Overstrand Splash Magazine - December 2021

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FREE! GRATIS Your FREE Lifestyle Magazine December 2021 | Overstrand Issue 113

Hermanus Artist

Jenny Jackson

MEDIA Editor: Peter van Schaik Copy-Editors: Kathleen Botha & Hanneke van Schaik Design:

Brenda Smal

SPLASH Tel: Postal Address:

074 717 2582 P.O.Box 199 Onrus 7201

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Your FREE Lifestyle Magazine

March 2021 Issue 111

All previous issues of SPLASH available online.

CONTENTS What's inside...


Hélène Truter - Make a Feature

out of a Stuff-up.


Adrian Louw - Codes and Kings

or How We Got our Legal

landscape in Four Leaps!


Refine - All under one roof!


Pam Snyman - Sustainable

Competitive Advantage in

the Real Estate environment.

P11 Annette Havenga - Meer van Hermanus Artist

Terry Kobus

Nêrens kom...

Cover artist Jenny Jackson Gallery 19 In the heart of Hermanus Old Town is the intimate studio gallery where artist Jenny Jackson lives and paints. Cell: 072 270 1883 Email: jeni@hermanus.co.za

Keeping SPLASH connected 086 1234 777 www.maxitec.co.za

Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or S P L A S H Magazine. Copyright © - Whale Splash Media CC - All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or copied by any form or means without prior permission of the publisher. The Publisher or S P L A S H Magazine are not responsible for any unsolicited material.

Make a


out of a Stuff-up. J HB 2008: “Your daughter won’t survive another year in that school.” What now? There’s a small Montessori school in Hermanus. Okay, let’s move there. But how will we earn a living? Never mind, let’s just do it. Without any job prospects, we sell everything and move to Hermanus. We buy a small shop - one day, this will be our pension. Then Covid and Lockdown came. Amulet had to close its doors. Oops, there goes that pension plan.

But they don’t call me ‘Petra Plannetjies’ for nothing. Lockdown Day 1: I post an item on FB. Rule1: It must be Pretty. Rule 2: And cheap. Soon I’m selling Pretty cheap all over the country. If you can’t come to the Prettiness, the Prettiness will come to you. Like many other small businesses, FB has become a life saver. Now it’s become a fun thing, what will Amulet post next? Don’t ask me, I’m reinventing as I go along. Even better, curious locals and Out of Towners are now coming to look for themselves. Face to face is so much better! Besides I can’t courier the smell of coffee and fresh flowers. Oh yes, that’s a recent thing. I now stock fresh flowers. Because I can. Because I want to. Because it makes me happy. Life is not just about making money. Let’s wake up and smell the coffee and sometimes even the roses. Because of the closed borders, suppliers are complaining that there’s a shortage of imported goods. (i.e. China) Jaaaay! Now we get to make our own stuff. And it’s heartening that nowadays more South Africans are supporting local. My latest joy is my Velvet Prints. (As on the Photo) If you’ve been to Amulet, you’ll know that we print on Linen, Leather and now on any material imaginable. If you keep still long enough, I may just print something on you. Because of Lockdown I recently discovered a thing called Vlogging. Let me bring you up to speed. You’ve heard of a blog, right? So, writers blog. Or rather, bloggers blog. Unemployed actors/stand-up comedians/ anyone with an opinion or guts can Vlog. Yip. Vlogging is the video version of a blog. (If you already knew this, my apologies, my brain’s also been in lockdown.) A LIVE vlog however, is the best, cheapest and scariest high available in this day of no live entertainment. No drugs involved. It’s free, it’s legal and boy, it’s fun! That’s if you’re the kind of person who loves to challenge yourself with something completely unknown which also gives you heart palpitations. That person would be me. You communicate with an unseen audience via a live Facebook feed.

There’s no prepared script, but there’s immediate feedback. While you’re talking, comments appear on the screen, visible to anyone who’s watching. Nerve-wracking! Interesting to keep talking and reading at the same time and then try to respond without sounding like a total idiot. Anyone can watch, anyone can comment. I’ve had feedback from Austrialia, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Ireland, the UK. From Hermanus to Lepalale. LIVE. And it’s FREE! One common denominator. People miss company. They feel lonely. There’s no decent sport to watch. Watching rugby/ soccer without crowds is like taking your hosepipe for a walk. It’s the new Saturday braai. At this virtual braai, you can drink as much as you like as you won’t be driving home afterwards. No masks or sanitizer required either. Dress is super casual, pjs or even underwear will suffice. Hell, you can be naked should you feel the urge. Rest assured, yours truly is fully clothed. It’s not that kind of comedy. Vlogging is simply another way of reaching out, because we miss each other. We even miss the moaners and the pessimists. And as I write this South Africa has been red-listed, and families and friends overseas are desperate to connect. Feel free to follow my Amulet page and join the live vlogs and we can laugh and moan together. And travel! Without a vaccine or a Covid test. https://www.facebook. com/amuletlifestyle/ If you are fortunate enough to be in the vicinity, come and experience the magic first-hand. Touch the velvet, smell the coffee, revel in the music, taste the carrot cake. (If you’re lucky, cause it’s usually sold out. Percy can’t keep up with the demand. We’re married so I can’t exactly fire him.) With all the challenges (the government’s euphemism for a stuff-up) that South Africa has faced since 2008 we should all be downtrodden, depressed and despondent. But here we are. Still going. And Hermanus is more beautiful than ever. Covid has taught us; In order to survive, you have to re-invent. Yes, of course it’s scary, but it can be very exciting. I was never taught how to write, yet I’m a scriptwriter. I was never taught how to

Hélène Truter

SCAN to visit our online store.

run a business, yet Amulet has been growing since 2010. Because of Lockdown: I am now trading on Facebook. I was never taught to design, yet I have now have my own Clothing Range. I was never taught how to vlog... And yet here I am... #justdoingit and Loving it! Whatever’s next, I’m up for the challenge.

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Codes and Kings or How We Got our Legal landscape in Four Leaps! 1

3750 years ago…KING HAMMURABI; THE CODE OF LAWS OF HAMMURABI The greatest of the ancient Babylonian kings, issued his Code of Laws, the first in history. It was a list of rules how to behave, Adrian Louw covering an enormous range of human conduct. It was severe, but these were hard times. The punishment typically was of the ‘’eye for an eye type’’, [ ah, with a built in bias to the powerful. E.g if a gentleman broke another gentleman’s bone he shall have his broken. But if same gentleman broke a commoner’s bone he shall only pay a fine of silver…] The effect was it is written that a ‘’high degree of law and order ensued in a land previously fraught with internal strife for a long time’’ The laws were inscribed on a pillar of black rock. This ‘’law book’’ can be seen in the Louvre, Paris. Hammurabi also built libraries, canals temples and roads. He enlarged his kingdom and kept it intact. He was a pioneer in the annals of lawmakers.


806 years ago…. MAGNA CARTA ‘’by’’ KING JOHN ‘’SOFT SWORD’’ England [1199 – 1216] Poor John was a ‘’considerable failure in his military campaigns. He lost the French territories, had to surrender his realm to the pope, ended facing huge baronial rebellion. But this rebellion led to him to reluctantly signing the MAGNA CARTA in 1215, an early step in constitutional law. He was an able administrator, but his heavy taxation and costly, terrible military campaigns led to deep unpopularity His judicial reforms however had a lasting effect on English common law. He was the unintended producer, if not drafter, of this famous Great Charter. Its blind spots? Well, it was by and for the very upper crust, of the society then, the barons and aristocracy versus the monarch, effectively ignoring the peasants and commoners. The Magna Carta had clauses freedom of church, redress of grievances of owners and tenants, regulation of judicial process. Habeas corpus, no one shall be imprisoned without due process, ‘’to no one we will sell, to no one refuse or delay right or justice.’’ As a peace treaty it was unsuccessful and the Pope did not like it either. But the seed had been planted and it but became the basis of liberties in England and its effect spread to the USA leading to leap three…


234 years ago… 1787 Philadelphia Convention, US Constitution and 1791 Bill of Rights Following the 1776 Declaration of Independence from England and successful war of Independence, the representatives of the 13 Founding states met and over a difficult negotiation period of 4 months, hammered out the remarkable US Constitution, a little later incorporating a Bill of Rights [literally ‘’Amendments’’ to the Constitution] This was new, revolutionary, in its time. Together these documents recognized ‘’Inalienable natural rights’’, ‘’Limited government’’, ‘’Due Process’’, ‘’Equality before the Law’’, ‘’Separation of Powers’’, ‘’Checks and Balances’’. And yes, as with the Magna Carta, it had massive deficits; slavery was still rife, no recognition of the indigenous Original Nations.


25 years ago … [4 December 1996] South African Constitution signed. The SA Constitution also had a long and difficult gestation and birth. It is is heralded as a very progressive example by lawyers worldwide. A Tesla among the Constitutional cars? It is also under severe strain as it is an overly ambitious document. It has not succeeded in many respects. This is not only the fault of the mere document, but mostly due to political failure, corruption, ignorance and simple lack of ability and implementation. The Constitutional Court is called upon to rule on questions before it, and I believe has monthly succeeded admirably in limiting the government overreach, in correcting aberrant judgments and striking down parts of legislation which it interprets as not compliant. Huge challenges remain. It is not the Tesla, though it is the drivers, lack of power and the potholed roads! At the risk of reduction to absurdity, the document simply preaches RESPECT. Respecting each other’s dignity, privacy, lives, liberties and property, Respecting children, education, culture, language, environment. The Government respecting citizens civil and criminal process, their rights, access to courts, equality before the law, freedoms, trades, professions, associations. Companies respecting the laws, individual’s rights and above all, the environment. We have succeeded in free and fair elections, and our base democracy is alive and well. Most freedoms are respected but SA has massive governance challenges. But, it is not the governments Constitution. It is our Constitution to ‘’seize’’, implement and insist upon, as throughout history men and women of integrity had to stand up to misuse of power. Let’s make it work! ADRIAN LOUW ATTORNEYS [Since 1992] EFFICIENT EXPERTISE IN PROPERTY TRANSACTIONS, FAMILY LAW AND CIVIL AND CRIMINAL CASES ! We render personal attention to your legal challenges from our lovely base at Hermanus Law Chambers, 19 Mitchell Street, Hermanus. Adrian; 072 9039321 [Litigation, Family Law] Kathryn 072 9039320 [Property and Estates] 5


Follow us on:

Refine Anti-Ageing Clinic and


Tel: 028 316 1532 / Email: info@refine.co.za / www.refineclinic.co.za Hemel & Aarde Craft Village, Hermanus, 7200

Behind from left to right: Janene - Hairdresser, Carin - Therapist, Dr. Anne-Marie Louw - Proferizon, Jocelyn - Therapist, Rolanda - Therapist, Dr. Andre Truter, Leanne - Permanent Makeup, Patricia - Practice Manager Front from left to right: Marble - Assistant, Lindi - Owner of Refine, Tina - Therapist


ith our busy lifestyles and demanding work schedules, what clients increasingly want from an aesthetics service provider is quality, diversity of treatment options, and convenience. Image-conscious clients are overwhelmingly interested in more than just one service — and more importantly, they want to give their business to clinics who offer all the head-to-toe solutions they are seeking. Perhaps it’s the intense volume of competition on the beauty and aesthetics markets, or maybe it’s to meet the demand of consumers’ busy schedules and hectic lifestyles. Who can argue with the sheer ease of having all of one’s beauty treatments done under one roof, even in a single visit? And when we say ‘all under one roof’ we don’t exaggerate. More clinics are expanding their services to offer true convenience to clients, meaning they no longer have to visit a range of salons and clinics to meet their full list of beauty needs. Clients are now able to book in a haircut and colour with a side of waxing, capped off with some anti-wrinkle injections – all with a drink in hand, and all in the one convenient location. Refine Clinic has always been well-known, for its private premises. Covering a full list of beauty treatments, in addition to a fully-fledged Aesthetic Clinic with the latest technologies and cosmetic injectables available. For the past 12 years, Refine has been an industry leader in the field of laser and light therapies as well as ultrasound,

radiofrequency and carboxy therapy. With result driven treatments, Refine has gained a reputation for professional service and aftercare. An extensive range of body and facial procedures with excellent results in anti-ageing, tightening, brightening and rejuvenating skin on the face as well as the body. Partners to the Refine family offer an array of other beauty and wellness treatments such as permanent make-up, DNA testing, IV nutrient therapy, cosmetic injectables and a fully operating hairdressing salon. A great location, beautifully decorated, private and with a personal touch, offers a novel experience to each client, and the partnership with like- minded practitioners provides a luxurious environment so clients can relax and feel at ease. Treatments complement each other, giving each patient the best results as a whole. It’s not often you walk into a clinic and are able to get all the treatments you want under one roof. This eliminates the stress of finding a new place in a time crunch, getting directions to a new place, and blindly hoping you’ll be happy with the results. Especially, now with silly season ahead of us- we can offer you a one-stop shop, extended working hours, and safe space, and relaxed environment. As the year draws to an end- we would like to thank our loyal clients for their support in 2021, and would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! From all of us

■ Laser Skin Rejuvenation ■ Chemical Peels ■ Laser Vein/Hair Removal ■ Botox™ ■ Dermal Fillers ■ Sclerotherapy ■ Diathermy ■ Permanent Make-up ■ Carboxytherapy 7


Would you like to experience something out of this world? Visit the Space Agency for a free tour during World Space Week.

ENTRANCE IS FREE! Tuesday 5 October at 11:00 Wednesday 6 October at 11:00 Thursday 7 October at 11:00

Book your space today on: 028 312 1196 or events@sansa.org.za SANSA, Hospital St, Hermanus Subject to Covid-19 Protocols Booking essential


Sustainable Competitive Advantage in the Real Estate environment.


hat does it mean to be a real estate company that maintains a sustainable competitive advantage?

Pam Snyman

1. At REDZetc we endeavour to do the following: • Add value for our clients, i.e. by delivering ongoing superior performance …easier said than done… • What do we need to maintain that advantage? Constant positive change and adaptation 2. We need to be a Learning Organisation where continual learning takes place in order to gain sustainable excellence, i.e. be means of constant organisational learning 3. What is organisational learning? The process of active learning that takes place within the organisation through individuals, groups and the organisation itself for sustaining, supplementing and improving the knowledge and practices related to our core functions and whereby competitive advantage is created. Our desire is: a culture of innovation, creative thinking and constant renewal 4. What are the key resources required to be a learning organisation? • Motivated and committed agents • Brand and Culture • Reputation • Teamwork and Relationships • Systems and Procedures • Leadership 5. Therefore:

Should you require special individualised service in respect of buying or selling real estate, do not hesitate to call Pam (082 8000867) or Dawie Snyman (084 5811622) who will ensure that the right REDZetc estate agent contacts you in order to satisfy your particular requirements. Pam was recently invited to appear on Prof Thuli Madonsela’s ThuMa Foundation platform ‘WomenReady To Lead 2030’ as a guest speaker. She was also a panelist on the Real Estate and Construction Panel of the 4th Africa Future Summit along with other global strategists, which was broadcast to 5000 digital delegates. Should you be interested, she will gladly forward you the links to the recordings. 9


Luxury living... Award-winning, cool climate wines...

Benguela Cove Lagoon Wine Estate is a beautiful and natural place to live. The 200 hectare estate includes 70 hectares of vineyards and 10 hectares of olive groves. The estate boasts only 124 erven and is the lowest density residential estate in South Africa. It is an incredible place to wake up to, rich in bird life and natural flora and fauna as well as spectacular views, completely untouched and unspoilt.

The estate is surrounded by the lagoon, which was made famous by the Catalina Seaplanes that landed on the lagoon during the second world war. Benguela Cove’s Catalina Semillon wine is a celebration of this and in 2021 was the top scoring wine in the Michelangelo Wine Awards, averaging 98.75, rated by Tim Atkin, MW 95/100 Points, and 5 Stars in the Platter’s Wine Guide 2022. Fine wines are an important aspect of the estate and Benguela Cove boasts a beautiful contemporary 450-ton wine cellar. Residents become a part of the winery via the agricultural agreement and receive an annual allocation and preferential pricing on wine purchases all year round.

R43, Walker Bay, Hermanus | 75 minutes drive from Cape Town International Airport Estate enquiries: +27 (0)82 4999 774 | developer@benguelacove.co.za | www.benguelacove.com @BenguelaCoveEstate



MEER VAN NÊRENS KOM... Vanaf die eerste episode van Nêrens Noord Kaap op 30 Augustus 2021 , het kykers vasgenael gesit voor die kassie. Die lief en leed van die Adendorffs op hulle plaas – “Nêrens” het ons deur elkeen van die 13 episodes op ons tone gehad. Van die kinder karakters tot elkeen van die volwassenes, was die rolverdeling, spel en storielyn uitmuntend. Drie vervreemde broers, Frans,(Geon Nel), Ronnie (Albert Pretorius) en Andries (De Klerk Oelofse), moet elkeen hulle eie paadtjie na versoening loop. Ietwat van ‘n kronkelpad, gesaai met geheime en hartseer. Dan maak hulle knorpot pa, Lourens Snr, vertolk deur Frank Opperman, dit ook glad nie makliker nie. Die plaas voorman, Jan-Jan, vertolk deur Dean Ballie en sy ma, Maggie, vertolk deur Ilse Klink, speel ‘n onskatbare rol in die Adendorffs se lewe. Maggie het die drie broers se grootmaak oorgeneem na hulle ma, Katja, vertolk deur Tinarie Van WykLoots, se ontydige dood. Dit word vroeg in die reeks al duidelik dat Katja se dood ‘n groot impak gehad het op die mense wat sy agter laat. Hierdie karakter het elkeen op haar unieke manier aangeraak. Die donker wolk wat die waarheid oor haar dood omring het ‘n swaar las op Nêrens se mense gelaat. Wat ‘n verfrissende toevoeging was Daneel van der Walt nie. Haar vertolking van Suzette Coetzer het beslis waarde tot die reeks gebring. Elke “gewone” vrou kon aanklank vind tot dié karakter met haar hart van goud. Suzette het ons geleer van uithou vermoë en onbaatsugtige liefde. Ronnie kies om ontvlugting van sy geraamtes in ‘n bottel te vind. Hy raak joviaal, maar sit die mense naaste aan hom in die oë. Skrywer en regisseur Nico Scheepers en kykNET het kykers verseker dat ‘n tweede seisoen op die kaarte is. “Dit verdien ‘n tweede seisoen.” – Ilse Klink – Nico wil nie te veel weggee nie, maar het gesê dat daar nuwe karakters sal wees, alhoewel hy wel met dieselfde rolverdeling gaan werk. Hy hou Seisoen 2 baie na aan die hart en sê dat hy teen die einde van Episode 13 besef het hierdie was maar die eerste deel van 26 episodes.


“Ek is verskriklik opgewonde. Net die idee van weer saam met die wonderlike mense te werk is ‘n baie lekker gedagte. Ek sien uit om te sien wat met almal gebeur.” – Daneel van der WaltAl drie broers het liefde gevind, maar is liefde genoeg om die spoke te verjaag? Lorrie, vertolk deur Shana Mans moes maar harde bene kou om Frans aan haar sy te kry. Andries se Fleur, vertolk deur Melissa Willering, woon in die vreemde. Gaan Andries haar huis toe bring? Ware liefde is vir die Nêrens Noord Kaap karakters is ook van die stel af ‘n werklikheid. Dean Ballie en Bianca Flanders (Chrissie, ook Jan-Jan se vrou in die reeks), was reeds verloof en is intussen getroud. Het jy die reeks gemis? Goeie nuus is dat die reeks as boks stel op DSTV Catchup beskikbaar is en ook binnekort op Showmax. ‘n Teater toer word ook beplan vanaf 27 Desember 2021 tot 30 Desember 2021 na Hermanus, Gansbaai en Hartenbos. Ten tye van publikasie kon die organiseerders nog nie bevestiging gee of die toer nog wel voortgaan soos beplan nie. Wag-vir-Nêrens-groete


Annette Havenga

Mimosa Street 2020 Mimosa Street Hermanus Hermanus POLE DEPOT POLE DEPOT POLE DEPOT All Saint Street All Saint Street POLE DEPOT POLE DEPOT POLE DEPOT 20 street, Hermanus Bredasdorp Bredasdorp 20 Mmosa street, Hermanus 20 Mmosa street, Hermanus 20Mmosa Mmosa street, Hermanus Mmosa street, Hermanus 20 20 Mmosa street, Hermanus All Street, Bredasdorp Saint Street, Bredasdorp All Saint Bredasdorp AllSaint Saint Street, Bredasdorp All Saint Street, Bredasdorp AllAll Saint Street, Bredasdorp @ Pole Depot @Street, Pole Depot •POLES POLES & LATHS (CCA) POLES &&& LATHS (CCA) LATHS (CCA) ••••POLES & LATHS (CCA) •• POLES &&LATHS (CCA) •POLES POLES & LATHS (CCA) LATHS (CCA) POLES LATHS (CCA) •WENDAY BRAAIHOUT BRAAIHOUT WENDY HOUSES HOUSES ••••WENDAY WENDY HOUSES HOUSES •• WENDAY WENDY HOUSES HOUSES • WENDAY HOUSES WENDAY HOUSES WENDAY HOUSES •GARDEN GARDEN GOODIES GARDEN GOODIES GOODIES ••••GARDEN GOODIES •GARDEN GARDEN GOODIES GOODIES •• GARDEN GOODIES GARDEN GOODIES • STABLE BEDDING STABLE BEDDING STABLE BEDDING ••••STABLE BEDDING •STABLE STABLE BEDDING BEDDING •• STABLE BEDDING STABLE BEDDING •BRAAIHOUT WENDY HOUSES WENDY HOUSES ••••BRAAIHOUT •BRAAIHOUT BRAAIHOUT •• BRAAIHOUT BRAAIHOUT Cell: 082 895 5949 Cell: 082 895 5949 Cell: 082 895 5949 Cell: 082 895 5949

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KENNELS: 4Steenbras Street Industria Tel: 028 312 1281 SHOP: 18 Mitchell Street, Hermanus Tel: 028 312 1800 Fund Raising No: 08 800134000 4 NPO Nr: 002950 NPO PBO Nr: 18/11/13/3705

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