Dear Parents, and Guardians,
At the end of a rather busy first term, I want to take a moment to reflect on the many accomplishments of our school and aftercare. Despite the many challenges we have faced, we have continued to thrive and grow.
Our learners adapted rather quickly and in a short while there was no more tears and many happy faces. The mommies and daddies looked more at ease and relaxed as they noticed how well the children have settled in in a supportive and engaging learning environment.
The teachers have worked hard, and I would like to applause them for their dedication and commitment. I am proud of all that they have achieved. Dit was egter nie net “skoolwerk” nie. Die KDP het afgeskop met 160 kinders wat hierdie wonderlike program ten volle geniet. Hierdie leerders gaan beslis reuse vordering en ontwikkeling toon.
Artikels in die koerant wat julle nie moet mis nie, is die wonderlike atletiekbyeenkoms, pretloop en potjiekos dag. Baie dankie aan ‘n baie geestriftige en ondersteunende groep ouers. Ons waardeer julle!
As we move forward to the 2nd term, I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead. We will continue to focus on academic excellence, learner well-being, and community engagement. We are busy implementing new, more effective ways of communicating with parents and simplifying payments and advertising opportunities. We are excited to implement the new D6 application in the second term and trust that parents will be patient with the roll-out thereof. (Same program that both the High and Primary schools are using)
I encourage everyone to take some time over the break to rest, recharge, and reflect on all that we have accomplished this term. I am looking forward to seeing everyone back in school after the break, ready to continue our journey of learning and growth.
Important dates: Term 2
• 12 April: School reopens.
• 24 April: Raffle lists to parents.
• 27 April: Freedom Day.
• 28 April: Public School holiday.
• 14 May: Mother’s Day.
• 02 June: Pancake Sale.
• 07 June: Raffle draw.
• 16 June: Youth Day.
• 23 June: end of 2nd term
Lorna Such
Lorna Such
Juffrou Anke
Die atletiek is ‘n jaarlikse instelling waarna kinders, ouers, oumas en oupas geweldig uitsien! Vanjaar was geen verskil nie. Die weer het ook nie teleurgestel nie.
In die klas en op die speelgrond het die Gr R kinders net krete gesing. Tussen die werk en speel deur was daar deur klein tot groot atletiek geoefen.
Die babaklas se ouers het die middag afgeskop met hul stootwaentjies en wonderlike deelname en gees. Die skopfietsies van juffrou Lindi se klas het ook gesorg vir groot pret! Daarna het die hardloop items begin. Dankie aan elke ouer wat hul kindjie so mooi aangemoedig het om deel te neem. Hulle het dit so geniet! Elkeen is ‘n wenner!
Die Gr R’e het ons weer vanjaar vermaak met ‘n optog en atletiekkrete. Die gees was aansteeklik! Alhoewel hierdie span meer kompeterend deelgeneem het, het hulle mekaar so mooi ondersteun en geluk gewens. Waardevolle lewenslesse is geleer. Ons berei voor vir Groot skool!
Die oueritems was net so ervaring! Dankie vir die groot groep ouers wat aan die kortafstande deelgeneem het. Dan was daar ook wonderlike deelname in die aflos afdeling deur juffrouens en ouers! Daar heers ‘n wonderlike gees tussen ons ouers!
Ons wil dankie sê aan elke ouer wat kosbestellings geplaas het! Ons was oorweldig deur al die bestellings en dit het beslis bygedra tot die sukses van die dag.
Ons kyk met dankbaarheid terug na ‘n middag vol pret en plesier en sien uit na die volgende keer.
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Wat is liefiedag?
Dit is n dag waar ons liefde saam vier as een. n Dag waar die wêreld met rooi en wit geverf is, als met hartjies, ballonne en blomme versier is. n Dag waarop almal mekaar weer kan herinner aan die liefde. n Dag om vir iemand daar te wees wat alleen voel, sommer net n dag om n glimlag op iemand spesiaal se gesig te sit.
Google sê die volgende: Valentynsdag is ‘n dag waarop geliefdes ekstra aandag aan mekaar gee deur geskenke, blomme of om kaartjies uit te ruil met spesiale liefdes gedigte daar in.
In die grootmens wêreld is dit anders, maar deur die oë van ons kinders is dit n dag waarop ons vir mamma en pappa wil wys hoe lief ons vir hulle is.
By die skool maak die kinders kaartjies en klein geskenkies om huis toe te neem vir mamma en pappa om die dag ekstra spesiaal te maak. Dit is op die dag wat ons as juffrouens die kindertjies help om n ekstra glimlag op mamma en pappa se gesig te sit en om die liefde wat in die kinders se hartjies is so met hulle te deel.
Kom ons kyk na liefiedag nie met oë wat sê dis maar net nog n mensgemaakte dag nie, maar met n warm hart vir iemand op hierdie spesiale dag.
Die belangrikheid van
met jou kleuter
Bak-en-Brou is nie net ‘n prettige, innemende aktiwiteit vir kinders nie, maar een wat al jare lank as ‘n belangrike aktiwiteit gebruik word as ‘n onderrig- en ontwikkelingshulpmiddel vir alle ouderdomme.
‘n Paar voordele van Bak-en-Brou:
1. Sensorieseontwikkeling
Het jy geweet? Sensoriese aktiwiteite soos bak en brou ontwikkel ‘n kind se brein. Kinders leer die beste as sy sintuie ingespan word. Dit help om neurokonneksies in die brein te bou. Hierdie neurokonneksies in die breinpaadjies lei weer tot die volgende drie punte genoem. Dit is belangrik dat kinders blootstelling kry aan verskillende teksture tydens bak en brou.
2. Sosiaal-emosioneleontwikkeling
Praktiese kookaktiwiteite help kinders om selfvertroue te ontwikkel. Dit moedig ook onafhanklikheid aan. Dit leer kinders om aanwysings te volg en om hul denkvaardighede te gebruik om probleme op te los.
3. Kognitieweontwikkeling
Bak-en-Brou inspireer kinders se nuuskierigheid, denke en probleemoplossing, en bied nuwe geleenthede om voorspellings en waarnemings te maak. Dit bied aan hul die geleentheid om nuwe wiskunde konsepte aan te leer. Wat is dan lekkerder as om die eiers of die koppies suiker af te tel.
4. Taalontwikkeling
Met sy eie woordeskat is kook ‘n wonderlike geleentheid vir taalontwikkeling. Leer om te luister en opdragte uit te voer is ‘n belangrike lewensvaardigheid om aan te leer.
Tiny hands, and tiny feet, You’re so very small and neat, Your little life, now just begun, Our heart’s you have already won, Your lovely soft baby smell, We are truly under your spell.
Teacher Hettie
Learning should be enjoyable, and that’s precisely what we aim for in our learning activities. One such activity is the “show and tell” session, where each child gets the opportunity to speak confidently in front of their peers. During the last session, the children were given popcorn and comfortably seated on their chairs, eagerly anticipating the surprise that awaited them. To their amazement, they were presented with a snake!
Ava’s uncle owns a pet snake, which happens to be non-venomous, lazy, and quite laid-back. Despite this, the children demonstrated immense bravery as they patiently took turns to get closer and touch the snake. The experience was incredibly exhilarating!
The importance of fine motor skill development for pre-schoolers
Fine motor skills involve small muscles working with the brain and nervous system to control movements in areas such as the hands, fingers, lips, tongue and eyes. Developing fine motor skills helps children do things like eating, writing, manipulating objects and getting dressed.
Research shows that the development of fine motor skills depends on the development of gross motor skills and that a joined-up approach to physical development is important. Young children need many opportunities to develop fine motor skills alongside gross motor skills so they can become confident to explore the world around them. Play ball, go visit the park often and hang and swing on monkey bars to strengthen those little hands!
From a very young age, children are exploring different materials. With these materials a child will naturally start to make marks. Babies might use their whole bodies to make marks with mud, paint or cornflour in a tuff tray, or with food at mealtimes. A toddler might splash in a puddle and notice the prints they make.
Mark making is an important experience for children because over time they can attribute meaning to their marks. Combined with a child’s developing dexterity, these marks become refined and deliberate, until the point at which the young child labels their marks, either as pictures or writing.
Here are some good examples of activities that can be done at home:
• Play dough
With these materials a
• Finger painting
• Tearing paper into small pieces
• Folding paper
• Building puzzles
• Lacing and threading
• Self-care task: Getting dressed, putting toothpaste on their toothbrush, using their own utensils.
• Building blocks like Duplo and small Lego.
• Cutting and pasting
child will naturally start to with mud, paint or cornflour in a tuff tray, or with the prints they make. time they can attribute meaning to their marks. refined and deliberate, until the point at which be d
• Playing with loose parts. Loose parts can include beads, buttons, coins, shells, matches, pieces of wood, corks, ice cream sticks, lids and containers, pegs and anything else you can think of.
• Woodwork. Kids love hammering nails into wood. As long as this is done with child-safe equipment, it’s a good exercise in hand-eye coordination. their toothbrush , using their own utensils.
one at home:
Vir die eerste keer vandat die aaklige Covid-gogga ons land ingedring het, kon ons skool weer hierdie wonderlike fondsinsameling aanbied waarna jaarliks só uitgesien was.
Na die opgewondenheid tussen ouers, juffrouens én kinders opgebou het, het die dag uiteindelik aangebreek en die gewemel op die skoolgrond het gelyk soos ‘n besige miernes soos elke ouer en juffrou werk om individuele stalletjies mooi te maak en reg te kry vir die dag. Elke klas kon pronk met die mooiste, kleurvolle stalletjie wat die tema, “Welkom by Disneyland” so goed verteenwoordig het.
Vure het gebrand en potjies het geprut soos die lug met die lekkerste geure gevul word. Maats het opgedaag, soos allerhande karakters aamgetrek. Mickey Muis, Sneeuwitjie, Alice en Wonderland en só baie meer!
Mense het begin smul aan die lekker potjiekos en maats het bederfies van die snoepie geniet terwyl almal reg staan om met die pretloop weg te spring. En moet tog net nie die lip-lekker poeding, vars gemaak van “Oh Bake” vergeet nie!
Ouma’s, oupa’s, ouers, boeties en sussies almal gereeld vir ‘n rondte om Hermanus Hoërskool se sport gronde. Dit was vet pret en ons almal kon dit sien op ons kinders se gesiggies! Dit was ‘n heerlike dag van samesyn waar ouers en juffrouens mekaar beter kon leer ken en ‘n bietjie saam kon kuier!
Sonder ons skool se wonderlike ouers se hardewerk en bereidwilligheid, sou hierdie funksie beslis nie kon plaasvind nie. Vir julle sê ons BAIE DANKIE. Ons waardeer elke liewe een van julle se harde werk en bydraes.
Twee vertonings in die Hermanus Munisipale
Ouditorium op 30 April 2023. Kry jou kaartjies by
Skandeer en kry jou
direk by Computicket of besoek jou naaste
As ‘n leerder bewus is van sy/haar eie liggaam, sal hulle al hul liggaamsdele verstaan, weet waar hulle is en wat hul verhouding tot mekaar is. Om dit effens anders te stel, liggaamsbewustheid is die vermoë om een liggaamsdeel van ‘n ander te onderskei en die grootte, aantal en funksie van elke ledemaat te identifiseer. Hiervoor moet ‘n kind, met hulle oë toe, weet wat hul linker - en regterkant is, waar bo, onder, in, uit, voor en agter is. Dit sluit ook innerlike bewustheid in dat hulle liggaam twee kante het. Liggaamsbewustheid is die tot ale bewus-wees van jou eie liggaam en sy potensiaal tot beweging.
Teken begin by krabbel. Aanvanklik is kinders se krabbels ongekontroleerde, kinestetiese bewegings wat geleidelik ontvou in gekontroleerde, doelbewuste krabbels. Deur basiese krabbels soos sirkels, ovale, driehoeke, reghoeke en kruise in patrone te rangskik, ontwikkel Kombinasies.
Kinders inkorporeer gedurig eienskappe van hul vorige spontane kuns ervarings in hul nuwe tekeninge. Daarom is dit so belangrik vir kinders om self te eksperimenteer maar ook te gesels oor hul kunswerk en keuses. Kop-beenfigure is algemeen onder 3 tot 5 jariges. Ore, direk uit die kop, gee balans wat arms onnodig maak. Sontekeninge – ook vir hande en voete – is baie gewild onder 5 tot 6 jariges. Vlerkagtige arms, uit die kop of lyf, of opwaartse arms kom algemeen voor. Liggaamsdele word toenemen d bygevoeg om uiteindelik ‘n volledige Mens te vorm. Hierdie vordering verg egter tyd en visuele denke in die kind se selfreguleringsisteem. Met ander woorde, in kort, die antwoord is NEE, ons moet nie kinders leerhoe om hulself te teken nie!
Ons MOET eerder verseker dat kinders konkrete ervarings verkry voor hulle hul idees op papier uitbeeld.
Daar moet egter eerder gefokus word op konkrete stimulering as om kinders te leerhoe om hulself te teken. Wanneer ons geleenthede bied vir kinders om op konkrete maniere hul innerlike liggaamsbewustheid te ontwikkel sal dit kinders help om hul liggaamsdele te ken, te weet waar hulle is en wat hulle verhouding tot mekaar is . Dit is belangrik dat kinder s hul idees aan ons kommunikeer. Ons kan verbale leiding gee , maar moet nooit die geleentheid van selfontdekking, beplanning, eksperimentering en redenering by die kind ontneem nie.
☺ Trek die butielyne van jou kind af op ‘n groot vel papier. Hy/sy teken self die besonderhede soos ore, oë, mond, klere, ensovoorts daarop. Nou raak hy/sy aan al die liggaamsdeele wat jy opnoem, eers met oop en dan met toe oë.
☺ Pak die buitelyne van jou kind se liggaam met blokkies en dan ruil julle om.
☺ Staan voor ‘n spieël en bespreek liggaamsdele en funksies; waar is jou arm? Kyk wat doen jou arm as jy dit strek. Waar is jou skouers? Kyk wat doen jou skouers as jy dit rol. E nsovoorts.
☺ Trek die buitelyn van jou gesig met ‘n “whiteboard marker” op ‘n spieël.
☺ Laat jou kind voor ‘n lang spieël staan en alle liggaamsdele bekyk, benoem, veral liggaamsdele soos die knieë, hakke, elmboë, voorkop, ensovoorts.
☺ Maak seker jou kind weet wat die funksie van sy/haar liggaamsdele is: watter liggaamsdeel gebruik jy om te ruik, praat, hoor, knik, spring, waai, ensovoorts.
☺ Raak aan pappa/mamma/boetie/sussie se liggaamsdele soos jy dit opnoem.
☺ Speel “spieëltjie-spieëltjie”: Jou kind staan voor jou en aap al jou bewegings presies na.
☺Jou kind lê of staan in ‘n gemaklike posisie met sy/haar oë toe en raak aan al die liggaamsdele wat jy opnoem. Om dit meer uitdagend te maak kan moeiliker opdragte bygesit word soos byvoorbeeld: “Lig jou regterarm en linkerarm op. Draai jou regterduim drie keer in die rondte. Vryf jou linkerwang met jou regtervuis” Ensovoorts.
☺ Vryf die buitelyne van jou kind se liggaam tot jy by sy/haar enkels kom. Ruil dan om.
is die beste ding wat jy vir jou kind kan doen!
1 Februarie was Wêreld-hardopleesdag. Tannie Marhette van Huysteen het ons graad R klasse kom bederf met die voorlees van ‘n storie. Die kinders het aan haar lippe gehang en uit hulle magies gelag vir die storie.
Om stories voor te lees bied nie net kwaliteit tyd saam met jou kind nie, maar dit skep ook ‘n geleentheid om ‘n sterk basis vir taal by jou kind vas te lê. Dit help om jou kind se woordeskat uit te brei, dit bou ‘n band tussen julle en gee julle iets om oor te gesels.
Wanneer kinders dit geniet as iemand vir hul lees, word hulle gereelde lesers.
Wenke vir hardop lees
1. Begin deur die naam van die skrywer en illustreerder te lees sodat jou kind besef dat stories deur mense, net soos hulle, geskep word.
2. Hardop lees is altyd ‘n opvoering! Gebruik jou stem om die atmosfeer te skep.
3. Laat tyd toe vir jou kind om na die prente te kyk en daaroor te gesels.
4. Help om jou kind se voorspellingsvaardighede te bou deur een of twee keer tydens die lees van die storie vra te vra soos: “Wat dink jy gaan volgende gebeur?”
5. Help om empatie te ontwikkel terwyl jy lees deur af en toe vrae te vra soos: “Hoe dink jy het die kinders gevoel toe...?”
Ons wil graag elke huisgesin uitdaag en aanmoedig om aan te sluit by ons dorp se biblioteek. Dit kan soveel pret verskaf in die huis en dien as die perfekte wintersaktiwiteit.
Building a strong immune system in children
Building a strong immune system in children is essential for good health and overall well-being. Here are some tips on how to boost your child’s immune system during these next few cold months:
Encourage a healthy diet: A balanced and healthy diet is important for children’s overall health, including their immune system. Encourage your child to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Limit their intake of processed foods, sugary drinks, and snacks.
Ensure adequate sleep: Sleep is essential for a child’s physical and mental health, and it also plays an important role in their immune system. Make sure your child is getting enough sleep for their age group. Most children need between 9-12 hours of sleep per night.
Encourage physical activity: Regular physical activity is essential for children’s health and immune system. Encourage your child to engage in at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day. This can include activities such as running, swimming, biking, or team sports.
Ensure they stay hydrated: Staying hydrated is important for overall health, including immune function. Encourage your child to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Limit their intake of sugary drinks, as these can negatively impact their immune system.
Encourage good hygiene:
Teach your child good hygiene habits, such as washing their hands frequently, especially before eating or touching their face. Also, teach them to cover their mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing to prevent the spread of germs.
Reduce stress:
Stress can negatively impact a child’s immune system, so it’s important to help them manage stress. Encourage your child to engage in relaxing activities such as reading, drawing, or listening to music. Also, help them develop good coping skills to deal with stressful situations.
Consider supplements:
Although a healthy diet is the best way to get the nutrients a child needs, supplements can also be helpful in building a strong immune system. Talk to your child’s healthcare provider before giving them any supplements, as some may not be suitable for children.
In conclusion, building a strong immune system in children requires a combination of healthy habits such as a balanced diet, regular physical activity, good hygiene, and stress management. By helping your child develop these habits, you can help promote overall good health.
This has been a very busy term and I cannot believe we are already at the end! Our brand-new Grade R’s all arrived as smart as can be on 18 January. With many smiles, a few nervous and tearful friends, and teachers ready for the year ahead, we all settled into our new class routine and Grade R work with ease. What a great bunch our Little Monsters are!!
A big welcome to our new families that have joined the Hermanus community. Also, to those that have migrated from other surrounding schools. May the Grade R ahead be a fun filled year for you and your child.
We have really gotten to know each other very well as we worked through the themes of the first term. We have learnt about our bodies, our senses, healthy habits and also spoke about our families and homes. In between, we have celebrated Valentine’s Day, had an exciting Athletics Day, an eventful Potjiekos Day and Fun Walk with all our new friends and families. One of the highlights for the term was learning about our senses. What a privilege it is to be able to experience our world through our senses! We learnt how different the world would be if we did not have eyes that can see, ears that can hear , a nose that can smell, a tongue to taste with and skin to feel with. During this theme, we smelt, tasted and guessed many different regular everyday smells and flavours. We learnt that great smells – like cocoa powder, cinnamon, and vanilla essence – don’t always have great tastes. With blind folds on we also got to taste and guess what flavour of popcorn we were eating (salty or sweet). We tried to feel and guess our shapes and use them to make a picture with blind folds on . We also learnt that we automatically put out our arms and hands when our eyes are covered. We also learnt that we don’t only have to feel with our hands. The skin on our arms, cheeks, feet and back can also be used to feel different temperatures and textures. Making and tasting a fruit salad was also a highlight for our healthy living theme.
Our extra murals have also started a nd are in full swing. The KDP class is always an adventure with Uncle William. Lots of exciting fun and games! This term we focused on core muscle strength as well as getting our arms strong. Teacher Karon and the pottery friends made the most beautiful ornaments to decorate their homes. Visual and auditory screenings were done this term and we are well on our way for preparing for Grade One next year
Thank you to our wonderful, supportive parents who are always willing to help in any way possible. What a fun filled first term it has been! We look forward to what the rest of the year has in store for us all!
Teacher Michelle & Teacher Melisha
Totsiens Juffrou Heidi Such
Die trane het maar vlak gelê toe ons verlede kwartaal vir Juf. Heidi moes groet. Soos dit by haar opgeruimde persoonlikheid pas, het ons afskeid geneem met ‘n prettige klaspartytjie!
Die oulike mammas het ingespring en gehelp met heerlike versnapperinge en feestelike klasversierings. Baie dankie daarvoor! Natuurlik is sy ook beder f met die oulikste geskenke, onder andere ‘n spesiale voorskoot met ‘n verf-handafruk van elke klasmaatjie om te verseker dat sy hulle nooit sal vergeet nie.
Juffrou Heidi het voorwaar diep spore getrap en sal altyd ‘n spesiale plek in elke kind en kollega se harte hê. Ons gaan haar sonnige geaardheid, reuse glimlag en lekker geselsies baie mis.
Nou wag daar ‘n splinternuwe avontuur vir haar, James en hul vier pragtige seuns. Hulle is beslis ‘n groot aanwins vir Australië, en ons wens hulle alles van die beste toe.
Ons sal verseker voortbou op die goeie werk wat sy begin het, en kan nie wag om te sien hoe al die maatjies hul volle potensiaal bereik nie.
Juffrou Lindie en Vennie