Splash Magazine - July 2023

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HAIR DAY FOR A BOOKING PLEASE WHATSAPP YOLANDÉ 072 800 7089 hairdayhermanus H&A Village 3 Hermanus Accommodation 319 Main Road, Hermanus cheshamhousehermanus@gmail.com Around the corner from the golf course From R500pps/night Including Breakfast Interactive e-magazine, click or tap to view websites or contact advertisers

RAAF het laas jaar Desember die De Wetsaal in Onrus se dak gelig. Hierdie jaar kom doen hul dit weer.. Hierdie keer in die Sandbaai saal tydens Kalfiefees 2023.

Daaris onlangs in die media na dié twee as ‘n fenomena verwys, ‘n duo waarvan die genre nie werklik beskryf kan word nie en iets totaal vars vir die Suid-Afrikaanse musiek landskap. Hulle gehore strek letterlik deur elke ouderdomsgroep en gehoorlede beskryf RAAF as ‘n moet-sien en ‘n lewensveranderende musiekervaring. Een gehoorlid verwys soos volg na ‘n RAAF vertoning: “Daar was... regte magic...jy’s dit aan jouself verskuldig om ten minste een keer in jou lewe ‘n RAAF show by te woon”. Dis ruk en rol, dis hard, teer, dit los jou geïnspireerd, dis die toekoms van Afrikaans. “RAAF is ‘n prag talent waarop ons met reg trots kan wees”, skryf ‘n ander gehoorlid op sosiale media na aanleiding van ‘n vertoning wat hulle bygewoon het. RAAF reageer nederig op hierdie stellings met “Ons doen maar net wat ons doen en ons is dankbaar dat mense daarvan hou...”

Die nuwe musiek is hier!

“Jare gelede het musikante hulle tyd gevat om hulle musiek in meesterstukke te omskep en dit met sorg aan hulle volgers te oorhandig - ons wou weer voel hoe dit gevoel het” sê Lourens Raaf.

“Dis al omtrent vyf jaar wat ons skryf en werk aan hierdie album en ons voel dit is ‘n samesnoering van alles wat ons was, is en wat ons geword het. Ons opwinding om dit aan die wêreld te gee sodat elkeen dit hulle eie kan maak, is oorweldigend” voeg Esté by.

Die album PREDIKER bestaan uit 16 oorspronklike Afrikaanse liedjies wat Vrydag na Vrydag vrygestel gaan word, met die eerste enkelsnit Vrygelatenes wat op 9 Junie 2023 die lig gesien het.

“By konserte verwelkom ons deesdae gehoorlede op die RAAFtuig waarmee ons gaan reis na plekke ver van hier; plekke waar ons weer kan droom, kan dans, kan partytjie hou, kan onthou en kan vergeet en herinner kan word aan wie ons diep aan ons binnekante is en hoekom ons op hierdie Aarde is. Dis in die naam van musiek, in die naam van samesyn en hierdie PREDIKER album is die perfekte playlist op ons RAAFtuig avonture. Jy is welkom op die RAAFtuig, dis die toekoms, dis Afrikaans, dis ons” - Esté en Lourens Raaf. Met hulle musiek en hulle vertonings wil RAAF saam met hulle gehore kies om voluit te lewe, om ‘n verskil te maak waar hulle is, om hulle drome te volg en te deel, om mooi te kyk na mekaar en na die wêreld en om dan en wan so bietjie te laat gaan en net te lééf. Hulle glo die lewe is kort en daar is so baie mense om te ontmoet en plekke om te sien. “Gryp ‘n vakkel by die kantlynkinders, dromers lig die vlam, revolusie beginner...” (uit die eerste enkelsnit, Vrygelatenes).

Meer oor RAAF

RAAF is die Afrikaanse betekenis van hulle familienaam, Rabe. Vandat hulle in 2013 getrou het, het hulle reeds daaraan begin dink dat dit slim sal wees om die naam van die band meer tuis te bring. Die studente dae was verby en die musiek loopbaan het ernstig vlerke begin kry, maar die lewe is besig en tyd vlieg en voor ons weet was dit 2020. Die inperkingstyd was vir dié twee ‘n goeie tyd vir refleksie en skryf. Dis hier waar hulle ook navorsing sit en doen het oor die betekenis van hulle van, Rabe. Hulle lees toe dat ‘n raaf ‘n boodskapper voël is, die grootste in die songbirdfamilie, dat hulle een maat vir ‘n leeftyd kies en dat hulle territoriaal is, kan speel, kan leer en kan pret hê. Hierdie beskrywing het hulle laat besef dat hulle familienaam eintlik nog altyd beskryf wat hulle doen as ‘n loopbaan en die perfekte naam is om hierdie reis tuis te bring. Só het die Bottomless Coffee Band in Oktober 2022 RAAF geraak.

Al drie die eerste enkelsnitte, Vrygelatenes, Paternoster en As en Stof is nou beskikbaar op alle digitale platforms!

KLIEK hier om te luister

KLIEK hier vir kaartjies






Now also VW and Audi approved.













SATERDAG: 08H30-15H00

SONDAG: 09H00-13H00

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028 313 2162 | Find us at Mussel Centre, Hermanus

Returning to the Moon!

Just about 250 km Northeast of Hermanus is the Central Karoo town of Matjiesfontein.

Established as a railway station in 1878, it was a strategic stop for trains and passengers to refresh on the trip to the Kimberly diamond fields. In 1899, during the South African war the town again played a strategic role hosting a command post, a fortress and a hospital. Today, this lovely preserved Victorian town is again strategic. As the nations of the world are returning to the Moon in 2024, led by the USA’s National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Matjiesfontein will be center stage as one of just three communications stations around the globe charged with assuring the astronauts have reliable radio communications to the Moon and back. The other sites will be situated strategically in New Mexico, USA and Australia.

Aptly named LEGS for Lunar Exploration Ground System, the Karoo is the perfect spot for the new antennas. The dry weather and available infrastructure make Matjiesfontein ideal for playing a key role in Humanity’s return to the Moon. The dish antennas will be between 18m and 26m in diameter and boast some of the most state of the art technology for space communications.

The South African National Space Agency (SANSA), the Village of Matjiesfontein, the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) and NASA held a groundbreaking ceremony on November 8th of last year, attended by senior officials from NASA including Deputy Associate Administrator for Space Communications and Navigation Badri Younnes as well as the DSI’s Director General, Dr. Phil Mjwara. Since then, work has proceeded steadily toward completion so that the LEGS station will be online for the Artemis 2 mission to the Moon currently planned for November of 2024.

As a critical part of the Artemis 2 mission the LEGS station will support the four astronauts on their journey around the Moon and back. NASA recently announced that the Artemis 2 crew will be Reid Wiseman, Commander; Victor Glover, Pilot; Christina Hammock Koch, Mission Specialist; and Jeremy Hansen, Mission Specialist. This will be the first-time humans have been to the Moon since the Apollo program ended in 1974. In those 50 years, great strides have been made in understanding how humans can live and work in space. The ultimate goal of the Artemis program will be to establish a permanent presence around and on the Moon. Much the same way the International Space Station has been occupied since the year 2000. And, in time, the Moon base

and Gateway orbital station will serve as the starting point for Humanity’s next step into space, Mars!

South Africa has a long history of involvement in space communications and tracking, dating all the way back to tracking the Soviet Union’s Sputnik mission in 1957 and including NASA’s Apollo program (1969 to 1974). In 1961 NASA and South Africa completed the construction of NASA’s Deep Space Network Deep Space Station 51 (DSS51), a 26-meter antenna, was installed near Hartebeesthoek, just outside Johannesburg. DSS-51 would be a key portal to space for 15 years and is still in operation today as a radio telescope operated by the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO).

With the establishment of the LEGS station in Matjiesfontein the return to the Moon will be safe and successful. This is truly something all of South Africa can be proud of!

About Jim Adams

Jim Adams is a retired aerospace engineer who spent most of his career at NASA. He last served as NASA’s Deputy Chief Technology Officer. Having recently concluded his 19th visit to South Africa, Jim returns roughly every 6 months to promote Space Exploration and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) among learners and the general public. He is a regular presenter on RSG, Sterre en Planete.

Jim Adams Lunar Gateway Space Station, Credit: NASA The Artemis 2 crew of (clockwise from top) Victor Glover, Jeremy Hansen, Reid Wiseman and Christina Koch. Credit: NASA DG DSI, Dr. Mjwara and NASA’s Badri Younes sign the letter of intent to commence with the construction of a LEGS antenna. Credit: SANSA Deep Space Station 51 (DSS-51). Credit: NASA
timberlog@telkomsa.net Tel/Fax: 028 384 1587 timberlog@telkomsa.net POLE DEPOT 20 Mmosa street, Hermanus All Saint Street, Bredasdorp • WENDAY HOUSES E-mail: headoffice@fynbospoles.co.za Tel/Fax: 028 384 1587 • POLES & LATHS (CCA) • BRAAIHOUT • GARDEN GOODIES • WOODCHIPS • WOOD SHAVINGS POLE DEPOT 20 Mmosa street, Hermanus All Saint Street, Bredasdorp • POLES&LATHS(CCA) • WENDAY HOUSES • GARDEN GOODIES • STABLE BEDDING • BRAAIHOUT Cell: 082 895 5949 082 893 7965 E-mail: timberlog@telkomsa.net Tel/Fax: 028 384 1587 @ Pole Depot 20 Mimosa Street Hermanus All Saint Street Bredasdorp LOOKING TO BUY OR SELL? HERMANUS PROPERTY SALES PROFESSIONAL PROPERTY PEOPLE paul@hpsonrus.co.za 071 624 7486 PAUL VAN JAARSVELD ALLOW ME TO ASSIST YOU ON THIS IMPORTANT JOURNEY. Contact us for sales, service and repair of Apple Mac and PC 074 717 2582 talktopeter@icloud.com 7 H I G H P C L E A N S E R V I C E SERVICES: Home or business wash Roof & gutter cleaning Driveway & patio cleaning Car wash & boat cleaning Solar panel maintenance Fleet vehicle maintenance 068 255 6292 C H I G H P R E S S U R E C L E A N I N G S E R V I C E N C SERVICES: Home or business wash Roof & gutter cleaning Driveway & patio cleaning Car wash & boat cleaning Solar panel maintenance Fleet vehicle maintenance business gutter 068 255 6292 hydrobsolutions@gmail com CONTACT INFO: Hydro Blast Solutions H I G H P R C L E A N I N S E R V I C E V E SERVICES: Home or business wash Roof & gutter cleaning Driveway & patio cleaning Car wash & boat cleaning Solar panel maintenance Fleet vehicle maintenance 068 2 hydro CONTAC Hydro Blast Solutions H I G H P R E S S U R E C L E A N I N G S E R V I C E E E SERVICES: Home or business wash Roof & gutter cleaning Driveway & patio cleaning Car wash & boat cleaning Solar panel maintenance Fleet vehicle maintenance 068 255 6292 hydrobsolutions@gmail com CONTACT INFO: Hydro Blast Solutions H I G H P R E S S U R E C L E A N I N G S E R V I C E SERVICES: Home or business wash Roof & gutter cleaning Driveway & patio cleaning Car wash & boat cleaning Solar panel maintenance Fleet vehicle maintenance 068 255 6292 hydrobsolutions@gmail com CONTACT INFO: Hydro Blast Solutions S E R V I C E R I C E SERVICES: · Home or business wash · Roof & gutter cleaning · Driveway & patio cleaning · Car wash & boat cleaning · Solar panel maintenance · Fleet vehicle maintenance panel 068 255 6292 hydrobsolutions@gmail com CONTACT INFO: Hydro Blast Solutions S E R V I C E V SERVICES: · Home or business wash · Roof & gutter cleaning · Driveway & patio cleaning · Car wash & boat cleaning · Solar panel maintenance · Fleet vehicle maintenance 068 255 6292 hydrobsolutions@gmail com CONTACT INFO: Hydro Blast Solutions H I G H P R E S S U R E C L E A N I N G S E R V I C E SERVICES: Home or business wash Roof & gutter cleaning Driveway & patio cleaning Car wash & boat cleaning Solar panel maintenance Fleet vehicle maintenance 068 255 6292 hydrobsolutions@gmail com CONTACT INFO: Hydro Blast Solutions Onrus Liquors Onrus Trading Post Main Road Onrusrivier Tel Interactive e-magazine, click or tap to view websites or contact advertisers

Hermanus Botanical Society’s ‘Celebration of Fynbos’ event.

Onthe weekend of 23rd to 25th September, the Hermanus Botanical Society will be celebrating the wonderful fynbos environment that surrounds us. The Fernkloof Hall will be transformed into an exhibition on Patterns in Nature. The Fibonacci sequence and fractals are everywhere in nature if you know where to look. This display will show you where to look and how to understand the amazing patterns that surround us. There will also be some fun, educational activity to entertain the kids.

You will be able to enjoy tea and coffee in the garden with delicious home baked goodies

and lunch will be our iconic boerewors or salad rolls with a glass of wine, local beer or fruit juice.

Don’t forget to pick up a few plants at the Nursery’s plant sale, shop for books and crafted items, hand made by the Botanical Society’s enthusiastic sewing circle. At only R10 a ticket for the raffle, you will stand a chance to win amazing prizes.

We look forward to welcoming everyone to the ‘Celebration of Fynbos’. A nominal entrance fee to the Hall display will be charged for adults.


08h30 - 18h00 Sat: 08h30 - 13h00 Sun & Public

10h30 - 12h00


TEL: 028 316 1515 / 028 316 1717

064 814 9907

9 Book this spot in our interactive e-magazine for only R250. All links and social media posts included. Click here to send us a Whatsapp now Book this spot in our interactive e-magazine for only R200. All links and social media posts included. Click here to send us a e-mail now. CLICK TO JOIN US ON Join us on Facebook! Advertise with us and share your specials and services on our Facebook groups.
Mon - Fri:
Sr A.H Retief Klieniese verpleegpraktisyn / Clinical Nurse Practitioner
Slegs per afsspraak / By appointment only

Meeste van my lewe na skool het ek vreeslik gesukkel met my gewig en dit het baie dae meer soos die aandele mark grafiek gelyk want dit is op en dan is dit af, waar die op maar baie meer was oor die Jare.

Ek was nog altyd groot maar 2 weke voor Covid lockdown sou ek en my vrou getrou het en daai teleurstelling na 37 jaar se wag het my erg in depresie gesit en ek het alles geeet voor my oë. So na so meer as ‘n jaar se erg optel het ek net besluit genoeg is genoeg en in Oktober 2021 het ek met my eie reis begin na ‘n gesonder ek. Met die begin van my eie reis het ek 236kg geweeg.

Die geleentheid het toe gekom om deel te neem aan Die Groot Afskud.

Die Groot Afskud is ‘n nuwe program op VIA tv waar ses oorgewig deelnemers van regoor die land op ‘n gewigsverlies reis gaan oor die verloop van ses maande. Die ses deelnemers kry ook ondersteuning en hulp van die drie Afskud afrigters, Dewald Louw(Sielkundige), Olivia Losper(Fiksheidsafrigter) en Minette Roth(Dieetkundige). Ek was gelukkig genoeg om een van die ses deelnemers te wees. Wat die program anders maak van ander verlies programme op die Kassie is dat jy alles op jou eie

moet doen. Jou eet plan en oefen plan word vir jou gegee en jy gaan huis toe en verander jou leefstyl volgens dit. Geen supliments, pre pack meals ens nie. Net jy en jou wils krag en die Afskud afrigters in jou oor.

AL ses deelnemers het ingeskryf vir hulle eie redes en reis, maar vir my het dit gegaan oor 2 redes ‘n gesonder leefstyl natuurlik om 1 dag saam my kinders te kan speel ens. Wanner on geseen word met kinders en rede 2 ek wil nie my vriende en familie skaam maak of laat voel oor ek lyk soos ek lyk en sekere goed nie kan doen nie.

Die eerste episode was uit gesaai op 24 Januarie 2022 waar ek 228kg in geweeg het en my reis op Die Groot afskud begin het. Tot op hede van die program episode 8 het ek alreeds 29kg verloor en die 200kg merg gebreek, maar my reis gaan nog baie moeilik raak op die program.

Ek sal almal aan moedig om daai gesonder/beter leefstyl aan te pak. Gaan nooit maklik wees nie, maar geen oorwining is ook maklik nie. So vat dit soos eninge iets in die lewe stapie vir stapie is baie makiler om ‘n rand by ‘n miljoen mense te kry as ‘n miljoen rand by een mens te kry. Is net belangrik dat jy die eerste stap en verskil in jou lewe wil maak en die opgee nie.

Gerhard Fourie
14 Dirkie Uys Street, Hermanus | Trading Post, Onrus 028 312 3065 | hah@hermanus.co.za HERMANUS ANIMAL HOSPITAL
The red house on Aberdeen
11 Join SPLASH Magaziine on Facebook
St Peter’s Lane

The Power of Saying “No”: A Journey to Freedom

Throughout her life, Andrea struggled with saying “no.” From childhood to adulthood, the inability to set boundaries haunted her, impacting her relationships and well-being. However, her story took a life-changing turn when she discovered the importance of boundaries. It was a breath of fresh air!

During childhood, Andrea was always eager to please. She wanted to be the perfect daughter, friend, and student. Her fear of disappointing others led her to say “yes” to every request. While she was seen as reliable and kind, Andrea often felt drained and taken for granted.

This pattern continued during her school years. Teachers relied on her to perform extra tasks, and Andrea rarely had time for herself. Her dedication was commendable, but she experienced constant stress and anxiety.

In her career, Andrea’s people-pleasing tendencies persisted. Colleagues were never turned down. She took on additional projects without considering her workload, resulting in overwork and exhaustion.

Her self-imposed pressure of being the best mother added new challenges. Andrea struggled to prioritise her own needs and compromised her physical and mental well-being.

Something had to give. Fortunately, Andrea had a support network that helped her recognise the lack of healthy boundaries as a major cause of her issues. It was bad enough that her lack of boundaries affected her personally, but this wasn’t a life that she wanted for her children. Realising this, her journey toward freedom began. Saying “no” became an act of self-preservation and selfrespect. She understood that she deserved time for herself and to align her choices with her values. Implementing boundaries liberated Andrea. She set limits on her time and energy, reclaiming control over her schedule and reducing stress. Self-care and personal growth became priorities.

Boundaries had benefits beyond Andrea’s personal life. Clear limits at work made her more focused and productive, leading to better collaboration and work-life balance. Her relationships also transformed. Setting limits created healthier dynamics with her loved ones. Effective communication of needs fostered understanding and respect, making relationships more authentic and fulfilling.

Andrea’s story prompts us to reflect on our own lives. Can we relate to her struggle? Are we sacrificing our well-being by constantly saying “yes”?

Though the journey to boundaries may seem daunting, we don’t have to face it alone. Life coaches provide valuable support and guidance, helping identify needs, overcome barriers, and develop effective strategies for implementing boundaries.

Andrea’s journey from struggling with saying “no” to embracing boundaries brought her freedom. Are we ready for a similar journey? Learning about boundaries can transform our lives, leading to better relationships and overall well-being. Consider a life coach as a supportive tool on this empowering path.

Dr. Erin Nel from Winelands Coaching specializes in assisting individuals who feel stuck and unfulfilled. She facilitates their journey of self-discovery and helps develop strategies for personal goals. To start living the life you deserve, visit www.winelandscoaching.com and book a free 20-minute discovery call with her at erin@winelandscoaching.com.


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Kliek en kry nou jou kaartjies by Kaartjies ook beskikbaar by jou naaste

Kliek op die boekie en lees meer oor Kalfiefees 2023 en koop jou kaartjies direk vanuit ons e-programboekie.

Cave Teater

Dit is ’n unieke konsep wat vir jong kunstenaars die geleentheid gee om hul talente bloot te stel.

. Jakkels en Wolf steel vir Wolletjiebol poppekas (40 min). Jakkals het altyd ’n slim plan! Hy hou daarvan om mense om die bos te lei en hulle te bedrieg. Maar Jakkals hou nie daarvan om self te werk nie. Nee, arme Wolf moet altyd sy vuilwerk vir hom doen.Gaan Wolf vir Jakkals help om Wolletjiebol, die mooi skapie, te vang? Gaan Superslang dit regkry om die twee stouterds ’n les te leer?

Op 30 November 2022 open Story Team die Cave Teater se deure by die Ou Hawe Museum in Hermanus. Hierdie intieme teaterruimte ontstaan uit ’n droom, wat ontkiem tot ’n idee en groei tot ’n werklikheid. Die behoefte aan ’n kreatiewe en kulturele ruimte vir jong en talentvolle uitvoerende kunstenaars van ons gemeenskap, het Story Team aangespoor om die droom na te jaag tot realiteit.

Die Cave Teater Die Cave Teater

Die Cave Die Cave

. Jakkels en Wolf steel vir poppekas (40 min). Jakkals plan! Hy hou daarvan om mense lei en hulle te bedrieg. Maar daarvan om self te werk nie. moet altyd sy vuilwerk vir hom vir Jakkals help om Wolletjiebol, te vang? Gaan Superslang dit stouterds ’n les te leer?

. Die Keiser se nuwe klere ’n Nuwe en opwindende weergawe van die bekende verhaal. Keiser Krullebol het ’n probleem. Sy kleremaker is in Frankryk, sodat sy poedel Frans kan leer! Wat nou? Die keiser het ’n nuwe kostuum vir sy verjaarsdag nodig, wat reeds môre is! Gaan Google hom kan help? Dalk die Flambojante kalante of Glitteratie vir ’n party? Dalk Willie die skelm hofnar?

Die Cave Teater is ’n teaterruimte waar plaaslike talent kan optree en hulle vaardighede kan ontwikkel met mentorskap en ondersteuning.

Ook bied die teater die geleentheid vir jong gehore om die sprankel van die teater te leer ken en te ervaar. Story Team is dankbaar vir die geleentheid wat die Kalfiefees hulle vanjaar bied om die Cave Teater aan die wyer publiek bekend te stel.

. Jakkels en Wolf steel vir Wolletjiebol –poppekas (40 min). Jakkals het altyd ’n slim plan! Hy hou daarvan om mense om die bos te lei en hulle te bedrieg. Maar Jakkals hou nie daarvan om self te werk nie. Nee, arme Wolf moet altyd sy vuilwerk vir hom doen.Gaan Wolf vir Jakkals help om Wolletjiebol, die mooi skapie, te vang? Gaan Superslang dit regkry om die twee stouterds ’n les te leer?

. Zoeki and Toeks – Puppet theatre (30 min)

Hierdie Kalfiefees-inisiatief en die ondersteuning van ons gehore, sal ons in staat stel om die teater verder te ontwikkel met die aanbou van ’n agter-verhoog en beter verhoogruimte vir ons akteurs.

Zoeki and Toeks are best friends and love to learn and play. They discover shapes, colours and numbers through fun-filled activities, song, dance and play. This interactive puppet theatre production will introduce a young audience to the magical world of the theatre.

Teater het die krag om individue te inspireer om hulle beste self te vind, dit kan mense transformeer om hulle eie doel en funksie te ontdek.

. Die Keiser se nuwe klere – teater (50 min). ’n Nuwe en opwindende weergawe van die bekende verhaal. Keiser Krullebol het ’n probleem. Sy kleremaker is in Frankryk, sodat sy poedel Frans kan leer! Wat nou? Die keiser het ’n nuwe kostuum vir sy verjaarsdag nodig, wat reeds môre is! Gaan Google hom kan help? Dalk die Flambojante kalante of Glitteratie vir ’n party? Dalk Willie die skelm hofnar?

. Zoeki and Toeks – Puppet theatre (30 min)

Zoeki and Toeks are best friends and love to learn and play. They discover shapes, colours and numbers through fun-filled activities, song, dance and play. This interactive puppet theatre production will introduce a young audience to the magical world of the theatre.

Die Cave Die Cave

. Die ’n Nuwe bekende probleem. sy poedel keiser nodig, kan help? Glitteratie hofnar?

. Jakkels en Wolf steel vir poppekas (40 min). Jakkals plan! Hy hou daarvan om mense lei en hulle te bedrieg. Maar Jakkals daarvan om self te werk nie. moet altyd sy vuilwerk vir hom vir Jakkals help om Wolletjiebol, te vang? Gaan Superslang dit stouterds ’n les te leer?

. Zoeki and Toeks – Puppet (30 min)

. Gif – teater (60 min

’n vrou met drome. Sy glo in die onskuld van die liefde – tot die dag wat sy ’n vreemde goue haar op haar Romeo se kraag ontdek. Daardie dag het die wraak in haar hart kom lê en sy het aan gif begin dink. Tussen bloed en arseen het sy die kombuisdeur finaal agter haar toegetrek.

. Die Ou Hawe Museum bied aan: Het jy geweet? Daar is niks so lekker om vet pret te hê en ter selfde tyd ietsie nuuts te ontdek nie. Kom leer ’n bietjie oor ons ryk geskiedenis, die storie van Hermanuspietersfontein en ons eie mediese plante hier teen die kus.

Zoeki and Toeks are best friends to learn and play. They discover colours and numbers through activities, song, dance and play. interactive puppet theatre production introduce a young audience to world of the theatre.

. Die ’n Nuwe bekende probleem. sy poedel keiser nodig, kan help? Glitteratie hofnar?

– Puppet

. Boekbekendstelling en voorlesing deur dr. Arien van der Merwe My Blou Voël Boek van Liefde / My Blue Bird Book of Love.

. Gif – teater (60 min) Mathilda Bouwer is ’n vrou met drome. Sy glo in die onskuld van die liefde – tot die dag wat sy ’n vreemde goue haar op haar Romeo se kraag ontdek. Daardie dag het die wraak in haar hart kom lê en sy het aan gif begin dink. Tussen bloed en arseen het sy die kombuisdeur finaal agter haar toegetrek.

. Die Ou Hawe Museum bied aan: Het jy geweet? Daar is niks so lekker om vet pret te hê en ter selfde tyd ietsie nuuts te ontdek nie. Kom leer ’n bietjie oor ons ryk geskiedenis, die storie van Hermanuspietersfontein en ons eie mediese plante hier teen die kus.

. Gif ’n vrou die liefde goue Daardie lê en en arseen haar toegetrek.

Zoeki and Toeks are best friends to learn and play. They discover colours and numbers through activities, song, dance and play. interactive puppet theatre production introduce a young audience to

bekende mediese dokter, spesialis holistiese berader en skrywer van vele gesondheids- en welweesboeke. Sy word dikwels in tydskrifte aangehaal en tree gereeld op as spreker.

Haar eerste kinderboek, in Engels en Afrikaans, deur haarself geïllustreer, het pas verskyn en word tydens Kalfiefees in Die Cave Teater bekendgestel.

. Die Museum bied aan: Het jy geweet? is niks so lekker om vet pret selfde tyd ietsie nuuts te ontdek leer ’n bietjie oor ons ryk geskiedenis, storie van Hermanuspietersfontein eie mediese plante hier teen

. Boekbekendstelling en voorlesing deur dr. Arien van der Merwe My Blou Voël Boek van Liefde / My Blue Bird Book of Love. bekende mediese dokter, spesialis holistiese

. Gif –’n vrou die liefde goue haar

Daardie lê en sy en arseen haar toegetrek.

Boekbekendstelling en voorlesing Merwe Blue Bird bekende berader welweesboeke.

. Die Museum bied aan: Het jy geweet? is niks so lekker om vet pret selfde tyd ietsie nuuts te ontdek

berader en skrywer van vele gesondheids- en


IfI had to plot the walk which led me to Onrus we’d have no space left to promote my upcoming show, 1st of July, at the De Wet Saal in Roos Street, Onrusrivier. 7PM. See how I did that? I’ll get back to this in a second. What is rather more important is the “why?”

Why Onrus, why the show? After being a nomad since 2007, living abroad, out of suitcases and storage units, I happened to be in South Africa when Covid exploded. My Grandad was on his death bed. Him, being our last living grandparent and me being his “senior” grandchild, it was a special kind of relationship. To me it was a simple equation. I’d rather have my corpse here, should the pestilence take me, than there, in the USA or wherever. Saves trouble. Unexpectedly though, this relative “ease” into the familiar and the unknown, also brought about a flourishing in my career and dare I say, personal life. A beautiful fatalism. Amore Fati.

But there was something else. It’s this place. The only place I’ll ever be able to call “home”. Of course home is where the heart is, but I’m rather talking about the importance of recognizing one’s origin. The reverence. I wear my childhood in Randfontein like a badge of honor. The complexities of our country, are the lines on my face.

Whilst plenty people were and are packing their bags to leave the country because of obvious political and managerial neglect, corruption, infra structure failure, crime, violence and whatever else you want to highlight, I did see something else. I saw one of the most challenging puzzles on the face of the planet, and I cared for it, deeply, because I drank this water. I heard it in the kitchen in a language I love like no other - “Afrikaans”, and I understood somehow, I’m African. And I’m so okay with it. Nay, it’s my technicolor coat.

Now, I had some pretty “out there” experiences, like working on big international productions such as “The Flash”, “The 100”, “News of the World” (alongside Tom Hanks) and most recently, “Sweet Tooth” on Netflix. The last production I filmed abroad is the upcoming “Planet of The Apes” sequel, “Forbidden Zone”. Perhaps there was a second where I thought I could embrace the “Hollywood”-thing and spend my days gazing over the Pacific Ocean from Malibu. There was a moment I investigated Vancouver, certainly one of the most beautiful cities comes Spring; a moment in Ponsonby, New Zealand, where the elites sit in coffee shops and generally look miserable. I contemplated New Orleans because of so many things - Tennessee Williams, the Jazz Fest, the fishing, the voodoo, but….in the words of Ben Okri…”a dream can be the highest point of a life”.

My dream is for this place, my home, where one still has the possibility of being human. Africa intuitively understands the

delicate balance between individual sovereignty and the collective. Whilst I still have resources of energy (I’m a man in mid-life), it became apparent I should employ it here, simply by being a participant. Perhaps I can offer some of my experience and understanding to help find synthesis. I want to be a part of community, I want to be a neighbor, and there’s almost something poetic about my evolution here, over the past three years. In between the international productions, I also had the privilege of making “Desert Rose” and “Dam” for Showmax, I presented “Die Groot Niks” for KykNET, but perhaps most fascinating to me, I started playing music, primarily in Afrikaans. It did come as a surprise.

The character in “Desert Rose”, Freddy Fingers, was scripted as being a quirky small-town balladeer, “The Johnny Cash of the Kalahari” and by honoring diligence to the craft of an actor, (a method actor if you will), I insisted writing, composing and performing the songs myself. Little did I know an album would be born from this. “Sangoma Sandilands & Jou Pa se Posse” was released May, 2021. It was nominated for a South African Music Award. Thereafter I made two EP’s “Die Groot 5” & “Die Groot Niks” and this winter, May 5th, I released my second full length album “Allegaarkie vir ’n Askeet”. I’ve found a sound which fuses my international experiences with a distinct African orientation. Chris du Plessis, editor of “Vrye Weekblad” calls it “Afriqanga”.

Bringing the music to people was imperative, and with the help of Schalk Joubert (Bassist from “OppieStoep”- faam), I was persuaded to actually perform the work “live”. My first “live” performance happened in front of a tiny audience at the “Alma Cafe” in Cape Town, August 7th 2022, right after I returned from Los Angeles. The crowd stood up and gave us, Schalk and Albert Frost (electric guitar), a standing ovation. It felt like “home”. A tour to the North followed. One by one, we enchanted audiences. Perhaps less because we were good, but more because the reach for shared understanding and imperfection was relatable. It still feels like a dream.

During my time in Onrus I discovered gems like Snuffels, Blommenstein Butchery, the Onrus Hardware store, Moltenos and the beautiful De Wetsaal. I’ve come to know people by name. Now, on the eve of my second tour all the way to Mpumalanga, I kick it off in my hometown.

Hollywood is closed for bizz right now because of the “Writer’s Strike”. The foreboding impact of Artificial Intelligence central to its concern. A month ago my face was on a Billboard in “Times Square”, but now, right now, I’m busying myself with the human experience, in small halls around the country, in a language unknown to many. The width and breadth of it all. The fragility. I would not have wanted it any other way. Number 45 Charlize. This, I’m doing less as an artist, but more as a proclamation of existence and the dream I have.

The dream of a vibrant, healthy, creative, friendly community. I’m raising my hand to be counted as one of our own. Each year, with the New Orleans Jazz fest, the artist Dr John, a native son, either opens or closes Jazz Fest. You see where I’m going with this? It’s about us. In plein Afrikaans, it’s about “die mag van die moontlikheid”. This is why I hope to see you there, 1st July, 7PM at the De Wet Saal; akin to Polonius’s send-off to Laertes, before his visit to France. Give us a good send off. Clap, smile, hug, sway hips, by Jove, dance if you like. We’ll grow it.

Why Onrus? Why South Africa? Why Music? Why not? We’re alive.

Neil Sandilands live in De Wet Hall in Onrus, 1 July. CLICK and get your tickets now at


Radio Ritme

Treffer na Treffer

Radio Ritme is ‘n onafhanklike internet radio stasie waarvan die voertaal oorheersend Afrikaans is. Ons stroom na die hele Suid Afrika asook dwarsoor die wêreld. Ons is ‘n gemeenskaps radio stasie wat nie kommersiële winste verdien nie en is gebaseer op Christelike beginsels.

Radio Ritme het op 1 Maart 2022 lewendig op die lug gegaan en op 11 Maart 2022 sy eerste lewendige uitsending gehad. Van daar af het ons net gegroei totdat ons vandag 8 omroepers aan boord is, and counting...

Ons fokus is op die goue treffers van toeka se jare met ‘n pop en rock inslag, maar skroom nie om hedendaagse treffers en enige iets anders ook op te dis nie. Verskeie programme word deur ons omroepers aangebied, waarby ‘n ieder en elk aanklank sal vind. Die doel is om vier en twintig uur per dag jou gunsteling musiek aan te bied en jy sal ook op hoogte gehou word van belangrike nuusgebeure en ander sake van belang. Daarmee saam word ‘n platform geskep vir adverteerders en borge om hul dienste aan die luisteraar bekend te stel teen baie bekostigbare pryse.

Radio Ritme se verskeie aanbieders is in verskilende sentra van ons land gelee.

Besoek ook ons Facebook bladsy, Radio Ritme, vir verdere inligting, en terwyl jy daar is kliek gerus op die ‘Like’ knoppie.

Some of the programs that you may resonate with:

• Harry: Mondays to Fridays 06:00 to 09:00 with ‘ Brêkvis met Harry’. A very lively program of the coolest golden oldies. When it comes to politics and other matters, Harry calls a spade a spade.

• Ernest: Mondays to Fridays 09:00-12:00 with ‘Energie met Ernest’. A mix of energetic music and oldies to keep your day going.

• ‘Operasie Umbra’: Monday to Friday 17:45. Operation Umbra is a suspense story of 120 episodes, written by Joe Kleinhans, produced by Bettie Kemp in collaboration with Maroela Media.

• Swannie: Mondays 18:00 to 20:00 with ‘Jukebox Heroes’. Lots of golden oldies with a discussion of history.

• Alan: Tuesdays 18:00 to 20:00 with ‘Gooi Mielies’. The best in Afrikaans music.

• Elna: Thursdays 18:00 to 20:00 with ‘Geite & Goeters’. Cool music and cool discussions.

• Bert: Thursdays 20:00 to 22:00 with ‘Memories Are Made of This’. Music of this and that.

• Various: Fridays 18:00 21:00. ‘Wicus se Grenslose Treffers’. A tribute to Wicus van Wyk with music from the 50’s till now.

• ‘Kotiljons’ Saturdays 09:00 to 12:00. A free for all program but used mainly for outside broadcasts.

• ‘Afr Top 20’ Saturdays 13:00 to 14:00. A countdown of the newest and most popular Afrikaans songs. Presented by Pieter Cloete from Maroela Media.

• Alan: Saturdays 14:00 to 16:00 with ‘Musiek Gallery’. All sorts of music.

• Elna /Alan: Saturdays 16:00 to 18:00 with ‘Boeremusiek Vang Spoed’.

• Swannie: Saturdays 18:00 to 20:00 with ‘Garage Party’. Lekker music that will make you dance.

• Peter: Saturdays 20:00 to 21:00 with ‘Splash Mix Tape’. Music to die for.

• ‘Erediens’ Sundays 10:00 to 11:00. Sermon dedicated to our Lord.

• ‘Operasie Umbra’ Sundays 13:00, Repeat of the week’s episodes all in one

• ‘Konsert Legendes’ Sundays from 14:00. You will hear any concert by any band.

Al is daar nie ‘n omroeper op die lug nie is daar 24 uur, 7 dae ‘n week heerlike musiek op die lug van pop tot rock met so ‘n ietsie anders tussenin.

Appliance World 028 426 0014 HOME etc. 028 312 2690 Mr Price Home 028 313 0590 Ouhout Meubels 028 312 3200 Sheet Street 087 754 5284 Whale Coast Theatre 028 312 1396 Bierman Malan Optometrist 028 312 3075 Mellins I-Style 028 313 1101 Spec-Savers 028 312 2943 Sunglass Hut 021 276 2837 Bagels & Fudge 061 442 6711 Best of Asia 028 316 4120 Fabulous Fish 065 165 5399 Hartlief Deli 028 312 3068 King Pie 028 125 0199 McDonalds 028 312 3661 Mugg & Bean 028 312 1916 Ocean Creek Spur 028 312 3095 Steers 028 312 2669 The Deli Coffee Co 028 312 2980 Wimpy 028 312 2038 Checkers 028 313 6400 Food Lovers Market 028 312 4475 Clicks 028 312 3140 Dis-Chem 028 050 2189 Sorbet 028 312 2260 Style Bar 065 833 0667 The Old Hat Barber Shoppe 073 538 9414 The Body Shop 028 312 3141 Checkers LiquorShop 028 313 4600 Market Liquor 028 753 0110 3@1 028 312 2715 Smart Tailor 081 737 4548 Telkom Direct 028 313 0080 Arabella Diamonds 028 312 4114 Sterns 028 313 6323/24 Cape Union Mart 021 003 2777 Mr Price Sport 087 750 8713 Rip Curl 028 492 0073 Senqu 087 283 3521 Sportscene 028 313 6315 Surf Zone 083 892 7612 Totalsports 028 313 6313 Absolute Pets 028 312 3125 Car Wash @ Whale Coast Mall 082 574 2564 Cash Crusaders 028 312 3576 EberVet Vetshops 028 312 1453 Gadget Paradise 061 280 4530 Hobby and Tech 074 839 4040 JJ Cale 010 021 0209 Montagu Dried Fruit & Nuts 021 207 0207 The Crazy Store 087 135 8368 Vuse 081 269 9435 Verimark 028 312 2940 Visfabriek 063 823 7059 Vrystaat Biltong 076 740 7080 Cell World 061 188 5398 Computer Mania 028 312 3333 Galaxy Cellular 067 164 7278 Incredible Connection 028 312 2989 MTN 083 869 1459 Vodacom 028 312 3999 ABSA ATM Capitec Bank 028 312 2990 FNB ATM Nedbank 086 055 5111 Standard Bank 086 012 3000 Woolworths 028 313 6240 Bargain Books 028 313 0303 PNA 028 312 2936 Ackermans 028 312 3071 Exact 028 313 6307 Foschini 028 313 6300 Franco Ceccato 028 312 1195 Identity 028 312 2945 Markham 028 313 6319 Milady’s 028 312 2509 Mr Price Clothing 087 049 6876 Old Khaki 021 003 2778 PEP 028 312 2330 Pick n Pay Clothing 028 312 3057 Queenspark 028 312 1677 Sneaker Factory 028 312 4486 Tekkie Town 087 150 4004 The Fix 028 313 1662 Truworths 081 171 1380 1070WCM_Summer_Winter_Spring Advert.indd 1 15/05/2023 Appliance World 028 426 0014 HOME etc. 028 312 2690 Mr Price Home 028 313 0590 Ouhout Meubels 028 312 3200 Sheet Street 087 754 5284 Whale Coast Theatre 028 312 1396 Bierman Malan Optometrist 028 312 3075 Mellins I-Style 028 313 1101 Spec-Savers 028 312 2943 Sunglass Hut 021 276 2837 Bagels & Fudge 061 442 6711 Best of Asia 028 316 4120 Fabulous Fish 065 165 5399 Hartlief Deli 028 312 3068 King Pie 028 125 0199 McDonalds 028 312 3661 Mugg & Bean 028 312 1916 Ocean Creek Spur 028 312 3095 Steers 028 312 2669 The Deli Coffee Co 028 312 2980 Wimpy 028 312 2038 Checkers 028 313 6400 Food Lovers Market 028 312 4475 Clicks 028 312 3140 Dis-Chem 028 050 2189 Sorbet 028 312 2260 Style Bar 065 833 0667 The Old Hat Barber Shoppe 073 538 9414 The Body Shop 028 312 3141 Checkers LiquorShop 028 313 4600 Market Liquor 028 753 0110 3@1 028 312 2715 Smart Tailor 081 737 4548 Telkom Direct 028 313 0080 Arabella Diamonds 028 312 4114 Sterns 028 313 6323/24 Cape Union Mart 021 003 2777 Mr Price Sport 087 750 8713 Rip Curl 028 492 0073 Senqu 087 283 3521 Sportscene 028 313 6315 Surf Zone 083 892 7612 Totalsports 028 313 6313 Absolute Pets 028 312 3125 Car Wash @ Whale Coast Mall 082 574 2564 Cash Crusaders 028 312 3576 EberVet Vetshops 028 312 1453 Gadget Paradise 061 280 4530 Hobby and Tech 074 839 4040 JJ Cale 010 021 0209 Montagu Dried Fruit & Nuts 021 207 0207 The Crazy Store 087 135 8368 Vuse 081 269 9435 Verimark 028 312 2940 Visfabriek 063 823 7059 Vrystaat Biltong 076 740 7080 Cell World 061 188 5398 Computer Mania 028 312 3333 Galaxy Cellular 067 164 7278 Incredible Connection 028 312 2989 MTN 083 869 1459 Vodacom 028 312 3999 ABSA ATM Capitec Bank 028 312 2990 FNB ATM Nedbank 086 055 5111 Standard Bank 086 012 3000 Woolworths 028 313 6240 Bargain Books 028 313 0303 PNA 028 312 2936 Ackermans 028 312 3071 Exact 028 313 6307 Foschini 028 313 6300 Franco Ceccato 028 312 1195 Identity 028 312 2945 Markham 028 313 6319 Milady’s 028 312 2509 Mr Price Clothing 087 049 6876 Old Khaki 021 003 2778 PEP 028 312 2330 Pick n Pay Clothing 028 312 3057 Queenspark 028 312 1677 Sneaker Factory 028 312 4486 Tekkie Town 087 150 4004 The Fix 028 313 1662 Truworths 081 171 1380 Appliance World 028 426 0014 HOME etc. 028 312 2690 Mr Price Home 028 313 0590 Ouhout Meubels 028 312 3200 Sheet Street 087 754 5284 Whale Coast Theatre 028 312 1396 Bierman Malan Optometrist 028 312 3075 Mellins I-Style 028 313 1101 Spec-Savers 028 312 2943 Sunglass Hut 021 276 2837 Bagels & Fudge 061 442 6711 Best of Asia 4120 Fabulous Fish 165 5399 Hartlief Deli 3068 King Pie 0199 McDonalds 3661 Mugg & Bean 1916 Ocean Creek Spur Steers 028 312 2669 The Deli Coffee Co 028 312 2980 Wimpy 028 312 2038 Checkers 028 313 6400 Food Lovers Market 028 312 4475 Clicks 028 312 3140 Dis-Chem 028 050 2189 Sorbet 2260 Style Bar 065 833 0667 The Old Hat Barber Shoppe 073 538 9414 The Body Shop 028 312 3141 Checkers LiquorShop 028 313 4600 Market Liquor 028 753 0110 3@1 028 312 2715 Smart Tailor 081 737 4548 Telkom Direct 028 313 0080 Arabella Diamonds 028 312 4114 Sterns 028 313 6323/24 Cape Union Mart 021 003 2777 Mr Price Sport 750 8713 Rip Curl 492 0073 Senqu 283 3521 Sportscene 028 313 6315 Surf Zone 083 892 7612 Totalsports 028 313 6313 Absolute Pets 3125 Car Wash @ Whale Coast Mall 082 574 2564 Cash Crusaders 028 312 3576 EberVet Vetshops 028 312 1453 Gadget Paradise 280 4530 Hobby and Tech 074 839 4040 JJ Cale 010 021 0209 Montagu Dried Fruit & Nuts 021 207 0207 The Crazy Store 135 8368 Vuse 081 269 9435 Verimark 028 312 2940 Visfabriek 063 823 7059 Vrystaat Biltong 076 740 7080 Cell World 061 188 5398 Computer Mania 312 3333 Galaxy Cellular 164 7278 Incredible Connection 028 312 2989 MTN 083 869 1459 Vodacom 028 312 3999 ABSA ATM Capitec Bank 312 2990 FNB ATM Nedbank 086 055 5111 Standard Bank 086 012 3000 Woolworths 028 313 6240 Bargain Books 028 313 0303 PNA 028 312 2936 Ackermans 3071 Exact 6307 Foschini 6300 Franco Ceccato 028 312 1195 Identity 312 2945 Markham 028 313 6319 Milady’s Mr Price Clothing 049 6876 Old Khaki 021 003 2778 PEP 2330 Pick n Pay Clothing 312 3057 Queenspark 1677 Sneaker Factory 028 312 4486 Tekkie Town 087 150 4004 The Fix 028 313 1662 Truworths 081 171 1380 Appliance World 028 426 0014 HOME etc. 028 312 2690 Mr Price Home 028 313 0590 Ouhout Meubels 028 312 3200 Sheet Street 087 754 5284 Whale Coast Theatre 028 312 1396 Bierman Malan Optometrist 028 312 3075 Mellins I-Style 028 313 1101 Spec-Savers 028 312 2943 Sunglass Hut 021 276 2837 Bagels & Fudge 061 442 6711 Best of Asia 028 316 4120 Fabulous Fish 065 165 5399 Hartlief Deli 028 312 3068 King Pie 028 125 0199 McDonalds 028 312 3661 Mugg & Bean 028 312 1916 Ocean Creek Spur 028 312 3095 Steers 028 312 2669 The Deli Coffee Co 028 312 2980 Wimpy 028 312 2038 Checkers 028 313 6400 Food Lovers Market 028 312 4475 Clicks 028 312 3140 Dis-Chem 028 050 2189 Sorbet 028 312 2260 Style Bar 065 833 0667 The Old Hat Barber Shoppe 073 538 9414 The Body Shop 028 312 3141 Checkers LiquorShop 028 313 4600 Market Liquor 028 753 0110 3@1 028 312 2715 Smart Tailor 081 737 4548 Telkom Direct 028 313 0080 Arabella Diamonds 028 312 4114 Sterns 028 313 6323/24 Cape Union Mart 021 003 2777 Mr Price Sport 087 750 8713 Rip Curl 028 492 0073 Senqu 087 283 3521 Sportscene 028 313 6315 Surf Zone 083 892 7612 Totalsports 028 313 6313 Absolute Pets 028 312 3125 Car Wash @ Whale Coast Mall 082 574 2564 Cash Crusaders 028 312 3576 EberVet Vetshops 028 312 1453 Gadget Paradise 061 280 4530 Hobby and Tech 074 839 4040 JJ Cale 010 021 0209 Montagu Dried Fruit & Nuts 021 207 0207 The Crazy Store 087 135 8368 Vuse 081 269 9435 Verimark 028 312 2940 Visfabriek 063 823 7059 Vrystaat Biltong 076 740 7080 Cell World 061 188 5398 Computer Mania 028 312 3333 Galaxy Cellular 067 164 7278 Incredible Connection 028 312 2989 MTN 083 869 1459 Vodacom 028 312 3999 ABSA ATM Capitec Bank 028 312 2990 FNB ATM Nedbank 086 055 5111 Standard Bank 086 012 3000 Woolworths 028 313 6240 Bargain Books 028 313 0303 PNA 028 312 2936 Ackermans 028 312 3071 Exact 028 313 6307 Foschini 028 313 6300 Franco Ceccato 028 312 1195 Identity 028 312 2945 Markham 028 313 6319 Milady’s 028 312 2509 Mr Price Clothing 087 049 6876 Old Khaki 021 003 2778 PEP 028 312 2330 Pick n Pay Clothing 028 312 3057 Queenspark 028 312 1677 Sneaker Factory 028 312 4486 Tekkie Town 087 150 4004 The Fix 028 313 1662 Truworths 081 171 1380

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