Overstrand Splash Magazine - November 2019

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November 2019 Issue 107


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Hermanus Artist

MinĂŠt Vivier

CONTENTS What's inside...

M E D I A Editor: Peter van Schaik peter@splashmag.co.za Copy-Editors:

Kathleen Botha & Hanneke van Schaik


Brenda Smal

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074 717 2582 www.splashmag.co.za Private Bag X15, Suite 43, Gateway Centre, Hermanus, 7200

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Hélène Truter - Oor Poplap, Drome en

dinge. P6

Annette Havenga - a Memorable

event. P8

The Highs and Lows.


Hermanus food map


Pam Snyman - Igniting Social

Entrepreneurship. Follow us on Twitter and like our Facebook page and group

Tune in on Saturdays 21:00 for the Splash MIX TAPE Show, on Whale Coast 91,4FM


Wicus van Wyk - Neil Diamond


Dawie Snyman - Rugby Wêreld Beker

2019. P17

Your FREE Lifestyle Magazine April 2019 Issue


Previous issues of Splash available online.

Hermanus Artist C ornelia S mith

Cover artist: Minét Vivier

MunaArt | Abundance | 90,5x61cm Oil on Canvas muna.arthermanus@gmail.com

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Sudoku answers.

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Oor Poplap,

Drome en dinge

Hélène Truter

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A blank page.

That’s what I’m faced with today. Like a clean slate. Mmm. Yes. Think about it. Imagine you had a chance to do it all over, what would you change? Wow, that’s huge. Where would you start? Maybe right at the beginning…? I sound like Julie Andrews in the Sound of Music. Some people would probably say: I’d like to have been born in a different country. Really? Which one? The one where there is no violence and crime and hatred and protests? I have bad news for you,… The whole world is in turmoil. We’re not the only ones. Rather the devil you know, you know? Ek luister nou die dag na ‘n uitgesproke radio aanbieder wat nie bang is om sy mond uit te spoel nie. Hy begin toe die luisteraars uitvreet oor hulle net heeldag op Facebook kla en mekaar opwerk oor die toestand van die land. Het jy al opgelet hoe baie mense praat van ‘die’ land. Nie ‘my’ land of ‘ons’ land nie. ‘Daar’s nie meer hoop vir die land nie’, hoor ek ‘n vrou nou die dag onomwonde verklaar. (en dit omdat sy in ‘n tou moet wag in die vliegtuig – rêrig, is dit jou grootste probleem?) Hierdie is ‘ons’ land Antie, ons is saam in die gemors. Dit help nie om heeldag te teem oor goed wat jy nie kan verander nie. Die rykes wat dit kan bekostig het lankal die pad gevat en bly nou oorsee en probeer iewers ‘n braai hou in ongure weer, sonder hout. Hulle koek saam met ander uitgeweke Suid-Afrikaners en almal praat oor Mrs Ball’s se chutney, die Springbokke, biltong en beskuit en hoe moeilik dit is om ‘n behoorlike braai in hierdie (oorsese) land te hou. ‘n Gasbraai is maar net nie dieselfde nie, meneer . Maar dank de Vader ons bly nie meer in daai plek nie, vertel hulle vir mekaar.… Daai plek is natuurlik hulle moederland, SuidAfrika. Ek wonder hoe gelukkig daai mense regtig is. Soos in regtig, egtig gelukkig.


Oukei, so hier sit ons nou. Ons het nie geld om pad te gee nie. Ook nie familie oorsee nie. Als val uitmekaar. Die regering gaan dit nie regmaak nie. Of dit nou is omdat hulle nie wil nie en of hulle nie die geld het nie, maak geen verskil nie, want hulle gaan nie die probleem fix nie. Die enigste mense wat dit kan fix, is ek en jy. Ons. Net ons kan ons land herstel. Ons kan ons vingers uittrek en ophou kla en mekaar op FB opwerk oor die hierdie /ons land wat besig is om te vergaan. Hoe de hel doen ons dit, wil jy weet. Ek weet van dorpies waar die mense saamstaan en self hulle potholes regmaak. Mense wat bottels en bottels water geskenk het vir ander dorpe wat vrek van die droogte. Daai is my soort mense. Ons soort mense. Ons land se mense. Mense wat vir dieselfde grappies as ek lag. Mense wat al vir 350 jaar lank ‘n plan beraam wanneer dinge taai raak. Ek is n boervrou met n plan. Altyd besig met een of ander scheme. Eers het ek jare gelede Amulet gekoop, in geval my TV werk opdroog. Wat gelukkig nog nie gebeur het nie. Ek is hoeka besig met n nuwe reeks wat einde OKT op KYKNET begin. HUIS LELIEVELD wat reg in Onrus en Hermanus se kraal behoort te pas, want dit handel oor n aftree-oord. Maar meer daaroor, volgende keer. Toe die ekonomie, die Mall en die onluste die middedorp begin affekteer, het ek ‘n aanlynwinkel begin. Ek is in die bevoorregte posisie dat somminge mense spesiaal Amulet toe kom om Tannie Poppie se shoppie te besoek. Toe dag ek by myself, ek is ‘n vrou wat hou van mooi klere, maar ek is nie ‘n modeverslaafde nie. Ek lyk byvoorbeeld nie baie goed in hierdie seisoen se mode kleur nie. Mosterd/ borriegeel of andersins bekend as kapoen. Vroue van my ouderdom wil ook nie sommer hulle bo-arms oftewel ‘angel wings’ blootstel nie… ons het ook effense magies wat nie van styfpassende tabberds hou nie…

En daar kom die oplossing toe na my: Tannie Poppie gaan haar eie klerereeks begin. POPLAP. My dogter Jana het klaar begin ontwerp, ek gaan sien hierdie week Suid-Afrikaanse vrouens wat die rokkies vir my gaan stik. Ek doen mos nie Sjina nie. (Blykbaar Donald Trump ook nie. Maar dis AL wat ons in gemeen het.) Soveel mense vra my of ons funksies soos verjaarsdae, kombuistees, boekbekendstellings en dies meer sal oorweeg. Nou goed, ek het uiteindelik geswig. Voortaan kan jy vooraf bespreek vir ‘n funksie van jou keuse. Ons sal die versnaperings, mooi musiek, gedekte tafel en gemoedelike atmosfeer verskaf, selfs Percy se heerlike wortelkoek (op aanvraag). Ons gaan verder uitbrei deur geskenkpakkies vir funksies te maak. Bruide kan by ons hul droomlys registreer vir ‘n spesiale trougeskenk. As jy nie daai pragtige linne kussing of muurbehangsel kan bekostig nie, kan jou vriende elkeen kom bydra en dit gesamentlik vir jou koop. ‘n Bruid kan net soveel slaailepels gebruik. Ons ontwerper kan ook jou trou uitnodigings ontwerp. (Ja, ons het veelvoudige talente.) O, en ek het na vele navrae, besluit om weer blomme op bestelling te doen. So terwyl ons almal na die wereldbeker kyk, gaan ek naarstigtiglik en met groot vreugde werk aan ‘n paar drome wat my kant toe gekom het. Want as jy ophou droom, kan jy maar netsowel jou laaste asem uitblaas en deur die Wolke gaan. Soos Cyril altyd sê (President Ramaposa, man), soos hy die heeltyd sê: ‘Watch this space.’. Die enigste verskil is; daar gaan inderdaad iets in hierdie space gebeur. Ek sien uit om jou te verwelkom. Whoop whoop! xxx

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Annette Havenga

A memorable event It is now a week later and the hype of The Voice SA is still vivid in my minds’ eye. How do you describe an event like The Voice SA 2019 finals? The season finale was hosted at the Mosaïek Teatro in Fairlands, Johannesburg and celebrated in a fittingly spectacularly way. Well-known names in the entertainment industry, like actress Rolanda Marais, actor and comedian Siv Ngesi, and the legend of Carte Blanche, Derek Watts, attended this glitz and glam event. The nine-month journey came to an end for coaches, the talent and the rest of the team in true M-Net Magic style. Breath-taking stage effects made for an electrifying performance when the talent and their coaches performed together. Riana, dashing in silver, and Lira gracefully, as always, in gold. The boys did not disappoint either and looked handsome in black, Francois in shining gold VanCoke lettering and Riky Rick bringing his usual charm along. Anele glittered on stage and looked like a star herself in a beautiful blue and silver creation. Each contestant was given the opportunity to perform a duet with their music idol and their choices brought a great line-up to the stage. Performing alongside their idols, the talent showed us just why they came this far in the competition. Timothy Moloi, Caroline-Grace Brüssow, Judith Sephuma, Francois van Coke and the lady herself, Laurika Rauch, graced the stage with their amazing talent. Their presence only added to a great finale of undoubtedly one of the best seasons of The Voice SA. The Talent showed remarkable growth, diligence and persistence. Eon le Roux was the first one of the top 5 to leave the competition. A standing ovation accompanied him off the stage. Eon swept the audience off their feet with an Elton John duet with Caroline. Anele’s words to Eon: “You’ve done the things that had to be done.” Next to leave the competition was the PJ Twins, promising that this is not the end of them, they will make it work. Talented and determined, they are sure to do just that. “The experience was amazing.” The top 3 belonged to the three ladies and they had everyone on the edge of their seats, even Francois, who, like a proud Dad, followed every word and movement from Tasché. Sike, in Lira’s words, “the ultimate performer”, left the competition next with her parting words: “I’m so ready for the industry. It’s my dream and I’m going the grab it with both hands.” The two Cape Town girls were left in the Top 2 positions. Soné Joubert, the ultimate come-back kid of this season, proved no fear with the Joe Niemand hit, “Ek sal nie bang wees nie.” Soné was complemented on her talent, humility and perseverance by her own coach, Riana. Soné - “People believed in me, they made me believe in myself as well.” She came back stronger each week. Even with her injured foot, her determination was unstoppable. Tasché kept on shining, brighter every time she set foot on stage. Her performance of “Let it be”, the popular Beatles song, was outstanding and it’s difficult to think that this powerful 19-year-old ever doubted herself. She asked herself - “Tasché, can you do this?” Music is her life and she opts to be the best version of herself. With her voice, talent and fighting spirit she is surely on the right way. South Africa has spoken and Tasché Burger left the competition as the winner of The Voice 2019. The winning moment was exciting and left many tears of proudness and joy. A well-deserved win for #teamvancoke! During the press conference Tasché received her winning prizes with a huge smile. Universal revealed that they will be signing up both Sone and Sike as well. The Voice SA 2019 has been world class right from the start. The relationships built only proves that SA’s talent has the humbleness it takes to make a true star. Meeting the talent and their coaches was an inspiring and proud moment. I am looking forward to following the careers of these amazing voices, they are all winners. M-Net, I would like to congratulate you on a well-organized, great casted and excellent program.


Tel 028 313 0359, 4 Broad Str Hermanus

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A story about missing out on the ordinary milestones and making some different kind of strides.


s soon as you find out you are going to have a child (or in my case, children) in NICU, both doctors and nurses will start preparing you. They will tell you that it will be a rollercoaster ride, putting emphasis on the ups and downs. But in all honesty, nothing can prepare you for the daunting road you are now forced to travel. This is my story of some of the highs and lows I have experienced thus far as an NICU mommy. Our story begins long before the unexpectedly early birth. My story starts at my very first scan, which took place at 12 weeks. This experience and the emotions we felt within this 40-minute appointment could be the summary of our story as a whole - both an extreme high and an extreme low. Two things where as clear as day for the doctor who administered the ultrasound. The first was that there are twins. We should have been the happiest parents in the world, but her words did not even sink in completely when the bad news came. “…but there is a problem.” Dr. Steyn said. Baby A (Samuel) had a PUV (Posterior Urethral Valves)* in a nutshell: Samuel was unable to drain urine from his bladder. This also meant he was unable to produce his own amniotic fluid, which in turn would mean he would not be able to fully develop his lungs. Dr. Steyn’s words still ring in my ears: if you take two babies home it will be a miracle. She then advised us to go to a specialist, a perinatologist.

Samuel, his bladder filled as a result of the PUV.

Dr. Pistorius (the perinatologist)** confirmed Samuel’s condition. According to the doctors PUV is not something that is known in females. We had three choices, one was to terminate the pregnancy, the second was to let nature take its course (meaning that if it was not corrected by itself I would carry a son who would only live a few hours outside of my womb) and the third was to drain Samuel’s bladder. This would be done artificially, by inserting a syringe through me into his bladder. Lastly, they would test the urine to see if his kidneys were working. If his kidneys were working they could go in and insert a stent so that his bladder could be drained via the stent. We now had a weekend to discuss our options and decide which road we will be taking. It didn’t take long to decide. I instantly knew that I was not giving up (on either of my boys). As we got into the car Marnitz also said: “I am not ready to give up on them”. Our next appointment with Dr. Pistorius we told him that we feel we don’t have enough evidence to give up yet and we feel we need to do the test on his urine to see if we would be able to insert the stent. This meant that I would have to go in to see the doctor three times to void the bladder by using a syringe, going in to the uterus and then into Samuel’s bladder. After the third appointment, we got the news that the tests have favorable results and we would be able to insert the stent.

involved (there always are) but I had faith in the medical team. The risk: every time a needle entered my utero there was a risk that I could have a spontaneous miscarriage. Both the perinatal specialist and my gynecologist told me that our next goal would be to get to week 25 of the pregnancy. Just like that, my relief was traded for a haunting feeling that not all is well, yet. On my 24th week check-up I mentioned that I think I am leaking urine, it was not urine I was leaking but amniotic fluid, and just like that my check-up turned into a checkin. My gynecologist escorted me to the maternity ward. I knew it was serious. As I got onto the bed I knew this would be my nest until Samuel and Benjamin made their arrival. I would have had my baby shower that weekend. There is no beating around the bush, my usually cheerful and positive self was lost in everything happening at that moment. I needed to calm down and start being grateful that they picked up the problem before I took my trip, and that there was still time and we still had an opportunity to save both Samuel and Benjamin. In our 26th week Samuel went into distress, according to doctors this was probably because an infection made its way into the uterus. We needed to go in, they needed to save the boys. I asked the nurse to explain exactly what would happen next, what happens during a C-section as this part was still on our to do list. We would have had this discussion with Dr. du Buisson that weekend. We would also have gone for a tour to see the NICU because it was clear at this stage that we would inevitably end up there. I would have a tour of the NICU instead of normal prenatal classes. None of us thought it would be this soon. At this stage, you might be thinking the happy ending is on its way. But unfortunately, we still had some hurdles to overcome. After three months, 94days I only changed three nappies between my two boys and only held them both once for about five minutes each (if it was that long). This might seem small but these milestones were huge for me.

Benjamin, 13 weeks old still on ventilation. Weighing over 3kg he has grown a lot and so has his brother.

At this moment, our faith and patience is being tested and stretched to the extreme but somehow after all the dips, all the lows I still have faith, I still have hope and I am still waiting on that ultimate high of bringing my boys home. Even if it means bringing them home with oxygen tanks or even worse machines to assist them with breathing. I am holding out for my ultimate high. My first time changing Benjamin’s nappy, 7 weeks old.

From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank my amazing support system for helping us get through this. All prayers would be appreciated for our babies as well as Marnitz and I.

In an instant all my troubles melted away and I felt like we had all the hope in the world. I knew there were risks Holding Samuel for the first time (and only time so far) Samuel was 12 weeks old.


But with this we had other less exiting milestones. There was something wrong with their lungs. Blood tests were sent away overseas but we are still waiting on the results. Pulmonologist Prof. Goussard suggested we go ahead and do a biopsy on Samuel’s lung. He was chosen because between the two boys his lungs seemed to be healthier. Their new set of doctors, Dr. van Eck and Dr. O’Ryan as well as a pulmonologist Prof Goussard explained that Samuel and Benjamin have P.I.G*** or Pulmonary Interstitial Glycogenosis. It’s a very rare lung disease. Now, we wait. We are waiting for results of genetic tests, and we are waiting for our boys to get better. They are being treated by means of ventilation, steroids and other medication. The treatment is done in cycles or pulses, each lasting three months. The first pulse is done the next two will take place in NICU, so we still have a long way to go.

We have come so far only by the grace of God.

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Igniting Social Entrepreneurship Pam Snyman

with specific reference to Real Estate in South Africa In order to address the challenges in our country in a true and authentic way, it is imperative that we, as South Africans, recognize the essence of social entrepreneurship and take advantage of the opportunities that it offers in real life. All business start-ups seem to define themselves as entrepreneurs and don’t even necessarily consider being a ‘social’ entrepreneur. Just starting a new business that is based on the model of existing businesses operating in the same environment does not make you an entrepreneur. We also need to take the next step and define the difference between the concept of generic entrepreneurship and that of social entrepreneurship:

The trust founder

• The word entrepreneurship connotes a special, innate ability to sense and act on opportunity, combining out-of-the-box thinking with a unique brand of determination to create or bring about something new to the world. • It is about being a visionary with the passion to achieve financial goals.

Social Entrepreneurship

• Social entrepreneurship signals the imperative to drive social change, and it is that potential payoff, with its lasting, transformational benefit to society, that sets the field and its practitioners apart. • A social entrepreneur goes a step further – to recognise a social problem and to introduce an innovative solution to it. It is also imperative that we recognize and distinguish between being an entrepreneur and a social entrepreneur and realize that being a social entrepreneur does not necessarily always imply working solely for charity and the community. A social entrepreneur recognizes the needs of society and with forethought and deep understanding thereof utilizes what he/she has recognized in order to create a viable enterprise that implements solutions and answers to society’s needs. It must also be recognized that profit is essential to any venture’s success and sustainability. Our South African Constitution, with its particular focus on freedom, human dignity and equality paves the way for social entrepreneurs 12

in our country as the challenges of poverty and unemployment in particular, provide us with those stimuli to service our communities. And we can improve unemployment and build a good business at the same time! Every business whether entrepreneurial or not, should begin with a higher purpose (the why)…the vision (the what) and mission (the how) will develop from its reason for existence. Basing a business model on societal needs provides you with purpose from the very word go and your business model will be utilised to authentically add meaning in terms of society’s needs.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Water and Sanitation Energy Economic Growth Infrastructure, Industrialization Inequality Cities Sustainable Consumption and Production Climate Change Oceans Biodiversity, Forests, Desertification Peace and Justice Partnerships

Our history that relates to home-ownership… or rather the lack thereof in some communities is an extremely powerful and inspiring platform to ignite entrepreneurship in this sphere. And what is more, this all fits into the bigger picture of global goals for sustainable development throughout the world.

We need to understand where we are and grasp the opportunity, make a difference and change our world. Our goals at REDZetc are embedded in igniting real estate business opportunities in order to develop skills, stimulate new venture creation, empower people, create jobs and promote home-ownership through education, what is yours?

We are not alone. These 17 global goals (that all look very familiar to me) that need to be addressed for sustainable global development until 2030 were set by 44 world leaders in 2015: 1. Poverty 2. Hunger and Food Security 3. Health 4. Education 5. Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women

To find out more about this topic please call Pam Snyman on 082 8000 867 or register for the 6th African Entrepreneurs Conference on 3 and 4 October in Stellenbosch where Pam has been invited to be a keynote speaker. Please contact her for more details should you be interested to attend.

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Wicus van Wyk

Neil Leslie Diamond is gebore op 24 Januarie 1941 in Brooklyn, New York. Sy ouers was Rose en Kieve Diamond wat onderskeidelik Russiese en Poolse Joodse immigrante was. Hy was op ‘n stadium in die Erasmus Hall High School waar hy in ‘n koor opgetree het saam met klasmaat Barbra Streisand. He received a guitar on his 16th birthday and shortly after that spent a number of weeks at a camp for Jewish children. There he heard the widely recognized folk singer, Pete Seeger, perform a concert. He watched some of the children singing songs for Seeger that they wrote themselves. This had such an effect on the young Neil, who then became aware of the possibility of writing his own songs. “And the next thing, I got a guitar when we got back to Brooklyn, started to take lessons and almost immediately began to write songs,” he said. Neil also used his songwriting skills to write poetry and started writing poems for girls he was attracted to. Some of his male classmates asked him to do the same for their girls. After his graduation from school, he spent the summer as a waiter in the Catskills Resort where he met Jaye Posner who would become his wife. Sy eerste sukses as ‘n liedjieskrywer was in November 1965 met ‘Sunday and Me’ vir Jay and the Americans. In 1966 skryf Neil ‘I Am a Believer’ vir The Monkees. Dit word hulle nommer een treffer en in 1967 volg hy dit op met ‘A Little Bit Me, a Little Bit You’, en nog later met ‘Look Out (Here Comes Tomorrow)’, en ‘Love to Love’. Sy eerste deurbraak as sanger was in April 1966 met ‘Solitary Man’ en in Julie van dieselfde jaar met ‘Cherry Cherry’. Hy volg dit uiteindelik op met 96 enkelsnitte waarvan die meeste van hulle treffers word. In 1970 alleen reik hy 8 enkelsnitte uit waarvan almal die top 25 posisies in Amerika haal. ‘Cracklin’ Rosie’ word in 1970 sy eerste nommer een treffer. In August 1972 he played 10 live shows at the Greek Theatre in Los Angeles. All 5000 seats sold out each night. The performance of 24 August 1972, was recorded and released as the live double album, Hot August Night. Critics consider this his best work and the album became a classic. It was remastered in 2000 with additional selections. In 1980 word die rolprent ‘The Jazz Singer’ uitgereik met Neil in die titelrol. Dit is ongelukkig ‘n flop en grotendeels te danke aan Neil se swak toneelspel. Hy het later self erken dat hy nie die rol kon hanteer nie en dat hy soos ‘n vis buite die water gevoel het. Sy medespelers, Laurence Olivier and Lucie Arnaz vaar beter. Die klankbaan van die rolprent – geskryf, getoonset en gesing deur Neil - vaar uiters goed en bereik multi-platinum status. ‘America’, ‘Love on the Rocks’ en ‘Hello Again’ is drie Top 10 enkelsnitte wat daarvan gelig word. In January 2018, Neil announced that he would immediately retire from touring due to having been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Tour dates on the final leg of his “50 Year Anniversary World Tour” in Australia and New Zealand were cancelled. An announcement on his official website said he was not retiring from music and that the cancellation of the live performances would allow him to continue his writing, recording and development of new projects.


Sommige feite oor Neil: • Hy het aanvanklik beplan om die mediese wêreld te betree en ‘n laboratorium bioloog te word. • Voordat hy sy eerste snitte uitgeik het, het hy die verhoogname ‘Eice Cherry’ en ‘Noah Kaminsky’ oorweeg. • Hy word gereken as ‘n briljante liedjieskrywer maar hy het al erken dat hy dit eintlik haat. • Al ooit gewonder hoekom sy hemde wat hy op die verhoog gedra het so blink met glinsterende blinkers daaraan vasgewerk? Hy het gereken dis sodat die gehoor hom makliker kon sien. • Hy is in alle waarskynlikheid die mees bekendste manlike Joodse musikant. • Anders as ander rock musikante het hy altyd verkies om uit die moeilikheid te bly. • Hy is gedurig gevra om ‘Sweet Caroline’ met optredes te sing maar hyself verkies ‘I Am… I Said.’ • Sy mees gunsteling weergawes van sy liedjies is UB40 se ‘Red Red Wine’ en Frank Sinatra se ‘Sweet Caroline.’ • Sy 2008 album, Home Before Dark was die eerste om die nommer een posisie te bereik. ‘n Volle 42 jaar sedert die begin van sy loopbaan. • Hy het al meer as 125 miljoen plate verkoop. • Hy het 32 albums in sy leeftyd uitgegee. • Sy 1973 album Jonathan Livingston Seagull, die klankbaan vir die gelyknamige rolprent, verdien meer inkomste as die rolprent self. • Hy het al 11 Grammy nominasies ontvang. • Hy is opgeneem in die Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. • Hy het ‘n stêr op die Hollywood Walk of Fame.

RUGBY 2019 V


roeër vanjaar het ons geskryf dat dit die Wêreldbeker jaar is en dat daar baie op die spel vir SA en vir Rassie Erasmus is. Vandag kan ons net verslag doen oor dit wat ons ervaar het. Dat Rassie en sy span alle kritici, insluitend myself, verkeerd bewys het, is sonder twyfel so. Dat dit nie net te danke is aan een spesifieke aspek nie, is ook vir seker so. Die sameloop van omstandighede en die verloop van die verhaal vertel dit ook duidelik. Geluk, soos Rassie in sy eie woorde weergegee het, is beslis ook ter sprake. Tog hou ek altyd vas aan Gary Player se stelling “All good and well, but the more I practise the luckier I get”. Voorbereiding en beplanning is van kardinale belang vir sukses. Japan en Rassie het dit vir ons bewys. Die kombinasie van goeie organisasie en beplanning het sonder twyfel die kersie op die koek gesit en Suid-Afrika (die Springbok) was ‘n integrale deel daarvan. Waarna in die Wêreldbeker se gebeure moet gekyk word om die produk verder te verbeter? Daar is by my geen twyfel nie dat die plek en verantwoordelikheid van die skeidsregter en sy invloed op die uitslag van die wedstryd besoek moet word. Suid-Afrika het in die finaal sonder twyfel die voordeel van een of twee besluite gehad wat dit vir ons makliker gemaak het. Ek sê natuurlik glad nie

dat ons nie verdien het om te wen nie, maar indien van die besluite anders was, sou daar baie meeer druk op die Springbokke gewees het. Dit op sig self kon ‘n verskuiwing van geleenthede teweeggebring het.

In die geskiedenis van die spel is dit juis die skeidsregter se posisie van uitspraak deur middel van die fluitjie wat nog nooit werklik ondersteuning gekry het nie wat party probleme na vore bring. Reëls is male sonder tal al verander, vereenvoudig, ontbondel en nog aangepas, maar dit bly waar dat hy die skeidsregter is en bly hy verantwoordelik vir sy oordeel en besluitneming. Metodes behoort aangwend word om sy besluite te vergemaklik en verdeelde verantwoordelikheid verder uit te brei tot voordeel van die spel. Die grensregters se magte wat reeds uitgebrei is en die toetrede van die Televisiehulp, help al , maar dit moet verder ondersoek en uitgeberei word sodat ons ‘n herhaling van die frustrasie van die 2019 Wêreldbeker, spesifiek in sekere van wedstryde, kan voorkom. Wat die reëls van die spel betref, is daar beslis donker areas wat my bekommer en wat wesenlik teen die gees van die spel indruis. Hulle gaan kripties genoem word en kan op ‘n latere stadium meer breedvoerig bespreek word. Die volgende pla my:

Dawie Snyman

1. Die vraag wat onwillekeurig by my opgekom het, is wat het van “fair play” geword? Het professionalisme dan die wese van “sport” en die “speel” daarvan ingesluk? Ek verstaan die begrip ‘professionalisme’ juis as een wat ongeskrewe waardes moet ophef soos professionalisme in die spel toeneem. Helaas is dit nie die geval in rugby nie. 2. Die onregmatige vertragings van die spel (die bal) by die afbreekpunte deur mense wat nie op hulle voete is nie, is onaanvaarbaar. Die skuldiges is hoofsaaklik die baldraers wat die bal beskerm as hulle nie op hulle voete is nie. Die spel rugby is vir spelers wat speel wat op hulle voete is. 3. Spelers wat hulle hande op iemand se rug sit en dink hy is gebind. 4. Skrumskakels of spelers in daardie posisie wat die bal met hulle hande of voete uit die losskrum rol of speel. ‘n Skrumskakel wat sy hand of voet aan die bal sit, is speel baar. Of dit is ‘n strafskop teen hom vir hande in die losskrum. 5. Obstruksie-lyne of bloklyne wat gesteun of gehardloop word. As ons Amerikaanse rugby wil speel moet ons dit doen. Ons kan nie ‘n mengelmoes van ‘n spel speel nie. Daarom dat daar verskillende kodes is. Nou by die lekker gedeelte van die Wêreldbeker. Die Springbokke het regtig baie verbeter in die 19 weke wat hulle saam daar aan die anderkant van die see was. Groei en ontwikkeling is nie maklik nie. Vanweë ons diversiteit in Suid-Afrika is dit nog moeiliker om saam te kom, saam te stem en saam te speel. Vir elke speler om sy plek te vind as speler waar hy sy bydrae effektief met waardigeid kan lewer is nie ‘n eenvoudige taak nie. Die groep van om en by 40 mense moet die optimale prestasie in die finaal lewer. Slegs 80 min het tussen hulle en hulle eie ego’s gestaan. En dit is veral hier waar die grootste groei in die groep plaasgevind het. Tussen Nieu-Seeland se eerste verloorwedstryd en die laaste wenwedstryd in die finaal het ongelooflike persoonlike groei by elke individu plaasgevind. Nie een speler of beampte in die finaal het nie in belang van die span in die eerste plek opgetree nie. Dit het my die meeste beïndruk. Nie een persoon se kommentaar na die wedstryd het ‘n persoonlike verheffing van homself gehad nie. Baie spesiaal.

Aan die Wêreldbeker-Kampioene van 2019 kan ons net sê…BAIE geluk. Julle het ons trots gemaak en geboorte gegee aan ‘n nuwe lewe in ons land. Dit is nou ons verantwoordelikheid om dit van dag tot dag verder vorentoe te vat in belang van ons Suid-Afrika. Dit en dit alleen skep vir ons, ons kinders en klenlkinders ‘n positiewe toekoms. Ek is werklik trots om ‘n Suid-Afrikaner te wees. Baie geseëde Kersfees vir al ons lesers.


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