Community News
Spring Edition, 2016
Registered as an Australia Post Publication PP345906/00008
A Lunch on Memory Lane
BEACHSIDE BALLROOM Dance Classes for all levels in Modern, New Vogue and Latin
MONDAYS 7pm Beginner’s Class 8:15pm Intermediate Class WEDNESDAYS 7.30pm Advanced Class
Twenty-five years ago the group of people in this picture got together because they identified a need in the community and that need was for a community house. In order to acknowledge all who participated in its success we brought this same group together to recall what took place all those years ago.
ment to bringing an identified need to fruition.
Surf Coast mayor Rose Hodge was in attendance to congratulate all on their foresight, vision and commit-
We would like to thank Mayor Rose Hodge for all her support of the house over the years.
Who could believe all these years later that Spring Creek Community House would be the thriving hub it is today? That success is due to the dedication of this handful of community minded locals.
THURSDAYS 10.30am Dancing for Parkinson’s (Senior Citz Hall) All Classes $10 per person Dance 4th Saturday of every month Wedding Prep and Private Lessons
TIA Hall - Price Street Torquay (air con) Enquiries: Pauline on 0407 685 413
Are you in this photo? Do you know anyone who is? We’d love to hear from you.
A Spring Creek Community House Initiative working in partnership with Lions Club Torquay
Rotary Club Torquay
14 Price Street
Office Hours: 9am-2pm Mon-Fri
Ph:5261 2583
How can I find Spring Creek Community House?
We are Here!
Advertising Disclaimer The inclusion of inserts and/or advertising in Springboard does not necessarily constitute or imply any endorsements or recommendations concerning the products, services, opinions or information found in the contents. The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of Spring Creek Community House
w ADVERTISE springboard@springcreekcommunityhouse.org.au Now Delivered to nearly 6000 homes COPIES ALSO AVAILABLE FROM: Barwon Health (Surf Coast Hwy) Shire Offices / Surfworld Torquay Library IGA Gilbert Street Spring Creek Community House On our website
We thank our advertisers, supporters, our fantastic volunteers, the board, our committed staff and you, the Surf Coast Community. Thanks to the following orgavnisations for your support: • Barwon Health • MatchWorks • Rotary Club of Torquay • Dept of Health and Human Services • Surf Coast Shire • Torquay Community Enterprse • Ryans IGA • Lions Club Torquay • Neighbourhood Houses Victoria • Barwon Network of Neighbourhood Houses • Surf Coast Network of Community Houses • Lodge of the Great Oean Road
Deadline for next issue of Springboard
December 2nd
Published January 2017 For more info email: Springboard @springcreekcommunityhouse.org.au
14 Price Street
Office Hours: 9am-2pm Mon-Fri
Ph:5261 2583
springboard “ S pring ”
14 Price Street
Office Hours: 9am-2pm Mon-Fri
Ph:5261 2583
Contributors L a u ra c o n n o r editor-in-chief Jenny Newton accounts P al i la O P i t production design/editorial Sales and Marketing F ION A R A W activity programme editorial
Website: springcreekcommunityhouse.org.au Email: springboard@springcreekcommunityhouse.org.au Social Media: facebook.com/SpringCreek t w i t t e r . c o m / S p r i n g C r e e k C H i n s t a g r a m . c o m / s p r i n g c r e e k c o m m u n i t y h o u s e
I n t e r e s t e d i n s u b m i t t i n g t o Spr i n g b o ar d ? We are looking for short stories, poetry and articles to include in Springboard. We are always looking for articles about local people whose achievements and contributions to the local community should be recognised, if you have an area of expertise that you’d like to share with the community or even simply an interesting story to tell we’d love to hear from you. Please email springboard@springcreekcommunityhouse.org.au with any contributions or questions.
14 Price Street
Office Hours: 9am-2pm Mon-Fri
Ph:5261 2583
index Contributors
Ta b l e o f c o n t e n t s
From the co-ordinator’s Desk
THE HISTO R Y O F OU R BE A CHES by chris barr
V EGIN ’ OUT WITH L A U R A penny’s pie
HE A L TH & WE L L BEING barwon health’s reconciliation action plan
MENT A L HE A L TH WEEK 2 0 1 6 the aware project ptsd: a personal story
THE BOOK NOOK poetry little book worms
THE P OWE R O F R EIKI & ITS O R IGINS by nikki staley
14 Price Street
Office Hours: 9am-2pm Mon-Fri
Ph:5261 2583
14 Price Street
Office Hours: 9am-2pm Mon-Fri
Ph:5261 2583
f ro m t he co-ordina tor’s desk Welcome to term four of 2016! I am sure if we copied and pasted from the last term of the last four editions of Springboard I would be saying exactly as I am about to say now. Who can believe it’s term four? This has got to be the fastest year on record. We have had some great workshops and successes this year and part of that work has been preparing for our big 25th Birthday party next year. Please come in if you have been part of the community house over the years and have something to contribute towards the history of the house, we would love to hear from you. A big thank you to everyone who attended our Walking the Path of an Asylum seekers and Refugees, it was a very informative night and great to see such a great turn out. I am sure there is something in this edition to tempt you so grab your cuppa sit back and enjoy this last edition of the year and make the most of Living and learning locally. Cheers
Laura co-ordinator
14 Price Street
Office Hours: 9am-2pm Mon-Fri
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Check out our website
It’s getting an upgrade soon! But until then it’s still the place to get all our information! Surf Coast Relay for Life Volunteer Commitee
is searching for volunteers to join its dynamic team to assist with planning and implementation of the
2017 Surf Coast Relay
If you have experience in:
• Fundraising • Marketing • Social Media • Team Deveopment and/or can offer general support and would like to contribute and join the team please contact:
Frank - 0408 187 766
You can visit us at the Bell St Fiesta for more information on 9th Oct. Don’t grow old before getting Involved
Jan Dick Artist in residence
Acrylics Tuesdays
Book Swap
Young Wolves
If you love reading and like a variety of topics, then our book swap library is for you. We have murder mysteries to enchantment and history. Craft to cooking and of course travel the world books. So bring in the books you would like to swap, and take a new lot home with you! Our fabulous volunteers keep this book area beautifully neat and functioning.
The Young Wolves program is a free maths and literacy tutoring service for grade 5 and 6 children. Sessions are 40 minutes long and run between 4pm and 6pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Community House.
Room Hire
Ph:5261 2583
Spring Creek Community House has a range of rooms, including a computer room with updated computers and a kitchen, that you can rent for workshops, meetings, events and activities. We also have an interactive TV and an overhead projector and large screen which are prefect for presentations, film groups and training. Head to our website or give us a call to discuss your needs and we will let you know availability and the range of reasonable rental costs. Phone 5261 2583.
Sit and Sew This newly established group welcomes all who would like to get together for a sew and a chat! When: 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month 1.30-3.30pm Cost: $3 per session
In term Four, which begins on Monday, October 3rd, there are some places available. For more information call the Community House between 9am and 2pm, Monday to Friday.
M.A.Ps Our Morning Activity Program for kids and parents are creative and fun half hour sessions that will get your pre-schoolers moving and grooving and give you the chance to connect with other local parents. Each session is only $3 per child and sessions are run Monday to Friday during tem time. Check the programme for details.
Town by Town Are you a member of a community group? Would you like to advertise your events for free? Please submit typed articles to: townbytown @springcreekcommunityhouse. org.au or leave information at Reception. For deadline details see ‘Town by Town’ in the Echo Whilst we make every effort to ensure all items are included in the Torquay entry, unfortunately we cannot be responsible for what the Echo includes.
Pat McKenzie
Watercolours Thursdays
1pm- 3.30pm $20 membership/enrolment @ beginning of term $7 tutor fee per session.
14 Price Street
Office Hours: 9am-2pm Mon-Fri
Ph:5261 2583
Community Events Coming Up Hats, Bags and Shoes! Our major fundraiser this year will be a mini-market and we are asking for donations of hats, bags and shoes for our hat, bag and shoe stall. Most of us have a pair of shoes that never fit quite right or a couple of handbags that are taking up space and your generous donation will not only clear out the clutter but help us maintain a wide range of support programs here at the community house. The market will also feature a range of unique and gorgeous christmas crafts made by our Quirky Crafts group and pajamas created by the Hope Project Cambodia. All proceeds from these stunning 100% cotton pajamas, kaftans and nighties supports families in rural Northern Cambodia. They are made in fair trade work conditions and support Cambodian women’s economic empowerment to change the lives of these families. Donations can be dropped off at 14 Price Street, Torquay Monday to Friday from 9am to 2pm. The market will be held in Late November so watch out for information on our website and facebook page for details.
Surf Coast Connect As part of the Homeless Month of action Spring Creek community House is proud to support Surf Coast Connect on Saturday November 12th. Surf Coast Connect is a day that aims to bring together the services on the Surf Coast that assist people who are homeless and at risk of homelessness and show them the support they need. It also aims to connect caring community members with the services and individuals that need their help. Some of the services available on the day will include housing support workers, Haircuts, connection to counselling services and employment pathways as well as some wonderfull food and entertainment to make it a special and uplifting day for all involved. The day is supported by Spring Creek Community House, S.C.R.A.R, Torquay Salvos, the Department of Human Services and many more. Keep an eye on our website and facebook page for upcoming information and please get in contact if you’d like to be involved.
Thank You! Have you seen our gorgeous new computers? Thanks to a group of extremely generous anonymous donors from our community we have been able to replace the outdated computers in the computer room. Thank you so much for supporting the community house.
14 Price Street
Office Hours: 9am-2pm Mon-Fri
Ph:5261 2583
The History of our Beaches: 6 Chris Barr
Our journey around the beaches of our area continues with our arrival at the Bells Beach Surfing Reserve. Torquay is the home of surfing in Victoria and Bells Beach has crafted a reputation through culture and folklore as the spiritual home of surfing in Australia. It is for most locals the “Jewel in our Crown”. It is sometimes wild and windy, sometimes roaring with the famous Bells Boomers, It is always glorious when the sunrise hits the yellow cliffs, and, at dusk, it is a gathering place for locals to meet and wind down after the days work while doing a ‘surf check’. Bells Beach is named for the Bell family who
settled there at the turn of the century. John Calvert Bell owned some 8000 acres of land along the coast frovm Bells to Anglesea and built his homestead “Addiscot” in 1905. His children Naomi, Harold, Honor, Irene and Mary Kathleen had a blissful childhood riding their horses along the cliff tops and through the Ironbark basin. The family would spend summer days at the beach and often picnic there. Bells Beach came to the world headlines in 1970 when it was chosen to host the fifth World Surfing titles. In May 1970 surfers from all over the world came down under to surf at Bells. It was cold, wet and bleak and many of the visitors from tropical climates struggled with
14 Price Street
Office Hours: 9am-2pm Mon-Fri
Ph:5261 2583
The World titles in 1970 highlighted the need to protect Bells and after the event a lobby group began to seek help to achieve this this goal.
The Bell family picnic on the beach
the winter chills. Sadly, Bells failed to produce it’s famous waves and much of the surfing including the finals were held down the coast at Johanna. American goofy footer, 18 year old Rolf Aurness, the softly spoken son of a TV star was crowned the winner of the men’s event and Hawaiian Sharon Weber won the girl’s final at Skenes Creek.
Stan Couper and Tony Olsen from the Australian Surfriders Association led the charge and introduced the “conservation contest” where the entry fee involved planting a tree. This was aimed at revegetating the cliff tops that had been stripped of wood by surfers lighting fires on the beach to keep warm during earlier years. In 1971 Bells was made the world’s first surfing
The first of the famous Bells Beach Easter Surfing rallies was held in 1962, organised by Peter Troy and Vic Tantau. From a humble start with a couple of card tables on the beach, with pennants and medals for the winners, this rally has grown to become the Rip Curl Pro, a major event on the Australian calendar and the longest running surf contest in the world, and a boom for our town.
Bells Beach Surf Contest 1967 From left: Peter Drouyn, Keith Paull, Ted Spencer, Midget Farrelly
14 Price Street
Office Hours: 9am-2pm Mon-Fri
Ph:5261 2583
reserve by the forward thinking member for conservation and lands in the Victorian Liberal Government, Mr Bill Borthwick. The first management committee of the Bells reserve included representatives from the Barrabool shire, Stan Couper and Tony Olsen along with Rod Brooks, Gail Couper and local councillor Bob Pettit. The care of Bells is now overseen by the Surf Coast Shire and its Bells Beach Management Committee. Despite the development all around us Bells remains as beautiful and windswept and natural as ever- and aren’t we all grateful for that? With the arrival of the surfers new names began to appear. Trying to find the name origins for the first wave as you enter the reserve, Winkipop (uppers and lowers) is tricky as several versions are in existence . My (very reliable) source tells me it was named by Flossy Neylan . Flossy was the first secretary of Surfing Vic. The name was a reference to the grape like seaweed that would pop when you trod on them. Peter Troy is credited with having named Little Rincon as it reminded him of the wave of the same name he had surfed in California. Centerside was also named by Troy said to have been half way between Bells and Southside and Southside was naturally named for the southern-most break. The famous Bells Bowl has always been called just that it is a beautiful bowl in the natural amphitheatre.
Cr Bob Pettit giving out the tropheys for the 1967 Bells surf contest. 3rd place being recieved by Midget Farrelly
Around the corner for the final stretch towards Point Addis next time.
Torquay Senior Citizen’s Club Inc. 1.30pm every Friday! Afternoon tea available
7.30pm Start! $4 entry fee
Swimming 8am Tai Chi 10am Hoy 1pm (1st & 3rd Mon.) Outings & afternoon tea 2pm (2nd Mon.)
mon. 12th sep. mon. 26th sep. tues. 11th oct. tues. 25th oct. tues. 8th nov. mon. 21st nov.
Contact Anne hitch: 5261 9633 wednesdays thursdays Fridays
Swimming 8am Exercise 9am Shopping 9am Indoor bowls1.30pm Mah Jong 12.30pm Bingo 1.30pm Cards 1.30pm
14 Price Street
Office Hours: 9am-2pm Mon-Fri
Ph:5261 2583
Surf Coast Rural Australians for Refugees
So far this year the showing of the documentary Chasing Asylum in Geelong in June ranks as our big success. The film was practically sold out, viewed by a huge audience and was also a fundraiser to support the interpreter service for the 300 Geelong refugees applying for TPV (Temporary Protection Visas). The event raised a total of $3482. Also in June, members attended a public meeting where David Manne lifted the lid on the double standard operating in Australian migration policy and suggested ways forward that go beyond bipartisan one-upmanship on Border Protection. David is a human rights lawyer and migration agent, and Executive Director of the Refugee and Immigration Legal Centre (RILC). He has worked in various capacities assisting refugees and asylum seekers for over 20 years. In January 2001, he joined RILC, which has been at the forefront of defending the rights, the dignity and the lives of asylum seekers, refugees and disadvantaged mi-
grants. In September members will attend ‘Walking the Path of Refugees and Asylum Seekers’, a session organised by Spring Creek Community House to better understand the asylum seeker experience. As this report goes to press the recent revelations of abuse from Manus Island appear to have generated a wide response, with many groups calling for offshore processing to end. The government has promised to close Manus Island detention but details of this are still sketchy. SCRAR members are supporting these developments with letters and demonstrations especially at the office of the local member Sarah Henderson. SCRAR meetings are now held at 10 am on the 1st Saturday of the month at the Torquay Bowling club. New members always welcome. Enquiries: Laura 0421 809 104
Affordable Counselling or Supervison Sessions Now available at Spring Creek Community House Wednesday and Friday mornings - 1 hour sessions
Are you needing to talk over any life issues such as: Relationships Personal esteem or goal setting Family
Work/retirement Grief and depresion Any life struggles
These sessions available with Jan Cheatley with 30 years experience in the counselling field speciallising in empowering people and encouraging a positive life experience. Cost: $25 per hour
appointments: 5261 2583
14 Price Street
Office Hours: 9am-2pm Mon-Fri
Ph:5261 2583
Vegin’ out with Laura
14 Price Street
Office Hours: 9am-2pm Mon-Fri
Ph:5261 2583
Penny’s pie
Here’s a fabulous easy recipe from my time in Italy, we ate it in great company in a stunning location. Pastry 1 ½ cups all-purpose flour ¼ teaspoon salt Pinch of sugar (optional) 1 stick (113 grams) unsalted butter, room temperature 4-8 tablespoons ice cold water Filling 2 leeks, cut into thin slices 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 cup shredded Fontina cheese About 1½ cups multi-colored cherry tomatoes, sliced in half 1 small zucchini, thinly sliced 1 generous tablespoon chopped oregano or basil, salt and freshly ground black pepper Directions Mix flour, salt & sugar in medium bowl. Add butter use food processor or rub in with fingertips until mixture resembles coarse meal. Add cold water. Work with fingertips until dough comes together in moist clumps, adding more water by the teaspoon if dry. Gather dough into ball. Wrap in plastic; chill until firm, at least 1 hour. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Sauté the leeks in olive oil until softened and lightly browned. Set aside to cool. Place the ball of dough onto a large baking sheet and roll it into a 12 to 14-inch round circle (it does not have to be perfect). Sprinkle the leeks around the middle of the rolled out crust, leaving about a 1 ½ inch border around the edge. Add cheese over top next, then tomato and zucchini. Gently fold edges over toward the middle, on top of the filling. Sprinkle fresh herbs on top add salt and pepper. Bake for 45 minutes to 1 hour, or until the crust is golden brown and the filling is bubbly. Let cool for about 15 minutes, then slide the tart onto a cutting board, cut into slices, serve and enjoy. Bon Appétit! You could also sprinkle grated fresh Parmesan on the crust before baking and or goat cheese or add a few other vegetables. Any which way, it’s a delicious and nice summer dish and great for picnic too!
Sponsored By
14 Price Street
Office Hours: 9am-2pm Mon-Fri
Ph:5261 2583
Health and
Reconciliation Action Plan Barwon Health is privileged to have launched its first Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) last month. Reconciliation is about acknowledging and celebrating the endurance and tenacity of this country’s first nation people’s. Reconciliation Action Plans are about bringing together Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and non-Aboriginal Australians, and turning good intentions into actions. Barwon Health’s Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan gives us the best chance of delivering broader outcomes and ensuring the continued wellbeing for the local Aboriginal community. Over coming years Barwon Health will work in partnership with the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community to improve health and wellbeing outcomes and Close the Gap in Aboriginal life expectancy. The vision of reconciliation, as expressed in our Reconciliation Plan, embraces building cultural awareness and practice across the workforce; building partnerships with the Aboriginal community; embedding Aboriginal cultures in our workplace culture; and building a foundation for future RAP’s.
Local hearing care professionals Suite 5, 6 Walker St, Torquay 5264 7451
• Adult & Child
assessments (3+years)
• FREE hearing tests and • • •
hearing aids to eligible pensioners and veterans Latest technology and repairs Swim, Surf & Musicians ear plugs TV headsets and amplified phones
For more information please drop in or give us a call
Development of the RAP Barwon Health had been on a reconciliation journey for over two years when discussion about the RAP was reignited last year and a working group was established. Membership of the group comprised Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal staff and leaders from across the organisation; and community representatives. The group was championed and chaired by Barwon Health Board member Marcus Dripps. An Aboriginal consultant Janine Cattanach was engaged to guide the development of the RAP and assist us in our journey towards Reconciliation. The RAP working group identified early the need for the organisation to prioritise the engagement and involvement of all 7000 employees across twenty-three different programmes. Aboriginal health is, and should be, everyone’s business. What’s in the RAP? Key deliverables identified in the RAP include; • Developing and implementing an engagement campaign to increase identification of Aboriginal people
14 Price Street
Office Hours: 9am-2pm Mon-Fri
Ph:5261 2583
d Wellbeing • • • • •
accessing Barwon Health services Developing an organisation wide culturally appropriate care policy to guide Barwon Health employees to provide cultural support for Aboriginal consumers Developing a resource pack for staff and Aboriginal consumers Extending the Aboriginal Health Liaison service to provide support at the McKellar centre Reviewing and updating targets for Aboriginal employment in each directorate.
Casey Richie followed with an excellent speech about what reconciliation means to him. Music was provided by local Aboriginal performer and didgeridoo player Norm Stanley, who brought the event to a close with a moving didgeridoo piece.
Nathan Patterson, a Wagiman man from the Northern Territory who lives on Wadawurrung Country (Torquay Victoria), developed the artwork for our RAP. The artwork represents the reconciliation journey Barwon Health has taken and reconciliation between Aboriginal peoples and communities with non-Aboriginal people and communities. The centre of the artwork represents a meeting place with two people sitting together representing the two communities. On either side of the meeting place are two journey paths symbolising the past and future. The circle in which the meeting is taking place represents an unbroken agreement, the people outside of the circle symbolise Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities.
Reconciliation at Barwon Health Barwon Health views the process of reconciliation as an ongoing one. We know our procedures need to be continually improved, and we recognise we need to be seeking and respecting the views of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as part of an ongoing dialogue. Barwon Health will continue to strive to be a place where the first peoples of Australia feel a sense of inclusiveness and belonging. A copy of the RAP can be downloaded from the Barwon Health Aboriginal Health webpage.
Barwon Health is extremely grateful to Nathan for the artwork which is featured throughout the Reconciliation Action Plan document. The artwork will be proudly displayed at the University Hospital. Celebrating the RAP Barwon Health celebrated the launch of its RAP by hosting an event on the 26th of July. More than 100 people attended the launch and luncheon event held in the University Hospital cafeteria. The event commenced with a traditional smoking ceremony and welcome by Wadawurrung Elder Uncle Bryon Powell. RAP Working Group chair and Barwon Health board member Marcus Dripps spoke at the event, followed by newly appointed CEO Professor Belinda Moyes. Gunai Kurnai man and Barwon Health trainee
Spring Creek Community House would like to thank Barwon Health for years of support through their sponsorship.
14 Price Street
Office Hours: 9am-2pm Mon-Fri
Ph:5261 2583
Mental Health • • •
The AWARE Project presents ‘Trauma and the Brain’ as part of Mental Health Week at Spring Creek Community House. This session will be run on Tuesday the 11th of October 7pm-8.30pm and then be repeated on Friday the 14th of October 10am-11.30am. This is a free event sponsored by Spring Creek Community House and The AWARE Project. Please RSVP to Merrin at info@theawareproject. com.au or on 0422208776. Thankyou. 1 in 4 individuals have experienced trauma. Trauma is prevalent in our society and informs many people’s lives. An understanding of how trauma intercepts brain development and how children and adults develop survival strategies to live their lives is paramount to understanding how to thrive with a trauma past and also to help those we work with, are friends with and love who have experienced trauma. This information session will look at the impact of trauma on the brain as well as identify the coping mechanisms survivors develop in their own lives. The session will; • Define what trauma is • Link trauma with brain development
Introduce the trauma informed framework Discuss coping strategies in everyday lives Open a conversation about how to thrive in the midst of a trauma informed past
This session is for anyone that has experienced trauma, lives with someone who has experienced trauma, who may work one on one with individuals who present with a trauma informed past, or anyone interested in trauma in a broader context. This session is not about disclosure and discussing individual cases, it is a safe place to gain some insight into how trauma effects the brain and our lives. Presenter Merrin Wake (Bachelor of Science (Nursing), Graduate Diploma of Journalism, Master of Education and Training). Merrin is a health professional with a range of experience in child and adolescent health, mental health, mentoring, teaching, government agenda and clinical practice. She currently works as a lecturer at Deakin University, a tutor for indigenous youth, a paediatric registered nurse and a child safety trauma informed practice consultant. Being a survivor of child abuse informs her passion for breaking down the stigma and advocating for the stories of survivors to be heard. She is proud to of made a submission to the Royal Commission, to stand up and use her story to change attitudes. She says it was tough and impossible at times but survival is achievable when we honour our stories, our lives and our own strengths. For further information please visit www.theawareproject. com.au.
Weight loss Made Easier
14 Price Street
Office Hours: 9am-2pm Mon-Fri
Ph:5261 2583
h week 2016 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Personal Story By Nicol Heard
Many think of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder as something that only affects those that have seen the atrocities of war. I am a 41-year-old woman who has never been to fight for our country, neither have my husband, nor my 16-year-old daughter and 14-year-old son. We survived massive physical and mental trauma and now survive living with PTSD every day of our lives. In 2011, after over 11 years running our business, we dived into a black hole when my husband had a heart attack and our 9 month-old nephew was diagnosed with a rare disease ‘Tay Sach’s’. We thought that this taught us to appreciate life and those we were lucky enough to spend it with. That October we had a terrifying car accident where my 3 children were helicoptered from the scene to the Royal Children’s Hospital. My then 4-year-old son Paddy and 12-year-old daughter put into induced comas. My 11-yearold son watched as we were all cut out of the car with the Jaws of Life. I was fixed winged to Melbourne and then to the Royal Melbourne Hospital. Paddy’s skull was partially removed while the swelling went down in his brain; Haylee had 18 hours of surgery on her lung and intestines and orthopaedic surgery. Three months later we left the hospital knowing life is too short and sold what was left of our business and after tragically burying our nephew and a year of rehabilitation we left to go around Australia to rebuild ourselves. We got to Byron Bay and had the most perfect day with our son Paddy; we surfed and took him on a date. Thank goodness as the next day he fell unconscious in my arms, never to wake. After living in the Royal Children’s hospital
for so long and seeing children die because they didn’t receive organ transplants our family chose to give the gift of life to someone who could be saved. We flew home to be surrounded by our family’s love and support. Over the next months we began Paddy’s Courage the Gift of paying it forward and discussing Organ & Tissue Donation with your family. We went to Peterborough for a beach holiday 6 months later to see if we were ready start our trip again, we went water-skiing and our son, who was now 12, was hit by jetski driven by an unlicensed drunk driver. We were airlifted from Warrnambool to the Children’s again. Once released we drove to my Mum’s in Ballarat and to complete the circle my husband finished saying “no one could write about our lives” and then had a stroke. A week later we picked ourselves up and started our media campaign speaking to papers, radio, TV etc about DonateLife and our planned 100km walk to raise awareness of organ donation. We completed our 100km walk with 30 people over 5 days. Our next gig was to raise awareness about Water Safety. We continue to speak about our passions especially organ and tissue donation and our once home at Ronald Macdonald house. My daughter organised guest speakers at Surf Coast Secondary College and spoke to the whole school. I am so very proud of who we are and the story that is us. Each of us retells the story the same way, but we all face our traumas differently. I no longer sleep the way I once did, The phone rings and the panic is overwhelming. The fear of the possibility that my family could be injured doing something they love is always with me. My life now consists Continued on the next page.
14 Price Street
Office Hours: 9am-2pm Mon-Fri
Ph:5261 2583
Continued from page 11. of fear, fright, panic and anxiety attributed to my mental illness. My illness does not define me but past events do. My family’s symptoms include anger, depression, anxiety, numbness, guilt, shame and a whole gamut of emotions.
Justice of the Peace Signing Service
I believe we should all have a mental health plan and like we have a family doctor we should have a mental health helper. Living in modern society we all need a “check-up” regularly. My PTSD has been diagnosed but many people living with anxiety, depression and other symptoms of mental disorders are not diagnosed and are no less important. Living each day means that I have psychological tools that I use: my psychologist, mindfulness, CBT, self-development, helping others, loving my family, the love of my family and acceptance that some days are good and some are bad.
Every Friday 10am to 11am during school term. At the house 14 Price St. Torquay 5261 2583
Vo l u n t e e r Tu t o rs n e e d e d
If you or someone you know aren’t feeling ok please get in contact with a doctor who can refer you to a mental health provider and establish a mental health wellness plan covered by medicare (check with your doctor). If you are in doubt or require immediate assistance please call Lifeline on 131114, Beyond Blue 1300 224636. Nicol can be contacted at courageousu@gmail.com.
Torquay college is seeking volunteers for our Reading Rocks Literacy Program. Reading Rocks volunteers provide a yr. 3 or 4 student literacy support. Time commitment is just 1 hour per week. WORKING WITH CHILDRENS CHECK REQUIRED (as you are a volunteer, the school will pay for this)
Moving Forward
Doyou care for a young person with mental health issues? Feeling overwhelmed and wnat to connect with others experiencing the same things?
Please Contact Lis Fawcett-Smith or Christian Smith (assistant principle) @ Torquay College on ph. 52612360
Moving Forward peer support group for parents and carers of young people with mental health issues. Peer support is giving and recieving help based on respect, shared responsibility and agreement on how to move forward and what is helpful.
A Celebration Day for Girls
For girls 10-12 years old with their mother or female carer
The group is held 2nd Tuesday of each month at 14 Price street, 7pm8.15pm. There’s no commitment to attend every meeting. Please register your interest and enquiries at: info@theawareproject.com.au
Affordable Counselling Sessions at S.C.C.H.
Jan Cheatley, a counsellor with over 30 years of experience, is offering one hour counselling sessions on Wednesday and Friday mornings at Spring Creek Community House for only $25 per session. Jan specialises in empowering people and encouraging positive life experiences. If you are needing to talk over life issues with relationships, personal esteem and goal setting, family issues, work and retirement, grief depression and anxiety or any other life struggles Jan can provide an affordable option for you. To book an appointment please call 5261 2583
TENNIS COACHING ON THE SURFCOAST For girls 10-12 years old with their mother or female carer
At the Celebration Day the girls experience positive menstrual education through lively discussion, fun activities, women’s stories & gentle celebration of puberty. It is a day shared between mothers & daughters to solidify your special connection. Friday 14th & Sat, 15th Oct. Spring Creek Community House, Torquay
Session times are: FRIDAY - 6pm - 8pm Mothers/female carers only SATURDAY: 10am - 1pm Daughters only 1pm - 4pm Daughters & Mother/carers together
Cost: $140 per mother & daughter duo Info & bookings: Michelle Buggy 0417 168 070 informemotion@gmail.com www.facebook.com/surfcoastcelebrationdayforgirls
TERM 3 - 2016
Professional and qualified coaching for juniors and adults of all abilities.
Tennis Hot Shots lessons for kinder kids 4-5 years old.
Tennis Hot Shots lessons for primary kids 5-8 years old.
Group lessons for children 8-16 years old.
School holiday clinics for 5-16 year olds. Next clinic September 20th - 22nd 2016.
Private lessons for teenagers and adults.
Cardio Tennis classes for teenagers and adults.
Women’s coaching & matchplay sessions.
Lessons are conducted at the following venues: Anglesea TC, Bellbrae TC, Jan Juc TC, Torquay TC, Torquay College & The Sands Resort.
Term 3 commences Monday 3rd October.
M: 0438018664 E: philrichtennis@hotmail.com
PETER - M: 0428399973 E: surfcoasttennis@hotmail.com
14 Price Street
Little Bookworms
Proudly presented by Road to Reading
The Summer Holiday Program is Back! With Prep just around the corner for many children, it’s a great time to start preparing your child for what lies ahead. It’s an exciting time, but there can be plenty of nerves associated with taking such a big step. At Road to Reading, children have an opportunity to work in a fun classroom environment and see what goes on at ‘big school’. The teachers also have a chance to observe your child as a learner and offer you valuable feedback. The sessions at Road to Reading simulate a classroom environment where children explore letter and sound relationships, learn sight words and become familiar with reading concepts. Oral language, speech articulation and developing fine motor skills are also major components of the sessions. It is advantageous to be proactive and prepare young minds for what’s to come. Weekly classes are held in Torquay (MON/WED) and in Grovedale (TUE/ THU/FRI). We cater for 2 – 6 year olds and the first session is FREE! Call to arrange a free class. In addition to our weekly classes we’re also running our Summer Holiday Program again – this is very popular so get in quick. Monday 9th January - Friday 20th January
Office Hours: 9am-2pm Mon-Fri
Ph:5261 2583
Summer Skies
by Zane Gates (age 11), Jan Juc
With clouds of white and skies of azure, Grasses of green and a sun so pure; Shining above grown fields of wheat, The farmer’s task, a daring feat Constant work, with no reprieve, A groaning back, and though they grieve; This large task without much time, Their hands lay covered in grime Not long after many sheets of snow, Slowing the fields where all crops grow; The farmers wish for summer skies, For soon in spring – a grand surprise
Submissions We’re looking for poetry, short stories and articles to include in Springboard. To submit please email: springboard@springcreekcommunityhouse.org.au
Meet@ Spring Creek community House third Tuesday of the month 7.30pm-9pm ALL WELCOME
Torquay Uniting Church 10 x 1 hour sessions $200 www.roadtoreading.com.au 0402 284 224 BOOK NOW!
www.roadtoreading.com.au Ph. Kate Keogh 0402 284 224
14 Price Street
Rotary Club Torquay
At the Annual Changeover of the Club in July, Incoming President Lesley Shedden thanked all members for their great work through the year and especially her appreciation to Past President Amanda for all her efforts. The Rotary Club has a new International theme “Rotary Serving Humanity”, which flows through all the Club’s projects for the year.
A major project for Torquay Rotary this year is to install several fitness stations on the Torquay foreshore for the benefit of residents and visitors. There will be 4 stations each consisting of 2 elements of equipment, which will be situated on the walking track along the coast between Elephant Walk (near Zeally Bay Rd) and the carpark above the Surf Beach. Thanks to the generous support of Torquay RACV & the Surf Coast Medical Centre, we are on the home stretch but still need more assistance to complete the project. You are invited to help us raise the final $$$$ to get the equipment in the ground by linking in www.communities.bendigobank.com.au/projects/ torquayfitness We hope you will support us in this fantastic project by pledging financial support and sharing this with your friends. Contact for Rotary Maggie Isom 0412713102 marg.isom@gmail.com
Office Hours: 9am-2pm Mon-Fri
Today’s Scouts 1st Torquay Scout Group, at Spring Creek Reserve, is the place to look if you’re interested in adventure and learning life skills. Our group is growing and always welcomes adults, boys and girls aged from 6 up, to get involved and join one of our sections: Joey Scouts, Cub Scouts, or the Scout Section.
Youth members develop leadership skills in small groups, challenge themselves with outdoor activities, and learn about local and global issues in a fun way. The scouting program helps kids develop resilience, self-reliance, initiative, responsibility and become valuable members of their community. Scouting is about learning by experience and being prepared for new adventure! Kids don’t have all the fun! Adults can join the team as trained Leaders and Adult Helpers (no uniform needed). All Leaders and regular helpers undergo a Police Clearance and Working With Children (WWC) Clearance. All leadership training is provided through Scouts Australia Institute of Training (SAIT), a registered training organisation accredited to award Certificate III, IV or Diploma in Leadership. Be Prepared...to help young people be their best!...to contribute to your community!...to rediscover Adventure!! Joey Scouts(6&7) Wed 5pm-6pm Cub Scouts(8-11) Wed 6.30-8 Scout Section(11-15) Tues 6.30-8.30
Ph:5261 2583
Torquay Lions Club
The 2016/2017 year should prove to be a busy one for Torquay Lions Club members. This Year is the centennial Year for Lions Clubs International and it is only three years from our own 50th anniversary. Under the leadership of our incoming president Brian Keane, the club will be involved in some Centennial projects with emphasis on the youth in our community. One such project is to create a local Leos Club to cater to community minded young people aged in their late teen to early twenties. These clubs are Australia wide and Torquay Lions have already received several expressions of interest. With the Cowrie Market season fast approaching, we are commencing routine maintenance on the Lions train and BBQ so they are both “spic and span” for the busy months ahead. They are both very important means of fundraising from which local community groups benefit. Recent new beneficiaries of the $45,000 plus we distributed last year, were to assist in the building of the Quay Fitness Centre within the precincts of the Horseshoe Bend Road football oval and also t foundation 61, which is a local self-funded drug rehabilitation centre situated at Mt. Duneed. It is a small organisation which is achieving excellent results for people in need of such assistance. For any general enquiries contact the secretary Peter Murton (5261 4826) or for membership contact our membership chair, Allen Osman (0438 059 115) torquay.vic.lions.org.au/
For more info go to www.joinscouts. com.au or call Desley McKnight 0411 986 779 or Liz Haines 0427 258 772 or dvriens@bigpond.com
14 Price Street
Office Hours: 9am-2pm Mon-Fri
Ph:5261 2583
Torquay Tennis Club -
Humble Boy by Charlotte Jones Torquay Theatre Troupe is pleased to present this engaging play that encompasses new thoughts about age old relationships between people, parents and children. Felix, our reluctant hero character, has been described as a modern day Hamlet. What do you think? Humble Boy shows us that a pretty garden does not make a pretty life. How would you feel if you came home for a beloved’s funeral and everything that represented them was gone? That is what happens to Felix. What unfolds reflects the socially impaired relationships that are rife in life and in our newest production’ Humble Boy’. Relationships are at the centre of this funny, cynical and moving story. We are confronted by tensions between mother and son, unresolved issues between lovers and discordant friendships. Despite Felix’s academic brilliance (think Stephen Hawking) he is totally unequipped to cope with the complexities of human relationships. Book early to enjoy an evening with the wonderful characters in Torquay Theatre Troupe’s latest production. When: Preview: Monday November 7 at 8pm November 10, 11, 12, 17,18 and 19 at 8pm Matinee: November 13 at 2pm Where: 16 Price St, Torquay Tickets: Online – www.trybooking. com Price: Adults: $21 Concession: $17
The Torquay Community Men’s Shed Inc. is open to local men from all walks of life to encourage friendship, support, good fellowship and to promote health and wellbeing. We’re an Incorporated, not for profit organisation at 18 Price St. Torquay, behind the Old Police Station (TOPS). While some of our members are creative in the workshops, many just come to sit, drink tea/coffee, eat cake and biscuits and talk for two hours around the “Table of Knowledge”! It’s all part of the process of getting together, meeting new people and generally feeling relaxed in a male friendly, alcohol-free space! Apart from woodwork, we now have a metal work shed with a metal screw-cutting lathe, gas, arc and MIG welding plants, sheet metal folder/ guillotine and other metal working equipment.
Anyone For Tennis? Monday Night Social (Men) Contact: John Iguanati 0414 469 704
Tuesday Midweek Ladies Contact: Shelley Thompson 0407 307 189
Wednesday Cardio Tennis 7pm-8pm
Wednesday Life Activities
10am-11.30am Call: Kris Cuttiford 0425 791 979 or Daryl Mcilvena 0409 886 255
Friday Morning Social Hit Contact: Oona Wadling 5261 2426
We meet several times a week: Mondays 1:30pm -3pm is our ‘Singing in the Shed’ group who say they feel fantastic after exercising their lungs. Don’t worry about talent or a lack thereof – these guys can break glass but they do have fun. They’re even getting gigs in town, so come along and join in! Tuesdays & Wednesdays are our regular Shed days, from 9:30am-12:30pm, when everyone arrives, kicks back to relax for a few hours or get stuck into a project in the workshops. On the last Wednesday of the month we have a regular sausage sizzle, all for the same daily fee of $2!
Saturday Morning Jr Tennis
Our Cooking Group, that meets on the 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month at Torquay College where they create some weird and wonderful food! It’s all good fun and provides food to eat and new skills. Now that spring is here, escape from the house for a couple of hours and come see what we’re up to! We’re open during January and can be contacted on 0498 972 862 or email at menshedtorquay@gmail.com!
Coaching Available!
Contact: Peter Hubacek 0428 399 973
Saturday Mixed Comp
Contact: Wayne Beale 5261 3392
Membership Enquiries
Contact: Sue Minter 0457 835 175 Casual court hire $20 per session – key available at Bell Street Bakery, 15 Bell St Torquay
For more information please see our website: www.tennis.com.au/torquay
14 Price Street
Office Hours: 9am-2pm Mon-Fri
New faces at Danawa
Life Activities Club Surfcoast Inc. Become involved with the local community and share experiences with other like-minded people who have moved to the Surf Coast from all parts of Australia and overseas. Join our Life Activities Club Surf Coast Inc. and participate in a wide range of activities, including: • Tennis • Dining out • Movie group • “Knit & Natter” • Theatre and galleries • Resistance Training (Gym) • Tuesday walking • Thursday walking • “The Wanderers”
As well as the established activities mentioned above, we welcome suggestions from members for new/additional activities, particularly if they are prepared to convene the new group. Potential activities could include: • Shopping trips to Melbourne • Fishing, gardening, swimming • Cards, scrabble, mah-jong
For all enquiries or to apply for membership please contact: • Anne Georgiou, President, 0409 162 102 • Marjorie McKenzie, Secretary, 5264 8577 • Spring Creek Community House, 5261 2583 during office hours • Visit the website at http:// torquay.vic.au/community/ life-activities-club-surfcoast/
Danawa Community Garden recently held its AGM and welcomed in a new management team under the leadership of the new Garden Coordinator, Sarah Bruchmul-
Sarah’s brings some valuable skills to the job and a passion to build on the garden’s great foundations. She is supported by a dynamic committee, and by her partner Peter, Danawa’s new secretary! Perry and Leanne Mills have stepped back to a mentoring role in the new committee, after many years leading the garden, and our thanks to them for all their efforts over the years. This last year we continued to grow, reaping the benefits of the 28 garden plots, all full and we again reached over 50 full memberships. Management of the shared garden areas has resulted in them looking very good all year round, and very productive, under the team led by Giuliana Talbot and Kay Champion. The Kids Go Bush program has run a very successful trial, and has already shown benefits to families involved. We have again run a series of very enjoyable events including the Christmas Party, Planning Day, Pot-luck Dinner, and of course the Winter Solstice celebration. We have facilitated other events with external partners such as the Build Grow Live sustainable building festival (with SCEG) and the Andrew Laidlaw presentation Summer Training workshop program that over 60ppl attended (with Aireys Inlet CG). There have been significant improvements to the site to resolve drainage issues and to make the Sharing Shed a more comfortable and useful space for events and gatherings. For more info. go to danawa.org.au or email danawacommunitygarden@ gmail.com
Ph:5261 2583
19 classes were on offer in U3A SurfCoast in term 3. German and chess groups were added and ‘The Crossroads: A Blues Journey’, part of the well-attended music series, returned with Tim Robinson. Another popular class is ‘Yoga and Relaxation for Seniors’ with Barbara Knowles, a yoga tutor with thirty years experience, who believes that “yoga should be for everyone for a whole lifetime.” On August 12 at Anglesea Community Centre, Surfcoast U3A’s Occasional Lecture was given by Jan Morris on “The History of Education in Victoria”. Jan, a retired primary school principal and President of the Anglesea Historical Society, delivered an entertaining and passionate romp through 160 years of education in Victoria. Jan will run U3A workshops in ‘Writing Your Story’ at the Anglesea Historical Society Centre in October and November on Tuesdays, in term 4. The development of activities in Anglesea is part of U3A’s plan to expand into the area. On September 9th Professor Mark Kotowicz from Deakin University Medical School speaks on ‘The Advances in Medical Research.’ The Hon. George Hampel, AM, QC, who gave a popular lecture last term, will present a series of workshops on ‘The Working of the Australian legal System’. The topics will include the structure of the legal profession and the court system; the jury system; sentencing and parole; dispute resolution and VCAT mediation; the advocacy of the barrister; family law; access to and cost of justice; the use of expert witnesses in legal cases. Course descriptions and class times are available at www.u3asurfcoast. org.au. Enrol online or at Spring Creek Community House, 14 Price Street Torquay.
Students limber up for Barbara Knowles’ course “Yoga & Relaxation for Seniors”
14 Price Street
Office Hours: 9am-2pm Mon-Fri
Ph:5261 2583
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Our highly qualified Podiatrists specialise in biomechanics and can help you treat these conditions and many more. No referral required to make an appointment HICAPS for on the spot claims with private health funds.
Eastbrook Medical Centre Belmont Ph: 5243 0919 12 Tuckfield Street Ocean Grove Ph: 5256 2636 9 Great Ocean Road Jan Juc Ph: 5261 6416 www.springcreekcommunityhouse.org.au
14 Price Street
g New
Office Hours: 9am-2pm Mon-Fri
Ph:5261 2583
courses and Activities for term 3
Singing in the House! Spring Creek Community House is very excited to faciliate two new singing groups here at the House under the tutelage and direction of Erika Turner, Vocal Coach. There will be a Junior Vocal Ensemble for 12 to 18-year old’s which will focus primarily on performing recent popular music and an Adult Vocal Ensemble which will focus on musical styles from the 1920’s through to today. Both groups will learn basic vocal technique, singing with heart and stylistic accuracy and part-singing skills in an informal and supportive environment. All levels of ability are encouraged to come along and enjoy the satisfaction that singing, especially with others, can bring. All that’s required is a positive attitude and the desire to learn new things and occasionally take a few risks. The trial program will last for 4 weeks, with a view to making it an on-going program in the future. Erika is very much looking forward to collaborating with the members of each group to shape the direction of both groups. About Erika ‘I have directed a diverse range of vocal ensembles including secondary school choirs, adult vocal groups, small vocal groups for stage bands (jazz) and rock bands, vocal direction for musicals and cabaret shows, running a glee-type group and organising themed vocal concerts. The two standout ventures for me were conducting a combined secondary schools choir in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne for the Monash Carols by Candlelight and having my musical theatre (Glee) group perform choreographed songs at a concert at Deakin Edge in Federation Square, Melbourne last year.’
Introductory Photoshop Workshops In an exciting and fun way learn how to improve your photos and even create works of Art from them! This workshop consists of three 2 hour sessions moving from the beginner level Photoshop (and Photoshop Elements) techniques such as Colour Balancing and Image Enhancing to more advanced techniques such as Layers and Masks. The workshop is conducted by John Heaton who with his twin brother Dallas have over 30 years experience as international Photographers based in Hong Kong. They have created modern Art from their images with major exhibitions in Hong Kong and Sydney. When: Schedule1: 7pm-9pm Monday 24, 31 October and 7 November Schedule2: 7pm-9pm Monday 21, 28 November and 5 December Cost $125 (3 sessions of 2 hours). Workbook included. Min. 5 people Max. 10 people. Enquiries and Registration contact Dallas on 0499851638.
Animal Services Course We are seeking expressions of interest for an Animal Services Course. This wouldn’t be an accredited course but participants would receive a certificate of completion. The course would cover caring for dogs, cats and birds and some of the topics involved would be: • Feeding • Body language • Sickness • Health and Training If you would be interested in this course speak to Fiona on 5261 2583
Free Bahasa Indonesia are starting again on the 19th of October! Contact Fiona on 5261 2583 for further details.
14 Price Street
Office Hours: 9am-2pm Mon-Fri
More than 20 years’ experience Client reference details on application.
Bookkeeping BAS Prep Payroll Banking Office Admin
The Power of Reiki and Its Origins? By Nikki Staley, Ph.D Mikao Usui is the founder of Reiki Ryoho and was born on 15th August, 1865 in the village of Taniai. He attained enlightenment in 1922 while he was fasting and meditating on Mt. Kurama in Kyoto, an ancient city in Japan. Mikao Usui came up with the word "Reiki Ryoho" to describe the meaning of the practice of Reiki. This healing ability occurred at the same time he attained spiritual enlightenment, as a godsend, at the age of 57 in 1922. He wanted to share this amazing gift of healing with the people, so he opened up a clinic "Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai" at Aoyama, Tokyo in 1922. I have had many clients who have had either physical relief from pain/headache or disease or instant healings during a Reiki treatment. Even when I am working with a client, I myself experience the healing power of Reiki. Reiki is a powerful tool that I work with clients on a daily basis to assist them heal any physical or emotional issues that they may be struggling with. It is a spiritual practice that allows you to live in accordance with your enlightened self, awakening your true purpose to help not only yourself, but friends, pets and loved ones also. Nikki is teaching Reiki at the Community House during Term 4 of this year. Check her website to book and start your journey of health, wealth and happiness now! www. staleyhealth.com
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Ph:5261 2583
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14 Price Street
Office Hours: 9am-2pm Mon-Fri
Ph:5261 2583
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your community website for commu-
nity news, events, fundraisers and leisure interests. If you’re not on it you’re missing out!
Surf Coast Legal Aid 1/174-178 TorquayRoad Road GROVEDALE GROVEDALE 32163216 1/174-178 Torquay Road 3216 1/174-178 Torquay GROVEDALE Service1/174-178 Torquay Road GROVEDALE 3216 1st Tuesday of the month
Phone: 5243 5222 5222 Phone: 5243 Phone: 5243 5222 Phone: 5243 5222
andrew.katos@parliament.vic.gov.au andrew.katos@parliament.vic.gov.au andrew.katos@parliament.vic.gov.au andrew.katos@parliament.vic.gov.au
6:30-7:30pm Appointment only 5261 2583
Be part of this comprehensive range of information for local residents & visitors.
Authorised by A Katos 1/174-178 Torquay Road GROVEDALE 3216 Authorised by A Katos 1/174-178GROVEDALE Torquay Road GROVEDALE 3216 3216 Authorised by A Katos 1/174-178 Torquay Road GROVEDALE Authorised by A Katos 1/174-178 3216 Funded from Torquay Parliament’s Road Electorate Office and Communications Budget Funded from Parliament’s Electorate Office and Funded from Parliament’s Office andCommunications Communications Funded from Parliament’s Electorate OfficeElectorate and Communications BudgetBudget Budget
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