A life where we don’t have to take pills to feel better.

I wish you the joyful feeling of a dog unexpectedly kissing you. Okay, licking you in the face is another way of putting it. Isn’t it great that dogs never picked up on the social distancing thing?

I wish you the joy of your grandchild hugging you tightly and not letting go.

I wish you the joy of plucking and eating the spring onions and tomatoes you sowed during lockdown, and which are now growing like weeds. The last time I tried to grow something was in Grade one when we had to put beans in wet cotton wool. Beginning and end of my farming career. Until the “My fellow South Africans” speech came along...

I wish you a year where the tax man actually refunds you.

I wish that you will spoil yourself with the best tea in the most beautiful porcelain cup at least once a day.

I wish you the satisfaction of creating something from scratch and then the ultimate high: selling it to an appreciative customer.

I wish that you develop stupendous stomach muscles due to your daily uninhibited raucous laughter.

What’s so funny you may ask? It’s all a matter of perspective, dear reader. Have you seen me dance as if I’m a 14-year-old, for example?

I wish we can all hear the music like the Deaf Dancer who ended up winning Strictly Come Dancing in Britain. Don’t know what I’m talking about? Watch her Tango on YouTube. There’s a reason why it’s had more than a million views.

I wish that we will concentrate on these feel-good stories and leave the politicians to destroy each other.

And of course, I wish to see you enter Amulet and enjoy the magic.

I wish that you will enjoy this moment, this day. Because yesterday was a lesson and tomorrow is a possibility.

I plan to tackle the rest of 2022 like I do with a slice of Percy’s carrot cake. Every bite is an orgasmic experience, I don’t want it to end.

No pangs of guilt. Enjoy it now, today. Because tomorrow it will be sold out.

SCAN to visit our online store. Hélène Truter


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The first Bodyboarding World Tour event on the African Continent

Onthe 19th of August, the inaugural Walker Bay Pro IBC World Bodyboarding Tour event will take place in the small town of Onrus in the Western Cape. With a holding period of 9 days, this will ensure that the field of international bodyboarders, along with many local riders, have ample opportunities to prove themselves in the waves Walker Bay has to offer.

The event will feature 2 divisions, Men and Woman with a total prize pool of $40 000USD is to be split equally across both divisions - making it one of the only events on the 2022 IBC World Tour to offer equal prize money for both divisions. Aside from the $20 000USD available, each division is offering the winners 2000 and 1500 points respectively towards their world champion campaign. In order for bodyboarders to be crowned the World Champion in these divisions, they need to ride a minimum of four events throughout the year. The amount of points on offer along with prize money make the Walker Bay Pro a very attractive event.

The Walker Bay Pro is an important event for the town of Onrus, and the influx of foreign and local visitors will give local tourism a boost, and provide the town with global exposure to fans of wave riding sports.

The town of Onrus is home to current world bodyboarding Champion, Tristan Roberts, and is no doubt a firm favourite - winning an international bodyboarding event in his home town is something that has never been possible ‘til now. Tristan isn’t the only South African World Champion when it comes to bodyboarding. He joins a growing list of local bodyboarders who have made, and continue to make, a name for themselves on the international scene. Cape Town based, Iain Campbell, was crowned World Bodyboarding Champion in 2017. Fellow countryman, Jared Hoston won his first world tour in 2015, and followed it up with a 2nd title in 2018. These three South Africans have been a dominant force in the current bodyboarding world and continue to make it difficult for other riders to advance through their heats in the events they ride. The competitive history of South African bodyboarding runs deep, with the youngest ever world champion, Durban based, Andre Botha, winning his first world title at the age of 17 back in 1998, and then followed up with a 2nd title in 1999.

Will the hometown hero and defending World Bodyboarding Champion, Tristan Roberts, win the first Walker Bay Pro event?

Additional information about the Walker Bay Pro will be available on the IBC World Tour website: https://ibcworldtour.com

Walker Bay Pro has dedicated social media channels on the following platforms:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/walker_bay_pro/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Walker-Bay-Pro-2022

For further event information, sponsorship details and all thing related to the Walker Bay Pro, please contact the event Director, Deon Meyer: deonmeyer@me.com Press enquiries can be directed to: cerven@ibcworldtour.com

About the IBC

As of 11 February 2020, Corporacion Internacional de Bodyboard (International Bodyboarding Corporation when translated into english) has been officially registered as a nonprofit organisation based in the Chilean city of Antofagasta. As the IBC, falls into 1 of two non-profit types groups under the law of Chile. Cultural organisations involving elements such as art, music, theatre etc are known as a foundation (Fundacion). Bodyboarding, recognised as a sport, sits within the second of these groups and as such had to be registered as a corporation under Chilean law.

The IBC has a primary goal of developing and supporting bodyboarding around the world and empowering regional areas to develop the sport. Through the work done in growing bodyboarding within countries such as Chile, Brazil, Peru, Portugal, Spain and the Canary Islands over the last 8 years, the various members behind the IBC have developed an academically proven framework to use bodyboarding as tool for social upliftment and change by connecting more people with joys of wave riding and the opportunities that come with it. 2022 sees the journey continue.

Web: ibcworldtour.com

Facebook: @ibc.world.tour

Instagram: @ibc.world.tour

IBC Press/Media Officer: Cerven Cotter cerven@ibcworldtour.com

Photo by Vincent Blackburn
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Adrian LouwLaws are dumb in war. Cicero [106-43 BC]

Where drums beat, law is silent. James Kelly 1721, Scottish Proverbs.

Iamcynical about politicians and their motives, as I have spent enough time studying and dealing directly with the Security Council of the United Nations, to somewhat justify my pessimism. Therefore laypeople [and most national lawyers] think international public law is a joke, or at least not ‘’real law,.’’ ‘’Look at how they [a superpower nation] got away with their terrible acts, bloodshed and destruction, like the Iraq invasion to destroy the [non-existent] WMD’s!’’ Look at what’s happening now in Ukraine!’’ The legal scholar Lauterpacht said aptly; If international law is in some way at the vanishing point of law, the law of war is …at the vanishing point of international law!

Who you gonna call? Super UNITED NATIONS police?! You see, laws, to be effective, need enforcement and no one really enforces international law, of which War Law is just a part. There is no international cop, no international prison….or is there? International Law works horizontally – there is not really any higher authority to enforce laws – they are obeyed by the states due to consensus and mutual benefit. Except when war erupts… Political and military expediency, time and again, trumps international laws. The International Court of Justice [ICJ] has jurisdiction only over states that consent to it, and then only in terms of those issues consented to. But the ICJ is not concerned with war crimes! [South Africa has an unenviable record of a 40 year long dispute, over the status of then South West Africa [Namibia today] and after 6 appearances, our legal team won that case, but finally yielded control over Namibia following a historic international settlement and one of the few successful UN missions, UNTAG, in Namibia, pursuant to Security Council Resolution 435].

[There has been only one sanctioned war by the UN; The 100hour multi state coalition’s execution of the UNSC Resolution to liberate Kuwait, in 1990/1991].

So, the Golden Rule of International Law; He who has the gold makes the laws? Might makes Right!

2003; Finally a ‘’war law’’ court!

Yet there are rules to war. And yes, there are consequences. War crimes are documented and investigated by states and for the past two decades, the International Criminal Court of Justice.

It has had very limited success in pursuing mostly African and exYugoslav warlords, so the fight against impunity continues. It has a huge staff of 900. In its twenty-year existence it has dealt with 30 cases, 17 people detained, 13 warrants are out … and only ten convictions. In 2021 its budget was Euro 148 million [R2.9bn]

It mainly investigates individuals - for crimes against humanity and genocide. It has only 123 member countries. Significantly it does not count the USA, China or Israel as members and their troops are immune, as it were, to prosecution, although there are some efforts and results at policing and prosecuting their own soldiers for crimes.

According to Human Rights Watch, however, US citizens may yet be charged for alleged crimes that took place in Afghanistan, as a state party and signatory of the ICCJ.


INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW [JUS IN BELLO] is focused on limiting the deaths and damages to soldiers and civilians through ‘fair’ conduct of war principles; military necessity , distinction, proportionality, humanity ‘’unnecessary suffering’’, honor / chivalry. The Geneva Conventions are ratified by a massive 196 states, which at least pays lip service to proper conduct in war. Draw your own conclusions!

Then there is WAR LAW [JUS AD BELLO] based on six principles; Just Cause, Being Last Resort, Properly Declared [Putin’s ‘’special operation!] ‘’Right Intention’’, ‘’Reasonable chance of Success,’’ and ‘’Ends being Proportional to Means.’’

There are 11 war crimes ; intentionally killing civilians or P.O.W’s, torture, taking hostages, unnecessary destruction of civilian property, deception by perfidy, rape, Illegal weapons ie non detectable fragments, land mines, incendiary weapons, blinding lasers, cluster bombs, expanding ordinance, poisoned bullets. consider your verdict!

Can war law override humanitarian law? Are these two in conflict? They are separate and should be separate, but in extreme self-defence cases, threat of survival so big, that violations of International Humanitarian Law may be warranted? Compounded by confusion of necessity and proportionality? No. Never. Victims should always get priority over warlords and the fiction of nations they piously serve.

The origins of war laws

The Law of War is recent, some 500 years – the great Dutch jurist Hugo Grotius is universally agreed to be the father of the Law of War. He wrote De Iure Belli ac Pacis in 1625. [‘’About War and Peace’’]

American civil war President Abraham Lincoln initiated the Lieber code, in General Order 100. The Lieber text was foundation code for the Hague Conventions 1899 and 1907, then followed Geneva 1925 and 1949.

What does work extremely well in International Law? There are millions of international laws obeyed daily –Conventions, treaties and Agreement that rule satellite launches into space, that govern the the wide skies, the sea lanes and maritime law, in agriculture, industry, mining, labour, universities, in the thousands of sophisticated machines that simplify our lives are international standards, guidelines, prohibitions, and regulatory frameworks down to that Thai relish you love to buy. Quietly and efficiently international law also works In diplomatic and consular relations, trade, communications – on the whole, observed at least as well as our local laws!

I can but endorse Grotius, who dedicated his aforementioned work to ‘’a just international legal order whose principal aim was the restraint of law war’’. A LUTA CONTINUA, VITORIA E CERTA.!

ADRIAN LOUW, local attorney was formerly a diplomat and Assistant Director at the then Department of Foreign Affairs.

International Law and the international order. A cursory overview. AND ADRIAN LOUW ATTORNEYS [Since 1992] EFFICIENT EXPERTISE IN PROPERTY TRANSACTIONS, FAMILY LAW AND CIVIL AND CRIMINAL CASES ! We render personal attention to your legal challenges from our lovely base at Hermanus Law Chambers, 19 Mitchell Street, Hermanus. Adrian; 072 9039321 [Litigation, Family Law] Kathryn 072 9039320 [Property and Estates] 7

The similarity between the Ineos Grenadier and the Land Rover Defender is uncanny, and Ineos doesn’t beat about the bush in describing the form of the Defender as a perfectly executed piece to base its product on. This car exists because JLR rejected an offer by chemicals baron Sir Jim Ratcliffe for the rights to carry on building it when it ceased production in 2016, ending a 67 year legacy. He then went on to build his own vehicle.

There’s difference in most of the detail, which was also seen by a UK court when it ruled in favour of the billionaire in a trademark lawsuit brought by JLR. It too has the classic clamshell bonnet, but the snout tapers off, ending at a black bumper lip. The rest of the vehicle — the silhouette, the ladder frame chassis, and the ability to be fixed in the bush, all are pure Defender inspirations.

The Grenadier, which is named after an English pub, has plenty of distinctive innovation inside. This includes a functional rather than luxurious cabin festooned with chunky buttons on the dashboard and in the roof headline. There are buttons for everything — for diff locks, of which there are three: centre, front and rear, park assist, lights and much more.

Images of the production model cabin show a more decent execution that includes the option to cover the small and sporty-looking steering wheel and old-school hand brake lever with burgundy leather. Grenadier SA head Tim Abbott says it was Ratcliffe himself who prefers the analogue approach, citing better use in icy conditions while wearing gloves.

There’s no instrument binnacle ahead of the driver. Ancillary gauges and other smaller features are integrated into a centrally placed digital hub including the speedometer. “Sir Ratcliffe also wanted minimal distraction ahead of the drivers as they forge ahead inside forests,” informed our chauffeur. And can it really rival the old Defender for outright bundu bashing practicality?

To set off you hit the starter button and select ‘Drive’ on a BMW gear lever. Two BMW-sourced 3.0l straight-six turbo engines are on offer — a 183kW and 550Nm diesel and a petrol with 285kW and 450Nm, presumably both from BMW’s 40d and 40i range. Both are mated to ZF eight-speed automatic transmissions.

A two-speed transfer case that’s actuated by the large metal lever allows for low-range gearing. It took time to acclimatise to the X5-esque engine noises, but once we hit some mildly challenging turf it was clear that the motor that’s described as the best diesel engine in some corners is a perfect fit for the Grenadier, which also features Carraro-built solid beam axles and a heavy-duty coilspring suspension.

It eased its way up craggy vineyard roads with ease in 4-hi range. Where the Grenadier also differs from its famous muse is in how incredibly comfortable and composed it rides on bad surfaces, and how quickly it can pick up speed.

A BMW 3.0l engine was in our prototype and it dished out the torque for clambering in heaps, and it was in its usual element when the roads opened up. Final performance figures haven’t been published but it felt twice, maybe three times faster than any old Defender I’ve driven. While you might expect a wallowing, pitching and rolling tall tank through the corners and ruts, the Grenadier displayed pleasing balance and poise.

Serious explorers will also have 258mm of ground clearance, 35.5/27.8/36.1 degree approach/breakover/departure angles and a standard wading depth of 800mm. Abbott says the vehicle is already prepped for custom tweaking and items than can be fitted include winches, tow bars, bull bars, side runners, underbody protection, auxiliary batteries and 2,000W domestic plug sockets. Furthermore, the CEO says, local 4x4 accessory firms have begun engineering studies for extra modifications.

You can tell there are considered alterations to the Defender. For starters, the Grenadier is designed to carry 100kg on its roof, which is way more than the competition, and it has the option to fit a pair of removable glass ports above the front passenger heads should you want to have closer but safe encounters with nature.

There’s also readiness to line up jerry cans on its flanks, a step ladder at the rear, while there are inside load hooks on the B-pillars for securing carry-in luggage and, according to the company, there are plans to introduce a ‘shortie’ version, — à la Defender 90 and double-cab bakkie models.

Grenadier SA is also finalising three initial dealerships in Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg in anticipation of the arrival of the cars in August 2022. Vehicle service will take place in-house and at selected BMW dealerships in Polokwane, Mbombela, Bloemfontein, George and Gqeberha.

Orders are open and base pricing is R1,395,000.

For fast, friendly and reliable service, contact us now on Cell: 083 282 7124 Email: o.chatelle@gmail.com We have moved. Unit 5, Mimosa centre, Mimosa street, Hermanus Industrial to WIN R10 00 0! 10Read online at www.splashmag.co.za


The Ama-lekkerlicious

Brandy is widely regarded as one of South Africa’s best-loved spirits. Matched with peach syrup, cranbe rry juice and bitters, this crisp cocktail can shake up any gathering.


25 ml brandy

12.5ml peach syrup

50 ml cranberry juice

1 teaspoon of lemon juice

3 splashes of bitters

Slice of orange rind to garnish


Take a whiskey glass and dip the lip into orange sherbet.

Combine brandy, peach syrup, cranberry juice, lemon juice and bitters in a metal shaker.

Shake and strain contents into the sherbet-lipped whiskey glass. Garnish the lip with an orange rind twist.

Marinated lamb chops in garlic,rosemary and thyme


500 g Lamb Chops

Crushed garlic cloves

1 Tbsp Fresh rosemary leaves

1 Tbsp Crushed thyme

Coarse sea salt

2 Tbsp Olive oil


Grab a food processor and add the garlic, rosemary, thyme, and salt. Mix until it’s all combined and then add the olive oil. Rub this on both sides of the lamb chops and then put them in the fridge to marinade for 1-2 hours. Take them out about half an hour before so that the lamb gets up to room temperature. Throw the chops on very high heat, sealing them on each side for 2 minutes. For medium-rare dependant on heat total cooking time will be about 8-10 minutes in total.

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Rothschild Art Expo A collab with Andree’s Art in The Courtyard behind The Wine Glass. Call Andree: 083 367 0226 or Graham: 082 559 7526 The red house on Aberdeen St Peter’s Lane 12Read online at www.splashmag.co.za

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