Vsebina Contents
05 06 20 44
Nagovor generalnega direktorja General Manager’s Message Predstavitev druŞbe Presentation of the Company Reference References Projekti v teku Projects in Progress
Rajko SiroÄ?ić Generalni direktor / General Manager
Ponosni smo, da kot vodilni postavljamo standarde etiÄ?nosti, kakovosti in trajnostnega razvoja. We are proud that by being the leading company in this area, we are setting the highest standards of ethics, quality and sustainable development. 4
General Manager’s Message
generalnega direktorja Smo največje svetovalno in inženirsko podjetje v Sloveniji. Ekspertno znanje, bogate izkušnje ter pridobljeno zaupanje javnih in zasebnih naročnikov so temelji, na katerih smo se utrdili kot nepogrešljiv partner pri uresničevanju investicij s področja železnic, cest, komunalne in vodne infrastrukture ter stavb. Na podlagi dosedanjih zahtev in potreb naročnikov z različnih področij smo izpopolnili ključne veščine za uspešno uresničitev najzahtevnejših infrastrukturnih projektov: tehnična, ekonomska in druga ekspertna znanja, sposobnost vodenja kompleksnih postopkov ter koordiniranje različnih deležnikov, vpletenih v številne faze investicijskega ciklusa. V letu 2011 smo bili statusno preoblikovani v t.i. notranjega izvajalca države za naloge, ki jih ima Republika Slovenija, njeni organi, pravne osebe javnega prava ter gospodarski subjekti, ki delujejo v imenu in za račun Republike Slovenije, na področju organiziranja in vodenja investicij, upravljanja ter rednega vzdrževanja javne infrastrukture. Z dodelitvijo statusa notranjega izvajalca naši družbi je država kot investitor v različne vrste javne infrastrukture, po zgledu nekaterih drugih evropskih držav, prepoznala prednosti, ki jih lahko zagotavljamo za pregledno, strokovno in ekonomsko učinkovito realizacijo investicij. Naša konkurenčna prednost so celovitost storitev, visoko motivirani zaposleni, poglobljeno razumevanje ciljev in potreb tako javnih kot zasebnih naročnikov ter prizadevanja, da pri vsakem zaključenem projektu presežemo njihova pričakovanja. Ponosni smo, da kot vodilni postavljamo standarde etičnosti, kakovosti in trajnostnega razvoja ter soustvarjamo boljše okolje za sedanje in prihodnje rodove.
We are the biggest consulting and engineering company in Slovenia. Expert knowledge, rich experiences and gained trust by public and private clients are the foundations on which we have consolidated as an irreplaceable partner in the implementation of investments in railways, roads, municipal and water infrastructure and buildings. Based on the previous requirements and needs of our clients from different areas; we have mastered the key competences for the successful implementation of the most demanding infrastructural projects: technical, economic and other expert knowledge, capacity for managing complex procedures and coordination of different stakeholders, participating in numerous stages of the investment cycle. In 2011, our company has been statutorily transformed into the s.c. internal provider to the state for implementing the tasks for the Republic of Slovenia, its bodies, legal entities under public law and business entities, operating on behalf and for the account of the Republic of Slovenia, in the field of organising and managing investments, managing and routine maintenance of public infrastructure. By assigning the status of the internal provider, the state as the investor into different types of public infrastructure, following the example of some other European countries, recognised the advantages we can assure by the transparent, professional and economically efficient implementation of investments. Our competitive advantages are: integrity of services, highly motivated employees, thorough understanding our clients' - public and private - needs and goals; and endeavours to exceed their expectations at every project completed. We are proud that by being the leading company in this area, we are setting the highest standards of ethics, quality and sustainable development and thus co-create a better environment for present and future generations.
Rajko Siročić
Generalni direktor / General Manager
Predstavitev dru탑be Presentation of the Company
Predstavitev družbe
Presentation of the Company
Temelji delovanja družbe DRI upravljanje investicij so ekspertna znanja in izkušnje, pridobljena v skoraj dveh desetletjih delovanja v Sloveniji in izven naših meja. Kot največje svetovalno in inženirsko podjetje v Sloveniji javnim in zasebnim naročnikom zagotavljamo storitve na področju:
železniške, cestno-prometne, komunalne in vodne infrastrukture, stavb ter energetike.
Pod imenom DRI upravljanje investicij, Družba za razvoj infrastrukture družba deluje od aprila 2011. Lastnik Republika Slovenija jo je s statusnim preoblikovanjem dotedanje družbe ustanovil z namenom, da kot notranji izvajalec subjektom javnega prava zagotovi storitve investicijskega inženiringa, vodenja investicij v javno infrastrukturo in druge svetovalne storitve po t.i. »in-house« pogodbenem modelu.
Nova železniška proga Divača – Koper DRI upravljanje investicij za Ministrstvo za promet Republike Slovenije na podlagi »inhouse« pogodbenega modela opravlja naloge, ki se nanašajo na vodenje investicije za izgradnjo nove, 27,1 kilometra dolge, železniške proge med Divačo in Koprom.
The foundations of DRI Investment Management are expert knowledge and experiences, acquired in almost two decades of operating in Slovenia and abroad. Being the biggest consulting and engineering company in Slovenia, we offer our public and private clients the services on the following areas:
Railway infrastructure, Road and traffic infrastructure, Municipal and water infrastructure, Buildings and Energy sector.
The company operates under the name of DRI Investment Management, Company for the Development of Infrastructure from April 2011 onwards. By its owner the Republic of Slovenia it was founded by the statutory transformation of the former company with the purpose of ensuring - as an internal provider - services of investment engineering, managing investments into public infrastructure and other consulting services to the bodies governed by the public law in compliance with the s.c. "in-house" contractual models.
New Divača - Koper railway In compliance with the »in-house« contractual model DRI Investment Management performs services for the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Slovenia connected with managing of the investment for the construction of the new 27.1 kilometre long railway line between Divača and Koper.
Poslanstvo, vizija, vrednote Mission, Vision and Values
V DRI upravljanje investicij s celovito ponudbo svetovalnih in inženirskih storitev javnim in zasebnim naročnikom omogočamo uresničitev najzahtevnejših infrastrukturnih projektov upoštevajoč najvišje standarde kakovosti, etičnosti in trajnostnega razvoja.
DRI Investment Management offers a comprehensive range of consulting and engineering services to the public and private clients, enabling the implementation of the most complex infrastructural projects; by complying with the highest standards of quality, ethics and sustainable development.
Kot največja strokovno svetovalna in inženiring organizacija v Republiki Sloveniji želimo v vlogi notranjega izvajalca države zagotavljati učinkovito in pregledno vodenje največjih nacionalnih infrastrukturnih projektov. Naš cilj je postati ena od vodilnih sodobno organiziranih svetovalnih družb, ki svoje storitve izvaja na celotnem območju Jugovzhodne Evrope.
Being the biggest professional consulting and engineering company in the Republic of Slovenia, as the internal provider of the state we would like to ensure efficient and transparent management of the biggest national infrastructural projects. Our objective is to become one of the leading advanced consulting companies, performing services in the entire area of Southeast Europe.
poslovna uspešnost odličnost stalno učenje zaupanje spoštovanje ustvarjalnost timsko delo družbeno-odgovorno ravnanje
Business success Excellence Permanent learning Trust Respect Creativity Team work Socially-responsible conduct
Dejavnosti Širok spekter dejavnosti nam omogoča organiziranje in vodenje celotne investicije; tako na področju priprave, projektiranja in gradnje ter pri vzdrževanju in upravljanju vseh vrst infrastrukturnih objektov. Celovito ponudbo svetovalnih in inženiring storitev zaokrožujemo s specializiranim svetovanjem in raziskavami.
Storitve pri vodenju investicijskih projektov:
vodenje projektov postopek umeščanja v prostor pridobitev projektne dokumentacije (idejne zasnove, idejnega projekta, projekta za pridobitev gradbenega dovoljenja, projekta za izvedbo, projekta izvedenih del) urejanje zadev s področja varovanja okolja, naravne in kulturne dediščine pridobitev ali izdelava vse potrebne investicijske dokumentacije priprava dokumentacije in vlog za pridobitev EU sredstev ter upravljanje s projekti, ki se financirajo iz evropskih sredstev, implementacija evropskih sredstev in priprava podlag za zadolževanje pridobitev vseh potrebnih mnenj, pogojev, soglasij in dovoljenj izvedba odkupov in pridobitev zemljišč pred pričetkom gradnje izdelava razpisne in pogodbene dokumentacije ter evaluacija ponudb po principu javnega naročanja izdelava kalkulacij in analiz cen nadzor nad izvedbo del skladno z zakonodajo s področja graditve objektov in načeli FIDIC finančna spremljava investicije upravljanje z zahtevki pridobitev uporabnega dovoljenja pravno svetovanje v vseh fazah investicijskega procesa zaključna dela za investicije spremljanje projekta v garancijski dobi in odprave napak v garancijski dobi izdelava študij, ekspertiz, mnenj informacijska podpora vodenju projektov odnosi z javnostmi
Activities A wide spectrum of activities enables us organisation and management of the entire investment; be it in the field of preparation, designing and construction as well as of maintenance and management of all types of infrastructural facilities. The integrated range of consulting and engineering services is completed by specialised consulting and research services.
Services in the management of investment projects:
Project Management Spatial location procedure Acquisition of the project documentation (preliminary design, conceptual design, basic design, detailed design, project of works implemented) Management of matters in the fields of environment protection, natural and cultural heritage Acquisition or production of all the required investment documentation Production of documentation and applications for the acquisition of EU funds, management of projects, financed by the EU funds, implementation of the EU funds and preparation of bases for borrowing Acquisition of all the required opinions, conditions, approvals and permits Implementation of buyouts and land acquisition prior to construction Production of tender and contract documentation and evaluation of offers by the principle of public tendering Calculations and cost analysis Supervision of works performance in compliance with the legislation in the field of building construction and FIDIC principles Financial monitoring of the investment Claim Management Acquisition of the Operating Permit Offering legal advice on all stages of the investment process Final works for the investments Monitoring of the project in the guarantee period and the extended liability period Production of studies, expertises, opinions IT support for project management Public relations
Organiziranost Organiziranost družbe prilagajamo potrebam različnih naročnikov, ki narekujejo multidisciplinaren pristop pri opravljanju svetovalnih in inženiring storitev. Projektno-matrični sistem nam omogoča hitro organizacijo projektnih skupin za vodenje kompleksnih večletnih ali časovno krajših projektov. S fleksibilnim organizacijskim modelom oblikujemo time, ki so sposobni zagotavljati rešitve široki paleti naročnikov. Organizacijsko dela izvajamo v okviru dveh področij: tehnično-operativno področje in področje strokovnih, skupnih in splošnih dejavnosti. V okviru tehnično-operativnega področja posamične projektne skupine vodijo vse postopke, potrebne za izvedbo konkretnih železniških, cestnih, komunalnih, vodnih in drugih projektov, medtem ko jim organizacijske enote, ki delujejo v okviru strokovnih, skupnih in splošnih dejavnosti, nudijo vso strokovno, tehnično in organizacijsko podporo.
We have adjusted the organisation of the company to the needs of different clients, requiring the multidisciplinary approach towards implementation of consulting and engineering services. Project and matrix management system enables a quick formation of project groups for managing complex multi-annual as well as short-term projects. By our flexible organisational model we form customised teams, capable of serving a wide range of clients. The organisational work is carried out in two fields: Technical-operational field and Field of professional, common and general affairs Within the technical-operational fields, individual project groups manage all procedures, required for the implementation of railway, road, municipal and water infrastructure projects, while organisational units within professional, common and general affairs offer them all expert, technical, and organisational support.
Sedež družbe: Maribor Company headquarters: Maribor
Podružnica: Ljubljana Branch office: Ljubljana Nadzorstva Supervision offices
Tuji trgi Skladno s strateškimi cilji družbe smo dodobra spoznali trge Jugovzhodne Evrope. Uspešno zaključeni projekti v Sloveniji, poznavanje lokalnega okolja in jezika ter bližina so naša konkurenčna prednost na omenjenih trgih. V letu 2007 smo v Beogradu ustanovili predstavništvo za območje Jugovzhodne Evrope, katerega osnovni cilj je povečevanje prepoznavnosti in ugleda družbe, utrjevanje stikov s potencialnimi naročniki, vzpostavljanje in ohranjanje stikov z mednarodnimi finančnimi institucijami, gospodarskimi asociacijami, poslovnimi klubi in strokovnimi združenji. Skladno z dolgoročnimi razvojnimi načrti in strateškimi cilji smo v letu 2009 ustanovili tudi hčerinsko družbo v Bosni in Hercegovini s sedežem v Sarajevu. Naše področje delovanja na teh trgih je predvsem prometna infrastruktura, pri čemer nudimo celovit spekter specializiranih storitev.
Foreign Markets In line with the strategic goals of the company, we have thoroughly became acquainted with the markets of Southeast Europe. Successfully concluded projects in Slovenia, knowledge of the local environment, language and proximity are our competitive advantage on the mentioned markets. In 2007, we established a representation in Belgrade for the Southeast Europe, whose basic objective is to increase visibility and goodwill of the company, reinforcement of contacts with potential clients, establishment and preservation of contacts with international financial institutions, economic associations, business clubs and professional associations. According to the long-term development plans and strategic objectives, we also established a subsidiary in Bosnia and Herzegovina with registered office in Sarajevo, in 2009. Our fields of operation on these markets are mostly transport infrastructure, whereby we provide the integrated spectre of specialised services.
Hčerinska družba Sarajevo, BiH Subsidiary Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Predstavništvo Beograd, Srbija Representation for SE Europe Belgrade, Serbia
Vodstvo družbe
Management of the Company
Vodstvo družbe DRI upravljanje investicij sestavljajo generalni direktor in štirje člani vodstva, zadolženi za posamezna področja. The management of DRI Investment Management comprise the General Manager and four members of the management, responsible for individual areas.
Rajko Siročić
generalni direktor / General Manager
Slovenko Henigman
direktor področja projektov / Area Manager
Saša Kovačič
direktor za komercialno področje / Sales Manager
Majda Peterlin
direktorica za pravno in splošno področje / Manager for Legal and General Affairs
Vili Žavrlan
direktor za področje glavnih in regionalnih cest / Manager for Main and Regional Roads
Znanje, veščine, izkušnje in ustvarjalnost zaposlenih soustvarjajo našo konkurenčno prednost in predstavljajo naš razvojni potencial. Strokovnjaki z univerzitetno izobrazbo predstavljajo skoraj dve tretjini vseh zaposlenih. Med nami je največ gradbenih inženirjev, po številu jim sledijo pravniki in ekonomisti ter strokovnjaki z drugih področij.
Knowledge, skills, experience and creativity of employees co-create our competitive advantage and represent our development potential. Almost two thirds of our employees are experts with the university education. Most of the employees are civil engineers, followed by lawyers, economists and experts from other fields.
Sistematična skrb za njihov kakovosten izbor, osebnostni in strokovni razvoj ter nadaljnje izobraževanje in usposabljanje nam omogoča doseganje postavljenih ciljev, zaposlenim pa priložnost za uveljavitev znanj in veščin ter večanje usposobljenosti in učinkovitosti.
The systematic care for the quality selection of employees, their personal and professional development and further education and training enables us to achieve the set goals, while the employees have the opportunity to put their skills and knowledge to use and to increase their qualifications and efficiency.
Zaposleni v družbi so zaradi svoje strokovnosti in znanja cenjeni, s svojim sodelovanjem pri znanstveno-raziskovalnem delu, izdelavi predpisov, razvoju tehnologij in sistemskih rešitev ter na mnogih strokovnih srečanjih doma in v tujini pa tudi pomembno prispevajo k razvoju slovenske projektno-investicijske in gradbene stroke. Poleg tesnega sodelovanja z univerzama v Mariboru in Ljubljani, še posebej s fakultetama za gradbeništvo obeh univerz, smo aktivno vključeni tudi v delo različnih poslovnih, strokovnih in civilnih združenj, ki si prizadevajo za razvoj stroke.
Our employees are respected for their professionalism and knowledge, they participate in scientific-research work, preparation of legislation, development of technologies and systematic solutions. With their participation in many professional conferences at home and abroad they significantly contribute to the development of Slovenian project-investment and civil engineering profession. Besides the close cooperation with the Universities of Ljubljana and Maribor, particularly with faculties of civil engineering, we are also actively included in the work of different business, professional and civic associations, endeavouring for the development of the profession.
Izobrazbena struktura Structure of Employees
77 %
univerzitetna, visokošolska in višješolska izobrazba (College and Universitiy education)
Število zaposlenih Število zaposlenih Number of Employees (Number of Employees)
akademski naziv (Academic title)
336 324
318 303 289
19 %
srednješolska izobrazba in ostalo (Secondary education and other)
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Uspešno podjetje Zagotavljanje rasti in povečevanje dobičkonosnosti sta eni od osrednjih vodil, ki smo si ju zastavili pri oblikovanju strateških ciljev in strategij za njihovo doseganje. V letu 2011 smo ustvarili celoten prihodek v višini 19,7 milijona evrov. Poleg področja avtocest ter glavnih in regionalnih cest družba pridobiva prihodke na področju železnic, stavb, komunalne in vodne infrastrukture, okoljskih, energetskih in drugih projektov. Eno od meril uspešnosti poslovanja je tudi dodana vrednost na zaposlenega, ki je ni mogoče ustvariti brez visoko motiviranih sodelavcev. Le-ta je v letu 2011 znašala dobrih 54.000 evrov.
Skupni prihodki DRI revnues
Providing growth and increasing profitability are one of the main guidelines we have set in defining strategic goals and strategies to achieve them. In 2011, we created a total income of 19.7 million EUR. Besides working in the area of motorways, main and regional roads, the company obtains its income also in the areas of railways, buildings, municipal and water infrastructure, environmental and other projects and in the energy sector. One of the criteria of successful business is also the added value per employee that cannot be created without highly motivated employees. It amounted to 54,000 EUR in the year 2011.
Dodana vrednost na zaposlenega Value added per employee
povprečje v dejavnosti* industry average*
32.000.000 EUR
Successful Company
70.000 EUR
8.000.000 4.000.000 0
povprečje v dejavnosti* industry average*
10.000 0 2006
*Arhitekturno in tehnično projektiranje in s tem povezano svetovanje
*Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy
Družbena odgovornost
Social Responsibility
V DRI upravljanje investicij se zavedamo odgovornosti do družbenega okolja, v katerem živimo in delujemo. Zato je družbeno odgovorno ravnanje eno od osnovnih načel našega delovanja. V skladu s svojo temeljno dejavnostjo aktivno podpiramo predvsem razvoj in delovanje:
strokovnih in izobraževalnih dejavnosti, humanitarnega, športnega in kulturnega področja.
Sponzorstva in donacije v zadovoljstvo vseh sodelujočih in širše skupnosti preraščajo v sodelovanje, hkrati pa širijo zavest o skupnih vrednotah. Zaradi našega sodelovanja so mnogi športniki lažje dosegali zastavljene cilje, umetnikom in kulturnim ustvarjalcem pa pomagamo uresničevati pomembne in zanimive projekte. Stalnica naših prizadevanj je podpora številnim humanitarnim akcijam, kjer s posluhom za najmlajše in najšibkejše doprinašamo drobne, a pomembne kamenčke v mozaiku njihove sreče. Zato bomo za dobrobit našega družbenega okolja skrbeli tudi v bodoče.
The company DRI Investment Management is aware of the responsibility towards the social environment in which we live and work. Therefore, a socially responsible conduct is one of the basic principles of operation of our company. According to our basic activity, we particularly support development and operation of the following institutions, projects and events:
professional, educational, humanitarian, sporting and cultural events and activities.
Sponsorships and donations to the satisfaction of all those involved and of the broader community are transforming into joint cooperation, while at the same time they are spreading the awareness of common values. Because of our cooperation, it was easier for many athletes to achieve their goals, while we helped artists and cultural workers to realise important and interesting projects. Our constant efforts are directed in the support of many humanitarian actions. By understanding the youngest and the weakest, we contribute small but important pieces in the mosaic of their happiness. Therefore, we shall take care of the well being of our social environment also in the future.
Trajnostni razvoj
Sustainable Development
Družbena in okoljska odgovornost sta stalni spremljevalki poslovanja DRI upravljanje investicij. Na načelih trajnostnega razvoja temelji tako naše redno poslovanje kot storitve, ki jih izvajamo za naročnike. Glede na močno vpetost infrastrukturnih projektov v naravno in družbeno okolje je upoštevanje vseh deležnikov investicijskega ciklusa ter iskanje ravnotežja med gospodarskimi, družbenimi in okoljskimi vidiki izjemnega pomena. Pri uresničitvi doslej največjega slovenskega infrastrukturnega projekta – Nacionalnega programa izgradnje avtocest – smo z našimi storitvami predvsem na področju varovanja okolja prispevali k uveljavljanju trajnostnega razvoja kot sinergije med gospodarskim in družbenim razvojem ter ohranitvijo okolja. Načelu trajnostnega razvoja bomo sledili tudi pri prihodnjih infrastrukturnih projektih, ki jih bomo soustvarjali v prihodnosti.
Social and environmental responsibilities are continuous concepts of DRI Investment Management. Our regular business operations and the services for our clients are based on the principles of sustainable development. Infrastructural projects are strongly integrated into natural and social environment, therefore it is extremely important to consider all stakeholders, who are part of the investment cycle and find balance among economic, social and environmental impacts. When implementing the largest unprecedented infrastructural project in Slovenia - the National Motorway Construction Programme - we contributed with our services in the field of environment protection to the implementation of the sustainable development as a synergy among economic, social development and environment protection. We will follow the concept of sustainable development also in the future infrastructural projects, which we will co-create in future.
Zgodovina družbe
History of the Company
Uspešno zaključeni projekti so ogledalo našega dela. Celotna podoba naše uspešnosti je vpeta v zgodovinske okvire razvoja družbe skozi čas. Družbeno podjetje Cestni inženiring, ustanovljeno leta 1987, je bilo, poleg inženirskih opravil, pooblaščeno tudi za investitorja gradnje in rekonstrukcije cest in cestnih objektov, kasneje pa je za investitorja, Republiško upravo za ceste, izvajal strokovne storitve. Družba za državne ceste, d.o.o. je začela delovati leta 1994 kot pravna naslednica Cestnega inženiringa. Ustanovljena je bila predvsem za strokovno podporo gradnji avtocest, opravljala pa je tudi inženirske in svetovalne storitve pri gospodarjenju s preostalo državno cestno mrežo. Hkrati z razvojem je družba preraščala svoje okvire in vse bolj postajala inženir in svetovalec na področju infrastrukturnih projektov z različnih področij. Naše storitve so postale cenjene in iskane tudi pri gradnji mejnih prehodov, na področju železniške, vodne in komunalne infrastrukture, pri visokih gradnjah in drugod. Svoje izkušnje in znanje smo začeli uspešno prodajati tudi izven naših meja. Konec leta 2002 se je družba preimenovala v DDC svetovanje inženiring, d.o.o. S statusnim preoblikovanjem DDC svetovanje inženiring, d.o.o. je aprila 2011 kot njen pravni naslednik nastala družba DRI upravljanje investicij, Družba za razvoj infrastrukture, d.o.o. Ob preoblikovanju je družba svoj sedež preselila v Maribor.
Successfully completed projects are the mirror of our work. The whole image of our success is integrated in the historical frame of company's development over the time. Socially owned company, Road Engineering, established in 1987 was, in addition to providing engineering services, authorised also as the investor for the construction and reconstruction of roads and road structures, while later on, it performed professional services for the investor, Republiška uprava za ceste (National Roads Authority). Engineering Company for Public Roads, Ltd. began its operation in 1994 as the legal successor of Road Engineering. It was mostly established in order to provide professional support for the construction of motorways, while it also provided engineering and consulting services in the management of the remaining national road network. With development, the company outgrew its borders and steadily started to become the engineer and consultant in the area of infrastructural projects of different fields. Our services became sought after and appreciated also in the construction of border crossings, in the field of railway, water and public utility infrastructure, building works and elsewhere. We began to successfully market our experience and knowledge also outside our borders. At the end of 2002 the company changed its name to DDC Consulting & Engineering Ltd. By the statutory transformation of DDC Consulting & Engineering Ltd. in April 2011 as its legal successor DRI Investment Management, Company for Development of Infrastructure Ltd. was formed. The Company’s headquarters were then moved to Maribor.
Reference References
Znanje, izkušnje, organiziranost, prilagodljivost in prodornost so pripomogli k dokončanju številnih in raznolikih projektov javnih in zasebnih naročnikov. Knowledge, experiences, great organisation, flexibility and self-initiative have contributed to the implementation of numerous and diverse projects by public and private clients.
Avtoceste Kot največje inženirsko podjetje v Sloveniji smo odigrali pomembno vlogo pri uresničevanju Nacionalnega programa izgradnje avtocest v Republiki Sloveniji. Sodelovali smo pri vseh postopkih, povezanih z načrtovanjem, umeščanjem v prostor in gradnjo, prav tako pa tudi pri rednem vzdrževanju ter obnovitvenih delih na celotnem že zgrajenem omrežju avtocest.
Motorways Being the biggest engineering company in Slovenia, we have played an important role in the implementation of the National Motorway Construction Programme in the Republic of Slovenia. We have participated in all the procedures, connected to planning, spatial location and construction, as well as in routine maintenance and reconstruction works on the already constructed motorway network.
Viadukt Črni kal The Črni kal viaduct Viadukt Črni kal na avtocestnem odseku Klanec – Ankaran, ki je del primorskega kraka avtoceste A1, sodi med najzahtevnejše premostitvene objekte na slovenskih avtocestah in je največji viadukt v Sloveniji. Sestavljata ga dve ločeni voziščni konstrukciji na skupnih krakasto oblikovanih stebrih. Osapsko dolino prečka v horizontalnem radiju 800 m na višini od 10 do 95 m.
dolžina avtocestnega odseka Klanec – Ankaran: 14,6 km dolžina viadukta: 1.065 m največja višina: 95 m investicijska vrednost celotnega odseka: 282.670.000 EUR naročnik storitev: Družba za avtoceste v Republiki Sloveniji, DARS d.d.
The Črni kal viaduct on the motorway section Klanec - Ankaran, which is part of the Primorska leg of the motorway A1, is one of the most demanding bridging structures on the Slovenian motorways and it is the biggest viaduct in Slovenia. It consists of two separated pavement structures running on joint ray-shaped columns. It crosses the Osp valley in the horizontal radius of 800 m at the height from 10 to 95 m.
Length of the motorway section Klanec - Ankaran: 14.6 km Length of the viaduct: 1,065 m Maximum height: 95 m Investment value of the whole section: 282,670,000 EUR Client: Motorway Company in the Republic of Slovenia, DARS Plc
Avtocestni odsek Pluska ‒ Ponikve Motorway section Pluska ‒ Ponikve Avtocestni odsek med Plusko in Ponikvami je del dolenjskega kraka avtoceste A2 med mejnimima prehodoma Karavanke in Obrežje. Poleg same trase sta na tem odseku zgrajena še viadukta Trebnje (dolžina 177 m) in Ponikve (leva polovica 312 m, desna polovica 303 m) ter predor Leščevje (desna cev 386 m, leva cev 382 m). Gradnjo odseka je sofinancirala Evropska unija.
dolžina avtocestnega odseka: 7,6 km investicijska vrednost: 135.280.000 EUR naročnik storitev: Družba za avtoceste v Republiki Sloveniji, DARS d.d.
The motorway section between Pluska and Ponikve is a part of the Dolenjska leg of the motorway A2 between the border crossings Karavanke and Obrežje. Besides the route, there are also two viaducts constructed on this section: the Trebnje viaduct (177 m long) and the Ponikve viaduct (left side 312 m long, right 303 m long) and the Leščevje tunnel (the right tube 386 m long, the left tube 382 m long). The construction of the section was co-financed by the European Union.
Length of the motorway section: 7.6 km Investment value: 135,280,000 EUR Client: Motorway Company in the Republic of Slovenia, DARS Plc
Avtocestni odsek Peračica ‒ Podtabor Motorway section Peračica ‒ Podtabor * Trasa novega severnega smernega pasu avtocestnega odseka Peračica – Podtabor, ki je del avtoceste A2 Karavanke – Obrežje, sledi poteku nekdanje hitre ceste, ki po rekonstrukciji objektov in trase predstavlja desni smerni pas. Na začetnem delu avtocesta z viaduktom Peračica (dolžina 378 m, višina najvišjega stebra 56 m) prečka globoko globel, se usmeri v predor Ljubno (dolžina 260 m) in v nadaljevanju, z viaduktoma Ljubno (dolžina 118,4 m) in Lešnica (dolžina 186,3 m), premosti globeli.
dolžina avtocestnega odseka: 2,4 km investicijska vrednost: 28.450.000 EUR naročnik storitev: Družba za avtoceste v Republiki Sloveniji, DARS d.d.
* severni smerni pas
The route location of the new northern direction lane of the motorway section Peračica - Podtabor, which is a part of the motorway A2 Karavanke - Obrežje, follows the route of the former expressway, which has become the right direction lane after the reconstruction of structures and the route. At the beginning, the motorway crosses a deep hollow with the Peračica viaduct (the length: 378 m, the height of the tallest column: 56 m) , and continues into the Ljubno tunnel (length: 260 m) and with the Ljubno viaduct (length: 118.4 m) and the Lešnica viaduct (length: 186.3 m) bridges the hollows.
Length of the motorway section: 2.4 km Investment value: 28,450,000 EUR Client: Motorway Company in the Republic of Slovenia, DARS Plc
* northern direction lane
Glavne in regionalne ceste Na omrežju glavnih in regionalnih cest smo izvajali strokovne storitve pri novogradnjah, modernizacijah, rekonstrukcijah, ureditvah, preplastitvah cest in objektov, sanacijah plazov in brežin ter storitve iz sklopa rednega vzdrževanja v poletnem in zimskem času na celotnem omrežju državnih cest.
Main and Regional Roads On the network of main and regional roads, we have performed expert services in new constructions, modernisations, reconstructions, arrangements, roads overlaying and at structures, rehabilitation of landslides and slopes and also the services of routine maintenance in summer and winter on the whole network of public roads.
Izvennivojsko križanje v Murski Soboti Grade-separated junction in Murska Sobota Izvenivojsko križanje Lendavske ceste z železniško progo omogoča varnejšo in bolj tekočo povezavo med centrom Murske Sobote in poslovno-trgovskimi objekti na vzhodu. V okviru projekta, ki je bil sofinanciran s strani Evropske unije, so bili zgrajeni nadomestni objekti na Puconskem potoku, vodnogospodarske ureditve na Puconskem potoku in Ledavi, mostova na Ledavi, obvozna cesta, železniški nadvoz Lendavske ceste in krožna križišča. Rekonstruirani sta bili Lendavska in Industrijska cesta.
The grade-separated junction of the Lendava road with the railway enables a safer and more free-flowing connection between the centre of Murska Sobota and the business and commercial buildings at the east. The project, which was co-financed by the European Union, consisted of the of the following: construction of the replacement structures on the Puconski potok stream, water management arrangements on the Puconski potok stream and the Ledava river, two bridges on the Ledava river, by-pass road, railway overpass of the Lendava road and turnovers. The Lendava road and Industrija roads were reconstructed.
investicijska vrednost: 12.500.000 EUR naročnik storitev: Ministrstvo za promet, Direkcija Republike Slovenije za ceste
Investment value: 12,500,000 EUR Client: Ministry of Transport, Slovenian Roads Agency
Obvoznica Solkan The Solkan bypass Z izgradnjo obvoznice Solkan je bil iz mesta izločen tranzitni promet iz smeri Vipavske doline proti Soški dolini in Goriškim brdom. V sklopu obvoznice sta bili zgrajeni dve križišči, viadukt, predor Zagrad in galerija v Ščednah. Zaradi sprožitve obsežnega zemeljskega plazu je bila v času gradnje izvedena tudi tehnično zahtevna sanacija.
dolžina obvoznice 2,1 km investicijska vrednost: 18.900.000 EUR naročnik storitev: Ministrstvo za promet, Direkcija Republike Slovenije za ceste
By the construction of the Solkan bypass, the transit traffic from the direction of Vipavska valley towards the Soča valley and towards Goriška brda was excluded from the town. Within the bypass project, the following structures were constructed: two junctions, a viaduct, the Zagrad tunnel and a gallery in Ščedne. Due to the initiation of an extensive landslide, a technically demanding rehabilitation of the landslide was performed during the construction.
Length of the bypass: 2.1 km Investment value: 18,900,000 EUR Client: Ministry of Transport, Slovenian Roads Agency
Viadukt Predel The Predel viaduct Viadukt Predel na regionalni cesti Predel – Bovec je po zasnovi ločni armiranobetonski objekt dolžine 128 metrov, širine 9,8 metra ter s svetlim razponom loka 86 metrov. Sotesko premošča na višini okoli 60 metrov od dna kanjona. Viadukt, ki premošča sotesko Mangartskega potoka, nadomešča most, ki ga je 17. novembra 2000 uničil katastrofalni plaz v Logu pod Mangartom.
The Predel viaduct on the regional road Predel – Bovec is by its design an arching structure made of reinforced concrete, 128 m long, 9.8 m wide and with a 86 m clearance span of the arch. It bridges the gorge at the height of about 60 m above the bottom of the canyon. The viaduct, bridging the gorge of the Mangartski potok stream, replaces the bridge, which was destroyed on 17 November 2000 by the devastating landslide in the village Log pod Mangartom.
investicijska vrednost: 3.200.000 EUR naročnik storitev: Ministrstvo za promet, Direkcija Republike Slovenije za ceste
Investment value: 3,200,000 EUR Client: Ministry of Transport, Slovenian Roads Agency
Pri gradnji stavb smo za različne naročnike izvajali svetovalne in inženiring storitve vključno z nadzorom nad gradnjo ter izvedbo gradbenih, obrtniških in inštalaterskih del. V širok spekter objektov, ki smo jih s svojim znanjem in izkušnjami uspešno realizirali, sodijo med drugim tudi mejni prehodi, športni objekti, poslovnostanovanjski kompleksi, garažne hiše, …
Buildings At the construction of buildings for various clients we have performed consulting and engineering services including control at the construction of buildings and at the execution of construction, craft and installation works. Among the wide variety of buildings, which we have successfully implemented with our knowledge and experiences, are border crossings, sports facilities, business-residential complexes, parking garages ...
Športno rekreacijski center Stožice v Ljubljani Sports and recreation centre Stožice in Ljubljana Center Stožice predstavlja najsodobnejše športno središče v Ljubljani. V okviru projekta sta dokončana večnamenska dvorana in stadion, predvidena pa je tudi izgradnja nakupovalnega središča.
The Stožice centre is the state-of-the-art sports centre in Ljubljana. Within the project, a multi-purpose hall and a stadium have been constructed and the construction of a shopping centre is foreseen.
Dvorana: štiri etaže, 12.480 sedežev za športne prireditve, 14.800 sedežev za koncertne prireditve, površina 14.164 m2. Stadion: dve etaži, 16.038 sedežev za nogomet, 23.000 sedežev za koncertne prireditve, površina 24.694 m2.
The hall consists of 12,480 seats for sports events and 14,800 for concerts; the size of the area is 14,164 m 2. The stadium consists of 16,038 seats for football and 23,000 for concerts, the size of the area is 24,694 m2.
invest. vrednost – dvorana: 45.717.000 EUR investicijska vrednost – stadion: 36.062.000 EUR naročnik storitev: GREP d.o.o.
Investment value- the hall: 45,717,000 EUR Investment value- the stadium: 36,062,000 EUR Client: GREP Ltd.
Vila Urbana v Ljubljani The Villa Urbana in Ljubljana
Villa Urbana je primer luksuzne poslovno-stanovanjske gradnje na eni najelitnejših lokacij v Ljubljani. Večnamenski kompleks z 82 luksuznimi stanovanji, 280 parkirnimi mesti in s 4.600 m2 poslovnih površin ima ekskluzivno lego ob nabrežju Ljubljanice v samem mestnem jedru. Z odlično kombinacijo lepote in funkcionalnosti je idealen prostor za prepletanje poslovnega in zasebnega življenja meščanov.
The Villa Urbana is an example of a luxury businessresidential complex at one of the most elite locations in Ljubljana. A multifunctional complex with 82 luxurious apartments, 280 parking places and 4,600 m2 of business surfaces has an exclusive location on the bank of the Ljubljanica river, right in the heart of the city centre. With its exquisite combination of beauty and functionality, it is an ideal place for combining business and private lives of residents.
investicijska vrednost: 28.000.000 EUR naročnik storitev: Kranjska invest. družba d.o.o.
Investment value: 28,000,000 EUR Client: The Carniolan Investment Company, Ltd.
Garažna hiša pod Kongresnim trgom v Ljubljani Parking garage under the Congress Square in Ljubljana Garažna hiša je v celoti vkopana pod ploščadjo Kongresnega trga in sega od Slovenske ceste na zahodu do Filharmonije na vzhodu ter od objektov na jugu ploščadi do parka Zvezda na severnem delu ploščadi. Uvoz v parkirno hišo je po uvozno-izvozni rampi na Kongresnem trgu in pod parkom Zvezda na nivoju prve kleti. Podzemna garažna hiša ima pet etaž. Ploščad Kongresnega trga je z izgradnjo podzemne garaže dobila novo vrednost in je odslej namenjena le pešcem.
Investicijska vrednost: 23.620.000 EUR naročnik storitev: Mestna občina Ljubljana
The under-ground parking garage is constructed under the platform of the Congress Square and it reaches from the Slovenian road on the west to the Philharmonics on the east, to the buildings on the south of the platform and the Star Park on the northern part of the platform. The driveway into the parking garage is on the entrance-exit ramp on the Congress Square and under the Zvezda Park on the first under-ground level. The under-ground parking garage has five storeys. The Congress Square platform has gained a new value and is now intended only to pedestrians. Investment value: 23,620,000 EUR Client: Municipality of Ljubljana
Planet Tuš Koper The Planet Tuš complex in Koper
Planet TUŠ Koper je trgovsko-zabaviščni objekt, katerega skupna tlorisna površina objekta, ki obsega pritličje, nadstropje in medetažo, znaša 44.993 m2. Trgovski del zajema Hipermarket TUŠ, trgovske lokale ter trgovine z večjimi površinami in skladišči, zabaviščni del pa prostore 14-steznega bowlinga, plesišča, prostor za biljard in igralne avtomate, spremljajoč gostinski program ter 6 kino dvoran. Garažna hiša ima štiri etaže ter zagotavlja prostor 888 vozilom. Skupaj z 203 zunanjimi nepokritimi parkirišči je na voljo 1.091 parkirnih mest.
The Planet TUŠ in Koper is a multi-functional shopping and leisure facility, with the overall area, including ground, middle and first floor of 44,993 m2. The commercial part covers the TUŠ Supermarket, commercial premises and shops with larger surfaces and warehouses, and the leisure part includes bowling with 14 lanes, a dance floor, a billiard place and slot machines, the accompanying restaurants and 6 cinema halls. The parking garage has four storeys and spaces for 888 vehicles. Together with 203 outside parking spaces there are 1,091 parking spaces.
investicijska vrednost: 60.000.000 EUR naročnik storitev: Tuš nepremičnine d.o.o.
Investment value: 60,000,000 EUR Client: Tuš Real Estate Ltd.
Stanovanjsko poslovno trgovski kompleks Celovški dvori Residential, business and commercial complex Celovški dvori Stanovanjsko poslovno trgovski kompleks Celovški dvori se nahaja v severovzhodnem delu Ljubljane. Kompleks tvorita dva sklopa objektov, ki sta si po obliki podobna in nad terenom med seboj ločena, v podzemnem delu ju povezuje štirietažna garaža. Skupna površina znaša 154.500 m2. V objektih je 821 stanovanj ter poslovnih prostorov v pritličju in prvem nadstropju. V kletnih etažah je zagotovljenih 1827 parkirnih mest. Tu so še shrambe, kolesarnice, tehnični prostori in zbirna mesta za odpadke. V okviru projekta je zgrajena tudi nova tripasovna povezovalna cesta s pločnikom in kolesarsko stezo.
The residential, business and commercial complex Celovški dvori is located in the north-eastern part of Ljubljana. The complex consists of two sets of buildings, similar in shape, separated overground, and connected in the underground by a four-storey parking garage. The total surface has 154,500 m2. There are 821 apartments and business areas on the ground and the first floor. In the underground parking garages there are 1,827 parking spaces. The related facilities are store rooms, bicycle sheds, technical facilities and waste collection points. Within the project, a new three-lane connecting road with the pavement and bicycle lane was constructed.
Investicijska vrednost: 87.000.000 EUR naročnik storitev: Vegrad AM d.o.o.
Investment value: 87,000,000 EUR Client: Vegrad AM Ltd.
Vodna in komunalna infrastruktura Na področju vodne in komunalne infrastrukture smo vodili in uspešno zaključili številne projekte celovitega inženiringa; od priprave projektne dokumentacije, pridobitve upravnih dovoljenj do končne izvedbe, vključno z nadzorom nad gradbenimi deli. Aktivnosti pri urejanju voda so obsegale predvsem ureditev in stabilizacijo strug, rekonstrukcijo jezov, sanacijo brežin ter ureditev potokov in hudournikov. Pri projektih na področju komunalne infrastrukture so naše storitve zajemale strokovno svetovanje in nadzor nad izvedbo kanalizacije ter čistilnih naprav.
Water and Municipal Infrastructure In the field of water and municipal infrastructure, we have managed and successfully concluded numerous projects of comprehensive engineering; from the preparation of project documentation, acquisition of administrative permits to the final implementation, including the supervision over the construction works. The activities connected with water arrangements comprised mostly regulation and stabilization of river beds, reconstruction of dams, rehabilitation of slopes and control of streams and torrents. In the projects in the field of municipal infrastructure, our services included expert consulting and supervision during the construction of sewage system and waste water treatment plants.
Centralna čistilna naprava Celje Central waste water treatment plant Celje Čistilna naprava prispeva k izboljšanju na področju zaščite okolja in kakovosti življenja, ustvarjanju boljših pogojev za ekonomski razvoj in razvoj turizma, izboljšanju kakovosti reke Savinje ter pogojev v rekah Savinji in Voglajni za ponovno naselitev kakovostnejših rib. Kapaciteta naprave je 85.000 PE (populacijskih ekvivalentov). Projekt je sofinancirala Evropska unija.
The waste water treatment plant contributes to better environment protection and quality of living, thus creating better conditions for economic development and development of tourism, improvement of quality of the Savinja river and conditions in the Savinja and Voglajna rivers for the resettlement of highquality fishes. The capacity of the plant is 85,000 PE (population equivalents). The project was co-financed by the European Union.
investicijska vrednost: 9.050.000 EUR naročnik storitev: Mestna občina Celje
Investment value: 9,050,000 EUR Client: Municipality of Celje
Centralna čistilna naprava Sevnica Central waste water treatment plant Sevnica
Centralna čistilna naprava Sevnica na naraven in okolju ter uporabnikom prijazen način čisti odpadne vode z območja Sevnice in bližnje okolice. Kapaciteta naprave je 9.900 PE (populacijskih ekvivalentov). Projekt je delno financiran iz skladov Evropske unije.
The central waste water treatment plant Sevnica cleans waste water from the Sevnica area and its surroundings in a natural and user-friendly way. The capacity of the plant is 9,900 PE (population equivalents). The project is partly financed by the European Union funds.
investicijska vrednost: 15.502.190 EUR naročnik storitev: Občina Sevnica
Investment value: 15,502,190 EUR Client: Municipality of Sevnica
Škocjanski zatok The wetland Škocjanski zatok Naravni rezervat Škocjanski zatok je 122 hektarjev veliko sredozemsko mokrišče in hkrati največje brakično (polslano) močvirje v Sloveniji, izjemnega pomena zaradi bogate favne in flore.
The wetland Škocjaski zatok nature reserve is the area of 1.22 km2 Mediterranean wetland and the biggest semi-saline wetland in Slovenia, and it is of utmost importance due to its of rich flora and fauna.
Škocjanski zatok je z zakonom o naravnem rezervatu zavarovano območje od leta 1998. Stanje na območju rezervata je bilo kritično, zato je bilo nujno izvesti sanacijske in renaturacijske ukrepe. Za celovito ureditev je bila izvedena krajinska in vodna ureditev sladkovodnega močvirja na Bertoški bonifiki, krajinska in vodna ureditev plitvin, polojev in gnezditvenih otočkov na območju lagune, krajinska in vodna ureditev območja pod Ankaransko vpadnico, ureditev pritokov sladke in morske vode v rezervat z vso pripadajočo vodno infrastrukturo ter oblikovanje poti za obiskovalce.
The wetland Škocjanski zatok is a protected area by the by the Act on the Natural Reserve from 1998. The conditions on the area of the reserve were critical; therefore it was necessary to implement rehabilitation and renaturation measures. For comprehensive regulation, the following measures have been implemented: spatial and water regulation of the freshwater wetland on Bonifika near Bertoki, spatial and water regulation of the shoals, watersides and breeding islands on the lagoon, spatial and water regulation of the area under Ankaran radial road, regulation of of of freshwater and seawater affluents in the reserve with all the accompanying water infrastructure and construction of paths for visitors.
Investicijska vrednost: 3.100.000 EUR naročnik storitev: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor
Investment value: 3,100,000 EUR Client: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning
Železniška infrastruktura Aktivnosti v zvezi z investicijami v javno železniško infrastrukturo postajajo čedalje pomembnejše področje delovanja naše družbe. Sodelujemo pri postopkih umeščanja v prostor, pridobivanja zemljišč za gradnjo ter pri pripravi investicijske in projektne dokumentacije. Izvajamo tudi nadzor nad gradnjami, rekonstrukcijami, modernizacijami ter ostalimi ukrepi na področju železniške infrastrukture. V letu 2011 smo z Ministrstvom za promet Republike Slovenije na podlagi »in-house« pogodbenega modela sklenili pogodbo za izvedbo nalog, ki se nanašajo na vodenje investicije za izgradnjo nove, 27,1 kilometra dolge, železniške proge med Divačo in Koprom.
Railway Infrastructure Activities regarding investments into public railway infrastructure are becoming an increasingly important field of operation of our company. We participate in procedures of spatial location, land acquisition for construction and preparation of the investment and project documentation . We also perform supervision of construction, reconstruction and modernisation and other measures in the field of railway infrastructure. In 2011 we concluded a contract with the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Slovenia for the implementation of tasks, connected with managing of the investment for the construction of the new 27.1-kilometre long railway between Divača and Koper.
Študija variant razvoja železniške infrastrukture na območju ljubljanskega vozlišča Variant study of the development of railway infrastructure on the area of the Ljubljana hub Študija predstavlja strokovne podlage za začetek investicijskega postopka. Podrobno so bile obdelane in analizirane z različnih vidikov štiri variante ter podan predlog za izbor optimalne variante. Študija vključuje razvoj celotne železniške infrastrukture na območju ljubljanskega železniškega vozlišča oz. na območju MO Ljubljana, kakor tudi celotne ljubljanske urbane regije. Študijo smo izdelali skupaj s partnerji Ingenieurbüro Dipl.-Ing. Vossing GmbH, Vepro Verkehrsbau Projekt ter Prometno – tehničnim inštitutom pri ljubljanski Fakulteti za gradbeništvo in geodezijo.
The study presents expert bases for the beginning of the investment procedure. Four variants were studied in detail and analysed from different points of view and a suggestion was given for the selection of the optimum variant. The study includes the development of the whole railway infrastructure on the area of the Ljubljana hub and of the Municipality of Ljubljana and also of the whole Ljubljana urban region. We produced the study together with our partners from Ingenieurbüro Dipl.-Ing. Vossing GmbH, Vepro Verkehrsbau Projekt and Traffic Technical Institute at the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering in Ljubljana.
Investicijska vrednost razvoja ljubljanskega železniškega vozlišča*: 2.913.680.000 EUR naročnik storitev: Direkcija za vodenje investicij v javno železniško infrastrukturo
Investment value of development of the Ljubljana railway hub*: 2,913,680,000 EUR Client: Agency for the Management of Public Railway Infrastructure Investment
* Ocena
* Estimation
Tuji trgi Skladno s strateškimi cilji družbe smo veliko pozornosti namenili tudi delovanju na tujih trgih, predvsem na območju Jugovzhodne Evrope. Dejavnosti na teh trgih so usmerjene predvsem na področje prometne infrastrukture, pri čemer nudimo celovit spekter specializiranih storitev; od svetovalnih in inženirskih storitev pri obnovi gradnji, preko študij, raziskovalnih nalog, presoj vplivov na okolje do ekspertnih mnenj.
Foreign Markets In compliance with the strategic goals of the company, we focused our attention on foreign markets, mostly on the areas of South-east Europe. Activities on these markets are focused mostly on the area of transport infrastructure, whereby we offer a wide range of specialised services from consulting and engineering services at the renovation, construction, studies, research projects, environmental impact assessments and expert opinions.
Most preko reke Save v Beogradu Bridge over the Sava river in Belgrade Impozantni most preko Save, imenovan tudi Most na Adi, povezuje Novi Beograd s Topčiderom. Konstrukcija je zasnovana kot sovprežen most s poševnimi zategami in enim, 207 metrov visokim, okroglim pilonom. Prepoznavna oblika predstavlja nov beograjski simbol. S svojo višino in obliko deluje kot izjemna urbana skulptura v rečnem pejsažu, služi kot geografski orientir in označuje rt Ade Ciganlije. Most je dolg 969 metrov, največji razpon znaša 375 m, ima šest prometnih pasov in dve progi za tirni promet, posebna pozornost pa je bila namenjena tudi pešcem. K uresničitvi projekta je DRI upravljanje investicij, kot član konzorcija, v katerem sta sodelovala še Ponting in Centar za puteve Vojvodine, izvedel študijo upravičenosti izgradnje 1. faze prvega odseka notranjega magistralnega ringa, presojo vplivov na okolje ter strategijo razpisovanja del naslednjih faz projektiranja in izgradnje 1. faze.
The impressive bridge over the Sava river, also called the Bridge on Ada connects the New Belgrade with Topčider. The construction is designed as a composite bridge with inclined beams and one 207-metre tall, round pylon. The distinctive design has become a new symbol of the city of Belgrade. With its height and design it is an exceptional urban sculpture in the river landscape and it serves as a geographic landmark and marks the Ada Ciganljija cape. The bridge is 969 metres long with the longest spam of 375 m, it has six driving lanes and two tracks for rail transport, a special attention was given to pedestrians. DRI Investment management as a member of the consortium (together with Ponting and Centre for Roads of Vojvodina) produced the feasibility study for the construction of the first stage of the first section of the inner arterial ring road, the environmental impact assessment and the strategy of tendering works for the following stages of design and construction of the first stage.
Investicijska vrednost: 118.600.000 EUR Naročnik storitev: Mesto Beograd in Direkcija za građevinsko zemljište i izgradnju Beograda
Investment value: 118,600,000 EUR Client: City of Belgrade and Belgrade Land Development Public Agency
Projekti v teku
Projects in Progress
Predor Markovec The Markovec Tunnel Hitra cesta Koper – Izola v dvocevnem dvopasovnem predoru poteka od pečine pobočja Markovec na koprski strani do zaključka doline potoka Pivol na izolski strani. Dolžina desne cevi predora je 2.144 m, dolžina leve cevi pa 2.174 m. Skupna širina znaša 7,70 m. Vertikalna višina voznega svetlega profila je 4,70 m.
The expressway Koper – Izola in two-tube two-lane tunnel runs from the cliff of the Markovec hill on the side of Koper to the end of the Pivol stream valley on the side of Izola. The length of the right tunnel tube is 2,144 m, and the left tube 2,174 m. The total width is 7.70 m. Vertical height of the driving clearance is 4.70 m.
hitra cesta H6 Koper – Lucija, odsek Koper – Izola dolžina odseka: 5,2 km dolžina desne cevi predora: 2.144 m dolžina leve cevi predora: 2.174 m investicijska vrednost odseka hitre ceste*: 174.068.000 EUR naročnik storitev: Družba za avtoceste v Republiki Sloveniji, DARS d.d.
Expressway H6 Koper – Lucija, section Koper – Izola Length of the section: 5.2 km Length of the right tube of the tunnel: 2,144 m Length of the left tube of the tunnel: 2,174 m Investment value of the expressway section*: 174,068,000 EUR Client: Motorway Company in the Republic of Slovenia, DARS Plc
* Ocena
* Estimation
Glavne in regionalne ceste
Main and Regional Roads
Obvoznica Škofja Loka Škofja Loka bypass Obvoznica Škofja Loka bo nadomestila odsek regionalne ceste Jeprca‒Zminec‒Želin, ki sedaj poteka skozi staro mestno jedro Škofje Loke. Z izgradnjo obvoznice bo izboljšana dostopnost, skrajšali se bodo potovalni časi, povečala se bo prometna varnost in izboljšali življenjski in bivalni pogoji prebivalcev na tem območju. Na obvoznici bo zgrajeno šest križišč in 660 m dolg predor pod vzpetino Sten. Projekt je sofinanciran s strani Evropske unije.
Škofja Loka bypass in the valley Poljanska dolina will replace the regional road section Jeprca‒Zminec‒ Želin, which now runs through the old town centre. The construction of the bypass will improve accessibility, shorten travel times, and improve traffic safety and living conditions for the residences in the area. Six junctions and a 660-m long tunnel under the slope Sten will be constructed on the bypass. The project is co-financed by the European Union.
dolžina odseka: 3,9 km investicijska vrednost*: 43.000.000 EUR naročnik storitev: Ministrstvo za promet, Direkcija Republike Slovenije za ceste
Length of the section: 3.9 km Investment value*: 43,000,000 EUR Client: Ministry of Transport, Slovenian Roads Agency
* Ocena
* Estimation
Center za kontrolo zračnega prometa na letališču Jožeta Pučnika Centre for air traffic control at the Jože Pučnik Airport Prostorska stiska, neustrezna lokacija v Ljubljani in nefunkcionalna razporeditev prostorov je nekaj od razlogov, zaradi katerih je Kontrola zračnega prometa Slovenije na Brniku postavila nov Center za kontrolo in vodenje zračnega prometa. Zaključena so zunanja gradbena dela, intenzivno pa potekajo gradbeno obrtniška dela v notranjosti stavbe. Nov center je načrtovan tako, da omogoča varnost in visoko operativnost delovanja, delovno ugodje zaposlenim ter udobje obiskovalcem.
The overcrowded space, unsuitable location in Ljubljana and non-functional facility layout are some of the reasons for the construction of the new Centre for air traffic control in Brnik by the Slovenia Control, Slovenian Air Navigation Services. External construction works have been completed and construction and craft works are in progress intensively inside the building. The new centre has been designed in a way to enable safety, high operability and comfort to the employees and visitors.
investicijska vrednost*: 22.500.000 EUR naročnik storitev: Kontrola zračnega prometa, d.o.o.
Investment value*: 22,500,000 EUR Client: Slovenia Control, Slovenian Air Navigation Services Ltd.
* Ocena
* Estimation
Centralna čistilna naprava Ptuj Central waste water treatment plant Ptuj Naprava kapacitete 68.000 PE (populacijskih ekvivalentov) obsega vhodno črpališče z razbremenilnikom, lovilec kamenja, grobe in fine elektromotorne grablje, prezračeni peskolov in lovilec maščob, zbirni jašek za maščobe, razdelilna bazena, sekvenčne bazene, kompresorsko postajo, zgoščevalec in zalogovnik blata, objekt za sprejem gošč iz malih čistilnih naprav in pomožne objekte. V sklopu okoljskih investicij MO Ptuj je predvidena še izgradnja čistilnih naprav Kidričevo (8.500 PE) in Gorišnica (2.100 PE). Projekt je sofinanciran s strani Evropske unije.
The plant with the capacity of 68,000 PE (population equivalents) comprises the inflow pumping station with overflow, sand chamber, coarse and fine electromotive screen, aerated grit chamber and grease separator, grease collection shaft, two distribution tanks, sequention basins, compressor station, sludge thickener and sludge storage tank, reception place for sludge from small wastewater treatment plants and auxiliary facilities. In the scope of environmental investments by the Municipality of Ptuj, the construction of waste water treatment plants Kidričevo (8,500 PE) and Gorišnica (2,100 PE) is foreseen. The project is co-financed by the European Union.
investicijska vrednost (Ptuj, Kidričevo, Gorišnica)*: 34.509.332 EUR naročnik storitev: Mestna občina Ptuj
Investment value (Ptuj, Kidričevo, Gorišnica)*: 34,509,332 EUR Client: Municipality of Ptuj
* Ocena
* Estimation
Železniška proga Pragersko ‒ Hodoš Pragersko ‒ Hodoš railway
Celotna proga od Pragerskega do Hodoša oziroma državne meje z Madžarsko je dolga 109 km. V okviru projekta bo izvedena elektrifikacija proge, rekonstruirani bodo nekateri pododseki, postaje in postajališča, na novo pa bo potrebno urediti 83 nivojskih križanj cest z železniško progo ter 3 postajališča.
The entire railway from Pragersko to Hodoš on the national border with Hungary is 109 km long. Line electrification, reconstruction of certain subsections, stations and stops will be implemented within the project; 83 level junctions of roads and railway and 3 stops will have to be arranged anew.
investicijska vrednost *: 300.000.000 EUR naročnik storitev: Ministrstvo za promet, Direktorat za železnice in žičnice
Investment value*: 300,000,000 EUR Client: Ministry of Transport, Railways and Cableways Directorate
* Ocena
* Estimation
Nova železniška proga Divača ‒ Koper New Divača ‒ Koper railway DRI upravljanje investicij za Ministrstvo za promet Republike Slovenije na podlagi »in-house« pogodbenega modela opravlja naloge, ki se nanašajo na vodenje investicije za izgradnjo nove železniške proge med Divačo in Koprom.
In compliance with the »in-house« contractual model, DRI Investment Management performs services for the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Slovenia connected with managing of the investment for the construction of the new railway between Divača and Koper.
enotirna proga za mešani promet dolžina: 27,1 km število predorov: 8 skupna dolžina predorov: 20,3 km najdaljši predor: 6.700 m število viaduktov: 2 skupna dolžina viaduktov: 1.080 m najdaljši viadukt: 640 m maksimalna hitrost: 160 km/h investicijska vrednost*: EUR
One-rail line for mixed traffic Length: 27.1 km Number of tunnels: 8 Total length of tunnels: 20.3 km The longest tunnel: 6,700 m Number of viaducts: 2 Total length of viaducts: 1,080 m The longest viaduct: 640 m The maximum speed: 160 km/h Investment value*: 1,100,000,000 EUR
* Ocena
* Estimation
Osebna izkaznica Ime podjetja: Krajše ime: Ustanovitelj: Ustanovitev: Lastništvo: Osnovni kapital: Sedež: Podružnica: T: F: E-pošta: Spletna stran: Matična številka: ID za DDV: TRR pri NLB d.d.: TRR pri BANKI KOPER d.d.:
DRI upravljanje investicij, Družba za razvoj infrastrukture, d.o.o. DRI upravljanje investicij, d.o.o. Republika Slovenija 1. februar 1994 Republika Slovenija 2.189.473,00 EUR Ulica talcev 24, 2000 Maribor Kotnikova ulica 40, 1000 Ljubljana +386 2 22 83 640 (Maribor), +386 1 30 68 100 (Ljubljana) +386 2 22 83 654 (Maribor), +386 1 30 68 101 (Ljubljana) info@dri.si www.dri.si 5269652000 SI47991119 IBAN SI56 0292 3001 4562 265 IBAN SI56 1010 0003 4710 572
T: F:
Predstavništvo za JV Evropo Kneza Mihaila 10/II, 11000 Beograd, Republika Srbija +381 11 30 36 636 +381 11 30 36 637
T: F:
Hčerinska družba DDC BH za savjetovanje i inžinjering, d.o.o. Safeta Zajke 271, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosna in Hercegovina +387 33 770 242 +387 33 770 231
Identity Card Name: Short name: Founder: Founded: Ownership: Share capital: Headquarters: Branch office: T: F: e-mail: Web site: Registration number: Tax number: Bank account at NLB d.d.: Bank account at Banka Koper d.d.:
DRI upravljanje investicij, Družba za razvoj infrastrukture, d.o.o. (DRI Investment Management, Company for Development of Infrastructure Ltd.) DRI upravljanje investicij, d.o.o. (DRI Investment Management, Ltd.) Republic of Slovenia 1 February 1994 Republic of Slovenia 2,189,473,00 EUR Ulica talcev 24, 2000 Maribor Kotnikova ulica 40, 1000 Ljubljana +386 2 22 83 640 (Maribor), +386 1 30 68 100 (Ljubljana) +386 2 22 83 654 (Maribor), +386 1 30 68 101 (Ljubljana) info@dri.si www.dri.si 5269652000 SI47991119 IBAN SI56 0292 3001 4562 265 IBAN SI56 1010 0003 4710 572
T: F:
Representation for SE Europe Kneza Mihaila 10/II, 11000 Beograd, Republic of Serbia +381 11 30 36 636 +381 11 30 36 637
T: F:
Subsidiary DDC BH za savjetovanje i inžinjering, d.o.o. Safeta Zajke 271, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosna in Hercegovina +387 33 770 242 +387 33 770 231
Produkcija/Production: DRI upravljanje investicij, d.o.o./ DRI Investment Management Ltd. Besedila/Texts: DRI upravljanje investicij, d.o.o./ DRI Investment Management Ltd. Prevod/Translation: Alenka Polajnar Gantar Fotografije/Photography: Arhiv DRI upravljanje investicij, d.o.o./ Archives DRI Investment Management Ltd. Oblikovanje/Design: Mitja Pogorevc Tisk/Print: Schwarz Print, d.o.o./Schwarz Print Ltd. Naklada/Number of copies: 1.200 Januar/January 2012
BESEDA Prava beseda ne besediči in ni besedolomna. Nič je ni, a kadar se uresniči, je v njej sila ogromna.
THE WORD The right word hasn't got everything verbalized, and it is always kept. But when it comes true, even unsurmised, its powers will have everything swept.
Tone Pavček Slovenski pesnik / Slovenian Poet