Advertising Supplement to The Spokesman Review
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Brighten Everyone’s
Holiday Bring Cheer &
Glad Tidings
Advertising Supplement to The Spokesman Review
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Bring Your Kids To
A special gift store just for kids! Kids ages 4-12 shop for everyone on their list, then wrap each gift so it’s ready to go under the tree. All gifts priced $.50 to $8.
November 23 - December 23 Store Hours
Crescent Building 707 W. Main
Monday - Saturday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mrs. Claus Sponsors
Downtown Skywalk Level
Santa Sponsor
For more information, call 509-220-5907, or email proceeds benefit Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery
Advertising Supplement to The Spokesman Review
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Join the Silver Valley Christmas Celebrations Come to our Communities and enjoy an Old Fashioned Victorian and Country Christmas Our communities have put together a multitude of traditional and festive Holiday events. You will have the opportunities to meet Santa, have cocoa, cider and cookies, visit crafters, shop local boutiques, take a hayride, see the Paw Parade for pets, so much more And… FIREWORKS!
Some of our festive events include:
catholic charities christmas collection
December 1st Osburn City Christmas Festival
Providing Help. Restoring Hope. Saving Lives.
December 7th Wallace Silver Lined Christmas Festival and Parade
December 1st & 2nd Nutcracker performance December 4th Pinehurst Christmas Lighting Celebration
December 8th Kellogg Lighting Craft Fair Parade, Tree Lighting and Fireworks
Please consider a gift to Catholic Charities Spokane. Your donation to our programs will stay in Eastern Washington, providing shelter, counseling, meals, childcare and many basic services for over 77,000 people in 2013.
Make your secure online donation today at: or mail to: Catholic Charities Spokane, P.O. Box 2253, Spokane WA, 99210-2253
December 15th Wallace Silver Lined Festival Finale Smelterville Parade (TBA)
See you Here!! Hot Cocoa & Cider Pictures with Santa
Unique Hand Made Gifts Nutcracker Ballet
The Kellogg Festival will be accepting donations for the Silver Valley Food banks. Bring your non perishable items and drop them off at any of the decorated boxes at the Silver Mountain Gondola base on December 8th. For Event details and schedule:
Historic Silver Valley Chamber of Commerce 208-784-0821
Michael and Joy Otis and FRP Financial Services “Where Your Future is Made Easier” Proudly supports the vital mission of Lilac Services for the Blind
Providing essential services to the blind and low-vision in 14 counties of the Inland Northwest since 1971
Awareness | Education | Prevention
Lilac Services for the Blind 1212 N. Howard St., Ste. B | Spokane, WA 99201
Advertising Supplement to The Spokesman Review
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Spokane Symphony Associates presents
30 Annual th
2012 Nov 28 - Dec 9
Spokane’s premier Holiday Event
The Davenport Hotel
November 28 - December 8
Trees viewed DAILY - 10 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
River Park Square
November 28 - December 9 Trees viewed DAILY - During Mall Hours
Raffle Tickets $1 for a chance to win a decorated tree and its gifts worth up to $5,000 for you and your family. For more information or to register for events or (509) 458-TREE A fundraiser to benefit the Spokane Symphony Orchestra
6XSSRUW D /RFDO 1RQ 3UR¿W Donate Items or Host a Clothing Donation Bin! NOVA Services partners with business and community, empowering people with disabilities. A Division of Northwest Center
Accepting tax deductible donations of clothing & household items. 'RQDWLRQV VXSSRUW D /2&$/ QRQ SUR¿W &RQYHQLHQW SLFNXS VHUYLFHV 6XSSRUW ORFDO HPSOR\PHQW SURJUDPV
HOST ME! This Clothing Donation Bin needs a home! Contact: Tyler Davis (509) 480-1544 | (888) 466-6820 Serving the Community since 1983 - Your Support Makes a Difference!
Advertising Supplement to The Spokesman Review
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Bring a new Teddy Bear for tossing onto the ice as soon as the Chiefs score their ďŹ rst goal. All the bears will be gathered for distribution to area children during the holidays through the Christmas Bureau. Help the Spokane Chiefs, The Spokesman-Review Christmas Fund and the Christmas Bureau make this a winning season for our kids!
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Advertising Supplement to The Spokesman Review