Whale Tales - Issue 6

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Whale Tales Wat ‘n STORIE! Holiday activities for kids. What should my child know Kersmark 2022 The official newsletter of Hermanus Pre-Primary School Issue 6 Dreaming BIG!

It is with great gratitude that I am writing the last message for 2022. Most of us are breathing a sigh of relief that the 2022 school year is behind us. What a ride it has been!

“The fastest hurricane year we could ever have imagined. Whether we have consciously processed it or not, this has been a year of more pressure, more stress, and a race to “catch up” in all departments… Every. Single. One. Work, school, sports, relationships, life…” (Naomi Holt) Now that we can slow down and reflect on the rough ride of the school year, we can all admit, it was a great year with lots of blessings and heart-warming moments. Thank you to a great team at our school who was inspired and focused, and who worked together with the same goal in mind: To create a happy, stimulating environment where our children could learn and play and have lots of fun.

Dit is met ‘n seer hart maar tog met soveel trots dat ons die Graad R leerders kan groet. Hulle is so gereed vir die nuwe fase in hul lewe en ons beste wense vergesel hulle. Ongelukkig moet ons ook afskeid neem van geliefde kollegas, wie diep spore in ons skool getrap het.

Ouers, kollegas en leerders huil oor die groot verlies. Lezan van der Berg se passie en omgee, vir veral die 3 jarige kleuters, is ongekend. Dit verg ‘n spesiale talent om met hierdie ouderdomsgroep te werk. Haar borrelende lag en entoesiasme sal verseker gemis word. Sy het ‘n gewaardeerde bydrae gelewer as lid van die Bestuurspan, asook lid van die Beheerliggaam. Ons wens haar baie mooi wense toe vir die groot uitdaging wat voorlê. Die Burgundy restaurant sal verseker baat by haar voltydse aandag en sorg.

Simoné Lingenfelder is aangestel in die 3 jarige klas. Na jare se ondervinding in ons skool as ‘n vasvat nasorg juffrou, kon daar nie ‘n meer geskikte aanstelling gemaak word nie. Juffrou Lezan gee verseker oor aan ‘n vasvat, omgee Juffrou.

Danica Steyn is also leaving us at the end of 2022. She touched the hearts of so many children, parents, and colleagues. Always ready to lend a helping hand. She taught the children with lots of love and patience. It is with a very sad heart that we say goodbye. Her organizational skills, attention to detail, amazing photography, and special creative touch with everything she presents, will be dearly missed. We wish you only the best with your future endeavors.

Baie geluk aan Lee Mays wie ‘n spog pos in China aangebied is. Ons is trots op hierdie bekwame juffrou. As assistent en nasorg juffrou, sal sy baie gemis word. Sterkte met die groot uitdaging wat op julle wag. Chanel Momberg verlaat ons ook aan die einde van die jaar, maar gun haar die goeie Departementele pos wat sy gekry het.

Finally, I wish you a very blessed and prosperous festive season. Now, at the end of 2022, let us focus on giving thanks and showing our appreciation for the blessings we received. May you and your loved ones treasure this special festive season together.

Rest well, eat well, exercise well and have some quiet time so that you may be refreshed and ready for a great 2023!

We welcome Caitlin Daniel, who is the newly appointed teacher in Danica’s class. Caitlin is a young, energetic teacher with lots of experience with the little ones. I trust that she will have a very happy and successful career at our school. Lorna Such Hoof

Boodskap van die Voorsitter Hermanus Pre-Primêr

En so kom 2022 ook tot ‘n einde. ‘n Jaar waar ons finaal ons maskers gegroet het en nou kan uitsien na ‘n welverdiende ruskans.

Hermanus Pre-Primêr en Babbel en Krabbel Nasorg het hierdie jaar weer uitgeblink en verskeie toekennings huis toe gebring. Ons as ouers kan regtig trots wees op hierdie skool en nasorg, met sy uitstekende gehalte onderig, wat ondersteun word deur top administratiewe personeel en met sterk leierseienskappe in ons hoof, juf Lorna Such.

Ek wil ons beheerliggaam persoonlik bedank. Hierdie groep toegewyde mense is verbind tot die skool en plaas die skool altyd eerste!

Met al die uitdagende besluite wat geneem moes word, kan ons terugkyk na ‘n baie suksesvolle 2022!

Ons is so bevoorreg om in hierdie pragtige dorp te kan woon en vakansie hou, terwyl die publiek ten duurste moet betaal om dit wat ons het te kan geniet.

Vir die wat vakansieplanne het in ander gedeeltes van die land, reis veilig en geniet die feestyd saam met julle geliefdes.

Kom ons sluit ons 2022 hoofstuk af en kan met rede uitsien na 2023!

Beste wense Jaco van der Merwe

Kersmark 2022

Hermanus PrePrimêr se eerste Kersmark was ‘n reuse sukses. Gee vir 3 jong, entoesiastiese juffrouens ‘n opdrag en jy kan verseker wees, “Hulle gaan GROOT!”

Daar is ver en wyd bemark en 40 uitstallers het met groot trots hul produkte uitgestal en daar kon met hardelus kersaankope gedoen word. Die terugvoering was so oorweldigend dat ons verseker kan wees hulle gaan jaarliks deel uitmaak van die kersmark.

Ons eie personeel het verseker dat daar heerlike eetgoed was, die pannekoek baksters was die kopers altyd een voor en ons skool kan beslis spog dat by ONS pannekoektafel jy nie in lang toue hoef te wag nie!

Die hoogtepunt van die dag was natuurlik die Graad R en Pre-Graad R se kerssang items met die massa koor van Stille nag, heilige nag! Baie trane het gevloei om hierdie 85 leerders met soveel oorgawe te hoor sing.

Baie dankie aan al die uitstallers, ouers en besighede wie ons skool so wonderlik ondersteun het. Die reuse bedrag van R44 163 is ingebring!

Dit gaan egter oor soveel meer as net ‘n fondsinsameling. Na ‘n harde jaar met al sy uitdagings, was dit heerlik om kinders te sien hardloop en speel, families te sien wie saam piekniek hou en om die wonderlike ontspanne natuur in Fernkloof te geniet.

Mag ons in 2023 weer die voorreg hê om dit te beleef.

Saam met die kinders sing en bid ons: “Gee ons ‘n helder somer kersfees, in hierdie land van ons”.

Mag julle ‘n wonderlike feestyd beleef.

(Dankie Juffroue Anneri Theron, Lelanie Pretorius en Shani Conradie vir al die moeite en puik organisasie)

Nasionale dag van Herinnering

Op Vrydag 11 November het ons Gr R klas die Nasionale dag van herinnering bygewoon.

Aanvanklik het ons gewonder of dit gepas vir ons kinders sou wees, maar ons is so dankbaar ons was daar.

Dit was baie spesiaal – ‘n boodskap van dankbaarheid, hoop en vrede. Maar hoe verduidelik mens die betekenis aan jou kleuter?

Meer as 100 jaar gelede het ‘n oorlog begin. ‘n Oorlog is waar mense teen mekaar baklei. Dit was die grootste oorlog wat die wêreld nog ooit gesien het! Dit was die Eerste Wêreldoorlog genoem. Oupas, mans en groot seuns moes gaan veg. Nie omdat hulle wou nie, maar omdat hulle hul land en families wou beskerm.

Hierdie oorlog het gestop om 11h00 op die 11de November. Daarom kom mense elke jaar op daardie dag bymekaar om te onthou hoe braaf die mense was wat gaan veg het sodat ons ‘n goeie lewe kan hê en veilig kan wees.

Daar is vandag nogsteeds soldate wat ons land veilig hou en ons kan vir hulle elke dag bid.

Hoekom gebruik hulle spesifiek “Poppies”? Daar het baie “Poppies” in Vlaandere, België, voorgekom. Daar het baie gevegte plaasgevind. Vandaar dié blom se konneksie aan die oorlog.

Ons maats het die kans gekry om met regte oorlogshelde te gesels en was deel van die vrylating van die duiwe, wat ‘n hoogtepunt vir hulle was.

Baie dankie, André Williams. Die organiseerder het haar dank vir ons deelname uitgespreek en ook die kinders vir hul goeie gedrag geprys. Ons skool is beslis trots op hierdie groep leerders.

Juffrou Anke en Juffrou Lee-Ann
dankie aan De Vette Mossel vir ‘n
14 Onderwyseresse van ons skool ontspan heerlik na ‘n harde jaar. Baie
heerlike jaar end funksie.

Wat ‘n STORIE!

Watter storie het jy om te vertel, of wat het jy gesien of gehoor wat jy graag in jou hart vir altyd wil koester? OF, wat het jy gehoor of gesien wat jy wens jy nooit gesien of gehoor het nie. Gewoonlik sal dit iets wees wat jy aangevang het, of iets wat met jou gebeur het. Kom ek vertel vir julle iets van bogenoemde.

Hierdie kwartaal het onder die juffrouens uitgehardloop. Party is te moeg gewerk en dan rus hulle maar op ‘n ander een se skouer om werkies te ontvang. Of die een juffrou probeer so hard om vir die maatjies liedjies en gediggies aan te leer. Ai, en dan probeer die maatjies so baie hard, maar by juffrou se note kan hulle net nie by kom nie. Dan tussen deur liedjies en gediggies is daar nog rapporte, inventarisse en vele meer. Die juffrouens se senuwees raak op, want klas moet ook gegee word. Om ‘n breuk te vat, gaan sit juffrou vinnig by ‘n ander juffrou om net haarself weer te vind. Die assistente verstaan, want ons gee om vir mekaar.

Watter gebeurtenis sal jy graag van wil vergeet?

Wil jy graag vergeet van die dag wat jou broek middeldeur geskeur het, en jy met ‘n gehekelde kombersie huis toe moes gaan? Mnr Talbin speel so lekker met die nasorg leerders en sal beslis sy klere noukeurig moet kies!

Of dalk die dag toe Theoana springmielies vir nasorg geskiet het en ongelukkig die “raad” van iemand gevolg het dat dit beter is om die deksel af te hou. Die volgende oomblik sien jy net springmielies wat links en regs deur die kombuis skiet!!! Ja, die poetsbakkers is oral in die skool.

Wat ek al deur die tyd gehoor en gesien het, en wat my koesterend sal bybly, is juffrou wat speelgoedjies spesiaal van die huis af bring, ‘n kindjie nooi om daarmee te kom speel om net te hoor “maar die

karretjies is nie COOL nie, Juffrou”.

Elke dag word daar blokke gebou en hard gewerk daaraan, maar ‘n foto moet geneem word, al beteken dit dat daar net 2 blokkies opmekaar is – hard gewerk, want dis die 4de kwartaal.

Noudat ek kwartaal 4 noem, die skoonmakers is ook net so moeg. Hulle sit al in juffrou se klas met boude en voete op ‘n stoel, “because we are tired”, en dis maar nog net na 4 in die middag.

Liewe tannie Toinette werk so hard dat sy haar stoel stukkend sit!

Ons wil altyd ietsie van ons maatjies koester. Iets wat jy altyd sal onthou van elke spesifieke kindjie. Ons kindertjies is vir ons kosbaar al sê hulle vir jou soms dat jou hare deurmekaar is. Soms gebeur dit dat hy al ‘n geruime tyd vir jou ‘n storie wil vertel, maar boeta se tande het baie lanklaas ‘n borsel gekry. Dan moet jy luister, want hy deel nie gewoonlik uit sy eie sommer ‘n storie met jou voor jy nie eerste met hom begin praat het nie. Wanneer boetie klaar is met sy storie, gee juffrou maar ‘n pepermentjie om die varsheid uit te bring.

So kom die kwartaal nou tot ‘n einde. Ons as volwassenes sien uit na die lang vakansie, maar dink vir ‘n oomblik hoe die klein lyfies moet voel. Stop en luister as hulle praat, anders begin hulle te gesels oor dinge wat jy eintlik gewens het hulle hul mondjies oor styf toe moes hou.

Stop en kyk wat hulle doen, anders vang hulle allerhande goeters aan soos “hy het gehoop sussie se hare sal baie mooi lyk na die haarsny wat hy, as boetie, vir haar gegee het”.

Ek hoop almal het ‘n geseënde Kersfees en ‘n voorspoedige 2023. Onthou die goue geheim…… klein oortjies luister en klein ogies kyk.

Ke rsfees Bak en Brou

Skilferkorsdeeg ker sbome

Met ode :

Voorverhit oond op 180°C. Voer ‘n groot bakplaat met bakpapier uit en smeer met botter/gebruik sprayandcook.

Bedek bokant van deeg met kaneel/ karamel/ sjokoladesmeer. Sny dan deeg in 10 repies.

Weef elke strook deeg heen en weer in ‘n driehoekige boomvorm, met deeg wat aanmekaar raak. Maak bo-en-onderkant vas en druk ‘n tandestokkie deur. Plaas nou die deeg op jou bakplaat en maak seker die boomvorms raak nie aanmekaar nie.  Bak sowat 10 minute of tot lig goudbruin en ferm genoeg om te draai. Draai versigtig om met tandestokkies aan albei punte van deeg; bak 4 tot 7 minute of tot goudbruin. 


1 pak skilferkorsdeeg Kaneel (kan vervang word met karamel/sjokoladesmeer) 1 pakkie jelly tots (kan vervang word met enige lekkers) 1 pakkie Rolo sjokolade Verskillende kerssprinkels Tandestokkies 1 koppie versiersuiker 1 houertjie roomkaas Groen kleursel

Laat heeltemal afkoel, sowat 30 minute. Verwyder tandestokkies van bome. Maak solank versiersuiker aan (meng versiersuiker en roomkaas tot glad. Voeg groen kleursel by tot verlangde kleur). Sodra die kersbome heeltemal afgekoel het, smeer die driehoekige boomvorms met versiersel en versier met verskillende kerssprinkels. Gebruik geel jelly tots vir ster en rolo sjokolade vir die stam.

Gebruik die foto’s as 'n gids!

Lekker bak!
Tyd Bestanddele Po rsies
min 9 10

Ge sonde happ ies v ir di e ke rsse isoen

Vir meer kersfees bak en brou i dees gaan loer gerus op

What should my child know by the end of Grade R?

The young child grows and develops at a very fast pace between the ages of 0 – 6 years. Isn’t it wonderful to know that each child has the opportunity to develop to their full potential in these formative years? They develop in different areas such as the physical development of their bodies, building of vocabulary and language, as well as social and emotional development. In today’s age, most children of this age are at some form of care facility, a creche or a pre-school. These formative years of Early Childhood is of utmost importance, and we are pleased that in recent years, attention has shifted to the Early Childhood Development (ECD) centres to focus on this vital time in the child’s life.

The skills a child needs to develop in these areas are critical in building a solid foundation for their entire school career. Research has shown that if these skills are not developed, delays can occur and so set the child up for struggle or even failure in formal school years. We are happy to say that our school follows a fantastic ECD curriculum and we are preparing your child for a positive and contented school career.

The Grade R year is a transition year between the ECD years (pre-primary school) and formal schooling (primary school). Here the children learn that there is a set time for activities and they should learn to pace themselves to complete their activities within this time. They also learn about group work and individual work as well as problem solving.

Grade R ensures learning of the basics which will be built on further throughout the Foundation Phase (up to Grade 3) and again in the Intermediate Phase (Grade 4 – 7). The three subjects that we focus on (Home Language, Mathematics and Life Skills) each have their own set of essential outcomes and fundamental skills that need to be implemented.

Literacy Skills

Language abilities such as speech (vocabulary and grammar), phonemic awareness, recognition of letters of the alphabet, letter formation, writing their own name, pencil grip and desk posture. Developing these literacy skills will give your child an advantage when they get to Grade 1.

Numeracy Skills

Learning how to sort, classify, count (forwards and backwards), count objects, add, subtract, understand the value of numbers, shapes and colours are all part of the mathematic foundations. If an understanding of numbers and a love of the subject can be instilled in the formative years, a positive outlook for maths can be ensured for future years.

Social-emotional skills

The development of self-awareness, accountability and empathy for others are significant skills to learn. This helps with cooperation and team work as well as with self-confidence and a positive self-image. These skills become values that will remain with them throughout their lives.

Gross motor and fine motor skills are the basis of the above 3 subjects. If these physical abilities are not developed, we are setting our children up for failure in formal schooling.

We weigh and measure the height of or learners each term - on average, each child grows about 5cm and puts on about 2-5kg throughout their Grade R year.

Our Grade R year has been filled with many laughs and opportunities to learn while having fun. Our class has developed and progressed in so many areas. I am so proud of each and every learner in my class and wish them all a happy and successful school career!

Teacher Michelle and Teacher Melisha

No need to splurge on expensive outings these holidays. These fun activities are ideal for keeping little one’s entertained for hours and are designed to engage all their senses.

Play dress up

Allowing your child to imagine and dream is a fundamental part of developing self-confidence and self-expression. Playing dress up is a great way to encourage this. Collect some funny props from a cheap store or look in your own wardrobe for quirky clothing and accessories such as hats and scarves. Get creative with styling and have a garden or superhero party.

Hold a car wash

If it’s warm enough to spend time outdoors, let the kids play with soapy water and sponges or cloths, while washing your car at the same time. Kids generally love cars, water, bubbles and messy play so it’s a win-win for everyone.

Get cooking

Many fine motor skills are strengthened and refined while baking and cooking or preparing food. Babies and toddlers will also be more likely to try some new foods if they have helped to prepare them with you so this is a great activity for fussy eaters (many toddlers eat while preparing the meal).

Plant a small garden together or simply let them dig!

A wonderful educational experience, this simple activity engages almost all the senses. Plus, kids will love the chance to get their hands dirty and spend time in the garden – feeling different textures and simply getting muddy. Take the time to explain how the plants will grow once you’ve planted them and let them water their new shrubs afterwards.

Visit the library together

Too much screen time can be bad for kids, especially during the holidays where the temptation to sit on the tablet or watch too much TV is always there. Why not visit your local library and let the kids’ imaginations run wild with a host of new books? Reading has a multitude of benefits including an increase in communication skills as well as mental sharpness and concentration.

Have a picnic

Whether you have babies, toddlers or older kids at home, most children love fresh air and open spaces. So, grab a ball, picnic blanket, some snacks (such as fresh fruit, sandwiches and homemade popcorn) and head to the beach or a park where you can sit and enjoy a morning or afternoon outdoors.

Get messy with chalk in the driveway

Drawing is a wonderful way to help your children develop their creativity, but drawing in a book can be boring. Use chubby chalk that can be washed off easily and let your children draw in the driveway instead! You can help them to draw themselves and name their body parts. This creates self-awareness. Babies or younger toddlers will love the chance to let loose and scribble away!

Do a toy clean-up and visit an orphanage

Research has shown that the less toys you have in your home, the more creative your children will be, as they’ll learn to make do with less and engage properly with the toys they do own. And there’s no better time than the holidays to do a good clean-up. Let your children help you sort the toys they are happy to part with, then take them along to an orphanage or other non-profit organisation and encourage them to give them away to those who really need them. Children are never too young to learn the act of kindness.

Make an obstacle course

Obstacle courses are fun for all kids and can provide hours of entertainment. They encourage your little ones to clamber on, under and over your household furniture. This not only strengthens their muscles but also challenges their little minds as they try to figure out how to negotiate the obstacles! With a little thought, you can use an obstacle course in a variety of different ways to challenge your children’s gross motor development.

Do a treasure hunt

Make a treasure map out of brown paper with clues to find some treasure you have hidden somewhere in the house or garden. Even the smallest treasure, when found, will be greeted with much excitement.

Take nature walks

Go on nature walks to collect special items. On the beach, collect shells and stones to later make a shell castle. In the forest, collect bugs, plants or trees. At night, go for a walk with a torch and then switch off and star gaze.

Happy holidays!

Graad R

Gradeplegtigheid 2022

29 & 30 Desember was twee baie spesiale dae vir Hermanus Pre Primêr. 75 Graad R maatjies het ons harte laat swel van trots toe hulle voor ons staan met hul togas. Elke maatjie het so deftig gelyk en die glimlagte het gestrek van oor tot oor. Elke klas se funksie was afsonderlik gehou sodat dit intiem, uniek en ekstra spesiaal kon wees. En dan om die aand af te sluit op ‘n hoë noot was daar ‘n lekker verassingspartytjie vir elke klas. Ons hele skool se personeel het weereens saamgewerk om die gradueerders en hulle ouers behoorlik te bederf. Dit was ‘n voorreg om vir julle te kon leer en gereed maak vir die groot skool.

Liewe ouers, jou kind se gereedheid vir graad 1 en hul ervaring in hul eerste skooljaar, sal die grondslag lê vir die res van hul tyd by die skool.

Hier volg ‘n paar wenke vir ons ouers:

•Gesels saam met jou kind oor skool - oor vriende, aktiwiteite en onderwysers. Bly altyd positief, want julle as ouers stel ‘n deurlopende voorbeeld vir jou kind.

•Stel doelwitte - maak seker dat dit haalbaar is, en fokus daarop om dit een op ‘n slag te bereik, al is dit hoe klein.

•Prys jou kind vir spesifieke prestasies - fokus op jou kind se sterk punte en vier vordering.

•Moedig jou kind aan as hulle dalk sukkel. Koester hulle en bied die regte ondersteuning sodat hulle sal vordering maak.

Vaarwel ons liefste Babbel & Krabbel maatjies. Gaan maak ons trots, maar moet asseblief nooit van ons vergeet nie. Maak nie saak hoeveel voetjies deur ons skool loop nie, elke maatjie los hulle unieke spoor agter. Ons sal julle vir altyd onthou en die mooi herinneringe saam met julle koester in ons harte.

Groete, Juffrou Michelle, Juffrou Enrika, Juffrou Anke & Juffrou Mariska

Die nasorg personeel se jaar end funksie by die pragtige Beloftebos.

‘n Hardwerkende span wat hierdie bederf waarlik verdien het.

Tips to get your toddler to try (and eventually like) new foods 1. Start small. When introducing a new food to your child, give them just a little taste the first time… 2. Try, try again… 3. Be creative… 4. Let them explore… 5. Get them involved… 6. Don’t force it.

Every child you encounter is a divine appointment

Never had I thought that starting at Hermanus Pre Primary in 2020 I would encounter so many lives that would touch my own. Working with children, especially toddlers isn’t something you do if you’re not totally, passionately in love with it.

When asked to choose a highlight from my time at Hermanus Pre Primary I could not choose a single moment/ event. Each child, each family is different every year and you grow to love for who they are as individuals. In this time I have made new lifelong friends.

At Hermanus Pre Primary I became part of a beautiful extended family where we laughed until it hurt and cried until it hurt. The adorable sayings that Essie and I would repeat over and over just to start laughing hysterically all over again.

Thank you to each child, each parent and each colleague who was part of my journey. I cherish you and will reminisce about every class party, every birthday, every cup of coffee Essie so lovingly made, all the staff meetings (which I may or may not miss), all the events and all the fundraisers.

My heart is heavy, but I am also excited for the new adventure I am about to impart on.

May your 2023 be blessed beyond what you comprehend

“ - Wess Stafford

Alexander Venter se pappa

Diaan, skenk sement vir die vul van ons randstene.

Juffrou Enrika en Juffrou Lee Geseende Kersfees – Desember 2022

Kom laat ons juig oor die grootste geskenk van alle tye, Jesus Christus, ons Verlosser. Mag Hy opnuut in elkeen se hart gebore word gedurende hierdie tyd van wonder. Liefde, vrede en vreugde vir elke ouer, leerder en familie van Hermanus Pre-Primêr.

Dreaming Big

Babbel and Krabbel was established in 1979 with Lorna Such as principal. This little school quickly burst out of its seams. The school was then renamed to Hermanus Pre-Primary, and the aftercare took the much-loved name of Babbel and Krabbel.

It was time to take the next step, and Hermanus Pre-Primary was registered as a non-profit company. With the help of PSG we are now in the process of obtaining our tax exempt status. The tax-exempt status will enable the school to issue Section 18A certificates to all donors to the school. The donor will then be able to claim the donation as a tax deduction.

Very few businesses were left unscathed during the 2020 epidemic. However, through sound financial planning and decisions prior to 2020 the school and aftercare managed to navigate through a very difficult time. Hermanus pre-primary did not just survive the epidemic but came out stronger on the other side.

The world is changing at an ever-increasing pace. We are in an environment that is constantly changing, especially so in the field of education. This means that through strong leadership and strategies, we also must be adaptable, flexible, and creative. We must start thinking pro-active and not reactive.

We must start thinking differently about fundraising. The world has become a global village and we are no longer limited to Hermanus as our only fundraising area. We must start thinking and dreaming much bigger and outside the geographical area that we live in.

Our future plans and strategies include (but are not limited to the following):

• Maneuvering in such a way that fundraising no longer subsidises operating expenses, but that it be used for specific projects.

• Become more visible on the internet. Donors want to see the impact that the school is making and what impact the donation will have.

• To become more a more sustainable business.

• To develop our personnel especially in new and exciting areas. In 2022, as an example, some of our teachers attended a robotics course. This will be implemented in our curriculum in the near future.

• We are also planning to establish an endowment fund. Donors will be encourage to contribute to this fund which in return will generate income for the school. This endowment fund will be grown as an income generating asset. This model is used by large universities across the world.

We pride ourselves on long standing relationships with local businesses. It is only through building these existing relationships and building new relationships and partnerships that we will be able to reach our goals and dream big. “You cannot make people learn, you can only provide the right conditions for learning to happen – Unknown”

“If children feel safe, they can take risks, ask questions, make mistakes, learn to trust, share their feelings and grow – unknown

Vaarwel maar nie totsiens!

My pad by Hermanus Pre-Primêr het 20 jaar terug begin, toe ek as ‘n jong student my prakties gedoen het. Juf Lorna het my gou touwys gemaak en ek kon werklik by die heel beste leer!

My eie kinders het jare later hulle skoolloopbaan hier begin en ek kon as mamma, die skool ervaar en geniet.

Ek het in 2015 as onderwyseres hier begin by die 2-3jarige groepie en my droom en passie uitleef! Dit is wonderlik as ‘n mens ‘n beroep kan beoefen waarvoor jy gebore is, en as ‘n mens doen waarvoor jy lief is dan voel dit nie soos werk nie!

160 kleuters is deur my hande. 160 keer ‘n mamma,160 kleuters wat diep spore in my hart gelaat het, en dit was ‘n absolute voorreg!

Hoogtepunte in my loopbaan was verseker om elke jaar die jaar te begin met 20 nuwe kleintjies en dan binne weke hulle vetroue en liefde te wen dat hulle jou onvoorwaardelik vertrou! Die jaarlikse konsert was elke jaar ‘n hoogtepunt, elke jaar is daar ‘n kleuter wat jou verbaas!

Die jaarlikse Education Summit was verseker vir my ‘n hoogtepunt, veral die jaar toe ons die geesbeker gewen het!!

Daar is daagliks snaakse oomblikke in ons klas, maar die snaakste nog ooit was 4 jaar terug by ons atletiekdag. Die spesifieke groepie seuntjies was geweldig kompeterend en almal wou graag hulle eerste wedloop wen. Toe die skoot klap was dit “game on” en almal het met die spoed van wit lig gehardloop. Die een maatjie het per ongeluk die ander maatjie gepootjie ‘n paar meter voor die wenstreep en albei val toe neer. Toe die res van die groepie sien wat gebeur volg hulle toe eenvoudig in hul maatjies se spore en die een na die ander val toe neer voor die wenstreep!!!!!Ek dink hulle almal het toe op die podium gestaan.

Daar is 2 dinge wat ek nie sal mis nie…… Dit is natuurlik die talle vergaderings…… En om daagliks omtrent 25 keer op ‘n dag die maatjies te help om die toilet te gebruik!!!!

Wat ek altyd in my hart sal koester is die ongelooflik kollegas, ouers en kleuters wat ek ontmoet het. Ek het ongelooflike vriende gemaak. Ek sal vir Marcia altyd in my hart Koester. Ons het vir 8 jaar saamgewerk en van dag een net ‘geclick’ en as ‘n wonderlike span saam gewerk ! Ek gaan almal werklik ongelooflik baie mis.

Ek staan egter nog nie op aftrede nie… Volgende jaar gaan ek vir Rudolf ondersteun in ons besigheid, en sien uit na nuwe uitdagings en hierdie volgende fase in my lewe!

As we stand at the end of 2022 and look back at an amazing KDP year, we would like to congratulate every child for taking part in the KDP Programme and completing the curriculum successfully!

One of the biggest highlights for me this year was to observe the remarkable progress of the children in only the short time that I have known them.

The challenge for me was to jump in and get to know each child personally and to ensure that they progress to a new level. We enrolled a record 156 learners from Hermanus Pre-Primary!

Our vision for 2023 is to give more children the opportunity to participate in activities that will prepare them for life through this unique programme that combines sport and movement with brain development.

We wish the Hermanus Pre Primary Family a very happy and festive season!

For further details on how to join the KDP Programme please contact William Loedolff on 0832877792

KDP Kids are Super Cool!

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