Splash May 2013

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MAY APRIL 2012 MAY 2013 2013


PNoy Among ‘Time’ Magazine’s ‘100 Most Influential People’ W HAT does President Benigno Aquino III have in common with Pope Francis, US President Barack Obama, American rapper and record producer Jay Z and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un?

They are all on Time Magazine’s 2013 list of “The 100 Most Influential People in the World.” Aquino landed on the magazine’s list, falling under the “Leaders” category. Time praised the Philippine president for steering the economy, and taking a stand on controversial issues in his country and the region. “In a country of nicknames, Filipinos proudly call their President PNoy – a pun on the word they use for themselves: Pinoy. For his courage, however, he really should have the pet name the family gave his eldest sister Maria Elena: Ballsy,” wrote Time’s Howard Chua-Eoan. Time cited economic gains under the Aquino administration and Aquino’s support for the reproductive health law, as well as his position on the territorial dispute with China. “The sputtering economy stabilized and became hot. Aquino pushed through a reproductive-rights law that many said was impossible in the fervently Catholic nation,”

the magazine said. “Most important, he became the face of the regional confrontation with Beijing over its claim to virtualFULL PAGE AD ly all of the South China Sea. It is a brave stance, the long-term consequences still unknown.”

He’s his own man Under Aquino’s presidency, the Philippine economy grew by 6.6% in 2012 amid a global slowdown, the stock market reached record highs, and the Philippines recently earned investment grade status. Aquino pushed for the passage of the reproductive health law – what is described as a birth control measure – despite strong opposition from the Catholic Church. He also took a strong stand on the Philippines’ claim to territories disputed by China. The Philippines raised its territorial dispute claims against China before the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS). While Aquino has been criticized for riding on his parents’ name, Time said the President came into his own. “His fa-

President Aquino: I’m accepting that honor on their behalf, rather than for myself. ther was the Philippines’ most famous political martyr, his mother its most beloved President. Benigno (“Noynoy”) Aquino III inherited that legacy and boosted by national mourning at the death of Corazon Aquino in August 2009, won the presidency in 2010.” “President Aquino quickly began making his own name,” the magazine added.

‘Face of Filipinos’ Reacting to the citation, Aquino said he was merely the “face” of Filipinos, who have always been there for him. “First they gave me the chance to serve, and they continue to support me. I’m accepting

that honor on their behalf, rather than for myself,” he said. “This is a recognition of all our countrymen, of the whole country, more than anything. And I’m just the face; by way of speaking, I’m the first to respond to a problem. That’s fine by me. But if we achieve success, this is the success of everyone,” he said. In a statement, Aquino’s spokesperson Edwin Lacierda said it was the first time the President appeared on the list. “The article is a recognition of the true grit which characterizes his leadership, and the optimism, dynamism and renewed pride which has restored the standing of our nation in the eyes of Filipinos and the world.” “We take pride in how the ideas of good governance and inclusive growth that are the major thrusts of the Aquino presidency resonate not just with Filipinos but with the entire world. This is especially relevant today, as countries all over are trying to become more inclusive economically, politically, and even culturally, President Aquino is already doing it in the Philippines,” Lacierda added.

In good company Aquino joined other influential leaders on the list: US President Barack Obama, South Korea’s first female president Park Geun-hye, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Pope Francis, North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un, and other world leaders. Also on the list were influential personalities Time categorized as Titans, Pioneers, Icons, and Artists. The list was published on the magazine’s April 29 issue. n

MAY 2012 2013 APRIL


More hot money outflows than inflows


OSITIVE economic developments in the country attracted portfolio investments worth $2.3 billion in March, higher by $200 million or 10.1 percent from the previous month’s tally, data from Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) showed. However, outflows in March increased to $2.7 billion from $1.9 billion in February, resulting in an overall net outflow of $395 million for the month. BSP said that the increased capital withdrawal was due mainly to “profit taking as well as continuing concerns about the euro zone.” Also called “hot money,” portfolio investments stay in a

count r y only for a short period and


on to the next location that offers better profit prospects. The BSP data showed that registered portfolio investments from January to March reached $7.3 billion, surpassing the $4.1 billion level in the same 2012 period by 79.1 percent. BSP said that “investor optimism was buoyed by positive economic developments in the country.” “[The increase in inflows] is in response to news about robust corporate earnings, the relaxation of rules on foreign ownership under a new SEC draft, and the recent upgrade by Fitch Ratings of the country’s credit rating to investment grade,” BSP said. The portfolio capital inflows went to PSE-listed securities ($2.0 billion or 84.2 percent), Peso government securities ($351 million or 15.0 percent), and Peso time depos-PAGE FULL its ($18 million or 0.8 percent). For PSE-listed securities, the main beneficiaries were shares of holding firms ($510 million), property companies ($454 million), banks ($333 million), telecommunication firms ($185 million), and food, beverage and tobacco companies ($183 million).

TransM a r c h actions in for Peso GS and peso time deposits yielded net inflows of



re$77 million and $18 million, re spectively, while for PSE-listed securities, Unit Investment Trust Funds (UITFs), inand money market in struments, net outflows milwere noted at $483 mil million, $5 million, and $2 mil lion, respectively. UnitThe United Kingdom, the Unit Singaed States, Hong Kong, Singa pore, and Luxembourg were the top five investor countries for the month, whose combined pershares accounted for 88.5 per cent of total inflows with the US “continuing to be the main beneficiary of outflows from investments.”

Capital flows are being watched closely as these have the tendency to raise the risks of asset price bubbles which can also potentially undermine financial stability. Equally important, because capital can just as freely and quickly flow out of the country, sudden stops and abrupt reversals can threaten the real economy. But the BSP has said that should capital flows reach high point, possibly resulting to disruptions in asset prices and inflation, they are ready to combat these flows. with full news from Malaya


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Dr. Luzuriagais acknowledged as one of the experts in the field of pediatric AIDS. By MICHAEL L. TAN


IME Magazine’s 2013 listing of the 100 most influential people in the world included two Filipinos: President Benigno Aquino and Dr. Katherine Luzuriaga, a pediatric immunologist from the University of Massachusetts. And yet, despite the groundbreaking impact of her work, she remains largely unacknowledged in her own country. Luzuriaga-- whose father is Filipino and who still does, in fact, speak Filipino -- was part of an all-woman medical team acknowledged for the first cure of a baby with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), the cause of AIDS. The cured baby was born in Mississippi more than two years ago to a mother who had HIV but was not diagnosed until she had gone into labor. The mother apparently did not have prenatal care because if she did, she would have been diagnosed early and given three drugs to

MAY 2013 2013 MAY APRIL 2012

The Unsung Filipina Who Found Cure for HIV

prevent the fetus from being infected. In this case, the child was first given the drugs 30 hours after she was born. Right before being given the FULL medicines, the baby was testedPAGE AD for HIV, the results of which came back positive. Within the The doctor at work. first month of therapy, tests could no longer find the virus. However, doctors kept the child and Dr. Deborah Persaud, a on the drugs, standard practice virologist at Johns Hopkins in the United States and de- Children’s Center, were also veloped countries because of included in Time’s“100 Most the possibility of reservoirs or Influential People” for 2013. “hideouts” for the virus that alThe child’s cure brings low it to continue to replicate. hopes into the rather bleak AIDS research front. HIV is a ‘Functional cure’ retrovirus and several anti-retWith time though, the roviral drugs have been develmother began to become ir- oped over the last few years but regular with her hospital visits these only slow down the replifor her child. When the child cation of the virus. It does not was brought in for a check- cure AIDS and the expensive up around the age of two, the treatment has to be maintained mother admitted that the child for a lifetime. Efforts to dehad missing out on the drugs. velop a vaccine have been unYet when tests were conducted, successful, the latest trial just the child’s HIV levels still re- halted this week after researchmained undetectable, which ers reported the vaccine did not means a “functional cure”. seem to be making a difference, The other two members of and might even have led to an the team, Dr. Hannah Gay of increase in the risk of infecthe University of Mississippi tion.

LONDON LONDON Only one case Luzuriaga and her colleagues presented their case report at a conference last March, cautiously pointing out that while this cure is unprecedented, it is only one case. It does, however, suggest that early and aggressive treatment of pediatric AIDS could result in a cure, without children having to take the drugs for the rest of their life. Pediatric AIDS is still a major problem, with some 300,000 new infections each year in the world. What struck me was that the local press initially only picked up on the president’s making it to the list. After the Time awards ceremony on April 23, there has been some, but, I feel, not enough, mention of Luzuriaga, who is acknowledged as one of the experts in the field of pediatric AIDS. She is also professor of pediatrics and molecular medicine at the University of Massachusetts, and directs the university’s Center for Clinical and Translational Medicine. (If you’re wondering, translational medicine involves linking research to actual applications in clinical practice.) Even more importantly, the work of Luzuriaga and her two colleagues once again emphasize the contributions of women scientists, and how they remain all too invisible. (Michael L. Tan is a medical anthropologist and a veterinarian. He is currently dean of the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy at the University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City, and Clinical Professor at the College of Medicine at UP Manila. He has been involved in numerous research projects on a range of issues including HIV/ AIDS prevention.) n

MAY 2012 2013 APRIL






MAY 2013


Verbatim The Church must refuse to play with the fire of political power or it risks burning herself.

Lingayen-Dagupan Archbishop Socrates Villegas, calling on his fellow bishops to refrain from engaging in overt political acts in the May elections, saying it is a game that the Church will end up as “loser” in the end

Talagang, oh my gosh! It was a yummy kiss.

It makes me squirm when I watch on television a cleric mouthing a political vocabulary.

Actress Anne Curtis, describing her best screen kiss ever with Derek Ramsay in the movie No Other Woman

Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago, criticising the Catholic Church for engaging in politics, adding that there is no so-called Catholic vote

If you go for the perks first before service, politics will eat your soul and you will be fat and dirt-ugly despite the designer barong and plastered smile. You will also go to hell!

Claudine was not a Television host and TV Patrol weatherman Kim Atienza’s Teleserye Princess. advice to celebrities in politics She was ABS-CBN Teleserye Queen Kung anu-ano during her time, just like you ang sinasabi sa were ST anak ko. Para Queen bang kasalanang during yours. mortal ang Inday Barretto, maging tatay mother of the niya ang vice famous Barretto sisters in showbiz, president. in a scathing open letter to eldest daughter Gretchen in which she took the side of Claudine in the latter’s feud with Gretchen. “ST” refers to “sex trip”, as Gretchen was once known as the “Sex Trip Queen” for her daring roles in a number of sexy movies in her younger years.

Vice President Jejomar Binay, defending the senatorial ambition of his daughter Nancy, who, critics say, is unqualified and is only riding on the popularity of her father

Insanity in two words is Philippine politics.

Independent senatorial candidate Ricardo Penson, condemning political dynasties in the country which, he says, now make up 70 percent of the legislature

MAY 2012 2013 APRIL







AOAY, Ilocos Norte -- It is close to midnight and Imelda Marcos is dancing in a trademark pink butterfly gown at a small town fiesta with adoring voters who still revere her dead dictator husband.

At an age when many others are in nursing homes, the tireless 83-year-old is on the campaign trail, aiming to keep her seat in Congress in next week’s mid-term elections and continue her family’s remarkable political resurrection. “It’s funny because the older I become the more committed I am and the more I feel I can do it,” Marcos told AgenceFancePresse on the weekend from the family’s ancestral home in the rural north of the country before heading to the nearby fiesta. The widow of Ferdinand Marcos is seen as a certainty to win after first being elected to Congress in 2010, representing half of Ilocos Norte province whose voters have stayed loyal to the family throughout decades of tumultuous politics. But the matriarch has eyes on a bigger prize — a return to Malacañang Palace as first mother via her son, Ferdinand Marcos Jr., who is sitting comfortably in the Senate and eyeing a 2016 run for the top job. “You always have dreams for your children, and the more they can serve the people, the better,” Marcos said when asked about her charismatic son’s wellknown presidential ambitions. Ferdinand Jr., popularly known by his nickname, “Bongbong”, appears well-positioned for a presidential run after one in three voters nationally elected him to the Senate for a sixyear term in 2010. Their political fortunes have come a long way from 1986, when millions of people took to the streets in a bloodless “people power” revolution to end the patriarch’s two-decade rule of the country and force

MAY 2013


Imelda Marcos Evokes Glory Days

Imelda Marcos on the campaign trail in Ilocos Norte. them into US exile. Former president Ferdinand Marcos, his wife and their cronies were accused of stealing billions of dollars. Human rights campaigners said thousands of the regime’s critics were murdered or jailed, while martial law also muzzled the press. Imelda Marcos’s giant shoe collection, jet-setting lifestyle and other extravagances — while the majority of the population endured crushing poverty — came to symbolize the excesses of her husband’s rule. But the current government is winding down a global wealth hunt for the embezzled Marcos billions, and the family has been able to beat every charge of corruption against it. The Philippines is run by a remarkably small number of political families and, in many respects, the Marcos family has been welcomed back into the elite fold. One of the few consolations for the family’s critics is that Ferdinand Marcos died in disgrace while exiled in Hawaii, three years after the revolution. At the fiesta in Paoay town on Saturday night (May 4), Imelda Marcos evoked her glory

days as she paraded around a dance floor in a pink evening gown with bare shoulders and signature puffed sleeves. In between dance numbers on the sultry night, a young male politician running for a local post sat next to her and furiously wielded a red fan. Other politicians stood on stage to publicly express their support, and she delivered the headline speech of the night — albeit a rambling one that betrayed her advancing years. Early the next day she began travelling around the district showing off her public support to a group of international and local journalists via a series of well-orchestrated campaign events. At each town the media were guided into “mothering centers”, small concrete-walled clinics she has had built across her district offering a hodgepodge of services from medical care to handicrafts training. During stops she cradled babies and shared native cakes with old women. Two aides carrying red shoulder bags handed out superhero plastic toys and dolls to other children, and money to a few adult supporters.

HonesiaAknam, an elderly woman with blackened stumps for teeth, embraced her political idol in the hill town of Nueva Era and later gushed as she showed to AFP a P500 ($12) bill that she said a Marcos aide slipped into her hand. “I’ve not seen her for a while so I came here. She looks beautiful still, like a young woman,” Aknam said. Catholic priest Danilo Laeda said the family was genuinely liked in the dry, sun-baked region due to the enduring political largesse of good roads and other infrastructure in the Marcos era. “And they see Bongbong as the personification of the father,” Laeda, the parish priest of San Nicolas town, told AFP. However, Laeda acknowledged that the air was rife with rumors that the Marcos family was giving out lots of money directly to voters to buy their support for allies seeking local elective posts. Rival candidate Ferdinand Ignacio claims Imelda Marcos illegally spent huge pork barrel funds and farm levies collected from tobacco products ahead of the vote for pet projects such as the “mothering centres” and buses for farmers. “They (Marcoses) are not popular, they are just moneyed people. They buy people here, that’s why they’re winning the elections,” Ignacio, a 49-year-old lawyer from Paoay, told AFP. Marcos dismissed her rival’s allegations of vote-buying, illegal use of government funds and general corruption. “I always take criticism as some kind of advice, but sometimes it’s ridiculous advice or criticism…. we don’t wallow in what is not positive,” she said. (Agence France-Presse) n

MAY 2012 2013 APRIL







MAY 2013


After the Box Office, Celebrities Eye the T Ballot Box

HEY used to act out different roles, read lines and call it a living. Now, some of the country’s celebrities – past and present – are reinventing themselves as politicians, eyeing not the box office but the ballot box this time. Their possible political careers premiere on May 13, Election Day, when the country decides whether or not the celebrity-candidates can do justice to the new roles for which they are auditioning. Will Ate Vi have a re-run of her past wins or will Richard Gomez (a.k.aGoma) finally get that elusive role as senator, mayor, congressman or whatever position he wants next? In this mid-term elections, two old showbiz tandems – Christopher de Leon and Vilma Santos, and Joey Marquez and Alma Moreno – are both running for office, though not as teams. Boyet wants to become a congressman in the second district of Batangas where he used to be a board member in 2010, while Ate Vi hopes to be reelected governor of Batangas. Joey, the former live-in partner of presidential sister Kris Aquino, is campaigning to be the next congressman in the second district of Parañaque City. He first served as a vice

Richard and Lucy join the Yellow Army of Team PNoy.

This mid-term elections is also characterized by the rise of new political dynasties. Lani Mercado, wife of Senator Bong Revilla, is seeking reelection as congresswoman in the second district of Cavite. Their son Ramon Revilla III, popularly known as Jolo, is eyeing the vice gubernatorial seat of the province. Bong’s brother, Strike Revilla, is running again to retain his seat as mayor of Bacoor town. Sarangani Congressman Manny Pacquiao appears to be seriously preparing now for his exit from boxing. A shoo-in to retain his congressional seat for the second time, Manny is busy building his own political dynasty. His wife,Jinkee, is running for vice governor of Sarangani while his brother wants to be the representative of General Santos City. For some reasons (could it be the pork barrel?), Congress is the prime target of many celebrities, who include Aga Muhlach in the fourth district of Camarines Sur,Imelda Papin in San Jose del Monte City in Bulacan, Alfred Vargas in the fifth district of Quezon City, Annabelle Rama in the first district of Cebu, Shalani Soledad in the second district of Valenzuela City, andLino Cayetano in the fourth district of Taguig City. Other celebrities-turned politicians who have found their new career addictive are former President Joseph Estrada who wants to end his political career as mayor of Manila; Quezon City Mayor Herbert Bautista, who is seeking reelection; Isko Moreno, who is Erap’s running mate in Manila; and Jeorge Ejercito Estregan, who is eyeing a second term as governor of Laguna. n

mayor from 1995 to 2004 and became a mayor for three terms in the same city. He lost his bid for Congress in 2004 and for the mayoralty in 2010. Joey’s ex-wife, Alma Moreno, now married to Marawi City Mayor Sultan Fahad Salic, is on her second term as councilor of the first district of Parañaque City. Alma had earlier fancied herself as a senatorial candidate, but her multiple sclerosis and low popularity rating limited her political ambitions to city politics, where she is seeking a third term. Goma, meanwhile, is running for mayor of Ormoc City. The actor has been desperate to get into politics for years now. His first stab at it was in 2001

as a party list representative for MamamayanAyawsaDroga. He also made an unsuccessful run for the Senate in 2007. Three years later, he offered himself to be the next congressman of Ormoc, only to be disqualified for failing to establish his residency in the city. Frustrated, Goma fielded his wife, model Lucy Torres, who had better luck snagging the congressional seat he had sought. However, late in her term, the Supreme Court ousted her as the representative of the fourth district of Leyte because, the high court said, she could not have validly substituted for her husband. On May 13, she will try to recover her place in the halls of Congress.

London Edition

SPLASH Philippines, London Edition, is published once a month by Splash Press.

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MAY 2012 2013 APRIL


Philippines vows better protection for journalists


HE Philippines has vowed to end a culture of impunity after being ranked the third most dangerous place for journalists. For the fourth consecutive year, the Philippines has come third on the US-based Committee To Protect Journalists’ Impunity Index. Presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda says the government has increased efforts to combat violence against journalists which includes forming a task force to investigate human rights abuses and media killings. Police say of eight journalists have been murdered under President Benigno Aquino’s administration. Six deaths were unrelated to the victims’ profession. But the Philippines National Union of Journalists says the country’s high ranking in the impunity index is a reflection of its failure

For the fourth consecutive year, the Philippines has come third on the US-based Committee To Protect Journalists’ Impunity Index. to address media killings victed, adding that none of and prosecute sus-PAGE thoseAD convicted were masterFULL pects. minds of the killings. The union says 15 The index results come as the journalists have United Nations urged global been murdered unaction to ensure the safety of der the Aquino govjournalists in every country. ernment. Observing World Press FreeIt says only 10 susdom Day, UN secretary-general pects have been conBan Ki-moon said the cycle of

impunity for crimes committed against journalists must be broken. He says press freedom requires the creation of a safe environment for journalists working in both traditional and digital media. with full news by Shirley Escalante (ABC)



MAY 2013


Children from a slum area play on a rubbish-filled beach in Baseco, Tondo, Manila.

28 Out of 100

Filipinos Live Below Poverty Line T

HE Philippines has failed to make headway in cutting rampant poverty, with more than one in four citizens deemed poor despite the country’s economic growth, according to census figures released last month. The July 2012 poverty rate of 27.9 percent is practically unchanged from 2006 and 2009 data, according to the National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB). Filipinos forced to live on less than US$0.62 a day are considered poor, according to the government’s poverty threshold. In the 1st semester of 2012, poverty threshold for a family of 5 was at P5,458 per month to meet basic food needs. The same family required only P1,681 in 2006 and P2,042 in 2009 to leave the ranks of the poor. If non-food needs -- such as clothing, housing, transportation, health, and education expenses, and others -- are added to the threshold, cut off in 2012 went up to P7,821 earnings a month.

Economic Planning Secretary Arsenio Balisacan said the poverty statistics were “not the dramatic results that we wanted.” He said under-employment in rural areas, security problems in provinces facing insurgencies and warlords, and the falling price of a number of commodities such as sugar were mainly to blame. “If the problem of visible under-employment in agriculture is addressed, then incomes of farmers would increase, poverty incidence would decrease, and we would not be compromising food security,” Balisacan said in a statement.

Jobless growth The nation of about 100 million people posted 6.6 percent economic growth last year, and

this year obtained its first-ever investment-grade rating from Fitch Ratings. However the January 2013 jobless rate stood at 7.1 percent, with a further 20.9 percent under-employed, or working fewer than 40 hours a week. About 41.8 percent of the under-employed are in the farming sector, it said. Norio Usui, Senior Country Economist for the Manila-based Asian Development Bank, said the government must solve the problem of jobless growth if it hoped to reduce poverty. “I am not surprised at all. The benefits of strong economic growth have not spilled over to the people because they still cannot find a job,” he said. He said the Philippines’ economic model depended on consumption, strong remittances from its large overseas workforce and the outsourcing industry, which employs highly educated workers.

Weak industrial base However, the Philippines, with its weak industrial base, has stood out in the region, he added.

“Why do you need a strong industrial base? To give jobs not only to the highly educated college graduates, but also to high school graduates,” Usui said. The government put the annual per capita poverty threshold at 9,385 pesos (227.24 dollars). The state census board found that at least 28.6 percent of the population was considered poor in both 2006 and 2009. Here are highlights of the new poverty data from NSCB: • The poorest provinces now include Bukidnon, Cotabato, Ifugao, Lanao del Norte, North Cotabato; • The Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) remained the poorest region with a poverty incidence of 46.9%; • The least poor provinces are in Luzon; • Income inequality persists, with the bottom 30% only accounting for 6% of the country's national income; • Total income of top 20% families is 8 times the total income of bottom 20% families in the first half of 2012; • The government's budget for conditional cash transfer (CCT) anti-poverty program was only 25% of the required annual cost of eradicating poverty. “Without the CCT, the poverty numbers that we are seeing here could have been higher,” Balisacan said. The level of poverty in the country remained a concern despite glowing reports and impressions about the Philippine economy in general. The Philippines bested other Asian countries except for China by posting an economic growth of 6.6% in 2012. The growth was fuelled mainly by domestic demand. The economy’s performance in 2012 was well above the expansion of 3.9% in 2011 and surpassed the government’s own target of 5% to 6% for 2012. Consumption was stronger than ever as 2012 inflation was at a five-year low at 3.2%. This is within the government’s inflation target of 3% to 5% until 2016. n

MAY 2012 2013 APRIL






MAY 2013



RITISH Ambassador to the Philippines Stephen Lillie beamed when he recounted his experience swimming with the whale shark, or butanding, during a recent family trip in Donsol, Sorsogon.

And this remains etched in his memory as he concludes his four-year diplomatic stint in the country this year. With “fun” experiences like this serving as respite for a hectic schedule, Britain’s top official did not hesitate in saying that the Philippines, indeed, has a lot to offer not only to tourists but to envoys and expats, as well. “Certainly, I agree, it’s more fun in the Philippines,” said Lillie in an interview with the BusinessMirror. “Swimming with the butanding was the single most memorable experience for me. My kids and wife enjoyed it, too,” he said. He revealed that he enjoys bringing his family to the pristine beaches of the Philippines after his official visits to farflung provinces. For the British envoy, the country’s islands serve as both his workplace and playground. Lillie said the natural beauty of the country’s islands, coupled with the hospitality and warmth of the Filipino people, set the country apart from other tourist destinations in the region.

Investment destination In addition to the tropical climate and its beautiful tourist spots, the British envoy believes that the Philippines has now become an attractive investment destination. Lillie said this was affirmed by credit-rating agency Fitch, which recently gave the Philippines its first-ever investment-grade rating. “The recent credit-rating upgrade obtained by the Philippines is a great signal to encourage more British companies to explore [business] opportuni-

Ambassador Lillie (left) meets with Moro Islamic Liberation Front chief Al Haj MuradEbrahim during the former’s visit to the MILF’s headquarters in Camp Darapanan in Maguindanao in October 2012.

British Envoy: It’s More Fun Working in the Philippines ties here,” he said. “We’re very active, and we’ve done a lot of work in the last four years to draw the attention of the British people to the Philippines,” Lillie added. He noted that the Philippines and Great Britain share common values of democracy, tolerance, freedom and open economy, making it easier for British businesses to invest in the country.

Tremendous potential The British envoy said he hopes that more British businesses will take advantage of the country’s “tremendous potential” in energy, “green” economy and infrastructure. The British Embassy had hosted a series of missions for British companies engaged in renewable energy (RE) in recognition of the huge potential of the Philippines to develop green energy resources. “The ball is in the hands of the Philippines as British com-

panies await the government to set the feed-in tariff rates for RE,” said Lillie. The British envoy lauded the Philippine government for the way it handled the South China Sea disputes. He said the Philippines has also achieved a lot in using its political influence to bring peace and stability in Southeast Asia. Lillie noted that it was upon the prodding of the Philippines that the Association of Southeast Asian Nations took a lead role in helping Burma, now known as Myanmar, with its political transition. As he counts the days toward the conclusion of his diplomatic stint in the Philippines, Lillie said he is hopeful that a final peace agreement between the Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) will be forged soon. He believes that Mindanao, with its natural beauty and vast natural resources, has great potential for economic growth.

Peace-building role

The British envoy considers the role of the British Embassy in peace-building in Mindanao as one of the milestones of his duty. “Professionally, my visit to Camp Darapanan in Maguindanao to meet with MILF Chairman Al Haj MuradEbrahim was the most memorable, as well,” said Lillie. The visit late last year to the MILF-controlled area was part of Britain’s contribution as a member of the International Contact Team of the peace panel for the Philippine government-MILF peace talks. Lillie said the Philippines will not be far from his mind once he returns to his home in London. For the British envoy, who is used to cold weather, the “warmth and endearment of the Filipino people” are definitely worth coming back for. (BusinessMirror) n

MAY 2012 2013 APRIL




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16 32


MAY 2013 APRIL 2012



MAY 2012 2013 APRIL






MAY 2013



HE Chinita Princess looks as if she’s well on her way to being a queen. Recently turned 23, Kim Chiu has stepped out of her cocoon as an erstwhile provincial lass. She has emerged bolder, wiser and fiercer. She is on the cusp of becoming a strong, powerful woman and none of the current intrigues and distractions can stop her.

At 23, Kim Takes On the World

Kim celebrated her 23rd birthday last April 19 and like any big star in the industry, surprise parties left and right were hosted by fans and supporters. But Kim had a surprise of her own. She posted a photo of herself on Instagram wearing a bikini with the caption: “another year has passed.. today ill be facing another chapter of my life.. THANK YOU everyone for being part of my 22 im soooo happy for everything that has come my way,,, a lot of things happened good and bad but im thankful because i enjoy and i’ve learned a lot!!! a lot!!!! thank you for all the laughters and happiness 22!!! i wish on my 23 will be more happier and more exciting, 23 be good to me, 23 here i come, 23 im READY for you you!!!!! #happy #blessed #thankful #grateful #feelsoloved salamat sa greetings!!!” Although photos of celebrities donning a two-piece swimsuit is dime-a-dozen in the industry, this is quite a big deal for Kim because it’s the first time that the public has seen her in such an outfit. But Kim is quick to dispel rumors that she is now moving on to play more daring roles. “Side view lang iyon. One angle lang ng body. Hindi mo nga kita ang tiyan ko,” Kim says.

Kim bares her back on the cover of Metro magazine. She claims that she is not ready to ditch the completely wholesome image that she has been known for in showbiz.” Huwag naman muna, okey pa ako na ganito. Isang picture lang.” She likewise bared her back for the May anniversary issue of Metro Magazine. The mag’s cover story describes the birthday girl as “fierce and fabulous”. To say that Kim has grown up would be an understatement. Clearly, the once teeny-bopper Kapamilya talent is now ready for bigger things and challenges. In a recent interview with Boy Abunda on The Buzz, Kim openly addressed issues concerning her life and the controversy involving her ex boyfriend Gerald Anderson and former best friend Maja Salvador. It will be recalled that the two female lead stars of top-rating teleserye Ina, Kapatid, Anak

The birthday girl poses in a bikini and shares photo on Instagram. were once very good friends until rumors began to spread that Maja was now seeing Kim’s ex, Gerald. “It’s easy to forgive,” Kim replied when Boy asked if she

had already forgiven Maja and Gerald. “Siyempre madaling magpatawad, pero mahirap kalimutan yung ginawa nila.” Kim felt that she was betrayed when her erstwhile best friend, to whom she had confided details about her relationship with Gerald, later hooked up with her former boyfriend. Throughout the whole MajaGerald brouhaha, Kim said she found solace in the unstinting support of her loyal fans and in the kind-heartedness of rumored boyfriend Xian Lim. When asked if she and Xian are already going steady, Kim replied: “Hindi ko masagot ‘yan, pero masaya ako na nandiyan siya.” Kim says she is moving on and looking forward to a happier and more enduring relationship in the not-too-distant future. Everyone dreams of a good life, after all, she says. But Kim adds: “Time will tell and, siguro, hindi pa ngayon.” For now, Kim is concentrating on her stellar career. She’s now a wiser, stronger young lady ready to face what the ever-ruthless world of showbiz has in store for her. Just a few days ago, Kim posted a rather interesting photo on her instagram account @chinitaprincess. The photo contains the text: “People will question all the good things they hear about you but believe all the bad without a second thought.” Kim added her own thoughts with the caption: “life goes on and on and on and on............. may God bless you all #people #opinions”. It’s quite obvious that, like most people her age, the famous celebrity has her own fare share of demons that she must struggle with. Which is why for her birthday, Kim said that her wish is for God to give her more strength. In the same interview with The Buzz, Kim revealed that her prayer is “for God to give me more strength para maitayo ko ang sarili ko and tinutulungan naman Niya ako, alam ko naman yun.” n

MAY 2013





Tarlac, here comes Kris!

THE rumor that Kris Aquino is planning to join politics is true, after all. No less than the presidential sister herself has confirmed that she is eyeing a local elective position in 2016 so, she said, she can contribute something to the country. But although she is a resident of Makati, she does not intend to challenge her friend, Makati Mayor Junjun Binay. In her words, “mahirap tibagin ang mga Binay.” Instead, she plans to run as governor of her home province, Tarlac. “The incumbent (Tarlac) governor Vic Yap is now running for his last term. He said he would give it to me (to run for),” said Kris, who will be 45 in 2016. Her father, the late Sen. Ninoy Aquino, was 22 when he became mayor of Concepcion, Tarlac. Kris said she plans to take up a post-graduate course to prepare her for governance. Her friend, Sen. Chiz Escudero, would be her mentor, she said. “Chiz would be the one to do my assignments,” she joked. In a more serious tone, Kris said, “I want to have credentials. . . Gusto ko may maiambag naman para sa bayan.”

Heart‘s in control of her life now

HEART Evangelista sheds her sweet image as she appears on the cover of a men’s magazine, wearing a white, low-neck

tank top and black underwear. The 28-year-old actress is also seen wearing sexy underwear in a behind-the-scenes interview with Esquire Philippines magazine. Heart, whose ongoing relationship with Sen. Chiz Escudero has earned her parents’ ire, says she feels liberated and different now. When she was younger, she said she was “content” and “didn’t want to want anything else.” “It’s when I turned 28 that I realized [that] what I do today will make my life ten years from now,” she said. Asked to comment on his girlfriend’s sexy pose, the 43year-old lawmaker said he is in no position to prevent her from appearing on the cover of a men’s magazine. “Nasa edad na siya, kaya na niyang magpasya sa sarili niya. Siguro

kung humihingi lang ng payo, ng paalala, doon lang siguro. Pero maliban doon, hindi ko pinanghihimasukan at pinapakialaman,” he said.

Gretchen, Claudine tight-lipped on feud

Gretchen vs Claudine

SISTERS Gretchen and Claudine Barretto chose to remain silent and keep to the sidelines but other family members took center stage and blew wide open the latest family feud that threatens to break the family apart. What began as a seemingly petty exchange of posts



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Showbuzz on social networking sites that were traced to Gretchen and Claudine has developed into an open media war and dragged the mother and two siblings into the controversy. In a harsh open letter to Gretchen, the mother, Inday Barretto, took the cudgels for Claudine and disowned Gretchen. A brother, Joaquin, came to Gretchen’s defense and appealed to his mother to “put a stop to this before our family totally falls apart while there is still something to save.” Then a sister, Gia, echoed their mother’s appeal to Gretchen to stop hurting their family and “just disappear from our lives.” Admitting that she was hurting, Gretchen would not comment on whether she was open to patching things up with her mother and sisters. “I have no answer for a possibility of reconciliation,” Gretchen said in a statement she sent to The Buzz. Claudine said she would talk about the issue “at the right time.”

Marian open to network transfer

MARIAN Rivera has parted ways with her manager of seven years, saying the move is imperative to her “freedom” to make career deci-

sions independently. The 28year-old Kapuso star said her decision to leave her long-time manager, Popoy Caritativo, is also due to difficulties in their working relationship. “Siguro hindi na nagiging productive ‘yung relationship bilang talent at bilang manager. May tampuhan. For seven years, ganoon ang nangyayari,” she told reporters.

Jericho and Kim Marian, who is one of the top talents of GMA-7, said her career is now under the management of showbiz veteran Tony Tuviera, who was her manager for a time before she became a talent of Caritativo’s firm, Luminary Talent Management. Under Tuviera’s management, Marian is set to negotiate her contract with GMA-7, which will expire in August this year. She added that she is open to the possibility of working under different TV networks.

Echo says he found ‘right girl’

JERICHO Rosales revealed that he was ready to quit showbiz and leave for New York when he met Kim Jones, who is now his girlfriend for more than a year. “That was the time when I wanted to give up already, when I wanted to move to New York, that was before signing up with ABS-CBN ... and then I met Kim,” he said in an interview on the

late-night talk show Martin Late @ Night. Echo was introduced to Kim, an Australian commercial model, in March 2011 by a common friend. Kim, who hosts a lifestyle television show on local cable, said that the actor eventually won her over through their shared passion for sports and his sense of humor. “It’s very seldom that you meet a person in this business na talagang parang normal person,” Echo said of his girlfriend. “Parang, like, whatever happens, parang walang arte sa katawan, talagang chill lang talaga, parang normal person.” He said they have discussed marriage. “Pinag-usapan namin, pinagbibiruan namin. I think I found the one for me and that’s her,” he said.

Maricar and crooner are engaged

MARICAR Reyes is engaged to singer Richard Poon. The crooner made the announcement to the media during the launch of his first pop album,

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Showbuzz ings of [It’s] Showtime. We’re very happy with Showtime,” she said in a press conference. Meanwhile, the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board placed Willie’s noontime show on TV5, Wowowillie, on a three-month probation after the MTRCB ruled that the outfits of the show’s dancers on April 16 were “too revealing.” Last March, the agency also called the attention of the show after Willie lambasted his guest co-hosts Ethel Booba and Ate Gay live on air.

From Nora to Hilda to Lorna

Maricar and Richard Legends, last April 29. “Oo [engaged na],” Richard said, without giving further details about their planned wedding. “Kapag may detalye ‘yan, probably dahan-dahan ay ibibigay namin,” he added. Richard praised the Kapamilya actress for being a “very simple” bride-to-be. “I like her because she’s very simple, ‘di siya ‘bilhan mo ‘ko noon, bilhan mo ako niyan.’ She’s a very private person. Simpleng joy lang, sasabihin niya, ‘gusto ko makasama ka, usap tayo nang maayos.’ Gusto lang niya maganda ‘yung conversation.” Asked if he has accepted Maricar’s controversial past, the singer replied: “A lot of us can be offended by many things. Kaya lang, ako mismo ay sablay din. So who am I to judge na I cannot accept a certain thing or another thing kung ako mismo ay sablay ako?. . . Ang dami kong shortcomings and character flaws. So, I’m not in the position to judge anyone.” Maricar was dragged into Hayden Kho’s infamous sex video scandal, along with Katrina Halili.

ABS-CBN: Willie’s return ‘not true’

ABS-CBN president and chief executive officer Charo Santos-Concio has denied rumors that controversial host Willie Revillame will return to the Kapamilya network. The rumors were fueled by the fact that Willie’s contract with TV5 will expire soon. Willie left ABSCBN in 2010. “That’s not true. We’re not in talks with Willie Revillame. We’re very happy with the rat-

AFTER her acclaimed performance in Brillante Mendoza’s indie movie, Thy Womb, Nora Aunor was looking forward to doing another indie and advocacy film, the life story of Mrs. Edita Burgos, mother of the missing activist Jonas Burgos. Nora and director Joel Lamangan had talked about the Edita Burgos project and she accepted to do it without qualms. “Alam mo naman ako, basta may kabuluhan na pelikula, gagawin ko with all my heart,” she said. Much to everyone’s surprise, the coveted role

went to Lorna Tolentino. Asked about it, Dennis Evangelista, line producer of The Edita Burgos Story, explained: “We really had preliminary talks with Ms. Aunor and she said yes, she’d do it. But after that, we learned that she had still many commitments with TV5 that needed to be fulfilled. Besides, at that time Ms. Aunor became very sickly. So we offered it to Ms. Hilda Koronel, but her husband did not allow her to do it, since she’s gone back to the US where she’s now residing with her family. So we offered it to Ms. Lorna Tolentino, and she gladly accepted our offer.” n



MAY 2013


Corregidor Rocks T By bernard l. supetran

O many Filipinos who have been away for so long from their motherland, Corregidor recalls images of a ruined island fortress that bore the brunt of the opening salvos of World War II in the Pacific.

Converted into a memorial and museum after the war, its main attraction has been a guided tour aboard a tranviathemed tourist bus around its historic spots. Dubbed “The Rock,” the island was a Spanish naval checkpoint later rearmed by the Americans as a fortress. It fought in the fiercest battles in 1942 against Japan and in its subsequent retaking in 1945 by the Americans, making it among the most heavily bombed islands during the war. Situated at the mouth of Manila Bay, it is at the doorstep of the metropolis and just 75 minutes away from the city’s boardwalk. Regular guided tours run by Sun Cruises Inc. (SCI) take visitors to the key points on the island, such as the “batteries” or series of coastal gun emplacements, tunnels and the ruins of the barracks.

Recreational facilities Interesting finds are the recreational facilities of U.S. servicemen, which showed that the troops were living the good life before war struck. The island’s centerpiece is the Pacific War Memorial, which features a museum, the Eternal Flame metal sculpture and the Altar Dome where the sun pierces through every 12 noon of May 6, the exact time Corregidor was surrendered to the Japanese in 1942.

Brothers-in Arms monument and  Cine Corregidor ruins.

Kayaking at South Beach. Capping the tour is the Malinta Tunnel Light-and-Sound Show, which provides an audio-visual presentation on the Pacific War. In recent years, the rock of valor has been reinventing itself as a unique getaway not just for history buffs, but also for the younger set seeking a slice of everything in one destination—adventure, nature and culture. Corregidor is a now an emerging eco-tourism site and habitat to exotic animal life, thousands of plants and fruitbearing trees. Bird species such as the white-collared kingfishers, Asian glossy starlings, Eurasian tree sparrows and blue rock and Philippine cockatoos have been spotted here, making it a potential bird- watching haven.

Adventure zone To weekend warriors, Corregidor is an adventure zone which they can explore on foot, on their own bicycles or rented all-terrain vehicles (ATV) away from the traditional tranvia bus rides.

Groups of friends can try the Adventure Challenge. Inspired by the TV reality show “The Amazing Race,” it tests the participants’ creativity, planning skills and teamwork. Guests explore the ruins, discover hidden tunnels and decipher clues to complete all the tasks of the game. The 300-meter long, 40feet high ROCKetZipline, which opened in 2009, is a beginner’s initiation to zip-lining, which is safe yet exciting for all ages. Overnight guests can avail of an additional package tour— sunset at Battery Grubbs, the thrilling Malinta Tunnel night lateral tour and sunrise at the Eternal Flame so they can enjoy the island away from the madding crowd. They can also go around the neighboring islands of La Monja, Caballo and El Fraile (Fort Drum), which used to form an American naval defense system.

Kayaking, running Moreover, water sports enthusiasts can paddle around the tranquil South Beach with

the kayaking activities recently introduced. Meanwhile, fitness buffs have also found the island ideal for half-marathon 21-kilometer runs and yoga sessions because of its serenity. For a more relaxed pace, guests can take the island on foot in a more intimate manner via the Old Manila Walks organized by heritage advocate Ivan Man Dy. Because of its old-world charm, Corregidor has been a favorite spot for pre-nuptial wedding shoots, as well as photo boot camps by renowned photographers. With infinite possibilities for enjoyment, the Rock of valor is also now an isle of adventure and nature.

Getting there 1. Sun Cruises Inc. has package tours that leave at 8:00 a.m. at the Folk Arts Theater. Visit www.corregidorphilippines. com or call 011 632 527-5555. 2. For walking tours, visit www.oldmanilawalks.com. 3. Alternate route to Corregidor: Travel by land to to Bgy. Alas-asin in Mariveles, Bataan, then ride a pumpboat to the island (fare P200.00 or $5).Upon reaching Corregidor, register at the Corregidor Foundation Inc. (entrance fee P150.00 or $3.70) then board a rolling tour vehicle (P50.00 or $1.25). (Positively Filipino) n

MAY 2012 2013 APRIL






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Flash Violent Volcano

One of the Philippines’ most active volcanoes, Mayon spews rocks, ash and plumes during its latest explosion last May 7. Five climbers –three Germans, a Spaniardand a Filipino guide – were killed when “room-sized” rocks came raining down on them as they scaled the 8,070-foot mountain in Albay province.

t Labour Day March Poor Man’s Boracay

Thousands of workers march along España Avenue in Manila to mark Labour Day on May 1. The marchers reiterated their call for higher wages, better working conditions, right to form unions in government offices, and lower power rates.


Defying danger and filth, young boys from a slum area in Tondo, Manila, jump from the railing of a bridge into the murky waters of Pasig River to cool themselves from the summer heat. Temperatures in the metropolis continue to sizzle, reaching 36 degrees Celsius in the afternoon.


On Bended Knees

Senatorial hopefuls former Sen. Richard Gordon, former Sen. Miguel Zubiri (1st and 2nd from left), and Nancy Binay (extreme right)join their benefactor, El Shaddaileader Bro. Mike Velarde (middle), and his wife Belen (to his left) in deep prayer during a Mass where Velarde “anointed” the three UNA candidates for opposing the Reproductive Health Law.

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Flash t Tent City in Saudi Undocumented OFWs form a human conveyor to distribute food and other supplies inside a “tent city” near the Philippine Consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. At least 1,000 OFWs have camped outside the consulate and are asking to be repatriated for fear of being arrested by Saudi authorities after a recent crackdown against illegal migrants.

Bevy of Beauties

t t

Confetti rains on BinibiningPilipinas 2013 winners (left to right): 1st runner-up PiaWurtzback, Miss Tourism Joanna Cindy Miranda, Miss Universe Ariella Arida, Miss International Bea Rose Santiago, and Miss Supranational Mutya Johanna Datul at the Smart Arantea Coliseum on April 14.

t Save Manila Bay Artists of TanghalangPilipino’s production of “Ibalong” protest the proposed reclamation of Manila Bay as part of the Earth Day celebration of the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) with the theme “Save Manila Bay. The event began with a fun run and includes performances, concerts and a clean-up.

Kayaking in Palawan

Kayaking is one of the many pleasures offered by El Nido Resorts, a cluster of four eco-resorts in Palawan, which won the prestigious Tourism for Tomorrow Award during the 13th annual World Travel and Tourism Council Global Summit in Abu Dhabi, besting more than a hundred other tourism organizations from more than 46 countries.




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Pinoy and Wildly Western at the Same Time Get along li’l doggie! Masbate’s Rodeo Festival features the expected competitions like bulldogging, bullriding and roping.


Masbateños all dressed up in their finest western duds for the Rodeo Festival.

OR most people, the cowboy is a foreign, distinctly all-American symbol. What usually comes to mind is John Wayne, the Marlboro Man, Buffalo Bill, the Wild West. But for the people of Masbate, the cowboy is more familiar than foreign. As the Philippines’ version of cattle country with a cattle population numbering over 54,000 and as many as 30 ranches, it’s not unusual for locals to grow up learning to ride horses and herd cattle. “Of course, I grew up here,” quipped a local when asked if she knew how to ride a horse. Naturally, the biggest event of the year for Masbateños, bigger even than Christmas or New Year, is the Rodeo Festival, which ran from April 9 to 13 this year, at the rodeo arena right in the heart of Masbate City. Though among the lesserknown of the country’s festivals, a relatively large crowd, nevertheless, lined the streets for the opening parade and

hands do on a regular basis. “It’s a ranch rodeo, yung term. Kasi practice sa rancho yung nilalaro,” Gozum explained. This is the characteristic of the Rodeo Masbateño that sets it apart from others, giving a Filipino flavor that differentiates it from the American practice.

Team effort “Basically ang rodeo dito, hindi katulad sa US na yung show nila sa Las Vegas. Dito kung ano yung pang-arawaraw na ginawa sa rancho, yun din yung ginawa nating competition,” said Gozum. “Ang sa US, iilang events lang - roping, bulldogging, atsaka bullriding.” Rodeo Masbateño president Judge Manuel Sese added that the Filipino rodeo is also different because it involves groups of cowboys working together. “Dito, team-based kasi. Doon [sa Amerika], individual ang pagsali. That’s one difference,” he said. There is also a difference in the animals that they use. As Gozum explained, the European breeds from the American rodeo are more docile than the Asian breeds they use locally.

Smaller horses What sets Masbate’s rodeo apart from its American version is that Filipino rodeo events are team efforts. waited patiently in the heat of the bleachers for the events to begin. It was action-packed from the beginning. It opened formally with a ceremonial cattle branding, which isn’t as simple as it sounds. The cows that were to be branded could not be simply made to lie down. Even before the competition started, participants had already wrestled two cows to the ground and tied them up for the branding.

No dull moment From that point on, there

was barely a dull moment, especially for those who saw the rodeo for the first time. Among the events were cattle wrestling, casting down, two-person and four-person carambola, and bull riding. The latter, for the first time this year, included women competitors. The events themselves were shocking to see for the first-time spectator, who will no doubt gasp at the apparent danger contestants are in every time they step into the arena. But according to rodeo director Leo Gozum, these are activities that ranch workers and cow

“At saka we are using the small animals. Probably they are more on style, walang struggle between the animal and the cowboy. Dito naman, parang paligsahan sa cowboy at saka sa animal,” Sese added. And indeed, while the idea of a rodeo feels so foreign, at the arena, it feels exactly like the Philippines -- where the heat sears and the people laugh and quip relentlessly in Masbateño and Cebuano and Tagalog. At the end of the opening day, the image of the quintessential American cowboy faded like a cowboy riding his horse off into the sunset. In Masbate, the cowboy is brown and smiling, Filipino for sure, and here to stay. (GMA News) n

MAY 2012 2013 APRIL


WHAT’S ON 25 May 2013 Santacruzan in East London 2013 12nn - 6pm Venue: St. Anthony’s Church, Forest Gate, London E7 9QB Contact: 02085343316, 02082576713 E: ericjaryn@aol. com

29 June 2013

Tacloban Fiesta in London 12nn - 10 pm Venue: St Francis Of Assisi Hall, Grove Crescent Road, Stratford, London E15 1NS Contact: ericjaryn@ aol.com


COMMUNITY 25 May 2013 THE AFB Spring Volleyball Tournament 9:00am - 6:00pm City Academy Sports Centre, Russel Town Avenue, Bristol BS5 9JH by the Assoc. of Filipino-British in Bristol

6 July 2013 London Piano Trio and Friends 7:30pm, FULL PAGE ADSt John’s Smith Square, London SW1P 3HA Tickets: £26/22/17/ 12 Contact: 02072221061 www.sjss.org.uk

1-2 June 2013

1 June 2013

Barrio Fiesta Bristol: Eastville Park, Muller Rd Eastville, Bristol, BS5 6XA

Barrio Fiesta Yorkshire: The Racecourse, Boroughbridge Road, Ripon, North Yorkshire HG4 1UG

Contact: Gerome (07717884293) , Honelyn (07783343848), Clarence (07500896239)


8 June 2013

25th Philippine National Day Fundraising Dinner and Dance 2013 Venue: Palace Suite, Royal Garden Hotel, 2-24 Kensington Hi St. London, W8 4PT Contact: 02082658368 Email: imee.pinto@ hotmail.co.uk 14 July 2013

Comedy Garden River Party 4 PM - 8 PM Venue: Thames Riviera Hotel, The Bridge, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 8DW Contact: Ervie 07778684374 Robin 07428677870 E: tekkitevents@ gmail.com

8 June 2013 PHILSCOT INDEPENDENCE DAY St. John’s Church Hall, Hayocks Road, Stevenson, Ayrshire, KA20 4DE

Contact: Lolita Boddy 01765 535015, 07425 949239

Contact: Nally Carroll 01294 461709 Arlene Hunter 01294 601628

8 June 2013

8-9 June 2013

15 June 2013

PH Independence Day in Swindon

Barrio Fiesta Morden: Morden Park, Morden, Greater London SM4 5DX

Barrio Fiesta Oxfordshire: The Quadrangle Conference and Exhibition Centre, The Kassam Stadium, Grenoble Road, Oxford, OX4 4XP

Venue: Park South Community Centre, Cranmore Avenue SN3 2EE Contact: Kristina 07944612297, Cristine 07976375967, May 07718056699

Contact: 02073417431, 07956593236, 07802761446

Contact: Jose Ariel Lanada, chairman@ filcomoxford.org.uk

lo c a l p o s t, a ection officer, a c a n d id a te , n d 1 2 v illa g e

Psp o k e sm a n C e r b o J r., n ts in v o lv e d ms and the rest n a d e e x p lo and strafing, n o c c u rre n c -

28 16 32


MAY 2013 APRIL 2012





Bradford Barrio Fiesta 2013 8am - 6 pm Venue: Lady Hill Park, Allerton, Bradford BD15 7TS

Barrio Fiesta Newcastle: Blaydon Rugby Club Field (Carboot Area) Hexham Road, Swalwell, Newcastle NE16 3BN

Barrio Fiesta Leeds: Event Field, Temple Newsam, Leeds, LS15 0AF Contact: Eden Serrano 07809 404580; Chris Dungca 07766 015698; Rowena Greenwood 07717 220095

Contact: Sally Sellars 07886742417 / Bong Bangayan 07824338251

h a p p e n s , th is w ill m a k e th e Ph i l i p p i n e S e n a t e t h e m o s t u n i q u e i n s t i t u t i o n i n t h e SPOTon w o rld 23 SPL s in c e la w m a k in g h a s n o w b e c o m e a fa m ily a ffa ir. As i d e f r o m t h e 1 2 s e n a t o r s , th o s e to b e e le c te d in th e m id te rm p o lls in c lu d e 2 2 9 m e m b e rs o f th e H o u s e o f R e p re s e n ta tiv e s , th e lo w e r c h a m b e r o f C o n g re s s , 8 0 p ro v in c ia l g o v e rn o rs , 8 0 p ro v in c ia l v ic e g o v e rn o rs, 7 6 6 m e m b e rs o f th e p ro v in c ia l le g is la tu re s , 1 3 8 c ity m a y o rs , 1 3 8 c ity v ic e m a y o r s , 1 ,5 3 2 m e m b e r s o f th e c ity c o u n c ils , 1 ,4 9 6 to w n o r m u n ic ip a l m a y o r s , 1 ,4 9 6 m u n ic ip a l v ic e m a y o rs , a n d 1 1 ,9 7 2 m e m b e r s o f th e m u n ic ip a l c o u n c ils . I n t h e Au t o n o m o u s R e g i o n i n M u s l i m M i n d a n a o ( AR M M ) , t h e u n i q u e d i s t i n c t i o n o f h a v th e re w ill e le c t o n e re g io n a l in g th e m o s t fre e -w h e e lin g y e t th e b lo o d ie s t p o litic a l e x e rc is e g o v e rn o r, o n e re g io n a l v ic e g o v e rn o r, a n d 2 4 re g io n a l a s - b e in g h e ld e v e ry th re e y e a rs . s e m b l y m e m b e r s . Pa r t y - l i s t As o f m i d d l e o f l a s t m o n t h , t h e Ph i l i p p i n e N a t i o n a l Po l i c e h a s re p re s e n ta tiv e s w ill a ls o b e a lre a d y re p o rte d s o m e 4 5 e le c e le c te d . tio n -re la te d in c id e n ts th ro u g h I n to ta l, th e r e w ill b e 1 8 ,0 2 2 o u t th e c o u n ty . n a tio n a l a n d lo c a l p o s itio n s to b e d e c i d e d i n M a y ’ s e l e c t i o n s . Am o n g t h o s e k i l l e d d u e t o Am o n g t h e c o u n t r i e s i n S o u t h - e l e c t i o n - r e l a t e d v i o l e n c e w e r e e a s t As i a , t h e Ph i l i p p i n e s h a s a t o w n m a y o r , o n e a n n o u n c e d

MAY 2013


c a n d id a te fo r a lo c a l p o s t, a councilor, an election officer, tw o s u p p o rte rs o f a c a n d id a te , o n e v illa g e h e a d a n d 1 2 v illa g e officials. Ac c o r d i n g t o PN P s p o k e s m a n C h i e f Ge n e r o s o C e r b o J r . , m o s t o f th e in c id e n ts in v o lv e d the use of firearms and the rest w e re d u e to g re n a d e e x p lo sions, stabbing and strafing, w h ic h a re c o m m o n o c c u rre n c -

e s in th e ru n -u p to a n y e le c tio n i n t h e Ph i l i p p i n e s . C e rb o , h o w e v e r, s a id th a t th e p e a c e a n d o rd e r s itu a tio n in th e c o u n try is b e tte r c o m p a re d to th e e le c tio n in 2 0 1 0 w h e n o v e r 2 0 0 e le c tio n -re la te d c a s e s w e re re c o rd e d d u rin g th e c a m p a ig n p e rio d . H e a ttrib u te d th e d ro p in e le c tio n -re la te d v io le n c e to th e e ff o r t s o f t h e PN P, t h e C o m m i s -

23 SPL July 2013 13-14


Fiesta sa Cardiff 2013: University Hospital of Wales Sports and Social Club, Heath Park, Cardiff, CF14 4XW

Pista sa Bristol 2013: Eastville Park, Muller Road, Bristol, BS5 6XA Contact: Julius 07786 320131 Mann 07590560663 Joan 07545466362 Sherwin 07521299026, Vivian 07889005076

s i o n o n El e c t i o n s , t h e m i l i t a r y a n d th e c a n d id a te s a n d p o litic ia n s th e m s e lv e s w h o a re d o in g th e ir p a rt in p re v e n tin g v io le n c e . T h e re is a ls o a b a n o n c a rry ing firearms in public which is p rim a rily a im e d a t c u rb in g v io le n c e lin k e d to e le c tio n s . T h e b a n w ill e n d o n J u n e 1 3 o r a m o n th a fte r th e e le c tio n s . T h e re is a p ro life ra tio n o f u n lic e n s e d g u n s a c ro s s th e c o u n try a n d s o m e p o litic ia n s a re k n o w n to e m p lo y p riv a te m ilitia s to th re a te n riv a ls a n d v o te rs . Po l i c e d a t a s h o w t h a t t h e r e w e r e 1 .2 m illio n r e g is te r e d firearms in the Philippines as o f la s t y e a r, w ith ro u g h ly a n other 600,000 unlicensed firea rm s in c irc u la tio n . T h e b lo o d ie s t e le c tio n -re la te d in c id e n t in th e c o u n try w h ic h h a s s h o c k e d th e w h o le w o rld w a s th e M a g u in d a n a o m a s s a c re o n N o v . 2 3 , 2 0 0 9 w h e n 5 8 p e o p le , in c lu d in g 3 4 p ro v in c ia l jo u rn a lis ts , w e re g u n n e d d o w n in c o ld b lo o d in a re m o te v i l l a g e i n t h e t o w n o f Am p a t u a n , in M a g u in d a n a o p ro v in c e in C e n tra l M in d a n a o in s o u th e r n Ph i l i p p i n e s . with full news from PhilStar

13 July 2013

6-7 July 2013

e s in th e ru n -u p to a n y e le c tio n i n t h e Ph i l i p p i n e s . C e rb o , h o w e v e r, s a id th a t th e p e a c e a n d o rd e r s itu a tio n in th e c o u n try is b e tte r c o m p a re d to th e e le c tio n in 2 0 1 0 w h e n o v e r 2 0 0 e le c tio n -re la te d c a s e s w e re re c o rd e d d u rin g th e c a m p a ig n p e rio d . H e a ttrib u te d th e d ro p in e le c tio n -re la te d v io le n c e to th e e ff o r t s o f t h e PN P, t h e C o m m i s -


6 July 2013




30 June 2013

Elections... from SPL 1



7 July 2013

by the BritishFilipino Association of Bradford



www.planetphilippines.uk.com www.planetphilippines.uk.com

Barrio Fiesta Birmingham: Woodgate Valley Country Park, Clapgate Lane, Bartley Green, Birmingham B32 3DS


Contact: Richard 07414442151, Jhune 07855 294528, Lito 07956211903

Contact: Rozen Malonzo 07985159203 / 01212446900; Noel Azuro 07861805260

20-21 July 2013

27 July 2013

3-4 August 2013

Barrio Fiesta sa London 2013

Barrio Fiesta Mitcham: Three Kings Piece, Commonside West Road, Mitcham, Surrey CR4 4HA

Milton Keynes Fiesta 2013: Campbell Park, Avebury Boulevard, Milton Keynes, MK9 4AD


MAY 2013

Elections... from SPL 1

s i o n o n El e c t i o n s , t h e m i l i t a r y a n d th e c a n d id a te s a n d p o litic ia n s th e m s e lv e s w h o a re d o in g th e ir p a rt in p re v e n tin g v io le n c e . T h e re is a ls o a b a n o n c a rry ing firearms in public which is p rim a rily a im e d a t c u rb in g v io le n c e lin k e d to e le c tio n s . T h e b a n w ill e n d o n J u n e 1 3 o r a m o n th a fte r th e e le c tio n s . T h e re is a p ro life ra tio n o f u n lic e n s e d g u n s a c ro s s th e c o u n try a n d s o m e p o litic ia n s a re k n o w n to e m p lo y p riv a te m ilitia s to th re a te n riv a ls a n d v o te rs . Po l i c e d a t a s h o w t h a t t h e r e w e r e 1 .2 m illio n r e g is te r e d firearms in the Philippines as o f la s t y e a r, w ith ro u g h ly a n other 600,000 unlicensed firea rm s in c irc u la tio n . T h e b lo o d ie s t e le c tio n -re la te d in c id e n t in th e c o u n try w h ic h h a s s h o c k e d th e w h o le w o rld w a s th e M a g u in d a n a o m a s s a c re o n N o v . 2 3 , 2 0 0 9 w h e n 5 8 p e o p le , in c lu d in g 3 4 p ro v in c ia l jo u rn a lis ts , w e re g u n n e d d o w n in c o ld b lo o d in a re m o te v i l l a g e i n t h e t o w n o f Am p a t u a n , in M a g u in d a n a o p ro v in c e in C e n tra l M in d a n a o in s o u th e r n Ph i l i p p i n e s . with full news from PhilStar

h a p p e n s , th is w ill m a k e th e Ph i l i p p i n e S e n a t e t h e m o s t u n iq u e in s titu tio n in th e w o rld s in c e la w m a k in g h a s n o w b e c o m e a fa m ily a ffa ir. As i d e f r o m t h e 1 2 s e n a t o r s , th o s e to b e e le c te d in th e m id te rm p o lls in c lu d e 2 2 9 m e m b e rs o f th e H o u s e o f R e p re s e n ta tiv e s , th e lo w e r c h a m b e r o f C o n g re s s , 8 0 p ro v in c ia l g o v e rn o rs , 8 0 p ro v in c ia l v ic e g o v e rn o rs, 7 6 6 m e m b e rs o f th e p ro v in c ia l le g is la tu re s , 1 3 8 c ity m a y o rs , 1 3 8 c ity v ic e m a y o r s , 1 ,5 3 2 m e m b e r s o f th e c ity c o u n c ils , 1 ,4 9 6 to w n o r m u n ic ip a l m a y o r s , 1 ,4 9 6 m u n ic ip a l v ic e m a y o rs , a n d 1 1 ,9 7 2 m e m b e r s o f th e m u n ic ip a l c o u n c ils . I n t h e Au t o n o m o u s R e g i o n i n M u s l i m M i n d a n a o ( AR M M ) , th e re w ill e le c t o n e re g io n a l g o v e rn o r, o n e re g io n a l v ic e g o v e rn o r, a n d 2 4 re g io n a l a s s e m b l y m e m b e r s . Pa r t y - l i s t re p re s e n ta tiv e s w ill a ls o b e e le c te d . I n to ta l, th e r e w ill b e 1 8 ,0 2 2 n a tio n a l a n d lo c a l p o s itio n s to b e d e c id e d in M a y ’s e le c tio n s . Am o n g t h e c o u n t r i e s i n S o u t h e a s t As i a , t h e Ph i l i p p i n e s h a s

Venue: The Apps Court Farm (Hurst Road, Waltonon-Thames, KT12 2EG)

th e u n iq u e d is tin c tio n o f h a v in g th e m o s t fre e -w h e e lin g y e t th e b lo o d ie s t p o litic a l e x e rc is e b e in g h e ld e v e ry th re e y e a rs . As o f m i d d l e o f l a s t m o n t h , t h e Ph i l i p p i n e N a t i o n a l Po l i c e h a s a lre a d y re p o rte d s o m e 4 5 e le c tio n -re la te d in c id e n ts th ro u g h o u t th e c o u n ty . Am o n g t h o s e k i l l e d d u e t o e le c tio n -re la te d v io le n c e w e re a to w n m a y o r, o n e a n n o u n c e d

Organisers: 07867940447 or londonbarriofiesta@yahoo.com



AN AR 201


APRIL 2013 APRIL 2012












c a n d id a te fo r a lo c a l p o s t, a councilor, an election officer, tw o s u p p o rte rs o f a c a n d id a te , o n e v illa g e h e a d a n d 1 2 v illa g e officials. Ac c o r d i n g t o PN P s p o k e s m a n C h i e f Ge n e r o s o C e r b o J r . , m o s t o f th e in c id e n ts in v o lv e d the use of firearms and the rest w e re d u e to g re n a d e e x p lo sions, stabbing and strafing, w h ic h a re c o m m o n o c c u rre n c -

s i o n o n El e c t i o n s , t h e m i l i t a r y a n d th e c a n d id a te s a n d p o litic ia n s th e m s e lv e s w h o a re d o in g th e ir p a rt in p re v e n tin g v io le n c e . T h e re is a ls o a b a n o n c a rry ing firearms in public which is p rim a rily a im e d a t c u rb in g v io le n c e lin k e d to e le c tio n s . T h e b a n w ill e n d o n J u n e 1 3 o r a m o n th a fte r th e e le c tio n s . T h e re is a p ro life ra tio n o f u n lic e n s e d g u n s a c ro s s th e c o u n try a n d s o m e p o litic ia n s a re k n o w n to e m p lo y p riv a te m ilitia s to th re a te n riv a ls a n d v o te rs . Po l i c e d a t a s h o w t h a t t h e r e w e r e 1 .2 m illio n r e g is te r e d firearms in the Philippines as o f la s t y e a r, w ith ro u g h ly a n other 600,000 unlicensed firea rm s in c irc u la tio n . T h e b lo o d ie s t e le c tio n -re la te d in c id e n t in th e c o u n try w h ic h h a s s h o c k e d th e w h o le w o rld w a s th e M a g u in d a n a o m a s s a c re o n N o v . 2 3 , 2 0 0 9 w h e n 5 8 p e o p le , in c lu d in g 3 4 p ro v in c ia l jo u rn a lis ts , w e re g u n n e d d o w n in c o ld b lo o d in a re m o te v i l l a g e i n t h e t o w n o f Am p a t u a n , in M a g u in d a n a o p ro v in c e in C e n tra l M in d a n a o in s o u th e r n Ph i l i p p i n e s . with full news from PhilStar

Contact: Maria 07737 676850 Grace: 07951 939090

Contact: Atty. Romulo Rivera, 07891 604638, 07789 930496, Ronald Dalida 07766 314207

e s in th e ru n -u p to a n y e le c tio n i n t h e Ph i l i p p i n e s . C e rb o , h o w e v e r, s a id th a t th e p e a c e a n d o rd e r s itu a tio n in th e c o u n try is b e tte r c o m p a re d to th e e le c tio n in 2 0 1 0 w h e n o v e r 2 0 0 e le c tio n -re la te d c a s e s w e re re c o rd e d d u rin g th e c a m p a ig n p e rio d . H e a ttrib u te d th e d ro p in e le c tio n -re la te d v io le n c e to th e e ff o r t s o f t h e PN P, t h e C o m m i s -

We believe in making things better, easier, quicker. As our print issue is well loved and received all over, for our readers on the go, read us in one easy click. The complete April issue is now available in one easy click. Download our Splash monthly and enjoy our local news, features and services close to home. MIDMONTH ACTIVE


MAY 2012 2013 APRIL







Embassy Closures for MAY and JUNE 2013

DUBLIN OUTREACH The Embassy is pleased to announce that it will hold a Consular Outreach Mission in DUBLIN, IRELAND on 25-26 May 2013.

The public is advised that, in observance of Philippine and UK holidays, the Philippine Embassy in London will be closed on the following weekdays of May and June 2013:

This Mission is intended to exclusively provide only the following services:

27 May – Spring Bank Holiday 12 June – Philippine Independence Day

• •

E-passport application Civil registration (Report of Birth, Report of Marriage) needed for e-passport application

• Those requiring passport services are requested to fill out the Passport Service Request form (can be found at Embassy website) and send the same to the Embassy via email to embassy@philemb.co.uk or fax to 02079309787 from 09 May (Thursday) until 16 May (Thursday).

Regular office hours and services will resume from 28 May and 13 June.

In case of death or detention of a Filipino citizen in the United Kingdom, please contact the Embassy’s emergency mobile phone at 07802790695.

The data collected shall serve as basis in organizing the requests, with priority to be based on passport expiry date and special needs (such as first-time passport applicants, lost and damaged passports). The Embassy estimates that about 350 passport applications will be serviced in this Outreach.


Please note that families need to send one (1) request form only, listing the names and details of all those requiring the services. Further information, including venue, will be announced later.

Philippine Products Shine at London Expo

The 2013 Natural & Organic Products Europe expo, where the Philippines took part in.


HE Philippines successfully took part in the 2013 Natural & Organic Products Europe expo, the

leading European show for the natural and organic health, food and beauty product sectors. Thousands of visitors passed through the country’s booth and

large orders were placed for the many Philippine items on display over the course of the event held from 7 to 8 April. The Philippine exhibitors that

took part in the show included Castillejos Agri-Farms, Echostore, Flora Integrated Farms, Marigold Manufacturing Corporation, Tropicana Food Products and Refmad-V Enterprise. Among the Philippine products showcased were various coconut products (coconut water, coconut oil, coconut sugar, desiccated coconut and other related coconut products) coffee, tea, cocoa, muscovado, heirloom rice, fruit juices, dipping sauces, jams and preserves, fresh fruits and pineapple fiber. Philippine Ambassador Enrique A. Manalo was on hand to greet the exhibitors and welcome foreign visitors to the country’s stand. The country’s participation in the expo was a project of the Philippine Department of Agriculture in coordination with the Philippine Trade and Investment Center (PTIC) London and the Philippine Embassy in London. (Philippine Embassy in the UK)

30 16 32


MAY 2013 APRIL 2012



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