WALTHER GIAZETTA, Winter 2021-22

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a tt e z a Gi NUMBER 10


WINTER 2021/22



r e h t l a W Hotel

WANDERLUST Dear Walther guests, dear readers, Why do we actually experience wanderlust, this great

In the current Giazetta – which is our tenth issue al-

desire to travel? Especially these days when travelling is

ready! – you will find inspiration for carefree winter

more difficult. For most of us, it is a desire for variety, re-

days here in Pontresina and at Hotel Walther. Learn

laxation, the chance to practise a certain sport and disco-

more about the exhilarating sport of Skijoring; read the

ver new things. Does travelling fulfil some basic human

article by tourism expert Jürg Schmid; let our culinary

needs – for example, our need for solidarity and commu-

tips, our Lazy Winter’s Day Bucket List, and the A-Z

nity? In tourism, we speak of resonance – the desire to

for cross-country skiers encourage you to travel to the

get in touch ... with people and things. Experiences that


leave a lasting impression even after we return home. In this sense, travel makes a valuable contribution to our

Of course, nothing beats actually experiencing all of

personal development. Regional tourism has grown in

this for yourself – living it is a thousand times more mo-

popularity with the coronavirus crisis. Short distances

mentous than talking or reading about it. Are you ready

and local activities convey a feeling of security – just as

for an extraordinary winter vacation? For sunshine,

familiar cultures promise emotional warmth and safety.

snow, and the high Alps? The Walther has been a welcoming and appealing place for 114 years and remains so

In our family-run Grand Hotel, we try to meet these

in these turbulent times.

needs. To offer security, diversity, space for encounters, variety in our experiences. All of this is complemen-

We have a shared responsibility for the well-being of

ted by the wonderful Alpine natural area of the Upper

the many people who stay with us. Together with our

Engadin. Do you know of any other holiday region that

team – and in compliance with the authorities’ require-

offers such a vast variety of sports and leisure facilities,

ments – we look forward to welcoming you to Hotel

events, culture, and cuisine? There is something for every-


one here. Find your happiness. Everything has its time. Enjoy yours. Kindest regards and see you soon!

Anne-Rose & Thomas Walther and our friendly employees

2 | Editorial

NEWS f e i r b in

INSPIRING ALPINE EXPERIENCES FOR PROS AND BEGINNERS The popularity of the resort of Pontresina can be traced back to mountaineering. You can discover more about the history of this region at the exhibition currently being held at the Museum Alpin. Still today, the Bergsteigerschule Pontresina is the oldest and largest in Switzerland and offers a wide range of winter sports options for both beginners and professionals. Whether you’ve never heard of snowshoes in Ski touring in the foothills of the Piz Palü

your life or have already climbed the most demanding mountain peaks is not important – all it takes is a little spirit of adventure. Accompanied by experienced mountaineers, you can rest assured that you are in good hands. Ski touring, splitboarding, introduction to winter canyoning, girls’ camps, freeride, and deep-snow courses are just some of the activities that can be booked. No matter which you opt for, the Bergsteigerschule guarantees an unforgettable winter experience in the stunning Engadin mountain landscape!

Snowshoeing around Pontresina





With our Walther Gift Cards, you can surprise your loved ones with a relaxing break, homemade pasta at La Trattoria, a massage, flowers, or even champagne. With a Gift Card, recipients can choose their dream experience themselves. Order conveniently via the Internet with print@home. Giving is fun! The Steinbock is the oldest inn in Pontresina (1651) and has been run by the Walther family for three generations. Since last winter, the ambience on the ground floor has been a mix of orangery and hunting lodge. Be it the lamps, tiles, carpets, or furniture – all of the materials have been selected with great care and consideration for the building’s history and the region. Traditional features have been reinterpreted and brought together; anything that was not authentic and original has been removed. “It was important to preserve the tried and true, to build on the roots and to create something new for the future. Steinbock is still Steinbock – only more open, fresh, and beautiful.” Have you already explored it? Take a look!

News in brief | 3


SKIJORING IN THE ENGADIN You might not even know how to pronounce this strange word, let alone know what it means. Skijoring is derived from the Norwegian Kjøring, which means driving. This winter sport, in which a skier is pulled by a horse, sledge dog, or motor vehicle, was invented in the Engadin. And the exciting races still take place today, exclusively on the frozen Lake St. Moritz.

The first skijoring race Over a hundred years ago in the renowned spa town of St. Moritz a group of high-spirited athletes played with the idea of combining equestrian sports and skiing. A horse race in which the horse has no rider but pulls a skier behind it – that was the concept of skijoring. Although the idea was new, it was immediately received with great enthusiasm. The first skijoring race took place in 1906, 115 years ago. It was organised by the St. Moritz Kurverein and ran over 10 kilometres from St. Moritz to Champfèr and back. After this successful premiere, the sport continued to expand, with different versions emerging in countries such as France, Denmark, and Russia. The original skijoring race, which is today world-renowned, is still held exclusively in St. Moritz to this day.

Milestones Thanks to the great enthusiasm for the first skijoring race, the sport proved highly popular, with further races taking place the following year, 1907 – this time, however, on the frozen Lake St. Moritz, where a nearly two-kilometre-long race track was installed. The rules were brought into line with those of conventional horse races – except that there was still a skier in tow. Also, prize money was awarded for the first time. Today, the driver with the most points is awarded the coveted title of “King of the Engadin” for a year. The next race, in 1908, with an estimated 5,000 spectators, provided great entertainment. The route was extended by one kilometre. From this point on, the audience increased steadily, and with them the income from betting and tickets. The skijoring races on the lake marked the beginning of a long tradition that is still alive today, known now as the White Turf international horse races.

Skijoring and women Skijoring requires a great deal of discipline, strength, balance, and athleticism. Being pulled on skis by a racehorse over a distance of 2,700 metres at a speed of 50 kilometres per hour in wind and snow is not for everyone. Perhaps this is the reason that skijoring remained a male domain for a long time. It was only in 1983 that the first woman participated in a race. Hedy Danuser, however, never made it to the finish line. It took many more years for the next woman, Valeria Holinger, to participate, and she made it onto the podium, winning third place in 2009. Six years later, Leta Joos was the first

4 | 115 Years of Skijoring in the Engadin

woman to be crowned the winner of a race. In 2017, Valeria Holinger followed in her footsteps, winning two races in a row. With the third race of the year being cancelled, her two victories meant that she became the first woman ever to win the title of “Queen of the Engadin”. At the age of 18, Valeria Walther was the youngest athlete to date to participate in her first skijoring race in the White Turf. Since then, the oldest daughter of the hotelier family Walther has been taking part in the races on Lake St. Moritz every year. In 2019, her third year, she made second place and stood on the podium for the first time. We talked to Valeria about her enthusiasm for skijoring and horses.


YOUNGEST SKIJORING DRIVER How did you get into skijoring? I was an absolute horse fanatic from an early age. I subscribed to

Personally, I always want to ride my horse beforehand because

the magazine Wendy early on and started taking riding lessons.

that’s how I get to know my partner, and it just makes me feel

We always went to the horse races on Lake St. Moritz with the


family, and I always said, “When I grow up, I want to be a skijoring driver”. Said and done. Immediately after my 18th birth-

Of course, basic fitness is necessary, and skiing regularly defini-

day in December, I filled out the license application and took the

tely plays a role. I am very lucky to have my own horse, so I am

exam in January. I participated in my first race in February.

used to working with horses and can even skijor with him to train. Two years ago, I started mental training with Anne-Marie Flam-

How do you prepare for a skijoring race? Actually, you can’t really prepare for a skijoring race. Every race is different, and the horses don’t arrive until a few days before the

mersfeld from “All Mountain Fitness” because I was a bundle of nerves and simply couldn’t get my nervousness under control. Now I have learned to convert it into focus, which helps me a lot.

first race on the Sunday. This doesn’t leave much time to practise.

Interview with Valeria Walther | 5

What is the best thing about skijoring? The overall experience is indescribable. The adrenaline rush, in

Wearing a helmet and a protective vest is also compulsory now. I

particular, is incredible. Every time I think about it, I get goose

have to admit that it is exactly this aspect of unpredictability, com-

bumps! The moment you shoot around the last curve before the

bined with adrenaline, horses and skiing, that excites me so much.

target is very special for me. We come around the curve at about 60 km/h, and you can feel the excitement of the audience im-

Who determines the race – you or the horse?

mediately. On the home straight, you can hear the cheering, and

As far as direction is concerned, I’m in command; steering works

the entire atmosphere is charged with energy. After crossing the

well from behind. I don’t have that much influence on the speed.

finish line, I am overcome with relief. I’m just so happy and grate-

This is what makes skijoring so exciting because the horse clearly

ful to be able to practise this sport.

wants and has to fight, and so the real fighters’ hearts come to the fore.

What qualities does a good skijoring horse need? We call the skijoring horses “diesel engines” because they just have

Do you plan to continue participating in White Turf?

to run. Beyond that, we are much less able to steer the horse from

I definitely want to participate in White Turf until I’m too old or the

behind than a jockey on its back can. The horse doesn’t really know

lake no longer freezes.

where the finish is, so it must have a strong character and drive to run on its own. Renowned horse whisperer Federico Tesio said it

What does skijoring mean to you?

this way: “A horse gallops with its lungs, perseveres with its heart

Skijoring means a lot to me. I also consider it a very great privilege

and wins with its character.”

because such races are unique worldwide. It is a very special feeling to be one of around ten active drivers worldwide. It’s almost

Is skijoring dangerous?

like being in Formula 1 – plus we’re only two women at the moment,

Many sports are dangerous; ice hockey and Alpine ski races are just

which spurs on our innate fighting spirit. The skijoring races are

as dangerous. In equestrian sports, there is simply the fact that the

definitely an annual highlight, and I’m really looking forward to the

horse is a flight animal. This carries a degree of unpredictability.

2022 races!

Nevertheless, we drivers know what to do, and we look out for each other.

6 | Interview with Valeria Walther


EIGHT NEW ROOMS TO ENSURE SWEET DREAMS THIS WINTER Every taste is catered for – whether you prefer cosy, rustic, airy, or unusual! All seventy single and double rooms, Junior suites, and Suites at Hotel Walther are individually furnished, featuring hardwood floors or carpet, and pine, larch, or cherry wood. Some also offer a balcony or terrace, bidet, bathtub, or separate shower. This means that our guests can always find a room to suit their wishes within the respective category. Eight of our rooms have been completely redesigned for this winter season, offering our guests the perfect space for relaxation and sweet dreams. Following the success of the room renovations in 2019, with the stunning redesign of the two ground floors at Hotel Walther and the Steinbock, we once again enlisted the talents of interior designer Virginia Maissen for the redesign of the eight rooms. The rooms include four Deluxe “Spice Dream” rooms, and four Superior “Soft Cream” rooms. The Spice Dream rooms immerse the guest in a spicescented, fresh ambience that exudes cosiness. The Soft Cream rooms delight with soft and delicate pastel colours. Touches of the Art Nouveau era during which the Hotel Walther was built can be found throughout the rooms in the furnishings and lighting. Visualization superior room “Soft cream”

DYNAMIC PRICING AT THE WALTHER Our room prices are calculated dynamically, which means that rates vary according to season and occupancy. The current daily prices can be found on our website. You select your room, your stay, your individual additional services, and view the price. At hotelwalther.ch, we always guarantee our best available room rates. By the way – our new terms and conditions offer you maximum flexibility and planning security. Just give us a call – booking directly guarantees the ultimate personalised service. T +41 81 839 36 36 hotelwalther.ch Visualization deluxe room “Spice dream”

New rooms | 7



Jürg Schmid (58), married, three children, was director of Switzerland tourism from 1999 to 2017. Switzerland’s global positioning and marketing as a holiday, travel, and conference country were at the core of his responsibilities. Before that, he was director of sales and marketing at Oracle Corporation and was responsible for the markets of Northern, Central, and Eastern Europe, the CIS countries, the Middle East, and Africa. Today, he is an independent entrepreneur and partner in the marketing and communications agency Schmid Pelli & Partner AG. He has a seat on various boards of directors, including the position of president of Graubünden Ferien and president of the board of directors of the luxury hotel group The Living Circle.


After almost two years of the coronavirus crisis,

Gastronomy seems to be recovering faster in urban

how do you assess the general situation of the Swiss

areas than in the more rural regions. How do you see the

hotel industry and Swiss tourism?

future here – which trends will prevail?

There is no such thing as “one” Swiss tourism. While cities con-

There is no avoiding the mobilisation of the rural population for

tinue to suffer due to the lack of business tourism and the reluc-

vaccinations. Without a higher vaccination rate, the country inns

tance of overseas guests to travel, the Swiss mountainous and

will have to continue to live with lower guest counts. Hotel gast-

rural regions have benefited from strong domestic tourism. Never

ronomy works differently. Guests will dine more often in a hotel

before have so many Swiss people visited Graubünden, including

in the future. You check in, show the certificate and enjoy almost

those from French-speaking Switzerland.

no restrictions.

While the hotel industry in the cities has suffered

How do you see the opportunities for tourism in the Grisons

significantly, the holiday hotel industry in the Engadin

and the tourism industry in general?

and especially Pontresina has experienced strong

The Grisons is the number one holiday destination in Switzer-

growth. What were the driving forces here?

land. Because domestic tourism is likely to grow disproportiona-

Foreign-travel restrictions and the desire for safety in terms of

tely worldwide, not just in Switzerland, I see solid future pros-

sanitary measures have forced the Swiss to discover their home-

pects for tourism in the Grisons. With its spectacles of nature and

land rather than travel abroad. And then the many years of high

the wide range of experiences on offer, Pontresina is excellently

presence in the home market and local markets have also paid off

positioned for the future.

positively. Hotel Walther is the best example. Consistent quality over decades helps during times of crises because a good product

How will we travel in the future?

is the best marketing.

In ten, maybe twenty years? We live in a time when the forecast for the next season is already

Among other things, you are president of Graubünden

prophetic. But some aspects seem clear: travel will become more

Ferien. What measures has the organisation taken in the

sustainable, more conscious, more demanding, and uncompro-

past two years to support tourism in the Grisons?

mising. We will again enjoy long-distance travel, but a little less

We decided very early on to focus all of our resources on the

often, more consciously, and compromising less on quality.

home market and a few neighbouring countries and massively increased our communication. We also started a Romandy charm

As a tourism expert, what is important to you when

offensive – and even surprised ourselves with the new experiences!

travelling? How do you go on vacation? Are there any

The Alpine Circle, a round trip through the Grisons, was very well

pioneering ideas or projects that you would like to

received by first-time visitors. Of course, the Alpine Circle runs

share with our readers?

right past Hotel Walther – where else?

I want to feel and experience a country and its people. That is why I look out for guided tours with adventure potential. I also

The Covid19 pandemic is a real game changer in tourism.

want to enjoy with a clear conscience and without austerities.

Values have shifted, development has slowed down, and new

That’s why I pay more and more attention to sustainability when

trends are emerging. What does it take to lead the hospitality

choosing a hotel. The environmental commitment is transparently

industry along the path to success?

listed on the website of Hotel Walther. That is convincing.

Travel is coming back. But things won’t just go back to the way they were before. We have experienced permanent, disruptive

Thank you very much for talking to us, Mr Schmid.

changes and have to live with the certainty that in a world that is getting smaller and smaller, such a situation is unlikely to remain a one-off. That is why business trips will frequently take place virtually in the future; people will often work from home – and for many, this will be in a hotel or second home in the Grisons. Tourism is becoming more individual, more demanding, and more sustainable. And that’s good. Consequently, providers must focus consistently on quality, individuality, and sustainability.

Interview with Jürg Schmid | 9


CROSS-COUNTRY PARADISE EXTRAORDINAIRE The dreamy, snow-covered natural landscape, clean air, idyllic trails, excellent infrastructure, and long-accumulated expertise make Pontresina a paradise for cross-country skiers. Cross-country skiing is booming and has developed into a “secret trend” sport in recent years. We have put together some cross-country skiing tips for you below:

OUR FAVOURITE ROUTES Over the Engadin lakes An absolute highlight: Ski from St. Moritz over the frozen lakes and experience the imposing expanse of the Engadin mountain landscape. The approximately 13-kilometer route leads over the Lej da Champfèr, Lake Silvaplana and Lake Sils to Maloja and forms part of the Engadin Ski Marathon.

From S-chanf down to Zernez A breathtaking route along the River Inn through a snow-covered fairy-tale landscape towards the Lower Engadin. It’s around 15 kilometers to Zernez – and you can return by train.

Classic or dynamic route to Val Roseg In addition to the classic trail, a racing trail for skaters also leads into the Roseg Valley. The former ends at the very back of the restaurant Roseg Gletscher; the latter forms a shorter loop to and from the Cunschett cross-country skiing center.

Pontresina – Morteratsch Through an enchanting landscape slightly upwards towards the Bernina. Around five and a half kilometres with an incline of 100 metres. The Morteratsch Inn and the extension to the glacier tongue await you at the end of the trail.

Criss-cross through Stazerwald Along the dreamy trail to Celerina or around Lake Staz, to St. Moritz and back via the Stazerwald descent. With its numerous ascents and descents, this trail is ideal for experienced skiers or those looking for a challenge. Further information, suggestions for tours, maps, and waxing tips can be found at pontresina.ch

10 | Cross-country skiing paradise Pontresina

MARATHON VILLAGE NEW IN PONTRESINA Pontresina has been the main sponsor of the Engadin Skimarathon for nearly six years now. This winter, the St. Moritz-Bad Marathon Village will move to the attractive promenade in the centre of Pontresina. The village of Pontresina has been actively involved in Swiss cross-country skiing for years and is a regular venue for regional and national youth competitions. Thanks to Pontresina’s organisational skills for cross-country skiing and events, the Engadin Skimarathon will henceforth benefit from the ski-bib issue point and the finish line infrastructure of the Engadin Half Marathon and Engadin Night Run. There are also interesting new possibilities for the design and the programme in the Marathon Village. Even if the Marathon Village is intended for participants in the Engadin Skimarathon, it enriches village life for guests and residents alike. The Marathon Week 2022 starts on 6 March with the Women’s race and ends with the Ski and Half Marathon on Sunday 13 March.


Engadin Nachtlauf 10 March 2022

This 55-kilometer circular race in the classic technique goes from

Ski the 17 kilometers from Sils across the lakes to Pontresina by

Zuoz via Samedan – Pontresina – St. Moritz and S-chanf back to


Zuoz. For amateur and top athletes.



La Sfida 4 to 6 February 2022

Engadin Skimarathon 13 March 2022 The world’s second-largest fun run with over 12,000 participants.

Multi-stage cross-country ski races for amateur athletes with the

Participate in the 42-kilometer Marathon from Maloja to S-chanf or

Tour de Ski as a model, and a unique opportunity to get to know

the 21-kilometer Half Marathon to Pontresina.

the Upper Engadin trails network better.



Engadin Frauenlauf 6 March 2022 Start of the Engadin Marathon Week with the 17-kilometer race from Samedan to S-chanf (women, individually or in a team). engadin-skimarathon.ch

WALTHER CROSS-COUNTRY & LEISURE PACKAGE … in cooperation with Langlaufschule Fähndrich Sport. In addition to excursions and lessons in cross-country skiing techniques, the offer includes accommodation, meals, and various Walther benefits. Suitable for beginners and advanced skiers.

Included services • 3 or 6 nights in the desired room category • Welcome aperitif at the hotel bar • Daily balanced start with the generous Walther breakfast buffet • Daily evening menu at the Walther Culinarium (5 restaurants to choose from) • Cake break every afternoon in the lobby • A full body massage (50 minutes) • Sportswear service • Furthermore, the Walther’s inclusive services such as access to the wellness & fitness area, children’s play area, free Wi-Fi, and much more

The cross-country programme • Monday–Wednesday, 10 am to 12 pm:

• Free travel on public transport in the Upper Engadin (bus & RhB)

Traditional or skating technique training

• VAT and service, excluding tourist tax

in groups of 7–8 people

The prices vary depending on the room category, selected courses and lessons, and length of stay. More information on our website

• Thursday: excursion from 10 am to 1 pm • Friday: 10 am to 12 pm technical training

hotelwalther.ch or give us a call. We are happy to advise you personally T +41 81 839 36 36.

Kalender Sommer 2020 | 11





m u i r ulina


y r ie t ve l va u n fi f i r ces nde i r. o i o h W umo of c ar/F lot B a s & ue! and ant q aur uni ’s rest It

“Upscale but not out of touch” is our kitchen philosophy. Dining should not only surprise in terms of taste but also provide an experience thanks to the unique ambience. Here is a selection of our amusebouches. Bon appétit!


Our house aperitif: slightly bubbly and can take on any champagne.

WHERE? Everywhere in the lobby, the Hunting Lodge, the Art Nouveau Hall ... wherever you like. WHEN? Always worth a little guilty pleasure.



Our patissiers conjure up fresh cake variations from the oven every day.

WHERE? Lobby Hotel Walther. WHEN? Afternoon teatime with a wide selection of teas.




Homemade spinach ricotta ravioli with sage butter.

WHERE? La Trattoria at Hotel Walther – colourful Italianità. WHEN? Daily for dinner during the season.

BOTTOM LINE? La Vita è bella!


The original Grisons classic served in the cosy Steinbock dining rooms.

WHERE? Colani Stübli, Flora, and Farfalla. WHEN? Lunch or dinner. BOTTOM LINE? Dearly beloved

and unforgettable.


… beautifully served with fresh grilled vegetables.

WHERE? Everywhere from the

lobby to the Art Nouveau Hall ... and even outside on the garden terrace or in your room.

WHEN? Daily from 12 pm to 10.30 pm.

BOTTOM LINE? The fine art

of chill and lounging.

12 | The Wishing Table


Based on a secret recipe – for example, with champagne and truffle.

WHERE? In the Gondolezza – Pontresina’s cheese heaven. WHEN? Daily from 5 pm during the season.

BOTTOM LINE? The ultimate



Daily changing selection menus in an Art Nouveau atmosphere, Walther breakfast.

WHERE? Walther Art Nouveau Hall. WHEN? For brunch or

in the evening from 7 pm.

BOTTOM LINE? Grand restaurant dining at its best.


... Gruyere, tomato, cucumber, bacon, iceberg lettuce, and smoky BBQ sauce.

WHERE? Lobby and hotel bar. WHEN? Daily from 12 pm


to 10.30 pm.

... very popular and freshly made by Walther Patisserie.


but hearty Snack.

WHERE? In La Trattoria. WHEN? Daily for dinner during the season.

BOTTOM LINE? Buonissimo.


Gourmet safari along Via Maistra Gourmet tour and warm Pontresina hospitality in select locations at six hotels on Via Maistra. Starting with an aperitif in the bowling alley of the Grand Hotel Kronenhof, you’ll stroll along the promenade to each of the locations. With stops at the Hotel Saratz, the SportBar at the Sporthotel, and the wine cellar at the Hotel Müller, the Via Culinarica will take you on a journey of tasty delicacies and excellent wines, with the last stop being the Kochendörfer Backstube at Hotel Albris. At each of the venues you are sure to be impressed both by the surroundings and the entertaining anecdotes from the hosts. Finally, the gastronomic evening walk leads to Hotel Walther, where the unique hotel lobby with bar and smokers’ lounge offers the perfect ambience to let the evening draw to a close as you enjoy coffee and a digestif. During the season, Wednesdays from 6.30 pm, CHF 125. Registration required. T +41 81 839 36 36 or pontresina.ch

Gourmet-Tour | 13






Slowing down, taking it easy ... Engadin experiences for connoisseurs and relaxation seekers

Lakes, mountains, sun. A breathtaking panorama including an adventurous ride on the Engadin’s first funicular. In addition, a glass of wine and Engadin specialities on the panoramic terrace.

A vertical mineral bath located at the heart of the village. The bathing ritual takes visitors up three floors through various stations. The water comes from a private spring 35 metres below the building.


By horse-drawn carriage through the wonderful Engadin. The trails take you to Val Roseg, Val Fex or through the Stazerwald.

Alpine culture, fauna, flora, geology, and the history of the mountaineering village of Pontresina in an old Engadin house. Or in St. Moritz, the Engiadinais and Segantini Museum with the triptych.

The route from St. Moritz over the Bernina Pass (2,253 m) to Tirano crosses bridges between climate zones, languages, and cultures. An impressive UNESCO World Heritage Site.


All sorts of amusements await visitors on the frozen Lake St. Moritz: ice skating, equestrian sports, deckchairs, food stands ... a unique promenade!





Various well-kept rinks and small and large tournaments. A relaxing experience – be it as a participant or a spectator – with fresh mountain air and a comfortably warming cup of mulled wine.

To the rhythm of your own heartbeat. 150 kilometres of well-tended winter hiking trails await you around Pontresina. Especially magical when it snows.

Spend a day “just” in the lobby and indulge yourself. Reading, podcasts, drinks, and delicious snacks from the Walther Lounge menu included.

“Pop next door” and experience the exclusive tea ceremony of one of the luxury hotels. Suvretta House, Kulm Hotel, Carlton or Badrutt’s Palace await.

Would you like more tips and information? We would be happy to assist you with organising your personal “Lazy Winter Day”. T +41 81 839 36 36 or hotelwalther.ch

14 | Lazy Winter’s Day Bucket List

DREAM TEAM WITH ROOTS IN THE HOTEL INDUSTRY The three apprentices at Hotel Walther. From left to right: Fabia Lardi, 2nd-year cook apprentice, Lara Donatz, 2nd-year hotel clerk apprentice, Christian Patscheider, 1st-year cook apprentice. In the past two years, Hotel Walther has welcomed

Lara sees a great advantage in getting to know two hotels at the

three new team members. The apprentices Lara

same time – Hotel Walther and the smaller Hotel Steinbock. She

Donatz, Fabia Lardi and Christian Patscheider give

loves the diverse work at the reception and says that she could

us an insight into their everyday life as apprentices

never work in a boring office. “Every day is different, and you

in the hotel industry.

never know what to expect when you come to work in the morning,” she says.

Lara, Fabia, and Christian all come from families involved in the hospitality industry and have always helped diligently at home

Fabia and Christian find it fascinating that they are constantly

in their respective hotels. They are all used to hotel life and con-

getting to know new recipes, cooking techniques and foods.

tact with guests.

Fabia says: “There are hotels all over the world, and yet the work in the hotel industry is different in every country – there are so

After internships in various hotels, it was clear to Lara that she,

many different cultures and lots of new things to discover, espe-

too, wanted to pursue a career in the hotel industry. Fabia already

cially when it comes to food and the kitchen.»

knew as a child that she wanted to be a cook and Christian always enjoyed all the activities in the family hotel business.

All three apprentices appreciate the good cooperation in the team and the fact that there is always something going on at Hotel

All three completed a trial apprenticeship at the Hotel Walther

Walther. Every day, hotel life brings new surprises and interesting

beforehand. And for all three of them, it was the clear favourite

contacts with the very different guests – so there is no chance

out of the other hotels they visited. So, they applied and were

of boredom! All three have been living and breathing the hotel


industry from birth.

Apprentices at Hotel Walther | 15



1 View 2 Glacier near Pontresina

3 Renowned


landscape painter

4 Stays at the Hotel Walther 5 Horse races

on Lake St. Moritz


6 Cold season

17 16

7 Colors in the new Walther rooms

8 It is required


for Skijoring


9 Guest room

in the Hotel Steinbock



10 Attractions on Lake St. Moritz

11 Italian cheese 12 Tasty variety in


the Hotel Walther

7 8

13 Speciality of the Gondolezza


14 Orientation of the Mineralbad in Samedan

15 Cross-county skiing event 16 horizontal Dynamic skiing technique

12 10

16 vertical Winter sport


17 Main sponsor of the

Engadin Skimarathon

Who is ready for the Walther Crossword Challenge? Simply fill in the crossword puzzle, then sort the letters in the orange fields below in the correct order. The solution describes a traditional Engadin dish. By the way – you will find most of the answers in this Giazetta. Solution: Five winners every month throughout the winter season! The first five per month who present the crossword puzzle with the correct answer at the reception will win

Collect moments – not things! Stay in touch with us and follow us on Instagram! #walthermoments #grandmoments #lieblingsmomente #bergwinter

The next summer season begins on 10 June and ends on 16 October 2022. Hotel Walther · Via Maistra 215 · CH-7504 Pontresina · Telefon +41 81 839 36 36 · www.hotelwalther.ch Also part of the Walther family: Gondolezza & Hotel Steinbock, Pontresina · www.hotelsteinbock.ch


an aperitif for two.

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