SPLIFF Magazine | December 2010

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the green alternative DeCemBeR 2010

issue 6 Volume 2

Should Smoking marijuana be a medical option?



carolyn jeri j health & more!

Is medIcal pot harmIng kIds? DiD You Know? The AmAzng hemp plAnT www.Spliffmagazine.com


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Everyone should be using vaporizers! Benefits of Marijuana Vaporizers Why? Because you’re lungs will thank you. When smoking marijuana, you really want to smoke 2 ingredients, THC and CBN. Although you end up smoking the plant too, which contains harmful carcinogens. Vaporizers are great because they simply heat up the herb until pure THC and CBN’s are released, NOT burning the plant. This makes vaporizers a smart, and healthy method of using marijuana. Read below to discover the many health benefits of vaporizing marijuana. Marijuana smoke contains hazardous toxins Its well known that marijuana smoke contains hazardous toxins which aren’t great for your respiratory system. Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons are highly carcinogenic, and believed to be a leading factor in cigarette related cancers. California NORML and MAPS recently conducted a laboratory study and found that vaporizers are truly able to drastically reduce or eliminate harmful smoke toxins, while still delivering cannabinoids. Get more info on this study right here. To date, at least 4 vaporizer studies have been performed. Back in 1996 one study found more tar in the vapor, although the vaporizers were of a primitive design. Since, great leaps and bounds have been made in Vaporizer technology. A study in 2006 by researchers at Leiden University tested the high end volcano vaporizer and found this: “Our results show that with the Volcano a safe and effective herbal delivery system seems to be available to patients. The final pulmonal uptake of active ingredients is comparable to the smoking of them, while avoiding the respiratory disadvantages of smoking.”

How They Work... Vaporizers heat up marijuana to around 180190 degrees Celsius, where active cannabinoid vapors are released. Noxious smoke and carcinogenic toxins are produced at a higher temperature, 230 degrees. Vaporizers allow us to bypass these nasty toxins. Use Vaporizers for your health! Click and discover the benefits today!


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december contents... 12 News

Is medical marijuana harming our kids? FREE!

18 Save Our Planet: Global Warming

26 Helping Hands Water For Life; Unicef Tap Project 28 Legalize It! Oakland’s pot permit facing trouble.. 32 This Budz For You 34 Fantasy Dolls: Carolyn ShowGirlsExclusive.com 42 LifeStyle Congregational Cannabis 46 Feature: Should marijuana be a medical option... 52 Tech Spot Vapur Anti-bottle 55 Fantasy Dolls: Nerissa Imperial Goddess 66 Business State of Green Business 2010 68 Health Food, medicine and exercise. Disclaimer SPLIFF Magazine would like to remind readers to be aware that the sale, possession and transport of viable cannabis seeds are ILLEGAL in many countries, including in the USA. We do not wish to induce anyone to act in conflict or disobedience with the law. We don not promote the germination, cultivation or growth of these seeds where prohibited by law. SPLIFF Magazine and its employees assume no responsibility for any claims or representations contained in this publication or in any advertisement. ALL material is for entertainment and educational purposes only! SPLIFF Magazine does not encourage the illegal use of any of the products or advertisements within. All opinions are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of SPLIFF Magazine. Nothing in this publication may be reproduced in any manner, either in whole or in part without the expressed written consent of the publisher. All rights reserved. All advertised products and offers void where prohibited. Occasionally we may use materials we believed to be placed in the public domain. Sometimes it is not possible to identify or contact the copyright holder. If you claim ownership of something we have published we will be pleased to make a proper acknowledgement. All letters and pictures sent are assumed to be for publication unless stated otherwise. SPLIFF Magazine cannot be held responsible for unsolicited contributions. No portion of this publication can be reproduced for profit without the written consent of the publisher.

81 Entertainment Weed Nation Soldiers 86

Fantasy Dolls: Jeri J iblackjackskanz.com

94 Cultivating Ready,set grow! 98 Marketplace Shop ‘till you drop... 107 Did You Know?

8 Spliff Magazine ~ July 2010

10 December 2010 SpliFF

SpliFF Octbert 2010 11

neWS + national

iS meDiCAl poT hARming KiDS? Colorado — The proliferation of medical marijuana dispensaries has led to an increase in marijuana use by children who are vulnerable to the drug, according to multiple law enforcement officers and mental health professionals who testified yesterday before a Senate committee. Adams County Sergeant Jon Van Zandt said school resource officers are now dealing with 10-year-olds bringing marijuana to schools. “Milk money has been replaced with drug money,” he said. Adams County District Attorney Don Quick added that kids who use marijuana are more likely to drop out of school and wind up in jail, which ends up costing the state more money than any potential economic benefits that taxing marijuana might bring. The law enforcement community’s views were in sharp contrast to the patients and medical marijuana activists who also testified before the Local Government and Energy Committee. The committee held more than six hours of public testimony before voting on House Bill 1284, which looks to regulate Colorado’s medical marijuana industry. A proposed amendment would have forbid people under the age of 21 from going in a dispensary; the committee had yet to vote on the bill or its amendments by deadline for the Denver Daily News. Medical marijuana lawyer Brian Vicente said that prohibiting people under the age of 21 from going in a dispensary would be a form of age discrimination. HIV patient Damien LaGoy added that the amendment would have made young AIDS patients jump through more hoops to get medicine that could help their condition. 12 December 2010 SpliFF

Mark Simon, who testified on behalf of Colorado’s disabled community, said that while there may appear to be abuse in Colorado’s medical marijuana system, there is no data to support that claim. “I’m concerned that we’re making public policy based on guesses,” he said. However, psychiatry professor T.J Crawley argued that marijuana is an addictive drug, and that increasing the availability of the drug increases the use, which then increases the adverse effects he believes marijuana has. “I’m now sad for what’s happening in my state,” he said of the proliferation of medical marijuana dispensaries. “I think it’s a very serious risk for the future.” HB 1284 would create a state medical marijuana licensing board run by the Department of Revenue. Under the bill, dispensaries — referred to as “centers” in the bill — would have to get a state, local, and cultivation license to sell medical marijuana to patients. The measure passed out of the House last week. HB 1284 is the second medical marijuana reform bill to make its way through the Legislature this session. The first bill from Sen. Chris Romer, D-Denver, would require patients under the age of 21 to get a second doctor’s opinion before being able to obtain a medical marijuana card and forbid doctors from receiving money from medical marijuana dispensaries. Denver City Council in January unanimously approved a bill that limits where dispensaries can be located, who can run them, and what safety measures dispensary owners must have in place. All of the bills seek to clarify Amendment 20, the measure approved by voters in 2000 that allows for seriously ill Coloradans to use medical marijuana. Source: Denver Daily News (CO) Author: Gene Davis, DDN Staff Writer

NEWS + World neWS + World

Another Thing europe Doesn’t Agree on

By Javier Espinoza

Europe has yet to come up with a unified approach to medical marijuana. The Dutch will tell you it is legal to use the drug to treat certain illnesses; while the Swedish don’t recognize any medical use for cannabis at all. “European policy is not really changing at all and I don’t think this issue is even on the European agenda. The topic is too controversial and too political,” said Catherine Sandvos, a legal expert for the Hague-based Cannabis Bureau, a Dutch national agency aimed at providing high-quality cannabis for medical purposes. Ms. Sandvos’s native Netherlands has led Europe when it comes to legalizing medical marijuana, which it treats separately from marijuana legally available at one of Amsterdam’s famous coffee shops. The Dutch police stopped enforcing laws against marijuana in 1976 following an overall tolerance policy in the country. “It’s hard when you try to explain to outsiders that it is illegal to grow cannabis in the Netherlands, but that it is tolerated to buy it,” she says. But those who buy the drug on the streets are not getting the quality severely ill patients would need. The Dutch government set up the Cannabis Bureau — the only institution of its kind in the continent — in September 2003. 14 December 2010 SpliFF

“The state realized that so many people wanted to use cannabis, so it said ‘why not give it to them via prescription instead of them accessing the drug illegally,’ ” Ms. Sandvos added. The Cannabis Bureau ensures that patients who have a prescription from a doctor are getting marijuana that has been tested to make sure it doesn’t contain any pesticides or bacteria. Not only does the Cannabis Bureau sell cannabis across all pharmacies in the Netherlands through a prescription, but it also distributes the drug to Italy, Finland and Germany through the Ministry of Health of each country. According to the agency’s data, it sells around 100 kilos of cannabis every year. The situation couldn’t be more different in the U.K., where it is unlawful to self-medicate cannabis regardless of the disease people suffer from. In 2005, Barry Quayle and Reay Wales, who were both afflicted by serious and chronic conditions, found no relief in prescription drugs and turned to cannabis to alleviate their pain. But a U.K. court ruled against them. “The whole debate in relation to the use of cannabis for medical purposes is highly politicized,” said Daniel Godden, an associate solicitor for Hodge Jones & Allen LLP in London. Those who say marijuana is relatively safe can face severe political consequences. Last month, Professor David Nutt, the British government’s chief drug adviser, was removed from his post after he said the drug was less harmful than alcohol. Favorable views toward cannabis face opposition from some local politicians and international lobbying groups. Jorgen Sviden, director of Stockholm-based European Cities Against Drugs, which represents 261 cities in 30 countries, isn’t convinced of the drug’s medical qualities. “In principle, we don’t have an argument against cannabis as a treatment, but we haven’t seen any scientific evidence that provides a convincing argument for its medical use,” he said. “If in the future we come across proof that cannabis is a good treatment, then this is good.”

SaVe our planet In the meantime, recent fluctuations in temperature have intensified the public debate over how urgently to respond. A string of large snowstorms in the Washington area and freezing weather in Florida in the winter of 2009-2010 were seized on by climate change skeptics. But the combination of flooding, heat waves and droughts in the summer were taken by most researchers trained in climate analysis as evidence to show that weather extremes are getting worse. Subhankar Banerjee/Associated Press

global warming Global warming has become perhaps the most complicated issue facing world leaders. On the one hand, warnings from the scientific community are becoming louder, as an increasing body of science points to rising dangers from the ongoing buildup of human-related greenhouse gases — produced mainly by the burning of fossil fuels and forests. On the other, the technological, economic and political issues that have to be resolved before a concerted worldwide effort to reduce emissions can begin have gotten no simpler, particularly in the face of a global economic slowdown. World leaders gathered in Copenhagen in December 2009 for a session tha that had been years in the making but that fell short of even the lowered expectations with which it opened. The 192 nations in attendance at the end merely agreed to try to reach a binding accord before at a follow up meeting in Cancun, Mexico, in December 2010. By the summer, Ban-Ki Moon, the United Nations Secretary General, was saying that no sweeping accord was likely, and recommending that a better approach might consist of small steps in separate fields that built toward wider consensus. At the heart of the international debate is a momentous tussle between rich and poor countries over who steps up first and who pays most for changed energy menus. In the United States, Democratic leaders in the Senate in July 2010 gave up on reaching even a scaleddown climate bill, in the face of opposition from Republicans and some energy-state Democrats. The House had passed a broad cap-and-trade bill in 2009. 18 December 2010 SpliFF

The long-term warming trend over the last century has been well-established, and scientists immersed in studying the climate are projecting substantial disruption in water supplies, agriculture, ecosystems and coastal communities. Passionate activists at both ends of the discourse are pushing ever harder for or against rapid action, while polls show the public locked durably in three camps — with roughly a fifth of American voters eager for action, a similar proportion aggressively rejecting projections of catastrophe and most people tuned out or confused. Background Scientists learned long ago that the earth's climate has powerfully shaped the history of the human species — biologically, culturally and geographically. But only in the last few decades has research revealed that humans can be a powerful influence on the climate as well. A growing body of scientific evidence indicates that since 1950, the world's climate has been warming, primarily as a result of emissions from unfettered burning of fossil fuels and the razing of tropical forests. Such activity adds to the atmosphere's invisible blanket of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping "greenhouse" gases. Recent research has shown that methane, which flows from landfills, livestock and oil and gas facilities, is a close second to carbon dioxide in impact on the atmosphere. That conclusion has emerged through a broad body of analysis in fields as disparate as glaciology, the study of glacial formations, and palynology, the study of the distribution of pollen grains in lake mud. It is based on a host of assessments by the world's leading organizations of climate and earth scientists. In the last several years, the scientific case that the rising human influence on climate could become disruptive has become particularly robust.

Some fluctuations in the Earth's temperature are inevitable regardless of human activity — because of decades-long ocean cycles, for example. But centuries of rising temperatures and seas lie ahead if the release of emissions from the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation continues unabated, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The panel shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with former Vice President Al Gore for alerting the world to warming's risks. Despite the scientific consensus on these basic conclusions, enormously important details remain murky. That reality has been seized upon by some groups and scientists disputing the overall consensus and opposing changes in energy policies. For example, estimates of the amount of warming that would result from a doubling of greenhouse gas concentrations (compared to the level just before the Industrial Revolution got under way in the early 19th century) range from 3.6 degrees to 8 degrees Fahrenheit. The intergovernmental climate panel said it could not rule out even higher temperatures. While the low end could probably be tolerated, the high end would almost certainly result in calamitous, long-lasting disruptions of ecosystems and economies, a host of studies have concluded. A wide range of economists and earth scientists say that level of risk justifies an aggressive response. Other questions have persisted despite a centurylong accumulation of studies pointing to human-driven warming. The rate and extent at which sea levels will rise in this century as ice sheets erode remains highly uncertain, even as the long-term forecast of centuries of retreating shorelines remains intact. Scientists are struggling more than ever to disentangle how the heat building in the seas and atmosphere will affect the strength and number of tropical cyclones. The latest science suggests there will be more hurricanes and typhoons that reach the most dangerous categories of intensity, but fewer storms over all.

ing economies. With the completion of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change at the Earth Summit in 1992, the world's nations pledged to avoid dangerously disrupting the climate through the buildup of greenhouse gases, but they never defined how much warming was too much. Nonetheless, recognizing that the original climate treaty was proving ineffective, all of the world's industrialized countries except for the United States accepted binding restrictions on their greenhouse gas emissions under the Kyoto Protocol, which was negotiated in Japan in 1997. That accord took effect in 2005 and its gas restrictions expire in 2012. The United States signed the treaty, but it was never submitted for ratification, in the face of overwhelming opposition in the Senate because the pact required no steps by China or other fast-growing developing countries. It took until 2009 for the leaders of the world's largest economic powers to agree on a dangerous climate threshold: an increase of 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) from the average global temperature recorded just before the Industrial Revolution kicked into gear. (This translates into an increase of 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit above the Earth's current average temperature, about 59 degrees). The Group of 8 industrial powers also agreed that year to a goal of reducing global emissions 50 percent by 2050, with the richest countries leading the way by cutting their emissions 80 percent. But they did not set a baseline from which to measure that reduction, and so far firm interim targets — which many climate scientists say would be more meaningful — have not been defined.

Steps Toward a Response The debate over such climate questions pales next to the fight over what to do, or not do, in a world where fossil fuels still underpin both rich and emerg SpliFF December 2010 19

SaVe our planet + cont... At the same time, fast-growing emerging economic powerhouses, led by China and India, still oppose taking on mandatory obligations to curb their emissions. They say they will do what they can to rein in growth in emissions — as long as their economies do not suffer. The world's poorest countries, in the meantime, are seeking payments to help make them less vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, given that the buildup in climate-warming gases so far has come mainly from richer nations. Such aid has been promised since the 1992 treaty and a fund was set up under the Kyoto Protocol. But while tens of billions of dollars are said to be needed, only millions have flowed so far. In many ways, the debate over global climate policy is a result of a global "climate divide.'' Emissions of carbon dioxide per person range from less than 2 tons per year in India, where 400 million people lack access to electricity, to more than 20 in the United States. The richest countries are also best able to use wealth and technology to insulate themselves from climate hazards, while the poorest, which have done the least to cause the problem, are the most exposed. In the meantime, a recent dip in emissions caused by the global economic slowdown is almost certain to be followed by a rise, scientists warn, and with population and appetites for energy projected to rise through midcentury, they say the entwined challenges of climate and energy will only intensify. Source: NY Times

helping handS

Safe Water for the World organization: unicef Tap project location: international project: water, sanitation and hygiene programs Status: Ongoing what is the uniCeF Tap project? In 2007, the UNICEF Tap Project was born in New York City based on a simple concept: restaurants would ask their patrons to donate $1 or more for the tap water they usually enjoy for free, and all funds raised would support UNICEF’s efforts to bring clean and accessible water to millions of children around the world. Growing from just 300 New York City restaurants in 2007 to thousands across the country today, the UNICEF Tap Project has quickly become a powerful national movement. During World Water Week, March 20-26, 2011, the UNICEF Tap Project will once again raise awareness of the world water crisis and vital funds to help the millions of children it impacts daily. All funds raised support UNICEF's water, sanitation and hygiene programs, and the effort to bring clean and accessible water to millions of children around the world. uniCeF’s Role UNICEF has saved more children’s lives than any other humanitarian organization, and UNICEF is committed to doing whatever it takes to achieve the goal of reaching the day when ZERO children die of preventable causes. Currently, UNICEF provides access to safe water and sanitation facilities while promoting safe hygiene practices in more than 100 countries. In alignment with the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, UNICEF is working with its partners to reduce the number of people without access to safe water and basic sanitation by 50% by 2015, which will also save children at risk from waterborne illnesses, the second highest cause of preventable childhood deaths.

www.tapproject.org 26 December 2010 SpliFF

where Your money goes Every dollar raised through the UNICEF Tap Project supports UNICEF Water, Sanitation and Hygiene programs— saving and improving the lives of countless children in more than 100 countries around the globe.

July 2010 ~ Spliff Magazine 27 SpliFF December 2010 27

legaliZe it!

more signs that oakland's pot permit plan is facing serious trouble. - D. Gieringer, Cal NORML Even as dozens of would-be pot planters showed up at Oakland City Hall last week to apply for permits to perate city-sanctioned marijuana farms, there were signs that the trailblazing effort to redefine the reefer industry might be going up in smoke. The four available permits, going for $211,000 apiece, may not be worth the paper they're written on. For starters, City Attorney John Russo has declined to put his signature on the city ordinance that created the permits. The absence of Russo's approval will not stop the permits from being issued, but it does bring into question their legal standing. "The issue of production of cannabis is a legal thicket, and everyone knows it," Russo said. He declined to comment further, but word is federal authorities recently called his office and made it clear that they don't intend to look the other way to Oakland's flaunting of federal prohibitions on growing and selling marijuana in bulk. Former US attorney for Northern California Joe Russoniello said the Obama Administration and Attorney General Eric Holder have made it clear both publicly and in memos that they plan to bust large pot-growing operations like those being proposed in Oakland. Would the city legally defend the permits after a federal bust? "We haven't discussed it, but I doubt we would," City Council President Jane Brunner said. Councilwoman Rebecca Kaplan, whose office has been contacted by the federal Drug Enforcement Administration looking for information on the city's legislation, said it's "no big deal" that Russo plans to step aside if DEA agents roll into town. "If it happens, we have a normal procedure to use outside counsel," Kaplan said.

28 December 2010 SpliFF

Arizona Becomes 15th medical marijuana State! by Mike Meno After a final tally of late provisional ballots, the Associated Press is reporting that Arizona voters have approved Proposition 203, a state ballot measure that will allow patients suffering from cancer, AIDS, and other life-threatening illnesses to use medical marijuana with a recommendation from their doctor. The measure passed by just 4,341 votes out of more than 1.67 million cast. Arizona now joins the list of 14 other states, along with the District of Columbia, that have passed medical marijuana laws since 1996. “Voters in Arizona have sided with science and compassion while dealing yet another blow to our nation’s cruel and irrational prohibition on marijuana,” said Rob Kampia, executive director of the Marijuana Policy Project, which provided significant funding and support to the Arizona Medical Marijuana Policy Project, the local group that ran the Proposition 203 campaign. “Arizona’s law now reflects the mainstream public opinion that seriously ill people should not be treated like criminals if marijuana can provide them relief, and that doctors should be able to recommend marijuana to patients if they believe it can help alleviate their suffering.” Seventy percent of Americans favor making marijuana legally available for doctors to recommend in order to reduce pain and suffering, according to a recent Gallup poll. “Sadly, patients in 35 states still have no legal protection if marijuana is the medicine that works best for them,” Kampia said. “We will continue working in the years ahead to ensure that others are awarded the respect and compassionate care that seriously ill patients in Arizona will now enjoy, thanks to this law.” Proposition 203 allows for the establishment of about 120 tightly run, state-regulated clinics that will dispense marijuana to qualified patients in Arizona. Patients who live more than 25 miles from a clinic will be allowed to grow their own medicine.

SpliFF December 2010 29

30 December 2010 SpliFF

SpliFF December 2010 31

thiS budZ For you + afgooey

32 December 2010 SpliFF

AFGOOEY Type: Mostly Indica hybrid Genetics: Afghani #1 x Maui Haze Geographic Origin: Afghanistan/United States Description: Takes after the Afghani #1 mother in structure and resin while adding some Sativa potency and head effects thanks to the Maui Haze father. This blend of two old-school genetics lines produces a sticky, potent plant that stays relatively short throughout its lifespan. Growing Information Flowering Time: Medium, 55-60 days Preferred Growing Medium: Grows well in either soil or hydro setups, good for spacesensitive grows as well. Effects: With a relatively strong Indica effects package, Afgooey has the potential to be a “daywrecker”, but at small-to-average doses, it’s squarely in the functional Indica category thanks to the Haze influence. Buzzy, slack extremities, a fuzzy mental state, and a definite couchlock tendency forms the core of the Afgooey experience. It definitely lightens the mood in a goofy, slack-jawed kind of way, but is overall a “down” experience that is most conducive to seated activities not requiring a ton of attention. Shows benefits with strong relaxation properties (both mental and physical), mood elevation, sleep aid properties (especially at high dosages), anti-anxiety, ocular relief, and mild pain relief.

FantaSy dollS + carolyn

34 December 2010 SpliFF

FantaSy dollS + carolyn

SpliFF December 2010 35

FantaSy dollS + carolyn

36 December 2010 SpliFF

FantaSy dollS + carolyn

Click Here For More Images of CAROLYN... SpliFF December 2010 37

thiS budZ For you + chem dawg haze

CHEM DAWG HAZE Type: Sativa-dominant hybrid, Shantibabaera Greenhouse Super Silver Haze x ChemDawg (#7 pheno?) A very potent start with welled-up eyes, forehead pressure, a buzzing feeling all around the skull, and a tingly feeling throughout the body… pure Haze feeling off the bat. The initial potency may be a little much for some patients, as it could trend towards the anxious side at times, especially at higher dosages. It was a ‘stealth’ med for half of our staff, but left the other half’s eyes looking glazed-over and low, so it’s a dice roll in professional situations. After the strong start, it backed off into a functional and driven energetic state that was moderately social and very clear-feeling throughout. There were some reports of drowsiness after the 2 hour mark, but it wasn’t unanimous and might just depend on context/environment. Medicinal Traits: Energy, mental focus, strong ocular effects, appetite stimulation, anti-nausea, mood elevation, and minor tension/pain relief.

38 December 2010 SpliFF


40 December 2010 SpliFF

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SpliFF December 2010 41


Congregational Cannabis

By Natalya Zihlavski

After having mendacious anti-marijuana propaganda—containing outlandish reports such as “Marihuana leads to pacifism and communist brainwashing”—shoved down our throats since the 1930s, it’s hard to grasp the possibility of religious and spiritual use of cannabis. After all, “You smoke a joint and you’re likely to kill your brother.” And isn’t killing a sin? But I am here to show you the validity of the smoking of marijuana sacrament for religious purposes and the ministries that do just that. Despite the rejection of legalization by the Federal government, the Supreme Court ruled in February of 2006 that drug laws were not as valuable as the freedom to religion. The decision gave citizens the right to possess cannabis for spiritual reasons. State laws are also being taken into account as churches across the United States are popping up to preach the word of God and embrace their holy sacrament: marijuana. These congregations that smoke cannabis in pious services use the Supreme Court verdict as well as the First Amendment to protect their religious freedom. Among these congregations is the Church of Reality located in Gilroy, California. The founder, Marc Perkel, conjured up the idea for the church while (you guessed it!) he was stoned. Perkel states that the intention of the religion is focused on the pursuit and complete comprehension of reality itself. The smoking of cannabis plays an essential and large part in the practicing of their religion. Members use marijuana as a tool for seeing reality through a clearer image—to obtain a perception not as obscured as the one blindly followed by the masses. 42 December 2010 SpliFF

The Hawai`i Cannabis (THC) Ministry in Hilo, Hawai’i was founded by Roger Christie and is another church whose foundation and beliefs are heavily influenced by the marijuana sacrament. The holy cannabis is utilized by members in many ways including but not limited to, prayer, meditation, and nutrition. It is also used in funerals, baptisms and weddings. The THC Ministry views the hemp plant as the Tree of Life, received by humans from God himself. They believe the smoking of pot liberates the spirit and makes the mind more receptive to communication with God. Unfortunately, Christie was arrested July 8th of this year for the sale and possession of cannabis. His trial starts April 26, 2011 and will have by then been in federal custody for more than 10 months. Now, you may be wondering, what exactly makes these people and institutions believe that cannabis is sacred and holy? Well, it’s in the Bible of course! There are many lines and passages in the Holy Scripture that very well can be references to the healing and spiritually uplifting powers of the hemp plant.

One of these citations aforementioned is from the Book of Revelation: “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will grant to partake of the tree of life which is in the Paradise of God.” (Revelation 2:7) Likewise, the Book of Isaiah asserts: “I will take my rest and I will consider in my dwelling place like a clear heat upon herbs, and like a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest. For afore the harvest, when the bud is perfect and the sour grape is ripening in the flower, he shall cut off the sprigs with pruning hooks and take away and cut down the branches.” (Is. 18:4-5) Sacramental use of cannabis persists to rise in popularity even though American courts typically discredit the excuse in the defense to prosecution for possession. Similarly, marijuana-friendly congregations are increasing in number as well. As you look deeper into the concepts and ideologies of these ministries it’ll begin to shed light on the rationality behind them, and furthermore, won’t seem as strange or unconventional as it may have previously.

Roger Christie, founder of the THC Ministry in Hawai'i


Should smoking marijuana be a medical option? By LEX ALEXANDER Rocky Hoveland of Greensboro suffers pain from spine, neck and back injuries. For a long time, he took prescription painkillers. But the drugs often left him dazed, if not null and void. Then about 10 years ago, he began using marijuana to treat the pain. He found that it didn't eradicate the pain, but it made it more manageable. "It keeps me from being in that haze of wanting to sleep all day or feeling hung over all day," he said. The prescription medications "were making me lay down, and I ain't one to lay around." Hoveland and others like him are pushing for North Carolina to legalize cannabis for medical purposes. And they have become part of a national trend. In November, Michigan became the 13th state to legalize marijuana for medical purposes. That popular-vote referendum was just the most recent decision in a long-running debate: whether it should be legal for people to use, grow and sell marijuana for medicinal purposes. On one side: sick, suffering patients, many of whom are dying. For at least some of them, cannabis eases symptoms of illness or side effects of treatment. On the other: a federal government that believes marijuana's benefits are too few and its side effects too risky for the drug to be legalized, even to the highly restricted level of cocaine. Billy, a Davidson County man who didn't want his full name used , once took the prescription painkiller Dilaudid every day after lingering neck and wrist injuries, experiencing some of the same side effects as Hoveland. 46 December 2010 SpliFF

Dilaudid "didn't do much" for the pain, he said. "And I got hateful. My family didn't want to be around me." . Marijuana has helped him, too, he said. "Now I'm up and around, hiking and fishing," he said. "Marijuana focuses my mind away from the pain. I'm still hurting, but it's not that important anymore." Proponents of legalization in North Carolina are ramping up their efforts. Representatives of the nonprofit N.C. Cannabis Patient Network have toured the state this winter, meeting with politicians, clergy and medical professionals and airing programs on local public-access TV stations. On May 2, proponents are scheduled to march in Raleigh on behalf of legalization as part of a global one-day protest called the Million Marijuana March "We're looking forward to this becoming legal in this state so people can quit living in fear," said Jean Marlowe, the network's executive director. "We're returning dignity to these patients." Marlowe, who lives in Polk County, has used marijuana since 1991 to treat muscular dystrophy, rheumatoid arthritis, degenerative disk disease, muscle spasticity and fibromyalgia. She says the authorities leave her alone because she has a letter from her doctor saying she needs medical cannabis..

Before using marijuana, she said, the side effects of her various medications left her practically disabled. "I spent my time throwing up, dizzy," she said. "I couldn't cognize. I couldn't balance my checkbook. I spent my life in a chair, in the corner, with a trash can." State Rep. Earl Jones, D-Guilford, introduced a bill in the 2008 legislative session to create a study commission to look at legalizing marijuana for medical purposes in North Carolina. Jones plans to reintroduce his bill this year . "I think the legislature will do the right thing once they see it will benefit the public and they have been educated," Jones said. But the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration remains adamantly opposed to legalizing cannabis even for medical purposes. It continues to prosecute under federal law in some other states for growing and distributing the plants. The most comprehensive review of the possible medical benefits of marijuana remains a book-length report, "Marijuana and Medicine," published in 1999 by the Institute of Medicine . The institute is part of the National Academies, agencies that advise the government on medicine and other sciences. That report, co-authored by a researcher at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, examined marijuana use with respect to five areas:

In general, the report found that marijuana, though not a panacea, could help relieve some of these symptoms in at least some patients. In some cases, the report found, marijuana worked as well as or better than accepted treatments. It also found that smoking treats symptoms such as pain and nausea more quickly and effectively than taking the medicine by mouth. The report raised concerns about the long-term health effects of smoking marijuana, which, like tobacco, is associated with an increased risk of cancer. Such long-term risks probably don't matter for patients who already are dying, the report noted. A synthetic form of marijuana's most active ingredient, THC, is available by prescription under the trade name Marinol. But it takes longer to work than inhaled marijuana smoke. Also, taking cannabis by mouth can get patients "higher" than smoked cannabis - which many patients don't want. When THC is eaten, the liver, which smoking bypasses, breaks the psychoactive elements down into even more potent chemicals. Another problem with synthetic oral cannabis is that it contains only a few active ingredients, while smoked marijuana contains more than 60.

1) Pain, particularly nerve pain experienced by patients with AIDS and other diseases. 2) Nausea and vomiting, often experienced by chemotherapy patients. 3) Wasting syndrome and loss of appetite, often experienced by AIDS and cancer patients. 4) Neurological symptoms, including muscle spasticity and multiple sclerosis. 5) Glaucoma, excessive pressure in the fluid inside the eye. The condition can cause blindness. SpliFF December 2010 47

Feature + cont...

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The combination of those ingredients, not just one, may provide the most medical benefit, says Dr. Wilkie Wilson, director of the DukeLEARN neurological-research program at Duke University, who notes that drug companies are researching that question. "What you need is something, maybe like an aspirator or an inhaler, that can deliver the drug better than a pill would," said Dr. Steven R. Childers, a professor of physiology and pharmacology at Wake Forest University's Bowman Gray School of Medicine. Childers co-wrote the 1999 Institute of Medicine report. Wilson, co-author of "Buzzed: The Straight Facts About the Most Used and Abused Drugs from Alcohol to Ecstasy," says some patients prefer smoking because it gives them greater control over their dosage - they can choose to stop, or continue, at any time depending on how much relief they're getting. Childers says the 1999 report's general conclusions remain accurate. Researchers have made some incremental advances, particularly in whether cannabis can ease some symptoms of multiple sclerosis. The nonprofit National Multiple Sclerosis Society is paying for a 10-year study, which began in March.

Also, Swiss researchers found in 2006 that cannabis taken orally can ease muscle spasticity in people with spinal-cord injuries. And after promising findings in rats and mice, Israeli researchers plan human trials to determine whether cannabis may slow or halt memory loss in people with Alzheimer's disease. But U.S. government-sponsored studies since 1999 have been few and far between. The government grows little marijuana for research and tightly restricts its use. Currently, of 768 drug-related studies sponsored by the National Institute for Drug Abuse and registered at www.ClinicalTrials.gov, two pertain to medicinal marijuana . Besides the possible direct benefits to patients, what are the arguments for legalizing medicinal cannabis? For one thing, it may help patients for whom other drugs are ineffective or cause intolerable side effects. Its own side effects are relatively minor, the long-term cancer risk aside. Cannabis is safer than many drugs now on the market. There has never been a documented death attributable to marijuana overdose, Wilson says.

Feature + cont... And legalization would bring about standardized dosages and quality, aiding both treatment and research. Critics argue that the drug is psychologically habitforming. It can be, but it is less so than alcohol, tobacco and such drugs as heroin, the institute report found. Some research subjects have reported unpleasant feelings or sensations after taking the drug. And some do not like the "high" that comes with taking the drug. That condition also can make it dangerous to drive or perform other skilled tasks and can hurt judgment and short-term memory. Wilson points out that these ill effects are particularly dangerous in young people, whose growing brains must absorb not only academic knowledge but also social skills. There is some evidence the drug can hamper the immune system in some patients. And marijuana is considered a "gateway" drug - one that could lead to use of more potent and dangerous illegal drugs. The 1999 report found little evidence to support that claim on a pharmacological basis. It also observed that alcohol and tobacco are more widely used gateway drugs, particularly among younger people. For those reasons and others, federal law classifies marijuana as a Schedule I controlled substance, the most restricted type. Such drugs are defined as having no currently accepted medical use in the U.S., a high potential for abuse, and no accepted safe approaches for use even under medical supervision.

states that have legalized medicinal marijuana, DEA agents still arrest people on federal drug charges. And the government can prosecute doctors who prescribe marijuana. To avoid arrest, doctors often give their patients letters stating that the patient needs marijuana, rather than a prescription. Proponents of medicinal marijuana also argue that regulating the drug should be a state and local matter, not a federal one. In 2005, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a case called Gonzales v. Raich that the federal government had the right to regulate marijuana even within a single state, as opposed to in interstate commerce. But a more recent Supreme Court decision suggests that the days of such overarching federal regulation might be numbered. On Dec. 1, the court refused to hear an appeal from the city of Garden Grove, Calif. That city was defying a state court's order to return marijuana it had seized from a man who had won dismissal of drug charges after he provided a statement from his doctor that he needed marijuana. Proponents hope that these incremental steps will lead to a day on which no one need fear legal punishment for using medicinal cannabis. "I'd like us to be united in compassion," Marlowe said. "Living in fear of the government is not what we want for people who are sick and dying." Wilson says marijuana should be legally distributed through pharmacies just as other drugs are.

Another Schedule I drug is LSD. Proponents of medicinal marijuana want it reclassified at least as a Schedule II drug, the most restrictive category for addictive drugs with recognized medical uses. Examples include codeine, the active ingredient in many cough medicines, and the painkiller Dilaudid The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration maintains that marijuana's risks are too great, and its medical benefits too few, to legalize it. Even in some of the 13 50 December 2010 SpliFF

"We control amphetamines - my God, we give them to kids for attention-deficit disorder," Wilson said. "Just treat (marijuana) like any other regulated pharmaceutical. I don't see any reason not to do that. I just don't see the reason." After her tour of the state, Marlowe said she is more hopeful than ever about legal medical marijuana. "I can smell the finish line," she said. "I'm not going to be a criminal much longer."

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tech Spot

Vapur Anti-bottle Rolled, folded or flattened: New VapurTM Anti-bottle meets increasing consumer demand for affordable, convenient and eco-friendly options to disposable plastic bottles Flexible, fun and reusable for consumers on-thego at work, school or play (Westlake Village, Calif.) - Sept. 8, 2009 - Vapur, Inc., a company that designs and produces innovative products for consumers who are looking for planet-friendly alternatives to bottled water and bulky reusable bottles, is launching its first product, the VapurTM Anti-bottle. It is a new foldable, reusable water bottle designed for easy and convenient on-the-go use anywhere. Unlike traditional rigid bottles, Vapur is flexible, which means it stands upright when full and can be rolled, folded or flattened when empty, easily fitting into pockets, purses, packs or briefcases. It also contains no BPA (Bisphenol A), which means it can be safely reused again and again. BPA is a common, harmful chemical used in the manufacturing of plastic that can leach into the container and be ingested by humans. "For consumers who recognize the environmental and economic advantages of drinking filtered tap water over bottled water, we offer a more convenient reusable bottle that can be taken anywhere", says Jason Carignan, co-Founder of Vapur. "By making small, incremental changes in our lifestyle habits, we hope to affect big changes in the environment, one drop at a time." Each Vapur can hold up to 16 ounces of liquid and is currently available in blue, pink and green. They can be purchased online at Vapur.us or Amazon.com for $8.95 each or in a family four-pack for $29.95.

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Features of the Vapur Anti-bottle include: * Reusable and Safe - Extremely durable and BPA-free * Affordable - Retail price of $8.95 for one or $29.95 for four means a family can stock up * Convenient - Stands when full and rolls, folds or flattens when empty * Easy to carry - Comes with sturdy clip that can be attached to any bag, purse or backpack * Identifiable - Personalize bottle with own name * Easy to clean - Dishwasher safe * Versatile - Packable, freezeable and microwaveable In addition to its consumer-friendly features, the environment has been thoughtfully considered throughout each step of the Vapur lifecycle, from design and manufacturing, to shipping and distribution, through consumer use. It is highly durable and can be reused again and again. The packaging is made from recycled paperboard and is printed with soy ink, using wind power for the printing process. Because Vapur is manufactured in the United States, is lightweight and ships flat, there are dual environmental benefits - up to 5 times more bottles per shipment container means fewer trucks on the road, lower fuel consumption and reduced carbon emissions. Carignan adds, "Using the Vapur Anti-bottle can create a wave of change that not only helps reduce the amount of disposable plastic water bottles that end up in landfills, but also chips away at the 47 million gallons of oil per year that it costs to produce and ship bottled water." As a member of 1% For the Planet, the company is donating a portion of all sales to water related environmental causes. 1% For the Planet is an alliance of businesses that donate at least 1% of their annual revenues to environmental organizations worldwide.

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Image by: Ryan Lue-Clarke

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NAME: Nerissa Irving BIRTHPLACE: Jamaica CURRENT LOCATION: Los Angeles The combinations of exquisiteness, aptitude and business attributes are not unusual when used to describe “Imperial Goddess” Nerissa Irving. This international tropical beauty is a scarcity within the realm of today’s woman. Born camera-ready, Nerissa relocated to the United States from Jamaica at a young age. Trained as a violinist and dubbed as a child prodigy at age 7, she attended her first model search and was highly regarded by some of New York’s top modeling agencies.

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State of Green Business 2010 In this third annual edition of our State of Green Business report, we continue our efforts to measure the environmental impacts of the emerging green economy. This year’s effort was colored by the Great Recession and its myriad of impacts on individuals, companies and governments around the world. Would the economic downturn nip the green economy in the bud? Of course, 2009 also was a time of political transition in the United States, the principal arena of our focus. How would regime change affect companies’ environmental policies, performance and progress? Would companies envision a new era of environmentally activist government? If so, would that compel them to become more proactive or to dig in their heels? The answers aren’t simple, and therein lies the foundation for this report. As in previous years, it shows a mixed bag of encouraging and discouraging news and trends. On balance, however, we were pleasantly surprised by what we found. First and foremost, green business activity did not go away amid the harsh economic environment. It survived — and even thrived. In some cases, such as with energy efficiency, the recession provided a stimulus, as the need to cut operating costs in order to maintain competitiveness became ever more valued by executives, their boards and their shareholders. Our quest for information gathering for this report isn’t an end to itself. As in previous years, we try to provide context to the robust green business taking place and to help answer the question: Is all of this activity actually moving the needle? That is, did all of the hundreds of environmental announcements and achievements by companies during 2009 actually result in their doing better, environmentally speaking, than the year before? Clues to the answers can be found in our annual GreenBiz Index, in which we look at 20 measures of greeneconomy progress, from energy use to e-waste to employee commuting habits. In many cases, progress is evident, though not necessarily at the scale and speed needed to effectively address climate change, water shortages, resource scarcity and the toxicity of consumer products, among other pressing issues. Definitive answers to our questions can be subjective, often in the eye of the beholder. We’ll leave it up to you to decide for yourself whether all of this amounts to good news or bad or, more likely, something in between. How will all this play out as the recession ebbs and the economy rumbles back to life? Will newfound efficiencies and sensibilities fall by the wayside, or have things indelibly changed? How the green economy fares during the economic recovery will be the subject of another year’s report. Hopefully, the next one.

— Joel Makower, Executive Editor, Greener World Media, Inc. 66 December 2010 SpliFF

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health + Food

The Best and worst Beverages for weight loss Skinny Sipping: Drink pounds Away

- WebMd.com

Many of us watch what we eat but not what we drink when on a diet. That’s a mistake. The average American gets a fifth of daily calories from beverages. Choosing the right drinks can tweak your metabolism, curb your appetite, and reduce your total calorie count. Which drinks are spoilers and which are helpers on the path to weight loss?

Spoiler: Soda Every time you chug a bottle of soda, you’re consuming hundreds of empty calories. Switching to diet soft drinks is an obvious way to cut calories, but the research is mixed on whether this switch results in weight loss. Some studies show a short-term benefit. Others find diet soda drinkers gain weight. If your calorie intake exceeds what you burn off, just switching to diet soda may not do the trick.

helper: water Replacing carbonated soft drinks with water will cut hundreds of calories per day, and the benefits don’t stop there. Drinking two glasses of water before a meal may encourage the stomach to feel full more quickly, so you don’t eat as much. In addition, new research suggests drinking plenty of water may have a positive effect on your metabolism.

Jury’s out: Fruit Juice Juice can have as many calories as soda, but it has far more to offer in the way of nutrients. This presents a dilemma -- you want the vitamins and antioxidants without all the extra sugar. The safest bet: Look for 100% fruit juice. Steer clear of juice drinks that have added sweeteners. Look for the percent of real juice, noted on the nutritional label. You can also slash calories by drinking water with a tiny bit of juice added.

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helper: Vegetable Juice Vegetable juice is every bit as nutritious as fruit juice with about half the calories. A 12-ounce serving of tomato juice has 80 calories, compared to 160 calories for orange juice. Vegetable juice with pulp is also high in fiber and can help control hunger.

Jury’s out: Smoothies Blend a banana, strawberries, and blueberries into a frothy smoothie, and you’ve got a delicious arsenal of disease-fighting vitamins and minerals. The homemade variety is best when you’re counting calories, because you can control the ingredients -- skim milk and fresh fruit are all you need. Restaurant smoothies may contain ice cream, honey, or other sweeteners that boost the calorie count sky-high.

Jury’s out: low-Fat milk Consuming calcium-rich foods may do a body good, but calcium probably won't help you lose weight, new research now reveals. Some earlier studies suggested calcium may prompt the body to burn more fat, but there’s little evidence to support these claims. Depriving the body of calcium, on the other hand, has been show to trigger an increase in the production of fat cells. To get the benefits of calcium without consuming extra fat, stick to skim or low-fat milk, yogurt, and cheese.

Spoiler: energy Drinks Sports and energy drinks are calorie bombs like soda. They may have more added nutrients, but you can find the same vitamins and minerals in low-calorie foods. People who are serious about losing weight should stay hydrated with water rather than sports drinks.

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health + Food + cont... helper: Black Coffee When you need a shot of caffeine, coffee is a better choice than soda or energy drinks. Black coffee is caloriefree and rich in antioxidants. Studies have shown that consuming moderate amounts of coffee (about 3 to 4 cups a day) may improve mood and concentration, and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and several types of cancer.

Spoiler: Fancy Coffee Once you add heavy cream, flavored syrups, and/or a snowcap of whipped cream, that innocent mug of black coffee becomes a minefield of fat and sugar. Specialty coffees can contain up to 570 calories per cup -- possibly more than an entire meal! If you don’t like your coffee black, add a little skim milk and artificial sweetener to keep the calorie count low.

helper: green Tea Green tea is another excellent choice when you’re looking for a little caffeine. Not only is it calorie-free, some research suggests green tea extract may stimulate weight loss through the action of phytochemicals. These are plant-based compounds that may temporarily cause the body to burn more calories and melt fat. The benefit appears to last only a few hours, so it may help to drink green tea at least twice a day.

Spoiler: wine Coolers Wine coolers may sound light and airy, but they are heavy on calories. A 12-ounce wine cooler can have 190 calories and 22 grams of carbs. Regular wine is not much better with at least 100 calories in a 5-ounce glass. A lowcalorie alternative is a wine spritzer: mix a dash of wine with some sparkling water.

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Spoiler: Cocktails A shot of hard liquor has fewer calories than wine or wine coolers, but once you mix in soda or cream, watch out‌ An 8-ounce white Russian made with light cream has 715 calories. A less fattening option is to mix rum or vodka with diet soda.

helper: light Beer OK, beer is not really going to help you lose weight. But if you’re out with friends and want to share a pitcher, light beer is the way to go. A serving has 100 calories, compared to 150 calories for regular beer.

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health + medicine

Laughter is good medicine...

72 December 2010 SpliFF

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health + exercise

$ 6 Ways to build a better body on a budget Lean times don't mean you have to skimp on fitness. Try these suggestions for workouts and home gym equipment on the cheap.

> By Colette Bouchez Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD 74 December 2010 SpliFF

gym memberships, personal trainers, pricey equipment for the home gym - all these expenses can make it tempting to use tough economic times as an excuse for avoiding exercise. But the truth is that you can build a better body on a budget. From simple workouts with no equipment, to getting some of the benefits of a trainer for free with the click of a mouse, there are lots of ways to stay in shape and still save money. To help point you in the right direction, WebMD asked the experts for advice on how you can get fit for little or no money.

1. Schedule Your workouts When you've got a membership to a high-tech gym or a standing appointment with a personal trainer, the expense means you're less likely to skip out on workout time. Experts say it's essential to approach your "no frills" workout with the same convictions. "This means putting it on your schedule, making a specific time for when you're going to do your workout, and it means doing all you can to limit interruptions -- like turning off the phone, making sure the dog is walked before you start, and, if necessary, letting family members know that for 30 minutes or so, they are on their own," says Susie Shina, director of FitnessOneEighty.com and author of 60Second Circuits: 1,000 Easy Exercise Combos You Can Do Anywhere. You can also help keep your workout on track by laying out your exercise clothes the night before, says Shina. "This acts as a reminder that you don't want to skip out on your session." What can also help: Choose a playlist of your favorite exercise songs and load them into your mp3 player, or create a workout CD. Timing the music to fit the length of your workout will help keep you on track for the whole routine. "Motivation and music go hand in hand, so again, it's another way to ensure you stay motivated," says Shina.

Š2005-2009 WebMD, LLC. All rights reserved.

mcmillian and garce suggest these basic, no-equipment exercises to get you started: Squats. Standing upright, feet wider than shoulders apart, with arms extended forward or hands on hips for balance, squat down. Push knees outward as you descend, until thighs are parallel with the floor. Continue pushing knees outward as you stand.

partial-body push-ups (with knees on the floor).

modified jumping jack. Instead of moving your arms over your head, do these while pressing the palms of your hands together at chest level, with elbows out to form a straight line.

Chair crunches. Sit on a chair with hands under your behind, arms straight, and fingers facing inward toward one another. Contract your pelvis and lower abs, and, keeping your knees bent at a 90-degree angle, lift your feet off the floor and tuck your knees in toward your chest, bending the upper body slightly toward your knees. Do as many as you can until you reach fatigue.

Chair dips. Place your hands on the side of the chair and wrap your fingers around the edge. Scoot forward until your bottom is on the edge of the chair and your arms are fully extended. Keep your feet about 3 inches apart with legs extended, so knees are at approximately 150 degrees with your heels grounded. With elbows pointed back and tucked in tight alongside the body, do 15-20 dips, 3 seconds down and 1 second up. Keep your chest up and your shoulders back. SpliFF December 2010 75

health + exercise + cont...

3. Turn Your housewares into "gymware" Your home may already be a home gym. Experts say if you think outside the (treadmill) box, you'd be surprised at how many household objects can be substituted for fitness equipment.

use soup cans for weights. Janet Lee, deputy fitness editor of Shape magazine, says that any triceps or biceps exercise you'd do at the gym with dumbbells, you can do at home using cans of soup. To properly gauge the weight, don't go by the ounces listed on the can -- that's liquid weight. Instead, weigh the cans on your scale to figure out the poundage that's best for you.

2. Choose workouts That work at home When you're starting a workout program, it can be hard to figure out what exercises you should be doing -- particularly if you don't have the budget for pricey equipment or personal training advice. But all you really need to do, says Charla McMillian, JD, CSCS, is follow a few simple guidelines. "You have to ensure that all your major muscle groups are targeted at least once each week -- and no more than three times a week, and your program has to include 30-60 minutes of moderate to vigorous aerobic exercise three to five times a week," says McMillian, creator of FitBoot.com, a training program for fitness professionals. And don't forget to stretch, which helps with both strength and flexibility. "Always begin every workout with a few simple stretches, and always end with at least two to three minutes of stretching," suggests Adrian Garce, a Greenwich, Conn.-based personal trainer.-

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use jugs as weights.Fill a household bucket or jug with water (or sand, rock salt, or powdered detergent), secure the top with duct tape. Lift it up and down in front of you as you do squats. Substitute paper plates for body sculpting equipment. The key here, says Lee, is to use the plates to help your body slide on a carpet. This allows you do body sculpting moves that would ordinarily require workout equipment. You can do the sliding lunge (put the paper plate under one foot and lunge forward). Try stimulating skating to work your butt and thighs: Just attach the plates to your feet with rubber bands and slide away. Or, get down on all fours, put the plates under your hands, and use them to work your chest by sliding your arms back and forth. Substitute a countertop for a push-up bench. In most homes at least one countertop, in the kitchen or bath, is the right height for a pushup. Put both hands on the countertop, extend your legs behind you at an angle, lean down into the counter and then push back up. Substitute pantyhose for resistance bands. Almost any exercise you can do with a resistance band, you can do with old pantyhose or tights. For example, sitting on the floor with legs straight, loop a pair of pantyhose around the balls of your feet and pull back with both hands as if you were using a rowing machine.

4. use Your Computer for motivation & help Do you tend to work out better when someone is setting goals for you? Then don't overlook the power of your computer - and many free applications that can provide some of the stimulation you need. You can find exercise-tracking tools and spreadsheets on a number of websites. Use them to create and maintain a training regimen, keep track of your progress, and even to share online with friends, family members, and fellow exercisers. For how-to instructions for specific exercises, check out WebMD's fitness slideshow, including those illustrating a 30minute workout and abs exercises. Further, video sites like YouTube.com are full of free videos from exercise gurus willing to share their know-how. Some other sites offer free workouts to download to your mp3 player. However, the experts warn, you shouldn't take advice from just anyone. "Make sure the fitness instructor is qualified. There is a lot of questionable advice out there, even on DVDs you purchase, so always make sure the advice is coming from someone certified by a reputable fitness organization," says Therese Pasqualoni, an aerobics instructor and director of StrikeItHealthy.com.



5. Take a TV exercise Break Here's a no-excuses, no-expense workout: Instead of going to the kitchen for a snack during TV commercials, exercise instead. "Pick a different activity for each commercial and do it till the show comes back on," suggests Shina. "During one commercial, do crunches; during another, do squats; during another, march in place. The longer you watch TV, the more exercise you'll get in, and before the night is over you've got at least 15 to 20 minutes of workout time."

6. Spend a little, get a lot If you do have a few dollars to put toward building a better body, here is the fitness equipment experts say can give you the most benefits for the least amount of money: A dumbbell set that represents a realistic range of what you need to lift (5-30 pounds for most women, 10-50 pounds for most men) An adjustable weight bench (one that goes from flat to incline or decline) A mirror for the wall so you can see your technique Kettle bells -- hand weights that can be used to tone your entire body Resistance bands, a type of rubber tubing that creates resistance for your muscles instructional DVDs Stability ball Step bench for step aerobics SpliFF December 2010 77

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Everyone should be using vaporizers! Benefits of Marijuana Vaporizers Why? Because you’re lungs will thank you. When smoking marijuana, you really want to smoke 2 ingredients, THC and CBN. Although you end up smoking the plant too, which contains harmful carcinogens. Vaporizers are great because they simply heat up the herb until pure THC and CBN’s are released, NOT burning the plant. This makes vaporizers a smart, and healthy method of using marijuana. Read below to discover the many health benefits of vaporizing marijuana. Marijuana smoke contains hazardous toxins Its well known that marijuana smoke contains hazardous toxins which aren’t great for your respiratory system. Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons are highly carcinogenic, and believed to be a leading factor in cigarette related cancers. California NORML and MAPS recently conducted a laboratory study and found that vaporizers are truly able to drastically reduce or eliminate harmful smoke toxins, while still delivering cannabinoids. Get more info on this study right here. To date, at least 4 vaporizer studies have been performed. Back in 1996 one study found more tar in the vapor, although the vaporizers were of a primitive design. Since, great leaps and bounds have been made in Vaporizer technology. A study in 2006 by researchers at Leiden University tested the high end volcano vaporizer and found this: “Our results show that with the Volcano a safe and effective herbal delivery system seems to be available to patients. The final pulmonal uptake of active ingredients is comparable to the smoking of them, while avoiding the respiratory disadvantages of smoking.”

How They Work... Vaporizers heat up marijuana to around 180190 degrees Celsius, where active cannabinoid vapors are released. Noxious smoke and carcinogenic toxins are produced at a higher temperature, 230 degrees. Vaporizers allow us to bypass these nasty toxins. Use Vaporizers for your health! Click and discover the benefits today!


Ready, Set Grow What are the security issues when growing indoors? Security, Excerpted from Section One, Indoor Marijuana Horticulture, The In door Bible


rowers and tokers have been made into "the enemy" by the American government in the War on Drugs. It is the job of law enforcement to arrest the flower-growing enemy. To wage this war on US citizens, law enforcement wields an impressive arsenal, including draconian laws and high tech surveillance gizmos.

Security Checklist: * Electric bill should be about the same as the neighbors and previous tenants * Garden and grounds should be tidy and similar to neighbors * No light leaks whatsoever * Use friend's car to visit grow store * No noise - humming, fan on/off at night, etc. - is audible day and night * No strange odors including ozone smell All electrical outlets, fuses and connections must be grounded. Inspect electrical connections for signs of heat - blackened wires, melted connections and smelly wiring. Have a current fire extinguisher rated to put out wood, paper, grease, oil and electrical fires. When law enforcement has "evidence" of a growing operation, they look for more. They look at telephone, electric and shipping records for starters. A thermal imaging camera is most often used at this point. Occasionally they use dogs that are trained to sniff out marijuana. The information is used against the grower to obtain a search warrant. If there are plants discovered at the house, they continue to build the case against the grower by using anything the grower says. The police collect most of the information on the grower from the grower! Surround your property with a bed of cedar shavings instead of bark chips in the flowerbeds. Cedar shavings disguise other odors. Use an ozone generator to neutralize the marijuana fragrance. Have a ready reason for extra electrical consumption. Unload grow supplies a little bit at a time or from within a locked garage.

94 December 2010 SpliFF

Security Alert never tell anybody about any garden. Control where you go. Stay away from other grow houses, wild parties, real criminals, etc. Always take a friend's car to the grow store and go seldom. Travel with others whenever possible. Your car is easy to trace and follow. Keep your consumption habits reasonable; don't show large cash income. Buy large assets, houses and cars, over time. Don't ever tell anybody you are growing or even joke about growing. Always have a job and a reason for your activities. Keep a low profile.

rt Security Ale Don't talk on the phone about any garden. Keep your home and surrounding property in good repair. Make sure the house is painted, lawn mowed and garbage picked up. Keep electrical use to a reasonable amount and keep the air clean around the house. Have very few visitors and keep to yourself. Have minimal conversations with neighbors. Never trust anybody, friends, family - brother, sister, children, even your mother! In America, "Land of the Free", a grower can go to jail just for giving another grower advice! The RICO conspiracy laws were enacted to break up the Mafia. Today RICO laws are used against growers and non-growers alike. Under the law, a person that advises a grower to "water in the morning" is equally guilty of growing the marijuana garden, even if he never saw the garden. RICO laws tread on the very essence of the American Constitution.

Security Alert

bugging devices, super sensitive directional microphones, infrared scopes, thermal imaging, etc. They can also subpoena telephone, Internet and electrical company records. Intimidating cops coerce electric company employees to break the law and give them the records. Tracking telephone numbers, including location, is very easy. There has been more than one case where law enforcement illegally acquired telephone records and placed illegal taps on garden store telephones. Police use telephone records to target grow houses. Always use pay telephones with an untraceable phone card or pay with coins. Lazy narcs also watch garden store parking lots and follow clients home.

Security Alert

pay bills in cash or with money orders. Pay all bills and make all purchases with cash. Cash tells no tales and leaves no trails. Pay for mail order merchandise with a money order. Have the merchandise sent to another address. Develop garden photos in a large city in a quick develop store. Remember, the film is not yours! Do not give your telephone number on the return film information. Photos should not show incriminating evidence. Don't photograph people, tattoos, addresses, etc. US residents should never show their grow show to anyone!!! Never tell anyone you are growing. Deny growing to everyone, always! You immediately change from a Weed Warrior to a helpless victim subject to extortion once anybody knows you are growing in the USA. When the cops arrest a "friend" that has seen your grow show to, they can legally use deception and intimidation to squeal on you. Beware! Interrogations can last for months!

Law enforcement rewards jealous, hateful and vindictive "friends", lovers and enemies for imNever visit or telephone other growers. If visit- plicating a grower under the RICO laws. Huning another grow room, that grower can impli- dreds of thousands of growers have had their cate you with circumstantial evidence and you lives ruined in a matter of moments on testimony from a vindictive "friend". are considered as guilty as the grower! Don't show anybody your garden.

Law enforcement has sophisticated telephone SpliFF December 2010 95

cultiVating + cont...

Security Alert never admit to anything. Absentee owners are the best landlords. Make sure home inspections are done before you move into the home and the rental agreement should allow for an advance notification of inspections. Put the telephone, electricity, garbage, etc. in a friend's name. Grow in a rented home. If you own the home, it is often forfeited if you are suspected of growing. Curb noise and odors by sealing and insulating the grow room with "sound board". Similar to sheet rock, soundboard muffles sounds well. Install rubber feet or grommets on fan feet. Build an extra room or box (allow for air flow) around ballasts to muffle noise. Place a thick pad under ballasts to absorb vibrations. In-line fans are much quieter and efficient than squirrel-cage blowers. If light escapes from vents, give venting a 90-degree turn and paint the vent black where it turns. This will disappear all unwanted light. Ozone-treated air should discharge through a roof vent or chimney to decrease ground level odors. See "Ozone Generators". Be careful when installing a ceiling vent or when venting out chimney. Light shining out the chimney and around roof vents looks very suspicious!

Security Alert Stop pungent smells with an ozone generator. "All electric" homes are few and far between. Electrical use information from previous tenants might be available from the electric company. On the average, growers in the US can use one 1000-watt lamp per bedroom. This means a two bedroom home can host 2000 watts a three bedroom home 3000 watts, etc. Unhook the dryer and other appliances that draw much electricity. Turn the water heater down to 120 degrees and take showers at the gym. 96 December 2010 SpliFF

Stealing power from the electric company causes even more exposure than paying for it! The extra risk is insane and it's wrong to steal! Fortunate growers use the Equalizer, a device that makes electricity more efficient, see box. Manufactured by Western Water Farms, in BC, Canada, 1800-533-9301, Ext. 1, will lower the amount of current recorded that the line is drawing. In other words, route your grow room electricity through this device and pay half the electrical bill. Very slick little unit! The reports on electricity savings on this device have been incredible.

Security Alert

Secu! Do not steal electricity! Thermal Imaging Devices Now relatively inexpensive (about $13,000) thermal imaging devices are becoming more affordable for smaller police forces. Thermal-imaging devices have been used legally to measure the heat signature escaping from structures. This invasive "evidence" is used with other "evidence" to secure a search warrant. A recent Supreme Court decision declared the use of thermal imaging devices unconstitutional. Such heat sensing devices cannot be used to secure a search warrant for the interior of a private building. Super Size Secret: Grow efficiently and maximize all effort and expense to harvest a minimum of 0.5 grams per watt of light in the flowering room every month. One last bit of simple security detail: grow efficiently! Growers should harvest 0.5 grams of dried bud every month for each watt of light in the flowering room. Growers that do not harvest this much are cheating themselves and must master the basics of growing. Always grow fewer than 99 total plants. Federal laws require a five-year minimum sentence with no parole when convicted of growing 100 1000 plants. Š Jorge Cervantes

SpliFF December 2010 97

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hempseed has high levels of protein, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, essential fatty acids and trace elements. hempseed oil comprises nearly a third of the seeds' weight; making it a viable source for cooking oil, lighting and bio-fuel. hempseed oil is also beneficial as a body care product and can be made into soaps, conditioners and lotions. The stalk provides an incredibly strong, durable and rot resistant fiber that's been used in the shipping industry for centuries. As hemp can grow over ten feet tall, the long fibers are perfect for rope. The short fibers of the stalk can be used in textiles as a replacement or blender fiber for cotton. The core of the stalk can be used to make paper and organic plastics. The woody core, known as hurds, can be mixed with lime, sand, plaster and cement to create a very strong concrete or building bricks. The core fiber can also be utilized in producing a fiberboard that is twice as strong as wood-based fiberboard. The stalk can also be used to make methanol and ethanol

SpliFF December 2010 105

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