SPLIFF Magazine | MAY 2009

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M A G A Z I N E Issue 2 Volume 1

Earth Issue Earth Day around the World


the history of why marijuana is illegal part 1

GREEN Living It’s not a fad it’s a way of life.

+ new music

Black Eyed Peas Lil Wayne

May 2009

International Decade for Action www.un.org/waterforlifedecade

GREEN....period! in this issue...

Marijuana Comes of Age 8-9

EARTH Day 18-23

Grow Room 36-37

Why Marijuana is Illegal (part 1) 14-16

Fashion 58-59

Health 40-43

Black Eyed Peas/ Lil Wayne 60-61

Candy Shop 47-51

Legal Corner 26-27

Edibles 54-55 Movie Critics Corner 62-64

Bringing you the truth by any means neccessary!

Disclaimer SPLIFF Magazine would like to remind readers to be aware that the sale, possession and transport of viable cannabis seeds is ILLEGAL in many countries, including in the USA. We do not wish to induce anyone to act in conflict or disobedience with the law. We do not promote the germination, cultivation or growth of these seeds where prohibited by law. SPLIFF Magazine and its employees assume no responsibility for any claims or representations contained in this publication or in any advertisement All material is for entertainment and educational purposes only! SPLIFF Magazine does not encourage the illegal use of any of the products or advertisements within. All opinions are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of SPLIFF Magazine. Nothing in this publication may be reproduced in any manner, either in whole or in part without the expressed written consent of the publisher. All rights reserved. All advertised products and offers void where prohibited. Occasionally we may use materials we believe to be placed in the public domain. Sometimes it is not possible to identify or contact the copyright holder. If you claim ownership of something we have published we will be pleased to make a proper acknowledgement. All letters and pictures sent are assumed to be for publication unless stated otherwise. SPLIFF Magazine cannot be held responsible for unsolicited contributions. No portion of this publication can be reproduced for profit without the written consent of the publisher.

Greetings! Since April is “Earth” month, we decided to dedicate this issue to Earth Day events and themes from around the globe. Going GREEN seems to be the “it” thing to do right now, and it’s quite interesting that some only want a cleaner planet because it’s the new fad. Well, saving our planet and ourselves is not, and will never be a “fad”. The movement is here to stay and the question is do you have what it takes to stay on for the duration of the ride! There are so many things we can do individually and collectively to start change. For example, you can share all the superb information and truth from SPLIFF Magazine with your coworkers or even your annoying next door neighbor. In every issue of our magazine, you can see many Non-Profit Organizations displayed all throughout our pages. It’s important that we’re all aware of these organizations as well as their mission - and it’s important we all support their movement, and maybe even start our own. Thinking outside the box isn’t a fad ladies and gentlemen - it’s a way of life. It’s not common to see a home with solar paneling right now, but it will be in less than decade - So be the first in line! I went to the LA Earth Fest and learned that the government is giving homeowners rebates for installing solar panels. So you can cut the cost of your utilities, get a hefty rebate and tax write off, and be a trendsetter - where do I sign up?! I wish I could name all the individuals that have been at the forefront of the Green movements and the Truth movements for decades upon decades - the world finally hears you. Respect to you. And don’t get it twisted people, I am part of the Green movement and all, but you won’t see me dipping through traffic in one of those tiny Smart Cars - not with the way people drive on the freeways in Los Angeles! They say the early bird gets the worm, but I say the early bird gets the better parking space! See you in traffic!... in the carpool lane in my hybrid spaceship of course! ;)

greenest regards Melissa Phillips Senior Editor

Medical Marijuana

Has Come of Age

dmark scie n la a f o ry a rs e iv n n a th Celebrating the 10

ntific stu

Paul Armentano | March 17, 2009 Ten years ago today, the use of medical marijuana went from fringe to mainstream. March 17, 2009 marks the 10-year-anniversary of the publication of the Institute for Medicine's landmark study on medical cannabis: Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base. At the time this report was commissioned, in response to the passage of California's Compassionate Use Act of 1996, many in the public and the mainstream media were skeptical about pot's potential therapeutic value. The publication of the Institute for Medicine's findings—which concluded that marijuana possessed medicinal properties to treat and control pain and to stimulate appetite—provided the issue with long-overdue credibility, and began in earnest a political discourse that continues today. Of course, much has changed over the past 10 years. For starters, a total of 13 states, encompassing some 72 million Americans, now allow for the medical use of cannabis under state law. In California, several clinical trials have been conducted over the past months demonstrating that inhaled cannabis can significantly reduce hard-to-treat neuropathic pain in patients with HIV and spinal cord injury.


Following the publication of the Institute for Medicine's report, scientific interest into the therapeutic properties of cannabis skyrocketed. A keyword search using the terms "cannabis, 1999" in the National Library of Medicine's PubMed website reveals just 427 scientific journal articles published on the subject during that year. Perform this same search for the year 2008, and one will find over 2,100 published scientific studies.

form but below the point of combustion where noxious smoke and associated toxins are produced. In 2007, investigators at San Francisco General Hospital assessed this technology and concluded: "Vaporization of marijuana does not result in exposure to combustion gasses...and [was] preferred by most subjects compared to marijuana cigarettes. The [vaporizer] device is an effective and apparently safe vehicle for THC delivery."

Whereas researchers in the 1970s, 80s, and 90s primarily assessed cannabis's ability to temporarily alleviate various disease symptoms, scientists today are exploring the potential role of medical marijuana to treat disease itself.

As hundreds of thousands of Americans have begun using marijuana under their doctor's supervision, we've learned other lessons as well. First, we've affirmed that medical cannabis is remarkably safe. For example, in 2008 investigators at McGill University in Montreal reviewed over 30 years of data on marijuana and "did not find a higher incidence rate of serious adverse events associated with medical cannabis use" compared to those who never used the drug.

Of particular interest, scientists are investigating marijuana's capacity to moderate autoimmune disorders such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease, as well as their role in the treatment of neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and Lou We've also discovered that restricted patient acGehrig's disease. cess to medicinal cannabis will not necessarily result in higher use rates among young people. Investigators are also studying the anti-cancer In fact, since the passage of Proposition 215, the activities of cannabis, which has been shown to use of pot by young people has fallen at a halt malignant tumor growth in animals. Ar- greater rate than the national average. guably, these later trends represent far broader and more significant applications for cannabinoid And finally we've learned—much to the chagrin therapeutics than the Institute for Medicine's re- of our opponents—that in fact the sky will not fall. searchers could have imagined just 10 years Rates of hard drug use and drugged driving have ago. not increased in California, and our social value system has not "gone to pot." We've also discovered alternative ways to safely, effectively, and rapidly deliver pot's therapeutic So what can we expect over the next 10 years? properties to patients. Writing in 1999, the Insti- Only time will tell, but one thing is certain: The tute for Medicine concluded, "Except for the use of medical cannabis is here to stay. It is time harms associated with smoking, the adverse ef- for our federal laws to reflect this reality, and it is fects of marijuana are within the range of effects time for our politicians to regulate marijuana like tolerate for other medications." The authors went other accepted prescription medicines. on to recommend the development of "rapidPaul Armentano is the Deputy Director of the Naonset cannabinoid [marijuana] formulations." tional Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Today, such rapid onset delivery systems exist Laws in Washington, DC, and the co-author of in the form of vaporizers, devices which heat the forthcoming book Marijuana Is Safer: So cannabis to a temperature where active vapors Why Are We Driving People to Drink.

Changing the Clim By the U.S. Department of Energy

Looking Towards a More Cost Effective

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Energy are helping states lead the way in an effort to promote low cost energy efficiency. More than 60 energy, environmental and state policy leaders from across the country have come together to produce the updated National Action Plan Vision for 2025: A Framework for Change. The action plan outlines strategies to help lower the growth in energy demand across the country by more than 50 percent, and shows ways to save more than $500 billion in net savings over the next 20 years. These strategies, if implemented, are estimated to help reduce annual greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to those from 90 million vehicles. “The significant action taken by states, utilities and energy customers advances low cost energy solutions,” said Robert Meyers, principal deputy assistant administrator for EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation. “The plan is a big step toward a more energy-efficient future, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while growing the American economy.”

“These leaders from state governm be commended for their continued cient technologies as a key part of m frastructure to meet our nation’s Department of Energy Assistant Se Energy Reliability, Kevin Kolevar.

The action plan outlines critical ste toward the goal of increasing the na efficiency programs. The plan also ing toward these goals. States, u spending about $2 billion per yea Through this investment, states, ut saved the energy equivalent of mo 500 megawatts of electricity saving annually. This effort helped reduce equivalent to those emitted from 9

The updated action plan also iden



e, Energy Efficient Future

About one-third of the states have established energy savings targets and addressed utility disincentives for energy efficiency. Moreover, about half of the states have established energy efficiency programs for key customer classes and reviewed and updated building codes. Two technical assistance documents are also available to assist states in achieving the energy goals established under the action plan. The first document provides guidance on establishing cost-effectiveness eps for state policy makers to take tests for energy efficiency programs, while the second outlines best ation’s investment in low cost energy practices for providing business customers with energy-use and cost shows the progress states are mak- data. utilities and other organizations are ar on energy efficiency programs. Initiated in 2005, the National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency is ditilities and other organizations have rected by a leadership group of 30 electric and gas utilities, 20 state ore than 30 power plants generating agencies and 12 other organizations. This state-driven initiative is deg energy customers nearly $6 billion signed to help electric and natural gas ratepayers increase energy efe annual greenhouse gas emissions ficiency while saving money. More than 120 organizations have endorsed the original recommendations of the action plan and have million vehicles.committed to making it a reality. ntifies areas for additional progress.

ment and the private sector should d progress in promoting energy-effimodernizing our electric and gas ingrowing energy needs,� said U.S. ecretary for Electricity Delivery and


is Marijuana

A brief histor


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Part 1 By Peter Guither


any people assume that marijuana was made illegal through some kind of process involving scientific, medical, and government hearings; that it was to protect the citizens from what was determined to be a dangerous drug. You'll also see that the history of marijuana's criminalization is filled with:

- Racism - Fear - Protection of Corporate Profits - Yellow Journalism - Ignorant, Incompetent, and/or Corrupt Legislators - Personal Career Advancement & Greed - These are the actual reasons marijuana is illegal.

The actual story shows a much different picture. Those who voted on the legal fate of this plant never had the facts, but were dependent on information supplied by those who had a specific agenda to deceive lawmakers. You'll see below that the very first federal vote to prohibit marijuana was based entirely on a documented lie on the floor of the Senate.

Background For most of human history, marijuana has been completely legal. It's not a recently discovered plant, nor is it a long-standing law. Marijuana has been illegal for less than 1% of the time that it's been in use. Its known uses go back further than 7,000 B.C. and it was legal as recently as when Ronald Reagan was a boy. The marijuana (hemp) plant, of course, has an incredible number of uses. The earliest known woven fabric was apparently of hemp, and over the centuries the plant was used for food, incense, cloth, rope, and much more. This adds to some of the confusion over its introduction in the United States, as the plant was well known from the early 1600's, but did not reach public awareness as a recreational drug until the early 1900's. America's first marijuana law was enacted at Jamestown Colony, Virginia in 1619. It was a law "ordering" all farmers to grow Indian hempseed. There were several other "must grow" laws over the next 200 years (you could be jailed for not growing hemp during times of shortage in Virginia between 1763 and 1767), and during most of that time, hemp was legal tender (you could even pay your

taxes with hemp -- try that today!) Hemp was such a critical crop for a number of purposes (including essential war requirements - rope, etc.) that the government went out of its way to encourage growth. The United States Census of 1850 counted 8,327 hemp "plantations" (minimum 2,000-acre farm) growing cannabis hemp for cloth, canvas and even the cordage used for baling cotton.

marijuana law. (Note: the source for this speculation is from articles by Charles Whitebread, Professor of Law at USC Law School in a paper for the Virginia Law Review, and a speech to the California Judges Association (sourced below). Mormon blogger Ardis Parshall disputes this.)

Other states quickly followed suit with marijuana prohibition laws, including Wyoming (1915), Texas (1919), Iowa (1923), Nevada (1923), Oregon (1923), WashingThe Mexican Connection ton (1923), Arkansas (1923), and Nebraska (1927). These laws In the early 1900s, the western tended to be specifically targeted states developed significant ten- against the Mexican-American sions regarding the influx of Mexi- population. can-Americans. The revolution in Mexico in 1910 spilled over the When Montana outlawed mariborder, with General Pershing's juana in 1927, the Butte Montana army clashing with bandit Pancho Standard reported a legislator's Villa. Later in that decade, bad comment: "When some beet field feelings developed between the peon takes a few traces of this small farmer and the large farms stuff... he thinks he has just been that used cheaper Mexican labor. elected president of Mexico, so he Then, the depression came and starts out to execute all his political increased tensions, as jobs and enemies." In Texas, a senator said welfare resources became scarce. on the floor of the Senate: "All Mexicans are crazy, and this stuff One of the "differences" seized [marijuana] is what makes them upon during this time was the fact crazy." that many Mexicans smoked marijuana and had brought the plant with them, and it was through this that California apparently passed the first state marijuana law, outlawing "preparations of hemp, or loco weed."

However, one of the first state laws outlawing marijuana may have been influenced, not just by Mexicans using the drug, but, oddly enough, because of Mormons using it. Mormons who traveled to Mexico in 1910 came back to Salt Lake City with marijuana. The church's reaction to this may have contributed to the state's

Jazz and Assassins In the eastern states, the "problem" was attributed to a combination of Latin Americans and black jazz musicians. Marijuana and jazz traveled from New Orleans to Chicago, and then to Harlem, where marijuana became an indispensable part of the music scene, even entering the language of the black hits of the time (Louis Armstrong's "Muggles", Cab Calloway's "That Funny Reefer Man", Fats Waller's "Viper's Drag"). Again, racism was part of the charge against marijuana, as newspapers in 1934 editorialized: "Marihuana influences Negroes to look at white people in the eye, step on white men's shadows and look at a white woman twice." Two other fear-tactic rumors started to spread: one, that Mexicans, Blacks and other foreigners were snaring white children with marijuana; and two, the story of the "assassins." Early stories of Marco Polo had told of "hasheesh-eaters" or hashashin, from which derived the term "assassin." In the original stories, these professional killers were given large doses of hashish and brought to the ruler's garden (to give them a glimpse of the paradise that awaited them upon successful completion of their mission). Then, after the effects of the drug disappeared, the assassin would fulfill his ruler's wishes with cool, calculating loyalty. By the 1930s, the story had changed. Dr. A. E. Fossier wrote in the 1931 New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal: "Under the influence of hashish those fanatics would madly rush at their enemies, and ruthlessly massacre every one within their grasp." Within a very short time, marijuana started being linked to violent behavior.

Alcohol Prohibition and Federal Approaches to Drug Prohibition During this time, the United States was also dealing with alcohol prohibition, which lasted from 1919 to 1933. Alcohol prohibition was extremely visible and debated at all levels, while drug laws were passed without the general public's knowledge. National alcohol prohibition happened through the mechanism of an amendment to the constitution. Earlier (1914), the Harrison Act was passed, which provided federal tax penalties for opiates and cocaine. The federal approach is important. It was considered at the time that the federal government did not have the constitutional power to outlaw alcohol or drugs. It is because of this that alcohol prohibition required a constitutional amendment. At that time in our country's history, the judiciary regularly placed the tenth amendment in the path of congressional regulation of "local" affairs, and direct regulation of medical practice was considered beyond congressional power under the commerce clause (since then, both provisions have been weakened so far as to have almost no meaning). Since drugs could not be outlawed at the federal level, the decision was made to use federal taxes as a way around the restriction. In the Harrison Act, legal uses of opiates and cocaine were taxed (supposedly as a revenue need by the federal government, which is the only way it would hold up in the courts), and those who didn't follow the law found themselves in trouble with the treasury department. In 1930, a new division in the Treasury Department was established -- the Federal Bureau of Narcotics -- and Harry J. Anslinger was named director. This, if anything, marked the beginning of the all-out war against marijuana.

Earth Day

around the World

Apr il 22, 2009

Many people in many places celebrated Earth Day this year by planting a tree, recycling, spreading awareness, and even by buying some eco-friendly light bulbs. Whatever they did, it was done in the effort to promote healing the planet. Over 500 million people in 175

countries participate in Earth Day events each year. Millions have been on a journey to increase the

participants in this Green Movement, but it’s not until recently that the Go Green bandwagon has gotten full. But hey, better late than never. Magazines are printing smaller versions, there’s more commercials promoting energy conservation, the government is acting concerned about the environment, and the list goes on and on. But one things for sure - ears are open, so lets all say

something worth hearing! Much respect to Al Gore fo r bein g a continuous truth-speaker about this global warming crisis. I understand what Marvin Gaye was saying when he sang, “How much more abuse from man can she stand”. Yes, he was talking about the Earth, and the answer is Not Much More!

In Los Angeles, the annual South LA Earth Fest brought vendors out from all over southern California. There were organic fruits and vegetable companies, solar energy companies, clean water organizations, radio stations and live contest. There was plenty of information to absorb at the Festival, and delicious food to inhale as well. I spoke with a representative of LA Solar Company and he educated me on some facts: 1. It costs roughly $20,000 - $30,000 to install solar panls on a house 2. The Government has rebate programs giving back up to 50% of what you spend to solar panel your house. 3. Installing solar paneling to your home or business is a tax write off. 4. Solar panels increase property value. An abundance of programs, information and jobs are surfacing with the growing focus on Greening the Planet - get out there, find it and spread the word! www.sugarcanejuice.org // California Green Works // Ballona Creek Renaissance (www.ballonacreek.org) // Sierra Club // Storm Water Program (LAstormwater.org) // www.LAsolarenergy.com // Minority AIDS Project

Earth Day Around the World: Celebrations to Inspire You Let these examples of Earth Day activities around the globe inspire how you celebrate the planet on this important day and the choices you make every day.

By Joktan Rogel and Lisa Truesdale

Thailand The World Dhammakaya Centre in Thailand is celebrating Earth Day by gathering more than 100,000 Buddhist monks from 30,000 temples around Thailand at its temple north of Bangkok. All share a goal to promote world peace through inner peace. PraRajpavanavisuth, the Abbot of Dhammakaya Temple, is welcoming the other monks and leading a mass meditation. This year, the event is followed by the sacred tradition of the casting of the final set of 300,000 personal Buddha statues at the Grand Meditation Stadium.


United States

The annual Monaco Earth Day Swim is a 2.5km, open-water swim in the Mediterranean. Participants help raise money for causes that support the environment and receive an olive tree upon completion. Check it out to find out what the green balloons are for!

By presidential proclamation, the annual National Park Week coincides with Earth Day every year. From April 18-26, all of the nearly 400 sites in the NPS system hold special events including Earth Day celebrations, guided nature walks, organized cleanups, presentations at local schools, and much more. For a list of events at a national park, historic site, preserve or national monument near you, visit http://www.nps.gov/npweek. In New York City, the busy Grand Central Terminal hosts a weeklong festival that includes The Giant Earth Images, with inspiring Earth-related artwork by artists such as Andy Warhol and Keith Haring dramatically projected onto two of the north columns in the terminal's main concourse; and EarthFair, a two-day event with live music, educational booths, and organic food.

Canada Cities all across Canada are celebrating Earth Day by advocating collective environmentalism. Museums, parks, schools and community groups throughout the region are offering programs to help citizens be more eco-friendly in their daily lives. Related events include the Earth Day Festival in Edmonton, Alberta; a Recycling Awareness seminar in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan; a Planta-Tree Campaign in Kawartha Lakes, Ontario; an Earth Day Extravaganza in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia; and spring cleanups and greenups in dozens of locations in most provinces.

Spain The eclectic 14th annual Fira per La Terra (Fair for the Earth) takes place at the Parc de la Ciutadella in Barcelona, Spain. This two-day outdoor celebration the weekend before Earth Day features eco-friendly products; artisans, dancing, singing, and music; and discussions on topics such as health, alternative therapies, personal growth, fair commerce, ecology, and composting. Other highlights include the “ORIGENS” visual arts concert, Afro-Cuban and Native American dances, the Forum on Sustainable Energy, and a seminar on mind, body and spiritual harmony.

Bulgaria In honor of Earth Day, organizers of the World Energy Forum chose April 22-24 for the event's dates, held in Bulgaria for the first time. The heads of state of at least 20 countries, including U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, are expected to attend the meeting of the minds in Sofia, Bulgaria's capital.

Ethiopia Ethiopia, Africa's 10th-largest country in size but second-most populous, is celebrating its first ever Earth Day this year. Citizens will learn how their health and community’s well-being is dependent on the protection of our natural environment, and special events will include panel discussions; an Awareness Fair with presentations by green businesses; and a lecture series at Addis Ababa University. The ultimate goal is creating a "Green Generation" in Ethiopia that will allow people to advocate for green policies that protect their health and natural environment, protect natural resources, and encourage less wasteful and more healthy lifestyles. This year's events are the kickoff for a series of other events leading up to Earth Day's 40th Anniversary Celebration in 2010.

Costa Rica Project Green Jungle presents Twearth Day ... a name derived from the combination of "Twitter" and "Earth Day." Followers can use Twitter.com to keep updated on the group's weeklong Earth Day efforts in the jungles of Costa Rica, which will include water-quality tests along the Sixaola River, a species account and biodiversity survey of Hitoy Cerere Biological Reserve, and a Beach Cleanup in Puerto Viejo.




-we will overcome and the marijuana prohibition laws will fall like the Berlin Wall

By Attorney Bruce M. Margolin


s we begin an exciting new in American history with Barack Obama in the white house we find ourselves hopeful and optimistic that the liberation of our country will include the liberation of marijuana use for medicinal or any and all other reasons.

servative and mean spirited presidencies. It is no understatement to say there is an overall sense of jubilation at the direction it appears our country is taking under President Barack Obama.

Just yesterday the name Barack Obama suddenly began to appear We the American people have had on airwaves and television proBefore long, Barrack to live through one of the most con- grams. Obama became a household name and everyday topic of conversation, in particular when the senator won the democratic seat for the 2008 presidential election. The 2008 presidential election was seen as America’s opportunity to rebuild our crumbling economy and society as well as a hope for change in marijuana laws. Many of us were immediately smitten with his infectious smile, confident and comforting demeanor and the blatant intellect that radiated from Obama, yet the question seemed to linger as to whether or not our country was willing to embrace the idea of having the first African-American president. Obama shined on the campaign trail with “Barack Obama” bumper stickers and support posters seen endlessly on cars, store-front windows and nearly every street corner. It seemed America collectively agreed it was time for a positive change within the White House. On election day Americans everywhere gave a sigh of relief when Barack Obama’s name was announced and thus a new hopeful chapter in American history began.

This new chapter includes hope for the reform of marijuana laws as well. Barack Obama has always been open to listening to the people as shown throughout his campaign trail. His concerns for the opinions and ideals of the American people has continued into his presidency with the “Open for Questions” town hall meeting in which he virtually addressed a selection of question submitted by over 3.6 million individuals. One of the highest ranking topics was the legalization of marijuana. President Barack Obama acknowledged the topics importance but has taken an opposing stance stating that in terms of what would benefit our economy, “no, I do not think it is a good strategy to grow our economy.” Of course myself, colleagues and reformers are very hopeful his views may evolve in regards to this important issue. This news may have upset and disheartened many activists on the front line of the fight for the legalization of marijuana, but I am here to say that we should not lose hope. The fight is not over, the battle has not been lost and if we are persistent in advocating this issue we will not be disappointed. If there is any one person who can open his mind to benefiting our economy as well

as the population at large it is president Bar- Now, the Obama administration has given rack Obama. A man who himself has over- new hope for these ties to be reconnected. come adversity and thrived in the face of President Obama has made the economy obstacles. Just as he persevered to reach and human rights primary concerns of his for the next four years. The legalization of his goals we too must do the same. marijuana is beneficial for both. I am sure The topic of the legalization of marijuana that if we all join together and have faith in has not been a priority on our political our new president and our cause, we will agenda since the presidency of Jimmy surely see marijuana legalized and our Carter. At the time, President Carter had human rights preserved. close contact with NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws). It was Carter himself who stated that “a law cannot be good if it is more harmful than what it aims to protect.� Though Carter developed a rapport with marijuana reformers, drug czar peter borne under his administration strained the relationship between Carter and NORML leaving the issue unresolved.


is Marijuana


E N i L E M Ti 92 9 1 . C 7000B. By Peter Guither

7000-8000 B.C.

First woven fabric believed to be from hemp.


Pure Food and Drug Act is passed, forming the Food and Drug Administration. First time that drugs have any government oversight.


18th Amendment to the Constitution (alcohol prohibition) is ratified.


Jamestown Colony, Virginia passes law requiring farmers to grow hemp.


1913California, apparently, passes the first state marijuana law, though missed by many because it referred to "preparations of hemp, or loco weed."


Harry J. Anslinger given control of the new Federal Bureau of Narcotics (he remains in the position until 1962)


Hemp was the primary crop grown by George Washington at Mount Vernon, and a secondary crop grown by Thomas Jefferson at Monticello.


Harrison Act passed, outlawing opiates and cocaine (taxing scheme)


21st Amendment to the Constitution is ratified, repealing alcohol prohibition.


Maine is the first state to outlaw alcohol.


Utah passes state anti-marijuana law.


Marijuana Tax Act


Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act


Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act. Establishes federally funded programs for prevention and treatment. Act was extended in 1974 and 1978


Boggs Amendment to the Harrison Narcotic Act (mandatory sentences)


Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Changes Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs into the DEA


Narcotics Control Act adds more severe penalties


Anti-Drug Abuse Act. Establishes oversight office: National Office of Drug Control Policy and the Drug Czar


Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act. Replaces and updates all previous laws concerning narcotics and other dangerous drugs. Empasis on law enforcement. Includes the Controlled Substances Act, where marijuana is classified a Schedule 1 drug (reserved for the most dangerous drugs that have no recognized medical use).


ADAMHA Reorganization. Transfers NIDA, NIMH, and NIAAA to NIH and incorporates ADAMHA's programs into the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

Setting Up the Grow Room Step-by-Step

Set up the grow room before bringing in any plants. Construction requires space and planning. Once the grow room is set up and totally operational, the room will be ready for plants.

Step One: Choose an outof-the-way space with little or no traffic. A corner in the basement or a spare bedroom is perfect. A 1,000-watt HID, properly set up, will efficiently illuminate up to a 6 x 6-foot room. The ceiling should be at least 5 feet high. Keep in mind that plants are set up about one foot off the ground in containers and the lamp needs about a foot of space to hang from the ceiling. This leaves only three feet of space for plants to grow. If forced to grow in an attic or basement with a low 4-foot ceiling, much can be done to compensate for the loss of height, including cloning, bending, pruning and using 400-watt lamps.

Step Two:

Enclose the room, if not already enclosed. Remove everything that does not pertain to the garden. Furniture and especially drapes and curtains may harbor fungi. An enclosed room allows easy, precise control of everything and everyone that enters, exits and who and what goes on inside. For most growers, enclosing the grow room is simply a matter of tacking up some sheet rock in the basement or attic and painting it flat white. Make sure no light is visible from outside. If covering a window, do so discretely so that it is not boarded up. Insulate windows and walls so a tale-tell heat signature does not escape. Often basement windows are painted to look like the foundation. Place some stuff – books, personal effects, household goods, etc. – in front of the window and build a box around the things so that a natural scene is seen from the outside. At night, bright light leaking

from a crack in an uncovered window is like a beacon to curious neighbors or bandits.

Step Three: Cover walls, ceiling, floor everything with a highly reflective, material like flat white paint or whitewash. The more reflection, the more light energy that is available to plants. Good reflective light will allow effective coverage of a HID lamp to increase from 10 to 20 percent, just by putting a few dollars worth of paint on the walls. Reflective white Visqueen® plastic is inexpensive and protects walls and floors. A vent fan and an oscillating circulation fan are essential to keep a healthy environment.

Step Four:

See "Setting Up the Vent Fan" in Chapter Six. Constant air circulation and a supply of fresh air are essential and often inadequate. There

should be at least one fresh air vent in a 10 x l0-foot room. Vents can be an open door, window or duct vented to the outside. An exhaust fan vented outdoors, pulling new fresh air through an open door usually creates an adequate flow of air. An oscillating fan works well for circulation. When installing such a fan, make sure it is not set in a fixed position and blows too hard on tender plants. It could cause windburn or in the case of young seedlings and clones, dry them out. If the room contains a heat vent, it may be opened to supply extra heat or air circulation.

Step Five: The larger your garden gets, the more water it will need. A 10 x10-foot garden could use more than 50 gallons a week. Carrying water is hard regular work. One gallon of water weighs 8 pounds, 50 x 8 = 400 pounds of water a week! It is much easier to run in a hose with an on/off valve or install a hose bib in the room than to schlep water. A 3-foot watering wand attached to the hose on/off valve makes watering easier and saves branches from being broken when watering in dense foliage. Hook the hose up to a hot

and cold water source so the temperature is easy to regulate.

Step Six: Ideally the floor should be concrete or a smooth surface that can be swept and washed down. A floor drain is very handy. In grow rooms with carpet or wood floors, a large, white, painter's dropcloth or thick white Visqueen® plastic, will protect floors from moisture. Trays placed beneath each container add protection and convenience.

Step Seven:

Mount a hook strong enough to support 30 pounds for each lamp. Attach an adjustable chain or cord and pulley between the ceiling hook and the lamp fixture. The adjustable connection makes it easy to keep the lamp at the proper distance from plants and up out of the way during maintenance.

fore bringing plants into the room. If the tools are there when needed, chances are they will be put to use. A good example is a hygrometer. If plants show signs of slow, sickly growth, due to high humidity, most growers will not notice the exact cause right away. They will wait and guess, wait and guess and maybe figure it out before a fungus attacks and the plant dies. When a hygrometer is installed before plants are in the grow room, the horticulturist will know from the start when the humidity is too high and causing sickly growth.

Step Nine: Read and complete: “Setting Up the HID Lamp” at the end of Chapter Two.

Step Ten: Move seedlings

and rooted clones into room. Huddle them closely together under the lamp. Make sure the HID is not so close to small Step Eight: There are plants that it burns their leaves. Move 400-watt lamps 18 inches some tools an indoor gardener above seedlings and clones. must have and a few extra tools Place a 600-watt lamp 24 inches that make indoor horticulture away and a 1000-watt lamp 30 much more precise and cost efinches away. Check the distance fective. The extra tools help daily. Hang a precut string from make the garden so efficient that the hood to measure distance. they pay for themselves in a few weeks. Secure all the tools be-

Necessary Tools: Thermometer Spray bottle pH tester Liquid biodegradable soap Hygrometer Pruners or scissors

Wire ties Sheetrock screws Screwdriver Measuring cup and spoons Pencil and notebook Moisture meter Light meter Yardstick to measure growth!

What should I consider when setting up a grow room? Excerpted from Chapter One, Indoor Marijuana Horticulture, The Indoor Bible,

About Grow Rooms

by Jorge Cervantes


he best location for a grow room is in an obscure corner of a basement, where the temperature is easy to keep constant year round. Basements are well insulated by concrete walls and soil. A basement room can be enclosed and camouflaged with junk, a double wall, work bench or shelving. Added security is afforded by installing a false door in a closet. The grow room is located behind the secret door. Another good secret location, except for the possible heat build-up, is the attic. Few people venture to an attic that is difficult to access. Some growers locate their gardens below a trap door covered with a rug. Law enforcement cannot use the electricity bill as sole grounds for a search warrant. But they can use it along with other “evidence” such as remnants of indoor growing visible outdoors, thermal image heat signatures, snitch testimony, etc. to secure a search warrant. As long as the marijuana grown is not sold or shown to a snitch, there should be no reason for any suspicion. Thermal image technology is easy to outwit. Just keep the lights on during daylight hours to confuse the technology. Or cool exhaust air and expel it under the well-insulated grow house so it does not leave a heat trail. Out buildings garages and barns not attached to homes are some of the worst places to grow. Often thieves and law enforcement do not look at entering a barn or garage as a crime, when they would not consider entering a home. Security is much better when the garden is within the home. Although less common, there are even grow rooms on wheels! Some innovative growers have remodeled trailer houses and busses into grow rooms. One of my favorite grow rooms was in a tricked-out trailer. Another was in a 60-foot sailing yacht! The size of grow room determines the size and the number of lamps. HID lamps that work well to grow marijuana are available in 150, 175, 250, 400, 600, 1000 and 1100 wattages. Smaller wattages from 150 – 400, work well in closets or spaces with 9 – 21 square feet of floor space. Use 600-watt and larger bulbs for larger areas.

15 Foods To Help You Lose Want To Curb Your Appetite And Stop Sugar Cravings? Then Put These On Your Grocery List. By Denise Foley

1. Eggs. Skip the bagel this morning. Eggs, which are full of protein, will help you feel fuller longer-a lot longer. A multicenter study of 30 overweight or obese women found that those who ate two scrambled eggs (with two slices of toast and a reduced-calorie fruit spread) consumed less for the next 36 hours than women who had a bagel breakfast of equal calories. Other research has shown that protein may also prevent spikes in blood sugar, which can lead to food cravings.

2. Beans. You've probably never heard of cholecystokinin, but it's one of your best weight-loss pals. This digestive hormone is a natural appetite suppressant. So how do you get more cholecystokinin? One way, report researchers at the University of California at Davis, is by eating beans: A study of eight men found that their levels of the hormone (which may work by keeping food in your stomach longer) were twice as high after a meal containing beans than after a low-fiber meal containing rice and dry milk. There's also some evidence that beans keep blood sugar on an even keel, so you can stave off hunger longer. Heart-health bonus: High-fiber beans can lower your cholesterol.

3. Salad. Do you tend to stuff yourself at meals? Control that calorie intake by starting with a large salad (but hold the creamy dressing). In a study of 42 women at Penn State University, those who ate a big, low-cal salad consumed 12 percent less pasta afterward-even though they were offered as much as they wanted. The secret, say researchers, is the sheer volume of a salad, which makes you feel too full to pig out. Health bonus: A study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that people who ate one salad a day with dressing had higher levels of vitamins C and E, folic acid, lycopene, and carotenoids-all disease fighters-than those who didn't add salad to their daily menu.

4. Green tea. The slimming ingredient isn't caffeine. Antioxidants called catechins are what help speed metabolism and fat burning. In a recent Japanese study, 35 men who drank a bottle of oolong tea mixed with green tea catechins lost weight, boosted their metabolism, and had a significant drop in their body mass index. Health bonus: The participants also lowered their (bad) LDL cholesterol.

5. Pears. They're now recognized as having more fiber, thanks to a corrected calculation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. At six grams (formerly four grams) per medium-size pear, they're great at filling you up. Apples come in second, with about three grams per medium-size fruit. Both contain pectin fiber, which decreases blood-sugar levels, helping you avoid between-meal snacking. This may explain why, in a Brazilian study that lasted 12 weeks, overweight women who ate three small pears or apples a day lost more weight than women on the same diet who ate three oat cookies daily instead of the fruit.

6. Soup. A cup of chicken soup is as appetite blunting as a piece of chicken: That was the finding of a Purdue University study with 18 women and 13 men. Why? Researchers speculate that even the simplest soup satisfies hunger because your brain perceives it as filling.

7. Lean beef. It's what's for dinner-or should be, if you're trying to shed pounds. The amino acid leucine, which is abundant in proteins like meat and fish as well as in dairy products, can help you pare down while maintaining calorie-burning muscle. That's what it did for 24 overweight middle-aged women in a study at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Eating anywhere from nine to 10 ounces of beef a day on a roughly 1,700-calorie diet helped the women lose more weight, more fat, and less muscle mass than a control group consuming the same number of calories, but less protein. The beef eaters also had fewer hunger pangs

8. Olive oil. Fight off middle-age pounds with extra virgin olive oil. A monounsaturated fat, it'll help you burn calories. In an Australian study, 12 postmenopausal women (ages 57 to 73) were given a breakfast cereal dressed either with a mixture of cream and skim milk or half an ounce of olive oil and skim milk. The women who ate the oil-laced muesli boosted their metabolism. Don't want to add olive oil to your oatmeal? That's OK-it works just as well in salad dressings, as a bread dip, or for sautĂŠing.

9. Grapefruit. It's back! A 2006 study of 91 obese people conducted at the Nutrition and Metabolic Research Center at Scripps Clinic found that eating half a grapefruit before each meal or drinking a serving of the juice three times a day helped people drop more than three pounds over 12 weeks. The fruit's phytochemicals reduce insulin levels, a process that may force your body to convert calories into energy rather than flab.

10. Cinnamon. Sprinkle it on microwave oatmeal or whole-grain toast to help cure those mid-afternoon sugar slumps. Research from the U.S.Department of Agriculture found that a little cinnamon can help control post-meal insulin spikes, which make you feel hungry. Health bonus: One USDA study showed that just a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon a day lowered the blood sugar, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

11. Vinegar. It's a great filler-upper. In a Swedish study, researchers found that people who ate bread dipped in vinegar felt fuller than those who had their slices plain. The probable reason: Acetic acid in the vinegar may slow the passage of food from the stomach into the small intestine, so your tummy stays full longer. Vinegar can also short-circuit the swift blood-sugar rise that occurs after you eat refined carbs such as white bread, cookies, and crackers.

12. Tofu. It seems too light to be filling, but a study at Louisiana State University showed that tofu does the job. Researchers tested it against chicken as a pre-meal appetizer for 42 overweight womenand the participants who had tofu ate less food during the meal. The secret: Tofu is an appetite-quashing protein

13. Nuts. Yes, they are fattening: A handful of peanuts is about 165 calories. But research shows that people who snack on nuts tend to be slimmer than those who don't. A study from Purdue University found that when a group of 15 normal-weight people added about 500 calories worth of peanuts to their regular diet, they consumed less at subsequent meals. The participants also revved up their resting metabolism by 11 percent, which means they burned more calories even when relaxing. Health bonus: Walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids. And researchers at Loma Linda University recently found that eating 10 to 20 whole pecans daily can reduce heart disease risks.

14. High-fiber cereal. Studies show that you can curb your appetite by eating a bowl for breakfast. But how well does it really work? Researchers at the VA Medical Center and the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis tested the theory against the ultimate diet challenge: the buffet table. They gave 14 volunteers one of five cereals before sending them out to the smorgasbord. Those who'd had the highest-fiber cereal ate less than those who didn't have as much fiber in the morning. Try General Mills Fiber One (14 grams per serving) or Kellogg's All Bran With Extra Fiber (13 grams per serving).

15. Hot red pepper. Eating a bowl of spicy chili regularly can help you lose weight. In a Japanese study, 13 women who ate breakfast foods with red pepper (think southwestern omelet) ate less than they normally did at lunch. The magic ingredient may be capsaicin, which helps suppress appetite.

Š2005-2009 WebMD, LLC. All rights reserved. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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BANANA BREAD 1/2 cup CannaButter 2 eggs 1 teaspoon lemon juice 3 teaspoons baking powder 1-cup sugar 1 cup mashed bananas 2 cups sifted flour 1/2-teaspoon salt 1 cup chopped nuts * Mix the CannaButter and sugar, beat eggs. * Separately mix bananas with lemon juice and add to the first mixture. * Sift flour, salt, and baking powder together, and then mix all ingredients together. * Bake for 1 1/4 hours at 375 degrees.


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ill.i.am, Taboo, apl.de.ap and Fergie – better known as Black Eyed Peas, are releasing their first studio album in four years. The highly anticipated album is entitled “The END (The Energy Never Dies)” and will be out on June 9, 2009. “Boom Boom Pow”, their first single off the album, is their first song to reach #1 on the Billboard Hot 100. Black Eyed Peas have been putting it down in the music arena for some time now. They really caught peoples’ attention with their 2005 Grammy-winning album “Monkey Business.”

With over 27 million albums sold worldwide, The Peas are sure to please with this self-proclaimed electro melodic-soulfulstatic funk-club music-dance album. Will-i-am told Billboard magazine, “When [the album] comes out, there’ll be 12 songs on it, but the next day there could be 100 songs, 50 sketches, 1,000 blogs all (online) around ‘The End’, so the energy really, truly never dies.” Black Eyed Pea fans can catch them on the road rockin’ a stage near you!

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JUNE 9th


2008 was definately Lil Wayne’s year, and it’s not about to slow up anytime soon! He’s been melting the charts since he was a youngster, and now this tatted up musical wizard is the most saught after artist in the game right now. We all know by now that Tha Carter 3 sold 1 million in its first week, so what’s next? Well, Mr. Carter has decided to stretch his talent into the Rock genre with the release of Rebirth on June 9th. His first single “Prom Queen” already peaked at #15 on the Billboard Hot 100. With successful mixtapes and albums, awards, companies and TV spots , Lil Wayne is saying one thing - A Milli, A Milli, A Milli, A Milli.....


Studio albums 1999: Tha Block Is Hot 2000: Lights Out 2002: 500 Degreez 2004: Tha Carter 2005: Tha Carter II 2008: Tha Carter III 2009: Rebirth[49] 2009: Tha Carter IV[59] Official mixtapes 2003: Da Drought 2004: Da Drought 2 2004: The Prefix 2005: Dedication 2005: The Suffix 2006: Dedication 2 2006: Blow: The I Can't Feel My Face Prequel (with Juelz Santana) 2006: Lil Weezyana 2007: Da Drought 3 2008: Dedication 3 Film 2000: Baller Blockin 2007: Who's Your Caddy? 2009: Hurricane Season 2009: The Carter 2009: Like Father, Like Son Television 2007: Access Granted 2007: The Boondocks 2009: 1st and 10 2009: Around the Horn

For decades, Disney has successfully held the title as the largest media and entertainment corporation in the world. Disney is also the home of the most recognized icon in the world – Mickey Mouse. On April 18, 2008 the media powerhouse announced the launch of their new film label – Disneynature. The label is based in France and is headed by Jean-Francis Camilleri, a Disney veteran who served as Senior VP and GM for Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures in France. Their mission is clear: “To produce outstanding nature documentaries with the world’s top documentary filmmakers”. This is Disney’s first new label in 60 years, and it is sure to make a big splash.

vents the most beautiful stories – our role at Dis will be to tell these stories with passion and e to the largest public possible around the world one of the first films to be released on Disneyn movie premired on April 22nd and was quickly the start of something great.

The chairman of Walt Disney Studios, Dick scribed the movie Earth as “a spectacular film world’s most acclaimed nature filmmakers”. Co “couldn’t think of a better way to launch the ne nature banner, and to celebrate the spirit of th Earth Day at the same time”. Before the movi Disney announced that they will plant one tree one that attends the premiere. Well, lets do Countless people and organizations have been a part of that’s roughly millions of people that attende the environmental movement for some time, but it hasn’t equals millions new trees being planted as we always been at the forefront of the media. Well, Disney wanted to be a part of change, and they’ve dedicated an entire film label to the cause! Camilleri said, “Nature in-

sneynature enthusiasm d. Earth is nature. The y hailed as

Cook, dem from the ook said he ew Disneyhe film and ie release, e for everythe math: ed, so that speak!

Disney promised to plant a tree for every person who saw the movie Earth in its first week in theatres. Today, Disney is following through on their promise by arranging for the Nature Conservancy to plant 2.7 million trees in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest as part of the Plant A Billion Trees campaign. The film brought in $16.1 million in its first week, which was a record breaker for a nature documentary Now that the trees are to be planted and this year’s Earth Day has passed, what do we have to look forward to? The release of

Disney Nature’s

Oceans next Earth Day, 2010 http://www.greenerideal.com/author/ian/

KNOWING ★★★1/2

Nicolas Cage stars in this science fiction action-thriller directed by Alex Proyas. This movie journeys through the difference between coincidence and purpose. Cage plays a professor who stumbles upon numeric catastrophic predictions that were buried underground 50 years ago. His family and the world as they knew it would never be the same. The core of th movie was enjoyable, and superb special effects mixed with suspense are always a plus! If you enjoy the imagination of science fiction, then this one’s for you.

TYSON ★★★★ Former heavyweight champion Mike Tyson gives us a brutally honest look into his life. It’s rare that we see an iconic figure stripped down and exposed for the world to see their truth. This documentary takes us on a trip through his troubled memories as a child growing up in Brooklyn, to becoming one of the greatest fighters of all time. I was surprisingly touched by his stories of selfdestruction, unhappiness and trying to get on a path of healing. A definate must see!



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